Why Did Jesus Heal Some And Not Others

Why did Jesus heal some and not others? By his touch we are healed.

What is Christ’s identity? a dialogue with theologians that lasted for a year FAITH is delving into the study of Christology, which is the study of Jesus Christ. We posed a series of questions regarding Jesus to a number of distinguished seminary instructors. It is illuminating and thought-provoking to read their responses. Currently serving on the faculty of St. Vincent Abbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Father Thomas Acklinis He is a graduate of Duquesne University, St. Vincent Seminary, The Catholic University of Louvain, and the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute, among other schools and institutions.

He formerly worked as a professor at Marquette University in Wisconsin.

Mary Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland.

FAITH: Jesus is often presented as a healer. Why did he heal only some and not others?

Father Stevens: Can you tell me why he was able to heal anyone? There is no way for us to regard Jesus’ ministry as something that he owes us. That he even managed to heal one person is a source of astonishment, thankfulness, and awe for everyone. The fact that it occurred on a regular basis made us appear ungrateful. It’s also impossible to separate his healing ministry from his preaching ministry — the proclamation of the kingdom is not just one of the things he performs, but rather one of many.

  • They will be able to track him in a manner that is not now possible to them.
  • His healings have all brought individuals back into a state of fellowship and communion, which is the very essence of what the kingdom is all about.
  • He empowers all of mankind to take part in the kingdom’s activities.
  • There has been a trend in recent years to take a rationalism-based approach to miracles — to dismiss them completely.
  • A miracle cannot be performed without the faith that Jesus asks for when he performs it, thus faith is not necessary in order for Jesus to execute it.
  • Jesus didn’t just wave his hand and perform miracles like a magician.
  • He didn’t resurrect Lazarus from the grave without becoming involved in the mourning process.

The Eucharist is a miracle in which we must take part by accepting what has been given to us.

God often provides individuals with something quite different from what they asked for.

For example, during the Holocaust, God could be seen in the smoke and the flames – he was right there with the Jewish people.

While we pray for the things we require, our response is always, “Your will be done.” God will be able to provide us with what is best for us as a result.

When Jesus arrived and stood against the powers of evil, one of the manifestations of his presence was bodily healing.

It is widely accepted that illness and death are consequences of Adam’s fall.

As a result, protecting ourselves entails saving our physical bodies.

Jesus’ healings are concentrated in areas where faith may be elicited without being forced.

The only way for him to give them a sign would be to undo what he’d done with the temptations at the start of his ministry. if Jesus had flown down from the top of the Temple, the Jewish authorities would have been forced to accept him as their prophet

Theologian of the month – Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

In the eyes of his family, Thomas was destined to take over as the abbot of the Benedictine abbey at Monte Cassino, where his uncle had previously served as abbot. Nevertheless, while studying at the University of Naples, Thomas was drawn to the Dominicans, who were radicals in the medieval clerical world. In order to convince Thomas to alter his mind, his family was adamant – to the point of kidnapping him and holding him hostage for more than a year. To persuade them that Thomas should be allowed to become a Dominican, they made an appeal to the Pope.

Among his many accomplishments is the composition of the magnificent Office of Corpus Christi, which confirms the genuine presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Heresy! Predestination: God has already decided who is saved

Where are we headed — to heaven or to hell? According to predestinarians, God has already made up his mind and there is nothing we can do to change his will. Christ died for the elect, not the non-elect, who were already condemned at the time of Christ’s death. Despite the fact that we cannot know which camp we belong to, our acts may reveal what God has already chosen – for example, someone who commits mass murder is unlikely to be among the elect. Despite the fact that predestination was condemned by the Council of Lyons in 475, it continues to be practiced today.

As a result of predestination, the concepts of free will and universal salvation are no longer valid.

What does that symbol mean?

Throughout the catacombs and early churches, the peacock is represented as a symbol of Christ and the Resurrection of the dead. The peacock is a symbol of immortality, and its meat was thought to have antiseptic properties and to be incorruptible, according to legend.

What is “Corpus Christi?”

Corpus Christi is a Latin phrase that translates as “the body of Christ.”

Why Didn't Jesus Heal Everyone?

  • September4,2019 In today’s Gospel, we learn that after speaking in the synagogue on a specific Sabbath, Jesus went about healing all of the sick people who had been brought to Him in Capernaum (Lk 4: 38-44). The following day, He went for “a secluded spot,” despite the pleas of the people of Capernaum to allow Him to stay. There were certainly more people to treat, individuals who had not been able to get to Jesus the day before, and there would be more people in the future who would come down with a disease or ailment that would require healing in the future. As a result, we might assume that the people of Capernaum felt it would be wonderful if Jesus simply stayed in the town and made certain that no one ever became sick again without being healed. After all, who wouldn’t want to live in a world where everyone’s illness was completely cured? So, why didn’t Jesus choose to stay? And, more broadly, why didn’t Jesus simply extend His healings to the entire region of Galilee, or to every place where Jewish people resided, or to the entire globe at large? Jesus could have done that, without a doubt, because of His divinity. Why not heal everyone at the same time if you’re going to heal certain people? The inhabitants of Capernaum are told by Jesus, as He is about to leave them, that He came to “proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God.” Instead, Jesus is informing them that while it is commendable that He is capable of curing ailments, it is not the objective of His mission to do so in a short-term manner. Instead, Jesus is urging them to focus on long-term solutions such as healing rather than curing diseases. After all, everyone who He heals will eventually get ill again. Even those that He brings from the dead, such as Lazarus, will perish again in His presence. That is why, as amazing as those miracles are, they are ultimately insignificant in the grand scheme of things for one simple reason: the planet is not our eternal home. We have been summoned to a higher plane of existence. That is why Jesus did not want to spend all of His time curing people and instead chose to spread the “good news of the Kingdom of God,” which he did after healing a few individuals. To be sure, we can—and, in fact, we must—do all in our power to make the world a better place for our brothers and sisters. That is something Jesus makes very plain. Our purpose on this globe, however, is not to create heaven on earth, and spending too much time thinking about how amazing we are at helping others might lead to some very arrogant attitudes on our part. No, like Jesus, we do what we can – we love our neighbors as ourselves – in order to advance the Gospel and to fulfill Jesus’ call to go into all the world and make disciples of all people (Mt 28: 19). We will never be able to cure everyone, just as Jesus did not heal everyone. There’s a good explanation for this
  • Read on.

Inconsistency in Miracles, Healings, and Answers to Prayer

The men and women of the Bible may have easily posed the same question to one another. Many of them did–again and again and again and again and again. Here is only a tiny sample of the many “inconsistencies” that have occurred throughout the history of God’s interactions with His people. The prophet Elijah was spared during the reign of the wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in Israel, while many other prophets of the Lord were put to death (1 Kings 19:14). However, while Daniel was released from the lion’s den (Daniel 6:22), the apostle Paul was imprisoned in chains for several years (Acts 21-28) before being executed by the Romans.

(Acts 12:2).

In fact, throughout history, there have been saints who, through faith, have “quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, emerged from weakness to become strong, emerged victorious in battle, and driven the armies of aliens to flight,” while others have “suffered the mockings and scourgings, yes, and the chains and imprisonment,” while others have been “stoned, sawn in two, tempted, and slain with the sword” (Hebrews 11:34, 36, 37).

Where is the fairness, the justice, and the impartiality in all of this?

The straightforward answer is that there aren’t any.

The wonder and mystery of grace are the only things that can happen from the beginning to the end: “I know that You are capable of everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be kept from You.” I have said things that I did not understand, things that were too great for me to comprehend, things that I did not know” (Job 42:2, 3).

  1. God is the only one who knows the solution.
  2. We must trust in the benevolence of our omnipotent God and remember that, even when things appear to be spinning out of control, He is present in the middle of the chaos, carrying out His specific intentions for each and every one of us.
  3. Others will see it as an opportunity to “participate in the sorrows of Christ” (Romans 8:17; 2 Corinthians 1:5-7; 1 Peter 4:13).
  4. It is unknown to us at this time, but the master plan will be disclosed at some point in the future, and we will have all of eternity to discuss it.
  5. If you feel the need to discuss it further with a member of our staff, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at your convenience.
  6. Resources The Argument in Favor of Christ: Evidence for Jesus: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence When God Doesn’t Make Sense, Why Should We Have Faith?
  7. God’s Effort and Purpose in the Face of Suffering A Healing Sanctuary: Confronting the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God’s Sovereignty in a Place of Healing Referrals Insight for Living is a publication of the Christian Research Institute.

Articles written by Lee Strobel Trusting: Allow God to be the primary driver Faith: See with New Eyes

Why Does God Heal Some People But Not Others?

Our Creator has the ability to cure people, and he does so. However, this is not always the case. God has a history of refusing to heal people on purpose. Why would God ever chose not to cure someone who is in desperate need of help? Isn’t it true that He desires for us to be well and whole in this life? Is He withholding healing because we have sin that we haven’t confessed and repented of? Is it due to a lack of trust on our part? Is it because we haven’t asked the right questions? Any of these elements can, and frequently does, contribute to a condition in which healing is denied.

  1. Take, for example, Paul’s prayers for his own healing.
  2. God’s grounds for replying “no” were not based on Paul’s wrongdoing or lack of faith, but rather on the nature of God’s response.
  3. It is God’s intention for Christians to be converted into a new sort of person who thinks and behaves in the same way that Jesus did (Romans 12:2,Ephesians 4:12-15).
  4. If we were to be given the gift of everlasting life without first going through this transition in our thoughts and actions, we may find ourselves in a very miserable place for the rest of our lives.
  5. Although he was physically suffering, Paul was still following the example laid down by Jesus Christ before him (Hebrews 2:10).
  6. Preparing us for a future that is far more expansive and dazzling than anything we could possibly experience in our current physical life.

Why then does God choose to heal some people?

We will never be able to comprehend all of the reasons why God decides to heal or not heal. The Scriptures, on the other hand, are divided into two major categories: The fact that God heals stems from His caring nature. He aspires to treat people with compassion and tenderness in his interactions with them. When it comes to the broader world around us, human disobedience, apathy, and disbelief frequently obstruct the flow of His compassion. 2. God heals in order to demonstrate His ability to carry out His will in this world (John 9:2-3).

See also:  How Many Brothers And Sisters Does Jesus Have

Paul’s great faith, on the other hand, was tested and increased when he was compelled to endure through the difficulty of not being cured by the Lord.

Only God knows whether healing or not healing will best bring the person along toward His objective of instilling the thought of Christ in them.

His profound goal is for us to learn to put our faith in Him in all things, even healing situations.

If you want to understand more about what God’s Word has to say regarding the bigger problems of human suffering in our world, our free Bible study guideWhy Does God Allow Suffering?is a fantastic place to start your research.

The Mystery: Why Some Are Healed & Others Are Not

Written by Francis MacNutt November/December 1991 You’re all familiar with the problem: Why is it that you pray for one person, who remains unhealed, and then the next person gets out of his or her wheelchair and walks away? One woman, for example, has tumors on the side of her neck that are both visible and palpable when she is touched. While you are praying, you can watch them begin to descend, and within fifteen minutes, they are no longer there. You pray for another lady who has the same type of tumors that you have — and who appears to have the same spiritual viewpoint as you do — yet nothing appears to be happening (at least, not on the level of the cancerous tumor).

  • You don’t have to advise everyone else since you can invite all the cured individuals up to the stage to deliver their testimony.
  • It goes without saying that this perception is incorrect.
  • However, even if this may be true, it may not be sufficient to the cancer patient who is suffering from the disease.
  • Obviously, the first is our genuine need for faith, an unwavering conviction in Jesus’ intention to cure us and restore us to health.
  • Much has been said and spoken on the critical necessity of faith, and I will not add anything new to that discussion except to point out that lack of faith is not the sole reason that the sick do not receive healing.
  • I’ve met several people who have died in hospitals that have been devastated by well-meaning Christians (who have generally vanished by the time the patient dies) who kept promising them that they would be healed if they just had faith in the Lord.
  • A deeper spiritual healing is sometimes required; the physical illness is only a surface illness that draws our attention to a deeper spiritual condition that requires care.

Unforgiveness is a contributing factor to certain cases of arthritis (but not all).

It is the opinion of some experts that cancer commonly occurs after suffering an extremely big loss.

I was told by an orthopedic physician I know that when she had the opportunity to pray with her cancer patients for a thorough healing of their losses, their malignancies nearly invariably went into remission.

At any particular time, the minister of healing simply lacks the ability or capability to operate as a channel for healing for a variety of reasons.

Paul (in 1 Corinthians 12:8–10) speaks of healing powers that are given to some but not to others, and in Mark 9:14–29, he rebukes his followers for not having prayed and fasted long enough to liberate the demoniac lad from his epilepsy and restore him to health.

In some circumstances, we are to blame (as when Jesus scolded the disciples), while in others, more severe cases are just beyond our current degree of spiritual growth or giftedness (as in the case of the disciples).

The most essential implication of all of this is that, if we are going to blame someone when recovery does not occur, we should think twice before blaming the ill individual.

It’s admirable that John Wimber refuses to pray for someone unless he receives instruction from the Holy Spirit to “go for it.” When we read the well-known text urging us to contact the elders of the church when we are sick, it appears to indicate that it is the faith of the elders that will aid in the recovery of the sick man: “The prayer of faith will save the sick man.’ (See James 5:15.) However, let us not hold anybody responsible when someone we pray for does not appear to get better, unless the Holy Spirit accuses us of failing to prepare ourselves adequately, or we discover by word of knowledge that the ill person lacks faith or needs to forgive someone.

  • 4) Finally, one of the reasons many individuals do not receive healing is because they do not participate and truly pray over a period of time (we call this “soaking prayer”).
  • It was the demonic who said “Do you have anything you want to say to me, Jesus, son of the Most High God?
  • Later, even after he had forced the spirits to go, Jesus inquired as to their identity before giving them permission to get into the pigs’ bodies.
  • It is reasonable to assume that if Jesus took time to cure or exorcise individuals on occasion, we might expect that we will likewise need to set aside time from time to time.
  • “Will God not ensure that justice is served to his chosen who cry out to him day and night even when he takes time to respond?” Luke 18:7, according to the JB version.
  • The good news is that many more sick people can be healed if we pray for them: — for the deeper, spiritual roots of their illness; — for ourselves to be better prepared by praying for ourselves (and by fasting).
  • In Christ, love is a way of life.

Francis Judith RachelDavidP.S If you haven’t already read it, I encourage you to get Jamie Buckingham’s moving new book, Summer of Miracles (Creation House) (Creation House). It is a powerful testimony showing all the above principles in action in Jamie’s own struggle against cancer.

Why Did Jesus Heal the Sick? by Don Stewart

Question 8: What is Divine Healing? A variety of illnesses, afflictions, and infirmities were healed by Jesus Christ throughout His healing mission, which we may learn more about by studying His life and teachings. In this case, there is no question. It was never questioned that He has the capacity to heal. This includes His adversaries as well. We also learn that Jesus cured the sick for a variety of reasons, which we will discuss further below. The following are some examples.

Jesus’ Healings Fulfilled Prophecies of the Coming Messiah

People were miraculously healed by Jesus, according to the four gospels, in order to fulfill biblical prophesies. Matthew recounts that Jesus took on the infirmities of the people, thereby fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament about him. He is a writer. A large number of persons with demons were brought before Jesus on that evening’s vigil. And with a single word, Jesus drove the evil spirits from the building and healed everyone who was sick. Consequently, God’s promise was fulfilled, just as the prophet Isaiah had predicted: “He cured our ailments and made us well” (Matthew 8:16,17CEV) These healing miracles performed by Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of Isaiah that follows.

  • According to the New International Version of Isaiah 53:4, This particular prophesy of Isaiah was fulfilled by Jesus during His public ministry, when He healed the sick and wounded.
  • The following episode was recorded by him.
  • And a large number of people followed him, and he cured them all while ordering them not to tell anybody about him.
  • As a result, one of the goals of Jesus’ healing miracles was to bring about the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy.

Jesus Did Healing Miracles So That People Could Know Their Sins Were Forgiven

When asked about a healing miracle, Jesus stated that He accomplished it in order for a person to know that their sins had been forgiven. This is something we read about in Matthew once more. But I want you to be aware that the Son of Man has the ability to pardon sins on this planet. In response, he told the man, “I command you to get up, grab your mat, and return home.” He stood up, collected his mat, and walked out into the open in full view of everyone. Everybody was shocked, and they said, “We have never seen anything like this!” They also thanked God and said, (Matthew 2:10–12TNIV.) Another of the numerous goals of Jesus’ healings is to ensure that He had the ability to forgive sins, which is yet another of His many accomplishments.

Jesus Healed to Show John the Baptist That He Was the Promised Messiah

Furthermore, Jesus used miraculous signs and wonders in order to demonstrate to His forerunner John the Baptist that He was in fact, the long-anticipated Messiah. The following is written down by Matthew. When John learned of the Messiah’s activities while imprisoned, he dispatched his followers to confront him and ask, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we await someone else?” “Go back and tell John what you have heard and seen: the blind acquire sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are resurrected, and the good news is preached to the poor,” Jesus instructed.

A blessed person is somebody who does not stumble as a result of my presence” (Matthew 11:2-6TNIV).

When it came to this specific incident, Jesus performed a number of healing miracles in order to demonstrate to John the Baptist that He was in fact the true Messiah. The fact that John did not have to hunt for another person to accompany him was a huge relief.

Jesus Healed to Display the Works of God

Jesus also stated that His healing miracles were to be used to demonstrate God’s works to the people, and that God would therefore get the glory as a result of his actions. The gospel of John contains Jesus’ explanation of why He was about to heal a specific blind man. “Neither this guy nor his parents committed a fault,” Jesus said, “but this happened in so that the works of God would be manifested in him” (John 9:3TNIV). Jesus said that the man’s affliction served a specific purpose, and that it was so that God’s deeds may be exhibited through his person.

John penned a letter.

Not at all; everything occurred for the glory of God, so that the Son of God will get honor as a result of it” (John 11:4 NLT).

As a result, God would receive all of the praise.

Jesus Healed So That People Might Believe in Him

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus performed these healing miracles so that people might come to trust in Him. It is true that this was the primary aim of the signs that Jesus performed. In this way, John stated it to me : As time went on, Jesus performed many additional miracles in front of the disciples, which are not recorded in this book; but, these are recorded in order for you to believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:30-31 ESV).

It is for this reason that miracles are frequently referred to as “signs.” It is true that they served as indicators to the populace that the Messiah, or Christ, had arrived.

There Was Always a Purpose for Jesus’ Healings

There is something more that we must take into consideration. In every instance in which Jesus cured someone who was sick, there was a specific reason for the healing to occur. For want of a better expression, He did not heal simply for the sake of healing. It is possible to make a number of significant observations in this regard.

Jesus Did Not Heal Everyone

For starters, we see that Jesus did not heal everyone who was in need of healing at the time. Indeed, we discover that Jesus left ill and infirmed individuals without curing them on a number of occasions that have been recorded.

Jesus Healed Only One of Man Infirmed People at the Pool of Bethesda

When Jesus cured a specific crippled man at the Pool of Bethesda, we have a good example of what we are talking about. According to the Bible. In them lay a large number of ill individuals, many of whom were blind, lame, or paralyzed, who were all waiting for the water to move. Because an angel descended into the pool at a certain moment and stirred the water; whomever walked into the pool first after the churning of the water was cured of whatever ailment he was suffering from at the time. Now there was a certain man present who had been suffering from an ailment for thirty-eight years (John 5:3–5 NKJV).

Only one of them was cured by Jesus.

See also:  Man Who Claim To Be Jesus

It is important to notice that there are variants in the text of this paragraph.

The Greek texts, on the other hand, are different.

One of those present had been disabled for 38 years and was there to support him (John 5:3,5TNIV). It is evident from the text that Jesus did not heal everyone who was there at the pool, regardless of whatever interpretation is correct.

Jesus Left the Town of Capernaum without Healing Everyone

The very beginning of Jesus’ mission serves as another another illustration of this principle. After curing a large number of ill people in Capernaum that evening, Jesus departed the town the next morning at the crack of dawn. Mark describes what happened and why it happened. Everyone who was sick or demon-possessed was brought to Jesus that evening after sunset by the people. The entire town gathered at the door, and Jesus treated a large number of people who were suffering from various ailments.

  • When Jesus awoke early in the morning, when it was still dark, he got out of bed, left the home, and went to a remote location where he prayed.
  • That is the reason I’ve come.” For this reason, Jesus toured all across Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and casting out demonic spirits (Mark 1:32-39TNIV).
  • It is true that He came to preach, as His own witness indicates.
  • Because they want to bring their ill to Him in order to be healed, the crowds were on the lookout for Him.

Jesus Did Not Perform Miracles upon Request or Demand

The very beginning of Jesus’ mission provides yet another illustration. As early as the next morning, Jesus departed the town of Capernaum after curing a large number of ill people late that night. What happened, and why it happened, is explained by Mark. Everyone who was ill or demon-possessed was brought to Jesus that evening after sunset. Every everyone in the town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed a large number of people who were suffering from various illnesses. A large number of demons were expelled by him as well, but he refused to allow the demons to speak because they were aware of his identity.

  1. He returned home later that day.
  2. ” “Let us travel somewhere else–to one of the adjacent villages–so that I might speak there as well,” Jesus responded.
  3. Jesus did not come to earth primarily to heal people, as this chapter provides more evidence.
  4. Evidence that His teachings came from God was revealed by the healing miracles he performed.

Because they wished to bring their ill to Him in order to be healed, the throng swarmed around Him. Jesus, on the other hand, had more essential tasks to accomplish, such as delivering the message that God’s kingdom had arrived in the form of the Son of God.

Jesus Would Not Give the Religious Leaders a Sign When They Demanded One

Indeed, He refrained to demonstrate His identify in order to persuade the religious authorities of His true identity. We learn that the religious authorities were pressing Jesus for some sort of sign from on high. He, on the other hand, would not give them a sign other than the sign of Jonah. Both their query and His response are written down by Matthew. After that, certain scribes and Pharisees approached him and said, “Teacher, we would want to see a sign from you.” He agreed. “An wicked and adulterous generation wants a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah,” he said in response.

The desire for a sign was not genuine on their part.

Individuals who were blind, deaf, or mute fall under this category.

As a result, pleading with Jesus for a sign was intellectually dishonest.

Jesus Would Not Perform a Miracle for Herod

According to the gospels, when Jesus was imprisoned and brought before Monarch Herod, the king desired to see some kind of sign from Him. According to the Bible. His delight when he first laid eyes on Christ stemmed from his want to see him for quite some time. According to what he had heard about him, he was hoping to witness him perform some type of sign. Many inquiries were posed to Jesus, but he did not get any responses (Luke 23:8,9TNIV). Jesus, on the other hand, did not perform a miracle just because a godless monarch ordered him to do so.

He would not accomplish them if He did not intend to.

We have never encountered a situation where someone is being cured just for their physical well-being.

Summary – Question 8Why Did Jesus Heal the Sick?

A variety of illnesses, afflictions, and infirmities were healed by Jesus Christ throughout His healing mission, which we may learn more about by studying His life and teachings. There is no question that He performed a miracle by healing the ill. As a result, we must ask ourselves the question of why He did what He did in the first place. What was the reason for Jesus’ healing of the sick? There are a variety of reasons why we should believe what the four gospels teach us. For starters, Jesus performed miracles on the sick and infirm, fulfilling prophesy from the Old Testament.

  • Among the qualifications of a real Messiah would be the ability to perform miraculous healing on the ill.
  • When Jesus cured a disabled man, he said that it was so that others might see that He had the ability to forgive sins and that it was a demonstration of that authority.
  • Unlike other religious leaders, Jesus Christ backed up His divine claims by miraculous actions, which set Him apart from the others.
  • He dispatched emissaries to Christ to inquire as to whether or not they should be on the lookout for another Messiah to come.
  • After then, the Lord instructed them to inform John of what they had observed.
  • Additionally, the Bible states that Jesus’ healing served as a demonstration of the great works of God.
  • The primary objective for Jesus’ healing of the sick was to establish Himself as the actual Messianic figure.

Indeed, no one could perform the kinds of miracles that Jesus performed on a consistent basis unless He had descended directly from heaven.

As a result, we discover that Jesus’ miracles were always performed for a specific reason.

In reality, Jesus did not simply heal anybody and everyone who was sick; he did it on a consistent basis.

As a result, the primary motive for the miraculous healings was not for the benefit of individuals who were afflicted but rather for the benefit of others.

Consequently, Jesus would not perform a healing miracle at the request or demand of others, as previously stated.

He, on the other hand, would not manufacture a sign simply because they asked.

He, on the other hand, would not do so. We want to emphasize once more that the healings took place only when it was absolutely necessary to spread the message of Jesus about the kingdom of heaven. Otherwise, the healing miracles would not have been required.

Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone?

Which is more difficult: to say, ‘Your crimes are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk away from them’? (See Matthew 9:5 for further information.) I concealed my face and became enraged, but he continued to backslide in the direction of his own heart. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him and bring consolation to him and his mourners, bringing out the fruit of the lips in the process (Isaiah 57:17-19). At some time in their life, everyone will be confronted with an accident or disease.

Mishaps in the sporting arena.

Either one’s own body is affected, or the body of a loved one or a friend is affected.

Even nonbelievers will frequently pray when presented with a medical diagnosis, and God does cure some people — but not all of them.

Examples of Miraculous Healing

Jesus healed a paralyzed, a leper, a lady who had been bleeding for 12 years, and a plethora of other persons. Those who came to him for help were cured miraculously. He also administered miraculous first aid on one of the men who came to arrest him after his ear was cut off by one of his disciples, who had come to him for help. “‘There will be no more of this!'” In the end, he cured him by touching his ear” (Luke 22:51). The book of 2 Kings 20tells the story of how Hezekiah, who was on the verge of death, was miraculously healed of a severe disease.

Examples of Unresolved Sickness

Paul spoke of an issue that had persisted for a long time and that the Lord had chosen to ignore. A thorn in the flesh was placed in my flesh, a messenger from Satan sent to bother me and prevent me from getting haughty. I begged the Lord three times about it, pleading with him to take it away from me (2 Corinthians 12:7-8). God would not remove the thorn from my side. According to Debbie McDaniel’s book “Depression in the Bible,” David wrestled with “anguish, loneliness, dread of the adversary, his heart-cry over sin, and the shame he struggled with as a result of it.” Clinical depression, according to today’s physicians, is what he is suffering from.

Examples of Long-Awaited Healing

Many biblical characters had to wait years, even decades, before they were able to find relief from suffering, injustice, or sterility. The women, Elizabeth and Sarah, became moms after it looked that conceiving was impossible from a medical viewpoint. Peter and John came upon “a man born lame,” whom they were able to heal by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 3:2-8). Despite the fact that he had been lame throughout his boyhood, we are unsure of the age at which he was finally cured.

However, the wait had already been rather lengthy by this point. In Luke 8, the demon-possessed man had been “without garments” for a “indeterminate amount of time.” (Second edition, v. 27) Jesus did indeed heal him, but his mental ailment had been left untreated for a long time.

God Heals Through Earthly and Supernatural Means

Robert Hampshire points out that God created our bodies’ ability to resist illness; he also created the men and women who go on to become “medical professionals and scientists,” as Hampshire puts it. Medical intervention and physicians are used to treat him, or he “will choose to respond our passionate pleas and operate supernaturally (but still in line with his lawful will) to eradicate the ailment either instantly or over time.” However, for those who believe that God would only treat disease by natural means, 1 Timothy 5:23 should serve as a reminder.

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus recounted how the injured man’s wounds were cured medically, and he referred to physicians in his teachings (Luke 10:34).

Will God Heal?

There are countless instances in which the Lord either says “wait” or “no” to our requests. “Perhaps the sickness we are suffering from will finally take us out of this world.” Although God has complete control over the result of every event, not every scenario ends well, as it did for Job, who had his health and fortune restored to levels much above what he had previously experienced. When we analyze the subject of healing, we may deduce four important conclusions. 1. God hath the ability to heal.

  1. He also cured the centurion’s servant in Luke 7, and a man with a demon in Luke 8.
  2. It is best to avoid mystical and occult approaches, as well as any spiritual activity that derives from a source other than the Triune God.
  3. They are not required to be Christians, “because it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure,” according to the Bible.
  4. 2.
  5. “He has a great plan for our life, and sometimes that plan includes allowing us to suffer and endure disease, illness, and suffering.
  6. He may not be delivering a lesson at all, but rather encouraging his children to get closer to him and to place their trust in him more.
  7. Anguish of any type — mental or physical — usually propels people towards Christ, often leading them to Him for the first time.

The experience of being comforted by God alone in that dark hour, on the other hand, is unlike anything else.” 3.

So frequently, our attitudes toward the Lord in prayer are similar to those of children who are demanding gifts from Santa.

We want God to protect us from anything that may bring us pain, and if he is unable to protect us, we want him to at least cure us.

They act as if things aren’t fair to them.

God is more concerned with spiritual healing than physical health.

However, Christ did something much greater than that: he forgave them for their sins.

If you had to choose between saying, “Your sins are forgiven you,” and telling someone to “rise and walk,” which would you choose?

More than anything else, we needed our relationship with the Father to be restored, and Christ has achieved this for those who place their faith in him as their personal Savior.

This allows us to be completely healed — reconciled to the Father, raised from the dead — after our current lives are over.

A Healthy Understanding

According to one author, “the fundamental issue is not ‘Why does the Lord cure some and not others?’ but rather, ‘Why does the Lord heal some and not others?’ ‘Why is anyone ever cured at all?’ is the question. God is the only one who knows the solution.” As a result of our sins and our sinfulness toward God, we have no right to expect anything from him. Instead of showering him with adoration, reverence, and love, we treat Him as if he were a cosmic genie.” When sinners come into the face of a holy God, there can be no debate about fair and equitable treatment, as Job learned the hard way.

  1. God has promised to do so one day.” Further reading may be found at: There are seven biblical figures who battled depression.
  2. Inconsistency in the performance of miracles, healings, and responses to prayer Are miracles performed today considered to be violations of nature?
  3. Is God with us when we struggle with depression?
  4. iStock/Getty Images Plus/kieferpix are used in this image.
  5. More information on her may be found here.
See also:  How Old Is Metal Jesus

Why Isn’t Everyone Healed? The Answer May Offend You. — Forward Ministries

LISTEN TO THE SOUNDTRACK If Jesus paid for it, then it is now yours. Whatever promise was included in Christ’s atoning work, you now have the opportunity to claim it. Whatever promise Jesus made at the time of his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension is yours now, and it will be yours forever if you believe in him. Due to the fact that, no matter how many promises God has made, they have all been answered “Yes” in Christ. As a result, we are able to speak the “Amen” to the glory of God because of him.

  1. Whether or not the promise is compatible with God’s revealed character and traits Is it possible that Jesus demonstrated his desire for the promise throughout his earthly ministry? What does the definition of salvation say about it? Is it based on the Bible?

Is Healing Always God’s Will?

God’s promises, which are made accessible to us via Christ, are numerous and diverse, impacting on virtually every element of our lives. He gives promises of salvation, provision, direction, peace, health, and many other things. For the sake of this post, I’m going to focus on health and healing as an example. The promises of Christ are available to everyone and may be applied in every situation. Consider which of the promises I make regarding health and recovery is most relevant to you and your current condition as I speak.

All of Jesus’ disciples agree that Jesus performed miracles.

However, we disagree on whether God always desires that everyone be totally cured. Have you prayed for a number of individuals and saw some being healed while others were not? If yes, what caused this to happen? There are just two stories in the New Testament that deal with the question of why.

When Jesus Could Not Heal People

There was a time when Jesus returned to his hometown and was unable to cure people in the same way that he could in other cities. He was accused by certain theologians of refusing to treat individuals because they lacked honor, although he did heal a number of people, proving that idea to be unfounded. The reality is more insulting than fiction. Let’s have a look at this narrative in the books of Mark and Matthew. Mark 6:1 is a biblical passage. From there, Jesus continued on his journey and arrived in His hometown, accompanied by His followers.

  1. “How could this man come up with these ideas?” they wondered.
  2. And how is it that He is able to execute such miracles?
  3. Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joseph, and Judas?
  4. 4 Jesus then instructed them that “a prophet is without honor only in his hometown, among his family, and inside his own household.” 5 As a result, He was unable to accomplish any miracles there, other than to lay His hands on a few ill people and heal them.
  5. And He traveled from village to village, imparting knowledge to the populace.
  6. Matthew 13:54 (KJV) Upon returning home, He taught the people in their synagogue, and they were astonished by what they learned.
  7. 56 Aren’t all His sisters among us as well?

57 They were offended by Him, as a result.

Because they were already familiar with Jesus, their carnal thinking caused them to be offended by him and to restrict his influence in their lives because they were familiar with him.

Carnal thinking is limited in its scope to what it can physically observe.

They restricted the power of Jesus by restricting his identity in their hearts and thoughts.

The fact that they refused to recognize him for who he truly was (God in human form, a prophet of God) meant that they were unable to benefit from his cure.

Unbelief in the heart of a human being has the potential to restrict God’s power.

It is our job to believe in and trust in God’s promises.

To summarize this narrative, it is conceivable that God desires to accomplish something for and through you, but you refuse to allow it to happen because of your lack of faith.

Your disbelief does not outweigh God’s might; rather, God made you in such a manner that you must come into agreement with him and enable him to operate in and through you in order for him to be successful. God will not go against your wishes or the ideas that you hold in your heart.

When the Disciples Could Not Heal People

Has the question, “Why didn’t they get healed after praying?” ever crossed your mind? or “why did one person get cured while the other did not?” or “why did one person get healed while the other did not?” Let’s take a look at the second location in the Bible where those same questions are answered.by Jesus himself. Matthew 17:14 (KJV) When they got to the front of the throng, a man approached Jesus and bowed down before Him. 15 “Lord, have compassion on my son,” he pleaded with the Lord. “He is having convulsions and is in excruciating pain.

  • 16 I took him to Your disciples, but they were unable to heal him.” 17 When Jesus heard this, he said, “O unbelieving and wicked generation!” “Can you tell me how long I have to stay with you?
  • “Bring the boy over here to Me,” I say.
  • 19 Afterwards, the disciples approached Jesus in secret and inquired as to why they were unable to drive the creature away.
  • “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can command this mountain to move from here to there just by saying, ‘Move from here to there.’ “There will be nothing that is difficult for you.” Now, from Mark’s point of view.
  • 18 Whenever it seizes him, it immediately throws him to the floor.
  • My followers attempted to drive it away, but they were unable.” GO TO VERSE 28 NOW.
  • Allow me to summarize the events of this narrative.
  • When the disciples questioned Jesus about why they were unable to heal the kid, he said that it was due of their lack of faith.
  • WOW!

Unbelief Limits the Power of God

When the people in Jesus’ hometown were unable to get healing from him, he explained that it was due to their lack of faith. When the disciples were unable to heal a believing kid, Jesus explained that it was due to the disciples’ lack of faith. We should be able to stop right there and take Jesus’ word for it, but we don’t always do so. We felt compelled to provide a few additional details to his explanation. We keep adding because it’s difficult to admit that we aren’t cured due of our lack of faith.

  • However, it is precisely the response that Jesus provides.
  • But what do you mean by “this kind”?
  • According to what he’s saying, the type of disbelief that prevents healing can only be expelled via prayer (and fasting).
  • This is charismatic nonsense that has been made up.
  • Jesus removed all authority from all entities, and he shares his authority with you; therefore, you do not need to fast in order to get more power, but you may need to pray and fast in order to gain more confidence.

God does not provide you greater faith in order to pray; rather, your heart grows more secure in him as you spend time convincing your heart of his identity.

Do You Need More Faith?

Because of their unbelief, Jesus explained why the people in his village were not able to get healing from him. Because of the disciples’ lack of faith, Jesus explained why the disciples were unable to heal a believing kid. The truth is that we should be able to just stop there and accept Jesus’ words without hesitation, but we don’t. He has provided sufficient information; we feel the need to further. Additions are made since accepting that we are not cured as a result of our disbelief is difficult for us to accept.

  1. Nevertheless, that is precisely the response given by Jesus.
  2. The question is, of what type is it “this kind.” He is said to be speaking of “this sort” of demon, according to some people.
  3. According to what he’s saying, the type of doubt that prevents healing can only be expelled through praying (and fasting).
  4. You may feel more confident as a result of your fasting and prayer, which may give the impression of more strength, but this is a delusion.
  5. Taking the time to convince your heart of God’s identity does not grant you any additional trust in your prayers; rather, it fosters greater confidence in God.


When the people in Jesus’ hometown were unable to get healing from him, he explained that it was due of their lack of faith. When the disciples were unable to heal a believing youngster, Jesus explained that it was due to their lack of faith. We should be able to stop right there and take Jesus’ word for it, but we don’t always do that. We felt compelled to add a few additional points to his explanation. We keep adding because it’s difficult to admit that we aren’t cured as a result of our unbelief.

  • But it is precisely the response that Jesus provides.
  • But of what type is “this kind”?
  • However, the setting is one of disbelief rather than one of devils.
  • You do not obtain power over higher kinds of demons just by fasting; it is charismatic nonsense that has been made up.
  • Jesus removed all authority from all entities, and he shares his authority with you.

You do not need to fast in order to get more power, but you may need to pray and fast in order to gain more confidence. When you take the time to persuade your heart of God’s identity, your trust in him does not increase; rather, your heart grows more confidence in him.

  1. God identifies himself as a healer (Jehovah Rophe), according to the Bible. When God created people, he placed them in a perfect garden with perfect health
  2. When God restores all things and places us in an everlasting paradise of perfection where there is no sickness or disease, we may rejoice. Jesus came to earth between Eden and Heaven to cure mankind
  3. Jesus was the precise representation of the unseen God
  4. Jesus was the exact representation of the invisible God

You can tell that God wishes for you to be healed because he has made it apparent through his sovereign actions of creation, eternity, and his time as a human. The reason we are not walking in health and healing has a great deal to do with the fallen world, but Jesus tells us quite plainly that we are not healed, and that we are not healing others, because of our unbelief. Yes, I am well aware of how hurtful that is to certain people. I understand that this appears to be a black and white situation, but if you go back and read this post again, you will not discover my ideas, but rather my comments on the words and explanations of Jesus on the issue of healing and when it does not occur.

Doubt and disbelief should be banished from our hearts via our prayer life.

Here’s an example of a prayer that might help to reduce uncertainty and increase faith in God.

That you are a healer has been acknowledged by me.

I’m prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I submit my heart to your will.

I believe that Jesus’ shed blood and the stripes on his back paid the price for my spiritual, mental, and bodily recovery.

Father, I put my faith in you, and I am grateful that your spirit resides within me, providing life to my physical body.

I think that your spirit is assisting my body in becoming complete and healed.

This is my prayer in the name of Jesus, who has the ability and authority to grant it.

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