Apostle Who Betrayed Jesus

Which Disciple Betrayed Jesus

Every month, over 6,000 people search for the answer to the question, “Who betrayed Jesus?” Jesus was betrayed by two of His closest disciples, Judas and Peter, according to the truth. Although Peter and Judas both betrayed Jesus, there are fundamental variations in their methods of betrayal. They did not conspire to betray Him as a group. And they didn’t betray Him in the same manner that they could have. There were differences in their motivations, reactions, and results, as well as differences in the outcomes themselves.

Judas, the betrayer

By the time the Gospel authors were ready to record their encounters with Jesus, enough time had passed for them to reflect on all that had transpired during their time with him. It is possible to acquire brief glimpses of their sentiments about Judas as a result of this. The three Gospel authors who spent time with Jesus, Matthew, Mark, and John, are nearly unable to control their emotions. Every single one of them includes personal comments about Judas in their narrative. Towards the end of Matthew’s introduction to the disciples, he concludes with Judas, saying, “.

It was around this period that Jesus alienated many of His disciples by talking of eating His flesh and drinking His blood, according to John.

Peter answered in a sensible manner, “Who, Lord, do you want us to go?

We have come to accept and recognize that you are the Holy One of God, and we thank you for that “(See also John 6:68–69.) John goes on to say: “Jesus then said, ‘Have I not selected you, the Twelve?’ ‘Yet one of you is a demon,’ says another.

Judas’s problematic behavior

In retrospect, it’s likely that the disciples compared notes and concluded that something wasn’t quite right with Judas from the start. Nonetheless, there was no reason not to provide the benefit of the doubt to Judas at the moment. However, the Gospel authors reveal that there were issues with Judas from the beginning. This is the narrative that John tells us: Approximately six days before the Passover holiday, Jesus traveled to Bethany, where Lazarus resided, whom Jesus had resurrected from the grave six days before the holiday.

  1. Meanwhile, Lazarus was among those seated around the table with him, serving as his server.
  2. Furthermore, the perfume enveloped the entire house with its scent.
  3. It was worth the equivalent of a year’s earnings.” In fact, he did not say this because he cared about the poor, but rather because, in his capacity as keeper of the money bag, he used to take advantage of the situation by taking what was placed in it (John 12:1–6, emphasis added).
  4. They probably all noticed him doing things that were out of the ordinary, but they didn’t pay attention to them.

Most likely, it was at this point that they began to notice Judas’s habits. Judas makes a great deal about caring for the poor in this scene, but John reveals that his true purpose was to pilfer the money from the poor.

Striking a deal with the chief priests

The decision to betray Jesus comes at some time, and Matthew informs us that Judas is the one who approaches the chief priests and arranges a deal: “What are you ready to offer me if I bring him up to you?” demanded one of the Twelve, the man known as Judas Iscariot, as he approached the chief priests. As a result, they counted out thirty pieces of silver for him. The rest of Matthew 26:14–16 tells how Judas waited for a chance to deliver him up to the authorities. What could possibly motivate him to do such a thing?

  1. Because of this, it is possible that Judas was filled with regret when, instead of demonstrating His might and strength, Jesus was captured and condemned to die.
  2. It also helps to explain why Judas promptly returned the money he had taken as a reward for betraying the Lord and then proceeded to hang himself (Matthew 27:1–5) once he was caught.
  3. The following is Luke’s account of Judas’ betrayal: In preparation for the Passover festival, the chief priests and other teachers of the law were scrambling to find a method to expel Jesus from Jerusalem because they were scared of the people’s reaction to his teachings.
  4. Afterwards, Judas proceeded to the leading priests and officers of the temple guard, where he discussed with them the possibility of betraying Jesus.
  5. Then he consented and waited for a moment to deliver Jesus over to them when there was no throng around (Luke 22:1–6, emphasis added).
  6. Apparently, Luke wants us to realize that there were supernatural powers at work in this situation.
  7. As soon as Jesus passed his test, Luke informs us that “after the devil had done all of his enticing, he withdrew and left him till an appropriate moment” (Luke 4:13).
  8. Judas then led the leading priests and guards into the garden, adding more agonizing insult to the wounds.
  9. “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” Jesus said, knowing why Judas was present.

Judas, the son of perdition

When all was said and done, Judas’s image had been tarnished irreparably. As a misunderstood person in need of compassion, the other disciples never looked him in the eyes again. The last chapter of John’s Gospel contains Jesus’ prayer to God for the protection of the disciples. He makes the following observation: “While I was with them, I protected them and kept them secure by using the name you gave me,” he says. Except for the one who was condemned to destruction, no one has been lost in order for Scripture to be fulfilled (John 17:12, emphasis added).

The employment of the same terminology in this context is not an accident. Judas allowed himself to be used by the devil to accomplish evil purposes, and Judas will never be remembered for anything other than his role as a traitor. This is in stark contrast to Peter’s previous experience.

Peter turns his back on Jesus

There’s no denying that Peter was a vital member of the community. Peter was a member of Jesus’ inner group, along with the brothers James and John. Jesus was acknowledged as the long-awaited Messiah by both Peter and the rest of the disciples. As a result, how did Peter come to betray his Lord and Savior? A Passover feast is the setting for this story, which takes place immediately before Jesus is arrested. Towards the end of the evening, they engage in the following conversation: Jesus then informed them that “this very night you will all slip away as a result of my presence, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and all the sheep of the flock will be dispersed.'” I will, however, travel ahead of you into Galilee once I have risen from the dead.” “Even if everything falls apart because of you, I will never give up.” Peter said.

In response, Jesus stated, “Truly I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” Nevertheless, Peter stated, “Even if it means dying with you, I would never abandon you.” Matthew 26:31–35 indicates that all of Jesus’ other disciples agreed with him.

Peter can’t envision ever being in a position where he would be forced to deny his Lord.

This discussion most likely influenced Peter’s decision to chop off the ear of the high priest’s servant in order to establish his allegiance (Matthew 26:51).

Peter denies Jesus

In Peter’s defense, when the priests arrested Jesus, the majority of the disciples fled the scene. As a result, Peter wasn’t the only one who turned his back on the Lord. Peter got himself into difficulty when he was mistakenly recognized as a disciple of Jesus in the courtyard:Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard when a servant girl came up to him and introduced herself as a follower of Jesus. Then she went on to say, “You were also with Jesus of Galilee.” He, on the other hand, denied it in front of everyone.

Then he proceeded out to the entryway, where he was noticed by another servant girl, who informed the people in the vicinity that “this person was with Jesus of Nazareth.” He rejected it once more, this time with an oath: “I don’t know who he is!” The people who had been standing there for a time approached Peter and remarked, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away.” Afterwards, he began to pour down curses on them, and he declared to them, “I don’t know who this man is!” Immediately, a rooster began to crow.

That’s when Peter remembered the words Jesus had said to him earlier: “You will repudiate me three times before the rooster crows.” Matthew 26:69–75 describes him going outdoors and weeping hard.

What is the difference between these betrayals?

In contrast to Judas, Peter’s reputation was not tarnished for the rest of his life. At Pentecost, Peter takes over as the chief apostle, presenting a speech that inspires more than 3,000 people to join Jesus. Finally, his devotion to Jesus would lead to his execution at the hands of those he had chosen. Why did Judas’ treachery completely destroy his life, whilst Peter appeared to emerge from his ordeal stronger and more passionately devoted than before? First and foremost, Judas’ betrayal was a cruel act.

It’s possible that he never imagined for a second that Jesus would be tried, convicted, and condemned to death, but that doesn’t really matter.

On top of that, Judas’s character flaws made him a candidate for Satan to exploit as a weapon to bring Jesus’s ministry to a premature conclusion.

A stressful circumstance, on the other hand, had a negative impact on Peter.

He had no intention of betraying Jesus in any way. When compared to Judas’s premeditated betrayal, Peter was caught off guard in a scenario when he was overcome by terror. Is this sufficient justification for his denial? No, but it helps to make things more clear.

Conflicting examples of remorse

While both Judas and Peter expressed regret in their respective accounts, there is much to be learned from their responses to their sins. Judas attempted to return the money he received in exchange for handing Jesus in right away. He was well aware that what he’d done was terrible, and he confessed to the priests, saying, “I have sinned because I have betrayed innocent blood.” When the chief priests refused to accept the money, Judas tossed the money into the temple and walked out of the building.

  1. When Peter understood that he had done precisely what Jesus had indicated he would do, he broke down and sobbed loudly.
  2. He didn’t let his embarrassment keep him from socializing.
  3. When the disciples are out fishing and Peter sees Jesus on the shore, he doesn’t waste any time in recognizing him and calling out to him.
  4. Instead of driving him away from Jesus, his grief draws him closer to him.
  5. “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Jesus said yet another time.
  6. “Take good care of my sheep,” Jesus instructed.
  7. Peter was saddened when Jesus questioned him, for the third time, “Do you love me?” Peter didn’t know how to respond.
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‘Jesus said,’ he said “Please feed my sheep.

Afterwards, he instructed him to “Follow me” (John 21:15–19).

They’d heard Him preach on the need of loving one’s adversaries.

Regardless of the cause, their similar encounter with Jesus prompted them to respond in very different ways.

Peter had faith in the kindness and grace of his fellow disciples as well as in the Lord, while Judas had no such confidence.

Although Judas spent years traveling beside Jesus, he never completely understood the lesson that kindness wins over judgment, and so when he needed mercy, he didn’t know where to turn.

Remember to run toward Jesus

Every single one of us will make errors at some point in our lives. We can only hope that they are not deliberate acts of disobedience, but even if they are, we must not allow such sins to drive us from God’s presence. Our greatest need for Jesus is when we are at our lowest points. And if there is anything we can take away from the contrast between Peter and Judas, it is that we should always use our failings to push us into the arms of Jesus. Looking for inspiration to get you through a difficult time?

Why Jesus Was Betrayed by Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot sealed his own fate from the minute he planted a kiss on Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane: he would go down in history as the world’s most renowned traitor. The identification of Jesus by the Jewish authorities, on the other hand, set in motion a series of events that would become the cornerstones of the Christian faith: Jesus’s arrest and trial, his crucifixion, and ultimately his resurrection, all of which are collectively known as the Passion of Christ. WATCH: JESUS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Vault In light of how little we truly know about Judas Iscariot from the Bible, he continues to be one of the most enigmatic–and important–figures in Jesus’s life narrative to this day.

Who Was Judas Iscariot? What We Know from the Bible

Despite the fact that the Bible provides little details concerning Judas’s upbringing, he is listed as one of Jesus’ closest disciples, or apostles, in all four of the New Testament’s canonical gospels. Intriguingly, Judas Iscariot is the only one of the apostles who is (possibly) identified by his hometown in the Bible, which is a unique distinction. Some academics believe that his surname “Iscariot” is derived from the town of Queriot (also known as Kerioth), which is located south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills.

The northern section of Israel, or Roman Palestine, is where Jesus hails from.

However, there is nothing in the Bible that links Judas to the Sicarii, and the Sicarii were only discovered to be active after Judas’ death.

Because people are always attempting to justify why he would have done anything like this.

At the Last Supper, Jesus announced his betrayal to the assembled guests. Judas is seen sitting on the other side of the table from where the action is taking place. Images courtesy of David Lees/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images

Possible Motives for Judas Iscariot’s Betrayal

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus revealed to his followers over the Last Supper that one of them would betray him if they didn’t repent of their actions. In response to their question, Jesus responded, “It is the person to whom I offer this piece of bread after I have dipped it in the dish.” Later, Judas, who was recognized as the “son of Simon Iscariot,” was given a piece of bread that had been dipped in a dish by the apostle. “Satan came into Judas when he received the piece of bread,” the Bible says.

The Gospel of Luke, like the Gospel of John, attributed Judas’ treachery to Satan’s influence rather than simple avarice, as was the case in the Gospel of John.

In the words of Cargill, “there have always been some who have sought to attach Judas’s treachery to the fact that he had a love of money.” Others have speculated that his disloyal behavior was motivated by a greater political purpose.

Alternately, according to Cargill, Judas (along with Jewish authorities at the time) might have perceived a rebellion as potentially dangerous for the Jewish people in general, similar to what happened when Rome destroyed Sepphoris earlier in the first century: “Maybe he decided to hand Jesus over, in effect, to put a stop to a larger rebellion.” More information may be found at: Why Did Pontius Pilate Order Jesus’ Execution?

What Happened After That

No matter what his motivations were, Judas led troops to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he recognized Jesus as the Messiah by kissing him and addressing him as “Rabbi.” (Matthew 14:44–46) As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Judas instantly repented of his conduct and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the church’s treasurer, declaring, “I have sinned by betraying the blood of innocent men and women.” When the authorities dismissed Judas, he left the money on the floor and committed himself by hanging himself from the ceiling fan (Matthew 27:3-8).

  1. The Bible contains several different versions of Judas’s death.
  2. The Book of Acts, on the other hand, portrays his death as more akin to a spontaneous combustion than anything else.
  3. As a result, he proceeded into a field, where he “fell headlong into the center of it and burst asunder, with all his guts gushing out” as a result of “falling headlong into it” (Acts 1:18).
  4. Because of Judas’ treachery, Jesus was arrested, tried, and executed by crucifixion, following which he was raised from the dead.
  5. However, the name “Judas” came to be associated with betrayal in a variety of languages, and Judas Iscariot would come to be depicted as the prototypical traitor and false friend in Western art and literature as a result.

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Was Judas Really That Bad?

According to Joan Acocellawrote in The New Yorker in 2006, “the most essential aspect about Judas, aside from his betrayal of Jesus, is his association with anti-Semitism.” Judas has been held up as a symbol of Jews by Christians almost since Christ’s crucifixion, representing what they believe to be the Jewish people’s deviousness and thirst for money, among other ethnic vices.” Due to the historical inclination to associate Judas with anti-Semitic stereotypes, following the horrors of the Holocaust, this significant Biblical figure has been given a second look, and his image has even been somewhat restored in some quarters of the world.

When writing about Judas in 1997, Canadian biblical historian Professor William Klassen asserted that many elements of his betrayal had been fabricated or embellished by early Christian church leaders, particularly as the Church began to drift away from Judaism.

What Is the Gospel of Judas?

It was revealed in 2006 by the National Geographic Society that a long-lost document known as the “Gospel of Judas” had been discovered and translated. The text is thought to have been composed about A.D. 150 and subsequently transcribed from Greek into Coptic in the third century, according to historians. The Gospel of Judas was first mentioned in writing by the second-century cleric Irenaeus, and it is one of a number of ancient texts that have been discovered in recent decades that have been linked to the Gnostics, a (mostly Christian) group who were denounced as heretics by early church leaders for their unorthodox spiritual beliefs.

According to this version of the story, Jesus begged Judas to betray him to the authorities so that he may be released from his physical body and fulfill his mission of redeeming people on earth.

Getty Images/Universal History Archive/Universal Image Group Despite the fact that it is a well-known piece of literature, the Gospel of Judas is surrounded by controversy, with some scholars claiming that the National Geographic Society’s version is a faulty translation of a Coptic text and that the public was misled into believing it depicted a “noble Judas.” According to whatever interpretation you choose, given that the Gospel of Judas was written at least a century after both Jesus and Judas died, it offers little in the way of historically reliable information about their lives, and certainly does not provide the missing link to understanding Judas Iscariot”s true motivations.

As Cargill points out, “the fact is that we don’t know why Judas did what he did.” “Of course, the great irony is that without it, Jesus would not have been delivered up to the Romans and executed.

The Crucifixion is the key component of Christianity, because without Judas, there is no Resurrection.”

Judas Iscariot

Frequently Asked Questions

What did Judas Iscariot do?

Judas Iscariot, (diedc.ad30), one of the Twelve Apostles, was infamous for betrayingJesus and for his subsequent death. Judas’ surname is more likely a corruption of the Latin sicarius (which means “murderer” or “assassin”) than an indicator of familial background, implying that he would have belonged to the Sicarii, the most extreme Jewish sect, some of whom were terrorists, than to any other Jewish group. Apart from his apostleship, his betrayal, and his death, the Gospels disclose nothing more about Judas Iscariot.

  1. It is said in John 12:6 that Judas utilized the money box to steal what was placed in it because he “had the money box in his possession.” For the sum of thirty pieces of silver, he revealed the whereabouts of Jesus to the chief priests and elders.
  2. He kissed Jesus on the cheek and addressed him as “master” while he was there.
  3. 26:14–16 and John 12:6 describe Judas’ motivation as greed, the passages in Luke 22:3–6 attribute his actions to the entrance of Satan into his body, which corresponds to John 13:27, in which “Satan came into him” after Judas accepted the bread at the Last Supper.
  4. Ultimately, this is what Jesus was referring to in John 6:70–71 when he asks, “Did I not chose you, the Twelve, and one of you is the devil?” He reveals that he was referring to “Judas the son of Simon Iscariot,” since he was one of the Twelve who was about to betray him.
  5. Upon witnessing Jesus condemned to die, he repented, returned the money, and then hung himself, according to Matt.
  6. (traditionally from the Judas tree).
  7. The passage in Acts that refers to the scene of his death as the place (field) of blood was elaborated by the apocryphalgospels.
  8. His story may be found in several tales, notably in Coptic writings, as well as in medieval literary works.
  9. Despite the fact that his name has come to be connected with traitor (a Judas) and treacherous kiss (a Judas kiss), not all representations of Judas depict him as having betrayed Christ.
  10. Al-Dimashq, a 14th-century cosmographer, says that Judas took on the appearance of Jesus and was executed in his place on the cross.
  11. According to the gospel, which was unearthed in the 1970s and released in 2006 when a Coptic translation from the year 300 was uncovered, Judas was the only apostle who comprehended Jesus’ message.

According to the evidence, Jesus appears to direct Judas to denounce him to the authorities in order for Jesus’ spiritual self to be released from the corporeal body in which it is imprisoned. Gnosticism is another term for this.

Peter and Judas: A Tale of Two Betrayals

Jesus’ betrayer, Judas Iscariot, was one of the Twelve Apostles who died in 30 AD. He was known for his betrayal of Jesus. Rather than being a corruption of the Latinsicarius (which means “murderer” or “assassin”), Judas’ surname is more likely to be a clue as to his family’s history, suggesting that he would have belonged to the Sicarii, the most extreme Jewish faction, some of whom were terrorists. In the Gospels, Judas is only mentioned in passing, aside from his apostleship, his betrayal, and his execution.

  • “.
  • In exchange for 30 pieces of money, he revealed the whereabouts of Jesus to the chief priests and elders.
  • They supplied the armed protection.
  • Although Matt.
  • “Whatever you’re going to do, do it as soon as possible,” advises Jesus.
  • Judas’ death is the subject of several different legends.
  • (traditionally from the Judas tree).
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The passage in Acts that refers to the scene of his death as the place (field) of blood was extended by the apocryphalgospels, according to the text.

Innumerable tales, notably Coptic writings, and medieval literature all contain references to him and his exploits.

Despite the fact that his name has come to be connected with traitor (a Judas) and treacherous kiss (a Judas kiss), not all representations of Judas depict him as having betrayed Jesus.

Al-Dimashq, a 14th-century cosmographer, says that Judas took on the appearance of Jesus and was executed in Jesus’ stead on the cross.

According to the gospel—a Coptic translation from the year 300 that was unearthed in the 1970s and released in 2006—Judas was the only apostle who grasped the significance of Jesus’ words.

According to the evidence, Jesus appears to advise Judas to denounce him to the authorities in order for Jesus’ spiritual self to be able to escape from the corporeal body in which it is imprisoned. Gnosticism is another term for the same thing.

What Do the Gospels Say about Judas?

Judas Iscariot’s early life may only be inferred from what is known about him now. The Gospel of John claims that he was the son of a man named Simon Iscariot, according to the Gospel of John. The title “Iscariot” is also up for question among experts, with some believing it relates to a place, a Jewish group, or even a slang term meaning liar. The last two scenarios are regarded the least plausible, although they are still being discussed. Judas is listed by name as one of the twelve apostles who were hand-picked by Jesus in all four of the Gospels.

  1. There is no indication that Judas failed in this endeavor.
  2. In John 12:6, the apostle adds that Judas was in charge of the apostle’s moneybag, a position of trust that required honesty and integrity.
  3. The avarice of Judas is a theme that appears repeatedly in the Bible, notably in the Gospel of John.
  4. In his Gospel, John illustrates the extent to which Judas’ desire of money extends.
  5. He asked this question not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it (John 12:4-6).
  6. Given how desirous the religious leaders were to have Jesus arrested, it’s likely that he might have negotiated a property deal or political advantages in exchange.

What Do the Gospels Say about Peter?

Judas Iscariot’s early life may only be inferred from the available evidence. His father, according to the Gospel of John, was a guy named Simon Iscariot, and he was his son. Indeed, there is significant disagreement among academics as to what Iscariot is alluding to, whether it is an area, a Jewish group, or even an epithet for the word “false.” But even though the last two scenarios are regarded as the least plausible, they are included in the discussion. Judas is listed by name as one of the twelve apostles who were hand-picked by Jesus in all four of the Gospels, including Matthew.

  • This task was not completed successfully according to any accounts.
  • As recorded in John 12:6, Judas handled the apostle’s moneybag, a position of trust that necessitated the maintenance of integrity.
  • In the Gospel of John, Judas’ avarice is a theme that is repeated several times.
  • The intensity of Judas’ desire of money is shown in John’s Gospel.
  • He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it (John 12:4-6).

Given how strongly the religious authorities desired to have Jesus arrested, it’s likely that he might have negotiated for property or political benefits in exchange for his release. Amounts of money were requested since it was what he actually desired.

How Did Judas and Peter Respond to Jesus Christ?

There has been a tremendous lot of discussion as to what Judas’ final motivation for betraying Christ was. Was it a case of sheer greed? Were his expectations dashed when Jesus did not lead a military uprising against Rome, as many had believed the foretold Messiah would? The question of whether or not Judas can be held accountable for his treachery is likewise a source of heated dispute. Was he complicit in this crime despite his displeasure with it? The verse “Then Satan entered Judas named Iscariot” in Luke 22:3 does not mention so.

  1. The manner in which Judas approached Jesus is perhaps the most obvious indicator that he felt differently about Jesus than the other disciples.
  2. It is recorded in Matthew’s narrative that when Jesus predicted that someone would betray Him, “and they were exceedingly unhappy, and one after another they started to cry to him, ‘Is it I, Lord?'” (Matthew 26:22; Mark 12:22).
  3. It is recorded in the Gospel of John that the disciple asked Jesus, “Lord, who is it?” as he leans back on Jesus’ feet.
  4. A significant discrepancy may be found in the Gospels’ account of Judas’ interrogation: “Judas, who would betray him, said, ‘Is it I, Rabbi?'” “He told him, ‘You have said so,'” he explained (Matthew 26:25).
  5. Judas addressed Him as “Rabbi.” This Hebrew term meaning teacher was an honorable and distinguished title that acknowledged Jesus’ understanding of the Old Testament, but it did not accept Jesus’ divinity, authority, or due status as the Son of God, as the New Testament does.
  6. Jesus was only a guy in Judas’ eyes.
  7. The fact that he had betrayed someone who had not committed a crime and who had been condemned rather than the murderer Barabas made him feel awful.
  8. Peter, on the other hand, was well aware of who Jesus Christ was.
  9. He was well aware that he was the Son of the Living God.
  10. When Jesus appeared to Judas, he performed the same miracles and taught him the same things as the other apostles and disciples.

He did not place his confidence in Jesus in the same way that Peter did. The essential distinction between Judas and Peter is their differing perspectives on who Jesus was and what he did.

What Can We Learn from These Two Men?

Both Peter and Judas fought with sin during their time with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry – one with pride, the other with greed – but they were able to overcome their difficulties. They both sat at His feet, watched His miracles, and learnt about the Kingdom of Heaven throughout their time with Him. Both Peter and Judas made the decision to betray Jesus on the night of Passover. Judas sold the Rabbi to the religious officials in order to achieve financial benefit, while Peter denied any relationship with the man whom He addressed as Lord.

  • Both of them betrayed their Lord, but only one of them came to repent.
  • Jesus made bold statements about Himself, and his claims were backed up by miracles like as healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and raising the dead prior to His crucifixion and death.
  • In the end, Judas was unable to bring himself to place his faith in Jesus Christ, which finally led to his demise.
  • The apostle Peter placed his trust in Jesus, despite the fact that he first looked to be struggling with external sins; in fact, Jesus said that Peter did not always grasp His teachings.
  • Even after he had betrayed Jesus by denying Him and failing to defend Him at the trial, he returned.
  • This is an example that Christians can follow in the modern era.
  • Sin and mistakes will occur, but God is always ready to forgive and forget.
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Calvin, Jean, David Torrance, and Thomas Torrane are all members of the Torrane family. A Musical Arrangement of the Gospels Volume 1 of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1994. Alfred Edersheim’s work is a good example of how to combine a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah are detailed in this book.

  • The William B.
  • Feinberg, John S., and Basinger, David.
  • Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2001.
  • On the subject of illustrious men The CUA Press, in Washington, D.C., published this book in 1999.
  • Dwight.
  • Dwight.” Jesus Christ’s Words and Deeds are the foundation of the Christian faith.
  • Source: Public Domain Image courtesy of Leonardo Da Vinci

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

Did Jesus Ask Judas To Betray Him? The True Story Of History’s Most Demonized Man

To this day, the name “Judas” is associated with treason and treachery. Judas Iscariot, a follower of Jesus Christ, is accused of betraying his teacher to Roman authorities in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. The legend surrounding Judas Iscariot and Jesus lies at the heart of the Christian religion’s founding. Historians, on the other hand, are skeptical of the historical accuracy of this biblical account. For starters, other from his status as a villain in Christian history, there is no further recorded evidence of his existence to be uncovered.

As Susan Gubar of Indiana University Bloomington writes in her bookJudas: A Biography, “no one has been successful in discovering any sources of Judas that are independent of retellings of the New Testament accounts.” “There are just a few verses in the Bible that are devoted to Judas, and they all agree that he was the disciple who handed Jesus up to the authorities in Jerusalem.” Because of more than 2,000 years of Christian writings that mythologized Judas as the man who betrayed Jesus, any factual facts regarding the genuine Judas would have been swamped by the mythologized Judas of Christian writings.

Who was Judas Iscariot, and what was his true story?

The Story Of Judas Iscariot Presented In The Christian Tradition

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons It is claimed that Judas kisses Jesus to identify him to the Romans, thereby identifying Jesus to the Romans. According to an ancient Egyptian book, he did this because Jesus was known to “shape-shift,” making him impossible to discern from other people. Several biblical books, including the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, as well as the Acts of the Apostles (commonly referred to as the “Book of Acts”), all recount Judas Iscariot’s betrayal.

  1. Judas was once a trusted disciple of Jesus, and all sources agree that he gave him up to the authorities in exchange for a monetary payment at some point in time.
  2. By kissing Jesus, he sought to draw the attention of the Roman authorities to him.
  3. Furthermore, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus was already aware that Iscariot was about to betray him and contacted the apostle before the final supper, telling him, “What you are about to do, do it now.” All four Gospels portray Judas as a person who is filled with wickedness.
  4. However, even though Judas was the treasurer of the apostles, he was also well-known for his theft, and “as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to everything was placed into it,” according to the gospel according to John.
  5. According to some accounts, he hangs himself, but according to others, his intestines burst through his skin and out of his body.
  6. The fact that Judas was “one of our number and shared in our mission” was acknowledged even by Jesus’ most notable followers, such as Matthias.
  7. He then hung himself as a symbol of his solidarity with his master.

Alternative Translations And Theories About Judas

It is possible that Judas did not betray Jesus at all, and that the Bible erred in its interpretation of the significance of his identification of Jesus to the authorities. In reality, some historians believe that a radical Jewish sect had genuinely sought to utilize Jesus’ influence as a method of challenging their foreign overlords, the Romans, but that the encounter had gone catastrophically wrong. Photograph courtesy of PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Judas Iscariot gets rewarded with 30 silver pieces in exchange for turning over Jesus to the Roman authorities.

  1. The Zealots were akin to political assassins, and it is believed that they carried little daggers, known as “sica,” concealed beneath their clothing to stab opponents in the street.
  2. As part of their rebellion against the Romans, who had overrun Israel, the Zealots may have recognized in Jesus a chance to defeat their captors.
  3. The Zealots had intended to unite against the Romans under the leadership of a messiah, which they believed could be Jesus.
  4. In the Greek translation of the Bible, the verb isparadidomei, which literally translates as “handed him over,” to describe Judas’ confrontation with Jesus at the Last Supper.
  5. Judas expresses sorrow by tossing his money aside.
  6. As a result, when Judas handed Jesus up to authorities, it wasn’t out of treachery, but rather out of an attempt to determine whether or not the martyr could be the messiah who would lead a radical party in a rebellion against their foreign rulers.

How Judas Iscariot Became Known As The Man Who Betrayed Jesus

In his writings on Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, theologianOrigen of Alexandria was the first prominent Christian author to bring up the subject. Origen’s works challenge the assertions of theologian Celsus, who lived at the time of Origen’s writings and claimed that Judas did not truly betray Jesus. “Will Celsus and his friends now say that those proofs which show that Judas’ apostasy was not a complete apostasy, even after his attempts against his Master, are inventions, and that only this is true, viz., that one of His disciples betrayed Him; and will they add to the Scriptural account that he betrayed Him with his whole heart?” writes Origen.

As Gubar pointed out, the church fathers frequently connected Judas with the Jewish people, treating him as a type of frontman in anti-Semitic propaganda.

Jerome, the Jews’ treachery and Judas’ betrayal were one and the same: “Judas is cursed, that in Judas specifically, was ripped asunder by demons — and the people, as well.” Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Origen of Alexandria was a writer and Christian scholar who lived in Alexandria, Egypt.

“Now, of course, all 12 disciples, like Jesus himself, were Jews – yet, as this new exhibition shows, it was Judas who western art chose to depict as the Jew, often with the red hair that distinguished him as a betrayer, alongside his mysteriously fair-haired, fair-skinned fellow apostles,” writes journalist Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian.

Indeed, some academics, such as April D.

In the words of DeKonick, “His narrative has been misused for centuries as an excuse for crimes against Jews.” Perhaps one of the ways in which our collective psyche has dealt with this in recent decades has been to attempt to erase or explain the terrible Judas, in order to absolve him of the guilt of Jesus’ killing.”

The Gospel Of Judas

In 2006, the so-called “Gospel of Judas,” a “lost” manuscript written in Coptic Egyptian circa 300 A.D. and thought to have been lost for centuries, was unearthed. Findings from the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, which was discovered in the 1970s and is believed to be an exact copy and translation of a work that dates back to 180 A.D., describe the account of Judas Iscariot as a devoted servant to Jesus who did just what his master desired. Wikipedia Commons has a photo of WolfgangRieger holding a critical edition of The Gospel of Judas.

According to this version of events, Jesus specifically instructed Judas to betray him.

Except for Judas, no one else seemed to understand who Jesus actually is: a celestial creature from “the everlasting aeon of the Barbelo,” a special heavenly region, who has come to earth.

Jesus tells Judas that he must betray him because he sees himself condemned in a vision and that this is necessary in order for Jesus to fulfill his aims.

In contrast to the New Testament, the Gospel of Judas does not appear to reflect historical reality as much as it does an alternative mystical tradition that is consistent with Gnostic cosmological views that were prevalent in the ancient Near East at the time of its composition, according to scholars.

“Judas is a different sort of character,” Herb Krosney, who co-wrote The Lost Gospel, said on NPR: “Judas is a different kind of character.” He’s the one who’s been asked to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.

And Judas is the one who makes it possible for all of us to assist in the discovery of that inner flame inside ourselves.” It is therefore just another version of his tale, and it is arguably just as legitimate as the ones as out in the Gospels and Acts, which are all versions of his story.

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons According to Islamic belief, Judas was the one who was crucified in Jesus’ place.

Judas, according to another narrative, took Jesus’ place on the cross and died in his place.

After all, if he had not betrayed Christ, Jesus would not have died and Christianity would not have come into being, as the saying goes.

Discover the truth about Jesus’ true name after taking a look at the history of Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ. Then you can find out who wrote the Bible in the first place.

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