Who Saw Jesus Ascend To Heaven?

Who Was With Jesus When He Ascended?

Who was present to witness Jesus’ ascension into the presence of the Father?

The Ascension

The Ascension is significant to Christians because it marked the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, even though He continues to actively work in His church today as the Head of the church, and the beginning of the work of His disciples to carry out the Great Commission.The Ascension is also significant to Christians because it marked the beginning of the work of His disciples to carry out the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).The disciples were taken to Bethany forty days after Jesus’ resurrection, and ″he blessed them by holding up his hands″ (John 20:21).

While he was blessing them, he was separated from them and brought up into heaven by angels.″And they adored him and returned to Jerusalem with great delight, and they were constantly at the temple, thanking God for his blessings″ (Luke 24:50-53).Luke is the only one who records both instances from two distinct books.Jesus’ ascension is mentioned in Luke 24, as we have already discussed, but it is also mentioned in the Book of Acts, where Luke says that ″while they were gazing on, he was lifted up, and a cloud carried him out of their sight.″ And as they were staring up into the sky as he passed by, two men in white robes approached them and said, ″Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the sky?As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven″ (Acts 1:9-11).

Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, but He will return at some point in the future, and at a time that no one can predict.

Jesus Open’s their Minds

Who was there to witness Jesus’ ascension?Is it true that there are just a few disciples, or that there are all of them?All we have is what the Bible says, so we go back to Luke 24 to find out who was present with Jesus prior to His ascension to the Father.

″Jesus himself appeared among them, and he said to them, ″Peace to you!″,″ according to Luke 24:36b-39.However, they were astonished and terrified, believing they had witnessed a ghost.″Why are you concerned, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?″ he inquired of them.Look at my hands and feet to see that it is I who am speaking.Feel free to touch me and see what happens.

As you can see, I do not have flesh and bones like you do.″ After that, ″he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and said to them, ″Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day be raised from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.″ (Luke 24:45-47).Jesus opened the minds of His followers, which generally refers to the twelve disciples, but at this time, there were only eleven since Judas had killed himself and Matthias had not yet been chosen to be the twelveth disciple, thus there were only eleven disciples.

Who was with Jesus?

When they gathered, they asked Jesus, ″Lord, will you return the kingdom to Israel at this time?″ Because Jesus had just given them the Great Commission and would repeat it again shortly before His Ascension, ″when they had gotten together,″ they questioned him, ″Will you restore the kingdom to Israel?″ ″It is not your responsibility to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own power,″ he told them.″However, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will gain authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth″ (Acts 1:6-8).Who were the individuals who had banded together?

While a result, ″as they looked on, he was lifted up and carried away by a cloud, and they were no longer able to see him.″ And as they were staring up into the sky as he passed by, two men in white robes approached them and said, ″Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the sky?As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven″ (Acts 1:9-11).The ″they″ in the very final portion of Luke 24 and the very first part of Acts 1 is the same ″they″ in both places.They are the disciples; the eleven who had seen not only the Ascension but also the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.The disciples ″returned to Jerusalem from the mount known as Olivet, which is near Jerusalem and a Sabbath day’s trip away.

″ Following their arrival, they proceeded to the upper chamber where they were to remain, Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James″ (Acts 1:12-13).Here is a list of the ″they″ who were there with Jesus at His Ascension, organized alphabetically by last name.By the way, there is a chance that Jesus’ mother Mary and His brothers were there at the Ascension as well, because the disciples returned to Jerusalem ″along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers″ (Acts 1:14b), which suggests that they may have observed the event.However, it is possible that they were just waiting for the disciples to return, or that Mary and Jesus’ brothers were unaware of the Ascension until after it had occurred.

In fact, the ″upper chamber″ is the same ″upper room″ in which Jesus and His followers were required to eat the Passover Meal on the night that He was betrayed.


The disciples were all present for Jesus’ ascension, possibly including Mary and Jesus’ brothers, though we cannot be certain of the latter.The angels told the disciples that ″this Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven″ (Acts 1:11b) would return in the same manner in which they had witnessed Him ascend into heaven, and that this would be the most joyful experience for those who have accepted and even scorned Him, as well as those who have used profanity against His name (Rev 20:12-15).God will not absolve anyone who abuse His sacred name of any responsibility (Ex 20:7).

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is the pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane, Kansas.He has been in the ministry for over 30 years.What Christians Want To Know is a Christian website whose aim is to equip, encourage, and excite Christians while also answering questions regarding the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible.

Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know.You may follow Jack on Google Plus, and you can also read his book Teaching Children the Gospel, which is available on Amazon.

Ascension of Jesus – What Happened and What it Accomplished

The disciples who witnessed Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father most likely did not comprehend what they were witnessing.It entailed more than just his physical return to the heavenly realm.When Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, he was restoring his old position of power in heaven, and he was beginning a new ministry for Christians in the presence of the Father in heaven.

What Happened At the Ascension?

The End of Self-Limitations

During Christ’s transition from God to man, one aspect of the kenosis experience entailed Christ voluntarily limiting his comparable characteristics.Despite the fact that Jesus was still God, and he was able to use any of those traits according to his own will, Jesus chose to submit to the will of his heavenly Father rather than exercise his own self-will (John 4:34).Those self-imposed restrictions were lifted after the resurrection.

While Jesus was still the same almighty God who spoke the universe into existence (John 1:3; Heb.11:3), there was a period of time throughout his earthly life and ministry when he decided not to employ his ability (John 18:36, 37).Jesus remained the same omniscient God who alone comprehends the intricacies of our vast cosmos, as he has been since the beginning.Nonetheless, Jesus made the decision throughout his earthly ministry that there were some things he did not want to be aware of (Matt.13:32).

Despite the fact that Jesus was still omnipresent, which means he was present everywhere in the vast cosmos, he decided to confine himself to the constraints of a human body for a little period of time throughout his eternity (John 1:14).Christ no longer places restrictions on himself and uses all of his traits to the fullest extent possible.

The Glorification of Christ

Jesus has had his own splendor since the beginning of time, according to the Bible.During his earthly life, his celestial splendor was briefly obscured by darkness.While on earth, John could declare, ″We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only born of the Father,″ referring to the glory of the Son of God (John 1:14).

On the mount of transfiguration, it’s possible that John was alluding to the splendour that occurred when ″Jesus was transfigured″ (Matt.17:2).Some believe that Jesus’ earthly humanity was the perfect example of what every man should strive to be, and that as a result, Jesus exalted God in his human form.During his final moments before the crucifixion, Jesus begged the Father to ″glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was″ (Matthew 27:51).(John 17:5).

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he was looking forward to his own glory and the joy that would accompany it (Heb.12:2).The resurrection of Christ resulted in the exaltation of Jesus, ″as a result, God also has greatly elevated him, and given him’ a name that is above all names″ (Phil.2:9).

Whereas Christ’s prior splendor in heaven was based on his person, this additional degree of glory is based on his accomplished work on the cross.It is fascinating to compare and contrast the appearances of Christ after his resurrection with the revelations of Christ after his ascension.In the prior occurrences, Christ had adequately concealed his splendor to the extent that he was frequently not recognized, as in the case of the disciples at Emmaus (Luke 24:16, 31), or Mary Magdalene, who was likewise unaware of his presence (John 20:14).

John, Paul, and Stephen all testified to the fact that he existed.No question existed in their minds that they were in the presence of a supernatural being.The distinction between John’s encounter with Christ in John 21 and the encounter with Christ in Revelation 1 was Christ’s glorification, which he acquired at his ascension.

The Exaltation of Christ

Christ’s elevation to his new position of leadership was closely associated with his glory and was closely tied to it.David, in a messianic psalm, predicted of Christ’s elevation, writing, ″The Lord said unto my Lord, seat thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool″ (The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool) (Ps.110:1).

This psalm was referenced by Peter in his discourse on the day of Pentecost, during which he discussed the resurrection of Jesus.He closed by emphasizing the importance of Jesus Christ as the Lord of all.″Therefore, let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has elevated that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, to the position of both Lord and Christ″ (Acts 2:36).The resurrection and ascension of Christ were also mentioned by the apostle Paul as evidence of his exaltation.Consequently, God has also raised him to a position beyond all others and given him a name that is above other names (Phil.

2:9).Those gathered around Jesus’ throne are bowing their heads in reverence.This is what they scream: ″Worthy is the Lamb″ (Rev.5:12).

The Entrance of Humanity Into Heaven

In the words of Paul, ″to be absent from the body in order to be present with the Lord″ (2 Cor.5:8).This admission into heaven is only made possible because ″the forerunner, even Jesus, has entered for us″ (Hebrews 9:15).

(Heb.6:20).Jesus was the first man to enter heaven in a glorified form, and he was the first to do so.At the time of his ascension, Jesus was referred to as ″the man in the glory″ (Heb.7:24).

The Beginning of a New Ministry

Ascending into heaven did not imply that Jesus was retiring from his mission on earth.He just added a new chore to the list of responsibilities.He had completed his mission of dying for the redemption of the world (John 19:30), but he now lives for the salvation of those who have trusted in him as their intercessor and advocate.

As a result of his position, Jesus is always interceding on behalf of Christians who are tempted to sin (Heb.7:25).He provides people with grace in order to avoid sinning.If they do succumb to temptation and sin on occasion, Jesus will act as their advocate before the Father in heaven (John 2:1).As a result, Christ forgives sins on the basis of his sacrifice and restores the Christian after he has sinned against him.

What the Ascension Accomplished

Everything that Jesus did had an influence on the life of the believer, and this was no exception. A multitude of benefits flow from Christ’s ascension, providing Christians with the opportunity to live a fulfilling life and provide effective service. The following chart lists some of the consequences of Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father.

The Results of the Ascension of Christ

  1. The sending of the Holy Spirit is described in John 16:7
  2. the bestowal of spiritual gifts is described in Ephesians 4:8
  3. and the imparting of spiritual authority is described in Acts 1:8.
  4. The preparation of a heavenly house – John 14:3
  5. the position of the believer – Romans 8:29
  6. the preparation of a heavenly home

The Sending of the Holy Spirit

If Christ had not ascended to the heavenly realm, we would not have the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the church, as we have today.Jesus stated that the ″Comforter″ will be sent by both the Father (John 14:26) and himself (John 15:20).This was impossible for him to do during his earthly career.

He continued: ″Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go: for if I do not depart, the Comforter will not come vnto you; but if I depart, the Comforter will come toward you″ (John 16:7).This promise was reiterated by Jesus on the final’recorded’ meeting with his disciples on the last day of his ascension, which occurred on the previous day (Acts 1:5).A little more than ten days later, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples with overwhelming force (Acts 2:1-4).Today, the Holy Spirit resides within every Christian (1 Corinthians 6:19) and assists people in living their lives for God (Gal.5:25).

The Giving of Spiritual Gifts

Not only does a person get the Holy Spirit, but he also obtains his or her spiritual gift(s) when they are saved (1 Cor.12:11; 1 Pet.4:10).

A spiritual talent is a capacity to serve God that was given to us by Christ at the beginning of our lives.″When he climbed to the highest heavens, he brought captives captive and bestowed blessings upon humanity″ (Eph.4:8).After a Christian has been rescued, he or she must identify and cultivate his or her gift(s) in order to be of greater service (1 Cor.12:1, 32).Three lists of gifts are contained within the Bible (Rom.

12; 1 Cor.12; Eph.4).According to the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel, God bestowed some particular powers to the nine apostles as a means of validating their teaching.

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Most academics believe that they were just brief signs provided to unbelieving Jews, and that they were presented largely as a warning to them (1 Cor.1:22).The Bible advises the Christian to pursue ″the best gifts with all of one’s heart″ (1 Cor.12:31).

Everyone should strive to use their gift or gifts in a way that brings glory to God.There may be further gifts that God bestows on humans that are not explicitly mentioned in the Bible.The exact number of gifts is not universally accepted by Bible scholars, because the reference to spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4 appears to refer to the positions that certain gifted people fill in the church rather than to the gift or gifts themselves.

  • For example, the reference to spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 appears to refer to the positions that certain gifted people fill in the church rather than to the gift or gifts themselves.
  • A pastor, for example, may be endowed with the abilities of teaching, encouragement, knowledge, and faith.

The Imparting of Spiritual Power

The gift of spiritual strength to Christ’s disciples was a third blessing of his ascension, which occurred after his resurrection.″Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye are endued with strength from on high,″ Jesus instructed his followers to do after hearing the call to follow him (Luke 24:49).On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were given the spiritual authority to bear witness to Jesus’ resurrection.

As they continued to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit was constantly present in their life.This spiritual force is available to every believer today in the same way that God used it to enable Christ’s resurrection and ascension into heaven (Eph.1:19, 20).In giving ourselves over to God (Rom.12:1) and receiving the Holy Spirit (Eph.

5:18), we will be better able to witness and live our lives for the Lord.

The Preparation of a Heavenly Home

The preparing of heaven for Christians is a fourth outcome of Christ’s ascension, and it is the most significant.″There are many mansions in my Father’s home,″ Jesus explained.″If this were not the case, I would have informed you.″ ″I’m going to set up a location for you″ (John 14:2).

We must presume that when Jesus ascended to his Father’s house, he began preparing the dwelling places for his Father’s family.Because of the ascension, there would be no space prepared for people who place their faith in Christ as their Savior.

The Standing of the Believer

  • When Jesus climbed to his Father’s right hand, those who place their faith in him as Savior also ascended with him. We have been ″raised up together in Christ Jesus″ and have ″become one flesh in heavenly regions in Christ Jesus″ (Eph. 2:6). In the same way that Jesus was elevated during his ascension, the Christian is exalted and stands before God as a result of Christ’s ascension as well. This is a practical application of the relationship that every believer has with Jesus Christ. The following two tabs alter the content of the section below. Bio
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In addition to being a college and seminary professor, author of popular and scholarly works (including serving as the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and a dedicated worker in Sunday school, Dr.Elmer Towns has developed more than twenty resource packets for leadership education.A B.S.

in biology from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, an M.A.from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, a Th.M.from Dallas Theological Seminary, also in Dallas, an MRE from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and a D.Min.from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California are among his educational accomplishments.Libertarian Liberty University was founded in 1971 by him and his friend Jerry Falwell, and he served as the school’s lone full-time instructor for the first year of the school’s existence.

He is the Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University, which has approximately 11,400 students on campus and 39,000 students enrolled in the Distance Learning Program (formerly known as Liberty University Online).Dr.Towns has lectured on theology and led intensive seminars at more than 50 theological schools in the United States and other parts of the world.Currently, he has visiting professorships at five different seminaries.

He has authored more than 2,000 reference and/or popular papers and has been awarded six honorary doctorate degrees in his field.His contributions to religious education and evangelism have been the subject of four PhD dissertations to date.

who saw marys ascension into heaven

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The Assumption of Mary Into Heaven

Now, in the mystery of his resurrection and ascension into heaven, there is also the mystery of his mystical body, which is to say, in souls, which is to say, in the Church, which has been fulfilled. 5. The first of them is that we are become participants in the resurrection, in real time…

Those who ascended to Heaven before Mary were able to …

Consider the following passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: ″the Immaculate Virgin…was carried up body and soul into celestial glory, and raised by the Lord to the position of Queen over all things.″ ″She shares in the glory of her Son’s Resurrection, awaiting the resurrection of all members of his Body,″ according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (966).(CCC 974) (CCC 974) (CCC 974) (CCC 974) While the Church has already arrived in the most Blessed Virgin, the Church has not yet arrived in…

Is It True that Mary Never Died? Did Mary Ascend to Heaven …

The Assumption of Mary, also known as the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Dormition of Mary, is a Marian feast celebrated on August 15th.On August 15, it is observed as a Holy Day of Obligation (when it is not observed on a Monday) and is observed every year.On August 15th, every year, Christians commemorate the day that Our Blessed Mother was carried up into Heaven in both body and soul, at the conclusion of her life.

Who was the first to ascend into heaven? – Quora

Our conviction in Jesus’ Ascension is expressed in the Nicene Creed, which states: ″He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right side of the Father.″ In the same way that Jesus’ Resurrection is a mystery of faith, so is the Ascension, which is closely tied with it. In the Evangelists Mark (16:19) and Luke (16:21), the incident is only briefly mentioned (24:50-53).

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven – My Catholic Kids

The explanation is that Christ rose into heaven on the strength of his own will.Mary was assumed, or carried up into heaven, by God; she did not do it on her own initiative or with her own strength.It is recorded in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and the first chapter of John that Christ was exalted into heaven by His own strength in the presence of His disciples on the forty-fifth day after His Resurrection.

Jesus Ascended Into Heaven – Catholic Education Resource …

Stephen, as he was ready to be stoned, had a vision of the heavenly realm. Acts 7:55-56 (KJV). But because he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he looked closely into heaven and saw the glory of God, as well as Jesus standing at the right side of God; 56 and he exclaimed, ″Behold, the heavens have been opened, and the Son of Man stands at the right hand of God.″ NASB number six.

Ascension vs. Assumption – Assumption Catholic Church

Mary’s face was beaming with smiles, just as it had been in her childhood.Her heavenly delight was evident in the way her eyes were elevated to the heavens.Then I had a magnificent, emotional vision that I will never forget.

The roof of the Blessed Virgin’s apartment had vanished, and the light had been suspended in the open air, and I could see through the sky into the heavenly Jerusalem, which I had never seen before.

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The purported ascension of Mohammed into the celestial realm Dr.Rafat Amari contributed to this article.Is it true that Mohammed ascended to heaven, as the Quran claims?

Is it possible that he was in a trance at the time?What extent did he allow the occult to affect him?These are the kinds of questions that we will be discussing today since they are critical to the legitimacy of Islam.Middle Eastern groups frequently used the metaphor of ascending into heaven to illustrate how their leaders…0 percent are happy, 0 percent are sad, 0 percent are excited, 0 percent are sleepy.

Surprise 0 percent Angry 0 percent Angry 0 percent

Apostle Bartholomew Witnesses The Ascension of Jesus

  1. Kelly Wise Valdes contributed to this article.
  2. The apostle Bartholomew, who was born in the Galilee town of Cana, just outside of Jerusalem, is said to have witnessed Jesus Christ’s ascension on the third day.
  3. Some have questioned the authenticity of the ascension; nonetheless, it has been stated that Bartholomew was present on the site as a recorded eyewitness throughout the incident.
  4. Bartholomew is a character about whom little is known at this time.
  5. His origins are unknown, however it has been suggested that he hailed from a long family of farmers, and it was via farming that he met Disciple Philip during a commodities exchange.
  6. Because his father was a well-known farmer, his given name ″Bartholomew″ translates as ″son of the furrows.″ It has also been said that Bartholomew first met Jesus through the Disciple Philip, according to sources close to Bartholomew.

Bartholomew’s first reaction to Jesus was one of skepticism, as it is widely believed that individuals from Nazareth are unsuited for God’s job.″Can anything good come out of Nazareth?″ Bartholomew was overheard saying.″Can anything good come out of Nazareth?″ Philip urged Bartholomew to come and see for himself what he was talking about.Several eyewitnesses have stated that when Bartholomew inquired as to how Jesus recognized him, Jesus responded by saying, ″I noticed you while you were still beneath the fig tree before Philip summoned you.″ As a last statement, Jesus stated that ″you will see Heaven open, with Angels from on high descending on the Son of Man.″ As previously recorded, multiple eyewitnesses claim that Bartholomew was present when Jesus ascended into heaven following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, as previously recounted.

Some stories even claim that Bartholomew witnessed Jesus’ resurrection after He had been raised from the dead.Following the ascension, Bartholomew, like with the bulk of the other apostles, has embarked on a number of missionary journeys, which have taken him to India and Armenia among other places.His close friends also allege that he left behind a handwritten copy of the Gospel of Matthew, which they believe to be true.******************************** Twelve ordinary men were moved by Jesus to leave their previous life behind and follow Him as His disciples.

Fishermen, a tax collector, and a rebel were among those who joined the movement as new adherents.The flaws, hardships, and uncertainties of these twelve men who followed Jesus are chronicled in the Gospels, which are available online.In order to discover more about how God transformed each man from ordinary to remarkable, this series will highlight one of the disciples every month in a lighthearted and entertaining manner.

The resurrection of Jesus

  • Following Jesus’ crucifixion, a group of ladies went to his tomb quite early on Sunday morning to pay their respects. They discovered the stone that had been rolled aside from the tomb’s entrance, but they were unable to locate the body of Jesus.
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Jesus took them out of the city and into Bethany, where he blessed them with the blessing of his hands. After then, he was lifted up into Heaven. It was with great satisfaction that they returned to Jerusalem and spent the rest of their stay in God’s temple, giving thanks to the Almighty. A chromolithograph of Christ’s ascension, produced in 1886, depicts the event.

Understanding the text

  1. This occurrence occurred 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  2. It was during this time period that the New Testament writers describe that there were several witnesses who saw Jesus upon his resurrection.
  3. The term ″ascension″ refers to the fact that Jesus ascended, or was taken up, to the heavenly realm.
  4. This is crucial because it demonstrates that he has completed his purpose on Earth and has returned to Heaven as a result.
  5. Christians believe that Jesus resides in the presence of God in Heaven until such time as God decides to send Jesus to Earth to carry out the last judgment.
  6. The Parousia is the name given to this occurrence.
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  1. The ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven, according to Christian theology, occurred on the 40th day following his Resurrection (Easter being reckoned as the first day).
  2. The Feast of the Ascension, together with the other Christian feasts of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost, is the most widely observed holiday in the world.
  3. Since the 4th century, the feast has been observed 40 days following Easter in both Eastern and Western Christianity, depending on the region.
  4. It had been customary to remember the Ascension during Pentecost, which took place just a few days after the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples.
  5. The significance of the Ascension for Christians is derived from their belief in Jesus’ glorification and elevation following his death and resurrection, as well as from the notion of his return to God the Father, which is a central subject in Christian tradition.
  6. To illustrate a new relationship between Jesus and his Father, as well as a new relationship between Jesus and his followers, the Gospel According to John draws on both the sayings of Jesus and his post-Resurrection appearances, rather than a mere physical move from earth to heaven.

More Information on This Topic church calendar year: Ascension First, the church commemorated Christ’s Ascension (from the Latin ascensio, ″ascent″) into heaven, and then the Resurrection of Christ.

Scripture and observances

  1. According to the first chapter of The Acts of the Apostles, after appearing to the Apostles on various occasions over a period of 40 days, Jesus was taken up in their presence and then hidden from them by a cloud, which is a common biblical image symbolizing God’s presence and which is often depicted as a cloud in the Bible.
  2. However, while belief in the Ascension is evident in other books of the New Testament, the focus and imagery used in those works are different.
  3. According to the Gospel of John, the glorification portrayed by the Ascension tale appears to have occurred immediately following the Resurrection.
  4. Despite the fact that the imagery used in the Gospel According to Luke is similar to that used in the Book of Acts, there is no mention of a time of 40 days in this story.
  5. A reference to the Ascension of Jesus may be found in the Apostles’ Creed, a confession of faith that was used for baptism in the early church.
  6. An important component of the feast’s liturgy in the Western churches is the extinguishing of the Paschal candle, which is lighted for the first time on Easter and is used as a symbol of Christ’s departure from the world after the Gospel has been read.
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Despite the sense of separation implied in this act, which could be expected to establish a tone of melancholy, the entire liturgical season of Ascensiontide, from the 10 days before Pentecost, is marked by gladness as the rising Lord triumphs in the final victory over death and hell.Ascension Day is marked by the celebration of Christ’s kingship, and its theological connotation is that the Ascension was the last redeeming act, granting participation in the divine life to everyone who are members of Christ’s body.For want of a better phrase, Christ ″was hoisted up into heaven so that he may make us heirs with him of his Godhead.″ During the European Middle Ages, the people’s enjoyment of the visual and theatrical found an expression in a variety of ceremonial acts that came to be connected with the celebration of the feast.One of the most popular practices was a parade across the church grounds in imitation of Christ’s trek to the Mount of Olives with his Apostles, as well as the lifting of a cross or a statue of the resurrected Christ through a hole in the roof of the building.


  1. The Ascension is an ancient motif in Christian art, with depictions of it dating back to the 5th century.
  2. The oldest depiction of the Ascension, which was popular in the Western world until the 11th century, portrays Christ approaching from the side, rising to the summit of the hill, and clutching the hand of God, which emerges from a cloud above to draw him into the presence of God.
  3. The Apostles, who have gathered below, are keeping an eye on the proceedings.
  4. In Syria, a separate rendition of the Ascension was established in the 6th century, and this image was eventually incorporated in Byzantine art.
  5. This version emphasizes Christ’s divinity by depicting him frontally, standing immovable in a mandorla, or almond-shaped aureole, elevated above the ground and supported by angels, as opposed to the previous form.
  6. He is holding a scroll and making a benediction motion with it.

This version is notable for the constant presence of the Virgin Mary, who is not mentioned in the biblical account of the event, and St.Paul, who was not present since he was not present according to historical records.Although the inclusion of these people has not been clearly explained, it is possible that they symbolize, together with the image of St.Peter, an allegory of the church that Christ departs behind him.

When it came to Byzantine church architecture, this style of Ascension, which follows in the Roman tradition of symbolizing the apotheosis of an emperor, was frequently shown prominently in monumental embellishment as an emblem of one of the most important church feast days.Similarly, by the 11th century, the Western world had embraced a frontal depiction of the world.The humanity of Christ, on the other hand, is emphasized in the Western rendition, as seen by the way Jesus spreads his hands on each side, revealing his scars.The mandorla is frequently surrounded by angels; nevertheless, he is not always supported or even surrounded by angels; as a result, he is no longer carried to heaven, but instead ascends by his own strength.

During the 12th century, this representation of the Ascension was particularly prevalent in the décor of French Romanesque church interiors.Even in the art of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, when Christ was shown with his wounds on display, the Ascension kept its significance as a devotional topic.Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the person who most recently improved and updated this article.

Bible Gateway 2 Kings 2: NIV

  1. 21st chapter of 2 Kings The prophets Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal when the LORD summoned a whirlwind to carry Elijah up into heaven with him.
  2. 2 Elijah instructed Elisha, ″Stay here; the LORD has dispatched me to Bethel.″ ″As definitely as the LORD lives, and as surely as you live, I will not abandon you,″ Elisha said.
  3. As a result, they traveled to Bethel.
  4. 3 ″Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master away from you today?″ the group of prophets at Bethel inquired of Elisha when they came out to see him.
  5. ″Yes, I understand,″ Elisha said, ″but please do not bring it up.″ Elisha was instructed to stay still by Elijah, who explained that the LORD had dispatched him to Jericho.
  6. Then he said, ″I will not leave you until the LORD lives, and until you live, I will not leave you.″ As a result, they traveled to Jericho.

‘Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master away from you today?’ they inquired of Elisha as a group of prophets gathered in Jericho.″Yes, I understand,″ he said, ″but please don’t bring it up.″ He stayed still when Elijah informed him that the LORD had dispatched him to the Jordan.Then he said, ″I will not leave you until the LORD lives, and until you live, I will not leave you.″ As a result, the two of them continued walking.The prophets’ party went and stood at a distance, facing the location where Elijah and Elisha had paused at the Jordan.

6 When Elijah finished, he took his cloak and wrapped it up, striking the water with it.Both of them crossed across on dry ground as soon as the water parted to the right and to the left, respectively.Ninety-nine minutes after crossing the Jordan, Elijah asked Elisha, ″Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken away from you?″ When Elisha asked for permission, he received a twofold share of the prophet’s spirit.10 ″You have asked a tough question,″ Elijah responded, ″but if you see me before I am taken away from you, it will be yours—if not, it will not be yours.

Suddenly, a chariot of fire and horses of fire arrived and separated them, and Elijah was carried up to heaven in a whirlwind as they were travelling down the road.12 When Elisha noticed this, he cried out, ″My father, my father, my father!Israel’s chariots and riders are on the march!″ And Elisha didn’t see him for the rest of the day.When he finished, he snatched his own garments and tore them to shreds.13 He returned to the Jordan River and stood on the bank of the river, picking up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah’s shoulders.14 Then he picked up his cloak, which had fallen on the ground, and beat the water with it.

His question was, ″Where has the LORD, the God of Elijah?″ he inquired.The water split in two when he struck it, and he was able to get over by walking to the right side.″Elisha is being guided by the spirit of Elijah,″ the party of prophets from Jericho who were standing by said as they watched.And they walked up to him and bent their heads in reverence before him.

a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 a total of 16 ″″Take a look,″ they explained, ″we your servants have fifty excellent men at our disposal.″ Allow them to go and go in search of your lord.Perhaps the Spirit of the LORD has taken him up and placed him on top of a mountain or in a valley somewhere.″ ″No,″ Elisha said emphatically, ″please do not send them.″ 17 But they persevered until he was too embarrassed to say no any longer.As a result, he instructed, ″Send them.″ And they dispatched fifty men, who sought for him for three days but were unable to locate him.18 When they returned to Elisha, who was still in Jericho, he asked them, ″Didn’t I instruct you not to go?″ they replied.17 When Elisha came to town, the men of the city said to him, ″Look, our lord, this town is nicely positioned as you can see, but the water here ain’t good, and the land is unproductive.″ 20 ″Bring me a new bowl,″ he instructed, adding salt to the contents.

As a result, they delivered it to him.When he returned to the spring, he said to himself, ″I’m going to throw salt into it,″ and he did ″What the LORD has to say is as follows: ‘I have cured this water.’ It will never again be the source of death or render the land unproductive.’″ 22 And the water has stayed pure to this day, in accordance with the word Elisha had spoken earlier.23 Elisha then proceeded to Bethel, where he spent the night.As he was walking along the road, a group of teenagers came out of the town and started jeering at him.″Get up there, you baldhead!″ they said.

″Get up there, you baldhead!″ Afterwards, he turned around and looked them in the eyes, before cursing them in the name of the LORD.Then two bears emerged from the bushes and attacked forty-two of the children and adolescents.25 After that, he continued on to Mount Carmel, from where he returned to Samaria.

Jesus ascended after 40 days, but didn’t leave us alone

  1. Jesus appeared to many individuals during the 40 days following his resurrection, according to Acts 1:3.
  2. The Gospels and the book of Acts detail several of these appearances, and the apostle Paul also testifies to Jesus’ multiple resurrection appearances in 1 Corinthians.
  3. Then, 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended into the heavens to complete His mission.
  4. It was the 40th day following Easter, and many churches celebrated His ascension on May 27; however, others will wait until this Sunday to do so.
  5. In the end, Jesus, who declared Himself to be God and then demonstrated that claim by rising from the dead, completed His purpose on earth.
  6. All who believe in Him will have everlasting life since He died for the sins of the world and rose again to give them life in the hereafter.

After completing His task, He ascended into the celestial realm.Jesus didn’t abandon us without a word.He promised to send a helper, who would be known as the Holy Spirit.″He will take what is mine and disclose it to you,″ Jesus warned the apostles twice in John 16, according to the Bible.

(This is the English Standard Version.) Because of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit directs people to Jesus so that they may hear and believe that Jesus is the Saviour of the entire world.As a result, the apostle Peter would later remark of the Word of God, ″Men spake from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,″ referring to the men who spoke from God.Jesus told His followers that He would never desert them.Indeed, towards the conclusion of Matthew’s Gospel, in verse 20, He adds, ″I will be with you always, until the end of the age.″ By His Word, Jesus continues to be with His people.

In John 8:31-32, Jesus stated, ″If you abide in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.″ If you dwell in Jesus’ word, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.A little later (in 14:6), Jesus would proclaim, ″I am the way and the truth, and the life.″ He who comes in the name of the truth will be found in His Word.These two are inextricably linked because His Word reveals to all people who He is and what He has done for all of humanity.Jesus also stated that He will return on the day of judgment.A pair of angels appeared to the disciples as Jesus was rising into heaven and said, ″Why are you standing here staring into heaven?″ This Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him go into heaven.″ (See Acts 1:11).In the same way that Jesus climbed into heaven in all of His glory, He will descend into hell in all of His glory on the final day of the week.

It will be a wonderful day for everyone who believes in it.″The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God,″ writes the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17: ″The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.″ So, first, the dead in Christ will rise, followed by us who are alive, and so we shall always be with the Lord.″ A wonderful day of delight has arrived, and the Bible concludes with the most appropriate words in Revelation 22:20, which read: “Amen.″Come, Lord Jesus, come!″ Travis E.Lauterbach serves as the pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, which is located in Falcon Mesa Business Park, 350 Falcon Ridge Parkway, Building 600, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., there will be a worship service.

The Case for Christ: What’s the evidence for the resurrection?

  1. Strobel, a writer for the Chicago Tribune and a Yale Law School graduate, authored ″The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus″ in 1998.
  2. Strobel is the author of ″The Case for Christ.″ Strobel had previously been an atheist, but after his wife’s conversion to evangelical Christianity, he felt obligated to challenge some of the central Christian claims about Jesus.
  3. While the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection was the most important of these assertions, additional claims included the belief in Jesus as the actual Son of God and the veracity of the New Testament literature, among others.
  4. Strobel, on the other hand, was unable to disprove these assertions to his complete satisfaction, and he eventually became a Christian himself.
  5. It went on to become one of the most widely read and widely distributed works of Christian apologetic (that is, a defense of the rationality and correctness of Christianity) in history.
  6. An version of ″The Case for Christ″ will be released on Friday, April 7, according to the studio.

The film makes an attempt to present a persuasive argument for the historical accuracy of Jesus’ resurrection.It’s a house of cards, as one character explains to Strobel early in the film: ″If the resurrection of Jesus didn’t happen, it’s a house on the verge of falling down.″ A number of factors, in my opinion as a religious studies professor specializing in the New Testament and early Christianity, lead me to believe that Strobel’s book and the film adaptation have failed to establish the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection.

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Are all of Strobel’s arguments relevant?

  1. According to the film’s producers, the evidence supporting the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection is the film’s core subject.
  2. Several of its arguments, on the other hand, are not immediately applicable to this situation.
  3. According to Strobel, the fact that there are over 5,000 Greek copies of the New Testament in existence, which is significantly more than any other ancient literature, is a significant point in his argument.
  4. He does this in order to show that we may be reasonably certain that the original forms of the New Testament books have been faithfully conveyed.
  5. While this number of manuscripts appears to be rather large, the majority of them date from the 10th century or later, making them a relatively recent addition to the collection.
  6. The second century is represented by a total of less than ten papyrus texts, the most of which are relatively fragmented.

The early manuscripts, I believe, do an excellent job of providing us with a reasonable indication as to what the original shape of the New Testament texts would have looked like.If these second-century copies are true, all we have left are first-century documents claiming that Jesus was risen from the grave, which isn’t very encouraging.In no way does this demonstrate the historicity of the resurrection.

What do the New Testament writings prove?

  1. One of the most important arguments in the film is drawn from the New Testament book known as First Corinthians, which was written by the Apostle Paul to a group of Christians in Corinth in order to resolve conflicts that had developed in their society.
  2. Paul is supposed to have written this letter around the year 52, which would have been around 20 years after the death of Jesus.
  3. In 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, the apostle Paul provides a list of individuals to whom the resurrected Jesus shown himself.
  4. One of the most remarkable of these witnesses to the risen Jesus is a group of more than 500 individuals who appeared at the same time as the Apostle Peter and James, the brother of Jesus.
  5. Many academics think that Paul is referring from a far older Christian doctrine, which may have arisen only a few years after Jesus’ death and was adopted by the early church.
  6. This verse contributes to the demonstration that the idea that Jesus was risen from the dead dates back to very early in the history of Christian belief systems.

Indeed, many New Testament scholars would agree that some of Jesus’ disciples believed they had seen him alive only a few weeks or months after his death, and that this belief was supported by other witnesses.According to Bart Ehrman, a prominent New Testament scholar who is outspoken about his agnosticism, ″What is certain is that the earliest followers of Jesus believed that Jesus had come back to life, in the body, and that this was a body that had real bodily characteristics: it could be seen and touched, and it could be heard.″ This, on the other hand, does not establish in any way that Jesus was raised from the dead.It is not uncommon for people to experience visions of their deceased relatives: Thirteen percent of those polled in a research of over 20,000 people claimed to have seen the dead.Various reasons for this occurrence have been proposed, ranging from physical and mental fatigue induced by the loss of a loved one to the assumption that certain components of human nature are capable of surviving corporeal death to a variety of other theories.

To put it another way, sightings of the rising Jesus are not nearly as uncommon as Strobel would have us believe they are.

A miracle or not?

  1. But what about the 500 persons who witnessed Jesus’ resurrection at the same time?
  2. First of all, biblical scholars have no notion what incident Paul is referring to here.
  3. The ″day of Pentecost″ (Acts 2:1) is thought to be a reference to the Holy Spirit bestowing supernatural capacity to communicate in languages that were foreign to them on the Christian community in Jerusalem at that time, according to some.
  4. However, according to one major researcher, this incident was added to the list of resurrection appearances by Paul, and the origins of the event remain unclear.
  5. Second, even if Paul is reporting truthfully, his claims are no more credible than those of huge groups of individuals who claim to have witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary or a UFO landing on their property.
  6. Despite the fact that the particular processes underlying such group hallucinations are yet unknown, I have serious doubts that Strobel would consider all of these examples to be true.

The fact that Jesus’ tomb was empty on Easter morning, according to Strobel, is the greatest explanation for this event.Some academics might doubt the timeliness of the account of the empty tomb.Data suggests that the Romans did not routinely remove victims from crosses when they died, and this is supported by archaeological evidence.The belief in Jesus’ resurrection may have formed first, and the myth of the empty tomb may have developed only later, when early detractors of Christianity began to challenge the reality of this claim.

But even if we believe that the tomb was indeed empty that morning, what evidence do we have that it was a miracle rather than the corpse of Christ being moved for unknown reasons?Miracles are, by definition, exceedingly improbable events, and I see no reason to believe that one has occurred when alternative explanations are considerably more likely to be correct.

Who are the experts?

  1. Aside from all of the obvious flaws in Strobel’s presentation, I feel that Strobel has made no genuine effort to include a diverse range of academic viewpoints in his presentation.
  2. As part of the film, Strobel travels around the country, interviewing professors and other professionals about the historical significance of Jesus’ resurrection.
  3. In his book, Strobel describes the experts he interviewed as ″renowned scholars and authority who have impeccable academic credentials.″ The movie does not explain how Strobel selected the experts he interviewed.
  4. Gary Habermas and William Lane Craig, two biblical scholars who appear in the film, both teach at institutions (Liberty University and Biola University, respectively) that require their faculty members to sign statements affirming that they believe the Bible is inspired by God and is free of any contradictions, historical inaccuracies, or moral failings, despite the fact that they do not believe the Bible is inspired by God.
  5. ″We affirm that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God so that all of its words are written true revelation of God; it is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters,″ states the faculty application for Liberty University, as an example.
  6. It is not obligatory to sign such declarations of faith by the vast majority of professional biblical scholars who teach in the United States and other countries.

Many of the other experts he interviews for his book have connections that are comparable to his own.The scholars selected by Strobel represent a rather restricted range of disciplines and are not indicative of the field as a whole.(I believe there are around 10,000 professional biblical scholars in the world at any given time.) In an email response to my query regarding whether most professional biblical academics would find Strobel’s arguments for the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection to be compelling, Strobel stated, ″I believe that the majority of professional biblical scholars would find my arguments persuasive.″ Remember that there are a large number of highly qualified experts who would agree that the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is adequate to demonstrate the historical validity of the event.Furthermore, Dr.

Gary Habermas has developed a compelling ″minimum facts″ argument for the resurrection that relies only on evidence that practically all scholars would agree is compelling in its own right.At the end of the day, though, each individual must come to his or her own conclusion on the Christ case.The way someone interprets the evidence is influenced by a variety of factors, including, for example, whether or not the person has an anti-supernatural prejudice.″

No compelling evidence

  1. According to Strobel, if he had polled experts at public institutions, private colleges and universities (many of which have religious affiliations), or denominational seminaries, the results of his poll would have been very different.
  2. In the same way that Strobel asserts in the statement above, Christian apologists commonly claim that the primary reason secular scholars do not acknowledge the historicity of the resurrection is because they have a ″anti-supernatural prejudice″ towards Christianity.
  3. According to his portrayal, secular experts just refuse to believe that miracles can occur, and as a result, they will never accept the historicity of the resurrection, no matter how much proof is shown to them.
  4. Although some Christians believe in miracles, I believe that apologists such as Gary Habermas are just as anti-supernaturalist when it comes to miraculous claims that occur after the founding of Christianity, such as those involving later Catholic saints or miracles that occur in non-Christian religious traditions.
  5. Some of Jesus’ disciples were certain that they had seen him alive after his death, and I have little doubt about their beliefs.
  6. While such astonishing claims abound in the world today, I believe that ″The Case for Christ″ has failed to give persuasive proof that Jesus’ resurrection was historically accurate.

Nature of Jesus in Christianity

  • Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, who was offered up as a sacrifice so that mankind may have the opportunity to live forever in Heaven with God. The crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are all significant events in the development of Christian faith.
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  • Christians believe that Jesus did not die a second time after he resurrected from the dead, as some have suggested. As an alternative, 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus was lifted up into the air, body and soul, and returned to the presence of God the Father. The ascension is the name given to this occurrence, which was observed by the eleven disciples who remained after Jesus’ death. Throughout the Bible, in a book referred to as the Acts of the Apostles, this occurrence is detailed, as is the way angels, who are described as ″men clad in white,″ assisted the apostles in understanding what was taking place: After he stated this, he was lifted into the air in front of their very eyes, and a cloud obscured his appearance. They were staring intently up into the sky as he passed them when two men clad in white appeared beside them and took their places beside them. The men of Galilee questioned them, ‘Why are you standing here staring up into the sky?’ This same Jesus, who has been taken away from you and ascended into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you have witnessed him ascend into heaven.’ In Acts 1:9–11, the Bible says For Christians, the ascension is significant for the following reasons: It demonstrates that Jesus truly had conquered death – he wasn’t only raised to die again, but to live eternally
  • Because Jesus’ disciples watched him soaring into the clouds, many Christians believe that Jesus is alive and with God the Father in Heaven, and that he is no longer restricted to life on Earth.
  • Because of the ascension, God’s omnipotence is demonstrated.
  1. Question Following his death on the cross, Jesus was reborn as a human being.
  2. Is this true or false?
  3. False.
  4. He was raised from the dead.
  5. Reincarnation is the process by which something is reincarnated and begins its existence all over again, usually in a new form.
  6. Jesus is supposed to have risen from the dead in the same body and at the same point in his life (at the age of 33) as when he had died the first time.
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How Did Jesus Leave the Earth? (The Ascension)

  1. The ascension of Christ into heaven was one of the most momentous occasions in the life of Jesus Christ.
  2. According to the Bible, Jesus ascended into heaven both visually and physically forty days after His resurrection, according to the Bible.
  3. Luke Luke was the only New Testament author to recount the event of the ascension.
  4. He was separated from them and lifted up into the heavens as he was extending his blessings to them.
  5. In return, they returned to Jerusalem with great excitement, and they spent the rest of their time in the temple praying to God and praising and blessing him.
  6. The answer is a resounding ″amen″ (Luke 24:51,52).

Luke describes Jesus’ separation from them in a way that suggests they are already familiar with the tale of Jesus’ ascension to the Father.The Book of Acts Bears Witness to Its Authorship The following is recorded by Luke in the first chapter of the Book of Acts.After giving commands to the apostles whom he had selected via the Holy Spirit, I gave you a previous account of everything Jesus began to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up, which I gave you in the previous account, O Theophilus (Acts 1:1,2).Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father in full view of His disciples.

The Bible confirms that Jesus ascended into heaven in plain view of His followers, as recorded in the Gospels.Following his words, he was lifted up and carried away by a cloud, out of sight of them, while they stood there looking on.Meanwhile, while they continued to stare upward as he rose, two men in white clothing appeared beside them and inquired of them, saying, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the heavens?’ This same Jesus, who was carried away from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven’ (Acts 1:9-11).There Are Several Other Testimonies To Jesus’ Ascension Scripture gives additional evidence that Jesus ascended to His rightful seat next to the Father in the presence of God.

Stephen was the first Christian to be executed because of his faith in Jesus Christ.As he was being stoned to death, he raised his eyes to the heavens and saw Jesus.However, because he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he looked up into the skies and saw the glory of God, as well as Jesus standing on the right hand of God, and exclaimed, ‘Look!The heavens have been opened, and the Son of Man is standing at the right side of the Father!’ (See Acts 7:55-56.) Stephen saw Jesus standing at God the Father’s ri

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