Who Is Jesus Sunday School Lesson

Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 16:13-20) Who do you say that I AM?

Step out of the darkness, step out of the tombstones! Discard the shadows, discard the tombstones. Be brave and venture into the wilderness. Be brave and venture into the wilderness. Embrace the vastness of the landscape; grace awaits you there. Keep moving forward in large expanses; God is waiting for you. Dance as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders; elegance awaits you. You should dance because the weight has been lifted and the grace is waiting for you. If you’re wondering, “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?” or “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?,” you’ve come to the right place.

There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom If you’re wondering, “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?” or “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?,” you’ve come to the right place.

There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom As you are, emerge from the darkness.

His love has filled me to overflowing.

  1. It is because the Spirit is here that the freedom may be achieved All of your burdens and wounds should be brought with you.
  2. Repent and return to the beginning of your journey with God in communion.
  3. Embrace the vastness of the landscape; grace awaits you there.
  4. Dance as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders; elegance awaits you.
  5. If you’re wondering, “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?” or “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?,” you’ve come to the right place.
  6. There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom If you’re wondering, “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?” or “Where is the Spirit of the Lord?,” you’ve come to the right place.
  7. There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom As you are, emerge from the darkness.

His love has filled me to overflowing.

It is because the Spirit is here that the freedom may be achieved It is expected that chains would come crashing down and jails will quake.

As soon as Jesus’ name is called upon, Completed lives and re-awakening hearts Assainied lives, awakened hearts are the result of this.

It is expected that chains would come crashing down and jails will quake.

As soon as Jesus’ name is called upon, Completed lives and re-awakening hearts Assainied lives, awakened hearts are the result of this.

Wherever the Lord’s Spirit is present When and where does the Seigneur’s Spirit appear to be?

There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom Wherever the Lord’s Spirit is present When and where does the Seigneur’s Spirit appear to be?

There is freedom, there is freedom, there is freedom As you are, emerge from the darkness.

His love has filled me to overflowing.

It is because the Spirit is here that the freedom may be achieved The grace that awaits you will make you feel as though a burden has been lifted off your shoulders.

Dance like though a burden has been lifted from your shoulders Because the burden has been lifted, dance.

Dance because the burden has been lifted and the blessings are waiting for you!

You should dance because the weight has been lifted and the grace is waiting for you.

Dancing is in order because the burden has been lifted and the blessing is on its way!

There is liberty, there is liberty.

There is liberty, there is liberty.

Put on some dark clothing to disguise who you really are: a vampire.

In the throes of his affection, Freedom is possible because the Spirit has arrived. It is because the Spirit is here that the freedom may be achieved Edward Goltsman and Kim Crawford are the writers of this story. We have a total of 4 translations for you to choose from!

“Who Do You Say That I AM?

What do you think I’m supposed to be? Suggestions for Sunday School Lessons on Recognizing Jesus as the Messiah The amazement and majesty of Jesus Christ can sadly become, in a way, routine or normal for children (and adults) who grow up with a “Jesus is the Sunday School answer” type of thinking. Aside from that, we are frequently surrounded by contradictory messages or erroneous views about who Jesus is: is He merely a human being? a historical character, perhaps? Is it possible that you’re a lunatic?

  • In our acknowledgment and adoration for Who He Is, it should be our natural reaction to explain and share this with people in our immediate vicinity.
  • Another important aspect of the emphasis should be a Trinitarian emphasis on Jesus as one with God (as confusing and mind-boggling as that can be for a 6-year-old).
  • We acknowledge Him as Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, Holy One, Son of God, and co-eternal being with the Father in the Trinity.
  • Matthew 16:13-20 is the passage in question.

Lesson Introduction and Game Activities

When it comes to identifying someone (in this case, Jesus), there are several possible lesson openers that check for identification cues as part of their process of discovery. Here are a few activities that start youngsters thinking about things. (Choose the most appropriate ones for your target audience and age group):

  • What exactly am I? In the game “Guess Who?” ask students to identify a certain career or function based on a uniform or hat that someone in that position may wear
  • “What Job?” It’s always a classic game when it comes to. assemble your own rendition using note cards and Bible figures
  • And What exactly is it? Investigate small photographs of objects and make an educated guess as to what they are based on only a brief view of a larger photograph
  • Take a look at a driver’s license and discuss how it serves as verification of a person’s identity
  • Who is he/she/it? Look through infant images of famous people or historical figures and attempt to figure out who they are from the pictures
  • Who exactly is Jesus? Put together as many descriptive terms about Jesus as you can think of and write them down on a white board or large piece of paper

Make it clear that today’s lesson will be based on a Gospel passage that discusses who Jesus is and what He means to us as individuals. He then inquired of His disciples as to who they believed He to be, and He affirmed that He was the long-awaited Messiah. This must have been a beautiful experience for them, and it is something we are all familiar with! Inquire as to: Who is Jesus? What would you say to someone who came up to you and asked you this question?

“Who do you say that I AM?” Bible Lesson for Kids from Matthew 16:13-20

Choosing how to experience the tale will vary according on your children’s ages and skills, as it will always do with Bible lessons (and how many are participating). The content of this piece is quite straightforward; but, if you choose, you might present it through a skit or “popcorn reading.” Jesus questioned his followers, “Who do people say the Son of Man is,” when he arrived at Caesarea Philippi. “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” he inquired. 14 “Some believe it is John the Baptist, some believe it is Elijah, and yet others believe it is Jeremiah or one of the prophets,” they responded.

  • In this text, Jesus inquires of His followers as to who they believed He to be.
  • The identity of Jesus continues to be a source of contention among certain people to this day.
  • What types of preconceived notions do some people have about who He was and what He accomplished on this planet?
  • Unfortunately, when Jesus arrived, a large number of people did not accept Him as the Messiah, the Son of the Father.
  • By this time, they should be aware of who He is, but they have also most likely heard other people talking about Him, and they may be curious as to what the reality is.
  • “However, what about you?” he inquired.
  • ‘You are the Son of the living God.’ -Matthew 16:15-16, the Bible Peter is back on the scene!

When it comes to Jesus, he recognizes him as the Messiah, savior, and redeemer, and as the Son of the living God.

And Jesus commends him on his observation of the situation.

I declare that you are Peter, and that I will build my church on this rock, and that the gates of Hades will not be able to demolish it.

-Matthew 16:17-20 (New International Version) Jesus agrees that Simon Peter has grasped the essence of the situation.

Jesus addresses this disciple as “Peter,” which is a Greek word that meaning “rock,” and pledges to establish the church on the foundation of his faith.

And what about us?

We may and should take pleasure in this realization.

God’s Son, as well as the Creator of the universe.

“How can you tell others about Jesus and who He is?” you might wonder. Finish with a prayer, praising God for His Son, Jesus, the Messiah, and pleading for His trust and assistance as we continue to worship Jesus and tell others about His work and magnificent love.

Sunday School Craft Ideas

Examine the following crafts that are associated with the concept of Peter as “rock” of the church, or crafts that are concerned with identity:

  • Create a collage depicting the characteristics of Christ (love, sacrifice, servanthood, and so on)
  • Alternatively, students might create a collage of activities they like doing and ways they characterize themselves. Decorate giant boulders using sharpies, puffy paint, or other materials of your choosing. Create a tiny rock garden or dry river bed in your backyard.

More Learning ActivitiesIdeas

Additional activities and follow-ups

  • Identify those who need to hear about Jesus and who He is and who they are not. It might be folks in your immediate vicinity or those from afar. Pray for them and search for opportunities to assist them or share God’s message with others. Look throughout the Bible for ways in which Jesus portrayed himself, as well as for ways in which Prophets or others spoke about Him. Each and every tale in God’s word has a connection to Christ, which is an astounding miracle! Look for Jesus in stories from the Old Testament (this exercise is excellent for older kids)
  • God desires that everyone come to know Him. compose a letter to a foreign missionary in which you express your gratitude for their efforts in preaching the Gospel
  • Make some scrumptious rock candy in the same way as Peter was the “rock”! Simple recipes are available on the internet, and there are several versions to choose from.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible teachings are designed to hold the children’s attention while also demonstrating how God’s Word may make a difference in the lives of others. Every series is adaptable enough to accommodate a diverse age range while remaining reasonably priced for small congregations. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf format, or check out our most recent Sunday School curriculum for children.

Bible Lesson for Kids: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14) – Free Children’s Ministry Resources

On the week of May 10, 2020, this Sunday School lesson was created for parents to utilize with their children in the comfort of their own homes. Everything is contained inside the PDF file provided below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets). Use only the information that is most beneficial to your children and disregard the rest. Our children’s message, suggested music, and craft demonstration are all available for viewing in the video playlist below.

“Jesus is the Way”

“Can you tell me how to do it?” When it comes to the world around them, children are extremely inquisitive, and they are also anxious to learn how to accomplish things for themselves. They are interested in learning how to accomplish things and investigating different techniques of how things work. They are interested in learning how to attain their goals. In the Gospel tale that we will be focusing on now, the disciples inquired of Jesus as to how they could go to the Father. They requested Him to show them the path, and He responded with a straightforward statement: “I am the way.” .God is a fantastic, gigantic, and inexplicable being.

  1. The only road to eternal life is via Jesus Christ.
  2. The main subject of the lesson is: Our sins and disobedience have caused us to be estranged from God.
  3. However, Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead in order for us to have a way to be with Him forever.
  4. God’s words are trustworthy because He loves us and offered Himself up for us.
  5. He is creating a home for us in Heaven, where we will be welcomed one day!

Materials required include: Materials required: construction paper, markers, stickers, paper plates, brad fasteners, scissors, pipe cleaners, hole punch, map, compass, keys, Bible (all optional, depending on which activities you choose to use).More Teaching Ideas: See all of our teaching activities based onJesus is the Way, and don’t forget to check out the video demonstration of theJesus is the Waycraft as well as the children’s sermon.

Game Idea and Lesson Introduction

Opening Statement: What does it mean to be on the “path” and living a life? Jesus teaches us that He is the light that leads to life. Additionally, there are a variety of additional factors that may “guide” us in the proper path, and this course will discuss a number of those principles. To get started, choose one of the following openers, or come up with one of your own from scratch!

  • Make a route map for yourself! This may be as basic as a map of your town with certain areas marked on it, or as complex as a treasure hunt of some type. You could even create an old-fashioned pirate map to use as a guide. Take a look at an actual compass and figure out which way it points north. Discuss how Jesus demonstrates the path to eternal life. Make a “treasure hunt” around the house or in the backyard. Provide them with specific directions to follow in order to locate a special treat. Disguise something in a different part of the home and utilize the “hotter/colder” game to track it down
  • Which key do you want? Create your own little “escape room” by combining a variety of locks, keys, and riddles
See also:  What Did The Shepherds Bring Jesus

After a few of entertaining games, explain to the children that Jesus’ disciples frequently questioned Him about who He was and what He had come to achieve. Some of those questions, as well as statements made by Jesus about himself, are addressed in the Gospel lesson we are now studying. Question: Who do you believe Jesus to be? What is He to you, and what does He represent? (While this may seem like a difficult issue for younger children, it is an important subject to consider at any age!)

Bible Lesson (John 14:1-14) Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

As is usually the case, the manner in which you choose to experience the narrative will be determined by the ages and skills of your children (and how many are participating). Using a children’s or storybook version of the Bible and explaining details as you go may be appropriate for younger children. Older children can assist in reading the narrative by taking turns. For older pupils, you may talk about what the passages imply and perhaps bring up other poems that are relevant. “Do not allow your hearts to be worried.” Believe in God, and believe in me as well.

  1. Would I have informed you that I was going to arrange a home for you if that had not been the case?
  2. And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will return and bring you with me so that you may be with me wherever I am.
  3. What is it that Jesus is referring to?
  4. The purpose of this was not only for those disciples, but for all of us as well!
  5. “How are we supposed to know the way?” 6Jesus responded by saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
  6. Seventh, if you knew who I was, you would have recognized who my Father was as well.
  7. It’s possible that this thought crossed the minds of the other listeners as well.

What is the response that Jesus gives?

He is the path to follow.

Jesus is implying that He is the entrance.

“Lord, show us the Father, and that will be sufficient for us,” Philip said to him.

Every person who has seen me has also seen the Father.

The words that I speak to you are not spoken on my own authority; rather, the Father who dwells within me performs his works through my mouth.

-John 14:8-11 (NIV) It’s almost as if Jesus is saying, “haven’t you been paying attention to what I’m trying to tell you?” in this passage.

In fact, even after Jesus’ death and resurrection, they are still having difficulty comprehending this concept!

Although Jesus is the Son of God, He declares in this passage that He is also one with God.

* Inquire:Does this seem confusing?

What is the best way to approach those questions?

14 Anything you want me to do in my name, I will gladly oblige.

Jesus is making a significant promise to us.

However, this does not imply that we will suddenly be able to perform miracles, fly, or ignore other important aspects of our lives.

He has already given us the gift of life.

Jesus is the one who saves us.

He desires for us to pray and to remain in close proximity to Him.

He adores us and desires to have a relationship with us. And we are confident that He will hear us when we call. To get into Heaven, we don’t need a map, a compass, or a key of any kind. Jesus is the way, and He provides us with life now and in the future!

Bible Craft Ideas:

See ourJesus is the Way crafts for more information (included in download above)

Christian Coloring Pages

We’ve included a few of our free coloring sheets in the combined PDF lesson download available at the top.

  • J stands for Jesus in our Free Bible Alphabet Coloring Pages
  • Y stands for Yahweh To print this Christmas Coloring Sheet, simply click on the image above.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible teachings are designed to hold the children’s attention while also demonstrating how God’s Word may make a difference in the lives of others. Every series is adaptable enough to accommodate a diverse age range while remaining reasonably priced for small congregations. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf format, or check out our most recent Sunday School curriculum for children.

All About Jesus Lesson Pack for Kids — Teach Sunday School

Children must come to KNOWJesus. They must be aware of who He was, what He accomplished, and what He means to us now. The most important indicator of a child’s long-term devotion to their religion is his or her relationship with Jesus Christ. The reason behind this is as follows: Many people believe that Jesus was a wonderful prophet or teacher, and they try to ” explain away” his actions. This group of doubters will argue that declaring Jesus as God’s son is taking things too far. Children need to understand that the Bible has EVIDENCE to the opposite.

If children are given access to the TRUTH revealed in the Bible, they will have the confidence to answer to any critics they may encounter.

It is past time to fill up the gaps and cement children’s understanding of Jesus.

INTRODUCING:All the Facts About JesusLesson Pack …

This lesson pack is intended to assist young minds in better understanding that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of the Living God who died in order to protect us from dying. It is divided into four sections. If Jesus were only a fine teacher, prophet, or “magician,” He would lack the authority to lead us into the kingdom of heaven. According to Christian belief, Jesus is the genuine messiah, and it turns out that we have a lot of strong grounds for believing that. Everything About Jesus is an in-depth look at the life and times of our incredible savior.

It is possible to deliver the 1-hour sessions one after the other over the course of a month, or to spread them out over the course of the year as needed- they are intended to be flexible.

We give you with the exact phrases, questions, and conversation topics you need to ensure that your message always resonates with children.

You have the option of following the scripts word for word or simply using them as a guide — the choice is yours! You will receive everything you require to teach children about Jesus in one package.

Children’s Ministry Curriculum: Lessons For Sunday School

A five-lesson series that teaches youngsters about who Jesus is and how they might develop a personal connection with Him is available. Please keep in mind that membership is required for these classes. The following is a sample of what each lesson will cover. To access the actual lessons, select LESSONS from the drop-down menu on the left. All free classes will have a green dot next to their titles to indicate that they are available.


Take a Pear with Jesus (Bulletin Board)

Lesson 1 – We Can Believe in Jesus

After learning the content of this lesson, the children will comprehend that fully believing in Jesus entails accepting His claims to be who he claims to be and acknowledging that He is the Lord of all. Memory Work – John 1:12; Scripture Reading and Discussion – John 10:22-42; Discussion – John 10:22-42 Application: What evidence do we have that Jesus is the Messiah? One of the ways is via the wonders He has accomplished. Another is by the manner in which He instructed people who followed Him.

  • Jesus helped others and lived a life of selflessness to the extent that He died on the cross for our sins on our behalf.
  • As a result, we may have faith that Jesus is who He claims to be.
  • We have reason to think He is the Messiah.
  • “You believe that there is only one God,” according to the Bible.
  • Even the devils believe it — and tremble at the thought.” (James 2:19; cf.
  • This is in contrast to how the devils operate.

Lesson 2 – We Can Know Jesus

After finishing this lesson, the children will understand that knowing Jesus intimately and trustingly involves having an intimate and trusting connection with Him. Study of John 6:69 in memory work, as well as reading and discussing John 14:1-14 in Scripture. Application: So, how can we get to know Jesus? The disciples should have been quite familiar with Jesus because they spent several weeks with Him, listening to His teachings and experiencing His miracles firsthand, as well as witnessing His love and care for them and others.

They didn’t grasp the fact that He was, in fact, God.

His love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and mercy are all available to us at any time of day or night. He is there for us at all times. It is only through allowing Him to become more a part of our lives that we will learn to know Him better.

Lesson 3 – We Can Obey Jesus

Children will realize after finishing this lesson that knowing Jesus intimately and trustingly entails developing a personal connection with Him. Exercises in Memorization – John 6:69; Scripture Reading and Discussion – John 14:1-14 Application: Describe the process through which you come to know Jesus. The disciples should have been quite familiar with Jesus because they spent several weeks with Him, listening to His teachings and experiencing His miracles firsthand, as well as witnessing His love and care for them and their situation.

They had no idea that He was in fact the Creator of the universe.

His love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and mercy are all available to us at any time of the day or night.

To know Him better, we must allow Him to become more and more a part of our lives.

Lesson 4 – We Can Live For Jesus

Children will discover in this lesson that we have no life until we have Jesus, and that when we live for Jesus, we may yield abundant fruit in the world around us. Exercises in Memory – John 15:5; Scripture Reading and Discussion – John 15:1-12 Application: It is critical to maintain a spiritual connection with Jesus. He provides us with a life of plenty. In the absence of an attachment to the fruit tree, a branch of a fruit tree will not develop or yield any fruit. The tree provides the branch with all of its nutritional requirements.

He is the source of our existence.

Whoever consumes my flesh and drinks my blood becomes ingrained in me, and I become ingrained in them.

Lesson 5 – We Can Love and Adore Jesus

The children will get an understanding of how they may properly express their love and devotion for Jesus via worship, praise, and service to others as a result of this session. Study of John 13:34 in memory work, as well as Scripture reading and discussion of John 12:1-8. Application: Mary expressed her devotion to Jesus in a unique and memorable way. Nothing was too good for her Lord and Savior, and nothing was impossible for him. The fragrant oil she poured on Jesus’ feet was extremely costly, and it would ordinarily only be used a small amount at a time in a traditional setting.

She was so in love with Him that nothing else mattered. Possibly she was aware that Jesus would not be with her for much longer. As a result, she desired to offer Him all she possessed of worth. Jesus desires for us to have the same level of devotion to Him. Find Out More About Becoming a Member

Free Preschool Sunday School Lessons

Children learn that they are extremely important to Jesus in this Sunday school lesson that is based on the Bible. They are precious in His sight because they are God’s offspring, and that is why He loves them.


God’s special creation, love, and awe-inspiring

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Before the lesson begins, place crayons or colored markers, as well as blank sheets of paper, on the tables in front of the students. As soon as the children come, instruct them to think of someone who is very dear to them and to make a picture illustrating why this person is so dear to them. Request volunteers to share their thoughts on their drawings with the rest of the class when they have completed.

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

Do you require any other information? To learn more, please visit this page.

See also:  What Year Did Jesus Begin His Ministry?

BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

“Allow the children to come to me; do not prevent them from doing so! For it is to such as them that the kingdom of God belongs.” Mark 10:14 (New International Version) Discuss what it means to be a member of the “Kingdom of God.” After that, pose the following questions to the children: 1. What exactly does it mean to be a member of something? 2. Can you explain what it means to be a member of God’s Kingdom?

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

As you prepare for story time, gather the children around you to form a circle. After the introduction, read the tale of Jesus with the young children from the Bible, which is included in the book. If at all feasible, utilize a Children’s Bible to make it simpler for the children to comprehend what is being said. Introduction: One day, a large group of people gathered around Jesus and began to quiz him about difficult subjects. Questions such as: who will be the greatest in Heaven, when is it appropriate to have a divorce, and who has the ability to cast out demons are all valid.

  1. Something was taking place, and Jesus thought it to be more significant than the questions he was being asked.
  2. The Book of Mark is where our tale picks up where it left off.
  3. (Jesus and the small children) (Jesus and the tiny children) Questions for discussion: 1.
  4. Is it possible that He was displeased for whatever reason?
  5. 2.
  6. (This does not apply to minors.) Is it reasonable to believe that Jesus considered spending time with children to be more essential than addressing challenging questions?
  7. How would you feel if you were one of the children who Jesus picked up and carried away in His arms.
  8. Are you aware that Jesus is currently wrapping His arms around you?

FUN TIME (15-20 minutes)

With Jesus, you can be Thumb-body (Craft) To learn more, please visit this page.


A Chair Fit for a King (Game) To learn more, please visit this page.

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Do you require any other information? To learn more, please visit this page. First and foremost, express your gratitude to God for His unfailing love and for being such a lovely Heavenly Father. Then you may feed the youngsters cupcakes with cream filling or sandwich cookies. “Can you tell me what makes these sweets so special?” ask the youngsters. This cake is wonderful because it has a creamy filling within, and we are also special because we have Jesus living inside of us.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

While the children are waiting to be picked up, mention the names of numerous Bible figures, or ask them to choose their favorite Bible character from among those mentioned. Then ask them to describe what it is about that particular character that makes him or her unique. For example, David was exceptional because he was able to defeat a massive Goliath with the assistance of God.


Do you ever get ill or feel lousy for no apparent reason? The love of Jesus may provide comfort and healing when we are not feeling well. Check back next week to find out how.


At the conclusion of class, provide one copy to each student to take home. To learn more, please visit this page.

Jesus Christ is God – Lesson 1 in Explorers series 2

Greetings, Dear Friend God’s love for us is so great that He gave us the most amazing gift He could ever provide. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins. For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life, according to what is written in the Bible (John 3:16). God desires for us to understand who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us, so He has provided us with four stories of His life.

  1. As John begins his Gospel, he refers to the Lord Jesus as “the Word,” which means “the living Word.” “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” wrote the apostle John (John 1:1).
  2. He was there with God the Father before the creation of the world, the sun, the moon, or the stars.
  3. However, there was a period when He took on the form of a man and resided on our planet.
  4. (See also John 1:14).
  5. Jesus was that miracle kid.
  6. The word “Immanuel” literally translates as “God with us.” God’s promised child would be God himself, who would come to dwell among us.
  7. Her son was born to a virgin, Mary, who had never had sexual intercourse with a man.

She was engaged to be married to a guy called Joseph, but the Bible states that “.before they were married, she was discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:18).

As a youngster, He desired to carry out the instructions of His heavenly Father.

Baptized by John the Baptist when Jesus was around thirty years old and ready to begin His public ministry, Jesus was preparing to enter the world.

” (Matthew 3:17).

God desires for us to have accurate perceptions of Himself, so He sent His beloved Son to reveal to us what He is truly like on the inside.

Because of Jesus’ teachings and example, we know that God loves us despite our sins.

Several passages in the Bible state that God “does not wish for any to perish, but rather that everyone come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

Jesus adored the children, and the children adored Him in return.

Because the disciples believed that the children were becoming a distraction for Jesus, they instructed the mothers to refrain from bringing their children to him.

According to the Bible, He was “very dissatisfied.” His response to them was, “Let the little children come unto Me, and do not forbid them: for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).

He reminds me of Jesus!

“He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” (See also John 14:9).

Jesus declared Himself to be the Son of God.

The storm and the sea were calmed by Jesus.

Jesus went asleep, and while He was resting, a massive storm erupted around Him.

“Lord, help us!” they cried out as they roused Jesus from his sleep.

The wind ceased to blow immediately, and the water remained quiet.

They exclaimed, “What kind of guy is He, that even the winds and the sea bow down to Him?” they wondered.

Satan’s minions are the evil spirits who roam the earth.

When Jesus ordered them to come out of a person, they did so without hesitation and without question.

This is covered in further detail in Mark 5.

It was He who restored sight to the blind, enabled the deaf to hear, and enabled the paralyzed to walk.

Consider the following scenario: a beloved friend of yours passed away, and you attended the funeral.

This would have to be the most incredible thing you’ve ever witnessed, wouldn’t it?

He is the Almighty God, and He has revived three individuals from the grave.

“Lazarus, come forth!” Jesus said.

(See the book of John.) The coming of Jesus did not bring about marvelous acts; rather, He came to suffer for our sins in order that we could be rescued by His grace.

Jesus took the punishment for our sins and died on the cross.

We are rescued as a result of our faith in Him.

Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.


Consider the possibilities!

“Great is the secret of godliness: God was shown in the flesh,” the Bible says of Jesus, who was crucified.


When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God forgives us of all our sins since His Son died on the cross to pay the penalty for our transgressions.

‘I write vnto you, small ones, since your sins have been forgiven you for the sake of His name’, according to the Bible (1 John 2:12).

In addition, it is a great thought to consider that Jesus loved me so much that He gladly gave His life for my sake. I adore You, and I put my faith in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as my Savior. In the name of Jesus, I pray.”

Chapter OneEmpty Flowerpots

As soon as he heard the school bell ring, Jared was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Carlos, his best buddy, was the person he wanted to find and tell him what had occurred the day before. In the corridor, when Jared noticed Carlos, he pushed his way past the clamorous group of people. “Hey, Carlos,” Jared began, grabbing Carlos by the arm and telling him, “I’ve got something really wonderful to tell you.” “Can you come over to my place and have a conversation?” “Sure!” he said, a grin on his face.

  1. In Jared’s backyard, the lads sat down on the grass for a moment.
  2. Carlos was the one who inquired.
  3. Then there was yesterday’s trip to the church with my aunt and uncle and cousin Beth who had recently moved in across the street.
  4. Everybody knows that we all die at some point,”Carlos sarcastically said.
  5. Then there is everlasting death, which entails being separated from God for all eternity and being lost in hell for all eternity.
  6. It is only if we confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior that He will forgive us and enter into our hearts, granting us eternal life in His presence.
  7. “So?” Despite Jared’s excellent news, Carlos did not appear to be overjoyed by the news.

Jesus accepted my plea for forgiveness and acceptance as my Savior, and He did so.

A passage from the Bible was shown to me by the teacher, which stated, “I deliver unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” Carlos, I want you to know Jesus as your personal Savior as well.

“I’m sorry, Jared, but I’m not interested.” My sister Lisa returned home from camp the previous year, claiming to have been rescued.

She’s acting much worse than she has in the past.

“Many thanks for the discussion, Jared.

As Jared stood there watching Carlos walk out of the back yard, he was filled with disappointment.

Jared, on the other hand, was determined to demonstrate to Carlos that being a Christian does, in fact, make a difference in one’s life.

It wasn’t long before others began to notice that he had stopped cursing and saying things that were offensive to the teachers.

What worried Jared the most was that Carlos was spending more time with a troublemaker by the name of Alex Simons than he should have been.

It had begun to drizzle, and he needed to get home as soon as possible so that he could finish Mr.

In the distance, Jared could see someone running out of the Bennett’s back yard with a jacket draped over his head as he walked from the back to the front.

Jared muttered to himself,”I wonder why Carlos ran off.

The flowerpots had been turned over and the flowers scattered in the grass.

Without stopping to think, Jared ran down the street to Carlos’ house.

“You mean worm!” Jared shouted furiously.

Bennett’s flowers?

I didn’t do anything to those flowerpots.” Carlos replied.

“And you are going to go fix what you did and clean up the mess.” “Ha – Ha – Ha!” Jared heard Alex from inside the garage.

Jared can’t even take a joke,”Carlos said with scorn in his voice.

“You call messing up someone’s yard a joke?

Jared returned to the Bennett’s yard.

After giving the flowers more water, he turned to go home. Who turned over the Bennetts’ flowerpots? What will Jared do next? Don’t miss the next chapter about Jared—coming in your next lesson.^top Click on the Questions link below to do the questions. QUESTIONS

Sunday School Lesson (John 14:1-14) Jesus is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

In this week’s lesson, the children will discover that Jesus Christ is both the Way, as well as the Truth, and also the Life. All of these Sunday School Lessons are based on the chapter in John 14 in which Jesus reveals that the only way to establish a connection with God is via a personal interaction with Him. We’ve provided everything you’ll need to teach this week’s curriculum in one place. Simply download the lecture materials from the links provided below. There are several options for this week’s lesson – the first download includes complete teacher notes, craft examples, object lessons, a preschool version, a coloring page, and worksheets; the second download includes a preschool version, a coloring page, and worksheets; and the third download includes a preschool version, a coloring page, and worksheets.

Jesus is the Way to God Bible Lessons

This lesson is part of the “I AM” series, which includes eight free classes based on these declarations spoken by Jesus himself. This lesson is part of theAttributes of God series, which includes 42 free courses on the nature of God’s character.

More Teaching Ideas about the Way, the Truth, and the Life

  • The Ministry-To-Children archive contains information about being Jesus is the Way. See the video playlist on Jesus is the Way for further information. On Sermons4Kids, there is a lesson called “I am the way.” Please see Ministry-To-Children for a free copy of the Gospel Coloring Book:
See also:  Why Did Jesus Cry Tears Of Blood

Children’s Sermon Jesus has the Keys to Life

ThisBible Object Lessonwill educate children that Jesus is the only way to eternal salvation. It is based on John 14:1-14, in which Jesus declares, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Download the teacher’s notes, view our Children’s Message demonstration, and organize your resources before starting. Then you’ll be prepared to deliver this message at your church the following Sunday!

Craft ideas on Jesus is the Way

When teaching children that Jesus Christ is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life,” use these activities to reinforce the message. They can be used in conjunction with any John 14:1-14 lesson plan for Sunday School classes. Download the craft instructions, watch our how-to video, and then gather your materials for making the project.

Sunday School Coloring Pages about Jesus our Way to God

Alternatively, you may click on the images to open them in a big size JPEG for printing, or you can download each as a separate file from the download above.

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Video Bible Stories about Relationship with Jesus

Despite the fact that Jesus was entirely human, he was also completely God! That implies that He was without flaw and never did anything wrong. He lived a normal life, ate and slept, and had friends, just like you and me, but he was also capable of astounding feats that only God is capable of.

Sunday School Worship Song for Kids “You Are”

14″Do not allow your hearts to be saddened by this. Believe in God, and believe in me as well. 2There are numerous rooms in my Father’s house. Would I have informed you that I was going to arrange a home for you if that had not been the case? 3. And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will return and bring you with me so that you may be with me wherever I am. 4And you are aware of the route I want to go.” 5Thomas approached him and said, “Lord, we have no idea where you are going. “How are we supposed to know the way?” 6Jesus responded by saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.

  1. Seventh, if you knew who I was, you would have recognized who my Father was as well.
  2. ” Every person who has seen me has also seen the Father.
  3. The words that I speak to you are not spoken on my own power; rather, the Father who resides within me performs his works via my mouth.
  4. 12I declare to you truthfully and truly: whomever believes in me will do the works that I do, and he will perform much greater works than these because I am going to the Father.
  5. Anything you want me to do in my name, I will gladly oblige.

Version standardized in English (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (often known as the ESV). The ESV® Text Edition was published in 2016. Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, was granted copyright protection in 2001.

Jesus’ Childhood: Free Sunday School Lesson

To Remember:Jesus a good child, He obeyed His parents and studied God’s word.Vocabulary
  • Nazarene: a term used to describe persons who resided in Nazareth and were deemed inferior to true Jews. Knowing the difference between right and evil is wisdom.

Lesson-Read Luke 2:41-52 for inspiration. In the beginning, Jesus was born as a newborn and grew up as a kid, just like you and I do. His understanding of childhood comes as a result of his own childhood. And it wasn’t all plain sailing for him. His family was forced to relocate because Herod desired to have Him slain. For a time, he resided in a faraway nation, and later in Galilee, in a village named Nazareth, where he died. Living in Nazareth wasn’t everyone’s favorite thing to do. The Jews regarded Nazarenes as impoverished and unable to be considered “genuine” Jews.

  1. His family did not come from a wealthy background.
  2. His relative went on to become well-known as an eccentric prophet, and we’ll speak about him in more detail next week.
  3. Only a handful of people did.
  4. What exactly does that mean?
  5. Understanding is the beginning of wisdom.
  6. Is this true or false?
  1. Jesus was brought to the planet as a fully matured man. F
  2. Because His parents were wealthy, Jesus had no need to be concerned as a youngster. F
  3. Jesus was a decent youngster who was conscientious about doing the right thing. T
  4. Jesus understands what it’s like to be a youngster in today’s world. T

The young children, and all the children of the world, are loved by Jesus, as we sing. Every year, Jesus’ family traveled to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple, just as God had commanded all Jews to do at the time. After making the journey with Jesus when he was twelve years old, his family was on their way back to Galilee when they noticed He wasn’t with them! They returned to Jerusalem and looked for Him for three days before giving up. How could you even comprehend how frantic they must have been?

  1. Are you able to predict where they ultimately located Jesus?
  2. He was at the temple, studying with the scribes and priests.
  3. Jesus was asking questions, listening to the answers, and answering the questionsHimself in the process.
  4. His mother inquired as to what he believed he was getting himself into.
  5. What kind of father was He referring to?
  6. He was referring to God.
  7. Do you have the ability to study and learn from God’s word?
  8. Jesus returned to His parents’ house and obeyed them, obeying the rule to honor one’s father and mother, according to the Bible’s further explanation.
  9. As long as we follow their orders and tell them the truth and do good things for them, we will not be in trouble.

Following his actions, the Bible records that he “grew in stature and intelligence, and in favor with God and mankind.” When we do the right thing, both God and men will be pleased with us. Activities that are a BLAST! SING:Oh, the B-I-B-L-E-Activities that are a BLAST!

Questionsforgameboardlinguisticquestions: a review of the material

  1. What was the temple’s purpose? a huge structure where the Jews gathered to worship God
  2. Fill in the blanks: “I have to get down to business.” Unscramble the following word: phojes

Questions about the activity

  1. Locate the city of Nazareth on a map
  2. Make a drawing of the temple
  3. Complete the puzzle of the picture of Jesus in the temple

Questions about one’s emotions

  1. What was God’s reaction to Jesus’s obedience? gratified and honored
  2. I’m curious how Mary felt when she couldn’t locate Jesus. concerned, frightened
  3. What was the reaction of the Jews when Jesus answered their questions? surprised

Questions about the application

  1. Is it possible that Jesus understands what it’s like to be a child? Yes, he was once one, therefore he is familiar with our difficulties. How can we become wise in the same way that Jesus was? Study the Bible, pay attention to our parents, who were once children themselves
  2. What does God think of us when we are obedient? glad, delighted

Questions about the facts

  1. What types of issues do today’s children encounter? Breakups in the family, bullies at school, sickness, and so forth
  2. What was the destination of Jesus’ family’s journey? Jerusalem
  3. What was the reason for their visit to Jerusalem? to express gratitude to God

Questions to re-examine

  1. What is the significance of knowing what is right and what is wrong? Due to the fact that God desires us to do what is proper and avoid what is evil
  2. What was Jesus’ demeanor like as a child? I followed my parents’ instructions, read the Bible, and placed God first. What was Jesus’ reason for remaining in Jerusalem? to learn about God’s word

DIG IN – The Life of Jesus

Digging Into The Life of Jesus has been updated to include Core Bible information that has been tailored to fit the needs of today’s students. In each adapted Bible experience, educators have a seamless option for creating Sunday school lessons that can be used in online or at-home settings while still offering a rich, faith-growing experience to children no matter where they are. Additional recommendations for various lesson block possibilities that are suitable for use in at-home or online teaching situations are included in the modified ‘Core Bible at Home’ parts of the book.

Digging Into the Life of Jesus guides children through the events of Jesus’ life, from his birth through his resurrection and ascension.

They will learn that Jesus is a genuine person—a real friend—who makes a difference in their lives today as they study the Life of Jesus Sunday School Curriculum.

It just takes a few minutes to finish the demo!

Your Subscription Includes

  • The Life of Jesus Sunday School curriculum program has a one-year undated scope and sequence and follows the teachings of Jesus. You can begin anytime you like. Additionally, you may purchase and utilize more than one software at the same time while using a single account. Each of the children’s Sunday school programs is available for purchase separately. a total of four age groups ranging from three to six grades
  • All class types (age graded
  • One room
  • Large/small group
  • Unlimited number of classrooms
  • Every week, there are 11 activity blocks (each with up to 2 hours of content)
  • Thirteen Sunday school sessions for children are taught each quarter, plus an Easter and a Christmas lesson. Every week, a Bible principle and summary scripture are provided. 15 months of online access to the material following the date of purchase
  • Possibility of downloading courses in editable Microsoft Word format and customizing them
  • Take-home information is delivered every week.

Pricing is based on the average number of weekly students enrolled in the children’s Sunday school program, making it an inexpensive children’s ministry curriculum for churches of any size and on a variety of financial situations.

Tier Level Number of Students Cost Per Quarter
Tier 1 1-20 kids $117
Tier 2 21-40 kids $167
Tier 3 41-60 kids $217
Tier 4 61-100 kids $267
Tier 5 101-400 kids $317
Tier 6 401+ kids $392

Classroom Resources

You will receive everything you need to use Digging Into the Life of Jesus as part of your subscription to DIG IN Sunday school curriculum. However, we encourage that you look into these extra classroom tools to help you get the most out of your classroom experience:

  • Quarterly Companion Downloads: If you prefer actual DVDs in classrooms rather than downloading Music and Talk-About films to a device, you can request quarterly companion downloads. Quarterly Audio CDs: If you only want the audio component of the songs from the Music videos, you may order them every three months. DIG IN and Life of Jesus graphics are included on the clip art CD/download for your convenience. Make use of your imagination
  • Quarterly Bible Point Posters: Each quarter, 13 posters are sent to reinforce the themes covered in the Life of Jesus Bible lecture. Large Decorating Posters: 3′ x 5′ giant Life of Jesus posters to spice up your children’s play area with some decorating flair

Lesson Building

  • Children’s directors have the option of either developing DIG IN Sunday school lessons for teachers or allowing some or all instructors to develop their own lessons. The process of creating Sunday school classes for children is simple (even for non-technical people)—lessons may be created in minutes. The ability to design their own lessons allows teachers to select activity blocks that make use of their inherent abilities and match the interests of the students in their class, so boosting their impact and effectiveness as teachers. If you wish to utilize the same activity blocks week after week, you can simply press a button to create lessons for the full quarter at the same time. Let’s talk about simple
  • With a single click, you may send DIG IN Sunday school lessons to substitute instructors.

ComputersInternet Access

A computer with an internet connection is only required for the creation of lessons and the downloading or printing of lesson materials. Teachers can use a hard-copy printout or a mobile device to instruct students in the classroom. Alternatively, you may purchase a Quarterly Companion DVD and play it from a conventional DVD player, or you can download video material ahead and play it from a device connected to a TV or projector.

Delivery of Content

Following the purchase of your first quarter of children’s ministry curriculum, you will have the option to purchase the following quarters whenever you choose. You will purchase and get lesson content on a quarterly basis if you opt to use the conventional distribution method, which involves automatically recurring credit card payments. It is entirely up to you!

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