What Does It Mean That Jesus Is King

What does it mean that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords?

QuestionAnswer The term “king of kings” is mentioned six times in the Bible. The title is used to God the Father just once (1 Timothy 6:15), whereas it is applied to the Lord Jesus Christ twice (1 Timothy 3:16). (Revelation 17:14; 19:16). The other three verses (Ezra 7:12, Ezekiel 26:7, and Daniel 2:37) all allude to either Artaxerxes or Nebuchadnezzar, two rulers who used the term to indicate their ultimate authority over their respective countries throughout the time of the Old Testament (Persia and Babylon).

“King of kings and Lord of lords” is the entire title given to Jesus in Revelation 19:16 (the title “Lord of lords and King of kings” is substituted for “King of lords and Lord of lords” in Revelation 17:14).

In the case of the Lord Jesus, the realm encompasses the entirety of the universe.

As a result of Jesus’ title as “King of kings and Lord of lords,” it is understood that, in the end, all other rulers will be defeated or abolished, and He alone will reign supreme as King and Lord over all of creation.

  • Throughout the Bible, there are numerous references to Jesus’ absolute authority and His preeminence above other rulers, as well as to His divinity.
  • According to Daniel 7:13–14, the son of man is a being that Daniel refers to as “the Ancient of Days,” who has eternal reign over all people, countries, and languages.
  • The writer of Hebrews has this to say about the Lord Jesus: “He is the brightness of God’s glory and the precise representation of His character, and He maintains the world by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3).
  • Clearly, His authority over creation is unassailable.
  • The apostle Paul discusses the extent to which Jesus went in order to atone for sinners in Philippians 2:5–11.
  • Finally, in the book of Revelation, we see the manifestation of Jesus’ Kingship for the first time.
  • According to the book of Revelation, chapter 11, we may hear voices in heaven announcing that the kingdom of this world has been transformed into the kingdom of Christ, who will rule forever and ever (v.
  • Satan is cast to the ground in chapter 12 (verses 9–10), and we learn that this is due to the authority of Christ.
  • To round off the book of Revelation, we read of Jesus’ victorious entry into Jerusalem, where He is given power to strike the nations and tread the winepress of God’s wrath (vv.
  • He does so because He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
  • His authority over all things is absolute and unassailably secure.
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What Does It Mean that Jesus is King? – Missio Alliance

The Lord reigns supreme in all things forever and ever (Psalm 10:16). Lord, our Sovereign, how glorious is your name across the entire earth(Psalm 8:1, 9)! God is the one Creator and Ruler, the only sovereign Lord and King, and he reigns forever! If this is true, then we have no need to be afraid, to deny, or to withdraw from the world. Assuming this is correct, then his dominion encompasses science and art, labor and pleasure, leisure and culture, hearts and hands, neighborhoods and whole nations, among other things.

Furthermore, we are unable to assert any sovereignty or control over our own property, as appears to be the case so frequently nowadays.

In reality, it implies that we are created ones, subjects in and of his realm, subject to and under the authority of his sovereign.

If such is the case, we have no need to be afraid, to reject reality, or to withdraw from the world.

We are Stewards

Human beings are described in Scripture as stewards, which is an important job. Each of you should put to good use whatever gift you have been given in order to serve others, as loyal stewards of God’s grace in its varied manifestations (1 Peter 4:10). Stewards are responsible for the property on behalf of the owner. Stewards look for ways to serve and strive for the care and improvement of the property they are entrusted with stewarding. They do so from between themselves and from inside. If we lived into this belief, we would undoubtedly see changes in our postures and practices as a church.

For the sake of his reign, they would pursue “the peace and well-being of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7) by putting all of their abilities and talents, time and money, relationships and resources to use for the sake of the city.

They would follow their Master’s instructions and bids.

Sin Swiped It All

We are aware that the entire universe has been moaning for a long time (Romans 8:2). However, as soon as we announce and endeavor to put into reality God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, we are confronted with the absence of heaven on earth in every creature and sphere of existence that we encounter. As we take the initiative and step forth to be good stewards carrying his image in such a manner that we engage faithfully in his purpose and work, we recognize that not only is this a challenging commandment, but that it is also an impossible one to do on our own strength and wit.

The fall, when Satan convinced humans that she and he could govern themselves and take lordship over others, has resulted in God’s image bearers abandoning their original roles and relationships in God’s kingdom, and being unable to restore them to those roles and relationships.

God created the entire universe and reigns as King over it all; nevertheless, His subjects and stewards have chosen not to submit to, and in some cases, have actively opposed, his authority and dominion.

Goodness by Grace

As a result, he sends his sun to rise on both the bad and the virtuous, as well as sending rain to fall on all of humanity (Matthew 5:45). Although they may have been scarred by sin, God’s generosity made a path for his image bearers to first and foremost remain in his reign and, secondly, to serve as instruments through which all things would be redeemed, restored, and reconciled. The former, God’s providential maintenance of goodness in creation despite the fall, is sometimes referred to as “common grace” in the Christian tradition.

He protects the normative order as well as the inherent abilities of those who have lost their image.

Unbelievers love their neighbors, are diligent workers, develop vital medications, create beautiful art, and seek to promote justice as a result of God’s providence on their behalf.

Not There Yet

All peoples should be informed of his majesty among the countries, as well as his wonderful exploits (Psalm 96:3). While common grace ensures the continuation of the cosmos, encourages us to participate in the world, and enables all wise and decent human endeavors, these contributions and improvements will never be fully realized. Since that traitorous day in the garden, there has been an outpouring of opposition to the sovereign God on the face of the planet. In contrast, God, whose very essence is love, has always had a plan and a goal to restore and renew his kingdom rule, restoring proper connections between the Creator, people, and the rest of creation, and this plan and intention have never changed.

A covenant was formed with Abraham, in which God promised to bless him so that he would in turn be a benefit to others.

Despite having been set apart, sent, and blessed by the Lord, this holy country has repeatedly broken covenant with her monarch and failed to live under and bear testimony to the kindness, love, and power of the Lord’s merciful rule.

It is by his sacrificial death on the cross (“It is completed!” in John 19:30) and the final absolute triumph of God’s kingdom (“It is done!” in Rev 21:6) that Jesus accomplishes what the people of God failed to do: “ending the work.” The church currently exists in the space between the first and second “It is completed.”

Living Between

The kingdom of heaven is like to. (Matthew 13:24, 31,33). “Living between” is defined by Kenneth Bailey in terms of three kingdom paradoxes that may be found in Jesus’ teaching, which he defines as However, while the kingdom has already come in the person of Christ, the fulfillment of that kingdom is still in the future; the kingdom is both close and far away; there are indicators, but the exact time of the fulfillment of the kingdom is unknown and unknowable to us.

  1. This is the place where the church resides, because it is here.
  2. The church, as Christ’s social body, is constantly present in the world and participating in God’s work.
  3. Thus, the church is intrinsically linked to the triune mission that is already in progress.
  4. It also influences her current and future objectives.
  5. submitting to his reign).
  6. This is a triumph that has been won!
  7. The church, as Jesus’ missional community, has been given the exquisite pleasure and great honour of participating in the mission of the Triune God, as Jesus’ servants, friends, and co-workers, and as stewards of the Triune God’s mission.
  8. In other words, the purpose and kingdom of the Triune God now define the fundamental core of the church as a result of the Reformation.
  9. The church is unique from God’s kingdom in several ways.
  10. This raises the issue of how, while we commemorate God’s rule this Sunday, we may also serve as foretastes, vanguards, and agents of the Triune One’s soon-to-come kingdom.

The mission and kingdom of the Triune God now define the fundamental nature of the church, and this is a significant development. The church does not represent the kingdom, but rather her ruler and his reign in the form of the ecclesia. To send a tweet, simply click here.


Proverbs 8:26, Psalm 24:1, Psalm 29:10; Jeremiah 10:12, 32:17, 51:15; Daniel 4:17, 25; 5:21; Micah 6:2; Acts 17:24; Genesis 1:26-31; Exodus 9:29; Deuteronomy 3:24; Joshua 7:7; Judges 6:22; Judges 16:28; 2 Samuel 7:18-29; Psalm 8, 24 For example, Luke 12 and 16. Romans 1, and John W. Cooper’s Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission (Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission). 3-5; Jeremiah 29:4-7; John W. Cooper, Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission (Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission).

  • CTS Forum Fall 2013, Genesis 12:2 and 17.John 4:34, 5:36, and 17:4 are all references to Jesus.
  • Kenneth Bailey’s Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2008), pages 114 and 115, is a cultural study of Jesus.
  • by David Fitch Finding a New Faithfulness for Mission, by Cascade Books (Eugene, OR), p.
  • Cascade Books, 2011.
  • See also Luke 10:22, John 1:3, and 13:3 in the Bible.
  • Jesus and Community, by Gerhard Lohfink, is a book on Jesus and community (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982).
  • Revelation 21:6 is a verse from the book of Revelation.

Craig Van Gelder’s book, The Missional Church and Denominations: Assisting Congregations in Developing a Missional Identity, is available for purchase (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), The Difference Between Jul Medenblik and the Rest of the Class The CTS Forum will be held on September 6-7, 2013.

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is a King?

According to John 18:36-37, Jesus refers to Himself as a king. “Not of this world,” he says in the same phrase, referring to His Kingdom as “not of this world.” Many people take Jesus’ remarks to suggest that His Kingdom is mostly spiritual in nature and that His reign is primarily a control over the hearts and minds of those who embrace Him as their Savior. Jesus’ kingly authority, on the other hand, is far more than that: it is both spiritual and physical in nature. He has followers and disciples who, in the moment, commit themselves to His authority over their hearts and minds.

  1. When Jesus lived a sinless life in the flesh, it served as an evidence of His readiness to serve as King over all of mankind.
  2. Nevertheless, the set time for Him to take up His assignment has not yet been reached.
  3. The return of Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of the kingdom of God on Earth will take place when the clock runs out on the time allotted humanity.
  4. The book of Revelation predicts that a watershed moment in human history will occur soon.
  5. Jesus Christ will be physically present on the planet when He returns, and all human governments and authorities will be brought under the direct authority of Jesus Christ.
  6. As King, Jesus will function as the highest court judge, the enforcement of laws, and the arbitrator of disagreements (Isaiah 2:2-4).
  7. Performing the Father’s wishes on earth and representing God’s objectives and values on the other side will be his primary goals and values throughout his life.
  8. The goal of Christ’s reign as King of Kings is to bring all things back into a proper connection with the Creator of all things.
  9. Then, after everything on earth has been brought under the authority of God, Jesus will return the Kingdom to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:23-28).

If you want to learn more about Jesus Christ’s impending rule on earth, you may read or request the free Bible study aid, Christ’s Reign on Earth: What It Will Be Like, which is available on the internet.

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As soon as you hear the word “king,” what images spring to mind? Perhaps you see visions of the monarchs featured in films such as Cinderella or The Lion King. It’s possible that you’re thinking of historical kings who reigned hundreds of years ago or monarchs who now govern in the modern day. Perhaps you have in mind the Burger King mascot. It doesn’t matter who you imagine as the king or queen; chances are they wear a crown, reside in a palace, and spend their time doing regal duties such as issuing decrees and entertaining dignitaries.

  • However, it’s crucial to remember that everyone has their own views of what a monarch should be like in their heads.
  • Before Jesus’ birth, the Jewish people had endured years of instability and tyranny, which culminated in the birth of Jesus.
  • Those who remained in Israel were subject to the power of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus at the time.
  • Their Scriptures foretold the future rule of a kingly Messiah, who would be a descendent of the great King David.
  • There was nothing that could prevent Christ from making his way to Earth in this manner.
  • The Kingdom of Israel would have no equal if He were to reign as their King.
  • Instead of making strategic alliances with strong individuals, He chose to surround himself with the impoverished, ill, and sinful people.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Weep

Instead of winning victory over the Romans, he was assassinated by the Romans themselves.

The world didn’t require yet another strong leader to guide it.

The globe was in desperate need of peace.

In order to achieve peace, a new sort of monarch would have to be installed.

It was God’s purpose all along for Christ to live and die in order to usher in a new way, one that would bring not just peace to the country of Israel, but peace between God and all peoples.

And now what?

And who knows, maybe one day?

Everything will be restored to its original state, and everyone will be at peace.

What impact should our understanding of what it means for Christ to be King have on us?

Aspirationally, we should strive to emulate His compassion for the poor and desire to humble himself in order to serve others.

Second, we should not let our fear of giving Christ the dignity that He deserves keep us from doing so.

However, He is our King, and He is the one who rescued our lives.

He is deserving of all of the reverence and adoration that we can bestow upon Him. As you go about your daily routine, remember to express your gratitude to Christ for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon you and to praise Him for who He is. He is deserving of every compliment.

Jesus Christ: Our King

This post is an adaptation of a sermon with the same title that I preached. You may listen to the entire sermon by clicking on the link below. Kingship is generally disliked by the people of the United States. We had a monarch in our midst once, and we didn’t much like for him. If you ask most people what they think of when they hear the term “king,” they’ll probably say one of two things: For starters, there’s the story of a faraway dictator over the ocean who mistreats his subjects and taxes their tea.

  1. When we talk of Christ as our Monarch, we are not referring to any kind of dictator or figurehead—or even to any kind of benign king who reigns for a limited time period—but rather to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
  2. We have clear references to Jesus—the Messiah—as being a king in both the Old and New Testaments, which is significant.
  3. This verse talks of Jesus as descended from King David and as having been appointed to the throne by God the Father to reign over an eternal kingdom, according to the text.
  4. Even the name “Lord,” which is frequently used to refer to Jesus, conveys a sense of His tremendous power and authority.
  5. Moreover, He is not only a king, but rather Theking—the King of Kings, who has power and control over all.

Christ’s Kingdom

There was no kingdom like the one that David or Solomon reigned over when Jesus came to reign on the earth. Instead of overthrowing Roman government by force, as some had predicted, He came to rule and reign over the hearts and lives of His people, as He has done throughout history. Consider the following passage from John 18:33-38: So Pilate returned to his headquarters and confronted Jesus, asking him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Pilate’s response was, “Yes.” “Did you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” Jesus inquired of the disciples.

  1. Me and the chief priests were able to secure your surrender from your own people.
  2. If my kingdom had been of this earth, my servants would have been engaged in battle so that I would not be captured and sold into slavery by the Jews.
  3. “You say that I am a king,” Jesus said.
  4. This is the reason I was born, and this is the reason I have come into the world: to give testimony to the reality of the situation.
  5. Despite the fact that Jesus Christ is a king, His kingdom is not of this world.
  6. Pilate was perplexed as to what Jesus was referring to when He spoke of the truth in the gospels.

Although we believe that Jesus is the one route to the Father, as followers of Christ we understand that no other method exists to reach the Father but through Him. “We are of the truth,” and as such, we are subjects of the kingdom that Jesus established and reigns.

Citizens of Heaven

In light of the fact that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world, it follows that people who belong to Him are not of this world as well. According to Philippians 3:17-21, “Brothers, join me in copying my behavior, and keep your eyes on those who behave in accordance with the example you have given us.” A large number of people, about whom I have frequently informed you and about whom I now inform you even through tears, walk as adversaries of the cross of Christ. Their final destination is ruin, their god is their stomach, and they take pleasure in their humiliation because their minds are fixated on worldly things.

The church is, in effect, a colony of Christ’s heavenly kingdom.

We have a king, and we are citizens of a celestial kingdom, which we are privileged to enjoy. The fact that we have no earthly citizenship means that we are pilgrims in a strange place. In a sense, the church is a colony of Christ’s heavenly kingdom on the earth.

Remember, This World is Not Our Home

However, if we lose sight of this truth, we may begin to act as if this world is our permanent residence. Moreover, we do exactly what we advise people to do when they visit our home: we make ourselves comfortable! We occupy our time by appreciating all of the beautiful things that are accessible to us. However, once we’ve achieved a level of comfort, we go to tremendous efforts to prevent feeling uncomfortable again. When this occurs, we frequently lose our ability to function as effective subjects of our monarch.

  • We avoid taking large steps of faith because we are afraid of the consequences, and as a result, we never realize how God can supply far more than we could have dreamed. We only battle half-heartedly against sin and temptation since anything more would entail a significant amount of work, and as a result, we hinder our spiritual progress. Since we cannot bear the thought of being characterized as narrow-minded, racist, or on the wrong side of history, we have chosen not to stand up for truth. It is because we have bought into the materialism of this generation that we use up the resources God has given us to bless ourselves rather than others
  • Our wants have become necessities.

These are just a few instances of how we invest our time and energy into things that will ultimately be worthless. Our hearts aren’t in the right place right now. We seek comfort far too frequently at the expense of Christ. This is the treasure that we hold dear in our hearts. Matthew 6:19–21: Matthew 6:19–21: Do not store up riches on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but instead store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal, as the Bible instructs.

  1. Living as though this world is our home causes us to appreciate the comfort and transient pleasures that this world has to offer when we live as though it is our home.
  2. In spite of everything, this is precisely what we are supposed to accomplish.
  3. If we’re being really honest, we think this verse is a bit harsh.
  4. ” Our gaze is drawn to the bottom of the page in the hope that a footnote by a commentator would save us from this level of commitment to the text.
  5. Every other responsibility in life must be pushed aside in order to fulfill our king’s orders.

In Luke 9:23, he says, “If anybody would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” He also adds, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” To take up one’s cross on a daily basis does not imply that one must suffer the burden of a terrible experience for an extended period of time.

  • It entails laying down our lives for Christ and following him.
  • We have a tendency to lose sight of who our monarch is and where our actual citizenship is.
  • The difference is that we do not serve an average ruler, but the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ!
  • The atoning sacrifice for our sins was his blameless and selfless life on the cross, which he offered as an atonement for our sins.
  • Following His resurrection, He ascended to His throne in heaven, where he continues to reign while we await His return – when He comes again as a conquering king, and there will be “.

loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever'” (Revelation 19:11). (Rev 11:15). That is our emperor!

What would it look like to stop treating Jesus as simply a role model and start serving Him as our sovereign king?

Think about what it would look like if we stopped seeing Jesus as a mere role model and instead began serving Him as our sovereign monarch. Are we willing to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and place our top emphasis on serving Jesus Christ? We wouldn’t be satisfied with just melting into the background of our surroundings. We would live as devoted subjects of a heavenly kingdom, dedicating our lives to the service of Christ our King, and we would “act in a way worthy of the Lord, totally acceptable to him, yielding fruit in every good deed and advancing in the knowledge of God,” as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:16, 17.

  1. We would gladly agree with the apostle Paul’s remarks in his second epistle to the church in Corinth, which was written in the year 65.
  2. The old has passed away, and the new has come to take its place.
  3. As a result, we serve as Christ’s representatives, with God making his case through us.
  4. It was for our benefit that he created him to be sin who had no knowledge of sin, so that in him we could become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
See also:  How To Find Jesus

Ambassadors for Christ

The old has gone away, and because of Jesus, we have been made into a new creature, reconciled to God, and entrusted with the message of the Gospel. We are to serve as Christ’s representatives on earth! “An ambassador is both a message and a representative,” explained Charles Hodge in his explanation of the termambassador. He does not address himself by his given name. The fact that he does not speak on his own authority is significant. The information he conveys does not represent his own thoughts or needs, but rather is just what he has been instructed or commissioned to say.

The same time, he is more than a straightforward messenger.

Because he is authorized in the name of his master, he talks with authority.” 1 Charles Hodge is a fictional character created by author Charles Hodge.

Ambassadors Are the King’s Messengers

As inhabitants of a heavenly kingdom, we have the responsibility of serving as ambassadors for Jesus. One of our most important responsibilities is to deliver the king’s word. Matthew 28:18-20 contains what is commonly referred to as the “Great Commission”: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been entrusted to me,” Jesus declared to them when he appeared to them. Follow Jesus’ order to “go and make disciples of all countries” by baptizing them in his name (the Father’s name, the Son’s name, and the Holy Spirit’s name), teaching them to obey all that I have taught you.

  1. We have a responsibility to make disciples.
  2. This may be a frightening and uncomfortable experience.
  3. Not in the traditional sense of the word.
  4. He is implying that all humans are everlasting souls, heading for either paradise or damnation at the end of their lives.
  5. This is unquestionably Good News.

However, we are well aware that, as ambassadors, we are only speaking on behalf of our monarch and country. It is because they are the words of Jesus that they have authority since he is the one to whom all authority in heaven and on earth has been entrusted.

Ambassadors are the King’s Representatives

We are well aware that we are not just messengers sent to bring the truth to the nations of the globe, but that we also reside in this place. The question then becomes, how can we live as world ambassadors while resisting the desire to appear and act like the rest of the world? There are several passages in the Bible that we may refer to. For the remainder of our time this morning, let us review what we saw earlier in Luke 9:23: “If someone want to follow me, let him deny himself and take up his cross on a daily basis, and thus follow me.” We were not created to be led by our hearts or to let our consciences to serve as our guideline.

Rather of allowing ourselves to be indulged, we ought to deny ourselves.

  • Because we want to be like our king, we must fight against the sins that entangle us
  • We must refuse to accept the world’s definition of success because we want to make a difference for God’s kingdom
  • In other words, it means that we care for others to the extent of self-sacrifice because we know that everyone around us is also an immortal soul
  • In other words, it means devoting our time and money to activities that are of long-term worth, that build our faith, and that direct others to Jesus.

It is true that by denying ourselves and taking up our cross, we will have to give up certain things in this world. It implies, without a doubt, that we must refrain from engaging in wicked and selfish behaviors. However, it also implies that we must occasionally choose between things that are nice and things that are the best in every situation. But please don’t get the wrong impression: we are not living a gloomy existence of starving ourselves as a religious obligation. To be considered as exceptionally spiritual and committed to God, we are not all expected to put on gunny sacks and sign poverty vows, as some have suggested.

  • We are unable to perform any of these things without the help of God’s grace.
  • It becomes our highest duty to serve Jesus Christ, not so that we might gain favor with the Almighty, but rather because we know that our King is much more precious than everything else in this world.
  • In Matthew 13:44-46, we find them right next to one other: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure concealed in a field that was discovered and then covered over by a man.
  • What are the lessons that we might take away from these parables?
  • However, there is no loss in this situation; instead, there is only gain.
  • Jesus does not urge us to a life of misery and self-pity, as some people believe.
  • These parables serve as a model for how we are to spend our lives.
  • This is what it looks like when we deny ourselves.
  • More pleasure, more joy, and even more comfort can only be found in Him, and this is a call to seek those things in Him who can give them to us.
  • We do not belong in this world in the same way that His kingdom does not belong to us in this world.
  • In the event that this occurs, we must remember the splendor of our king!

We must keep in mind that we have our citizenship in heaven. We must deny ourselves in order to live as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, bringing His message of hope and salvation to a lost and dying world through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Those of us who are citizens of Christ’s heavenly kingdom are entitled to the following: Are we living in such a way that people may see that Jesus Christ is the most important thing in our lives? Are we telling others that Jesus Christ is the most important thing in our lives? Letting every other throne in our life to fall before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, are we allowing our hearts to be broken?

“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”– C.T. Studd

“If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too big for me to make for Him,” stated missionary C.T. Studd, who gave up riches, popularity, luxury, and many connections to serve as a missionary in China. The following is a question that all Christians must ask themselves:

How can you better serve your king?

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians is the subject of this commentary. Compiled by Crossway Classic Commentaries, volume 118.

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Jesus is a king, but not a king in the world’s definition

Note from the editor: This homily was delivered on November 24. Today is the Feast of Christ the King, which is arguably one of the most virtually blatant contradictions of the path of Jesus that we could discover to commemorate on a religious holiday. Remember the couple of occasions in the Gospels when people tried to make Jesus a king and he refused to accept their offer? In reality, while he was on trial before Pilate, he fled into hiding to avoid capture. “Do you claim to be the king of the Jews?” Pilate inquires.

Jesus rejected the entire concept of being a king, and he calls on us to reject this concept as well, and to conceive of ourselves as followers of Jesus, who is also a king.

Colossians 1:12-20 (New International Version) Luke 23:35-43 (KJV) The whole text of the readings The great Hindu religious leader Mohandas Gandhi, who brought about a revolution and the overthrow of the British empire through active love, rather than violence, said the following about Christianity many years ago: “Christianity is a religion of love, not of force.” “Christianity has not been proven to be ineffective.

  1. It has never been attempted before “and I believe that the fact that we are celebrating the Feast of Christ the King is proof that we have retreated from the concept of attempting to truly follow Jesus in our lives.
  2. There are three things that stand out in the Gospels.
  3. Kings possessed great authority and money, and they reigned supreme over their subjects.
  4. None of these things are true in the case of Jesus.
  5. When James and John approach to Jesus in the Gospels, they are asking for the top place in his kingdom, and Jesus grants them their request.

Jesus is enraged, and he not only rebukes them, but he also gathers all of the disciples together and addresses them as follows: “As you can see, among the Gentiles, those who are not a part of God’s chosen people, those who in power have lorded over others – and it cannot be that way among you – it is impossible.

He acted in the role of a slave or a slave-owner.

You are required to be servants.” That is how rulers and human kingdoms conduct themselves.

They have everything they could possibly need.

For example, in the Gospel, there is an episode in which a young man approaches Jesus and asks, “What must I do in order to earn everlasting life?” When Jesus answers, “Well, observe the commandment,” Peter responds, “I’ve been doing that since I was a child; from my early years.” Then Jesus looks him in the eyes – the Gospel, which is full of love – and says, “If you want to be absolutely perfect in order to follow me today, you should sell everything you possess.

  • Give it to the poor and then come with me to follow my teachings.
  • Keep up with me; live a life of simplicity – of poverty – with only what you require, and nothing more than you require.” In the Gospel story, the young man was dejected because he possessed a tremendous deal of material wealth.
  • He wasn’t willing to give up.
  • They resort to violence in order to achieve their objectives.
  • Look, even in the garden, at the danger of his life – they’re going to take him prisoner, torment him, and put him to death – one of his followers says, “They’re coming to take him prisoner, torture him, and put him to death.” “I’m obligated to protect him.
  • “Jesus tells us,” he continues “Put your weapon away; do not resort to violence.
  • He extends his hand in affection.
See also:  Where Did Jesus Come From

It reminds me of what the prophet Isaiah has to say about God, which is as follows: “My thoughts are not the same as your thoughts, and my methods are not the same as your ways.

Because we immediately think of the characteristics associated with worldly monarchs – power, riches, and force – and apply them to Jesus, it is a strange and contradictory notion to conceive of Jesus as a king in the first place.

The following is Gandhi’s statement: “It hasn’t been tried; it hasn’t failed; it hasn’t been attempted, it hasn’t failed.” Currently, everyone of us is being challenged to attempt to live the way of Jesus and to truly change in accordance with his methods and thinking.

He want to serve them and, after a short period of time, he went to the jail, knelt down, and bathed the feet of the inmates there.

It intrigues us, and we take pleasure in it because it is so plainly the path of Jesus, and it is what we are expected to follow in his footsteps.

He refuses the papal palace and instead chooses to live among regular people in a rented room, as well as to go out into the community to be with them.

He doesn’t elevate himself above others, and he leads a humble life – having what he needs but not in excess – and then, like Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II, he rejects violence as the path of Jesus, as have other religious leaders.

War and violence must be condemned, as must the use of force.” These days, we live in a society, in a culture, that continuously pulls us in a new path.

In our interpersonal relationships, we frequently desire to be in command – to be in command – and in our national and international connections, we frequently seek to do the same thing.

1 in our country so that we may control and get access, and this eventually leads to the next step: excessive riches.

Consequently, we live in a culture that not only invites us to dominate, but also to gain riches, which is then used to justify more dominance through violence.

Of course, what he is implying is that we are prepared to use nuclear weapons in a nuclear war, or even to initiate one.

We live in a country that is prepared to do terrible, unimaginable acts of violence: to threaten the annihilation of the entire world and everyone on it; to destroy the entire planet and everyone on it.

“It’s a butchery of unimaginable proportions,” Pope Paul VI declared.

In our continued threat and resolve to use such weapons, we are expressing the concept that we are prepared to commit “butchery of unimaginable size” whenever we determine that it is in our best interests, and this type of violence penetrates our everyday lives.

It seems that people have firearms in their possession and are prepared to use them fast and without any genuine understanding that murdering would only result in further killing, whether in international crises or within our own communities.

As we prepare to commemorate the Feast of Christ the King this morning, I believe it is important to recognize that, in so many ways, the image of Jesus as a king runs counter to the actual manner of Jesus, who renounced authority over other people.

He was against excessive riches, and he wanted everyone to be able to partake in the bounty of the planet, which God created for everyone, not just for a select few.

He chose the path of misery and death, while also demonstrating compassion for those who were torturing and killing him.

As a result, even while we worship Jesus as king, we must acknowledge him as a king who does not rule in the manner of this world.

I hope that we can take time to ponder these realities about Jesus, and that as we celebrate this Eucharist, we can remember that what we’re doing is making visible on our altar the life of Jesus, including his sufferings, death, and resurrection.

If we follow his path, we will be able to experience the fullness of life, which is his rising life. We may even begin to live according to God’s rule right now – a life filled with the experience of peace and joy that is the promise of God’s reign for all time.

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What Does it Mean That Jesus Is the King of the Jews?

A large number of people recognized and embraced Jesus as the predicted Messiah (or Christ), the Son of God, and the appointed King of Israel during Jesus’ lifetime. Many others called into doubt Jesus’ authority or outright rejected him as the Messiah. For both Jews and non-Jews residing in Israel at the time, the title “King of the Jews” would have had political and prophetic ramifications if it had been utilized.

Jesus – The True King of Israel

Earlier in history, the people of Israel had a troubled connection with God as a result of their disobedience and sin. This continued even after the birth of Jesus. As God’s chosen people (Exodus 7:6) and “treasured property” (Deuteronomy 7:6), they had a long and illustrious history that traced all the way back to the covenant made with Abraham (Genesis 17:6-7) and Jacob (Genesis 28), and He had established Himself as their legitimate monarch and supreme ruler. Although they acknowledged God as their God during the time of Samuel, the Jews rejected him as their god and asked that Samuel give them with an earthly ruler on par with those who reigned over neighboring nations around that time (1 Samuel 8:5, 19).

  1. Some of these kings served the Lord sincerely and were upright, moral leaders.
  2. David was appointed king by God after Saul offended the Lord and was rejected by the Lord (1 Samuel 15).
  3. (2 Samuel 7:12-16;Isaiah 11:1-5).
  4. God’s plan, not to be deterred or dissuaded by Israel’s rejection, would create a new covenant that would see God’s love and forgiveness spread to everyone on the planet, not just the Jews (John 3:16).

Unfortunately, because they were accustomed to the authority of earthly monarchs, they imagined a Messiah who would come as a political ruler, revolutionary, or royal lord, rather than as a meek, humble servant and son of a carpenter, as is the case today (Zechariah 9:9;Isaiah 53:4;Matthew 20:28;Mark 10:45;Matthew 21:1-7).

As God demonstrated via David’s anointing, “for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the external appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart) (1 Samuel 6:7).

“He came to his own, and his own did not accept him,” according to the scriptures (John 1:11).

Even while some in Israel would recognize and welcome Jesus as Messiah (Luke 19:38; Matthew 16:16), the majority of Israelis would reject their ruler for the second time. Ironically, the majority of allusions to Jesus as “King of the Jews” in the gospels are made by people who are not Jewish.

The Anointed One Born King of the Jews

In the days immediately following Jesus’ birth, magi from the east descended upon Jerusalem in search of the Messiah, inquiring of King Herod, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?” We have come to worship Him because we have seen His star in the east” (Matthew 2:2). As political leaders, it’s possible that the magi considered the Jewish Messiah to be a future political ruler, which may explain why they gave Jesus’ parents with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which were expensive gifts indicative of kingly adoration at the time (Matthew 2:11).

This explains why Herod rushed so rapidly to track down and murder the boy, believing that he may pose a danger to his political dominance (Matthew 2:7-23).

It is recorded in all four gospels that this display of reverence and adoration not only pointed to Jesus’ death and burial, which he himself confirmed, but it also reflected Jesus’ anointed nature as God’s chosen king (Psalms 2:2), as was seen in the Old Testament appointment of kings (1 Samuel 10:1), namely the spiritual anointing of David (Psalms 23:5;Psalms 89:10).

A Rejected King

The Roman governor Pontius Pilate interrogated Jesus at his trial and questioned him if he was indeed the “King of the Jews” (Mark 15:2). “It is exactly as you say,” Jesus said. Following this revelation, Jesus clarified that his kingdom was not an earthly political kingdom, but rather a spiritual kingdom, and that his throne did not belong to this world (John 18:36). Pilate granted permission for Jesus to be scourged and beaten, and the Roman soldiers surrounded him and humiliated him, yelling, “Hail!

As also, it was at this time that they made the Crown of Thorns, which they then put on the Head of Jesus (John 19:2-3).

“Do you want me to crucify your king?” Pilate inquired.

It was the most outspoken and open rejection of Jesus Christ as king that could possibly exist.

Pontius Pilate ordered a sign to be put at the foot of the cross, which said, in many languages, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” (John 19:19).

This was a blasphemous and fraudulent allegation that should have resulted in death (John 19:21).

In that place, as prophesized, Jesus, the Messiah and King of the Jews, died in the midst of thieves, having been rejected, insulted and humiliated, and bearing the burden of the entire world’s sin on his back.

With this act of obedience, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, formally established himself as King of the Jews and King of Kings for the entire human race. for all time (1 Timothy 1:17; 6:14-16;Hebrews 1:8).

What Does This Mean?

Those who have rejected God as King and Jesus as Messiah will one day come to see that Christ is the true King. That day will be marked by “every knee bowing to Me, and every tongue singing praise to God,” as it is described in the Bible. (See, for example, Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10; Revelation 15:3). iStock/Getty Images Plus/pamela d mcadams iStock/Getty Images Plus/pamela d mcadams iStock/Getty Images Plus/pamela d mcadams Mr. Ryan is a children’s author, artist, educator, and public speaker living in Los Angeles who is enthusiastic about assisting young authors in expressing themselves creatively and learning about the glories of their Creator via narrative and art.

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