Who Did Jesus Heal?

Who did Jesus heal?

  1. Jesus cured everyone who came across His path who was in need of healing at the time.
  2. He was able to heal individuals from all around the world.
  3. One woman suffered from a recurrent bout of bleeding.
  • The simple act of touching the hem of Jesus’ robe resulted in her being healed.
  • He then felt a rush of virtue rush out of him, and he realized that He had successfully cured someone.
  • Other individuals, like as the blind Bartineaus, came to Jesus and asked to be healed, and Jesus healed them out of compassion for their plight.
  • A Roman centurion (who commanded a force of 100 soldiers) came to Jesus, pleading with Him to restore health to his daughter.
  • He was aware that Jesus had the ability to speak the Word and that she would be cured.
  • And she was healed as a result of Jesus’ simple proclamation.

She was cured at the very moment He pronounced the Word, despite the fact that she was hundreds of kilometers away from where Jesus was at the time.One man had waited by the Bethesda pool for his healing to occur.When Jesus arrived and uttered His Word, the man rose to his feet and began to walk.Another man was put down onto the roof of a house, where he hoped Jesus would be able to heal him.The man in question was paralyzed, and Jesus was able to heal him.Numerous accounts of people who were healed by Jesus may be found in the New Testament of the Bible.

  • People were cured by Jesus everywhere He went because He was moved by compassion for them.
  • He could feel their anguish and cured them.
  • According to the New Testament Bible, Jesus performed a large number of miracles throughout his lifetime.
  1. Click here to witness some of the miracles Jesus performed:

6. Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12)

PPT TITLE The main point of the presentation is that only Jesus can forgive our sins. ″I want you to understand that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,″ says the key verse. – Mark 2:10 (KJV) Hand-drawn map; depiction showing oil change; props include a straw mat that has been folded up (at end of lesson)

Background/Review (Matthew 8:23-27)

  1. Say: As we’ve gone across the region of Galilee with Jesus and His new disciples, we’ve witnessed several incredible things that Jesus has done.
  2. He was able to dominate the untamed sea with a single command.
  3. With a single phrase, Jesus transformed a tumultuous situation into one of calm.
  • In the same way, Jesus restored inner peace to a man who had previously been possessed by demonic spirits.
  • During our time together today, we’ll look at an astounding narrative that demonstrates that Jesus has the ability to forgive sins.

Jesus Heals The Paralyzed Man (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12)

  1. Say, ″Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem.″ When He was a child, His parents relocated to Nazareth, which is located in the Galilee region.
  2. Refer to the PowerPoint map for guidance.
  3. And when Jesus reached adulthood, He relocated to Capernaum, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah (Matthew 4:13-16).
  • Jesus walked around Galilee, sharing His message of truth and curing the sick (Matthew 4:23).
  • A few days later, Jesus returned to Capernaum for a second time.
  • When the news spread that he had returned home, the crowd cheered.
  • There were so many people in attendance that there was no more room.
  • There was not even enough space to park outside the entrance.
  • And Jesus went around preaching the word to them.

Four of those who arrived were in the company of a man who was unable to walk.However, due of the large number of people, they were unable to bring him near to Jesus.As a result, they cut a hole in the roof above Jesus’ head.The man was then dropped through the opening on a mat.- Mark 2:14 – 21 Say, for example, that archaeologists had discovered dwellings in Capernaum and discovered that the largest homes could hold around 50 people if the individuals were standing very close together.People did not live in houses like ours, with a separate bedroom for each member of the household.

  • Everything took place in one or two rooms, which were small and spartan.
  • So, imagine Jesus and his disciples crammed into a small, ramshackle home that was overflowing with people.
  • People poured out of the building and around the front entrance.
  1. Several of them stood on their tiptoes, craning their necks to see Jesus; others put their heads against the windows, listening intently for what Jesus had to say.
  2. Along came four devoted pals, each carrying a comrade who was disabled or otherwise unable to move on his own.
  3. These guys had heard that Jesus was curing people all around Galilee, and they wanted to know more.
  • They were confident in Jesus’ ability to heal their buddy, so they transported him to the house where Jesus was staying.
  • People did not have thick, cushioned beds with large, fluffy pillows to sleep on back in those days.
  • The majority of people slept on a mat.
  • It was time to sleep, so each person collected his or her sleeping bag and placed it in a corner of the room, where it would remain until morning.

Display your mat.Upon arriving in the main room, each participant unrolled their mat and settled in for the night.As a result, the mat on which this disabled man was laying was most likely his own personal ″bed.″ Houses at that period did not have roofs, such as the one on your or my house.Branches were used to construct the roofing, which were then stretched over the ceiling beams.The mud had been packed into the branches and had dried in the sun.

They were robust enough to walk on, but they were also capable of being dug through.There were many exterior staircases leading up to the roofs, which was convenient.When the guys arrived at the home and saw that the occupants were crammed in like sardines, they realized that they would never be able to go in via the front entrance by themselves.Most individuals would probably have given up right there and there.These gentlemen, on the other hand, did not!

  • They were SO CONVINCED that Jesus could heal their friend that they went to extreme lengths to prove it.
  • They made their way up to the top, still carrying their companion with them.
  • They dug down through the dry mud ceiling to get to the bottom of it!
  • Think the folks who were standing just below where the workers were digging began to feel dirt particles fall into their hair because they were so close?
  • As the entire grew in size, more and more people began to raise their heads to see what was going on in the world.
  • I suspect that two of the men may have leapt down through the hole they dug, while the other two remained on the roof.

The two guys on top of the roof then assisted in lowering the paralyzed man down to the two men who had entered the room at that point.Imagine the gasps that erupted from the audience.If there were any children in the room, it’s likely that they burst out laughing at this bizarre sight.Look at what Jesus had to say about five guys causing damage to his house’s roof.

Jesus was aware of their devotion.As a result, he told the guy, ″Son, your sins have been forgiven.″ – Mark 2:5 (KJV) Jesus was not in the least bit upset that the guys had punched a hole in the roof!In fact, Jesus was overjoyed that the guys had such a strong belief in Him that they would never consider returning home without bringing their comrade in front of Him.The man who was lying on the mat was unable to move.He had gone to Jesus in order to be healed because he was confident that Jesus would be able to help him heal.However, Jesus recognized a need that was far bigger than his paralyzed legs.

He was able to see into the man’s wicked heart.God is always able to look into the heart of a person (Luke 16:15).Jesus was well aware that the guy, like every other man, woman, and kid, was a sinner.Jesus was well aware that the guy had been estranged from God as a result of his sin (Isaiah 59:2).A person who is estranged from God is the most depressing sight on the face of the earth!

Because the guys placed their whole confidence in Jesus, Jesus bestowed the greatest gift on this man.It was MUCH greater than simply getting his legs operate; it was the forgiveness of his sins that made it all worthwhile.And, as a result of Jesus’ forgiveness of the man’s sins, he was accepted into God’s kingdom.He would have a fresh lease on life on this planet, having been restored to a relationship with his heavenly Father.He would spend the rest of his life with His beloved Father.

Application: It’s crucial to notice that Jesus did not pardon the guy because he and his pals had tried so hard to get entry into the home in the first place.No, this was simply a demonstration of their faith in Jesus Christ.This disabled guy was well aware that he was powerless to assist himself.He placed his faith in the One and only One who had the ability to heal him.

Doubters (Mark 2:6-12)

  1. Say this: Not everyone recognized Jesus as the Messiah or understood how He could claim to be able to forgive sins.
  2. There were a few legal professors seated in the audience.
  3. ″Why is this gentleman (Jesus) speaking in such a strange manner?″ they wondered.
  • He’s saying something really wicked!
  • Only God has the ability to pardon sins!″ Jesus understood exactly what they were thinking right away.
  • Therefore, He inquired of them, ″Why are you having these thoughts?
  • Is it more straightforward to tell this man, ″Your crimes are forgiven″?
  • Alternatively, you may say, ″Get up, take your mat, and stroll.″ The fact is, I want you to understand that the Son of Man has authority on this planet to forgive sins.″ After then, Jesus addressed the guy who was unable to walk.
  • ″I tell you,″ he continued, ″get up.

I’m serious.″ ″Please take your mat and return home.″ The man rose to his feet and took his mat with him.Then he turned and went away as everyone looked on.Everyone in the room was taken aback.″We have never seen anything like this before!″ they said as they worshiped God.- Mark 2:6-12 (KJV) Teacher Note: The phrase ″Son of One″ appears in Psalm 80:17, where it refers to the man who sits at God’s right hand, and again in Daniel 7:13, where it refers to the Messiah.″He was granted authority, glory, and sovereign power,″ Daniel 7:14 explains, ″and all peoples, countries, and men of every tongue adored him.″ Daniel 7:14 expounds.

  • His dominion is an immortal dominion that will never be destroyed, and his kingdom is a kingdom that will never be destroyed.
  • Discuss why Jesus was so taken aback when he told the man that his sins had been forgiven, as follows: It is natural for you and me to think of love and forgiveness when we hear the name of Jesus.
  • Jesus, on the other hand, was a newcomer to the scene during the time of our narrative!
  1. He had only been speaking in front of an audience for a brief period of time.
  2. At this moment, only a small number of individuals were aware of His true identity.
  3. Inquire: Can someone explain me how the Israelites (known at the time as Jews) atoned for, or covered, the misdeeds of their forefathers?
  • They gave an animal sacrifice as a kind of penance.
  • Say: According to the commandments that God revealed to Moses, the Jews were required to make an animal sacrifice every year.
  • Was it possible for them to do this anywhere?
  • No.

It was necessary to complete the task at the Temple.The covering of sin has to be done in exactly the correct location and in just the right method.The religious instructors who were there when Jesus spoke in the home that day were well-versed in the history of the Temple.That Jesus talked about redeeming sins outside of the Temple and without requiring an animal sacrifice had them completely perplexed.However, Jesus had come to deliver EXTREMELY GOOD NEWS!

He was the ultimate sacrifice, the one who would atone for the sins of the entire world!(See also John 1:29) This time, it was no longer about making a sacrifice in the Temple; it was all about HIM!If I was attempting to teach you something that was really difficult for you to comprehend, I may draw you a picture to help you understand.For example, if I were to give you instructions to my house, I may design a map for you to follow.Hold your map up in front of you, teacher.

  • Alternatively, if I wanted to demonstrate how to change the oil in my automobile, I could draw a drawing of the oil filter, the gasket, and the oil pan..
  • Show the oil-change schematic to the audience.
  • Now, this is not a representation of the oil change; rather, it is intended to assist you in understanding how the oil change works.
  • In the same manner, the Temple served as a visual representation for the Jews in order for them to comprehend God’s purpose (Hebrews 8:5).
  • When offering animal sacrifices at the Temple, it was required that the animals be first-born males with no faults.
  • It was necessary for them to sacrifice their perfect blood in order to atone for the crimes of the sinful human.

This was a representation of the Savior whom God was about to send.This was a representation of Jesus.When God built the Temple, he was illustrating the fact that Jesus would come and die as the final sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 9:11).″Do not be misunderstood as to why I have come,″ Jesus stated.

I did not come to destroy the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets; instead, I came to restore them.″No, I came to fulfill their mission,″ I explained.- Matthew 5:17 New International Version Note to the teacher: The instructors accused Jesus of blasphemy, accusing him of dishonoring the name of the Father.The punishment for blasphemy in the Old Testament was death, according to the scriptures.Even at this early stage of His career, the groundwork was being built for his adversaries to conspire against Him and bring Him to justice.As an example, Jesus was able to read the minds of the religious leaders.

That should have been sufficient evidence for those instructors to see that Jesus was no ordinary guy!He, on the other hand, opted to provide them with even more evidence of His power.He demonstrated His ability to accomplish what they could see with their own eyes (healing the crippled man) in order to convince them that He was capable of doing something their eyes could not see (forgive sins).The disabled guy was brought into the building that day, but he leapt with pleasure when he exited.The healing of his legs was significant, but more crucially, the regeneration of his heart was as well (Ezekiel 36:26).

Anyone who puts their faith in Christ is a new creature.The old has passed away!The time has arrived for something fresh!Corinthians 5:17 (New International Version) It’s safe to say that some of the instructors were enraged because Jesus had proven them incorrect.Those who had eyes to see and ears to hear, on the other hand, were astounded and praised the Lord!

Application: The instructors were unable to comprehend what Jesus was saying since it was in contrast to what they were accustomed to hearing.However, this should come as no surprise.Keep in mind that Jesus taught that everything in the Kingdom of God was completely different from the way things were in the rest of the world.We must remain in God’s presence and ask Him to assist us in seeing through Kingdom eyes.Consider joining others who were taken aback by the truth of God’s kingdom and extolling His greatness in their hearts.POWERPOINT VERSE ″I want you to understand that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,″ says the key verse.

See also:  What Is The Kingdom Of Heaven According To Jesus

– Mark 2:10 (KJV) THE MAIN POINT OF THE PPT The main point is that only Jesus is capable of forgiving our sins.2007 BibleLessons4Kidz.com (Bible Lessons for Kids) All rights are retained around the world.It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes.KidzLife has brought this to your attention.

As a general rule, the Scriptures are taken from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®) of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise noted.Copyright / 1995, 1996, and 1998 by the International Bible Society / Used with permission of the International Bible Society-STL.All rights are retained around the world.

Thank you to John R.Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance.

A list of Jesus’ Healings

4:13 p.m. on March 7, 2022 You are now in the following section:Home What Jesus Did to Heal On October 16, 2008, a list of Jesus’ healings was published. The following is a comprehensive list of all 26 of Jesus’ healings recorded in the Gospels. It is based on research I conducted while serving in the ministry. Take pleasure in it.

  1. The Son of a Nobleman (Jn 4:46)
  2. The Man with an Unclean Spirit (Mk 1:21, Lu 4:31)
  3. Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law (Matt 8:14, Mk 1:29, Lu 4:38)
  4. The Healing of the Paralytic (Matt 9:1, Mk 2:1, Lu 5:12)
  5. The Centurion’s Servant (Matt 12:9, Mk 3:1, Lu 6:6)
  6. The Widow’s De

When Jesus Healed the Sick and Other Miracles in Chronological Order

  1. When Jesus Christ was on the world, he worked miracles by touching, healing, and altering the lives of untold numbers of people.
  2. The miracles of Jesus, like other occurrences throughout his life, were witnessed and recorded by eyewitnesses.
  3. The four Gospels each contain 37 accounts of Jesus’ miracles, with Mark’s Gospel containing the most number.
  • These testimonies reflect only a fraction of the countless numbers of persons who have been restored to wholeness by the savior.
  • The last line of John’s Gospel provides another explanation: ″There were many other acts that Jesus accomplished as well.
  • In the event that each and every one of them were written down, I believe that even the entire planet would not have enough space for the books that would be produced.″ (John 21:25, New International Version) The 37 miracles performed by Jesus Christ that are recorded in the New Testament are intended to accomplish a specific goal.
  • None of them were carried out at random, for fun, or as a spectacle.
  • Each was accompanied with a message, and each either satisfied a significant human need or proved Christ’s identity and authority as the Son of God, depending on the situation.
  • At times, Jesus declined to perform miracles because they did not fit into one of two categories: 1) miracles that were performed in the presence of witnesses or 2) miracles that were performed in the presence of an audience.

When Herod finally got to meet Jesus, he was overjoyed since he had been longing to do so because he had heard so much about him and was hoping to witness some sort of miracle performed by him.As a result, he interrogated him for a long time without receiving a response.(Luke 23:8–9, English Standard Version)

New Testament’s Words for Miracles

  • Miracles are referred to by three terms in the New Testament: ″Mighty deed″ is defined as ″powerful deed″
  • ″sign″ is defined as ″signifying something else,″ such as the kingdom of God
  • ″wonder″ is defined as ″teras,″ which means ″exceptional item.″

When performing miracles, Jesus occasionally invoked the Father’s assistance, but more often than not, he operated on his own power, therefore exposing both the Trinity and his own divinity.

The First Miracle of Jesus

  1. If you believe in miracles, you would know that when Jesus transformed water into wine at the bridal feast at Cana, he accomplished his first ″miraculous sign,″ as the Gospel writer John described it.
  2. As a result of this miracle, which demonstrated Jesus’ extraordinary authority over natural elements like as water, his glory as the Son of God was revealed, and the beginning of his public ministry was marked.
  3. A few of Jesus’ most amazing miracles were resurrecting the dead, returning sight to the blind, driving out demons, healing the sick, and walking on water, among others.
  • All of Christ’s miracles gave spectacular and unequivocal evidence that he is the Son of God, so establishing his claim to be the Son of God in the eyes of the entire world.
  • Thousands of people were drawn to Jesus by these remarkable acts of love and power, which revealed his divine character, opened hearts to the message of redemption, and prompted many to adore God.
  • They also revealed Christ’s total control over nature, as well as his boundless compassion for those in need.
  • They all added together to demonstrate that Jesus was, in fact, the anticipated Messiah.

37 Miracles of Jesus in Chronological Order

Generally speaking, the miracles of Jesus Christ are given in the sequence in which they occurred.


  • M. S. Mills, et al (1999). The Life of Christ: A Study Guide to the Gospels is a study guide on the life of Jesus Christ. 3E Ministries
  • Roberts, R. D., Dallas, TX: 3E Ministries (2016). Miracle. The Lexham Bible Dictionary is a reference work on the Bible. Lexham Press, Bellingham, WA
  • Story, D. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press
  • Story, D. (1997). Defending your religious beliefs (p. 155). Published by Kregel Publications in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Every Instance of Jesus Healing in the Bible: What They All Had in Common

  1. Throughout His ministry, Jesus cured the sick in many settings, albeit not necessarily in the same way.
  2. He didn’t have a set formula that he employed every time he performed something.
  3. What do all of the instances of Jesus healing in the Bible have in common, if we take a look at them one by one?
  • Each and every incident of Jesus healing in the Bible had one thing in common: faith was present in the situation.
  • Every time Jesus performed a healing miracle, faith was required.
  • Faith was present in every incident of Jesus healing in the Bible, whether it was in the person who was being healed or in Jesus Himself, according to the Bible.
  • Throughout His earthly mission, Jesus accomplished a large number of miracles, the most of which included bodily healing.
  • Being able to realize how much Jesus cared about healing is a powerful experience.
  • The healing of every single individual who came to Jesus seeking it was ensured.

Every person who was willing to allow Him to serve to them was healed by the Holy Spirit.Even a kid could comprehend that Jesus clearly despised disease and desired to see people restored to health.His ministry included a significant amount of healing.It is true that Jesus healed in every book of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and continuing through the epistles, but what we are going to look at particularly is every case of Jesus healing that is recorded in the Gospels.These are the recordings of Jesus curing people while He was on the planet in the form of a human being.Let’s take a look at these instances and see where and how religion had a role in them.

1. Jesus Heals a Nobleman’s Son at Capernaum in Galilee- John 4:43-54

  1. This source states in verse 50 that the nobleman ″believed the word that Jesus spoke to him,″ indicating that he accepted Jesus’ words.
  2. In this particular circumstance, faith was demonstrated.
  3. When Jesus stated that His son would survive, the nobleman took him at his word.
  • Faith is as easy as trusting the words of Jesus when they are spoken to you.
  • If Jesus says you’ve been cured, then you have been healed.
  • What Jesus says is accepted as ultimate truth by those who have faith in him.

2. Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law Sick With Fever- Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39

  1. When Jesus placed his hand on Peter’s mother-in-hand, law’s the illness left her.
  2. Jesus had trust that He would be able to lay His hands on the ill and witness them heal from their ailments (Mark 16:18).
  3. In Luke’s narrative, Jesus is said to have chastised the illness.
  • Jesus had confidence that, like His Father, He had dominion over fever, and so He did.
  • The fact that James and John informed Jesus of Peter’s mother-in-illness law’s is also included in Mark’s account of the story.
  • These actions were most likely taken in the hope that Jesus would cure her.

3. Jesus Heals All Who Were Sick at Evening- Matthew 8:16-17 Mark 1:32-34, Luke 4:40-41

  1. According to this version, Jesus healed everyone who was sick, thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah the prophet recorded in Isaiah 53:4.
  2. Jesus took the words of Isaiah and applied them to Himself, believing them to be true.
  3. The Word of God provided Jesus with his identity as well as his faith.
  • Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes through hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
  • Jesus was filled with confidence that He was, in fact, the Messiah prophesied in the prophet Isaiah.

4. Jesus Cleanses a Man With Leprosy- Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-14

  1. It is stated in this narrative that the Leper came to Jesus and worshipped him while saying, ″Lord, if you are willing, you may make me clean.″ It was the leper’s belief that Jesus was capable of healing him that he was uncertain about his willingness.
  2. The disease was seen as a punishment for the sin of the individual who contracted it at the time.
  3. Perhaps this leper thought that he was undeserving of being healed of his ailments.
  • Many individuals today find themselves in this situation: they think that Jesus has the ability to cure them, but they are unsure whether or not He is willing to do it.
  • With His next words, ″I will,″ Jesus revealed His will to the leper, as well as to us today.
  • ″Keep your hands clean.″

5. Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant in Capernaum- Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10

  1. According to this version, the centurion had a great deal of trust, so much so that Jesus was taken aback and declared he had never seen so strong faith anywhere else in Israel!
  2. One hundred and fifty years ago, a centurion had faith that Jesus could heal his servant and that all He needed to do was say the word.
  3. He firmly trusted in the authority of the Messiah.
  • And take note of what Jesus said!
  • ″Do things your way.
  • In the same way that you have faith, allow it to be done for you.″ Matthew 8:13 (KJV) What was the outcome of the experiment?
  • From that very moment forward, the centurion’s servant was restored to health.
  • The centurion received exactly what he had hoped for based on his faith.

6. Jesus Heals a Paralytic Who Was Let Down From the Roof- Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26

  1. This anecdote clearly demonstrates where faith was present.
  2. The men who were transporting the paralyzed man were filled with faith, to the point where the Bible reports that Jesus was impressed by their faith.
  3. Their belief that if they could simply bring this guy to Jesus, he would be healed motivated them to do whatever measures necessary, even smashing through the roof of the building, to get him there.

7. Jesus Heals a Man’s Withered Hand on the Sabbath- Matthew 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11

  1. Jesus had trust that healing was the Father’s desire, even if it occurred on the Sabbath and despite the opposition of the religious authorities.
  2. He also got faith, which enabled him to follow Jesus’ instructions and extend his hand in response to His invitation.
  3. How did he come to have such faith?
  • As a result of hearing Jesus’s words.
  • Because of his withered hand, what Jesus was ordering him to do would be impossible.
  • Nonetheless, he had trust that if Jesus commanded him to do something, Jesus would also make it feasible for him to accomplish it.
  • When the man followed Jesus’ instructions, his hand was returned to full use.

8. Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son From the Dead in Nain-  Luke 7:11-17

In this particular occasion, the Bible tells that when Jesus saw this lady, He was moved to compassion for her.This compassion propelled him to take faith-filled action in response.Love is the driving force behind faith (Galatians 5:6).

The affection Jesus felt for this lady fueled His faith, which enabled Him to raise the widow’s son from the grave.It took Jesus a long time to believe that what His Father had stated regarding His ability to defeat death was real.In addition, we know that Jesus instructed the widow lady to mourn immediately.We don’t know for certain, but it’s possible that this sparked hope in the lady that Jesus would be able to turn things around for the better.

When Jesus tells us, ″In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world,″ it reminds me of that statement (John 16:33).

9. Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd With an Issue of Blood- Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:42-48

The lady with the problem of blood had trust in herself and believed that if she could just touch the robe of Jesus, she would be healed of her condition.What she received was completely in accordance with her beliefs.Jesus was completely unaware of who had touched Him!

Her trust was solely based on her own actions.Jesus even stated that it was her faith that had restored her health.Faith is a response to what Jesus delivers.

10. Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter from the Dead- Matthew 9:18,23-26, Mark 5:21-24,35-43, Luke 8:40-42,49-56

Jairus had confidence that his daughter would live if Jesus touched her with his hands and she was healed.Even when a representative from Jairus’s household arrived to inform him that the girl had died, he remained focused on Jesus’ instructions, ″Do not be terrified.″ All she has to do is believe, and she will be healed.″ He had trust in those statements, and he was able to see the reality of what he was believing.A demonstration of confidence in Jesus was also demonstrated when He informed the musicians and mourners that the girl was not dead, but rather asleep.

Because Jesus had trust in the girl’s survival, she survived.

11. Jesus Heals Two Blind Men- Matthew 9:27-31

This group of blind men followed Jesus, referring to Him as the Son of David.The use of the term ″Son of David″ indicates that they considered Jesus to be the Messiah who had been prophesied.They asked Him to have pity on them.

This demonstrates to us that they were aware that God’s benevolence included the restoration of their sight.Jesus inquires of the blind men as to whether or not they thought that He was capable of restoring their sight.They responded with ″Yes, Lord.″ Another demonstration of their faith in action, and another demonstration of their confidence that He was, in fact, the Son of God.When Jesus touched their eyes, their eyes were immediately opened.

Jesus placed his trust in the Scriptures, which predicted that the Messiah would restore sight to the blind.The blind men were told by Jesus that this had been accomplished for them because of their faith.They had trust in Jesus’ ability to have pity on them and heal their ailments.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Salvation

12. Jesus Heals a Man Who Was Unable to Speak- Matthew 9:32-34

The casting out of a demon was required for this healing. Jesus was clearly aware of His authority over demons and His ability to cast them out. His faith was involved, but so was the faith of the individuals who brought him to Jesus, who believed that Jesus could assist him as well.

13. Jesus Heals an Invalid at Bethesda- John 5:1-15

For the sake of inspiring trust in this guy, we observe Jesus asking him questions in this occasion.The guy was to the Pool of Bethesda, where he felt he could get healing, but after so many years, I suppose his hope had dwindled and excuses had taken the place of genuine concern for his wellbeing.However, even in the midst of all of this, Jesus reached out to him and restored his health.

Jesus had a special affection for this man and wished for him to be healthy.

14. Jesus Heals Many Sick in Gennesaret as They Touch His Garment- Matthew 14:34-36, Mark 6:53-56

After seeing that Jesus was present, the inhabitants of Gennesaret had trust that they might bring the ill to Him in order for them to be healed.Following their convictions, they spread the word across the surrounding countryside, bringing all those who were sick to Jesus’ healing feet.Some of these individuals believed that if they touched the fringe of Jesus’ robe, they would get healing.

According to the Bible, as many people who came into contact with Him were made fully well.They received in accordance with their religious beliefs.

15. Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman’s Demon-Possessed Daughter- Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30

This lady was a Gentile, and she was not even a member of God’s chosen people.She had absolutely no reason to expect God’s blessings in her life, and she was completely wrong.Indeed, she was not a part of God’s covenant at the moment of her birth.

She eventually learned about Jesus and came to believe that He was actually the Son of David and Savior of the World at some point in her life, however long ago that was.She realized that she was not a member of God’s covenant people, but she placed her trust on Jesus and His kindness, rather than in herself or her own abilities.Jesus praised her for her strong faith and assured her that she would have everything she sought.

16. Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Man- Mark 7:31-37

A Gentile, in fact, who was not even a member of God’s chosen people, this woman.The blessing of God in her life was something she had absolutely no right to anticipate.Indeed, she was not a part of God’s covenant at the moment of her ordination.

She eventually learned about Jesus and came to believe that He was actually the Son of David and Savior of the World at some point in her journey.Though she realized that she was not a member of God’s covenant people, it was Jesus and His kindness in whom she placed her trust, rather than herself.The Lord praised her for having so strong faith and assured her that she would have anything she requested.

17. Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida-  Mark 8:22-26

Throughout this tale, we witness people who have faith bring someone to Jesus in order for them to be healed. What you truly think will be revealed via your actions. Their decision to bring this blind man to Jesus demonstrates their faith in his ability to be healed. True faith will motivate you to take action.

18. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind by Spitting in His Eyes- John 9:1-12

When Jesus meets the blind man, He tells His followers that it is God’s will to heal him.Jesus had faith that healing was the work of His heavenly Father.In the presence of the blind man, Jesus smeared his eyes with clay and admonished him to wash in the lake of Siloam.

His confidence in Jesus was unwavering, and he opted to follow the directions that Jesus gave him.He went and bathed in the Siloam pool, and when he returned, he was seeing.

19. Jesus Heals a Boy With an Unclean Spirit- Matthew 17:14-20, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-43

In this clip, the boy’s father expresses his hope for his son’s recovery from his illness.But, once Jesus’ followers were unable to cast out the demon, I assume that his expectations were destroyed as well.Jesus appears on the scene and says something to the parent that prompts faith to re-emerge within the person who hears it.

″If you have faith, believe that all things are possible for him who believes,″ Jesus stated.9:23 (Matthew 9:23) The father burst into tears and declared that he had faith.His religion had been reawakened, and he expressed it publicly.Because of this declaration stated by Jesus, it is very evident that one must have faith in order to receive from God.

20. Jesus Heals a Blind, Mute Demoniac- Matthew 12:22-23, Luke 11:14-23

In this particular occasion, Jesus had the faith necessary to heal the guy who has been afflicted by a demon. I think that the folks who brought this guy to Jesus had trust in him as well, and that he would get healing.

21. Jesus Heals a Woman Who Had Been Crippled for 18 Years- Luke 13:10-17

It was when Jesus saw this woman that His faith was put into action. He saw that she had been enslaved by a spirit of infirmity and He freed her from her bonds. She was an Abrahamic descendant who had entered into a covenant with God, and Jesus recognized that He had the authority to heal her.

22. Jesus Heals a Man With Dropsy on the Sabbath- Luke 14:1-6

After seeing another ill person, Jesus realized that He had come to release people who had been enslaved by sickness and disease. Jesus cured the man, displaying God’s will on the earth in the process.

23. Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers on the Way to Jerusalem- Luke 17:11-19

A group of lepers approached Jesus and begged Him to have mercy on them in this particular instance.When Jesus instructed them to go and present themselves to the priests, they had to have confidence in order to follow through.If the lepers had presented themselves to the priests with leprosy on their bodies, they would almost certainly have been slain.

In the law, it was required of anyone who had been cured to come forward and show themselves to the priests.They needed to take action in response to Jesus’ words, believing that when they arrived at the destination, they would be healed.According to the Bible, as they traveled, they were cleaned.Because they placed their trust in and followed through on Jesus’ teachings, they were able to get healing.

24. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead in Bethany- John 11:1-45

This is a stirring account of Lazarus’s resurrection, recorded in the New Testament.Jesus was acting on the basis of strong confidence when He said that He would revive Lazarus from his deathbed.Faith expresses itself in accordance with its beliefs.

Although their faith was fragile, Mary and Martha maintained their composure under pressure.Jesus talked to them in a way that would inspire them to continue to develop their belief.

25. Jesus Restores Sight to Bartimaeus in Jericho- Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43

According to this narrative, Jesus inquired of Bartimaeus as to what he desired from Him.Bartimaeus had a clear understanding of who Jesus was, what he desired from Him, and that Jesus was capable of performing this miracle.He was rewarded in accordance with his faith.

We can tell from Mark’s description of this occurrence that Bartimaeus immediately put his garment aside when Jesus beckoned to him.Because of this outfit, he would have been recognized as a blind beggar.Bartimaeus was letting go of his old persona, certain that Jesus would heal him and that he would no longer require it after that.Jesus tells Bartimaeus that his faith has healed him and that he should go home.

26. Jesus Heals a Servant’s Severed Ear While He Is Being Arrested- Luke 22:50-51

Jesus is the Healer, and he is the Son of God.He heals on the basis of who He is, not on the basis of whether or not people deserve to be healed.A situation arises in which Jesus heals the High Priest, who has arrived to arrest Him.

When it comes to receiving or giving healing, faith is still an important factor to consider.Faith has to be present in some form or another.When Jesus was killed and risen, the miracle of physical healing did not come to an end.It continues to be a significant part of Jesus’ ministry today, carried out by His disciples.

In fact, Christians are obligated to heal the sick and the injured!Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, revive the dead, and drive forth devils with the power of your words.You have received, so give freely in return.

Matthew 10:8 (New King James Version) Jesus is extremely concerned with the well-being of others.Love is a powerful healer.Sickness is an adversary of the Lord.The Bible also says that Jesus hasn’t altered his character at all.

Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and will be forever.Hebrews 13:8 (New King James Version) He has the same desire to see the individuals He came into contact with on earth cured and entire as He has to see you healed and whole as well!Faith is still required if you want to see yourself or someone else cured in the future.

However, the good news is that you have been given trust!When you accepted Jesus as your Savior, you also accepted His faith.To those who, through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, have received a noble faith in the same way that we have: 2 Peter 1:1 (New King James Version) …in accordance with the degree of faith that God has assigned to each individual.Romans 12:3 King James Version You already possess the faith required to see your own healing, as well as to lay hands on someone else and witness their recovery as well!

  • And these signs will follow those who believe: in My name, they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will have no effect on them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover; they will cast out demons, speak in new tongues, and they will take up serpents.
  • Mark 16:17-18 (New King James Version) A Christian’s ability to recover physically should be considered totally natural.
  • In many people’s lives today, we do not see the same level of healing that Jesus witnessed in His own.
  • For many, the answer is, ″Of course not, Jesus was God manifested in human form.″ This is correct, but Jesus promised that you will perform the same things that He did.

I guarantee you that whomever believes in Me will perform the works that I perform, and much greater works than these will be performed because I am going to My Father.John 14:12 New King James Version You should truly take the time to reflect on each of these instances of Jesus healing that are recorded in the Bible if you are seeking healing right now.Consider how you might be able to apply them to your own circumstance.

Keep in mind that faith is an essential component!For more information on religion, see the article Can Faith Be Taught?How to Take a Step in Faith Is Faith Capable of Healing You?Faith Is Not An Emotion: Faith is not an emotion.Identifying Your Religious Beliefs More information on physical healing may be found at Will Jesus Heal Me?Is God able to keep me safe from disease?

  1. There are three possible reasons why your healing isn’t manifesting.

The Mighty Miracles Of Jesus Healing Of Simon Peter’s Mother-In-law

While on earth, Jesus accomplished over 40 miracles, including healing the sick, manipulating the natural elements of nature, and even raising people from the dead, among other things.Generally speaking, a miracle is defined as an occurrence that occurs outside of the realm of normalcy.Each month, we will take a deeper look at one of His miracles in order to gain a better understanding of the depth of His affection for us.

Understanding Jesus’ miracles has the potential to transform your life, and it all begins with trusting in Him via confidence in Him.The healing of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was the fifth reported miracle performed by Jesus, and it is recounted in several of the Gospels, notably Luke 4:38-41, as the fifth documented miracle of Jesus.This is a straightforward narrative of an average lady who is never directly identified because the story’s primary focus is on Jesus’ miracle, but whose story reveals the power and love of Christ.Following this, according to Matthew’s account of the events, ″Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon Peter.″ Now that Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, the family approached Jesus and requested him to assist her.

Because of this, He leaned over her and rebuked the fever, and it quickly departed her body.She immediately rose to her feet and proceeded to attend to them.″ Interestingly, the occurrence occurred on the Sabbath, which is a religious holiday on which people are not permitted to labor, even performing miracles.After leaving the synagogue, many of the men who had been worshipping with Jesus went to Simon Peter’s house, where they planned to share a meal together as a group.

Traditionally, the lunch for the men was cooked by the lady of the home; however, the woman of this house, Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, was very sick at the time of the supper.When she attempted to welcome Jesus, she was unable to do so and fell to the ground.Despite the fact that it is unclear what her disease was, the Scriptures state that she had a very high temperature, which caused the lady to become feeble.What exactly did Jesus do?

He grabbed the woman’s hand in his and helped her to her feet.It didn’t take long for the fever to disappear, and there was no trace of the weakness that could have been expected in someone who had been running a fever.After Jesus reprimanded the woman’s fever, it subsided, and she was able to begin serving the others in the house.

See also:  When Did Jesus Die According To The Bible?

One of the most striking aspects of this miracle is that Jesus’rebuked’ the fever.It appears on numerous additional occasions, notably the miracle of the storm on the Sea of Galilee, during which He ″rebuked″ the wind and rain, and the exorcism of the demon in the synagogue during which Jesus ″rebuked″ him (Matthew 12:28-29).The phrase literally translates as ″to rebuke or chastise.″ The answers to our difficulties may include the use of harsh words or severe warnings at some points in our lives.While hearing a reprimand is never pleasant, it is sometimes necessary if healing is to take place.

  • A strong word or a strong will are sometimes required.
  • Anyone can make a significant contribution to God’s plan.
  • The Lord’s miracles in our lives are frequently unnoticed and unexceptional.
  • Normal people are able to live lives pleasing to the Lord, to serve Him, and to show others His love because of the minor miracles that are done behind closed doors on a regular basis.

Jesus Heals the Sick

Jesus and His followers traveled by foot over dusty roads from village to village, where Jesus preached the gospel message to them.When they arrived at Capernaum, they made their way to the home of Peter and his brother Andrew, where they spent the night.Peter’s wife met them and informed them of some bad news.

Her mother was unwell in bed, suffering from a high temperature.Jesus went to the ill lady and healed her.It was as if he had taken her by the hand and hoisted her up.She was back to normal very immediately once the fever had subsided.

People in Capernaum were quickly alerted to the miracle and were able to determine where Jesus was spending that night.As night fell, it appeared as if the entire city had gathered at the front door of Peter and Andrew’s house to watch the fireworks display.Throughout the night, Jesus cured a large number of sick individuals.

Jesus left the home at the crack of dawn the next morning in search of a peaceful location to pray.Then He and His disciples went on to preach in other places throughout the country.When Jesus returned to Capernaum a few days later, inquisitive crowds followed Him everywhere he went.Many people were aware that Jesus was able to heal ill people by the power of God.

One man was completely paralyzed and unable to move his arms or legs.The only way he could get around was if four pals carried him around on a little bed.The four companions made the decision to accompany the disabled guy to Jesus’ house for a visit.

When they arrived at the home where Jesus was speaking, they found it to be packed with people.There wasn’t even enough room to fit through the doorframe.The guys had trust that Jesus could heal their buddy if only he could be seen by the Savior himself.How did they manage to get in?

  • They helped their companion up to the flat roof on the top of the home with their bodies.
  • After that, they tore a section of the roof off!
  • They carried their friend, who was lying in his bed, into the room where Jesus was speaking.
  • Because of their trust, Jesus told the guy who couldn’t walk to ″arise and pick up thy bed, and go thy way″ after seeing their faith (Mark 2:11).

The man immediately got to his feet, scooped up his bed, and walked away.The people were awestruck and praised God for his work.As Jesus traveled through towns, cities, and the countryside, throngs of people flocked to him on several occasions.

They hauled beds and brought their ill to Jesus in the hope that he would heal them all.Many times, Jesus restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and movement to the disabled.It was only after they seen Jesus treat the ill that their trust in Him strengthened.They recognized Him as the Messiah.

Jesus healing the bleeding woman – Wikipedia

One of the miracles of Jesus reported in the synoptic gospels (Matthew 9:20–22, Mark 5:25–34, and Luke 8:43–48) is his healing of the bleeding woman (also known as ″woman with an issue of blood″ or ″woman with a blood problem″ and other variants).


According to the Gospel sources, this miracle occurs immediately after the exorcism at Gerasa and is paired with the miracle of the raising of Jairus’ daughter to adulthood. The narrative interrupts the account of Jairus’ daughter, a stylistic feature known as an intercalated or sandwich narrative, according to academic researchers.

Narrative comparison

There are a number of differences between the accounts given by Mark, Matthew, and Luke, among them.


It happened as Jesus was driving to Jairus’ house in the midst of a big throng, according to Mark: And there was a lady who had been bleeding for twelve years was present.While under the care of several physicians, she had endured a tremendous lot of suffering and spent everything she had, but instead of getting better, she had become worse.The first time she heard about Jesus, she walked up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, believing that if she merely touched his garments, she would be healed.

Her bleeding stopped immediately, and she had a physical sensation in her body that she had been liberated from her misery.Jesus recognized right away that his authority had been taken away from him.″Who touched my clothes?″ he said, turning around among the throngs of people.He was asked who touched him, and his followers said, ″You see the throng swarming about you, but you can inquire, ‘Who touched me?’″ However, Jesus continued to glance around to discover who had done it.

As soon as the lady realized what had happened to her, she ran up to him and fell at his knees, shaking with dread, and told him everything that had occurred.″Daughter, your faith has healed you,″ he told her, referring to her faith.Allow yourself to be free of your pain and to depart in peace.

While the condition of the lady is unclear in terms of a current medical diagnostic, the King James Version refers to it as a ″issue of blood,″ while the Wycliffe Bible and several other translations refer to it as a ″flow of blood.″ In scholarly literature, she is frequently referred to by the term haemorrhoissa ( o, ″bleeding woman″), which comes from the original New Testament Greek term for her.Her name in the text is gyn haimorroousa ddeka et, with haimorroousa being a verb in the active voice present participle, which means ″haimorroousa ddeka et″ (″having had a flow, of blood ″).Some scholars refer to it as menorrhagia, while others refer to it as haemorrhoids.Because of the continuous bleeding, the lady would have been classified as a niddah, or menstrual woman, under Jewish law, and as such would have been considered ceremonially unclean.

To be considered clean, the flow of blood would have to be stopped for a minimum of seven consecutive days.A result of the persistent bleeding, this lady was forced to live in a condition of perpetual uncleanness, which would have resulted in her social and religious exclusion.The bleeding would have precluded her from being married – or, if she was already married at the time of the bleeding’s onset, it would have precluded her from having sexual intercourse with her spouse, which may have been used as justification for divorce by her husband.

Matthew and Luke

The ″fringe″ of his cloak is mentioned in both Matthew’s and Luke’s reports, employing a Greek phrase that exists in Mark’s story as well.In the Catholic Encyclopedia article on fringes in Scripture, it is stated that the Pharisees (one of the sects of Second Temple Judaism who were the progenitors of modern Rabbinic Judaism) were in the habit of wearing extra-long fringes or tassels (Matthew 23:5), which was a reference to the formative çîçîth (tzitzit).People saw the periphery as having a magical character as a result of the Pharisees’ dominance in society.

When compared to the Markan and Lukan stories, Matthew’s version is far more brief and contains significant variances and even inconsistencies from the Markan and Lukan versions.Matthew does not state that the lady was unable to locate a healer (as Luke and Mark do), nor does he state that she spent all of her funds on physicians while the sickness continued to worsen (as Mark does).In Matthew’s story, there is no throng, and Jesus instantly recognizes that the lady has touched him, rather than having to inquire and search among the crowd to find out who had touched him.Neither is the lady, who is shivering in dread and refusing to tell him why she did what she did.

Jesus is not reported to have experienced a loss of strength in Matthew’s account, and the lady is only cured after Jesus speaks to her, rather than immediately after touching his cloak.

In art and later traditions

In this example, Hadrian accepts the adoration of a figure representing Achaea on a coin of his own design.Eusebius, writing during the reign of Constantine I, claims to have personally saw a pair of bronze sculptures of Jesus and the haemorrhoissa near Panease or Caesarea Philippi (in modern terminology, on the Golan Heights), sculpture being an unusual form for the representation of Jesus at the time.The pair, according to his account, appeared to him to be a sculptural rendition of the couple as shown in a number of paintings in the Catacombs of Rome (see illustration at top).

His interpretation is based on historical traditions of honouring local notables rather than newer traditions of Early Christian art.He believes that this is the case.According to the apocryphal Acts of Pilate and subsequent legend, which provided more information about her life, the sculptures were put outside the house of the woman, who had come from the city and was known as Veronica (meaning ″real image″).When Julian the Apostate became emperor in 361 he embarked on a campaign to reinstate Hellenic paganism as the official religion of the empire.

As a result, a statue of Christ was demolished in Panease, with the consequences described by Sozomen, who wrote in the 440s: ″I had heard that at Caesarea Philippi (also known as Panease Paneades) in Phoenicia, there was a celebrated statue of Christ, which had been built by a woman whom the Lord had cured of a flow of blood,″ he wrote.Julian ordered that it be demolished and a statue of himself erected in its place; however, a violent fire from the heavens descended upon it, and broke off the parts that were contiguous to the breast; the head and neck were thrown to the ground, and it was transfixed to the ground with the face downwards at the point where the fracture of the bust was; and it has remained in that position ever since, rusted with the rust of the lightning.Although it has been suggested since the nineteenth century that the sculptures were most likely a misreading or distortion of a sculpture group that originally represented Judea’s submission to the Emperor Hadrian, this has only recently been proven to be true.

Iconography depicting this specific pairing, which is characteristic of Roman Imperial adventus imagery, may be seen on a number of Hadrian’s coins, which were struck following the crushing of the Bar Kokhba insurrection in 132–136.According to the evidence, the sculptures were submerged by an earthquake and were subsequently unearthed and regarded as Christian artifacts.Since Caesarea Philippi was once known for its temple dedicated to the god Pan, the addition of a Christian tourist destination was undoubtedly great news for the city’s economy.Early Christian art contains numerous depictions of the episode that appear to be based on the lost statue and thus resemble surviving coins of the imperial image, including several in the Catacombs of Rome, as illustrated above, on the Brescia Casket and other Early Christian sarcophagi, and in mosaic cycles of the Life of Christ, such as those at San Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna.

Some depictions of the subject remained to be made up to the Gothic period, and then again after the Renaissance.In the West, the narrative was further embellished in the 11th century by the addition of the fact that Christ handed her a painting of himself on a cloth, which she used to treat Tiberius later on.This Western counterpart to the Image of Edessa or Mandylion ultimately evolved into the prominent Western image of the Veil of Veronica, but with a somewhat different origin tale for the character ″Veronica.″ Following the publication of a Pseudo-Bonaventuran author’s Meditations on the Life of Christ in about 1300, which became internationally popular, the association between this image and the bearing of the cross during the Passion and the miraculous appearance of the image was established in Roger d’Argenteuil’s Bible in French in the 13th century, and the image gained further popularity.

Also around this period, additional renditions of the picture change to incorporate a crown of thorns, blood and the look of a man in agony, and the image became immensely popular throughout Catholic Europe, serving as a component of the Arma Christi and serving as a Station on the Way to Calvary.



See Wilson 2004, pp. 90–97, for other ideas, as well as various visual representations of the statue.


  1. Shepherd 1995, pp. 522–540.
  2. Donahue and Harrington 2005, p. 182.
  3. Strong 1894, G2899
  4. Souvay 1909
  5. Brown 1989, pp. 93–94
  6. Schaff and Wace 1890, note 2296.
  7. Schiller 1971, pp. 178–179.
  8. Schiller 1972, pp. 78–79
  9. Schiller 1971, note 2296.
  10. Schiller 1971, note 2296.
  11. Schiller 1972,


  • Peter Brown’s name is Brown (1989). Late Antiquity encompasses the period between AD 150 and 750. Donahue, John R.
  • Harrington, Daniel J.
  • Norton, ISBN 978-0-393-95803-4
  • Donahue, John R.
  • Harrington, Daniel J. (2005). The Gospel of Mark is a collection of stories about a man named Mark who lived in the first century AD. Vol. 2 in the Sacra Pagina series. 978-0-8146-5965-6
  • Edwards, James R. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press. ISBN 978-0-8146-5965-6
  • Edwards, James R. (1989). ″The Importance of Interpolations in Markan Narratives is Sandwiched Between Markan Sandwiches.″ JSTOR 1560460
  • MacArthur, John. Novum Testamentum. Brill. 31 (3): 193–216. doi:10.1163/156853689×00207. ISSN 0048-1009. JSTOR 1560460
  • MacArthur (1987). The New Testament Commentary on Matthew 8-15 by John MacArthur. Schaff, Philip, and Henry Wace, eds., Chicago: Moody Publishers, ISBN 978-1-57567-678-4
  • Schaff, Philip, and Henry Wace, eds (1890). A Selection of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers’ Writings is available online. The Second Series, Volume One, Edinburgh: T&T Clark
  • Schiller, Gertrud (1971). Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. 1: Christ’s Incarnation, is the first volume in the series. Childhood, Baptism, Temptation, and Transfiguration are all depicted. Work and miracles are both possible. Lund Humphries, ISBN 9780853312703
  • Schiller, Gertrud. London: Lund Humphries, ISBN 9780853312703 (1972). The Passion of Christ: Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. 2 (The Passion of Christ). Lund Humphries
  • Shepherd, Tom
  • London: Lund Humphries (1995). ″The Narrative Function of Markan Intercalation″ is the title of this paper. Studies in the New Testament. Issn 0028-6885
  • 41 (4): 522–540
  • doi:10.1017/s0028688500021688. Cambridge University Press (CUP).
  • Souvay, Charles Léon (Charles Léon Souvay) (1909). ″Fringes (in Scripture)″ is a phrase that means ″outside the lines.″ According to Charles Herbermann (ed.). The Catholic Encyclopedia is a resource for learning about the Catholic faith. Vol. 6. Strong, James, and Robert Appleton Company, New Yo

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