Who Was With Jesus When He Ascended?

Who Was With Jesus When He Ascended?

Who was present to witness Jesus’ ascension into the presence of the Father?

The Ascension

The Ascension is significant to Christians because it marked the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, even though He continues to actively work in His church today as the Head of the church, and the beginning of the work of His disciples to carry out the Great Commission.The Ascension is also significant to Christians because it marked the beginning of the work of His disciples to carry out the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).The disciples were taken to Bethany forty days after Jesus’ resurrection, and ″he blessed them by holding up his hands″ (John 20:21).While he was blessing them, he was separated from them and brought up into heaven by angels.″And they adored him and returned to Jerusalem with great delight, and they were constantly at the temple, thanking God for his blessings″ (Luke 24:50-53).Luke is the only one who records both instances from two distinct books.

Jesus’ ascension is mentioned in Luke 24, as we have already discussed, but it is also mentioned in the Book of Acts, where Luke says that ″while they were gazing on, he was lifted up, and a cloud carried him out of their sight.″ And as they were staring up into the sky as he passed by, two men in white robes approached them and said, ″Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the sky?As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven″ (Acts 1:9-11).Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father, but He will return at some point in the future, and at a time that no one can predict.

Jesus Open’s their Minds

Who was there to witness Jesus’ ascension?Is it true that there are just a few disciples, or that there are all of them?All we have is what the Bible says, so we go back to Luke 24 to find out who was present with Jesus prior to His ascension to the Father.″Jesus himself appeared among them, and he said to them, ″Peace to you!″,″ according to Luke 24:36b-39.However, they were astonished and terrified, believing they had witnessed a ghost.″Why are you concerned, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?″ he inquired of them.

Look at my hands and feet to see that it is I who am speaking.Feel free to touch me and see what happens.For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have” after which “he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem” (Luke 24:45-47).(Luke 24:45-47).Jesus opened the minds of His followers and this typically refers to the twelve but at this time, there were only eleven as Judas had killed himself and Matthias had not yet been picked to be the 12th disciple.

Who was with Jesus?

When they gathered, they asked Jesus, ″Lord, will you return the kingdom to Israel at this time?″ Because Jesus had just given them the Great Commission and would repeat it again shortly before His Ascension, ″when they had gotten together,″ they questioned him, ″Will you restore the kingdom to Israel?″ ″It is not your responsibility to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own power,″ he told them.″However, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will gain authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth″ (Acts 1:6-8).Who were the individuals who had banded together?While a result, ″as they looked on, he was lifted up and carried away by a cloud, and they were no longer able to see him.″ And as they were staring up into the sky as he passed by, two men in white robes approached them and said, ″Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the sky?

As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven″ (Acts 1:9-11).The ″they″ in the very final portion of Luke 24 and the very first part of Acts 1 is the same ″they″ in both places.They are the disciples; the eleven who had seen not only the Ascension but also the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.The disciples ″returned to Jerusalem from the mount known as Olivet, which is near Jerusalem and a Sabbath day’s trip away.″ Following their arrival, they proceeded to the upper chamber where they were to remain, Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James″ (Acts 1:12-13).

Here is a list of the ″they″ who were there with Jesus at His Ascension, organized alphabetically by last name.By the way, there is a chance that Jesus’ mother Mary and His brothers were there at the Ascension as well, because the disciples returned to Jerusalem ″along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers″ (Acts 1:14b), which suggests that they may have observed the event.However, it is possible that they were just waiting for the disciples to return, or that Mary and Jesus’ brothers were unaware of the Ascension until after it had occurred.In fact, the ″upper chamber″ is the same ″upper room″ in which Jesus and His followers were required to eat the Passover Meal on the night that He was betrayed.


The disciples were all present for Jesus’ ascension, possibly including Mary and Jesus’ brothers, though we cannot be certain of the latter.The angels told the disciples that ″this Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven″ (Acts 1:11b) would return in the same manner in which they had witnessed Him ascend into heaven, and that this would be the most joyful experience for those who have accepted and even scorned Him, as well as those who have used profanity against His name (Rev 20:12-15).God will not absolve anyone who abuse His sacred name of any responsibility (Ex 20:7).

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is the pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane, Kansas.He has been in the ministry for over 30 years.What Christians Want To Know is a Christian website whose aim is to equip, encourage, and excite Christians while also answering questions regarding the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible.Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know.

You can follow Jack on Google Plus, and you can also read his book Teaching Children the Gospel, which is available on Amazon.

112. Jesus’ Ascension (Luke 24:50-53 with Acts 1:9-12)

‘The Ascension,’ a poem by Harold Copping (1910) ″50 After he had brought them out to the neighborhood of Bethany, he blessed them by raising his hands in the air.51 While he was blessing them, he left them and was carried up into the presence of the Father in heaven.52 When they returned to Jerusalem, they were filled with great delight because they had worshipped him.53 And they continued to stay at the temple, worshipping God throughout the day.″ (Luke 24:50-53, New International Version) ″9 And after he had spoken these words, while they were watching, he was snatched up and carried away by a cloud, out of their sight.

10 And while they were staring upward as he passed by, two men in white robes appeared beside them and said, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into heaven?’ ‘This Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will come in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven,’ says the Bible.12 Afterwards, they returned to Jerusalem from the peak known as Olivet, which is located near Jerusalem and is a Sabbath-day journey away.″ (Acts 1:9-12, New International Version) At first sight, these passages appear to be quite easy, yet they really include one of the few narratives of Jesus’ ascension found in the New Testament.At the same time, we’ll look at Luke’s alternative version of the ascension, which appears in Acts 1:9-12.Not sure about you, but I’ve never actually looked into the subject of ascension in great detail.Let us think about it – and the consequences it has for disciples.

Blessing the Disciples (Luke 24:50)

″When he had brought them out to the neighborhood of Bethany, he held up his hands and blessed them.″ (See also Luke 24:50) Location of Jesus’ ascension near Bethany on the Mount of Olives (larger map) (larger map) For the last three years, Jesus has been guiding his band of followers.In this section of the journey, Jesus takes them out of Jerusalem, down into the Kidron Valley, and up to the Mount of Olives, where they will be staying near Bethany.They had visited Bethany on several occasions.There were three of Jesus’ acquaintances who resided there: Lazarus, Martha, and Mary.

However, they are now here for a different reason.A few remarks from Jesus, in which he reminds them to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit descends upon them (Acts 1:8).Then he raises (Greek epair) his hands and blesses them, just like a priest would bless the members in his congregation.This act is illuminated by two passages: ″At that point, Aaron blessed the people by raising his hands toward them″ (Leviticus 9:22).God had given Aaron and his descendants a particular blessing or benediction (meaning ″good saying″ in Latin) to recite over the people, which starts with the words ″The Lord bless you and keep you.″ Aaron and his descendants were to speak this blessing over the people.

″So they will place my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them,″ God says at the end of his order (Numbers 6:27).The following passage from the apocryphal book of Sirach provides additional insight into Jesus’ blessing: ″Then Simon came down and raised his hands over the entire congregation of Israelites, to pronounce the blessing of the Lord with his lips, and to glory in his name; and they bowed down in worship a second time, to receive the blessing from the Most High.″ (Sirach 50:20-21; New Revised Standard Version) The word ″blessed″ comes from the Greek verb euloge, which means ″to pray for the bestowal of exceptional favor, especially the calling down of God’s gracious might, to bless.″ 1269 At the time of their last departure, we also find blessings from other spiritual leaders: Jacob (Genesis 49) and Moses (Deuteronomy 33) both bless the 12 Tribes.Now, Jesus blesses the New Testament’s counterpart of the 12 Tribes – the 12 Apostles and their fellow disciples – in the manner of the Old Testament’s blessings.Take note of how Jesus’ hands are employed in the benediction.

When Jesus cures the sick (which is unquestionably a benefit), he frequently places his hands on the person who is ill.″When tiny children came to him, he holds them in his arms and ″placed his hands on them and blessed them,″ according to the Bible (Mark 10:16).But when he blesses a gathering of people, he extends his hands as if to include them all, and delivers a blessing.The words of blessing that Jesus spoke on this particular occasion would be much appreciated!


Ascending into Heaven (Luke 24:51)

It was around this time that Christ was whisked up into heaven, leaving them.″ (Luke 24:51) During the time when this blessing is taking place, two more activities are taking place, which are symbolized by two different verbs.″Left″ (NIV) or ″was parted″ (KJV) translates the Greek word diistēmi, ″to go from, separate from, or take leave of, walk away, part.″ 1271 The Greek verb anapher, which means ″to cause to move from a lower position to a higher position, take, lead, or bring up,″ is translated as ″taken up″ (NIV) or ″carried up″ (KJV).1272 However, there are two more elements of this specific verb that are worth mentioning: (1) The verb is in the passive voice, which suggests that this occurred to Jesus, he doesn’t start the event.

Furthermore, the verb is in the imperfect tense, which suggests that the activity in the past tense is still ongoing.As a result, Luke is stressing the process of the ascension, and the phrase ″he was being taken up into heaven″ might be interpreted as ″he was being brought up into heaven.″ Minor points, certainly, but fascinating.It’s interesting because we have absolutely no idea what it was like on the ground level.Perhaps some type of levitation similar to one of those portable flying gadgets was used.We don’t know what to say.

Because this is an unrepeatable occurrence, it cannot be investigated by comparing it to other similar occurrences in the past.It is only the ascension of Elijah in a whirlwind and a chariot of fire that comes even close to this description in the Bible (2 Kings 2:11).However, there is no chariot or whirlwind in this place.What was the reason for Jesus’ ascension into heaven?

Is paradise open for business?People in Biblical times, without a doubt, considered the skies to be the dwelling of God.Heaven, on the other hand, appears to be more than a geographical or astrological location.It is a different sphere, a different dimension from the terrestrial, physical reality in which we currently reside.

Despite the fact that Jesus’ resurrected body was capable of adapting to the physical limitations of earth, it was not restricted to the planet.It has the potential to adapt to the spiritual dimension, as well (1 Corinthians 15:44).The ascension is alluded to in a number of passages, but only two other passages attempt to describe it in detail.The first is found in the lengthier ending of Mark: ″After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up (Greek analamban) into heaven, and he sat at the right hand of God″ (After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up (Greek analamban) into heaven and sat at the right hand of God) (Mark 16:19).However, this does not exist in the oldest writings and is possibly a later addition.

The other quotation comes from the pen of Luke in Acts 1.

Coming with the Clouds of Heaven (Acts 1:9-11)

″Immediately after saying this, he was lifted up (Greek epair, Aorist tense, passive voice) in front of their very eyes, and a mist obscured his vision.″ Acts 1:9 explains how to be a Christian.There are three extra items in this section.The first factor is the fact that the disciples witness him rising from his death.He doesn’t just go; instead, he begins to emerge from the dead.

″Raise″ is the meaning of the Greek word epair.According to the second part, an ominous cloud conceals him from view.Another aspect is represented by a pair of angels who proclaim, ″This same Jesus, who has been carried from you into heaven, will return back in the same manner in which you have witnessed him ascend into heaven.″ What is the process through which Jesus ascends into heaven?Into a cloud of dust.So, how is he going to get back?

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In a cloud of dust.During his description of end-time events, Jesus says, ″At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory″ (Matthew 24:31).(Luke 21:27).For the time being, bear with me while I delve a little more into this because in the Luke 21:27 verse, Jesus is referencing to the prophesy found in Daniel 7:13-14, in which the Son of Man is given immense authority and glory.

Jesus Entry into the Heavenly Throneroom – in a Cloud (with Daniel 7:13-14)

Now look at the prophecy in Daniel that Jesus has alluded to: ″In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.He approached the Ancient of Days and was taken into his presence.He was endowed with authority, grandeur, and sovereign power, and he was worshipped by all peoples, countries, and men of every language on the face of the earth.His rule is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.″ (Daniel 7:13-14) Daniel’s vision utilizes the term, ″coming with the clouds of heaven.″ I would ask: Coming where?

Does it deal about (1) arriving to earth or (2) entering into the presence of the Ancient of Days – the Father?The latter, I suppose.The Son of Man is on his way into the presence of the Father, and he will be accompanied by clouds of heaven.Could it be that at the moment of his separation from the disciples, Jesus is entering straight into the presence of the Father’s throne chamber, thereby fulfilling Daniel’s prophesy in real time?Wow!

I had never truly thought about that before.This is a three-part television series.

  1. Ascension of Jesus from earth to heaven (see Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9-11)
  2. entrance of Jesus into the heavenly throneroom as the exalted Son of God and reception of all authority, where ″from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of God″ (Luke 22:69)
  3. Jesus’ Second Coming in a cloud, ″with great power and great glory″ (Luke 21:27)
  4. and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Is your head spinning yet? It’s the case with mine. However, re-read the passages and make the connections between them. Perhaps you’ll see what I see.

The Ascension of Jesus as Jesus’ Exaltation

Let’s look at the two parts of Jesus’ ascension: the first is the physical ascension and the second is the spiritual ascension.

  1. Jesus ascends into heaven from the Mount of Olives
  2. in heaven, Jesus is exalted by the Father
  3. on earth, Jesus is exalted by the Son.

A number of verses in the New Testament refer to the ascension (without providing a description of it): ‘As the appointed moment for his ascension (analmpsis) to heaven approached, Jesus made his way steadily to Jerusalem.’ (See Luke 9:51.) The Son of Man, on the other hand, shall be seated at the right hand of the Almighty God from this point forward (Luke 22:69).Jesus told them, ‘Do not cling on to me, since I have not yet returned (anabain, ″ascended″) to the Father.’ (See also John 20:17.) ″Christ Jesus, who died – and more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God, interceding for us, and is at the right hand of God.″ (See also Romans 8:34.) ″It is for this reason that the Bible says, ″When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men.″ (See, for example, Ephesians 4:8-10, which quotes Psalm 68:18; also Romans 10:6) Therefore, God elevated him to the greatest position and bestowed upon him the name that is above other names, with the hope that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee would bow.The Bible says this in Philippians 2:9-10.″He came in a physical body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on throughout the globe, and was carried up (Greek analamban) into glory,″ the Bible states (1 Timothy 3:16).

In heaven, ″after he had provided purification for sins,″ Christ ″sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high″ (Hebrews 1:3).We have a magnificent high priest, Jesus the Son of God, who has journeyed through the heavens for us″ (Hebrews 4:14).″ enters the inner sanctuary beyond the veil, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf″ (Hebrews 6:19).(Hebrews 6:19).″He has reached heaven itself, and he is now appearing for us in the face of God″ (Hebrews 9:24).

who has ascended into heaven and sits at God’s right hand – with all of God’s angels, authorities, and powers bowing down to him″ (1 Peter 3:22; cf.Psalm 110:1).In John’s Gospel, this is referred regarded as Jesus’ glorification: ″Jesus was exalted above all things.″ ″Because Jesus had not yet been exalted, the Spirit had not been delivered until that point″ (John 7:39).They only realized that these things had been written about Jesus after he had been exalted.

(See also John 12:16.) ″The time has arrived for the Son of Man to be exalted,″ says the prophet.(See also John 12:23) ″Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified through him.″ In other words, if God is exalted in him, God will honor the Son in himself, and God will glorify him immediately.″ (John 13:31-32) ″And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world started″ (John 17:5).(John 17:5).As Jesus ascends from the ground into heaven, he is climbing directly into the presence of the Almighty Father.

As the Son of Man he stands before the Ancient of Days to obtain an unshakeable Kingdom (Daniel 7:13-14), reinstatement of his former splendor (John 17:5), of which he had freely ″emptied himself″ (Philippians 2:7).(Philippians 2:7).It has now been completely restored.The ascension, from the perspective of man, is the phenomena of a person ascending into the sky.From the angel’s perspective, the ascension represents the return of the Son of Man to his rightful place of immense power and glory.

As the Apostles Creed puts it: ″The third day He raised again from the dead.He ascended into heaven and sat at the right side of God the Father Almighty, whence He will come to judge the living and the dead.″ 1273

Great Joy (Luke 24:52-53)

Consider yourself to be one of the disciples, looking at things from the perspective of the earth.It is as if you have been placed in the presence of the resurrected Jesus, and you have received his final order (wait in Jerusalem) and his final benediction.And as his hands are lifted in that final blessing, he ascends until a cloud completely obscures his view of the earth.You have been conquered.

In these passages, pay attention to the four different ways the disciples respond to the ascension: ″Then they adored him and returned to Jerusalem with a great sense of accomplishment.And they continued to worship God at the temple on a continuous basis.″ (Luke 24:52-53) (Luke 24:52-53)

  1. Worship. It’s possible you didn’t notice, but Jesus is adored for the first time in Luke’s Gospel, which is significant. Though doubting Thomas worships in John’s Gospel with the words, ″My Lord and my God!″ (See also John 20:28.) The Greek word proskyne, which means ″to worship,″ is used in our chapter. This word designates ″to express in attitude or gesture one’s complete dependence on or submission to a higher authority figure, (fall down and) worship, do obeisance to, prostrate oneself before, do reverence to, welcome respectfully″ and ″to express one’s complete dependence on or submission to a higher authority figure.″ 1274
  2. Happiness. The disciples also respond with ″great joy!″ Rather than sadness at his departing, they are overcome with exhilaration.
  3. Praise. The final reaction that the disciples had, according to Luke, is to sing praises in the temple courts. It is the same Greek word euloge that we saw in verses 50 and 51, where the context demanded a translation of ″call down God’s gracious might, bless,″ and which we saw in verses 50 and 51. The context necessitates the use of the phrase ″to speak favorably of, laud, exalt″ in this context, which is aimed at God. 1275
  4. Obedience to authority. Finally, the disciples reply by remaining in Jerusalem throughout the day, spending their time in the temple courts. When the Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost, approximately a week later, their obedient waiting is rewarded with the power and presence of the Spirit

The Return of Jesus in the Clouds (Acts 1:11)

The Gospel of Luke comes to a close with feelings of joy, victory, and expectation.While reading Luke’s account of Jesus’ disappearance from sight in Acts, two angels appear alongside them, offering an explanation ″They were staring attentively up into the sky as he passed them when two men clad in white appeared beside them and took their places beside them.The men of Galilee questioned them, ‘Why are you standing here looking up into the sky?’ This same Jesus, who has been taken away from you and ascended into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you have witnessed him ascend into heaven.’″ (Acts 1:10–11) He has climbed to the throne of God in order to be praised.In this case, however, there is the assurance that he will come back in glory ″in the same manner in which you have seen him go into heaven″ – that is, in the clouds.

As a result, we should recollect Jesus’ prophecy: ″For the Son of Man is coming in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will repay each individual according to what he has done″ (Matthew 16:27).″It will be at that time that a sign from the Son of Man will come in the sky, and every nation on the face of the globe will weep.They will see the arrival of the Son of Man in the clouds of the sky, accompanied by tremendous power and glory ″ (Matthew 24:30).It is believed that Jesus’ ascension ″into the clouds″ is an indication and precursor of his second coming.

Lessons for Disciples

  1. Although Jesus’ corporeal presence is no longer there, his blessing on his disciples continues.
  2. They respond with worship, exuberant delight, obedience, and adoration
  3. Although Jesus vanishes into the clouds, angels announce his reappearance in the same manner.

Throughout this book, we’ve followed Jesus’ life and mission from its inception to its culmination.Jesus has risen from the dead.He is exalted to the right hand of the Father, where he is seated in glory as the Son of God.His disciples are now looking forward to the Spirit with excitement and anticipation.

And Jesus’ mission of releasing the imprisoned and spreading good news to the impoverished is about to be released to a world that is desperately in need of food and water.And, until he returns, we will carry on the ministry that he has begun in our midst.Come quickly, Lord Jesus.


In your name, Jesus, renew in my heart the joy and exhilaration that I have experienced in you, the glad heart that is my possession as your disciple. As well as giving me the strength and courage to spread the good news till you arrive. I pray to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Key Verse

″He blessed them with his hands up in the air. While he was blessing them, he left them and was lifted up into the sky to be with the Lord.″ (Luke 24:50-51) (Luke 24:50-51)


Click on the link below to join a discussion on one or more of the topics that follow – you can pick and choose which ones to debate.

  1. What was Jesus’ final deed before ascending into heaven? (Luke 24:50-51)
  2. \s What shields Jesus from the disciples’ view? (Acts 1:9).
  3. Extra Credit is available. What is the relationship between clouds and Daniel’s prophesy of the Son of Man? What happens to Jesus as he ascends to his Father’s presence in heaven, as described in Daniel 7:13-14? (Philippians 2:5-11)
  4. How do Jesus’ followers respond to his ascension? (Luke 24:52)
  5. \s What is the content of the angels’ promise during Jesus’ ascension? (See Acts 1:10-11.)


Abbreviations and References BDAG 408 is Euloge’s eulogy.More information on the usage of hands in blessing may be found in my essay ″Lifting Hands in Worship,″ which appeared in Paraclete magazine in Winter 1986, pp.4-8.www.joyfulheart.com/scholar/hands.htm BDAG 245, Diistmi, BDAG 245.

Anapher, BDAG number 75.Kevin N.Giles’s ″Ascension″ appears in DJG on pages 46-50.310-313.David E.

Holwerda’s ″Ascension″ appears in ISBE 1:310-313.Proskyneō, BDAG 882-883.BDAG 407-408: Euloge, BDAG 407-408.Ralph F.

Wilson holds the copyright to the year 2022.All intellectual property rights are retained.This article is available for free in a single copy.This should not be posted on a website.

See the legal, copyright, and reprint information for further details.

Ephesians 4:10 He who descended is the very One who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things.

New International Version (New International Version) He who has fallen is the same one who has climbed higher than all the sky in order to flood the entire cosmos with his presence.) New Living Translation In addition, the same one who descended is the same one who soared higher than all of the heavens, in order to fill the entire cosmos with himself.English Standard Version This descendant is the one who likewise ascended far above all the heavens in order to be able to fill all things with his glory.Berean Study Bible (also known as the Berean Study Bible) He who descended is the identical One who rose above all the heavens, in order to fill all things.Berean Literal Bible The One who has fallen is also the same One who has climbed above all of the heavens, in order for Him to fill all things with Himself.

The King James Version of the Bible He who descended is the same as he who rose far beyond all the heavens, in order that he may fill all things with himself.) New King James Version He who descended is also the One who climbed far beyond all the heavens, so He could fill all things.) The New American Standard Bible is a translation of the New Testament into English.In the same way, He who descended is also He who ascended far above all the heavens, in order to fill all things with Himself.NASB (National Association of School Boards) 1995 In the same way, He who descended is also He who ascended far beyond all the heavens in order to fill all things.)NASB 1977 In the same way, He who descended is also He who climbed far above all the heavens, in order to fill all things.The Bible with an amplification system It is the exact same He who descended, as well as He who has risen to great heights above all the sky, so that He may fill all things).The Christian Standard Bible is a translation of the Bible in the Christian tradition.

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That which dropped is also that which rose far beyond all of the sky, filling all things with his presence.Holman The Christian Standard Bible is a translation of the Bible in the Christian tradition.The One who descended is also the One who soared far above all the sky, that He could fill all things.The American Standard Version is the version used in the United States.

He who descended is the same as he who ascended far above all the heavens, in order that he might fill all things with himself.The Aramaic Bible translated into plain English Who fell is the same person who climbed higher than all Heavens to bring about the restoration of everything.Version in the Present Tense of the English Language Because the one who went deep into the ground is also the one who went into the highest sky, he would be able to fill the entire cosmos with his light and energy.The Bible of Douay-Rheims In the same way, he who descended is also the one who rose above all the heavens, in order that he may fill all things.

Translation of the Good News And so it is that the same one who has come down is also the same one who has gone up into the heavens and beyond, to fill the entire world with his presence.The International Standard Version (ISO) is a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized The one who came down is the same one who ascended above all the heavens in order to bring about the fulfillment of all things.Standard Version in its literal sense He who went down is the same One who also went up far above all the heavens, in order that He may fill all things with Himself.— The New American Bible is a translation of the New Testament into English.The one who descended is also the one who rose far beyond all of the sky, in order that he may fill all things with himself.

NET Bible He, the exact one who descended, is also the one who climbed above all of the heavens, in order to fill all of creation with his presence and might.Revised Standard Version (New Revised Standard Version) New Heart English Bible (He who descended is the same one who rose far beyond all the heavens, in order that he may fill all things) He who descended is the same one who soared far beyond all the heavens in order to fill all things with himself.Weymouth The New Testament is a collection of writings that were written during the years of ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad In the same way, He who descended is also the same as He who ascended far beyond all the Heavens in order to fill the entire cosmos.

  • The English Bible for the Whole World He who descended is the same one who soared far beyond all the heavens in order to fill all things with himself.
  • Young’s Literal Translation of the Text he who went down is the same person who rose up far beyond all the sky, that He may fill all things – Additional translations are available.
  • Context The Body as a Whole…
  • 9 ″He ascended,″ save from implying that He also sank to the lower regions of the earth, means nothing.

10He who descended is the exact One who climbed above all of the heavens in order to fill all things with His presence.11And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and others to be pastors and teachers,… References to Other Sources 2 Corinthians 12:2 (New International Version) I know a guy in Christ who fourteen years ago was snatched up to the third heaven.What I don’t know is whether it happened in the body or outside of it, but God knows.

He manifested His power in Christ when He resurrected Him from the dead and enthroned Him at His right side in the celestial realms, and Ephesians 1:23which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Ephesians 1:23).Hebrews 4:14 is a verse in the Bible that says For this reason, because we have a great high priest, Jesus the Son of God, who has gone through the heavens on our behalf, let us be steadfast in our beliefs.7:26 (Hebrews 7:26) One who is holy, innocent, and undefiled, who is set aside from sinners, and who is raised above the skies, is the kind of high priest who is genuinely appropriate for us.

  1. Treasury of Scripture He who descended is the same person that climbed up far beyond all heavens, that he could fill all things.)ascended.
  2. Ephesians 1:20-23 The work that he accomplished in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his own right side in the celestial realms,…
  3. While they were still listening to him, Acts 1:9,11 says that he was snatched up and carried away by a cloud, out of their sight…
  4. 1 Timothy 3:16 Moreover, without any dispute, the secret of godliness is as follows: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on throughout the world, and received up into glory (John 1:14).
  5. that he.

Ephesians 3:19 To come to know the love of Christ, which surpasses all understanding, so that ye may be full with all of God’s abundant riches.1 John 1:16 – And from his fullness have we gotten everything, as well as grace for grace.Acts 2:33 (KJV) In order to fulfill this promise, he has shed forth this, which you now see and hear, while exalted at God’s right side and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost.fill.Matthew 24:34 (KJV) I swear to you that this generation will not pass away until all of these things have been accomplished.Luke 24:44 (NIV) And he said to them, ″These are the words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.″ And he said to them, ″These are the words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the psalms, John 19:24,28,36 In order to fulfill the prophecy, they decided not to divide their raiment but to cast lots for it to choose who would receive it.

  • This was done in order to fulfill the verse that says, They divided my raiment among themselves and cast lots for my vesture.
  • As a result, the soldiers carried out these actions…
  • (10) In order for him to fill all things.
  • – Consider the Lord’s depiction in Ephesians 1:23, where he is described as ″filling all things in all.″ Specifically, in both situations, the reference is to God’s gift of the whole of His grace, which flows from His exalted humanity to all of His members.
  • However, there is no way to limit the scope of the terms.

Throughout heaven and earth, as well as the realms beneath the earth, He extends His presence and sovereignty in whatever manner and over whatever beings He chooses.In accordance with this, we learn in Revelation 5:13 that ″every creature in heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth…, has given blessing, honour, glory, and authority to…the Lamb for ever and ever…″ Verse 10 is a proverb.- He that descended is the same also that ascended far above all the heavens.There was a proportion between the descent and the ascent.However, his rise was more spectacular than his descend, which had been humiliating because it took him to the lowest sections of the Earth’s crust.

The Hebrew concept of many heavens is introduced; the climb was not just to the third heaven, but also to a position far beyond all other heavens.In order for him to fill all things.This is a pretty exquisite vision of the reason for which Christ rules on high, and it is worth reading.The precise notion with which the apostle started – to offer gifts to others – gets swallowed up for the time by a perspective far bigger and more comprehensive, ″to fill all things.″ Jesus has ascended to the highest point of the cosmos in order to pour out his glory and perfection on every creature in the universe who is the subject of grace, to be the Light of the world, and to be the one and only Source of all goodness.

  • As in the solar system, it is from a single sun that all of the supplies of light and heat, all of the colors that beautify the earth, sea, and sky, all of the influences that ripen the grain and mature the fruit, all of the chemical power that transforms and new-creates, all of the healing, all life, and all blessing come from; so the ascended Jesus is the Sun of the universe; all healing, all life, and all blessing come from him.
  • When the apostle introduces the mention of Christ, it is quite appropriate for him to be swept away in the contemplation of his person, far beyond the current occasion, and exalt the boundless perfection and grandeur that differentiate him from all other beings.
  • Greek Parallel Commentaries.
  • Parallel Commentaries He who (ho)Article – Nominative Masculine Nominative Masculine It’s the definite article, according to SingularStrong’s 3588:the.
  • This includes all of the inflections of the feminine he as well as the neuter to; the definite article; and the.
  • ascended to the level of (katabas) Verb – Aorist Participle Active – Nominative Masculine Verb – Aorist Participle Active – Nominative Masculine A descendant is someone who descends from a higher level of land or from the sky, according to SingularStrong’s 2597: To descend from kata and the foundation of foundations.
  1. isv is an abbreviation for isv (estin) Indicative of the Present Tense 3rd Person Pronoun – Active ‘I am, exist,’ says SingularStrong in 1510.
  2. The first person singular present indicative; a protracted form of a main and deficient verb; I exist.
  3. the veryαὐτός (autos)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Nominative Masculine 3rd Person Pronoun SingularStrong’s 846:He, she, it, they, them, same.
  4. The reflexive pronoun self, which is used in the third person as well as the other persons, is derived from the particle au.

Strong’s 3588: The, the definite article.Incorporated are the feminine he and the neuter to with all of their inflections; the definite article; and the.who ascension Participle of the Aorist Verb Active – Nominative Masculine SingularStrong’s 305: Nominative Masculine Singular to go up, climb, or ascend; in the context of things: I get to my feet, jump to my feet, come to my feet.To ascend, one must start with ana and the foundation of the foundation.above the surface (hyperan) Preposition Strong’s 5231: From a great height.From huper and ano; from above to above, i.e.significantly higher in altitude.

all (pantn) of the above Adjective Genitive Masculine PluralStrong’s 3956:all, the entire, every type of.Including all of the declensions; appearing to be a fundamental word; all, any, every, the entire collection.the (tn)Article of the Genitive Masculine PluralStrong’s 3588:the is the definite article in this sentence.

  1. There are a number of other words that are included: the definite article; the.heavens, (ourann); and the plural form of the definite article.
  2. Noun – Genitive Masculine PluralStrong’s 3772:Perhaps from the same as oros; the sky; by extension, heaven; by implication, bliss, power, eternity; notably, the Gospel.
  3. in the proper sequence (hina) ConjunctionStrong’s 2443 is: in order that, in order that, in order that In order to do this, it is most likely derived from the same source as the previous section of heautou.
  4. to fillπληρώσῃ (plērōsē) The Aorist Subjunctive Active – Third Person is used to express the verb.
  1. SingularStrong’s 4137: From the Latin pleres, which means ″to fill up,″ ″to level up,″ ″to provide,″ ″to please,″ ″to execute,″ ″to finish,″ ″to verify,″ and other similar expressions.
  2. (panta)Adjective – Accusative Neuter Accusative PluralStrong’s 3956 is as follows: Everything, the entire thing, every form of thing.
  3. Including all of the declensions; appearing to be a fundamental word; all, any, every, the entire collection.
  4. Return to the previous page Ascended Complete Descended Far Fill Heavens Higher Order Universe Whole Ascended Complete Descended Far Fill Heavens Continue to Next Page Ascended Complete Descended Far Fill Heavens Higher Order Universe WholeLinks Ascended Complete Descended Far Fill Heavens Higher Order Universe Paul writes in Ephesians 4:10, ″It is not possible to please God unless you first love God and love your neighbor as yourself.″ NIVEphesians 4:10 NIVEphesians 4:10 NIVEphesians 4:10 NLTEphesians 4:10 NLTEphesians 4:10 NLTE ESVEphesians 4:10 NASBEphesians 4:10 KJVEphesians 4:10 NASBEphesians 4:10 BibleApps.com Bibliography for Ephesians 4:10 Paralela Chinese translation of Ephesians 4:10 French translation of Ephesians 4:10 from the French Bible Ephesians 4:10 Catholic Bible Letters of the New Testament: Paul writes in Ephesians 4:10, ″It is not possible to please God unless you first love God and love your neighbor as yourself.″ He who has descended is the one who is ascending (Ephes.
  5. Eph.
  6. Ep)

Who was with Jesus when he ascended into heaven?


How long was Jesus on earth before he ascended into heaven?

forty days

What star sign is today?

Twelve signs

Name Tropical zodiac Sidereal zodiac
Virgo 23 August – 23 September 16 September – 15 October
Libra 23 September – 23 October 16 October – 16 November
Scorpio 23 October – 22 November 17 November – 15 December
Sagittarius 23 November – 22 December 16 December – 14 January

Are horoscopes accurate?

There’s very no scientific proof that astrology is an accurate predictor of personality traits, future destinies, love lives, or anything else that mass-market astrology claims to know.

Is astrology real at all?

In order to practice astrology, one must first learn to interpret the positions of the stars, which appears to be a legitimate scientific endeavor in and of itself. Is there any scientific evidence to support the claim that astrology has an influence on our personalities and lives? The quick answer is as follows: No. There are none at all.

Is astrology true in relationships?

But the survey also indicated that astrology is taken fairly seriously by a lot of people. According to the study, 72 percent do not believe that astrology is simply superstition, and over 90 percent claimed that they examine the sun signs of persons with whom they are in a romantic connection. In love, 78 percent of those polled had read a book on their sun sign.

See also:  Why Did God Kill Jesus

What Ophiuchus means?

The name Ophiuchus is derived from two Greek words that translate as snake and clinging together.

Why was Ophiuchus removed?

While there existed a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, the Babylonians elected to leave it out for the purpose of clean division. To create a clean fit with their 12-month calendar, the Babylonians neglected the fact that the sun really passes through 13 constellations, not 12.

Did the zodiac signs change 2020?

The 17th of July, 2020 Updated: July 17, 2020 3:26 p.m.

Is there 13 zodiac signs now?

NASA has stated that there would be no new constellation. NASA established an educational blog for youngsters in January 2016 to keep them up to date on the constellation alignment on their birthdays. The space agency revealed the background of the zodiac signs and why a 13th zodiac sign had always been present (but never recognised) (just never acknowledged).

Is Ophiuchus rare?

Ophiuchus, the snake carrier, is one of the least well-known constellations in the sky, despite the fact that it is one of the biggest in the sky. While enormous in area and visible in the summer sky, it includes no brilliant stars, therefore it is seldom seen.

Is Ophiuchus official 2019?

Although Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is not an astrological sign, it is one of the zodiac’s constellations and is known as the Serpent Bearer. In other words, a large number of individuals are born during the time when the sun appears in front of this constellation. The sun will enter the constellation of Ophiuchus on November 30, 2019, marking the beginning of the new year.

How many zodiacs are there?

12 astrological signs

How many zodiacs are there 2020?

There are 12 signs of the zodiac according to Western astrology—which literally means the “circle of animals”—but 13 constellations that the Sun travels through each year: Aries, Taurus, Gemini (where the Sun is presently), Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

What zodiac signs go well together?

There are 12 zodiac signs that make for the ultimate ideal pairings, and we’ve produced a list of them.

  1. Aries and Aquarius.
  2. \s Taurus and Cancer.
  3. \s Gemini and Aquarius.
  4. \s Cancer and Pisces.
  5. \s Leo and Sagittarius.
  6. \s Virgo and Taurus.
  7. \s Libra and Gemini.
  8. \s Scorpio and Cancer

How many Chinese Zodiacs are there?

12 signs

Ascension of Jesus – What Happened and What it Accomplished

The disciples who witnessed Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father most likely did not comprehend what they were witnessing.It entailed more than just his physical return to the heavenly realm.When Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, he was restoring his old position of power in heaven, and he was beginning a new ministry for Christians in the presence of the Father in heaven.

What Happened At the Ascension?

The End of Self-Limitations

During Christ’s transition from God to man, one aspect of the kenosis experience entailed Christ voluntarily limiting his comparable characteristics.Despite the fact that Jesus was still God, and he was able to use any of those traits according to his own will, Jesus chose to submit to the will of his heavenly Father rather than exercise his own self-will (John 4:34).Those self-imposed restrictions were lifted after the resurrection.While Jesus was still the same almighty God who spoke the universe into existence (John 1:3; Heb.

11:3), there was a period of time throughout his earthly life and ministry when he decided not to employ his ability (John 18:36, 37).Jesus remained the same omniscient God who alone comprehends the intricacies of our vast cosmos, as he has been since the beginning.Nonetheless, Jesus made the decision throughout his earthly ministry that there were some things he did not want to be aware of (Matt.13:32).Despite the fact that Jesus was still omnipresent, which means he was present everywhere in the vast cosmos, he decided to confine himself to the constraints of a human body for a little period of time throughout his eternity (John 1:14).

Christ no longer places restrictions on himself and uses all of his traits to the fullest extent possible.

The Glorification of Christ

Jesus has had his own splendor since the beginning of time, according to the Bible.During his earthly life, his celestial splendor was briefly obscured by darkness.While on earth, John could declare, ″We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only born of the Father,″ referring to the glory of the Son of God (John 1:14).On the mount of transfiguration, it’s possible that John was alluding to the splendour that occurred when ″Jesus was transfigured″ (Matt.

17:2).Some believe that Jesus’ earthly humanity was the perfect example of what every man should strive to be, and that as a result, Jesus exalted God in his human form.During his final moments before the crucifixion, Jesus begged the Father to ″glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was″ (Matthew 27:51).(John 17:5).When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he was looking forward to his own glory and the joy that would accompany it (Heb.

12:2).The resurrection of Christ resulted in the exaltation of Jesus, ″as a result, God also has greatly elevated him, and given him’ a name that is above all names″ (Phil.2:9).Whereas Christ’s prior splendor in heaven was based on his person, this additional degree of glory is based on his accomplished work on the cross.

It is fascinating to compare and contrast the appearances of Christ after his resurrection with the revelations of Christ after his ascension.In the prior occurrences, Christ had adequately concealed his splendor to the extent that he was frequently not recognized, as in the case of the disciples at Emmaus (Luke 24:16, 31), or Mary Magdalene, who was likewise unaware of his presence (John 20:14).John, Paul, and Stephen all testified to the fact that he existed.No question existed in their minds that they were in the presence of a supernatural being.

The distinction between John’s encounter with Christ in John 21 and the encounter with Christ in Revelation 1 was Christ’s glorification, which he acquired at his ascension.

The Exaltation of Christ

Christ’s elevation to his new position of leadership was closely associated with his glory and was closely tied to it.David, in a messianic psalm, predicted of Christ’s elevation, writing, ″The Lord said unto my Lord, seat thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool″ (The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool) (Ps.110:1).This psalm was referenced by Peter in his discourse on the day of Pentecost, during which he discussed the resurrection of Jesus.

He closed by emphasizing the importance of Jesus Christ as the Lord of all.″Therefore, let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has elevated that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, to the position of both Lord and Christ″ (Acts 2:36).The resurrection and ascension of Christ were also mentioned by the apostle Paul as evidence of his exaltation.Consequently, God has also raised him to a position beyond all others and given him a name that is above other names (Phil.2:9).

Those gathered around Jesus’ throne are bowing their heads in reverence.This is what they scream: ″Worthy is the Lamb″ (Rev.5:12).

The Entrance of Humanity Into Heaven

In the words of Paul, ″to be absent from the body in order to be present with the Lord″ (2 Cor.5:8).This entrance into heaven is only made possible because ″the forerunner, even Jesus, has entered for us″ (Hebrews 9:15).(Heb.

6:20).Jesus was the first man to enter heaven in a glorified form, and he was the first to do so.At the time of his ascension, he was referred to as ″the man in the glory″ (Heb.7:24).

The Beginning of a New Ministry

Ascending into heaven did not imply that Jesus was retiring from his mission on earth.He just added a new chore to the list of responsibilities.He had completed his mission of dying for the redemption of the world (John 19:30), but he now lives for the salvation of those who have trusted in him as their intercessor and advocate.As a result of his position, Jesus is always interceding on behalf of Christians who are tempted to sin (Heb.

7:25).He provides people with grace in order to avoid sinning.If they do succumb to temptation and sin on occasion, Jesus will act as their advocate before the Father in heaven (John 2:1).As a result, Christ forgives sins on the basis of his sacrifice and restores the Christian after he has sinned against him.

What the Ascension Accomplished

Everything that Jesus did had an influence on the life of the believer, and this was no exception. A multitude of benefits flow from Christ’s ascension, providing Christians with the opportunity to live a fulfilling life and provide effective service. The following chart lists some of the consequences of Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father.

The Results of the Ascension of Christ

  1. The sending of the Holy Spirit is described in John 16:7
  2. the bestowal of spiritual gifts is described in Ephesians 4:8
  3. and the imparting of spiritual authority is described in Acts 1:8.
  4. The preparation of a heavenly house – John 14:3
  5. the position of the believer – Romans 8:29
  6. the preparation of a heavenly home

The Sending of the Holy Spirit

If Christ had not ascended to the heavenly realm, we would not have the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the church, as we have today.Jesus stated that the ″Comforter″ will be sent by both the Father (John 14:26) and himself (John 15:20).This was impossible for him to do during his earthly career.He continued: ″Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go: for if I do not depart, the Comforter will not come vnto you; but if I depart, the Comforter will come toward you″ (John 16:7).

This promise was reiterated by Jesus on the last’recorded’ meeting with his disciples on the last day of his ascension, which occurred on the previous day (Acts 1:5).A little more than ten days later, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples with overwhelming force (Acts 2:1-4).Today, the Holy Spirit resides within every Christian (1 Corinthians 6:19) and assists people in living their lives for God (Gal.5:25).

The Giving of Spiritual Gifts

Not only does a person get the Holy Spirit, but he also obtains his or her spiritual gift(s) when they are saved (1 Cor.12:11; 1 Pet.4:10).A spiritual talent is a capacity to serve God, provided originally by Christ.

“When he rose up on high, he carried captivity captive, and bestowed gifts unto men (Eph.4:8).(Eph.4:8).After a Christian is saved he must identify his gift(s) (1 Cor.12:1, 32) and cultivate those gifts for better service.

Three lists of gifts are contained within the Bible (Rom.12; 1 Cor.12; Eph.4).

Certain particular powers were granted by God to the 9 apostles as signs to validate their teaching, as described in the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel.These were considered by most scholars to have been temporary, and given primarily as signs to unbelieving Jews (1 Cor.1:22) (1 Cor.1:22).The Bible advises the Christian to seek “earnestly the best gifts” (1 Cor.12:31).

(1 Cor.12:31).Everyone should endeavor to use their gift or gifts to praise God.There may be other talents that God sends to humans that are not clearly listed in Scripture.The exact number of gifts is not universally accepted by Bible scholars, because the reference to spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4 appears to refer to the positions that certain gifted people fill in the church rather than to the gift or gifts themselves.

For example, the reference to spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 appears to refer to the positions that certain gifted people fill in the church rather than to the gift or gifts themselves.For example, a pastor could have the talents of teaching, encouragement, wisdom, and faith.

The Imparting of Spiritual Power

A third advantage of the ascension of Christ was the imparting of spiritual strength to his disciples.Jesus urged his followers to “tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye are endued with authority from on high” (Luke 24:49).(Luke 24:49).On the day of Pentecost, the disciples got this spiritual capacity to witness.

The power was continuously present in their lives as they continued to be filled with the Holy Spirit.This spiritual force is accessible to every believer today in the same strength God utilized in the resurrection and ascension of Christ (Eph.1:19, 20).(Eph.1:19, 20).

By submitting to God (Rom.12:1) and being filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph.5:18), we shall be better able both to witness and to live our lives for God.

The Preparation of a Heavenly Home

A fourth outcome of the ascension of Christ is the preparing of heaven for Christians.″There are many mansions in my Father’s home,″ Jesus explained.″If this were not the case, I would have informed you.″ ″I’m going to set up a location for you″ (John 14:2).We must presume that when Jesus ascended to his Father’s house, he began preparing the dwelling places for his Father’s family.

Had there been no ascension, there would be no place prepared for those who embrace Christ as Savior.

The Standing of the Believer

  • When Jesus climbed to his Father’s right hand, those who place their faith in him as Savior also ascended with him. We have been ″raised up together in Christ Jesus″ and have ″become one flesh in heavenly regions in Christ Jesus″ (Eph. 2:6). In the same way that Jesus was elevated during his ascension, the Christian is exalted and stands before God as a result of Christ’s ascension as well. This is a practical application of the relationship that every believer has with Jesus Christ. The following two tabs alter the content of the section below. Bio
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In addition to being a college and seminary professor, author of popular and scholarly works (including serving as the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and a dedicated worker in Sunday school, Dr.Elmer Towns has developed more than twenty resource packets for leadership education.His personal education includes a B.S.from Northwestern College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, an M.A.

from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, a Th.M.from Dallas Theological Seminary also in Dallas, an MRE from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and a D.Min.from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.Libertarian Liberty University was founded in 1971 by him and his friend Jerry Falwell, and he served as the school’s lone full-time instructor for the first year of the school’s existence.He is the Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University, which has approximately 11,400 students on campus and 39,000 students enrolled in the Distance Learning Program (formerly known as Liberty University Online).

Dr.Towns has lectured on theology and led intensive seminars at more than 50 theological schools in the United States and other parts of the world.Currently, he has visiting professorships at five different seminaries.He has authored more than 2,000 reference and/or popular papers and has been awarded six honorary doctorate degrees in his field.

His contributions to religious education and evangelism have been the subject of four PhD dissertations to date.

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