When Did The Name Jesus Come Into Existence

This Is What Jesus’ Friends And Family Actually Called Him — And No, It Wasn’t Jesus

Even among people of different religious beliefs, the name “Jesus” is almost universally recognized. It may come as a surprise, however, that the name “Jesus,” which millions of Christians all over the world are urged not to use in vain, was not in fact the name of the historical figure. Despite the fact that the assertion appears to be controversial, the truth is that it is more of a translation issue.

What Was Jesus’ Real Name?

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons “Isous” is the Greek transcription of Jesus’ given name, whereas “Yeshua” is the late Biblical Hebrew form of Jesus’ given name. Of course, neither English nor Spanish existed in their present forms during the time when the genuine Jesus was living, nor was the New Testament written at the time that the original Jesus was alive. Jesus and his followers were all Jewish, and as a result, they all received Hebrew given names – despite the fact that they would have spoken Aramaic.

As a result, the majority of academics think that the Christian Messiah’s given name was really “Yeshua,” which was a very popular Jewish given name during Jesus’ lifetime.

This raises the question of how the name “Jesus” got to be unique in the first place, given that there were apparently so many individuals called “Yeshua” moving around at the time.

How “Yeshua” Became Lost In Translation

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Because of this, the King James Bible was written in the “I” spelling rather than the “J” spelling. Given the fact that not every language has the same sounds, people have traditionally adopted their names in order to be able to pronounce them in a number of different languages. Even in modern languages, there are discrepancies in how Jesus is pronounced from one dialect to another. In English, the name is pronounced with a hard “J,” yet in Spanish, the name is pronounced with what would be a “H” in English, despite the fact that the spelling is the same.

The New Testament was initially written in Greek, which not only has a completely different alphabet than Hebrew, but also does not include the “sh” sound present in the Hebrew word “Yeshua,” which means “Yeshua.” After deciding to use the Greek “s” sound instead of the “sh” sound in the name Yeshua, the New Testament authors added a final “s” to the end of the name to make it more masculine in the original language.

When the Bible was translated into Latin from the original Greek, the term “Iesus” was used by the translators to refer to the person who had given the name.

For decades, this inscription has been a typical feature of portrayals of the crucifixion in Western Christianity as “INRI,” an acronym for the LatinIesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, or “Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews,” which translates as “Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews.” Because Latin being the main language of the Catholic Church, the Latinized form of the name “Yeshua” was used to refer to Christ across the rest of Europe and beyond.

Even the King James Bible, which was first published in 1611, utilized the “Iesus” spelling.

How “Yeshua” Eventually Became “Jesus”

It’s difficult to identify precisely where the “Jesus” spelling originated, while some historians believe that a variant of the name that originated in Switzerland is the most likely candidate. It is more common for the “J” in Swiss to be pronounced like an English “Y” or the Latin “Ie” as in “Iesus.” In 1553, when the Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary ascended to the English throne, thousands of English Protestant intellectuals fled, with a large number eventually settling in Geneva. It was at Geneva that a group of some of the best English minds of the day collaborated to create the Geneva Bible, which was the first to utilize the Swiss spelling of the name “Jesus.” Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons A significant contribution to the popularization of the “Jesus” spelling was made by the Geneva Bible.

Eventually, it was transported to the New World on the Mayflower, which arrived in 1620.

As a result, the name used by English speakers today is an English adaption of a German translation of a Latin transliteration of a Greek transliteration of an initially Hebrew name, which was then adopted by the English language.

Then read about Jesus’ tomb being opened after it had been sealed.

The Grammarphobia Blog: How Jesus got his name

Q: As part of my preparation for a future lecture, I was wondering if you could tell me anything about how the name Jesus came to be used in English. A: I’d be interested in hearing if you have any information regarding how the name Jesus came to be used in English. In particular, how did it come to be spoken in such a different way from the original Greek/Latin language? A: The term “savior” was originally used to allude to Jesus in Old English, when it was referred to as ashlend, which means “savior.” Until the early Middle English era, the name “Jesus” did not appear in our language under its current spelling (1150-1250).

  • As far back as recorded history goes, the name didn’t begin with “j” and didn’t conclude with the letter “s” (the letter “s” didn’t exist at the time).
  • First, let’s take a brief detour into the etymology of the name “Jesus” before moving on to how the spelling formed in English.
  • It had been borrowed into Greek from the late Hebrew or Aramaic name Yeshua, which was a popular Jewish boy’s name at the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.
  • This name is also known by the variations Yehoshua, Jehoshua, and Joshua.
  • According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the omission of a final “s” was influenced by Old French.
  • As previously stated, the name “Jesus” was not initially spelt with a “j” since the letter “j” did not exist at the time of its creation.
  • Here’s how things progressed.
  • The consonant sounds “d” and “y” (which are akin to the sounds heard in the English words “odious” and “hideous”) were blended together and eventually became known as the “j” sound.

While this was going on, the guttural letter “g,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary, was experiencing its own metamorphosis, and began to have a “softer” sound, akin to that of the contemporary “j.” Clearly, European printers need a new letter to express a sound that had previously been represented by both the letters I and “g.” It was thus that the letter “j,” which in lowercase form resembled a I with a tail, first arose in 15th-century Spanish and afterwards in other languages that used the Roman alphabet.

The new letter was introduced in English during the mid-1600s as a tool for the publication of the King James Version of the Bible in 1611.

Despite the fact that the “differentiation of I and J, in form and value” was finished by 1640, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “the sense that they were, nonetheless, just forms of the same letter lasted for many generations.” It should be noted that “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name.

  1. As we’ve previously said on the site, “Christ” is a term that literally translates as “anointed one.” It is an Anglicized form of the GreekKristos and the LatinChristus, respectively.
  2. Not a modern construct that depicts the secularization and/or commodification of Christmas, to be sure.
  3. However, secularists are not to be blamed.
  4. This is due to the fact that the Greek word for Christ, o, begins with the letters “chi” (also known as “X”) and “rho” (also known as “P”).

In addition, the monks employed the abbreviations “X” or “XP” to represent “Christ” in their writing. Donate to the Grammarphobia Blog to assist in its ongoing operation. Also, be sure to check out our books on the English language.

Was Jesus a Common Name Back When He Was Alive?

Ary Scheffer created this painting in 1851. Image courtesy of the Walters Art Museum and shared via Wikimedia Commons. The name was used by a large number of individuals. It was extremely popular in first-century Galilee to be addressed by Christ’s given name, which is frequently romanized as Yeshua. (Jesus is derived from the transcription of Yeshua into Greek, which was subsequently translated into English.) Archaeologists have discovered the tombs of 71 Yeshuas from the time of Jesus’ death, according to the New York Times.

  1. (Ezra 2:2).
  2. The reason we refer to the Hebrew hero of Jericho as Joshua and the Christian Messiah as Jesus is not clear.
  3. Because the Greeks did not utilize the soundsh, the evangelists used anSsound in its place.
  4. Currently, the name Jesus is romanized as Iesous, which is derived from the oldest documented version of the name Jesus.
  5. It was a long time before the initial came about.
  6. Until the mid-17th century, there was no distinction between English and other languages.
  7. It was under the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary I that a group of English Protestants escaped to Switzerland and created the Geneva Bible, which was spelled in the Swiss style.

The Old Testament, on the other hand, was translated straight from the original Hebrew into English, rather than through the medium of Greek.

During this time, the Syrian Orthodox church’s sacred book, known as the Syrian Bible, is written in the Aramaic language.

As a result, the Syriac text makes reference to Yeshua.

It wasn’t Christ, either.

(This is referred to as “Jesus, son of Joseph” or “Jesus of Nazareth.” Galileans separated themselves from others who shared the same first name by adding either “son of” and their father’s name or their place of birth to the end of their names.

Inquire with the Explainer. The explainer expresses gratitude to Joseph P. Amar of the University of Notre Dame and Paul V.M. Flesher of the University of Wyoming for their contributions.

How did the name Jesus come about?

A variant of the Hebrew name Yeshua/Y’shua is derived from the Semitic root y—-, which means “to deliver; to rescue.” The name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua/Y’shua, which is based on the Semitic root y—- (Hebrew: y ), which means “to deliver; to save.” It is said to have originated in proto-Semitic (y’), and it appears in various Semitic personal names outside of Hebrew, such as the Aramaic name Hadad Yith’i, which translates as “Hadad is mine.

How did Jesus get his name?

Christ was not originally a given name, but rather a title derived from the Greek word christos, which is a translation of the Hebrew phrase meshiah (Messiah), which means “the anointed one,” as in “the anointed one.” Jesus’ disciples considered him to be the anointed son of King David, and some Jews anticipated him to restore the fortunes of Israel as a result of this title attribution.

What was Jesus name before he was called Jesus?

Jesus’ given name in Hebrew was “Yeshua,” which translates to “Joshua” in the English language. So, how did the name “Jesus” come to be given to us?

What is it about the name of Jesus?

Who was Jesus, and what is his significance in history? Most dictionaries will interpret Jesus’ name (which was presumably more correctly rendered as “Joshua” than “Jesus”) as “God is salvation,” which appears to be a more accurate translation. Using the term “God is salvation” implies that God is in a state of complete passiveness.

Was Jesus a common name when Jesus was born?

Yes. It is the Greek transcription of Joshua, which is appropriate because the New Testament was composed in Greek.

Did Jesus have a last name?

Jesus does not have a last name. He is simply known as Jesus. In those days, last names were not commonly used. Christ is not a personal name, but rather a title. Christ is derived from the Greek words for “anointed” and “Messiah,” and as a result, when Jesus was 30 years old, he was recognized as the “Christ” or “Messiah.”

What is God’s real name?

The Hebrew personal name for God, YHWH (often written “Yahweh”), is the name most widely used by those in the Middle East.

Is Yahweh God or Jesus?

YAHWEH was first conceived as the all-powerful creator, preserver, and redeemer of the universe, and later developed by the early Christians as their god who had sent his son Jesus to earth as the promised messiah. Islam, on the other hand, interpreted this same deity as Allah in their religious system.

See also:  How To Explain That Jesus Is God

How did Yeshua turn into Jesus?

A result of the countless translations that the Bible has undergone, “Jesus” has become the popular name for the Son of God in the modern day. His given name in Hebrew is Yeshua, which is a shortened form of the word yehshu’a. … When the name Yeshua is translated into the Greek language, from which the New Testament is derived, it becomes Isous, which is spelled “Jesus” in the English language.

What Zodiac is Jesus?

Because the account of Christ’s birth coincides with this day, many Christian icons for Christ include the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fishes, into their designs. The figure of Christ himself embodies many of the temperaments and personality features associated with the Piscean zodiac sign, and as such is regarded as an archetype of the Piscean sign.

Does Jesus mean Emmanuel?

Simon Ushakov’s Christ Emmanuel, a Christian icon with riza, was created in 1668.

Jesus Christ, according to the Gospel of Matthew, is referred to as Immanuel (God with us).

Is there someone named Jesus?

In the Latin language, Jesus is the masculine given name derived from the names IESVS and Isous (both Greek: o), which are the Greek forms of the Hebrew and Aramaic names Yeshua and Y’shua (both Hebrew: ). … JESUS CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST CHRIST (name)

How many names does Jesus have in the Bible?

Although the precise distinction between a ‘name’ and a ‘title’ may be open to debate, Cruden’s Concordance, which was first published in 1737 and has remained in print ever since, lists 198 different names and titles of Jesus in the Bible. Cruden’s Concordance was first published in 1737 and has remained in print ever since.

When did the letter J come into existence?

Both the letters I and J were employed interchangeably by scribes to indicate the sound of both the vowel and the consonant in their writing. Not until 1524, however, did Italian Renaissance grammarian Gian Giorgio Trissino, referred to as the “Father of the Letter J,” make a clear difference between the two sounds.

Where did the name Christ come from and what does it mean?

-Wally Grant et al. Jesus Christ has a lengthy and fascinating history! In the Old Testament, the Jewish people looked forward to the day when God would send a King to govern over the entire world, a King who would be chosen by Him. Messiah is the Hebrew term for this monarch, and it literally translates as “the anointed (chosen) one.” Several centuries later, the word Messiah was translated into the Greek word Christos in the New Testament. The Greek word Christ is the source of the English term Christ.

  1. His last name is not Christ, and neither is the word Christ.
  2. Today’s titles identify people’s work and aid in explaining what they do or who they are as individuals.
  3. Jim Brown, to mention a few examples.
  4. The fact that God’s Word, the Bible, refers to Him as “Jesus Christ” means that you may be certain that He is God’s one and only Son, who has been chosen to bear the punishment for your sins.
  5. Nobody else on the planet can claim the title of Jesus Christ, and no one else can rescue you (Acts 4:10-12) except Jesus Christ alone!

Was Jesus’ name really Jesus?

To be sure, all current scholars of antiquity believe that Jesus lived historically (or, at the very least, the overwhelming majority of them): He was a Galilean Jew who was baptized by John the Baptist before launching his own ministry immediately afterward. They also believe that he preached orally, was referred to as “rabbi,” and left no written records of his own, in a manner similar to that of Socrates. The majority of these experts likewise believe that Jesus was apprehended, tried, and killed by Roman officials.

  1. But was Jesus actually his given name?
  2. More information may be found at: Is it possible that Jesus and Joseph were true carpenters?
  3. It is the first chapter of Matthew that opens with a genealogy of Jesus that traces his lineage all the way from Abraham through David to Joseph, establishing Jesus as a descendant of the House of David from the beginning.
  4. Matthew’s Gospel has only one instance in which Jesus is referred to as “the carpenter’s son,” and that is on the cross (Cf.
  5. Contrary to this, his narrative makes it quite plain that Mary was engaged to Joseph when he discovered her “with child of the Holy Ghost.” During a dream sequence, an angel appeared to Joseph, indicating that the child was of heavenly origin.
  6. The passage itself reads as follows (see Matthew 1, 222-23): More information may be found at: What is the significance of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus being present during the Transfiguration?
  7. Since the angel also instructs Mary in the Gospel of Luke to name the infant Jesus (cf.

Her guardian angel assured her, “Don’t be scared, Mary.” You have gained favor with the Almighty.

So, did the angels misinterpret the prophecy in the first place?

Calling (e.g., “They shall call his name Emmanuel”) and naming (e.g., “You shall give him the name Jesus”) are two very different things.

More information may be found at: What is the significance of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus being present during the Transfiguration?

At first glance, the name, on the other hand, appears to have no Messianic connotations.

The long and somewhat convoluted version is that while the kingdom of Judah was at war with two neighboring countries, Isaiah abducted king Ahaz’s son, Shear-Jashub, and promised him that his enemies would not prevail against him.

The prophet Isaiah also mentions another kid, his own, who is named “Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz,” which is a symbolic name that translates as “hurry to the prizes.” These writings then describe a third kid, this one called Immanuel, who is mentioned as follows: Afterward, he added, “Hear ye now, O house of David; is it such a little thing for you to weary men, but are you willing to weary my God as well?” So the Lord himself will provide you with a sign; see, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, whom she will name Immanuel (God with us).

The butter and honey will be given to him so that he may learn to reject the bad and choose the right.

Matthew’s Gospel, on the other hand, interprets Isaiah’s words in a different way, seeing it as prophesying the arrival of the Messiah, the Incarnation of God, which literally translates as “God is with us.”

So, why the name Jesus, then?

The name is a formal title. The name Yeshua (the original form of the Hebrew name, which is a derivative of the earlierYehoshua) was rather widespread in Judea during the time of Jesus’ ministry. At least 20 separate people named Iesous may be found in the works of Flavius Josephus, the first-century historian, according to some estimates. Aside from that, he is not the first character in the bible to be called Yeshua (Joshua) (remember the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament?) The name is derived from the Hebrew language and meaning “God rescues,” “Yahweh is salvation,” or “Yah saves.” This is, in fact, the name by which Jesus is referred to throughout the Gospels.

Perhaps a middle name would be appropriate?

The name of a Jew in Jesus’ day was “Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth,” which was sometimes followed by either “son of” and the father’s name (as Philip refers to Jesus in John’s Gospel, “Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth”) or the name of the person’s hometown (as in Mark 10, 47, “Jesus of Nazareth”).

  • The Messiah, according to Isaiah’s passage, “shall be known as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,” among other titles (Isaiah 9, 6).
  • These are pretty distinctive characteristics that characterize who the Messiah is.
  • He goes by the name of Jesus, who is “the name beyond all names” (Cf.
  • Make sure to read through the slideshow below to learn about some of the most significant locations in Jesus’ life.

Why “Jesus’ name”?

Who was Jesus, and what is his significance in history? The Bible has a number of fascinating allusions, such as:

  • The Bible says that “to everyone who welcomed him, to all who believed in his name, he granted the right to become children of God.” “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he has loved us.” (John 1:12, New International Version)”And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he has loved us.” (1 John 3:23, New International Version)

Most dictionaries will interpret Jesus’ name (which was presumably more correctly rendered as “Joshua” than “Jesus”) as “God is salvation,” which appears to be a more accurate translation. Using the term “God is salvation” implies that God is in a state of complete passiveness. It essentially tells a person that “you must rely on God in order to be saved.” God and yourself will both be incredibly passive as a result of your actions! Ben Swett, on the other hand, offers a significantly more thrilling translation of the name “Jesus.” When I first read about it on this page, I was interested by it.

  • I checked up the verses in Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Scriptures. Joshua is a Hebrew word that meaning “Yah rescues.” Joshua is pronounced as Yahshua, which is pronounced as Yah + shuah. Yah is an abbreviation for Yahweh, and shuah is derived from the Hebrew word yeshuah, which means “to save, to save alive, to save.”

With another way of saying it, the most suitable translation for Jesus’ name is “God saves.” The inference changes quickly as a result, as Ben pointed out on his website. Believing in Jesus’ name is trusting that God actively cares about and is actively engaged in the process of saving wayward souls from hell. Consider the other scenario: someone who believes in the presence of God but does not believe that God is particularly concerned about them. Someone who does not understand a fundamental component of God and the nature of Divine love will have less motivation to become involved in rescue efforts himself/herself.

  • However, he is losing out on the entire splendor and majesty that comes with the realization that God Himself is reaching out to the lost.
  • In combination, you will be more likely to be accepted into God’s network/kingdom/family of individuals who are concerned about others and actively seek out and save the lost if you accomplish all of these things.
  • And, if you have a strong belief in God’s good intentions, you will become more like God (and, not coincidentally, Jesus as well): someone who is willing to care for and save others.
  • (And then goes on to save other people, too!) The power of the name of Jesus!
  • But hold on a minute, there’s more!
  • Jesus is the personification of God’s deliverance.
  • He saved, forgave, healed, and brought back to life.

Everything about Him, including His name, his actions, and his presence, has the same meaning, action, and outcome that everything else in the universe does.

We become a part of Jesus and a part of God, and we bring others with us, who in turn bring others.

As we follow the evolution of this saving grace, this vortex of multidimensional salvation, we will be able to say more about it (healing, incorporating, drawing closer, empowering, joy-producing, bringing others in, and then more and more).

If we believe that “all things were formed through him, and without him, there was not a thing made that was made,” we might go even farther (John 1:3).

According to what I’ve said above, Jesus and His Name represent the process of bringing everything to perfection.

Not only is God “the author and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2), but he is also the creator and perfecter of the cosmos. This is spelled out three times in the book of Revelation, which is rather fascinating.

  • “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is and who was and who is to come.” “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” (Rev 1:8) – the beginning, the process, and the perfect conclusion
  • “I am the beginning and the end, the beginning and the end of all things. I will offer freely from the source of life’s water to those who are thirsty. I will accept no price for this gift.” (Revelation 21:6) Rescue and life-giving qualities are reiterated in the words of Jesus: “I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13)
See also:  Where Did Jesus Go After He Died On The Cross

The Beginning, the Process of Perfecting, and the Perfect Ending are all described in detail. Our healing and being healed are drawn together in a joyful partnership by the Name of Jesus Christ. Name that perfectly expresses God’s character, passion, and love for us. From beginning to finish, this is the Name that saves, rescues, delivers, resurrects, and provides life. The all-powerful Person who started everything, redeems it, elevates it, perfects it, and brings it to a close. Enter, Lord Jesus, come into my heart!

Jesus,” which later employed the letter “J,” is a derivation from Greek “Iesous” and the Latin “Iesus” version.

Is the letter “J” found in the languages of Hebrew, Latin, or Greek? In the case of this question, the answer is no. In reality, the letter ‘J’ did not exist in any language in England until the 14th century, when it was introduced. It was not until the seventeenth century that the letter became commonly employed. The following quotation about the letter J is taken from theEncyclopedia Americana: “The letter ‘J’ did not appear in any alphabet until the fourteenth century.” Initially, either sign (J or I) was employed to represent the consonantal sound of the letter Y, as in the word year.

  • Until 1630, the practice of distinguishing between men and women was widespread in England.” Remember that the “J” letter did not appear in the original 1611 King James Version of the Bible since it did not exist at the time of the publication of the Bible.
  • Iesous was the spelling of Jesus.
  • In Hebrew, the name of our Saviour is Yahweh (read from right to left).
  • This article will also explore the grammatical faults that were made in the transcription of Yahshua’s name into Greek and Latin, which resulted in a significant alteration in the spelling of Yahshua’s name in both languages.
  • Around the 6th century A.D., Jewish Masoretic priests changed the vowel point in the Tetragrammaton YHWH from the letter “a” to the letter “e.” This resulted in the name Jesus being created.
  • Continuing a tradition that had been in place since the Messiah’s birth, the priests instructed the people that the name Yahweh was too sacred to utter, and that speaking this name was blasphemy and punishable by death if it was done in front of others.
  • Plim suggests a number of great websites that conduct significant study on the given name (see Resources).

(Please note that this is not an endorsement of their religious beliefs.) The Assembly of Yahweh has an outstanding essay on the letter J called “THE MISSING J” that deals with the letter J. There is also another website that has an article named “Our Saviour’s Name” that you may read about.

Yahushua is the True Name of the Messiah

Note that Joshua is spelled as Yoshua or Yahushua in Hebrew since there is no “J” sound in the language. In the English language, the letter J with its “J” sound did not appear until around 500 years ago. It is also possible that the letter “J” was not included in the original 1611 King James translation. (proof) The objective of this research is to establish that the Messiah’s given name was never “Jesus,” and that the name “Jesus” is actually a human creation. When we look at the King James Version of the Scriptures (KJV), we see an unusual difficulty with the translation: Acts 7:44 (KJV)Our forefathers built the tabernacle of testimony in the desert, as he had ordered, speaking to Moses and commanding him to build it in the manner that he had seen.

Isn’t this passage referring to Joshua, son of Nun rather than the Savior?

Another example (from the King James Version) is as follows: A second limit is set by God, who says in David, “Today, after such a long time,” as in “Today, if ye will hear his voice,” and “Do not harden your hearts,” as in “Today, if ye will hear his voice.” 8 As for Jesus, if he had offered them rest, he would not have mentioned another day later on in his discourse.

  1. All other translations use the word “Joshua” in this place.
  2. In the Greek/Latin distortion of the Messiah’s original Hebrew name, we get the solution to our question.
  3. This was the Messiah’s given name in the beginning.
  4. However, this term was derived from3091in the Hebrew language, which is.
  5. which is accurately called “Yahushua,” as stated above.
  6. This is a proven truth.

Secular References

“Jesus Christ—.,” according to the Encyclopedia Americana. The name Joshua was prevalent at the time of Jesus of Nazareth, despite the fact that Matthew (1:21) reads the name initially Joshua as ‘Yahweh is Salvation,’ and considers it particularly suited for Jesus of Nazareth.” (Volume 16, page 41) Encyclopedia Britannica is a reputable source of information (15th ed.) “Jesus Christ—.,” says the author.

A similar statement may be made about the name Jesus. It is the typical Greek version of the popular Hebrew name Joshua that appears in the Septuagint;.” (Volume 10, page 149)

Religious Scholars

Barnes’ observations: (Note on Matt. 1:21) He goes by the name of Jesus, which is the same as Saviour. It is derived from the word “save,” which means “to save one’s life.” Joshua is the same name in Hebrew as in English. “It is used in two places in the New Testament where it refers to Joshua, the Jewish leader who led the Jews into Canaan, and the name Joshua should have been maintained in our translation.” Marvin R. Vincent’s book, Word Studies in the New Testament, is available online. “Jesus.

Its complete and original form is Jehoshua, which is shortened to Joshua or Jeshua through contraction.” Jackson and Lake’s The Acts of the Apostles (The Acts of the Apostles) “Jesus— This is the standard Greek translation of the Hebrew Joshua.” “Jesus— This is the regular Greek translation of the Hebrew Joshua.” Smith’s Bible Dictionary (Smith’s Bible Dictionary): “Jesus Christ —- The name Jesus, which literally means Savior, was a common given name in ancient Israel, deriving from the Hebrew Jehoshua.” James Hastings’ A Dictionary of the Bible is a valuable resource.

  • Jesus is a Greek version of the names Joshua or Jeshua.
  • The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion contains the following entries: Jesus (The Name) — Matthew’s gospel describes it as a sign of His mission: ‘For He will deliver His people from their sins,’ says the gospel writer.
  • 374 in Vol.
  • It is possible to use a play on words (Yeshua, Jesus; yoshia, shall rescue) when speaking Hebrew, but not when speaking Aramaic.


As a result, it may be deduced that “Jesus” was not the Messiah’s given name when He was on the earth.

Exactly this is the goal of this research. For further detail on why we should use the Messiah’s given name, please see this page.

What Does the Name ‘Jesus’ Mean?

The name Jesus literally translates as “Savior.” It is the same name as Joshua, who appears in the Old Testament of the Bible. The crown of glory has been granted to our Lord because “He rescues His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). For sinners who are feeling the weight of the world, the name Jesus is a source of great encouragement. Considering he is already known as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, it is possible that he may have legally adopted a more prestigious title. He, on the other hand, does not do so.

In his own words, theSon of God is satisfied to refer to himself as Savior.

Where the Name Jesus Came From: Hebrew and Greek Origins

Eastern Bible Dictionary states that the name Jesus is a Greek variant of the Hebrew name Joshua, which was originally Hoshea (which means “salvation” in Hebrew) (Numbers 13:8,Numbers 13:16). This form was modified by Moses to Jehoshua (Numbers 13:16; 1 Chronicles 7:27), which is also known as Joshua. Then, following Israel’s exile in Babylon, it adopted the form Jeshua, which is derived from which we obtain the Greek name Jesus. It was given to our Lord to serve as a reminder of the purpose of his mission, which was to rescue mankind (Matthew 1:21).

The Importance of Jesus’ Title as Christ

Before and after the biblical Jesus, there have been a slew of persons with the name Jesus. However, only this Jesus is referred to as Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus, not the other Jesuses. The term Christ serves to further emphasize his exclusive identity and purpose. According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, the term “Christ” refers to the anointed one. The Greek term “anointed” refers to the Hebrew word “Messiah,” which is the title given to Jesus by the Romans. This term appears 514 times in the New Testament, all of which are associated with Jesus.

Jesus’ given name includes the terms Christ, Anointed/Messiah, which is significant because of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the coming Messiah.

The Meaning of Jesus’ Name as Savior

As previously established, the name Jesus refers to a rescuer. This is the unique role He has. He frees his people from the penalty of sin by washing them clean in His own atoning blood on the cross. He delivers people from the tyranny of sin by instilling the sanctifying Spirit in the hearts of believers. When He removes them out of this world and places them in His presence, He saves them from the presence of sin. The Lord will save people from all of the consequences of their sins when He returns to earth in a gorgeous form at the end of time.

  1. It is His responsibility and pleasure to extend mercy.
  2. (See also John 3:17).
  3. It has frequently been beneficial to them.
  4. It has relieved their burdened consciences and brought relief to their aching hearts, and they are grateful.

A common sensation for many people is described in the Song of Solomon when it says: “Your name is oil poured forth” (Song of Solomon 1:3). The individual who places his or her faith on “Jesus” rather than in nebulous notions of God’s kindness and goodness will be happy.

Why Do Christians Pray “In Jesus’ Name”?

Take a look at this video to hear Don Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality at Southern Seminary, discuss why Christians frequently finish prayers with the phrase “in Jesus’ name.” The act of praying in Jesus’ name signifies that we are come in the righteousness of Christ, rather than our own righteousness. Our prayers aren’t worthy of being heard by God, but Jesus’ prayer is, and we come in his name.” In addition, it implies that we are coming in and asking the kinds of questions that we imagine Jesus would ask if he were in our position.

“Because of Jesus, God hears our prayers.” You can listen to the remainder of the interview here.

What Does it Mean to Take the Name of Jesus in Vain?

The third commandment of the Ten Commandments states that one should not use God’s name in vain (Exodus 20:7). The phrase “in vain” refers to something that is “empty, idle, insincere, or frivolous.” As a result, to take God’s name in vain implies to speak it in a way that is empty, idle, insincere, or frivolous in its intent. And one of the most apparent methods of accomplishing this is by the use of profanity in one’s speech. We’ve all heard the name of Jesus used as a punctuation mark to emphasize a point.

“Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 reminds us that “God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should The name of Jesus carries great weight.

God desires that His people – His followers – never use His name in jest, but rather that they reverence it instead.

See also:  How Long Was Jesus Separated From God?

Research Source:

Dr. Walter C. Kaiser Jr., of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, has written a book on Jesus in the Old Testament. Based on the book The Gospel of Matthew by J.C. Ryle (Chapter 1). Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/Eskemar

The Controversy Over the Name of Yeshua

The Sea of Galilee, where Yeshua performed a slew of miraculous signs and wonders. Consequently, God raised him to the greatest position and bestowed upon Him the name that is above all names. Philippians 2:9 (Philippians 2:9) Some of our readers have recently inquired as to why we use the name Yeshua instead of Jesus in our writings. Many of our readers have urged us to use Yahshua rather than Yeshua, claiming that Yah more authentically expresses the divine essence of Yeshua and is the proper way to pronounce Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.

Another school of thought holds that Yeshua’s given name is the disparaging Yeshu. Which of the following is correct? James Tissot’s Yeshua Teaches People by the Sea is a short story.

Joshua and Jesus in Greek

Because the word “Jesus” appears more than 900 times in our English Bibles, some people are persuaded that the Jewish Messiah was known by the name Jesus. As a matter of fact, the name Jesus is an English counterpart (translation) of the Greek name Ios, which is pronounced as “eeaysoos,” and which is itself a transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is pronounced In this case, the idea that we must only use the name Jesus because it is the name used in the Brit Chadashah is not entirely correct.

  1. They claim that individuals who use the English name of Jesus or the Greek name of Iesous are summoning a pagan deity to their aid.
  2. Because the Greek alphabet does not have the letters “y” or “sh,” the letters “Ye” and “sh” in the name of Yeshua were written as “eeay” and “sh,” respectively, in Greek lettering.
  3. As a result, Yeshua’s Hebrew name was changed to Iesous’ Greek name.
  4. The name Yeshua is spelled in a variety of ways in Hebrew.

Joshua and Yeshua in Hebrew

The true Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua (), which literally translates as “salvation.” A abbreviated version of the Hebrew name Yehoshua (), which is spelled Joshua in English, and which meansthe Lord saves, theLord is salvation, or theLord will save. This shorter version of Yehoshua was widespread and popular in Jerusalem during the time of Yeshua, as evidenced by the fact that several ossuaries from that time period have the name. The names Yeshua and Yehoshua are referenced about 30 times in the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), and they are given to five distinct characters in the book of Genesis.

  1. In Israel, a number of ossuaries, or chests that served as the ultimate resting place for human skeletal bones, bearing the name Yeshua have been discovered.
  2. (Joshua).
  3. The nameHosheameanshe is a name that saves.
  4. Moses changes his given name to Yehoshua by taking the name Hoshea and adding the letter yud, which comes from the letter yud in YHWH, the heavenly name, to make it more meaningful.

Moses sent these men out to investigate the area, and these are their names.” (Moses gave the name Yehoshua to Hoshea son of Nun, who was his father.)” (See also Numbers 13:16.) When it comes to later books of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and among the Jews of the Second Temple era, the name Yehoshua Ben Nun is interchangeably used with the name Yeshua Ben Nun.

In Nehemiah 8:17, Joshua son of Nun, typically referred to as Yehoshua Ben Nun, is referred to as Yeshua Ben Nun. The days of Joshuason of Nun were followed by that of today.” James Tissot’s painting, Moses Blessing Joshua Before the High Priest, is available online.

Why Jewish People Call Him Yeshu

The name Yeshua appears just once in the Talmud (Rabbinic teachings), and that is in connection to Yeshua ben Jozadek (whom we mentioned above). All other occurrences of the name Joshua are translated as Yehoshua, with the exception of one individual, Yeshua of Nazareth, who is transcribed as Yeshu (). It has been proposed that this name is an abbreviation for the Hebrew phrase “Y’mach Sh’mo V’Zichrono” (May his name and memory be wiped away), however some have argued that it is a Galilean variant of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

Although He is frequently referred to by His given name, even the Israeli media, for the most part, refers to Yeshua by his given name, save in rare instances.

This name exists in the Ben Yehuda Hebrew lexicon as well as in most secular Hebrew works; nevertheless, the Hebrew spelling Yeshua () is used in New Testament translations into Hebrew, which is the same as the English spelling.

Is His Correct Name Yahshua?

Our readers have requested that Bibles For Israel use the name Yahshua rather than Yeshua in its publications. The majority of them think that, because the letter “Yah” is the first part of God’s personal name, “Yahweh,” it is also expected to be the first part of His Son’s name. No one, however, can be certain that His name is pronounced “Yahweh” because there are no vowels in the Hebrew language. What we do know for certain is that the usage of the word “Yah” in the Messiah’s Hebrew name is not supported by any evidence that has been uncovered in archaeological finds, such as the Dead Sea scrolls, in inscriptions, or in any rabbinical literature.

  • Because this name, which is considered to be pronounced as Yahweh, but some suggest Jehovah, is so sacred, it was only spoken outside of the Temple once a year on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) by the Kohen HaGadol (High Priest).
  • The name (Yah) is a name of God that is connected to the name (YHVH), and it is maybe a truncated version of the unutterable name (Elohim).
  • Many Hebrew names, such asElijah(Eliyahu), Isaiah(Yeshayah), and Jeremiah(Jeremiahu), are derived from this term.
  • The name “Yahshua,” on the other hand, does not appear elsewhere in the Bible or in the Hebrew historical record.
  • The name Yahshua means “Jesus” in Hebrew.
  • Sacred Name Movement (SNM), which employs its own unique Hebrew spelling of Yahshua (), which is not found anywhere else in the Hebrew Scriptures, adopted a form of this new spelling a few years later.
  • This name was given by Moses to Joshua the son of Nun, according to the organization Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua, which is affiliated with the Sacred Name Movement.

(8th issue of the YAIY Beacon, April-June 2013) Because the “oo” letter does not appear in either the Hebrew or English spelling of the name, it is necessary to modify the pronunciation of Hoshea to Hoshua in order to generate this novel combination, which is not found in any lexicon or dictionary.

It is necessary to begin with a fictitious Hebrew name in order to get at this rendition of Yeshua’s name. The Tetragrammaton (YHVH) is shown in a stained-glass window in the cathedral of Winchester.

Calling on His Name

Those who insist on using this pronunciation of Yahshua appeal to Yeshua, who states, “I have come in the Name of My Father,” as scriptural evidence for their position. (See also John 5:43) They deduce from this scripture that His given name must contain the letter Yah. However, as previously stated, this variation of Yeshua does not appear in any Hebrew or Aramaic sources. There is no historical evidence that Yeshua ever used the name of Yah in his ministry. While on the cross, Yeshua did not address His Father by his personal name, Yahweh, but rather by the phrase “around three o’clock in the afternoon, Yeshua cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, lemasabachthani?’ (which translates as “My God, My God, why have you deserted Me?”).

(See also Romans 10:13.) “For this reason also, God exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Yeshua EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (1 Thessalonians 2:9–11; see also Isaiah 45:23; 2 Timothy 3:16) He Heals the Lame is a novel written by James Tissot.

Not only does the Greek wordonomadoes relate to a person’s name in the literal sense; it also refers to the individual’s fundamental existence.

The name Yeshua means “salvation,” and it is exactly what Yeshua is and what he represents.

It also does not make sense that everyone who has sincerely loved and followed the Jewish Messiah throughout history has not and will not be saved simply because they did not speak this new form of Yeshua’s name, which was “revealed” to a select few during the early years of The Sacred Name Movement.

We do not receive it as a result of our deeds, and it has absolutely nothing to do with how we pronounce the Messiah’s name, as some believe.

Messiah himself declared, “I am both the resurrection and the life.” It is possible for someone who believes in Me to live even if they are killed.” (See also John 11:25) The Resurrection of Lazarus is a play written by James Tissot.

Writing the Sacred Names in Early Manuscripts

In the event that correctly pronouncing Yeshua’s name was critical to our salvation or even our faith, it would appear that the early scribes would have preserved the Hebrew names while copying the Gospels and Paul’s letters of instruction to the early Believers in the New Testament. This, however, is not the case. As an example, the earliest copies of the Gospel of John (known as P52 and P66) were created barely 50 years after the original authorship of the text. The pronunciation of Hebrew words is not attempted in these versions.

  • The name Yeshuais abbreviated as – (transliterated into English asJe – orYe – for the nameJesus)
  • The name Messiahis abbreviated as – (spoken asChr – for the Greek nameChristosor English nameChrist)
  • The name Elohimis written simply as -, which is short forTheosorGod
  • The name Abbais written as -, which is short forPater orFather
  • And the

A Torah scroll is written by hand by a Jewish scribe. They deliberately avoided depicting the hallowed names of God and the Messiah, rather than attempting to correctly reflect them as they were known at the time. This is in accordance with Jewish tradition, which calls for the use of euphemisms, letters, or syllables to prevent the names of God from being defiled, annihilated, or otherwise destroyed by mistake. The spiritual sensitivity that underpins the protection of God’s names, however, is now being referred to as a conspiracy two thousand years later.

Daniel Botkin, pastor of the Gates of Eden Messianic Congregation on the Yeshanet website.

According to him, in order to defend the usage of the name Yeshua, Dr.

It may appear to be a romantic concept to believe that Yeshua and Yahweh have the same pronunciation—Yah.

Furthermore, it is deadly heresy to assume that only this specific pronunciation must be employed in order to attain salvation, as many adherents of the Sacred Name Movement believe to be true.

Bibles for Israel believes that calling on the name of Yeshua, which in Jewish belief is a cry for salvation, is appropriate since the name represents the person and the character of the One who came.

Additionally, we believe in praying in the name of Yeshua.

It implies that when we pray, our petitions should be shaped by His agenda, ideals, and goals, rather than our own selfish desires and conceitful fantasies.

Because of what Yeshua has achieved via His holy life, His death on the Roman execution stake, His burial, and His resurrection, we can stand confidently in the presence of our heavenly Father.

We come with the knowledge that, as a result of His resurrection, He not only has the authority to forgive our sins, but also has complete triumph over death and has conquered the adversary once and for all in battle!

Consequently, God elevated Him to the highest spot and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the mention of Yeshua, every knee should bow, both in heaven and on earth and beneath the earth. Philippians 2:9–10 (Philippians 2:1–10)

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