Why Does Jesus Have So Many Names

Understanding Why God Goes by Many Names

Jesusa’s etymology and connotation Its meaning is “Variant of the English and Spanishname Jesus” (a variant of the English and Spanish names Jesus). In English and Spanish, this is a feminine variant of the nameJesus, which is derived from the Aramaic name Yeshu’a and is an English and Spanish form of the Greek nameIesous.

God’s Honor and Majesty

Because God is deserving of attention and acclaim, one of the primary reasons the Scriptures contain so many different names for him is that he has many different titles. The grandeur of His Name, the majesty of His Being, is deserving of praise on a number of different levels. This is evident in our own society, particularly among athletes who are well-known. The most common way we respond when someone’s accomplishments elevate them on a level much beyond their peers is to heap terms of praise upon them.

Consider the nickname “Mr.

“Air Jordan” is another basketball star who must not be forgotten.

The fact that God’s vastness, majesty, and power would overflow into an entire dictionary full of names is therefore very understandable.

God’s Character

The major explanation for the large number of God’s names recorded throughout the Scriptures has to do with God’s essence and character, which is discussed more below. This book—the Bible—is intended to disclose who God is, to demonstrate what He is like, and to instruct us on what He has done throughout history. Of course, we will never be able to truly comprehend God. The fact that he is too huge for our comprehension also means that He is too big to be addressed by a single name. One of the blessings of the Bible is that each of God’s names is associated with a distinct feature of God’s personality.

God’s name, Elohim, is stated in Genesis 1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, which is a fitting match.

Genesis1:1-2 In a similar vein, the name Adonaico is derived from a root phrase that in the old Hebrew language signified “master” or “owner.” As a result, the word Adonai assists us in understanding that God is “Lord.” We may learn about God’s character from the name, which emphasizes that God is the Owner of all things and the Ruler of the universe, among other things.

11I’m familiar with every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are all mine as well.

Psalm50:9-12 It is easy to appreciate what a blessing it is that God has so many names described in the Bible once we comprehend how each of His names reflects a different facet of His nature. Why? Because the more we learn about God’s names, the more we discover about ourselves.

Why does the Bible have so many different names for Jesus?

Here’s everything you need to know: During the time of the Old Testament, it was the custom or culture of the people to name their children after names that had significance. For example, the names Joshua and Jacob mean “God delivered,” “he cheats,” and “rock,” while Peter means “rock.” Parents wished to give their children meaningful names that were meaningful to them. The same may be said for Jesus! He had a variety of tasks to do while on earth, and as a result, He had a variety of monikers.

  1. Immanuel is a Hebrew word that means “God with us.” “The virgin is going to give birth to a child.
  2. And his name will be Immanuel, which means “God with us.” The name Immanuel literally translates as “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).
  3. His name must be Jesus, and you must do so.
  4. (Matthew 1:21) 3.
  5. The phrase “son of God” refers to Jesus as God’s son.
  6. Sixth, Jesus was called the Son of Man, which signifies that when He was born, He was both a man and a God.
  7. He instilled in them the belief that the elders would not accept them.

“He must be slain and then resurrected after three days” (Mark 8:31).

We have just mentioned a handful of the possibilities; there are many more!

Truth According to the Bible “As a result, God elevated him to the greatest position.

When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone’s knee will be brought to his feet in reverence.

“We are expecting the birth of a kid.

He will be in charge of us.

He will also be known as “Father Who Lives Forever” and “Prince Who Brings Peace,” among other titles (Isaiah 9:6).

Why does God have so many names?

I used to believe that there was just one name for God. God. Sure, there’s the whole Holy Spirit and Jesus the Christ thing going on, but they’re all part of the Trinity deal. God is, after all, God. In any case, during the course of my life, I’ve realized – to my great joy – that God is known by many names. Having gotten a query on why God has so many names from a reader a few days ago, I’ve been thinking about God’s name for the past few days. Jan from Michigan sends us the following message: “God is referred to by many other titles in the Bible, including Lord, Most High, Creator, and Adonai.

  • I want to become closer to God, yet all of the titles make it difficult to figure out who God is in his true form.
  • The reason why I believe God has so many names is that God wants to be found by us!
  • Names are extremely precious in the Hebrew tradition, which is where Christianity derives its idea of God as well as its various names for God.
  • In the Catholic Church, we understand the significance of this as well: “A person’s essence and identity, as well as the significance of their existence, are expressed via their name.
  • In a sense, disclosing one’s name is to make oneself known to others; in another sense, it is to hand oneself over by being more available, capable of being known more intimately and addressed directly.” Catechism of the Catholic Church (Catechism 203).
  • ) Over the years, I’ve discovered that I think about God and pray with God in a number of ways, depending on who I’m talking to.
  • Some of them are incomprehensible to anyone other than God and me.
  • Keep holding on to the name(s) of God that are significant to you, that assist you in praying with God, and that assist you in connecting with your religious community.
  • If something is not useful or significant, you are under no need to utilize it while thinking about or addressing God!

The main conclusion is that all of these many names for God are all pointing to the same God. And this God will react to you with loving kindness no matter what name you choose to address him by!

Why Does Our God Have Many Names?

When it comes to naming a kid, a great deal of thought, effort, and time is put into it. Why? We value names because they are essential to us. It was difficult for my wife and me to decide on the names for our children because there were so many good ones to choose from. There were male and female names, family names, and names proposed by friends among the possibilities. It was all a little overwhelming at times. However, we managed to get through it and have been blessed with three children in our family as a result.

  • In the same way that most individuals have several nicknames, he has a lot of them that define and describe him, who he is, what he does, and what he is all about.
  • Our names, as much as God’s, are essential to us.
  • For the uninitiated, it may appear that all of these names in Scripture are significant because they explain and depict who God is, what he does, and the essence of God’s character.
  • The term Elohim is the very earliest and most fundamental name for God in the Old Testament.
  • It was God who created the heavens and the earth in the beginning (Gen 1).
  • Consider the fact that Elohim is a plural term that works in a singular sense.
  • How is it possible for this Elohim God to exist in plurality while operating in singularity?

Consider the fact that Elohim is a plural term that works in a singular sense.

Yahweh is the name of God, and it is the name for God that is used the most frequently in the Bible.

God’s name, Yahweh, appears often at pivotal moments in salvation history as well as in the history of God’s people.

Yahweh has always existed, is currently existing, and will continue to exist indefinitely.

God’s given name is Adonai, which literally translates as “Lord.” In Psalm 97, it is said that “God is the Lord of the whole earth.” God is not just Elohim, the creator, but he is also Adonai, the king and ruler of all things, according to the Hebrew Bible.

During the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, the angel Gabriel revealed to Joseph what his son’s name would be.

“You are to give him this name because he will save his people from their sins” (Matt 2).

From conception to tomb, from infancy to grave, Jesus’ name identifies and explains who and what he is all about, from the womb to the tomb and beyond.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” Jesus instructs them (Matt.

The God of the Bible is the creator, redeemer, and sustainer of all things.

The holy and beautiful Trinity is three in one and one in three, three in one and one in three.

When this piece is published, my son Ben and his wife Laura will have welcomed their first child into the world, a son, into the world.

But the most significant name he will get is the one that will be bestowed upon him in the sanctuary and at the font, where he will be addressed as a child of God via the use of water and the word, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So Many Names: What Do They All Mean?

The reason is because unto us a Child has been born, unto us a Son has been given, and the government will be placed upon His shoulders. “And His name will be Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”, says the prophet Micah. (See Isaiah 9:6-7.) We may learn something new from each of these portrayals as we consider the work that God intends to undertake in our lives. Wonderful is his given name. This term derives from the root word “wonder,” which literally means “awe-inspiring marvel.” Jesus want to instill a sense of amazement and wonder in our hearts and minds.

  1. Counselor is his given name.
  2. In the words of Psalm 73:24, “You will lead me with Your wisdom, and thereafter you will accept me into glory.” You no longer have to be perplexed by the difficulties you are experiencing because, with Christ as your Counselor, you can be confident that God will disclose His will to you.
  3. This implies that Jesus has unrestricted control over you while you deal with the challenges of everyday life.
  4. That’s something I’ve considered as well.
  5. I am really grateful that the All-Powerful God is present to provide me with the strength to do what He has called me to do.
  6. Because Christ came to earth to die on the cross and pay the penalty for your sins, as well as to resurrect from the dead, you have an Everlasting Father, who will be with you for the rest of your life.
  7. He will always be at your side, guiding and assisting you through life.
  8. Without a doubt, we are living in terrible times.
  9. How desperately we require tranquility in our life.
  10. God, on the other hand, will grant tranquility to the individual who is pleasant to Him.

Names Of Jesus

Jesus’ Given Names and Their Importance What really is in a name? Is there any significance to the titles and names that Jesus used? During the time period when the Bible was being written, the Israelites frequently picked names for their children depending on the child’s character or appearance, for example, Esau (hairy) and Korah (bald). Some kids were named as a result of an occurrence that occurred during their birth, while others were named as a result of a wish or prayer expressed by the parents, as in the case of Zechariah’s name (God has remembered).

  • It was common for parents to name their children according to the time of day they were born.
  • Several names were inspired by the mother’s state of exhaustion, including Leah (exhausted) and Mahli (exhausted) (sick).
  • According to Matthew 1:20-23, “Following this, an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be frightened to take Mary home as your wife, since what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit,’ which he took to be true.
  • In order to fulfill what the Lord had promised through the prophet, all of this transpired.
  • The names are meant to serve as a description of who Jesus is and how He works in the lives of those who know Him.
  • Let’s take a look at a couple of them right now.
  • In light of His blameless life, miracles, and resurrection from the grave, His claims to be God remain unshaken (John 20:28).
See also:  Where Was Jesus Mother From

The disciples used this phrase to express their gratitude to Jesus for serving as their teacher and leader (Matthew 22:43-44).

The title declares Jesus to be the Godhead, as well as the everlasting and ultimate divinity (John 1:1, 14).

Jesus came to free people from the bonds of sin and death (John 4:25-26).

God’s everlasting essence is expressed in this descriptive term, which is both the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8; 22:13).

“One who frees or delivers someone from difficulties, danger, or bondage, generally by the payment of a ransom fee,” according to the dictionary.

(Mark 10:45, Titus 2:14).

Those who refuse to accept this light will be held accountable for their actions (John 8:12; 3:19-21).

Because of Jesus’ blood, sin was atoned for!

Due to the fact that Jesus is totally God, He has the ability to represent God to man.

It is possible to come to terms (1 Timothy 2:5).

John 14:6 says that Jesus is “the way to heaven,” “the truth,” and “the life.” He is the only path to heaven, the sole source of truth, and the foundation of all life.

What is the meaning of these objects to you?

Do you believe in him?

If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, are you overwhelmed with gratitude for all that God has done for you?

“Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

You are my life, since my existence would be meaningless if it weren’t for You.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

You are the Bread of Life, and I can eat from Your table of spiritual nutrition in order to maintain complete peace. You are the Lord and the God of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

Why do some people in the Bible have more than one name?

QuestionAnswer There are a number of persons in the Bible who are known by more than one title. For example, in Esther 1:1, Ahasuerus is referred to as Xerxes in historical records. Hadassah was the name given to Esther herself (Esther 2:7). The many causes for the various names that some Bible figures have are not all the same. A possible reason why certain persons in the Bible had more than one name is that God changed their names on occasion. In Genesis 17:5, Abram (“exalted father”) is transformed into Abraham (“father of a multitude,” according to the Old Testament).

  • In Genesis 32:28, Jacob (also known as “heel-catcher” or “deceiver”) is transformed into Israel (also known as “God’s warrior”).
  • God’s intervention in each individual’s life was symbolized by a name change in each instance.
  • Some persons have more than one name for a variety of reasons, including being forced to alter their name by others.
  • Nebuchadnezzar altered the names of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah to Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in honor of the Babylonian gods, and he also changed the names of Hananiah and Mishael to Azariah (Daniel 1:7).
  • Other names of biblical characters have been altered as a result of an event in a person’s life or to better represent the character of the individual.
  • Naomi came to Bethlehem after losing her husband and two boys in Moab, and she went by the name of Mara (which means “bitter” in Hebrew).
  • There are a few additional names that have been changed that aren’t actually changes at all, but translations from one language to another.

John is the Greek equivalent of Jonas or Jonah (compare the KJV and the NIV translations of John 1:42).

Although Matthew 1:9 refers to Uzziah as the father of Jotham, the biblical texts 2 Kings 15:1–7 and 1 Chronicles 3:12 indicate that Azariah was Jotham’s biological father.

Throughout the book of Jotham, the biblical historian makes it apparent that his father was named both Azariah (verse 7) and Uzziah (verse 8).

The same individual goes under several different names.

For example, Moses’ father-in-law was known by both the names Reuel and Jethro (Exodus 2:18; 3:1).

Furthermore, one of the most well-known name changes in the Bible, from Saul to Paul, is never fully explicated.

During the first missionary tour (Acts 13), following the conversion of the Gentile proconsul of Cyprus, he began to solely refer to himself as Paul.

It should come as no surprise that the ancient civilizations of the Bible gave multiple names to the same individual on a number of different occasions.

A girl named Julia, for example, may go by the nicknames Julie or Jules, or she could go by her middle name, Anne; or her friends could give her a nickname such as “Rose” or “Tweety” to distinguish her from other girls.

Those who follow Jesus look forward to receiving a new name that will be given to us personally by Jesus Himself: “To the triumphant, I will give.

As we ascend to the throne of glory, our Redeemer will give us a new name that He will choose for us. “Amen. “Come, Lord Jesus, come!” (Revelation 22:20). Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. What is the significance of some persons in the Bible having more than one name?

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God Has a Name. Many, Actually!

Tim Mackie contributed to this article. 4 years ago today Have you ever read the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, and thought to yourself, “God is called by a number of different names?” Who is this Yahweh, Elohim, El Roi, Adonai, Savior, Redeemer, and Angel of the Lord, and what does he look like in person? What happened to the basic Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you might wonder. In truth, there are dozens of different ways in which the people of Israel referred to God.

Some people may find the large number of names bewildering, especially if they are unfamiliar with ancient Hebrew.

People, Place, and Time

When trying to figure out what is truly going on in a specific tale in the Bible, it is helpful to understand the ancient cultural background of the people, places, and eras mentioned in it. Therefore, when God communicates with individuals, he does it in the language, conceptions, and cultural background of the particular people to whom the revelation is being made. In order to comprehend the relevance of the Bible for our day, we must first comprehend the original meaning of these scriptures within the context of their own era.

In reaction to the theological concepts held by the Canaanites (an ancient people group), as we will see, the titles given to God are an attempt to deflect their focus away from the God of Israel and toward God of Israel.

El or Elohim

When ancient Israel’s neighbors referred to the most powerful deity as “El,” they were really referring to an old Semitic term, “god,” rather than a name. It might refer to a variety of gods, but the supreme deity over all the other gods was simply referred to as “El,” which literally translates as “THE god.” The Hebrew term for God in the Old Testament is Elohim, which is used more than 2,000 times to refer to the God of Israel and a few dozen times to refer to other gods in the text. As you can see from the shape of the word, “El-ohim” is a shortened version of the word “El.” The Israelites also referred to themselves by the abbreviated form “El,” albeit this is only recorded in the poetry of the Old Testament.

(see Genesis 17:1).

After all, they were under the impression that all of these utterances referred to the same God who revealed himself to Abraham and Moses—and that this God was known by a name.


Remember that in both English and Hebrew, the word “God” (or El, or Elohim) is not a personal name, but rather a generic label for a deity that may be given to other, less powerful, spiritual entities as well. There is no evidence to suggest that ancient Israelites, Jesus, or the early Christians believed that their God was the only spiritual person who existed. The fact that they were created, rather than being created by the one real God, made them inferior to the one true God in many ways.

  1. For example, to the north of Israel lived the ancient Syrians, whose major god was known as “Baal” (familiar from the legends of Elijah, see 1 Kings 18), and their chief god was known as “Elijah.” Chemosh was revered by the Moabites, who lived to the east (see 1 Kings 11).
  2. The name of this God was “Yahweh” (which may have been derived from the Hebrew word “Yahuwah”).
  3. This was the God Abraham referred to as “El” or “El-Elyon,” and so on, according to the accounts of Abraham recorded in the book of Genesis.
  4. It’s an appropriate name for the everlasting Creator of all things, and it makes a powerful statement about how this God is the ultimate creator of all reality, the one who exists without beginning or end.


People ceased reciting Yahweh’s name publicly much later in Israel’s history (about the 3rd or 2nd century BC), most likely out of a sense of reverence for the Almighty. It was customary for them to substitute the letters for “Yahweh” in the Bible with the Hebrew word for “Lord,” pronouncedadonai, whenever they came across them. The name was not pronounceable until much later, in the 6th and 7th centuries AD, when Jewish scribes created a pretty creative manuscript reminder for readers to not pronounce it.

As a consequence, the Hebrew text included the hybrid term yehovah, which related to no authentic Hebrew word that any Israelite had ever spoken aloud in his or her lifetime.

Throughout Christian history, the name “Jehovah” has been used and has remained in use ever since.

What about the rest?

The God of the Old Testament is not dissimilar from the God revealed through Jesus Christ in the Gospels, nor is he dissimilar from the God of the New Testament, as Paul explains in his letter to the Romans. However, the Greeks and Romans with whom they spoke had a wide variety of conceptions about the gods, which is why the New Testament has a plethora of diverse titles and names for God (pronounced in Greek astheos). Much in the same way that the writers of the Old Testament claimed that their numerous labels for “God” all referred to the one real God known as “Yahweh,” so too did those who composed the New Testament think that Jesus was the bodily manifestation of the one true God known as “Yahweh.” This explains why they make such a big deal about Jesus.

Jesus Christ was revealed most fully in his life, death, and resurrection.

According to them, there was no God who could be known by us apart from Jesus. In him, the compassion, kindness, and justice of Yahweh the Creator God became tangible, allowing us to hear and touch him, as well as recognize him by name, for the first time.

Words of faith: Why does God have so many names?

  • It’s an exciting moment to be having talks about faiths right now. According to undergod.procon.org, there are 313 faiths in the United States, with the possibility of even more. Many years ago, there were just three basic faiths: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Today, there are over 200 other religions. Some of the faiths, their beliefs, and some of the terminology they use are described in the sections that follow. In accordance with Islamic doctrine, there is only one incorporable God, Allah, and Mohammed is the final messenger sent by God. This illustrates the reality that Islam, like other religions, does not exist or speak in a vacuum, separate from the individuals who practice it. They think that God created us in all of our variety, including our races, faiths, and languages, and that we were meant to live together. Getting to know one another, showing respect for one another, and upholding our collective human dignity are the goals of this group of people. In addition to being one of the world’s oldest religions, Judaism is also noted for its ethical monotheism. Its fundamental beliefs and customs are similar to those of Islam and Christianity. God is referred to as HaShem in the Jewish religious tradition. Although they believe there is only one God, they pray to him using a distinct name, Adonai, which means Master or Lord, in order to distinguish him from everyone else. They think that the Messiah is still on the way to us. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s son, and that he is the second member in the Godhead, which consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the core doctrine of Christianity. It also adds that His life on earth, as well as his death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, serve as evidence of God’s love for mankind and God’s forgiveness of all human sins, according to the Bible. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ serve as the foundation of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah, sent by God to save them from their sins. According to their beliefs, Jesus’ death and resurrection from the grave atoned for Adam’s crimes and, as a result, redeemed the entire world, allowing everyone who believe in him to enter into heaven. While they are the three original faiths, allow me to introduce you to another religious tradition that exists today. The Hindureligion holds that there is only one genuine God, the true spirit known as Braham, who manifests himself in many forms. They begin their meditation by connecting with the whole universe, beginning with the sacred symbol sound of OM, which unites one with the entire cosmos. They continue their meditation by connecting with themselves. The majority of Hindus believe that Braham is present in everyone in the form of the immortal soul and spirit. We now understand why the one and only God is known by so many names, including Abraham, Allah, Father, Master, Lord, HaShem, and the Holy Spirit. It’s all because of God. I hope you found this information interesting. Next week, I’ll be writing on the Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, Buddhism, and Christian Science, among other topics. Interfaith pastor and Mid-Valley Interfaith Council president, the Rev. Linda Lee Allison, is a member of the United Methodist Church.
See also:  When Did Jesus Raise From The Dead?

What Are the Names and Titles of Jesus?

The Bible places a strong emphasis on the importance of names. Throughout the Bible, you will learn that names have great importance and significance to them. They provide us with precise information about someone’s personality. This is seen when God transforms the name of the swindler, Jacob, to the name of Israel (one who contends with God). This is also demonstrated by Jesus when he changes Simon’s name to Peter, which means “rock” in the New Testament. The name Jesus has special significance.

Those are also very significant.

We collected a list of 50 names and titles for Jesus, as well as the Scripture passages where those names appear.

1. Almighty

‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ declares the Lord God, “who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” declares the Lord God (Revelation 1:8).

2. Alpha and Omega

“Look, I’ll be here shortly! My prize is with me, and I shall distribute it to each one in accordance with their contributions. As the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, I am also known as “I Am.” “(Rev. 22:12–13) Revelation 22:12–13

3. Amen

“Write these words to the angel of the church at Laodicea: These are the words of the Amen, the trustworthy and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation, and the ruler of the universe” (Revelation 3:14).

4. Author of Life

Though you assassinated the originator of life, God resurrected him from the grave. This has been witnessed by us (Acts 3:15).

5. Bread from Heaven

When they asked who had given them the food from heaven, Jesus said, “I assure you that it was not Moses who gave you the genuine bread from heaven, but it was my Father who gave you the true bread from heaven” (John 6:32).

6. Bread of Life

Then Jesus made the following proclamation: “I am the source of all nourishment. Anyone who comes to me will never go hungry, and anyone who believes in me will never be thirsty. I promise you this ” (John 6:35).

7. Chief Shepherd

And when the Chief Shepherd comes, you will be awarded with a crown of glory that will last for all of eternity (1 Peter 5:4).

8. Christ

Allow the peace of Christ to prevail in your hearts, for you were called to peace as members of a one body when you were created. And remember to be grateful (Colossians 3:15).

9. Consolation of Israel

During this time, there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was a pious and devoted individual. He was patiently awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him throughout this time (Luke 2:25).

10. Deliverer


and in this manner will all of Israel be rescued. As it is written: “The deliverer will come from Zion, and he will turn the hearts of Jacob away from godlessness.” (See Romans 11:26.)

11. Immanuel

A son will be born to the virgin, who will be named Immanuel (which means “God with us”) by his parents after the virgin’s name (Matthew 1:23).

12. Faithful and True Witness

“Write these words to the angel of the church at Laodicea: These are the words of the Amen, the trustworthy and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation, and the ruler of the universe” (Revelation 3:14).

13. The Gate

As a result, Jesus remarked once more, “To be quite honest with you, I am the gate for the sheep. All of those who have come before me have been thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not heeded their warnings. My name is the gate, and anybody who comes in through me will be rescued. They will come in and out, and they will look for grass “(See also John 10:7–9).

14. God

Then he turned to Thomas and said, “Put your finger here, and look at my palms. You can put your hand into my side if you reach out your hand. Put an end to your skepticism and begin to believe.” “My Lord and my God,” Thomas said when he saw him (John 20:27–28)!

15. Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd, and I am here to help you. The excellent shepherd is willing to lay down his life for his flock ” (John 10:11).

16. Heir of All Things

While God spoke with our forefathers and foremothers via the prophets at various times and in various ways in the past, he has communicated with us in these latter days through his Son, whom he named heir of all things and through whom he created the universe (Hebrews 1:1–2).

17. High Priest

Such a high priest, who is holy, blameless, and pure, who is set aside from sinners, and who is raised above the sky, genuinely satisfies our need. Unlike the other high priests, he is not required to give sacrifices on a daily basis, first for his personal sins and then for the sins of the people, as is the case with the others. When he gave himself as a sacrifice for their sins, he completed the atonement for them (Hebrews 7:26–27).

18. Holy and Righteous One

You have publicly repudiated the Holy and Righteous One and have requested that a murderer be delivered to you in exchange (Acts 3:14).

19. Holy One of Israel

“Do not be frightened, you worm Jacob, you small Israel; for I, the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, will assist you,” proclaims the Lord, your Redeemer, and the Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 41:14).

20. Horn of Salvation

His servant David has become a horn of salvation for us, and we are grateful to him for it (Luke 1:69).

21. I Am

“Very honestly I tell you,” Jesus said, “I am the one who existed before Abraham was born!” After hearing this, they gathered stones to stone him. But instead of being stoned, Jesus slipped away from the temple grounds (John 8:58–59).

22. King of the Jews

Following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, Judea, during the reign of King Herod, Magi from the East traveled to Jerusalem and inquired, “Who is this child?” “Where has the one who was born king of the Jews vanished to? We were watching for his star when it appeared and have come to adore him ” (Matthew 2:1, 2).

23. Lamb of God

In the days following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod, Magi from the east traveled to Jerusalem and inquired, “Who is this child?” “The one who was born as king of the Jews has not yet been found.

We were watching for his star when it appeared and have come to adore him ” (Matthew 2:1, 2).

24. Last Adam

As it is written: “The first man Adam became a living creature,” and “the final Adam became a life-giving spirit,” respectively. The spiritual did not arrive first, but rather the natural, which was followed by the spiritual after that. The first man was made of the dust of the ground, and the second man is made of the dust of the sky. Because man was created in his own image, so are those who are of the earth, and because man was created in his own image, so are those who are of heaven. The apostle Paul writes, “And just as we have been bearing the image of the earthly man, so should we be borne the image of the heavenly man” (1 Corinthians 15:45–49).

25. Light of the World

When Jesus spoke to the crowds for the second time, he declared, “I am the brightest light in the universe. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the dark, but will always have the light of life shining in their hearts ” (John 8:12).

26. Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Do not shed any tears! Take note that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has won the victory. He has the ability to unlock the scroll and all seven seals contained within it ” (Revelation 5:5).

27. Lord

He addressed them as follows: “Why then, when David is speaking in the Spirit, does he refer to him as the “Lord”? “The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I lay your adversaries under your feet,”‘ he writes “””””‘ ‘ (Matthew 22:43, 44).

28. Lord of All

You know the message God delivered to the people of Israel, bringing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all (Acts 10:36). (Acts 10:36).

29. Lord of lords and King of kings

Knowing the message God delivered to the people of Israel, declaring the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of all, you should be able to respond appropriately (Acts 10:36).

30. Lord of Glory

This fact was not comprehended by any of the rulers of this era because if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory (1 Corinthians 2:8).

31. Man of Sorrow

He was hated and shunned by people; he was a man of agony and pain, and he was well acquainted with misery. He was disliked, and we regarded him in low regard, as if he were a person from whom people concealed their faces (Isaiah 53:3).

32. Master

As a man of suffering who was intimately acquainted with agony, he was reviled and rejected by mankind. He was detested, and we regarded him in low regard, as if he were a person from whom people kept their heads down (Isaiah 53:3).

See also:  How Precious Is The Name Of Jesus Lyrics

33. Mediator

In fact, there is only one God and only one mediator between God and humans, and that is the man Christ Jesus, who sacrificed himself as a ransom for the sins of the entire world. This has now been observed in the suitable light at the appropriate moment (1 Timothy 2:5, 6).

34. Messiah

The woman expressed herself as follows: “I am aware that the Messiah” (also known as Christ) “is on his way. When he arrives, he will go through everything in detail with us.” Jesus then said, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he” (John 4:25–26), referring to himself as the speaker.

35. Morning Star

“I, Jesus, have dispatched my angel to deliver this witness to you on behalf of the churches.

I am the Root and the Offspring of David, as well as the brilliant Morning Star, according to the Bible ” (Revelation 22:16).

36. Our Passover Lamb

Get rid of the old yeast so that you can start fresh as a new unleavened batch—which is exactly what you are. Because Christ, our Passover lamb, has been offered up on the altar (1 Corinthians 5:7).

37. Pioneer and Perfecter of Our Faith

Make sure to get rid of the old yeast so that you may start over as a fresh unleavened batch—which is exactly what you are. Because Christ has been offered as our Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7).

38. Prince of Peace

A son has been given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders since we have a kid born to us. And he will be referred to as “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” and “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

39. Rabbi

When Jesus turned back, he noticed that they were following him and inquired, “What do you want?” Where are you staying, Rabbi?” (which literally translates as “Teacher”), they inquired (John 1:38).

40. Resurrection and Life

Jesus addressed her by saying, “I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus. Even though they die, the one who believes in me will continue to live; and the one who lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe what I’m saying?” (See also John 11:25, 26.)

41. Righteous One

Was there ever a prophet who did not come under the persecution of your forefathers? The Righteous One’s appearance was even prophesied by individuals who were slaughtered by the Righteous One. As a result of your treachery, you have murdered him” (Acts 7:52).

42. Ruler of God’s Creation

A prophet who was not persecuted by your forefathers, was there ever? The Righteous One’s appearance was even anticipated by those who were slaughtered. As a result, you’ve betrayed and murdered him” (Acts 7:52).

43. Savior

In the town of David, on this day in history, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord (Luke 2:11).

45. Son of Man

Jesus responded to him by saying, “Because this guy, like Abraham, is a son of God, salvation has come to this household today as well. Because the Son of Man came to seek and to redeem those who had gone astray “(See also Luke 19:9–10).

46. Son of David

This is the lineage of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David and the grandson of Abraham, according to the Bible. (1) (Matthew 1:15)

47. Son of the Most High

He will be magnificent, and he will be referred to as the Son of the Most High. God, the Lord, will grant him the throne of his forefather David, and he will reign over Jacob’s offspring for all time; his dominion will never come to an end” (Luke 1:32, 33).

48. Spiritual Rock

They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink because they drank from the spiritual rock that was with them at all times, and that rock was none other than Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:3-5).

49. Way, Truth, and Life

Jesus responded by saying, “I am the only way, the only truth, and the only life. No one else can bring you to the Father but through me ” (John 14:6).

50. Word

Beginning with the creation of the Word, and the Word was in the presence of God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).

Tell us your favorite name or title for Jesus!

This is by no means a complete list. There are several more names and titles for Jesus in the New Testament, including:

  • Advocate (1 John 2:1)
  • Bridegroom (Matthew 9:15)
  • Indescribable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)
  • And several more titles and descriptions.

Leave us a comment and tell us about your favorite name for Jesus, as well as why that name is so significant to you personally.

Why Are There So Many Names for Jesus in the Christmas Story?

Here are some of the additional names and titles that Jesus has been given throughout the gospel narratives of his birth and early years, just in case you’re interested. Take some time to study the Scriptures that accompany this article and reflect on what those names could signify to you today. One who is sanctified (Luke 1:35) Lord, you are my lord and savior (Luke 1:43, 2:11) the savior (Luke 2:11) Consolation for the people of Israel (Luke 2:25) Salvation is a state of mind (Luke 2:30) Light for the Gentiles: a Revelation to the Nations (Luke 2:32) Israel’s magnificence (Luke 2:32) This is a sign that will be criticized (Luke 2:34) It is based on the work of Don Campbell, Wendell Johnston, John Walvoord, and John Witmer in their book, The Theological Wordbook, published by Word Publishing in Nashville, Tennessee, in 2000, pages 240-241.

  • In Lawrence O.
  • Evans’ The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: Matthew-Luke is a resource for Bible knowledge (Colorado Springs, CO: Victor, 2003) 47 Clinton E.
  • (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2002) Tremper Longman III, editor of The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBooks, 2013), pages 1199-1200.
  • (Grand Rapids, MI: Regency Reference Library, 1975) 480-483.
  • Tenney, General Editor, The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible: Volume 5, Q-Z (Grand Rapids, MI: Regency Reference Library, 1975) 480-483.
  • He contributes regularly to Crosswalk.com and Christianity.com, where he publishes features and Bible analysis.
  • More information on Mikey may be found at Nappaland.com and MikeNappa.com.

50 Names and Titles of Jesus: Who the Bible Says Christ Is

The Bible is replete with allusions to who Jesus is, his life, His Lordship, and the work that He has come to do. Some of the names, titles, and verses from God’s Word are included here for your convenience. As we go through it, we can’t help but give Him gratitude and praise, for He is our Savior and Lord, and He is the one who liberates us. 1.The Almighty One–”.who is and has been and will be for all time, the Almighty.” Alpha and Omega–”I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End,” says Jesus in Revelation 1:82.

  1. 22:133.
  2. Scripture: Heb.
  3. In Matthew 3:78, the bridegroom is addressed as follows: “Can the wedding guests weep as long as the bridegroom is present?
  4. The Chief Cornerstone–”The stone that the builders rejected has now been elevated to the position of chief cornerstone.” Psalm 118:2210, “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he resurrected from the grave, Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come,” says the author.
  5. “I saw heaven open out before me, and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is known as Faithful and True,” says the prophet.
  6. “I am the good shepherd,” says the good shepherd.
  7. “Therefore, because we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firm to our confession,” says the Apostle Paul.

4:1414 (Hebrews 4:1414) All Things are Beneath His Feet–”And he placed all things under his feet and appointed him as head over all things to the church.” In Ephesians 1:2215, the Holy Servant says, “.and grant that Your bond-servants may utter Your word with complete confidence, while You stretch Your hand to cure and miracles and wonders occur in the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”” Acts 4:29-3016 is a biblical passage.

  1. “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:5817 is a Bible verse.
  2. 2 Corinthians 9:1519.
  3. Acts 10:4220 is a verse from the Bible.
  4. Rev.
  5. Lamb of God– “The next day, when John saw Jesus approaching him, he exclaimed, “Lamb of God!” “”Behold, the Lamb of God, who wipes away the sin of the world!” says the prophet.

Anyone who follows me will never walk in the dark, but will always have the light of life shining in their hearts.” John 8:1223, Lion of the Tribe of Judah–”Do not weep any longer; for see, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, and he will open the scroll and its seven seals,” says the Savior.

5:524, “For this reason also, God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” “For this reason also, God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow 2:9–1125; Philippians 2:1–11.

  • “For there is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus,” the Bible says.
  • “We have discovered the Messiah,” says the group “The Christ, to be precise.” John 1:4127 is a verse from the Gospel of John.
  • Is.
  • As the Son says, “If the Son sets you free, then your true freedom has been achieved.” 8:3629 (Joh.
  • “Christ Jesus is our hope,” the Bible says.
  • “For he himself is our peace.” 1 Thess.
  • 2:1431; 3 Thess.

2:1431; 4 Thess.

2:1431; 4 Thess.

2:1431; 4 Thess.

2:1431; 4 Thess.

2:1431; 4 Thess.

Mark 6:432 is a biblical passage.

“.that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was resurrected on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,” says the Apostle Paul.

“Because they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ,” the apostle Paul writes.

Jesus as Son of Man (Luke 2:1137)–”For the Son of Man has come to seek and to rescue the lost.”” “He will be great, and he will be called the Son of the Most High,” says Luke 19:1038 of the Son of the Most High.

“By Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities- all things have been created through Him and for Him,” says Luke 1:3239.


It is possible for someone who believes in me to live even if they die.” “I am the door,” says Jesus in John 11:2541.

“There is no other way to the Father but through me.” According to John 14:643, the Word was created first, and then the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Truth–”And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” says Jesus in John 15:145.” “To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.” John 8:3246.Victorious One–”To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.” 3.2147–50 (Revelation 3:2147–50).

Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace are some of the titles that have been given to him.

9:6 (Isa.

He is the only one who is deserving.

“Please, God, help me.

Thank you for sending your one and only Son, so that we can be rescued through His death and resurrection.

Join Debbie Webb McDaniel on Fresh Day Ahead’s Facebook page, Debbie Webb McDaniel, each morning for daily encouragement in living strong, free, and hope-filled lives. You may also find her on Twitter and on her website. (Image for the main article courtesy of Pexels / Jeswin Thomas.)

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