Who Baptized Jesus Disciples

Who baptized the apostles?

ThyWordIsTruth.com is a Christian website dedicated to the proclamation and defense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.

Who baptized the apostles?

YourWordIsTruth.com is a website dedicated to the proclamation and defense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the modern world.

The Answer:

This is an issue for which there is no definitive solution in the scriptures. It does, however, present information that allows for a plausible assumption to be made. Question 122, which you are directed to, discusses the evidence in relation to the thief on the cross, and the evidence in this case is the same as that described in answer to Question 122, which you are directed to. It follows from this that John was almost certainly the one who baptized Jesus’s followers. It’s possible that John baptized one or two of them and that the rest were baptized by them.

  • All we know for certain is that John came to prepare a people who would be ready to receive the Lord (Luke 1:17).
  • When John did preach, he emphasized the importance of repentance in light of the approaching kingdom (Matthew 3:2), as well as the requirement of baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 3:12).
  • Those who were obedient were “prepared for the Lord,” which most logically indicates that they were being readied for citizenship in the Kingdom’s institution (Acts 2).
  • Alternatively, it appears to be at odds with what we know about Jesus’ teaching on the same issue (John 4:1-2), therefore it would appear to be contrary to the text to conclude that Jesus’ disciples rejected John’s baptism (Luke 7:30).

God’s Plan of Salvation

If you have not heard the gospel, you must hear it and then realize and acknowledge that you are lost without Jesus Christ, regardless of who you are or where you come from. We are told in the Bible that “all have sinned, and all have fallen short of the glory of God.” (See also Romans 3:23.) It is necessary for you to recognize that you are lost and that the only way to be saved is through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ before you will be saved. (2 Thessalonians 1:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:9) “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared.

(See also John 14:6) It says in the Bible, “There is salvation in no other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved.” (Read Acts 4:12) If you want to please God, you must believe in him and have trust in him because “it is impossible to please him unless one has faith in him.” “He who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who sincerely seek him.” (See also Hebrews 11:6) However, neither belief nor faith by themselves are sufficient to rescue a person.

  1. (See also James 2:19, James 2:24, and Matthew 7:21.) You must confess your sins and repent of them.
  2. Nowhere in the Bible does the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer,” which you hear so much about from denominational pastors these days, make an appearance at all.
  3. There are, on the other hand, innumerable cases that demonstrate that prayer alone does not save.
  4. (Acts 22:16).
  5. If prayer alone was insufficient to rescue Saul and Cornelius, it is unlikely that prayer alone can save you.
  6. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 To be a Christian, you must acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
  7. Because Jesus is already Lord of your life, regardless of whether or not you have fulfilled his gospel commands.
  8. (See Acts 2:36.) Another thing to note is that no one in the Bible was ever instructed to just “accept Jesus as your personal savior.” We must admit that Jesus is the Son of God, but confession alone will not save us, just as faith and repentance will not save us.
  9. (See Acts 2:38.) Your sins are pardoned only at this point (and not earlier).
  10. The Bible says this in Acts 8:35-36, Romans 6:3-4, and 1 Peter 3:21.
  11. The moment you accept Christ as your Savior, God joins you to his church and records your name in the Book of Life.

Those who are in God’s grace will fall from grace if they do not remain loyal, and those whose names are in the Book of Life will have their names wiped out of that book if they do not remain faithful. (Revelation 2:10; Revelation 3:5; Galatians 5:4). (Revelation 2:10; Galatians 5:4).

Why is there no mention of the apostles being baptized in the Bible? – Evidence for Christianity

QUESTION: I listened to your course on Baptism and I have a question (thank you, it helped me to better understand this aspect of our walk in Christ). However, I have been unable to locate any scriptural texts that describe the apostles being baptized in the name of Christ. They are mentioned in the Bible as having baptized others. Could you please assist me with this question? Thank you very much. There is an excellent reason why you would not be able to uncover any verses that describe the baptism of the apostles in the Bible.

  1. This is one of those intriguing puzzles that you come upon every now and again.
  2. One question is whether or not the apostles were baptized at all during their time on the earth.
  3. The bottom line is that the Bible does not instruct us in any particular direction.
  4. I’m going to share my thoughts with you, because you’ve requested it, but please keep in mind that this is merely my opinion, based on rationale, but it is still only an opinion.
  5. The reason I say this is because we know from John 4:2 that Jesus’ followers were baptizing a large number of people.
  6. The likelihood that Jesus would have had his apostles baptize individuals who believed in him if they had not themselves been baptized appears to be extremely remote.
  7. I’ll also share my thoughts on the conversion of the apostles, if you’re interested.

It is my view that the apostles were “rebaptized” after Jesus’ ascension but before the Day of Pentecost, which occurred after the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 2).

According to biblical evidence, we get the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we are baptized into Christ (Acts 2:38-41), but it is not until after Jesus’ death that we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7).

What is the reason that these baptisms are not recorded?

Consider the following argument in opposition to the viewpoint I just expressed: that the apostles were baptized into Christ in order to receive the Holy Spirit prior to the Day of Pentecost.

This implies that they were exempt from the requirement to be baptized.

Possibly. This is why I stated above that I am not overly certain in my belief that the apostles were rebaptized after Jesus ascended into heaven following his death and resurrection. I hope this has been of assistance. John Oakes is a writer and poet.

Jesus Baptized Peter, Others

In the Jordan River, awaiting Baptismal rites We have discovered that when we interact and mingle with Orthodox Christians in Egypt, we often uncover aspects of their religion that do not quite correspond to what we were taught in Protestant settings in the United States. I learnt that Jesus baptized the twelve disciples this week while attending a Coptic Bible Institute end-of-year seminar, which I was fortunate enough to attend. This is probably not a make-or-break moment in theology, although John 4:1-2 appears to indicate the inverse: Because of this, the Pharisees were concerned that Jesus was acquiring and baptizing more disciples than John, despite the fact that it was his followers, not Jesus, who were baptizing people.

  1. When Peter objects, Jesus explains that he must do it in order for Peter to partake in his inheritance.
  2. The most important question in the narrative is: what does the word ‘bath’ imply?
  3. Protestants, on the other hand, are more likely to feel that baptism is only a graphic portrayal of one’s new identity as a member of the Christian faith.
  4. It is not the water that purifies a person; rather, it is the faith in Jesus that motivates a person to fulfill Jesus’ order to be baptized.
  5. We must return to the washing of Peter’s feet, however, before we can consider whether or not to follow the Orthodox viewpoint.
  6. But when is it going to happen?
  7. Many of Jesus’ disciples were baptized first by John, although both Orthodox and Protestant theologians believe that this was a baptism of repentance from sin, in preparation for Jesus’ ministry, of which John predicted would be accompanied by the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

It was at this point that Jesus directed his followers to baptize, initiating them in a ritual that they were afterwards to carry on.

Furthermore, baptism cleanses the individual, and the disciples needed to be cleansed in order to finally increase the church.

It’s possible that the Pharisees were correct in believing that Jesus baptized a large number of followers, but that they were mistaken about the number in general, even if they were correct about the twelve.

The main difficulty appears to be that Jesus himself specifies what it was that caused the disciples to become clean only a short period of time afterwards.

This ‘word’ appears to be something else entirely, and it does not appear to be the baptismal ‘bath,’ which is another mystery to solve.

Although this is simply a very basic examination of a complex and hotly discussed theological issue, it is still worth mentioning.

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A common fault of Protestants is that they are quick to disregard tradition.

However, just because a tale isn’t recounted in the Bible does not rule out the possibility that it took place.

If every single one of them were to be written down, I believe that even the entire planet would not have enough space for all of the volumes that would be produced.

Those who have done extensive research on either side of the subject are encouraged to provide their arguments in the comments section of this page.

It is there to communicate with us, not for us to communicate through it.

We are unable to function in our daily lives without accepting broad interpretations for our observations.

We should share what we have learned with others so that others might benefit as well.

The narrative revolves around the concept of humility.

However, in order to be served, one must first demonstrate humility, which was a quality Peter lacked.

However, it was this interaction that provided us with the plot in the first place.

We shall learn as we live our messy lives side by side with one another, as long as we maintain our sense of community. In doing so, we will be able to teach others. Let us hope that along the road, we will all become clean, even if we differ on how this will happen.

Acts 2: Were the Apostles Baptized in Water? Part 1

” target=” blank”>” target=” blank”>” target=” blank”>” Jerry inquired, The apostles were baptized by John, who instructed mankind to believe in the one who would come, according to what I was taught growing up in the Churches of Christ (1940s-1950s) in the United States. A putative indication of this can be found in two places: (1) Peter and Andrew were there when Jesus appeared at John’s revival, and (2) Jesus created and baptized a greater number of disciples than John, with his selected 12 performing the actual baptism.

  • Were the apostles baptized with water?
  • The reasoning, of course, is completely circular: it presupposes that water baptism is required in all situations and then “proves” that the apostles were water baptized on the basis of that assumption.
  • (Acts 2:41 New International Version) Those who responded positively to his message were baptized, and an estimated three thousand people were added to their ranks on that day.
  • If they had all been baptized at the same time, there would have been no one to be added to the group.
  • The disciples were instructed to remain where they were and not to travel to be water baptism.
  • Some believe that Jesus baptized the 120 disciples.

The disciples baptized others, according to what we’ve heard (John 4:1-3 ESV) Jesus left Judea and returned to Galilee after learning that the Pharisees had learned that he was creating and baptizing more followers than John2 (despite the fact that Jesus himself did not baptize, but rather his disciples did),3.

  • While it seems impossible that the apostles would be condemned if they were not water baptized, the Gospel authors never bothered to emphasize this fact when they described so many other types of baptism.
  • When it comes to Pentecost, why weren’t there any individuals present who didn’t need to be rebaptized?
  • However, only those who had been baptized were counted among the 120.
  • And, of course, there is no evidence that they weren’t baptized by John.
  • In addition, as Jerry points out, we know that two of the 120 had visited John and were presumably baptized by him, but we don’t really know whether or not they were submerged by him.
  • However, even if this could be shown, Acts 19 clearly teaches that John’s baptism was insufficient to bestow the Spirit and, hence, redemption – and that this was the case.
  • Upon hearing this, they responded, “No, we haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 “And into what, then, were you baptized?” he inquired of her.
  • 4 Moreover, according to Paul, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, informing the people that they should believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” 5 They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus as soon as they heard this.
  • When it comes to the Church of Christ’s arguments, it is sometimes thought that John’s baptism was not for the remission of sins, however this is not the case.
  • (Luke 3:3 ESV) And he traveled throughout all of the region around the Jordan, preaching repentance for the remission of sins by baptism.
  • In contrast to the Spirit, as John himself stated in Mark 1:8 ESV, “I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit,” John’s baptism did not offer.

In Church of Christ argumentation, we get off track once more by insisting that baptism with the Spirit is a one-time event reserved only for the 120 and Cornelius and his household — which would mean that John’s audience would have had no idea what he was talking about because “you” in Mark 1:9 would mean “120 Jews and a Gentile centurion” rather than “those who repent.” (Keep in mind that “repent” implies turning to God by placing faith in the Messiah, whom John would soon identify!) Furthermore, the phrase “immerses with the Spirit” would have been understood by John’s audience as a reference to the predictions of the outpouring of the Spirit that would flood the land (Isa 32:15; Isa 44:3).

You can’t hear the word “immerse” and not think of water, and you can’t hear the words “Spirit” and “water” combined and not think of the Prophets – at least, not if you’ve read the book of Isaiah before.

As a result, assuming John intended for his words to be interpreted, baptism with the Holy Spirit refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that was for “all flesh” (John 1:14).

Now, aside from the words of John, the reception of the Spirit is referred to as “baptism with the Spirit” only in Acts 2 and Acts 10, which correspond to Pentecost and Cornelius, respectively.

Paul, on the other hand, maintains that the predicted outpouring is for all Christians – not only for the elect (Tit 3:5-6 ESV) 4 Not because of our deeds of righteousness, but because of his own kindness, through the washing of regeneration and rebirth by the Holy Spirit,6 whom he lavished on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 5 we were saved.

  • As a result, we are all receiving the Spirit’s outpouring that was predicted.
  • It is the outpouring of the Spirit, according to Peter, that is the baptism of the Spirit, which is the “promise” of the Spirit.
  • The baptism of John was insufficient.
  • We get continuing forgiveness because of the Spirit’s work in our lives.
  • via the washing of regeneration and renewing power of the Holy Spirit.
  • In my opinion, the phrases “regeneration and renewal” are interchangeable since both are “of the Holy Spirit” and both are components of the washing process.
  • (1 Corinthians 6:11 ESV) 11 And this was the case for several of you.

(2Th 2:13 ESV) 2Th 2:13 ESV 13 However, we should constantly be grateful to God for you, brothers who are cherished by the Lord, because God selected you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, and we should do so always.

Despite the fact that the Ephesians had been baptized at John’s baptism, they had not yet received the Spirit and therefore needed to be rebaptized in the name of Jesus in order to receive the Spirit and so be saved.

The Baptism of Jesus This also implies that Jesus baptisms performed prior to Pentecost were ineffective in saving people because the Holy Spirit had not yet been outpoured or given to believers (John 7:39).

* Some believe that Pentecost made pre-Pentecost baptisms by John (or Jesus) effective, but that post-Pentecost baptisms were rendered ineffective by Pentecost.

Once he has arrived, he must perform a successful baptism in the name of Jesus.

Except to explain a dispensational theory or argue the essential requirement of water baptism, there is no other reason to designate Pentecost as the time when John’s baptism becomes effective.

John’s baptism, on the other hand, was incomplete since it did not bring the outpoured Spirit, as John himself acknowledged.

There is no record of Mary being baptized by John, no record of John’s disciples suddenly receiving the Holy Spirit across the Judean countryside in 33 AD, no record of the apostles being immersed, no record of any of this.

It’s a hypothesis based on wishful thinking, and as such, it’s not real theology — unless we believe that God didn’t provide us with enough information in the scriptures, and that we should fill in the gaps with our own imagination.

However, it is not our place to build doctrine on the basis of silences. The Bible should serve as the foundation for all of our teachings, not our own opinions. I’ll come up with a better theory tomorrow.

John 4:2 (although it was not Jesus who baptized, but His disciples),

New International Version (New International Version) Despite the fact that it was his followers, rather than Jesus, who performed the baptism, Although Jesus himself did not baptize them, his disciples did, the New Living Translation says that they were baptized by him. The English Standard Version (despite the fact that Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), the Berean Study Bible (despite the fact that it was not Jesus who baptized, but His disciples), the Berean Literal Bible (despite the fact that Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples), and the King James Version (despite the fact that Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples) (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,) The New King James Version (even though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His followers did), and the New American Standard Bible are also excellent choices (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing; rather, His discipleswere), The New American Standard Bible (NASB 1995) and the New American Standard Bible (NASB 1977) both acknowledge that Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were; the Amplified Bible (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were); the Holman Christian Standard Bible (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were); and the American Standard Version (although Jesus himself was baptizing, but His disciples were).

See also:  What Did Jesus Die?

The New American Standard Bible (NASB 1995) acknowledge When it was not Yeshua himself who performed the baptism, but rather his followers.

The Bible of Douay-Rheims (Though Jesus himself did not baptize, but his disciples,) Translation of the Good News Actually, Jesus did not baptize anybody; it was his followers who did it.) Despite the fact that it was his followers, rather than Jesus, who performed the baptism, the International Standard Version The following translations are available: —Literal Standard Version (despite the fact that Jesus Himself was not immersed, but His disciples were), New American Bible (despite the fact that Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were), NET Bible (despite the fact that Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were), New Revised Standard Version—despite the fact that it was not Jesus himself but his disciples who baptized—New Heart English Bible (despite the fact that Jesus himself was not b The World English Bible (even though Jesus himself did not baptize them, but His followers did), Young’s Literal Translation (even though Jesus himself did not baptize them, but his disciples did) (though indeed Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples,) Translations in addition to the above.

Context The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman 1 It wasn’t until Jesus understood the Pharisees were aware of his growing popularity and ability to baptize more disciples than John2 (although it wasn’t Jesus who baptized, but His followers) that he decided to leave Judea and return to Galilee.

  • 3:22 John 3:22 Following this, Jesus and His followers traveled to the Judean countryside, where He spent some time with them and baptized them as well.
  • (Though Jesus himself was not baptized, but his followers were.) Acts 10:48 (Treasury of Scripture) They were to be immersed in the name of the Lord, as he had ordered them.
  • 1 Corinthians 1:13-17 (New International Version) Is Christ in a state of division?
  • Was your baptism under the name of Paul, or were you baptized elsewhere?
  • This is not a correction of the writer’s assertion, but rather a correction to the report that was sent to the Pharisees.
  • Although John personally baptized people, it is likely that his disciples aided him when large crowds gathered around him.
  • (See, for example, Acts 10:48; Acts 19:5; 1 Corinthians 1:15-17).

However, the writer is unable to allow the information to appear in his Gospel without making corrections.

and it was this authority that His followers had not yet gained (John 7:39).

Commentaries that run in parallel.

derived from kaitoi and ge; and yet, in fact, i.e., despite the fact that notοὐκ(ouk) AdverbStrong’s 3756 responds, “No, not at all.” Also known as ouk and ouch, this is a basic word; it is an absolute negative adverb, meaning either no or not.

(autos) Personal/ Possessive Pronoun – Nominative Masculine Form of the word “who” 3rd Person Pronoun SingularStrong’s 846: He, she, it, they, them, the same, and so forth.

baptized,ἐβάπτιζεν(ebaptizen) Indicative Imperative Form of the Verb 3rd Person Pronoun – Active The SingularStrong’s 907:Lit: I dip, I immerse, but especially of ceremonial dipping; I baptize is a contraction of the words I dip and submerge.

The reflexive pronoun self, which is used in the third person as well as the other persons, is derived from the particle au.

Pupil is derived from the Greek word manthano, which means “learner.” Return to the previous page AlthoughBaptiseBaptismBaptizeBaptizedBaptizingDisciplesFactHoweverIndeedJesus Continue to Next Page AlthoughBaptiseBaptismBaptizeBaptizedBaptizingDisciplesFactHoweverIndeedJesusLinks John 4:2 New International Version 4:2 (John 4:2) NLT John 4:2 English Standard Version John 4:2 New American Standard Bible John 4:2 King James Version BibleApps.com’s John 4:2 is a translation of the Bible verse.

Biblia del Evangelio 4:2 Paralela Chinese Version of John 4:2 French translation of John 4:2. Revelation 4:2 (Catholic Bible) John 4:2 (New Testament Gospels) Despite the fact that Jesus himself did not baptize, his disciples did (Jhn Jo Jn)

In John 4:1-3, in whose name were Jesus’ disciples’ baptizing?

Following John 3:16, which discusses the necessity of water baptism, the passage that follows indicates that John’s position diminishes as Christ’s role becomes more prominent. 3:23-36 (John 3:23-36) After these events had place, Jesus and his followers traveled to the country of Judaea, where he stayed with them and baptized the people. And John was also baptizing in Aenon, near Salim, since there was a lot of water there: and they came and were baptized there as well as elsewhere. Because John had not yet been sentenced to jail.

After that, they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, he who was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest testimony, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men flock to him.” And he responded by saying, John responded by saying that a man can get nothing until it is given to him directly from God.

  • The bridegroom is the one who has the bride; but, the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices tremendously as a result of the bridegroom’s speech; as a result, my delight is complete.
  • He who comes from above is superior to all; he who is of the earth is earthly, and speaks of the world; and he who comes from heaven is superior to all of the others.
  • He who has received his witness has placed his seal on the fact that God is genuine.
  • The Father adores the Son and has entrusted him with complete control over all things.
  • The arrangement of the passage is as follows: Christ proclaims the necessity of Water Baptism, followed by a discussion of the benefits of Water Baptism.
  • Because God so loved the world that he gave his only born Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life, God says in John 3:16.
  • 3:23 (John 3:23) After these events had place, Jesus and his followers traveled to the country of Judaea, where he stayed with them and baptized the people.

He must rise in strength, and I must diminish in strength.

“Would you know for certain that you have been rescued if you died right now?” John asks.

They came to hear the Good News and heard it, but the Holy Spirit had not yet been granted so that the Apostles might be baptized into Christs death as a result of their efforts.

It is to be baptized into Christ’s death and then resurrected to new life that we are baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Although humans are limited by time and space, the legitimacy of a Baptism for those who are not human and the transference of the gift of the Holy Spirit are not limited by time and space.

There are mysteries that are known only to God, and his Church is the only one who understands them. There are also other different options for becoming baptized. Water came in first, followed by martyrdom in second, and mystery in third. I hope this has been of assistance.

Were the apostles baptized?

Q. I am a 90-year-old cradle Catholic who has always had a question or two about certain things in the faith. Can you tell me whether there is any reference of the apostles being baptized anywhere in the Scriptures? (Indianapolis) In the Scriptures, there is no mention of the apostles being baptized by Jesus; nevertheless, the Gospels do contain general strokes of Christ’s public activity, rather than specifics about each individual. I believe that it is reasonable to presume that Jesus did indeed baptize the Twelve Apostles.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus commissions the apostles to “go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.” It is written in the third chapter of John’s Gospel (3:22) that “after this, Jesus and his followers moved into the province of Judea, where he spent some time with them baptizing.” As a result, I believe it is a reasonable conclusion that Jesus baptized his own disciples before anybody else.

  1. Despite the fact that we have a new pastor who is a great and pious man, his sermon on Sundays seldom, if ever, makes reference to the Scriptures that have just been proclaimed.
  2. He also offers a podcast on Catholicism.
  3. Despite my best efforts to read a Sunday meditation before going to Mass, I feel robbed when the lovely Scriptures are overshadowed by a catechism lecture.
  4. The homily, or sermon, is so important to the celebration of the Mass that the Code of Canon Law mandates that one be preached on Sundays and holy days of obligation, and promotes it at every celebration of the Eucharist.
  5. (No.
  6. And I agree with you: the homily should be based on the scripture readings for the day’s Mass on a regular basis, as you suggest.
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As stated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which serves as the Church’s “guidebook” on how to celebrate the liturgy, the homily “should be an explanation of some aspect of the readings from sacred Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or Proper of the Mass of the day, and should take into consideration both the mystery being celebrated and the particular needs of the listeners” (No.


Those bishops stated in a part of that statement entitled “The Biblical Foundations for the Church’s Preaching Ministry” that “the very incorporation of the homily into the texture of the liturgy necessitates the use of the Lectionary readings as the basis for the homily.” Other chances for a catechetical series – for example, in a classroom environment following Mass – may easily exist; but, that type of “education” should not be used as a regular substitute for the homilist’s thoughts on God’s word.

– Currently, Father Kenneth Doyle writes a weekly piece for Catholic News Service.

If water baptism is so important, why does the Bible not reference Jesus having water-baptized the twelve apostles?

Given that water baptism was so widespread and significant prior to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, why does it not appear that Jesus first water-baptized His twelve disciples before sending them out to water-baptize others? Indeed, Jesus Himself established the precedent by being baptized in water by John the Baptist. He then made arrangements with His apostles/disciples to baptize others in the name of Christ (John 4:2). Before his ascension, Jesus also gave the apostles the authority to baptize people in water (Matt 28:19).

  1. As a result of our bible study last night, we examined the significance of water baptism, not only as an outward profession of our faith in God, but also as a symbolic representation of Jesus’ Triune nature and the beginning of Jesus’ three-year mission.
  2. AskPhilip Wong on March 19, 2015 about ClarifyShareReport The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them.
  3. It might be tough to make educated guesses about why things happen, but it can be much more difficult to hypothesize on why things don’t happen.
  4. However, in such situations, it would be wise to hold our positions cautiously rather than dogmatically.
  5. The most prevalent meaning of baptism was that it marked the beginning of a person’s religious journey.
  6. Ritual baptism was also practiced by the Essenes in the Qumran settlement, and several of their baptismal tanks may still be seen today, cut into the rock.
  7. We know that John the Baptist had followers who studied from and worked with him, and we also know that at least one of them, Andrew, went on to become a follower of Jesus (John 1:35-42).

Our understanding of the nature of the baptism conducted by Jesus’ followers on his behalf is quite limited.

Due to the fact that both John and Jesus’ preaching stressed the Kingdom of God, it is plausible to believe that Jesus’ baptism was likewise a baptism of repentance, in the same way as John’s was.

Jesus baptized those who trusted in him “with the Holy Spirit” later on, after he had returned to the Father and had ascended into heaven (John 1:33).

So, returning to the topic of why the Bible is deafeningly silence on the subject of baptism the twelve, we would like to offer the following suggestions: 1.


John was a servant who performed the majority of the baptism himself.

It would also be a manner of honoring and instructing his followers in preparation for a portion of their mission in completing the Great Commission.

(Matthew 28:18-20).

In his ministry, Paul adopted a practice that was comparable to this (1 Corinthians 1:14-17).


I hope these thoughts have been of assistance to you, Philip.

Kenneth Heck Possibly, the story of John 13:4-16, when Christ washed the 12 apostles’ feet, foreshadows the apostles’ baptism by Christ.

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Did Jesus baptize?

QuestionAnswer Jesus did not baptize anybody in the Bible, according to what is recorded. Some texts appear to imply that Jesus personally baptized individuals, but when we compare them to other verses, we come to the conclusion that Jesus did not personally baptize anyone. Matthew 3:14, in which John the Baptist says to Jesus, “I require to be baptized by you,” raises the possibility that Jesus did baptize. If taken in isolation, John’s words might be interpreted as implying that Jesus had a practice of baptizing people in water.

  • He will baptize you in both the Holy Spirit and the fire” (Matthew 3:11).
  • As soon as John talked of his need to be baptized by Jesus, it was clear that he was referring to his desire to receive the Holy Spirit via baptism.
  • However, in the next chapter, John reveals what was taking place: “Now Jesus learnt that the Pharisees had heard that he was acquiring and baptizing more followers than John—although, in fact, it was his disciples who baptized, not Jesus” (John 4:1–2, emphasis added).
  • After a few of allusions of Jesus’ baptismal work, John clarifies that Jesus was not physically baptizing anybody during his ministry.

In everyday speech, it is customary to refer to work completed by a subordinate as “one’s own labor.” In this way a lawn mowing service manager might claim to mow thirty lawns every week, despite the fact that he personally does not mow any of them; instead, his subordinates perform the real mowing.

Do you think it’s conceivable that Jesus baptized individuals on additional times that aren’t mentioned in the Bible?

However, based on John 4:1–2, this appears to be implausible.

When one is baptized by Jesus, one may be inclined to brag about it and feel a bit smug in the presence of individuals who were baptized by someone else, such as Thomas or Thaddaeus.

It is human nature to be filled with pride and sectarianism (see 1 Corinthians 1:12–15). By refusing to baptize anybody, Jesus avoided avoidable divides in the community. Return to:Jesus Christ: Do You Have Any Questions Did Jesus Baptize?

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Did Jesus baptize anyone? Lectors and the she/he problem

Father Kenneth Doyle, C.S.C., Q.C. The Bible never mentions Jesus baptizing anybody, I recall being told at some point in my Catholic education, since our rite of baptism commemorates the death and resurrection of Christ, and he had not yet died and risen at that time. However, I just came upon this verse in John’s Gospel (3:22-23), which reads as follows: Jesus and his followers next traveled to the Judean area, where he spent some time with them in the act of baptism. In addition, John was baptizing in Aenon, near Salim.” However, in Matthew 3:11, John claims that he is baptizing with water, but Jesus claims to be baptizing with fire and the Holy Spirit.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA) – A.

The scripture text to which you link (John 3:22) would appear to suggest that Jesus, as well as several of his disciples, were baptized in the Jordan River.

Due to the fact that they are mute on the subject of Jesus being baptized, the synoptic writers — Matthew, Mark, and Luke — provide no clarification on this.

As you rightly point out, the sacrament of reconciliation brings us into the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and it applies the merits of Christ’s activity to our own situation.


They assert that, under Vatican II, it is legitimate to do so in accordance with the norms for inclusive language use.

(Louisville, Kentucky) A.

During the years of Vatican II (1962-1965), I don’t believe that the subject of inclusive language was even on the minds of the council fathers or the rest of the world about which they were concerned.

It is crucial to remember, however, that the lector is not permitted to make any changes to the biblical and prayer passages that have been approved for the liturgy.

This is the text that is approved for use in the Mass readings.

For example, where the speaker/author intended a mixed audience, the phrase “brothers and sisters” is now permitted in place of the earlier phrase “brethren.” The allusions to God and Jesus Christ, on the other hand, remained unchanged.

*** Inquiries should be directed to Father Kenneth Doyle at [email protected] or at 40 Hopewell St., Albany, New York 12208, respectively.

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