Why Is The Genealogy Of Jesus Important

Genealogy of Jesus: Why Is It Important?

The genealogy of Jesus is recorded in both Matthew and Luke. What was the significance of this? And after removing him from power, he elevated David to the position of king, of whom he testified, saying, “I have discovered in David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart, who will carry out all my commands.” God, in accordance with his word, has sent to Israel a Savior, Jesus, via the lineage of this man (Acts 13:22). Many families in our modern culture, particularly in the United States, have little concept of their ancestors.

Modern genealogy is mostly a recreational activity for genealogists.

Land was passed down through familial lines, and individuals who could not establish their origin in Israel were regarded as foreigners in the country.

In light of this distinction, modern readers tend to skim straight past the genealogies found in the Bible.

Even the genealogy ofJesus was inspired by God, who had a motive for including it in theBible.

As unbelievable as it may sound, the biblical lineage of Jesus really accomplishes this.

This is not a minor detail; rather, it is an important fulfillment of prophesy in its own right.

According to 1 Corinthians 15:45, Jesus Christ is the ” Last Adam,” the promised Seed of the woman, which Paul expressed as follows: “Therefore, just as one act of transgression resulted in condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness results in justification and life for all men” (Romans 5:18).

It is recorded in Matthew and Luke that Jesus is descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob before becoming the son of David—men to whom these predictions were addressed.

According to the information contained in these genealogy, we may also conclude that Jesus was a direct descendant of King David.

It is said that the expected Messiah would be a descendant of David (2 Samuel 7:12–14), and that he would one day reign on David’s throne (Isaiah 9:6–7).

The prophesied Messiah—the descendant of Abraham and David, our Savior—has come to save us from our sins by laying down His life for us on the cross. God is to be praised for his steadfastness in keeping all of his promises!

5 Reasons Matthew Begins with a Genealogy

66 books written by at least 40 distinct writers, written in three separate languages, and depicting three different continents, written over a period of at least 1,500 years, are contained inside the Bible. There are hundreds of characters and a wide variety of genres. A story may be found in certain pieces, while animals flying around with a variety of various eyes can be found in others, and love poetry can also be found in other pieces. We don’t read many novels that are as complicated as this any longer.

Modern readers, on the other hand, are perplexed by Matthew’s introduction.

We can be tempted to let our eyes sweep down the page in order to get to the main event.

This is, in many respects, the most appropriate and engaging introduction to the New Testament that could ever be written.

1. Matthew’s Genealogy Summarizes the Story of the Bible

The first 16 words in English (and the first eight words in Greek) encapsulate the entire tale of the Bible up to this point in time. Are you interested in learning how a disciple of Jesus condensed the tale of the Old Testament? Take a look at Matthew 1:1 to see what I mean. Looking at the Bible’s main characters, such as Adam, Abraham, David, and Jesus, can help us better understand the story: Adam, Abraham, David, and Jesus. Despite the fact that Adam is not expressly mentioned, his tale is incorporated in the phrase “the book of the genealogy,” which might be interpreted as “the book of Genesis.” The explicit phrase (v) appears just twice in the Greek Old Testament, in Genesis 2:4 and 5:1, and it is a contraction of the word (v).

Despite the fact that the Old Testament can be a difficult literary work to understand, Matthew instructs us to look at these major individuals and the promises made to them in order to assist organize how we interpret the entire tale.

It all started with Adam and Eve, and it continued with the covenants made with Abraham and David, among others.

Despite the fact that the Old Testament can be difficult to understand as a literary text, Matthew instructs us to consider these significant individuals—as well as the promises made to them—in order to help frame how we interpret the entire tale.

2. Matthew’s Genealogy Reminds Us This Is a True Story

A list of people’s names. It’s an unusual approach to get things started. However, the list demonstrates to readers that this is not a fairytale, but rather a factual story. The New Testament does not begin with the phrase “once upon a time,” but rather with a genealogy. Matthew is drawing on a long heritage of genealogical materials, since genealogies are significant in the Tanak (an acronym for the Hebrew Bible’s three main divisions: Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim), which is why he is quoting from them.

  • Chronicles, the final volume of the Tanak, starts with the number nine.
  • Both of these books are practically the only ones in the Hebrew Bible that provide genealogy.
  • Genesis begins with Adam as well, but the narrative goes fast until Abraham enters the picture.
  • As a result, Matthew appears to have picked up on the “offspring” motif not only in the exact words, but also in the unique genre that bookends the Jewish canon of literature.

Matthew demonstrates that his story is not a myth-this is the narrative of the historical Jesus Christ, who comes from a familial genealogy and was born into the line of David, as revealed in the book of Matthew.

3. Matthew’s Genealogy Highlights Jesus’s Inclusive Family

The genealogy of Matthew also illustrates that ancient texts are concerned with contemporary challenges. Take, for example, the ladies Matthew included in his narrative. In a patriarchal culture, it is astonishing that girls are included in any way. Even so, one may expect to encounter any of the faith’s matriarchs, like as Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, or Leah, among others. Instead, Matthew includes girls who are (1) Gentiles, (2) have a rocky sexual history, (3) are steadfast in their devotion to Yahweh, and (4) are less likely to get married.

  • Bathsheba is referred to as “the wife of Uriah” (1:6), which is most likely because it makes her Gentile status clear—Uriah was a Hittite, after all (2 Sam.
  • The biblical character Tamar is not specifically designated as a Gentile, but Jewish tradition holds that she was a Syrian convert who converted to Judaism.
  • All peoples of the world are members of Jesus’ family.
  • Second, Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba had all had sexual encounters in the past.
  • Each was sexually exploited in one way or another.
  • Rahab was a Canaanite prostitute, while Bathsheba was a young woman who was taken advantage of by King David sexually.
  • Finally, three of these women (Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth) are marked by their steadfast loyalty to their husbands and children.
  • Those who are strongly committed to Jesus are welcomed into his kingdom.

4. Matthew’s Genealogy Shows Us God Is Faithful

In Matthew’s genealogy, God is the primary focus, rather than the people that appear in the genealogy. Despite their failures, he continues to carry on the family tradition. He has been and will continue to be trustworthy in his promises. Two Samuel 7 contains one of God’s most significant promises to King David, and even the structure of the genealogy speaks to David’s prominence in the story. Matthew leaves off several generations, indicating that this is a theological recounting. His focus on the number 14 is deliberate, and it is an example of gematria, which is when the numerical value of a group of letters is used to make a theological argument.

  • Afterwards, the time periods are split to emphasize both the monarchs and the kingdom’s success or failure.
  • Additionally, the name Davidis was inserted at the 14th and 15th positions in the genealogy, placing him at the center of the list (1:6).
  • Even if you violate God’s commitment to you, he will not abandon you, no matter how hard you try.
  • Matthew wants readers to perceive Jesus through the lens of David right from the start of the book.
  • God made a legally binding promise to David concerning one of his sons, and the genealogy demonstrates how he has carried out his pledge.

Human pledges are prone to error, but when God promises anything, we may put our faith in him completely. If he has made a commitment to you, he is not going to let you down, no matter how much you push him away. Israel was unable to outsin God’s promises, and you will not be able to do so either.

5. Matthew’s Genealogy Displays Jesus as Our Only Hope

Matthew talks into the void of silence. After 400 years of quiet, the redemptive-historical setting is one of continuing exile, which corresponds to the present. After Jesus’s birth, the exile (1:11–12), which serves as a pivot for the genealogical framework and offers context for the Gospel as a whole, is the only “event” that Matthew mentions outside of the event of Jesus’ birth. The story of Israel is seen through the lens of exile and return, according to Matthew. As a result, the king arrives to rescue Israel from exile; he has been dispatched to find her misplaced sheep.

  1. 3).
  2. A light has been turned on because a youngster has arrived.
  3. There has been the birth of a kid who will never perish.
  4. Through Jesus Christ, we have been adopted into this family; Abraham and David have been become our forefathers.
  5. Despite the fact that this planet seeks historical roots and future existence in a variety of ways, only one kid is responsible for the establishment of the new creation.

Jesus & Genealogies

Submitted byBibleProject Team 4 years ago today Greetings from the New Testament! We have finally arrived at the account of Jesus, which will bring the entire biblical narrative to a satisfying conclusion. The advent of Jesus will bring a significant twist to the story, but it is one that we have been anticipating for quite some time. As a matter of fact, in order to keep up with the good news about Jesus, you’ll need to use all of the information and abilities you obtained from reading the Old Testament in order to comprehend the first few pages of the New Testament.

A distinct portrayal of Israel’s messianic savior is presented in the first of four stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, with each presenting a different perspective on the historical figure.

Not Another Genealogy…

To demonstrate how Jesus fits the Old Testament plot, Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus’ forefathers. You might be thinking, “Not another genealogy!” or anything along those lines. But don’t get your hopes up just yet. Keep in mind that the genealogies in the Old Testament are constantly striving to communicate multiple layers of information to their readers through multiple channels. Obviously, genealogies help us trace family trees, but they also assist us in following priestly and royal lines throughout Israel’s history.

See also:  What Did Jesus Really Looked Like

When the author of Matthew wrote his Gospel account and began it with a genealogy, there is little doubt that he was inspired by the book of Chronicles and the genealogies contained within it, according to scholars.

First and foremost, let us consider the first sentence of the book.

“The genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, and the son of Abraham,” according to the Bible.

Jesus is said to as the son of David as well as Abraham. Let’s take a look at each of these people in turn, starting with Abraham and working our way backwards from there.

Son of Abraham

The author establishes a link between Jesus and Abraham, the progenitor of the Jewish people, by referring to Jesus as the “son of Abraham.” God chose Abraham and his family from among the other nations thousands of years ago in the book of Genesis, and Abraham represents that time. God vowed to send blessings to all of humanity via the Israelites, and it was through them that God fulfilled his promise (Gen 12:1-3). Using the connection between Jesus and Abraham, Matthew is able to draw the reader’s attention back to the promise of God’s salvation plan for the world.

But how, precisely, do you do it?

A King from the line of David

It is Matthew’s gospel that places a strong emphasis on Jesus’ lineage as a descendant of David. In order to comprehend Matthew’s theology and his portrayal of Jesus, we must consider how Matthew incorporates David into the narrative. The title “Son of David” is one that the author of Matthew is particularly fond of. The statement appears in verse one for the first of ten times in the book, and it calls our attention to the royal lineage of King David. Because Abraham was named after the patriarch Abraham, he was considered to be a member of the people of Israel.

The fact that Jesus’ pedigree can be traced back to David’s son King Solomon demonstrates that this was the author’s intention in writing the book.

The author of Matthew, on the other hand, is not particularly concerned with genetic genealogy.

Following the family history from Solomon to Jeconiah, the author shows how he became the last living descendant of David’s line and how he came to be alive during the exile.

14 Generations

For example, consider the genealogy of Matthew, which is divided into portions. It is divided into three portions, each of which covers 14 generations in total. But why the number 14? The letters of the Hebrew written language are also utilized as numbers, and as a result, each letter is assigned a numerical value in the written language. The Hebrew name for David is “,” and from there it’s just a matter of doing the arithmetic. The numerical value of the first and third letters “dalet” (also known as “dalet”) is four digits.

  • Put the following information into your mental calculator: The numerical value of the name “David” is calculated as 4+6+4=14.
  • In fact, Matthew is so bent on emphasizing the “14=David” concept that he has purposely left out numerous generations of the line of David (three, to be exact) in order to make the math work.
  • Yes, but this does not constitute a scandal.
  • In ancient times, genealogies were used to support theological assertions, and the people who read Matthew would have known exactly what he was doing and why.
  • A few letters in certain names were also tweaked by him to achieve the same result.
  • Matthew is teasing us here since he knows that his readers will notice that they aren’t actual place names.
  • Jesus descends from a line of kingly succession that also represents the culmination of Israel’s long heritage of worship and prophesy.

Unfortunately, some recent translations have failed to recognize the irony and have thus returned the names to their “original” referents, which is a shame. Well, that’s life.

Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole

However, we haven’t reached the bottom of the rabbit hole yet! Matthew has crammed even more information into this genealogy. Take a look at the distinct appearances of four women in Matthew’s genealogy: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, each of them has a distinct appearance. Four people have been identified as being non-Israelis or linked to non-Israeli families. The inclusion of seven female names in an all-male genealogy is not just out of the ordinary for Matthew, but each of these ladies is linked to a possible sexual scandal.

  • Instead, he makes mention of Canaanites, prostitutes, and Moabite women, all of whom would be connected with Israel’s wrongdoing and inability to fulfill the promise.
  • This image of a God and kingdom that is both inclusive and growing will continue to occur throughout Matthew’s narrative, even after the genealogy is completed.
  • As a result of Jesus’ last instruction to his followers to “go and make disciples of all countries,” this non-Israelite thread in his family history will be extended even further (Matt 28:19).
  • He is the one who will bring the blessing of Abraham to every nation on the face of the earth.
  • He’s the one about whom the prophets wrote and about whom the psalmists sung, and he’s the one who’s coming.
  • Our knowledge of all of this is based on a genealogy provided by Matthew, which meticulously portrays the hope that has come to us in Jesus.

Why the Genealogy of Jesus Matters

Steve Weaver contributed to this article. If I were to conduct a survey and ask participants, “What is your favorite passage from the Bible?” It’s unlikely that anybody would say, “Matthew 1:1-17.” “Why would Matthew begin his narrative of Christ’s life with a tedious genealogy?” we are more inclined to wonder. Nevertheless, I believe that this paragraph is one of the most significant chapters in the entire Bible! Matthew 1:1-17 is one of the most significant sections in the Bible because it is the thread that connects the Old and New Testaments.

  1. For the most part, this material is required reading in order to fully comprehend the meaning of the Old Testament.
  2. A total of 61 direct citations (Mark has 31, Luke 26 and John 16) and several references to the Old Testament are used to connect the second half of the Bible with the first half of the Bible in Matthew’s gospel.
  3. According to the gospel writer, Jesus is plainly identified as the expected and long-awaited Messiah.
  4. Throughout the Bible, Jesus is depicted as the fulfillment of all that the prophets of old had hoped for and more.
  5. These first few lines are extremely significant because Jewish people, who made up the majority of Matthew’s audience, were extremely concerned in a person’s lineage.
  6. Both of these are quite important.
  7. The genealogies were essential to the nation of Israel, and it was only via them that it could be determined whether or not a person had a genuine claim to a certain line.

In Ezra’s day, it was feasible to examine the registry of the tribe of Levi and to remove individuals who had placed fraudulent claims on the land.

In order to be eligible to sit on the throne, a monarch must be descended from the regal line.

Not only does the opening phrase of the Story of Matthew introduce this genealogy, but it also introduces the whole gospel (indeed, the entire New Testament).

The answer is Jesus.

It is possible that one line contains practically all of the information you want concerning the identity of Jesus.

Steve Weaver serves as the pastor of Farmdale Baptist Church in Frankfort, Kentucky, where he was raised.


Hercules Collins, a 17th-century British Particular Baptist minister, is the subject of his current research.

His other responsibilities include being the Research and Administrative Assistant to Michael A.G. Haykin, the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies. Pastor Steve Weaver has a blog at pastorsteveweaver.wordpress.com.

Why is genealogy so important?

Theodore M. Burton’s response/elder Genealogy is only essential to the Latter-day Saint as a tool for accomplishing something far more important than it is to the average person. We believe that we are truly spirit offspring of our heavenly Father, and that eternal family bonds may and do exist between people. We think that families may be bonded for all of eternity, not only for the duration of this life. For the purpose of verifying these familial links, we collect the records of our ancestors as far back as we can go in our research.

Afterwards, we travel to the temple, where we execute the saving ordinances of the priesthood that God has ordained in order to bond or seal these persons together into everlasting familial connections, thereby creating an eternal family.

It is important to use genealogy as a practical research tool in order to accomplish the far greater goal of tying or sealing together all those who are willing and qualified into the one great family of God the Eternal Father and his Only Begotten Son through the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son.

Why is the Genealogy of Jesus Important? – Matthew 1:1

What is the significance of the genealogy of Jesus? When I was a kid, I wasn’t really interested in family photo albums. When I visited my grandparents, I would see the stacks of photo albums, but I would never take the time to go at them. During the recent Christmas season, my family and I returned to East Tennessee to spend time with my father’s side of the extended family. We paid a visit to my grandmother’s place one day and spent some time with her. Hundreds of photo albums from previous Christmases line the walls of her modest living room.

  • It was fascinating to observe how some things had altered and how others had remained quite unchanged.
  • During my adolescent years, I considered skipping past the genealogy that were included in the Bible.
  • I had no idea how important these texts are in reminding us of our spiritual family and in inspiring us to celebrate God’s faithfulness across the centuries until I read them.
  • Following the account of Jesus’ birth in Luke 3, Luke includes a similar genealogy.
  • First and foremost, the genealogies demonstrate God’s commitment to fulfilling the Abrahamic promise.
  • In Genesis 15:4-5, God promises that Abraham’s descendants would be more numerous than the stars, and he also guarantees that they will reside in the promised land (Genesis 15:7).
  • As soon as God speaks to Abram for the first time, he declares that Abram will be a blessing to all people on the planet (Genesis 12:3).
  • This takes us to the second aim of genealogy, which is to provide information about ancestors.
  • The genealogy of Luke recounts Jesus’ lineage all the way back to Adam.
  • As the victor over sin and the restorer of human perfection, Jesus is the one who restores mankind to the state of perfection established in the Garden of Eden.
  • In Jesus, we have a King who will rule for all time.

As followers of Jesus, we have been adopted into God’s family and have been given the opportunity to share in his glory. It is critical for us to take time to reflect on our past and to be reminded of our familial roots. It is important to live it:

  • Tempted to skim over genealogy in the Bible? We understand. Which names in Matthew 1 or Luke 3 first come to mind? Are there any names on the list that you were shocked to see?
See also:  What Jesus Really Looked Like

Matthew 1:1-17 is the chronology of Christ. Luke 3:23-38 (KJV) Do you want to be a part of the Facebook Community? Join today and you’ll receive the devotions on your Newsfeed each and every day. Take a look at it. It is important to live it. There is a Facebook group for devotion.

Why is Joseph Important to Jesus Genealogy?

If Joseph was Jesus’ stepfather, then why is Jesus’ lineage traced back to Joseph in the first place? If God is Jesus’ Father, why does the fact that Jesus was born into a human family matter? When we read Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus, we learn of Mary’s family history (Luke 3:23–38). The following is probably the most accurate approach to understand verse 23: According to tradition, Jesus was “believed to be the son of Joseph, Heli’s son-in-law.” After then, the ancestry is traced all the way down to David, Abraham, and the first man, Adam.

  • 1:1–16), as told from Joseph’s point of view, clearly establishes Jesus as a legitimate heir to the throne of David.
  • Joseph was derived from David via Solomon, and it was this line of David that was chosen to be the line of David that would be regarded king.
  • Amazingly, God had cursed the line of Solomon in order to prevent any actual descendant of Solomon from being named king in the first place.
  • As a result, only Jesus was capable of fulfilling the Davidic covenant.
  • Instead, He was the son of David through his mother Mary, who was the son of David.

Is it Important to Know Jesus’ Family Tree at Christmas?

Is it significant that Matthew and Luke presented separate genealogies for Christ in their respective gospels? Christians nowadays are less concerned with the past and more concerned with the future, therefore is the genealogy of Christ’s ancestors significant to our celebration of his birth?

What influence does the fact that these scholarly men were not completely in agreement on Jesus’ lineage have on our understanding of other facts surrounding the birth of our Savior, such as the virgin birth?

Propheciesof Christmas

The most significant day in the Christian calendar is Easter; nonetheless, Christmas is a time for giving presents in celebration of the ultimate gift, given to the world freely by God via his Son —salvation for all who place their faith in him as their Savior. Because, if the Bible is correct, Christmas did not come about as the result of a fairy story. Christians are honoring a historical event, despite the fact that the date has not been documented; this is not unexpected considering that the majority of impoverished people were unable to read or write.

The historical account of Jesus’ birth is based on fulfilled prophesies; future truths that were previously written down, such as:

  • Isaiah 7:14 predicted that Christ would be born of a virgin
  • Micah 5:2 predicted that Christ would be born in Bethlehem
  • Jeremiah 23:5 predicted that Christ would be descended from King David
  • Isaiah 11 predicted that Christ would be born in Bethlehem.

The fulfillment of these specific predictions helps to a believer’s trust in the fact that Jesus was, in fact, the Son of the Living God. The second and third prophesies in this trio are simple to believe and verify, while the first is more difficult to accept and demonstrate.

Trusting the Prophets

“A sign will be given to you by the Lord himself. “Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, whom she will name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). “There would be no redemption for sinners if Jesus had not been born of a virgin. Jesus Christ would be a sinful human being if this were the case. If the virgin birthdid not take place, then the Bible is not authentic and cannot be relied on to be accurate. In a nutshell, it is a necessary component of both salvation and Scripture.” If Mary was not a virgin, the celebration of Christmas as “Christ’s Mass” is nothing more than a fantastical tale.

Even if more popular details can be validated, Christians can put their faith in the prophets and, by extension, the Bible in its whole.

The Savior would come from “the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” according to the Bible.

Cole puts it: “When your money and future security are on the line, it makes sense to have some excellent reasons to trust the person who is offering you advice.” To be certain about the qualifications of someone to whom you pledge your everlasting fate as your Savior from God’s punishment makes much more sense.” The discovery of Jesus’ family tree verifies the fulfillment of a promise that he would be a direct descendant of biblical patriarchs and heroic figures.

The gospels, which provide a genealogy of Jesus’ ancestors, were written by two erudite men: one who left a wealthy and privileged life as a tax collector to follow Christ, and the other, a Gentile who had nothing to lose and no ethnic case to show in order to join Christ.

He followed Jesus because he believed in what he had learnt and because he wanted to be like Jesus. It’s easy to see a doctor rejecting claims of a virgin pregnancy, but something persuaded him to change his mind. It’s possible that Christ’s family tree played a role.

Two Trees, One Messiah

A skeptic would argue that, because the genealogies of Matthew and Luke contradict, we must rule out Jesus’ family tree as evidence of his divinity, so weakening the dependability of biblical prophecy in every way, including its historical accuracy. Although there are a number of possible solutions to this difficulty, the most reasonable of them is that Matthew tracks Joseph’s family line and Luke traces Mary’s family tree. Cole makes allusions to other possible solutions, but acknowledges that “we can’t know for certain which option is true.” Dr.

  • Some names are left out of Matthew’s account, and Luke may be following “another branch.” “ The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes Jesus’ status as the Messiah and King of Israel by tracing His lineage back to David and Abraham, but the Gospel of Luke has a different focus.
  • Matthew belonged to the Jewish faith.
  • Luke was a physician, while Matthew was a tax collector.
  • And, if they were lying, to what goal were they lying?
  • Matthew would have heard this warning (Luke 21:12).
  • Luke and Matthew performed their own independent study and came to the same conclusion: Jesus is the Savior.
  • While the genealogies of Matthew and Luke differ, both emphasize two important facts that are essential to the Christian faith: Joseph was not Christ’s biological father, and Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to the Son of God.

While these particulars may seem clear to today’s Christian audience, they were a source of wonder and hope for Jews who awaited the arrival of the Messiah.

A Christmas Conviction

Christians commemorate the hope signified by Christmas by doing the following: If we can believe that God honored his promise with the birth of Christ, we can also believe that God will keep his promise with the return of our King when Jesus comes again. Israel had placed their faith on God’s foretold Savior as the source of their salvation. His birth was a watershed moment for all people of every nation – heredity was no longer a consideration. Genuine Christians all across the world may now claim a position in Jesus’ family as a result of the gospel.

It is less essential to Christians now than the faith displayed by their predecessors in the Old Testament, and afterwards by Christ’s disciples, that the names in Luke’s and Matthew’s genealogies represent.

iStock/Getty Images Plus/Brett Taylor provided the image for this article.

More information on her may be found here.

Why is the genealogy of Jesus so important?

A diaristic em Português, LerDevocional diária “This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, and the son of Abraham,” says the key verse. Matthew 1:1–2:1 In recent years, there has been a fad in the United Kingdom for researching one’s ancestors. The hit BBC show “Who Do You Think You Are?” is presently in its thirteenth season, according to the BBC. Celebrities trace their ancestors, uncovering mysteries and surprises from their history, in this reality television series. Every week, millions of people tune in to see the emotional rollercoaster that is the journey of a person who discovers their history.

  • Matthew opens his tale in a unique way compared to other gospels.
  • While modern readers may be turned off by the difficult-to-read names, all Hebrew readers would be delighted by the intricacies that corresponded to their own holy history, according to the author.
  • “This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham,” he says at the start of the book (Matthew 1:1).
  • Abraham was referred to be the “Father of the Nation.” He was the ancestor of all Jews, according to tradition.
  • The Lord says, “I will raise you up into a large country, and in return, I will bless you.” He also says, “I will make your name famous, and in return, you will be a blessing.” David was the king of Israel.
  • The Jewish people were well aware that a new king would be crowned via David’s lineage.
  • Rather of explaining that Jesus met all of the conditions, Matthew invites his readers to do their own investigation.

These genealogies would have been familiar to the religious leaders because they were likely memorized.

Many people incorrectly assume that the Bible is based purely on faith and not on facts.

According to the Bible, we are encouraged to study the evidence since all truth will ultimately point to God.

Biblical faith is not a flimsy leap into the unknown.

Avoid being misled into believing that the Bible is not factual or that it is only an assortment of fiction.

In his confidence, Matthew the tax collector asserted that anybody who really considered the facts and numbers connected to Jesus would have no choice but to acknowledge him as Lord and Saviour.

What is the relevance of the genealogies in the Bible?

QuestionAnswer The Bible includes a plethora of genealogical information. Many of us often skim over or completely skip over these portions, believing them to be entirely uninteresting and, in some cases, even dull. These passages, however, are a part of the Bible, and because all Scripture is inspired by God (see 2 Timothy 3:16), they must be of some value. I’m sure there’s something useful we can take away from these lists. First and foremost, the genealogies serve to verify the historical truth of the Bible.

  • By learning about our ancestors’ life, we can see that the Bible is much more than a simple tale or a lesson for how we should spend our lives today.
  • Adam was indeed a real person who had real descendants (and, therefore, his actual sin has actual consequences).
  • It was predicted that the Messiah would come from the line of David (Isaiah 11:1).
  • The genealogy serves as even further proof that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the predictions of the Old Testament.
  • God did not perceive Israel as a general, hazy collection of people; rather, He saw Israel as a definite, precise, and detailed group of people.
  • They demonstrate the presence of a deity.
  • There are actual people here, with actual history and actual futures.
  • Finally, we can get knowledge from the numerous individuals included in the genealogies.
  • For example, the prayer of Jabezis might be discovered inside a genealogy (1 Chronicles 4:9-10).
  • Further research reveals that RuthandRahabare is descended from the Messiah’s line (Ruth 4:21-22; Matthew 1:5).
  • Despite the fact that genealogies may appear to be insignificant at first look, they play a crucial role in the Bible.

In addition to bolstering the historical accuracy of Scripture, genealogies also serve to validate prophecy and give insight into the nature of God and the lives of His people. Questions about the Bible (return to top of page) What is the significance of the genealogies contained within the Bible?

The women in Jesus’ genealogy: An Advent reflection

Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, the infant in the manger, the angels and shepherds, and the three wise men with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are just a few of the pictures that come to mind while thinking about the birth of Jesus. What it most certainly does not conjure up are the genealogy of Jesus documented by Matthew and Luke, which are both available online. To be honest, these lists are confusing to many modern readers, who prefer to scan over them and mentally “bleep” all of the names they don’t know since they are difficult to say.

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The inclusion of four women in Matthew’s genealogy, in addition to Mary, would’ve been the most perplexing aspect of the story for the first readers: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba, to mention a few (the unnamed wife of Uriah).

The existence of these ladies raises legitimate issues, such as: Who were these women?

Tamar: Hope

Tamar is the first woman mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy, and hers is a story about hope – or more accurately, desperation born of shattered hope. She was the daughter-in-law of Judah, married in turn to his two oldest sons, both of whom were evil men who died under God’s judgment. Judah then pledged to give Tamar to his youngest son once he came of age — a vow he never planned to follow, believing instead that Tamar would merely walk away and die a widow’s death. In a world where women had almost zero prospects outside of marrying well and bearing children, Tamar’s plight was desperate.

One of the twins, whom she named Perez, would become an ancestor of Jesus.

And yet for all that, Tamar’s actions aren’t justifiable either, although they’re certainly understandable.

In place of desperate acts and broken hopes, the coming Messiah would bring real hope into the world.

Rahab: Peace

There’s an old Latin saying that says, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” If you want peace, prepare for war. It is the narrative of Rahab, the second woman in Matthew’s genealogy, that provides a new meaning to that ancient proverb. Rahab, in contrast to Tamar before her, was a true prostitute, rather than someone who pretended to be one. She lived in the cursed city of Jericho, which was doomed from the beginning and would be invaded and destroyed by the armies of Israel in the end. Recognition of the God of Israel as the one genuine Sovereign of heaven and earth prompted Rahab to make a separate peace with the people and with their God, recognizing him as the true Sovereign of heaven and earth.

A scarlet cord was hanged from the window of her house, in full view of her neighbors, as a public declaration of her new loyalty.

To an outside spectator, it would have appeared like everything was conspiring against Rahab.

Although she saved herself and her family, she also became a member of the faith community of Israel, married into the royal tribe of Judah, and went on to become the mother of Boaz, as well as an important lineal ancestor of Jesus Christ.

Even in the face of certain condemnation, her place in the Lord’s genealogy serves as a poignant reminder that through trust in the coming Christ, we can have peace with God.

Ruth: Joy

Ruth, in contrast to Tamar and Rahab, with their different shades of grey, is one of the brightest and most attractive heroines in all of Scripture, and she deserves to be celebrated. She was a young Moabite widow who had married into a Jewish household, and she had lost everything as a result of the deaths of her father-in-law and her husband, who were both Moabites. Ruth was resolved to join her mother-in-law Naomi on her return from Moab to the country of Judah when she made the decision to do so.

  • Back in Bethlehem, the future seemed dismal for the two widows, who had both lost their husbands and were now living in abject poverty.
  • Through her efforts and the blessing of God, she was introduced to Boaz, a wealthy and kind landowner who happened to be related to Naomi.
  • They also had a son, Obed, who would go on to become an ancestor of King David as well as King Jesus, as previously stated.
  • Ruth, on the other hand, radiates a steady, palpable joy that drives all she does, even under the most difficult of circumstances – a joy that is born of her confidence in the God of Israel, beneath whose protection she has sought refuge.
  • Despite this, she rose to become a lady of God whose character was a source of embarrassment for the majority of the males in Israel.
  • Her position in the Lord’s lineage says volumes about God’s generosity in rescuing outsiders, as well as the pleasure that comes as a result of that redemption.

Bathsheba: Love

If Ruth’s relationship is the most joyful romance described in Scripture, Bathsheba’s romance is unquestionably the most sad romance. The foundation of the relationship is not founded on compassion and respect, but rather on the basis of desire, rape, and adultery, much like a current cable TV love story. Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of King David’s most trusted military commanders, who was also one of his most trusted military officers. Bathsheba was swimming on the roof of David’s palace one day when David happened to see her.

  • The baby born as a result of their union perished as a result of God’s wrath on their unlawful contact with one another.
  • As opposed to this, it appears that David was in an inappropriate location, enabling his eyes to linger and his emotions to trail behind.
  • Bathsheba almost definitely did not have the authority to resist the advances of an absolute ruler, given the circumstances of her life and the culture in which she lived.
  • Because of the encounter, Bathsheba was made one of David’s wives, and she gave birth to Solomon, who was David’s chosen heir and a forerunner of the Messiah who would come later.
  • While David is the most important name in the genealogy of Jesus, the inclusion of Bathsheba prevents David from being placed on an inappropriate pedestal in the genealogy.

Indeed, her presence calls attention to the grace of the soon-to-arrive Messiah, who will redeem those who have been trapped in relationships of unequal power and polluted love and return them to the real love and freedom that God has provided for them.

Mary: Fulfillment

When compared to the other four women included in Jesus’ genealogy, Mary’s position would have been plain and unquestionable, even in a culture that was prone to questioning it. She was, after all, the virgin who had given birth to the Son of God in the flesh, by the power of the Holy Spirit, on the night of the Passover. Given that both Mary and Joseph were descended from David through distinct family branches, Luke recounts the Lord’s biological history through Mary’s branch, whilst Matthew traces His legal pedigree through Joseph’s branch, which is the case in Matthew.

He keeps a journal documenting her encounters with the angel Gabriel and with her cousin Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, as well as her chats with him.

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, because he has looked upon the humble estate of his servant,” she sings in her spontaneous hymn of praise, known as the Magnificat, which is preserved in Luke’s gospel.

Also, his kindness is extended to those who have feared him from generation to generation, as well.

It is in recollection of his compassion that he has assisted his servant Israel, as he promised to our forefathers and to Abraham’s descendants for all time.” (See Luke 1:46-55 for further information.) Mary was well aware of her significance in history, as the final stage in the fulfillment of God’s promise to send his Messiah into the world, and she expressed this awareness.

Of women, genealogies, and the themes of Advent

Hope, peace, joy, and love are all present. They are the themes of the four weeks of Advent in the Western church tradition, which are meant to anticipate the advent of Christ. The lives of these four women, who are recounted in the Messiah’s genealogy, also happen to be astonishingly similar to one another, as well. In both cases, the series is brought to a close by the arrival of the Son of God, who is born of a young virgin called Mary, and who enters the world. Genealogies had an essential role in the ancient world, since they helped to affirm the legal status of prominent individuals.

The event proves his credentials as the legitimate heir of David, and hence as the legitimate King of Israel and of the entire world.

The fact that they are actual women with complex and often chaotic lives that cannot be reduced to stereotypes is the first point to make.

Because of their existence, there is a counter-movement to the inclination to idealize the Lord’s male forebears as flawless heroes.

Possibly most importantly, these ladies serve as reminders to everyone that Jesus came into the world to redeem all people – women and men, pagans and Jews, prostitutes, immigrant widows, and royal moms.

In light of this, the women in Jesus’ lineage have been designated as an Advent topic in their own right.

In her role as managing editor of Focus on Faith and Culture, an e-newsletter produced by Focus for the Family Canada, Subby Szterszky is responsible for the editorial direction of the publication.

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