Why Did Jesus Say God Why Have You Forsaken Me

Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

QuestionAnswer Jesus shouted out in a loud voice at the ninth hour, “Eli Eli lama sabachthani?” (Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? to express the sentiment “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” (Matthew 27:46, King James Version) This scream is a fulfillment of Song 22:1, and it is only one of many similarities that can be seen between the events of the crucifixion and the words of that psalm. It is impossible to see how God could have “forsaken” Jesus in any meaningful way. It is unquestionable that God approved of His creation.

He had done nothing to disqualify himself from God’s favor.

God could not possibly have abandoned Him in any of these ways.

Rather, he was pierced for our trespasses, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was placed on him, and it was through his wounds that we were healed” (Isaiah 53:4–5, emphasis added).

  • He was offered as a sin sacrifice, and He died in our place, on our behalf, in so that we may be brought closer to God.
  • The anguish He underwent was owing to our sins, and it is through His suffering that we might be spared from an eternity of punishment.
  • Having taken upon Himself the sins of all the world, God’s Son experienced the desolation of being unaware that He was in the presence of His Father for a time.
  • (2 Corinthians 5:21).
  • It’s possible that Jesus’ purpose in quoting Psalm 22:1 was to direct His listeners to that particular psalm.
  • The people were being taught by Jesus even while He was suffering the pain of the crucifixion, demonstrating yet again that He was the Messiah and that He had fulfilled the Scriptures.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) The reason why Jesus cried out to his Father, “My God, my God, why have you left me?”

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Why Jesus Cried “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me” 

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus cries out from the cross during the most crucial moment of the entire Bible, the moment when he dies on the cross, a phrase that can be perplexing to those of us who are reading the account so many centuries later: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The statement may be found in two places in the Bible: Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. The following is how the English Standard Version of the Bible describes it: Then, at about the ninth hour, Jesus called out in a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ ” Forsake is a slang term that meaning to turn away from or withdraw from something.

At light of the fact that it is something we would never do to our own children, it seems strange that the source of all love would turn his back on his own son, yet that is exactly what has occurred in this moment.

Verse Context inPsalm 22

Psalm 22 is referenced when Jesus yells out this sentence, and it is a direct quotation from the Bible. According to traditional interpretation, this Psalm is a messianic psalm in which the author (King David) appears to be participating in a vision of what would happen to the Lord’s Messiah. Although Jesus just shares the first verse of the Psalm, most people would have concluded he was referring to the full Psalm because of the high level of biblical literacy prevalent in Jesus’ day. We can look into it and see if there are any connections to the crucifixion tale.

  • According to Matthew 27:35-44 and Mark 15:29-32, the people insulting Jesus stated that if God loved him so deeply, God should save him right then and there.
  • According to Matthew 27:35, Jesus’ clothing were separated and the new owners were chosen by a lottery system to be determined.
  • But hold just a minute, there’s more.
  • Laments are unique in that, in addition to describing an awful condition in which the author finds himself, they also announce a universal reliance on the Lord and express appreciation for the favor of God, which makes them particularly poignant.

The misery of mankind was suddenly borne onto his shoulders, and even at that terrible time, his voice cried out to demonstrate that only God can save us from our plight.

Verse Context in Matthew and Mark

Interestingly, Matthew and Mark both use the same passage in the same way (almost word-for-word). Nonetheless, they are pursuing quite different objectives. Matthew emphasizes throughout his works that Jesus is the Messiah who had been prophesied by the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. His focus on Jesus’ duties as a teacher and a king serves to underline this point. Following the logic of Psalm 22 (which was written by King David), Matthew would have most likely associated Jesus with the author of Psalm 22 (and hence with Jesus being the one who had been anointed to accomplish the work of salvation and reign in eternity).

  • While he recognized Jesus as the Son of God, he made it a point to ensure that people recognized his humanity as a component of the one-of-a-kind personality of Jesus.
  • The human component was just as significant as the God component.
  • He possesses all of the traits of God and mankind, and he possesses them in their full expression and force.
  • This was in stark contrast to the majority of people’s conception of God.
  • God has now exposed himself to the full extent of his vulnerability for the sake of his creation, and the time of death has arrived.
  • They are the very last words he ever said.
  • Following his death, the curtain in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom, according to both Matthew and Mark’s accounts.
  • When God would meet with a representative of his people, he would meet in the Holy of Holies, which had been the area where the Ark of the Covenant had been placed (albeit it had been lost by this point) (High Priest).
  • This is referred to as “justification” in theological terms.

We no longer require the services of a High Priest to intercede on our behalf; Jesus has taken on this responsibility (Hebrews 7: 22-28). It is now possible to have the relationship with God that we were intended to have from the beginning of time.

Why Does Jesus Cry “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me”?

Finally, it boils down to a choice between an exchange and substitution. We were given the covenant ideas and language in order to be able to comprehend in some measure the necessity for God to seek restitution for the offense of human sin on his part. Since the day Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, we have been living under the curse of God, which is the result of our disdain for God’s kindness. It is a flaw in the wonderful creation that God has made us to be in the first place. The language of sacrifice helps us to begin to grasp our need as well as the solution for our imperfection: the offering of blood as a sacrifice of thanksgiving.

  • Is there a method to avoid paying the amount in perpetuity?
  • We can better comprehend what Jesus would accomplish if he arrived to walk among us because of the sacrifices that were made before his birth.
  • Humans are not flawless from the moment of their conception.
  • Only Jesus was able to pay our debt, and only Jesus was able to suffer in our place.
  • God is unable to look at sin, and as a result, he turns his back and withdraws his blessing.
  • This is the point at which Jesus cries out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” In this moment, there is sorrow about the prospect of death, but in the words of the Psalm that he quotes, there is also hope for rescue from death.
  • He has subjected himself to God’s will right up until the very end.

What Do Other Translations Say?

All that remains is a swap or substitution in the end. We were given the covenant ideas and language in order to be able to comprehend in some measure the necessity for God to seek restitution for the offense of human sin on His part. Since the day Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, we have been living under the curse of God, which is the result of our rejection of God’s goodness. It is a flaw in the wonderful creation that God has made us to be in God’s image. It is through the language of sacrifice that we may begin to grasp our own imperfection as well as the solution for it: a blood sacrifice.

  1. There must be an option for paying the payment in perpetuity.
  2. We can better appreciate what Jesus would accomplish if he arrived to walk among us because of the sacrifices that were made before his arrival.
  3. From the moment of their conception, humans are not without fault.
  4. Only Jesus was able to pay our debt, and only Jesus was able to bear our suffering.
  5. Sin, on the other hand, cannot be looked upon by God, who thus turns away and withdraws his love.
  6. “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Jesus cries out at this point.

Jesus continues to place his faith in the Creator of the Universe. Up to that very last minute, he had surrendered to God’s will. Because God died in our place on the cross and died in our place, there is a dreadful beauty to this death, in that it demonstrates to us that God cares for us.

What Do Jesus’ Words Mean for Us?

Jesus’ final words are not a cheerful statement; rather, they are dripping with despondency. Because of its misinterpretation by others around him at the time, it can be difficult to comprehend today unless read in the context of Psalm 22, which is where it was intended to be read and understood. You can’t just allow it to fend for itself. Jesus was directing us to the entirety of the Psalm because he was certain that his people would comprehend what he had meant once they worked it out. Yes, there was a time of utter agony and heartbreak, such as only the weight of sin could bring about.

Psalm 22 demonstrates Jesus’ complete reliance on God, even while he was unable to feel anything other than the weight of the world’s guilt on his shoulders.

To rely on God, to put our faith in his love, and to believe that God has provided us with eternal life through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus.

Why Did Jesus say, “My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

You have arrived to the following page: Theology of Redemption/Why Did Jesus Say, “My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46)? A reader recently brought in a series of questions concerning Jesus’ experience on the cross, which I answered here. The majority of the questions have already been addressed in earlier postings (since the list below). Specifically, I shall answer the question of what Jesus was referring to when He exclaimed, “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” in the previous piece.

My conversation with an atheist the other day revealed that God does not understand what it is like to lose a son because he knew all along that Jesus would rise in three days, and so just lost him for the weekend!

See also:  Walking Dead Who Is Jesus

Aside from that, shouldn’t Jesus have been aware that he would rise again in three days?

Considering that this is such a complicated series of issues, I will address them in four parts:

  1. Greetings, and welcome to the site: In what context did Jesus say, “My God, why have you forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46-47)? Unaskable questions concerning Jesus’s experience on the cross were recently forwarded to me by a reader. The majority of your questions have already been addressed in earlier postings of mine (since the list below). Specifically, I will answer the question of what Jesus was referring to when He exclaimed, “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” in this blog article. As a reminder, below is the question that was initially submitted by the reader: Despite the fact that I am a believer, the queries of an atheist have me perplexed. Recently, I was chatting to an atheist who stated that God does not understand the pain of losing a son since he knew all along that Jesus would rise in three days, and so just lost him for the weekend. When asked why he begged to be rescued from the crucifixion in the garden, he said that if God is Jesus, he was a liar. As a side note, shouldn’t Jesus have anticipated his resurrection three days later? “Why have you deserted me?” he questioned God, and what was the answer. What if he didn’t realize that he’ll just be dead for three days? I’m going to address these questions in four parts because they are so complicated:

The previous three postings addressed the most of the concerns, however there are still two major questions to be addressed. First and foremost, why did Jesus ask to be rescued from the cross when He was in the garden of Gethsemane? Second, what was He thinking when He asked God, “Why have You left Me?” My attempt to answer the first unanswered question was discussed in a recent post, in which I discussed the words, “Let this cup pass from me.” The second unanswered issue has yet to be addressed.

I do not believe that Jesus was praying for a way out of the agony and suffering; His love for humanity was far too tremendous for such an endeavor.

As a result, I will not be writing anything further about it here. Instead, let us consider Jesus’ cry from the cross: “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” (Matthew 27:46).

Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Psalm 22:1 serves as the basis for this inquiry from Jesus on the cross, which appears in Matthew 27:46-47 (and Mark 15:34), and it is a quotation from the Bible. It is a question that Jesus asks himself while He suffers on the cross and endures the punishment for the sins of the world being poured out on Him. According to the question above, because both Jesus and God the Father were aware that God would raise Jesus from the dead (Matt 12:40), in what sense was Jesus abandoned by God? The answer is that Jesus was not abandoned by God in the traditional sense.

The answer, I believe, is in grasping at least a basic comprehension of the everlasting relationship that has been between God the Father and God the Son from the beginning of time.

His Eternal Relationship seemed Broken

Since God the Father and God the Son have existed in an eternal relationship, they have never been separated by anything for any length of time, in any way, shape, or form, and they have never been separated by anything in the past. Nothing in the way of will, desires, intentions, thoughts, or purposes had ever stood in their way before now. Given that we are not familiar with what it is like to be in such a relationship, let alone for an eternity, we humans have a difficult time comprehending this.

  1. God the Father and God the Son (along with God the Holy Spirit) on the other hand, have always existed in perfect harmony and unity with one another.
  2. He took on our sins and bore them in His own body (1 Pet 2:24).
  3. He turned out to be a curse for us (Gal 3:13).
  4. Though sin cannot harm or pollute God in any way, it does cause a rift between God and the sinner, who is then forced to live apart from God.

It was because He was experiencing a brokenness in His relationship with God the Father that they had never previously experienced that Jesus cried out, “Why have you forsaken me?” Yes, he understood that God had not abandoned him completely and irrevocably, and he understood that He would be raised from the dead in three days, but the cry of Jesus from the cross is not about those things, but about his separation from God.

He was experiencing something for the first time in all of eternity.

He had never been separated from God before, and even though He knew that He would be reunited with God in a short period of time, the pain and agony of the separation caused Jesus to cry out in despair.

Was God, on the other hand, truly abandoning Jesus? No, I don’t believe so. I don’t believe that God abandoned Jesus any more than he abandons us today. Jesus was not a God who had abandoned his people.

The God-Forsaken God?

Although I may be going too far out on a limb theologically, there is a part of me that believes that it was only on the cross that Jesus finally experienced what it was like to be a sinful human being separated from God in all of its sorrow and turmoil. Although Jesus came to earth as a human being in order to save us from our sinful condition, and in doing so, experienced practically everything a human being could experience, He never truly experienced the terrifying and terrible state of being separated from God as a result of sin.

  1. It was on the cross that Jesus experienced the grief and misery that we experience every day, the agony of being separated from God that has so numbed our souls, and the despair and dread that motivates us to live our lives as we do for the very first time.
  2. From the time of our fall into sin, it has been our cries to the Father in heaven.
  3. Because the pain is so unbearable, He calls out to God in a hushed voice: “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Do you see what I mean?
  4. This is the scream of every single human on the face of the planet.

This cries out in pain and despair as God fully enters into our damaged state and fully experiences the sense of separation from God that sin creates, and cries out in sorrow and despair as God experiences this sense of loss: “My God, my God, why have You left me?” God knows how we feel when we believe that God is ignoring us or has abandoned us.

  1. Certainly, since He is God and because He carried the sins of all people, He was separated from His Father in an inconceivable degree from His children.
  2. Jesus was giving expression to our grief and suffering.
  3. Jesus understands what it’s like to be in that situation.
  4. Jesus understands what it’s like to be in that situation.
  5. Jesus understands what it’s like to be in that situation.
  6. “How can Jesus say, ‘Why have you deserted me?’ since God did not truly forsake Him?” was the initial question.
  7. And, just as Jesus experienced what we all experience when we feel abandoned, none of us have been abandoned, just as Jesus Himself was not abandoned.

Despite the fact that you may feel abandoned, forgotten, neglected, and disregarded, none of these things are true of you any more than they were of Jesus.

Despite the fact that Jesus cried out, “Why have you abandoned me?” He had not been abandoned.

This is a sensation that Jesus had, and it’s an emotion that we all have from time to time.

However, while sin has divided us from God, God has not been removed from us.

He didn’t have to reconcile Himself to the world since He had never abandoned or forsaken us in the first place.

In the same way that God did not abandon Jesus, God does not abandon us.

In reality, God is always here beside us, holding us, loving us, and grieving with us over our suffering.

A more in-depth explanation of this reality may be found in my new book, The Atonement of God.

The cross of Jesus is CENTRAL to everything!

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‘My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?’ Bible Verses and Meaning

“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Why are you so far away from rescuing me from the words of my groaning? What are you thinking? O my God, I call out during the day, but you do not respond, and I cry out throughout the night, but I do not find rest. Nonetheless, you are holy, enthroned on the throne of Israel’s adoration. Our forefathers placed their confidence in you; they placed their trust in you, and you delivered them. They called out to you and were rescued; they placed their confidence in you and were not humiliated.

“He relies in the LORD; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, because he delights in him!” says everyone who sees me.

Psalm 22:1-8 (KJV) Jesus shouted out with a loud voice at the ninth hour, proclaiming: ‘Eli, Eli; lema sabbatthani?'” which translates as “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” And when some onlookers heard it, they said, “This man is summoning Elijah!” They all hurried to get a sponge, filled it with vinegar, tied it to the end of a piece of reed, and handed it to him to drink.

And Jesus screamed out with a loud voice once again, this time surrendering his spirit.

There was an earthquake, and the rocks were split,” he said.

Furthermore, at the ninth hour, Jesus said loudly, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabbthani?” (Behold, the Lord has spoken in a loud voice).

Why Did Jesus Feel Forsaken onthe Cross?

Listed below is a transcript of the Don Whitney video seen in the video above: The first line of Psalm 22 is, first and foremost, “I am the Lord.” And I think that Jesus was speaking the truth when he said, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” In addition, I believe he prayed through the Psalm when he sunk back down. To a certain extent, this is just conjecture. The first verse of his prayer is known to us; yet, that verse, that chapter of the Bible is the chapter in which the same thing he was experiencing at the time is prophesied.

  1. The two spikes in his wrist and the one in each of his feet were supporting the whole weight of his body.
  2. As a result, he only had enough air for a very little period of time.
  3. He is, without a doubt, dying.
  4. The fact that that is the most lengthy of the seven statements made on the cross is interesting; I believe this is because he was paraphrasng from that first verse and letting us know that was what was on his mind at the time.
  5. However, I think that at the time when he was human and felt abandoned by the Father, that when he looked about and saw a parade of people passing by who were ridiculing him, the top priest and rulers, he realized that he had been abandoned by the Father.
  6. It’s fascinating that they make multi-sentence declarations, which are then prophesied in Psalm 22 exactly as they were said.
  7. One of the gospels mentions a moment where the thieves, which is numerous, were saying some of the same sarcastic things that the ones at his feet were saying, and it says this happened at one point.
See also:  Who Sings Jesus

The disciples were conspicuously absent.

The reason these criminals would make fun of me is understandable.

So I can understand why they would abandon me.

But, my God, my God, why have you abandoned me so completely?

He understood why all of these other people would abandon him for a variety of reasons.

As a result, I believe that this was the lowest moment, if you will, of his experience on the cross.

It’s because God is holy, that’s why.

God was abandoning him, the spotless, faultless, and Holy Jesus, and he knew it.

Having accepted my guilt as his own, Jesus had been abandoned by the Father. As a result, Jesus was abandoned so that others like us would not have to be abandoned. If we approach the Father via Jesus, we have a chance of being accepted.

Why Did Jesus Say, ‘My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?’

An edited version of the video above, which features Greg Laurie, is provided below: I’m sure you recall the rolling blackouts that we experienced here in California a few years back. My memory recalls a night when the electricity went out everywhere at the same time. It was a little unnerving. There was no light on in the room. It’s simply that it’s completely dark. Furthermore, there was a rolling blackout that occurred throughout the middle of the day. It’s 3:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon.

  1. Suddenly, everything is pitch black.
  2. When Jesus cries from the cross, the darkness is penetrated by the words “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” the darkness is dispelled.
  3. I think that at that moment, Jesus was bearing the sins of the entire world.
  4. It was attributed to him the responsibility for our transgressions, and he was subjected to the consequences of those sins on our behalf.
  5. Every bad deed perpetrated by every wicked sinner was being punished by God as if Jesus had personally committed every wicked deed committed by every wicked sinner.
  6. This is referred to as “justification” in our culture.
  7. It is the crediting of Christ’s righteousness to our spiritual bank account, which is a good thing.

Scripture also affirms that there was a certain point in time when the sin of the world was put on the son of God.

“He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree,” stated the apostle Peter.

“My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” says the narrator.

No, this is a statement of fact.

So in a way, it is true.

Jesus came into the darkness in order for me to walk in the light.

Now, when we say that Jesus was abandoned, we’re referring to the following.

But, as a result of what transpired, no one who reaches out to God will ever have to fear that they would be abandoned by him in the future.

Please keep in mind that this was not a crisis of faith on the side of our Lord; rather, he was calling out to the Father, fulfilling the words of Psalm 22: “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” Take note that it is my God.

And it will happen.

It’s possible.

Or are you going to turn your back on God?

It reveals who you really are.

I’m not speaking to the Almighty.

This is beyond my comprehension.

I’m not even happy about it, but I’m turning to you, my God, my God, for help.” As you can see, the emphasis is not on the word deserted, but rather on my God. And while he carried the sin of the world, he shouted out to his father in a loud voice. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/Ava Marie

‘My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?’ Didn’t Jesus Already Know?

Transcript of the audio Thank you for listening to the Ask Pastor John podcast. “Pastor John, I love the Lord sincerely and my faith continues to develop, but I’ve always struggled with Matthew 27:45–46,” says listener Bridgette in response to a podcast episode. Why would Jesus cry out to the Father, ‘Why have you deserted me?’ when he was well aware of the response? It was precisely for this reason that Jesus came – to be abandoned on our behalf! Could you perhaps shed some light on this for me so that this stumbling block in my faith might be removed?”

Psalm 22

“My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” says the narrator. When Jesus is hanging on the cross near death, those horrific words appear in two different Gospels — Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 — and they are both recorded in the Bible. “Jesus appears to have been aware that the entirety of Psalm 22 was, in some manner, about him.” It states, “At around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice,” which is incredible. How could he get up the strength to say it in such a loud voice? — “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” says the narrator.

  1. Remember that these are the very opening lines of Psalm 22, which is a very significant point to keep in mind when reading this passage.
  2. In the tale of his death, at least three additional sections of this psalm are referenced as well.
  3. As the psalmist puts it: “Why are you so far away from helping me, from the sound of my groaning?” O my God, I call out during the day, but you do not respond, and I cry out throughout the night, but I do not find rest.
  4. “All who see me ridicule me; they make their mouths at me; they wag their heads,” says the author in verse 7 — and those are the precise words.
  5. Then there’s verse 18, which says, “They divide my clothes among themselves, and they cast lots for my attire.” As a result, the lines, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” are included in this psalm, which serves as a sort of screenplay for Jesus’ last hours.
  6. She’s curious as to why this is happening.
  7. And here is a three-part response to your question.

Truly Abandoned

First and foremost, this was a genuine forsakenness. That is the reason. Using the phrase “My God, my God, why have you left me?” implies that he truly did. He did it on purpose. He is the one who bears our sin. He was subjected to our disapproval. In order to execute the judgment, God the Father was to pour out his anger on us; however, instead of doing so, he chooses to pour it out on himself. Obviously, this entails a certain amount of desertion. That is what it means to be filled with fury.

We have no way of knowing what this might imply for the relationship between the Father and the Son.

The cry of the doomed is that they have been abandoned by God, and he was cursed for our sakes. As a result, he used these phrases because there was a genuine sense of abandonment. That is the first and most important reason.

Crying Out

Second, it appears to me that the why is not a query in need of a solution, but rather a means of communicating the horrors of abandonment. There are a few of grounds for my belief in this. “The judgment was for God the Father to pour out his anger on us, but instead of pouring it out on us, he pours it out on his Son,” the author writes. Jesus was well aware of what he was about to accomplish, what would happen to him, and why he was undertaking the task. This was something his Father had asked him to do.

  • And he had consented to attend despite the fact that he was well aware of what would take place.
  • (See also John 18:4).
  • As a result, he was aware.
  • He was well-versed in every subject.
  • It was an agonizing time for everyone involved.
  • They are a verbatim quote from the source material.
  • Your messianic calling is either present in you as the very essence of who you are, or it is not.

That appears to be at the heart of what is currently taking place.

It goes like this:I will tell my brothers about your name, and I will praise you in the middle of the congregation: “You who fear the Lord, praise him!” All you descendants of Jacob, exalt him and be in awe of him, as all you offspring of Israel should do!

To put it another way, this psalm concludes on a triumphant tone.

He had ingrained in his psyche both the horrors of the time of desertion and the desire for the joy that had been laid before him, according to his own words.

“He’s going to take me back.” As a result, he understands that this is not a last or ultimate scream on some level.

Because of the pleasure that was set before him, Jesus bore the cross, and the question “Why?” is not a call for a theological response. It is a genuine scream of spiritual despair, spoken in terms that came naturally to him since his entire life had been authored by God.

According to Plan

And, I believe, the final point we should mention is that this psalm was his whole existence. The fact that these lines from this psalm were cried out automatically in anguish reveals that, as horrific as it is, everything was proceeding just as planned. According to the author, “crying out reflexively in anguish with these lines of this Psalm demonstrates that, as horrific as it is, everything was working just as planned.” Every aspect of it was a fulfillment of Scripture — even the most horrific aspects of it were fulfillments of Scripture.

As a result, he said the following:

  1. There was a genuine sense of abandonment for our sake
  2. He was expressing despair rather than seeking an explanation
  3. He was miraculously fulfilling Scripture in the midst of the misery of it all and bearing testimony to the completion of the plan of redemption

What Does “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Mean?

Written by Waylon Bailey One of the most painful chapters in the Bible is Jesus’ cry from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” It is one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. During his time as a gospel writer, Matthew documented this probing and moving question (Matthew 27:46). Matthew does not explain the significance of this “cry of dereliction,” but the context and Scripture provide us with a general idea of what it means to be dereliction. There are three possible explanations for why Jesus posed such a challenging question.

  • Psalm 22 opens with a query that is similar to this one.
  • Psalm 22 anticipates the work of Jesus on the cross, in the same way as Isaiah 53 has done.
  • To expect the Son of God to quote from the Word of God is to anticipate the unthinkable.
  • In fact, neither Matthew nor the other Gospel writers make a big deal of Christ’s bodily pain on the cross.
  • Matthew, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the spiritual suffering of Christ.
  • This was a physical manifestation of the apostle Paul’s words on the cross: “He who had no sin became sin for us so that we may become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians5:21).
  • Third, Matthew utilized this question to draw attention to the fact that Christ has already won the battle.
  • So does the incident of the crucifixion, although Matthew and the others did not see the victory until the morning of the resurrection.

As a result, this question brings us to the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This text, like all of Scripture, is brimming with significance, power, and hope. Because of His deeds on our behalf, we have reason to feel hopeful, joyful, and blessed. Have a wonderful week!

Why did Jesus say, “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

It is Matthew 27:45-46 that has one of the most puzzling passages in the whole Bible. Jesus, in His dying moments on the cross, utters words that cause us all to tremble with horror. He cries out, “Eli Eli lema Sabachthani,” which translates as “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?” in Arabic language. Now, from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, the entire nation was enveloped in darkness. At around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, exclaiming, ‘Eli Eli lama sabachthani?’ which translates as ‘My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?’ (Matthew 27:45–46, New American Standard Bible) When we think of Jesus’ suffering on our behalf, it’s impossible to comprehend the depth of our sorrow.

See also:  How Was Jesus Buried

‘Crucify Him!’ he yelled as he stood before the very people who had just a few days before laid palm fronds in His way calling Him King, only for them to shout back.

At the end of the day, we all know how the narrative will conclude.

The following are several ideas on Jesus’ final remarks, which will be followed by an explanation of what He truly meant.

“My God My God Why Have you Forsaken Me?” | Did God Abandon Jesus?

I’ve heard it taught that God had no choice but to look the other way and let Jesus to die on the cross alone. Could this be the reason why Jesus screamed out “Eli Eli lema Sabachthani” (Jesus, the Messiah)? When the term “forsaken” is used in the Bible, some versions substitute the word “abandon.” Both terms are equivalent in meaning on a technical level. God, on the other hand, provides promises in the Bible that we just cannot ignore. We may be confident that He will never turn His back on us, even when things appear to be the worst.

Please maintain a non-jealous attitude and be pleased with the things you have in your possession.

“I will never leave you nor abandon you,” I promise.

Because of them, you need not be scared or terrified, because the LORD your God is with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 is a biblical passage.

He did not, under any circumstances, abandon Jesus. As a result, even though it is commonly taught that God had to “look the other way” and abandon His Son, this is not the case. That reasoning isn’t consistent with biblical teaching. God never fails to keep His promises.

Eli Eli lema sabachthani? | Did Jesus Have to Sin to “Give up His Spirit”?

Another hypothesis that you could hear in current Christian teachings is that Jesus spoke the words “My God, My God, why have you left me?” when he was in a vulnerable state. Some have gone so far as to claim that it was a wicked act of non-belief on the part of the participants. In addition, as with God’s desertion, we run the risk of indicating a scriptural contradiction by proceeding in this direction. Even worse, Jesus was a sinner in his own right. Yikes. An argument in favor of the phrase “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” The Apostle Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians is that sin is an essential part of life.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 This is likewise a really problematic claim that is completely out of context in this instance.
  • Because we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but rather One who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet has come out unscathed.
  • 1 John 3:5 (New International Version) The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross atoned for all of the sins of the entire world.
  • Because of the sin of fleeting uncertainty, Jesus did not relinquish control of His Spirit.

Psalm 22 | My God My God Why Have you Forsaken Me?

Now that we’ve cleared up some frequent misconceptions about Jesus’ final remarks, we’ll look for the real reason for them right in front of us. Psalm 22 was being quoted directly by Jesus. What have You done to me, my God? What have You done to me? The words of my moaning are a long way from bringing me relief. 2O my God, I call out throughout the day, but You do not respond; and I cry out during the night, but I have no respite. But You, O God, who sits above the praises of Israel, are pure and holy.

  1. 5They called out to You and were delivered; they put their confidence in You and were not let down by the results.
  2. Seventy-one people look at me with a sneer; they separate with their lips, they wag their heads, saying, “Commit ourselves to the Lord; let Him save him; let Him rescue him since He delights in him.” Psalm 22:1-8 is a short poem.
  3. We should aspire to be like Jesus in our daily lives, and he is the ultimate example of how to do so.
  4. He wasn’t going through a period of weakness.
  5. Eli Eli lema Sabachthani was a hymn of thanksgiving for God’s steadfastness in saving us even in the most difficult of circumstances.
  6. Do you think that shifts our viewpoint a little?
  7. Consider what may happen if we followed the same attitude as Jesus and placed our faith in God through our most difficult times.
  8. God’s presence is constantly with us, and this song was written to celebrate that fact.

God’s unwavering faithfulness in our time of sorrow was proclaimed in the song Eli Eli lema Sabachthani, which means “God is loyal forever.” The next time you feel like the world is against you, turn to the example of our Savior and offer God honor. He is a man of integrity.

Learn to Read the Bible with Resources from Sound of Heaven

Were you startled to find out what Jesus meant in Matthew 27:45-56 when He stated “Eli Eli lema Sabachthani” (My God My God Why have you left me?)? Do you want to learn how to read and comprehend the bible?

Check out this training from Apostle Johnny Ova –How to Study the Bible

When Jesus was on the cross He exclaimed, “Father why have you deserted me? ” Exactly what is he trying to say? I’m aware that this is the point at which Jesus became sin for us, but I’m at a loss for words as to why. Is it possible that the Father has turned His back on us?

Bible Answer:

Both Matthew 27:45 and Mark 15:33 informs us that when Jesus was hanging on the cross darkness enveloped the earth. Then Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 record Jesus as saying, “My God, my God, why hast thou deserted me?” . Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being read, My God, my God, why hast thou left me? Mark 15:34 (NASB)What did Jesus mean? That is our question. The answer to this question will be separated into two parts: “Who is Jesus?” and then why did Jesus ask, “Why have you deserted me?” But we must first comprehend who Jesus is.

Who Was Jesus?

The cults often like to show the following verse to a Christian to prove that Jesus was a man,For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men,the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5(NASB) (NASB) Many Christians have struggled with this verse because they know that Jesus was God. The verse seems to teach that Jesus was only a man, but we know Jesus was both man and God. Listen to Romans 1:1-4,Paul, a bondservant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, whowas born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, who wasdeclared the Son of Godwith power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, Romans 1:1-4 (NASB) (NASB) Notice the passage says Jesus was “born according to the flesh.” That is, He became a man with flesh and blood (Hebrews 2:14).

  1. (Hebrews 2:14).
  2. John 10:31-36 states.The Jews took up stones again to stone Him.
  3. do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘ You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am theSon of God ‘?
  4. Jesus would not have died a physical death unless He was a man with flesh and blood.
  5. (Hebrews 4:15).

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me

When Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” it was a powerful statement. He was unmistakably expressing that he felt estranged from God the Father in his words. The Greek term for “forsaksen” is isenkataleipo, which literally translates as “to depart, to abandon, or to forsake or to abandon.” Is it true that God the Father abandoned Jesus Christ? We believe Jesus was alluding to the fact that he was separated from the Father. We learn an essential fact about God from the book of Isaiah: “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you,” says the author of the book of Isaiah.

  1. This is a picture of what happened on the cross.
  2. All of the sins of the world were put on Christ, according to 1 Peter 2:24 (NASB).
  3. He took the punishment for our transgressions upon Himself.
  4. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (New International Version) (NASB) According to 1 Peter 3:18, the just died in the place of the unjust.
  5. And since Christ likewise died for our sins once and for all, the righteous for our unjust, He could reconcile us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but raised to life in the spirit.

God the Father turned away from Christ as a result of what had transpired. This abandonment was felt to its fullest extent by the man, Jesus Christ, who cried out in despair, “My God, my God, why hast thou deserted me?”


An excellent illustration of what occurred to our sins, and in a symbolic sense, what happened to Christ on the cross, can be found in the Old Testament. It may be found in Leviticus 16:5-28, to be exact. It is all about finding a scapegoat. Aaron shall then lay both of his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all of the iniquities of the sons of Israel, as well as all of their transgressions in regard to all their sins; and he shall lay them on the goat’s head and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is ready.

This scapegoat, I think, was a representation of Jesus.

God the Father has taken a step back from His relationship with the God-man Jesus Christ.

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I’m on the lookout for God. What was God’s motivation in allowing His son to suffer and die? Is it necessary for me to believe that Jesus is God in order to be saved? Is it necessary to declare Jesus as Lord with our mouths in order to be saved? Were the sins of the world laid on Jesus, or were they placed in Him, when He died? What does it imply that Jesus died in our place because of our sins? Is salvation solely by grace via trust in Jesus Christ?

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