Who Was Closest To Jesus

Why did Jesus choose Peter, James, and John to be His inner circle?

QuestionAnswer In Luke 6:12–16, Jesus announced that He had chosen His twelve disciples. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot were among those who belonged to this group of men. Three disciples (Peter, James, and John) appear to have been the closest to Jesus and to have served as a “inner circle” to Christ out of the original twelve. Luke 5:4–11 describes Peter, James, and John as being among the first of Jesus’ followers who had been with Him for the longest period of time.

As eyewitnesses to Jesus’ transfiguration (Mark 9:2–3), Jairus’ daughter’s resurrection from the dead (Luke 8:49–56), and Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36–38), these three men were there with Him at significant moments in His ministry.

They were some of His closest associates.

When Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and Son of God, Peter, known as “the rock,” was the first of his disciples to profess trust in him as the Messiah and Son of God (Matthew 16:16).

  • The Day of Pentecost was significant in that Peter openly preached to the audience, and the Holy Spirit moved in the hearts of the listeners, leading to the conversion of over three thousand individuals to Jesus on that particular day (Acts 2:41).
  • They both stated their readiness to be murdered as a result of their trust in Jesus (Matthew 20:22), and they both suffered as a result of their faith in Jesus.
  • (Revelation 1:9).
  • The same mandate, to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of all countries, was assigned to Christ’s eleven surviving apostles upon his ascension (Matthew 28:18–20).
  • The three men were well-prepared for their future duty since they had witnessed countless wonderful incidents throughout Jesus’ ministry as eyewitnesses.
  • Rather than attempting to broaden the scope of His mission, Jesus “concentrated on actual depth and long-term influence” (“The Leadership Strategy of Jesus,” michaelhyatt.com/the-leadership-strategy-of-jesus, accessed 5/27/20), according to Michael Hyatt.

These three fisherman were transformed into “fishers of men” in the truest sense (Matthew 4:19). Questions about Luke (return to top of page) What was it about Peter, James, and John that drew them into His inner circle?

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Who Is the Disciple Jesus Loved?

Transcript of the audio As we begin a new week, we have a beautiful Bible question for you. Our correspondent, Juliet, from Canada, has sent us this message. “Hello, Pastor John! “Dear Pastor John, hello! A ‘disciple whom Jesus loved,’ according to the Bible, is described in John 21:7. Can you tell me who this is and where it came from? And why is he being referred to in this manner? I believe Jesus had a deep affection for everyone of his disciples. Is there anything we can take away from the love designation focused towards this particular disciple?

For starters, we know who this disciple is — specifically, the one who is referred to five times in this Gospel as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20) — since the Gospel was written by this disciple himself.

Following Peter and Jesus, according to John 21:20, “Peter turned and sawthe disciple whom Jesus loved following them” — that is, following Peter and Jesus, not the other way around.

Consequently, the Gospel makes an explicit claim that this specific disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, is the author of the Gospel.

Plenty of Love for All

In order to be clear, when the author refers to himself five times as “the one whom Jesus loved,” he is not claiming that Jesus doesn’t love the other people in the world.

  • It is this particular author who claims in John 11:5 that Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
  • It is this very author who claims that Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
  • John 13:1 states that “having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end” — which is frequently interpreted as “to the utmost.” It is this particular author who wrote the verse. That completes the list. He also quotes Jesus as stating in John 15:9, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you,” referring to all of my disciples in the plural, “as the Father has loved me.” He also states in John 15:12, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” — all of you — “as I have loved you.”

To put it another way, this writer is not attempting to claim for himself the love of Jesus while also barring others from receiving it. There’s something else going on. After I finish this sentence, I’ll return to it.

Peter and the Loved Disciple

But, returning to the original question, who is it? Who is it that we are referring to? Peter, James, and John were known to be the closest associates of Jesus, as evidenced by the accounts in the other Gospels. Those three, for example, were with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–8), and they were able to see him because they were with him. This unidentified disciple appears to have had a close relationship with Peter, based on the way the Gospel of Matthew portrays his actions.

  1. “So Simon Peter gestured to him to ask Jesus of whom he was referring,” according to John 13:24.
  2. “So she fled and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved,” the Bible says of Mary Magdalene on the morning of the resurrection, in order to tell what she had witnessed (John 20:2).
  3. The reason I minister and live is because of this.
  4. Also in verse 7, as Jesus cried out to them from the shore, the disciple whom Jesus loved responded by saying to Peter, “It is the Lord.” Finally, in 21:20, the disciple whom Jesus adored is seen following Peter and Jesus on the road to Jerusalem.
  5. And we know that Peter, James, and John were extremely close to one another as well as to Jesus.

As for James, we know that he had been slain by the time this Gospel was written (Acts 12:2), so he isn’t a candidate for this very intimate connection with Peter, who is described as “the one whom Jesus loved.” Thus, we are left with a significant chance that John the apostle is the disciple whom Jesus loved and is the author of this Gospel, as previously stated.

Since the beginning of time, practically every other tradition, even those outside of the Bible, has agreed with this conclusion almost unanimously.

‘Christ’s Love Controls Me’

This brings us full round to the question of why this author, John the apostle, refers to himself five times as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in his writings. To wrap things up, allow me to make three last proposals. For starters, it establishes the author as an eyewitness to Jesus’ ministry throughout the whole book. He alludes to himself in an indirect manner during the Last Supper, on the cross when he accepts Jesus’s mother into his family, at the empty tomb, and in his first face-to-face encounter with Jesus after the resurrection, among other instances.

Second, it’s possible that this is John’s way of expressing, “My most significant identification is not my name, but the fact that I am loved by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I’m loved, I’m loved, I’m loved.” “Jesus has a special place in my heart.” In a third instance, he could have been paraphrasing the apostle Paul, who said in 2 Corinthians 5:14–15, “The love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for their sake.” John would be stating something like this: “I identify myself as loved by Christ since this is the all-constraining, all-controlling truth in my existence.” This is one of the reasons why I’m writing the Gospel.

This is the reason why I minister and why I live.

Christ’s Inner Circle – The Primary Apostles of Jesus

Don Closson has written a piece for us. This article is also accessible in Spanish if you prefer it. Don Closson explores the ministry and function of the four most renowned apostles, Peter, Andrew, John, and James, as well as the ministry and role of the other apostles. It is demonstrated by him how these fundamental apostles were transformed from fisherman into actual fishermen of mankind by the power of the Lord.


Matthew 10:2-4 contains the following information: The names of the twelve apostles are as follows: first, Simon (also known as Peter) and his brother Andrew; second, James son of Zebedee and his brother John; third, Philip and Bartholomew; fourth, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; fifth, James son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus; sixth, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him; and finally, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betra Aside from Judas Iscariot, Christians hold in high regard those who were personally called by Jesus and who walked with Him during His mission on the Earth.

  • This is especially true in the case of the twelve disciples.
  • It is possible to trace the concept of apostleship back to the Hebrew concept of an envoy.
  • “A man’s envoy is as himself,” according to a well-known Jewish saying.
  • There were no willing participants.
  • They were then dispatched to declare that the Kingdom of Heaven had arrived and that they had been commissioned to function as Jesus’ representatives in the presence of the authority of the Messiah.
  • Peter is usually listed first, followed by Judas Iscariot, who is always mentioned last.
  • This group of four apostles had a unique relationship with Christ, and it is this relationship that will be the subject of this essay.
  • According to the first chapter of Acts, Judas’ successor must have been with the apostles from the very beginning of their journey.
  • It was also stated that he had to have been there during the resurrection itself.

Having a clear and accurate testimony of the Messiah was critical for them to have. In this article, we’ll take a look at Christ’s inner circle of apostles, which includes Peter, Andrew, James, and John. God impacted the lives of these regular guys in a way that will be remembered forever.

The Apostle Peter

When it comes to the Apostles, Peter is always listed first in each of the four lists recorded in the New Testament. Peter is referred to be the primus inter paresor, or the foremost among equals, by many people. It is clear that he serves in a leadership capacity among his fellow apostles and that he is regarded by Christ as a cornerstone of the church’s foundation. Despite the fact that we may disagree on what this leadership position entails, we cannot dispute that it exists. Peter is referred to by four different names in the New Testament.

  1. Peter was most likely a multilingual Jew who was affected by the Greek culture that was prevalent in Galilee at the time of his ministry.
  2. It is via this new name that Jesus has given Peter that we can see how he would change while under the influence of the Lord.
  3. In contrast to many of the other Apostles, the New Testament provides us with some information regarding Peter’s familial life, which is unusual.
  4. Jesus cured Peter’s mother-in-law (Matt.
  5. 9:5).
  6. Peter accepted Jesus’ invitation to become a disciple very early in his career.
  7. Matthew and Mark both recount Jesus inviting Peter to full-time ministry as a fisher of men a year or so later, possibly a year or two beyond that.
  8. Peter is frequently singled out, and the rest of the characters are referred to as a group with him (Mark 1:36).
  9. In Luke 12, he approaches Jesus and inquires about the significance of a parable.
  10. He is also frequently the first to take action.
  11. A number of events in the Bible are given greater significance as a result of Peter’s leadership.

For example, the specifics of Peter’s rejection of Jesus had an impact exactly because of Peter’s position of prominence within the organization. A poignant example is the passage in John chapter 21 in which Jesus questions Peter’s love and admonishes him to “feed my sheep.”

The Apostle Peter and His Brother Andrew

The Roman Catholic Church has historically used Matthew 16:17-19 as justification for the office of Pope and the succession of popes, which begins with Peter, as the basis for its beliefs. When it comes to Peter’s role as a leader among the apostles and any specific position that he may occupy in the body of Christ, Protestants have reacted by tending to minimize his significance. Previously, I noted that Peter is clearly depicted as the apostles’ leader in the book of Acts. The use of this verse from Matthew to legitimize the current office of the Pope, on the other hand, is an oversimplification of the Scriptures.

  1. Assigning these characteristics to Peter’s successor is problematic in part because he would have had power over an apostle who was still alive at the time of his death, John.
  2. 16:16), he remains a highly imperfect member of the team that Christ has formed.
  3. In Acts 11, the church in Jerusalem expressed dissatisfaction with Peter’s decision to enter a gentile’s home.
  4. When Peter refused to separate himself from the Gentiles when accompanied by Jews from Jerusalem, Paul scolded him to his face, according to the book of Galatians (Galatians 2:11).
  5. Unlike his brother Peter, who is loud and influential among the Twelve, Andrew was content to take a backseat among the Twelve.
  6. Despite the fact that Andrew is identified as a member of the inner circle closest to Jesus, we don’t know much about his work.
  7. When John sends his disciples to Jesus, Andrew is the first to seek out an opportunity to spend time with him.
  8. He quickly proceeds to inform others, beginning with his brother Peter, about his discovery.
  9. First, he presents Peter to the Lord, and then, at Passover, he introduces a group of Greek Gentiles who are on the lookout for Jesus.
  10. Andrew may not have have the same abilities as his brother Peter in terms of leadership.
  11. However, one can understand Andrew’s joy when his brother, whom he had brought to the Lord, preached in the power of the Spirit in Jerusalem, resulting in the conversion of thousands of unbelievers to the Lord.

Despite the fact that Andrew was a member of Christ’s inner circle, he played an extremely important part in the events that followed it.

The Sons of Zebedee

In addition to James and John, there were two more sets of brothers who were members of Christ’s inner circle. They were also from Bethsaida, like Peter and Andrew, and they had a common interest in the fishing sector with the two of them. They were dubbed the “sons of thunder” because of their fiery temperaments, which occasionally resulted in some difficult situations between the two groups of friends (Mark 3:17). Their father, Zebedee, and mother, Salome, were most likely well-off in terms of material possessions.

  • Because John says that Salome is Mary’s sister, James and John are considered cousins of Jesus (John 19:25).
  • James and John are both members of this group.
  • Most scholars agree that the description “the disciple whom Jesus loved” refers to the apostle John, who was baptized in the name of Jesus.
  • He was also the first of the twelve apostles to observe the empty tomb after it was discovered.
  • That indicated that he had been searching for God for some time previous to meeting Jesus and that he was ready to make a commitment to the Messiah.
  • Both had spent time listening to the Lord and had come to believe in His sincerity as a result.
  • Luke relates an episode in which John approaches Jesus and asks if they should attack a Samaritan community that had refused them hospitality.
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After having just witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration, John was enraged by the lack of due reverence shown to his Lord.

After hearing their plea, Jesus answers angrily, telling them that they do not understand what they are asking.

(Matthew 20:22; Mark 10:22; Luke 10:22) “We can,” they respond, displaying their characteristic cockiness.

They had no idea that His atoning death on the cross would mark the beginning of His reign as King of the universe.

Acts 12 recounts that Herod Agrippa ordered James’ execution by sword, which took place probably about 42 A.D.

Despite the fact that James would be the first apostle to die as a martyr, his brother would live the longest of all the apostles. Following that, we will examine the legacy left by Jesus’ inner group, as well as the lessons we might take away from their life.

The Legacy of Those Closest to Jesus

John writes in Revelation 21:10, 14: And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Whether this verse refers to an actual city as many argue, or to the church or body of Christ, as others hold, it portrays the remarkable honor allotted to the Twelve Apostles. And among the Twelve, Jesus poured His life into an inner circle that had a key role in establishing the church.

  • (Mark 9:2).
  • (Matthew 26:37).
  • Peter is credited with providing the material for the book of Mark and the two epistles given his name.
  • Peter then became a missionary to the Jews and to a lesser degree, the Gentiles.
  • Yet he did go there near the end of his ministry and probably suffered martyrdom there.
  • The book of Acts is silent regarding him.
  • We know that James was the first of the Twelve to be put to death.
  • Tradition has it that the officer guarding James was so taken by his testimony that he repented and was beheaded with the apostle.

Along with internal evidence from the book of John, early church fathers Irenaeus and Polycrates identify the apostle John as the “disciple Jesus loved.” Having lived the life of an apostle the longest, John wrote the fourth gospel, the remarkable book of Revelation, and three epistles to the church.

According to tradition, John spent his last days in Ephesus, traveling there after the death of Domitian (who had exiled him to the Isle of Patmos) (who had exiled him to the Isle of Patmos).

Ordinary fishermen, these four men are a testimony to the life changing impact that walking with our Savior can have on anyone who chooses to be His disciple.

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Don Closson

Don Closson worked for Probe for 26 years as Director of Administration and a research associate before accepting a position with the same title at the Centers of Church Based Training (ccbt.org) in 2013. He has since retired from Probe. Southeastern Illinois University awarded him a Bachelor of Science in education. He went on to get a Master of Science in educational administration from Illinois State University and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Before joining Probe and subsequently the CCBT, he worked as a public school teacher and administrator in the Chicago area.

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Who was “the disciple Jesus loved”?

We should love one another since this is the gospel you have received from the beginning.– 1 John 3:11 The “disciple Jesus loved” is commemorated at the Basilica’s Saint John Chapel, which is dedicated to him. St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, is commemorated on December 27th as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” as the Church puts it (John 13:23). Author of a Gospel narrative, three epistles, and the book of Revelation, John was not only close to Jesus during his lifetime, but he was also a spiritual teacher for all of time.

John, the Disciple

The first time John saw Jesus was while he and his brother James were fishing on the Sea of Galilee. It was after a whole night of unsuccessful attempts that they were apprehensive when Jesus instructed them to drop their nets into the sea yet again. Nonetheless, they cooperated and were amazed to see as they caught more more fish than they could possibly store in their boat (Luke 5:1-11). Following this miracle, Jesus invited them to accompany him, promising that he would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-22).

  • What is interesting about their testimony is that they did not appear to have any reservations.
  • John was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and was present for some of the most pivotal events of Jesus’ earthly ministry, including the Transfiguration and the raising of Jairus’ daughter, as well as accompanying Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion.
  • He was also the sole disciple to see Jesus’ crucifixion, while the others were absent.
  • Saint John, as shown at the Our Mother of Africa Chapel (Our Mother of Africa Chapel).
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Son of Thunder

However, this does not rule out the possibility that John need spiritual direction from time to time. John and his brother James’ ferocious evangelistic fervor and violent emotions led Jesus to refer to them as “the Sons of Thunder,” which was intended to be a comical reference (Mark 3:17). As soon as James and John learned that a man was casting out devils in Jesus’ name, they banned him from continuing in that manner (Luke 9:49). Several verses later in the same chapter, when Jesus started out for Jerusalem and the Samaritans declined to accompany him on his journey, James and John were furious with him.

One of the most famous instances is when the two men approached Christ and requested if they may one day sit at his right and left hands — to which Jesus answered, “You do not realize what you are asking” (Mark 10:37-38).

John’s Focus on Love

Throughout his Gospel and epistles, John emphasizes the importance of love and the importance of relationships. As recorded in John’s account of the Last Supper, Jesus’ final instruction is centered on love: “As the Father loves me, so do I also love you.” Continue to be in my affection. If you follow my commandments, you will continue to be in my love, just as I have followed my Father’s commandments and continue to be in his love. I’ve told you this so that my happiness can be shared with you and your happiness can be full.

Why John’s Gospel is Unique

What distinguishes John’s account of the Gospel from other accounts? Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of John’s Gospel is his primary goal to account for Jesus’ divinity — the Gospel of John opens with the words, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In addition, John’s Gospel contains a number of small facts that are not found in any of the other Gospels. Minor individuals like as the high priest’s father-in-law and the slave whose ear was severed at Jesus’ betrayal, for example, are identified by name by the author (John 18:13; 18:10).

As far as the disciples were concerned, John was the only one who died quietly rather than via martyrdom.


John Chapel; St.


“The Lives of the Saints” by Butler (ed. by Bernard Bangley) The Way of the Saints by Cowan

Light a Candle at the Basilica

We encourage you to light a candle at the Basilica today in honor of St. John the Evangelist. Around the Upper Church and Lower Crypt level of the National Shrine, vigil lights are lit in chapels throughout the building. In each candle, we see a symbol of the supplicants’ faith and the intensity of their prayers, which are entrusted to the loving intercession of the Blessed Mother.

Who was the disciple whom Jesus loved?

The apostle John refers to the disciple whom Jesus cherished on several occasions in the book of John. “. the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him,” says John 13:23. Jesus stated to his mother in John 19:26, “When he saw her there, and the disciple whom he loved standing close by, he said to her, ‘Dear lady, here is your son.” (NIV).

“So she ran as fast as she could to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved.,” John 2:20 says. (NIV). What was the name of the disciple whom Jesus cherished?

Bible Answer:

During Jesus’ time on this planet, he had a favorite disciple whom he cherished beyond all others. He had a special affection for one individual in particular. No, He had a preference for one of his disciples over the others!

The Twelve Disciples

Yes, Jesus loved everyone on the planet, but He chose just twelve men to be His disciples because He wanted them to be like Him. He didn’t wait until our scheduled time to choose one of us today. Jesus did not choose a gentile or a non-Jew to be his disciple. Neither a Jewish leader nor a neighbor like Sam down the block, Charlie, who was heading to seminary, or the tender-hearted priest at the temple were chosen by Jesus. Jesus did not choose just anyone to be his disciple. Among the twelve men he chose were: Peter, Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, John his brother, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.

There are twelve of them.

The Inner Group

Jesus spent the most of his time with only three of those twelve men: Peter, John, and James, who were the closest to him. They were on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus, seeing his transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-13). When He went to cure a kid, they were the only ones who were with Him (Mark 5:37 and Luke 8:51). They were chosen by Jesus from among the twelve disciples. They were the only ones Jesus took with Him to the Garden of Gethsemane, where they prayed with Him. And they arrived at a location known as Gethsemane, where He instructed His followers to “sit here until I have finished praying.” In the meantime, He gathered with Him Peter, Jame, and John and started to be quite worried and troubled.

He chose Peter because he was the one who would refuse Him.

The Loved One

One of those three individuals had a deeper understanding of Jesus than the others, and that guy was John. He and Jesus had a more intimate friendship than most people realize. He seemed to have desired to spend more time with Jesus. Yes, Jesus had a deep affection for everyone of the disciples. In John 13:1, Jesus claims to have done such. However, Jesus was more intimate with this guy because this man desired to be more intimate with Jesus. According to John 21:20, Jesus had a special affection for this disciple.

On Jesus’ breast was one of His followers, whom Jesus cherished and who was lying on His breast.

It’s your son!” John 19:26 (New American Standard Bible) And as a result, she hurried over to Simon Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus adored, and she informed them that “they have taken the Lord away from the tomb, and we do not know where they have put Him.” John 20:2 (New American Standard Bible) It was thus the disciple, whom Jesus cherished, who exclaimed to Peter, “It is the Lord.” After hearing that it was the Lord, Simon Peter put on his outer garment (since he had been stripped for work) and hurled himself into the water.” (NASB) John 21:7When Peter turned around, he saw the disciple whom Jesus cherished following them; the one who had likewise laid back on Jesus’ breast at the dinner and asked, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” This disciple was the sole one who was present at the foot of the cross as Jesus was dying.

  • (NASB) John 21:20 All of the others had turned their backs on Him.
  • Isn’t that exactly what happens when we realize someone truly cares for us?
  • Jesus’ mother was the one who did it.
  • In John 20:2, Jesus expresses his affection for John.
  • The Greek term for love had been AGAPE, which meant “God’s love.” In this instance, the Bible informs us that Jesus PHILEO’ed John.
  • It was John who was the most eager to come to Jesus’ empty tomb because he had witnessed the resurrection of Jesus (John 20:1-4).

John, out of all the disciples, was the one who cherished Jesus beyond all else, even his own life. It should come as no surprise that Jesus felt a stronger connection to John because John was the one who adored Jesus the greatest. It was evident through his conduct.


John had spent a great deal of time with Jesus before this. This gives us the idea that John was always there with Jesus throughout the Gospels. John was the disciple who adored Jesus the greatest out of all the others. At the crucifixion, John had put his life in danger for Jesus. And when John learned that the person he had fallen in love with was still alive, he raced as fast as his legs could carry him to where he might find Him. Jesus questioned Peter three times whether he loved Him before the Holy Spirit reminded us that Jesus and John were in a romantic relationship with each other later on.

  1. It should come as no surprise that Jesus was able to develop a closer relationship with John.
  2. 11:5), Elijah, who was a man of faith (James 5:17-18), and Daniel, whom God “highly valued” (James 5:17-18) all fit this description (Dan.
  3. These men were all devoted to God with a fiery desire.
  4. So, how do we go about developing such a tight relationship?
  5. It indicates that you yearn to be with Him.
  6. John was the one who did it.
  7. There is a distinction between not wanting to offend Jesus and loving Him with all of one’s heart and being consumed by Him.
  8. In our relationship with Jesus, there is a distinction between loving Him now and loving Him when we first came to Him.
  9. Is Jesus still your first and most important love?

Jesus’ best friends: Peter, James and beloved John – Arkansas Catholic – August 13, 2011

Date of publication: August 13, 2011 Bishop Anthony B. Taylor is a Catholic priest who lives in the United States. This homily was delivered on August 6 during a Mass for seminarians and their parents, which was presided over by Bishop Anthony B. Taylor. Some folks are more familiar to you and me than others are to you and me. We all have acquaintances, friends, and loved ones to share our lives with. When something unexpected or upsetting happens in our life, we share certain things with everyone and more personal things with our friends, but we keep our most private moments for those who know us the best and are in the best position to understand.

  • A large number of disciples, 12 apostles, and an inner circle of three best friends: Peter, James, and his favored disciple, John, were among his numerous accomplishments.
  • This small group of companions witnessed some of Jesus’ most spectacular moments, such as the Transfiguration described in today’s Gospel, and some of his most agonizing times, such as the Agony in the Garden.
  • These three people knew more about Jesus on the inside than anybody else – they knew more about his boldness as well as his concerns – and it is this knowledge that would make Peter and James’ desertion of Jesus on Good Friday so terrible.
  • And take note that John was the only apostle who died as a result of natural causes after his death at the hands of the authorities.
  • This may have been because he had previously experienced a form of martyrdom – spiritual martyrdom – by risking his life to remain at the foot of the cross with Jesus.
  • And that is the fundamental lesson of Jesus’ Transfiguration for us: the only way to glory is via the cross of Christ.
  • If you are not willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus, you are not yet his disciple.
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This is because this is not the path that Jesus has laid out for them.

You will not be able to fulfill your commitment of obedience until you first embrace the cross.

It is said in the Jewish tradition that “the Rabbi whom everyone likes is not a Rabbi.” If you carry your cross with love, you will one day be awarded a crown, but if you do not, you will not.

In the next days, they would witness him transformed by anguish – sweating blood during his Agony in the Garden, whipping and crowning with thorns on Good Friday, his body damaged but his heart unbroken in his determination to fulfill his Father’s plan entirely.

That’s when it all starts to make sense: Jesus’ glorious identity as the Son of God who will save us through a very un-glorious death, which they aren’t quite prepared to comprehend just yet.

The audio from Bishop Taylor’s homilies is made available on a regular basis on the diocese website, which is available in both English and Spanish.

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Jesus’ Dearest and Closest Companions – The Talkative Man

According to the Gospels, Jesus had a large number of followers, from whom he selected a dozen to be his hand-picked allies. This group was dubbed “the Twelve” by the author. The name apostle is derived from the Greek word “apostolos,” which literally translates as “one who has been sent out.” The twelve apostles left everything behind, including their homes, families, and jobs, in order to share the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. The authority to cast out evil, cure the sick, and proclaim Jesus’ teachings was given to the twelve apostles by Jesus.

As Jesus declared to the apostles, “Whoever welcomes you also welcomes me, and whoever welcomes both me and my sender also welcomes the one who sent me.” As a result of their poverty and lack of financial resources, the apostles accepted whatever hospitality and charity extended to them, and they traveled with Jesus on his nomadic journey.

There was no apostle who looked back on his previous life with regret.

  • Peter/Simon (also known as Cephas) and his brother Andrew are two of the most important figures in the New Testament. Philip
  • Bartholomew (Nathanael in John’s gospel)
  • Matthew (or Levi) the tax collector
  • Thomas Didymus (“the Twin”)
  • James, the son of Alphaeus
  • Simon the Zealot
  • Thaddaeus, the son of James, often called Lebbaeus
  • Judas Iscariot
  • And other characters.

The Twelve were a predetermined group that remained close to Jesus throughout his life. After the death of Judas Iscariot, the company of twelve was kept together by selecting Matthias, who remained at Jesus’ side for the duration of his career. For the rest of their lives, the new twelve proceeded to carry out Jesus’ mission. The number twelve corresponds to the number of tribes in ancient Israel, which were twelve in number. This was a deliberate choice because Jesus promised the Twelve that, when the time came, they would be rewarded with the privilege of sitting on twelve thrones and judging the twelve tribes.

What remains to be seen, however, is the identity of the men who gave their lives and hearts to this noble mission.

  1. Apostle Peter
  2. s Apostle Andrew
  3. s Apostle James the Elder
  4. s Apostle John the Evangelist
  5. s Apostle Matthew
  6. s Apostle Philip
  7. s Apostle Bartholomew
  8. s Apostle Jude Thaddeus
  9. s Apostle Simon, the Zealot
  10. s Apostle James the Younger
  11. s Apostle Thomas
  12. s Apostles Judas and Matthias

Why Is John the “Disciple Whom Jesus Loved”?

There appear to be several instances of nicknames and name changes in both the Old and New Testaments. The “Sons of Thunder” include Simon and Peter, Esau and Edom, and others. Almost everyone who follows Jesus appears to be given a loving nickname, which is occasionally given by Jesus himself. However, in the fourth Gospel, we come upon something quite different. ‘The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved,’ says the author of the Gospel of John, referring to himself by an unusual moniker. The “Beloved Disciple” is a title used by John in different translations to refer to himself.

“Did John actually believe that?” In my situation, as is often the case, subsequent research later in life invalidated my primary school frame of reference.

Throughout this essay, we’ll look at the nickname given by the disciple John to himself, what it means, the significance of nicknames in Scripture, and why all of this is important to us today as Christians.

What Does John’s Nickname Mean?

With his self-given label, “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” it appears that John is attempting to boost his ego by associating himself with the Savior. As previously stated, Jesus had an inner circle of three disciples to whom he demonstrated his transfiguration (Matthew 17), with John being one of them. In fact, Jesus instructs John to look after his mother while Jesus is being crucified with him. So, did John use this name as a flex in order to get what he wanted? Scholars, on the other hand, disagree.

  • The title was more than likely a magnificent title with a connotation that did not translate into our own society, as William Barclay explains in this passage from his book.
  • More information about this will be provided in the next section.
  • After all, on the night that he was deceived, he bathed the feet of everyone in the house.
  • As indicated in the Answers in Genesis page, it’s possible that John uses this name to remind readers of the immense love that they, too, have experienced.
  • Because John does not offer an explanation for the name, we are unable to determine its true significance.
  • The image is courtesy of Getty Images/Javier Art Photography.

Why Did John Call Himself “The Disciple Who Jesus Loved”?

As we discussed in the preceding section, we don’t know the specific reasons for which John would choose to bequest himself such a name. After all, he isn’t referred to by this name in any other Gospel story. This suggests that John solely used this as a way to refer to himself. We can rule out egotism because John did not choose this name in order to bring attention to himself. Instead, it appears that the inverse is more likely. John wanted to remain nameless for his own reasons. Those who read the Gospel and were eyewitnesses to the events would have recognized John’s identity based on a number of crucial facts that he highlights.

However, John appears to be attempting to deflect attention away from himself in the tale by eliminating his name and substituting a nickname for it, which is a characteristic: someone who is loved by Jesus.

He discovers truth, his own identity, and his own purpose as a result of God’s love.

There aren’t many alternative explanations for why John chose this nickname for himself, according to the academic community. John presumably doesn’t provide much of an explanation because he would prefer that the attention be focused on Jesus rather than on him.

The Importance of Nicknames in the Bible

Nowadays, we may refer to our spouse, individuals with whom we participate in sports leagues, and even coworkers by their nicknames. However, throughout the period of the Old and New Testaments, nicknames had a considerably more profound significance to them. According toVincent Ketchie’s essay, names and nicknames in the Bible frequently reflect a person’s purpose or identity via their use. People who changed someone’s name or gave them a nickname held a certain level of power and influence over the individual who had changed his or her name.

As a result, when someone adopts a new name or nickname (such as Paul or John), they are emphasizing a crucial aspect of their mission.

such as changing his surname to Paul.

Why Should We Care About This?

After all, why should it matter what John refers to himself as in his Gospel account? Indeed, didn’t he come up with the moniker on purpose in order to avoid calling attention to himself? There are a variety of reasons why we should be concerned about nicknames, and this one in particular. First and foremost, John reminds us of the transformational power of God’s love in our lives. We may all identify with the disciple whom Jesus adored and refer to ourselves as such. Because he has a job. He cares for us in an extraordinary and unwavering way.

Second, we should be aware of the immense power that names possess.

The number of names for God is endless: Elohim, El Shaddai, Yahweh, and so on.

If someone is given a nickname or another name in the Bible, they typically gain a new function, a new instrumental component of their character, in the same and lesser fashion.

What a difference a nickname can make in our understanding of a person.

This also demonstrates how important it is to consider the context of texts.

However, by putting the emphasis on Jesus rather than himself, he demonstrates remarkable humility.

In addition to being a multi-published author, Bolinger is also a graduate of the professional writing program at Taylor University.

As a writer and editor, she has worked for a number of different publishing firms as well as periodicals, newspapers, and literary agencies, and she has worked with writers such as Jerry B.

Her modern-day Daniel trilogy, published by IlluminateYA, is now available.

She is also a co-author of the Dear Heroduology, which was published by INtense Publications and is available for purchase online. Her inspirational adult novel Picture Imperfect, which will be released in November of 2021, will also be released. You may learn more about her by visiting her website.

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