Where Was Jesus Tempted?

Mount of Temptation were Jesus was tempted by the Devil

  1. The Mount of Temptation is believed to be a hill in the Judean Desert where, according to the gospels of Luke (4:1-13) and Matthew (4:1-11), Jesus was tempted by the devil and ultimately rejected him.
  2. Mt.
  3. Quarantania, a peak located around 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) north-west of the city of Jericho, is commonly referred to as the biblical Mount of Temptation by scholars.
  4. The term Quarantania is a mispronunciation of the Latin word Quarentena, which means 40, which corresponds to the number of days that Jesus fasted throughout his lifetime.
  5. After this period of fasting was established, it served as the model for the practice of Lent in Christian churches, which is observed from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday.

The Greek Monastery

The Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Temptation, also known as the ″Qarantal,″ is perched atop the Mount of Temptation, and it is here that we are today. As you can see in our video, some people choose to walk up to the monastery while others choose to use a cable to get there.

The Temptation of Jesus

  1. Several accounts in the Gospels of Matthew (4:1-11) and Luke (4:1-13) claim that Jesus was ushered into the desert by the Holy Spirit immediately after being baptized by John in the Jordan River.
  2. Jesus was fasting when the devil approached him and offered him three opportunities to demonstrate his divinity by exhibiting his extraordinary talents.
  3. After each temptation, Jesus responded with a passage from the Book of Deuteronomy.
  4. As a result, the devil withdrew and angels delivered food to Jesus, who was starving at this point.
  5. As recorded in a story dating back to the 12th century, at least two of the devil’s temptations took place on the Mount of Temptation.

The 1st Temptation – Turn Stone into Bread

While Jesus was fasting in the grotto for 40 days, the devil approached him and demanded that Jesus convert a stone into bread as proof that he was the son of God. Jesus refused, saying, ″It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that emanates from the mouth of God.’″ Luke 4:4 (NIV) In our film, we go to the Grotto where all of this took place and explore it.

THE 2nd Temptation – At Top of the Mount of Temptation

  1. He is taken up to an exceedingly high mountain, where the devil displays to him all of worldly kings and their splendor, and then says to him, ″All of these things will I grant thee if thee would but fall down and worship me″ (Matthew 4:10).
  2. Matthew 4:8-9 (KJV) There is a stone at the South Summit of the Monastery, inside a chapel at a higher point on the mountain, where, according to the gospel of Matthew, Jesus sat as Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worshiping the devil.
  3. The stone is located inside a chapel at a higher point on the mountain.
  4. We will also see a view of the city of Jericho, which will be the same view that Jesus saw while he was being tempted by the devil in the wilderness.
  5. Our film shows us seeing the Chapel and seeing the stone upon which Jesus sat while being tempted by the devil during his ministry.
  1. For it is written: ‘Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve,’ and this was Jesus’ reply when confronted by the devil.
  2. Matthew 4:10 is a verse that says, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, ″It is written, This mountaintop monastery, which was renovated at the end of the 19th century, appears to be sprouting out of the mountainside landscape.
  3. The northern half of the structure is carved into an almost vertical cliff face, while the southern half is cantilevered into space.
  4. If you are already in Jericho, I strongly advise you to pay a visit to the Monastery of Saint Gerasimos or the Monastery of Mar Saba, both of which are close by and worth seeing.
  5. I hope you enjoyed my film of the Mount of Temptation, and until we meet again in my future video, let’s all enjoy the Jerusalem Experience together!

Where was jesus tempted by the devil

What is the name of the mountain where Jesus was tempted?

Mount Temptation (Arabic:, Hebrew: ) is a hill in the Judean Desert that is claimed to have been the location where Jesus was tempted by the devil, according to tradition (Matthew 4:8).

Where was Jesus tempted in the Bible?

Matthew 4:11 – 11 – At that point, Jesus was brought into the desert by the Holy Spirit, where he was tempted by the devil. He had fasted for forty days and forty nights and had become hungry as a result. ″If you are the Son of God, order that these stones be transformed into loaves of bread,″ the tempter said as he approached him and added.

When was Jesus tempted on the mountain?

The Mount of Temptation (also known as Mount Quarantania or Jabel Quruntul) is a sacred place in Israel, where the devil enticed Jesus to reject God. On the Mt. of Temptation, we read in Matthew 4:8 that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and then withdrew into the wilderness, where he fasted and thought for 40 days and 40 nights.

How did Jesus resist temptation in the desert?

  1. According to Matthew 4:4, Jesus referenced Deuteronomy 8:3, which states that man does not live on bread alone.
  2. As a result of his awareness that Satan was attempting to persuade him to be a materialistic Messiah, Jesus looked to scripture for help.
  3. As a result, we should as well.
  4. ″I have concealed your word in my heart, so I would not trespass against you,″ states Psalm 119:11 (New International Version).

What are three ways Jesus was tempted?

Three times, Jesus was confronted with temptation. In addition to hedonism (hunger and enjoyment), egoism (spectacular throw/might) and materialism (kingdoms and money) were other temptations. ″Desire of eyes″ (materialism), ″lust of body″ (hedonism), and ″pride of life″ are some of the temptations that John the Evangelist refers to as ″in the world″ in his letter (egoism).

How far did Jesus walk to his death?

The meandering road that leads from the ancient Antonia Fortress to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre — a distance of approximately 600 metres (2,000 feet) — is a well-known site of Christian pilgrimage in Jerusalem. The present route has been in use since the 18th century, when it was built to replace a number of prior variations.

What was Jesus Last Temptation?

A dream or alternate reality is depicted in The Last Temptation of Christ’s eponymous final sequence, in which the crucified Jesus, tempted by what turns out to be Satan in the form of a beautiful child, comes down from the cross, marries Mary Magdalene (and later Mary and Martha), and lives out his life as a full-fledged human being.

What does the number 40 mean in the Bible?

″Two different epochs″ are separated by the number forty in the Hebrew Bible, which might refer to time periods of forty days or forty years, respectively. During the Flood, rain fell continuously for ″forty days and forty nights″ (Genesis 7:4).

Did Jesus eat during his fast?

Lent is mentioned in the New Testament. Although Mark informs us that Jesus was tempted by Satan, it is in Matthew and Luke that the specifics of the temptation are laid out in greater detail. In all three of the narratives, Jesus is said to have gone without food for 40 days. Christians, like devotees of many other religions, have practiced fasting for centuries.

What does the devil tempt Jesus with?

  1. In the New Testament, Lent is observed as a period of fasting and prayer.
  2. Although Mark tells us that Jesus was tempted by Satan, it is in Matthew and Luke that the specifics of the temptation are laid out in greater depth.
  3. According to all three stories, Jesus went without nourishment for 40 days.
  4. A lengthy tradition of fasting exists among Christians, as well as members of many other religions, dating back centuries.

How long did Jesus live after resurrection?

Accounts from the Bible The biblical story of Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1 takes place 40 days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first chapter of Acts portrays a supper at which Jesus tells the disciples to wait for the arrival of the Spirit.

What does God say about temptation?

″For God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone,″ according to James 1:13, ″and He Himself does not tempt anyone.″ In the first chapter of Job, we discover that God permitted Satan to tempt Job, but only under certain conditions and limitations.

What was Jesus first miracle?

Water is transformed into wine during the Marriage at Cana, also known as the Wedding at Cana, in the Gospel of John. It is the first miracle credited to Jesus in the gospel.

Temptation of Jesus – Bible Story

  • Three gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, tell the story of Christ being tempted by Satan. According to the Bible, after being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted in the Judaean Desert for 40 days and nights, according to the narrative. This is when Satan came to Jesus, attempting to lead him away from the path of righteousness. After Jesus had denied each temptation, the Devil withdrew and Jesus returned to Galilee, where he would begin his public ministry. Satan’s temptations included hedonism, egoism, and materialism, among other things. In his epistle, John the Evangelist divided these temptations into three categories: ″lust of the eyes″ (materialism), ″lust of the body″ (hedonism), and ″pride of life″ (egoism). In the Greatest Commandment, Jesus says that temptations are intended to deceive and corrupt three primary human traits: thinking, wishing, and feeling. These three characteristics are located inside the mind, soul, and heart, and are the targets of temptations. In three fields of human interest, they are tied to transcendentals or ultimate ideals: science (truth), the arts (beauty), and religion (goodness). Faith, hope, and love are the heavenly virtues that Christians are expected to seek out in order to be linked directly to God, who is the embodiment of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. As recorded in Matthew and Luke, ″the tempter″ or ″the devil″ tempts Jesus to do the following: ″Create bread out of stones to satisfy his own hunger
  • ″ ″Create bread out of stones to satisfy his own hunger
  • Jump from a cliff and trust on angels to save him before he plummets to his death
  • Beg Satan to bow down before you in exchange for all the kingdoms of the earth
  1. Find articles, videos, and audio sermons that relate to the tale of Jesus’ temptation in the scriptural passage below, as well as other resources related to this wonderful subject.
  2. Obtain a FREE copy of our 40-Day Lent and Easter Devotional, which is filled with daily Scripture readings, reflections, and prayers for the Lenten season.
  3. It is available for download HERE.
  4. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/KristiLinton

Jesus is tempted (Matthew 4:1-11) – The identity of Jesus – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

  • What does the Bible’s account of Jesus’ life teach us about his identity?
  • Examine the evidence
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  1. Jesus was brought into the desert by the spirit, where he was tempted by the Devil.
  2. Jesus was starving after forty days and nights of fasting and fasting.
  3. When the Devil urged Jesus to convert stones into bread, he said, ″Human beings cannot survive on bread alone; they require every word God says.″ The second temptation presented itself when Jesus was tempted to fling himself from the highest pinnacle of the temple and command angels to capture him.
  4. To which Jesus said, ″Do not put the Lord your God to the test.″ Last but not least, the Devil gave Jesus all of the kingdoms of the earth in exchange for his devotion of him.
  5. To which Jesus said, ″Worship the Lord your God and serve him alone!″ The Devil abandoned Jesus, and angels appeared to assist him.
  1. A stained-glass window representing Christ’s temptation is shown in the chapel.
See also:  Who Is Jesus Youtube?

Understanding the text

It is possible to get insight into the challenges that Jesus was grappling with during his forty days in the desert by looking at the three temptations recorded in Matthew.

  1. ″Tell these stones to become bread″ – The first issue that Jesus faced was deciding how to use his miraculous ability, whether to use it for his own selfish gain or to for the greater good of others. While fasting for forty days and nights, Jesus denied himself the option to eat anything to fulfill his need for food. In this way, it demonstrates that Jesus is not concerned with temporal things but rather with spiritual sustenance provided by God
  2. ″Fling yourself down″ – Jesus was instructed to throw himself from the highest point of the temple. When it came to this particular instance, the Devil himself used scripture. The challenge to Jesus this time was to abuse his position of authority. However, it also demanded that Jesus demonstrate that he was the Messiah and that God truly cared about him.
  3. This was an essential question for Jesus to deal with since he would be confronted with it on a number of occasions when people questioned his identity and authority.
  4. When Jesus was tempted to ″bow down and worship me,″ he was put to the test both in terms of his love to God and in terms of his desire for political authority. However, Jesus demonstrated that his vision of a Messiah was not one who possessed governmental authority, but rather one who placed God’s kingdom above all else.
  • Jesus replies to each temptation with a passage from the book of Deuteronomy, which is found in the Old Testament. That when Jesus is tempted and believes that he is in a tough circumstance, he turns to God’s word for direction is seen in this passage. Due to Jesus’ rejection of three false ways of performing his mission: providing only for people’s material needs
  • using his power to perform miracles and gain popularity
  • and giving in to evil in order to gain political power
  • as a result of his temptations, he was stronger and better prepared for his ministry.
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The Bible Journey

Mk 1:12-13 (New International Version) Early in the New Testament, Jesus is brought by the Holy Spirit into the Judaean Desert, where his willingness to obey God’s purpose is severely challenged by the’satan,’ (a Hebrew word that literally means the ‘accuser,″) The’satan’ (also known as the ‘devil’) is the one who accuses people at the last judgment and who tempts people to follow man’s ways rather than God’s ways.He is also known as the adversary of God (see Job 1:1-12, Zechariah 3:1-2, 1 Chronicles 21:1 and 2 on Map 5).The Judaean Desert, near the ancient city of Masada (Mark 1:12) The Temptations are a group of female singers that perform in a variety of styles.The devil tempted Jesus to change the stones into bread after he had fasted for forty days and nights (like Moses on Mount Sinai – see Exodus 24:18) and prayed for him to do so (see Matthew 4:2-4).The Judaean Desert is a desolate and stony landscape (see Map 5).

  • Some stones are coated in a thin layer of soft lime and, to the untrained eye, appear to like loaves of bread, making the temptation all the more difficult to resist.
  • Despite the fact that Jesus possessed the ability to convert stones into bread, he refused to accept the devil’s request by quoting from the Jewish scriptures: ″A person does not survive by eating merely food, but by everything God says″ (Matthew 4:4-5).
  • (see Deuteronomy 8:3).
  • The devil then took Jesus to Jerusalem, where he enticed him to hurl himself from the Pinnacle, which was the highest point of the Temple.

Jesus refused.Also from the Bible, he claimed to be Jesus Christ: ″If you are the Son of God,″ he declared, ″the angels will catch your foot in their hands so that you will not hit your foot on a rock″ (Matthew 4:6).(see Psalm 91:11-12).″It also states in the Scriptures, ‘Do not test the Lord your God,’″ Jesus said in response to the temptation to exalt himself a second time, this time using scripture.Matthew 4:7 (Matthew 4:17) (see Deuteronomy 6:16).

Because of the demolition of the Temple in 70AD, medieval Christian visitors mistook the Pinnacle of the Temple (the temple’s highest point) for the south-east corner of the Temple Mount (the highest point of the ruins of Jerusalem at that time).Jerusalem’s south-east corner of the Temple Mount is where we are now (Matthew 4:5) The devil then transported Jesus to the top of a very high mountain where he was shown all of the kingdoms of the world.From its high point of 2447ft/746m, the Judaean Hills provide expansive views westwards towards the Mediterranean coast and eastwards across the Dead Sea.

  1. The devil enticed Jesus by promising him all of the wealth of these kingdoms in exchange for Jesus’ submission and adoration of him.
  2. By obeying the word of God, Jesus was able to avoid the allure of money.
  3. ″Get the hell away from me, Satan!″ You must worship the Lord your God and serve him alone, as it is stated in Scripture.″ (Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:10) (see Deuteronomy 6:13).
  1. The location where Jesus was tempted by the devil is usually referred to as Jebel Qurantal (the’mountain of temptation’), which overlooks the Jordan Valley and is close to the ruins of ancient Jericho in Jordan.
  2. Visitors who walk from the foot of the cliff or take the cable car up to the restaurant will be rewarded with a wonderful view of the Jordan Valley from the Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Temptation, which was originally erected in the 6th century and restored in recent years.
  3. Continue to the next page

Mount of Temptation – Wikipedia

The Mount of Temptation (Arabic: , Hebrew: ) is a hill in the Judean Desert that is believed to be the location where Jesus was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:8).


This mountain’s exact position is not known at the present time.Generally, it is associated with Mount Quarantana or Quarantania (Arabic name: Jabal al-Quruntul, derived from its Crusader name, Mons Quarantana), a mountain rising to approximately 366 metres (1,201 feet) in elevation and towering over the town of Jericho in the West Bank, and commonly referred to as ″Mons Quarantana.″ ″A limestone summit on the route from Jerusalem to Jericho,″ according to the Catholic Encyclopedia (1907-1914), is what Quarantania is known for.The Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Temptation, also known as ″Deir al-Qarantal″ in Arabic, is located around halfway up the mountain.It is located above Qarantal, on top of a rocky outcrop, where a contemporary wall has been built over remnants of the Hasmonean (later Herodian) fortification Dok or Duq (1 Macc 16:15), which is recorded in the First Book of Maccabees and is referred to as Dagon by Josephus in his ″Antiquities of the Jews″ (Ant., XIII, viii, 1; BJ, I, ii, 3).The present wall was constructed during the end of the nineteenth century, when the Greek Orthodox Church wanted to build another monastery on the summit of Mount Scopus, but ran out of funding.

  • The cable vehicle that goes up to the Mount of Temptation In 1998, an Austrian-Swiss company constructed a 1,330-metre (4,360-foot)-long cable car from Jericho’s Tell es-Sultan, the mound on which the prehistoric and biblical towns once stood, to the level of the monastery in preparation for the year 2000, when a large number of tourists were expected to flock to the city.
  • The cable car is classified in the Guinness Book of Records as the ″longest cable car aerial tramway below sea level,″ and it is the longest cable car aerial tramway in the world.

In literature

A poem on the Temptation incident written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow includes a reference to the Mount of Temptation.

See also

This site is dedicated to Chariton the Confessor, a monk and saint who founded a lavra here at the beginning of the fourth century.


Further reading

The location is 31°52′26′′N 35°25′53′′E / 31.87389°N 35.43139°E. The time zone is GMT -5.

The First Sunday of Lent: Jesus is tempted in the desert // Faith at Marquette // Marquette University

As one Bible scholar pointed out, if Jesus had not revealed this event to some of his disciples, it would not have been included in the stories of his life and work.He is depicted as being susceptible to the deceptions of Satan.In the aftermath of his baptism, why would Jesus go into the desert for a forty-day retreat?For the same reason, individuals go on retreat: to reflect on who they are, where they are heading, and how they will get there in the best possible way.The blurring of one’s perspective on life occurs as a result of all the noise and bustle of everyday existence.

  • At his baptism, Jesus required time to process the revelation of his identity revealed to him by the words of his Father: ″You are my beloved Son, and my favor is upon you.″

Matthew 4:1-11

At that point, Jesus was brought into the desert by the Holy Spirit, where he was tempted by the devil.He had fasted for forty days and forty nights and had become hungry as a result.″If you are the Son of God, order that these stones be transformed into loaves of bread,″ the tempter said as he approached him and added.″It is written: ‘One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God,’″ he remarked in response.He was then taken to the sacred city, where the devil forced him to stand on the parapet of the temple and demanded that he throw himself down since he was the Son of God.

  • He will direct his angels concerning you, and with their hands they will support you so that you do not strike your foot on a stone, as it is written.
  • ″Again, it is stated, you shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test,″ Jesus said.
  • ″You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.″ He was taken up to a very high mountain by the devil, who showed him all of the kingdoms of the earth in all their splendor, and then told him, ″All of this I will give to you if you would prostrate yourself before me and worship me.″ ″Get out from here, Satan!″ Jesus said to him.
  • It is written: ″You shall worship the Lord, your God, and you shall serve him alone,″ says the Bible.

The devil then left him, and behold, angels appeared and began to tend to him.

Reflection from the Preface of the Mass:

Because of his forty-day fast, this is considered a holy season of self-denial. Choosing to reject Satan’s temptations has taught us to cleanse ourselves of the hidden corruption of evil, and in doing so to eat his paschal feast with purity of heart until we reach the fulfillment of the meal’s completion in the promised land of heaven.

Suggestions for Reflection

  1. Jesus was tested in the same way that we are. Temptations are not inherently harmful
  2. rather, it is how we respond to them that determines whether we turn to God or away from God. Do we perceive temptations as opportunities to turn to God rather than relying on our own abilities?
  3. Is there a difference between the ways Jesus was tempted and the ways we are tempted, or is there a similarity? Satan is inviting Jesus to deny his status as the Son of God, which is hidden under the surface of the various temptations he faces. What if our temptations are a call to abandon the sort of person we aspire to be and instead turn to harmful means of satisfying our needs?
  4. By refusing to give in to the temptations, Jesus opted to rely on his Father to fulfill his deepest hunger, to relate to people in a normal way, and to not place his trust in his reputation, power, or wealth to provide for him. How can we sate our most insatiable cravings? Do we rely on our position of prominence and power to make ourselves acceptable to others?
  5. Are we going to utilize the forty days of Lent as a period of retreat, setting aside time for extra introspection and prayer?
  • Next Week
  • Lent index
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Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 4:1-11 – New International Version

New International Version(NIV) Version

Jesus Is Tested in the WildernessA)″>(A)

4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be temptedB)″>(B) by the devil.C)″>(C) 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights,D)″>(D) he was hungry. 3 The tempterE)″>(E) came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God,F)″>(F) tell these stones to become bread.” 4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”G)″>(G) 5 Then the devil took him to the holy cityH)″>(H) and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,”I)″>(I) he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:“‘He will command his angels concerning you,    and they will lift you up in their hands,    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”J)″>(J) 7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”K)″>(K) 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” 10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan!L)″>(L) For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”M)″>(M) 11 Then the devil left him,N)″>(N) and angels came and attended him.O)″>(O) Read full chapter dropdown New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness

40 Days of Seclusion to Experience Jesus’ Temptations in the Wilderness The temptations of Jesus in the Judean desert took place immediately after John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, according to the Bible.You would expect that once Jesus had been supernaturally identified as the Messiah, he would begin to interact with large groups of people.In reality, no one was able to locate him.Jesus journeyed into the Judean desert, where he remained for forty days in solitary.A interesting one-on-one meeting between Jesus and the fallen angel Satan is recorded in the Gospels after Jesus and his disciples had been fasting for forty days in the desert without sustenance.

  • In the desert, Jesus was subjected to a number of temptations, which Luke describes as follows: Jesus, who had been filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days, where he was tempted by the devil.
  • ″ During those days, he didn’t eat anything at all.
  • And by the time they were through, he was starving.
  • The devil challenged him, saying, ″If you are the Son of God, order this stone to become bread.″ He refused.

Then Jesus said, ″It is stated, ‘Man shall not live by food alone,’″ he explained.And the devil lifted him up and showed him all of the kingdoms of the earth in a split second, telling him, ″To you I will give all of this authority and glory, for it has been handed to me, and I give it to anyone I like.″ ″If you would adore me, then you will have all you desire.″ And Jesus said, ″It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him alone shall you serve.’″ ″You shall worship the Lord your God, and him alone shall you serve,″ Jesus said.After that he brought him to Jerusalem and placed him on the temple’s pinnacle, where he addressed him as ″If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, ″’He will command his angels concerning you, to guard your life,’ and ″″On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.″ Then Jesus responded to him, ″It is written, ‘You must not put the Lord your God to the test,’″ and he listened.And after the devil had finished with him and his temptations, he withdrew from him until an appropriate time.(Luke 4:1-13) The Bible teaches that When Jesus is tempted in the wilderness, Scripture is the most effective defense.

In the desert, three themes recurred throughout Jesus’ trials and temptations.It was the so-called ″lusts of the body″ that were the subject of the first temptation.Jesus was starving, and Satan offered him the opportunity to turn stones into food.

  1. The second temptation dealt with one’s ″pride in one’s accomplishments.″ Despite knowing that God would send his angels to catch him, Satan pushed Jesus to fling himself from a height.
  2. The ″lusts of the sight″ were the subject of the third temptation.
  3. When Satan showed Jesus all of the kingdoms of the earth and their glory, he told him, ″If you would kneel down and worship me, I will give you all of these things.″ Notably, Jesus answered to each temptation with the words ″It is written,″ which were the first three words of his response.
  1. It was in quoting the Hebrew Scriptures, which he had been studying since he was a child, that Jesus found strength.
  2. In the aftermath of Jesus’ temptations in the desert, he journeyed back to the area of Galilee.
  3. The news of Jesus’ arrival spread over the entire countryside.
  4. He returned to Nazareth, his hometown, and began teaching there.
  • ″Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news of his homecoming spread over the entire surrounding region.
  • And he lectured in their synagogues, where he was praised by everyone.″ (See also Luke 4:14-15) Christ was tested in the wilderness, and he succumbed.
  • Randall serves as the principal writer for ColdWater’s Drive Thru History® television series and Drive Thru History® ″Adventures″ curriculum, both of which are produced by ColdWater.
  • Biography of a Professional

Jesus is Tempted in the Wilderness

Www.missionbibleclass.org has altered this clip art.Gospel Light has licensed original clip art from ″The Complete Bible Story Clip Art Book″ for use on this page.Permission has been granted to use.It goes along with the Bible lesson ″Temptation of Jesus,″ which is located at″ data-image-caption=″″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ src=″ alt=″8 Jesus Tempted″ a width of 300 pixels and a height of 200 pixels The parameters data-recalc-dims=″1″ data-lazy-src=″ and srcset=″ are both valid.″> Matthew 4:1-11 is the biblical reference.

  • The following is the suggested emphasis: Temptation comes from Satan, who is attempting to persuade us to do something bad.
  • Hold on to the truth of God’s Word.
  • ….….….….….….

Story Overview:

After being baptized, Jesus had to make a decision about the course he wanted to go with his ministry. Satan attempted to persuade Him to be the incorrect sort of Saviour. He enticed Him with feelings of superiority, power, and fame. Jesus remained steadfast in the Word of God and did not yield to the pressure of temptation.

Background Study:

This tale is also recorded in Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13, among other places.Despite the fact that Jesus might have used any number of powers, he opted to combat Satan’s onslaught by referring to the Scriptures.Keep this in mind as you prepare to teach bible class.The Scripture you instill in your kids today will be useful to them years later when they are confronted with adversity.Following his baptism, it appears that Jesus travels to the desert to be alone with God.

  • Several scholars think that the location where Jesus spent more than a month alone with God was in the highlands near Jericho.
  • This is a desolate and rocky landscape.
  • Jesus was in the desert for 40 days at the time of his death.
  • In an interesting analogy, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before finding their way home (Deuteronomy 8:2).

Fasting (going without food) was a frequent practice among the ancients to enable them to concentrate on prayer and devotion to God.This was a deliberate act on the part of Jesus, who wanted to make himself available and exposed to God.Jesus had to make a decision about the path he wanted to pursue his mission in.He was looking for God’s guidance.Satan launched an attack, seeing the possibility of a triumph over someone who was weak and hungry.

Every attack against Jesus was met with a quotation from Scripture written during the period when the Israelites were wandering in the desert (on their way to the Promised Land).As a general rule, Satan assaulted Jesus in three ways:

  1. First and foremost, Satan attempted to persuade a starving Jesus to convert stones into food. His hunger was no different from what we would have felt. He was just as hungry as we were. When Jesus ″became flesh″ (John 1), he was able to experience the same feelings of sorrow and emotion that humans experience. His capacity to perform miracles was not to be utilized to satiate human needs, as was previously stated. His authority was to be utilized to entice men to follow God. Although Jesus was tempted, he did not succumb to the temptation, instead turning to the Scriptures to emphasize that God is more essential than food (Deuteronomy 8:3).
  2. As a second measure, Satan attempted to persuade Jesus to put God’s strength to the proof by flinging himself off the highest point (pinnacle) of the temple’s roof. If Satan can persuade Jesus to have doubts about God’s power to save him, he will have shown a fundamental mistrust on Jesus’ behalf. Due to Jesus’ total faith in God, this strategy did not succeed. If we have faith in someone, we do not need to put them through any tests. For the final time in Scripture, Jesus referenced Deuteronomy 6:16
  3. and finally, Satan gave Jesus an opportunity to redeem the world without having to go through the agonizing experience of the crucifixion. He transported him to the summit of a mountain, where he could see all of the kingdoms of the globe. At first look, this may not appear to be a tempting proposition to us. But keep in mind that Jesus was entirely devoted to the lost. God’s purpose was for Jesus to suffer on the cross and for people all around the globe to have the opportunity to choose whether or not to follow him. Satan, on the other hand, was willing to just GIVE the world to him. If he were to defy God’s plan, he would be able to save the entire planet at once. However, Jesus chose the path of God once more, this time by responding to Satan with Scripture. Satan would never be worshipped by Jesus! The only thing he would do was worship God (Deuteronomy 6:13)

Following the temptations, Jesus was looked after by angels, according to Matthew 4:11 (NIV). top

Way to Introduce the Story:

Divide the students into two groups and have them participate in a game of ″tug of war.″ When you go home after the game, speak about how it feels to be pulled in two directions at the same time.″That is the nature of temptation.God is attempting to guide your attention in the path of righteousness.Satan is attempting to lead you in a route where you are doing something incorrectly.Satan will always try to persuade you to do terrible things, no matter how wonderful you are acting on the inside.

  • During today’s narrative, we’ll hear about how Satan even attempted to persuade Jesus to do something bad.
  • This is correct, the Devil even attempted to seduce Jesus.″ top

The Story:

  • We cannot see God, yet we are aware that he is constantly close by. He assists us and provides for our needs. He constantly wants us to do the correct things so that we would be pleased. He is a perfectionist. When we die, he wants us to come live with him in paradise with him. Satan is not visible to us, yet he is still alive and well. He’s a complete disaster. He attempts to persuade us to engage in harmful behavior. He does not want us to be resurrected and go to paradise once we die. Heaven is a joyous place where God resides with his family. Satan wants us to end up in a terrible location known as hell. Because God is never present in hell, no one can ever be happy there. Temptation: We all have those moments when we desire to do the wrong thing. It is called ″temptation″ when we have a strong desire to do something bad but are unable to do so because of our want to just forget about it and avoid doing it. When we have a strong desire to refrain from doing something that we know is right, we are experiencing temptation
  • temptation occurs when harmful and wrong things appear to be extremely appealing to us. Satan tempts us to do evil. We know he despises it when we are good, which is why he attempts to make evil things appear nice to us. Some of the time, Satan makes them appear so nice that we forget what God has spoken and just do the wrong thing instead.

After being baptized, Jesus withdrew to the wilderness to be alone with his thoughts.He came to the conclusion that he would pray and ponder about God for 40 days.Jesus fasted because he didn’t want to be distracted by anything else throughout his ministry.Fasting is defined as not eating for a period of time such that even our body prompt us to think of God whenever we feel hungry.When Jesus was in the desert, he fasted and did not consume any food for 40 days.

Satan was not pleased with this since Jesus was solely thinking about God.Satan resented the fact that Jesus was always morally upright.He made the decision to entice Jesus and attempt to coerce him into doing terrible things.Jesus was confronted by Satan, who tried to seduce him in three ways.Temptation 1: Satan knew that Jesus was starving, so he enticed him to use his abilities in a selfish manner, alone for his own benefit.

  • Temptation 2: Satan knew that Jesus was starving, so he persuaded Jesus to use his powers in a selfish manner, solely for his own benefit.
  • ″If you really are the Son of God, then use your unique skills to change these stones into bread,″ Satan replied.
  • Jesus was starving, but he was aware that God had instructed him to utilize his extraordinary abilities solely to benefit others.
  • His strength was not just for the purpose of feeding himself!
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Jesus sincerely desired to do the right thing.He realized that the most effective method to respond to Satan was to utilize God’s words.The fact that Jesus had memorized a large number of texts meant that he knew just which verse to use against Satan.″Man does not live on food alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God,″ he remarked, using a phrase from the Bible.After that, Satan brought Jesus to Jerusalem, where he entered the temple.

Temptation number two: Both Jesus and Satan were well aware that the temple was a holy site in the eyes of God.They were at the temple’s highest peak, which was a good vantage position.Satan’s goal was to get Jesus to have doubts about God’s ability.

  1. He advised Jesus that he should put God to the test to determine if his power was effective.
  2. Upon hearing this, Satan advised Jesus to leap from the temple and see whether God’s angels could catch him.
  3. Jesus, on the other hand, did not have to put God to the test.
  1. Jesus was already aware that God’s might was greater than anything the world could provide.
  2. Another Scripture from God’s word was revealed to Satan by Jesus.
  3. In other words, don’t put ″the Lord your God to the test.″ Temptation 3: You would think that Satan would have learnt his lesson by now, but he was still determined to see that Jesus made a mistake.
  4. ″If only I can persuade Jesus to do things MY way, then I will be more important to him than God,″ Satan may have reasoned.
  • As a result, Satan had one more tool in his arsenal to seduce Jesus.
  • Maybe this time he’ll be able to persuade Jesus to sin.
  • Satan escorted Jesus to the summit of a mountain that was quite high.
  • From the summit of the mountain, they had a panoramic view of the entire planet.
  • ″You claim to love all of the people on the face of the earth,″ Satan responded.
  • You express a desire for them to enter the kingdom of heaven.
  • What do you think about a deal?
  • If you would only do one simple act, I will assist all of the people on the face of the earth in their journey to paradise.
  • The only thing you have to do is to prostrate yourself and worship me instead of God.″ Do you believe that Jesus succumbed to this temptation?

No!Jesus had had enough of being a child.He urged Satan to get out of his path.

Of course he would never prostrate himself before Satan!Jesus had a deep affection for God.He was simply interested in God’s worship.For the third time, Jesus cited from the Old Testament, saying, ″Worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone.″ Then Satan turned his back on Jesus.

  1. After then, angels appeared and assisted in the care of Jesus.
  2. Do you believe Satan has given up on his attempts to seduce Jesus?
  3. He did not give up, to the contrary.
  4. Throughout the following three years, Satan attempted to seduce Jesus on several occasions, but Jesus never succumbed.

God recognizes that temptation is a tough thing to face.Even for Jesus, it was a difficult situation.We are all tempted to do the wrong thing from time to time.God is familiar with Satan’s cunning schemes, and he can assist us in saying ″no″ to temptation.We must remember God’s real words, just as Jesus did, and apply them to our lives.top

Ways to Tell the Story:

It is possible to tell this narrative in a number of different ways.Never stray from the facts provided in the Bible, but rather use drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student involvement and/or emotion to help youngsters connect to its significance.Visual aids and story-telling techniques may be found by clicking here.Download the slideshow by clicking here or download the photos by clicking here.Both options are available in PDF format.

  • Make your selections.
  • Because every teacher is different, only the visuals that are most relevant to the way YOU are teaching the tale in THIS session should be used.
  • Exclude any drawings that cover other topics or features that you do not want to emphasize in this lesson since too many illustrations might be confusing.

Review Questions:

  1. Was it ever a good idea to be tempted? Satan attempts to persuade you into doing wicked things.
  2. What happened to Jesus when He was being tempted? What did Jesus do in the wilderness every time Satan attempted to trick him into doing something wrong? He cited a passage from the Bible as evidence of this.

Song Suggestions:

  • If You Love Jesus Song
  • 1-2-3
  • If You Love Jesus Song The Devil’s After Me Song is a song about being pursued by the devil.
  • The song ″Shake the Devil Off″
  • For further possibilities, please see the Song Page on this website.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

  • (How can I select the most appropriate learning activities for my particular teaching situation?) Activities: Practice reciting the memory poems for this term. Consider the instances in which these passages may be useful in overcoming temptation. For example, when you believe it is hard to tell the truth, read Luke 1:37.
  • Using the letters in the word TEMPTATION, create an acrostic (in which each letter of one word is followed by the initial letter of another word). Write the letters on the chalkboard and then let your pupils to debate the responses they came up with. All of the terms can refer to items that your kids could find appealing. T stands for television, E stands for evil words, M stands for money, and so on.
  • Take part in the ″Temptation Game.″ Before class, you should write expressions of faith on index cards and bring them to class. ″We will not lie″ or ″We will not kill″ are examples of such a pledge. Separate the students into two groups. One team takes a card and reads aloud the declaration of faith that is printed on the card. The opposing side tries to come up with scenarios in which the other team would be tempted to do something they had previously stated they would or would not do. In the first group, they brainstorm strategies for overcoming the temptation. Finally, read 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • use a biblical dictionary or commentary to locate a sketch of Herod’s temple (which served as the Temple during Jesus’ time). Find out which section of the mountain would be the highest point (Matthew 4:5)
  • see Hebrews 4:15-16 for further information. Distinguish between temptation and sin in your discussion. Jesus was confronted with temptation, yet he did not succumb to it. Show older students how to use a concordance to locate verses about ″temptation″
  • use the church songbook to find and sing songs about temptation
  • and utilize the internet to find and sing songs about temptation. Songs such as ″Seek Ye First,″ This Little Light of Mine, and ″I’ve Got the Joy, I’ve Got the Joy″ (be sure to add the lyric about Satan sitting on a tack) are all good choices as well.

Crafts: On sheets of paper, write the words ″Jesus helps me to be good.″ This is something that younger children may paint and decorate with cheerful smiles and hearts.

On this website, you may find teaching ideas that can be used to any class by visiting the Teaching Ideas page. Printables for ″Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness″ may be found here and printed on A4 format paper. Tempted in the Wilderness″ printables to print on Letter size (USA) paper may be found by clicking here.

Other Online Resources:

  • Coloring paper and activities about Jesus’ temptation (courtesy of the Calvary Curriculum)
  • and
  • From YouTube, a 2.24-minute video clip of the narrative is available


Where did the temptation of Jesus take place?

Immediately following his baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus was subjected to 40 days and nights of temptation by the devil in the Judaean Desert.During this time period, Satan approached Jesus and attempted to entice him.After Jesus rejected each temptation, Satan withdrew from the scene, and Jesus went to Galilee to begin his public ministry.The Mount of Temptation is a place of temptation.One can also wonder, what is the significance of Matthew 4:10?

  • Matthew 4:10 is the tenth verse of the fourth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, which is found in the Bible’s canonical canon.
  • Jesus had already resisted Satan’s two previous temptations.
  • As a result, the devil has taken Jesus to the summit of a massive mountain and has promised him sovereignty of the entire globe in exchange for his submission to him.
  • Also, what is the location of the temptation of Jesus on the mountain?

Christ was tempted in the wilderness.It is recorded in three of the gospels that after Jesus was baptized, he walked into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days and 40 nights.During this time period, Satan came to Jesus and attempted to entice him on three separate occasions.On the fourth panel, a situation that is commonly understood as the third temptation of Jesus is represented.What is the significance of Matthew 4:4 in your opinion?

This passage is interpreted as demonstrating that Jesus does not make the same error they did and that he trusts in God to provide for his protection.The phrase ″man shall not live by bread alone″ has become a frequent adage in recent years, implying that individuals require more than just financial possessions in order to genuinely live.

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