Why Did Jesus Establish The Church?

Jesus Christ Established a Visible Church On Earth

Any practicing Christian believes that Jesus Christ formed and continues to sustain a community based on faith, hope, and love for those who follow him.His Church is the name we have given to this group of people.The Catholic Church, which has a formal earthly structure established by Christ and which continues to operate under His authority and protection, is the Church that Christ founded.

  1. We observe God’s participation in the lives of the Israelites on a regular basis throughout the Old Testament, as evidenced by the appointment of prophets.
  2. The Israelites were delivered, instructed, and admonished by God.
  3. He communicated with His movements in a visible, specific, and formal manner.
  • He always spoke with humans through their hands, lips, feet, thoughts, and wills.
  • God established a law as well as a method for putting it into effect.
  • In conjunction with His redeeming deed, Jesus performed three acts that laid the groundwork for the establishment of His Church.
  • First and foremost, He chose humans to carry out His mission.
  • He chose Peter to be the visible leader of the Church, and he appointed him to that position.

When Jesus addressed Peter, he said, ″You are the rock, and on this rock I will build my Church.″ (Matthew 16:18; Mark 10:18) When Jesus said ″build,″ he was referring to the construction of a building.Peter and the other apostles were precisely chosen human individuals on whom Jesus constructed His building.Second, Jesus delegated authority and power to Peter and the apostles in order for them to carry out His mission.What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, as the saying goes.(Matthew 16:19; 18:18; Mark 10:45) It says, ″Receive the Holy Spirit, and whoever’s sins you forgive will be forgiven, and whoever’s sins you keep will be retained.″ (See also John 20:23) Third, Jesus offered specific instructions to Peter and the apostles on the nature of their task.When He commanded the final supper, He said, ″Do this in memory of Me.″ (See also Luke 22:19) Specifically, Jesus instructed them to ″make disciples of all countries″ (Matthew 28:19), as well as to ″go into every country and preach the Gospel to every creature.″ (Matthew 16:15) Similarly to how the modern Church is organized, the early Church was organised in a hierarchical fashion.

On the subject of Gentiles, we can see in Acts chapter 15 how the apostles and elders, led by St.Peter, gathered to decide what was needed of them.Also, when St.Paul ″went up to Jerusalem to meet with Kephasand stayed with him for fifteen days,″ we can see that St.Peter was considered as the spiritual leader of the Church at the time.Paul writes in Galatians 1:18 that Independent local churches are not mentioned in the Scriptures at any point.

There is only one church that can claim to have been founded by Christ himself, and that is the Catholic Church.In every other case, the church can trace its origins back to a single individual being, such as Martin Luther or John Wesley.The Catholic Church may trace its origins back to Jesus Christ, who nominated St.Peter to be the first pope, and from then to the present day.

Popes have presided over the world for over 2,000 years, with no interruptions.God reigns over His people, guides them, and sanctifies them via His Church.The Catholic Church, through her teaching function, is tasked with preserving the Word of God.She is the curator, keeper, dispenser, and interpreter of Christ’s teachings, as well as their translator.And she is able to do so because she is under the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit.Frits Tuttle is a member of the Legion of Mary and is involved in Catholic apologetics.

Why did God establish the Church and how did it come to be?

What was the process through which the Church came to be?The Church has always been a part of God’s plan to share his divine life with all people, and this has been true from the beginning.The Old Testament describes a series of events that led to the gradual formation of God’s family, including God’s covenant with Abraham as the father of a great people, the liberation of ancient Israel from slavery in Egypt and their establishment in the Promised Land, and their solidification as a nation under the reign of King David.

  1. Jesus brought about the fulfillment of the Father’s plan for the Church first and foremost by his teaching and witnessing of the Good News of the Kingdom, which includes the gifts of redemption from sin and participation in divine life, and secondly through his death and resurrection.
  2. The little flock of sheep that Jesus shepherded as if they were members of his own family served as the seed and beginning of the Kingdom.
  3. Through his selection of the Twelve Apostles, with Peter as their leader, Jesus created the beginnings of a visible organization of the Church that will endure until the complete realization of the Kingdom.
  • Jesus gave birth to the Church by his death on the cross: The Church is born in the first place as a result of Christ’s whole self-giving for our salvation, which was anticipated in the institution of the Eucharist and accomplished on the crucifixion.
  • ‘The blood and water that gushed from the open side of the crucified Jesus represent the beginning and expansion of the Church,’ says the Pope.
  • In fact, it was from the side of Christ on the cross, while he lay in death, that the ‘wonderful sacrament of the Holy Church’ was born.
  • As Eve was formed from the side of Adam who was sleeping, so the Church was formed from the pierced heart of Christ who was hanging on the cross, dead and buried.
  • No.

766 of the CCC (quoting LG No.3 and SC No.5) is the most recent example of this.During the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit revealed the Church by pouring out a transforming fire on the Apostles and disciples, transforming them into a visible community, and empowering them to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.There is an unbreakable bond between the Holy Spirit and the Church, according to the teachings of the Church’s early fathers: ″Where the Church exists, there also exists the Holy Spirit; where God’s Spirit exists, there also exists the Church″ (St.Irenaeus, Against Heresies, III, 24.1).

The presence of the Holy Spirit was so powerful in the early Church’s existence that the New Testament account of the Church’s early beginnings, the Acts of the Apostles, is sometimes referred to as the ″Gospel of the Holy Spirit.″ When you read the Acts of the Apostles or early Church history, you will see how the Holy Spirit bestowed gifts on the community of believers in preparation for their duties and responsibilities in serving the Church.This was a dynamic process that demonstrated the ever-present presence and operation of the Holy Spirit, as well as a growing grasp of the Faith, all at the same time.From Pentecost forward, the Church began her earthly trek, which will be completed in glory one day with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit ensures the stability, long-term viability, and continuation of the Church under all historical conditions, both favorable and unfavorable in nature.The Church is the continual expression of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the world today.Because of God the Father’s desire and his intention to bring all people under the Lordship of his Son, the Church exists.

Christ, in his role as Head of the Church, continues to infuse her with his life and saving grace, as well as with the gifts of unity, peace, and love that the Holy Spirit bestows upon her.On the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, you may learn more about the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, obtain a copy, and read questions concerning it.Original copyright 2006, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C.Original copyright All intellectual property rights are retained.

No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storing and retrieval system, without the express written consent of the copyright holder.This includes the Internet.

What was God’s purpose in establishing the church?

Christ’s body is a group of individuals who are unified (Ephesians 4:1-3), who represent and reflect Him to the rest of the world, as described in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.(1 Corinthians 12:12-17).In order to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds and skills, the church must give them with training as well as chances to participate in God’s ministry.

  1. In doing so, it fulfills its goals both internally, within the body, and outwardly, in the surrounding environment.
  2. Described in detail in Acts 2:42, the church’s internal activity is as follows: ″And they dedicated themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, as well as to the breaking of bread and praying.″ The church has been entrusted by Jesus with the responsibility of teaching the body good doctrine.
  3. The church has been entrusted with God’s message, despite the fact that there are many influences in the world that claim to be correct (Ephesians 4:14).
  • But even if you know the doctrine, it’s pointless if you don’t put it to use (1 Corinthians 13:2): ″So Christ himself gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in faith and in knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the full measure of the fullness of Christ″ (Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV).
  • A solid foundation of biblical teaching leads to spiritual growth, which in turn contributes to the strengthening of the body of Christ.
  • Additionally, the church serves as a space where people can ″break bread″ with one another.
  • Often, this entails nothing more than just eating and experiencing life together (Acts 2:42).
  • At the Lord’s Supper, we break bread in a formal manner (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

The ritual of the Lord’s Supper brings us together by reminding us that we are all rescued as a result of Christ’s death on the cross.When it comes to the practical side of things, it also gives a chance to reconcile disputes and correct wrongs when we analyze our interactions with fellow Christians (1 Corinthians 11:27-28).Natural results of solid teaching and a cohesive body are that members of the church will look out for one another and care for one another.Praying for others is the most effective approach to show concern for them (Acts 2:42).In the same way that the early church prayed for one another (Acts 12:5; Philippians 1:3-4), we should pray for one another and bring our needs before God (Philippians 4:6-7).The church is likewise supposed to demonstrate honor (Romans 12:10), compassion (Ephesians 4:32), encouragement (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and love (John 13:34).

(1 John 3:11).And we’re supposed to take care of one other’s practical needs.″Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their suffering, and to keep oneself unstained from the world,″ James 1:27 states.One of the most important goals of the church is to meet the needs of its members and their families (Acts 20:34-35; Romans 15:26).Outside of the church, the mission of the church is to carry out the Great Commission, which Jesus ordered in Matthew 28:18-20.There is no higher calling for the church than to serve as a means of introducing others to Christ.

Among other things, we accomplish this by making certain that we are faithfully representing Him and becoming the people He has called us to be.We are exhorted in Philippians 2:15 to be ″blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in an evil and perverse generation,″ in the midst of a corrupt and perverse generation.In order to express the Holy Spirit inside us, the church is supposed to exemplify Jesus’ character and teach others about Him, whether we are witnessing to people in our own communities or sending missionaries to distant countries.The objective of the church is to serve as a spiritual family for those who belong there.

God uses the church to bring individuals with a variety of personalities and gifts together as a single body, and to equip them to care for one another and reach the rest of the world with the gospel of Christ.We were not supposed to live the Christian life on our alone; instead, we were meant to be surrounded by biblical teaching and the loving community of the church, where we may individually discover our own life’s purpose.Truths that are related: What is the definition of a church organization?Is there any mention of church government in the Bible?Is it necessary to attend church on a regular basis?Is it necessary for a person to attend church in order to be saved?

  1. Is there a single, authentic church?
  2. Which one is it, exactly?
  3. Return to the page: The Truth About the Church

World News, Economics and Analysis Based on Bible Prophecy

‘Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of the whole world!’ exclaims the preacher as he begins his sermon on Sunday morning.And he’s absolutely correct.But why is there such a lack of knowledge of the several other reasons Christ came to our planet 2,000 years ago?

  1. For example, in Matthew 16:18, Jesus declares, ″I will construct my church.″ Why was it necessary to construct anything entirely new after 4,000 years of human history, such as the Church?
  2. And why did Jesus choose only 12 disciples to receive specialized instruction and preparation in order to create the ″foundation″ for the Christian faith?
  3. And why has it been approximately 2,000 years since that time that there has been no evidence of Christ returning to this Earth as He promised He would?
  • What exactly is God doing here on Earth is a mystery to me.

A Parable Reveals the Answer

Throughout most of Christ’s mission, the disciples were under the impression that He was planning to create His Kingdom within their lifetimes.This was recognized by Christ, who used a prophetic parable in Luke 19 to describe the time of the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven.″He said that a specific nobleman had traveled to a distant nation in order to gain a kingdom for himself and to return″ (verse 12).

  1. The nobleman in this line is a reference to Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
  2. Then he moved away to a faraway place or to heaven, where He received a Kingdom for Himself.
  3. He is to return after He has received the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.
  • And, because He hasn’t returned yet, He hasn’t yet received the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth!
  • But why is this so?
  • His 10 servants were summoned and each received ten pounds, with the instruction ″Occupy till I return″…………………….
  • (verse 13).
  • Recognize what the pounds are representing.

These are presented to the servants as a gift by the lord.When we are baptized, we are transformed into Christ’s servant (see Romans 6:4).In addition, Peter stated in Acts 2:38 that we get ″the gift of the Holy Spirit″ when we are baptized.As a result, in this story, the pounds signify a little amount of God’s Spirit.Christ has called forth servants to whom He has given a little portion of the Holy Spirit in preparation for His return to build up His Kingdom on the earth.″Assume your position until I arrive,″ Christ declared in this Spirit.

Occupy is defined as ″to do one’s own business.″ As a result, these slaves were tasked with continuing, or carrying on, what Christ had begun.″But his citizens despised him and sent a message after him, saying, ‘We will not allow this man to govern over us,’″ the narrative continues (Luke 19:14).Christ introduces yet another set of individuals in this passage.First and foremost, He declares that His servants are to occupy.Then He speaks of the citizens, or the vast majority of them, who despise Him and are adamant about not allowing Christ to rule in their life!Hundreds of thousands of individuals now claim to be disciples of Christ, but how many of them genuinely follow His teachings?

See also:  What The Bible Says About Believing In Jesus

Only a small percentage of the population places God first in all they do in life and genuinely allows Christ to rule over them.Nations throughout the world are suffering today as a result of their refusal to allow Christ to rule over them.This is a message about the federal government’s role.In contrast, a small group of Christ’s servants is being taught how to be ruled.

Continue to grow and learn how to be ruled so that you can one day rule others, as Christ instructed.″And it came to pass, when he returned, having received the kingdom, that he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, in order that he might know how much each man had gained by trading,″ says verse 15.This is the point at which Christ returns, this time to RULE.It’s also worth noting that He merely instructs His slaves to come before Him!Why not the general public?He solely addresses the slaves because they are the ones who are being judged at this time in this era (1 Peter 4:17).

  1. When the globe-ruling government is established, the servants will be summoned from this planet and taught now for their future tasks.
  2. Once such government is established, the citizens will have the chance to hear God’s call on their lives.
  3. After Christ had proven himself worthy to be King and had completed His mission (John 4:34), He ascended to heaven and received ″all authority″ from the Father (John 14:12).

(Matthew 28:18).In God’s governance, Christ is subordinate to God the Father.In the following days, when Christ returns to Earth, those slaves who have been called out of this world (John 6:44) will be ordered to appear before Him (Luke 19:15).

True Christians will go to Christ in order to receive their authority, just as Christ went to the Father in order to acquire His authority.That is how the administration of God operates.In order for the issues of this world to be fully resolved, a whole new government—with Christ as the supreme ruler—must be built, with many more servants working beneath Him and carrying out many other governmental functions.Christ is coming as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and he will rule over all the nations of the world (Revelation 17:14; 19:16).There will be many more kings and lords serving under Christ in the future.One of the reasons Christ did not establish His Kingdom on His first visit to our planet was that God’s governing family government was not yet prepared.

At this very moment, God is grooming slaves for positions of authority in the Church!It is for this reason that Christ stated, ″I will construct my church.″

Christ Prepared the Early Apostles

First and foremost, Christ came to establish His Church in His capacity as King of that future nation.However, before the Church could be established, the Holy Spirit had to be sent—and this couldn’t happen until after Christ had ascended to the throne of glory (John 16:7).In this way, during His earthly mission, Christ identified and prepared 12 disciples who would be instructed and trained in that governance even before they were baptized with the Holy Spirit.

  1. Although Christ accomplished this in advance, He did so because the Church required a foundation, and even though the disciples couldn’t grasp much of what He taught, He knew that once the Holy Spirit arrived, it would instruct them in the truth and help them recall much of what He had taught them (John 16:4, 13).
  2. When the Holy Spirit finally arrived, the Apostle Peter delivered an inspired discourse that was filled with profound insight (notice Acts 2:14-40).
  3. Following that, the early Church flourished at an alarming rate.
  • It was taught and instructed to new converts how to ″possess″ the Spirit, or how to continue on the work of Christ, within the framework of the rule of God as it was being administered in the Church.
  • However, it wasn’t long before the persecution began.
  • A large number of people were duped.
  • Those in Galatia were reprimanded by Paul for having already switched to ″another gospel″ (Galatians 1:6).
  • During this first millennium of God’s Church, the saints became complacent.

In Revelation 2:1-7, the apostle John describes this time period.It was criticized in verse 4 for having abandoned its ″first love.″ After a while, true Christians became lukewarm, and they finally lost their grasp on God’s purpose and destiny for mankind.As a result, according to Scripture, God took away the lampstand that directed the Church.He ushered in a new era in order to carry on the work of God.However, from the first century onward, God’s Church remained small and dispersed, and it was essentially weak in comparison.The Church did survive, as Christ had said (Matthew 16:18), but it was composed of just a small number of new believers.

There has never been a really global work, at least not until the twentieth century.

Government Restored Within the Church

The Lord Jesus Christ predicted that a man would appear on the scene before His Second Coming with the spirit and power of Elijah the prophet, and that this man would prepare the way for His return to Earth (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6).Take note of the following dialogue, which is recounted in Matthew 17:10-11: ‘Then his disciples came to him and asked him: ‘Why then, say the scribes, does Elias have to come first?’ As a response, Jesus told them, ″Elias will actually come first, and restore all things to their proper order.″ This was not a reference to the apostle John the Baptist.He’d already made his way here.

  1. This was a reference to an end-time ″Elijah″ who would bring everything back to its former glory!
  2. Nothing was restored as a result of John the Baptist’s efforts.
  3. To whom, though, would this end-time Elijah bring everything back to its former glory?
  • What is the state of the world?
  • That will not occur until the coming of Christ (Acts 3:19-21).
  • Elijah, the end-time prophet, was tasked with restoring everything to the Church!
  • After the first century, most of what Christ had shown and taught to the apostles had been lost to history.
  • The Church had to be restored in order for the government to be restored in the end time in order to prepare the way for Christ’s return.

God had no choice but to restore it to the Church at this final period.Herbert W.Armstrong, we think, was the one who fulfilled the prophetic function to which Christ alluded in his teachings.Herbert Armstrong stated the following in a sermon delivered on October 2, 1982: ″God raised me up to reestablish the authority of God.″ However, it has only been partially restored in the Church.I have no power from God; I have no ability to restore the government of God in any capacity other than over you brethren in the Church, which is all that I have.″However, that has already been accomplished.″ A major source of the world’s troubles and ills stems from the fact that countries do not desire Christ to reign over them (Luke 19:14).

God has promised that He will bring His Son back to earth to establish His authority.However, such will not be the case until other government jobs are filled by people who have been adequately prepared for and trained during the previous administration.That is why Mr.Armstrong stated that it had been restored just within the Church and not throughout the world—at least not yet.Mr.Armstrong was well aware of who was working behind the scenes.

A good illustration of this spiritual truth may be found in John 4:1-2: ″When the Lord realized how the Pharisees had learned that Jesus had produced and baptized more disciples than John, (even though Jesus himself did not baptize, but his followers did), he intervened.Take note of that!Christ baptized more people than John, yet the Bible claims He didn’t actually baptize any of them!It was his disciples who did it.

Despite this, it appeared as if Jesus Christ had performed the action himself!The Head of the Church is none other than Jesus Christ.Mr.Armstrong was called up by God to establish God’s administration inside the Church and to restore all things to the control of the Church.God did not appoint anybody else to serve in this capacity.

Restoring God’s Government

One of God’s primary goals is to recreate Himself (Genesis 1:26).That reproduction is currently taking place in the Church as a first step.However, God’s plan of salvation will soon be made available to everyone who has ever lived!God’s Church is now preparing those who have been called out of this present evil world to manage the governance of the entire planet.This training is taking place right now.In the meantime, the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven proclaiming, ″The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and the kingdoms of his Christ; and he will reign for ever and ever″ (Revelation 11:15).

Remember the Parable of the Pounds, where the townsfolk refused to let Christ to rule over them?This is the same situation.The day will come when Christ will be anointed as King of the Earth, and all people will be required to bow to His authority.At first, Christ will have to practically coerce man into being pleased in order to succeed.Saints or servants who have been called out in advance of the rest will have received training in the rule of the New World Order before the Second Coming of Christ.When He returns, they will be given government posts as a result of their efforts.

  • Isaiah 40:10, Luke 19:15-27, and Revelation 11:18 and 22:12 are all good places to start.
  • Take note of Revelation 20:4 as well: I saw thrones, and people sat on them, and they were handed judgment…″ What a contrast this straightforward biblical message is from the prevalent belief today!
  • These lines are not referring to a life of comfort in the hereafter in paradise.
  • Many of those who have been summoned today are getting ready for a period when we shall govern the countries from thrones!

Christ will reign as King over us!″ It is blessed and holy to have taken part in the first resurrection: the second death will have no power over them, and they will reign with Christ for a thousand years.″ ″Blessed and holy is he who has taken part in the first resurrection: on such the second death will have no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years″ (verse 6).Death will have no more power over individuals who have been resurrected to an everlasting spirit existence in the hereafter.God’s plan eventually boils down to two choices: either surrender to His dominion or succumb to the power of death and destruction.A summons has been sent to God’s servants to go from this world today in order to study His way of life in order to be able to teach all others in the lovely world of tomorrow!So, what exactly is God up to?The Lord is recreating Himself in the human race.

In doing so, He has permitted this world to continue on its path of selfishness and gain for 6,000 years in order to demonstrate beyond any reasonable question that Satan’s road of selfishness and gain leads only to sorrow and death.God’s plan, through the process of reproducing Himself, made it possible for His Son to come in the flesh and not only die for mankind, but also to establish the Church.The primary role of the Church is to train people to assume positions of authority in their communities.When Christ returns as King of kings and Lord of lords for the final time, the Church will have been prepared and will rule with Christ.(See also: Following the expulsion of Satan from the earth, God will proceed to replicate Himself in every human being who has ever lived—as long as those individuals earnestly desire God’s government to rule over them.Beyond that, as the Prophet Isaiah said (Isaiah 9:6-7), the rule of God and the establishment of peace will continue to expand inexorably into eternity.

Jesus Christ Established His Church

In the words of Jesus Christ, ″Jesus Christ established His Church.″ Bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to its original form (2005) The children of God have been looking forward to the arrival of the Savior, Jesus Christ, since the beginning of time itself.Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth more than 2,000 years ago, just as He had previously promised.Jesus Christ lived a spotless life and was without flaws.He created His Church, preached His gospel, and performed several miracles as part of His mission.He picked twelve individuals to be His Apostles, among them were Peter, James, and John, among others.He instructed them and invested them with priesthood power, allowing them to teach in His name and execute holy ordinances, including as baptism, for others.

When Jesus formed His Church, he followed the instructions given to him by the Father in heaven.After then, He gave instructions to His disciples.It was Jesus’ teaching to His disciples that God’s revelation was the foundation upon which He would establish His Church.At the conclusion of His life, Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross in order to atone for the sins of everyone who has lived or will live on this planet.The Atonement is the name given to this sacrifice.The Savior made it possible for us to be pardoned by enduring suffering, dying, and rising from the dead.

  • It is those who put their confidence in Him, repent of their misdeeds, and follow His instructions who are forgiven of their sins and blessed with peace and joy.
  • After His Resurrection, Jesus Christ led His Apostles through a process of revelation that continues today.
  • His Church was directed in a variety of ways, according to the Scriptures, which are recorded in detail (see Acts 10; Revelation 1:1).
  • As a result, God, rather than man, guided the early Church of Jesus Christ.
See also:  How Long Did It Take For Jesus To Die?

Why Did Christ Establish a Church?

Christ ordains and sets aside His twelve Apostles during the Last Supper.″ data-image-caption=″″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″″ data-image-caption=″″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ Nonetheless, there are other reasons why Christ chose to build his church on our planet; however, one of the most important is to satisfy God’s desire to see us improve.Jose Alba captured this image.In today’s environment, it appears that an increasing number of individuals are turning away from organized religion in favor of pursuing their own spiritual path.However, Elder D.Todd Christofferson reminds us in his presentation ″Why the Church″ that Jesus Christ founded a church in his name for a very specific reason: ″to bring about the immortality and everlasting life of man.″ Immortality is defined as an unending life that has been provided to us as a result of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Eternal life is defined as having the same quality of life as God and continuing to live in that manner indefinitely.To have both, God desires that we have both, and in order for us to have everlasting life, God needs that we do particular ordinances or actions under his authority, which can only be found in his church.An further reason why Christ formed a church is so that we may all work together to fulfill the goals that God has set for each of us.Elder Christofferson reminds us that ″God’s ultimate goal is the advancement of humanity.″ It is much easier to achieve progress when we have someone to help us along the road, and the Church is structured in such a manner that there is always someone around to provide a hand.As we learn about Christ’s message, we also learn how to live it out by providing loving service to others.Giving service may be difficult at times because we are all flawed or because we may feel that we are not needed, but Elder Christofferson argues that ″this religion is not concerned just with oneself; rather, we are all called to serve.″ ‘We are the members of Christ’s body; we are his eyes, hands, head, feet, and other organs.’ He considers everyone of us to be significant, and our success is essential to him.

  • ″Why the Church,″ a talk given by Elder D.
  • Todd Christofferson, may be read or watched online.
  • Tiana Ahuna, from the LDS General Conference, provided the source.
  • Mormon The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints provided the image used in this section of Insights.

More information may be found here.More information on Christ’s institution may be found in Elder Tad R.Callister’s lecture ″What Is the Blueprint of Christ’s Church?″ which can be read or seen online.To see how one young lady came to realize truth in Christ’s church for herself, watch the film ″Origin.″ The lecture ″Come, Join with Us″ by President Dieter F.Uchtdorf can be read or watched to be reminded that there is a place for everyone in our church.Watch this Bible movie of Jesus appointing his twelve apostles and founding his church, which you can find on YouTube.


In Christian doctrine, the term ″church″ refers to the Christian religious community as a whole, as well as a group or organization of Christian believers.The Greek word ekklsia, which evolved to denote church in later centuries, was initially used to refer to a formal gathering of people during the Classical period.The term ekklsia is used in the Septuagint (Greek) translation of the Old Testament (3rd–2nd century bce) to refer to the general assembly of the Jewish people, particularly when they are assembled for a religious reason such as hearing the Law read out to them (e.g., Deuteronomy 9:10, 18:16).Throughout the New Testament, the term ″church″ is used in various contexts, including the entire body of believing Christians throughout the world (e.g., Matthew 16:18), the believers in a specific geographical area (e.g., Acts 5:11), and the congregation that meets in a particular house—the ″house-church″ (e.g., Romans 16:5).More Information on This Subject may be found here.Christianity is represented through the church.

The notion of the qahal, or the chosen people of the Old Testament, had an impact on the Christian conception of the church and its role.Following Christ’s death and resurrection, his disciples carried out his command to proclaim the Gospel and to build facilities for those who had been converted, as outlined in the New Testament.Following their rejection by the Jewish authorities, the Christians formed their own communities that were based after the Jewish synagogue.Slowly but steadily, the church came up with a governing system that was centered on the office of the bishop (episcopacy).Various debates challenged the integrity of the church from its early beginnings, but, with the exception of a few tiny sects that did not survive, it was able to retain its unity for several centuries after that.Since the East-West Schism, which divided the Eastern and Western churches in 1054, and the subsequent disruption of the Western church during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, the church has been divided into various bodies, the majority of which consider themselves to be either the one true church or at the very least a part of the one true church, respectively.

  • When analyzing the nature of the church, it has traditionally been done in terms of the four marks, or traits, that it is identified by in the Nicene Creed: the one, the holy, the catholic, and the apostolic (or universal) church.
  • With the divides in the church, it appears that the fundamental principle, that of oneness or unity, is being violated.
  • It has been asserted, on the other hand, that because baptism is the ritual of admission into the church, the church must be comprised of all baptized persons, who constitute a single body regardless of their religious affiliation.
  • The holiness of the church does not imply that all of its members are holy, but rather that it originates from the Holy Spirit’s creation of the church.

Originally, the term catholic referred to the worldwide church as distinguished from local congregations, but it has come to refer to the church of Rome as well.In conclusion, the term ″apostolic″ suggests that the church, in terms of both its church and ministry, is historically continuous with the Apostles and, thus, with the earthly life of Jesus.Observers have remarked that many Christians have just nominal religious beliefs and do not behave in the manner of followers of Christ after the 4th century, when the church was no longer persecuted.St.Augustine claimed that the true church is an unseen entity known only to God in order to explain for this phenomenon.Martin Luther utilized this notion to justify the divides within the church during the Reformation, claiming that the genuine church has its members dispersed across the many Christian organizations, but that it is independent of any organization known to man on the face of the globe.

Many Christians, however, who believe that Jesus intended for one visible church to be established on this planet, have tried to restore unity to the church through the ecumenical movement to which they belong.Evangelical Christians think that adherence to apostolic theology and practice must be restored in order for church unity to be achieved.To promote Christian unity and renewal, the ecumenical World Council of Churches (WCC) was established in 1948 as ″a fellowship of Churches which recognize Jesus Christ our Lord as God and Saviour″ in order to create harmony and renewal among Christian groups.Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Kara Rogers has made the most recent revisions and additions to this page.

‘What is the purpose of the church?’

In the name of Jesus, I extend greetings to one and everyone!″What is the purpose of the church?″ I am frequently asked this question, particularly in the midst of the epidemic and with many churches of all faiths still not actively worshipping within their buildings: ″What is the purpose of the church?″ My response is that, despite the fact that many churches are utilizing Zoom as a mode of worship, the church is not about a physical facility.When you think about it, the church is made up of God’s people who are dedicated to accomplishing God’s mission, whether it is within or outside of a physical structure.Once again, what exactly is the mission of the church?This issue may be answered by some of the things listed below, and for a biblical reference, let us consider the following passages for edification.Examine Acts 2:42, which states that the people of God committed themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, as well as to breaking of bread and prayer.

What has just been stated can be carried out outside of a physical church structure, whether through the use of Zoom or another mode of worship other than that found within a church sanctuary.Even when we are not in a physical sanctuary, the church, which is made up of God’s people, is responsible for teaching biblical theology so that we might all be firmly planted in our faith.During this epidemic season, the church should encourage friendship, trust, faith, and hope among its members.Prayer is encouraged and taught in the church through a variety of media including Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube, and other platforms.We always remember what the Bible says in Philippians 4:6-7: ″Do not be anxious about anything; instead, in everything, by prayer and petition (with thanksgiving), present your requests to God.″ And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.″ Finally, the question may be posed: what is it that makes a church outstanding?Is it because of the people?

  • What are the programs?
  • who is the pastor?
  • the number of people in the congregation?
  • No, it is a principle that distinguishes a great church, and it is accompanied by several very significant components, which are described below, as well as others.

One, a single-minded approach.All of this is being done to the glory of God.Following that, there will be biblical teaching and preaching.After that, a vision of reaching out to lost souls.As a result, there is an increase in selflessness, or the willingness to contribute to those in need rather than questioning, ″what’s in it for me?″ Last but not least, spiritual fortitude.God’s people must never forget that God’s might is the most important factor in building a strong church.

Power comes from a spirit-filled connection with Jesus, not from having excellent organizational or budgetary abilities; nonetheless, any congregation, no matter how large or little, must place the utmost faith in the Lord, and spiritual strength will arise as a consequence.Although many churches have not yet returned to their physical locations as a result of the epidemic, we as God’s people must never allow the pandemic to prevent us from being the church, no matter where we are or how we are worshiping.Even while we may be required to adopt social separation, ″spiritual detachment″ must never be practiced!Each of us is not just a flesh and blood human being, but we are also a LIVING SANCTUARY in our own right!My prayer for you is that the Lord would bless and keep you!He is a retired United Methodist preacher who resides in Gainesville with his wife, the Rev.

Milford L.Griner.

Upon this rock I will build my church

When Jesus arrived at the outskirts of Caesarea Philippi, He inquired of His followers as to who the people had said He was.He then inquired of them, ″But who say ye that I am?″ after receiving their response.When asked who had answered, Simon Peter responded with these words: ″You are the Christ, the Son of the living God″ (Matt.16:13-16).That small lecture has a crucial lesson in that it demonstrates that what others believe about Christ is not nearly as essential as what we think about Christ.We shall neither save nor lose our souls based on the beliefs and behaviors of others.

Each individual is solely accountable for his or her own actions and decisions.Although Jesus’ response to Peter’s remark contains many important truths regarding the Lord’s church, we would do well to give them some thought, and it is to these realities that we would want to draw our attention throughout this piece.Jesus bestowed a blessing on Peter and said that Peter’s response had been received from heavenly inspiration, according to the Bible.″And I say likewise to thee, Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,″ he said (Matt.16:18).For the sake of clarity, we must first discuss an issue that has been misunderstood and abused by some throughout the years.

  • We are talking about the tremendous truths that we have in mind.
  • Peter is not the rock upon which the Lord promised to establish His church, as some have claimed.
  • Although the name ″Peter″ comes from the same root word as the word ″rock,″ Peter is not the rock in terms of both grammatical and contextual use.
  • The reality of the magnificent confession that Peter had just made, ″Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God,″ is the rock or fundamental foundation upon which the Lord’s church, indeed, all of Christianity, rests.

That is the foundation upon which Christianity as a whole is built.First and foremost, keep in mind that Jesus stated, ″I″ will construct my church.He addressed himself as ″I″ by using the personal pronoun.He would be the one who would construct His temple.And he did really construct it!In reality, the concluding lines of that statement, in which He states that He would create His church, refer to something entirely different from what most people believe to be the case.

″And the gates of hell will not prevail against it,″ he declared.The majority of people take this to mean that Satan will never be able to topple the church.However, while it is true that the kingdom of the Lord will never be destroyed (Dan.2:44), this phrase is referring to something else entirely.Jesus is implying that even if He were rejected by the people, arrested, tried, and found innocent, and then executed nevertheless, this would not prevent him from establishing His church on the earth.The Jews did reject and crucify Christ, but He resurrected from the dead and went on to form His church.

There’s also the issue of whether or not ″I″ will build my church, because Jesus was the one who constructed His temple, and so any church constructed by anybody else cannot be the temple that Jesus promised to construct.Second, take note of Jesus’ statement that he ″will″ construct his church.While instructing His followers on the shore of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus was speaking in the future tense of the English language.Previous lessons have demonstrated that the church and the kingdom are two distinct but related organizations that have a common origin.

Continuing on from our current scripture of interest, Jesus used the word ″kingdom″ rather than the word ″church″ when describing where the keys to the kingdom may be discovered (Matt.16:19).When Jesus remarked, ″Verily I say unto you, that there are some of them who stand here who shall not taste death till they have seen the kingdom of God come with force,″ he was speaking in the future tense, but it was a very short time in the distant future (Mark 9:1).A study of God’s word indicates that the church of the Bible was established on the first Pentecost after the crucifixion, as reported in the second chapter of the book of Acts, marking the beginning of the church’s history.Prior to this occurrence, every reference of the church or the kingdom is always in the future tense, however every mention of each is always in the present tense following that event on Pentecost.Third, Jesus stated that he would ″construct″ his own church.

  1. The blood of Jesus Christ was used to purchase and pay for the church’s building (Acts 20:28).
  2. Jesus is the only owner of the church that he established.
  3. It is His house of worship.
  • In order to distinguish the church from other organizations, both we and biblical authors utilize ″church of Christ″ as a designation for the organization.
  • It is the church that Jesus established and over which He reigns as head (Eph.
  • 1:22-23), and of which He is the savior, that we are speaking of when we use this phrase (Eph.
  • 5:23).
See also:  What City Was Jesus Crucified And Resurrected

This is demonstrated by Jesus’ statement, ″I will construct my church,″ which serves as our final point for this session.Take note of the singularity of the word; neither Jesus nor His apostles ever pledged to or built more than one church.Despite the fact that there are multiple congregations of that one church, there is only one church that can be found in the pages of Scripture.Jesus is ″the″ head of ″the″ body (Eph.

1:22), as well as ″the″ savior of ″the″ body (Eph.1:23).(Eph.

5:23).When a person obeys the laws of God that are necessary in order to be saved, God accepts that person into the church, which is His one and only church (Acts 2:47).There is no authority in the Bible for any entity greater than a local congregation but smaller than the one global church, according to its teachings.

  • After stating that the church is the body (Eph.
  • 1:22-23), Paul went on to say that there is only one body (Col.
  • 1:18).
  • (Eph.
  • 4:4, I Cor.
  • 12:20).
  • When Jesus said, ″I will establish my church,″ it was absolutely remarkable how much truth He could disclose in such a short amount of time.
  • And He did.

Roman Catholicism

Top Questions

What is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism?

Who founded Roman Catholicism?

What are the Roman Catholic sacraments?

Why is Roman Catholicism so prominent in Latin America?

Romanism is a Christian religion that has played a significant role in the development of Western civilisation throughout history.One of the three major streams of Christianity, together with Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, it is known as the Roman Catholic Church.The history of the Roman Catholic Church may be traced back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles.Over the course of centuries, it created a theology that was extremely complex, as well as an extensive organizational system that was headed by the pope, which was the world’s longest continuously operating absolute monarchy at the time.There are about 1.1 billion Roman Catholics in the globe, which is much more than the combined total of virtually all other religious traditions.It is estimated that there are more Roman Catholics than all other Christians together, and that there are also more Roman Catholics than all Buddhists and Hindus combined.

In spite of the fact that there are more Muslims than Roman Catholics, the total number of Roman Catholics is more than the total number of adherents to the particular traditions of Shia and Sunni Islam combined.Based on the indisputable statistical and historical evidence, it appears that some understanding of Roman Catholicism—its history, institution structure, beliefs and practices, and place in the world—is an essential component of cultural literacy, regardless of how an individual answers the most fundamental questions of life and death, as well as the question of faith.Without a clear understanding of what Roman Catholicism is, it is difficult to make historical sense of the Middle Ages, intellectual sense of the works of St.Thomas Aquinas, literary sense of Dante’s Divine Comedy, artistic sense of the Gothic cathedrals, or musical sense of many of Haydn’s and Mozart’s compositions.At one level, of course, the interpretation of Roman Catholicism is strongly tied to the interpretation of Christianity as a whole, as is the interpretation of Christianity as a whole.According to the Roman Catholic Church’s own interpretation of history, the religion dates back to the early origins of Christianity.

  • Furthermore, the relationship between any one of the other branches of Christendom and Roman Catholicism is an essential component of defining any of the other branches of Christendom: How did Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism come to be at odds with one another?
  • Was the split between the Church of England and the Catholic Church unavoidable?
  • On the other hand, such questions are critical to the definition of Roman Catholicism itself, even if one adheres strictly to the official Roman Catholic view, which holds that the Roman Catholic Church has maintained an unbroken continuity since the days of the Apostles, and that all other denominations, ranging from the ancient Copts to the most recent storefront church, are deviations from this view.
  • Roman Catholicism, like any complex and ancient phenomena, may be explained and understood from a range of viewpoints and using a variety of approaches, as can any complex and ancient phenomenon.

As a result, the Roman Catholic Church is a complicated institution, and the traditional pyramid model, which extends from the pope at the top to the believers in the pew, greatly oversimplifies the structure of the organization.The social scientist is invited to consider power relations, leadership roles, social dynamics and other sociological phenomena that are unique to each sacred congregation or archdiocese or diocese, province, religious order or society, seminary or college, parish or fraternity, and a plethora of other organizations that exist within the institution of the Catholic Church as well as within the wider society.Given that Roman Catholicism is considered to be a ″global religion among world religions,″ it includes elements of many other world religions in the scope and variety of its multicolored existence; as a result, only the technique of comparative religion can examine them all.A further point is that, due to the impact of Plato and Aristotle on the thinkers who established Roman Catholic dogma, it is necessary to study it intellectually even in order to comprehend its theological jargon.Although a historical approach is particularly appropriate for this task, not only because the Roman Catholic Church represents two millennia of history, but also because the hypothesis of its continuity with the past, as well as the divine truth embodied in that continuity, are central to the church’s understanding of itself and essential to the justification of its authority, historical approaches are particularly appropriate for this task.See Christianity for a more in-depth examination of the early church.

the historical forces that transformed the primitive Christian movement into a church that was recognizably ″catholic″—that is, one that had identifiable norms of doctrine and life, fixed organizational structures, and a universality (the original meaning of the term catholic) that allowed its membership to extend, at least in principle, to all of humanity—are the subject of the present article.

History of Roman Catholicism

The emergence of Catholic Christianity

All of the aspects of catholicity—doctrine, authority, and universality—can be found in the New Testament, at least in a rudimentary form, at the very least.However, by the time the book of Acts covers the first few decades of the Christian community, the Christian community has formed some preliminary criteria for distinguishing between true (″apostolic″) and inauthentic (″non-apostolic″) teaching and behavior.″And thus we got to Rome,″ says the dramatic final phrase of the book, indicating that it had expanded beyond the geographical boundaries of Judaism (Acts 28:14).Early in the New Testament, the apostle Paul admonishes his readers to ″guard what has been entrusted to you″ (1 Timothy 6:20) and to ″contend for the faith that was once for all handed down to the holy ones″ (Jude 3), and they speak of the Christian community itself in exalted and even cosmic terms as the church, ″which is the body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way″ (Ephesians 1:23).Indeed, scholars have concluded that the early church was far more pluralistic from the very beginning than the somewhat idealized portrayal in the New Testament might suggest.It is clear even from the New Testament that these catholic characteristics were proclaimed in response to internal as well as external challenges.

Given that such obstacles persisted during the second and third centuries, it became necessary to further develop catholic teaching.In the schema of apostolic authority formulated by the bishop of Lyon, St.Irenaeus (c.130–c.200), the three main sources of authority for catholic Christianity are set forth in systematic fashion: the Scriptures of the New Testament (alongside the Hebrew Scriptures, or ″Old Testament,″ which Christians interpret as prophesying the coming of Jesus); the episcopal centers established by the Apostles as the seats of their identifiable successors in church governance; and, finally, the Pope Each of the three sources was dependent on the other two for validation; as a result, one could establish which apparently biblical works were actually apostolic by comparing them to accepted apostolic tradition and to the usage of the apostolic churches, among other criteria.This was not a circular argument, but rather an appeal to a single catholic authority of apostolicity, in which the three aspects were inextricably intertwined and could not be separated.

  • Inevitably, however, disputes emerged between the three sources, as well as between bishops who were equally ″apostolic.″ These confrontations arose in the areas of theology and jurisdiction, worship and pastoral practice, and social and political policy.
  • The precedent of convening an apostolic council (Acts 15) or what Irenaeus had already described as ″the preeminent authority of this church, with which every church should agree as a matter of necessity″ could be invoked if bilateral means of resolving such conflicts proved insufficient to resolve the conflict.
  • Catholicism was on the verge of becoming Roman Catholic, and the time had come.

6 Reasons We Really Do Need the Church!

Have you ever heard someone inquire as to the purpose of a church?Alternatively, why do we require one?Where’s the point in just being spiritual on their own?Why can’t they just go to the mountains, the beach, or some other particular spot where they may feel near to God and call it a day?It’s true that you may be near to God no matter where you are (in fact, it’s a really wonderful idea!), but Heavenly Father has so much more in store for you than just a general religious experience.

He desires for you to achieve your full potential.In fact, He desires for you to inherit everything He has and to be granted eternal life.And He has a plan and an organization in place to enable you to do this.In this case, it’s the plan of salvation, and the organization is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which bills itself as ″the only real and alive church on the face of the entire globe″ (D&C 1:30).Here are six compelling arguments for why we urgently require the Church.

1. To Learn and Participate in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

As members of the Church, we have the opportunity to study the entirety of the gospel (see D&C 1:17–23), which is a tremendous benefit.We can acquire a testimony and have faith in the Resurrection and the Atonement of Jesus Christ if we have a real desire to learn and if we are humble, prayerful, diligent, and obedient in our efforts.We also learn about other important doctrines via Church leaders and Church publications, such as the Restoration of the gospel, the calling of prophets in our day, and the true nature of the Godhead, among other things.True teaching provides us with joy and satisfaction when we live our lives in line with it.

2. To Receive Essential Ordinances and Covenants

The work of Heavenly Father is to ″bring to pass the immortality and everlasting life of man,″ according to the Bible (Moses 1:39).It’s possible, though, that we forget that His job necessitates some effort on our side as well.By keeping the ordinances and covenants of the gospel, we are qualified to receive the blessings of eternal life in the hereafter.″We cannot desire our way into the presence of God,″ President Russell M.Nelson has stated.We are required to follow the laws that are the foundation for those gifts.″ 1 In order for us to be able to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father and live with Him, we must engage in ordinances and establish covenants with Him.

Those ordinances and covenants necessitate the use of the priesthood, which is only available in God’s genuine Church.We’d be lost if it weren’t for those covenants.

3. To Help Each Other Along the Way

When it comes to establishing a church, Elder D.Todd Christofferson of the Twelve Apostles explained, ″One of the primary reasons God established the church was to build a community of Saints who would support one another on the’strait and narrow road that leads to everlasting life.’″ 2 We can create meaningful relationships with people while attending church.As we lead, guide, and walk by one another through difficult times (see ″I Am a Child of God,″ Hymns, no.301; Ephesians 2:19), we may assist one another in getting through difficult circumstances.When it comes to teaching others, Elder Jeffrey R.Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has stated that ″we are all children of God, and as such, we must teach one another; we must assist one another in ‘finding the path.’″ 3 The Church is the ideal location for such an endeavor!

4. To Help Families Qualify for Eternal Life

Another important purpose for the existence of the Church is to assist families in qualifying for everlasting life.The sealing ordinance performed in the temple ensures that families will be together indefinitely.In order for things to happen, we must live lives that are worthy of receiving those rewards.The Church assists families in assisting one another in this endeavor.″The purpose of gospel teaching and priesthood ordinances provided by the Church is that families may qualify for everlasting life,″ according to Elder Christofferson’s teaching.4 As a result, the Church assists us in living up to those covenants—as well as in supporting one another along the road.

5. To Bless People All over the World

According to Elder Christofferson, when we labor together as a Church, Heavenly Father is able to ″perform necessary tasks that cannot be achieved by individuals or small groups on their own.″ 5 Did you know that the Church has provided US$40 million in welfare and humanitarian relief and service initiatives every year for the past 30 years, a total of US$40

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