How To Forgive Like Jesus

Are you forgiving like Jesus forgives?

Ashley Wheelon is a model and actress. I only needed to glance in my son’s eyes to know he was lying. I prefer to think of it as a blessing from God that mothers are given. Even though my little one said he had no clue how the missing component from his sister’s brand new scooter wound up in the bottom of a storm drain, I was certain he was the one who was to blame. In trying to put myself in his shoes, I could readily understand his concern about getting into trouble for what was almost certainly an accident.

That is the point at which I put my foot down.

To have the Lord use your children as living examples of what His love for us looks like is humbling to contemplate.

I listened as he apologized to his sister, and I was filled with joy when I heard his sister soothe him by saying, “It’s all right, buddy.

I wish I could say that I was as ready to forgive as my daughter was.

If I’m being really honest, it took the Holy Spirit many days to gain my attention.

The opportunity to take a closer look at how Jesus forgives was precisely what I needed at the time.

5 Facts About How Jesus Forgives

Holding on to one’s wrath and unforgiveness leads to bitterness, which only serves to damage the person who refuses to accept forgiveness. When we forgive, we are making the decision to allow love to take precedence over our emotions (Proverbs 10:12). Each time we make that choice, we appear more and more like Jesus. When we forgive, we are making a conscious decision to allow love to take precedence over our emotions.

2. Jesus’ forgiveness is available to everyone.

God sacrificed His Son in order to save us all. If you are a human being, Jesus’ forgiveness and love are presented to you as a gift (1 Timothy 2:4). Our forgiveness should be granted in the same manner – to anybody who asks for it. However tempting it may be to use our anger to excuse our actions, we are expected to forgive everyone, not only those whom we feel like forgiving.

3. Jesus’ forgiveness is a fact, not a feeling.

“Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you,” Paul says in Colossians 3:12-14. “Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.” It doesn’t say, “Forgive when you’re ready, just as the Lord forgave you when He was ready,” or anything like that.

We don’t have to wait for the Lord to express a wish to forgive us before we can begin. It is a characteristic of His character that He forgives us swiftly, and we are required to forgive others in the same manner.

4. Jesus’ forgiveness precedes repentance.

When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t simply pay for the sins that had been committed up to that point; He also died for the sins that were yet to be committed. He died in order to atone for all of the sins of the world, both past and present. He died for us when we were still sinners, knowing what choices we would make and still choosing to love us. He died for us because he loves us (Ephesians 2:1-10). The process of following through with kindness becomes a bit simpler when we embrace that same mentality, opting to forgive people we love even before they cause us harm.

5. Jesus’ forgiveness knows no limits.

When Jesus narrates the tale of a servant who refused to forgive another’s debt despite being given mercy in a much greater amount that he himself owed, he is referring to Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus told us to forgive 77 times, which in His day meant an indefinite number of times, and we should follow His example. Jesus provides His forgiveness and kindness to us over and over again, without regard for the time or circumstances. We are also able to forgive without hesitation because of the grace He has shown us and the work He has done in our hearts.

We begin to love ourselves a bit less and others a lot more as a result of this process.

If I’m wrong, I want to apologize and forgive anyone who has harmed me.

It is true that our surroundings may serve as role models at times, as was the case for me in the case of my daughter.

Forgive like Jesus

Many people use forgiveness as a type of therapy to help them overcome their problems. It’s a method of letting go of the past. It’s a type of personal healing that you can do. This is not in accordance with what Jesus taught. Jesus instructed us to forgive in the same way that we have been forgiven ourselves. We allow sinners to get away with their transgressions because God has allowed us to get away with our transgressions. Unless we are the ones on the receiving end, we are naturally inclined to choose justice to mercy.

  1. When Jesus taught his followers how to pray, he instructed them to ask the Father to “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,” or “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” (Matt.
  2. This prayer highlights something important about what it means to be a Christian.
  3. We have the ability to forgive in a manner that the rest of the world does not.
  4. For many Christians, forgiving sounds like a lovely thing to do, but there has to be a limit to what may be forgiven.
  5. If individuals are sincerely sorry, won’t they just cease doing the precise sin that they are repenting of?
  6. If he pays attention to what you have to say, you have gained your brother.
  7. If he refuses to listen to them, inform the church of their refusal.

What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and what you loose on earth will be released in heaven, I assure you.

And once again, I say to you, if two of you can come to an agreement on earth about whatever they ask, my Father in heaven will fulfill their request.

” “As many as seven times?” I inquire.

(See Matthew 18:15–22.) Jesus’ argument is straightforward.

People will commit sins against us on a regular basis.

In the same way that God forgives us on a consistent basis, we are to forgive others on a consistent basis.

If at all possible, and to the extent that it is within your power, live in harmony with everyone.

(See Romans 12:17–21.) In our universe, there are, of course, inevitable repercussions to every action.

In the event that someone violates civil law, they will have to deal with civil authorities.

Forgiveness implies that we take on the responsibility for their debt to us.

God is using evil in this world to bring about good, despite the natural repercussions of his actions.

In order to express our gratitude, we pray, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,” because we recognize the price that Jesus paid in order to ensure our redemption and forgiveness.

We forgive others in the same way that God forgives us. God has no ill will toward you if you place your faith in Jesus for salvation.

Forgive Like Jesus: The Power Of Forgiveness With Christ

Can we learn to forgive in the same way that Jesus did? We have all had times in our life when we needed to forgive someone, but the true question is whether or not we can emulate Christ’s example. The following describes the power of forgiveness that Jesus demonstrated as he hung on the cross in anguish. It is possible that this page or article contains affiliate links. It is my privilege to be an Amazon Associate and an associate of other programs, which means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I will get a commission on qualifying sales at no additional cost to you.

For more information about Bible Verse Translations, please read our Copyright FAQ page.

23:24 (Luke 23:24) Please remember to PIN ME FOR LATER.

Forgive Like Jesus: The Power of Forgiveness

Would you be able to forgive like Jesus did while nailed to a Roman Rugged Cross in the desert? Considering that Jesus was forgiven by those who mocked and tormented him, isn’t it difficult for us to comprehend what he went through? Would you be able to show mercy and forgiveness to others in the same way that Jesus did to His accusers? We humans, on the other hand, would find it hard to have such forgiveness ability, would we? It’s all I can say to express my gratitude to You, Jesus, for exceeding any example I could ever set!

  • We have seen our Savior battered beyond recognition, and his body has been bruised and destroyed!
  • Take into consideration the agony he went through as the nails were pounded into his hands and feet!
  • It’s the fact of what happened in Golgotha on that terrible and dismal day!
  • 15:13 (John 15:13) Golgotha is a place of execution (Place of Skull) Description Calvary is a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, and it is depicted below.
  • An area where people suffer or make sacrifices.
  • A site of burying one’s dead.
  • I couldn’t image having my body continually slashed open and having open wounds covering my entire body, all of which were pouring blood!
  • Oh, the grief and pain that Jesus went through is unbearable to contemplate.

They altered their minds about Christ in a relatively short period of time. The same mob that had adored Christ only a few days before now despises him to the point of yelling the phrases. crucify him! crucify him!

How is The Power of Forgiveness on display?

Even while he hung on a rugged Roman cross for all of mankind, Jesus continued to exhibit love, compassion, and forgiveness to those around him. He didn’t spit forth any venomous comments. And we are rightfully so, for we are reaping the fair compensation for our acts; nevertheless, this man has done nothing wrong.” Luke 23:41 (NIV) “Jesus, please keep me in mind when you come into your kingdom,” he pleaded. Luke 23:42 (NIV) Afterward, he told him: “Truly, I tell to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” And he believed him.

  • The love that Jesus had for you and me was what kept him nailed to the cross, not the nails themselves.
  • I just went to the movies to see the film I Can Only Imagine, which I had been looking forward to seeing.
  • I had heard that he had been abused, but I honestly had no clue how awful things had become for him until I watched this film.
  • For a long time, Bart carried resentment and hate against his father, and after watching the film, I can see why he felt that way.
  • Friends, please accept my heartfelt greetings.
  • I don’t want to give too much away about the movie since you might want to go on a date night with your significant other after all.
  • At the end of the day, it demonstrates the unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness that are fashioned after Jesus Christ’s example.
  • As followers of Jesus, we are instructed to forgive others.ALWAYS!


If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read my personal testimony, in which I reveal that I have also experienced abuse. After fifteen years, I’ve seen firsthand how it can wear you out mentally, physically, and spiritually. My heart was filled with a lot of rage, wrath, contempt, and bitterness at the time. I would be remiss if I did not add the “why me” and “how could you allow this happen to me” questions that I asked God in response to everything that had occurred to me. I’m not even going to tell you how long I allowed it to hinder me from having a personal connection with God, but just know that it was far too long.

I was under the impression that God had abandoned me, when in fact I had abandoned HIM!

Do you know who suffered the most as a result of my circumstances: my ex-husband or myself?


How The power of forgiveness sets you free

When you carry anger, bitterness, and a refusal to forgive in your heart, you are doing more harm to yourself than you are doing to the person who has offended and harmed you. It just serves to harden your heart in all you do and with everyone you come into touch with. To forgive is to let a prisoner free only to learn that the prisoner was you in the first place. Forgiveness ForgiveLikeJesus ThePowerOfForgiveness To send a tweet, simply click here. I have only been able to let go of my bitterness because of God’s grace, and I now have freedom in my spirit as well as forgiveness in my heart.

  1. Even today, falsehoods from the devil will be whispered in my ears, causing me to become bitter and furious, and reminding me of how difficult it was for me, in order for him to put a gap between me and my Creator.
  2. In order to forgive, one must first liberate a prisoner, only to learn that the prisoner was oneself.
  3. You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recollect people who have wronged you and have the ability to wish them well.
  4. To send a tweet, simply click here.
  5. I have prayed for him and hope that he will be able to reconnect with God before taking his final breath on this world since the thought of anyone spending eternity in Hell is terrifying.
See also:  Jesus Jesus Oh How I Need You You Stay The Same

Then Jesus told his followers to “love your enemies,” “bless those who curse you,” “do nice to those who hate you,” and “pray for those who use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 Friends, I have no clue what type of loads and wounds you’re carrying around in your hearts right now, but God knows everything.

Don’t hold it against God; just let it go because letting go relieves you of the anguish!

That is something you do not desire.

It isn’t easy.

Bible Verses about Forgiveness: Reference to FORGIVE LIKE JESUS

Keep on being compassionate and forgiving to one another as God in Christ has been compassionate and forgiving to you. Paul writes in Ephesians 4:32 that

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Then Peter approached him and asked him, “Lord, how many times will my brother offend against me and I will forgive him? ” “As many as seven times?” I inquire. Matthew 18:21 (KJV) Then Jesus responded to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times,” which means seventy-seven times. Matthew 18:22 (KJV) As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, put on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved. Colossians 3:12 is a biblical passage.

  • Colossians 3:13 is a biblical passage.
  • You will not be condemned if you do not criticize others.
  • Luke 6:37 (KJV) You must forgive men their transgressions, or else you will not be forgiven by your Father, who is the source of all forgiveness.
  • We must, however, forgive in the manner of Jesus.
  • However, if we want to be forgiven, we must first demonstrate our willingness to forgive others.

In the aftermath of a painful experience, forgiving appears to be a decision to reward the perpetrator. Forgiveness, however, is only a gift from one deserving soul to another while we are under the shadow of Christ’s Cross. Forgiveness ForgiveLikeJesus To send a tweet, simply click here.

In Closing on Forgive Like Jesus: The Power of Forgiveness

If Jesus could pardon being nailed to a Rugged Roman Cross, there shouldn’t be any reason why we shouldn’t be able to forgive ourselves as well. Remember the treatment Jesus received and the agony he endured? Do you remember how Jesus felt? His response was, “Forgive them, Father; they are unaware of what they are doing.” Dear Heavenly Father, please assist us in realizing that we must strive to be more like you. Not only in the realm of forgiveness, but in all we say and do as a whole. Help us to view people the way you see them: redeemed and forgiven as a result of the blood you shed on the cross for all of mankind.

As the owner and writer of Resounding His Love, I currently reside in North Carolina with my husband.

The sharing of Christ-centered tales and resources that deal with real-life challenges in Christian Living, Bible Study, Overcoming Loss, and Abuse is my passion, and I hope to inspire you to have unwavering faith even in the midst of adversity.

How To Forgive And Forget Like God Does

A Master’s degree from Denver Seminary, as well as a Bachelor’s degree from Colorado Christian University, have been awarded to Alexis. More than 15 years have elapsed since she began working in professional ministry. She has worked in a variety of ministry roles, including co-pastor, youth minister, and spiritual director, among others. She is a mother, a wife, and a strong believer in the power of Jesus to transform lives. Alexis Waid’s most recent blog entries (See all of them) Unless you are one of the fortunate few who never has to battle with forgiveness, you will find it difficult, if not impossible, in some situations.

  1. To be honest, the Gospel would not exist at all if it were not for God’s love and forgiveness, which each and every one of us desperately needs and deserves.
  2. When something goes wrong, we have a natural propensity to believe that God responds in the same manner that we do when something goes wrong.
  3. He is not confronted with the same difficulties that we are.
  4. When Jesus paid the price for everything, He truly paid the price for everything.
  5. When you confessed Jesus as your Lord and accepted His payment for your sins, He took care of you and protected you.
  6. That is not the manner in which He extends His forgiveness.

Forgiveness and how we should respond to those who have wronged us are both demonstrated by Jesus in the New Testament. So, before we go any further into the topic of how we can forgive and forget, let’s look at some biblical support for the concept of forgiveness and forgiveness:

Biblical Support

First and foremost, there is a substantial body of biblical evidence that supports the belief that God forgets our sins after forgiving us. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all have been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that has come through Christ Jesus,” says Romans 3:23-24 (New International Version). “He does not treat us as our sins deserve, nor does He recompense us according to our iniquities,” according to Psalm 103:10 (NIV). For as far as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as distant as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our iniquities from us, according to the whole of Psalm 103.” Verse 11-12 of Psalm 103:11-12 (NIV) Furthermore, in Isaiah 43:19 (New Living Translation), it states, “I—yes, I alone—will blot out your crimes for my own sake and will never think of them again.” God forgives those who follow Him, despite the fact that we are incapable of being repaired by our efforts or our desire to do good.

“And if it is by grace, it cannot be based on works; otherwise, grace would cease to be grace.” Paul writes in Romans 11:6 that (NIV) And because we have been forgiven, God wants us to forgive others as well: “Instead, be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you,” says Ephesians 4:32 (New Living Translation).

In order to forgive and forget like God, we have to first respond to the command to forgive others. We can’t forget without forgiving.

Many people believe that forgiveness is a feeling, which is not true. However, if that were the case, no one would be spared.

God made the choice to redeem and restore us.

It is possible that God might have replied in a totally different way when Adam and Eve first defied him and brought sin into the world. Instead of punishing people, He might have just eliminated mankind off the face of the planet. A plan of redemption was instead chosen by God. This was not an emotional outburst, but rather a genuine answer based on solid basis and pure love. In addition, once the first humans sinned and clothed themselves with plants, God gave them with animal skins so that they may dress in more appropriate attire (Genesis 3:21).

Furthermore, Christ decided to tread the route of suffering out of obedience rather than out of emotional sentiments, as is commonly believed.

Luke 22:42 New International Version “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup from me; nonetheless, it is not my wish, but yours, that this cup be taken.” I’m not convinced Christ experienced amazing sentiments of forgiveness when He took up the cross and died in an innocent manner so that mankind, and those who would follow, may be reconciled with the Creator of the universe.

Forgiveness isn’t a feeling. It’s an action.

I’m not convinced Jesus felt the emotional equivalent of forgiveness in His heart when He exclaimed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” while He was being beaten and killed. (Matthew 23:34) As a result, Jesus was acutely aware of the fact that individuals were trapped by their own restricted viewpoints and brokenness. He, on the other hand, did not hold it against them.

Instead, although He was bleeding out and dying, He felt sympathy for them and their plight. The act of Jesus demonstrates not only that forgiveness is a decision and attitude (rather than a feeling), but it also demonstrates that there is another route forward.

The way to forgive and forget like God is to understand the nature of humanity.

Just listen to what Jesus said to demonstrate how well He comprehended the situation: But Jesus didn’t put his faith in them since he was well-versed in human nature. He didn’t need to be told about human nature since he was already aware of what was going on in each person’s heart. (John 2:24–25, New Living Translation) Jesus recognized that people were broken and in desperate need of Him. People are lost and bewildered if they do not have God in their lives. Actually, there are a large number of individuals who are aware of God and are making an effort to follow Him, but who are yet deeply wrong.

The only route to genuine life and fullness is via God, and we can’t find it anywhere else.

Jesus, on the other hand, did not take it personally and instead replied compassionately.

Again, as He was nailed to the cross and dying, Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

The folks who were in charge at the time were confident that they understood what they were doing. In their minds, they were crucifying a false prophet, and in doing so, they were safeguarding their God, who they thought to be the God of Moses, David, and Noah. They believed that by removing this blasphemic individual from the world, they were giving honor to God. The people who persecuted Jesus believed that their acts were justifiable in their eyes. In a similar vein, Paul himself felt he was doing the right thing by persecuting the early church, but he was completely wrong.

Even Jesus’ closest associates, notably Peter and Judas, made the incorrect decisions in their lives.

Forgiveness is vastly tied up in brokenness.

And because God knows and sees everything, He recognizes the brokenness of mankind and has provided a means for us to be reconciled to Him via the innocent death of Jesus. As a result, when we are confronted with suffering, we are also given the chance to acknowledge, as Jesus did, that people do not know what they are doing. We are able to do so even though the suffering is genuine because we have learned to give grace. However, we are able to accomplish this because of God’s strength, not our own.

See also:  What Portrait Of Jesus Was Painted In The “Fifth Gospel” Of Thomas

We are able to extend forgiveness by clinging on to God.

This is how we, like God, can forgive and forget our sins. We come to God with our anguish, disappointment, or hurt on a regular basis, and we ask Him to guide us down the path of forgiveness each time. We confess to Him that we don’t know how to move on and forgive our adversary or a loved one who has wronged or injured us. We cling to God and use His love to guide us through the process of forgiving those who have hurt us. Because, after all, if we were capable of doing anything on our own, we wouldn’t have required Jesus to come and rescue us.

We need God more than we know, and we need God more than we put into practice. Forgiveness is a heart-freeing experience, while unforgiveness is the place where the Enemy wants you to remain imprisoned, according to the Bible.

The Enemy wants you to stay mad and not extend forgiveness.

When you are angry, evil wants you to feel vindicated, justified in your hardheartedness, and satisfied in your refusal to provide atonement. Because Evil is well aware that unforgiveness is a trap and intends to catch you in its web. Its goal is to immobilize you in order for you to be unable to go on and for you to continue to suffer from turmoil and anguish.

Unforgiveness is a trap and you are its victim.

The person who suffers the most as a result of your refusal to forgive others is you. You are the one who has been entangled and trapped in your own personal jail. The consequences of unforgiveness have a negative impact on our lives in ways that we are frequently unaware of. It creates a chasm between us and God’s intimate relationship with us. When we allow our suffering to develop and do not choose to go through forgiveness, we alienate ourselves from God, who will never abandon us. Things have the ability to quickly take the place of God in our hearts, and unforgiveness is a weed that has to be taken out of our life as soon as possible.

In turn, it generates fertile ground for the growth and development of traits such as bitterness, judgement, anxiety, obsession, fear, dishonesty, plotting, and control (to mention a few).

For additional information on how to set healthy boundaries as a Christian, please see our fantastic post on how to set good boundaries as a Christian.

How To Forgive and Forget Like God

The first step on the road to forgiveness is just confessing your wrongdoing. Continue to bring your pain to God – this is critical in the healing process. You must choose forgiveness when you return to God and talk about your hurt over and over again. This decision must be made even though it is difficult. We, as followers of Christ, should be motivated by our love and respect for God, rather than by our feelings about specific mandates or prohibitions. When we forgive others, God tells us to do so in the same way that He has forgiven us.

  • Inquire of Him to assist you in developing a heart like His.
  • While we are not God, He is transforming us into more like Jesus the closer we walk with Him and the more deliberate we are in our decision to do what He wants of us in obedience to Him.
  • But, for the time being, we will continue to walk in our weaknesses, trusting that God will be the one who holds us up and carries us through both our hardships and our pleasures.
  • Today is the day you will arrive at your goal.
  • Respond to where He is calling you right now!
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  • Discipleship” data-large-file=” ssl=1″ data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ src=” ssl=1″ alt=”How To Forgive And Forget Like God |
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How to Forgive: Four Thoughts to Help You Forgive Others

We’ve all been wronged by someone, and forgiving them isn’t always simple. However, the Bible teaches us that it must take place. Here are four ideas to consider as you travel along the path of forgiveness.

Four Thoughts to Help You Forgive Others

Do you have someone you need to forgive? It might be a tough process, but it is something that we as Christians are obligated to do. If you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, here are four suggestions for how to forgive people.

Remember that God has forgiven you

The Bible says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving one another, just as God, through Christ, forgave you.” When you are forgiving someone, keep in mind that God has already forgiven you. As a result, the Bible instructs us to forgive others in the same way that God in Christ forgave us. We are asked to follow in Christ’s footsteps of forgiveness – yet doing so might be challenging. Someone may have done us a great deal of harm. When we consider all of the things that God has forgiven us for, it helps us to put things into perspective.

Shouldn’t we be able to forgive someone else for the wrongs that we have done if God can forgive us for our actions?

Giving and receiving forgiveness

Moreover, if you forgive others for their transgression, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others for their transgression, your Father will not forgive you for your transgression. “For if you do not forgive others for their transgression, your heavenly Father will not forgive you for your transgression.” In the scripture above, Jesus states unequivocally that if we do not provide forgiveness to others, we will not get forgiveness ourselves. Throughout the Bible, this is reinforced, most notably in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35).

However, after that, the servant refused to forgive a much lesser amount that had been due to him by another — an unmerciful conduct for which the master disciplined the servant.

As a result, mercy should alter us and empower us to provide it to others, even to those who have wronged us in some way.

You can only control yourself

“To avoid having your present confiscated at the altar because your brother has a grudge against you, leave your gift where it is before the altar and walk away. First and foremost, seek reconciliation with your brother before coming to provide your gift.” The Bible emphasizes the need of forgiving others as well as asking forgiveness for one’s own sins. We are instructed to make amends with people who have taken offense against us. As a result, we must not allow our grief and anger to prevent us from forgiving others.

But what if the individual who has wronged you isn’t looking to make amends? At the end of the day, the only people we have power over are ourselves, and we may still serve God by choosing to forgive, regardless of whether or not the other side acknowledges or accepts our forgiveness.

This can only be done with God’s help

“I am able to accomplish all things through him who strengthens me,” says the author. It may still appear as though someone or something in your life is difficult to forgive, despite your best efforts. And you may be correct if you’re attempting to complete the task just via your own power. Fortunately, you are not alone in your feelings. Forgiveness is attainable only by the grace of God. That does not imply that it will take place immediately or that it will be simple to do. However, if you sincerely ask God to assist you in forgiving someone, he will provide you with the power to accomplish this.

How to forgive others in three practical steps

  1. Begin by saying a prayer for that person. Pray for their well-being. Invoke God’s assistance in loving them as He loves them. You may find it difficult to be quite as furious with someone for whom you are praying on a continuous basis
  2. Appeal to God for assistance. Make a decision to forgive the person who has wronged you, and then pray to God for the strength to do so. Try again and again until you succeed. It is possible that you will not feel particularly forgiving the first time you pray for them, or that your thoughts will go back to anger or hurt. Nonetheless, don’t give up hope. This is perfectly normal and may be considered a normal part of the process. Consider it as a process of developing your “forgiveness muscle” — it will take time. Continue to work at it, and God will eventually assist you in really forgiving those who have wronged you.

Joseph’s example of forgiveness

As recorded in the Gospels, Jesus provides the most powerful example of forgiveness that the world has ever seen. Another biblical example of forgiveness may be found in the narrative of Joseph, which can be found in the book of Genesis. His spiteful brothers sold Joseph into slavery, but God turned their wicked deed into something good and used it to further His plans for him. A beautiful moment of reconciliation occurs between Joseph and his brothers near the conclusion of the storyline. It’s worth your time to go through those chapters and learn how Joseph eventually came to forgive those who had done him wrong.

Do you think that God can take the pain you’re experiencing and utilize it to bring about His goodness in your life?

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Forgive Just as God in Christ Also Has Forgiven You

As you show kindness to one another, tenderness toward one another, and forgiveness toward one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you. As a result, imitate God’s behavior as cherished children, and walk in love, just as Christ loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God in the form of a fragrant fragrance. Last week, I spoke about what forgiveness is and how it differs from other forms of expression. I used Thomas Watson’s definition, which includes the following points:

  1. Not taking revenge, not repaying evil for evil, wishing them well, weeping over their catastrophes, and praying for their wellbeing are all examples of nonviolent resistance. seeking reconciliation to the extent that it is within your power to do so
  2. And rushing to their rescue when they are in need

How Do We Truly Forgive? Gospel-Flying

This week, I’m pondering the question, “How can we do that?” When we forgive people who have wronged us, it is because we have the freedom, the capacity, the motive, and the power to do so. It would take a miracle for some of you to forgive someone who had mistreated you so deeply and injured you so horribly that forgiving them would be as incredible as flying. However, consider this little poem by John Bunyan: Follow the law and get away from there. The gospel, on the other hand, presents even better news: it invites us to soar and provides wings for us to do so.

Forgiveness is included in the “flying” of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a feat that can be accomplished by the power of the gospel. As a matter of fact, six feathers are sufficient for this flight: three on one side and three on the other, resulting in two powerful wings that may be used for gospel flying or gospel forgiving.

Two Wings, Six Feathers

This passage (Ephesians 4:32–5:2) contains all six feathers, which I believe is significant. As you show kindness to one another, tenderness toward one another, and forgiveness toward one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you. As a result, imitate God’s behavior as cherished children, and walk in love, just as Christ loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God in the form of a fragrant fragrance. In this scripture, gospel-flying is symbolized by two wings, just as a bird has two wings in flight.

  • Every feather represents anything that God the Father and God the Son have done for us without our assistance.
  • I’m now speaking with a group of Christian Christians.
  • What I am expressing here about gospel-flying (forgiving) is yours for the taking if you would lay down the burdens of unbelief and place your faith in Christ.
  • One wing with three feathers represents what Christ did for us before we were ever born into this world.
  • To illustrate the sermon today, draw a bird with two large wings, each with three feathers, and write one of the things God has done so that we might fly with forgiveness to each other on each of the three feathers of each of the two large wings.
See also:  I Believe In God But Not Jesus What Religion Is That?

Wing1: What God Did for Us Before We Existed

In this wing, the very first feather is as follows: 1. God’s Love for Us Is a Particularly Saving Love “Be imitators of God, just like God’s loving children,” says Ephesians 5:1. And in verse 2, it says, “Walk in love, just as Christ has loved you.” “Walk in love, just as Christ has loved you,” says the Bible. The indescribable truth of being loved by God serves as the first feather in the wing of gospel-flying, and it is the act of forgiving others. However, in order to comprehend the magnitude of this love, you must understand that it is not simply the universal love that God has for all of creation—the love that provides life and breath and food and rain and protection and family and job and countless other signs of his truth, power, and greatness.

  • Nevertheless, if that is all you know about God’s love, your gospel wings will be weakened.
  • That represents something more than God’s broad affection for the entire universe.
  • It carries out the necessary tasks to secure our forgiveness and salvation.
  • The Lord picked us before the foundation of the world so that we may stand before Him completely spotless and faultless.
  • And as a result, God has loved you with an unfathomable love, one that began before you were even born and that drove him to predestine you to be a holy child of God before you were even created.
  • It is not only a broad feeling of affection.
  • If you get enthralled by being loved in this way, you may only only one feather to take flight.
  • Christ made Himself available as a sacrifice for us.
  • According to Ephesians 2:3, we were all born into a world of wrath by our own nature.

Nevertheless, God’s covenant love for us compelled him not only to pick us, but also to offer his Son as a sacrifice in our place: “Christ gave himself up for us,” which means “Christ died in our place,” which means “Christ died so that we would not perish.” “He turned out to be a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13).

  1. The Bible teaches in Ephesians 5:25 that husbands should love their wives “like Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” So, Christ’s offering himself up as a replacement for the church is part of his covenant love for his wife, which he expresses via his death on the cross.
  2. You, specifically, were in mind as the ultimate objective of his loving and dying, and he had your best interests at heart.
  3. When they were tallied, the officer discovered that there were just 19.
  4. None of them did.
  5. Immediately after taking the initiative, a young guy of around 19 years old was brought a few steps away and shot as a warning to the others.
  6. The officer had made a clerical error in his calculations.
  7. But he did it nevertheless because he had a very special covenant love for you that was far superior to any human love he could have had for you.

The second feather is the fact that Christ offered himself as a sacrifice in your place, ensuring that you would never perish in your sin.

God was completely satisfied with Christ’s death on the cross.

He didn’t glance down and say, “I’m sorry.” “That’s not something you can do.

Every individual is responsible for his or her own guilt.

As a result, Christ’s death was not in vain.

It was sufficient to satisfy the Father’s justice.

Be glad, be glad, be glad, O be glad!

Michael Kelly Blanchard wrote the lyrics and composed the music.


(ASCAP)/Gotz Music (ASCAP) God was completely pleased by the blood of Jesus. As the third feather in the first wing of gospel-flying and forgiveness, it is important to note that Before you were born, there was a wing of God’s work in the form of:

  1. God desired to save you with a particular saving love
  2. Christ willingly offered himself as a sacrifice for you
  3. And God was happy with Christ’s sacrifice. Your obligation has been satisfied

Wing2: What God Did for Us During Our Lifetime

The opposite wing, which is used for gospel flying, has three feathers as well. 1. God has placed us in a saving relationship with Christ through His Son, Jesus Christ. God has placed you in a saving relationship with Christ, and you have been joined to Christ in the same way that a vine is united to a branch. “Forgive each other, just as God in Christ has forgiven you,” says the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:32b. “We are in Christ,” as the phrase goes. We are in a relationship with Christ—we are joined to Christ—in such a manner that we are acceptable to God because he is acceptable to God, which means we are acceptable to God.

  1. “By doing so, you are in Christ Jesus,” according to 1 Corinthians 1:30.
  2. Ephesians 2:10, 13; Romans 16:17).
  3. But he went ahead and did it.
  4. His desire to pursue you will not be thwarted in his efforts to do so.
  5. Nothing will stand in the way of his rescuing you.
  6. Secondly, God has adopted us and made us his rightful children* Another feather in your cap for gospel forgiveness is the fact that God adopted you into his family and made you a legitimate child of God.
  7. In addition, he is the heir.

“God predestined us unto adoption,” according to Ephesians 1:5 (NIV).

And, if they are nasty and uncaring parents, they may even inform their children that they are not welcome in their home.

They have all been planned from the beginning of time, with tremendous anticipation and excitement.

Christ’s death is analogous to an incomprehensibly large contribution made through heaven’s Micah Fund.

God Forgave Us for Our Sins* After all is said and done, the third feather in wing2 for gospel-flying (forgiving) is the knowledge that God has forgiven you of your sins.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven you,” says the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:32.


In the years before your birth (wing1):

  1. God has loved you with a particular, personal, and saving love from the beginning of time
  2. His Son gave his life for you in order to take the place of your judgment
  3. And God was satisfied by the substitutionary and atoning death of the Son. The debt had been settled

Then, when you were born (wing2), here’s what happened:

  1. God led you to believe in Christ and placed you in a saving relationship with him
  2. He is the source of your salvation. God adopted you into his family as if you were one of his own children
  3. God has forgiven you of all your sins, and you are no longer under condemnation

The wings that John Bunyan had in mind were as follows: Follow the law and get away from there. However, neither feet nor hands are provided. The gospel delivers even better news: it invites us to soar and provides us with wings. It begs us to forgive—and it gives us gospel wings in the process. It is possible to fly if you believe in your heart that God has done all of this for you and believes in you. You’re going to forgive me. Charles Spurgeon describes how God’s forgiveness transformed his heart into a soaring bird: My life had been filled with sadness and wretchedness, and I had come to believe that I was doomed.

And as the snow fell on my way home from the modest house of prayer, I had the impression that every snowflake spoke with me and informed me of the forgiveness I had received, for I was as white as the driven snow as a result of God’s kindness.

The act of forgiving is a greater level of experience than the act of being forgiving, just as it is more fortunate to give than to receive.

During these days in Bethlehem, spread your wings with me and let’s take to the skies together.

Genuine Christians forgive like Jesus

“Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing.” They then separated His clothing and distributed them by lot. (Matthew 23:34) For most individuals, forgiveness is a difficult concept to grasp. Peter inquired of Jesus as to how many times he should forgive his brother. He questioned if seven times would be sufficient. The impression I get is that he thought he was being charitable by offering to forgive someone on such a regular basis. Jesus, on the other hand, did not see things that way.

(See Matthew 18:21-35 for further information.) It’s possible that you’ve heard the anecdote of the youngster who was reading this narrative.

He eventually gave trying and decided that he would simply forgive him and go on with his life.

I Don’t WANT to Forgive

Some individuals believe that they cannot forgive someone unless and until he expresses regret for what he has done. At the absolute least, they want the satisfaction of witnessing the criminal pleading for their forgiveness on their behalf. ButJesus forgaveHis executioners despite the fact that they were not even remorseful for what they had done to Him. Other times, individuals believe they will never be able to forgive someone until that person changes his or her behaviors and stops offending.

Some individuals may choose to “forgive” someone because they are confident that God will punish him at some point in the future.

However, we don’t see Jesus attaching any conditions to His forgiveness in this passage. As a result, I believe that Jesus’ forgiveness was so comprehensive and genuine that He truly hoped that His executioners would repent, so preventing God from having to punish them for their crimes.

An illustration:

An incident occurred some years ago in one of the western states when a guy drove through the median of a four-lane interstate. The driver lost control of his vehicle in front of a pickup truck going the other way, and the two slammed head on. The individual who was at fault for the collision was not gravely injured. The second car, however, was involved in a fatal accident, killing five children. Their father had suffered a terrible injury. The driver who caused the collision has been roundly chastised for his actions, but he maintains that he has no idea why he crossed the center median.

Despite the fact that a large number of people were really outraged with the driver, the father and mother of the five children decided to publicly forgive him.

They, on the other hand, opted to respond in the same way that Jesus did.

Christians can forgive like Jesus did.

More ideas on this may be found in Matthew 5:44 and Romans 12:14-21, respectively.

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