How To Obey Jesus

What Is Obedience? How Do We Obey God?

Obedience, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as “the act or instance of obeying; the quality or state of being obedient. ” Furthermore, “submissive to the restraint or command of authority: willing to obey” is defined as “submissive to the restraint or command of authority.” Accordingly, the meaning of Christian obedience is the act of submitting (obeying) to the commands (laws) of God, who is supreme in authority, the creator of all things, and the Father of mankind. If you believe in God and believe that Christianity is the only way to know the truth, obedience is the practice of living by faith and following the teachings of the Bible.

Scriptures on Obedience

You will obey my commandments if you love me, I promise you.” “But Peter and the apostles said, “We must obey God rather than mankind,” according to John 14:15. The Bible says in Acts 5:29 that “Do not allow yourselves to be molded to the passions of your earlier ignorance,” the Lord says to his children. -1 Peter 1:14 (New International Version) The love of God is demonstrated through our obedience to his commands. “And his commandments are not onerous to follow.” -1 John 5:3 (New International Version) The good of the country will be yours to consume if you are willing and obedient;” -Isaiah 1:19 (KJV) “Why do you address me as ‘Lord, Lord,’ but refuse to perform what I command?” 6:46 (Luke 6:46) “However, if you attentively heed his words and do all I say, then I will be an enemy to your foes and an adversary to your adversaries,” says the prophet.

-Exodus 23:22 (NASB) “I have chosen the path of fidelity; I have placed your precepts in front of my eyes.” —Psalm 119:9-10 “However, I carry out the Father’s instructions so that the world may know that I adore the Father.

How to Obey God: 3 Forms of Christian Obedience

You will obey my commandments if you love me, I assure you.” Peter and the other apostles responded, “We must obey God rather than mankind,” according to John 14:15. The book of Acts 5:29 states that “Do not be molded to the emotions of your past ignorance, like obedient children.” 1:14 (II Peter 1:14) God’s love for us manifests itself through our obedience to his laws. The precepts of the Lord are not onerous.” 1 John 5:3 is a verse that states The good of the country will be yours to consume if you are willing and obedient.

In Luke 6:46, the Bible says: “However, if you attentively heed his words and do what I command, then I will be an enemy to your foes and an adversary to your adversaries,” says the prophet.

” Take a step forward, and let us take it from there.” In John 14:31, the Bible states that

Learning to Obey Jesus’ Teachings

The following is an excerpt from Bill Gaultiere’s book ” Jesus’ Greatest Teaching: Living the Sermon on the Mount Today.” According to Dallas Willard, the “great omission” in Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the failure to learn to obey everything that Jesus taught as a child. The majority of churches today do not instruct people on how to obey Jesus’ instructions. Let’s take the example of church: when was the last time you attended a class, or even heard a sermon, on the subject of learning how to bless people who curse you?

Others, though, are not.

I invite you to go through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) with me in order to determine one personal growth area in which you may construct a “VIM Plan” for your spiritual training in Christlikeness from the Lord.


What is one teaching of Jesus’ from his Sermon on the Mount that God is showing you and that you need to learn to live by in order to be a successful Christian? Alternatively, what personal issue is he urging you to conquer with his assistance? The following is a synopsis of Jesus’ most important teachings.

  1. In the midst of your life difficulties, remember that you are lucky because you are a part of God’s Kingdom (Matt 5:3-11
  2. Beatitudes)
  3. Make a conscious effort to recognize your own intrinsic value as “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (Matt 5:13-16)
  4. Like the Psalm 1 Man (Matt 5:17-20), we take pleasure in God’s Law, which Jesus fulfilled. Discard anger as a dominant feeling in order to avoid losing your temper, seeking revenge, or internalizing anger as resentment or sadness (Matt 5:21-26
  5. 38-42). Condemn others and talk critically about them (Matt 5:21-22
  6. 7:1-6)
  7. Eliminate contempt. Refrain from cultivating lusty impulses (Matt. 5:27-30)
  8. Instead of trying to make people like you or do what you want them to do (Matt 5:33-37), simply speak the truth in love without attempting to persuade them to think well of you or do what you want them to do (Matt 5:43-48)
  9. Don’t secure yourself through reputation— seek to please God rather than people with your generosity, prayers, or fasting (Matt 6:1-18)
  10. Don’t secure yourself through money— eliminate materialism and greed to store Maintain your focus on the narrow road of discipleship to Jesus in whatever you do, growing into the good tree that is rooted in God and naturally gives fruit, and edifying your life on the rock of Christ and his words rather than the changing sands of circumstance (Matt 7:13-27)


What type of person do you want to be when you grow up? You’re most likely experiencing conflicting emotions and will need to wrestle with them. What is the source of your hesitancy? What are you willing to give up in order to learn to follow Jesus?


Could you share with me any spiritual practices that you have adopted into your life as a way of grace that have assisted you in becoming more like the disciple of Jesus that you have envisioned? (See my list of certain spiritual practices for more information.)

7 Basic Commands New Believers Should Know on How to Obey Jesus (Pt. 1)

So you’ve just made a decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Indeed, this is a wonderful celebration! There are undoubtedly a slew of questions racing through your mind right now. As a new Christian, it can be overwhelming and nearly difficult to comprehend concepts that have taken other believers years to grasp. Where do you even begin when it comes to your religious beliefs? The good news is that Jesus did not abandon us on this planet without leaving us with any instructions.

These seven basic commands are intended to empower new followers to learn from the Bible how to obey Jesus (adapted from 7 Basic Commands of Jesus Christ by George Patterson).

  1. Be Baptized –Command: Mark 1:15 | Story: Luke 7:36-50 (Sinful Woman)
  2. RepentBelieve –Command: Mark 1:15 | Story: Luke 7:36-50 (Sinful Woman)
  3. Be Baptized –Command: Mark 1:15 | Story: Luke 7:36-50 (Sinful Woman)
  4. Pray –Command: Matthew 6:9-13 | Story: Matthew 6:9-13 (Jesus Teaches About Prayer)
  5. Go.Make Disciples –Command: Matthew 28:19-20 | Story: John 4:4-42 (Samaritan Woman at the Well)
  6. Lord’s Supper –Command: Luke 22:19-20 | Story: Luke 22:7-20 (Jesus’ Last Supper)
  7. Lord’s Supper –Command: Luke 22:19-20

Let’s take a look at these fundamental rules and learn from biblical stories about how you might grow in your faith and put these ideas into action in your daily life.

Repent and Believe

“The moment has arrived,” he stated emphatically. “The kingdom of God has come quite close to us. “Repent and put your faith in the good news!” – Mark 1:15 (NIV) When you read the first four books of the New Testament (also known as the gospel books), you will come across the word’repent’ 106 times in total. It appears that repentance is quite significant. When it comes to church services and church conferences, this is a word that is frequently heard. But what exactly does it mean to be repentant?

  • In other words, it’s deliberately deciding not to commit a specific sin, admitting the fault, and moving on from it.
  • She felt sorry for the decisions she had made and the way she had been living, but she was also aware of who Jesus was and the power of His love.
  • They were kissed, and perfume was placed on them after she wiped them down with her hair.
  • She was a mess.
  • After crying out in sorrow and pouring everything she had into the alabaster jar of perfume, she finally felt at peace.
  • It was as if her immense guilty due had been erased, and she poured herself out in loving appreciation to the One who had shown mercy to her.
  • As an alternative, Jesus told the lady, ‘Your sins have been forgiven.’ Many people may have missed the grandeur of what was taking place here.
  • We have all lived sinful lives and will continue to do so on a regular basis.
  • So spend some quality time with God right now, and confess to God any sins that you may be carrying around with you.
  • You must come to Him with a sincere heart of repentance.

And place your faith in His pardon. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” says 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is true and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Be Baptized

As he put it, “the moment has arrived.” It has been brought near to the kingdom of God.” Believe in the good news!” Repent and accept the good news! 1:15 (Matthew) When you read the first four books of the New Testament (also known as the gospel books), you will come across the word’repent’ 106 times in the text. It’s obvious that repentance is really valuable. Church services and church conferences are frequent venues for the use of the phrase. How does one go about repenting, though? To repent in Greek, use the word metanoeó, which literally translates as “to alter one’s mind or intention.” While praying for forgiveness is important, repentance also entails moving away from the sinful behavior that caused it.

  • One such lady is described in Luke 7:37-38 as having seen the true meaning of repentance.
  • “When a lady in that town who led an immoral life discovered that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she went there with an alabaster jar of perfume in her hand.” During the time she remained behind him at his feet sobbing, she began to saturate his feet with tears.
  • Her heart was broken for the way she had lived and the mistakes she had done, and she was filled with regret.
  • As she sobbed, she emptied everything she had into the alabaster jar of perfume, shedding tears of regret.
  • The cancellation of her massive sin debt caused her to pour herself out in loving appreciation to the One who had forgiven her.
  • “Your sins are forgiven,” Jesus remarked to the lady, rather than “I forgive you.” People may easily ignore the beauty that was taking on here.
  • It is certain that we will all have led sinful lives and make mistakes from time to time.
See also:  Why Didnt Jesus Get Married

” God, like the sinful woman, desires for us to repent for the sins we commit and turn away from them–not because we are attempting to please God or earn a good reputation with Him, but because we understand the immensity of His forgiveness and love Him so much that we want to turn away from our desires in order to please God.

Assign this to yourself as a daily work to be completed with God.

Moreover, put your faith in His mercy. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” says 1 John 1:9, “and if we repent, he is true and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”


So, here’s how you should say your prayers: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Please provide us with our daily bread today. Let us ask you to forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our creditors. “And do not lead us into temptation, but preserve us from the wicked one,” says the Lord. -Matthew 6:9-13 (New International Version) This prayer from Jesus is referred to be the Lord’s prayer in some circles. In addition, it might be difficult to understand at first.

  1. What exactly is prayer?
  2. Is it proper to have your eyes open or closed when reading?
  3. Prayer is, at its core, a straightforward communication with God: you are speaking with God.
  4. In this particular instance, Jesus is conversing with God the Father.
  5. Prayer is crucial because, if we think that our religion is based on a relationship with God, we must communicate with God and receive messages from Him in order to be successful.
  6. As God’s children, we have been entrusted with a variety of roles and obligations.
  7. So, how do you get started with your prayers?

Tell Him about your day in detail.

Pray for the well-being of others.

Pray for the ability to withstand temptation.

Take a few minutes right now to express your gratitude to God.

Wait for Him to speak and see what He has to say.

Begin and end each day by expressing gratitude to God for particular items.

Inquire of Him as to what He would want you to pray for as well.

Keep Your Hunger On

At first, following Jesus might be a frightening experience. Your exposure to this new world might be overwhelming at times, as you try your best to comprehend every idea and perform every action that you’re expected to perform. Repent, get baptized, and pray are the three mandates of Jesus that should be followed to the letter. Take a look at the Bible, starting with the book of Matthew, to have a better understanding of who Jesus is and what He accomplished while on this planet.

Locate a local church and become involved in their ministry and church services as much as possible. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the other 4 commands Jesus offers us from the Bible so that you can learn how to follow Jesus’ instructions.

How Can I Grow in Obeying God?

Transcript of the audio In Romans 1:5, the apostle Paul speaks of “the obedience of faith,” as the English Standard Version (ESV) puts it. Alternatively, “faith-based obedience,” as the New International Version (NIV) puts it. We can only obey God if we have confidence in him. Obedience that is based on faith is a lie. Our listener, Stefan, had a life-changing experience as a result of one of the points made in this article, which occurred late at night while reading. “I was listening to Piper’s lecture on Romans 1:5 late one night as I was struggling to get to sleep,” he writes in to share his experience.

  1. This scripture was taught to me in a way that I had never heard before.
  2. I was approaching the pursuit of holiness in the incorrect manner.
  3. One of my life goals is to find pleasure in him, and from the pleasure I find in him comes the grace, which I acquired through faith, to perform good deeds.” Here’s a tape of John Piper teaching on Romans 1:5 from back in 1998, which he specifically mentioned.
  4. The subject of obedience will be discussed in Chapter 6.
  5. According to Romans 9:32, we follow the law by faith, rather than as if it were a result of our deeds.
  6. “It is impossible to please if one does not have trust” (Hebrews 11:6).
  7. His ultimate objective is faith, and the obedience that results from that faith is his ultimate goal.

The Whole Christ

What is it about faith that causes it to produce obedience? Return with me to the first portion of Romans 1:5 to see what I mean. There it states, “I got grace for apostleship,” which implies that the gift of grace is given to those who are called to the ministry of apostleship and to the obedience of apostleship. And I contend that you do not obtain this grace by your deeds, but rather through your faith. As a result, grace pours, bestowing gifts and providing the means for gifts to be fulfilled, as well as the obedience necessary to carry out those gifts.

  1. Because it is received via faith, you already possess the obedience that comes with faith.
  2. Given that faith is associated with grace, it follows that the obedience that results from grace is also the obedience that results from faith.
  3. You shouldn’t try to work on your own projects since you’ll end up being a legalist instead.
  4. “Faith comes through hearing, and hearing comes via hearing the message of Christ,” says the Bible (Romans 10:17).

As a result, concentrate on Christ, come to know Christ, take pleasure in Christ, think on Christ; obtain the complete Christ in front of you. Faith will increase as a result of the grace that will be channeled through it, and then obedience will flow out of it.

Why Am I Here?

What is the purpose of God setting things up this way? Why does God have such a strong desire to be the donor in this situation, to be the grace-er? And why does he build it in such a way that our works, our efforts, do not get it, but faith, like a small kid receiving it, does receive it? Because of this, why did he establish a salvation, and why did he establish an apostleship, a motherhood, a singleness, a pastorate, an internship, a nursery worker, a nursery worker’s salary — why did he establish the Christian life in such a way that all of life is a believing reception of grace, which then empowers obedience?

  • Moreover, the solution to this question is supplied in the end of Romans 1:15: Through him, we have received grace and apostleship in order to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the peoples of the world.
  • What is the ultimate objective?
  • This afternoon and tomorrow, the ultimate objective of all of God’s interactions with you is for the name of Christ to be glorified in your life, in your employment, in your family, among your friends, and in every other situation in which you find yourself.
  • Will others be able to read your life because of the flag of Christ?
  • If you’re wondering, “Why am I here?” Make the following statement in your head right now: I exist, in the end, because — fill in the blank.
  • Everything will be different if you write that as the cause for your existence.” Will Christ be exalted to a higher position?
  • “It is for this reason that you exist.” And it is for this reason that God makes the basis of our salvation, ministry, and everything of our obedience dependent on grace via faith.
  • If I am able to complete the pastorate with the strength that John Piper provides, John Piper will receive the glory — and perish as a result of that glory.
  • That’s why he claims that everything is by grace via faith.

Supernatural Strength

I’m going to walk outside Romans here, which will be the only time I’ll be walking outside Romans this morning, but it’s really beautiful outdoors. It’s impossible to improve on Peter’s delivery of the message. First Peter 4:11 expresses it in this way. It starts with the phrase “anyone serves.” So let’s just make sure that we all put ourselves in the same boat now. For me, I would describe myself as a preacher, parent, and spouse. But you fill in the blanks with your own names: grandma, aunt, uncle, Sunday school teacher, computer specialist, police officer, bricklayer, or any other title you like.

  1. Whoever serves as one who serves with the power that God provides — in order that God may be exalted in everything through Jesus Christ — is doing it in the name of God.
  2. Amen.
  3. I was in Orlando on Thursday night, and I talked by videoconference with Perth, Australia, at 7 a.m.
  4. I was in Winnipeg a week ago.

It goes like this: “At Bethlehem the closest thing I have to a verse that sums up a ministry attitude is 1 Peter 4:11, which says, ‘Let him who serves serve in the power that God gives, so that God may get the glory.'” That is my theology: “God, I am in desperate need of you.” I require your assistance in this mission.

I’m going to need your help with the baby dedication.

Give it to me via the mercy of God.

I’m not deserving of this.

I’ll give you all the credit. You’ll receive all the credit. The grandeur will be seen by all. You get the credit, and I get the assistance – a win-win situation. In my opinion, Romans 1:5 embodies my theological position. If it isn’t Romans 1:5, you’ll need to write me a note explaining why.

How to Obey God, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

A heart that is obedient, cooperative, receptive, and sensitive to Him and His orders, a heart that obeys, said Elizabeth George inWoman after God’s Own Heart. “God delights in a heart that obeys,” she wrote. Compliant. Cooperative and responsive in their approach. This sentence sounds like a ready surrender in my ears. God desires for us to be ready and eager to obey Him with our full heart, not just part of it, as Lysa TerKeurst stated. He will do whatever is required to eliminate any distractions from our obedience, as Lysa TerKeurst wrote.

  1. “When we respond, ‘Yes, God, anything You want.
  2. One of my most memorable encounters with the Lord revolved on the truth of surrender and submission.
  3. Nancy DeMoss, now Nancy Wolgemuth, gave us this advice at a True Woman conference.
  4. The Holy Spirit moved upon thousands of women at the same time, and those hankies were waved frantically across the auditorium.
  5. One of them was my own hankie, which had been soaked with tears.
  6. Throughout the Old Testament, the difference between Saul and David serves as a strong illustration of this.
  7. Saul’s heart was God-centered and dependent on the Lord, in contrast to David’s heart, which was God-centered and dependent on the Lord.
  8. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/TylerNix
See also:  Why Is It Important That Jesus Rose From The Dead

Are you obeying Jesus?

How well are you doing in terms of making disciples? The question was one I had never been asked before. My basic obedience to Jesus’ final and most straightforward command, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you,” had gone unquestioned in my 35 years of church life until recently (Matt. 28:19-20a). We were in Thailand for a conference, and our trainer happened to be a missionary who had been operating in Southeast Asia for a long time.

My understanding of discipleship was primarily predicated on the notion that acquiring more learning would transform me into a more Christ-like being.

During that time period, discipleship was primarily concerned with spiritual development rather than with really learning how to obey Jesus and make disciples.

However, the discipleship I received in my childhood was mostly indifferent to the concept that I should obey Jesus and create disciples who, in turn, should obey Jesus and produce disciples.

The road toward understanding obedience-based discipleship, as opposed to knowledge-based discipleship, began in Thailand, where I stayed for a year.

The importance of obedience

The parable of the wise and stupid builders in Matthew 7 emphasizes the necessity of following God’s instructions. Both of the guys in Jesus’ tale have heard and are aware of the correct facts. The difference between the two is that the wise man listened to Jesus’ words and then put them into action on his own initiative. He merely did what he was told. “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,” Jesus’ initial call to the disciples, and his last order, “Go, make disciples,” indicate that creating disciples is closely related to our own discipleship.

  1. We must learn to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
  2. Obedience has acquired a bad connotation in Western Christian culture, for reasons that are unclear.
  3. It might be a reaction to fundamentalist inclinations in our history that have resulted in soul-destroying legalism in the present.
  4. We must thus rediscover a biblical notion of obedience if we are to become the types of disciples who make disciples.
  5. After all, it was Jesus who came up with the notion.
  6. “This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and obeying his laws,” writes the apostle John in 1 John 5:2-4.
  7. Moreover, none of his orders are onerous.” Obedience is not a blind obligation.
  8. The biblical examples and understandings of obedience are both life-giving and faith-stretching in their impact on the reader.
  9. That being the case, we must re-evaluate our own spiritual journeys in order to determine where we have strayed away from biblical doctrine.
  10. When Scripture depicts those who live this manner, it depicts people who are filled with pleasure and purpose, as well as experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises.
  11. Consider the apostles Peter, John, and Paul.

Read the book of Acts from beginning to end. Compliance is the life-giving and faith-stretching default setting for each real disciple of Jesus Christ. We must thus rediscover a biblical notion of obedience if we are to become the types of disciples who make disciples.

Jesus’ spiritual economy

But how do we go about doing this? I’ve been studying a concept called spiritual economics under the guidance of Curtis Sergeant, who is a mentor of mine. Our earthly economies are based on the concept of a transaction or a trade. It is my possession that you desire, and I will only give it to you in exchange for a financial contribution to my cause. The spiritual economy of Jesus, on the other hand, is distinct. “Freely you have received, freely give,” Jesus says us in Matthew 10:8. (Matt. 10:8).

  1. 2:2).
  2. In response to our faithfulness to heed the daily promptings of Scripture and the Holy Spirit, and to routinely share with others the realities that God is revealing to us, God will reward us by revealing even more truths to us.
  3. ‘The one who loves me will also be loved by my Father,’ I will say, and I will love him and demonstrate my affection for him.” We shall see more of Jesus in our life as we obey and share the truths that we have come to know and believe.
  4. And, as a result of our obedience to Jesus, we are transformed into the sort of disciples who are devoted to producing disciples.
  5. Our objective has always been to achieve a one-to-one correspondence between what is known and what is applied.” Our training in Thailand sent me on a new journey of discovery about what it means to live a life of discipleship based on Jesus’ commandment to love one another.
  6. A lifetime of low expectations for one’s ability to obey Jesus has resulted in behavioral habits that are extremely difficult to overcome.
  7. Rather than being a dedicated follower of Jesus, I’ve spent the most of my life as a fan of Jesus.

As a follower of Jesus, if you’re like me and want to see your faith develop, commit to seeking extreme adherence to Jesus’ teachings.

Here are a few measures you may take to get started on your journey toward greater displays of joyful obedience as Jesus’ disciples.

Create an intentional practice of daily prayer by first making a list of relatives, friends, and acquaintances who are far away from God, and then setting a daily alarm on your smartphone or placing a reminder on your bathroom mirror to remind you to pray for these people.

Learn how to convey your religion in a straightforward and easily replicable manner.

A short YouTube search for “Three Circles Gospel” can bring you to videos showing how to use this gospel tool effectively.

Bring a small group of friends together to read and debate this article together.

Pray together and identify one action that Jesus is urging you to do today in response to his invitation.

Jesus is urging us to return to a biblical definition of discipleship that is based on living lives of extreme obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


He worked as a mission mobilizer for Multiply, a Mennonite Brethren mission agency based in the United States and Canada. Myers, his wife, and their two teenage children reside in South Dakota.

Grace-Fueled Obedience Is Absolutely Necessary for Christlikeness

What do you think the chances are that a Christian couple will pray about living together before marriage? Can you see a young lady who confesses Christ even bothering to pray about whether or not she should marry someone who is not a Christian? What do you think it would be like for a Christian businessman to pray over whether or not to reveal the truth in a transaction? The Bible is so plain that prayer to discover God’s will becomes a convenient excuse — or even a lengthy filibuster — to avoid doing what the Bible teaches.

  • To their great regret, they have come to believe that living the Christian life does not impose any enforceable obligations on them in accordance with God’s moral law.
  • For the most part, the commandments of God are no longer at the forefront of Christian living, but have been pushed to the backseat, if not the trunk, where they can only be accessed in an emergency.
  • Obedience is never a secondary consideration for any real disciple of Christ.
  • However, obedience is the litmus test for whether or not such love is genuine.
  • The manifestation of genuine love for Christ will always be obedience on the part of the believer.
  • This is something that will never be realized this side of the throne.
  • Isolated acts of civil disobedience will continue to take place.

God states in the process of regeneration: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will implant a new spirit inside you.” Moreover, I will take your heart of stone from your flesh and replace it with a heart of flesh.

(See Ezekiel 36:26–27 for further information.) God utilizes this heart transplant to motivate the believer to pursue obedience that is fueled by the Holy Spirit.

The elect are given saving faith from the moment of their birth, and they immediately begin to live in “the obedience of faith” (Rom.

There is no lag between the time of conversion and the time when one begins to follow Christ’s commands.

When Jesus proclaimed, “Repent and believe in the gospel,” (Mark 1:14–15), it was as if he were issuing an urgent summons to the people.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever rejects the Son will not see life, according to the writings of John the Baptist (John 3:36).

Simply expressed, authentic faith is faith that is obedient to the will of God.

During the process of conversion, we relinquish our loyalty to our old master, sin, and pledge our devotion to a new master, Christ.

(See Romans 6:16.) Slave lives in servitude to their governing master, as stated by the Apostle.

At the time of conversion, there occurs a change of masters, a relinquishment of our former allegiance to sin in return for a new allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Prior to conversion, we were slaves to sin and lived our lives in conformity to the will of the devil.

Genuine Christians, according to John, will continue to “follow his commands” throughout their whole Christian life, even after they have died.

This is an example of the saints’ patience.

The word “commandments” is plural, implying that one must adhere to the entire spectrum of divine requirements.

Instead, we must observe all of God’s commands, not just the ones that are convenient for us.

In a similar vein, the person who knows God will keep a close eye on all that His Word asks of him.


On the other hand, every act of disobedience draws us more away from the delight of divine kindness.

Grace-fueled obedience is not optional; rather, it is vitally required for the development of Christlikeness. Is it necessary to pray about whether or not to heed God’s Word before making a decision? All you have to do is obey. This article was first published on

How to Obey God’s Will

Following God’s plan is actually less complicated than it appears. According to the reality, some acts are good (holy), some actions are harmful (sinful), and the overwhelming majority of activities are entirely neutral. Driving a car is an action that is nearly always absolutely neutral in terms of outcome. Walking to the shop is an activity that is usually always fully neutral, as is going to the grocery store. In reality, practically majority of the behaviors we take are neutral in nature, meaning they are neither good nor negative.

Note: If you read the article on how to know when God is speaking to you, you would have learned that sometimes receiving no news from God is actually a blessing in disguise.

See also:  When Will Jesus Return Scripture

Neutral Actions that are Good

Furthermore, while activities are beneficial to perform, it is not always immoral to refrain from performing them. It is possible that brushing your teeth is a good thing to do, but it is not a sin to do so whenever you wash your teeth (some people do not even have the means to brushtheir teeth). Exercise on a regular basis may be beneficial, but it is not a sin to refrain from exercising altogether (what if you are paralyzed?). It is possible to argue that if you have the opportunity to do good, it is wrong not to do so, and there is a verse that mentions this concept (James 4:17), but in the context of the passage, James is discussing issues that matter, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and caring for the sick, among other things.

  1. As a matter of fact, James would most likely label such an individual as narcissistic since they are preoccupied with small, selfish behaviors rather than unselfish actions such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and caring for the ill.
  2. He responds, “I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to lie.” “Food, on the other hand, will not bring us closer to God.
  3. Anyone who believes that eating a certain meal is wicked has missed the kingdom of God, just like the pharisees did, and they should repent.
  4. You tithe mint, dill, and cumin, but you have neglected the most important principles of the law, such as justice, kindness, and faith.

How to Obey God’s Will: Knowing Holy and Sinful Decisions

We do have free choice, and God gives us a great deal of latitude in making many judgments on our own (we do have free will), yet there are other decisions in which God is quite rigorous about what is good and wrong. In the Bible, these behaviors are clearly outlined, both in the ten commandments and in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul summarizes a long list of unpleasant and wicked things that have happened to us by stating, “Don’t you realize that the unrighteous will not be able to enter the kingdom of God?

Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners will be allowed to enter the kingdom of God.

Is his faith strong enough to rescue him?

Even yet, faith is nothing if it is not accompanied by deeds.” (James 2:14-17 on the World Wide Web) This truth is also confirmed by the words of Jesus when he tells the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, saying, “By their fruits shall we know that we are children of God.” “Then, from his right hand, the King will say, “Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.” Once this happens, the righteous will respond to him by saying: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?

When did we see you thirsty and offer you a drink?

When did we first see you unwell or in jail and decide to visit you?’ ‘Most definitely, I tell you, insofar as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me,’ the King will respond.

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do but does not do it, it is sin for them.” (WEB) And, sure, it is wicked to fail to perform these good deeds on a regular basis.

In the words of the prophet, “Depart from me, you cursed,” into “the everlasting fire that is prepared for the devil and his angels; because I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink.” Matt. 25:41-46 (World Wide Web)

Uncertainty in Obeying God’s Will

As a result, following God’s will is actually rather simple. Do what is right (love your neighbor), avoid what is wrong (don’t sin – just follow the ten commandments), and don’t be concerned with the many neutral decisions that must be made. On a neutral decision, God will inform you whether he cares about your choice, as explained in the articleHow to Know When God is Speaking to You. If you are genuinely unsure about a decision or action, ask yourself this question: “Is this action something God would want me to do?” If the answer is yes, proceed with confidence.

If the response is even a tentative’maybe’ no, then it is likely that you should refrain from doing so.

For example, we may be aware that flirting with a married Christian is sinful, but we may question if we are doing so out of selfish desire to flirt.

If you cannot say that “maybe,” then it is almost always “definitely” something God does not want you to do.

Verse of the Week

“He has demonstrated to you, O man, what is good. As a Christian, what else does Yahweh expect of you than that you behave justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before your God?” (Micah 6:8 in the WEB) Return to Christian Sermons from How to Obey God’s Will Return to Christian Questions and Answers from How to Obey God’s Will Return to Christian Questions and Answers from How to Obey God’s Will Return to Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ from How to Obey God’s Will to the home page.


  • If you have stage 4 pancreatic cancer, it is likely that you have been told that there is no chance for recovery with present medical technology. Your cancer has reached the end of its course. In reality, this is true for a variety of disorders. More information may be found here.

Does Science Argue For or Against God?

  • When you flip a coin, there is a 50/50 chance that it will land on heads or tails, which equals the probability of the universe existing. Consider the following scenario: You have a 50/50 probability of flipping heads three times in a row. More information may be found here.

Man Finds Single Ominous Bible Page in Wildfire Aftermath

  • Wildfires in Tennessee have forced thousands of people to abandon their homes as a result of the devastation they have caused. More than 100 residences, as well as hotels and businesses, have been destroyed in the attack. So far, there have been seven persons. More information may be found here.

How to Obey God’s Will

  • Following God’s plan is actually less complicated than it appears. According to the truth, some acts are good (holy), some actions are harmful (sinful), and the vast majority of activities are entirely neutral. More information may be found here.

Doubting After God Answers Your Prayers

  • When God answers your prayers, you may experience tremendous feelings of joy, relief, and gratitude. However, there may be occasions when you will have doubts about God’s intervention and your confidence will be eroded. More information may be found here.

How to Prove God Exists

  • Unbelievers have just a few options for demonstrating that God exists, and the options they choose will depend on how eager they are to acknowledge God’s existence. For those who are not believers. More information may be found here.

The Lie of Sanctification

  • A commonly held conviction in the process of sanctification is a bridge that connects the biblical command for obedience to God with the practical application of living a Christian life as a result of the process of sanctification. More information may be found here.

God’s Definition of Perfect

  • “As a result, you will be perfect in the same way that your heavenly Father is perfect.” “It is impossible to be perfect,” according to the mainstream notion of modern Christianity, is one of the difficulties with modern Christianity. More information may be found here.

Is it Okay for Christians to Sue Others?

  • Sometimes it is essential to take someone to court in order to retrieve money owed to us or anything that has been taken from us by someone else. Is it, on the other hand, permissible for Christians to sue others? More information may be found here.

What Does the Bible Really Say about the Favor of God?

  1. Even while it is a good thing to have God’s favor, the biblical concept of God’s favor differs significantly from that which is employed in the prosperity gospel. More information may be found here.

10 Bible verses about Obeying Jesus

ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>John 14:23 (NIV) “If anybody loves Me, he will keep My commandments; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and establish Our house with him,” Jesus replied to the man. ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>John 8:31 (KJV) As a result, Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you remain in My message, then you are truly My disciples;” if you do not, you are not. ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>John 14:21 (KJV) It is he who has My commandments and observes and obeys them who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will also love him and reveal Myself to him.” ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “>John 14:23-24 is a biblical passage.

He who does not love Me does not keep My words, and the word that you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me, who is the source of all truth and goodness.

You will obey My commands if you love Me, says the Lord.

As long as you follow My commandments, you will be able to live in My love, just as I have followed My Father’s commandments and remained in His love.

Continue reading for more information.

If you follow my instructions, you will be considered My buddies.

ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “1 John 2:3 (NIV) It is through this that we will know that we have come to know Him if we follow His instructions.

ToolsVerse is a website on the internet “1 John 3:24 (NIV) His precepts are kept by the person who abides in Him, and He abides in him.

ToolsVerse is a page on the internet “1 John 5:3 (New International Version) Because it is out of God’s love that we fulfill His commands, and His commandments are not onerous in the least.

The New American Standard Bible is a translation of the New Testament into English.

1960-1962-1963-1968-1971-1972-1973-1975-1977-1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. 1960-1962-1963-1968-1971-1972-1995 by The Lockman Foundation Visit this site for information on obtaining permission to quote.

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