Why Do We Need Jesus

Why Do I ‘Need’ Jesus?

It gives me great joy to hear of your friend’s worry; he clearly cares about you and recognizes that something is missing in your life—something that only God can provide. I hope that you will take your friend’s issue seriously and act accordingly. What is the reason for your need for Jesus? You require Him first and foremost because you require His salvation. You see, you weren’t put on this earth by chance; God created you and placed you in this place for a reason. His love for you is undeniable, and the greatest happiness in life comes from knowing that God is your friend and that He is with you at all times.

This is because we have chosen to disregard God and go our own way, and as a result, we are estranged from Him in both the now and the hereafter.

But how did this happen in the first place?

Jesus, through His death on the cross, took upon Himself the punishment that you and I are entitled to.

You, on the other hand, require Jesus in your life right now.

You also require strength in order to reject temptations that would harm you, as well as His assistance in order to live as you should.

Ask Jesus into your life.

It gives me great joy to hear of your friend’s worry; he clearly cares about you and has a feeling that something is lacking in your life—something that only God can provide. Your friend’s worry is valid, and I hope you will take it into consideration. Is it really necessary to follow Jesus? In the first place, you require Him because you are in desperate need of His saving grace. It is important to understand that you are not here by chance; God created you and placed you in this location for a reason.

  1. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” Jesus said, and I often repeat him (John 10:10).
  2. We call this “sin,” and we have the greatest need of all: to be forgiven and cleansed of our transgressions.
  3. Only God has the ability to forgive us, and He made this possible by sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to be our substitute on the cross.
  4. That’s how much God cares about you.
  5. You require His knowledge and direction, as well as His consolation and hope when difficult circumstances arise (and they will).

You also require strength in order to reject temptations that would ruin you, as well as His assistance in order to live your life properly. Turn to Jesus and surrender your life to Him now with a simple prayer of faith.

Why do we need Jesus? A Bible study covering the basics of salvation

All people have sinned since Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, bringing sin into the world and passing it down through generations (Romans 5:12). As a result, all people are guilty of sin (Romans 3:23, Galatians 3:22). Jesus is the only person who has ever walked this earth and led a spotless life, and he is the only one who can do so (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 1:19, Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 5:9).

Sin causes spiritual death

Sin is the very thing that divides us from God; it is the precise thing that separates us from God. Sin results in spiritual death (Romans 6:23), which is the separation from God for all eternity. If we die without having our sins atoned for, we will spend eternally in hell (Revelation 20:15; Revelation 21:8), from which there is no way out (Revelation 20:15). (Isaiah 66:24).

Sin must be paid for

As a result of one’s sin, one receives spiritual death (Romans 6:23); spiritual death results in separation from God, which leads in eternal damnation (Revelation 20:15, John 15:6) if those sins are not expiated.

We cannot pay the price for our sins

Our good deeds do not save us; rather, it is God’s mercy that saves us (Acts 15:11, Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation cannot be earned; rather, it is a free gift from God (Ephesians 2:8, 1 John 5:11) that we must embrace if we are to have eternal life (Mark 16:16, John 3:16, John 3:18).

Jesus paid that price

Lambs and other animals were sacrificed on an altar in the Old Testament to atone for their sins, and this practice has continued to this day. There is no forgiveness of sins without the spilt blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:22-23). Now, in order to be forgiven, we must turn to Jesus, who has paid the ultimate payment for our sins (Hebrews 10:12). It is no longer essential to atone for our sins by sacrificing animals (Hebrews 10:18). As sinners (Romans 5:6-10, Galatians 1:4, Luke 22:20), and as sinners (Romans 3:23), we are able to earn God’s mercy through trust in His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23; Galatians 1:4; Luke 22:20).

It was by his blood that we were redeemed from our sins (Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:22, Romans 5:9, Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19).

Jesus is the only way to heaven

There is no other way for a person to approach God the Father but via His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6, John 10:9, Romans 5:10). Believing in Jesus (Acts 4:12, Romans 5:1, Galatians 3:26) is the only way to be forgiven of our sins and achieve salvation (Acts 4:12, Romans 5:1, Galatians 3:26). (1 John 5:11, Hebrews 9:28). There is no condemnation in store for those who are willing to believe (John 3:18, John 6:47, Acts 13:39, Romans 8:1, Romans 10:11).

Why people end up in hell

It is because they have sinned that they have been separated from God (Romans 3:23, Galatians 3:22); those sins must be paid for, and the ultimate payment is eternal hell (John 15:6, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:8); the only way for your sins to be paid for is through believing in Jesus (Mark 16:16, John 3:16, John 3:18, Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:22- (Mark 16:16, John 3:18, John 3:36).

Nobody who believes will be turned down

If you are able to acknowledge your need for Jesus and place your faith in Him, you will undoubtedly be able to find redemption (John 5:24, John 6:40).

God’s aim is not for anybody to perish, but rather for everyone to be able to repent and be saved (2 Peter 3:9). No one who comes to Jesus will be turned away because they have faith in Him (John 6:37).

What we must do to obtain salvation

It is a basic, yet honest and sincere confidence in Christ Jesus that enables us to gain eternal life in Him. To be granted eternal life, you must embrace Jesus as your Savior and believe in Him (John 3:16, John 6:47, Romans 10:9). Here is a prayer you might say to ask Jesus to come into your heart and life: “Lord Jesus Christ, I am fully aware that I am a sinner. If you died and bled your blood for the forgiveness of my sins, then I believe that I will have eternal life as a result. Right now, I repent of my sins and beg that you enter into my life and transform me into a new person, washing away all of my transgressions and sins.

Thank you for your service.

Recommended reading

The course of instruction Are you a forgiven sinner or a saint? will assist you in seeing the new person you have become in Christ Jesus as a believer, as well as how the power of sin has been shattered.

“But Why Do I Need Jesus?”

It is being taught. Sinner or saint who has been pardoned by the Lord? helps to demonstrate the new person that you have become as a believer in Christ Jesus, as well how the power of sin has been defeated.

I Need Jesus Because ….

There are a plethora of arguments that we may enumerate to support our need for Jesus. Before responding to my new acquaintance, I took a moment to mentally filter through the conventional biblical responses I’d heard to this issue. Did any of them do a good enough job of explaining my personal need for Him? One common response is that we require Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross; that without His death and resurrection, every single one of us risks eternal separation (damnation) from God. This is perhaps the most common response.

  1. Some individuals are offended by this response, while others find it appealing.
  2. Believe me when I say that this phrase sparks some extremely profound philosophical conversations!
  3. Sproul proposes that hell is “an eternity before the righteous, ever-burning anger of God, a torturous anguish from which there is no escape and no respite,” according to his description of it.
  4. When I was a kid, my Christian instructors appeared to take great pleasure in telling me about the horrors of hell: The blazing embers.
  5. Gnashing of teeth can be heard.
  6. It got to the point where I was so concerned about damnation that every time I stepped into church (which was normally twice every Sunday and once on Wednesday nights), I would frantically pray that my personal salvation hadn’t somehow managed to empty itself.
  7. I was preoccupied with dread of God’s vengeance, and I had no time or energy left to “find peace in the arms of Jesus.” So if you had asked me 20 years ago, “Why do I need Jesus?” I would have said, “I don’t know.” When I was younger, covering my buttocks was very important to me.

That makes me feel depressed today.

Fortunately, God has worked on me throughout the years, helping me to believe that His grace and unconditional love are truly constants.

Having been reminded that even King David committed adultery with another man’s wife, and then killed her husband in an attempt to cover up his acts, I am grateful for this reminder.

See also:  How Much Does Jesus Love Me

Although David, like myself, was far from faultless, He was completely faithful in restoring His connection with him.

That there is absolutely nothing I can do to cause Jesus to cease loving me astounds me, and I am eternally grateful for this.

Jesus not only “gets” my mess — my temptations, hot buttons, eccentricities, and phobias — but he also takes pleasure in daily walking with me as I handle and overcome these obstacles in his name.

I’m not going to make it on my own.

Moreover, it’s entirely reasonable, since I don’t believe it’s possible for anybody to truly comprehend the love that Jesus has for them till they come face to face with Him.

Responding to the Question Personally

Curiosity piqued, I asked a few friends why they believed they neededJesus. One woman explained that it is because she is able to clearly see God at work in her life. The number of times He has heard my prayers and shown up for me has simply become too numerous, according to the woman. “My encounter is far more than a coincidence,” says the author. Other people have shared with me that they believe they require Jesus’ presence because, without Him, they would “feel like they are drowning in the ocean.” A third acquaintance confided in me that, of all the pathways of “truth” that she had explored, only Jesus had been able to “fill the clawing, empty hole” that had been left in her heart.

So what’s your personal reason for why you need Jesus?

Is it possible that you recognize yourself in Hishealing of the bleeding woman or Hisforgiveness of the harlot as the reason for your response? Or in His rescuing the Samaritan lady from her embarrassment, or in His restoring Peter to health? Alternatively, perhaps you require Jesus to wash you clean on a regular basis so that every day can be a new beginning, like I do? In his post Why Do I Need a Savior, Erik Segalini stated that, “I know what I need, whether I like it or not.” I’m in desperate need of a Savior.

  1. “And yours does as well.” “Why do I need Jesus?” is not a question that can be answered in a superficial manner.
  2. Instead, the question should generate a personal response from us that illustrates what Jesus means to us.
  3. Prepare yourself for the situation by having a response ready.
  4. Your heartfelt comments may have more weight than you can ever think, and they may have a longer-lasting effect than you realize.

Why We Need Jesus

Could this be due to the fact that you recognize yourself in Hishealing of the bleeding woman or Hisforgiveness of the harlot? Perhaps it was in His rescuing the Samaritan lady from her embarrassment or in His restoration of Peter. Alternatively, perhaps you require Jesus to wash you clean on a regular basis so that every day can be a new beginning, as I do? “I know what I need, whether I like it or not,” Erik Segalini stated in his piece “Why Do I Need a Savior?” God has to come to my rescue.

In the same way as mine does as well.” This is not a question that can be answered in a cursory manner.

Rather, the question should generate a personal response from us that illustrates what Jesus means to us.

If you are asked this question directly, consider it a God-given opportunity. Prepare an answer before you enter the situation. Who knows what the future holds for us. If you speak from the heart, your words may carry more weight than you realize, and they may have a long-lasting effect.

I Need Jesus: 4 Reasons I’m Desperate For My Savior

I’m in desperate need of Jesus. I rely on Jesus in the same way that I rely on oxygen. It’s as though I’m starving. I require water, oxygen, and the very existence of life. It’s as though I require blood to be pumped through my veins. Actually, I rely on him much more than I rely on those things, since he is the one who makes all of those things possible for me. I’m in severe need of him. And yet, I forget how much I rely on Jesus on a daily basis. I’m aware that this is insane. I present myself as though I am capable of living without him.

They act as though I’m somehow capable of surviving on my own terms.

I Need Jesus As My Savior

I’m longing for a rescuer more than anything else in this world. My offenses against God caused me to be estranged from him. I was bound to damnation if I didn’t come to Jesus. I was doomed to be punished for my transgressions for all of eternity, and I knew it. I was on the verge of colliding with the vengeful wrath of God in a head-on collision. I was a mortal adversary of the Almighty. In no way did I consider myself his friend, nor did I attempt to please him, nor did I seek to walk in justice.

  1. Someone to save me from myself as well as from the wrath that my crimes had brought upon me was desperately needed.
  2. He took on the form of a man, lived a blameless life in my place, died on the cross in my place, and then rose from the dead.
  3. He is the foundation of my defense.
  4. Now that I have placed my faith in Christ Jesus, I am no longer under condemnation.
  5. What is my need for Jesus?

I Need Him To Strengthen Me

I’m longing for a rescuer more than anything else in my life. My offenses against God have caused me to be estranged from him and his people. I was bound to damnation unless I met Jesus. The punishment for my transgressions would be carried out in eternity, and I was doomed to endure it. As I moved closer to God’s wrath, I realized I was on the verge of colliding with him. In God’s eyes, I was a hostile opponent. In no way did I consider myself his friend, nor did I attempt to please him, nor did I strive to live in righteousness.

  1. Someone to save me from myself as well as from the wrath that my crimes had brought upon me was desperately needed!
  2. He took on the form of a man, lived a blameless life in my place, died on the cross in my place, and then rose from the dead again.
  3. He is the foundation of my defense strategy.
  4. As long as I remain in Christ Jesus, I will be free from any condemnation.

For those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus, as stated in Romans 8:1, “there is now no condemnation for them.” Such beautiful, life-affirming remarks are said here. How did Jesus come to be needed by me? I am in desperate need of Jesus as my savior, rescuer, and redemption.

I Need Jesus As My Shepherd

John 10:14-15 quotes Jesus as saying, “I am the good shepherd.” And I lay down my life for the sheep because I know my own and my own know me, just as I know the Father and the Father knows me, and the Father knows me.” I’m in serious need of a good shepherd. A trustworthy ally who will bring me to peaceful waters and verdant pastures is what I’m looking for. When I’m walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I need someone to walk with me to keep me company. I’m in desperate need of someone who will come to my aid if I collapse.

  • When I feel weak, He helps me to maintain my faith.
  • He directs my steps in accordance with his desire.
  • I will make mistakes and fall down, and I will deviate from the straight and narrow road.
  • The reason I can’t let go of my salvation is because I have a shepherd who is steadfast in his love for me.
  • Because I’m in desperate need of a shepherd.

I Need Him To Help Me Produce Good Fruit

“Abide in me, and I will abide in you,” Jesus declares in John 15:4-5. As the branch cannot give fruit on its own unless it is rooted in the vine, neither can you bear fruit on your own unless you are rooted in me. I’m the vine, and you’re the branches on which I grow. ‘Whoever abides in me, and I in him, he is the one who yields great fruit, because you can do nothing apart from me.’ The basic truth is that I am unable to bear excellent spiritual fruit on my own without the help of Jesus. I will not be able to please God until I am staying in Jesus.

  1. The good news is that I am now a member of Christ’s body.
  2. Because I am united with Jesus, I shall produce a great deal of excellent fruit.
  3. Is this to say that there isn’t anything else I need to do?
  4. I’m being called to run hard after Jesus and seek him with everything I’ve got in me.
  5. I am confident in my ability to produce fruit because I am connected to a relationship with Jesus that is abiding.
  6. Because I am unable to bear spiritual fruit without his assistance.

A Prayer

Jesus, I’ll admit that I’m in severe need of your help. As a single person, I lack the power and capacity to preserve, sustain, shepherd, or bear fruit on my own account. I’m in desperate need of your help. I am in desperate need of a savior who will save me from the grip of sin and darkness. Only you have the ability to save me, and you have saved me. God is to be praised! It is critical for me to have your support and spiritual strength when I am at my weakest point. It is possible for you to provide me with exactly what I require since you are my great high priest who has been tested in every aspect.

  1. God is to be praised!
  2. I’m going to make a fool of myself if you don’t stop me.
  3. I’m going to stroll about in idiocy.
  4. I applaud you for this.
  5. I’m also in severe need of your assistance, Jesus, in order to bear spiritual fruit.

I shall be a barren, fruitless branch if you do not come into my life. However, with your help, I will be able to produce a great deal of excellent fruit for God. Thank you for the fact that I am inextricably linked to you, to the point that I WILL yield wonderful fruit. God is to be praised!

You Need Jesus Christ More Than You Can Imagine

Take a moment to consider the following question: How much do you believe you require Jesus Christ? Perhaps you think you don’t require his services at all. Continue reading if you haven’t already. Perhaps you think that you require him more than anything or anybody else. I strongly encourage you to continue reading. Even if we are well-versed in the Bible and cognizant of man’s fallen situation, the degree to which we comprehend our need for Christ remains woefully inadequate in comparison to reality.

See also:  Whose Tomb Was Jesus Placed In

So take a moment to reflect on this reality: You require Jesus Christ more than you can realize.

Eat Your Veggies

The majority of us are aware of the importance of eating our vegetables. Do we have a thorough understanding of why? We don’t know if it’s significant, we simply know it is. The realization of how much we rely on Christ is on a far broader scale. God alone possesses the mental faculties required for a thorough grasp of man’s need for Christ; consequently, such insight can only be found in the intellect of God himself. Having all of the correct theological answers does not imply that you have a complete understanding of how much you need Christ.

It is a truth that God calls mankind to believe in and react to humbly as a result of the tremendous need for Jesus Christ (seeJohn 8:24; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8).

Man Needs God

God didn’t spare any time in exposing the truth about himself. Considering how important this fact is, it’s no surprise that God provided a wonderful illustration of it right in the first chapter of the Bible, in the narrative of Creation. God reveals a reality that no human being can afford to ignore via the story of creation in the Bible. Our Creator has provided us with a rational glimpse of man’s tremendous need for him through the use of a pattern that goes unnoticed by far too many people today.

If you carefully evaluate God’s Word as you continue to read, it will become increasingly evident that you require Christ in greater quantities than you can fathom.

Please continue reading.

The book of Genesis demonstrates that part of God’s creation was intended to be distinct from others, while others were intended to be uniquely combined.

Example of creation meant to be separate:

Then God commanded, “Let there be light,” and there was light in the beginning. It was God who recognized the goodness of the light; and it was God who divided the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:3-4, NASB translation used here and throughout.) Is there anything particularly noteworthy about this contemporary photograph of the Earth? The lines between light and darkness are well defined! One look around the planet demonstrates the unquestionable veracity of God’s revelation! God created light and darkness to be distinct from one another from the beginning of time, naming the light Day and the darkness Night.

Using the next series of illustrations, we will demonstrate how the portion of creation that God spoke into existence can only remain alive if it is connected with the part of creation that God referenced throughout the process of making it.

Genesis 1:11

And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And that turned out to be true. In the words of God: “Let the earth.,” he brought out flora, plants, and fruit trees into existence. Because of this, each must maintain a connection with the ground in order to survive and bear fruit.


There is no matter how hard one tries to keep them alive, the fact is that they will expire as soon as they are removed from the soil.

Genesis 1:20

And God commanded, “Let the seas swarm with swarms of living beings.” and the waters began to swarm. God spoke swarms of living beings into existence by saying, “Let the waters.,” which means “let the waters flow.” Consequently, in order to survive and produce fruit, those swarms of living animals must be connected to the water in some way. A fish out of water is a fish on the verge of perishing, just as a rose cut loose from its roots is a rose on the verge of dying. There will never be a trout that can survive outside of water because God designed fish to have a special bond with water that no other creature on the planet has.

Are you starting to get a sense of where this is going?

Genesis 1:24

As a result of this, God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth living beings according to their types—livestock, crawling things, and wild animals of the ground according to their species’. And that turned out to be true. God said, “Let the land bring forth living beings, cattle, crawling things, and animals,” and so the world came into existence. As a result, in order for living species to survive and reproduce, they must maintain a connection with the ground. Consider the image of a cow walking the plank of a ship at sea.

Not a chance in hell!

Because cows were meant to be in harmony with the earth, where they may graze on the grass and enjoy a long and productive life.

God also spoke to the water to produce water creatures.

What about Man?

When God created man, who was it that he spoke to? It is not a question of what, but rather of who!

Surprisingly, when God created man, he did not speak to anything that he had made, but rather to himself. The Bible reads in Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.'” “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

  • What amount of soil does a rose require
  • What amount of water does a whale require
  • What kind of land does a cow require
  • How desperately does man require Jesus Christ?

Jesus (God the Son incarnate) chose to remove himself from heaven in order for man to be able to live in that place (2 Corinthians 8:9; Philippians 2:7-8). But because of his deep love for us, God sent The Light into the dark earth to save our perishing souls, even though God designed light to be distinct from darkness (John 1:1-10; John 3:16). Even though Apostle Paul did not have a complete grasp of God’s urgency, he was compelled to write: “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were making a plea through us; we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20, New International Version).

Photo Credit:Unsplash

Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives? In this current day where individuals are free spirits and Google has the solution to almost anything, many people wonder, “Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” In some respects, that is a reasonable question, yet it is because of the fallen and continuously falling world that Jesus is becoming increasingly necessary in our lives. When we take a step back and look at who we are, what surrounds us, and what our eternal destiny will be like once this life on earth is through, the answer to the question “Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” becomes clearly obvious.

Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?

Ten explanations that address the question “Why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” are presented below.

  1. Jesus Christ teaches the truth
  2. Jesus Christ promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. Death was defeated by Jesus Christ, and we are forgiven of our sins as a result of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus is the only one who can give true peace. In Jesus Christ, we have reason to be hopeful. It is through Jesus Christ that our suffering is alleviated. The Lord Jesus Christ provides strength. Real Joy is found in Jesus Christ
  3. In prayer, we communicate with God via the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ Teaches Truth

Any and all claims to be true are false because Jesus Christ is Truth; or more accurately, the Truth is in Him. The actual truth in everything can never be gained or even comprehended unless and until Jesus Christ is present. All of life’s treasures of wisdom and understanding may be discovered in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:3 Ephesians 4:21). Christ is required in order to properly make sense of anything in life.

Jesus Christ Promises Eternal Life Through Him

People believe they have life when they have “stuff” and do “things,” but in reality, “life” is entirely dependent on Jesus and his sacrifice. Obviously, the life that you are currently living was bestowed to you; yet, it will come to an end. After it comes to everlasting life, the answer to the question “what happens when I die?” is different. Jesus Christ guarantees eternal life to all who believe in Him (Romans 6:23)

See also:  Who Was The First Disciple Of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ Defeated Death

Death is the polar opposite of life, and there is no way to avoid it. Our mortality is acknowledged by scientists, but they have no explanation for what happens to us when we die. Christ’s resurrection vanquished death, allowing every man who wishes to follow in His footsteps to do so. Through Jesus Christ, we are guaranteed a better quality of life as well as health regeneration on a daily basis. Why do we require the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives? If you desire a better life, ask yourself if you want it.

Through Jesus Christ We Get Forgiveness of Sin

We were all born sinners, and none of us is without flaws. Our sins have been forgiven via Christ, and all of our sins have been accounted for; yet, without Christ, the sins are not in your favor.

Christ is required to atone for our sins (Romans 5:11), and we require Him to serve as our intermediary between us and God (1 Timothy 2:5). Because sin is constantly present in our lives, we require the presence of Jesus Christ within us and by our side.

Jesus Offers True Peace

Things like Zen and meditation are seen to be sources of tranquility by the new age movement. Everyone desires peace, and through Jesus Christ, we may experience God’s peace working through us (Philippians 4:7), as well as complete and total peace with God (Philippians 4:11). (Romans 5:1) In the midst of a busy existence and a need for calm, the answer to the question “why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” is very straightforward.

Jesus Christ Gives Hope for Us

In addition to peace, hope is the single most important motivator for all human beings. The only chance someone has in life if they do not believe in Christ is to seek as much pleasure as possible before death takes them. Christ provides us with so much more than this; He provides us with the promise of eternal glory, which is far more than we could ever expect or attempt to obtain on our own. Isn’t it true that life is a complete waste of time without Christ?

Jesus Christ Eases Our Suffering

Scripture predicts that we shall experience suffering in this life, and there is nothing that can be done to alleviate most of the sorrow that comes with suffering. When you ask yourself “why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” you will find the solution to your pain. When it comes to pain, Christ brings the most absolute comfort, and the peace that comes through Him is a significant factor in the alleviation of the suffering we endure.

Jesus Christ Gives Strength

We all have days when we have to dig deep to find the strength to even get out of bed in the morning. Life may be difficult, and we frequently require more than just physical strength to get through it. We require strength in order to survive, as well as strength in order to avoid sin, and this sort of power can only be obtained through Christ.

Jesus Christ Gives Real Joy

We all require a little happiness in our lives, no matter how difficult life may be. Even when things appear to be going wrong in our lives, we have reason to be glad and happy because of Christ’s presence in our lives. We may delight in Christ and experience life take on a whole new meaning as a result of the newfound joy we have received from the inside out. True happiness will never be truly realized apart from Christ.

Through Jesus ChristWe Talk to God in Prayer

We all require someone with whom to communicate. Prayer is a divine and open channel of communication with God, and our prayers are always heard and always answered through Christ, who is always listening and always answering. Our prayers are answered because of Christ’s presence in us. (3:11-20) (Ephesians 3:11-20) How can anybody say they don’t need Christ when He provides us with so much? And when you next ask “why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” consider rephrasing the question as “what would we do if we didn’t have Christ in our lives?” instead.

His life’s significance, history, and facts are all explained here.

5 – Why We All Need Jesus

Each of us requires a listening ear. We communicate with God via prayer, which is a divine and open channel. Our prayers are always heard and always answered through Christ, who is always present. Our prayers are answered because of Christ in us. (Ephesians 3:11-20; a translation of the Greek text) How can anyone say they don’t need Christ when He provides us with so much? And when you ask “why do we need Jesus Christ in our lives?” perhaps rephrase your question as “what would we do if we didn’t have Christ in our lives?” instead.

articles that are related to this one include In what capacity do you identify with Jesus Christ? His life’s significance, history, and facts

4 reasons why we need Jesus Christ in our life — Holy Family School of Faith

457 According to the CCC, there are four reasons why we need Jesus. In Jesus, God took on human form in order to rescue us by reconciling us with God. We have all sinned in some way. According to Romans 6, one of the penalties of sin is death. Death is more than just the end of our physical existence on this planet. Death as a result of unrepented sin entails eternal separation from God, but it also means eternal separation from one another and the entire loss of enjoyment if one does not repent.

  • That is Hell, and that is what Jesus came to free us from.
  • Because God created us to be free in the same way that He is, and with freedom comes responsibility.
  • Ultimately, if we want him to remove the consequences, he would have to take our freedom as well.
  • Imagine Having a good time with a little youngster.
  • God would have to take away my freedom in order for Him to pardon every terrible decision I make.
  • Because of this, Christ experienced the penalties for us; he died in our place and rose from the grave.
  • Jesus’ death atoned for our sins and brought the punishment we deserved.


The second reason we need Jesus is. 458 God’s love was shown in the flesh because the Word became person. What is the best way to know God’s love? He gave his life for us. He told his followers at the Last Supper, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” After that, He suffered and died for us on the cross. You will see for yourself: the outstretched arms of Jesus on the Cross, the arms of God who revealed his love for us by dying for you and me. This is God’s revelation of love for you and me.


The third reason we require Jesus459 The Word became flesh in order to serve as our example of holiness. Jesus shows what God is truly like, and he also exposes what we should be like in response to that revelation. Because Jesus was entirely human, he demonstrates to us what it is to be fully human and fully alive. He teaches us how to live by the example He sets for us. He teaches us how to pray by the example He sets for us. He teaches us to practice Mercy by setting an example for us via his own life of Mercy.

When we were in the sacrament of Reconciliation, a lovely old Benedictine monk named Fr.

·Michael You must conduct yourself in the manner of the Master. Read and reflect on the life of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, for we must learn to live as the Master did.


The fourth reason we need Jesus is.460 The Word became human in order for us to become heirs to the divine essence. As a result, the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: in order that man, by coming into communion with the Word and thereby acquiring divine sonship, would be transformed and become a son of God himself. Because the Son of God became a human being in order for us to become gods. In order to make us heirs to God’s divinity, the only-begotten Son of God took on our human characteristics.

Because of our sin, we were estranged from God, and the barrier between us was difficult to heal.

If you wanted to cross over, you would need a bridge.

What is the point of God and man coming together?

· The Body of Christ serves as a bridge for people to reach God.

Now, man has the ability to become God (460) If Christ is the one who crossed the gap between God and man, then in order for people to reach God, we must first pass through Christ.


Cardinal Sarah is a woman who serves as a cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. “Despite scientific and technical advancements and the illusion of wealth, the West is engaged in a process of self-destruction,” says the author. Peter, the Apostle, betrayed Jesus by denying that he ever knew him in the first place. Afterwards, he was struck by the bitter fruit of his desertion: an unending sense of despair and loneliness that, had he not met the Lord’s eyes and seen his plea for love, he could have committed suicide like Judas.

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