Why Do Catholics Pray To Mary Instead Of Jesus

Why pray to Mary and the Saints when I can go straight to Jesus?

My understanding of the Bible grows as I read it, and I realize that it is not simply a collection of many separate tales, but rather a collection of many stories that eventually convey a one story. Thousands of years ago, ancient heroes and moral legends inspired and taught people all around the world. Does any of these stories, on the other hand, have a method of connecting them? What if there’s a common thread that runs across them all? In this case, I’m not talking about some strange conspiracy theory about how all Pixar movies take place in the same galaxy (if you haven’t heard of this theory before, it’s really very amazing, but it’s outside the scope of this discussion).

When Jesus is speaking to his followers in the book of Luke, he states, “everything written about me in Moses’ Law as well as in the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled;” He then went on to explain everything about himself, starting with Moses and all the Prophets and working his way through all of Scripture (24:44, 27).

So the Bible is not a book that is predominantly comprised of numerous stories, but rather a book composed of many smaller stories that together convey a single, larger story.

For better or worse, all of the other tales in the Bible are interwoven into the larger story of Jesus, in which the fulfillment of their storylines finally occurs via his life and ministry.

  • Given that all of the tales of the Old Testament lead to, anticipate, and ultimately come to fruition in Jesus, it follows that these stories would contain persons and events (as well as customs and symbols) that foretell Jesus Christ in more or less visible ways.
  • Although I’m sure there are more, here are a few examples of parallelism that sprang to mind: Please take a look at the following link.
  • The Roman emperor Herod ordered the execution of every Hebrew child under the age of two years during the time of Jesus.
  • Despite the fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, he and his family fled to Egypt when he was a little child in order to avoid Herod’s persecution.
  • And, like Moses, Jesus ascended out of Egypt in order to rescue the entire world for himself.
  • Jesus, like Joseph, was born in a straw-filled barn and was visited by members of the Herodian royal family throughout his early life.
  • Jesus grew raised in the synagogues of Jerusalem, which were held in the greatest regard in his society during the time he lived there.

It’s possible that Jesus was also a Levite from the Hebrew nation.

During his ministry on earth, Jesus freed Israel as well as the rest of the world from the bonds of sin and death.

While teaching on the Mount, Jesus gave a new interpretation of the Ten Commandments from God.

As the law was fulfilled in Jesus, Jesus became the gospel.

Before Jesus was born and came to redeem them, the people of Israel had endured 400 years of darkness and silence from God.

In preparation for his mission to rescue the world, Jesus journeyed through the desert and was tempted by Satan.

Even though Jesus was a member of the royal family in Heaven, he chose to serve and save a world that was enslaved by sin and death.

While being the transcendent Son of God, Jesus is also a descendant Son of Man, which makes him incomprehensibly both God and man at the same time inconceivable.

As an analogy, God speaks to us through Jesus’ body on a cross, which was consumed by the fire of God’s wrath but did not perish from it.

In the Sea of Galilee, Jesus brought calm.

12 disciples were chosen by Jesus, and they were sent to proclaim the truer and better Promise Land, one that is not based on earthly geography under God, but one that is based on spiritual reconciliation with God.

God answered Moses’ plea and miraculously provided more manna and quail from the heavens than they could possibly eat in one day.

Thousands of Jesus’ followers were starving in the countryside, so he pleaded with God to provide them with enough food.

As a matter of fact, there were numerous baskets of leftovers.

Christ is the consummation of God’s covenant with humanity.

Our faith is the work of Jesus, who is its originator.

Ultimately, Jesus is the final and most effective intermediary.

Rather than being confined to four walls or holy places, Jesus is the presence of God everywhere.

A similar example is the cross on which Jesus was crucified, and anyone who sees it will be saved from sin and the sting of death caused by Satan.

When it comes to sin, Jesus is the ultimate and final Passover Lamb, having fully and completely absorbed the wrath of God once and for all.

Water was turned into blood by the hand of Moses!

The law was taken over by Moses.

Although Moses married a Jew, she was not a full Jew; rather, she was a non-Jew who was grafted into the Jewish heritage.

Moses led his people all the way to the Promised Land, but he did not take them into the land itself.

As they were dying of thirst in the desert, Moses struck a rock with his staff, and the rock erupted, releasing water that quenched their thirst.

Fortunately, God struck a better Rock for our sins, Jesus, and from the blow, Living Water gushed forth, quenching our thirst for spiritual alienation from God.

That is to say, you couldn’t make something like that up.

Each page of history contains the words of God, who uses them to tell the greatest story ever told in an unprecedented display of brilliance and glory.

As a matter of fact, Moses, however great he may be, is only a symbol, a pointer, and a shadow of the truer and greater Moses, JESUS. Continuing with the theme of absurdity, here are some additional examples.

Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

Due of the vast amount of Catholic art dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, it is unsurprising that this is a common misperception. However, there is one point that must be made explicit in this article: Catholicism. DON’T DO IT. WORSHIP. MARY. As the mother of our savior, Mary is revered as a result of our religious beliefs instead. She is not worshipped since, according to the Ten Commandments, this is a reverence that should be held solely for God (Exodus 20:3).

Why do we even need Mary?

Mary, in a similar fashion to Jesus, who is the one and only real mediator between God and humanity, intercedes on our behalf before Jesus on our behalf. One possible counter-argument to this is that, because Jesus is the only genuine mediator for us, we do not require the intercession of Mary, because we only require Jesus and may pray straight to him when we do so. Even though it is true that we can pray directly to Jesus during prayer, intercessory prayer through Mary (as well as other saints such as Saint Peter or St Faustina) still makes sense because, in the same way that we ask Christian friends and family on earth to pray for us (something that is strongly encouraged in scripture, for example, 1 Timothy 2:1-4), we can ask our Christian family in heaven (Mary and the saints) to pray for us.

Why pray to Mary in particular?

So, what is it about Mary that Catholics find so compelling? For starters, it’s the quickest way to get to know Jesus. In retrospect, Mary was undoubtedly one of the persons Jesus was closest to on earth during his life (apart from God), as seen at the wedding of Cana (John 2: 1–12), when it was because of her efforts that Jesus accomplished his first miracle of changing water into wine. As a result, it makes sense to pray to Mary, because she was the one who knew Jesus best throughout his life and will guide us to him.

Furthermore, Christ has entrusted his mother to the Church for the express purpose of allowing her to intercede on behalf of the faithful.

Some Suggested prayers to Mary

TheHail Maryis undoubtedly the most well-known prayer to Mary, and it has its roots in sacred text (e.g., Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42), which states: In the words of Saint Francis: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” Blessed is thou among women, and blessed is the product of thy womb, Jesus, who came forth from thee. In the name of Jesus Christ, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, Amen.” It is another prayer to Mary, and it focuses primarily on the human experience of personal sin as well as original sin and God’s mercy on us: “Hail Holy Queen, mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness and our hope,” it says.

  1. In this valley of tears, we send up our sighs, our sadness, and our crying to thee, O God.
  2. “O clement, o lovely, o beautiful virgin Mary,” says the narrator.
  3. As St Teresa of Calcutta explained, an express novena (reciting the Memorare nine times in a row) can be said for a very important intention.
  4. I am inspired by this confidence as I soar onto thee, o virgin of virgins, my mother.

I come to thee, sinful and mournful, and I stand before thee in thy presence. “O mother of the Word made flesh, do not disregard my requests, but rather, in thy kindness, hear and answer me.” Please, Mary, Mother of God, intercede for us!

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

What exactly is prayer? Prayer may be defined as a conversation with God, which is the most basic description. It’s speaking to the Almighty. The act of communicating might take the form of adoration, confession, thankfulness, intercession, asking inquiries, talking, and a variety of other forms of communication. As a result, I’ll admit that the Catholic habit of “praying to Mary” has always struck me as a little weird. Why would you want to talk to someone’s mother if that person is in the room?

  1. Simply because something is apparent to me does not indicate that it is so to everyone else in the same situation.
  2. As a result, I’d like to check into this practice inside the Catholic Church and try to have a better understanding of it.
  3. So, what is the purpose of Catholics praying to Mary?
  4. However, in order to comprehend these questions, we must first grasp the significance of Mary’s role in the Catholic Church’s hierarchy.

Why Is Mary So Important to the Catholic Church?

Blessed Mother, Mother of God, Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, Cause of our Joy, Mother of Mercy are all names for the Blessed Mother, Mother of God, Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, Cause of our Joy, Mother of Mercy. There are a plethora of titles that Mary possesses within the Catholic Church, and this is only a partial list. She is regarded as an important figure within Catholicism, both in terms of doctrine and liturgy. However, there is also a strong emotional and devotion component to Catholicism that is extremely visible today.

  1. No honest Catholic would ever claim to be a devotee of Mary.
  2. This indicates that she is cherished, treasured, and held in great regard, among other things, but it does not imply that she is accorded the same level of devotion as the Holy Trinity.
  3. Peter Kreeft provides one of the most comprehensive explanations I have heard.
  4. He goes on to explain that Jesus comes to us through Mary, who is the mother of Jesus.
  5. And all of this occurred as a result of Mary’s response to God in Luke 1:38, according to the Bible.
  6. As a form of mediator—a means of connecting with God—Kreeft is seeking to assist us in seeing Mary in this way.
  7. She is known as the Mother of the Church, a title that was officially bestowed upon her in 1964.
  8. A proper interpretation of Revelation 12:17, as well as John 19, when Jesus turned to John from the Cross and stated, “Here is your mother,” leads to this conclusion.
  9. There isn’t enough room here to go into detail on another specific topic, but it’s crucial to grasp the Catholic viewpoint on the subject.
  10. Her conception was perfect in every way.

This also distinguishes Mary as the most virtuous person on the face of the earth. The connection between this and the justification for directing prayers toward Mary will be explained shortly. So, how does all of this explain why someone would pray to Mary in the first place?

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

We must first comprehend that from a Catholic perspective, “when a person is baptized, they become a member of the mystical body of Christ.” This understanding will help a Protestant understand why Catholics pray to Mary or the saints. This means that while the Bible instructs us to pray for one another, we are also instructed to pray for those who have died. Given that James 5:16 states that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and has great impact,” why wouldn’t we turn to the most righteous saint of them all, namely, our Blessed Mother—the immaculate virgin who would love and care for us as well as pray on our behalf?

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She holds a particular position among those of us who take part in Jesus’ intercession since God decided to come to us through her and gave her to us as our Mother in the process.

She, like us, mediates under the auspices of Christ’s intercession.

It simply implies that we turn to her for prayers, which is something that every Christian does when they ask their brothers and sisters to pray for them.

The same way that a Protestant would go to a pastor and say, “pray for me,” with the expectation that your pastor will guide you to Jesus, a Catholic might pray to Mary with the expectation that she will direct us to the Lord Jesus, as well as a Protestant might say, “pray for me.” It is an act of intervention on their behalf.

(Though official Catholic teaching would likely not use this terminology, the average Catholic frequently does.) Jesus Christ, according to the Catholic belief system, serves as a mediator between God and humanity.

Along with the question of why Catholics pray to Mary, you may also be interested in learning how long Catholics have been “praying to Mary.” That is a challenging topic to answer in terms of historical context.

For example, Pope John Paul II has stated that “many centuries were required before we were able to arrive at an exact explanation of the revealed facts concerning Mary.” There are certain aspects of this practice, then, that appear to be quite recent.

The Sub tuum praesidium is the first known prayer to have been written down (Beneath Thy Protection). Is this, however, biblical? Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/RedletterW

Is it Biblical to Pray to Mary?

I’m not going to get into the Immaculate Conception or any of the other titles that have been given to Mary in this article. Rather than attempting to determine whether or not Mary is the Beloved Mother of the Church, it may be more beneficial to consider a more fundamental question: what is the Church? Is it possible that the efficiency of prayers might be measured on a scale in Scripture? Or, to put it another way, do we find that praying from someone who is “holier” than another person increases the chance of the prayer being heard or answered?

  1. According to the Scriptures, when we are linked to Christ, we have access to the throne of grace (Heb.
  2. (Hebrews 4:16).
  3. Christ has been granted access.
  4. We have access to the information.
  5. Yes, our prayers can be hampered in some ways (1 Peter 3:7).
  6. However, there is no indication in Scripture that God listens to St.
  7. In reality, it’s the polar opposite of that.

Luke 11:27, I believe, is a reference to this.

In a way, people who have passed on and are with the Lord are more alive than we are, I think to some extent.

In fact, I believe Paul’s argument in Philippians would be in direct opposition to this viewpoint.

For the benefit of the Philippians, I am certain that Paul is “thinking aloud” in this passage.

How can Paul’s case stand up in the event that he is still interceding, and maybe even in a better position, after his death?

Essentially, Paul is saying, “work here” and “glory there.” While it is clearly a biblical principle to ask people to pray for us, there is no depiction of requesting the dead for aid in this way in the Bible.

As a matter of fact, when wedosee things like this in the Bible, it is frequently connected with witchcraft and sorcery. Consider how Samuel reacted when he was summoned by Saul to the palace (1 Samuel 28:7-19).


I’ll concede that a Catholic argument for praying to Mary (or having her intercede for us) appears to be logically coherent and to be a rather tight argument—at least if certain assumptions are made about the nature of the argument. However, upon closer examination, it is discovered that there is no scriptural precedence for praying to Mary. Protestants, I feel, have a propensity to overreact and to almost completely dismiss Mary’s role in their lives. This is not a good thing. But I’m also not sure that praying to Mary (or asking for her intercession) or to other saints is a beneficial spiritual practice for one’s spiritual development.

However, if we pay too much attention to the finger and not enough attention to what it is pointing to, we can find ourselves in a spiritually unhealthy position.

Photograph courtesy of Grant Whitty/Unsplash.

He also serves as the head pastor at Calvary of Neosho in Neosho, Missouri.

Why Do Catholics Worship Mary?

First and foremost, Catholics do not venerate Mary. We revere Mary because she is the mother of Jesus, whom we venerate. God himself saw Mary as worthy of being the mother of His only son and chose her to be his mother. Mary was visited by God’s angel Gabriel, who delivered the following message: “Hail, Mary, full of grace!” The Lord is with you at all times. Never be scared, Mary, for you have gained God’s approval in this matter. See, you will get pregnant and give birth to a son, whom you will name Jesus,’ the prophet says.

  1. Let it be done to me in accordance with what you’ve spoken.’ We revere Mary because she was honored by God himself, and so should you.
  2. Mary answered yes to God and gave birth to the infant Jesus, but she had the option of saying no as well.
  3. Mary was well aware that she could have been stoned to death for being an unwed mother when she was betrothed to Joseph, and she prepared herself accordingly.
  4. That is why she is regarded as the spiritual leader of our congregation.
  5. No photograph of Mary exists for us to use as a memento of her life.
  6. That is why we have sculptures of Mary, which serve as photographic representations of her.
  7. Catholics do not pray to Mary in place of Jesus, as some people believe.

In some cases, we may wish to request that Mary communicate with Jesus on our behalf, in order for him to consider answering our petitions.

When his mother posed this question, Jesus listened to her and, while he had no intention of changing the water into wine for the wedding guests, he did so since his mother had begged him to.

When we pray the rosary, the entire rosary is a reflection or meditation on the life of Jesus, and we pray it again and over again.

Among the events commemorated by the rosary are Jesus’ baptism, turning water into wine, speaking to the masses, being transfigured into a vision of light, and sharing his final supper with his apostles.

It’s really the scriptural line from the Bible that we recite throughout the Rosary, ‘Hail Mary full of grace,’ that the angel Gabriel addressed Mary with during her visit to the Holy Land.

In appearance, it appears that we are simply praying to Mary; nevertheless, we are also thinking about the life of Jesus, which is not visible to the outside world.

The only thing Mary asks of us is that we love her son, and that is all she asks of us. Mary never draws attention to herself; instead, she continually focuses our attention to Jesus, her son, in the hope that we may grow to love Him as well as she does. Laura Kazlas is a published author.

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary? — St. Mary’s Catholic Center

It is important to understand why Catholics pray to Mary before you can comprehend why they do so. First and foremost, Catholics do not revere or idolize Mary or the other Saints. We are solemnly devoted to God. When we pray to a Saint, we are asking them to intervene on our behalf in the same way that we would ask a friend on earth to do. According to the book of James, “the passionate prayer of a good person has great power.” – James 5:16 (NASB) Who is more virtuous than those who have reached perfection in heaven?

  • When that happens, the next question is, “Can they hear us?” Yes, it is correct.
  • “He is not the God of the dead, but rather the God of the living,” says the Bible.
  • However, they now have a new and more elevated way of life.
  • In fact, it might be argued that they are far more alive than those of us who are still on this planet.” Moses and Elijah came to them, speaking with him, and they were astonished.

If you like, I can set up three tents here for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah, if that is what you choose.” Even as he was finishing his speech, a brilliant cloud passed overhead, casting a shade on them, and then a voice emerged from the cloud saying, “”This is my beloved Son, with whom I am completely pleased; pay attention to what he has to say.” This passage from Matthew 17:3-5 describes Jesus’ conversation with Moses and Elijah during the Transfiguration, who are acutely aware of what has been happening on earth.

  1. Consequently, we may conclude that death does not distinguish between those in heaven and those on earth (as previously stated).
  2. This is echoed in the Book of Hebrews, which teaches that those who have gone before us into heaven are still present to observe what is happening on earth.
  3. The alternative would have been for Christ to tell us that prayer for one another was pointless, but he chose to do the exact opposite.
  4. According to me, the book of Revelation contains what I believe to be the most remarkable proof in the Bible that the Saints in heaven are listening to our prayers.

In their hands, each of the elders wielded a harp as well as gold bowls filled with incense, which represented the prayers of the holy ones.” -Revelations 5:8 (NASB) There are four living beings (who are said to symbolize the Saints and Angels in heaven) who are seen praying before Jesus, and they are giving the prayers of those on earth to him.

  • Another instance of angelic intercession may be seen in Revelation chapter 8.
  • He was given a large quantity of incense to burn on the gold altar in front of the throne, together with the prayers of all the holy ones, and he was instructed to do so.
  • Then the angel snatched the censer from the altar, loaded it with blazing embers from the altar, and tossed it to the ground below him.
  • -Revelations 8:3-5 (NASB).
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“I tell you, just as there will be more delight in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine virtuous people who have no need of repentance, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.”” Who among us would not light a lamp and sweep the house, searching diligently until she locates the one penny she had lost among ten?

  1. One such instance of Christ speaking on this issue is seen in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, which is found in Luke 16.
  2. Getting back to the topic outside of the Biblical evidence, we can support the notion that those in heaven can hear our prayers since it is consistent with our understanding of God and human nature.
  3. However, as a result of their glorification in Christ, they now have a share in God’s divine essence, since they have achieved perfect oneness with Him.
  4. God is the only one who is by nature almighty, and God is the only one who is omniscient and omnipresent – but since God may give them if he so chooses, the Saints in heaven can in some manner partake in these characteristics.
  5. In addition, we must keep in mind that the celestial existence is no longer constrained by space or time.
  6. To avoid answering a question of this sort with our own limited knowledge about how things function in our world, we should refrain from doing so.
  7. It is for this reason that we pray to the Saints.

There is no veneration, devotion, or praise of the Saints in the Church.

Mary is the most fortunate of all the humans who have ever lived on our planet.

Nobody, with the exception of Jesus, ever got to choose who would be their biological mother.

If we are Jesus’ brothers and sisters, then we have a spiritual mother in Mary, who is also Jesus’ mother.

He agrees to execute His first miracle at her request, despite the fact that he informs her that “it is not my time.” This is amazing because Jesus continues to do what his mother asks, despite the fact that it was not yet time for him to demonstrate his supernatural abilities.

This demonstrates to us how effective her intercession with Jesus is. As a result, it is scriptural, rational, and right to ask her to pray on our behalf. Please, Mary, intercede for us!

Why Pray to Mary?

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What are the benefits of praying to Mother Mary?


What is the point of praying to Mary? The reason for this is because Jesus has given us his Blessed Mother as our great spiritual mother (Rev.12:17), an advocate in heavenly places who intercedes on our behalf. “Why should we pray to Mary when we may pray directly to Jesus?” some Christians will question. In spite of this, they have no qualms about asking others on earth to pray for them instead of simply and solemnly praying to Jesus themselves. Indeed, according to St. Paul, God delivers favors “in response to numerous requests” (2 Cor.

  1. As James 5:16–18 points out, if the prayer of a good man on earth has great effect with God, how much more would prayers from one who has finished the race and is reigning with Christ in heaven have an even greater impact with God?
  2. 12:23, emphasis added).
  3. 2:12-26), we shouldn’t be surprised that Scripture depicts these holy men and women of heaven bringing our prayers to Jesus the Lamb (Rev.
  4. Accordingly, we see that the saints, as devoted disciples of Jesus, are partners with him in interceding for us, rather than rivals with him in this endeavor.
  5. More information on this issue may be found in our tracts on “Praying to the Saints” and “The Intercession of the Saints,” respectively.
  6. Please contribute to our mission!

Why is devotion to Mary important?

Although this question appears to be difficult to answer, the solution is actually rather simple: it is because God has decreed it. We could wonder why God would want us to have a connection with his mother if it wouldn’t distract us from our relationship with him. Doesn’t that appear to be a bit contradictory? This is not always the case — as our own personal experience demonstrates. Take, for example, a young man who meets the parents of his fiancée as an example. As he gets to know them more, he learns that they are a decent family and that he loves spending time with them.

Does this imply that, as he grows in love with others, he will grow in love with his girlfriend less?

On the contrary, his affection for his girlfriend’s family may even aid him in his efforts to come to know and love his girlfriend even more deeply.

In our relationship with the Virgin Mary, we experience something akin to this. She is not there to divert our attention away from God, but rather to guide us to him.

Mary’s role in God’s plan

But why do we believe that God intended for us to have a connection with the Virgin Mary in the first place? What do you think? Doesn’t that seem like too much of a stretch? The solution can be found in the Bible. The Gospel of John contains the last words of Jesus on the cross. They have a unique significance because, as we all know, no one would want to spend their final breath by saying something that was completely unnecessary. They have a specific significance, and they are quite strong.

  1. Jesus addresses his mother personally in these words: “Woman, behold your son!” and his loving disciple directly in these words: “Behold, your mother!” (Jn 19:26-27; 20:26-27).
  2. Many people believe that when Jesus refers to his mother as “woman,” he is referring to her in a derogatory or dismissive manner.
  3. Most likely not.
  4. Jesus refers to his mother as “woman” because he is referring to her in the same way as the first woman in the Book of Genesis is referred to: Eve.

To emphasize the fact that, whereas Genesis describes the tale of Creation, his Gospel tells the story of the New Creation brought about by Christ, he opens his Gospel with the identical words used in Genesis – “In the beginning” – he begins his Gospel with exactly the same words used in Genesis.

Mary is the “woman” whose seed (Jesus) would crush the serpent’s head.

As a result, by referring to Mary as “woman,” Jesus is referring to her as the “New Woman,” the spiritual mother of all those who are born into the New Creation that Christ has brought about.

God has given us a wonderful gift in the form of his own mother, who will be our friend.

Our role in God’s plan

But why would God do anything like that? What exactly would we require Mary for? This has everything to do with the manner in which God has decided to work in history, as part of his redemptive plan. God chooses to intervene in the lives of people through intermediaries or mediators. If he desired, he would not require our assistance in carrying out his plan. He might have appeared to the entire globe and persuaded everyone of his claims. He nonetheless instructed his followers to “go then and make disciples of all countries” (Mt 28: 19).

This is true even in our own personal experiences.

How many times has God communicated with us via the actions of others?

God works through people, and he employs mediators.

The epistle of St. James clearly instructs us on how to go about it (Jas 5: 16). When we pray for a brother or sister in Christ, we take on the role of “middleman,” much like Moses, who pleads with God on their behalf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with acting as “mediators” in this manner.

Only one Mediator

However, the Bible states unequivocally in 1 Timothy 2:5 that Jesus is the sole Mediator between God and man. As we’ve seen, God does operate via mediators, but only Jesus is the Mediator with a capital “M,” if we want to get technical with our terminology. That is, only Jesus was capable of linking man with God, and only he could serve as the bridge that defeated sin and brought us into a new life with the Father in heaven. There is no one else who can act as a mediator in the same manner that Jesus does.

  • Jesus desired for us to take part in his mediation, but this does not imply that we should take his place or compete with him.
  • He intended for his plan of redemption to be carried out in this manner, according to his will.
  • We’re merely stating that he chose to include us in his purpose by allowing us to reach others via our efforts.
  • The same way we ask our brothers and sisters to pray for us, we’re pleading with her for intercession.
  • This is when the Virgin Mary enters the picture.
  • Her purpose is to continually point us in the direction of him, telling us to “do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5).
  • Using the phrase “she intercedes for us,” we do not imply that we have forgotten about God.
  • As a result, when Catholics “pray” to Mary, we are not praying to her in the same manner that we pray to the Almighty.
  • That is what we ask of her in the Hail Mary, and she responds in kind.
  • “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the product of your womb,” the Bible says (Lk 1:41-42).

God has bestowed upon us the wonderful gift of a spiritual Mother who will assist us in our quest to become one with him. Wouldn’t welcoming her be a way to show our respect for him?

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

Transcript of the audio Michael Reeves, a historian from the United Kingdom, joins us once more to stand in for John Piper this week. Praying to Mary, Michael, is a startling phenomena in the Roman Catholic Church, and it is striking to us Protestants as well. To this day, the Vatican emphasizes the relevance and significance of Marian liturgies, feasts, and prayers in its Catechisms (including the most current one). As a result, how has this practice evolved through time? What is the purpose of Catholics praying to Mary?

  • And the first section gets off to a strong start.
  • Paul’s vision of the two men Adam and Christ, who determine the destiny of all people in Romans 5:12–21, has been a very strong dominant image throughout history.
  • And we are all reliant on one of them to save us from our sins.
  • Those who are joined to Christ are saved, while those who are not united to Christ are lost.
  • Eve was the one who had to be saved as well.
  • To keep things neat and orderly, some theologians began to toy with the concept that there was a first Eve and a last Eve, both of whom would be Mary, as Paul describes them in 1 Corinthians 15:22.

In this way, Pope John Paul II was a believer in Mary as a co-redemptrix, a redeemer alongside Christ, which is in direct opposition to what you read in Acts 4:12: “Mary, co-redemptrix, redeemer beside Christ.” In the words of Jesus Christ, “There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” “Some theologians began to toy with the concept that there was a first Eve and a last Eve, who would be Mary,” says the author of the article.

  • That was a theological development path.
  • As a result, there was a terrible drop in the knowledge of God from around AD 500 to 1500, for a variety of causes.
  • Only monastic communities were privy to this information.
  • And as people’s understanding of God waned, Christ’s position in heaven grew more distant.
  • They were completely unaware of his role as a rescuer.
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In response, the following thought occurred to me: “Well, if I can’t approach Christ, I’ll approach his mother, who will put in a good word for me to Christ.” As a result, people would begin to pray to Mary, who would then pray to Christ, who would then intervene on their behalf before the Almighty.

In the process of acquiring her exalted position as Queen of Heaven, people began to think, “Oh, I should pray to Mary’s mother to put in a good word with her, and she will put in a good word with Jesus,” as if I should pray to her mother to put in a good word with her, and she will put in a good word with Jesus.

As well, if you study the account of Martin Luther, you will discover that he was a young man, a law student, at the time when he was struck by a lightning bolt and knocked to the ground.

Saint Anne, please intervene. That’s the excuse that comes out of his mouth. I’m going to become a monk. And Luther had never ventured to pray to God personally until that point in his life. In his prayers, he would exclusively address saints, who serve as intermediaries between us and Christ.

Better in Christ

Also, because Luther believed he couldn’t love God — fact, Luther stated, “I despise the just God who condemns sinners” – you had to place your heart and affections someplace else, on someone who looks to be beautiful. This is what we see with Luther. And because Christ did not appear to be attractive, Luther claims that he and his fellow monks diverted their attention away from Christ and toward Mary and the saints instead. Mary, this mother figure, appeared to be filled with compassion in a way that Jesus did not.

  • There is a genuine warmth of affection between them.
  • As a result, you’ll need someone to take up that responsibility for him.
  • People had the impression that they just couldn’t approach him.” As a result, the theological response you would offer to someone who was praying to Mary would be found in Hebrews 4:14–16: Jesus is our “great high priest,” and we may communicate with him directly.
  • However, by stating that all of the compassion and salvation that you are searching for in Mary may be found more effectively in Christ, I am not taking anything away from you.

Is it wrong for Catholics to pray to Mary?

A senior woman prays while clutching a crucifix, which is a Christian symbol. With her eyes closed, an elderly woman prays to God in the hope of being heard. An elderly believer prays with faith while clutching a rosary in his or her hands. ” loading=”lazy” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” data-small-file=” The image has the alt attribute and has the following dimensions: width: 300 pixels and height: 199 pixels.” srcset=”300w,1024w,768w,1200w” srcset=”300w,1024w,768w,1200w” srcset=”300w,1024w,768w,1200w” srcset=”300w,1024w,768w,1200w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px”> sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px”> I received a query from a friend about why we pray to Mary, and I wasn’t sure how to respond.

What do you have to say?


Thank you for submitting this inquiry. It’s a question that’s frequently posed by both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Despite the fact that the question appears to be straightforward, it actually comprises a whole series of inquiries. Allow me to demonstrate this by guiding you through them. Praying to Mary is frequently opposed on the grounds that it detracts from Jesus’ position as the sole mediator between God and humanity. This is a difficult question for me to answer because we are encouraged repeatedly throughout the New Testament to both pray for other people and ask others to pray for us.

  1. It is one of the most prevalent types of prayer that we provide.
  2. Similarly, when we ask our family to pray for us before a job interview, we are engaging in intercessory prayer.
  3. Praying for others and asking others to pray for us are two important aspects of Christian living.
  4. I’d also like to point out that when we ask others to pray for us, we prefer to ask those who we know are devout Christians and who are committed to their religion.
  5. When we pray to Mary, we’re really doing the same thing that they are.
  6. Even more, it is asking someone we know as the greatest of Jesus’ disciples to pray for us in the same way that we would ask someone we perceive as a holy person on this planet to pray for us in the same way.
  7. Apart from the obvious ethical concerns, there are generally a handful of other reasons why people oppose to this practice.

For the most majority of Protestants, prayer is something that is always addressed only toward God.

And, as Catholics, we are unanimous in our belief that homage and adoration are solemnly owed to God and no other deity.

For the sake of this discussion, any request for prayer that I make to an acquaintance would be understood to be a prayer in our meaning of the term Second, and perhaps more significantly, Protestant Christians are inclined to dispute the efficacy of praying for the souls of the dead.

Once again, as Catholics, we are entirely in agreement with you.

It’s critical to understand why conducting seances or employing mediums to communicate with the dead is outlawed.

CCC 2115-2116).

As a reminder, asking Mary, or any of the angels, or the saints for their intercession is no more complicated than asking a friend or family member on earth to pray for us.

There is only one Body of Christ, only one Church, and it includes both those on the earth and those in the presence of the Lord in heaven.

We have a papyrus that dates back to 250 A.D.

Furthermore, during the early years of the Church, saints and intellectuals alike extolled the virtues of this practice.

If you have a question for which you require an answer, please send an email to [email protected]. Thank you. Dr. Chris Burgwald has earned a PhD in theology and currently serves as the director of Adult Discipleship and Evangelization in the Diocese of Sioux Falls.

Is it Okay for Christians to Pray to Mary?

In the Bible, it is clearly stated that Mary’s unique position as the mother of Jesus did not grant her any greater access to God than any other believer in Christ. Consequently, Mary is unworthy of accepting Christian prayer requests, according to the Bible. In Luke 11, Jesus addressed this issue by highlighting that being a disciple of Christ is more fortunate than being the mother of Christ.

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Mary, the mother of Jesus, has always captivated and piqued the curiosity of Christians throughout history. This is comprehensible since her part in God’s redemptive plan is unique in comparison to the roles played by everyone else. She carried the Son of God in her womb, gave birth to him, nursed him as a newborn, and (together with her husband, Joseph) cared for him throughout his youth and into adulthood. For her selflessness, bravery, and unwavering confidence in the Almighty, Mary deserves to be admired.

Nonetheless, when God called her, she faithfully and totally followed.

Despite all of this, the Bible makes it plain that Mary’s unique status did not grant her any privileged access to God in any manner.

Mary in the Bible

In the book of Luke 11, Jesus liberated a man who had been plagued by a demon that had rendered him speechless. After Jesus drove out the demon, the man was able to talk once again, much to the delight of the onlookers (Luke 11:14). Some in the audience questioned Jesus’ authority, even saying that he was acting under the influence of Satan. After that, while Jesus was beginning to teach to the multitude, a lady exclaimed, “Blessed is the mother who bore you and nursed you!” (See Luke 11:27.) When she asked Jesus for forgiveness rather than rebuke, he responded by stating, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28).

According to Sam Allberry, “having him as a master is preferable to having him as a son.” While prayer to Mary is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, it is a regular practice in the Roman Catholic faith.

The prayer, on the other hand, does not include Jesus’ criticism in verse 28.

Hail Mary Prayer

Lord be with you as you say the Hail Mary, full of grace. Blessed is thou among women, and blessed is the product of thy womb, Jesus, who came forth from thee. Prayer: Most Holy Mary, Mother of God, intercede for us sinners right now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

When it comes to the RomanCatholic church, Mary is viewed as a mediator in her own right and as such, she is worthy of receiving prayers from all believers. In accordance with the Catholic belief of the Assumption, which says that when she died, Mary was carried up into heaven with Jesus – both physically and spiritually – veneration of Mary and the practice of praying to her are reinforced by the practice of praying to her. Since before the Middle Ages, this has been a widely held belief, but it wasn’t proclaimed formal doctrine in the Catholic Church until Pope Pius XII declared it to be so in 1950.

According to the theology, because she was the mother of God incarnate, she was born free of the stain of original sin from the moment of her conception. In 1854, Pope Pius IX formally recognized this concept as official church teaching.

What Jesus Said About Prayer

1. Pray in a spirit of humility. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who like praying while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them. They have, I swear to you, got their full and complete recompense. When you pray, however, retire into your room, lock the door, and focus your thoughts on your heavenly Father, who is unseen. When you accomplish this in secret, your Father, who knows all that is done, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:5-6; Mark 6:5) 2.

  • “And when you pray, don’t ramble on and on like pagans, who believe that their rambling will be heard because of their abundance of words.
  • Please provide us with our daily bread today.
  • “And do not lead us into temptation, but preserve us from the wicked one,” says the Lord.
  • In confidence, pray to God for anything you require.
  • (See also Luke 11:9)


  • Luke 11:15, according to BibleHub.com’s John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible
  • “Assumption,” according to Britannica.com’s “Assumption.” The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018
  • Britannica.com, “Immaculate Conception,” The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019
  • Britannica.com, “RomanCatholicism: Beliefs and Practices,” The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018
  • Britannica.com, “Immaculate Conception,” The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018
  • Britannica.com, “Immaculate Conception,” The Editors of Encyclopedia Britan Francis Christopher Oakley, Michael David Knowles, and others. Published in the year 2019.

Image courtesy of Thinkstock

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