How To Pray The Jesus Prayer

Jesus Prayer

That is notably true in the case of at least one Jewish activist. But, while she didn’t particularly choose to be aborted, it seemed like her only option given her current circumstances. When Nancy Litz became pregnant in 1967, she was quite unhappy. Litz, then a freshman in college, decided that terminating her pregnancy was a necessity six years before the landmark Roe v. Wade decision guaranteed a woman’s right to a safe and legal abortion. In addition to her father’s death, her mother, who had always dreamt of going away to college herself, was going through what Litz characterized as “a brutally difficult time in her own life,” which she described as “a really horrific period in her own life.” That she was taking a human life had never occurred to her.

The lives of the individuals I already knew and loved were far more significant to me than the lives of the people I met and fell in love with.

52 years later, Litz resides in St.

Although her abortion experience was unpleasant, there were no long-term ramifications.

  1. In addition to being concerned about the possibility of Roe being overturned, she is concerned about the way other religious leaders are framing the discussion surrounding abortion.
  2. Litz shared his thoughts on the subject.
  3. Her religious upbringing had left her without a religious practice by the time she started college.
  4. In her high school, she recalls a couple of females who vanished for an extended period of time before suddenly reappearing, probably after giving birth.
  5. Discussions remained hushed, even after that.
  6. Wade were overturned.
  7. According to Litz and many other campaigners, criminalizing abortion would not prevent it from occurring; rather, it will only increase the risk of death.
  8. Litz became distraught years after her abortion when she learned that in 1967, botched abortions were responsible for 42 percent of all maternal deaths in the United States.
  9. Her courage and honesty have been complimented to her in private by other women who have had abortions, who acknowledge that they would never be able to discuss their experiences in such a public forum.

Despite the fact that they claim to be speaking for all persons of religion, this is not the case.”

What is the Jesus Prayer and Why Do People Pray It?

Have you ever felt as though you didn’t know what to say or do when you were praying? Did you ever feel like prayer was a formula that you could never quite get right the first time? Especially while you were listening to other people pray aloud? I’ve done that as well. During my early Christian walk, I’ve felt silly and insignificant as I’ve listened to members of my Life Group offer long, beautiful petitions to God. My prayer was straightforward: “Lord, have compassion on me.” On a daily basis, I commit sin.

The reason for this is quite powerful: my heart was humbled before God as a result of it.

As the Pharisee gloated before God, he replied, “At the very least, I’m not as bad as some people.” “At the very least, I give tithes and fast twice a week.” The tax collector, on the other hand, was humble before God.

The fact that he was aware of his deficiencies “However, the tax collector remained at a safe distance.

The Jesus Prayer consists of the words of the tax collector: “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

These words have evolved into powerful prayer words that may be used to focus on and pray to God. But, you might wonder, why? Alternatively, you may ask:

What is the Jesus Prayer and why do people pray it?

Throughout the history of the Orthodox Church, the roots of the prayer have been extensively transmitted to the faithful. The orthodox tradition taught followers that, in addition to being conscious of the heart pumping blood, the heart is a location of contact with God, which may be achieved by continual prayer. This is based on Paul’s instructions in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which are paraphrased below. God’s will for you is to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all situations.” “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances.”

The prayer was part of the tradition known as Hesychasm.

In Eastern Orthodoxy, there is a kind of Christian mysticism known as hesychasm. It became very popular in the 1300s. Hesychasm relies on contemplative prayer, particularly the recitation of the Jesus Prayer in meditation, to help people experience oneness with God and achieve salvation. For this, one must shut down all senses and turn down their thoughts, all while concentrating on the words and meaning of the Jesus Prayer, which takes practice. According to various Church Fathers, the Jesus Prayer is “vital” to our spiritual development.

  • We are humbled by the Jesus Prayer, which expresses our faith while also begs for pardon for our wickedness.
  • While not nearly the same as Eastern techniques, it is more in accord with Buddhist principles.
  • God, on the other hand, loves and appreciates individuals who are humble in spirit and who pray because they sincerely desire to communicate with God via prayer.
  • The ultimate objective is to achieve union with God, which is to have a pure relationship with God.

It should be noted, however, that Jesus’ remarks in Matthew 6:6 were never intended to be taken literally. Jesus was implying that he did not want us to pray as a form of display, as the Pharisees did.

Contrary to Hesychasts and mysticism, Jesus didn’t want us to pray as a mere ritual or mediation technique.

He surely does not want us to believe that the only way to connect and converse is via our subjective experiences. Examples of a well-intended prayer life may be found in John 16:23-24, Philippians 4:6, Psalm 18:6, and James 5:16, among other places.

There are multiple benefits to the Jesus Prayer:

Practicing the Jesus Prayer for ten minutes a day for 30 days while sitting quietly, according to George Stavos, Ph.D., “The Impact of Contemplative Prayer on Psychological, Relational, and Spiritual Well-Being: A Study of the Jesus Prayer,” found that one’s perception of their closeness to God increases after practicing the Jesus Prayer for ten minutes a day for 30 days while sitting quietly. It has also been demonstrated to lower levels of aggression, interpersonal sensitivity, sadness, and anxiety.

“Unceasing calling upon the name of God cures one not only of passions, but also of actions,” writes St.

When we pray the Jesus Prayer, we are honoring the fact that Jesus is our Lord.

He is the second person of the Trinity, and he is the Son of God. He is both entirely human and fully divine. He is the supreme ruler of our life. Our road to the Lord is freely directed by the Lord. His name, Jesus Christ, is the name that surpasses all other names in the universe. It is an abbreviation for Savior. When we pray, “Lord, Jesus Christ,” we are acknowledging his Lordship as well as the redemption we have received as a result of his sacrifice. He is the only one who has the ability to rescue us out of the abyss of sin and set us free from the entanglements that have entangled us.

  1. As we contemplate the phrase “Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” we are reminded of the Trinity and of Jesus’ incarnation.
  2. It serves as a reminder that Jesus was both wholly God and totally man, and that he was completely free of all sin.
  3. It reminds us of God’s love and humbles our hearts as we are filled with gratitude and amazement for who he is and what he has done to save us.
  4. When we implore him to have pity on us, it serves as a reminder that we are incomplete; we are broken if we do not have him.
  5. There are no prayers that our heavenly Father is incapable of hearing.
  6. What he can accomplish is not restricted, and neither are the words or absence of words in our petitions, which are not limited either.
  7. Complete and confident prayer, believing that God hears our petitions and is more than capable of satisfying every request in accordance with his will, is the way we should pray.
  8. When she writes, she wants to share bold truths about marriage, job, mental health and depression as well as faith, love, celebration and heartbreak.

Her work has been on several television shows, including Proverbs 31 Ministries, MOPS, Today’s Christian Woman, and Focus on the Family, among others. Her website is Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/digitalskillet.

How to Pray the Jesus Prayer

He is the second person of the Trinity and the second person of the Holy Trinity. God and man exist in perfect harmony in him. The Lord of our life is the one who created us. Our road to the Lord is freely directed by the Almighty. His name, Jesus Christ, is the name that surpasses all other names in importance and significance. “Savior” is a biblical term. The prayer “Lord, Jesus Christ” acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the redemption we have received as a result of his sacrifice for us.

  1. It serves as a constant reminder that only he has the ability to alter us.
  2. Three individuals in one God.
  3. As a result, it serves as a reminder that it should have been us who were crucified.
  4. In turn, it prompts us to express our gratitude to God for the person we have become in his sight.
  5. Every time we pray, “Lord, have mercy on us,” we are calling him to come and live within us, transforming us into the image of Jesus Christ on a regular basis.
  6. He has complete control over everything and is well-versed in every subject matter imaginable.
  7. This indicates that we should consider Hebrews 11:6both seriously and confidently in our interpretation of the passage.
  8. (Hey, Nebraska isn’t for everyone.) Heather Riggleman considers Nebraska to be home.
  9. The author ofMama Needs a Time Out andLet’s Talk About Prayer, Heather is a former national award-winning journalist who is now a writer.
  10. Atheather Riggleman’s website, you may find out more about her.
See also:  What Happened When Jesus Went To Hell?

The four ‘strands’

The prayer goes: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have compassion on me.” However, despite the fact that it is small and compact (it is just ten words long in English and seven words long in Greek or Russian), the Jesus Prayer is amazingly full.

It is possible to detect the following four strands or constituent elements inside this one brief sentence:

  1. The appeal for forgiveness
  2. The discipline of repetition
  3. The search for silence (hesychia)
  4. The reverence of the Holy Name
  5. And other practices.

Prayer of the heart

In Orthodoxy, like in Western Christianity, it is traditional to separate three levels of prayer: prayer of the lips, prayer of the thought, and prayer of the heart. This three-fold difference is especially relevant to the Jesus Prayer, which falls within the first category. (It is important to note that the Jesus Prayer, like any other form of praying, is spoken aloud on the lips, or orally. (2) However, prayer that is just expressed with the lips is clearly not sincere prayer. It is also necessary to include the intellect, which possesses the ability to pay attention.

  • It is important not to abandon the real recital of the words, whether they are said publicly or generated quietly within ourselves, too soon.
  • The heart, in addition to being a physical organ located in our chest, signifies metaphorically the center of our personhood as being formed in the image and likeness of God.
  • It involves our emotions, but it also includes our will, our reason, and the higher visionary faculty called in Greek as thenous, which allows us to behold the grandeur of God in its fullness.
  • It is the doorway to self-transcendence and the location of divine indwelling, according to Buddhist tradition.

Augustine, “.the heart is Christ’s palace: there Christ the King comes to rest, accompanied by angels and spirits of the saints, and He lives there, strolling inside it and establishing His Kingdom.” Because of this, ‘prayer of the heart’ in Orthodox texts refers not just to ‘affective prayer’ in the Western sense, but also to prayer of the complete human person, prayer in which the body, soul, and spirit are all involved in the same way.

More than that, because the heart is the location where we meet with God, prayer of the heart signifies not just my own prayers, but also the prayers of Christ in me.

An excerpt from the book The Jesus Prayer by Bishop Kallistos Ware appears in this blog.

Through the repetition of Jesus’ Holy Name, it is a straightforward and direct manner of requesting the mercy of the Lord. You may purchase a copy of The Jesus Prayerright here.

The Jesus Prayer – Prayer & Spiritual Life – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Prayer is the foundation of our Christian life, and it is the source of our encounters with Jesus as the Risen Lord in our lives. Yet, how few Christians are able to pray effectively and deeply! For the majority of us, prayer consists of nothing more than sitting in the pews for an hour or so on Sunday mornings or possibly reciting prayers that we learned by heart as children in a robotic manner. We have mostly maintained this degree of superficiality in our prayer practice, and therefore in our lives as Christians as a whole.

The Challenge Of St. Paul

Nonetheless, this attitude to prayer has nothing in common with the Christianity of St. Paul, who exhorts the Christians of first-century Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). And, in his letter to the Christian community in Rome, the Apostle tells them to “pray without ceasing” (Rom. 12:12). He not only expects continual prayer from the Christians under his supervision, but he also engages in it himself. “We continuously praise God for you,” he says in his letter to the Thessalonian community (1 Thess.



Paul refers to prayer in his letters, two Greek terms arise repeatedly: PANTOTE (pantote), which means “always,” and ADIALEPTOS (adialeptos), which means “without interruption or without ceasing to pray.” It, in this case, is not only a component of our lives that we can readily ignore when something more important comes along; prayer is our entire lives.

  • This raises a number of significant issues.
  • After all, we are a pretty busy bunch of folks.
  • In our already overburdened schedules, how can we squeeze in extra time for prayer?
  • To pray does not imply that we should think about God more than we should think about other things, or that we should spend more time with God than we should spend with our families and friends.
  • We must take on the form of prayer-prayer embodied.” In his letter to the Corinthians, St.
  • 10:31).

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer, also known as the prayer of the heart, is offered by the Orthodox Tradition as a means of entering more deeply into the life of prayer and of coming to terms with St. Paul’s invitation to pray without stopping. When we pray the Jesus Prayer, we are offering ourselves a means of focus, a focal point for our inner lives. Despite the fact that there are both lengthier and shorter versions of the Jesus Prayer, the most commonly used form is: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” It is anchored in the Scriptures as well as the new life supplied by the Holy Spirit, and it is simple and straightforward in its expression.

As St. Paul explains in his letter to the Corinthians, “no one can proclaim ‘Jesus is Lord’ save by the Holy Spirit.” Because the prayer addresses Jesus as Lord, Christ, and Son of God, it is first and foremost a prayer of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3).

The Scriptural Roots Of The Jesus Prayer

Both the physical form and the theological content of the Jesus Prayer are derived from the Scriptures. Four aspects of it may be traced back to the Scriptures:

  1. Because of its brevity and simplicity, it satisfies Jesus’ admonition that “while prayer,” we are not to “load up meaningless terms like the heathen do
  2. For they believe that they will be heard for their numerous words.” Do not follow in their footsteps. (Matt. 6:7-8
  3. Luke 6:8) A foundational element of the Jesus Prayer is its use of the Lord’s name. In the Scriptures, the name of God is associated with the presence of God’s might and glory. If you consciously and attentively utter God’s Name in the Old Testament, you were putting yourself in God’s Presence, according to the Bible. It is the living Word, Jesus, whose name in Hebrew means “God rescues,” that is directed to people. In the end analysis, Jesus is the last Name of God. In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as “the Name that is above all other names,” and it is written that “all beings should bow their heads before the Name of Jesus” (Phil. 2:9-10). This Name is invoked for the casting out of demons (Luke 10:17), the answering of prayers (John 14:13-14), and the healing of the lame (Acts 3:6-7). “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me,” cries out the blind man sitting by the side of the road near Jericho (Luke 18:38)
  4. The ten lepers who “called to him, ‘Jesus, Master, take pity on us,'” (Luke 17:13)
  5. And the cry for mercy of the publican, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:14). It is a It is a prayer in which we acknowledge our terrible need for a Saviour and ask for His help. Because, according to 1 John 1:8, “if we pretend we have no sin in us, we are misleading ourselves and refusing to accept the truth.”

The Three Levels Of Prayer

Because prayer is a living reality, a very intimate contact with the living God, it should not be reduced to a predetermined classification or strict analysis, but rather be embraced as it is. A 19th century Russian spiritual writer named Theophan the Recluse distinguished three levels of prayer in the Jesus Prayer in order to provide some broad, general instructions for individuals who are interested in utilizing the Jesus Prayer to improve their inner life:

  1. It all starts with oral prayer, often known as prayer of the lips, a simple recitation that Theophan describes as the “verbal form and shape” of petitions. However, despite its importance, this level of prayer is still external to us and is therefore merely the first stage, because “the essence or soul of prayer resides within a man’s mind and heart.” As we get more completely immersed in prayer, we reach a point where we are able to pray uninterrupted by external distractions. He observes that at this time, “the attention is concentrated onto the words” of the Prayer, and that we are “saying them as if they were our own.” Prayer from the heart is the third and ultimate degree of prayer. At this point, prayer is no longer something we do, but rather something that we are. As the prodigal son returned to his father, so should such prayer, which is a gift of the Spirit, be offered (Luke 15:32). It is the prayer of adoption that occurs when “God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit that cries out ‘Abba, Father!'” (Abba, Father!). (Galatians 4:6)

The Fruits Of The Jesus Prayer

It is the goal of all Christian spirituality to achieve this reunion with the Father through Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is to be open to the presence of the Kingdom in our midst, as described in the Bible. A very concrete effect on his worldview, according to the anonymous author of The Way of the Pilgrim, is the Jesus Prayer, which has two very concrete effects on his worldview. To begin, it transforms the way he interacts with the material creation around him; the world is transformed into a transparent sign, a means of communicating God’s presence to others.

The trees, the grass, the birds, the air, and the light all seemed to be telling me that they were there for man’s sake, that they were a witness to God’s love for man, and that everything prayed to God and sang his praises in unison with one another.” His relationship with his fellow human beings is transformed as a result of the Prayer, as well.

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However, I did not proceed in the same manner as before, with caution.

Everyone was extremely nice to me.

Endless Growth

“There is no limit to the growth that occurs in prayer,” Theophan assures us. “If this growth comes to an end, it indicates that life has come to an end.” The path of the heart is limitless because the God we seek is limitless in the depths of his splendor, and so is the path of the heart. The Jesus Prayer is a waypoint on the spiritual journey, which is a trip that each of us must do on our own.


The objective of this leaflet is to present the practice of the Jesus Prayer in a straightforward manner. The Jesus Prayer is inextricably linked to the sacramental life of the Church and the practice of asceticism. It is advised that you read the following books for additional study:

  • The Art of Prayer, edited with an introduction by Kallistos Ware (Faber and Faber, London, 1966)
  • The Power of the Name, edited with an introduction by Kallistos Ware (Faber and Faber, London, 1966)
  • (SLG Press: Oxford) R. M. French’s translation of The Pilgrim’s Way was published in 1974. (Seabury Press: New York) In 1965, Father John of New Valaamo published Christ is in our Midst (St. Vladimirs’ Seminary Press, New York), which was a spiritual classic. 1980
  • Per-Olof Sjogren’s “Jesus Prayer” is a beautiful piece of music (Fortress Press: Philadelphia) Prayer of the Heart, written by George A. Maloney in 1975. (Ave Maria Press: Notre Dame) 1980

Pray The Jesus Prayer Wherever You Are

Two blind men accompany Jesus, “crying loudly, ‘Have compassion on us, Son of David,'” according to the Gospel of Matthew (Matt 9:27). Later on, they address him as “Lord” (9:28). As a result, Jesus opens their eyes. A scriptural foundation for the Jesus Prayer may be found in this passage. Even those of us who have the ability to see with our physical eyes are frequently spiritually blind. We’re not sure where we’re heading in life right now. We are unable to discern God’s presence in this situation.

  1. Choosing to follow Jesus put them on the correct path.
  2. They would then be able to see.
  3. If we initially choose to follow Jesus (even for the rest of our earthly life), we shall be able to see spiritually.
  4. Perhaps we cannot always see where God is in our life at any one time, but we know by faith that he is present, and if we follow him, he will open our eyes to recognize that he has been with us all along, even when we cannot see him.
  5. The majority of the time, I only realize where God wants me to go after I’ve arrived, much like a blind guy who follows a guide through the streets of a big city.
  6. It would be beneficial to cry out to him in the same way that the blind men do.
  7. Pray the Lord’s prayer with me:Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have pity on me, the sinner.

Can you hear how this is similar to the blind men’s prayer? Do you understand what I’m saying? In their prayer, they implore the Son of David to “have compassion on us.” As I have stated, this is one of the scriptural sources of the Jesus Prayer. There are a few more as well:

  • The same thing happens to another blind man who sits outside of Jericho and calls out to Jesus, this time in the same way: “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” Jesus Christ (Matt 10:47
  • Luke 18:38
  • See also Matt 20:30–31)
  • When the publican, in contrast to the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable, lowers his head, beats his breast, and prays, “God, be compassionate to me, the sinner,” he demonstrates how to pray. A town between Samaria and Galilee has 10 lepers who stand at a distance, raise their voices, and say, “Jesus, Master, have compassion on us,” according to Luke 17:13.

I believe that we can see from these instances that the prayer of Jesus has been with us since the very beginning of Christianity. The prayer evolved further as a result of its textual foundation. In the Desert Fathers and Mothers of Egypt, quick and simple prayers like this were constantly repeated – “arrow prayers,” as St. Augustine put it, “that are frequent but very brief and rapidly shot forth” – somewhat like an arrow intended to pierce the heavens. We should continually repeat the prayer “Lord Jesus,” which is the most basic of these brief petitions, according to St.

  1. In addition to serving as a continual reminder of Jesus’ divine presence with us, the repeated chanting of his holy name aids us in fulfilling St.
  2. Throughout our lives, we are bombarded with distracting ideas and temptations that threaten to erase any traces of God’s presence from our minds and hearts.
  3. The prayer must be as consistent as the thoughts in order to be effective.
  4. There are a variety of approaches that may be used to unceasing prayer.
  5. One advantage of repeatedly saying this prayer is that it eventually reaches the unconsciousness and you begin to recognize it there, hidden below the din of everyday life.
  6. It assists us in approaching ceaseless prayer and the continual reminder of God’s presence in our lives in this way.
  7. Pray it a few times first thing in the morning and as frequently as you can throughout the day, and again before you go to bed, if possible.

The assistance provided to my wife Pani Katie throughout her childbirth was invaluable.

Sit silently and repeat the prayer gently over and over for 5 minutes or for 30 minutes, as desired.

While praying, a chotki may be an extremely useful assistance in keeping our attention focused on the prayer when we become distracted by unwanted ideas and imaginings.

Some have 33 knots, one for each year of Jesus’ earthly existence; others have 100 knots; and still some have 300 knots or more.


The phrase for the Jesus prayer as we know it today –Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have pity on me, the sinner– is nice and was very well established by the seventh century, but it is not intended to bind us and it is not the only method to obtain compassion from God.

Alternatively, we could prefer to pray as simply as St.

It might be translated as “the Lord saves” or “the Lord is a call for help.” Alternatively, you can add to it, as some of the sisters at our Christ the Bridegroom Monastery do, by adding “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have pity on me, the sinner,” as some of the nuns at our Christ the Bridegroom Monastery do.

  • Alternatively, we may choose to pray for others as well as ourselves, in which case we would pray “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have compassion onus” – in the plural – in the name of God.
  • All of this is to indicate that there are a variety of effective methods to pray the prayer of Jesus.
  • The most essential thing to remember is to pray about it.
  • It has become so popular that some people just refer to it as “the prayer.” It is profound, varied, and life-altering in its effects.
  • “The Jesus Prayer is no different from any other prayer,” says St.
  • It is more effective than all other prayers solely because of the all-powerful name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior,” says the author.

“There is no other name given among mankind by which we must be saved except from the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 4:12). ✠ In his “Foreword,” Kallistos Ware, author of On the Prayer of Jesus, provides a wealth of knowledge (Boston, Mass.: New Seeds, 2006)

Praying the Jesus Prayer: A beginner’s guide

In April 2015, I published the following on my blog Company of Voices: First and foremost, a disclaimer. Despite the fact that I have referred to this as a “beginner’s guide,” I have not yet began reciting the Jesus Prayer. I first read the Way of the Pilgrim when I was 17 years old and have been praying the Jesus Prayer to some measure ever since – so I’ve been a novice for 33 years. I am a beginning in the sense that, as everyone who knows me can attest, I have made very little progress and am still selfish and self-obsessed.

  • I have devoted a significant portion of my life to prayer; I enjoy saying prayers and, in general, enjoy attending church; I enjoy reading books about prayer, and I have probably read thousands of them.
  • Two further points of view: I am the Head Master of a comprehensive school in the heart of London’s inner city, which is incredibly demanding.
  • I often say, very honestly, that I could not do it without prayer; granted, there is a lot of red wine and gin and tonics involved, but in reality, they only add to the stress; prayer, on the other hand, is quite effective.
  • In general, all texts on the Jesus Prayer and on the spiritual life presume a fundamental Christian lifestyle practiced in the context of a local church community.
  • This is not a’self-help’ approach in the traditional sense.
  • Finally, and before we get into the specifics, the Jesus Prayer is not a magic formula to be followed.
  • However, this is not as complicated as it appears.

You don’t have to believe if you don’t have faith; even if you have all kinds of mental concerns and problems, merely wishing to believe is sufficient; simply say “Jesus, I believe; please assist my unbelief.” Following are some easy and practical strategies that I have used to invoke the Jesus Prayer in my own life.

  • Sometimes, when I am bored, I will utilize the shorter Greek form: Kyrie iesu christeeleison me, which is a nice change of pace (Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me).
  • Begin by speaking the phrases out in a quiet setting as slowly as you are able, and then repeating them over and over again until they become second nature.
  • You should try to do it three times a day if you can, but even once or twice a day will make a significant impact.
  • Perfect.
  • It has a calming effect on me, and I walk more slowly and deliberately as a result.
  • All you have to do now is repeat the phrase out or in your brain anytime you have the opportunity.
  • The Jesus Prayer is extremely beneficial when nerves begin to set in, such as before a tough meeting, or before preaching or giving a conference or lecture; I always make time for it, even if I still get apprehensive, but it helps.
  • The names of persons who have requested me to pray for them are written in a small book that I keep near me.
  • But, on sometimes, it appears that even more is required, and so I pray the Jesus Prayer, but this time I include the name of the individual in need:Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on ANDREW (Or whoever).
  • Using this phrase out loud with someone who was experiencing immense sorrow and grief has brought about a calming and a glimmer of serenity for them.
  • I believe this is a good reminder that this is about a relationship with Jesus and helps to ground the prayer in Christian tradition.
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I do this fully on the fly, but here’s something I may say, not so that anyone can replicate the words, but simply to give you an idea of what I’m talking about: LORDYou are the creator of everything that exists, including the stars, the sun, the galaxies, the moon, this planet, the air I breathe, and the island I am currently on.

  • You create the food that I eat and that sustains my existence.
  • I don’t have to be concerned about anything since you are in charge.
  • Your name was given to you by your parents, who loved you as much as mine do me; your name means ‘the one who saves,’ and you were sent to save me from the abyss of despair.
  • I’m not responsible for saving myself, and I’m not responsible for being saved by anything or anybody else.
  • CHRIST You have been chosen as the anointed one.
  • You are physically and mentally capable of winning any conflict.
  • You have been anointed as a king and as a priest; you are the only real priest, the only religion; nothing works; there is no magic other than loving and trusting in you; nothing works other than loving and trusting in you.

You are not alone, and you are aware that the sickness of meaninglessness occurs when we isolate ourselves from one another.

IN THE NAME OF GOD What is it like to be God, and how does it feel?

Is it true that becoming God is the darkest darkness?

What is beyond the haze of our incomprehension?

When it comes to God-ness, our words fall short.

Your feelings of sympathy, love, and compassion, which you have for me and for everyone, are all yours to give or receive.

However, by feeling sorry for yourself, you decrease the severity of the consequences.

Help to free me from my thoughts, to bring my mind to the deepest part of itself, to the center of my being, and to allow my heart to beat in sync with yours.

What was it about me that you wanted?

What kind of character do you want me to be?

Help my’me’ today to be the me who brings you honor, who makes people aware of your existence, who assists others in realizing that life is never worthless, and who assists others in never falling too far into despair.

Help me to remember that I am not alien to anybody or anything human.

Provide constant awareness of my own faults and self-obsession, which I acknowledge is particularly pronounced.

Aside from that, it only serves as a visual reminder.

based on these occurrences and theLord’s Prayer at the tiny cross near the beginning of the rope.

In the Christian East, this is a fairly traditional way of doing things.

When you finish every 25 or 50 prayers, go down on your knees and touch your forehead to the ground before getting back up.

It is something I would suggest to everyone.

Despite the fact that T S Eliot held a high regard for the naming of cats, I wonder how difficult it must have been for the parish of St Margaret, Lee to come up with the name of The Good Shepherd when a chapel of ease was built in 1881.

In any case, I’m sure no one at the time imagined that over 150 years later, the vicar of Lee would be named after her own mother, who was known as the “good shepherd” in this community.

Nor could I have predicted that the Sunday following your Dedication Festival would be the very last Sunday of your interregnum, and that we would be looking forward to the induction of your good shepherd the following day when I agreed to preach here.

The things I’ve listed above are all vital, and I’m confident you’ll do them as you adore and love Bridget and her family, and as you urge one another to live as disciples of Christ in our community.

In choosing the name of this parish, the founders did not go for a saint or a mystery of religion, instead opting for Jesus himself, who is the Good Shepherd and who refers to himself as such in the Gospel we have just heard.

It is a magnificent piece of writing.

Three centuries ago, the people of Israel had fled Egypt, and the Judges had controlled the country for the first two centuries following Moses’ death, until the people cried out to God and were given Saul and then David as kings, respectively.

Solomon, David’s son and wise Solomon, was the only one permitted to construct a temple, and in today’s reading, we hear the first part of Solomon’s dedication prayer, which was said at the dedication of that temple.

However, even the eight verses we have just heard provide a great lot of material for us to consider as we express gratitude for the dedication of this church and prepare for the installation of our new vicar in his position.

But Bridget, as our vicar, as our shepherd, never prays alone, and this is especially true for her.

We must allow her the time and space she requires to be a person of prayer.

When she comes to visit us at home or at school, or when we have meetings with her, we must be eager when she suggests a prayer; and we must be equally eager to ask her prayers when things go wrong or are difficult; all it takes is a card, a note, or an email, followed by a card or a note of thanks for her prayers.Bridget will, we hope, stand “in front of the entire assembly” in this building and at our school on a regular basis in the coming years We are really lucky to have been given the gift of a priest, a leader, and our own Solomon in this life.

Afterwards, Solomon expresses his gratitude to Deity, noting that God does not need to be reminded that there is no other god like Him, that he is true to the covenant, and that he keeps his promises; God already understands these things.

It may seem difficult to praise God in this day and age when we have so many doubts about the existence of God and yet we are so knowledgeable about the universe, existence, and matter.

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, the worse things are, the more powerful praise is, and vice versa.

“Does God intend to establish a permanent residence on Earth?” Solomon says that he had no idea that God would send someone who would’make his dwelling among us,’ as Saint John puts it, who would pitch his tent here, and who would sit on the throne of David for all time, as he says.

God has answered Solomon’s petition by providing us with the person known as Jesus.

Finally, Solomon quotes God as having said, “My Name shall be there,” which is a really interesting phrase to me.

All living beings are given names by Adam as his first act following the creation.

Even today, when Jews pray, they do not say the name of God, which is written in prayerbooks with the four syllables yod-hey-vav-hey, but instead use the Greek term Adonai, which means “Lord,” which means “Lord.” We do, however, have a name.

We have a name for him: Jesus.

This is the solution to Solomon’s query.

There are many different methods to pray, and the important thing about prayer is to choose the one that works best for you.

Throughout my adult life, the method of prayer that has stayed with me the most is a prayer invoking the holy name of Jesus.

Simply repeating two phrases: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God; have mercy on me” is all that is required in its most basic form.

When possible, say it aloud for a few minutes, no longer than 20 minutes at a time is recommended.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, as I take a deep breath in.

The prayer will be absorbed deeply into your being.

As you go to sleep and as you wake up, you will find yourself breathing this prayer out loud to yourself.

It has helped me to stay strong while I have sat with individuals as they died, at times of the most intense stress in my life, when I have felt the most alone and in the darkest despair, and many other times.

“Does God intend to establish a permanent residence on Earth?” Will God truly reside in Lee, in Lewisham, or anywhere else?

Please, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have pity on me and forgive me.

May we live as people who revere the sanctity of Jesus’ name. Throughout our lives, may us be immersed in rapt contemplation of the name of Jesus, of that unfathomably deep and incomprehensibly mysterious Name, which is ineffable, effable, and effanineffable.

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