Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree Got Questions

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

QuestionAnswer The story of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree is told in two separate gospel accounts: Mark’s version and Luke’s account. It can first be observed in Matthew 21:18-22, and subsequently in Mark 11:12-14, among other places. When it comes to the two stories, there are some minor inconsistencies that may be resolved by carefully reading the relevant portions. The key to comprehending this verse, like with all Scripture, is to grasp the historical and cultural context in which it occurred.

For example, when did this occur, what was the environment, and where did it take place are all important questions.

Finally, we must have a fundamental grasp of the fig tree itself, including its growth seasons and other characteristics.

In the midst of Jewish people’s acclaim and worship, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem a day earlier.

Now, the next day, Jesus is once again on His journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where He had been resting the night before.

While expecting to find something to eat under the fig tree, Jesus instead discovered that the tree was devoid of fruit, and he cursed the tree, saying, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” (Matthew 21:19; Mark 11:14; Luke 21:19.) This narrative of the cursing and withering of the fig tree is included in Matthew’s account of Jesus purifying the Temple of the moneychangers, which follows the account of Jesus cleansing the Temple of the moneychangers.

Mark says that event really took place over two days, with Jesus cursing the fig tree on the first day while on his way to cleanse the Temple, and the disciples noticing the tree withered on the second day while on their way back to Jerusalem from Bethany, as recorded in Mark (Mark 11:12-14 and Mark 11:19-20).

  • After reviewing the story’s overall chronological context, we may begin to address some of the numerous concerns that are frequently posed about it in this section.
  • This question may be answered by looking at the properties of fig trees, which can be found on the internet.
  • Consequently, when Jesus and His followers noticed from a distance that the tree was bearing leaves, they would have assumed that the tree was also bearing fruit, despite the fact that it was later in the season than it was customarily the case for an unripe fig tree to develop fruit.
  • Early crops would be harvested in the spring, with one or two later crops following after that.
  • The fact that Jesus and His followers would be seeking for fruit on the fig tree even though it was not the major growing season further helps to explain their actions.
  • If you’re wondering what this paragraph is all about or even what it means, the answer may be found in the chronological context of the passage as well as in a knowledge of how a fig tree is frequently used figuratively to symbolize Israel in the Bible.
  • Both were significant in terms of the spiritual state of Israel.
  • Symbolically, He was decrying Israel as a country, and in a way, He was decrying unproductive “Christians” as well (that is, people who profess to be Christian but have no evidence of a relationship with Christ).
  • In the same way, the lack or death of a fig tree would represent rejection and judgment.
  • When Jesus cleansed the Temple and cursed the fig tree, causing it to wither and die, He was announcing the impending judgment on Israel and proving His ability to carry it out.
  • James would subsequently write that “faith without actions is dead,” which echoed this reality (James 2:26).

God condemns those who do not yield fruit, and He wants those who are in a relationship with Him to “bear abundant fruit” in their lives (John 15:5-8). Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What was it about the fig tree that caused Jesus to condemn it?

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What is the meaning of the Parable of the Fig Tree?

QuestionAnswer The Parable of the Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-9), which Jesus spoke immediately after reminding His audience of the tower above the Pool of Siloam (John 9:7), which unexpectedly collapsed and killed eighteen people, was the next story Jesus taught. According to Luke 13:3, the moral of the narrative is as follows: “If you don’t repent, you’ll die along with them.” To drive home this point, Jesus narrates the tale of the fig tree, the vineyard owner, and the gardener who looked after the vineyard in order to reinforce his point.

  • The vineyard owner represents God, who is rightfully expecting to see fruit on His tree and is as rightfully deciding to kill it if he does not see any fruit.
  • The tree itself has two symbolic meanings: one for Israel as a country and another for the person who lives under its shade.
  • He has been looking for fruit from this tree for three years, but has come up empty-handed.
  • The fruits of repentance, on the other hand, were not forthcoming.
  • The Jewish people, however, were outraged by the notion that they needed to repent, and they rejected their Messiah because He insisted that they do it themselves.
  • They had everything, but they had already turned their backs on God.
  • Because he was the vineyard owner, he had every right to cut down the tree that was bearing no fruit at the time.

The gardener, on the other hand, appears to be appealing for a little more time.

As it turned out, Israel as a whole was still skeptical, but individuals were more convinced than ever (John 12:10-11).

The person should take away the lesson that borrowed time is not permanent.

God’s patience has a limit, as does ours.

In the same manner, God, in His kindness, extends to us another day, another hour, another moment of our lives.

When there is no fruit or repentance, His patience will be exhausted, and the fruitless, unrepentant individual will be brought to naught.

It is for this reason that the prophet Isaiah said, “Seek the LORD while he is still available; call on him while he is yet close by.

Allow the wicked to abandon his ways and the evil man to abandon his ideas. Come before the LORD, and he will have pity on him, and come before our God, and he will freely forgive him ” (Isaiah 55:6-7).

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Get our Question of the Week emailed to your inbox every weekday morning! Got Questions Ministries is a trademark of Got Questions Ministries, Inc., registered in the state of California in the year 2002. All intellectual property rights are retained. Policy Regarding Personal Information The information on this page was last updated on January 4, 2022.

Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? What is the importance of Jesus cursing the fig tree?

The fig tree is cursed by Jesus in both Matthew 21:18-22 and Mark 11:12-14, 20-25, according to the Bible. When we take a closer look at these narratives, we can gain some insight into why Jesus decided to curse this particular fig tree. According to both tales, the time of this cursing is essential and must be taken into consideration. Jesus will be executed the following week, hence this event took place during that week. It appears that Jesus cursed the fig tree on the day following the triumphant entry, also known as Palm Sunday, when the people acclaimed Him as the Messiah-King, according to the Bible.

  • The following day, as Jesus and his followers went by the fig tree, they noticed that it had withered overnight, which was a stunning contrast.
  • At the time of the Passover celebrations, Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem.
  • Jesus, on the other hand, was well aware that He would shortly be rejected by His own people.
  • The people looked to accept Jesus, and the religious leaders professed to be following God; nonetheless, they failed to yield fruit, and Jesus was executed as a result of their failure.
  • Regarding the people of Israel, some interpret this as the curse of Messiah being put to death, while others interpret this as the curse of Israel’s imminent demise as a country in the year 70 AD.
  • The notion of productive life as God’s people continues to be relevant to today’s society.
  • Those who belong to Christ are transformed into new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), and they are invited to a fruitful relationship with God that produces fruit.

James, Jesus’ half-brother, stated this concept in the following way: “What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not demonstrate it through his actions?

What good does it do if a brother or sister is badly clothed and deprived of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and fed,” without providing them with the things they require for their physical well-being?

Furthermore, the book of John 15 is concerned with the notion of living as a productive disciple of Christ.

God continues to call His people to live fruitful lives, made possible by their connection with Him, for the sake of His glory.

Is it possible that Jesus cleansed the temple more than once?

Who has responsibility for the killing of Jesus Christ? Who are we as followers of Christ? Is there such a thing as the Christian life? How significant is spiritual development in the Christian life? Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

My children recently grew enthusiastic about limes after learning that they could sell limeade and make a lot of money doing so. At my mother-in-house, law’s they discovered a huge tray piled high with them one day. They discovered a large, lushly green, magnificent lime tree, which they immediately began robbing. Jackpot. Except that they were made of plastic. A basin full of limes, holding up the promise of gallons of limeade, is only ornamental and serves no use. Many items can pass for the actual thing on the surface, but upon closer scrutiny, they are shown to be false.

21:18–22; Mark 11:12–14, 20–25) is a stunning scene in the Gospels in which Jesus deals with this mismatch of expectations.

Examining the Episode

The throngs of people assembled for Passover greeted Jesus as he entered Jerusalem with joy. As he drives out from Bethany in the morning, he comes upon a fig tree that is “in leaf.” The majority of fig trees have not yet produced full fruit at this stage in late April (Mark 11:13). However, this particular tree captures Jesus’ attention since it has a full covering of leaves at the time of his arrival. It’s a flower that blooms early. Its foliage indicates that tree will produce figs in the early summer.

  • He is dissatisfied almost quickly.
  • There is no satisfaction when there is just expectancy.
  • We are taken aback; this appears to be completely out of character for Jesus, who is known for being a child-welcomer, a loving healer, and a storm-calming figure.
  • On the surface, it appears to be a case study on the effectiveness of devout prayer (Matt.
  • However, there is more going on behind the scenes.

1. Fruitlessness leads to judgment.

Over and over again in the Old Testament, Israel is referred to as God’s vineyard, tree, or planting (Judges 9:8–15; Isa. 3:14–7; Jer. 12:10; Ezek. 17:2–10; Ezek. 19:10–14). Because they are God’s special planting, they must bear spiritual fruit as his covenant people (Ps. 1:3; Jer. 17:8–10), as any agrarian Israelite was well aware (Ex. 23:19; Neh. 10:35–37). This helps conceptualize their relationship with God, as they are his covenant people and as his firstfruits of the harvest (Ex. 23:19; Neh.

  1. For Israel’s connection with God is not founded on their fruitfulness (whether physical or otherwise), but it is God who bestows fruitfulness on them (Deut.
  2. The absence of fruitfulness is a symbol of God’s punishment on them as a result of their transgression (Deut.
  3. This underlying image for Israel’s spiritual health comes to life in the prophetic era with a dazzling display of color.
  4. 27:6).
  5. 7:1, Jer.
  6. 9:10–17), but he finds “no first-ripe fig that my soul wants” (Mic.
  7. 8:13, Hos.

The result is that God pours forth the curse of barrenness (Hosea 9:16) on Israel twice over the course of a thousand years (the Assyrian and the Babylonian exiles) (Jer.

However, everything is not lost.

4:4; Zech.


In the imaginations of Jesus’ disciples, when he reenacted Israel’s history by cursing the fig tree, light lights would have immediately gone out.

3:8–10; 7:16–20; 13:8; Luke 3:7–9).

And the Jewish people, who have gathered to commemorate God’s work of redemption (Passover/exodus), have just proclaimed Jesus as “king” as he leads a new exodus on a donkey filled with symbolic significance (Zech.

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The time has come for the eschatological restoration.

Israel’s fruit will now be gathered, and blessings will now gush forth from the land.

While the rest of the nations—the other fig trees—have not yet reached their peak season, thisonetree has already begun to bloom. Furthermore, both Matthew and Mark, by “sandwiching” the fig tree incident, direct the reader’s attention to the location where it will all take place: Jerusalem.

  • Matthew’s sequence is Jerusalem Fig tree Jerusalem
  • Mark’s sequence is Fig tree Jerusalem Fig tree

The only problem is that there is no fruit. Once again, the fig tree has failed miserably. Every aspect of the Passover celebration, from the turmoil to the people to the singing, is a stage production. After entering the house of prayer, Jesus discovers that it has been turned into a “den of thieves” (Mark 11:17). There is a lot of activity and a lot of hustle, but there is no righteousness. There are leaves, but no fruit. Because of this, after inspecting the unproductive tree, Jesus administers divine judgment by two sign-acts: the future-pointing act of cursing the temple, as well as the performed metaphor of cursing the tree.

2. Think about your own figs.

However, everything is not lost. When the disciples urge Jesus to explain what has just occurred, he shifts his focus and begins to speak about prayer. Why? They will be the new custodians of God’s people, even if they do not completely comprehend what this means (Matt. 21:33–45). Their role will be to assist in the transformation of Israel—when the Jewish nucleus of Christ-followers spreads branches throughout the world and bears fruit from all countries (beginning in Acts). According to Jesus’ teachings, people will be able to do this via the power of persistent prayer.

  • It is all about us.
  • The cursing of the fig tree is not limited to ancient Israel alone.
  • When that sad fig tree met its untimely demise on the route between Bethany and Jerusalem, the Old Testament expectation that God’s covenant people give fruit did not wither as a result of its unfortunate fate.
  • 1:11–41, Heb.
  • Not in order to gain God’s personal favor, but in order to succumb to the tasks that he has (re)made us to perform.
  • The threat of the temptation toward false pretenses of fruit are also addressed in the storyline.
  • And that only exacerbated the situation.
  • It’s one thing to be lacking in something while seeming to be possessing it.
  • Our personal life might take on the appearance of being “in leaf.” It is possible that our leaves resemble those of a supermom, a winner, a perfect family, or an A-team Christian with a jam-packed calendar of missionary events.
  • It is possible that there will be no evidence of holiness or intimacy with God.

And our churches have the ability to do the same. The leaves of a church may be impressive: booming attendance, capital campaigns, clever pastors, and impressive music, to name a few examples. But what will the Lord find upon thorough inspection? Will he findonlyleaves? Or will he find figs, too?

Cursing the fig tree – Wikipedia

The curse of the fig tree is a story told in the gospels, and it is presented as a miracle in conjunction with Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem in Mark and Matthew, and as a parable in Luke. This event is completely absent from the Gospel of John’s account, which moves the episode with which it is associated, namely the purification of the temple, from the conclusion of Jesus’ public ministry to the beginning. The picture is derived from the Old Testament sign of the fig tree, which represents Israel, and the curse of the fig tree in Mark and Matthew, as well as the corresponding account in Luke, are therefore symbolically intended against the Jews, who have refused to recognize Jesus as ruler of their nation.

The symbol of the fig tree in Hebrew scripture

According to the Gospels, the curse of the fig tree was a miracle that took place in connection with Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem, and it was later described as a parable inLuke andMark This event is completely absent from the Gospel of John’s account, which moves the episode with which it is associated, namely the purification of the temple, from the conclusion to the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

The picture is derived from the Old Testament emblem of the fig tree, which represents Israel.

Gospel of Mark, 11:12–25

Historically, most historians think that Mark was the earliest gospel, and that the writers of Matthew and Luke utilized it as a basis for their writings. Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Jerusalem when a barren fig tree bears no fruit; in Jerusalem, he drives the money-changers from the temple; and the next morning, they discover that the fig tree has withered and died, implying that the temple, like the fig tree, is cursed and will wither because it failed to produce fruit. The episode concludes with a discourse on the power of prayer, which has led some scholars to interpret this as the episode’s primary motif rather than the eschatological aspect.

Gospel of Matthew, 21:18–22

Using Mark’s split tale, Matthew condenses it into a single narrative. When the curse is spoken, the fig tree withers, propelling the story ahead to Jesus’ confrontation with the Jewish priests and his curse against them as well as the temple. While Jesus responds to the disciples’ expressions of wonder with a brief discourse on faith and prayer, it is less clear that the dead fig tree is connected to the fate of the temple. However, in Matthew 24:32–35, the author closely follows Mark in presenting the “lesson” (in Greek, parabole) of the budding tree as a sign of the certain coming of the Son of Man.

Gospel of Luke, 13:6–9

Luke substitutes the parable of the barren fig tree for the miracle, which is most likely derived from the same body of tradition as that which underlies Mark’s account. After hearing reports of Galilean deaths, Jesus and the disciples travel to Jerusalem, where he provides a prophetic interpretation of the events through a parable: A man planted a fig tree expecting it to bear fruit, but despite his visits, the tree remained barren; the owner’s patience wore thin, but the gardener pleaded for a little more time; the owner agrees, but the question of whether the tree would bear fruit, i.e.

acts that manifest the Kingdom of God Jesus concludes his parable with a warning that if his people do not repent, they would die, according to Luke.

Infancy Gospel of Thomas

Luke substitutes the parable of the barren fig tree for the miracle, which is most likely derived from the same body of tradition as that which underlies Mark’s narrative. When Jesus and the disciples learn of the deaths of Galileans, Jesus uses a parable to give them a prophetic interpretation: a man planted a fig tree expecting it to bear fruit, but despite his visits, it remained barren; the owner’s patience wore thin, but the gardener pleaded for a little more time; the owner agrees, but the question of whether the tree would bear fruit, i.e.

Because of this, Luke concludes Jesus’ account by warning the disciples that they will die if they do not repent.

See also

  • Figurines in the Bible
  • The life of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament
  • The parable of the blooming fig tree and the parable of the barren fig tree are both included.


  1. Getty-Sullivan 2007, p. 74-75
  2. AbEdwards 2002, p. 338
  3. AbBurkett 2002, p. 170-171
  4. AbDumbrell 2001, p. 175
  5. AbJesus Behaving Badly: The Puzzling Paradoxes of the Man from Galilee, Mark L. Strauss, p. 64
  6. AbDumbrell 2001, p. 202


  • Burkett, Delbert Royce, and others (2002). This course provides an overview of the New Testament as well as the historical roots of Christianity. Carroll, John T. (Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521007207)
  • Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521007207
  • Carroll, John T. (2012). A Commentary on the Book of Luke. Cousland, J.R.C., Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 9780664221065
  • Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 9780664221065
  • (2017). The Infancy Gospel of Thomas has a passage titled “Holy Terror.” Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN 9780567668189
  • Dumbrell, W.J. Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN 9780567668189
  • (2001). On the Lookout for Order: Biblical Eschatology in the Spotlight Wipf and Stock, ISBN 9781579107963
  • Edwards, James R. Wipf and Stock, ISBN 9781579107963
  • Edwards, James R. (2002). The Gospel of Mark is a collection of writings by the apostle Mark. Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann (Eerdmans, ISBN 9780851117782)
  • Eerdmans, ISBN 9780851117782
  • Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann (2007). Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition is a book on Jesus and his use of parables. Keener, Craig
  • Liturgical Press, ISBN 9780814629932
  • (1999). A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 5:17–20). Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 9780802838216
  • Kinman, Brent (1995). The setting of Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem, both in terms of Lukan theology and in terms of the politics of his day. Perkins, Pheme (ISBN9004103309)
  • Brill, ISBN9004103309
  • Perkins, Pheme (ISBN9004103309)
  • (2009). The Synoptic Gospels are introduced in this section. The Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 9780802865533
  • Mitchell G. Reddish, Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 9780802865533
  • (2011). This is an introduction to the Gospels. Published by Abingdon Press (ISBN 9781426750083)

Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree – The Fascinating Answer

Please keep in mind that this content may contain affiliate links for your convenience. In my capacity as an Amazon Associate, I receive a commission on eligible purchases made by you at no additional cost to you. the bottom of this page, and my complete disclosure can be found on myAffiliate Disclosure Page. The narrative of Jesus cursing the fig tree in the Gospel of Mark is well-known to most people today. There are some wonderful lessons to be learned from the cursed fig tree that we can take away and apply to our own life.

  1. What was He thinking when He decreed that this tree would never bear fruit again merely because it did not have any figs?
  2. So let’s get to work on this Bible study on the fig tree and Jesus’ ministry!
  3. The miracles Jesus did during His career included treating the sick, driving out devils, calming storms, and reviving the dead, to name a few examples.
  4. The miracles of Jesus have the potential to transform your life, and it all starts with faith.
  5. An everyday miracle might sometimes be something that doesn’t get much notice but can be utilized to convey a lesson nonetheless.
  6. Is it true that a miracle has occurred?
  7. Yes, that was the case.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? – A Bit Extreme?

Frequently in life, we look at something with high expectations, only to discover that it is not what we expected it to be. Because this issue is so frequent, I actually published an entire post about it. When we look at some things, they might appear to be deceitful. When I think about my first visit to my sister in Florida, I get a little nostalgic. I was up in New York City and didn’t spend much time in vehicles until I visited my grandmother when I was 12 years old. It was then that I was first exposed to heat mirages on the highways of southern California.

  1. When viewed from a distance, deception may take many shapes, and many things appear to be real when they are not.
  2. Mark 11:12-14 (KJV) He grew hungry the next day, after they had left Bethany and returned to their home.
  3. When He got close to it, he discovered nothing but leaves, as it was not the season for figs at that point.
  4. His followers were also paying attention.
  5. To be sure, it looks that Jesus curses the fig tree only because He was hungry and the fig tree had no fruit to provide Him, despite the fact that it was not even the season for figs at the time!

At first sight, it appears to be a bit excessive, especially considering that it wasn’t even the season for them at the time. However, this is only at first sight! Consider this in further detail and consider what lessons Jesus is attempting to impart to us through the cursed fig tree.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree? – Understanding Fig Trees in Israel

In Israel, figs are harvested in two to three crops every year, depending on the season. Every crop cycle follows the same pattern of development. The tree develops its fruit first, and then its leaves appear. As a result, if you observe a fig tree with its leaves, it is safe to presume that its figs have already matured. As a result, in verse 12, Jesus notices the fig tree from a distance and notices that it still has its leaves on it. He had every reason to suppose it was also in possession of the fruit at the time.

There were no figs in it!

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3Lessons From the Cursed Fig Tree

So, let’s look at why Jesus cursed the fig tree and what we may learn from the fig tree in the following ways:

1. False Appearances

The fig tree was condemned by Jesus because it gave the impression of fruitfulness, but it was actually false. It was devoid of fruit. Jesus was enraged with this tree because it gave the impression of yielding figs when it didn’t! It was this tree that he condemned since it gave the impression of fruitfulness, but it was actually false. It was devoid of fruit. To send a tweet, simply click here. This was done to seem more advanced than the others and to appear to give something important from a distance, but all it offered was leaves, since the Bible makes plain that figs had not yet even begun to ripen.

In essence, this misleading look was a form of hypocrisy.

2. Biblical Hypocrisy!

There are several instances in the Bible when Jesus addresses the subject of hypocrisy. He’d seen it so many times, and this tree was a vivid representation of what he’d seen! Matthew 23:27-28 is one of these verses: Wrath on you, professors of the law and Pharisees, you hypocritical hypocrites! You are like to whitewashed tombs, which appear lovely on the surface but are filled with the bones of the dead and everything else that is dirty on the inside. In the same way, you may look to others to be upright on the exterior, yet on the inside, you are full of hypocrisy and evil.

Whitewashed Tombs

A gorgeous fig tree stood outside the house just as Jesus mentions in these lines, and it looked just as good on the inside. It appeared to be bursting at the seams with fruit! However, following closer inspection, it was shown to be a fabrication. It didn’t have anything. The story of Jesus and the fig tree makes it clear that it was not the season for figs when it was told. As a result, this tree created the deceptive impression of being more mature and prolific than the trees in its immediate vicinity.

It appeared to have figs when all of the other trees in the area did not! It pretended to be someone or something that it wasn’t. One of the lessons we may learn from the cursed fig tree is that Jesus does not tolerate hypocrisy in any form!

3. Living a Fruitful Life

For us, this is a sobering lesson from the Lord Jesus Christ. Taking care not to give the world the impression that we have the fruit of the Spirit or that we are leading a fruitful life, but upon closer inspection, we are no different from the world. We might give the impression that we live a flourishing life, but when others look closer, they will see that we are nothing but leaves! Lovingkindness and gentleness are among the Fruits of the Spirit, along with patience and forbearance. The Fruits of the Spirit are also patience and forbearance (Galatians 5:22-23).

Or, conversely, do we live lives of hypocrisy while seeming to live a life of productive living?

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Lessons From the Cursed Fig Tree – Examples ofFruitfulness in the Bible

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the true gardener,” says Jesus in John 15:1-11. His pruning technique involves cutting away every branch that is a part of me but does not yield fruit; and he prunes every branch that does give fruit in order for it to bear even more fruit. You are being trimmed right now as a result of the word that I have talked to you about. “Remain joined with me, as I will remain united with you — because just as a branch cannot grow fruit on its own without the support of the vine, so you cannot bear fruit away from me.” I am the vine, and you are the branches that support me.

  • If a person does not remain joined with me, he is cast away like a branch and withers away in the desert.
  • In yielding abundant fruit, you will demonstrate your status as mytalmidim, and in doing so, my Father will be praised in your lives.” As much as my Father has loved me, I have loved you as well; therefore, continue to be in my love.
  • I’ve spoken this to you in order for my delight to be in you and for your joy to be complete as well.
  • Keep your focus on Him!

What Does It Mean to Abide?

‘Abide’ is a Greek word that means “to remain.” It denotes (according to Strong’s Concordance): to remain (in a certain place, state, relationship, or expectation) for an extended period of time. —be present, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable, be presentable (Strong) The most important thing is to remain in Him and His Word. Our fruit will increase as we dwell in Him and His Word, as well as when we pray, since we will be drawing from the source!

And as long as we continue to yield fruit, He will prune us in order for us to bear even more fruit! We receive our spiritual food from Him in the same way that a tree receives nourishment from its base, and then, like the tree, we bear excellent fruit!

Pruning in the Bible

God also prunes us, just as a good gardener would. And when God prunes us, the old and dead things are eliminated to make way for the growth of the new and better. The dead items are eliminated in order for fruit to grow in greater abundance. In botanical terms, pruning is removing dead or overgrown branches or stems, usually in order to enhance fruitfulness and development in plants.

How Does God Prune Us?

God is the one who takes away our guilt and humiliation. He eliminates our old habits and old ways of doing things, and he heals our emotional scars as a result of this process. He takes the place of the old records that we repeat over and over in our heads, things that people said about us, with what HE has to say about ourselves. He does this by the power of His Word! In the process of studying His Word, Christ prunes us! We mature in Him and allow Him to remove those things that are no longer useful from our lives via His compassion and kindness!

  • And as long as we allow for this pruning and allow for a lot of fresh fruit to develop, we will never have to be worried with merely exhibiting leaves!
  • New International Version® (NIV®) – Scriptures extracted from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV®).
  • Zondervan has granted permission for this use.
  • Biblica, Inc.
  • TM CJB – This phrase is taken from David H.
  • The year 1998 was the year of the copyright.
  • Used with permission from Messianic Jewish Publishers, 6120 Day Long Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029.of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*.
  • The Tree of Life Bible Society owns the copyright for 2014 and 2016.
  • This ebook download of this essay contains all of the information you could ever want to know about Why Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree.
  • The best thing is that it costs only $2.

Why Did Jesus “Curse” the Fig Tree?

Could you perhaps clarify the situation in which Jesus “cursed” a fig tree? In this case, there are various aspects to it that are difficult to comprehend. Did Christ have the authority to condemn a tree in the first place? What exactly is the meaning of the word “curse”? Is it possible that he damaged property that did not belong to him, given that the tree appeared to have been destroyed? Some believe that Jesus, like everyone else, made errors, and that this demonstrates his humanity. The conclusion that some people make from this story is erroneous, and it stems from a misunderstanding of the circumstances surrounding this incident, which occurred at the end of Christ’s ministry.

  • Matthew 21:18-19; 20-22 and Mark 11:12-14; 20-25.
  • “And on the next day, when they had returned from Bethany, Jesus was hungry.
  • And he responded by saying to it, ‘No man will ever eat fruit from you again – ever.’ And it was heard by his disciples.
  • In a call to recall, Peter remarked to him, ‘Rabbi, look, the fig tree that you cursed has withered away'” (Mk.
  • Because of the need for concision, we have integrated the two passages from Mark’s Gospel that pertain specifically to this incident.

The Savior’s subsequent explanation on this subject, which is described in verses 22-25, will also be skipped over in this section. In the next sections, we will look at this contentious text in further detail.

The Curse

The phrase “cursed” is used just once in the two New Testament accounts of this episode, and it occurs in the first verse. A fully dead fig tree was discovered the next day when Christ and his followers were passing by on their route to Jerusalem. According to Matthew 21:20, this prompted Peter, who was speaking on behalf of the others as well, to remark: “Rabbi, take a look! “The fig tree that you cursed has wilted,” says the witch. (See v. 21.) First and foremost, it should be recognized that the term “curse” in biblical terminology does not refer to profanity in the modern meaning of the word.


In this particular instance, there was a command miracle, in which Christ pronounced words that caused the tree to die on its own.

It symbolized a powerful object-lesson that the disciples were required to master in order to succeed (and numerous others since that time as well).

Did Jesus Destroy Someone Else’s Personal Property?

There are various factors to consider when it comes to the claim that Jesus destroyed something that was not his. First and foremost, it is impossible to determine who owned the tree. “By the wayside,” Matthew notes that it has grown (Mt. 21:19). As a result, it’s possible that it was a “volunteer” tree, as they are known in any country. In this regard, it is noteworthy that Peter did not criticize the Lord for ruining someone else’s property, despite the fact that the impulsive apostle was not hesitant to admonish his Master when the circumstances demanded it (cf.

  • 16:22).
  • M.
  • 350).
  • He possesses the deity’s nature in and of himself (Jn.
  • As a result, the world and all of its fullness are his as deity (Psa.
  • A sovereign authority to employ the materials of creation to achieve those greater aims that man, limited in his understanding, may not be able to see at any particular point in time is granted to him by the Creator.
  • Mk.
  • There is no one who has the authority to say to him, “What do you do?” (Dan.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

The learner must investigate the significance of Christ’s behavior in order to better understand the issue. When the Lord first noticed the tree, he was still “a long way away.” He could only tell that it had leaves by looking at it (v. 13). The conclusion that must be drawn from this event is that, despite the fact that Jesus was god, he did not always wield the entire extent of his divine abilities. He was not aware of the specifics of this tree until he was within striking distance of it (v.

  1. When the Savior came at the fig tree, he saw something strange: the fig tree was completely devoid of fruit.
  2. As Alfred Edersheim has pointed out, “in Palestine, fruit comes before leaves” is a phenomenon that occurs alone in Palestine (p.
  3. As a result, the sight of a leafed fig tree (even at an inconvenient time of year — v.
  4. This tree, on the other hand, was an anomaly; the leaves were present, but the tree had no fruit.
  5. More than a thousand years previously, the Hebrew people had been separated from the pagan peoples of antiquity in order to play a unique part in the divine plan.
  6. 4:22), which meant that they were given a higher priority position than the rest of the world.
  7. 5:1).

When Isaiah was younger, he described the incident in the following manner.



2 Kings 22-23), the tragic reality is that the nation was on a gradual, degenerative slide — a path of apostasy that would culminate in the bloodthirsty cry, “Crucify him!

20:19; Acts 2:23), conspired to have Jesus executed on their behalf.


An unfruitful, withered tree, according to the symbolism of the Scriptures, was deserving of nothing more than to be chopped down (cf.

Psa. 90:6; Hos. 9:16). “Withering” was a sign of death on the horizon (Joel 1:12). It’s possible that the Son of God was implying the following when blasting this unproductive fig tree:

  1. After becoming a political body, the nation had devolved into a pointless cog in the divine system of things. The punishment would be complete and final, with the “tree” being cut down from its very “roots” (Mk. 11:20)
  2. The destruction would come quickly (within forty years — A.D. 66-70) with the invasion of the land by the Roman armies (cf. Mt. 22:7ff
  3. Mt. 24:15ff)
  4. The punishment would be complete and final
  5. The “tree” would be cut down from its very “roots”
See also:  When Did The Name Jesus Come Into Existence


There was a very solid reason for Jesus Christ to act in the manner that he did on this particular occasion. It was not an impetuous move, nor was it a mistaken or reckless gesture on the part of the author. It was a premeditated and quite informative warning. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten the important lesson that was imparted to them. Important Note: This story serves as an emphatic denial of the fallacious belief that the ancient country of Israel would be revived during the “end times,” as promoted by dispensationalists and premillennialists alike in the latter days.

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

ClarifyShareReportAsked Anonymous on July 1, 2013 (via GotQuestions) The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. The story of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree is told in two separate gospel accounts: Mark’s version and Luke’s account. It can first be observed in Matthew 21:18-22, and subsequently in Mark 11:12-14, among other places. Despite the fact that there are minor discrepancies.

Responses received on July 1, 20137 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

Eldred is an American actor and musician.

First and foremost, one of my favorite phrases in the Bible is the final verse of the book of John, which states, “Jesus performed many other things in addition to this.” It’s possible that if all He accomplished was documented, even the entire planet would not be able to contain the volumes.” The fact that this story “made the book” (not once, but twice) indicates to me that it is extremely important.

  • Jesus came saw this tree and went to it in order to obtain figs to satisfy His hunger (and, maybe more significantly, to convey a lesson).
  • He was well aware that it was not the season for figs (“the time for figs was not yet”).
  • There were none to be found.
  • The Apostles were taken aback by how quickly it had died, but if all that Jesus wished to demonstrate to them was his power, would the last line in John that I mentioned contain any regard for them?
  • I think that Jesus was teaching the Apostles, and through them, us, about the kingdom of God.
  • It was one of the first things I realized when studying the Bible was that when I read the Bible more than time, more verses made sense to me.
  • Other verses in one or the other book of the same Testament were required by passages in other books of the same Testament.

When I originally saw this question, the first scripture that came to me was “Be prepared in season and out of season” (2Tim 4:2).

Despite the fact that He picked us (and by “we,” I mean everyone who responded, not just a select few), and it was not because of anything we had done, but because of what we would do, we were nevertheless chosen.

Although no actions were required to obtain the gift, since we have received the gift and because we believe, we have a commitment to serve Him (“My yoke is easy, and my load is light,” as the proverb says.) In season and out of season (please take note of the yoke).

The myth of the 10 virgins, five of whom are intelligent and five of whom are foolish, illustrates the same premise (foolish in this verse can mean godless as well as unwise).

In order to acquire additional oil, the five fools had to depart; nevertheless, the bridegroom arrived while they were away.

The Bible states in 1Pet 3:15, “But sanctify the Lord in your hearts, and constantly be prepared to give an explanation to anybody who asks you to give the reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” In this passage, the word “sanctify” refers to the act of dedicating or setting aside one’s heart.

  1. This specific fig tree depicts individuals who were chosen by God but did not come with him.
  2. There are many additional scriptures that come to mind that I don’t have time to go into right now, but I’ll close with one or two of my favorite verses from the Bible, Job 19:25-27.
  3. I can’t describe how much my heart yearns within me!” Responses received on December 04, 20163 Vote for it, share it, and report it.
  4. There is much to be learned from the curse of the barren fig tree (Matt 21:18-22) for any Christian who is serious about his or her faith (Mark 11:12-14).
  5. First and foremost, let us define what a fruit is and what its spiritual value is.
  6. Remember that a fruit is, by definition, a delicious treat.
  7. The fruit of the fig tree was supposed to draw Jesus’ attention to it.

In spiritual terms, a fruit is the product that a person produces once he or she has surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.

It is by his or her fruit that a Christian is recognized as such (Matthew 7:16-18).

A bad tree cannot produce excellent fruit, and similarly, a good tree cannot produce terrible fruit.

Additionally, it’s important to highlight that fruits do not appear just because one is a Christian; rather, they must be nurtured.

No one can cultivate these fruits on their own since no one in human flesh has the financial means to do so.

What, though, are these fruits?

So the Bible emphasizes that we should never grieve the Holy Spirit since His presence upon us is a mark of God’s presence upon us, and we should never grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

This meeting has provided us with a number of valuable lessons, among them are the following: To be a Christian is to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in your life.

The needs and demands of the body may be unrelenting and uncontrollable.

It is not enough to just declare oneself to be a Christian.

Consider the following scenario: you buy a bottle of baby milk every day, and your child consumes it properly while remaining the same height.

However, we must recognize that Christ is the source of all explanations.

For without Jesus, there is no one who can be saved (John 15:1-5).

The fruit of the Spirit is timeless in its application.

Jesus, on the other hand, continued to condemn it.

It can be difficult at times.

There is never a moment when you should not be a witness for Jesus Christ.

This is due to the fact that, despite the fact that it was not the season, Jesus went on to condemn the tree.

Because it is the nature of flesh.

However, it also demonstrates the power of faith in its own right.

Because faith declares God to be because He is, in fact, God.

Responses received on February 14, 20152 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

It is recorded in Luke 13:6 – 9 that the story of the fig tree takes place.

Then he said to the vineyard dresser, “Look, I’ve been coming here for three years looking for fruit on this fig tree, and I’ve come up with nothing: chop it down; why is it clogging up the ground?” And he responded by saying, “Lord, let it alone this year as well, till I dig around it and dung it; and if it bears fruit, good; but if it does not, then thou shalt chop it down after that.” The fig tree is a symbol of the Jews in Israel and the Holy Land.

God the Father is the Lord of the vineyard, and he must reap the benefits of the fruit produced by the trees he has planted.

Based on historical evidence, the conclusion was reached that the tree was still unfruitful, despite all of Christ’s efforts, and that it thus needed to be chopped down.

About 40 years later, the Romans demolished the temple and plundered the surrounding area, forcing hundreds of thousands of Jews into slavery, if not slaughtering them.

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Graduate of ABC/DTS program, guitar music ministry in a Baptist church First, take a step back and look at the big picture: Bethany (Matthew 21:17) – On the Fig tree, which is the national symbol of Israel, there is NO FRUIT for God’s Anointed.

21:19 (KJV) In the Temple, the focal point of Israel’s religious life, there is NO FELLOWSHIP with God’s Anointed.

21:23 (KJV) It was at Bethany that the Lord Jesus discovered both FRUIT and FRIENDSHIP.

21:17 (KJV) He discovered—a place to stay.

21:17 (KJV) He was granted—a Hearing in that place.

The Gospel of John, chapters 11:18-26, 31, 32 He was greeted—there was a warm welcome for him.

He led—His disciples to the location.

The fig tree is symbolic; it is an emblem or symbol of Israel, whose ritual religion is like the leaves of the tree, without the “fruit” of righteousness that God needs (Matt.


In other words, Jesus is cursing the fig tree in a symbolic sense (no pun intended)—his curse is actually directed at his own people for rejecting him.

0 answers received on December 02, 2019 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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The only thing that the leaves reveal is what sort of tree it is.

I believe Jesus was aware of this.

I’ve lived next door to a man for more than 25 years who has two apple trees in his yard, so I’m very sure I know when those trees will begin to produce fruit.

Jesus was prepared for what was to come because He was teaching.


Jesus is teaching His disciples a lesson through the use of a tree.

He is not in the business of cursing people; he is in the business of training preachers.

If you are unable to preach the word when the circumstances are not favorable, your ministry will wither and perish, and it will not take long for this to occur.

The same holds true for us at this time.

That being the case, I don’t feel the “out of season” inscription would be necessary at all.

It is possible that a believer who does not yield fruit is a false prophet.

Jesus never tries to teach us how to judge one another in his teachings.

2 Timothy 4:12.

That’s when you’re informed by people who are hostile to the Cross that “now is not the time,” when you’re up against a wall of opposition and opposition is fierce.

In Mark 11:20-25, Christ recounts the lesson of the fig tree in detail.

I believe He returned at the time He did, and that He went back to the tree on purpose, in order to complete the lesson.

He is emphasizing the importance of faith in the life of a pastor or a teacher of the gospel.

You must also be in continual prayer, according to Him, as well as believing in the efficacy of your petitions.

Finally, He instructs them on the need of being willing to forgive.

If they were gifted in these three areas, their ministry would flourish in both good and bad seasons, rather than withering.

In His epilogue, he makes no reference of the word “fruit.” The primary idea is to have an effective ministry that lasts and expands.

Our leaves are only a representation of the type of tree that we are.

Our goodness is not demonstrated by the fruit.

That is the pursuit of personal glory.

It is not the purpose of this narrative for the believer to demonstrate that he or she is genuine. It is essential to provide effective ministry in order for a ministry to grow and endure. on the 16th of March 20181 responseVote UpShareReport

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