Who Denied Knowing Jesus

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 22:54-62 – New International Version

They then carried him away from the scene and into the residence of the high priest, where he was arrested. B)”>(B)Peter kept a safe space between them. When several of the people in the courtyard had gathered around a fire in the centre of the courtyard and had taken their seats together, Peter joined them. 56A servant girl happened to see him sitting there in the dim light of the fireplace. “This man was with him,” she stated after taking a good look at him. “This man was with him.” 57However, he categorically denied it.

58A few minutes later, another person noticed him and stated, “You, too, are one of them.” “Man, I’m not like that!” Peter responded in kind.

(D) “Man, I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Peter said.

6 The Lord E)”>(E) turned to face Peter, his eyes fixed on him.

” Then he walked outside and sobbed furiously.

New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission.

The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek.

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QuestionAnswer Matthew 26:69–74, Mark 14:66–72, Luke 22:55–62, and John 18—18—25—27 all tell the tale of Peter’s triple denial of Christ, and all four Gospel versions tell the story of Peter’s threefold denial of Christ. But why would the leader of the disciples claim to have never heard of Him? Peter’s denial of Jesus was primarily motivated by two factors: weakness and fear. Peter’s denial was partially motivated by weakness, namely by the weakness that comes from human frailty. The Garden of Gethsemane was where Jesus led His followers after the Last Supper in order to await His arrest.

  • When He returned to them, He discovered that they had fallen asleep.
  • However, he fell asleep again, and by the time the soldiers arrived to arrest Jesus, it was too late for him to pray for the strength to survive the suffering that lay ahead of him.
  • Nevertheless, Peter learned his lesson about being vigilant, and he encourages us in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be on the lookout, for your opponent, the devil, prowls around like a prey looking for someone to devour.” In his weakness, Peter was “devoured” for a brief while as he denied his Lord.
  • As a result, he denied his Lord.
  • Peter, to his credit, continued to accompany Jesus after His arrest, despite the fact that everyone else had fled (Mark 14:50).
  • There’s no denying that he was paralyzed by terror.
  • Peter was terrified that Jesus would be killed, and he was also terrified for his own life.

Prior to this, Jesus had cautioned His followers, as well as us today, saying, “Remember that the world hated me first, and that it will hate you as well” (John 15:18; cf.

Peter immediately discovered that he wasn’t quite as bold and fearless as he had claimed, and out of fear, he turned his back on the One who had been faithful to him.

Jesus revealed to Peter that Satan had requested for permission to sift Peter like wheat and that Jesus had granted his request (Luke 22:31).

He was preparing Peter to be a stronger brother for his brothers (Luke 22:32).

And he continues to do so now via his epistles, 1 and 2 Peter, which serve to empower us.

Questions about Matthew (return to top of page) What was the underlying cause for Peter’s rejection of Jesus’ existence?

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Peter Denies Jesus Three Times – Bible Story

31At that point Jesus said to them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, since it is said, ‘I will strike down the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be dispersed.'” 32However, once I have risen from the dead, I will travel ahead of you into Galilee.” 33Peter said, “Even if everything falls apart because of you, I will never give up.” 34 In response, Jesus stated, “Truly I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” 35However, Peter responded, “Even if it means dying with you, I would never abandon you.” All of the other disciples agreed with this statement.

“Sit here while I walk over there and pray,” Jesus instructed his followers as they traveled to Gethsemane, a region known for its prayer.

When he saw them, he remarked, “My soul is overcome with sadness to the brink of death.” Stay here and keep an eye on things with me.” 39After walking a little distance, he sank to the ground, his face to the ground, and pleaded, “My Father, if it is possible, please take this cup away from me.” Nevertheless, not as I wish, but as you wish.” Upon returning to his followers, he saw that they had gone to sleep.

“Couldn’t you men stay watch with me for an hour?” he said of Peter and his companions.

However, “while the spirit is willing, the bodily is weak.” 42At that point, he walked out again and prayed, “Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” 43When he returned, he discovered them sleeping again, this time because their eyes were heavy.

  • He then returned to the disciples and inquired of them, “Are you still sleeping and resting?” 45 It is time to recognize that the hour has arrived, and the Son of Man has been given into the hands of sinners.
  • Let’s get this party started!
  • The top priests and the elders of the nation dispatched a huge contingent of soldiers armed with swords and clubs to accompany him.
  • 50Jesus responded, “Go and do what you came here to do, buddy.” Then the men came forward and took Jesus, putting him in custody.
  • 52 His weapon was taken away from him by Jesus, who remarked, “For everyone who draws the sword shall die by the sword.” 53Do you believe that I will be unable to call on my Father and have him immediately dispatch more than twelve legions of angels to my aid?
  • 56However, all of this has occurred in order for the prophetic scriptures to be fulfilled.” Then he was forsaken and fled by all of his disciples.
  • The high priest’s courtyard was in the distance, so Peter kept a safe gap between himself and him.

59The chief priests and the entire Sanhedrin were on the lookout for false proof against Jesus in order to condemn him to death, and they found none.

“This person said that he was capable of destroying the temple of God and rebuilding it in three days,” said one of the two who came forward to say.

“I command you on oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God,” the high priest said to him.

“But I say to you all, from now on, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Mighty One, and he will descend from the clouds of heaven.” 65At that point, the high priest tore his robes and said, “He has committed blasphemy!

Look, you’ve now been exposed to the blasphemy.

67After that, they spit in his face and punched him in the face with their hands.

Then she went on to say, “You were also with Jesus of Galilee.” 70However, he categorically rejected it in front of everyone.

71After that, he went out to the entryway, where another servant girl noticed him and said to the crowd, “This person was with Jesus of Nazareth.” 72With an oath, he rejected it once more, saying, “I don’t know the man!” The people who were standing there approached Peter and said, “Surely you are one of them; your accent reveals you to be one of them.” After then, he began calling down curses, and he declared to them, “I don’t know who this man is!” Immediately, a rooster began to crow.

  1. When Peter remembered the words Jesus had uttered, he began to sob.
  2. And then he walked outside and sobbed uncontrollably.
  3. 32They arrived at a location known as Gethsemane, where Jesus instructed his followers to “Sit here while I pray.” 33He accompanied Peter, James, and John, and he became extremely concerned and agitated as a result of their presence.
  4. “Stay here and keep an eye on everything.” 35After walking a little distance, he slumped on the ground and begged that the hour would pass him by as quickly as possible.
  5. Nevertheless, it is not what I will, but what you will.” His return to his followers was interrupted by the discovery of them asleep.
  6. Couldn’t you at least keep an eye on things for an hour?
  7. However, “while the spirit is willing, the bodily is weak.” 39He left the room and prayed the same thing a second time.

They were at a loss for what to say to him.


Look at what has happened: the Son of Man has been handed into the hands of sinners.

Let’s get this party started!

A large group of people, armed with swords and clubs, had gathered around him, dispatched by the top priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders.

One of those there then pulled his sword and hit the high priest’s servant in the ear, causing him to fall to the ground and die.

49I was with you every day, teaching in the temple courts, and you did not detain me or arrest me.

51Jesus was being followed by a young man who was dressed simply in a linen cloth.

53They brought Jesus before the high priest, and all of the chief priests, the elders, and the teachers of the law gathered in one place.

54.3 He sat with the guards and warmed himself by the fire as they watched him.

56Many others fraudulently testified against him, but their stories did not corroborate one another.

When Jesus didn’t respond, the high priest came up in front of them and demanded, “Are you not going to answer?” “Can you tell me what this evidence that these men are presenting against you is?” 61But Jesus remained deafeningly silent and did not respond.

62 “I am,” Jesus stated emphatically.

63The high priest ripped his clothing to shreds.

64 “You’ve heard the profanity.

“What are your thoughts?” They unanimously declared him to be deserving of death.

And then the guards dragged him away and beat him.

67When she noticed Peter putting on some heat, she took a careful look at him.

68However, he categorically denied it.

69When the servant girl noticed him, she exclaimed to others who were gathered around her, “This fellow is one of them.” 70Once more, he denied it.

Then Peter remembered the words Jesus had said to him: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will disown me three times,” he had said to him.

33However, he said, “Lord, I am prepared to accompany you to jail and to death.” 34Jesus said, “I promise you, Peter, that before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know who I am.” 35Then Jesus inquired of them, “Did you have anything lacking when I sent you without a purse, bag, or sandals?” “Nothing,” they said in response.

  1. ” It is written: ‘And he was counted among the transgressors,’ and I assure you that this must be accomplished in me.
  2. 39Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives as he had done before, and his disciples followed him.
  3. 44And since he was in agony, he prayed even more intensely, and his perspiration seemed like droplets of blood dripping to the ground.
  4. 46 “What are you doing sleeping?” he inquired of them.
  5. 47While he was still speaking, a large crowd gathered around him, led by a man who went by the name of Judas, who was one of the Twelve.
  6. 50And one of them hit the servant of the high priest in the right ear, causing him to lose his hearing.
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52Then Jesus asked the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders, who had come to arrest him, “Are you accusing me of starting a revolt because you have come bearing swords and clubs?” 53I was with you in the temple courts every day, and you did not lay a hand on me once during that time.

  1. Peter kept a safe distance between himself and the action.
  2. 56A servant girl happened to see him sitting there in the dim light of the fireplace.
  3. “This man was with him.” 57However, he categorically denied it.
  4. 58A few minutes later, another person noticed him and stated, “You, too, are one of them.” “Man, I’m not like that!” Peter responded in kind.
  5. The rooster crows right as he finishes his sentence.
  6. “You will repudiate me three times before the rooster crows today,” the Lord had spoken to Peter earlier.
  7. 62And he walked outside and sobbed uncontrollably.

Then they put blindfolds on his eyes and said, “Prophesy!

66 At the crack of dawn, the council of the elders of the nation, including both the chief priests and the teachers of the law, convened, and Jesus was brought before them in a procession.

The fact that this disciple was well-known to the high priest enabled him to accompany Jesus into the high priest’s courtyard; nevertheless, Peter was forced to wait outside the door.

17 I asked Peter whether he was one of the man’s disciples as well.

Then he clarified, “I’m not.” Despite the cold, the servants and officials huddled around a fire they had built to keep themselves warm.

19At the same time, the high priest interrogated Jesus about his disciples and his teaching.

I didn’t say anything in private.

Inquire of those who were present while I spoke.

22 “Does this constitute your response to the high priest?” he inquired.

25Simon Peter, on the other hand, was still standing there, warming himself.

A rooster began to crow just as Peter denied it for the second time in quick succession.

Why Did Peter Deny Jesus after Everything?

It is recorded in all four gospel accounts: Matthew 26:69-74, Mark 14:66-72, Luke 22:55-62, and John 18:15-18, 25-27, as well as Mark 14:66-72 and Luke 22:55-62.

Weakness and Fear Led Peter to Deny Jesus

Peter’s denial was motivated by feelings of inadequacy and dread. Following the Last Supper, Jesus led His followers to the Garden of Gethsemane, where they would wait for His arrest. While He was out praying by Himself, Jesus instructed them to be attentive and prayerful until He returned. When Jesus came to them, He discovered that the disciples had fallen asleep. Despite the fact that the spirit was willing and the flesh was weak, Jesus cautioned Peter to remain awake and pray. Although Peter had been warned, he fell asleep, and it was too late for him to pray for the strength to withstand the challenge that was ahead of him.

  1. He was briefly eaten by the devil because of Peter’s frailty, which manifested itself when he rejected the Lord three times because he wasn’t prepared in prayer and misjudged the level of his own weakness.
  2. In spite of the fact that all of Jesus’s other disciples fled (Mark 14:50), Peter remained at Jesus’ side after his arrest and followed him from a distance (Mark 14:54).
  3. Peter was terrified that Jesus would be killed, and now he was terrified for his own life.
  4. During a private conversation with Peter, Jesus explained that Satan had requested permission to sift Peter like wheat (Luke 22:32).
  5. Not only did Peter encourage and support the other followers of Jesus, but he himself rose to the position of pillar of the early church, passing on his knowledge and training to others (Acts 2).
  6. Peter’s shortcomings, which included his three denials of Christ, were utilized by the Lord God to transform him from Simon, a commoner, into Peter, the Rock.

The Story Behind Peter’s Denials

After following the gang of soldiers and religious officials who had captured Jesus, Simon Peter and the Apostle John arrived to the “courtyard of the high priest,” where they were detained (John 18:15). A servant girl approached Peter in the courtyard and inquired as to if he was a follower of the Lord Jesus, which Peter categorically rejected (John 18:16-18). More than one figure asked Peter the same question over and over again, according to John’s account, “they” inquired whether or not he was one of Jesus’ disciples (John 18:25).

Peter denied knowing the Lord Jesus for the second time in as many days (John 18:25). Malchus claimed that he saw Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane with the Lord Jesus shortly after (John 18:26). Peter then refused Jesus a third time, precisely as the Lord Jesus had said would happen (John 18:27).

Peter’s Denials and Christ’sTestimony

Throughout the book, John shifts his readers back and forth between Peter’s denials and Christ’s testimony before Annas, in order to enable them comprehend the stark difference between the Lord and Peter. When Jesus was put on trial, He did not back down, but instead confronted the high priest and his court (John 18:19-24). Due to the fact that he was not interrogated by a person of authority such as the high priest, but rather by servants, Peter was unable to testify to the truth under these circumstances.

Peter, on the other hand, could not stand up for justice against the strong, even though he knew it would cost him his life.

Similarly to Jesus’ trial, Peter is subjected to the evidence of three witnesses (Matthew 26:57-64; 69-74), but here is where the similarities between the two trials end.

In front of the female servants, Peter rejects the reality of who Jesus is.

Peter’s Restoration to Gospel Ministry

Despite his many sins, Peter shows signs of repentance in his weeping (Matthew 26:75) and later restoration (John 21:15-19), indicating a sincere heart. No matter how much we have sinned or how deep our crimes have gone, it is never too late to repent and return to the Lord, since He compassionately forgives everyone who comes to Him in repentance for their sins, without exception. The tale of Peter’s reinstatement to the ministry in John 21:15-17 is told by the Lord Jesus himself. Peter was questioned three times whether he loved Jesus “more than these” after the disciples of Jesus completed having breakfast on the beach of the Sea of Tiberias after they finished their meal.

  1. The question was presented to Peter three times by Jesus, which corresponds to the Apostle Peter’s three denials earlier in the chapter.
  2. In John 21:15-19, Jesus instructs Peter in three distinct methods to feed and care for the sheep that have been entrusted to Him.
  3. However, the command granted to Peter is not restricted to him alone; rather, it is extended to all of the apostles.
  4. Church administrators have a responsibility to care for Christians, understanding that they are ultimately under the authority of Christ and that they require the truth of God’s Word for their well-being.
  5. Christians are required to respond to this question, without which they will be unable to make any further progress in their discipleship to Christ.

“Do you love me perfectly?” Jesus never asks. “Do you love me perfectly?” “Do you love me as much as I deserve?” or “Do you love me as much as I deserve?” As a result, all sinners must be cast away from the church.

Why Does This Matter?

Jesus is pleading for our affection. If we are followers of Jesus, we may respond, “Lord, you know,” even when we are overwhelmed with self-doubt and guilt, like Peter did: “Lord, you know.” You are aware of all of my flaws, all of my limitations, and all of my requirements. But you’re also aware that, yes, I do care about you.” When it comes to loving Jesus better and more completely, the idea is that such an aspiration is motivated by a desire to adore Him in the manner in which He deserves to be worshiped by His redeemed people.

It is important that we are eager to open up the Word of Christ and zealous in the opening of our hearts in prayer.

Please accept my love for Thee even more!

Dave Jenkins and his wife, Sarah Jenkins, are in a happy marriage.

Why Did Peter Deny Jesus Christ?

Peter’s denial of Christ was the culmination of a sequence of events. The first was self-assurance, and the second was keeping a safe distance from the action. The third mistake was associating with the wrong people.

Peter Denies Jesus: The Biblical Text

Then they took him and carried him away, carrying him into the home of the high priest, with Peter following behind them at a safe distance. And after they had all gathered around a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter took a seat among them as well. Later, when one of the servant girls noticed him sitting in the light and gazing at him intently, she stated, “This man was also with him.” He, on the other hand, disputed it, saying, “Woman, I am not acquainted with him.” In the meantime, someone else came up to him and remarked, “You’re another one of them, as well.” Peter, on the other hand, said, “Man, I’m not.” And after about an hour, another argued, saying, “Certainly this guy was with him, for he, too, is a Galilean.” And after another hour, yet another insisted, adding, Peter, on the other hand, stated, “Man, I have no idea what you are talking about.” He was in the middle of his speech when the rooster began to crow instantly.

As Peter stared at the Lord, the Lord turned to look at him.

He then walked outside and sobbed furiously.

What Led to Peter Denying Jesus?

In Luke 22:55, we find Peter huddled around a fire in the courtyard of Caiaphas, who was putting Jesus on trial – a fire that we may refer to as “the enemy’s fire.” Peter had reached a point when he felt exhausted, dejected, and weak. Because he was weak, he should not have been at a fire among unbelievers, where he should not have been. According to Matthew’s Gospel, he sat down with the servants to see the conclusion. He had come to terms with Jesus’s fate at this point. There was nothing he could think of that he could do.

  1. Peter was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people, and he was on the verge of doing the wrong thing.
  2. We believe we have an impact on others, but the question is if they are having an impact on us.
  3. Therefore, Psalm 1:1 states, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of godless men, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scornful men.” Have you ever noticed the way the words in Psalm 1 move – or, should I say, regress – from one verse to the next?
  4. Then there’s the matter of standing.
  5. When we fall into sin, it is most typically the result of a series of events that take place.

And when we spend our time with the wrong people in the wrong settings, we are more likely to do the wrong thing than the right thing. The following is an excerpt from Harvest Ministries’ “By the Enemy’s Fire” (used by permission).

Relive the Story of Peter’s Denial of Jesus Christ

All four Gospelsrecord a scene in which the Apostle Peter denies Jesus three times in the courtyard of the high priest on the night of Christ’s betrayal, which is recorded in all four Gospels. According to both accounts, his first refusal occurs in response to a challenge from a servant girl. Immediately following Peter’s third denial, there is a cacophony of crows, which prompts Peter to recall the Lord’s prophecy. Peter then walks away, his face contorted with profound guilt.

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Question for Reflection

Following Peter’s denial, the Lord graciously forgave him and returned him to a position of confidence. You’re feeling like you’ve failed the Lord so badly that there’s nothing left for you to do except give up? Allow Peter’s tale to serve as inspiration for you. Even if you’ve gone as far as you’ve fallen or as far as your humiliation has sunk, Jesus will forgive and restore you, as well as give you a purpose in his work.

Scripture References

Scripture scriptures describing Peter’s rejection of Christ include: Matthew 26:33-35, 69-75; Mark 14:29-31, 66-72; Luke 22:31-34, 54-62; and John 13:36-38, 18:25-27, and 21:15-19. Matthew 26:33-35, 69-75; Mark 14:29-31, 66-72

Peter Denies Jesus Story Summary

The Last Supper had just been completed by Jesus Christ and his apostles. During his ministry, Jesus identified Judas Iscariot as the apostle who would betray him. A terrible prophecy was delivered by Jesus after that. He predicted that all of his disciples would desert him at his time of trial. He was correct. Despite the fact that the others had abandoned Jesus, the impulsive Peter swore to stay by his side no matter what happened: “Lord, I am prepared to accompany you into jail and to death.” (Luke 22:33, New International Version) Jesus responded by saying that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crooned.

  1. Peter took his sword and slashed the ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest, with it.
  2. Then Jesus was led away to the house of Joseph Caiaphas, the high priest, where he remained until his death.
  3. A servant girl observed Peter sitting by a fire, warming himself, and accused him of being with Jesus.
  4. Later on, Peter was accused of being with Jesus once more, this time by the authorities.
  5. Last but not least, a third individual stated that Peter’s Galilean dialect revealed him to be a disciple of the Nazarene.
  6. A rooster crowed right at that moment.
  7. Later that day, Peter and six other disciples went fishing on the Sea of Galilee, where they saw Jesus’ resurrection.

Peter jumped into the sea and swam to the shore to greet him: ” “Simon son of John, do you honestly love me more than these?” Jesus said of Simon Peter after they had finished eating.

“Simon son of John, do you genuinely love me?” Jesus inquired yet another time.

“Take good care of my sheep,” Jesus instructed.

Peter was saddened when Jesus questioned him, for the third time, “Do you love me?” Peter didn’t know how to respond.

“Feed my sheep,” Jesus instructed.

“Follow me!” he said as he approached him.

Peter had denied the Lord a total of three times. Now he confirms his love for Jesus three times in a row. In a similar vein, the Lord commissions Peter to care for the sheep on three separate occasions.

Lessons from the Story

According to the tale, Jesus Christ is anxious to forgive us and reestablish our connection with him despite our own human faults, failings, and sins, as seen by his own death and resurrection. The Lord’s admonition to Peter to take care of his sheep indicated that Peter had been completely forgiven and restored to his rightful place in the world. The Lord desires to return us to a level of confidence regardless of our past transgressions or how far we have fallen from our previous position.

Points of Interest

  • This story is recorded in all four Gospels, although only the Gospel of John describes Peter’s restoration by Jesus. The accusers differ in each of the four tales
  • Nevertheless, Peter’s fearful reaction to them is continuous throughout. His fear that he might meet the same destiny as Jesus drove him to deny Jesus three times and then three times to profess his love for Jesus. In his first two inquiries, Jesus used the term ” agape ” and in his third inquiry, he used the word ” phileo ” as if he were asking, “Are you truly my friend?” Peter sat beside a fire during both his denials and restorations. In the Bible, fire can represent destruction, but it can also represent cleaning and the Holy Spirit
  • Jesus foretold how Peter would die. In Rome, according to tradition, Peter was crucified upside down when he courageously professed his faith in Jesus and refused to repent


THE HOLY BOOK OF JOHN 18:25-2725 Simon Peter rose to his feet and sat down to warm himself. As a result, they confronted him, saying, “You are not also one of His disciples, are you?” He categorically rejected it, saying, “I am not!” 26One of the high priest’s slaves, a cousin of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, said, “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?” he added. 27Peter then denied it once more, and a rooster crows shortly after. The second and third occasions that Peter denies Jesus are the second and third instances that Peter denies Jesus.

  • Luke 22:58-62 (NASB) Then another saw him and remarked to him, “You are also one of them,” which he agreed with.
  • 60However, Peter said, “Man, I have no idea what you are talking about!” The rooster began to crow immediately, while he was still speaking in silence.
  • Then Peter remembered the Lord’s words to him, how He had told him, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times,” and how he had done so.
  • What was Jesus’ facial expression when he saw Peter?
  • Was Peter a coward in any way?
  • What exactly was Peter doing at the high priest’s residence in the first place?
  • His blame as an attempted murderer rests with him, and because Malchus, the servant of the high priest, was the victim of his deed, Peter should have avoided going to the high priest’s residence in order to avoid being implicated in the crime.

If such was the case, Peter’s hopes were shattered when the servant girl inquired as to whether or not he was also one of the Man’s disciples.

John 18:17, however, indicates that he should have made up an explanation and left the high priest’s home immediately, first at a walk, then at full speed, rather than pleading his case.

Peter was even more surprised when he was identified for the third time “”I do not know the Man!” he said as he began to yell and swear.

So what was Peter’s motivation for remaining and betraying Jesus three times?

And if being close to his lord necessitated lying, he would lie willingly.

Peter, on the other hand, is not guilty of cowardice in any way.

Is it possible that Jesus need Peter’s protection?

Is Jesus in need of our protection right now?

It was something along the lines of, “I’m sorry, but I overheard you talking about Jesus.

I’m a Christian, and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. “Would you like to know the truth about Him?” will be more productive than participating in violence or lying to ‘watch out’ for Jesus since it will be more effective.

Simon Peter Denies Jesus

Simon Peter and “another disciple,” who was most likely the Apostle John, followed the gang of soldiers and religious officials that captured Jesus to the “courtyard of the high priest,” where they were arrested too (John 18:15). Soon after, a servant girl inquired as to Peter’s status as a follower of Jesus, and Peter categorically denied that he was (vv. 16–18). Although this appeared to be the end of the problem, the author of today’s story tells us that Peter was questioned about his affiliation with Jesus once again.

  1. 25).
  2. In any event, Peter denied knowing Jesus for a second time after his first denial (v.
  3. The denials of the disciples did not end there, as one final individual approached Peter and inquired as to whether or not he knew Jesus.
  4. 26; see v.
  5. Because he was fearful of what would happen if others discovered that he was Christ’s follower, Peter rejected Jesus a third time, just as Jesus warned (v.
  6. Because John alternates between Peter’s denials and Christ’s testimony before Annas, we are given a clear picture of the extreme difference that exists between the Savior and one of His most well-known followers.
  7. Unlike Peter, who could not give testimony to the truth in less harsh conditions, the other witnesses could.

He was not confronted with a tribunal that sought his execution (vv.

Peter, on the other hand, demonstrated that he was a coward by refusing to stand up for justice against the strong, even when it meant risking his life.

We must remember that Jesus died for sinners, including sinners like Peter who deny Him, lest we believe that we must earn Christ’s favor before He would redeem us.


He put Himself up for us.

Coram Deo

Even some professing Christians behave as though they must first prove themselves worthy before Christ will accept them into His kingdom of righteousness. While this is true, the gospel is really about Christ’s death for the unworthy, for sinners of all types.

The fact is that we don’t have to prove ourselves worthy before Christ would redeem us; in fact, we couldn’t prove ourselves worthy even if we tried. Christ died for us while we were still sinners on the cross. And it is the good news of the gospel message.

For Further Study

In the meantime, Peter sat outside the palace, where a damsel approached him and said, “Thou wast also with Jesus of Galilee.” He, on the other hand, denied it in front of everyone. And after he had gone out onto the porch, another maid noticed him and informed those there that this individual had also been with Jesus of Nazareth. And he denied it one more. And after a time, some who were passing by came up to Peter and said, “Surely thou likewise art one of them,” since Peter’s statement betrayed him.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Following Him

A servant girl, the same girl again, and then a crowd of people.

One of the high priest’s maids came down to see Peter warming himself in the palace, and when she saw him, she looked him in the eyes and said, “And thou wast also with Jesus of Nazareth,” she said. He, on the other hand, disputed it. And he walked out onto the porch, accompanied by the cock crew. And a maid caught sight of him once again and began to announce to others who were watching, This is one of them. And he denied it one more. A little time later, those who were standing by remarked to Peter, “Surely you are one of them,” for thou art of Galilaean descent, and thy speech is consistent with that.

A servant girl, a man, and then another man.

Then they seized him and led him into the high priest’s residence, where he remained for several days. And Peter was a long way away, following. However, a specific maid noticed him as he sat by the fire and fixed him with a serious expression, saying, “This man was also with him. ” And he flatly refused. And after a little while, another person noticed him and said, “Thou art likewise one of them.” And Peter said, “Man, I’m not.” And about an hour later another, he boldly declared, saying, Of a truth, this person was likewise with him: for he is a Galilaean, he had been with him.

A girl at the door, several anonymous persons, one of the high priest’s servants.

Simon Peter, on the other hand, followed Jesus. as well as accompanying Jesus inside the house of the high priest Peter is then confronted by the woman who was keeping the door open: “Are you not also one of this man’s disciples?” she inquires. He claims that he is not. Simon Peter then got to his feet and warmed himself. As a result, they questioned him, saying, “Are you not also one of his disciples?” He categorically rejected it, saying, “I am not.” Isn’t it true that I saw him in the garden with him?

Peter subsequently disputed the claim once more: and instantly the cock crew reacted.

Who Denied Jesus Three Times?

Could it be that you have never heard of this Bible witness before, or that you have not looked into someone denied Jesus in quite some time? Perhaps you have a close relationship with this individual. The purpose of today’s lesson is to provide a refresher course on the three occasions that Jesus was refused by his own follower, as well as how Jesus redeemed those decisions and continues to do so for Christians today. Who was the third person to deny Jesus three times? Have you ever been personally rejected by a close friend or family member?

Jesus went through everything that we go through as humans on this planet, and regrettably, it included being denied by one of his closest friends, which was a terrible blow.

This group of guys and Jesus looked to have a strong sense of brotherhood in common.

If Peter had not spoken up for his status as one of Jesus’ friends and followers after Jesus had been arrested, then all of those personal interactions would not have been enough.

Peter was offered three chances to identify with Jesus at the moment of His crucifixion, but he turned them all down and claimed he did not know Him.

Who WasPeter in the Bible?

It is necessary to consider Peter’s previous record in order to see why it was such a significant matter that he was the one to deny Jesus. When Jesus beckoned Peter to accompany Him at the Sea of Galilee, Peter gladly welcomed Him and followed Him. Peter (who was once known as Simon) and his brother Andrew worked as fishermen (Matthew 4:18-22,Luke 5:1-11,John 1:35-42). In Luke 5:8, Peter expresses his dissatisfaction with what Jesus was asking them to accomplish with their nets, but after witnessing Jesus produce a boatload of fish in his net, he responds immediately: “When Simon Peter saw it, he fell at Jesus’ feet.” “Go away from me, Lord, since I am a sinful man,” he pleaded with the Lord.

  • “When they arrived on the shore with their boats, they abandoned everything and followed Jesus.” Peter was completely committed to Jesus.
  • In truth, Peter would not be the most apparent choice out of all of the disciples to betray Jesus.
  • With no other disciples present, Peter was the only one bold enough to step out of the boat on Galilee’s Sea of Galilee and walk to Jesus on the sea.
  • According to Luke 22:33-34, “But he said, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to jail and to death,” indicating an overconfident Peter.

What Were Peter’s Denials?

Luke 22:55-62describes each of Peter’s denials of Jesus after he had been arrested for his crimes against humanity. Denial Number One: A Servant Girl I think it’s fascinating that the very first person to whom Peter rejected Jesus was a servant girl, for a variety of reasons. This girl was probably the least frightening to him, but despite the fact that she was a young lady in a service role, Peter was still wary of her. Perhaps he was aware of how much girls like conversing? No matter what the cause, he felt embarrassed to be identified as a Christian.

  • A servant girl happened to see him sitting there in the dim light of the fireplace.
  • “‘Woman, I don’t know who he is,’ he said.” Denial 2: It was someone else, and Denial 3: It was someone else again The remaining two individuals are characterized just as guys; no additional information is provided.
  • Because Jesus appears to be looking at Peter, the third person must have asked him a question while he was nearby.
  • “I’m sure this man was with him, since he’s a Galilean,” said another a half-hour after the first.
  • The rooster crows just as he finishes his sentence.” The gaze of Jesus was fixed on Peter.
  • I assume that Jesus’ expression was not one of hatred, but rather one of tremendous sorrow and grief, and perhaps even pity.
  • Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had said to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will repudiate me three times,” the word the Lord had spoken to Peter.
  • Consider the fact that the last time Peter saw Jesus before Jesus died was in the middle of his rejection of Jesus’ divinity.
  • It’s possible that the way things ended may continue to bother you for the rest of your life.
  • I suppose that the three days that passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection were torturous for Peter.
  • When Mary Magdalene and the other women informed the disciples of Jesus’ resurrection, they remained mute in doubt, but Peter and John dashed to the tomb to see for themselves.

(12:10-12; John 20:1-9); (Luke 24:10-12; When I think of Peter, I think of him sprinting forward, eager to make amends with Jesus. While it is true that he want to meet His rising Savior, I believe that he was more concerned with the opportunity to beg pardon and see Him once more.

Jesus Reappears and Redeems Peter’s Wrongs

In John 21, we see Jesus appear to Peter for the first time. It is a great representation of Jesus returning to a circumstance that is comparable to the one in which He originally appeared to Peter. On the Sea of Tiberias, to be precise. Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, and John went fishing overnight and came out empty-handed, according to the Bible. In response, Jesus cried out from the beach, “Children, do you have any fish?” They are instructed to cast their net on the right side of the boat once more by Jesus.

In verses 7-8, we see Peter acting on his impulses once more, plunging into the sea and swimming to the beach in order to be with Jesus.

When we look at this particular event, we find that God provides for His followers’ needs by providing fish, and that they obeyed by catching fish, then God invites them to bring their contribution to be included in his dinner.

In John 21:15, Jesus asks Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these?” (Do you love Me more than these?) This is the first time Peter is recommended by Jesus.

Second Commissioning of Peter: According to John 21:16, “Jesus questioned Simon son of John a second time, ‘Do you love Me?'” (Do you love Me?) ‘Yes, Lord,’ he responded, ‘You know how much I adore You.’ Shepherd My sheep is what Jesus instructed him to do.'” The Third Commissioning of Peter: According to John 21:17, “Jesus questioned Simon son of John a third time, ‘Do you love Me?'” (Do you love Me?) After hearing Jesus question him, ‘Do you love Me?’ for the third time, Peter was greatly offended.

‘Lord, You are aware of everything,’ he said.

Peter had heard about Jesus’ teaching that He was the Good Shepherd, and he wanted to know more.

For Peter, this was a time of recommitment to Christ.

Even Jesus makes a prophecy regarding Peter’s impending martyrdom, which we can see.

This was not the conclusion of Peter’s journey, but rather the beginning of his whole devotion to Jesus, not out of a sense of guilt, but out of love for the Savior.

Jesus stated this to point to the type of death that Peter would undergo in order to glorify God.

Haynes of Crosswalk writes that historical records disclose how Peter died in Rome under the reign of Nero in AD 64, according to Clarence L.

“By the time Peter died in AD 64, many of the other apostles, probably all of them, had been killed, with the exception of John the Baptist.” We can witness the forgiveness and kindness of Jesus in Peter’s life, and we may learn from him.

It is clear that this person has a strong desire to obey Christ and point others to Him.

“Follow Me,” is the lesson we are taught.

Emma Danzey’s life’s mission is inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21, and it is to encourage young women to embrace the remarkable in their lives.

She is the wife of Drew, with whom she has been married for more than a year.

Emma is a frequent contributor to Salem Web Network, where she writes articles on topics such as the Bible, life concerns, and the Christian lifestyle.

All honor and glory are due to the Lord!

Emma likes singing and songwriting, as well as exercise courses, testing new recipes, watching home improvement shows, and sipping tea.

She is now working on the last phases of editing her first published book on the subject of singleness.

Mukti has been striving to rebuild lives in India for more than 120 years, and they have helped thousands of people. It is possible to read some of her pieces on her blog atemmadanzey.wordpress.com, as well as listen to the Her Many Hats podcast, which can be found on Instagram @her many hats.

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