Who Did Jesus Say He Was

Who Does Jesus Say He Is?

It is possible that some people in this day and age may attempt to put words in Jesus’ mouth, take parts of scripture out of context, or otherwise say anything that is in direct opposition to what God has spoken in his Holy Word. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four books that describe the account of Christ’s life. The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are referred to as such because they include many of the identical stories of Christ, typically in the same sequence and with the same terminology.

As a matter of fact, approximately 90 percent of the content in the book of John is unique, and it is not included in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

John’s Unique Account

The gospel of Matthew opens with a genealogy that leads to Jesus. When Mark begins, John the Baptist is paving the way for Jesus to arrive. The book of Luke starts with a prophecy about the birth of John the Baptist. John, on the other hand, begins beyond the world with an eye on the eternal. “In the beginning, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “In the beginning, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (NIV) (John 1:1) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) (NIV) ( “The Word took on flesh and established his home among us,” says the Bible.

In his co-authored book, Seeing Jesus from the East, co-author Ravi Zacharias points out that the gospel of John refers to Jesus in the first person singular 118 times, which is more than the combined total of the first three gospel narratives.

I am the bread of life.

“I am the bread of life,” Jesus declares in John 6:35 (New International Version). No one will ever go hungry or thirsty if they come to me, and no one will ever be thirsty if they trust in me.” He says this shortly after performing his miracle of feeding the 5,000 people. In chapter 6, Jesus instructs his followers to “not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life” (John 6:27 NIV), and he later declares that “the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the earth” (John 6:35 NIV) (John 6:33 NIV).

Because of our faith in him, we are able to experience everlasting life, where we will never again experience hunger or thirst.

I am the light of the world.

“I am the light of the world,” Jesus declares in John 8:12 (New International Version). Following me will never be in the dark, but will always have the light of life in their hearts. When used to diverse circumstances, light may take on a variety of distinct meanings. We require light in order to see our way. Darkness is illuminated by light. Light has the ability to reveal hidden darkness inside us. Light also offers warmth for the development of plants. As the Word made flesh, Jesus, in his role as the author of light, takes on all of these meanings of light as the Word made flesh.

His Word sheds light on the reality of things.

I am the gate for the sheep.

“I am the gate for the sheep,” Jesus tells the Pharisees in John 10:7 (New International Version). As previously stated in the passages preceding this one, Jesus labels anybody who enters the sheep pen from a point other than the gate as a thief and a robber. As the gate, he defends the sheep and also serves as the only entrance and exit point to the corral. This concept is repeated in numerous “I am” statements that Jesus makes throughout the Bible.

I am the good shepherd.

“I am the good shepherd,” Jesus declares just a few sentences later in John 10:11 (New International Version). “The good shepherd gives his life for the sake of his sheep.” In stating this to the Pharisees, Jesus is fulfilling the prophesy of Ezekiel 34:12, which states that the Messiah will come (NIV). The shepherd cares after his dispersed flock while he is among them, and I will look after my sheep in the same manner. “I will bring them back from all the areas where they have been spread on this cloudy and dismal day,” I promise.

As our Savior, Jesus saves us from death and sets us free from the bonds of our sin.

I am the resurrection and the life.

“I am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus declares in John 11:25 (New International Version). It is possible for someone who believes in me to survive even if they die.” Jesus is informing us that he is the source of resurrection and life by stating this. According to theologian John Pipers, “All of God’s sovereignty is communicated through Christ, and it is predicated on his power over death demonstrated in his resurrection.” There is no resurrection if Christ is not present. There is no such thing as a death that can be defeated.

It is only because of his victory over death that we have the promise of eternal life if we place our faith in him.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declares in John 14:6 (New International Version). “There is no other way to the Father but through me.” Following Jesus’ announcement to his followers that he is going to make a place for them in his Father’s home, his disciples inquire as to how they would know the path to where he is going. And in answer to this, Jesus declares himself to be the path that leads to the Father. Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, then requests to see the Father. As a response, Jesus says, “Anyone who has seen me has also seen the Father.

” (John 14:9b NIV). Jesus is informing his disciples and followers that he is the only route to God and that he himself is God. He is preparing a place for us in forever, and he will return to take us to where he now resides.

I am the true vine.

“I am the genuine vine, and my Father is the gardener,” Jesus declares in John 15:1 (New International Version). As Jesus prepared his followers for his ascension to heaven, he made an allusion to the idea that he would support them in the same way as a grapevine sustains the branches of its vine. In John 15:5, he went on to make this point even more emphatic (NIV). “I am the vine, and you are the branches,” says the speaker. It is only through my presence in your life, and your presence in mine, that you will grow great fruit; absent from me, you can do nothing.” Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is constantly with us, and he works through us to bring about fruit for his Kingdom.

However, if we are in Christ and are receiving nourishment from him, how can we fail to produce fruit that will bring glory to him?

Before Abraham was born, I am.

Finally, in John 8:58 (NIV), Jesus declares, “I am who I am before Abraham was born!” According to co-author Ravi Zacharias in his book Seeing Jesus from the East, this was the accusation that “inspired Jesus’ opponents to kill him.” “By asserting that he did not “come into existence,” Jesus was asserting that it is impossible for him to be anything other than himself. His arrival did not represent a reincarnation; rather, it represented the incarnation.” Jesus is stating, in the same way that John begins his narrative, that he was there from the beginning and has been there ever since.

How Do We Respond to Who Jesus Is?

In his co-authored book, Seeing Jesus from the East, Abdul Murray argues how the disciples in the book of Acts have been transformed as a result of their knowledge of who Jesus is. The disciples have taken refuge in closed chambers following Jesus’ death on the cross and burial in the tomb. However, upon Jesus’ resurrection, they are ecstatic “with the prospect of being regarded worthy of suffering disgrace for His name” (Acts 5:41 NASB). They can’t stop themselves from telling people about Christ and what he has done for them, no matter what the repercussions are.

  1. Your path does not come to an end with your faith in Christ.
  2. “Many of us question if we would have the strength to truly bear pain for the cause of Christ,” Murray continues.
  3. In the meanwhile, we may take comfort in the knowledge that things weren’t that remarkable.
  4. More information on the event may be found here.

Did Jesus say He is God?

QuestionAnswer It is true that Jesus never spoke the precise words, “I am God,” but he did say something similar. He did, however, assert His divine status in a variety of ways, and those who heard Him understood exactly what He was saying. “I and the Father are one,” Jesus declared in John 10:30, for example. When the Jews who heard Him make that speech realized He was claiming to be God, their reaction was as follows: “His Jewish opponents grabbed up stones to stone him” (John 10:31). The reason they were attempting to stone Him was blasphemy, they said.

  • The punishment for blasphemy was death by stoning (Leviticus 24:16), and the Jews accused Jesus of claiming to be God, which he denied.
  • before Abraham was born, I am!” Jesus said in another remark, claiming to be God: “Very genuinely I tell you,.
  • They attempted to stone Him for blasphemy on this occasion, as they had on the previous one.
  • According to verse 14, the Word is identified as follows: “The Word became human and made his abode among us.” In this verse, John affirms that Jesus is God, that He left heaven to come to earth in the form of a man in order to live with men and display the glory of God the Father.
  • The disciples of Jesus were there when Jesus declared His divinity to them.
  • If Jesus had not been the Son of God and the Son of Man, He would have corrected Thomas, but He did not; Thomas proclaimed the truth in his statement.
  • When He came to them after the resurrection, they prostrated themselves at His feet and worshipped Him, as Scripture says (Matthew 28:9).

Jesus never reprimanded anyone for worshiping Him, and He regarded their adoration as good and legitimate in every way.

Timothy 2:13 reminds us that Paul was anxiously awaiting “the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,” and he encourages us to do the same.

This can only imply that Jesus is the Son of God.

Did Jesus declare Himself to be God?

He made it very evident that He was God in the flesh, demonstrating this via His teachings, His miracles, and, ultimately, His resurrection from the grave.

If He had been an ordinary man, His death would have been insufficient to atone for His own crimes; however, since He was God manifested in the flesh, His sacrifice was unlimited and holy, and it was sufficient to atone for the sins of the entire human race.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Is it true that Jesus claimed to be God?

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See also:  How Does The Easter Bunny Relate To Jesus

Jesus is who He says He is (John) – 01/19/20 — LifePoint Church

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What do we know?

Therefore, we have established why Jesus is here, who He is, and what authority He possesses so far in the Gospel of John (1-8). He is the Almighty. We get to take a look back at Jesus’ ministry and the Bible from the comfort of our own cars. All of the events we are reading about in John have already occurred. Theologians have had many years to sift through the words of scripture, as well as their cultural connotations and problems. Archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of items from the time of Christ, many of which are mentioned in the New Testament.

These are really great items!

The reality of Jesus’ identity as both God and man is repeatedly demonstrated in John’s gospel, which is a must-read for each Christian.

The Big Idea: Jesus is who He says He is

Is it possible for you to pretend to be someone or something you are not if the consequence for doing so is death? Consider the following scenario: Would you walk into a police station and proclaim, “I am a murderer and should be put to death for my crimes!” if you had never even hurt anyone? Would you say anything like that? I certainly hope not. I wouldn’t do that. If you did this, people would assume you were suffering from a terrible mental illness. Consider the following: What do you believe was going through the minds of the people as Jesus performed this act?

What Jesus did, on the other hand, was declare Himself to be God.

It is possible that Jesus was not God and was lying; in that case, He was a blasphemer, which is a crime punishable by death.

Before Abraham was, I AM

According to the Bible, “Jesus told them, ‘Truly, truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.'” (John 8:58, New International Version) We have no means to prove that Jesus never claimed to be God based on the writings of John’s gospel. Skeptics, on the other hand, would disagree. Their response would be something like this: “Jesus never stated ‘I am God,’ so why do you keep claiming he is?” Because He did it, of course. Jesus stated to them in John 8:58, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.'” This is a reference to the time before Abraham was born.

  1. As a result of their allegations against Jesus, and His comments about knowing the Father, it appears that the situation has escalated to this point in order for them to comprehend.
  2. Is the phrase “I AM” ringing in your ears?
  3. But if you need a little assistance, allow me to refresh your memories.
  4. ‘I AM WHO I AM,’ God told Moses.
  5. ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you,” he instructed.
  6. ‘This will be my name for all time, and as a result, I will be remembered across all generations.’ In reminding them that “before Abraham was, I am,” Jesus is essentially informing the Pharisees that He is the living God.
  7. He’s delivering an unequivocal statement of fact!
  8. What the Pharisees would hear would be exactly what they already knew from Moses’ own experiences and writings.

The reason Jesus is doing this is not for his own benefit, but for their benefit (and ours). The gospel of John has several instances of Jesus professing to be God. There are seven occasions, seven sentences, in which Jesus describes Himself that we can only learn about through the Gospel of John.

I Am the Bread of Life

According to the Bible, “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will not hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” (John 6:35, English Standard Version) Throughout history, bread has been a staple of the diet in Israel, as well as other parts of the world, including the United States. They didn’t have the same possibilities that we do now for getting meals quickly. When they cooked food, they used only ingredients that they could raise and gather themselves on their own land.

  • The Jewish community would also be aware of what their forefathers ate while wandering through the desert, according to the written record.
  • They continued to do so for forty years.
  • They’d become sick of it and need some meat to keep them going.
  • They’d be left with nothing.
  • And it isn’t even about Him being transformed into food.
  • Jesus may have been born to become a man, but He came to earth from the presence of the Father.

I Am the Light of the World

“Jesus spoke to them once more, proclaiming, ‘I am the light of the world.’ The one who walks in my footsteps will not walk in darkness, but will be illuminated by the light of life.” (John 8:12, English Standard Version) Consider a period when you were completely blinded by darkness. Not in a figurative sense, but in the literal meaning of the word. There is absolutely no light. What did you happen to notice? Nothing. Absolute darkness is something that we may find difficult to contemplate or visualize in our minds’ eyes.

  • Even our cell phones are equipped with a flashlight.
  • In John 8:12, Jesus tells us that He is the light and that He has the ability to bring anybody out of darkness.
  • The reason we associate sin with darkness is that we don’t want it exposed to the public and observed.
  • In contrast, when you tread on a LEGO brick on the floor in the dark, you realize that sin, while it may be hidden, exists and is not without consequences.
  • “Only God can judge me,” some people remark, which is both amusing and serious at the same time.
  • You are not without flaws.
  • Only Jesus was without flaws.
  • Nothing is concealed from the light of Jesus.
  • Light and darkness do not coexist in the same space.

Either there is light or there is darkness. Darkness is all you have if you don’t have Jesus. When we are with Jesus, the light reveals all of our flaws, and we can see all of the things, including our sins, that Jesus took to the cross on our behalf.

I Am the Door

“And so, Jesus responded to them once more, ‘Really, truly, I tell you, I am the gate of the sheep.’ But the sheep did not pay attention to those who came before me since they were thieves and robbers. I am the entrance. Anybody who comes in via my door will be rescued and will have the freedom to come in and leave as he pleases and find pasture. (John 10:7–9, English Standard Version) When we read the Bible, there are some examples that we don’t instantly connect with when they are mentioned.

  • Yes, we understand what sheep are and what shepherds do, and we have a general understanding of what they do.
  • I have something like ten of these in my house.
  • The gateway to the sheepfold is the one to which Jesus is referring in this passage.
  • This not only helped to keep the sheep in, but it also helped to keep predators out.
  • There was only one route inside the sheepfold, and that was through the door.
  • It wasn’t a massive, heavy wooden slab or a heavy metal gate that you had to seal.
  • The person in charge of protecting the sheepfold was in charge of deciding what or who was let in.

Dwelling in God’s presence in His Kingdom.

Jesus is a one-of-a-kind individual.

“Make every effort to enter via the small door,” we are told in Luke 13:24.

“That’s not fair!” says the speaker.

The only way we could be exclusive if Jesus himself did not say so would be through some inventive means.

Jesus also commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

I Am the Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd,” says the good shepherd. The excellent shepherd is willing to lay down his life for his flock. In this case, the hired laborer is not a shepherd, and he does not own the sheep. When the wolf approaches, he abandons the sheep and runs, with the sheep being snatched up and scattered by the wolf. He runs because he is a hired employee who is unconcerned about the sheep’s well-being. I am the good shepherd, and I am here to help you. And I lay down my life for the sheep because I know my own and my own know me, just as I know the Father and the Father knows me, and the Father knows me.” (John 10:11–15, English Standard Version) When compared to the employment available today, shepherding may appear to be a tedious occupation.

  1. Astronaut.
  2. Instagrammer with a lot of followers (just kidding).
  3. It would be more than simply a job.
  4. In Psalm 23:1-3, we witness Jesus’ guiding and compassionate character as the Good Shepherd, and we may learn more about him here.
  5. He takes me to a quiet spot among peaceful waters.
  6. For the sake of his name, he directs my steps in the direction of righteousness.” It makes sense, doesn’t it, to hear Jesus describe Himself as a shepherd, doesn’t it?
  7. Reading the text in John 10:11-15 provides us with a feeling of Jesus’ relationship with us and his mission on earth.
  8. He isn’t simply some person who goes to work and clocks out, like a hired worker, and then goes home.
  9. The sheep are tended for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including on weekends.

Jesus’ role as the Good Shepherd exemplifies a faithful leader and a guardian who is willing to sacrifice everything he has been entrusted with. Both of these positions have a concern for others. Those whom the Father has given to Jesus can never be taken away from Him (John 10:29).

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

“Jesus responded to her by saying, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.'” Anyone who believes in me will live even if he or she dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die, according to the Bible. Believe it or not,’ says the author. ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world,’ she said to him. (John 11:25–27, English Standard Version) Lazarus has passed away. Something occurred to him, and he became ill and died as a result.

  1. We are grieved by death, but we understand that it is an unavoidable part of life.
  2. I’m not referring to a tee-shirt that says “Jesus is my hometown hero.” I’m referring to the fact that you have spent time with Him.
  3. You have a clear understanding of who He is.
  4. In the book of John 11, we witness something remarkable.
  5. Because they are performed by God, all miracles are magnificent to see.
  6. When Jesus was informed that Lazarus was ailing and that He needed to arrive immediately, He chose to remain where He was.
  7. It’s as if Jesus didn’t give a damn.

In John 11:4, Jesus informs us that everything happens will be to His glory, and we should believe him.

When Jesus arrives in Bethany and is carried to Lazarus’ grave, where other mourners have gathered, he sobs.

There is His humanity to be found.

Lazarus was brought back to life by Jesus from a condition of complete death to complete life.

On a Friday, Jesus transitions from being completely dead to being completely alive on a Sunday.

In both the physical and spiritual realms, he transforms death into life.

We entrust Him with our lives, trusting that He will provide us with a life that is free of the everlasting dangers of sin.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

“Jesus responded by saying, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ It is only through me that anybody may come to the Father.” (John 14:6 in the English Standard Version) This is one of the most well-known of Jesus’ pronouncements, and it is found in the book of Matthew. It condenses so much of what Jesus taught into a single, straightforward sentence. Before now, we’ve talked about Jesus as “the Door.” The door is the opening through which you enter. In declaring Himself to be “the door,” Jesus didn’t mean to imply that He was simply one of many doorways.

  • This remark is just as important as Peter’s declaration that Jesus is the Christ in terms of trusting in Jesus (Matthew 16:16).
  • There isn’t any other option.
  • What does it mean to be a decent person?
  • Only by believing and putting our confidence in Jesus can we be saved.
  • Nope.
  • Is it only through faith and trust in Jesus that we may be saved?
  • I’m stressing solely Jesus because it has to be spoken and reminded again and again and again.
  • The truth from God and what Jesus revealed while on earth, on the other hand, are the standards by which we measure ourselves.
  • In our day and age, the realities we know to be from God might be diametrically opposed to what the world considers to be true.
  • Knowing God’s word is extremely essential for Christians because it provides us with the truth that allows us to stand up against false teachings and lies and defend our faith.
  • If we weren’t aware that He was life before today, we certainly weren’t paying attention.

Only Jesus can offer genuine and eternal life, and he is the only one who can do it. When we confess Jesus as our Savior, He brings our dead hearts back to life via His resurrection power. And all life lives as a result of Him, who is both the creator and the sustainer.

I Am the True Vine

I am the actual vine, and my Father is the one who tends the vines. Every branch in me that does not yield fruit is cut off, and every branch that does bear fruit is pruned in order for it to bear even more fruit in the future. (John 15:1–2 English Standard Version) I don’t have a green thumb. I’m not a gardener, and I don’t have any plants that need continual attention. As a result, I am not an expert in vines and must rely on widely available knowledge about vines. Grapes, I suppose, are one of the things that grow on vines that we are all familiar with.

  • At the time of Jesus, wine was abundantly available.
  • Because there was no running water or water treatment available back then, wine was commonly consumed.
  • As with all of Jesus’ parallels, He would utilize examples that people would be familiar with.
  • A civilization in the first century would be familiar with agriculture, which means that the majority of people would understand what it takes to cultivate and care for food.
  • Vine branches support fruit that grows on them, while fruit grows on the branches that support the vine.
  • Branches that do not produce fruit are chopped and put into the fire to be consumed (John 15:6).
  • Clear?
  • Jesus is the vine, as has been said before.
  • Those who do not bear fruit, those who do not believe in Him, these are the ones who will be separated from Him.
  • Those of us who have placed our trust in Him are reliant on Him and have a personal connection with Him.
  • Those that do not will not remain a part of the group.
See also:  When Jesus Speaks

Now what?

We do not have Jesus physically present among us in the way that we read about in the Gospel of John or the other gospel books. His presence is not always there while we are dining together. In our modern day, we do not have Him speaking to us and instructing us when we are gathered around a campfire. His tangible, human presence is absent from this location. It might be difficult for us to relate to someone who we have just heard about or read about. People who are not disciples of Jesus believe that the Bible is a work of fiction for this same reason.

Those of us who believe do not sit in the dark. Despite the fact that we may wonder or be perplexed from time to time, we are not separated from God. The Spirit shows Himself to us in the same way that Jesus revealed Himself as God to first-century Israel. Return to the town of Riverdale Engage

Hidden in Plain Sight: What Did Jesus Say about Himself?

Over the course of His public career, Jesus made two clear claims about Himself: He claimed to be the Messiah of Israel (the Christ), and He claimed to be God manifested in human form (Matthew 16:16;John 11:27;Mark 14:61). That Jesus asked mankind to believe about Himself in two ways is the core of the message he was attempting to convey to them (John 20:31). It is difficult for us to imagine how difficult it must have been for His contemporaries to accept these claims: the claim to Messiahship was difficult because Jesus fell so far short of the self-serving but rabinically endorsed messianic ideals cherished by His contemporaries; and the claim that He was God come in the flesh was at once incongruous and scandalous; and the claim that He was God come in the flesh was at once incongruous and scandalous.

In contrast, because Jesus’ disciples exemplified perfectly the command in Matthew 10:16 to be “as wise as serpents and harmless as doves,” his claim to Messiahship (i.e., to be King of Israel) was cleverly encoded in Old Testament figures and passages so that the claim would be unmistakable and compelling to Jews while appearing innocuous to the Roman overlords.

A similar argument was made for the claim to divinity, which was scandalous to the Jews but less inflammatory to the Romans than the claim to be the ruler of the world.

For example, the Scriptures assert that only God is everlasting; as a result, when Jesus claimed preexistence (John 8:56), His Jewish auditors saw this as a claim to divinity.

Doug Bookman, professor of New Testament Exposition at Shepherds Theological Seminary, and published with permission (used by permission).

Did Jesus Claim to Be God?

First and foremost, Jesus claimed to be the one and only Son of God. As a result, the Jewish authorities attempted to assassinate Him on the grounds that he had “called God his own Father, making himself equal to God” (John 5:18NIV). In John 8:58, Jesus went so far as to use the exact words that God used to reveal Himself to Moses from the burning bush to show Himself to us (Exodus 3:14). For the Jews, this was the height of blasphemy, since they recognized that by doing so, Jesus was unmistakably claiming to be the Son of God.

  • Another time, the Jews gathered stones to throw at him, but Jesus told them, ‘I have shown you many wonderful miracles from the Father.
  • Caiaphas, the High Priest, approached him and asked him: “‘Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?’ he asks rhetorically.
  • In addition, “you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Mighty One, and He will descend on the clouds of heaven.”” (Mark 14:61-62, New International Version).
  • Caiaphas and the rest of the Council, on the other hand, did not.
  • He was not only asserting that He was the preexistent Sovereign of the Universe, but He was also prophesying that He would vindicate His claim by judging the exact court that was now sentencing Him.
  • Students of the Old Testament considered this to be the pinnacle of “blasphemy,” and as a result, “they all condemned him as deserving of death” (Mark 14:64-65).

Among other things, He asserted omniscience by telling Peter, “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times” (Matthew 26:34); claimed omnipotence by raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:43); and professed omnipresence by promising to be with His disciples “until the end of the age” (Matthew 24:30).

Even more impressively, according to Luke 5:20, Jesus spoke to the paralyzed, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” He was asserting a right that should have been kept for God alone.

As a result, when Thomas bowed his head before Jesus and exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28), Jesus answered with praise rather than judgment, demonstrating his compassion. This is an excerpt from “Did Jesus Claim to Be God? ” (used by permission).

Did Jesus Say He Was God

QUESTION: Did Jesus declare himself to be God? A:The gospel of John, which shows Jesus Christ as fully deified, is frequently referred to as the “I AM” book because of the way in which He is presented. In the book of John, Jesus declares, “I AM.” This is repeated again and over again. This statement “I AM” held a great deal of significance for the knowledgeable Jew. It was a declaration by Jesus that He is the Son of God. Why? When God called Moses to lead the country of Israel out of Egypt in the Old Testament, He instructed Moses to inform the people of the nation that “I AM” had sent him (Exodus 3:13-15).

  • Is it true that Jesus claimed to be God?
  • He replied, “My Father is always at work, and I am working as well.” The Jews worked even harder to put him to death since he was not only violating the Sabbath, but he was also referring to God as his own Father, so elevating himself to the status of God ” (John 5:17-18).
  • You may not be familiar with him, but I am familiar with him since I am from him and he sent me.'” (See John 7:28-29.) “Afterwards, they inquired as to his whereabouts: ‘Where is your father?’ ‘You don’t know who I am or who my Father is,’ Jesus responded.
  • As a result, the Jews were undoubtedly aware that Jesus was claiming to be God, and they attempted to have Him killed as a result of His claims.
  • Do not trust me until I demonstrate what my Father demonstrates.
  • Jesus further confirmed to the disciples that He is the Son of God.
  • From this point forward, you will be considered to know him and to have seen him.’ ‘Lord, show us the Father, and that will be sufficient for us,’ Philip answered.

Anyone who has seen me has also seen the Father, and vice versa.

Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in me, and that the Father is in the Father?

Instead, it is the Father, who is present in me, who is carrying out his mission.

That day will come when you will comprehend that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and you are in me.’ I am in my Father.'” (See also John 14:7-11 and 20.) The prayer of Jesus Christ, who served as the high priest, is recorded in the seventeenth chapter of John.

Make your Son a source of honor so that your Son may make you a source of honor.

This is everlasting life: that they may come to know you, the one and only true God, as well as Jesus Christ, whom you have sent to save them.

Thank you for your guidance.

Jesus states the following in this beautiful prayer: “My prayers aren’t only for them, either.

May they be in us as well, so that the world would believe that you have sent me to them ” (John 17:20-21). Is it true that Jesus claimed to be God? Yes! Amen!

7 Times Jesus said “I Am”

A crucial statement said by Jesus is repeated seven times throughout the Gospel of John, making it the most essential phrase in the whole book. Jesus says the words “I am” over and over again. His character is shown in its entirety through this repetition. The Source of All Life And Jesus responded to them by saying, “I am the source of all nourishment. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never thirst, because I am the bread of life.” -Matthew 6:35 After spending a peaceful night alone in the desert, Jesus said these remarks.

  • In spite of this miracle and these remarks, the people were still looking for a proof that they might put their faith in Jesus, according to some accounts.
  • Jesus reassured them that, despite the fact that their forefathers had been fed manna, they were no longer alive.
  • Jesus, in his role as the Bread of Life, extends to everyone of us the gift of everlasting life.
  • He who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life shining in his heart and on his face.” -John 8:12 (KJV) These comments were spoken by Jesus to a gathering of people who had just seen an astonishing event.
  • During an effort by the accusers to deceive Jesus by asking if He believed the lady should be stoned, Jesus remained silent and scribbled in the sand.
  • Then, turning to face the remaining members of the audience, Jesus informs them that He is the Light of the world.
  • The Front Entrance “I am the entrance.
See also:  How Old Would Jesus Be Now

In John 10, Jesus drew on a theme that was known to each of His listeners: the role of a shepherd.

Anyone who sneaked into a sheepfold by any means other than the door was not allowed to be there legally.

Jesus is that Door, and He is the only one who can lead a person to redemption.

“I am the good shepherd, and I am here to help you.

He is the Shepherd; he is the One whose voice the sheep recognize and recognize as theirs.

Jesus, in his role as the Good Shepherd, gave his life in order to save everyone of us.

He who believes in Me will live, even if he dies as a result of his faith.

Do you believe what I’m saying?” -John 11:25, 26 (NIV).

Jesus has arrived too late—their brother Lazarus is dead.

But Jesus has other, more immediate plans for Lazarus.

The Way, the Truth and the Life Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.

He warned them—on multiple occasions—but they could not seem to accept it.

Jesus, as the Way, the Truth and the Life, is God, and is our only Source of salvation.

“I am the vine, you are the branches.

His listeners understood the significance of the vine and the dependency the branches had to the source of nutrition and water.

Jesus, as the Vine, is our Source of life—life today and everlasting life. The Gospel of John records this repeated phrase “I am” seven times. Each repetition adds another layer of understanding of His character until we see His form perfectly.

Did Jesus Ever Say He was God?

According to EveryStudent.com Others were persuaded that Jesus was the Son of God: “Christ is the visible image of the unseen God,” says the apostle Paul. 1 “He was there from the beginning with God,” says John. “You must submit to Christ as the Lord of your life,” says 2 Peter. 3 However, what did Jesus have to say about himself? Is it true that he ever claimed to be God? In accordance with the Bible. absolutely! Some of the remarks he made are included here.

Is Jesus God? See These Statements

Jesus claimed to have existed prior to Abraham. The anticipation of my arrival filled your father Abraham with joy. He was relieved when he noticed it.” “You aren’t even fifty years old,” the onlookers pointed out. “How do you know you’ve seen Abraham?” I inquire. “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!” Jesus said in response. 4 Jesus declared that to see Him is the same as to see God. “If you put your confidence in me, you are putting your trust in not just me, but also in God who sent me,” Jesus said to the throng.

In order for those who put their confidence in me to no longer be in the dark, I have come to shine a light in this dark world.” “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world so that those who put their trust in me will no longer be in the dark.” 5 “Without my intercession, no one can approach to the Father.” It is likely that you would have recognized who my Father is if you had known me well.

  • From now on, you may say with confidence that you are familiar with and have seen him!” “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be pleased,” Philip pleaded with Jesus.
  • Every single person who has seen me has seen the Father.
  • When the multitudes saw it, they were terrified, and they exalted God as a result.” 7 “You are from below, and I am from above,” he explained to them.
  • It was my intention all along that you would die in your sins, and until you accept that I am he, you will die in your sins.” 8Jesus stated that He is the Judge and that He has the authority to grant Eternal Life.
  • I am the Son of God.” Even if a person dies because of his or her faith in me, that person will survive.” 10″My sheep recognize my voice and follow me because I know who they are.
  • “I’ll bring them up on the final day of the month.” 12Jesus claimed to be the same as God in every way.
  • The mob gathered stones once more to assassinate the leader.

“I have done many excellent things under the supervision of my Father,” Jesus stated. “For which one are you planning to stone me?” I inquire. “We’re not stoning you for any good deed, but for blasphemy!” they said in response. “You, a simple man, assert your divine status.” 13

Is Jesus God? Why That Matters to Us

“I Am the Bread of Life,” says the Lord. Jesus said, “It is not my will that you should perish, but that I should rise up on your behalf.” “I am the source of all nourishment. Anyone who comes to me will never be hungry again. I guarantee it. Anyone who believes in me will never be thirsty again in his or her life.” 14″I am the way, the truth, and the life,” says the Lord. Jesus responded to him by saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one else can do these things for you. No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me.” 15 “The world is illuminated by me.” “I am the light of the world.” Anyone who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will instead have the light of life shining in their hearts.” “you will come to know the truth” The truth will set you free if you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

17 adverbial adverbial adverbial adverbial adverb “I came so they could have life and have it abundantly” “I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.” I am the good shepherd, and I am here to help you.

I grant them eternal life, and they will never expire as long as they remain in my possession.

If anybody loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him in return, and we will come to him and establish a home for ourselves among him.” nnnnnnnnnn “”I will always be by your side.” As you can see, I am with you constantly, all the way to the end of the age.” 20 Still have doubts about whether or not Jesus is God?

Footnotes: (1) Col 1:15 (2) John 1:2 (3) 1Peter 3:15 (4) John 8:56-58 (5) John 12:44-46 (6) John 14:6-9 (7) Matthew 9:6-8 (8) John 8:23,24 (9) John 5:21-23 (1) Col 1:15 (2) John 1:2 (3) 1Peter 3:15 (4) John 8:56-58 (5) John 12:44-46 (6) John 14:6-9 (7) Matthew 9:6-8 (8) John 8:23, (10) John 11:25(11), John 10:27,28(12), John 6:40(13), and John 10:30-33 are all references to Jesus Christ (14) (15), John 14:6 (16), John 8:12 (17), John 8:31,32 (18), John 10:10,27,28 (19), John 14:21 (20).

(20) Matthew 28:20 is a verse from the Bible that says, “If you love me, do my commandments.” You might also be interested in any of the following articles and videos.

Did Jesus ever say he was the Messiah?

Yes, Jesus claimed to be the promised Messiah. He claimed to be the Messiah in front of a Samaritan lady at a well in Sychar. John 4:25-26 (NIV): “I’m aware that the Messiah is on his way,” the woman told him (he who is called Christ). “When he comes, he will tell us everything,” she says. (26) Christ replied to her, “It is I who is speaking to you.” It should be noted that the Hebrew term “Messiah” is the counterpart of the Greek word “Christ.” In Matthew 16:15-17, Jesus confessed that he was the Christ in response to Peter’s confession: (15)He asked them, “But who do you think I am?” he replied.

  • ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!’ Jesus said in response.
  • After his baptism and the beginning of his public ministry, Jesus went to the synagogue in Nazareth, where he stood up to read a passage of Scripture.
  • Luke 4:18-21: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to announce good news to the poor,” Jesus said as he unrolled the scroll and located the appropriate spot to read.
  • And he was the center of attention for everyone in the synagogue.
  • His identity as the Messiah was being announced in this way.
  • Luke 4:28-29 (NIV): When the people in the synagogue heard these things, they were filled with rage and resentment.

The following is what he said of himself in John 10:36: “Do you say of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of God,” “You are blaspheming?” Claiming to be the son of God was akin to claiming to be the Messiah in the eyes of the Jewish people.

“As for me, I have established my King on Zion, my holiest of all hills.” The decree is as follows: “You are my Son; today I have born you,” the LORD stated to me.

In response to questions about whether he was the Christ or the King of the Jews on multiple occasions, though he never explicitly said it, Jesus remarked on several instances, “You have said so.” As the phrase implies, “as you say, I am.” is used.

Some of the texts from Jesus’ trial in which he admits his Messiahship or Kingship are as follows: Matthew 26:63-68: Matthew 26:63-68: But Jesus remained deafeningly silent.

Nevertheless, I assure you that from this time forward, you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and ascending on the clouds of sky.” (65)Then the high priest tore his garments and cried out, “He has spoken blasphemy against God.” What further witnesses do we require?

(66) “How do you feel about it?” They said, “He is deserving of death.” Then they spit in his face and smacked him in the face.

“You have stated as much,” Jesus responded.

And he responded by saying, “You have stated as much.” Then Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world,” according to John 18:36-37.

“However, my realm is distinct from the rest of the earth.” (37)Then Pilate asked him, “So you’re a king?” he said.

“You say that I am a king,” Jesus said. “You are correct. This is the reason I was born, and this is the reason I have come into the world: to give testimony to the reality of the situation. “My voice is heard by everyone who believes in the truth.”

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