What Did Jesus Say To His Disciples

24 Bible verses about Christ Speaking To Disciples

ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “12:49 (Matthew 12:49) “Look, here’s my mother and my brothers!” He exclaimed as He extended His hand toward His disciples. ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>Matthew 9:37 (KJV) “The harvest is bountiful, but the labourers are few,” He observed to His followers at that point. ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “Matthew 16:24 (KJV) “If anybody intends to follow Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me,” Jesus declared to His followers.

“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy,” He warned His followers under these circumstances, when so many thousands of people had arrived that they were treading on one another.

When Jesus had completed speaking all of these statements, He addressed His followers by saying, ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>Matthew 23:1 is a biblical passage.

ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “Jesus then brought them to a spot called Gethsemane, where He instructed His disciples to “sit here while I walk over there and pray.” Matthew 26:36 ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “Mark 14:32 is a biblical passage.

In addition, He did not talk to them without using a parable; rather, He was explaining everything to His own disciples in secret.

ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “Mark 9:31 is a passage from the Bible that says It’s because He was instructing His followers and informing them, “The Son of Man is to be put into the hands of mankind, and they will murder Him; and when He has been killed, He will rise three days later.” ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “The verse 10:23 in Luke 10:23 “Blessed are the eyes that see the things that you see, ToolsVerse page,” He remarked privately to the disciples before turning to them “”How difficult it will be for those who are affluent to enter the kingdom of God!” says Jesus to His apostles as He surveys the scene in Mark 10:23.

ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “>Luke 9:43 is a biblical reference.

In the meantime, as everyone was marveling at what He was accomplishing, He told His disciples, ToolsVerse page “>Luke 12:22 (New International Version) His followers were told that they should not be concerned with their lives, such as what they would eat, or with their bodies, such as what they would put on, as a result of what He had spoken.

“There was a rich guy who had a manager, and it was brought to his attention that this management was wasting his riches,” He said to the disciples at this point.

ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “17:22 (Luke 17:22) In response, He told the disciples, “There will come a time when you will yearn to witness one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not be able to witness it.” ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>John 11:7 (KJV) Then He *said to the disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” This was followed by a pause.

Then, as the entire congregation was paying attention, He told the disciples, “Never miss a post.” The Lockman Foundation in La Habra, California, was granted copyright rights to the New American Standard Bible in 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995.

All intellectual property rights are retained. Visit this site for information on obtaining permission to quote.

Bible Gateway passage: John 14 – New International Version

14″Do not let your hearts to get worried. A) The first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph of the first paragraph “>(A)You believe in God; B)”>(B)you also believe in me; C)”>(C)you believe in me as well.

2If my Father’s house did not have several rooms, I would not have told you that I was going there in the first place.

3And if I go ahead and prepare a home for you, I will return to you E) “>(E)and bring you along with me so that you might experience what I’m experiencing.

Jesus the Way to the Father

5Thomas G)”>(G)explained to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you’re going, so how are we supposed to know the way?” 6. Jesus said, “I am H)”>(H)the way, I)”>(I)and the truth, and I)”>(I)and the life.” K)”>(K)No one else can bring you to the Father but through me. (L)”>(L)7If you really get to know me, you will get to know my Father as well. M)”>(M)From this point forward, you are aware of him and have seen him.” The Apostle Philip N)”>(N)said, “Lord, show us the Father and that would be sufficient for us.” Jesus said, “Do you not recognize me, Philip, despite the fact that I have been among you for such a long time?” Anyone who has seen me has also seen the Father, and vice versa.

  1. 10Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in me, and that the Father is in the Father?
  2. Q)”>(Q)Rather, it is the Father, who is present in me, who is carrying out his mission.
  3. In truth, I tell you, whomever S)”>(S)believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do much greater things than these because I am departing to the Father.
  4. 14 You may request anything in my name, and I will fulfill your request.

Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit

15″If you truly love me, you will obey my commandments. V) a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal “Moreover, I will inquire of the Father, and he will provide you with another advocate.

  • W) What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • X)”>(X)The world is unable to accept him, Y)”>(Y)because it has neither seen nor heard of him before.
  • 18I will not abandon you to your fate as orphans; Z) “>(Z)I’ll make my way to you.
  • AB) AB) AB) AB) AB) “>(AB)Because I am alive, you will also be alive, The day AD)”>(AD)20comes, you will understand that I am in my Father’s presence, AE)”>(AD) “>(AE)And you are in me, and I am in you, and you are in me.

I will love them and show myself to them.” AG)”>(AG)The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, AH)”>(AH)and I will love and show myself to them.” 22Then Judas Iscariot (A.I.) “”But, Lord, why do you want to show yourself to us and not to the rest of the world?” (AI, not Judas Iscariot) questioned.

  1. (Although it is not a must.) “>(AL)24Anyone who does not love me will not follow my teachings, and this includes you.
  2. (A.M.) “>(AM)25″I have spoken all of this while remaining present with you.
  3. (Associated Press) “The rest of what I have said to you will be recalled by the assistant principal (AP).
  4. >(AQ)27Peace I leave with you; my peace is given to you.
  5. Please do not allow your hearts to be worried.
  6. 28 I said, ‘I’m going away and I’m coming back to you,’ and you heard me say it.
  7. AU) AU) AU) AU) AU) AU) AU) “>(AU)Because the Father is greater than I, I must submit.
  8. The prince of this realm, AX)”>(AX), is on his way, so I won’t say anything more to you at this time.

He has no power over me,31but he comes in order for the world to see how much I love the Father and how much I follow the commands of my Father in all I do. AY) AY) AY) AY) AY) AY) “>(AY)”Come on, let us get out of here.


  1. John 14:1 is a verse from the book of John. Alternatively, believe in God. John 14:7 (KJV) Some manuscripts are available online. You would know if you really knew who I was if you knew me well. 14:17 (John 14:17) There are several early texts and there is

Cross references

  1. Jn 14:1:ver 27
  2. John 14:1:S Jn 3:15
  3. John 14:2:Jn 13:33, 36
  4. 16:5
  5. John 14:3:ver 18, 28
  6. S Mt 16:27
  7. John 14:3:S Jn 12:26
  8. John 14:5:S Jn 11:16
  9. John 14:6:S Jn 6:35
  10. John 14:6:S Jn 10:9

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

Bible Gateway Recommends

When Jesus first appeared to the disciples, he informed them that He would transform them into something different: “Come, follow me,.and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Their previous vocation of catching fish was transformed into a mission of fishing for people, which they completed successfully. Throughout the journey, Jesus taught them to share with others, link people to God, and minister to those in need at each stage. In order for a disciple to develop and become a spiritual adult, the Holy Spirit works inside them to bring about a heart change:

  • They make the transition from being self-centered to being others-centered
  • Their motivation shifts from being self-centered to being God-centered
  • They have a strong desire to serve and lead

When you notice that the individual you are discipling is exhibiting these symptoms of heart transformation, you must provide them with a chance to serve the Lord.

Jim Putman, author of this blog, is one of the speakers at this year’s National Disciple Making Forum. Learn more andregister here.

Jesus took use of regular chances to teach and train his disciples to serve and minister to those in need. The feeding of the five thousand is one instance in which we can witness Jesus’ deliberate leadership in action, and it is recorded in the Bible. During this occasion, go through John 6:1-13 and take note of all the times Jesus had his followers minister to the people on his behalf. As a result of this miracle, the disciples gained a better understanding of ministry as well as a better understanding of Jesus.

  1. He provided the disciples with hands-on training in the art of providing care for others.
  2. So, what are some examples of areas where we may provide opportunities for the folks we are discipling to serve?
  3. It may not turn out to be a long-term match in terms of talent or ability, but serving alongside someone they are familiar with and comfortable with can help put them in a better position to succeed in the beginning.
  4. If you are unable to find a place for them to serve in your church during the week, try inviting them to join you when you are serving during the weekend services.
  5. If there is an activity taking place in your neighborhood that you are volunteering to assist with, inquire as to if they would want to participate as well.
  6. A terrific area to be involved and love on our neighborhood, and it leaves a lasting effect on all who see it.
  7. In order to assist your disciple become a disciple maker, it is necessary for you to be purposeful as a leader in releasing your disciple to minister to others.

To effectively disciple someone, you must first understand where they are spiritually and then know where you are guiding them spiritually. The following are six activities that Jesus performed with his disciples to prepare them for ministry to others: 1.

  1. It was Jesus who led them to a location or scenario where there was another person in need
  2. Prior to this, Jesus had provided them with genuine instruction
  3. Jesus had linked them to God and to one another
  4. And Jesus had connected them to themselves. Jesus had equipped them and allowed them to carry out mission
  5. Jesus revealed information that was unfamiliar to them
  6. Jesus shared truth that was unfamiliar to them. Because they were all present, Jesus served as a role model for discipleship.
See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Worship

Jesus taught and modeled for his followers, fully expecting them to reach the point where they would be able to go out and create disciples for themselves. It is inevitable that disciples would always be reliant on God, which is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to them when he left them. However, Jesus guided his followers to become spiritually mature disciples who were in turn able to create further disciples. And because it was successful, we are now disciples. Jim Putman is the author of this piece.

With permission, this image has been used.

10 Bible Verses About Making Disciples

A disciple is someone who is entirely committed to their master. The relationship extends beyond the status of a student or apprentice. They don’t only study a craft or a topic; they also learn to live their teacher’s life in the process. As Christians, we are called to be disciples, aiming to conduct our lives in accordance with Jesus’ teachings. Making disciples is an important part of becoming a follower of Jesus. According on who you ask, you will most likely receive many very different explanations of what it means to make disciples and how to go about doing so, depending on the person you speak with.

Here are some Bible scriptures that speak to the importance of producing disciples:

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20)

In order to fulfill this commission, “Go then and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in my name as well as his son’s name as well as the name of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to follow all I have ordered you.” And without a doubt, I will be with you constantly, till the end of the era.” The Great Commission, which is arguably the most famous passage in the Bible on making disciples, is the passage in which Jesus sends his 11 apostles out into the world to proclaim the gospel.

In this text, Jesus also explains what he means by “creating disciples,” which includes baptizing individuals and instructing them on how to follow his instructions.

Mark 16:15

“He told them to go throughout all the globe and preach the gospel to every creature on the face of the earth.” “The disciples went out and preached everywhere,” Mark’s parallel account of the Great Commission continues, “and the Lord worked with them and proved his message by the signs that accompanied it” (Mark16:20 NIV).

Acts 1:8

But “‘when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,’ you will acquire authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In this passage, Jesus names the disciples his witnesses, urging them to tell others about what they have seen and heard while in his presence. Making disciples allows us to share not just reports of what the disciples witnessed, but also our own personal accounts of what we’ve personally experienced as we’ve walked with Jesus.

Romans 10:14–15

“How, therefore, can they call on the one in whom they have lost faith? And how can they put their faith in someone they have never heard of before? And how are they supposed to hear if no one is preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they have been commissioned to do so? “How lovely are the feet of those who deliver good news!” it says in the Bible. Everyone can benefit from the good news of Jesus Christ and the redemption he provides. Paul emphasizes the significance of creating disciples by pointing out the obvious: you only believe in Jesus because someone shared the gospel with you before you came to faith in him.

Making disciples is rooted in our own faith, which we have only because someone shared the gospel with us in the first place. Making disciples is about continuing the cycle of redemption by passing on the faith that has been handed to you through the generations.

John 1:45

“Philip tracked down Nathanael and informed him that “we have discovered the one Moses wrote about in the Law, as well as the one about whom the prophets prophesied—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” The first time Philip saw Jesus and learned who he was, he quickly wanted to tell his companion about his discovery. Our desire to create disciples should be motivated by obedience, but it should also be motivated by love for others—after all, if we think Jesus is who he claims to be, why should we keep that belief to ourselves?

John 15:16

According to the Bible, “‘You did not pick me,’ but I chose and appointed you so that you may go and bear fruit, fruit that would stay,’ and so that anything you ask for in my name will be granted to you by the Father.” As disciples, we are maturing and becoming more like Christ. The only way this can happen is if we have spiritual empowerment. Jesus refers to himself as the vine, and his disciples as the branches of the vine (John15:5). They were chosen by him for a specific purpose, and in order to accomplish that goal, they needed to remain linked to him, the vine (John 15:6).

Ephesians 4:16

“Every supporting ligament joins and holds together the entire body, which grows and builds itself up in love as each portion does its function.” The moment you accept Jesus as your Savior, you become a member of his body (1 Corinthians 12:27). Each member of the body of Christ is responsible for his or her own task. We were all created for a certain purpose, and as disciples, we all have a role to play in the advancement of the kingdom.

Matthew 4:19-20

As Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me.’ I will send you out to fish for people,’ he said.” They immediately abandoned their nets and followed him.” Many of the earliest disciples were fishermen, as was the case with Jesus. Jesus took something they were intimately familiar with—their profession—and transformed it into something completely different. He utilized a word image that they could relate to in order to entice them away from their previous life. When we ask people to follow Jesus as disciples, Jesus may utilize what they know to accomplish something they could never have dreamed on their own.

Titus 2:3

“In the same way, educate the elder women to be respectful in their way of life, not to be slanderers or addicted to excessive amounts of drink, but to teach what is right.” Making disciples entails more than just imparting knowledge to others. In this passage, Paul instructs Titus to educate the elder women in the church—those who would be discipling younger women—and to emphasize the need of setting a good example. It’s critical for everyone of us to recognize that others are following the example we’re establishing.

2 Timothy 2:2

The things you have heard me say in the presence of numerous witnesses, entrust to trustworthy individuals who will likewise be equipped to teach others.’ Timothy is reminded by Paul that he cannot carry out all of the responsibilities of ministry on his own.

He needs to develop a group of disciples to whom he may assign the task of disciple-making in the future. Delegating labor and appointing people to suitable tasks is a vital component of the process of developing disciples who, in turn, will make disciples.

Go and make disciples

Are you ready to begin creating disciples now that you have a better understanding of what the Bible says about it? We’ve put up a collection of methods and materials to assist you in spreading the gospel. Take a look at these.

7 Verses That Call Us To Be Disciples Of Jesus

Throughout the New Testament, you will come across ordinary and improbable people who have been called to serve as Jesus’ Disciples (followers). Andrew and Peter were fishermen who were ignorant and considered to be of low social standing; Matthew worked as a tax collector, which was equivalent to confessing you were a crook in those days. These guys were taken by Jesus and used to become some of his early followers. So, what exactly does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and how can we gain a deeper knowledge of this through the scriptures?

His willingness to lay down His life so that we could one day be able to walk beside God once more.

As soon as we come to comprehend and turn our lives up to Jesus, we are no longer just considered followers of Jesus Christ, but we are also obligated to spread the gospel and disciple others.

I’ve chosen seven Bible texts that, in my opinion, invite us to follow Jesus as disciples.

7 Bible Verses That Call Us To Be Disciples Of Jesus

When the world hates you, remember that it was the world that despised me before you. If you belonged to the world, it would adore you as its own. As things are, you are not a part of the world, yet I have selected you from among the people of the world.” These two verses couldn’t be more accurate, and they reflect something that Christians go through on a daily basis. Jesus was the most lovely guy who ever walked the face of the world, yet he was also the most despised and mistreated. Despite this, he was well aware that many would reject what he had to say or what he had to offer to God’s people.

We are continuing to press on and endure with what we know to be true in our hearts, as well as sharing the Word with others.

2. Matthew 28:19-20

‘So go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and training them to follow everything I have told you.’ And without a doubt, I will be with you constantly, till the end of the era.” Some material in the Bible includes layers of meaning that must be deciphered, and then there are lines like Matthew 28:19-20 that are straightforward.

These two verses make it quite clear what we as disciples are expected to accomplish.

We as Christians need to remember this while we are teaching or sharing our relationship with Jesus. This might be one of the most difficult demands Jesus has for us, but it is also the most effective approach to spread the gospel.

3. John 21:17

“On the third occasion, he addressed him directly, saying, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was saddened when Jesus questioned him, for the third time, “Do you love me?” Peter didn’t know how to respond. Lord, you know everything; you are aware of my affection for you,” he said. “Feed my sheep,” Jesus instructed. John 21:17 is a fantastic passage to live by! Jesus refers to himself as our shepherd, and we are referred to as his sheep in the Bible. In the same way that a shepherd directs his sheep, he is the one who is leading us.

Jesus asks this because he knows that if Peter genuinely loves him, he would continue to feed the knowledge of God via the preaching of the gospel even when Jesus is no longer physically present among his followers.

See also:  How Many Times Did Paul See Jesus

4. Matthew 4:19

I’ll send you out to fish for people,” Jesus replied, inviting people to come and follow him. This is the location where Jesus first encounters Simon named Peter and his brother Andrew, both of whom worked as fisherman. They didn’t know who Jesus was at this time, but he assures them that if they follow him, they will be able to fish for people. I’m sure they were a little perplexed at first as to what he was talking about, but they eventually caught on. We may have a strong desire to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus, and that desire may be both overwhelming and perplexing.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you,” Jesus said.

5. John 8:12

“When Jesus spoke to the people for the second time, he said, “I am the light of the world. Following me will never be in the dark, but will always have the light of life in their hearts. Analogies are something I enjoy, and Jesus did as well! When Jesus was sent down to us, the earth was once again corrupted, dark, and wicked, as it had been before. He was sent to this place to be the light he is alluding to, to break the cycle of darkness that God’s people had become used to through the centuries.

It will also draw people who are lost in the darkness and seeking liberation from their sin to the light of the gospel.

6. 2 Timothy 2:2-3

I will commit the things you have heard me say in front of many witnesses to persons who are trustworthy and competent to educate others as well. “Come and suffer with me, as a worthy soldier of Christ Jesus,” I invite you. After accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are required to not only develop in our faith but also to share that understanding with others. In this passage, we read 2 Timothy 2:2-3, in which Paul instructs Timothy to pass on his identical instructions to others in order for them to promote the Gospel as well.

Paul also understands that this voyage will be rewarding for Timothy, but that he will also face hardships along the way.

7. John 12:26

“Anyone who serves me must follow me, and everywhere I go, my servant will there as well. “The one who serves me will be honored by my Father.” What a tremendous verse, and what a wonderful verse to conclude a discussion on discipleship with! Those of us who will follow Jesus and minister to him in accordance with his teachings will be judged worthy in the eyes of the Almighty when we do. As a result, He will respect and honor us. When we make the decision to follow Jesus, we are called to engage in the process of discipleship.

We actually have the capacity to alter someone’s course of action!

Also, please see the video below for the most current sermon from our church!

3. Jesus Calls His Disciples (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-34; Luke 5:1-11)

TITLEMain PPT TITLEMain In conclusion, Jesus asks us to follow Him, and it is up to us to decide whether or not we will. “Come,” says the key verse. “Follow Me,” Jesus exhorted his followers. “I’m going to turn you into people fishermen.” – Matthew 1:17 Materials: two sheets of plain white paper


Say:Forgiveness for sins is a lovely gift from our Creator. It is everyone’s desire to get genuine forgiveness for their misdeeds. As soon as John the Baptist stated that Jesus was the Lamb of God who had come to bear the sins of the world, crowds gathered around him, claiming to be followers of Jesus (John 1:29). Call for a volunteer from the group. Say something like: “I want you to emulate whatever I do.” Continue to demonstrate how to create a paper airplane in small steps, allowing the pupil to mimic your movements.

  • Thank you for your assistance.
  • He was meticulous in his replication of my actions.
  • Today’s topic is the “students” of Jesus, who are those who follow him.
  • Hisdisciples were the people who began to follow Jesus after he had risen from the dead.
  • The process of becoming a follower of Jesus is often a step-by-step one.

Jesus’ Call (Luke 5:1-11)

Say this: Peter, Andrew, James, and John were all fisherman in their own right. Their occupation was fishing. You may spend the afternoon fishing with your friends. These individuals were skilled fisherman in their own right. Every day, they let their nets down, caught the fish, cleaned the fish, and then sold the fish to the public. They repeated the same actions day after day after day after day after day. They were walking down the street when Jesus came up to them and promised to convert their routine into a fantastic experience.

  1. The people gathered around Him and listened intently to what He had to say.
  2. They had been left there by the fisherman, who had been cleaning their nets when they discovered them.
  3. Jesus urged him to accompany him a short distance from the coast.
  4. As soon as he was through speaking, he turned to face Simon (Peter).
  5. Allow the nets to be lowered in order to catch some fish.” – Luke 5:1-4 (KJV) Question: Do you believe Simon Peter will actually LISTEN to Jesus?
  6. All through the night.
  7. If he allowed them to fall into the sea once more, the nets would be suffocating in salt water, and Peter would have to wash them all from scratch.

However, when Jesus instructed him to cast his net into deep water, Peter put his faith in Jesus and followed his instructions.

We must, on the other hand, constantly act in the manner of Peter, obeying and believing Him.

Those who put their confidence in God will always be rewarded.

“However, because you have spoken so, I shall lower the nets.” They were successful in catching a huge quantity of fish as a result of their efforts.

As a result, they signaled to their teammates in the other boat to come and assist them.

– Luke 5:5-7 (KJV) When Peter witnessed the MIRACLE that Jesus performed, he bowed his head at Jesus’ feet.

“I am a sinful human being.” (See Luke 5:8 for more information.) Peter came to the realization that JESUS WAS GOD, and he worshipped Him right there in the stinky boat full of fish, where he was.

Say:This was a significant milestone in Peter’s journey to become a follower of Jesus.

Jesus assured Peter that he had nothing to be scared of, and from that point on, instead of catching fish, Peter would capture people.

This would be a significant adjustment for Peter, who had spent his whole life as a fisherman.

Think about Jesus instructing you to leave everything you’re doing right now and go and do something completely different.

This might be an indication that God foresaw Peter’s reluctance to join Jesus because of his responsibility as a father to his children.

Despite the fact that Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3), He was more knowledgeable about fishing than Peter.

Application: There is no more exciting existence than one that has been entirely surrendered to God. When Jesus Christ assumes control, things begin to heat up! Being a sincere disciple of Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of living a life on the edge!

Following Jesus

Say: Let’s look at Peter’s reaction to this miracle and see what we can learn from it:

Following Jesus begins with seeing yourself as a helpless sinner.

Suggest: Let’s look at Peter’s reaction to this miracle and see what we can learn from him.

Following Jesus means knowing that He is God!

In this way, Jesus demonstrated to Peter and the other disciples that He was unlike anybody else – that He was God. Remember the story: Jesus helped the disciples catch so many fish that TWO boats began to sink as a result of their efforts. When Peter witnessed this miracle, he was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God (Matthew 16:16).

Following Jesus means that you have FAITH – you trust Him to provide everything you need.

“My God will provide for all of your needs,” writes Philippians 4:19. He will meet them in accordance with the tremendous riches that have come to you as a result of your membership in Christ Jesus.” Everyone need that his or her bodily necessities be met; Jesus demonstrated to Peter that He supplies all we may possibly require. Everyone is in need of forgiveness for their sins. That was offered by Jesus. Those who place their confidence and trust in Jesus will even be given the opportunity to experience ETERNAL LIFE.

Our unfailing Provider, Jesus, PROVES to us that He is who He says He is.

As a result of what the Bible teaches and the ways in which we have witnessed God act in our own lives, we are certain that we can put our confidence in Him.

Following Jesus means saying YES to Him and NO to other things.

“My God will provide all your wants,” writes Philippians 4:19. Those needs will be met in accordance with the amazing resources that have come to you as a result of your membership in Christ Jesus.” Everyone requires that his or her bodily necessities be met; Jesus demonstrated to Peter that He supplies all we require in order to live well. Forgiveness is required by everyone who has sinned. That was made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice. Those who place their confidence and trust in Jesus will even be given the opportunity to experience ETERNAL LIFE!

Jesus PROVES to us that He is our dependable Provider by providing us with the following: Informed by knowledge and experience, faith can be established.

Following Jesus means that we must LISTEN, OBEY, and do things HIS way!

Lost people were invited into God’s kingdom because Jesus came to bring them back. If we want to follow Jesus, we must pay attention to what he says, obey what he says, and be cautious to do things His way. Peter and his pals had to give up their fishing as a means of supporting themselves. Despite the fact that they were skilled fishermen, Jesus had a far larger and more significant purpose for them. If you are a sincere follower of Jesus, He may instruct you to do things in a different way than you have previously done them.

  • Application:Are you willing to follow in His footsteps?
  • In other words, a disciple is someone who follows another person and his or her teachings.
  • True discipleship comes at a price.
  • Jesus had just picked these individuals to be His disciples and to accompany Him on His mission.
  • The more time they spend with Jesus, the greater faith and confidence they will have in Him.
  • PPT VERSE KEY “Come,” says the prophet.
  • “I’m going to turn you into people fishermen.” – Matthew 1:17 PPT THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE The main point is that Jesus invites us to follow Him, and it is up to us to decide whether or not we will.
  • All rights are retained around the world.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the Scriptures are drawn from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®), and the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®).

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Did Jesus Say He’d Return within His Disciples’ Lifetimes?

Being firm believers in the internal integrity of the biblical text, we are frequently perplexed when we come across sections that appear to contradict other passages. Examples include three occasions in the New Testament Gospels when Jesus delivers a somber prophecy that, at first look, appears to indicate that he believes his second coming would occur before all of his first followers have perished (Mark 9:1; 13:30; Matt. 10:23). This would definitely be an issue if Jesus had prophesied anything like this, both historically and theologically.

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We will spend the most of our time on Matthew 10:23 since it is the most challenging passage.

Mark 9:1: Anticipating His Transfiguration

There are those standing here who will not taste death until they witness the kingdom of God when it has arrived with authority, according to Jesus, who promises this in Mark 9:1 and its counterparts (Matt. 16:28; Luke 9:27). However, the very next event recorded in Mark is the transfiguration, which is witnessed by Jesus’ three closest followers, suggesting that he may have had this in mind. Similarly, Peter’s depiction of the transfiguration in 2 Peter 1:16–18, which appears to validate this view, is dated as “six days after” the promise of the transfiguration in Matthew 17.

Mark 13:30: Predicting Jerusalem’s Destruction

When Jesus says, “This generation will not pass away until all these things go occurred,” he is referring to the events in Mark 13. “These things,” he says, apparently referring to what he has already stated, and in verses 24–27, Jesus goes into further detail about his return. But he has previously mentioned “these things happening” in verse 29 as a hint to recognizing that his return is imminent, and it would be illogical for him to say, in essence, “Once you see I’ve returned, know that I’m close.” These things” in verses 29–30 must therefore refer to the events described in verses 5–23, which can all be understood to have been at least provisionally fulfilled in the years between Jesus’ death (most likely in AD 30) and the destruction of the temple in AD 70—a 40-year time span, or one generation, in biblical terms.

Matthew 10:23: Interrupting the Apostles’ Brief Missions Trip?

The section that is the most difficult to understand is Matthew 10:23. Throughout verses 5–42, Jesus is instructing the Twelve on what they should anticipate when they travel across Israel to emulate his ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing: “When you are persecuted in one location, escape to another.” “Truly, I tell you, you will not complete your journey through the towns of Israel before the return of the Son of Man” (Matt. 10:23). It appears that Jesus believes that his second coming will take place within a few weeks or months of now.

  • What will happen to him during the relatively short amount of time that the apostles are on the road preaching the good news of the kingdom across Israel?
  • This appears to be exceedingly improbable.
  • But what, exactly, is he talking about?
  • That would be the most straightforward response.
  • Matt.
  • However, the phrase “Son of Man” in the Gospels frequently refers to the “one like a son of man” (a human person) described in Daniel 7:13–14, who appears on the clouds of heaven before God himself and is given unlimited, eternal rule over the entire earth and its inhabitants.
  • As a result of this discovery, the “catching up with the apostles before their mission journey was over” interpretation, as well as a number of other interpretations, seem less plausible.

In some cases, interpreters have attempted to bolster their argument for one of these by reinterpreting one or more of the other instances in Matthew of the Son of Man’s arrival in the same manner.

Better Approach

A more appropriate approach would pay greater attention to the overall context of verse 23 within Jesus’ speech on mission in Matthew 10 rather than the specifics of the passage. Starting with lines 5–15, it appears that Jesus is restricting his discussion to the immediate circumstances of his sending away the Twelve without accompanying them. Numerous teachings from Jesus’ followers in these 11 passages are incompatible with the longer-term aim of the church. Most significantly, when Jesus offers his Great Commission (Matt.

  • 5–6).
  • 9–10) during their later missionary activities, nor to constantly rely on others’ generosity for their lodging and food (vv.
  • As late as verse 15, Jesus is still referring to actual communities in first-century Israel as he is delivering his message.
  • However, while it is always true that Christ’s disciples should be “shrewd as snakes” while still being ‘innocent as doves’ (v.
  • In the verses 17–42, warnings are frequently interspersed with warnings about being rejected by others and subjected to persecution, hostility, arrest, imprisonment, beatings, and even martyrdom because of one’s devotion to Jesus (see, for example, vv.
  • The majority of this didn’t begin until after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and sending of the Holy Spirit, and it has continued in various regions of the world ever since that time.

Because verse 23b appears in this precise context, within the same verse as the prediction of persecution, it is best to understand Jesus as emphasizing the perpetually incomplete nature of the mission to the Jews, with the phrase “cities of Israel” understood both literally and (by extension) to refer to all Jewish people throughout the entire world.

As a result, the practical application of Matthew 10:23 is to simply get to work.

Did Jesus Tell His Disciples to Buy Swords?

At first look, this appears to be the case: nonetheless, the person who has a moneybag should take it, and the same goes for the person who has a knapsack. And let the one who does not have a weapon sell his cloak in order to get one. ‘And he was included among those who transgressed,’ says the Scripture, and I tell you that this must be accomplished through me. Because all that has been written about me has come to fruition. (Luke 22:36–37, English Standard Version) To be sure, before we all go out and start a Christian arms race, it’s worth recalling that about an hour later, Jesus told his followers to “put your sword back in its place.” Because “those who take the sword shall perish by the sword,” as the saying goes (Matthew 26:52 ESV).

Swords are either good or terrible.

For example, Matthew Henry writes: “This is intended solely to demonstrate that the times would be extremely hazardous, and that no man would consider himself secure if he did not have a sword at his side.” The sword of the Spirit, on the other hand, is the sword with which the disciples of Christ must arm themselves.

  • It appears that the disciples accepted Jesus’ words literally.
  • To wit: ‘Enough with this type of nonsense!’ A subject in which the disciples had been so profoundly misled is dismissed by him as unimportant.
  • He is implying that they are about to embark into extremely hazardous times, and that they will need to maintain the sword of the Spirit “half drawn” at all times in order to protect themselves.
  • SDG Paul Carter is a writer and musician who lives in the United Kingdom.
  • You may listen to Pastor Paul’s Into The Word devotional podcast on the TGC Canada website here, or you can hear it on SoundCloud by clicking here.
  • 1 In Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible (Unabridged), Accordance electronic edition (Altamonte Springs, FL: OakTree Software, 2004), paragraph 34246 is cited as an example.
  • John King, Accordance electronic edition (Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1847), paragraph 71192.

John King, Accordance electronic edition (Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1847), paragraph 71192.


Paul is the joyful husband of Shauna Lee and the proud papa of five lovely children, Madison, Max, Mikayla, Peyton, and Noa.

Moody Bible Institute was his first stop, and he then went on to receive degrees from York University (B.A.) and McMaster Divinity College (MDiv).

He has served in both Fellowship and Canadian Baptist churches in Oakville, Mississauga, and Orillia, all located in the province of Ontario, Canada.

The church is a big multi-staff congregation with a heart for biblical preaching and local ministry.

He is the host and Bible teacher for the Into The Word podcast, which you can access on our podcast page or on iTunes. He also writes for the Into The Word website. Paul Carter may be found on Twitter as @pastrpaulcarter.

Why did Jesus tell His disciples to take nothing on the journey?

3 – Luke 9:3 (ESV) – 3 “Take nothing for your journey, not even a stick, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and don’t even bring two tunics,” he instructed them to do. ClarifyShareReport Asked The 17th of October, 2018 Steve Cipo is a successful businessman. The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. According to my interpretation, Jesus gave this instruction to them for three reasons: 1) to increase their faith in God’s provision for them, as well as their reliance on Him; 2) so that they would not be unduly burdened or weighed down in their travels, in order to be able to travel as quickly and widely as possible in their missionary work (as well as to flee persecution as quickly as possible if persecution should arise); and 3) in anticipation of the support of those to whom they would bring the “The worker is deserving of his pay,” as Jesus stated in a related verse in Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 10:5-23), indicating that the worker deserves to be rewarded for his or her efforts.

0 replies on October 18, 2018 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

Child of the Father, disciple of the Son, and student of the Spirit As a result, Jesus forbade them from bringing any resources with them, in order for God the Father to display his rescuing power through them.

This is a natural part of being a human being.

When we first attempt to honor God in accordance to his mandate for our lives, God will in turn exalt us because we have done our part.

Jesus personally deposited all of his assets in the heavenly realm.

In the same way, Jesus desired for his followers to be wholly reliant on him, to rely on his gospel message and the power of the Holy Spirit in order to perform their mission successfully.

They witnessed directly the transforming power of God at work through them.

They said that even the devils submit to us.

Then Jesus went across the lake to demonstrate to them how far superior his resources were to theirs and how critical it was for them to place their confidence (have faith) in Jesus rather than in their own talents.

So, would we serve God only on the basis of our own power and talents, or will we place our faith and reliance on the resources God has provided us – His Word and His Spirit?

The same type of trials that the disciples experienced will befall us if we continue to depend on ourselves, until we learn to surrender and carry out the mission in God’s way. Responses received on July 02, 20200 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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