Did It Snow When Jesus Was Born

What was the weather like in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?

Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was made on March 26th, 2021. “The shepherds were keeping an eye on their sheep, and it was freezing.” The majority of the time, shepherds let their sheep to graze harvested areas in search of any remaining vegetation. A short supply of pasture is frequently available after a long, hot, and dry summer in the Mediterranean climate of the Middle East. So it’s possible that Bethlehemmin fall isn’t all that chilly. It’s right there in one of the Gospels, if you look closely.

Second, what is the weather like in Bethlehem at the moment?

Throughout the year, the temperature normally ranges from 41°F to 86°F, with temperatures seldom falling below 35°F or rising over 92°F.

Weather conditions in Bethlehem and the Palestinian Territories on an average in December.

Daily low temperatures drop by 5 degrees Fahrenheit, from 47 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit, seldom dropping below 37 degrees Fahrenheit or reaching 53 degrees Fahrenheit.

“And there were shepherds staying in the field, keeping watch over their flock at night in the same land,” the Bible says.

History of Christmas: Nativity Season – Snow in Bethlehem?

You’ve probably seen those Christmas greeting cards where Joseph and Mary are riding on the back of a donkey, making their journey to Bethlehem over the snowy landscape. Have you ever considered the possibility that Jesus may have been born at the end of the year, possibly even with snow on the ground?

Nativity Weather

The occurrence of snow in this section of Palestine is not unusual every 3 or 4 years. Bethlehem, located at a height of 2,400 feet, is in the desert. Desert, on the other hand, indicates arid, not necessarily hot. My home in Colorado is officially in the high desert, and despite the fact that we’re at an elevation of 6,500 feet, we get a lot of snow on a regular basis. There was 12 inches of snow over Palestine in early January 2013, while 16–28 inches of snow fell in Jerusalem between December 2013 and early January 2014.

Nativity Flocks

Shepherd’s Field (also known as Beit Sahur) “.shepherds kept an eye on their flocks at night.” it adds. During the winter, you would imagine that shepherds don’t normally keep sheep on the slopes, but rather in the spring. And it would be a reasonable assumption to make in most cases. There were, however, flocks of a particular breed of sheep, those that were intended for sacrifice in the Temple in Jerusalem.

They were stationed near Bethlehem at Bet Sahur, known as the “Place of the Night Watch,” all year round. In Micah 4:8, the site is given in further detail: Migdal Edar, also known as the “Tower of the Flock.”

Nativity Season

As previously stated in our earlier post, we are unable to determine with confidence when time of year the Nativity took place. Unless you were royalty, it was quite difficult to trace down a person’s exact date of birth two millennia ago. Neither the gospels of Matthew nor Luke make any explicit reference to a certain year or time of year in particular. Even the earliest Christians were fond of keeping track of the dates of their martyrs’ deaths. When it comes to the Nativity, Matthew associates it with King Herod, who, according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, died in 4 B.C., whereas Luke associates it with the census during the reign of Emperor Augustus, “when Publius Sulpicius Quiriniuswas governor of Syria,” which occurred around the same time as the census in Matthew.

In contrast, the Eastern Church celebrated their festival on January 6th, known asEpiphany (or Theophany), which coincided with a visit by the Three Wise Men.

Hello, I’m Bill Petro, your friendly neighborhood historianbillpetro.com Please consider leaving a comment if you found this article to be helpful.

Was Jesus Born in the Snow? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Is it possible that Jesus was born in the snow? Jerusalem is paralyzed by heavy snow, and the northern hemisphere is befuddled by a snowy siege. For Israeli readers, such headlines in The Jerusalem Postbecame second nature in 1992, during what turned out to be one of the country’s most difficult winters of the twentieth century. Even though it was January, the peak of Mount Hermon was still blanketed with 22 to 40 feet of snow, and the winter had not yet ended. From the Golan Heights and Upper Galilee all the way down to Jerusalem and neighboring Bethlehem (as seen on the cover), and all the way south into the Negeb, Israeli everyday life and routine were often disrupted by an elegant and delicate, yet potent, visitor from the outside world.

Hundreds of cows and calves, as well as thousands of hens, were reported to have died as a result of nightly temperatures plummeting below freezing.

Two young shepherd boys were washed away and perished in a flash flood one day while reportedly attempting to save a number of their sheep that had become stranded in the flood.

“The meteorological data that has been collected and documented in the state of Israel for the past 130 years demonstrates that snow in Jerusalem is a more common phenomena than could be assumed,” the Israeli magazine Eretz wrote, despite the fact that this was not a typical Middle Eastern winter.

  • In what way does this matter to Bible Students?
  • There is the infant Jesus, covered in a cozy blanket and guarded by his mother, with snow softly blanketing the surrounding landscape as the scene is set.
  • The Bible’s author Luke provides a well detailed account of Jesus’ birth, which is as follows: “There were also shepherds in the same land who lived out of doors and kept watch over their flocks at night,” says the author.
  • ‘Have no fear, for, as you can see, there is no danger!’ answered the angel.
  • In addition, you will discover a child wrapped in fabric bands and laying in a manger, which will serve as a symbol for you.
  • In today’s Israel, if you read this tale to the typical person and then asked him what time of year it may be, he would most likely respond, “Sometime between April and October.” Why?
  • The cold and rainy season in Israel lasts from November through March, and December 25 falls squarely in the middle of the season.

You may see why, if you consider the reports that were presented at the beginning of this essay.

Even in years when the weather is less harsh, the temperature at night in the city is fairly low during the winter months.

Looking back in time to the period of Jesus’ birth, it becomes clear that he was not born during the snowy month of December.

She and Joseph did this in order to comply with the rules of the census ordered by the Roman dictator Caesar Augustus, who was also their father.

Because Rome does not want to cause them unnecessary inconvenience by having many of them to come to Rome in order to be registered during the most difficult and even hazardous winter weather?

Calculations that are based on the Bible December, or any other winter month, is ruled out as a possible match for the historical narratives of Jesus’ birth based on historical and physical data.

What is the location where this occurs?

He is described as having come and as having been cut off in death, which served as a ransom offering to atone for sin and lay a foundation for obedient humans to obtain “righteousness for all eternity.” (See Daniel 9:24-27 and Matthew 20:28 for examples.) As stated in the prophesy, everything would be completed within 70 weeks of years, commencing in the year 455 B.C.E., when the order to reconstruct Jerusalem was issued.

  • (Nehemiah 2:11–14; 3:1–11) The time division in this prophecy indicates that the Messiah will arrive at the beginning of the 70th week of years, which corresponds to the beginning of the 70th week of years.
  • It was predicted that the Messiah would be killed “at the half of the week,” or three and a half years after his ascension, putting an end to the significance of all sacrifices made under the Mosaic Law covenant.
  • This prophesy states that Jesus’ ministry lasted three and a half years, according to the Bible.
  • The corresponding date for that year would be April 1 of that year.
  • According to Luke, Jesus was around 30 years old at the time of his baptism.
  • According to Luke’s narrative, the shepherds would still be “out of doors and maintaining night watches over their flocks” at that time of year, despite the fact that it was winter.
  • What is the source of this information?
  • According to the New Encyclopaedia Britannica, this festival began hundreds of years after Jesus’ birth, as follows: In the fourth century, the celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25 became increasingly popular among Eastern Christians.

In addition, according to the New Encyclopaedia Britannica, “the traditional practices associated with Christmas have emerged from a variety of sources as a result of the convergence of the celebration of the birth of Christ with pagan agricultural and solar observances at the beginning of winter.” On December 17, the Romans celebrated the Saturnalia, which was a time of celebration and gift-exchanging with friends and family.

  1. “The 25th of December was also celebrated as the birthday of the Iranian mystery deity Mithra, also known as the Sun of Righteousness.
  2. In no manner, shape, or form!
  3. As more members of the general people, many of whom had no prior knowledge of the actual meaning of Christianity, came to believe in it, they began to celebrate their traditional pagan festivals under newly “Christian” labels as a result of their conversion.
  4. Does It Make a Difference?
  5. “The celebration of birthdays is unknown in traditional Jewish ritual,” according to the Encyclopaedia Judaica.
  6. The disciples would rather commemorate Jesus’ death than celebrate his birth, and they would do it in accordance with Jesus’ order, which they would do on Nisan 14, which was a date that could not be disputed.

“Turn away, turn away, get out of there, touch nothing unclean; get out from the midst of her, keep yourselves clean, you who are carrying the utensils of Jehovah,” a prophetic warning was issued to the Jewish people, who were then God’s chosen nation, about the end of their coming exile in Babylon hundreds of years before Christ.

  1. If they were to follow the dirty pagan practices and forms of worship that they had observed in Babylon, it would be impossible for them to do so.
  2. His disciples took the place of the Jewish people who had rejected Christ, and they became the representatives of pure worship.
  3. (9 & 10) (1 Peter 2:9, 10) When they combined Christ’s teachings with pagan traditions and celebrations, it’s hard to see how they could possible do this.
  4. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:17 that It must be avoided at all costs by anybody who sincerely loves God and Christ.
  5. Despite what one would imagine, Jesus did not give birth to his son in the snow, no matter how vivid one’s imagination may be.

Garo Nalbandian is a musician from Armenia. Jerusalem’s walls are encircled by a blanket of snow. Shepherds may only spend the night with their flocks on the rocky hillsides during the summer season, as shown in the photo below by Garo Nalbandian.

What was weather like when Jesus was born? – HolidayMountainMusic

It’s right there in one of the Gospels, if you look closely. “The shepherds were keeping an eye on their sheep, and it was freezing.” However, if there had been any snow or rain at the time of Jesus’ birth, the Gospels may have included it. While the summers in Bethlehem are long and hot, they are also dry and clear, whilst the winters are chilly and mainly clear.

Was there snow in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?

That’s the short answer: most likely not. Snow is quite unusual in Israel. I’ve included a photo below of a historic snowstorm that occurred in Jerusalem in 2013. If Jesus was indeed born in December, the weather may have been cold and damp, but it was unlikely that it would have snowed.

What was the climate like in Israel 2000 years ago?

Moreover, the environment of ancient Israel was not only arid, but also varied in temperature from roughly 40 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and there were two seasons: one wet and one dry. Israel was situated in the Fertile Crescent, an area characterized by fertile soil as a result of the rivers that ran through the region.

See also:  Bethlehem Stable Where Jesus Was Born

Is Israel humid or dry?

Israelis experience a broad range of weather conditions, which is mostly due to the country’s diversified geography. Two different seasons may be found in the country: a chilly, wet winter (October–April) and a dry, scorching summer (May–September). Sea breezes provide a cooling effect along the coast in the summer, and the Mediterranean beaches are quite popular among tourists.

Is Israel a dry country?

Israel is a safe country with a low level of crime. When visiting in Jordan, as well as in East Jerusalem and Arab cities inside Israel, tourists should avoid bringing or drinking alcohol (which is prohibited by Islam) in public places, and both men and women should dress modestly, according to local custom.

Are drugs legal in Israel?

As of April 1, 2019, the use of cannabis in private by persons over the age of 18 who live in Israel is no longer considered illegal. Possession of a home-grown marijuana plant and buds is no longer a criminal offense in the United States.

Can you drink and drive in Israel?

You are not permitted to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) more than 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. We strongly advise against drinking and driving in Israel, particularly in view of the poor driving standards displayed by the majority of the population.

Are there bars in Israel?

When it comes to finding some of the city’s trendiest pubs in Israel, there are so many lanes, especially in major towns, that it might be difficult. If you are searching for venues that are a little different from the norm, check out our guide to some of Israel’s trendiest bars that are located in areas you would never anticipate.

What is the most popular drink in Israel?

Limonana. The anise-flavored liquor Arak is undoubtedly the most popular alcoholic beverage in Israel, and this cocktail created with Arak, lemonade, and mint is one of the most delicious variations on the theme. True fans of Arak, on the other hand, like to drink the liquor neat, with a splash of water and a few of ice cubes on the side.

What is the weather like in Bethlehem at Christmas?

From 62°F to 55°F, the average daily maximum temperature drops by 7°F, with temperatures seldom dropping below 47°F or rising over 70°F.

Daily low temperatures drop by 5 degrees Fahrenheit, from 47 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit, seldom dropping below 37 degrees Fahrenheit or reaching 54 degrees Fahrenheit.

Was Jesus born in the winter solstice?

The Virgin Mary, who was nine months pregnant with the son of God, would have given birth to Jesus on the winter solstice, nine months after the conception of the child. From Rome, the celebration of Christ’s birth spread to other Christian churches in the west and east, and by the end of the fourth century, the majority of Christians were commemorating Christ’s birth on December 25.

Is there winter in Bethlehem?

There is a Mediterranean climate in Bethlehem, which means that the summers are hot and dry and the winters are moderate and moist. During the winter months (from mid-December to mid-March), temperatures can be chilly and wet. The coldest month is January, with temperatures ranging from 1 to 13 degrees Celsius (33–55 degrees Fahrenheit). From May through September, the weather is mild and sunny with occasional showers.

What was the weather like when Jesus was born?

Consider the weather conditions in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, during that time of year. It was cold and rainy. Temperatures were chilly and wet during the Jewish month of Chislev (which corresponds to the months of November and December). Tebeth (December/January) was the month that followed after that. It was the coldest month of the year, with a few flurries of snow in the highlands on rare occasions.

When was Jesus born according to the Bible?

The Bible does not give us the exact date of Jesus’ birth. However, it provides compelling evidence that his birth did not take place in December, as previously believed. Consider the weather conditions in Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, during that time of year. It was cold and rainy. Temperatures were chilly and wet during the Jewish month of Chislev (which corresponds to the months of November and December).

Is it cold in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?

As a result, it is possible that Bethlehem will not be so chilly in the fall. To view the complete response, please click here. As a result, does it snow in Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was birthed? It’s right there in one of the Gospels, if you look closely. “The shepherds were keeping an eye on their sheep, and it was freezing.”

What was the climate like in Palestine at the time of Jesus?

Today’s climate in Palestine is divided into two different seasons, just as it was during the time of Jesus. From the middle of October through the middle of April, the wet or rainy season is in full swing. The dry season, also known as the summer season, lasts from the middle of June to the mid-September. During these months, it is extremely dry, and rainfall is quite rare.

Does Bethlehem ever have a White Christmas?

Recently, I came across a message on a Facebook group that I am a member of. It was uploaded by an Australian who was dissatisfied with the fact that, despite the fact that it was summer in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas was being celebrated with a winter tone. This brought back memories of my time living in Abilene, Texas. In contrast to my previous Christmas, which was spent in Idaho, Abilene is neither in the Rockies nor in a state that has a common border with Canada. I had four wonderful Christmases in Abilene, although the weather fluctuated from one year to the next.

  • In 2007, I was home in Abilene, Texas, when it snowed.
  • There are various obstacles to overcome in order to ascertain this, but I will do my best.
  • First and first, I want to stress unequivocally that this is not a scientific research attempting to establish the existence of a white Christmas in Bethlehem during the time of Jesus.
  • For the second time, I am cognizant of the fact that there is disagreement among religious experts and historians as to the exact day on which Christ was born.
  • Third, I’ve never visited the area and only very infrequently keep track of the weather conditions in that area.
  • The most significant of them is the lack of a meteorological station operated by the Israel Meteorological Service (IMS) in Bethlehem.
  • Because of a dearth of readily available data from PALMET, we’ll be looking at the IMS’s station in Jerusalem for this investigation.

Names in English have been added.

It is located at an elevation of 2,543 feet (775 meters) above sea level, which is 128 feet (39 meters) higher than the IMS station in Jerusalem, which is located around six miles away.

A latitude of 31.7° North places Bethlehem just 40 miles (65 kilometers) south of where I used to reside in Abilene, Texas, which is a fortuitous coincidence given that I was born and raised there.

The city is at a short distance from both the Dead Sea to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, making it a convenient destination for travelers.

Since the departure of Israeli military from the area in the 1990s, it has been occupied by Palestinians.

The Weather in the Past According to the International Meteorological Service (IMS), weather data began to be collected at the Jerusalem weather station we are looking at in 1949.

Of course, the question is whether or not it will snow on Christmas.

That represents a positive move in the right direction.

That is agonizingly close to being below freezing without actually satisfying the criteria for being below freezing.

By looking at the statistics, we can also observe that the wettest months in Jerusalem are December, January, and February, according to the data.

In 2013, there was snow in Jerusalem.

Although the IMS station only recorded a low temperature of 33.6°F (0.8°C), as the photo on the right (or above if you’re viewing this on your phone) illustrates, that’s cold enough to cause snow to cover sections of the metropolitan area in some areas.

The assumption here is that being six miles south of the storm system made no impact in how severe it ended up becoming.

In 1950, Israel’s largest snowfall dumped four inches of snow all the way down to Tel Avivin February, which is located on the Mediterranean Sea and is substantially lower in height than both Jerusalem and Bethlehem, according to historical records.

The fact that snow may and has fallen in Jerusalem throughout the months of December, January, and February is undeniable.

So, it is perfectly feasible for Bethlehem to have a white Christmas, but has it ever done so in actuality?

Even though it’s not that long ago, 2004 is the most recent data I have (side note: if you know of an easier way to collect daily weather data for Jerusalem, please let me know by mashthis link because I only have a fairly little quantity of data to work with).

What are your plans for this year?

According to the IMS, isolated showers are expected on Christmas Eve, with partly overcast sky on Christmas Day.

Concluding Remarks In Warsaw, Poland, there is a Christmas tree.

Now, to venture farther into the realm of assumptions, I’m confident that Bethlehem has had snow on December 25 in the past, given the city has been in existence since at least 1,400 B.C.

This might have had an impact on the amount of precipitation that fell in Israel at the time, but to know for sure, one would have to run some sophisticated weather models.

White Christmases are almost certainly going to occur, but they’re going to be spaced out rather widely apart.

I hope you and your family have a joyous Christmas, and if it isn’t Christmas you’re celebrating, I hope whatever you’re doing is also joyous. I wish you and your family a happy holiday season.

Did it snow when Jesus was born? – JanetPanic.com

It’s right there in one of the Gospels, if you look closely. “The shepherds were keeping an eye on their sheep, and it was freezing.” However, if there had been any snow or rain at the time of Jesus’ birth, the Gospels may have included it. Currently, it is thought that the general climate during the Roman period was warmer than it is today.

How cold was it in Bethlehem when Jesus was born?

To summarize, the temperature was most likely 3 degrees above zero, or 5 degrees if we limit ourselves to the area around Nazareth, and it was definitely not below freezing either. In an open stable, the horses are still quite young. It is possible that we will be several degrees off because we have no notion which way the wind is blowing.

Did it ever snow in Bethlehem?

Throughout the entire year, snow falls in Bethlehem for three days at a time.

Does Bethlehem have winter?

There is a Mediterranean climate in Bethlehem, which means that the summers are hot and dry and the winters are moderate and moist. During the winter months (from mid-December to mid-March), temperatures can be chilly and wet.

What was Jesus sisters name?

In addition to his father and mother, Jesus had five brothers: James (Ya’qov) and Simon (Shim’on) and his brothers: Judah and Yehudah, Joses and Yosef, and Thomas (Toma’). He also had two sisters, Rachel (Rakhel) and Lea (Le’ah), who were his closest friends.

Who was Jesus most famous cousin?

James, Jesus’ younger brother

Saint James the Just
Born Early 1st century
Died 69 AD or 62 AD Jerusalem
Venerated in All Christian denominations
Canonized Pre-Congregation

Who actually wrote the King James Bible?

So, if it wasn’t James who wrote it, who did? For starters, there is no one author for this work. There was one important man, Archbishop Richard Bancroft of Canterbury, who was renowned for his job as administrator of the project, which was equivalent to that of a modern-day editor overseeing the publication of a collection of short tales.

See also:  What Was Jesus Crucified For

Is King James Bible Catholic?

As one of the first English translations of the Catholic Bible, the King James Version (KJV) is recognized as one of the most important works in this field, with the Great Bible and the Bishops Bible serving as its first two English precursors. Apocrypha was included in their translation as well, while recent editions of the Bible do not include the books of the Apocrypha.

What Bible do Methodists use?

The Wesley Study Bible is a Methodist-oriented biblical study text that includes an introductory text for each book, explanations and commentary ‘to assist the reader in understanding the biblical text,’ and’special references to the writings of John Wesley.’ It also includes an index of biblical terms.

Who wrote the first Bible?

An abundance of resources are available for obtaining an unaltered Bible. Another option is to pick up a free Bible from your local church or from one of the many online Christian ministries, or you may read it online through a variety of free websites and applications.

Why do hotels have a Bible in the room?

Rather than being abandoned, these are given by a Christian group known as The Gideons International as a way of spreading the gospel to the unchurched. The Gideons believe that by placing Bibles in hotel rooms, they will be able to communicate the good news of their religion to tired visitors.

What is the oldest Bible known to man?

The Codex Sinaiticus, along with the Codex Vaticanus, is regarded as one of the most precious manuscripts extant, owing to the fact that it is one of the oldest and, as a result, is thought to be closest to the original text of the Greek New Testament.

What is the most accurate Bible translation in the world?

According to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (also known as the NWT) is a biblical translation released in the modern era.

Jesus could be born in December

It is a fabrication to assert that Jesus could not have been born in December. It is untrue to assert that Jesus could not have been born in January. Those who are attempting to bring Jesus down employ a variety of deceptions. Unfortunately, many brothers have fallen prey to similar traps. This is being written in order to assist those brothers. I am not claiming that I can demonstrate that Jesus was born in December; rather, I am asserting that it is a fabrication to claim that others can demonstrate that Jesus was not born in the month of December.

  1. This is one of the numerous falsehoods perpetrated by the Russellites, who are incorrectly referred to be Jehovah’s Witnesses despite the fact that they are not.
  2. In the winter 1998-1999 edition of “On page 35, lines 33-35 of “LifeWork Pursuits,” a Christian quarterly, it is stated: “The Bible does not specify the year in which Jesus was born.
  3. Is there any evidence to support this?
  4. Tradition should be rejected when it conflicts with what the Bible teaches, when it contradicts facts or reasoning, but it should not be dismissed simply because someone else tells us to.
  5. No one challenges it since it is not in conflict with facts or logic, as other traditions are.
  6. There are hundreds more traditions that have been recognized over the years.
  7. It has no negative effects on anyone.

It does not stand in opposition to logic.

After all, why are they going to such tremendous efforts to resist it in the first place?

Jesus, according to Russellists, could not have been born in December since the fields were covered with snow at the time.

The opponents of Jesus take advantage of the ignorance of others in order to disseminate their falsehoods.

You can check the accuracy of the information I’ve provided here by consulting the Encyclopedia.

Almost every winter, the northern uplands see a few days of subzero temperatures.

Snow can occur in the northern and central regions of Israel on occasion.” As previously mentioned, January, not December, is the coldest month of the year.

The temperature is not too chilly for the shepherds to be able to remain outside all day.

As a result, December must be much hotter than January, which is the warmest month of the year.

In regards to snow, it is stated that snow can fall in the northern and central portions of Israel on occasion (albeit not every year).

If we turn to page 77 of volume 11 of the same book, we can find that the average temperature in Jerusalem in January, which is the coolest month, is 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius).

Since Bethlehem is located around five miles south of Jerusalem (volume 2, page 214), it is reasonable to assume that the two cities share the same temperature.

Where has the field “full of snow” gone that Russellists are continually claiming to have been there all along?

Even if I cannot show that Jesus was born in December, tradition holds that he was, and neither the Bible nor logic are in opposition to that belief.

This is because they aim to completely demolish Christianity from the inside out.

It is significantly colder in Padanaram, the location from which Rebekah was originally from, than it is in Bethlehem, which is much further north.

The situation between Jacob and Esau became so tense that Isaac was convinced to send Jacob to Padamaram for a period of time.

(Genesis 28: 5) Twenty years passed as Jacob tended Laban’s herd in that location.

39 That whatsoever was taken by animals, I did not bring to thee; I bore the loss of it; and thourequist it from me hand, whether stolen by day or stolen by night.

And this continued for a period of twenty years.

It’s important to note that this was not at Bethlehem, where the temperature was just 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius), but rather up north in a considerably colder region.

Shepherds were able to stay with their livestock in the pastures of Bethelehem even during the coldest winters since it was not such a “tough thing.” Another bogus argument that is attempted to undermine Christmas is the claim that it was once a pagan festival celebrating the winter solstice.

Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, whereas the winter solstice occurs between December 21st and December 22nd.

There have been hundreds of pagan kingdoms throughout history, and as a result, there have been thousands of pagan feasts held throughout history.

Instead of ancient Greeks, it is a feast honoring Mayas, Aztecs, and Incans from antiquity.

Alternatively, they would find another pagan feast with which to tarnish and discredit it if, according to custom, they did not commemorate Christ’s birth on December 25th but on another day.

Sad to say, but many of our brethren who attend seminaries in order to better serve our Lord end up being duped and led astray by those who scheme the “dischristianization” of Christendom.

Russelists and others have attempted to pound into the brains of many Christians the “evidence” that Jesus did not come into the world in December. However, this “proof” is nothing more than a falsehood. This is a complete fabrication! To return to the Index of Biblical Notes in English, click here.

10 Things You Didn’t Realise About Christmas – Christ Bound Life

The nativity performances, movies, and songs that accompany each Christmas season serve to remind us of that momentous day in human history. We are all familiar with the basic plot of the narrative. Right? It is well-known that the shepherds, the angels, the “Wise Men,” a star, an innkeeper, the lengthy journey of Mary and Joseph, the birth of Jesus in a manger, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were there. Is it possible to tell how much of what we know is based on tradition and how much comes from the Bible?

1. Did Joseph really walk while Mary rode a donkey?

Many children’s Bibles and novels depict Mary riding on the back of a donkey, with Joseph at her side. Their mode of transportation may have been on two separate donkeys, they could have been traveling by camel or horses, or they could have just walked the entire distance. It is not stated in the Bible.

2. Jesus probably did not have animals surrounding Him.

I always had the impression that a manger was merely another name for a stable or a place where animals were housed because of my drawings and cartoons. It is not the case. A manger is a feeding dish for livestock. It’s the place where the animals physically devour their food. The majority of mangers built during the period of the New Testament were made of stone. It’s most likely not made of wood. There may have been a stable or a barn in the vicinity of the feeding trough. That is our supposition, but neither the Bible nor the animals make any mention of it.

The only thing we can be certain of from the Bible is that Jesus was surrounded by an environment designed for the purpose of feeding animals.

3. There was no snow in Bethlehem.

This was probably self-evident. It was not snowing in the vicinity of Jesus. It was most likely not even winter when this happened. The following rationale explains why this is the case.

4. Jesus was not born on the 25th of December.

Unfortunately, I’m going to have to break it to you: Jesus was most likely not born on the 25th of December. Again, the Bible is silent on the subject, but there are compelling grounds to assume that Jesus was not born during the winter:

  • Shepherds were known to be in the fields (outside) keeping an eye on their flocks around the time of Jesus’ birth, according to tradition. During the month of December, shepherds were not out in the fields. Decembers in Judea are cold and wet, and shepherds would have sought refuge for their flocks at night
  • Jesus’ parents traveled to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census, which was taking place at the time. A census of this nature was not conducted during the winter, when temperatures were below freezing and the roads were in bad condition. If it was impossible for individuals to go to their hometown for the census, it would have negated the entire point of the exercise.

The birth of Jesus was commemorated on the 25th of December, which was chosen by the Church. There are a variety of reasons why this particular day is claimed to have been chosen, but that is another story.

5. There were no three kings. They were astronomersthey were more than three.

The name “Magi” (which is also known as the “Wise men” in certain Bibles) literally translates as “star-gazers.” There were most likely more than three males in the group. Although the number three is not mentioned in the Bible, most people believe there were three since there were three presents given. Although these men went in groups of 10-12, they were always accompanied by a large retinue to ensure their safety in the ancient world. There is no Biblical record of who these “wise men” are or where they began their voyage, therefore we have no idea where they came from.

In their day, these wise menthe magi were professors and philosophers who were schooled in history, theology, prophecy, astronomy, and astrology among other subjects.

Daniel was entrusted with the care of the wise men in Babylon (Daniel 5:11), and it is likely that he spoke to them about the “wise things to know” during his time there.

They were aware of the location of the king’s birth because of the predictions of Micah. Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:2) This is a possibility.

6. The star moved ahead and stopped over the place Jesus was. The star also disappeared and reappeared.

To some extent, it seems sense that a star would serve as a sign for the magi. They looked up into the sky and observed the stars! Consider the possibility of a normal person seeing a brilliant star in the sky and concluding that they should just follow it. When they saw the star in the East, they knew from their previous research that the king was to be born at Bethlehem, so they set out on their trek over the desert to Bethlehem. They present this passage to Herod, claiming that it was written by the prophet Jeremiah.

See also:  How To Say Jesus In Russian

2:5-6; Matthew 2:5-6.

(See Matthew 2:9 for further information.) I did say “home” rather than “manger,” and I meant it literally.

7. The magi saw Jesus in a house. Not at the manger.

The quickest and most straightforward approach to demonstrate this to you is to read Matthew 2:11. A home is mentioned in the passage. It’s not the manger at all. When they arrived at the house, they were greeted by the infant and his mother Mary, and they immediately fell on their knees and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, among other things. – Matthew 2:11 (New International Version)

8. The magi and the shepherds never saw each other.

Because of the prior information, it was probably very evident at this point. A home was visited by the magi, whilst the shepherds went to a manger. They were never able to meet up again. I understand how you feel. In the nativity performances, they are always able to recognize one another. It’s a lovely notion, and it would make for a lovely scenario, but it didn’t quite work out that way. Perhaps you’re wondering that MaryJoseph has relocated to a house near the manger. Could this be true? So it’s possible that the shepherds and the wise men actually come face to face.

Since the shepherds first saw Him, Jesus had grown in stature.

9. Jesus was a young child when the magi came to visit.

When the shepherds discovered Jesus (Luke 2), he was a “babe/baby” in a manger, and they named him Jesus. By the time the magi arrive, as recorded in Matthew 2:11, Jesus has transferred from the manger to a residence. According to the translation, the Greek term used in the passage refers to a “toddler or small kid” (most English translations translate this as a child or young child as well). Jesus was probably between the ages of 12 and 24 months when he was born. Apart from that, the wise men had to journey from the East in order to arrive at Bethlehem.

A mystery to me has always been why it took Herod two years before he realized he had been outwitted by the Magi.

He couldn’t have been so naive, could he? This now explains everything. It is said in Matthew 2:16 that he slaughtered all of the children in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger, in accordance with the period that he had meticulously asked of the three wise men.

10. Only two gospels tell the birth of Jesus.

Among the gospels, only Matthew and Luke describe the narrative of Jesus’ birth. Here’s something you probably didn’t know about the subject: Matthew was a tax collector for the government. Luke worked as a medical professional. The genealogy, which was utilized for taxation purposes at the time, is recorded in Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth. While Luke narrates the events surrounding Jesus’ conception and birth, Matthew records the events surrounding his death and resurrection. Amazing how God used them both in a supernatural way to write His words, drawing on their various hobbies and vocations to recollect distinct elements of Jesus’ birth!

That’s all there is to it!

Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

How cold was that stall where Jesus was born?

Christians all throughout the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, which occurred more than 2,000 years ago this month. This takes place in a stable in Bethlehem, in the middle of a cold winter night, according to many classic Christmas legends of the season. Is it possible to recreate how chilly it was that night? Christians all throughout the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, which occurred more than 2,000 years ago this month. This takes place in a stable in Bethlehem, in the middle of a cold winter night, according to many classic Christmas legends of the season.

It is a conundrum based on a large number of assumptions.

What is the quickest response?

You may read the substantiation and how many ways we could be incorrect in the section below.

When Was Jesus Born?

The most certain thing we know about Jesus is that he was born around 2,000 years ago. Additionally, Jewish and Roman historians have made note of it in addition to Christian sources. Given that the Christmas tale includes references to Jewish king Herod and Roman emperor Quirinius, it has been hypothesized that Jesus was born 4 to 6 years ‘before Christ,’ or around 2024 to 2026 years ago. However, this has not been proven.

How much cooler was the climate then?

It is presently on average 1.7 degrees warmer than it was at the end of the nineteenth century in the Bethlehem region, thanks to global warming. The changes in CO2 concentration and temperature were much smaller in the two thousand years before then, with global temperature swings of little more than a quarter of a degree Celsius. There were higher climate changes in the local area. The Mediterranean saw a pretty warm phase during the start of the era, although it was probably colder than it is now: roughly 1 degree Celsius.

But was Jesus really born in Bethlehem?

The four Gospels of the Bible tell the account of Jesus’ life and death on the cross. Interestingly, only two of the four evangelists (Matthew and Luke) make any mention of Jesus’ birth at all, and they do so in two very different ways. In certain instances, Matthew and Luke agree on the location of Jesus’ birth: Bethlehem, a city in the West Bank not far from Jerusalem. There is some basis for doubting this. The earliest gospel, Mark, only mentions that Jesus came from Nazareth, a town in Galilee to the north.

The rest of the gospels remain silent. Following the crucifixion, later evangelists may have included the city of Bethlehem, confirming that Jesus is a descendant of King David of Bethlehem. However, an old community with the name Bethlehem appears to exist near Nazareth as well.

What about climate differences locally?

The particular position can make a significant impact in the outcome. Due to its location atop the highest ridge in present-day Israel and Palestine – 765 meters above sea level – the city of Bethlehem experiences temperatures that are 4 to 6 degrees Celsius cooler than the surrounding valleys (some of which lie far below sea level). Today, December 25, the temperature in Bethlehem is an average of 6 degrees above zero in the early morning hours (and 13 degrees during the day). However, these are typical temps during the overnight.

The Christmas narrative takes place under a starry sky, which allows for more light to be seen.

Nazareth and the settlement of Bethlehem are only a few hundred meters below the surface of the water.

Was it in the middle of the winter night?

That’s something we have to take for granted. The Bible makes no mention of Jesus’ birth date or even the season in which he was born. The earliest known reference to December 25 is found in a text produced two centuries later by the priest Hippolytus of Rome, who dated it to that day. Christians did not celebrate Christmas throughout that time period. This ritual is believed to have begun in the fourth century. Both the date and the season are very speculative. The behavior of flocks of sheep during their migration has been used to extrapolate this from astronomical events (Matthew describes a notable star) and even from astronomical occurrences (Luke gives shepherds a role in the Christmas story).

Was it a relatively cold night?

‘Look at how this toddler is leaning out here in the freezing cold. Observe how his entire body trembles.’ A large number of the aspects of the Christmas performance are derived from Christmas songs. According to these accounts, Jesus was born “in the middle of the (quiet, holy) winter night,” kept warm with straw, clothes, and a kindly donkey and ox.” Lucas is the only author who mentions a stable. According to Matthew, there was just one room available in the residence. The poinsettia also plays a vital role in the story, since she is said to have accompanied three wise men from the east to reach the newborn infant, according to Matthew.

Because December is the wettest month in Bethlehem, the night sky is frequently overcast.

As a result, we deduct an additional 2 degrees from the average night temperature in our area.

“Most likely” Christmas night was just not white

Finally, the temperature was most likely 3 degrees above zero – or 5 degrees if we stick to the area near Nazareth – rather than below zero, which was more likely to be freezing. In an open stable, the horses are still quite young. It is possible that we will be several degrees off because we have no notion which way the wind is blowing.

Finally, Lucas is the only one who mentions a stable. According to Matthew, there was just one room available in the residence. It’s quite hot. For further information, see How high need the Vaalserberg be (this year) in order to have a white Christmas? Keywords:

If Christ was born in the spring, why do we celebrate Christmas in December?

When Christ was born in the spring, why is Christmas celebrated in the winter? New Era, December 1974, pages 10–11. Answer/Brother Richard O. Cowan is an American businessman and philanthropist. Before we go any farther, let us go through how we know the Savior was born in April. On April 6, 1830 (a Tuesday), the Church was formed in accordance with revelation, marking the completion of “eighteen hundred and thirty years after the arrival of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh.” (Deuteronomy 20:1.) As a result, we arrange general conference sessions on April 6 each year, not only to commemorate the anniversary of the Church’s founding, but also to commemorate the birth of the Savior.

A comparable witness can be found in the Book of Mormon.

(See 3 Ne 2:8 for further information.) In the next month, on the fourth day of the month, the sign of Christ’s crucifixion was revealed: “in the thirty-fourth year, in the month of January, on the fourth day of the month.” 3 Ne.

Because the New Testament claims that Christ was crucified during Passover, which occurs throughout that time of the year, this would have occurred in the early spring season.

“It could not have happened in January or December since flocks are not found in open areas throughout the night at this time of year.” Furthermore, a census that would have necessitated travel would not have been ordered during this time of year.” 1 So, why do we celebrate Christmas in the month of December, then?

  1. This is what Pope Gregory (A.D.590–604) told these missionaries to remember: “Remember not to interfere with any traditional belief or religious observance that may be harmonized with Christianity,” he said.
  2. A number of instances may be found in the celebration of Christmas.
  3. As fall days got shorter and shorter, there was a terrifying superstition that the sun would eventually totally drop beyond the southern horizon and never return.
  4. This prominent pagan festival was chosen by early Christian missionaries as a link between the birth of Christ and the celebration of the feast of the Nativity.

viewing the evergreen as a symbol of the everlasting Christ, in place of the leaf-dropping trees of paganism, the Christmas tree served as a substitute for sacred oaks and other trees utilized in pagan rituals.” When the wise men delivered frankincense, gold, and myrrh to Jesus, they were regarded as representing the green, gold, and red lamps that the heathen employed to seduce the sun-god to return to his throne.

3 As a result, according to theEncyclopedia Britannica, the celebration of Christmas “is accompanied by secular practices that are frequently derived from pagan roots.” 4 Some may wonder if we’re doing something wrong by celebrating Christmas in December.

Perhaps we should be more concerned with how we remember the Savior’s birth than than when we do it.

May we show our affection for others not just via thoughtful presents and greetings, but also by genuine acts of compassion and love for one another.

We have also had a special family night in which we read the Christmas narrative from the Bible and sang Christmas carols.

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