Who Was Judas To Jesus

Judas Iscariot

Frequently Asked Questions

What did Judas Iscariot do?

Judas Iscariot, (diedc.ad30), one of the Twelve Apostles, was infamous for betrayingJesus and for his subsequent death. Judas’ surname is more likely a corruption of the Latin sicarius (which means “murderer” or “assassin”) than an indicator of familial background, implying that he would have belonged to the Sicarii, the most extreme Jewish sect, some of whom were terrorists, than to any other Jewish group. Apart from his apostleship, his betrayal, and his death, the Gospels disclose nothing more about Judas Iscariot.

It is said in John 12:6 that Judas utilized the money box to steal what was placed in it because he “had the money box in his possession.” For the sum of thirty pieces of silver, he revealed the whereabouts of Jesus to the chief priests and elders.

  1. He kissed Jesus on the cheek and addressed him as “master” while he was there.
  2. 26:14–16 and John 12:6 describe Judas’ motivation as greed, the passages in Luke 22:3–6 attribute his actions to the entrance of Satan into his body, which corresponds to John 13:27, in which “Satan came into him” after Judas accepted the bread at the Last Supper.
  3. Ultimately, this is what Jesus was referring to in John 6:70–71 when he asks, “Did I not chose you, the Twelve, and one of you is the devil?” He reveals that he was referring to “Judas the son of Simon Iscariot,” since he was one of the Twelve who was about to betray him.
  4. Upon witnessing Jesus condemned to die, he repented, returned the money, and then hung himself, according to Matt.
  5. (traditionally from the Judas tree).
  6. The passage in Acts that refers to the scene of his death as the place (field) of blood was elaborated by the apocryphalgospels.
  7. His story may be found in several tales, notably in Coptic writings, as well as in medieval literary works.
  8. Despite the fact that his name has come to be connected with traitor (a Judas) and treacherous kiss (a Judas kiss), not all representations of Judas depict him as having betrayed Christ.
  9. Al-Dimashq, a 14th-century cosmographer, says that Judas took on the appearance of Jesus and was executed in his place on the cross.
  10. According to the gospel, which was unearthed in the 1970s and released in 2006 when a Coptic translation from the year 300 was uncovered, Judas was the only apostle who comprehended Jesus’ message.

According to the evidence, Jesus appears to direct Judas to denounce him to the authorities in order for Jesus’ spiritual self to be released from the corporeal body in which it is imprisoned. Gnosticism is another term for this.

Why Jesus Was Betrayed by Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot sealed his own fate from the minute he planted a kiss on Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane: he would go down in history as the world’s most renowned traitor. The identification of Jesus by the Jewish authorities, on the other hand, set in motion a series of events that would become the cornerstones of the Christian faith: Jesus’s arrest and trial, his crucifixion, and ultimately his resurrection, all of which are collectively known as the Passion of Christ. WATCH: JESUS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Vault In light of how little we truly know about Judas Iscariot from the Bible, he continues to be one of the most enigmatic–and important–figures in Jesus’s life narrative to this day.

Who Was Judas Iscariot? What We Know from the Bible

Despite the fact that the Bible provides little details concerning Judas’s upbringing, he is listed as one of Jesus’ closest disciples, or apostles, in all four of the New Testament’s canonical gospels. Intriguingly, Judas Iscariot is the only one of the apostles who is (possibly) identified by his hometown in the Bible, which is a unique distinction. Some academics believe that his surname “Iscariot” is derived from the town of Queriot (also known as Kerioth), which is located south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills.

The northern section of Israel, or Roman Palestine, is where Jesus hails from.

However, there is nothing in the Bible that links Judas to the Sicarii, and the Sicarii were only discovered to be active after Judas’ death.

Because people are always attempting to justify why he would have done anything like this.

At the Last Supper, Jesus announced his betrayal to the assembled guests. Judas is seen sitting on the other side of the table from where the action is taking place. Images courtesy of David Lees/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images

Possible Motives for Judas Iscariot’s Betrayal

Judas Iscariot is mentioned in all four canonical gospels of the New Testament, and he is considered one of Jesus’ closest disciples, or apostles, despite the fact that the Bible provides scant details about his early life and background. Interestingly, Judas Iscariot is the only apostle who is (possibly) identified by his place of birth in the Bible, making him a unique figure in the historical record. In Judea, a town named Queriot (also known as Kerioth) has been related to his surname “Iscariot,” according to certain researchers.

The northern section of Israel, known as Roman Palestine, is where Jesus was born.” However, his surname might indicate that he is from the southern portion of the country, implying that he is a bit of an outsider.

Photos of 10 Biblical Sites to Inspire Your Exploration Others have proposed that the name Iscariot was used to identify Judas with the Sicarii, also known as “dagger-men,” a group of Jewish insurgents who fought Roman domination and perpetrated acts of terrorism on favor of their nationalist cause around the year 40-50 A.D., according to certain sources.

According to Cargill, “We’re not certain Judas came from the South, and we’re not certain Judas was a Sicarii.” In an attempt to determine whether there was something that separated Judas apart from the rest, these investigations are being conducted.” It’s because people are continually trying to figure out why he did what he did.

What Did Jesus Look Like?

Judas is seen sitting on the other side of the table from where the action is taking place in the scene.

What Happened After That

No matter what his motivations were, Judas led troops to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he recognized Jesus as the Messiah by kissing him and addressing him as “Rabbi.” (Matthew 14:44–46) As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Judas instantly repented of his conduct and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the church’s treasurer, declaring, “I have sinned by betraying the blood of innocent men and women.” When the authorities dismissed Judas, he left the money on the floor and committed himself by hanging himself from the ceiling fan (Matthew 27:3-8).

  1. The Bible contains several different versions of Judas’s death.
  2. The Book of Acts, on the other hand, portrays his death as more akin to a spontaneous combustion than anything else.
  3. As a result, he proceeded into a field, where he “fell headlong into the center of it and burst asunder, with all his guts gushing out” as a result of “falling headlong into it” (Acts 1:18).
  4. Because of Judas’ treachery, Jesus was arrested, tried, and executed by crucifixion, following which he was raised from the dead.
  5. However, the name “Judas” came to be associated with betrayal in a variety of languages, and Judas Iscariot would come to be depicted as the prototypical traitor and false friend in Western art and literature as a result.

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Was Judas Really That Bad?

According to Joan Acocellawrote in The New Yorker in 2006, “the most important fact about Judas, aside from his betrayal of Jesus, is his connection with anti-Semitism.” Judas has been held up as a symbol of Jews by Christians almost since Christ’s death, representing what they believe to be the Jewish people’s deviousness and lust for money, among other racial vices.” Due to the historical tendency to associate Judas with anti-Semitic stereotypes, following the horrors of the Holocaust, this key Biblical figure has been given a second look, and his image has even been somewhat restored in some quarters of the world.

When writing about Judas in 1997, Canadian biblical scholar Professor William Klassen asserted that many details of his betrayal had been invented or exaggerated by early Christian church leaders, particularly as the Church began to drift away from Judaism.

What Is the Gospel of Judas?

It was revealed in 2006 by the National Geographic Society that a long-lost document known as the “Gospel of Judas” had been discovered and translated. The text is thought to have been composed about A.D. 150 and subsequently transcribed from Greek into Coptic in the third century, according to historians. The Gospel of Judas was first mentioned in writing by the second-century cleric Irenaeus, and it is one of a number of ancient texts that have been discovered in recent decades that have been linked to the Gnostics, a (mostly Christian) group who were denounced as heretics by early church leaders for their unorthodox spiritual beliefs.

According to this version of the story, Jesus begged Judas to betray him to the authorities so that he may be released from his physical body and fulfill his mission of redeeming people on earth.

Getty Images/Universal History Archive/Universal Image Group Despite the fact that it is a well-known piece of literature, the Gospel of Judas is surrounded by controversy, with some scholars claiming that the National Geographic Society’s version is a faulty translation of a Coptic text and that the public was misled into believing it depicted a “noble Judas.” According to whatever interpretation you choose, given that the Gospel of Judas was written at least a century after both Jesus and Judas died, it offers little in the way of historically reliable information about their lives, and certainly does not provide the missing link to understanding Judas Iscariot”s true motivations.

As Cargill points out, “the fact is that we don’t know why Judas did what he did.” “Of course, the great irony is that without it, Jesus would not have been delivered up to the Romans and executed.

The Crucifixion is the key component of Christianity, because without Judas, there is no Resurrection.”

Who Was Judas Iscariot?

His given name, Judas, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name “Judah,” which approximately translates as “Praise” or “Let God Be Exalted.” The origin of the name “Iscariot,” on the other hand, is less certain. It is usually believed that the Greekiskariotes is derived from the Hebrewishq’riyoth, which literally translates as “man of Kerioth,” a city located in Palestine. For example, in this scenario, referring to someone as “Bob from Los Angeles” or “Jenny the Bostonian” would be equivalent to referring to them as “Bob from Los Angeles.”

Historical Context: The World around Judas Iscariot

When Judas was alive, it was at the beginning of the first century A.D. He would have been from southern Judah, if the assumptions regarding the meaning of the name “Iscariot” are correct; if so, he would have been the only one of the 12 disciples from Judea, the others being from Galilee; if not, he would have been from northern Judah. Despite the fact that we do not know where he grew up, he became a disciple of Jesus during His three-year mission, which clearly places him in Israel about 30 A.D.

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In Israel, the Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious rulers of Israel and the magnificent temple in Jerusalem, but they were under to the authority of Roman-appointed kings or Roman governors in issues of state.

First Signs of Trouble

Judas was one of Jesus’ closest buddies and was one of the twelve disciples. However, although there is no specific event in the Gospels in which Jesus calls Judas, as there is for other disciples such as Philip, Nathaniel, and Peter, he is included in the roster of the Twelve from the beginning of the story (e.g.Mark 3:19). Despite the fact that Judas isn’t referenced nearly as much as other disciples such as Peter, James, and John throughout Jesus’ career, the Bible does state that he served as the disciples’ treasurer (John 12:6;John 13:29).

  • “He was a thief,” according to John 12:6, “and, as the keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to whatever was placed into it.” Another interesting nugget from the Bible is an incident in which Judas objects to Jesus’ behavior.
  • During this time, the Bible tells that Jesus’ companion Mary took a huge quantity of costly perfume, poured it over Jesus’ feet, and washed His feet with her hair as a gesture of devotion.
  • “Why wasn’t this perfume marketed and the proceeds donated to the less fortunate?
  • “He did not say this because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief,” according to John 12:6, despite the fact that his intentions appeared to be good.
  • However, rather than exposing Judas, Jesus answered to the alleged worry while also speaking emotionally about His own approaching death, which would, of course, be exacerbated in part by Judas’ actions.

“‘Leave her alone,’ Jesus said in response. The intention was for her to keep this scent until the day of my funeral.’ It is true that you will always have the poor in your midst, but you will never have me.” (See John 12:7-8.)

Judas Betrays Jesus

According to Judas, this appears to have been a watershed moment in his life. Following the recounting of the narrative of the perfume (which is contained in all four Gospels), both Matthew and Mark immediately follow this event with the account of Judas’ dealings with those who sought to assassinate Christ. “Then one of the Twelve—the one known as Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and begged, “What are you ready to offer me if I hand him up to you?” says the gospel writer Matthew. As a result, they counted out thirty silver pieces for him.

  • This betrayal, on the other hand, came to a head on the night of the Last Supper, when Jesus had his farewell supper with His followers before being dragged away and killed on the cross.
  • The Bible does not explain why Judas committed the act that he did.
  • When it came to the Messiah, many people were expecting him to be a powerful political leader.
  • The Bible also plainly claims that Satan was engaged in Judas’ activities, although it does not specify to what extent this involvement occurred.
  • Upon being inquired as to who he was referring to, He responded, “It is the person to whom I will offer this slice of bread once I have dipped it in the dish.” After that, Jesus delivered the slice of bread to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon Iscariot, after dipping it in wine.
  • ” As a result, Jesus instructed him, “Do what you are going to do as swiftly as possible.” (See also John 13:26-28.) Judas fled the room right away.
  • Judas, who was familiar with the area, led a contingent of soldiers and authorities to Jesus’ location.
  • He then proceeded to walk up to Jesus and kiss him on the cheek as a welcome.
  • The beheading of Judas is recorded in Matthew 27.

When everyone turned their backs on him, he tossed the money into the shrine, departed, and walked away, where he committed himself by hanging himself.

What We Can Learn from Judas

Judas’s life narrative is terrible, yet it serves as a strong allegory for God in a variety of ways. Several prophesies, dating back hundreds of years before Judas’ birth, foretold his treachery. Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, according to Zechariah’s prophecy (Zechariah 11:12-14). When Jesus was betrayed, the prophet Psalm 41:9foretold that his betrayer would share his food, a prediction that Jesus expressly cited inJohn 13:18 and acted out in John 13:26-28. Consequently, God was aware of this “disastrous” sequence of events long before it transpired on the earth.

  1. In reality, it was part of His master plan all along.
  2. As a result, God was able to utilize Judas’ treachery to aid in the rescue of His people.
  3. Judas serves as a constant reminder that God is in complete command.
  4. Further Reading: “Judas Iscariot” BibleStudyTools.org (Bible Study Tools) ” Judas ” is a term used to describe a person who betrays others.
  5. Roatis works as a literary agent at C.Y.L.E, as well as a free-lance writer and an editor for Sherpa Editing Services.
  6. In her spare time, she enjoys spending much too much time researching ancient and pre-medieval history, which she combines with her writing.
  7. Image courtesy of Getty Images/kirisa99.

Who was Judas Iscariot?

QuestionAnswer In most people’s minds, Judas Iscariot is known for just one thing: his betrayal of Jesus. He was one of the twelve disciples who lived with and followed Jesus for three years, during which time he received the name Judas. During his lifetime, he was there during Jesus’ ministry, His teaching, and His numerous miracles. He served as the group’s treasurer, and he took use of his trusted position to steal from their resources (John 12:6). There are a number of additional Judases named in the New Testament, indicating that Judas was a common name in that time period.

  1. John 6:71 and John 13:26 allude to Christ’s betrayer as “Judas, son of Simon Iscariot” in order to distinguish him from the other betrayer.
  2. There are several reasons why the name Iscariot is associated with the village of Kerioth in Judea.
  3. The possibility of Judas’ involvement with the Sicarii opens the door to intriguing discussion regarding his betrayal’s motivations, but the fact that he took a conscious decision to betray Jesus (Luke 22:48) remains unaffected.
  4. Several details concerning Judas and his treachery may be gleaned from significant verses in the New Testament: Judas was a man who valued money above everything else.
  5. “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve?” Jesus inquired of His followers.
  6. (See also John 6:70.) In addition, during the Last Supper, Jesus foretold His betrayal and named the betrayer: “Jesus said, ‘It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread after I have dipped it in the dish,'” according to the Bible.
  7. (See also John 13:26.) Judas Iscariot was not “clean,” according to Jesus, indicating that he had not been born again and that he had not been forgiven of his crimes (John 13:10–11).

The other disciples were completely unaware that Judas Iscariot was harboring nefarious ideas.

No one had any reason to suspect Judas.

Although Jesus instructed Judas to “do swiftly” (John 13:27) and Judas departed the Last Supper, the other guests merely assumed that Judas had been despatched to purchase additional food or to give something to charity (verses 28–29) rather than to betray Jesus’ intentions.

When Judas was confronted with the reality of his awful deed, he “was overcome with regret and returned the thirty silver pieces to the chief priests and the elders” (Matthew 27:3).

Even my personal buddy, someone I trusted, someone who shared my food, has turned against me, according to the prophesy of Psalm 41:9.


Judas, on the other hand, was totally accountable for his acts.

I believe that it would have been preferable for him not to exist” (Matthew 26:24).

Acts 1:18–19 recounts the tale of what transpired following Judas’ death and adds some new information to what has already been revealed.

Everyone in Jerusalem was aware of this, and the area became known as Akeldama, which means “Field of Blood” in their language.

Given Judas’ intimate closeness to Jesus during his three years of ministry, it’s difficult to fathom how he could carry out such a heinous betrayal of the Messiah.

Additionally, his narrative serves as a powerful warning that looks may be misleading.

Who was Judas Iscariot? – Questions about Biblical Characters Who was Judas Iscariot?

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BBC – The Passion – Articles

Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, betrayed his master to the authorities and was executed as a result of his actions. The crucifixion and death of Jesus were the result of this deed. What the Bible has to say about Judas Iscariot:

  • Judas was one of the 12 disciples who were closest to Jesus
  • He was also one of the most ruthless. Judas volunteered to betray Jesus to the religious leaders, and they agreed to compensate him with 30 pieces of silver in exchange for his services. Jesus was aware that Judas was about to do this, yet he did nothing to prevent it from happening. Judas brought troops to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was praying
  • Judas kissed Jesus to identify him
  • Judas kissed Jesus again to identify him
  • As a result of Jesus’ crucifixion, according to Matthew’s account, Judas regretted his conduct and returned the money before committing himself by hanging
  • Other accounts claim that he did not return the money and died as a result of an accident.

Despite the fact that the books of the Bible do not provide an uniform narrative of what Judas did, the events listed above are the ones that the majority of people connect with Judas.

What happened to Judas afterwards – According to the Gospel of Matthew

It is said by Matthew that Judas committed suicide. There are a number of different interpretations of this story:

  • Judas killed himself in horror at his betrayal of Jesus
  • Judas killed himself because he had betrayed everyone who had remained loyal to Jesus and had thus become an outcast from his peer group
  • Judas killed himself because he had betrayed everyone who had remained loyal to Jesus and had thus made himself an outcast from his peer group
  • Judas killed himself in order to redeem himself from his bad deed (this was a common use of suicide in the first century)
  • Judas killed himself in order to place the blame on those who had paid him to betray Jesus
  • Judas killed himself in order to focus the blame on those who had paid him to betray Jesus

He repented when he realized that Jesus had been sentenced and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, who were grateful for his assistance. In his words, “I have committed a sin by betraying the blood of innocent people.” ‘But what does that mean to us?’ they questioned. ‘Take care of it yourself.’ He left the temple after tossing the silver pieces on the ground; he then walked to the nearby bridge and hung himself. The leading priests, however, took the pieces of silver and declared that it was not permissible to deposit them in the treasury since they were “blood money.” After consulting with one another, they decided to utilize the funds to purchase the potter’s field as a burial ground for foreigners.

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Matthew 27:3-8 is a passage of scripture.

According to St Luke in Acts

Although Luke says that Judas’ death may have been the result of an accident, some scholars believe that the verse below relates to Judas falling from the rope that he used to hang himself – maybe as a consequence of bodily decomposition – and dying as a result. Now, as a reward for his wickedness, this guy received a field, and as he fell headfirst into it, he broke open in the midst, allowing all of his guts to gushe out. This became known to all of the citizens of Jerusalem, and as a result, the field was given the name Hakeldama, which translates as “Field of Blood” in their language.

According to Dante’s Inferno

Throughout Dante’s Inferno, Judas may be located in the lowest circle of hell, which is specifically dedicated for traitors and betrayed. Judged to be the worst traitor of them, Judas is sentenced to undergo the most excruciating anguish that can be imagined. Judas is pushed head first into the center of Satan’s three jaws, where he will spend the rest of eternity being chewed by Satan. As an aside, if you’re interested, the other two mouths of Satan are currently feasting on the bodies of Brutus and Cassius, the two men who murdered Julius Caesar.

To him in front, the biting was as insignificant as the scratching, for occasionally the spine had been completely stripped of any flesh that was left.

“That soul up there who is suffering the most,” The Master said, “is Judas Iscariot; with his head inside, he plies his trade with his legs outside.” Chapter 34 of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy – Inferno, Canto 34

According to Papias

After giving Judas an untimely death, Papias, a 2nd century bishop, did not express any perspective on what happened to him after his death. Due to the fact that his body had expanded to such a degree that he could not pass through an area where a horse could easily pass, he was crushed by the horse and his guts poured out. Judas, the betrayer, was a horrible example of impiety walking around in this world. Papias’ Exposition of the Oracles of the Lord is adapted from the Greek.

Why Judas betrayed Jesus

After giving Judas an untimely death, Papias, a 2nd century bishop, did not express a view on what happened to him after his passing. Due to the fact that his body had expanded to such a degree that he could not pass through an area where a horse could easily pass, he was crushed by the horse and his guts poured out. Judas, the betrayer, was a sorrowful illustration of impiety while walking around this world. Papias’ Exposition of the Oracles of the Lord is adapted here.

  • GREED was the driving force behind Judas’ actions
  • Judas had been possessed by the Devil
  • Judas’ betrayal was an unavoidable part of God’s plan for redemption
  • Judas had a political motivation
  • And Judas was disillusioned and enraged
  • Judas didn’t aim to commit an act of ‘betrayal’.

Continue reading to learn more about these reasons:

Judas was motivated by greed

Several accounts in the gospels claim that Judas went to the authorities on his own initiative and begged them to compensate him for his betrayal of Jesus: In the following days, one of the twelve apostles, known as Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What do you promise me if I betray him to you?” They gave him thirty pieces of silver in exchange for his services. And it was from that point on that he began looking for opportunities to betray him. 14-16 (Matthew 26:14-16) Afterwards, Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve apostles, went to the chief priests and betrayed him to them.

As a result, he began looking for opportunities to betray him.

They were overjoyed and promised to provide him with financial assistance.

John’s gospel emphasizes the fact that Judas was a dishonest and selfish individual in Luke 22:3-6.

  • The amount is too small – enough, as the Bible relates, to buy a field: If Judas’ only motive was greed, why didn’t he ask for more
  • If Judas was greedy and dishonest why had Jesus – the most perceptive of men – chosen him to be one of the twelve
  • If Judas was greedy and dishonest, why had Jesus given him the job of looking after the money
  • If Judas was greedy and dishonest, why had he joined up with such a penniless group as the twelve, who didn’t seem to provide any obvious money-making opportunities

According to the Victorian art critic John Ruskin, Judas was not only selfish and dishonest, but he was also foolish, which explains why he acted in the manner that he did: The Judas deal is always built on the assumption of stupidity. We do Iscariot a grave injustice by considering him to be evil above and beyond all other forms of wickedness. He was merely an ordinary money-lover, and, like other money-lovers, he was unable to comprehend Christ; he was unable to comprehend the value of or the significance of His life.

When he discovered that Christ would be slain, he was horrified; he immediately threw his money away and hung himself.

He was unable to comprehend Christ, but he still trusted in Him, far more than the majority of us do; he had witnessed Him perform miracles and believed He was perfectly capable of shifting for Himself, and he, Judas, may as well create his own little bye-perquisites out of the whole thing.

Christ would come out of it all right, and he’d get his thirty pieces by the time it was through. A painting by John Ruskin titled The Crown of Wild Olive

Judas was possessed by the Devil

Both Luke and John claim that Judas was possessed by the Devil, and they both infer that this was the source of his bad behavior. In this passage, Luke appears to infer that Judas’ actions may have been wholly the product of demonic possession, and that he was, in fact, following out Satan’s instructions: As a result, Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, and he went out to consult with the chief priests and officials of the temple police about how he may betray him to them.

As John points out, Judas was already a horrible person before Satan possessed him and inspired the final betrayal: “For Jesus knew from the beginning who were the ones who would not believe, and who was the one who would betray him.” 6:64 (John 6:64) Was it not you, the twelve, that I had in mind?

  • He was referring to Judas son of Simon Iscariot, who, although being one of the twelve apostles, was planning to betray Jesus.
  • A thief, he held the communal purse and used to take whatever was placed in it.
  • In the days leading up to the holiday of Passover, Jesus realized that the time had come for him to leave this world and return to the Father.
  • Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon Iscariot, had already been persuaded by the devil to betray his father.
  • In another scripture, John, on the other hand, says that Satan joined Judas much later in his life.
  • A member of Jesus’s inner circle, the disciple whom Jesus adored, was reclining next to him, and Simon Peter signaled for him to come over and inquire of Jesus about whom he was speaking.
  • Consequently, after dipping the slice of bread in the oil, he handed it over to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.

13:21-27 (John 13:21-27) It is possible to believe that if Satan had seized control of Judas, then he was not responsible for his acts; however, Jesus did not believe this to be the case:’For the Son of Man is going as it has been decided, but woe to the one by whom he is betrayed!’ 22:22 (Luke 22:22) The Son of Man follows in the footsteps of those who have gone before him, but woe betide the one who betrays the Son of Man!

I think it would have been better if that particular child had never been born.’ Matthew 26:24 (KJV)

Judas had to fulfil a prophecy

Judas was chosen as a disciple by Jesus, according to the Gospel of John, in order to fulfill a prophecy: “I am not speaking about all of you, but I know whom I have chosen.” In order to fulfill the word, ‘The one who has eaten my bread has lifted his heel against me,’ this is being done. 13:18 (John 13:18) It is said in Psalm 41: “Even my bosom buddy, in whom I put my confidence, who ate of my food, has raised his heel against me.” Psalm 41:9 (KJV) In the final moments before entering Gethsemane, Jesus reiterates his statement.

I guarded them, and not one of them was lost, with the exception of the one who was meant to be lost, in order to bring the text to completion.

However, this does not give a reason for Judas’ actions, and while some believe that this explains why Judas was forced to do what he did, others contend that Judas, like all human beings, has free choice and could have decided not to do it.

Judas’ betrayal was a necessary part of God’s salvation plan

Another interpretation holds that if Judas had not betrayed Jesus, the Crucifixion would not have taken place, the Resurrection would not have occurred, and the events that led to the establishment of Christianity would not have taken place as they did. Rather, Judas’ betrayal was a predetermined act with a secret role in the economy of Redemption; it was not a random act. Three Versions of Judas (Jorge Luis Borges, Three Versions of Judas) The opposite is true: all Judas does is provide the authorities with a means of locating Jesus at a certain time and location – and given Jesus’ extremely public behavior over the preceding days, the authorities should have had minimal issue apprehending him even without Judas’ assistance.

Judas had a political motive

Others contend that Judas had a strong political motivation and saw Jesus as the Messiah who would liberate the Jews from Roman tyranny, which led to his betrayal of Jesus. Although Jesus had been presented with several opportunities to lead a populist direct action campaign, he had declined to do so on all of the occasions. It’s possible that Judas intended to force Jesus’ hand by revealing him to the authorities so that Jesus would be forced to declare himself to be the political leader of the Jews and use the popular support demonstrated during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the basis of an earthly liberation movement in order to save his own life and the lives of others.

Judas was disillusioned and angry

As an alternative, it has been suggested that Judas was so dissatisfied with Jesus’ failure to proclaim himself as Messiah and take action to lead the Jews that he decided to betray him as an act of political revenge for what he perceived to have been Jesus’ political betrayal of his more Nationalist followers. This view is not supported by the gospels in any concrete way. This is how John Dart articulates his theory: A second question, in my opinion, should be asked: ‘Did Judas feel betrayed by Jesus?’ I believe the response is a resounding “Yes.” You should keep in mind that the Jewish expectation for Jesus’ incarnation as the long-anticipated Messiah was considerably different from what they thought was promised in their scriptures.

See also:  What Did Jesus Do For Me?

Keep in mind that St.

Judas had come to regard Jesus as a stumbling wall.

Judas felt betrayed by Jesus before he turned around and betrayed Jesus himself. Judas the Film: Storytellers Then and Now, Journal of Religion and Film, 2004; John Dart, Judas the Film: Storytellers Then and Now, Journal of Religion and Film, 2004.

Judas didn’t intend a ‘betrayal’

According to one researcher, Judas never planned to betray Jesus in the first place. According to Professor William Klassen, the notion of betrayal is founded on a mistranslation, and Judas’ intention was not to ‘betray’ Jesus, but rather to ‘give over’ Jesus to the authorities, rather than the other way around. Theoretically, Judas meant to bring Jesus and the authorities together in order to reconcile their conflicts, and this might be explored further. If Judas did not mean to betray Christ, then his suicide when he realized the disastrous consequences of his actions would make sense.

The Gospel of Judas

The Gospel of Judas, a manuscript composed in the second century and copied from a 5th century copy, was only discovered in the first decade of the twenty-first century, despite the fact that its existence had long been rumored. According to early remarks on the text, Judas was depicted in predominantly good, if not heroic, terms throughout the document. According to legend, the text depicts Jesus pleading with Judas to betray him in order for him to be released from his physical body and the plan of redemption to be realized.

A more contemporary interpretation describes Judas as a demon who betrays Jesus, maybe in order to serve the interests of a different, wicked God, and who is cursed to never enter the kingdom of God.

Did Jesus Ask Judas To Betray Him? The True Story Of History’s Most Demonized Man

To this day, the name “Judas” is associated with treason and treachery. Judas Iscariot, a follower of Jesus Christ, is accused of betraying his teacher to Roman authorities in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. The legend surrounding Judas Iscariot and Jesus lies at the heart of the Christian religion’s founding. Historians, on the other hand, are skeptical of the historical accuracy of this biblical account. For starters, other from his status as a villain in Christian history, there is no further recorded evidence of his existence to be uncovered.

As Susan Gubar of Indiana University Bloomington writes in her bookJudas: A Biography, “no one has been successful in discovering any sources of Judas that are independent of retellings of the New Testament accounts.” “There are just a few verses in the Bible that are devoted to Judas, and they all agree that he was the disciple who handed Jesus up to the authorities in Jerusalem.” Because of more than 2,000 years of Christian writings that mythologized Judas as the man who betrayed Jesus, any factual facts regarding the genuine Judas would have been swamped by the mythologized Judas of Christian writings.

Who was Judas Iscariot, and what was his true story?

The Story Of Judas Iscariot Presented In The Christian Tradition

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons It is claimed that Judas kisses Jesus to identify him to the Romans, thereby identifying Jesus to the Romans. According to an ancient Egyptian book, he did this because Jesus was known to “shape-shift,” making him impossible to discern from other people. Several biblical books, including the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, as well as the Acts of the Apostles (commonly referred to as the “Book of Acts”), all recount Judas Iscariot’s betrayal.

  1. Judas was once a trusted disciple of Jesus, and all sources agree that he gave him up to the authorities in exchange for a monetary payment at some point in time.
  2. By kissing Jesus, he sought to draw the attention of the Roman authorities to him.
  3. Furthermore, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus was already aware that Iscariot was about to betray him and contacted the apostle before the final supper, telling him, “What you are about to do, do it now.” All four Gospels portray Judas as a person who is filled with wickedness.
  4. However, even though Judas was the treasurer of the apostles, he was also well-known for his theft, and “as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to everything was placed into it,” according to the gospel according to John.
  5. According to some accounts, he hangs himself, but according to others, his intestines burst through his skin and out of his body.
  6. The fact that Judas was “one of our number and shared in our mission” was acknowledged even by Jesus’ most notable followers, such as Matthias.
  7. He then hung himself as a symbol of his solidarity with his master.

Alternative Translations And Theories About Judas

It is possible that Judas did not betray Jesus at all, and that the Bible erred in its interpretation of the significance of his identification of Jesus to the authorities. In reality, some historians believe that a radical Jewish sect had genuinely sought to utilize Jesus’ influence as a method of challenging their foreign overlords, the Romans, but that the encounter had gone catastrophically wrong. Photograph courtesy of PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Judas Iscariot gets rewarded with 30 silver pieces in exchange for turning over Jesus to the Roman authorities.

  1. The Zealots were akin to political assassins, and it is believed that they carried little daggers, known as “sica,” concealed beneath their clothing to stab opponents in the street.
  2. As part of their rebellion against the Romans, who had overrun Israel, the Zealots may have recognized in Jesus a chance to defeat their captors.
  3. The Zealots had intended to unite against the Romans under the leadership of a messiah, which they believed could be Jesus.
  4. In the Greek translation of the Bible, the verb isparadidomei, which literally translates as “handed him over,” to describe Judas’ confrontation with Jesus at the Last Supper.
  5. Judas expresses sorrow by tossing his money aside.
  6. As a result, when Judas handed Jesus up to authorities, it wasn’t out of treachery, but rather out of an attempt to determine whether or not the martyr could be the messiah who would lead a radical party in a rebellion against their foreign rulers.

How Judas Iscariot Became Known As The Man Who Betrayed Jesus

In his writings on Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, theologianOrigen of Alexandria was the first prominent Christian author to bring up the subject. Origen’s works challenge the assertions of theologian Celsus, who lived at the time of Origen’s writings and claimed that Judas did not truly betray Jesus. “Will Celsus and his friends now say that those proofs which show that Judas’ apostasy was not a complete apostasy, even after his attempts against his Master, are inventions, and that only this is true, viz., that one of His disciples betrayed Him; and will they add to the Scriptural account that he betrayed Him with his whole heart?” writes Origen.

As Gubar pointed out, the church fathers frequently connected Judas with the Jewish people, treating him as a type of frontman in anti-Semitic propaganda.

Jerome, the Jews’ betrayal and Judas’ betrayal were one and the same: “Judas is cursed, that in Judas specifically, was torn asunder by demons — and the people, as well.” Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Origen of Alexandria was a writer and Christian scholar who lived in Alexandria, Egypt.

“Now, of course, all 12 disciples, like Jesus himself, were Jews – yet, as this new exhibition shows, it was Judas who western art chose to depict as the Jew, often with the red hair that distinguished him as a betrayer, alongside his mysteriously fair-haired, fair-skinned fellow apostles,” writes journalist Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian.

Indeed, some academics, such as April D.

In the words of DeKonick, “His narrative has been misused for centuries as an excuse for crimes against Jews.” Perhaps one of the ways in which our collective psyche has dealt with this in recent decades has been to attempt to erase or explain the terrible Judas, in order to absolve him of the guilt of Jesus’ killing.”

The Gospel Of Judas

In 2006, the so-called “Gospel of Judas,” a “lost” manuscript written in Coptic Egyptian circa 300 A.D. and thought to have been lost for centuries, was unearthed. Findings from the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, which was discovered in the 1970s and is believed to be an exact copy and translation of a work that dates back to 180 A.D., describe the account of Judas Iscariot as a devoted servant to Jesus who did just what his master desired. Wikipedia Commons has a photo of WolfgangRieger holding a critical edition of The Gospel of Judas.

According to this version of events, Jesus specifically instructed Judas to betray him.

Except for Judas, no one else seemed to understand who Jesus actually is: a celestial creature from “the everlasting aeon of the Barbelo,” a special heavenly region, who has come to earth.

Jesus tells Judas that he must betray him because he sees himself condemned in a vision and that this is necessary in order for Jesus to fulfill his aims.

In contrast to the New Testament, the Gospel of Judas does not appear to reflect historical reality as much as it does an alternative mystical tradition that is consistent with Gnostic cosmological views that were prevalent in the ancient Near East at the time of its composition, according to scholars.

“Judas is a different sort of character,” Herb Krosney, who co-wrote The Lost Gospel, said on NPR: “Judas is a different kind of character.” He’s the one who’s been asked to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.

And Judas is the one who makes it possible for all of us to assist in the discovery of that inner flame inside ourselves.” It is therefore just another version of his tale, and it is arguably just as legitimate as the ones as out in the Gospels and Acts, which are all versions of his story.

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons According to Islamic belief, Judas was the one who was crucified in Jesus’ place.

Judas, according to another narrative, took Jesus’ place on the cross and died in his place.

After all, if he had not betrayed Christ, Jesus would not have died and Christianity would not have come into being, as the saying goes.

Discover the truth about Jesus’ true name after taking a look at the history of Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ. Then you can find out who wrote the Bible in the first place.

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