What Does It Mean To Pray In Jesus Name

What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?

It is believed that Jesus Christ was born at Bethlehem, some six miles away from Jerusalem, sometime between 4 and 6 BC, according to tradition. To avoid a massacre of infant boys ordered by King Herod, his parents, Joseph and Mary, took him to Egypt. As a result of King Herod’s death, the family returned to their home in Nazareth, which is now in northern Israel. Jesus lived in Nazareth until he was about 30 years old, at which point he began traveling around the region, teaching people about God and urging them to make changes in their lives.

In addition, he was able to heal people of a wide variety of conditions.

He was followed by a large group of men and women.

It is important to note that Jesus’ teachings were revolutionary and counter-cultural.

  • Most of the Jewish religious leaders were enraged by his speech, which inspired and challenged those who heard it.
  • Around the year 30AD, Jesus was brought before a court of law and executed by crucifixion.
  • Within a few weeks of his resurrection, he appeared to more than 500 people.
  • The gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – are four books of the Bible that contain the majority of the information about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • They are not listed in any particular order.
  • Making an exact timeline is impossible as a result of this.
  • Academics have attempted to reconstruct the chronology of Jesus’ life by examining ancient Greek and Roman documents as well as astronomical calendars.

out of you shall come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.

It was predicted in ancient Hebrew writings that a Messiah would come to lead his people to freedom, writings that date back hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.

out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.

A one-of-a-kind conception resulted in the birth of Jesus!

As part of a census mandated by the Romans, who were in control of the region at the time, Mary and her husband, Joseph, go to Bethlehem, Joseph’s family’s hometown, to register.

Visitors to the infant pay their respects by bowed their heads in worship.

The Holy Family transports Jesus to Jerusalem, where he is presented at the temple, where they make sacrifices to God, when he is little over a month old (another tradition).

Wise men from the East have arrived in Jerusalem.

As a result of the possibility of a rival, King Herod requests the wise men to inform him if and when they locate the child.

The King of Bethlehem, Herod, is enraged and orders the execution of all boys under the age of two in Bethlehem.

Until Herod’s death, they will remain.

Jesus’ boyhood (about 8 AD) — he was left in Jerusalem.

With his parents, Jesus travels to Jerusalem for the Jewish celebration of Passover, when he is twelve years old.

They return to the location in search of the missing person.

Every everyone who heard him was astounded by his comprehension and replies, according to the Bible’s book of Luke.” At response to Mary’s question about his absence, Jesus responds, ‘Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?’ — the first evidence that he is aware of his divine nature.

  1. Jesus is baptized and then tempted by the devil around the year 28 AD, approximately.
  2. They are being encouraged to change their negative attitudes and behaviors.
  3. He claims that he is paving the path for a bigger instructor to come along after him.
  4. It seemed to be the instructor about whom John had been speaking.
  5. this is the one I meant.’ says John in the Bible’s book of John.

During Jesus’ prayer, according to the Bible’s book of Matthew, “heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in physical form, like a dove.” When the voice of God spoke, it said: “You are my Son, whom I adore; you have made me very happy.” Without further ado, Jesus embarks on a 40-day fast in the Judean desert.

  1. The demon has been expelled from the building.
  2. As if by magic, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove.’ When the voice of God spoke, it said: “You are my Son, whom I adore; you have made me very happy.” Approximately 28 AD A miracle is performed by Jesus when he recruits disciples.
  3. James and John, two additional brothers, are recruited by him after that.
  4. After that, he recruits Philip and Nathanael to his cause.
  5. about 28 – 30 AD After that, Jesus proceeds to educate and heal people.
  6. He begins to instruct and heal sick individuals who come to him for treatment.
  7. Upon arriving in Nazareth, many threaten to toss him down a cliff because of his religious beliefs and deportation.

Eventually, Matthew, a tax collector who was detested for his collaboration with the invading Romans, joins the movement.

Jesus is now being followed by large crowds.

Healings continue in the following days and nights.

Several people are raised from the dead by Jesus, including a widow’s son and an orphaned little girl.

His teachings on the Jewish Sabbath, as well as his apparent violation of Jewish law, have enraged religious authorities worldwide.

Jesus performs a miracle by calming a raging hurricane.

Jesus begins to foretell the events leading up to his death and resurrection on the cross.

When they act hypocritically, Jesus calls them out.

The arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus took place during the spring of 30 AD.

As the long-awaited Messiah, he is greeted with rapturous applause.

Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, agrees to betray the Lord.

On blasphemy charges, he is brought before Jewish and Roman officials.

On (Good) Friday, Jesus is crucified.

By the time his followers arrive to collect it on (Easter) Sunday, the body has vanished.

Over the course of the following six weeks, Jesus appears to his disciples as well as more than 500 more followers. Finally, on the summit of Mount of Olives, Jesus ascends into heaven in front of his disciples and vanishes from sight.

What Does It Mean to Pray in Jesus’ Name?

There is a great deal of power in the name of Jesus Christ. Calling on Him in prayer, on the other hand, is not a magic wand that will magically grant us our desires. Rather, it is a signal that we are setting down our own wishes as well as our preferred method of getting things done. We make a commitment to God to follow Him and to bring Him honor by doing so. In his piece for Crosswalk, Roger Barrier elaborates on this concept. “Some people misinterpret this text (John 14:13-14), believing that the phrase ‘in Jesus’ name’ is equivalent to a magic formula,” Barrier explained.

Praying in Jesus’ name entails praying with His authority and imploring God the Father to respond to our petitions on our behalf because we are praying in the name of Jesus, the Son of God.

“Praying and meditating through the names of Jesus helps us to increase our worship, foster spiritual growth, and strengthen our relationship with Jesus.” The phrase “in the name of Christ” has two meanings.

What Praying in the Name of Jesus Really Means

1. When we pray in Jesus’ name, we are reminded to rely on His strength and His will. Believers are encouraged to make requests that are in line with God’s purpose and plan for their lives. To do so, we must first inquire of Him as to whether or not our prayers are in accordance with His desire. God uses a variety of techniques to reassure his people that they are on the right road. As an illustration:

  • He has the ability to boost appropriate wants while decreasing incorrect ones. He may also use His Word to redirect a Christian’s actions or to affirm that they are on the correct path
  • This is another possibility.

God constantly makes His will clear to the man or woman who strives to understand what He wants from them. The Bible says (Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:13, James 1:5). 2. When we pray in Jesus’ name, we are reminded that we ought to exalt Him rather than ourselves. Invoking Christ’s name indicates that we want to be glorified by Him rather than by ourselves. “You ask and do not get because you ask with the wrong motivations in order to squander it on your pleasures,” James warns (James 4:3). Consider individuals who are attempting to pray their way out of a financial quagmire in order to better comprehend what I mean.

God can see through people’s motives.

The following is an excerpt from ” One Big Request ” by In Touch Ministries (used by permission).

How and Why Do I Pray ‘in Jesus’ Name?’

When it came to prayers, it was usually the final sentence that tied them all together; the ribbon on a nicely wrapped box. Rather than concluding with the words “In Jesus’ name, Amen,” I found it strange and unfamiliar when a prayer did not end with those words.

Unbiblical and uneducated to an almost frightening degree. It is after all, Jesus instructed us to pray in his name; thus, wouldn’t it be improper to conclude a prayer without saying those words? Is it merely a’magic word’ that sanctifies and blesses our prayers, or is it something more complex?

Biblical Support for Praying in Jesus’ Name

The notion of praying in the name of Jesus is unquestionably scriptural. According to John 14:13-14, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will accomplish, in order that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” Any request made in my name will be met with immediate action.” This principle is reiterated a few more times in the New Testament, including in John 15:16 and John 16:23-24. In these passages, it appears that Jesus is stating that any prayer offered in his name would be assured to be answered by God.

How Is ‘in Jesus’ Name’ Misused?

It is frequently misunderstood. And I’m not referring to when it’s employed just for the sake of repetition during mealtime prayers. The act of praying (or doing anything) in Jesus’ name is frequently employed as a means of forcing God’s favor; we are seeking to evoke God’s power over any and all of our actions and desires. Prosperity preachers will announce financial blessings toward their listeners “in Jesus’ name.” Fraudulent faith healers will command illnesses to depart “in Jesus’ name.” Prosperity preachers will declare financial blessings toward their listeners “in Jesus’ name.” Although our prayers are important, the book of James sends us a stern warning: “You ask and do not receive because you ask in the wrong way, intending to spend it on your passions” (James 4:3).

To believe that we may call the name of Jesus in order to satisfy our own desires is to cheapen and exploit God’s love and mercy.

So What Does ‘in Jesus’ Name’ Mean?

The act of praying in Jesus’ name is less about inserting the word at the conclusion of your prayer and more about placing your heart in the appropriate place when you pray.” When you pray in Jesus’ name, you are cognizant of two fundamental realities as you present your petitions to God: first, that Jesus is the Son of God, and second, that Jesus is the Son of Man. 1. Acknowledgement of His Intercession on Your Behalf There is a distinct difference between prayer in the New Testament and prayer in the Old Testament in this regard.

  • When Jesus climbed to the Father’s right hand following his resurrection, he assumed the role of our intercessor and advocate before the Father (Romans 8:34;1 John 2:1;Hebrews 7:25).
  • We come to him in prayer, not because of our own deeds or merit, but rather because of the name of Jesus, and we thank him for everything.
  • It is a statement about our connection with Christ.
  • His death, burial, and resurrection have brought us closer together.
  • When we pray in the name of Jesus, we are confessing that we would be separated from God for all time if it weren’t for the work of Christ.
  • Submitting to His Authority The Apostle John, who wrote Jesus’ instructions about praying in his name on the palms of his disciples, writes something in the book of 1 John that may give some more explanation on what it means to pray in Jesus’ name, and it is worth reading.
  • And I feel that the term “in accordance with his will” is strongly associated with the phrase “in the name of Jesus.” We don’t try to coerce Jesus into answering our prayers; rather, we offer our demands to him in humble submission and wait for him to respond.

In addition, your plea does not obligate Jesus to conform his will to yours.

Praying in accordance with God’s will is the same as praying in accordance with his character.

In other words, it is prayer in a way that sees life from God’s point of view.

What a privilege it is to be able to approach God at any time and from any location and present our pleas to him.

Aaron Berry is a co-author for the Pursuing the PursuerBlog, which he started in 2009.

His family and he presently reside in Allen Park, Michigan, where he is active in his local church and recently earned his MDiv degree at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Aaron is married and has two children. Image courtesy of GettyImages/Motorization

What Does it Mean to Pray in Jesus’ Name?

Note from the editor: Pastor Roger Barrier’s ” Ask Roger ” column runs on a regular basis at Preach It, Teach It. Crosswalk is a place where Dr. Barrier puts his over 40 years of pastoral expertise to work every week, addressing questions about theology or practice from laypeople and providing advise on church leadership difficulties. Send him an email at [email protected] with your questions.

Ask in Jesus’ Name

“And I will accomplish anything you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father,” says Jesus in John 14:13-14. You may ask me to do anything in my name, and I will gladly oblige.” Some people misinterpret this text, believing that the phrase “in Jesus’ name” is equivalent to a magic formula. Nothing could be further from the truth in this situation. Praying in Jesus’ name entails praying with His authority and imploring God the Father to respond to our petitions on our behalf because we are praying in the name of Jesus, the Son of God.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About The Ten Commandments

We may strengthen our relationship with Jesus by praying and meditating via the names of Jesus.

The Bible has over 200 different names and titles for Christ.

When you are reading the Bible and come across one of Jesus’ names, take a minute to pause and visualize Jesus improving that specific name in your mind.

Names of Jesus

Consider the scenario in which you are carrying a large bag of sins. You’re stumbling, falling, thirsting, and becoming weaker by the minute. Sin is ruthlessly dragging you down into the muck and mire. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Jesus appears. Consider the image of him wrapping his arms around you and professing his love for you. “If you’d like,” he continues, “I’ll be happy to carry that heavy luggage for you.” The sense of relief is palpable. Sins have been forgiven, and a new life has begun.

Bread:(Luke 4:8;John 6:35, 48)

According to the Bible, “Man shall not live on food alone, but on every word that emanates from the mouth of God.” “At that point, Jesus announced, ‘I am the bread of life.’ I promise that whomever comes to me will never go hungry.”‘ He’s been preaching nonstop all day. It’s getting late in the day. Consider the situation: 5,000 people are starving and have nothing to eat. In response, Jesus tells his followers, “Feed them.” “However, there isn’t a food shop in sight!” Peter laments. Andrew delivers him five little pieces of bread and two small fish, which he eats with pleasure.

  1. When Jesus rubs his hands together, a piece of bread emerges in his palms.
  2. Who was it who sowed the seeds?
  3. Who was responsible for watering the crops?
  4. Who was it that pounded the flour?
  5. There is no one.
  6. That was the one who caught the fish?
  7. They were never apprehended.
  8. There is no one.
  9. These fish were about 5 inches long and were served with a pickle-type relish to keep them wet.

He’s not only making fish, either. He’s putting together pickles! In the same way that bread provides sustenance for physical life, Jesus is the Bread that provides sustenance for spiritual life. I’m really hungry, Jesus. Please feed me. Inquire of the Savior about the food of life. Amen.

King of kings and Lord of lords:(1 Timothy 6:15;Revelation 19:16)

Consider the image of Jesus seated on a throne, surrounded by a throng of people from all over the globe. Everyone has bowed their heads in submission to Jesus Christ. With them, you prostrate yourself and proclaim, “Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Jesus appears to be standing right next you at that point. “I’m not going back, I’m going anywhere you want me to go,” you proclaim. Lord, please make me a spiritual father or mother; I’m willing to pay whatever price it takes.

Light of the World:(John 8:12)

With the assistance of your tour guide, you enter the Carlsbad caves. Multicolored stalactites and stalagmites are visible under floodlights, both hanging from the ceiling and sprouting from the ground. The water is dripping, dripping. Are you interested in seeing the dark in a way you’ve never seen it before? He takes his flashlight out of his pocket. “It’s so black you can taste it,” says the author. In the dark, he turns on his flashlight. You make a natural turn toward the source of illumination.

  • Consider how he took you out of the shadows and into the light.
  • Was your salvation a one-time event, or was it a gradual process that transpired over time?
  • Unbelievers, according to Paul, have had their eyes darkened by Satan, preventing them from seeing the wonderful light.
  • Prayerfully ask for the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your friends so that they may behold the light.

The Word of God:(John 1:1-4;1 John 5:7-8)

God said in the beginning, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” “All things were created through him, and nothing that has been created could have been created without him.” Logos is a Greek term that may be rendered as “word” in the English language. The term “logos” refers to the “unrevealed knowledge of God,” which is a philosophical concept from ancient Greece. The word of God is Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel of John, “at some point in time, the unseen wisdom of God took on a body so that he may dwell among us.” In addition, John informs us that at some point before to Jesus’ birth, the cosmos was formed.

In addition, the cosmos currently has a population of 1,000 billion planets.

Good Shepherd:(John 10:11,14)

At the time of the Bible, a good shepherd was prepared to put his own life in danger to defend his flock from predators. Jesus sacrificed His life for His sheep, and He continues to care for, nurture, and feed us today. “The Lord is my shepherd, and I will not be without him.” With his imagination, David pictured himself as a sheep looking up at his shepherd. Consider yourself to be a small lamb gazing up to your shepherd for guidance. I can feel the love and sympathy in his eyes when he looks down at you.

  • Consider the last time Jesus guided you through the valley of the shadow of death, and everything went smoothly.
  • However, there is more to your shepherd than meets the eye.
  • The Lord is my shepherd, and he is all that I desire.
  • Roger Barrier announced his retirement as senior teaching pastor from Casas Church in Tucson, Arizona.
  • House of Casas Church, where Roger worked for the better part of his thirty-five-year ministry, is a megachurch that is well-known for its well-integrated multi-generational ministry.
  • Dr.
  • His best-selling book, Listening to the Voice of God, published by Bethany House, is now in its second edition and is now available in Thai and Portuguese.
  • His most recent piece is “Got Guts?” Get your Godly on!

Pray the Prayer God Guarantees to Answer, from Xulon Press, is a prayer that God guarantees to answer. The pastoral teaching website he co-founded with his wife, Dr. Julie Barrier, may be accessed on Roger’s blog at Preach It, Teach It. The image is courtesy of Unsplash/Diana-Simumpande.

What Does It Mean to Pray in Jesus’ Name?

Throughout the whole Old Testament, there are numerous examples of prayer as well as encouragements to pray. Following that foundation, Jesus establishes the significance of prayer in His name in the gospels: “I will accomplish whatever you ask in my name so that the Father’s glory may be revealed through the Son’s sacrifice. If you ask for something in my name, I will make it happen “Jesus said this in John 14:13–14 (New International Version). “You have not requested anything in my name up to this point.

So, what precisely is Jesus saying here, exactly?

Is there another meaning to this?

What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?

In the early nineteenth century, police officers in England confronted fleeing offenders by yelling, “Police! Stop in the name of the law,” which meant, “Police! Stop in the name of the law.” Even if the offender couldn’t see the police, he or she understood who was ordering them to halt and by what authority they were doing so. This officer was dispatched to the scene in order to uphold the law with the authority of the monarch. Interestingly, it is remarkably similar to the experience that Peter and John had in front of the kings, elders, and scribes in Jerusalem: The following day, their governors, elders, and scribes gathered in Jerusalem, together with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander, as well as everyone else who belonged to the high-priestly family, to discuss the situation.

When Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, he addressed the crowd and said, “Rulers of the people and elders, if we are questioned today because of a good deed done to someone who was sick and are asked how this man has been healed, let it be known to all of you, and let it be known to all of the people of Israel, that this man is standing before you in good health by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified and whom God raised from Because they couldn’t send an email or make a phone call in an era where powerful people could, they transmitted their commands through agents who were authorized to speak on their behalf.

When the ambassadors issued commands, they did so with the authority of the person in charge of the delegation.

All authority in heaven and earth

When Jesus presented the Great Commission to the disciples, He began by demonstrating his authority by saying: And Jesus appeared to them and said, “Come, follow me.” “Everything in heaven and on earth has been handed to me as a result of this revelation. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have instructed you to do. You can rest assured knowing that I am with you always, until the end of the age “(Matthew 28:18–20, New International Version) Why is it so important to communicate to the disciples that He has now assumed universal authority?

  1. He is now delegating that power to them, and they will be despatched to various locations across the world to speak on His behalf.
  2. But keep in mind that he emphasizes that he has power both on earth and in heaven.
  3. Consider the scenario in which you wanted to obtain a bank loan but did not have the necessary collateral.
  4. This is a person who offers security for the loan in the event that you are unable to repay it.
  5. Even though I am unable to enter God’s throne chamber and begin asking for things on my own power and righteousness, Jesus is willing to sign off on my requests.

People who have been redeemed are now able to use the authority that He has earned. Despite the fact that it is not necessarily something we conjure by using the words “in Jesus’ name,” it is ours by faith when we are His.

Has Jesus written us a blank check?

Many organizations have borrowed the teachings of Jesus and twisted them to their own ends. They assert that if we are praying in Jesus’ name but are not seeing results, it is because we are doing some sort of error. After all, they claim, Jesus promised to accomplish everything we ask in His name, and He has fulfilled that promise. Is that correct? Is it possible to use Christ’s words as a blank check in prayer? No. No, not at all.

Understanding ancient education

Exaggeration and hyperbole were common in ancient Near-Eastern teaching, and they continue to be so today. When they intended to emphasize the importance of a certain topic, they would do it in a forceful and unnuanced manner. This is something you’ll see a lot of throughout Proverbs. Consider the following verse from Proverbs 22:6: Start youngsters off on the path that they should follow, and they will not stray from it even when they are adults. When you read this, it appears as though everything is crystal obvious.

  • No.
  • The way people in the Near East would place an exclamation point on an important notion was by exaggerating the importance of it.
  • If you listen closely, he makes a frightening succession of comments while talking about temptation.
  • It is preferable for you to start life with one hand than it is for you to enter hell with two hands, where the fire never goes out.
  • It is preferable for you to begin life disabled rather than to have two feet and be sent into hell as a result of your condition.
  • To have one eye and be cast into hell is preferable to having two eyes and being thrown into hell, according to the Bible “(Mark 9:43–47, New International Version).
  • It is His desire to express the seriousness of sin, and He accomplishes this by proposing the most unthinkable solution.
  • They would return home with this lesson firmly entrenched in their memories.

The importance of authority

When Jesus promises that anything you ask for in His name will be granted, he isn’t making a blanket declaration. It’s a matter of principle. It is so important to pray in Jesus’ name and with His power that Jesus expresses himself in the strongest possible terms. We are well aware that God will not respond to any prayer offered in Jesus’ name. Unless you specifically beg God to approve of your transgression, it is unlikely that this will occur. It is necessary that things requested in Christ’s power be in accordance with God’s will (for additional information on what God wishes, see 20 Bible Verses about Discovering God’s Will).

When has God provided an answer to your prayer? Please share your tale in the comments section.

What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?

In Jesus’ name, anything you ask for will be granted to you, according to the scriptures (John 14:13-14). But what exactly does this mean? Many parents and churches, in an attempt to follow Jesus’ teachings, teach (typically by example) that every prayer should close with the words “.in Jesus’ name, Amen” at the end of the prayer. Is this, however, what Jesus had in mind? There are others who carry this concept to an extreme, and they repeat the phrase “.in Jesus’ name” over and over again throughout their prayer, such as this:Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus to askyou Father for blessings on our time together, in Jesus’ name.

  • And we bring you Carol’s ailing cat, who is in our care.
  • And so forth.
  • Even when Christians are able to eliminate all repetitions of the words “Father” and “in Jesus’ name” from their prayers, it is still extremely usual for most Christians to conclude their prayers with the phrase “.
  • It is a habit that I am unable to quit.

Doesn’t Jesus tell us to pray in His name?

Yes, He does, in fact. This does not imply that we lavishly sprinkle our prayers with the magic words “in Jesus’ name,” or that we even finish up our petitions with these words, as He has instructed. When we do this, we are using the words “in Jesus’ name” as if they were some sort of magical incantation by which we may obtain whatever it is that we ask for in our prayers. However, it is not at all what Jesus intended, and in fact, mindlessly repeating the words “in Jesus’ name” in order to get what we ask for in prayer is the polar opposite of what Jesus intended when He encouraged us to pray in His name in the first place.

See also:  Where Did Jesus Get His Name?

What does it mean to pray “in Jesus’ name”?

Praise and worship “in Jesus’ name” refers to praying as though Jesus Himself were praying our prayers. When an envoy travels to another nation “in the name of the king” (or president), it is as though the king (or president) of that country is saying the words that the ambassador is delivering to them. The leaders of these other countries are expected to take the ambassador’s words as if they were spoken directly by the monarch (or president) of their respective countries. Obviously, the ambassador must be confident that what he says is exactly what the monarch himself would say before making his speech.

To be an effective ambassador, the envoy must be well acquainted with the mind, heart, and will of his or her sovereign to the point where the two minds are practically one.

To be effective in prayer, we must be so familiar with the mind, heart and will of Jesus in whatever issue we are praying about that we can utter the same exact words that Jesus would use if He were the one who was pleading with God.

How to Pray in Jesus’ Name

For example, to elaborate on what Jesus said in John 14:13-14, I believe His words could be paraphrased as follows:But when you pray, spend time thinking about what I value, what I have instructed you, how I lived my life, the kind of example I provided, the people I hung out with, the goals I sought to achieve, and my relationship with God. Take close note of everything I said and what I prayed for throughout my lessons. After then, make your desires known to God in light of what you’ve learned.

  1. And when you pray in this manner, you may be confident that your requests will be heard.
  2. Thus, in your dialogues with God, you may tell Him what is on your heart and on your mind, but you are also telling Him that you are trusting Him to make the greatest decision since you are unsure of what is best for you personally.
  3. Prayer with faith does not mean that we muster up so much “assurance” that God is compelled to perform what we ask.
  4. So let us refrain from praying with magical phrases in order to persuade or manipulate God into doing what we wish.
  5. Spend our time instead understanding the heart and thoughts of Jesus so that our prayers might be in sync with His requests, and then pray with humility and confidence in the knowledge that God will always do what is best for us.

Do you want to pray like never before?

Do you want to communicate with God in the same way that you communicate with a friend? Do you want to witness more miracles and answers to your prayers? For those of you who have concerns regarding prayer (and/or other topics), please allow me to give you some teaching and instruction on prayer to your email inbox. You will receive one or two per week, completely free of charge. To get started, please complete the form below. Thank you for taking the time to look at this website. However, this website is just for members of the Discipleship Group.

Members of the free “Grace” Discipleship group will need to upgrade their membership to one of the premium groups if they wish to continue their discipleship journey.

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What Does it Really Mean to Pray in Jesus’ Name?

Numerous things are accomplished in the name of Jesus throughout the Bible. Because of His name, the devils were rendered helpless in Luke 10, and we witness demons being thrown out in His name in Mark 16. Healing, salvation, baptism, and justification are all possible in Jesus’ name. As it is said in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, whether in word or action, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Consequently, it should come as no surprise that we would be called upon to pray in the name of Jesus.

  1. What does it mean to pray “in His name” imply exactly?
  2. “Really, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will grant you.” “Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will grant you.” You wouldn’t believe how many people take these passages out of context!
  3. When we say “in Jesus name, amen,” God is bound to perform our bidding.
  4. You have professors who are part of the “name it and claim it” movement who believe that they can move God’s hand with the force of their words (enriching themselves in the process).
  5. In no way should we treat the name of our Lord as if it were a magic formula, or as if it were a critical element in a spell that would compel God to perform our will.
  6. You have been given to Him.
  7. Nevertheless, I believe that the great majority of you who are reading this will see it as the man-centered false gospel that it is, and that only a small number of you will be in risk of asking in Jesus’ name for a private aircraft.

However, many of us make the opposite mistake: rather than taking these words as an incantation, we just add on “in Jesus name, amen” at the conclusion of our prayers without giving them any thought at all to their significance.

Our use of the word has become routine; it has become something we do to “wrap it up.” It provides an added depth of spirituality to our prayers, but we don’t give it much consideration when we are hearing or saying them.

In many cases, we are successful in compressing the meaning of this phrase to just four syllables, depriving it of the power that it should have had.

We certainly do not want to misuse the promises that God has made to us, but we also do not want to take them for granted, as some do.

Because it is repeated twice in these passages, it is possible that you have previously observed it.

The Lord promises us that “anything you ask in my name” he will accomplish, and that “if you ask me anything in my name,” he will do it as well. We have both the power of and the provisions for this promise included inside this statement.

Our central question must be: “What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?”

For the purpose of determining the answer to this issue, I’d like us to consider three characteristics of what it means to pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

1. Praying In Jesus’ Name Means We Approach God Based on His Merit, Not Our Own

As Christians, everyone of us is “in Christ” in some way. Our ruptured connection with a holy God has been repaired by this alone, and it is this alone that permits us to approach Him in prayer and enter into His presence in worship. Our own names have no authority or privilege unless they are associated with Christ. When an FBI agent arrives hammering on the door, he doesn’t shout “Open up! This is Carl!” or anything along those lines. “Open up, FBI!” he shouts instead. Carl’s name does not elicit the same response as the name of the business that he is attempting to represent.

  • For us, it’s the same situation.
  • When we have a correct knowledge of who God is, we will be astounded to discover that we may bring our pleas before His throne in His majestic presence.
  • He is Holy, Holy, Holy.
  • We have a mediator between us and God in the person of Jesus Christ.
  • If we want God to hear our prayers, we must abandon any notion that we have any claim on Him based on our own characteristics or achievements.
  • We should be able to claim the name of Christ because we should be able to acknowledge the magnificent grace that has been bestowed on us by God.

2. Praying In Jesus’ Name Means Seeking to Please Him, Not Ourselves

If a servant pretends to speak in the name of the king, but then acts or talks in a way that is contrary to the king’s wishes, he is acting outside of the power that has been delegated to him by the king himself. In the same way, our place in Christ is important. Whenever we pray to God in the name of our King, we must be careful not to ask for anything that Jesus Himself would not want. In our prayers to God, we realize that we can bring any number of petitions to His attention, but we also recognize that when we approach Him in prayer, we should desire the same things that our Savior does.

  • When we pray “in Jesus’ name,” we are expressing our desire to pray in a manner that is compatible with Jesus’ wishes.
  • To pray in Jesus’ name entails making requests in accordance with His will, which is a fundamental aspect of what it means to pray in His name.
  • And what is the will of Christ?
  • As a result, Jesus came to fulfill the desire of the Father.
  • Moreover, it is the desire of him who sent me that I should lose nothing of everything that he has given me, but rather that I should raise it up on the final day.
  • When we pray in Jesus’ name, we should pray for the things that please Him above all else, regardless of what we are praying for.
  • Consequently, to pray in Jesus’ name is to pray in the manner in which Jesus would pray.

In no way, shape, or form!

We, on the other hand, do not pray for things that are opposed to God’s plan or make claims to promises that He hasn’t made or fulfilled.

This scripture does not provide a method for bringing God’s will into alignment with your own, but it does promise power in prayer when you bring your will into alignment with God’s.

While he isn’t dragging the land towards him, he is drawing himself toward the land.

The act of praying in Jesus’ name entails praying in line with the will of God and praying in submission to the will of God, respectively.

Our prayers are not only offered on Christ’s behalf and in accordance with His desire, but they are also offered in order to bring glory to God the Father.

3. Praying in Jesus’ Name Means Treasuring God’s Glory, Not Our Desires

In addition to the condition “in my name,” there is additional qualification in this text. Take a look at John 14:13 once more: What you ask in my name, I will accomplish to the best of my ability, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” In order to bring honor to the Father, Jesus Christ came to bring glory to the Father, who is glorified in the Son. This reality is encapsulated in John 17:4, when Jesus declares, “I exalted you on earth, having completed the job you assigned to me.” ‘And now, Father, please glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world was created.’ When it came to His earthly mission, Christ’s primary objective and purpose was to bring glory to God; as a result, He established the pattern that we, as His followers, are to follow.

  1. In prayer, our primary objective should be for God to receive the glory due to His response to our prayers.
  2. Do your prayers reflect a sincere desire to see God glorified?
  3. One way to measure our faith is to look at how we respond when our prayers seem to go unanswered.
  4. Why not consider the possibility that God, in His great wisdom, will earn more praise from you for honestly enduring your trials rather than for having them removed?
  5. God cares about us too much to give us everything we ask for in return.
  6. It is certain that God’s holy will will be carried out, and we know that everything works towards the goal of giving God honor.
  7. However, if our primary goal is to glorify God above all things, our attitude to unanswered requests will be significantly different.
  8. Certainly, continue to come confidently to the throne of grace, to be persistent in your prayers, but believe that God’s response will be the greatest possible conclusion for your situation.


To pray in Jesus’ name implies that we approach God on the basis of Christ’s worth rather than our own, that we aim to please Jesus rather than ourselves, and that we place God’s glory above our own wishes. Praying in line with and obedience to God’s plan is the only prayer that will be answered. In addition, after reviewing the biblical qualifiers for this promise, I am hopeful that you would conclude that it is still sufficiently big. What exactly do we have in this section? What exactly is it that we are being told?

As a result, it’s no surprise that the Lord shared this message with His distressed disciples after informing them of His imminent departure from the world in the upper room.

Because we do not know what to pray for in the way that we should, the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that are too deep to put into words.

(See Romans 8:26-27 for more information.) We not only have the right to make petitions to a God who will graciously listen to them before discarding them, but we also have the assurance that our prayers will be answered if we ask in line with God’s will.

He is our role model for life. It is our mission to follow the resurrected Lord, who sits at God’s right side, listening to and responding to our petitions. Whatever we ask in the name of Jesus, our Savior will accomplish.

Three Responses to Rightly Understanding Praying in Jesus’ Name

So, how should we conduct our lives? What should we do in response to a reassessment of what it means to pray in the name of Jesus? Allow me to offer three improvements to your prayer life in order to bring it into line with what we have learned from God’s Word: First and foremost, let us make a conscious effort to remember the significance and power of the words “in Jesus’ name” as we end our prayers. May us be reminded of the magnificent truth of the Gospel and the incredible opportunity we have through Jesus to communicate directly with God each and every time we hear or speak it.

  • Are you hurrying through these words, or do you recognize how appropriate it is to present our pleas before God under the flag of Christ’s name?
  • Allow us to intentionally shape our pleas in the manner in which Christ would present them, and to do so in surrender to the will of God, when we pray.
  • Instead of this, are you communing with the Father, offering Him praise and sending Him petitions that will assist the advancement of His kingdom and glory?
  • When thinking about what it will be like in paradise, D.L.
  • Surely you and I would consider that a larger loss than being without food or drink for a day!
  • Don’t let the enormous privilege that is yours in Christ slip away from you.
  • Instead, we may confidently approach God’s throne of grace, bringing all of our demands to His attention and believing that He will act in mighty ways that are worthy of His great name.
See also:  How On Earth Did Jesus Become A God

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What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?

“In Jesus’ name, amen,” you might have heard someone finish a prayer with before. Have you ever pondered what that term means or where it came from in the first place? While Jesus and His followers were enjoying their final lunch together, He imparted some parting words of wisdom to them. One of the things He shared with them was the need of praying to God the Father on a regular basis. “And I will accomplish everything you ask in my name in order for the Son to bring glory to the Father and bring him honor.

While it is true that you can ask for anything and have it granted in Jesus’ name, this does not imply that you should do so as a guaranteed assurance that you will be granted your wish.

There are no magic words in this case.

God, this is something that I feel Jesus wishes for my life as well, therefore please provide it to me.” We’re also stating that what we’re asking for will bring respect and glory to Jesus and His name as a result of our actions.

If what we’re asking for doesn’t bring honor and glory to Jesus, then tacking on the phrase “in Jesus’ name” is completely pointless and has no meaning at all.

Take a look at 1 John 5:14-15, where the apostle John discusses prayer: “This is the assurance we have when we approach God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he will listen to our request. And if we know that he hears us—no matter what we ask—we may be certain that we will get what we have asked of him.” Did you take note of the essential terms in that sentence? If we ask for something according to His will, we shall receive it. In order to be faithful disciples of Christ, we must examine our motives when we ask for things in prayer.

Is your prayer a genuine expression of your desire to accomplish God’s will, or does it indicate a heart that is just concerned with itself?

God already knows what’s going on in your heart, and He sees what you truly think and desire in your heart as well.

The Ones About Prayer
  • What is the point of praying? What is the proper method of prayer
  • Is it necessary to pray aloud? What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus imply
  • Why isn’t God responding to my prayer
  • What am I doing wrong?
Writer/Editor: Catiana N.K.

Cat is the web producer and editor for 412teens.org. She has a background in journalism. She enjoys listening to audiobooks, cooking for the people she cares about, and illuminating a place with Christmas lights. Catiana likes spending time with her two teenage children, five socially awkward cats, and her incredible friend-family when she is not writing, cooking, or sketching.

Why do people say, “In Jesus’ name” when they finish praying?

It is much too common for individuals to use words in a ritualistic, religious manner without knowing why they are being used. However, the notion of praying “in Jesus’ name” has biblical origins and is the proper method to pray because of what it implies. All parts of one’s prayer life and the manner we pray should be the outcome of biblical insight and faith according to the promises, principles, and purposes of prayer as given in God’s Word. The teachings of Christ, as well as the writings of the apostles, are the sources of this phrase’s genesis.

  1. See also Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:14-16.
  2. He bore our penalty).
  3. He is the one way, the truth, and the life, and no one else can show you the path.
  4. We become the children of God and brought into a personal relationship with Him via trust in Christ.
  5. Anticipating His death, resurrection, and ascension to God’s right hand, Christ taught the disciples that they were to pray to the Father in His name.

Consequently, the biblical model for prayer is to address God the Father in the name of the Son and under the authority or supervision of the Holy Spirit. Related Topics: Prayer

Does the Bible Tell Us to Pray in Jesus’ Name?

What you ask in my name, I will accomplish to the best of my ability, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” 14:13 (John 14:13) “In Jesus’ name” has always been the closing phrase of my prayers from the day I first encountered the Lord when I was thirteen years old. It is what I was taught, even though I did not completely comprehend what I was being taught. A recent piece called into question my habit of using this term, which prompted me to consider my usage. This seems to be something that we’re expected to do.

In other words, is the phrase “in Jesus’ name” merely religious jargon?

Let’s go directly to the source and see what the Bible has to say on the subject in its entirety.

How to Pray

Throughout history, many individuals have used religious phrases and words during prayer without realizing why they were significant or what they were meant to imply. Instead, they merely repeat what they have heard their pastors, priests, and other religious leaders say. The phrase “in Jesus’ name” appears to fall within this category. It appears to be a wonderful little bow to tie around a well-crafted prayer that we are presenting to the Almighty. Is it merely a way to end a sentence? Alternatively, does it serve a purpose?

  • The Bible teaches us in John 14:6 that “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ ” “There is no other way to the Father but through Me.” This well-known passage of Scripture is familiar to many of us.
  • And thus raises the question of how one should pray in the correct manner.
  • You’ll observe that Jesus quickly concludes this prayer at this point.
  • He just puts a stop to it.
  • The answer is a resounding nay.

The Father’s glory will be shown in the Son, and everything you ask in My name, I will accomplish in order that the Father’s glory may be revealed in the Son.” Any request made in My name shall be met with immediate action.” Clearly, Jesus is instructing us to pray in His name, confident that He will fulfill our requests.

As a result, Father God will be exalted.

We cannot expect Jesus to appear out of nowhere and grant us our every want every time we pray.

Saying “in Jesus’ name” does not work like a magic formula, and Jesus is not a genie in a bottle, as some people believe. Because of our sin, prayer is a luxury that we do not deserve to enjoy. As a result, there are some requirements that must be met when we say, “In Jesus’ name.”

Have Pure Motives

Jesus is not the only one who desires to bring honor and glory to the Father. Believers should desire it as well, which implies that when we pray, we should focus on what He wants rather than what we want. First and first, God’s honor is paramount. James 4:3 in the Bible serves as a reminder of this. Our motivations must be clean in our actions. “When you ask, you do not get because you ask with the incorrect reasons, such as the desire to spend the money you receive on your pleasures,” says the author.

Later in the book of James, the apostle James quotes the passage from Proverbs 3:34, which states that “God resists the haughty, but offers favor to the humble.” Our prayers are more effective when we have a strong sense of purpose behind them.

If this is the case, we are abusing God’s favor and taking advantage of His love.

Pray for His Will

In order to bring honor to God, Jesus is not the only one who seeks to do so. Believers should seek it as well, which means that when we pray, we should ask not for what we desire, but rather for what He wants us to pray for. First and foremost, his greatness must be emphasized. According to James 4:3, the Bible warns us of this. No matter what we do, we must act with integrity. The reason why you don’t get what you ask for is because you’re asking with the incorrect reasons, such as the desire to spend the money you get on your pleasures.” We can pray “in Jesus’ name” all day long, but if our intentions are purely selfish, God will not respond to our prayer requests.

It is impossible for us to put our own interests ahead of God’s.

Pray with Your Whole Heart

When we pray from the bottom of our hearts, we are also praying within God’s will. “And you will seek Me and find Me if you seek Me with all your heart,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 29:13 is a biblical verse. A connection may be made between this Scripture and Moses’ command in Deuteronomy 6:5. It’s a component of the Shema, which is a basic command in the Jewish faith, which you may read here. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength, according to the Scriptures.

  • God will reply to us if we seek Him with all of our hearts and pray “in Jesus’ name.” When we pray, it is vital to remember that just because we seek His will does not guarantee that we will receive a beneficial outcome.
  • He is the one who understands what is best for us.
  • Other times, God may reject our request because our intentions are not pure.
  • We have not placed our complete confidence and recognition in Him and His righteousness.
  • We have inquired with an open mind and an open heart.

Because that individual should not be under the impression that he would get anything from the Lord; he is a man of two minds who is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:6-8 (NASB)

We are “in” Jesus

Remember that when we say “in Jesus’ name,” we are requesting the use of the Lord’s holy name, which is something to be taken seriously. And, we are actively commemorating His death and resurrection on our behalf by participating in the celebration. That we are allowed to pray “in Jesus’ name” is only possible because of His righteousness and atoning, sacrificial death on the cross. Pastor Don Whitney does an excellent job of describing this in further detail in this short YouTube video. On the subject of the meaning of “in Jesus’ name,” I really like what writer Aaron Barry had to say on Crosswalk.com.

  • It is a statement about our connection with Christ.
  • By participating in His death, burial, and resurrection, we have become one with Him.
  • Our existence is intertwined with His, and He is intertwined with our existence.
  • “We have faith in Him because we know that if we ask anything according to His will, he will listen to us.
  • Answered prayer always begins with faithfulness to God’s instructions and a real desire to stay away from sin.

The Right Attitude

Although the Bible does not directly mandate us to conclude our prayers with the phrase “in Jesus’ name,” it does provide us with guidance on the attitude and reverence we should have.

  • Have pure motivations that are not self-serving
  • Trust in God and accept His existence
  • Pray from the bottom of your heart and with humility
  • Make it your goal to exalt God rather than yourself. Recognize that you have been “in” Christ as a result of His finished work on the cross
  • And Follow God’s instructions and put Him first in your life

With the correct attitude toward God and an upright heart, we may boldly approach Him with our petitions, knowing that we are truly pursuing His glory and His will in our life. It is at that point that we may confidently proclaim, “In Jesus’ name.” Please follow and like us on Facebook:

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