How Did Jesus Know Lazarus

Meet Lazarus, A Friend of Jesus Who Was Raised From the Dead

Aside from the apostles, Lazarus was one of the few companions of Jesus Christ who was specifically identified by name in the Gospels. In fact, we’re informed that Jesus had a soft spot for him. Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, dispatched a message to Jesus in order to inform him that their brother was in need of assistance. Instead of hurrying to Lazarus’ bedside, Jesus chose to remain in the same place for another two days. It had been four days since Lazarus had been laid to rest in his tomb when Jesus finally arrived in Bethany.

When it comes to Lazarus the person, the Bible provides very little information.

Although there is no mention of a wife, we may presume that Martha and Mary were either widowed or unmarried because they were living with their brother.

(Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-2; Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-2) The resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus represented a watershed moment in history.

They began hatching a plan to assassinate Jesus.

We aren’t told whether or not they followed through with their plan.

The story of Jesus reviving Lazarus appears solely in the Gospel of John, which is the gospel that places the most emphasis on Jesus’ status as theSon of God.

Accomplishments of Lazarus

Lazarus gave his sisters with a loving and caring environment that was defined by compassion and generosity. He also provided a secure and welcoming environment for Jesus and his disciples, allowing them to feel at ease and at ease with themselves. He recognized Jesus as more than a friend; he recognized him as the Messiah. In the end, Lazarus rose from the dead in response to Jesus’ summons and served as a testimony to Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God.

Lazarus’ Strengths

Godliness and honesty were demonstrated by Lazarus throughout his life. He was kind and professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Life Lessons

Godliness and honesty characterized Lazarus’ character. He was kind and professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior, among other things.


Lazarus was a resident of Bethany, a tiny village located on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives approximately two miles southeast of Jerusalem on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives.

Referenced in the Bible

John 11 and 12 are two of the most important biblical passages.


Martha and Mary are sisters.

Key Verses

25-26 in John 11:25-26 Jesus addressed her by saying, “I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus. Even though they die, the one who believes in me will continue to live; and the one who lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe what I’m saying?” (NIV) 11:35 (John 11:35) Jesus broke down and sobbed. John 11:49-50 (New International Version) Then one of them, Caiaphas, who happened to be the high priest that year, stood out, saying, “You have absolutely no knowledge!

Jesus, Lazarus, and Friendship

Was Lazarus a buddy of Jesus’? Jesus’ affection for Lazarus is a universally recognized human emotion. When Jesus learns that Lazarus is sick, he decides to stay at Bethany for an additional two days out of love for him. Nonetheless, he departs for Jerusalem, despite the fact that he knows Lazarus will die, because Lazarus’ death and resurrection would serve to magnify God’s glory. When Jesus learns of Lazarus’s death, he is distraught, as any friend would be, to the point of sobbing; nonetheless, he is able to restore him to life within minutes.

  1. Leaving these problems to the theologians, we may consider if Jesus’ sympathies for Lazarus were representative of attitudes toward friendship in Jesus’ own time.
  2. Despite this, the term is only mentioned once in the New Testament, in James 4:4: “friendship with the world is enmity with God,” according to the Bible.
  3. The Gospels refer to a “friend of sinners” (Matt 11:19; Luke 7:34), although the Greek word philos can refer to regular friends as well, particularly in parables (e.g.,Luke 11:5).
  4. As a whole, the New Testament likes to use the language of kinship to express the relationships that exist among the believers (brothers and sisters).
  5. Later, when the Jews observe Jesus sobbing, they claim that he truly loved Lazarus, using the cognate verbphilein to express their sentiments.
  6. In contrast, Jesus’ affection for Martha, Mary, and Lazarus is indicated by the verbagapan, “cherish,” which corresponds to the nounagapê, which occurs in Christian writings first and is derived from the Greek word for “cherish” (both noun and verb occur over 100 times in the New Testament).
  7. The Greek term for “plainly” is parrhêsia, which literally translates as “frankness” or “candor.” This trait, as opposed to flattery or dissimulation, was considered to be a sign of sincere friendship.
  8. Were Jesus and Lazarus, then, friends in the classical sense, in the same way that the renowned Greek mythological couples Orestes and Pylades or Theseus and Pirithous were friends in the classical sense?

Is Jesus’ compassion for Lazarus unique, going above and beyond the solidarity of the group of “friends” that surrounds him? All of the questions are excellent.

Who Was Lazarus in the Bible? – 7 Important Questions Answered

Even at the time of Jesus, the story of Lazarus piqued people’s interest. The Bible tells us that a large audience followed Jesus, but they didn’t only come to see him; they also came to see Lazarus, a common man who had a life-altering experience that captivated them and continues to astound those who read it today. In addition to describing the miracle, the story describes how interested onlookers and opponents of Jesus reacted. As with every news station that does not agree with the tale, the opponents of the rescued guy sought to bury the news, murder the rescued man, and bury him again.

Why Is Lazarus a Remarkable Name?

God HAS HELPED, in the past tense, which signifies that it has already been completed. It is extraordinary to have a given name that appears to be a prophesy in retrospect. His parents called him long before he was in need of the Christ to restore him to health and happiness. As a result, his very name inspires hope in all of us. Wow, what a wonderful thing it is to hope before we ever have a need. Jesus is the one who makes all the difference. Lazarus went from being sick to being dead, and then he was put in a tomb for four days, clothed in burial clothes.

How Did People Respond to the News of Lazarus?

Lazarus had gotten so sick that his sisters summoned Jesus to his side. From John 11:1 through John 12:9, the Bible tells the tale of Lazarus’ death. When Jesus learned that Lazarus was ill, he decided to stay for another two days to care for him. He didn’t rush out to see to his friend’s wounds or even travel to a place that was more convenient for him. He just remarked that this disease was being suffered for the glory of God and that he did not expect to die as a result of it. His comments should have provided assurance and comfort to his companions.

  • They had witnessed several miracles and were aware that Jesus possessed God’s power, which should have encouraged them to place their faith in him.
  • Lazarus had fallen asleep, and he needed to rouse him, he informed the disciples.
  • Mary, Jesus’ sister, had washed and anointed the feet of the Savior.
  • The reactions of those who were associated with Lazarus and Jesus were typical of human reactions.
  • They allowed for the anointing of the body and the wrapping of the body in burial garments before placing Lazarus in the tomb.
  • When Jesus was about to leave for Bethany, the disciples attempted to stop him.
  • They were more afraid of corrupt men than they were of Jesus.
  • They appeared to be completely oblivious to the words that Jesus had spoken in order to awaken Lazarus.
  • They were under the impression that they were going to the tomb to grieve with her.

They intended to soothe her and had no plans to mark the occasion with a celebration. This put them in earshot of the dialogue between Mary, Martha, and Jesus, during which Jesus pushed them to put their faith in him and his ability to heal.

What Do We Learn from Jesus as He Spoke to the Sisters of Lazarus?

As vital words were said, Lazarus remained still in the grave. When Martha heard that Jesus had arrived, she immediately went to see him. ‘Your brother will rise again,’ he told her when she came to him for help. Martha replied in the same way that many bereaved loved ones respond to platitudes and well-intentioned words: with anger. She presumably thought it was empty, and she only faintly said that she had heard about the resurrection on the final day. “I am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus declared emphatically, underscoring the significance of his words.

  1. Do you accept what Jesus says in John 11:24-25?
  2. Lazarus remained in the tomb, waiting to be summoned, but Jesus had not even arrived in the village at that point.
  3. She demonstrated her belief in his ability to heal a person just before they died.
  4. He became compassionate as a result of the sobbing.
  5. We learn that Jesus is genuinely concerned about people.

Why Did Jesus Weep if He Knew He Would Raise Lazarus from the Dead?

“When Jesus saw her sobbing and the Jews who had come along with her weeping, he was profoundly affected in spirit and distressed,” according to John 11:33-37. ‘Can you tell me where you buried him?’ he inquired. ‘Come and see for yourself, Lord,’ they said. Jesus broke down and sobbed. The Jews then exclaimed, ‘Look at how much he cares about him!’ “However, some of them questioned if the same God who opened the blind man’s eyes could not have prevented this man’s death.” The tears of Jesus lead us to pause and reflect on our lives.

  1. He did not begin to sob until after he inquired as to where Lazarus could be found.
  2. No one thought that Jesus could bring a dead man back to life.
  3. The others in the throng assumed they understood why he was crying – he had a deep affection for Lazarus and was grieving his death.
  4. In the words of Bryan Chapell, General Editor of The Gospel Transformation Bible, and Dan Ortlund, Managing Editor of The Gospel Transformation Bible, “Jesus identifies with us in our grief and loss.” When we are weak and broken, He comes to us in that state.
  5. This is an example of Jesus being totally human.
  6. 22:34-40).
  7. During this time, Jesus is suffering the full weight of the fall—the transgression and breakdown of the way things were supposed to be.

His holy tears are those of the Creator, who is mourning over the loss of beauty as a result of the intrusion of sin and death into the world.


He felt it deep inside himself, at the heart of his existence.



The Jews are correct in believing that Jesus cared for Lazarus, but they are mistaken in believing that his tears reflect anguish on a par with their own.

Lewis wrote.

What Changed at the Tomb of Lazarus?

When Jesus arrived to the tomb, he was overcome with emotion once more. His attention was drawn to the sin, disease, and death that characterize the broken world. Perhaps Jesus stood there knowing exactly what he would have to go through at his own death in order to save mankind from the effects of sin. The stone had been there for four days, so he ordered them to remove it, but Martha objected because the stench had persisted for so long. He reminded them once more that if they believed, they would be able to witness the glory of God.

  1. In his prayer to the Father, Jesus made it clear that he wanted people to believe that God, his Father, had sent him on his mission.
  2. Then he yelled, “Lazarus, come forth!” he said.
  3. Jesus performed a miracle in order to instill confidence in what God was doing through him.
  4. A description of it may be found in the Jesus Bible (Louie Giglio, Editor in Chief) which reads as follows: “In the same way that Lazarus was obviously physically dead, we are spiritually dead and alienated from God as a result of our own transgressions.
  5. ‘We were dead in trespasses and sins, and we were by nature worthy of wrath,’ Paul emphasized (Eph 2:1-3).
  6. El-‘Aziriyeh is the name of this neighborhood.

What Reactions Do We Have When We Think about Lazarus?

The dead man stood up and walked; he had resurrected after being buried for several days. The individuals must have been frozen in place, motionless and just looking at the scene. They had to be prodded into action by Jesus, who ordered, “Unbind him and let him free.” People who came with Mary and Martha were convinced, but a few disbelieved and informed the Pharisees of their discovery. When the sisters learned that their brother had been returned, those religious authorities did not respond with surprise or delight for them.

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They behaved out of self-interest, and in John 11:47-53, they confess their motivations and feelings of animosity toward Jesus.

Caiaphas, the high priest, told them that it would be preferable for one man to die for the people than for the entire nation to perish as a result of their actions.

According to the New International Version Biblical Theology Study Bible, “Caiaphas spoke more truth than he realized: when Caiaphas voiced his opinion to the Sanhedrin, God was also speaking, even if Caiaphas and God intended different meanings through the same words, Caiaphas and God were both speaking the truth (cf.Acts 4:27-28).

It is evident, however, that the difference between what Caiaphas intends and what God means: Jesus dies for the country not by putting an end to political strife, but by wiping away the sins of those who trust in him.” The entire public was on the lookout for Jesus.

They went on a search for Lazarus with Jesus. They were looking for hope, not for power. It invites us to pay attention and respond.

Why Does God Not Answer Some Prayers Right Away or Sometimes Not at All?

You may find yourself asking the following questions:

  • The reason why Jesus took such a long time to react to Mary and Martha’s appeal
  • The reason why Jesus takes such a long time to respond to some of our petitions
  • Why does he occasionally fail to respond in the way we expect him to? When it comes to understanding, how might the tale of Lazarus aid us?

Take a look back at the tale and you will find that Jesus stayed in complete command of the whole scenario. He was aware of Lazarus’ condition, and he was certain that he would raise him from the dead, yet he allowed the events to develop gradually. His key points of emphasis at the beginning of the sermon and at the tomb are the splendor of God and confidence in him. Lazarus, who did nothing but lie on his bed unwell, and later in the grave dead, serves as a reminder that God is in complete command of events.

  1. Jesus tells us that we must put God’s will first, rather than our own interests, in order to be successful.
  2. When we stray away from God and become sidetracked by the world and our everyday cares, Christ will call us back to what is most essential in our lives.
  3. Sitting at God’s feet and placing our confidence in him is the most important thing we can do every day of our lives.
  4. God prefers that the primary story revolve around him rather than around us; he will always be compassionate toward us, but his ultimate objective is to bring glory to his name and to attract people into a permanent trust in him.
  5. She writes to help families stay together and to encourage religion.
  6. Credit: GettyImages/sedmak, Padua – painting of the resurrection of Lazarus scenario in the church Chiesa di San Gaetano and the chapel of the Crucifixion by an unknown artist from the 17th century, in the church Chiesa di San Gaetano and the chapel of the Crucifixion.


Lazarus, sometimes known as Eleazar (Hebrew for “God has aided”), is one of two persons recorded in the New Testament. The miracle tale of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus is told in the Gospel of John (11:1–45), which is available online. Lazarus of Bethany was the brother of Martha and Mary, and he resided in the town of Bethany, which is close to Jerusalem. Jesus was deeply attached to Lazarus and his sisters, according to the gospel story, and when Lazarus died as a result of sickness, Jesus cried and was “greatly troubled.” Despite the fact that Lazarus had been entombed for four days by the time Jesus arrived in Bethany, he was resurrected from the dead by Jesus and came from the tomb wearing his burial garments when Jesus arrived.

John 12:1–3 tells us that Lazarus was present when his sister Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with costly perfume (Lazarus was present).

A painting by Jean Jouvenet, The Raising of Lazarus (oil on canvas, 1711), which can be seen in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles County Museum of Art (The Ciechanowiecki Collection; M.2000.179.4) is also the name given by the Gospel of Luke(16:19–31) to the beggar in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, which may be found at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (M.2000.179.4).

It is the only proper name that has been assigned to a character in theparables of Jesus. Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the author of the most recent revision and update to this article.

Jesus meets Lazarus the man who lives twice

Following the death of a loved one, it is normal to notice persons who appear to be quite similar to the person who has gone. This is known as the “likeness effect.” I know I experienced this exact experience a couple times after my father’s death, and I’m not the only one. While strolling down the aisle of a shopping center, I noticed a man who looked quite similar to my father. It caused me to do a double take and laugh. This may be really disturbing since it appears to be them, but you know it isn’t because they have died, so you know it cannot be.

  • Is it possible that this will happen?
  • The residents of the town of Bethany were confronted with a similar situation.
  • Consider the conversations at the marketplaces, as well as the queries from the children: “Is it true?” Consider the possible responses.
  • Everyone was familiar with them since Martha was a fantastic chef who was also really welcoming.
  • Mary, on the other hand, had been continually talking about this guy, Jesus, ever since he had come to her house and she had invited him to stay.
  • When others inquired as to what made Him so remarkable, she would respond by telling them that He was the Lord from above.
  • With this in mind, everyone was taken aback when Jesus didn’t appear to make the effort to come and visit Lazarus when he became ill, especially considering that Jesus had already treated a slew of other very ill individuals.

Suddenly, one of Jesus’ closest friends becomes ill, and Jesus is unable to be found.

John 11:1-5 is a passage from the Gospel of John.

Because her brother Lazarus was ill, Mary anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and cleaned His feet with her hair, and this is how the story ends.

He whom You love is ill,” and He answered them.

Those who are opposed to Jesus The sickness of Lazarus occurred during a very trying period in the lives of Jesus and His followers.

It was they who had wrongly accused Jesus of being an impostor and a troublemaker.

Because of the growing anti-Jesus sentiment, the disciples were apprehensive about traveling anywhere near Jerusalem, which served as the orthodox Jews’ administrative center.

As we did previously, we shall read the written narrative of this highly unique meeting between Jesus and Lazarus.

Then He said to the disciples, “Let us go back to Judea,” which meant “again.” “Rabbi, the Jews had just attempted to stone You, and are You planning on returning there again?” the disciples inquired.

Anyone walking during the day will not trip or fall because he will be able to glimpse the light of this planet.

“Lazarus has died,” Jesus stated emphatically to the crowd.

“However, let us proceed to see him.” Then Thomas, commonly known as the Twin, addressed his other disciples, saying, “Let us also go, so that we may die with Him.” Jesus is the Resurrection and the Resurrection is the Life We might infer from this description that they were apprehensive about traveling to where Lazarus was, especially since he had already died.

  1. His heart was clearly not filled with dread, and He had a clear goal in mind.
  2. Jesus is about to make it very obvious that death is not the end of our journey with him.
  3. People were going to witness who Jesus truly was and that His ways are not our ways.
  4. As Jesus approached Bethany, the burial service for Lazarus had concluded.
  5. In the background, the villagers are in grief, while the devout Jews observe and the disciples are cautiously gazing over their shoulders.
  6. Let’s have a look at Jesus’ response.
  7. His mother, Martha, replied to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the end of time.” “I am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus declared to her.

And whomever lives and believes in Me will never perish from the earth.

I believe that You are Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who is about to enter the world.” Do you believe what I’m saying?

As a result of sin, death has befallen the whole human population.

As sin and death were brought into the world by one man, Adam, and spread to everyone, so too might life and salvation be brought into the world by one man, Jesus.

But, even more importantly, if we put our faith in Him, He will restore our connection with God.

The dead of sin can be replaced by the life of God, allowing us to live by the life of God.

He will forgive us of our sins, and it is through Him that we may be adopted as sons of God.

He also inquires as to whether or not we believe.

During this time, Mary also joined Jesus, and the two sisters escorted Jesus to the location where Lazarus was laid to rest.

Jesus sobbed as he stood outside the church.

We may find genuine comfort in Him, and we can also provide comfort to others by allowing Him to console us.

It is important to remember that Jesus grieved at the grave of His buddy Lazarus the next time you are at someone’s side during their final days or during a funeral service.

Mary predicted that the stink would be unbearable four days after the event.

11:41-44 (John 11:41-44) Then they moved the stone away from the spot where the deceased guy was lying down to bury him.

Moreover, I am aware that You are constantly aware of my presence, but I said this in order for the people who are standing nearby to think that You have sent Me.” When He had finished saying these things, He called out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, arise!” And he who had died emerged from the graveyard, graveclothes wrapped around his body and a robe wrapped around his face to conceal his identity.

  • Jesus came to earth so that we, as sons of men, can be transformed into sons of God.
  • We, like Lazarus, must respond and meet Jesus with faith, which requires us to turn away from our wicked way of life.
  • The things that attach to us as sons of God, such as pride, wrath, worry, desire, and fear, prevent us from progressing ahead as sons of God.
  • We may break free from the past and begin to live the life that God has prepared for us from the beginning if we seek the help and spiritual guidance of others.
  • The one thing that was definite about Lazarus was that he had no fear of death.
  • Lazarus had triumphed over sin, death, and the grave as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  • We, too, have the ability to relive our lives.
  • Water and the Spirit are required for us to be born again into God’s life.

We shall know His power to conquer sin and its death-like consequences, and we will know that we will be in the presence of the Lord when we pass from this life. The following is an excerpt from the Life of Jesus Series by Bruce Mackay.

When Jesus met Lazarus, Mary and Martha

Hello, and welcome to the Gathering, which is similar to weekly worship but darker and louder in nature. By the way, this is not intended to be a description of my presentation. This morning, Andrew Lingham spoke on the encounter between Jesus and Bartimaeus. After that, I’ll be able to speak about another encounter Jesus had, when he encountered Lazarus. In order to give you the account of Lazarus’ meeting with Jesus, I will also have to tell you the narrative of Lazarus’ meeting with his two sisters, who were also present at the encounter.

  1. As I am sure many of you are already aware with the narrative, I will make an effort to explain it in an engaging manner.
  2. Because the text is lengthy, I will not read it in its entirety.
  3. We are told at the opening of the chapter that a man called Lazarus was unwell.
  4. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus was now in a critical condition, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord’s feet and cleaned his feet with her hair in the Gospel of John.
  5. In fact, Mary and Martha are far more well-known than Mary and Martha.
  6. This subject will be brought up again shortly.
  7. This story may be familiar to you.
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For years, in another spectacular own goal by the church on all things gender-related, this story has been used to make women feel guilty about doing too much domestic work.

That is not really the point of the story.

You’ll find this in the biography of Jesus written by Luke, Chapter 10, verses 38 – 42: As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.

Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,but only one thing is needed.

If work is the issue at all, then only in the context of finding a right balance between serving others and spending time with Jesus.

Can you imagine how utterly extraordinary a thing it was for a woman to sit at the feet of a rabbi and listen to him teach in first-century Israel?

Bit of a grim image, I’m sorry.

Not only were women supposed to be incapable of such understanding, it was considered positively evil for women to seek knowledge.

The fact that Adam ate the apple too was conveniently forgotten.

Not only does Jesus not tell her off.

He says she has made the right choice.

He loves the faith in Mary.

She forgets about everything else, and like a child does with a favourite uncle or aunt, she just wants to spend time listening to his voice.

We don’t know how much time passes between this first meeting between Jesus and Martha and Mary, and the death of Lazarus.

It’s not much of a surprise that Jesus goes to Lazarus, even if the last time he was in the area, the Jews there tried to kill him.

After all, Jesus once taught his disciples that if someone asked for your coat, you should give him your shirt, too.

That delay means that Jesus arrives only four days after Lazarus has died.

And I think that is because of this – Jesus waits for his friend, the man he loves, to die.

I mean, let’s make it clear from the start, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.

No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” So, at least Jesus knows what the outcome is going to be before he sets off.

For Jesus, our adversity is not in the first instance something that needs to be removed or solved as quickly as possible.

For that reason, the more desperate the situation, the more obvious God’s intervention becomes.

People have argued that Jesus’ delay in coming to the aid of Lazarus is made up for by the astonishing miracle he performs – after all, he raises Lazarus from the dead.

Nevertheless, I can’t help but ask, “Is that enough?” You see, my family and I are experiencing adversity at the moment.

My plans for earning more money have not come to anything, yet.

Is God waiting right now for things to get even more desperate before he does something about it, to make the proof of his power even more spectacular?

I’d rather that God fixes things now, thank you very much.

When Jesus finally arrives in Lazarus’ village, Martha is the first to come to him and say,”Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Can you feel the accusation in that?

You could have prevented all this from happening.

She says to Jesus,“But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” That’s an astonishing demonstration of faith, isn’t it?

Already, she has told Jesus that he could have done better than he did.

What happens next?

He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

If anyone would have had the right to be angry with Jesus, and to stop trusting him at all, it would have been Martha.

Healing people is something Jesus has done a lot.

I find some comfort from Martha’s expression of her doubt, and Jesus’ response.

I am God, I get to do what I like.” And, to be fair, he could have said that.

He promises to change the situation, and so acknowledges that she has a right to feel angry about how things have developed so far.

You see, when Jesus arrives in Bethany, only Martha goes out to meet him.

I can imagine that she was rather too upset to want to see him.

She falls at Jesus’ feet and says, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died.” I wonder, did Mary fall at his feet so that she wouldn’t punch him in the face?

We’re told,Jesus wept.

That, however, cannot be the case.

No, I believe Jesus is grieving for someone else.

As he weeps for her, he realizes how difficult her situation has been.

He is a kind man.

It gives me comfort to know that Jesus weeps for me.

And he will simply put off the inevitable since there is something even more amazing on the horizon.

Don’t you think they are pretty breath-taking phrases, to say the least?

As a result, Jesus says much more in this passage than just, “Hey, Lazarus, come on out; you haven’t quite earned your way into paradise yet.” He claims that there are no more lost causes in our world.

There are no longer any limitations to the triumph of life over death, or the triumph of light over darkness.

That is a pretty stunning miracle, to say the least.

Do you think that Jesus has the ability to resurrect people from the dead, literally?

One final point, simply because I enjoy the conclusion to this story.

That response is provided in the next chapter: Six days before the Passover, Jesus traveled to Bethany, where he saw Lazarus, whom he had resurrected from the grave the night before.

Meanwhile, Lazarus was among those seated around the table with him, serving as his server.

Furthermore, the perfume enveloped the entire house with its scent.

By the way, the delight does not derive from the oil’s monetary worth.

Of course, the action is purely symbolic.

She is already pointing to the future, to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Her actions are motivated by and convey her unwavering love and dedication to Jesus, which she has experienced throughout her life.

I believe that we should pray for those situations in our lives that seem to be beyond hope, and for which there appears to be no cure.

” However, some of us will have to answer, “I still think you are the son of God, and I am confident that God will accomplish everything you ask.”

Lazarus Raised from the Dead – Bible Story

Greetings and welcome to the Gathering, which is similar to weekly service but is darker and louder in nature. Note that this is not intended to be a description of my speech. The subject of “When Jesus met Bartimaeus” was discussed by Andrew Lingham this morning. I get to tell you about another encounter Jesus had, when he met Lazarus, which I find fascinating. If I’m going to tell you the story of Lazarus’ meeting with Jesus, I’m going to have to tell you the story of Lazarus’ meeting with his two sisters as well.

  1. As I am sure many of you are already familiar with the story, I will make an effort to tell it in an interesting way.
  2. I won’t read the entire passage because it is too long.
  3. She was the same Mary who poured perfume on the Lord’s feet and wiped his feet with her hair, and she was also the sister of Lazarus, who was now ill.
  4. It should be noted that Mary and Martha are far more famous.
  5. This topic will be revisited later.
  6. The following story is one you may recall: Marry spends the majority of her time sitting at Jesus’ feet, taking notes as he speaks.
  7. In yet another spectacular own goal by the church on all things gender-related, this story has been used for years to make women feel guilty about doing too much domestic work, which has been a source of contention for decades.
  8. That, however, is not the main point of the story.
  9. This can be found in Luke’s biography of Jesus, Chapter 10, verses 38 – 42, where it says: The journey of Jesus and his disciples took them through a village, where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home.
  10. Martha, on the other hand, was preoccupied with all of the preparations that needed to be made.

Please tell her to assist me!” “”Martha, Martha,” the Lord responded, “you are worried and upset about a lot of things, but there is only one thing that you need to worry about.” Mary has made a better choice, and she will not have it taken away from her by anyone.” Isn’t it true that the passage isn’t about working too much?

  1. Rather, what has been obscured by all of the debate over how much women ought to or ought not to work is a much more revolutionary event – Mary sits at Jesus’ feet and listens intently to his teaching.
  2. It would not have been more scandalous if the Queen had decided to go jogging through St James’ Park in her underwear today, as she would have been.
  3. To put it another way, it was unthinkable for a woman to sit and listen to a Rabbi’s teaching.
  4. After all, it was Eve’s desire for knowledge that drove her to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden in the beginning.
  5. A woman is sitting right in the middle of the discussion, not at one of the sides, but right next to the master’s feet, smack dab in the middle of all these men.
  6. He expresses his gratitude to her for doing so.
  7. “Hah, take that, all of you bigoted male priests and pastors who taught that it was bad for a woman to know too much,” I want to scream out.

He is a big fan of Mary’s faith.

She completely forgets about everything else and, much as a child might with a favorite uncle or aunt, she only wants to spend time listening to his voice and nothing else.

Between this initial meeting between Jesus and Martha and Mary and the death of Lazarus, we have no way of knowing how much time has elapsed between them.

If you take even a cursory glance at Jesus’ life, you will discover several occasions in which he went out of his way to assist those in need of assistance.

What is shocking is that Jesus decides to wait two more days before departing.

The process of drafting this address has caused me untold difficulties, far more difficulties than the preparation of any previous speech I’ve given.

When I say it, my stomach clenches.

As soon as Jesus learns about Lazarus’ condition, he makes the following announcement: “There will be no death as a result of this disease.

Nevertheless, this reveals something about Jesus’ attitude toward our difficulties, toward the times when things go wrong in the lives of those of us who love him.

It is instead through our experience of things going wrong that God may reveal his greatness and might.

Even if God needs to wait until things are at their most desperate point in order to intervene.

There aren’t many things more stunning than that, are there?

I’m only employed on a very part-time basis.

Numerous people present tonight will be dealing with difficulties; the economic existence of many of us is at the very least in doubt, if not presently threatened by dire circumstances.

Doesn’t that make you feel a little uneasy?

Mary and Martha appear to be experiencing the same emotions.

Why did you take such a long time to arrive, Jesus?

Martha, on the other hand, goes beyond that unstated charge.

Her brother has passed away.

Despite this, she continues to think that he has the ability to change the situation if he so chooses.

Allow me to return to the section in question: “Your brother will resurrect from the dead,” Jesus assured her.

“I tell you,” Jesus said her “In my person there is no death, no resurrection, and no life.

What if I told you anything like this?” The woman responded, “Yes, Lord,” saying she believed he was the Christ, the Son of God, who had been prophesied to come into the world.

Any woman would have been justified in being upset with Jesus and in abandoning all faith in him, but Martha would have been the first to do so.

The healing of people is something that Jesus has done a great deal.

Martha’s voice of skepticism, as well as Jesus’ response, provide me with some solace.

No, his first instinct is to make a promise – your brother will resurrect from the dead, he promises.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Unity

It is Jesus’ reaction to Mary, when she eventually comes to him, that gives me the most consolation.

The rest of the disciples remain inside.

I can assume that she was far too upset to want to see him, and I can see why.

“Lord, if you had been present, my brother would not have died,” she confesses as she falls at Jesus’ feet and prays.

It appears that the severity of her anguish was reflected in Jesus’ reaction to her.

The other Jews believe that he is grieving for Lazarus’s death.

Jesus had just informed Martha that he will revive Lazarus from the dead, thus it makes no sense for him to be sad about Lazarus.

He’s crying, I believe, for his wife.

Because of his purposeful delay in intervening in Lazarus’s life, the suffering he has caused two ladies he cares about has caused him to weep bitterly.

It gives me comfort to know that Jesus is crying.

His sole reason for delaying is that something far more magnificent is about to take place in his world.

Those are some quite powerful phrases, don’t you believe?

As a result, Jesus says much more in this passage than just, “Hey, Lazarus, come on out, you haven’t quite earned your way into paradise yet.” There are no more “lost causes,” he claims in this context.

The victory of life over death, and the triumph of light over darkness, know no bounds any longer.

That’s what you’re saying?

Consider whether or not you think that Jesus has the ability to alter whatever seems completely hopeless in your life.

What Mary and Martha think, feel, or do in response to Lazarus’ resurrection is not described in the text that describes his resurrection.

In Jesus’ honor, a meal was hosted here.

When Mary had finished, she took roughly a pint of pure nard, a costly perfume, and poured it on Jesus’ feet, wiping his feet with her hair as she went.

In reaction to Jesus’ miracle, Mary expresses herself as follows: It should be noted that the delight does not derive from the oil’s monetary value.

Of course, the activity is a metaphor.

In a sense, she is already pointing forward to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus is at the center of all she does, and her actions are motivated by and demonstrate her greatest love and devotion for him.

Those problems in our life that seem to be beyond hope and treatment, I believe, should be the subject of prayer.

If only you had acted sooner, this or that would never have occurred, Lord. That is something that some of us may have to say to Jesus when we are upset. We may have to answer, “But I still believe you are the son of God, and I am confident that anything you ask of God will be accomplished.”

Bible Story of Lazarus Raised from the Dead

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus gets word that Lazarus is sick and that his two sisters have come to him for assistance. Jesus instructs his people as follows: “There will be no death as a result of this illness. No, it is done for God’s glory, in order for God’s Son to be exalted as a result of it.” Jesus then decides to postpone his trip by two days. The disciples are apprehensive about returning to Judea, but Jesus assures them, saying, “Our buddy Lazarus is sleeping, but I will rouse him.” In response to the apostles’ confusion, Jesus says, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake, I’m glad I wasn’t there, so that you might believe.” When they arrive at Bethany, Lazarus has been dead and buried for four days, and the family is distraught and angry.

A little time before they arrive in town, Jesus is approached by Martha, Lazarus’ sister.

Even if a person dies because of his or her faith in me, that person will live; and whomever lives and believes in me will never die.

I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is about to be revealed to the entire human race “, is only the second time (after Nathanael) that someone declares Jesus to be the Son of God, and it is the first time that someone uses the terms ‘Messiah’ and ‘Son of God’ together to describe him as the Son of God.

  • Jesus is greeted by Mary and the others who have come to comfort her as he makes his way into the hamlet.
  • After enquiring where he was interred, Jesus grieved.
  • Following that, Jesus requests that the stone from the tomb be removed, but Martha objects, claiming that there would be a foul odor.
  • As a result, they removed the stone.
  • I was aware that you were always aware of my presence, but I stated it for the sake of the people gathered here, so that they would believe that you had sent me.” “Lazarus, come out!” Jesus said in a loud voice once he had finished speaking.
  • “Take off the burial garments, and let him go,” Jesus instructed them to do.
  • Approximately six days before Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus comes to Bethany, where he and Lazarus attend a dinner hosted by Martha, Jesus’ sister, and served by Lazarus.

Painting depicting the resurrection of Lazarus from the 17th century, courtesy of Getty Images/sedmak, Padua

Who Was Lazarus in the Bible?

The majority of the well-known and stunning miracle found in the narrative about Lazarus is recounted in John 11:1-43, with additional mentions of Lazarus found in John 12:1-2, 9-10, and 17. The miracle of Lazarus is found in John 11:1-43, with further mentions of Lazarus found in John 12:1-2, 9-10, and 17. At addition to being a brother to Martha and Mary, Lazarus’ family also resided in Bethany, which was located in Judea to the south of the Mount of Olives, not far from Jerusalem. Even without taking into consideration the narratives stated above in John, the Bible informs us that Jesus visited their house on a number of different occasions (Matthew 21:17, 26:6;Mark 11:1, 11-12, 14:3;Luke 19:29, and 24:50).

  • The Greek word for “loved” that is employed in this context isagape.
  • It is reasonable to assume that Lazarus and his sisters were dear friends of the family.
  • He received a communication from them, in which they stated, “Lord, he whom you love is sick.” When Jesus heard the news about Lazarus, he did something that we now believe to be unusual for him.
  • When Jesus informed His followers that they would be traveling to Bethany, they questioned Him because the Jews had attempted to stone Him on His previous visit.
  • After that, Jesus resurrected him from the dead.

Why Didn’t Jesus Heal Lazarus Right Away?

In John 11:4, Jesus provides an answer to this issue. “This sickness does not result in death,” he explained. Because it is done for the glory of God, the Son of God will be exalted as a result of it.” That’s a densely packed theological statement that ought to be studied both within it and in light of what Jesus said in a later verse, among other things. There is no danger of mortality from this condition. Jesus revealed His omniscience to His followers, who were still in a state of uncertainty.

  • And it would not end in death; rather, it would finish in resurrection.
  • Jesus’ single-minded devotion was to the glory of God in whatever he accomplished (John 17:4-5).
  • When Jesus refers to himself as theSon of God, he is implying that he is God and that he shares God’s essence (Colossians 2:9,Hebrews 1:2-3).
  • It is essential to our religion that we acknowledge Jesus as theSon of God.
  • Other lessons were learned as a result of the fact that God wastes nothing.
  • Because of His omniscience, Jesus was aware of Lazarus’s predicament before anybody else.
  • The other two incidents in which Jesus brought individuals back to life occurred shortly after their deaths (the widow’s son inLuke 7:11-16 and Jairus’ daughter inLuke 8:40-56) and were recorded in the New Testament.
  • However, there is much more going on here.
  • Jesus took use of this amazing chance to demonstrate to His disciples that He is the Lord of all and that He has defeated death (Revelation 1:18).
  • She said that there would be a stink in the tomb because the stone had been there for four days.

“Did I not tell to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?” Jesus inquired in verse 40 of the Gospel of John. Jesus raised His eyes to the Father in the presence of all those present and prayed, “.so they may believe that You sent me,” after the stone had been removed.

Why Did Jesus Weep over Lazarus?

In the midst of His journey to the house of the sisters Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, Martha ran out to meet Him before He arrived and bemoaned the fact that her brother would not have died if Jesus had been present. She demonstrated her faith in God’s ability even further by stating that God would have granted Him anything Jesus had requested of Him. Jesus assured her that Lazarus would rise again, and she responded by saying she was certain he would rise again in the resurrection on the last day of the month.

  1. “Whoever believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” “Whoever believes in Me will live even if he dies” (John 11:25-26).
  2. Martha demonstrated to us how we should grieve: with hope.
  3. Toward the end of verse 33, we read that Jesus “groaned in His spirit and was distressed.” Using the word “groaned” (as in the NKJV) to express wrath or emotional fury is a common occurrence.
  4. That group of unbelievers operated in the manner of individuals who were without hope.
  5. “Jesus grieved” as he came on the scene, expressing his displeasure with the fallen state of the world (John 11:35).
  6. Yes, Jesus loved Lazarus (John 11:5), but He was confident that He would raise him from the dead, and as a result, He felt no sorrow at his death.

7 Important Lessons from Lazarus’ Story

Paraphrasing John 21:25 (NIV) If every single act Jesus did were to be written down in ink, the world would be unable to accommodate all of the volumes that would be written. The same may be said about the lessons learned from each and every one of Jesus’ acts while on earth. We can think of at least seven from Lazarus’ narrative to share with you. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, and he is the Son of God. When life’s challenges become too much for us to bear, all it takes is a single thought of our Lord and Savior to get us back on our feet.

As a result, every day is a reason to be joyful (Philippians 4:4), since we are His, and no one can take us away from His loving care (John 10:28).

What should we take away from this?

Believers are to grieve in the spirit of hope1.

It is in the Eternal One that we place our trust, in the One who will one day raise us to eternal life with Him (John 11:25,Romans 6:5,1 Corinthians 15:42).

“Lazarus, rise from the dead!” Can you fathom what it was like to be there?

If Jesus had simply said, “Come out,” rather than calling Lazarus by name, it is speculated that every dead soul would have been raised.

In any case, He couldn’t possibly have the time to engage in the daily lives of billions of people, could He?

It is said in the Bible that God loves us, and to love someone means to participate with them.

We, too, have the ability to pour that incredible love into everything we think, say, or write about Him.

Everything that Jesus accomplishes is for the glory of God.

According to Romans 14:23, everything that does not result from faith is considered sin.

It is necessary for us to have confidence in God before we can bring glory to Him.

Examine how Jesus exalted the Lord’s name.

The wisdom and expertise of Jesus much outweigh those of man.

God’s timing is always flawless since He is omniscient and knows everything.

In his mission, Jesus sought to establish a relationship with everyone, not only Jews.

In contrast to the Jewish officials, Jesus engaged with individuals from all walks of life.

Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us that we are to meet with our Christian brothers and sisters on a regular basis, and he tells us that we are to go out into the world and share our faith (Matthew 28:19-20).

Jesus is the greatest instructor for all of us.

Consider the possibility of being present to sit at His feet once more.

This is something we can do every day as we read and think on Scripture, and our faith will increase as a result. Find the complete text for this tale, as well as articles, videos, and audio sermons, all connected to the miraculous raising of Lazarus, in the section below!

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