Which Herod Tried Jesus?

The New Testament can be confusing at times, as there were at least 6 different Herods!

  • When it comes to the ″slaughter of innocents,″ the name Herod is one that is frequently connected with events that take place during the first few years of Jesus’ earthly life.
  • Herod, on the other hand, is referenced again later in the Gospels as well as in the writings of the New Testament.
  • These Herods are not the same, as the name Herod was used by at least six distinct kings of Judea throughout history.
  • Herod the Great, who reigned from 37 to 4 B.C., is thought to have been the first Herod during Jesus’ lifetime, according to experts.
  1. Most historians agree that Jesus’ birth occurred between 6 and 4 B.C., which corresponds to Herod’s rule.
  2. This Herod is the one who ordered the ″slaughter of innocents″ recounted in Matthew 2:16, which was the principal reason why St.
  3. Joseph was warned by an angel to leave with his family to Egypt, and it is this Herod who is the subject of the story in Luke 2:16.
  4. More information may be found at: King Herod was responsible for the deaths of an unknown number of Holy Innocents.
  5. A different ″Herod″ came to power after this specific Herod died, and he reigned throughout Jesus’ youth, and he was known to historians as Herod Archelaus.
  6. It was during his reign that St.
  1. Joseph was permitted to return to Israel, but this Herod was not much better, and Joseph was once again cautioned to stay away from the Judean area of Israel.
  2. His fear of going to Judea increased when he learned that Archelaus had taken over as ruler in lieu of his father Herod.
  3. As a result of a dream warning him to leave, he fled to the area of Galilee.
  • (Matthew 2:22) The Bible says There are several additional Herods who are named in the Gospels and the New Testament in later years.
  • To gain a better understanding of the many ″Herods,″ the Biblical Archeological Society has created a highly informative Herodian Family Tree that may be used to determine which Herod was responsible for what in the Bible.
  • Read more about the most important structures built by Herod the Great.
  • Read more:King Herod’s footsteps reveal his political shrewdness (in Greek).

Who was Herod that tried Jesus?

  • The tetrarch of Galilee during Jesus of Nazareth’s career was Herod Antipas, who was born in 21 BC and died in AD 39.
  • He was the son of Herod I the Great and became tetrarch of Galilee.
  • According to the Gospel of Luke (13:32), Jesus is supposed to have addressed to him with disdain, referring to him as ″that fox.″ King Herod, sometimes known as ″Herod the Great,″ reigned in Judea from about 74 to 4 B.C.
  • and was recognized by the Romans as the legitimate ruler of the area.
  1. While Judea was an autonomous kingdom, it was heavily influenced by the Romans, and Herod rose to power with the assistance of the Romans.
  2. In the same way, what did Herod have to say about Jesus?
  3. Herod Antipas (the same man who had previously ordered the killing of John the Baptist) had wished to see Jesus for a long time, expecting to see one of Jesus’ miracles.
  4. He finally got his wish when he saw Jesus performing a miracle.
  5. Despite Herod’s queries and the furious allegations leveled against him by the chief priests and scribes, Jesus says nothing in response to them.
  6. Who was Herod at the time of Jesus’ birth, other from the one mentioned above?
  1. Herod the Great was a Roman emperor who reigned from 323 to 323 BC.
Successor Herod Archelaus Herod Antipas Philip the Tetrarch Salome I
Born c. 74/73 BCE
Died c. 4 BCE Jericho, Judea
Burial Most likely the Herodium

What was King Herod’s nationality, and what was his religion? Roman

What the Bible Teaches About Herod Antipas

  • Herod Antipas was a co-conspirator in the conviction and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and he was killed as a result of his actions.
  • In more than 30 years previously, his father, Herod the Great, had attempted but failed to murder the infant Jesus by executing all the boys under two years old in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16), but his family had already escaped to Egypt with the help of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.
  • Herod was sprung from a line of political con artists.
  • In order to earn favor with the Romans and the formidable Jewish council, the Sanhedrin, he turned to Jesus for assistance.

Herod Antipas’ Accomplishments

  • Augustus Caesar, the Roman Emperor, named Herod tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, which he held until his death.
  • Tetrarch was a title given to a monarch of a kingdom who ruled over one-fourth of the territory.
  • In the New Testament, Herod is referred to as King Herod on occasion.
  • He rebuilt the city of Sepphoris, which was just three miles away from Nazareth at the time.
  1. It has been suggested that Joseph, Jesus’ foster father, may have contributed to the construction of the temple as a carpenter.
  2. A new capital for Galilee was established on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, which was given the name Tiberias in honor of Herod Caesar’s patron, the Roman emperor Tiberius Caesar.
  3. It included a stadium, hot baths, and a magnificent palace, among other amenities.
  4. Many observant Jews, however, hesitated to enter Tiberias since it was allegedly built over a Jewish cemetery, according to legend.

Herod Antipas’ Strengths

Herod was a skilled administrator in the provinces of Galilee and Perea, according to the chronicles of the Roman Empire.

Herod Antipas’ Weaknesses

  • Herod was a man of questionable moral character.
  • He married Herodias, the ex-wife of his half-brother Philip, and they had two children.
  • When John the Baptist expressed his displeasure with Herod for this, Herod imprisoned him.
  • Then Herod caved in to Herodias and her daughter’s scheme and ordered John’s beheading as punishment (Matthew 14:6-11).
  1. The Jewish people, on the other hand, adored John the Baptist and regarded him as a prophet.
  2. Herod’s enemies were even more enraged as a result of John’s death.
  3. Due to the fact that Jesus was from Galilee, Pontius Pilate brought Jesus to Herod for trial, who was terrified of the chief priests and members of the Sanhedrin.
  4. The King of Israel, Herod, preferred that Jesus perform a miracle for his amusement rather than seek the truth from him.
  5. Jesus, on the other hand, would not budge.
  6. Jesus was ridiculed by Herod and his troops.
  1. However, instead of releasing this innocent man, Herod returned him to Pilate, who had the power to have Jesus executed at that point..
  2. Herod’s betrayal boosted his connection with the chief priests and the Sanhedrin, and it marked the beginning of a friendship with Pilate that would last for the rest of his life.
  3. Herod fell out of favor after Tiberius died and was succeeded by Caligula as the emperor of Rome.
  • He and Herodias were sent to Gaul, where they died (France).

Life Lessons

Doing ill in order to advance our position can have eternal ramifications. We will frequently be presented with the decision of whether to do the right thing or the wrong thing in order to obtain the favor of someone in authority. Herod opted for the latter, which resulted in the death of the Son of God.


Herod’s birthplace in Israel is not known, but we do know that his father sent him to Rome to further his education.

Referenced in the Bible

Scripture references include Matthew 14:1-6; Mark 6:14-22; Luke 3:1-20; 9:7-9; 13:31; 23:7-15; Acts 4:27; 12:1-11.


The tetrarch, or ruler, of the provinces of Galilee and Perea in Roman-occupied Israel was named after the Roman emperor Tiberius.

Family Tree

Herod the Great was my paternal grandfather. Malthace is the mother of the brothers Archaelaus and Philip, while Herodias is the wife of Archaelaus.

Key Verses

  • Matthew 14:8-12 is a Bible verse.
  • When the guests arrived for Herod’s birthday celebration, the daughter of Herodias performed for them, winning Herod over to the point that he promised her everything she asked for under oath.
  • ″Give me here on a plate the head of John the Baptist,″ she said after being prodded by her mother.
  • The king was upset, but because of his vows and the presence of his dinner guests, he agreed to her plea and ordered John’s execution in jail.
  1. On a plate, his head was brought into the room and handed to the young girl, who carried it to her mother.
  2. John’s followers came and brought his body to the cemetery where he was buried.
  3. Then they went to Jesus and informed him what had happened.
  4. (NIV) Luke 23:11-12 (KJV) Afterwards, Herod and his men insulted and ridiculed him (Jesus).
  5. They returned him to Pilate after dressing him in a regal gown for the occasion.
  6. Herod and Pilate became buddies on that day; they had previously been bitter adversaries.
  1. (NIV)

Who was the Herod that tried to kill Jesus?

Herod Antipas

Who were the four Tetrarchs in Jesus time?

The title was initially used to refer to the governor of any of the four tetrarchies that Philip II of Macedon split Thessaly into in 342 BC—namely, the Thessaliotis, Hestiaeotis, Pelasgiotis, and Phthiotis—when Philip II of Macedon divided Thessaly into four tetrarchies.

Who ruled Galilee in Jesus time?

What was the tetrarchy and what problem was it supposed to solve?

The term ″tetrarchy″ alludes to the split of the Roman Empire into four parts, which was instituted by the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Diocletian’s answer to the problem was to choose many leaders, known as Tetrarchs, who would be based in various regions around the empire. Each would have considerable authority.

Why is Herod called a Tetrarch?

Name. Despite the fact that the title Tetrarch implies four rulers (″ruler of a quarter″), Josephus, in the context of recounting Herod’s legacy, only refers to three of them. It is Archelaus who has ″one half of that which was subject to Herod,″ and Philip and Antipas who have ″the other half, split into two halves,″ according to the author.

What did King Herod do to Jesus?

From 37 BC until 37 AD, Herod was the ruler of Judea. According to the Bible, he instigated the murder of all the newborns in Bethlehem in an attempt to get rid of the newborn baby Jesus.

Which Herod was eaten by worms?

Agrippa’s death is described in a similar manner in Acts 12, with the addition that ″an angel of the Lord smote him down, and he was devoured by worms″: 20 Herod was now enraged with the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon for their actions.

What happened to Herod after Jesus?

Herod died at Jericho, after suffering from an exceedingly painful, putrefying sickness of unknown origin, which has come to be known as ″Herod’s Evil.″ According to Josephus, Herod attempted suicide by stabbing himself because of the suffering he was experiencing as a result of his sickness, but his attempt was prevented by his cousin.

Did Herod die of worms?

25th of January, 2002 — He was a vicious individual who met an untimely demise at the hands of others. It has taken more than 2,000 years for experts to determine what killed Herod the Great at the age of 69. They have determined that the king of ancient Judea died as a result of chronic renal illness worsened by an extremely unpleasant case of maggot-infested gangrene of his genitals.

How does Herod die in the Bible?

  • An analysis of historical records has revealed that Herod the Great died from a combination of chronic kidney disease and a rare infection that caused gangrene in his genitalia, according to new research.
  • Herod the Great was known for his bloodlust and was the most bloodthirsty ruler of ancient Judea.
  • Previously, it had been thought that Herod’s death in 4BC, at the age of 69, was caused by complications from gonorrhoea.

Does the Bible say Herod was an Edomite?

Herod, who was born in southern Palestine, was the son of Antipater, an Edomite who was subsequently appointed procurator of Judaea by Julius Caesar. Herod was the son of Antipater, who was born in southern Palestine. She was the daughter of a noble from Petra, which was the epicenter of a burgeoning Nabataean political power.

Where was Adam buried?


Where is the true cross of Jesus now?

Relics sufficient to load a ship According to tradition, a big portion of the cross donated to Helena’s mission was transported to Rome (the other portion stayed in Jerusalem), and a large portion of the remnants are now housed in Rome’s Basilica of the Holy Cross, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Where is Jesus buried now?

  • Archaeological investigation at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has revealed that it was the location of a Jewish cemetery in an ancient limestone quarry outside the walls of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ death, which has been confirmed by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • Modern-day construction has constructed a shrine around the remnants of the ancient tomb, which is known as the edicule.

Who is the heavenly father of Jesus?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God the Father (Jehovah) is the one real almighty God, even superior to his Son Jesus Christ, according to their theology. According to them, Jesus Christ is God’s First-begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit is God’s active force (projected energy).

What happened 50 days after Jesus?

A Christian holy day commemorating the arrival of the Holy Spirit 40 days after Easter, Pentecost is celebrated on May 1. Pentecost was originally a Jewish festival celebrated 50 days following the Passover holiday. It was one of three important feasts held during the Jewish year, and it was held to express gratitude for the harvest.

Why did Jesus stay on earth 40 days after resurrection?

Q: Why did Jesus choose to remain on Earth for 40 days rather than ascending to heaven after his death? Answer: The number 40 appears several times in the Scriptures. His outward looks supported the key argument that he had defeated death and offered the promise of everlasting life in exchange for his victory.

How long was Jesus on earth before he ascended?

40 days

What does the number 40 mean in the Bible?

Testing, tribulations, and victory

What did Jesus do during the 40 days?

Immediately following his baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus was subjected to 40 days and nights of temptation by the devil in the Judaean Desert. During this time period, Satan approached Jesus and attempted to entice him. After Jesus rejected each temptation, Satan withdrew from the scene, and Jesus went to Galilee to begin his public ministry.

JESUS AND HEROD – Antipas Tried Jesus. His Father Tried To Kill Him

  • What was Herod’s reaction to Jesus?
  • Luke 23:8-12 (KJV) 8 When Herod finally got to meet Jesus, he was overjoyed; he had wished to see Him for a long time because he had heard so many good things about Him and wanted to see one of His miracles.
  • 9 Then he bombarded Him with a barrage of questions, to which He gave no response.
  • 10 And the chief priests and scribes sprang to their feet and swore loudly against Him.
  1. 11 Then Herod, accompanied by his soldiers, treated Him with contempt and insulted Him, adorning Him with a beautiful gown, and sent Him back to Pilate in chains.
  2. 12 That same day, Pilate and Herod made friends with one another, despite the fact that they had previously been at odds with one another.″ What was Jesus’ reasoning for ignoring Herod?
  3. Jesus did not wish to be dragged into Herod’s circus, and Herod did not have the authority to crucify Jesus.
  4. In Luke 23:11, Herod explains why he sent Jesus back to Pilate ″decked out in a beautiful gown.″ As Pilate noted, ″that same day Pilate and Herod made friends with one other.″ He was jokingly honoring Jesus as a king, which Pilate appears to have welcomed (Luke 23:12).
  5. What was Pilate’s next move?
  6. Luke 23:13-16 (KJV) Once Pilate had summoned all of the leaders and people together, he said to them: ″You have brought this Man before me because you believe he is one who deceives the people.″ And actually, having investigated Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man with the things that you accuse Him of; 15 and Herod, for whom I returned you, also found no fault in this Man; and indeed, He has done nothing deserving of death.
  1. As a result, I shall reprimand Him and then release Him.″ What is it about Pilate’s words in Luke 23:14-16 that is so offensive?
  2. As long as he found ″no fault″ in Jesus, he should just release Him, rather than ″chastise him″ first and then ″free him.″ Is it any wonder that Pilate agreed to ″chastise″ Jesus?
  3. Jesus’ crucifixion was most likely done to placate the Jews long enough for them to accept anything less than what they desired: the death of their Messiah.
See also:  What Does The Blood Of Jesus Mean

Who are the various Herods mentioned in the Bible?

  • Answer to the question The name ″Herod″ is used to refer to a number of different persons in the New Testament.
  • Herod and his family were members of an Idumean dynasty that ruled over Israel during the time of the Roman Empire, which was partly hereditary and partially appointed.
  • Unlike previous kings of Israel, the Herods were appointed by the Roman emperors and the Roman senate, unlike previous rulers of Israel.
  • The first of the Herods is commonly referred to as ″Herod the Great,″ and he is the one who attempted to assassinate Jesus in Matthew 2 by executing all of the baby boys.
  1. This Herod also attempted to seek the help of the three wise men in order to discover the location of the newborn Jesus.
  2. Historically, this first Herod, also known as Herod the Ascalonite, was the son of Antipater, a friend and deputy of King Hyrcanus who was also known as Herod the Ascalonite.
  3. The senate of Rome elevated him to the position of king in the stead of Hyrcanus, his master.
  4. Herod Antipas (or Antipater) was Herod the Great’s son, and he was also known as Herod the tetrarch, because he was the son of Herod the Great (Matthew 14:1; Luke 3:1).
  5. The term tetrarch refers to a ruler who is in charge of the fourth division of a kingdom.
  6. A decision by his father Herod the Great to split his vast empire into four pieces and gift each of them to his sons, a decision that was later ratified by the Roman Senate, was a watershed moment in Jewish history.
  1. Herod Antipas was the tetrarch of Galilee, which was the portion of the kingdom that had been allocated to him.
  2. In fact, he is the one to whom Jesus was sent throughout His trials and ultimately crucifixion (Luke 23).
  3. Herod Antipas was the same Herod who ordered the assassination of John the Baptist (Matthew 14).
  • Herod Agrippa I was the grandson of Herod the Great and was reigning at the time of his death (Acts 12).
  • That he was, who persecuted the Christian community in Jerusalem and ordered the assassination of the apostle James, the brother of John and the son of Zebedee, is well documented.
  • James became the first apostle to be martyred when he was beheaded by Herod Agrippa I in Jerusalem.
  • Bernice and Drusilla, two of Agrippa I’s daughters, are named in Acts 24 and Acts 25, respectively.
  1. Herod Agrippa II, Agrippa’s son, played a crucial role in preventing Paul from being tried and imprisoned in Jerusalem by Jews who despised his testimony about Jesus as the Messiah.
  2. Out of concern for Paul’s status as a Roman citizen, King Agrippa granted Paul permission to defend himself, allowing Paul to use this occasion to preach the gospel to the entire assembly (Acts 25—26).
  3. Agrippa II was the last of the Herodian dynasty to reign.
  4. Following him, the family’s standing with the Romans deteriorated.
  5. Return to the page with the miscellaneous Bible questions.

In the Bible, there are several different Herods named.Who are they?

Who Were the Herods?

  • Herod the Great, Herod Archelaus, and Herod Antipas are three members of Herod’s family that play significant roles in the life of Christ.
  • Herod the Great is the most notable of these figures.
  • 1.
  • Herodotus The Magnificent It is important to note that Herod the Great (r.
  1. 73 BCE to r.
  2. 4 BCE) was not a Jew.
  3. His father was Idumean and his mother Arabian.
  4. In 40 B.C., the Roman senate elevated him to the position of king of Judea.
  5. He lost favor with the Jewish people despite the fact that he was a great builder (including the expansion of the temple) and had been occasionally helpful to them in the past.
  6. His mixed ancestry, along with his Edomite blood, would have rendered him unpalatable to the majority of the population.
  1. This is what the Old Testament has to say about Edom.
  2. ″Even though we have been crushed, we will reconstruct the wreckage,″ Edom would declare.
  3. This is what the LORD Almighty has to say about it: ″They may construct, but I will demolish it.″ This people will be referred to as ″the evil country,″ and they will be forever under the anger of the LORD (Malachi 1:4).
  • The Visit of the Three Wise Men to Jerusalem While Herod was in power, the Three Kings came to Jerusalem to pay homage to the infant Jesus.
  • Afterward, following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of Herod the Great, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, asking, ″Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?″ We have come to worship him because we have seen his star in the east and have followed it (Matthew 2:3).
  • The Magi paid a visit to Herod, who was the ruler at the time.
  • He was the one who ordered the killing of innocent people in Bethlehem.
  1. He became enraged when he discovered that he had been outwitted by the Magi, and he sent orders to murder all the boys in Bethlehem and its environs who were two years old or younger, in line with the time he had learned from the Magi (Matthew 2:16).
  2. Towards the conclusion of his reign, Herod’s cruelty increased in intensity.
  3. The fact that he believed his own family was plotting to overthrow him led to his murdering one of his wife (Mariamne), her mother, two of her boys, and his own eldest son.
  4. This prompted the Roman Emperor Augustus to remark that it would be better to be Herod’s pig (hus in Greek) than his son as a result of the events (huios).
  5. 2.

Herod Archelaus (also known as Herodotus) When Herod the Great died, Archelaus, his eldest son, was appointed as the ruler of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea (modern-day Israel).He did not have authority over the Galilee.However, when he learned that Archelaus had taken over as ruler of Judea in lieu of his father Herod, he became fearful of traveling there.After receiving a warning in a dream, he withdrew to the Galilee region of Israel (Matthew 2:22).

Archelaus was a legitimate source of concern.Augustus, on the other hand, postponed Augustus’ approval of his kingship until Archelaus had shown himself.It never happened since Archelaus began his rule by assassinating 3,000 influential citizens, thereby preventing the confirmation.He was ousted from power by the Emperor two years later.The Emperor then removed the Herod family from their position as rulers of Judea.Despite the fact that another son of Herod (Herod Antipas) reigned over the Galilee, he was a more lenient king.

His hometown of Galilee became well-known during his lifetime as a hotbed of revolutionary enthusiasm.This is something his father would never have permitted in his son.Herod Antipas was the third ruler of the Roman Empire.When Jesus began His public ministry, Herod Antipas was in power in Galilee.In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar’s reign – when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod the tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip the tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene were all in power – Jesus was crucified and buried (Luke 3:1).In Latin, he is known as the tetrarch, which means ″ruler over a fourth quarter.″ He was the ruler of Galilee and Perea.

John the Baptist was assassinated by Herod.Herod assassinated John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus, and ordered his execution.As a result, heim promptly dispatched an executioner with instructions to fetch John’s head.The guy went to the prison and beheaded John there (Mark 6:27).Herod believed Jesus to be John the Baptist, who had risen from the dead.

  • Herod, being a superstitious man, believed Jesus to be John the Baptist, who had been risen from the grave.
  • The stories about Jesus reached Herod the tetrarch, who exclaimed to his attendants, ″This is John the Baptist, and he has risen from the grave!
  • ″ ″It is for this reason that he possesses supernatural powers″ (Matthew 14:1,2).
  1. Herod wished to assassinate Jesus.
  2. Herod wished to assassinate Jesus in the same way he assassinated John the Baptist.
  3. At that point, a group of Pharisees approached Jesus and told him to ″leave this location and go somewhere else.″ ″Herod intends to put you to death.″ When I asked him what he’d say, he answered, ″Tell that fox that I’m going to drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I’ll fulfill my goal″ (Luke 13:31,32).
  4. Herod was referred to as ″that fox″ by Jesus.
  5. Jesus was brought before Herod so that he may be put on trial.
  6. When Jesus was put on trial, he was taken before Herod.
  1. When Pilate learned of this, he inquired as to whether the guy was a Galilean.
  2. After learning that Jesus was subject to Herod’s authority, he dispatched him to Herod, who happened to be in Jerusalem at the time of the events.
  3. His delight when he first laid eyes on Christ stemmed from his want to see him for quite some time.
  4. According to what he had heard about him, he was hoping to witness him perform a miracle.
  1. He bombarded Jesus with a barrage of questions, but he received no response.
  2. All of the top priests and professors of the law were standing there and angrily accusing him of the crime.
  3. Then Herod and his troops insulted and mocked him in front of the entire city.
  4. They returned him to Pilate after dressing him in a regal gown for the occasion.
  5. Herod and Pilate became buddies on that day; they had previously been bitter adversaries (Luke 23:6-12).
  6. Herod was dissatisfied with Jesus’ failure to perform any miracles or provide any answers to his concerns.

Summary During the lifetime of Jesus, three members of Herod’s family play significant roles.When Jesus was born, Herod the Great was the ruler of the land.When he passed away, Herod Archelaus took over as ruler.

  1. During the period of Jesus’ public ministry, Herod Antipas was the ruler of Galilee.
  2. He was the one who ordered the execution of John the Baptist.
  3. Herod believed that Jesus was truly John the Baptist, who had been risen from the grave.
  4. Herod desired to assassinate Jesus, just as he had done to John the Baptist.
  5. Jesus was seen by Herod during His trial, and he expressed his disappointment because Jesus did not perform a miracle in his presence.

Meet Herod the Great and Learn Why He Hated Jesus

Herod the Great played the role of the antagonist in the Christmas tale, an evil monarch who viewed the newborn Jesus as a threat and sought to have him murdered.

Herod the Great

  • On two occasions during the life of Herod the Great, two Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled: When King Herod ordered the murder of all babies two years and younger in Bethlehem, it fulfilled Jeremiah 31:15
  • and when Joseph fled with Mary and Jesus to Egypt as a result of this threat, it fulfilled Jeremiah 31:16. In fulfillment of Hosea 11:1, they returned to Jerusalem and Herod the Great was able to construct a beautiful temple in its place. Even bad individuals are used by the Lord to carry out his plans and goals.
  • Because he did not want any challenges to his kingdom, Herod Antipas assassinated John the Baptist and permitted Jesus to be crucified, following in his father’s footsteps.

Herod the Great’s Story

  • Herod the Great was not entirely Jewish, despite the fact that he was the ruler of the Jews in Israel during the time before Christ.
  • At 73 BC, he was born in Ashkelon, a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Palestine to an Idumean man named Antipater and a lady named Cyprus, who was the daughter of an Arab sheikh.
  • He was the son of Antipater and Cyprus.
  • Herod was a cunning schemer who took advantage of political turmoil in Rome to claw his way to the top of the political ladder.
  1. Herod gained the favor of Octavian, who would go on to become the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, during a civil war that raged throughout the empire.
  2. Once he became king, Herod embarked on a massive construction project that included both the city of Jerusalem and the splendid harbor city of Caesarea, which was named after the emperor.
  3. He was responsible for the restoration of the great Jerusalem temple, which was subsequently destroyed by the Romans in A.D.
  4. 70 following a rebellion.
  5. According to Matthew 2:12 and Luke 1:5, Herod the Great’s life biography is described in the Bible.
  6. The Wise Men encountered Herod on their way to honor Jesus, according to Matthew’s Gospel.
  1. He attempted to deceive them into disclosing the location of the infant in Bethlehem as they were on their way home, but they were warned in a dream to avoid Herod and returned to their own nations by a different path.
  2. Joseph, Jesus’ stepfather, was also forewarned by an angel in a dream, who instructed him to take Mary and their son and leave to Egypt in order to avoid Herod’s wrath.
  3. Following his discovery that the Magi had outfoxed him, Herod got outraged, ordering the massacre of all boys under two years old in Bethlehem and the surrounding area (Matthew 2:16).
  • The fact that Joseph did not return to Israel until after Herod’s death is well known.
  • According to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, Herod the Great died as a result of a painful and debilitating sickness that caused breathing difficulties, spasms, rotting of his body, and the infestation of worms.
  • Herod ruled for a total of 37 years.
  • The Romans split his kingdom among his three sons, and he died as a result.
  1. One of them, Herod Antipas, was a conspirator in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, and he was one of the conspirators.
  2. The tomb of Herod the Great was discovered by Israeli archaeologists in 2007 at the site of the ancient city of Herodium, which is located 8 miles south of the capital of Jerusalem.
  3. There was a shattered sarcophagus, but there was no corpse.
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  • In the ancient world, Herod boosted Israel’s status by growing its commerce and transforming it into a trading hub for the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East.
  • Theaters, amphitheaters, a dock, shops, temples, dwellings, palaces, walls encircling Jerusalem, and aqueducts were among the many projects on his huge construction schedule.
  • He maintained order in Israel, but only via the use of secret police and oppressive authority.


Herod had a good relationship with Israel’s Roman invaders. He understood how to get things done because he was a good politician.


His father-in-law, several of his 10 wives, and two of his sons were all slaughtered by Herod the Great, who was also a terrible guy. He disobeyed the rules of God in order to suit his personal interests, and he preferred the favor of Rome over the interests of his own people. Herod’s high taxes, which were used to fund extravagant projects, placed an unjust burden on the Jewish population.

Life Lessons From Herod the Great

  • Unchecked ambition has the potential to transform a person into a monster.
  • When we put God first and foremost in our lives, he assists us in keeping everything in right perspective.
  • Jealousy impairs our ability to make sound decisions.
  • Instead of being concerned about others, we should be grateful for what God has provided for us.
  1. Great accomplishments are pointless if they are carried out in a manner that is unworthy of God.
  2. Rather of erecting monuments to ourselves, Christ urges us to love relationships with one another.

Herod the Great’s Family Tree

Antipater is the father’s euphemism. Cyprus is the motherland. Cleopatra (Jewish), Doris, Mariamne I, Mariamne II, Malthace, Cleopatra (Jewish), Pallas, Phaedra, Elpis, and others were among the wives. Herod Antipas’ sons were Philip, Archelaus, Aristobulus, Antipater, and others.

Key Verses

  • Matthew 2:3–3:3 ″While King Herod was reigning in Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth, Magi from the east traveled to Jerusalem and inquired about the whereabouts of the one who had been born king of the Jews.
  • We noticed his star as it rose in the sky and have come to adore him.’ When King Herod learned about this, he was alarmed, as was the entire city of Jerusalem ″ (NIV).
  • Matthew 2: 7-8 (NASB) ″Then Herod summoned the Magi in secret, and it was through them that he learned the precise hour the star had shone.
  • ‘Go and conduct a thorough search for the infant,’ he instructed them as they traveled to Bethlehem.
  1. You must immediately inform me of your discovery so that I might go and adore him as well.’″ (NIV).

Herod Antipas

  • Herod Antipas, (born 21 bce—died after 39 ce), son of Herod I the Great, who rose to the position of tetrarch (ruler of a minor principality in the Roman Empire) of Galilee, in northern Palestine, and Peraea, east of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth’s ministry.
  • Herod Antipas was the son of Herod I the Great, who rose to the position of t According to the Gospel According to Luke (13:32), Jesus is supposed to have referred to him as ″that fox,″ a term of derision for the man.
  • Herod Antipas acquired a portion of his father’s kingdom around the year 4 BCE after the Roman emperor Augustus modified his father’s last will and testament.
  • He repaired the damage done during the years between his father’s death and the acceptance of the will, repairing two cities, one of which he renamed in honor of the Roman imperial family, and establishing a third town in honor of the Roman imperial family.
  1. After divorcing his Nabataean wife, Herodias, who had been married to Aretas IV, the king of the neighboring desert country, he went on to marry Herodias, who had been the wife of his half brother.
  2. His former father-in-law was insulted, and his Jewish subjects were alienated as a result of the marriage.
  3. As recorded in Mark 6, as well as the related narratives in Matthew 14 and Luke 3, when John the Baptist, one of Herod’s subjects, publicly rebuked Herod for this marriage, Herodias provoked her husband into imprisoning John the Baptist.
  4. While she was still unmolested, she persuaded her daughter, Salome, to beg for the head of John the Baptist in exchange for dancing at her stepfather’s birthday feast.
  5. Despite his reluctance, Antipas murdered John the Baptist.
  6. Years later, when Jesus’ miracles were reported to him, Antipas came to believe that John the Baptist had been resurrected.
  1. According to Luke 23, after Jesus was caught in Jerusalem, Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judaea, first sent him to Antipas, who was in the city for Passover since Jesus was from Antipas’s realm.
  2. Antipas then handed Jesus over to Pilate.
  3. However, since he did not want to cast judgment on Jesus, he quickly returned him to Pilate, who was also hesitant to pass judgment on him.
  • Antipas had created the city of Tiberias on the western side of the Sea of Galilee, partly in the style of a Greek city, at some point in the past.
  • However, despite the fact that he erected sculptures in the style of a Greek city in his palace, his coins did not depict any pictures.
  • He also enlisted the aid of the Herodians, a wealthy Jewish community that backed him and was tolerant of Roman power.
  • Since Herod was intimately associated with Emperor Augustus, he was chosen to serve in the role of mediator during the Roman-Parthian negotiations in the year 36.
  1. Although the conference was a success, Antipas’s hurry in reporting the news to Rome enraged Aulus Vitellius, the Syrian legate who would eventually become emperor, who resented Antipas’s haste.
  2. Around the year 37, the Nabataean king Aretas IV, whose daughter Antipas had been rejected by Herod, launched an attack on Herod’s territory, inflicting significant damage.
  3. When the tetrarch appealed to Rome, the emperor dispatched Vitellius, who, still resentful of the tetrarch’s actions, took advantage of every opportunity to prolong the process.
  4. After Caligula was crowned emperor in 37, Herodias, resentful of her brother Agrippa I’s prosperity, urged her husband to accuse him before the emperor.
  5. However, the intended victim, Antipas, foresaw the deposition and leveled allegations against him that were only partially genuine.

Having exiled Antipas to Gaul and Herodias accompanying him, Caligula expanded his territories by incorporating the tetrarchy into his dominion.Following his banishment, nothing is known about Antipas’s personal life.Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the person who most recently improved and updated this article.


  • Galilee, also known as Ha-galil in Hebrew, was the northernmost area of ancient Palestine, roughly equivalent to modern-day northern Israel.
  • Its biblical bounds are unclear; various interpretations leave only the fact that it was a part of the realm of the northern tribe of Naphtali as a definite indication.
  • During the time of the Roman-Jewish historian Josephus, the boundaries of this hilly region were established (1st century ad).
  • On the western side, there were Acre and Mount Carmel; on the southern side, there were Samaria and Bet Shean (Scythopolis); on the eastern side, there was a line that ran through ancient Baca (probably modern Bezet); and on the northern side, there was a line that ran through ancient Baca (probably modern Bezet).
  1. Some geographers believe that Galilee’s border should be extended northward to the Nahr al-Lin (Leontes River).
  2. Britannica Quiz History: Is it true or false?
  3. As you take this quiz, you’ll get more interested in history.
  4. You’ll learn the actual story behind the invention of moveable type, who Winston Churchill referred to as ″Mum,″ and how and when the first sonic boom was heard.
  5. Galilee is separated into two sections: the Upper and the Lower Galilee.
  6. Upper Galilee (with its capital city of Efat) is characterized by higher hills that are divided by small canyons and defiles.
  1. Lower Galilee (with its capital city of Nazareth) is an area characterized by lower hills.
  2. When the Israelites conquered Palestine, the Canaanites were well-entrenched in Galilee, and the Israelites were forced to flee.
  3. According to the Book of Judges (1:30–33), Jews and Canaanites coexisted in the land of Israel even after Joshua’s conquering of the land.
  • In the time of David and Solomon (10th century BC), Galilee was a part of their enlarged kingdom; later, it became a part of the northern kingdom, which is now known as the State of Israel.
  • Following the conquest of the Assyrian monarch Tiglath-pileser III over the Israelite kingdom in 734 BC, a large portion of Galilee’s Jewish population was forced into exile.
  • Later, the region came to be regarded as Jesus’ boyhood home and, later, as the location of the majority of his public ministry activities.
  • In Galilee, Jesus performed the vast majority of the miracles recorded in the New Testament.
  1. Following the demolition of the Second Temple by the Romans in AD 70, the Galilee region became the focal point of Jewish study in Palestine once again.
  2. Following the Arab invasion of Galilee, the region became destitute (636).
  3. When Kabbala was practiced in its most esoteric form throughout the Middle Ages, efat was the most important center in the world.
  4. The Zionist colonization of the region has resulted in the region’s rebirth in current times.
  5. Beginning with the establishment of the community of Rosh Pinna (Hebrew: ″cornerstone″) in 1882, a series of villages was established, which proved to be important negotiating chips in the British mandate’s inclusion of the whole Galilee (1920).

Despite the fact that the United Nations partition plan (November 1947) envisaged the partitioning of Galilee between Israel and the never-created Arab state in Palestine, after the 1948–49 Arab–Israeli conflict, all of it was transferred to Israel.During the 1950s, the Galilee region underwent a significant shift in its physical landscape, with the drainage of marshy Lake ula, north of the Sea of Galilee, the conversion of the ula Valley into productive farmland, and straightening of the upper course of the Jordan River.Amy Tikkanen was responsible for the most current revision and updating of this article.


  • The ruler of a principality in Greco-Roman times; initially the ruler of one-fourth of an area or province; in modern times the ruler of one-fourth of a region or province.
  • The title was initially used to refer to the governor of any of the four tetrarchies that Philip II of Macedon split Thessaly into in 342 BC—namely, the Thessaliotis, Hestiaeotis, Pelasgiotis, and Phthiotis—when Philip II of Macedon divided Thessaly into four tetrarchies.
  • (These may, however, have represented a resurgence of a split that had previously existed.) Later, the name tetrarchy was used to refer to the four divisions of Galatia (in Anatolia) that existed before to the Roman invasion of the region (169 bc).
  • ″Tetrarch″ became more well known subsequently as the title of many Hellenized rulers of small dynasties in Syria and Palestine, to whom the Romans granted a degree of autonomous power after the fall of the Roman Empire.
  1. In this use, it has lost its precise meaning and now refers solely to the ruler of a split kingdom or of an area that is too insignificant to warrant a higher rank in the hierarchy.
  2. After Herod the Great’s death (4 BCE), his kingdom was divided among his three sons: Archelaus received the greater part of the kingdom, which included Judaea, Samaria, and Idumaea; Philip received the northeastern part of the kingdom and was designated tetrarch; and Herod Antipas received Galilee and was designated tetrarch.
  3. From AD 41 until AD 44, these three sovereignties were unified under the rule of Herod Agrippa.

How Many Herods Are There in the Bible?

  • Kenneth Berding — Wednesday, March 3, 2014 As I mentioned in my last piece (What Does the Fox Say?
  • ), After all, who exactly is the Fox?) I published an article on Herod Antipas.
  • In the course of writing, I found that a lot of people are perplexed about who the biblical character ″Herod″ is.
  • This isn’t unexpected given the fact that there are six separate (!) ″Herods″ mentioned in the New Testament, all of whom are somehow linked to one another.
  1. Here are some thumbnail sketches to help you remember who’s who in the group: 1.Herod the Great is a historical figure (ruled 37-4 B.C.) He’s the one who appears in the Christmas narrative.
  2. The client king is a very powerful figure who reports to Rome.
  3. I attempted to deceive the three wise men.
  4. The infants of Bethlehem were slaughtered (not to mention some of his own sons and wives).
  5. Not at bit cuddly in the least.
  6. To be honest, you wouldn’t want any of these Herods to become your ″bosom friend,″ and certainly not ″the Great.″ 2.Herod Archelaus (Herod Archelaus) (ruled 4 B.C.-A.D.
  1. 6) He was one of three sons of Herod the Great who were named in the Bible.
  2. He was given one-half of his father’s domain, which included the land around and close to the city of Jerusalem (Judea and Samaria).
  3. After escaping to Egypt, Joseph was adamant about not relocating Mary and the infant Jesus to Bethlehem since Bethlehem lay within Herod Archelaus’ dominion, and, like his father ″the Great,″ Herod Archelaus was not renowned for being very cuddly.
  • A Roman procurator took over for him less than ten years into his reign, which is why Pontius Pilate, rather than one of the ″Herods,″ is in charge of Jesus’ crucifixion rather than one of the ″Herods.″ 3.Herod Antipas (reigned 4 B.C.
  • to A.D.
  • 39) Jesus referred to him as ″the Fox″ (Luke 13:32).
  • Received a fourth of his father’s land as a compensation (Galilee and Perea).
  1. In the meantime, he divorced his first wife and married Herodias, the wife of his brother (who happened to be yet another ″Herod″).
  2. John the Baptist was assassinated.
  3. Due to the fact that Herod was in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ trial, Pontius Pilate arranged for Jesus to meet with him as part of the proceedings.
  4. Was it ever brought to your attention that on that day, Pilate and Herod Antipas made friends (Luke 23:12)?
  5. Herod Philip the Tetrarch (Herod Philip the Tetrarch) (ruled 4 B.C.-A.D.
See also:  How To Ask Jesus For Forgiveness

34) A fourth of his father’s kingdom (north and east of Galilee, primarily held over by Syrians and Greeks) was given to him as an inheritance.He married his niece, Salome, who was the daughter of Herodias (Herod Antipas’s wife-of-sin), who was also his cousin.5.Herod Agrippa I (ruled A.D.

37-44) was the grandson of Herod the Great and the nephew of Herodias, Herod Antipas’s wife, and the son of Herod the Great.He eventually grew to rule over even more land than his grandfather, Herod the Great, had previously held.In the book of Acts, he is credited as being the one who imprisoned Peter (Acts 12:1-5)…despite the fact that he was unable to keep him there (12:6-19)!Also, when the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon referred to him as a deity, he ″did not give God the praise,″ and as a result, he was struck by an angel and ″devoured by worms″ (Acts 12:20-23).Yes…I know…I’m a jerk…However, it is a simple method to recall which ″Herod″ he is referring about.

Herod Agrippa II was the sixth ruler of the Roman Empire (ruled A.D.50s until long after the end of the Jewish war; died around A.D.93) In the same way that his father Herod Agrippa I and great-grandfather Herod the Great reigned over vast territories, he did so as well.During Paul’s third missionary voyage, he and the Roman procurator Porcius Festus conducted interviews with him when Paul was imprisoned at Caesarea (in Palestine) during his third missionary journey (Acts 25-26).″Within a short period of time, you will persuade me to become a Christian,″ Agrippa cried to Paul (in the original Greek) (Acts 26:28).Was he joking, or was his comment ironic?

In any case, Paul ultimately decided to appeal directly to Caesar, and he had no further interaction with the final and most powerful ″Herod″ after that.There is no more mention of the Herod dynasty after this final Herod (save for the fact that they were honored by having a luxury department store named after them…(Sorry, typographical error.) Even a more succinct summary is as follows: The Christmas narrative of Herod the Great Because of Herod Archelaus, Joseph was forced to go to Nazareth rather than Bethlehem.John the Baptist was assassinated by Herod Antipas.Herod Philip ruled the region north and east of the Sea of Galilee.

  • Herod Agrippa I was devoured by worms.
  • The Trial of Paul at Caesarea under Herod Agrippa II ″Paul″ is a common given name for baby males.
  • I’ve never heard of a couple calling their newborn child ″Herod,″ but it’s possible.
  1. It’s difficult to picture anyone trying to turn the tide on this trend.


As well as other ″Herods″ (the dynasty name) throughout history, I’m only going to discuss the ones who are specifically named in the Scriptures.

Kenneth Berding

  • Kenneth Berding is a professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • He is the author of a number of books, some of which are academic (such as Polycarp and Paul), some of which are semi-academic (such as What Are Spiritual Gifts?
  • Rethinking the Conventional View), others which are intended for the classroom (such as Sing and Learn New Testament Greek or The Apostolic Fathers: A Narrative Introduction), and still others which are intended for the church (such as Sing and Learn New Testament Greek or The Apostolic Fathers: A Narrative Introduction) (such as Walking in the Spirit or Bible Revival: Recommitting Ourselves to One Book).
  • He has had essays published in a variety of periodicals, including the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Vigiliae Christianae, New Testament Studies, and the Journal of Early Christian Studies.
  1. He has also presented papers at conferences.
  2. He is the creator and director of Bible Fluency: Sing It, See It, Study It (Bible Fluency).
  3. In his previous life, Berding worked as a church planter in the Middle East and as a professor at Nyack College, located just north of New York City.
  4. He has a passion for God and service, and he has authored a number of praise songs as well as serving as a worship pastor in a local church setting.

Who Was the Real King Herod?

  1. Home
  2. References
  • This photograph depicts the Western (or ″Wailing″) Wall of the Second Temple, which was erected by Herod and is still standing today.
  • Although no photos of Herod survive today, remnants of his numerous construction projects do.
  • (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.) King Herod, sometimes known as ″Herod the Great,″ reigned in Judea from about 74 to 4 B.C.
  • and was recognized by the Romans as the legitimate ruler of the area.
  1. While Judea was an autonomous kingdom, it was heavily influenced by the Romans, and Herod rose to power with the assistance of the Romans.
  2. Herod is depicted in the Bible as a monstrous figure who attempted to kill baby Jesus and, when he failed to locate him, slaughtered every newborn in Bethlehem.
  3. In the modern period, historians largely feel that the narrative is made up.
  4. Even though Herod was responsible for the deaths of his wife and three of his children, he was also a prolific builder who repaired and extended the Temple in Jerusalem, which was the holiest place in Judaism at the time of his death.
  5. During a financial crisis, he also played a role in saving the old Olympic Games.

Rise to power

  1. While it is unknown exactly where Herod was born, it is known that his father, Antipater (who died in 43 B.C.
  2. ), was from Idumea (also known as Edom), a location on the southern bank of the Dead Sea near the northern border of Israel.
  3. In the kingdom of Nabataea in Jordan, Cypros’ mother was from, and the city of Petra was a part of, a prosperous monarchy.
  4. Pompey was in command of a Roman army that launched an offensive in the eastern Mediterranean in 63 B.C., forcing a Jewish dynasty that held what is now Israel to submit to Roman power.
  5. Pompey was killed during the operation.
  6. Herod and his father sided with the Romans, and they were rewarded with more authority as a result of their actions.

The Hasmonean High Priest Hyrcanus II, who reigned only in name, agreed to Antipater, Herod, and Herod’s elder brother Phaesael’s ″exercise of quasi-royal powers throughout the kingdom″ by 43 B.C., according to historians.Geza Vermes, who was professor emeritus of Jewish Studies at Oxford University until his death in 2013, said in his posthumously released book, ″The True Herod,″ that he was inspired by the life of the historical figure Herod the Great (Bloomsbury, 2014).The three men’s ability to exert authority, on the other hand, was shaky.Antipater was poisoned to death in 43 B.C., according to legend.Later, in 40 B.C., the Parthians, backed by a revolt, captured Jerusalem, assassinated the king, imposed a loyal dictatorship, and drove Herod to escape to the city of Rome (see below).As soon as he arrived in Rome, Herod sought the assistance of Octavian and Mark Antony, who were at the moment allies of the Roman government.

  1. The two of them came to an agreement that he should be made king of Judea.
  2. Herodias re-entered Judea, and with the assistance of the Roman legions, he was able to retake Jerusalem and other areas around the region by 37 B.C.
  3. Herod’s position, on the other hand, remained precarious.
  4. Family members of the Hasmonean Dynasty, who had been in power prior to the arrival of the Romans, were enraged by the fact that the Romans had installed Herod as the ruler of Judea.
  5. He married Mariamme, the granddaughter of former high priest Hyrcanus II, in an attempt to bring members of the Hasmonean Dynasty into the fold, as well as members of his own family.
  6. Her three boys, Alexander and Aristobulus, as well as a third son who died young in Rome, and two daughters were born to him, according to Vermes’s account.
  • Mariamme was murdered by Herod in 29 B.C.
  • on the grounds that she had committed adultery and attempted to assassinate him, according to Herod.
  • Herod had at least ten wives and felt that polygamy was permitted under Jewish law.
  • The king also executed his sons Alexander and Aristobulus in 7 B.C., and Antipater II, Herod’s oldest son (whom he had with another wife) in 4 B.C.
  1. The monarch also executed his sons Alexander and Aristobulus in 7 B.C.
  2. Herod accused his three sons of attempting to assassinate him.
  3. Herod seized the property of people who he felt were opposed to his reign and sold it to the highest bidder.
  4. Herod became extremely wealthy as a result of the confiscation of the riches of the hostile Jewish upper classes, which supplied him with sufficient means to pay for the continuous goodwill of his Roman ruler, Mark Antony, according to Vermes.
  5. In addition, Herod found himself in dispute with Cleopatra VII, the queen of Egypt and Antony’s lover, who was a rival for his affections.
  1. Cleopatra VII craved Herod’s domain, and she used her influence with Antony to persuade him to grant her a portion of Herod’s territory in exchange for her assistance.
  2. As a result of the dissolution of the alliance between Octavian and Antony in 32 B.C., the two men engaged in a civil war, with Antony ruling the eastern sections of the Roman Empire and Octavian commanding the western parts.
  3. When Antony was beaten in the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C., Herod sided with him, but he ultimately came out on the losing end, as Antony committed himself in 30 B.C.
  4. Herod set ship towards Rhodes, where he would meet with Octavian, unsure of what would happen to him.
  5. During his meeting with Octavian, Herod removed his crown and informed the emperor that he had stood with Antony until the bitter end, according to the ancient historian Josephus (A.D.

37-100).″I have been vanquished by Antony, and with his demise, I have relinquished my throne.I have come to you with the expectation that you will be interested in knowing not only who my friend has been, but also what kind of friend I have been, and I have placed my hope of safety in your hands ″Josephus penned a letter (translation by English classicist G.A.Williamson).Octavian was so taken aback by Herod’s performance that he not only permitted him to continue as king, but also returned to him land that Antony had granted to Cleopatra VII.

Herod the builder

  1. According to Vermes, ″Without a question, he was the greatest builder in the Holy Land, designing and directing the execution of palaces, fortifications, theatres, amphitheatres, harbors, and the whole city of Caesarea, and to cap it all, he coordinated the rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem.″ When the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem in 587 B.C., they demolished the First Temple, which had been erected by King Solomon and dedicated to his memory.
  2. While a Jewish temple had been constructed on the site in the late 6th century B.C., Herod constructed a second temple that was far greater in scale..
  3. It is referred described as the ″Second Temple″ by historians today.
  4. Despite the fact that the Romans destroyed much of the Second Temple in A.D.
  5. 70, a portion of it still stands today.
  6. ″The renowned Western (or Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem, a lovely testament to the past for some and the holiest place of Jewish devotion for others,″ said Vermes.

″The colossal piece that still exists is the famous Western (or Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.″ Other famous sites Herod built include Masada, a clifftop palace-fortress decorated with beautiful mosaics, and the Herodium, a complex located 7.5 miles (12 kilometers) from Jerusalem that contains palaces, a bathhouse, a pool house, and other structures that are built on top of a man-made hill.Masada is a clifftop palace-fortress decorated with beautiful mosaics, and the Herodium is a complex located 7.5 miles (12 kilometers) from Jerusalem that Herod also had a role in the preservation of the old Olympic Games.He made a ″substantial contribution to the financial support of the quadrennial Olympic games, whose future was endangered by a shortage of funding,″ according to the statement.Vermes penned a letter.And, as a result of Herod’s financial help, ″the organizers of the ancient games elected Herod eternal Olympic president and documented it in inscriptions,″ according to the article.

Did he kill Jesus?

  1. Most historians think Herod died around 4 BC, however others have argued that he died in 5 BC or 1 BC.
  2. There have also been speculations that he died in 1 BC.
  3. He is said to have attempted to assassinate baby Jesus and succeeded in killing all of the other infants in Bethlehem, an incident known as the ″massacre of the innocents,″ according to the Gospel of Matthew.
  4. These allegations are largely considered to be incorrect by historians today.
  5. According to Peter Richardson, a professor emeritus of religion at the University of Toronto, and Amy Marie Fisher, an adjunct instructor of religion at the University of Edmonton, the legendary ″massacre of the innocents″ may be a Christian dramatization of Herod’s execution of his own children.
  6. ″Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans: Second edition″ is available online (Routledge, 2018).

It is also claimed in the Gospel of Luke that Mary and Joseph (the parents of Jesus) were required to be registered in a census at the time of Jesus’ birth, which is another reference to Herod’s reign.Because there is no proof of a census taking place during Herod’s reign, this is likewise thought to be incorrect by modern-day historians, as well.″As for the census, which had the objective of preparing the introduction of Roman taxes in Judaea, it could not have taken place during Herod’s rule because of the conflict with the Romans.He was spared from such meddling since he was a friend of Rome, a rex socius or an allied monarch ″Vermes stated, pointing out that no census was conducted in Judea until the year 6 A.D.As a result of the Bible’s assertion that Jesus was born before Herod died, a dilemma has arisen that academics have been arguing for quite some time.Is it possible that Jesus was truly born around 4 B.C., before Herod died?

  1. Or, did Herod live for a longer period of time than the historical records indicate, and not die until around 1 BCE?
  2. Is it possible that the Bible’s assertion that Jesus was born before Herod died is incorrect?
  3. Over the course of more than a century, scholars have been debating the solutions to these concerns.

Grim ending

  • Near the conclusion of Herod’s life, a rebellion began to develop. A group of people attempted to demolish an eagle, which was a Roman emblem, from the Second Temple just before Herod’s assassination. Herod ordered the execution of those who were involved in the crime. It was the anticipation of his death that ″began to loosen the tensions that had been buried just under the surface of a peaceful kingdom.″ Richardson and Fisher collaborated on the writing. During Herod’s dying days, according to Josephus, he was so detested by his own people that he requested his sister, Salome, to kill a large number of them when he died, according to Josephus. His sister Salome is said to have gathered the most famous men from every hamlet in Judea, imprisoned them in a hippodrome, and

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