Where Is Jesus Today?

Where Is Jesus Christ? – And What Is He Doing Today?

Untold millions invoke His name, saying that He has ″into their hearts″—but where has Jesus gone, and what has He been up to over the past 2,000 years, right up to the present day? You may now find out!

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  3. A little more than 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ lived an exceptional and contentious life, and he was eventually executed for the message He carried.
  4. While the vast majority of professing Christians would agree that the historical narrative of His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection is reliable, many people see a lifeless Jesus when they think of Christ.
  5. Some think He is returning and are eagerly anticipating His return to earth.
  6. People who believe in a hidden rapture, in which Christ ″sweeps up″ all faithful Christians to heaven right before tragedy strikes the Earth, are among those who believe in such an occurrence.

However, these ideas and theories do not correspond to where Jesus is right now or what He is doing in the world.What has Jesus Christ been up to for the previous 2,000 years, up to and including the present day?Attempts to aid the underprivileged through charitable organizations or missionary missions are being considered.

  1. When individuals entrust their life to Him, does He continue to penetrate their hearts on a regular basis?
  2. Evangelizing Christians, according to Jesus, is a means of extending the kingdom of God on earth.
  3. What is His method of operation?
  4. Is it via all churches that claim Christianity, a handful, or just a few individuals?
  5. Despite the fact that the issue is not frequently mentioned, there should be no confusion as to where Christ is and what He is doing.

You will quickly see that He is playing an important role.All that is asked of you is that you believe the words of the Bible.

The Right Hand of God

  1. Begin by considering the stories of Christ’s life and death that are found in the gospels.
  2. This passage from Luke 22 has a significant prophesy regarding where He went following His resurrection: Then, as soon as it was daylight, the elders of the community, the chief priests, and the scribes gathered together and took Him into their council with the question, ″Are you the Christ?″ Please tell us.
  3. In response, He stated that they would not believe what He told them, and that if He asked them, they would not respond, nor would they allow Him to go.
  4. ″In the future, the Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the supreme authority of God″ (vs.
  5. 66-69).
  6. Christ’s statements are unambiguous.

He predicted that He would ascend to the heavenly realms before His death.But did something like this happen?Is there any other proof in the gospels?

  1. Jesus continued to educate and train His disciples after He was risen from the grave, preparing them for the mission that they would carry out in His place after He was gone.
  2. After completing His mission, Christ ascended into heaven, according to the story in Mark: ″So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was taken up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God″ (16:19).
  3. God exalted Christ to the greatest possible position on earth or in heaven as a result of his supreme sacrifice on the cross.
  4. It is important to note that ″when He raised him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places,″ He placed Him far above all principality, and power, might, and dominion, and every other name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and placed all things under His feet (Eph.
  5. 1:20-22).

According to the Bible, Christ ″sat down ed the right hand of the Majesty on high″ (Heb.1:3).This is a totally different picture from what you may be accustomed to seeing in the media.After completing His mission on earth, Jesus Christ was glorified and exalted to the position of right hand man of God the Father.

The fact that Christ is alive and well should be obvious even if we do not have time to go into every reference to Christ’s place at God’s right hand in this discussion.While there is a lot of conversation about Jesus in Protestant churches, there is very little discussion about what Christ is doing at the right hand of God.Now that it has been proven where Christ is, what does He actually accomplish in this situation?

A Living, Active High Priest

  1. If Jesus has been in heaven for the last 2,000 years—through the collapse of Rome, the horrific Crusades, the Renaissance, World Wars I and II, and the dawning of the Information Age—what has He been doing with His time?
  2. What has He been doing with His time?
  3. The answer to this issue can be found in one of the most crucial positions Christ now occupies.
  4. Jesus Christ is referred to as the High Priest, which is one of several positions and titles that He has, including those of Prince of Peace, Savior, Apostle, King of kings, and Lord of lords.
  5. Take notice of this explicit declaration not just concerning Christ’s location, but also about one of His offices: ″Seeing therefore that we have a great High Priest, Jesus the Son of God, who has been exalted to the right hand of the Majesty on high, let us not waver in our commitment.″ It is for this reason that we don’t have a High Priest who is immune to the feelings of our infirmities; rather, we have one who was ″tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin″ (Heb.
  6. 4:14-15).

Let’s look at some additional evidence for Christ’s central role in history.Considering Christ Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Paul says in Hebrews 3:12: ″Who was faithful to him who appointed Him, and who was exalted in the sight of God.″ God the Father has ordained Jesus Christ to the position of spiritual High Priest, according to the teachings of the Scriptures.This is the office through which Christ carries out his mission.

  1. But what exactly did Christ perform in his capacity as High Priest?
  2. It is possible to get the solution by studying the book of Hebrews in greater depth.

Making Intercession

  1. In Hebrews 8, Paul explains Christ’s functions as High Priest in greater detail.
  2. Our High Priest, who sits on the right hand of the Majesty’s seat in heaven, is a Minister of the sanctuary and a builder of the genuine tabernacle (which was pitched by the Lord and not by men),″ he says.
  3. Because every high priest is appointed to give gifts and sacrifices,″ says the Bible (vs.
  4. 1-3).
  5. Jesus Christ is referred to be a ″Minister″ in the God’s sanctuary in the Bible.
  6. He is engaged in the work of God’s Temple, serving as a sort of intermediary between Christians and the Father.

Christians now have direct access to God as a result of his sacrifice.″But now, in Christ Jesus, you who were once a distance away are brought close by the blood of Christ,″ Paul writes in Ephesians 2.because it is through Him that we both have access to the Father through one Spirit″ (vs.

  1. 13, 18).
  2. It was necessary for Christ to die in order to tear down this barrier of separation.
  3. Christians are now able to enter the throne chamber of God, if they pray in the right way (Heb.
  4. 4:16).
  5. This is only conceivable because Christ, in His role as active High Priest over His New Testament Church, has taken on the role of High Priest.

It is His job to bring their spiritual offerings, as well as their petitions, to the attention of the Almighty.In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul stated, ″Therefore, Heis able also to save them to the uttermost who come unto God by Him, knowing that He ever lives to make intercession for them″ (Heb.7:25).Christ continues to live in order to intervene on a Christian’s behalf.

The term ″intercede″ refers to ″intervene between parties in order to bring about a resolution of conflicts.″ When properly understood, Christ is referred to as the ″Mediator between God and men″ in I Timothy 2:5.When properly understood, it is clear that Christ plays an important and active role in cooperating with genuine Christians and the Father.

Guiding His Church

  1. Another obligation Christ bears is the task of establishing, guiding, and protecting the New Testament Church (Matt.
  2. 16:18).
  3. According to an earlier quoted verse from Ephesians, Christ’s role over the Church is revealed as follows: ″When He raised him from the dead, and established Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places…and placed all things under His feet, and appointed Him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is His body, which is the fullness of Him who fills everything in all″ (1:20, 22-23).
  4. Jesus operated via His physical body throughout His earthly mission, and He continues to work through His spiritual Body—the Church—in these latter days (I Cor.
  5. 12:27).
  6. Christ is establishing His Church in order to carry out God’s purpose for humanity.

This is how the apostle Peter explains the process: ″You, too, like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ″ (I Pet.2:5).Human people, on the other hand, are unable to join the Church; instead, God must invite them into Christ’s Body.

  1. It is important to note that ″no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him″ (John 6:44; also see verse 65).
  2. Ministers are appointed by Christ to serve the Body of Christ in order to instruct, strengthen, counsel, and edify its members (I Cor.
  3. 12:18-28).

Preparing and Refining a People

  1. Christ has also been training Christians for leadership roles in the soon-to-be-established kingdom of God on the earth.
  2. ″There are many mansions in My Father’s home,″ Jesus assured His followers, ″and if that were not the case, I would have told you.″ ″I’m going to set up a location for you″ (John 14:2-4).
  3. Is it clear what He was getting at with these statements?
  4. In the context of ″mansions,″ ″rooms, abode or residence″ refers to a dwelling or a place of business.
  5. It was the Levitical priesthood’s responsibility to serve the gods in several rooms in the temple of God, and these rooms signified various levels of power and authority.
  6. As a result, ″mansions″ alludes to positions of power.

In this passage, Christ was referring of His Second Coming, when He will establish the government of God on earth and appoint His adherents to positions of authority.King and priest candidates are being taught today to serve as God’s servants under the leadership of Jesus Christ (Rev.1:6; 5:10).

  1. Remember that the Church is referred to as ″a holy priesthood″ in I Peter 2:5, which is taken from the Bible.
  2. Christ is educating this advance team of leaders to reign under Him in God’s kingdom—a world-ruling supergovernment—and to rule under the authority of the Bible.
  3. Nevertheless, God will only place his faith in those who have been properly schooled and demonstrated to be capable of such a responsibility.
  4. This brings us to another part of what Christ has been doing for the past two millennia: transforming people’s lives.
  5. Remember the word ″perfecting of the saints″ from Ephesians 4:12, which means ″perfecting of the saints.″ Starting at the beginning of the first-century Church, Jesus has also assisted the Father in the refinement of all Christians.

″By the will of God, we are cleansed through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all…after He had made one sacrifice for sins forever, He sat down on the right side of God…″, according to Hebrews 10.Because He has perfected for all time those who have been sanctified through a single offering″ (vs.10-12, 14).’Perfected’ is a Greek word that meaning ″to bring to completion, achieve, consummate (in character), consecrate, finish, fulfill, or perfect.″ When this is combined with Jesus’ remark in Matthew 5:48, it becomes evident that the process of becoming more like God—developing holy virtuous character—in order to govern in His kingdom is underway.

The most important thing God is doing right now is refining His character in real Christians, which is the greatest labor of all.In the book of Hebrews, Christ is referred to be the ″Author and Finisher″ of a Christian’s faith (12:2).In a way, Jesus Christ is assisting in the completion of Christians.

“Confirming the Word”

  1. By now, you should have a much more complete understanding of what Jesus Christ is up to in the world.
  2. Despite the fact that he is currently in paradise, he will not be there for very long (I Thes.
  3. 4:16-17).
  4. Finally, it is necessary to look at one final paragraph in Mark 16 before coming to a conclusion.
  5. ″After the Lord had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and seated at the right hand of God,″ says the Bible.
  6. And they went out into the world and preached everywhere, with the Lord assisting them and confirming the message by signs that followed″ (vs.

19-20).In verse 20, Jesus Christ shows that he collaborated with the first-century disciples on a heavenly level.His promise to His Church in Matthew 16:18 was that ″the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.″ This implies that Jesus is actively cooperating with His Church today—but where has it gone missing?

  1. More information may be found in the article Where Is God’s True Church?

Where is Jesus now? Is Jesus in heaven?

  1. Answer to the question Several passages in the Bible, including Mark 16:19 and 1 Peter 3:22, indicate that Jesus is currently seated at the right side of God the Father.
  2. The physical ascension of Jesus, which took place 40 days after His resurrection, is described in Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9-11, respectively.
  3. John 14:2–3 tells us that Jesus informed His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and for all who trust in Him.
  4. The Scriptures make it clear that Jesus’ ascension was a physical and bodily return to the presence of the Father.
  5. He rose up from the earth gradually and was received into a cloud as His disciples and other amazed spectators watched in awe.
  6. Then two angels came and predicted Christ’s return “in much the same way as you have observed Him go” (Acts 1:11).

(Acts 1:11).This marked the culmination of Jesus’ human limitations during His earthly ministry.Certain traits He held as God had been momentarily suspended, but the suspension had been lifted at the time of writing.

  1. His heavenly splendour has returned, as evidenced by the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–9), which provided a preview of what was to come.
  2. ″The LORD says to my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries a footstool for your feet,’″ King David said in the Spirit (Psalm 110:1).
  3. The exact translation of this passage is ″Yahweh says to Adonai.″ An extraordinary discourse between two Persons of the Godhead is depicted in this video.
  4. At the end of Matthew 22:43–45, Jesus claims that He is more than just David’s son, but that He is also David’s Lord, therefore appropriating this psalm for Himself.
  5. Jesus’ position is at the right hand of God, which is a position of honor in the eyes of God.

There are a number of other texts that point to Jesus’ presence in heaven.These include Matthew 26:64; Luke 22;69; Ephesians 1:20; Colosse 3:1; Hebrews 12;2; and Revelation 5:7, among others.Stephen also had a vision immediately before he died, in which he ″looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,″ according to the Bible (Acts 7:55).As a result, according to the Bible, Jesus is in a physical location known as heaven, which is a realm of splendor where God resides with His angels and redeemed children.

In a different way, Jesus is also present with us here, in this place.Jesus, as God, possesses all of God’s qualities, including the ability to be everywhere at the same time.As a result, Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit may be found everywhere, rather than only ″in heaven.″ ″The skies, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him,″ Solomon declared in 2 Chronicles 2:6.Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ What happened to Jesus?Is Jesus in heaven?

Where is Jesus today?

  1. Here’s everything you need to know: Jesus ascended into heaven and now reigns with God the Father.
  2. After dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead three days later, Jesus spent the next 40 days educating His disciples and demonstrating to them that He was indeed alive.
  3. After 40 days, Jesus summoned His disciples to the top of a mountain.
  4. And then something incredible happened to Jesus when they were standing on top of the mountain ″After saying this, Jesus was whisked up to the heavenly realm.
  5. They stood and watched till a cloud obscured his view of them.
  6. They were staring up at the sky the entire time he was ascending.

Suddenly, two men clad in white walked up to them and stood next to them.The men of Galilee questioned them, ‘Why are you standing here staring up at the sky?’ Jesus has been taken away from you and is now in the presence of the Father in heaven.However, he will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him go.″ (See Acts 1:9–11 for further information.) So what was the reason for Jesus’ departure from earth and his ascension to heaven?

  1. Just before He died, Jesus said that He was returning to heaven to prepare a place for His disciples to dwell with Him for all eternity (John 14:2–3, emphasis added).
  2. Jesus will return to earth on a day that only God the Father knows, and He will take His disciples with Him to be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:14–17).
  3. Until then, Jesus desires that His disciples develop in their likeness to Him, that they obey His Word, and that they share His truth with everyone they come into contact with.
  4. Does that seem difficult?
  5. Yes, but Jesus promised to send a Helper to Christians in the form of the Holy Spirit (Remember the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit).

(For further information, see this page.) The Holy Spirit assists Christians in knowing and obeying the truth, as well as giving them the power to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ across the entire globe (Acts 1:8).Truth According to the Bible ″Following his final words to them, the Lord Jesus was carried up into the presence of the Father.He took his place at the right hand of God ″ (Mark 16:19).″The Son is the dazzling splendor of God’s majesty and grandeur.

He is a perfect representation of God’s essence.He utilizes the strength of his word to hold everything together in the world.In this way, Christ made it possible for individuals to be cleansed of their sins.His Majesty in Heaven then invited him to take a seat at his right hand, which he did ″ (Hebrews 1:3).

Where is Jesus now? And what is he doing?

  1. What happened to Jesus?
  2. At Easter, we renew our joyful statement of faith in a new way.
  3. ″Christ has risen from the dead.
  4. He has certainly resurrected from the dead.″ Because we have several Greeks in our congregation, we always refer to Christ as ″Christos Anesti.″ Alithos Anesti is the Greek translation of Christ.
  5. But then there’s the matter of whether or not He has risen from the dead.
  6. So, where has he gone?

And it isn’t simply a question for a curious youngster; it should be a question for every adult, as well as for every believer.The Apostles’ Creed instructs us to do the following: ″Upon the third day, Jesus rose from the grave once more.He has climbed to the throne of God the Father Almighty and is seated at God’s right hand.

  1. He will come from there to judge both the living and the dead, and he will reign supreme.″ As a result, Jesus has ascended into heaven.
  2. But where is he, and what does it imply that he has risen to the heavens?
  3. Many Christians find this thought to be somewhat fantastical, and this is not only the opinion of non-believers in the Christian faith.
  4. Is it accurate to say that Jesus was on earth before ascending into the skies, much like a spaceman?
  5. It’s hard not to see how this harks back to a more traditional view of the world, one in which there were three levels: heaven above, hell below, and an earth in the center.

Don’t we seem to be a little wiser now?For our non-Christian friends, this issue is all the more significant since Christians talk of knowing Christ, having a personal relationship with Jesus, conversing with Jesus, and wishing to expose them to Jesus.To determine whether or whether this is simply spiritual code or hokum, we must be able to state what it signifies.Yes, surely we need a genuine Jesus, with a real presence, and not simply a fictitious Jesus who lives in my heart (which, as a youngster, always reminded me of some bizarre John Malkovich-style body!) The biblical teaching on the Ascension is the key to understanding this.

Gerrit Scott Dawson’s Jesus Ascended — the Meaning of Christ’s Continuing Incarnation, which was my book of the week this week, has been a tremendous help in thinking about this.For the most of what follows, I have unabashedly depended on it.1) What is the meaning of ascension?At the end of Luke’s narrative, it is simply stated: ″When he had brought them out to the neighborhood of Bethany, he held up his hands and blessed them.″ While he was blessing them, he left them and was lifted up into the sky to be with the Lord.Then they adored him and returned to Jerusalem with a wonderful sense of accomplishment.And they continued to worship God at the temple on a continuous basis.

(Luke 24 – New International Version) The theology of the Ascension appears to be a bizarre one.Believe that Jesus literally resurrected from the grave is difficult enough to comprehend.However, the notion that Jesus literally ascended to heaven appears to be a stretch.According to Bishop Richard Holloway, who asserts that Jesus will not return, this is the traditional liberal rejection of the issue.Moreover, the greatest approach to commemorate his birthday is to search for him not in the sky above us, but rather on the streets of our own city.

See also:  How To Know Jesus

That is one solution: deny that the Ascension occurred and spiritualize its significance to the point that it becomes all about us.For individuals who truly accept the Bible and do not simply make up their own beliefs, the message is fairly plain and unequivocally Christian.The term ″Ascension″ is comprised of two Greek words.One speaks of Christ climbing himself, which corresponds to the Old Testament’s Psalms of Ascent (Ps 120-134), while another speaks of Christ being risen from the dead.He had been brought up.Paul’s epistle to Timothy contains an early church confession of faith, which reads as follows: The mystery of holiness is immense, and it defies any explanation: He came in a physical body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on throughout the globe, and was exalted to the right hand of the Father in heaven.

Therein is the solution.He was exalted to the highest level of splendor.He was exalted to the highest level of splendor.What does this imply, yet again?But where exactly is gloryland?

  • ″I’ve got a mansion in gloryland that outshines the sun,″ says the narrator.
  • What happened to Jesus?
  • What happened to him?
  • What was the location of Jesus’ ascension?
  • Heaven.
  • The phrase ″heaven″ or ″heavens″ is used in the Bible in a variety of contexts.
  • There are several possible meanings for this phrase: it might refer to the sky above us, to the vast expanse of stars beyond our globe, or to another dimension entirely – the realm of God beyond our sense perception.
  • The Ascension does not imply that Jesus is someplace up in the stars, where we may be able to find him if we could only build a spaceship that could go far enough and quickly enough to reach him.
  • John Calvin, one of those ‘ignorant’ early Christians, expressed it succinctly: ″I am not a Christian, but I am a child of God.″ ″What do you mean?

Do we position Christ in the middle of the seven spheres?Alternatively, do we construct a house for him amid the planets?Heaven, in our opinion, is a majestic mansion of God that far outstrips the entirety of this world’s structure.″ Heaven is the location where God can be found.Even if God’s splendor may be found everywhere and in everything, this universe has been contaminated by sin and is thus not completely saturated by it, to use Moltmann’s words.Heaven is a place.To put it another way, heaven is a completely other cosmos.

Although out of this world, it is yet true.What does the Ascension of Jesus reveal about him as a person?Numerous Christians appear to believe that the Ascension heralds the end of the incarnation as we know it.God took on the form of a man in Jesus, and as Jesus went to heaven, he reverted to his divine nature.CS We also have a tendency to gloss over Jesus’ raised masculinity and to imagine him merely returning to god after death, leading us to believe that the resurrection is nothing more than a reversal or undoing of the work of the incarnation, as Lewis writes.This is a big oversight.

  1. When Jesus became a man, he did not lose his divine nature, and when he ascended, he did not lose his human nature.
  2. He is still the God/Man, and this has great implications for us in terms of practical application.
  3. According to Karl Barth: ″Our humanity is preserved throughout all of eternity by the son of God.
  4. It is a piece of clothes that he refuses to take off.
  5. He considers it to be his temple, and he does not leave it.
  6. It is the physical shape that he retains throughout life.″ The dust of the ground has now ascended to the throne of God.
  • What exactly does this imply for us?
  • 1) Jesus is not present – At least, not in his physical form – He has left the building.
  • He has resurrected from the dead.
  • No physical representation of his body or voice is provided, nor can we physically feel the holes in his hands.
  • However, this does not rule out the possibility of getting to know him, hearing him, or being with him.
  1. We must make it clear to our unbelieving friends that the reasoning ‘if only Jesus were here and I could see and hear him, then I would believe in him’ does not hold water in the face of evidence.
  2. Why?
  3. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of those who did see and hear Jesus did not believe in him.
  4. In fact, several of them nailed him on the cross!

They, as well as we, require something more.2) He has sent his Spirit – We have lost the ability to hear the human voice on earth as well as the actual presence of the human body.Christ, on the other hand, still has a human voice and a physical body with which we may converse.How?He sends his Spirit to guide us.

I’ve recently become a grandfather.However, my daughter is currently in Australia, which presents a difficulty.I can’t just jump on a plane and fly over to her side of the world to be with her physically.

However, thanks to the miracles of contemporary technology, I have been able to see and speak with my granddaughter as well as my daughter.As far as the connection between the believer and Christ through the Holy Spirit is concerned, it is comparable to the ultimate Skype call in certain ways.The concept of being ‘in Christ’ is used in the Bible to depict the closeness of the link in a way that is analogous to the intimacy of the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.In the same way that Skype reduces the distance between here and Australia for some of our senses, the Holy Spirit reduces the distance between here and heaven, allowing us to truly be in Christ when we are here on earth.

  • When we meet at the Lord’s Table, he is truly there; when two or three people come together, he is truly present.
  • The Holy Spirit links Christ and his Church in such a manner that, despite the fact that the risen Lord is not physically present everywhere, he is readily available everywhere.
  • As we have previously stated, unbelievers will not be able to see the kingdom of God until they are ″born again″ (from above) and ″born of God″ (of the Spirit) in order to join it.
  • It is not necessary to choose a certain way of life, religion, or philosophy in order to become a Christian.

It is all about being a part of the living, rising, and ascended Christ in your life.Eventually becoming a part of his body.Knowing him, following him, serving him, and loving him are all good things.In all of human connections, it is the most dynamic and authentic.3 )Christ’s mission is ongoing — He continues to serve as our Prophet, Priest, and King.

Secondly, He sends us his Word – the scriptures are still the live, breathing, and cutting voice of Christ to us today in the same way that they were when they were penned.As a priest, Christ’s mission continues.Although his sacrifice has been completed, his intercessional service continues.The book of Hebrews 4: ″As a result, because we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us cling to the faith that we declare with all of our hearts and souls.

  1. Our high priest is not someone who is insensitive to our shortcomings, but rather someone who has been tempted in every manner, just as we are—and yet has come out of it unscathed.
  2. Let us then come boldly to the throne of grace, trusting that we will receive compassion and find grace to assist us in our hour of greatest need.″ We have the ability to approach the throne of grace in a genuine way.
  3. It is more than simply a spiritual experience on the inside.

This is the genuine deal!The bread and wine that we share at communion are not only a metaphor, nor is it the genuine bodily flesh of Jesus – yet He is truly there.We are linked to the entire Christ and are fed by the entirety of the Christ.

  • He is the ruler of our kingdom.
  • Whatever our circumstances, no matter how powerful our adversaries appear to be, Christ is in control of everything.
  • His reign shall be established.
  • 1 Thessalonians 1: ″I also pray that the eyes of your heart may be opened so that you may see the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and the incomparably great power that he has for those of us who believe.
  • In Christ, that power is analogous to the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be conferred, not only in this age but also in the one to come,″ 4) We have a magnificent hope in Jesus Christ: ″Our place of residence is in heaven.
  • Moreover, we anxiously anticipate a Saviour from that place, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • He will convert our humble bodies into something resembling his beautiful body via the power that enables him to bring everything under his control.″ (Philippians 3 – New International Version) Throughout his or her life, the Christian lives in the domain of the ″now but not yet.″ But there is more to come.
  • Although Christ rules and is with us now, there is still more to come.
  • There will come a day when our bodies will be rejuvenated in the same way that his were.
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We will be like him because we will see him for who he truly is.The phrase ″pie in the sky when you die″ has been replaced by ″steak on your plate while you wait!″ As believers in Christ, it is because we know Christ the king, and it is because we are confident in his return and ultimate victory, that we are able to hope, serve the needy, mourn with the grieving, and spread the Good News.We have now become Christ’s physical body on this planet.He is the leader of our group.

We are unable to function without him.However, we can accomplish everything we set our minds to through him.This is the wonder of it all.

  • Because of the Spirit, not only does distance become less, but time becomes smaller as well, allowing us to connect with Christ in the past – we are with him on the Cross –, Christ in the present, and Christ in the future.
  • Some may object that while this is all great and good, it sounds like high falutin’ theology.
  • There isn’t much practical purpose for this.
  • You’ve got to be joking!
  • There isn’t anything more realistic than a situation like this.
  1. For example, when we meet as the covenant community of Christ’s people for evangelism and worship, we must be aware of his presence in such a way that every unbeliever who walks in falls down and proclaims, ″Truly God is among you!″ This is simply a foretaste, the early fruits of the harvest.
  2. The best is still to come.
  3. We are looking forward to his homecoming, when everything will be put right.
  4. Maranatha.

Even so, Lord Jesus, please come quickly.

Where Is Jesus and What Is He Doing Right Now?

  1. What is Jesus up to these days and where has he gone?
  2. Would you know what to say if someone came up to you and asked you these questions?
  3. It is more probable than ever before that you will be asked these kind of inquiries.
  4. For example, during the last 10 years, the number of web searches for the subject ″Where Is Jesus Now?″ has more than tripled.
  5. People are perplexed as to who Jesus is.
  6. What would you tell them if you were in their shoes?

Where Is Jesus Now?

In order to answer the question, ″Where Is Jesus Now?″ we must first consider where Jesus is not.

Jesus is not on the cross.

Although we may have a mental image of Jesus on the cross, he is no longer there. In history, the cross was a singular historical event that split all of history and all of mankind. The cross has ramifications for each and every one of us. On the other hand, as compared to the entirety of eternity, Jesus’ time on the cross was rather brief.

Jesus is not in hell.

″He was crucified, died, and was buried,″ according to the Apostles’ Creed. He was sent into the depths of hell. ″On the third day, he arose from the dead,″ says the Bible. So, sure, Jesus did descend into hell when he died, but, as with the cross, he is no longer present in that place.

Jesus is not coming out of the grave.

On Resurrection Sunday, we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant resurrection from the dead. By his resurrection, Jesus overcame sin and death, and this was a one-of-a-kind event. However, Jesus did not die just for the sake of being risen. The resurrection is not the pinnacle of Christian belief–there is more to it than that.

Jesus is not on the earth.

  1. ″He appeared to them for a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God,″ according to Acts 1, after Jesus was risen from the dead.
  2. After that, ″he was snatched up right in front of their very eyes…″ In his stead, Jesus dispatched the Holy Spirit to act as his representative on earth.
  3. And so, if Jesus is not on the cross, is not in hell, is not rising from the tomb, and is not on earth, then where has he gone to hide himself?
  4. ″He resurrected him from the dead and enthroned him at his right side in the celestial realms,″ according to Ephesians 1:20.

Jesus is seated with God.

  • In the celestial regions, Jesus is seated at God’s right hand, at the right hand of the Father. According to the Book of Ephesians, the following is what is so unique about Jesus’ current location: Jesus is far and away the most powerful person on the planet. Not even a tiny bit above. Far above
  • and not only far beyond certain rules and authorities, but far above all of them. Far and away above all rules and authorities
  • and not only far and away from all rules and authorities. Far and away superior to all might and dominion
  • Moreover, not only beyond all of that, but much above every other designation that may be bestowed: not just in this age, but in the age to come
  • More important than any title we can imagine of bestowing on dignitaries, celebrities, and world leaders, whether living in the present or in the future
  • Not only that, but Jesus is seated at the right hand of God because God has placed all things under his feet
  • and God has appointed Jesus to be the head over everything so that He fills everything in every way
  • and God has appointed Jesus to be the head over everything so that He fills everything in every way

Because of all the magnificent implications of Jesus’ heavenly position, I’m finding it difficult to keep my emotions under control. However, this raises another concern.

What Is Jesus Doing Now?

  • The answer to the question, ″What is Jesus doing right now?″ is of utmost importance. If Jesus has been dead for a long time in a tomb, it makes no difference how we spend our lives beyond attempting to ″memorialize″ him in the manner in which we say of deceased individuals, ″I’m going to do this because Grandma would have liked it.″ As for Jesus, he can’t do much in terms of the entire universe if he is a flimsy flappy angel (not the way angels actually are, but the way we imagine them to be), happily flittering away and only thinking about what tune to play on his harp. Jesus, on the other hand, is neither dead nor fragile flappy. Here are seven things I believe Jesus is doing right now, according to my understanding: Living, reigning, interceding, building the church, abiding in relationships, bringing all things under his feet, and inviting unbelievers to redemption are just a few of the things that God is doing right now.
  1. I pray that when someone inquires as to where Jesus is or what he is doing, you will be prepared to provide an answer.
  2. THE AUTHOR’S BACKGROUND: Chris Heinz is a professional golfer.
  3. The Founder and CEO of Munyay, Chris Heinz develops coaching solutions to help you enjoy your life and job more fully.
  4. He also serves as the Vice President of Human Resources at EnergyCAP, Inc., and is an ICF-certified coach as well as a Gallup-certified strengths coach, among other credentials.
  5. Chris finds it rewarding to coach individuals as well as write and talk on issues such as engagement, coaching, personal strengths, prayer, and the Christian life.
  6. He is the author of the Made to Pray book as well as a prayer evaluation questionnaire.

Chris lives in central Pennsylvania with his wife and three children, where they spend their free time in their cottage on a creek.

Where is Jesus Now?

  1. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, as well as everywhere else on the earth.
  2. Nevertheless, each believer has a sensation in which he is present in his or her heart.
  3. So, where exactly is Jesus at this moment?
  4. He is physically sitting at the throne of God in heaven.
  5. As God, he is everywhere at the same time.
  6. And he is particularly noticeable in the company of believers.

1.Jesus can be found anywhere.Jesus, in his role as God, is everywhere.

  1. He can be found anywhere.
  2. There is no place on the planet where Jesus is not present.
  3. That is the worldwide presence of Jesus as God — he is everywhere at the same time – he is omnipresent.
  4. 2.
  5. Jesus has ascended to the throne of glory.

However, Jesus is not only totally God, and hence omnipresent, but he is also fully human in his humanity.Jesus, by virtue of his being totally human, possesses a human body, which, according to tradition, has risen to heaven and is currently seated at the right hand of God in heaven.3.Jesus is present with his followers.

Even while Jesus is physically present with us in the form of a fully formed human being at the right hand of God, we are assured that the spirit of Christ indwells each believer.He resides inside us.The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:17 that ″whoever is joined with the Lord is one with him in spirit.″ We are the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place.As believers, he indwells us in a more profound sense.It is in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that the Bible declares that believers are temples of the Holy Spirit — the Spirit of Christ: ″Believers are the temples of the Holy Spirit.″ Are you aware that your bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit, who is within you and whom you have received from God?″ ″You do not exist on your own.″ In addition, believers are with Jesus at all times.

Ephesians, on the other hand, flips the script a little bit, which is intriguing.Although we are physically present on earth at the moment, Ephesians 2:6 states that we are seated in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.I am spiritually joined to Christ, who is seated in the throne of glory, by faith.I am currently united with Christ in heaven, despite the fact that I am physically present here on earth.Jesus is literally present in heaven at the time, but he is also present spiritually in me right here and now.

Watch Don Whitney explain ″Where is Jesus Now?″ in this video, and read the transcript below.As God, Jesus is everywhere at the same time.He can be found anywhere.As a result, there is a sense in which Jesus may be found everywhere.Jesus, on the other hand, is not only entirely God and consequently omnipresent, but he is also totally human.Jesus, by virtue of his being totally human, possesses a fully human body, which, according to tradition, was ascended to heaven and is currently seated at the right hand of God in heaven.

That is where the global presence of Jesus as God may be felt across the world.It can be found anywhere.The bodily presence of Jesus is that of a fully-formed, full-bodied human being who is seated at the right hand of the Father.However, we are assured that each believer is indwelt by the spirit of Christ, that he is spiritually present in each believer.He resides inside us.

  • ″Temples of the Holy Spirit,″ as it is written elsewhere, is what we are.
  • In 1 Corinthians 6, it is said that Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is also known as the spirit of Christ.
  • As believers, he indwells us in a more profound sense.
  • Again, he is right here, as well as everywhere else, because he is ubiquitous.
  • However, there is a way in which Jesus is present in this area, despite the fact that he is not physically present.
  • As Christians, we are indwelt by Jesus because we are temples, which means we are His dwelling place.
  • He has imbued me with his energy in a way that is only possible because of the air that is right next to me.
  • Where is Jesus right now in relation to those numerous censuses?
  • He is, after all, physically enthroned in heaven.

As God, he is everywhere at the same time.He is particularly visible in the lives of believers.Ephesians, on the other hand, has a little reversal of this, which is also extremely intriguing.Physically, I’m sitting in this chair right now, but according to Ephesians 2, we have been seated in the heavenly realms through Christ Jesus.I am spiritually linked to Christ, who is seated in the throne of glory, because of my faith.I’m currently united with Christ in heaven, despite the fact that I’m physically present here on earth.

Jesus is literally present in heaven at the time, but he is also present spiritually in me right now.Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/DanielPascoa

Where Is Jesus?

  1. Despite my efforts to persuade her otherwise, my five-year-old refused to accept my explanation as to why she couldn’t partake of the bread and juice with the rest of us.
  2. Following my receipt of the components, we were escorted out of the service because she had become agitated by her queries.
  3. I walked her a little distance away from the crowd and knelt beside her to look her in the eyes.
  4. As she continued her argument, my hands were placed on her shoulders in an attempt to grasp the moment.
  5. However, my unsatisfactory response swiftly escalated into a larger discussion.
  6. With her gaze lost in her own thoughts, she responded with, ″Dad, I believe in Jesus, but I’ve never actually seen him.″ ″I’ve never heard him speak before.″ This was not a life-threatening situation.

She was only expressing the obvious.It came across as a bit hesitant, as if her faith would not be as credible as mine since she had never seen Jesus or heard his voice.But that was not the case.

  1. She was thinking aloud, completely unaware that her unconstrained question truly goes to the core of what we are doing here, and of what it means to be a Christian in this world, without her recognizing it.
  2. A five-year-thinking old’s is still vivid in my memory, and it’s something I believe too few of us pause to examine.
  3. I think it has something to do with the fact that we love and talk about someone who is fundamentally different from everyone else we love and talk about, yet that person isn’t here.
  4. We’ve never seen or heard about Jesus.

Jesus Is Not Here

  1. This is not an issue, and it is not a new occurrence.
  2. Believing in the Jesus whom we have not seen is a long-standing mainstay of the Christian life that dates back to the early church (1 Peter 1:8).
  3. In the same talk with my daughter, though, it dawned to me how much more evident this reality is to a small girl than it is to me, and I would think to a large number of people.
  4. It dawns on her that our lives are centered on a real person who is alive but inaccessible, and that this is a harsh truth.
  5. She isn’t dismissive of the fact that he isn’t present.
  6. In this particular instance, Jesus is truly absent (John 14:28), which is significant.

As Jesus himself stated, Jesus is also present with us in the sense of his Spirit (Matthew 28:20).He hasn’t abandoned us or deserted us (Hebrews 13:5).The ministry of the Spirit, on the other hand, is not the same as the actual presence of Jesus.

  1. And this is something that children are more susceptible to than we adults.
  2. Why?
  3. My guess is that this is due to the fact that she hasn’t faced the reality of God’s triune-ness in the same way that we have, and as a result, she is free from some of the flaws that can creep into our functional knowledge of how the Trinity works.
  4. I’m wondering whether we (at least me) are under the impression that Jesus is present in the wrong ways because of the Spirit.
  5. That’s why we’re fine with depictions of Jesus sitting in the seats of our congregational gatherings.

Alternatively, images depicting Jesus holding a jaded 20-something with holes on his pants are popular.However, these representations are incorrect.At the very least, it is incorrect because we have a defect that causes the person of Jesus to become confused with the person of the Spirit.At the very least, it is incorrect because we have reduced Jesus to the status of a disembodied human who is more like to a bearded ghost than the enthroned Christ.

The reality for us to remember is the theological byword that Jesus is God and the Spirit is God, but that Jesus is not the Spirit and the Spirit is not Jesus, and that Jesus is not the Spirit.And it means that, at least for the past 2,000 years, Jesus hasn’t left any footprints in the sand to indicate his presence.

Seated in the Heavenly Places

  1. So, if not here, where else can I go?
  2. What happened to Jesus?
  3. Our Lord Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of his Father in heavenly places, according to the Scriptures (Ephesians 1:20; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:33; 5:31; Romans 8:34; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3).
  4. And the fact that he is present is a positive development.
  5. In fact, the ascension of Jesus to the right hand of the Father is a fundamental aspect of the gospel message itself.
  6. This means that we will not be saved unless and until Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.

In other words, we aren’t saved unless and until Jesus comes back.Why?Tim Chester and Jonny Woodrow’s new book, The Ascension: Humanity in the Presence of God, lays out three fundamental truths about Jesus’ ascension that are worth considering.

  1. He is the ascending priest, who has completed a faultless sacrifice on the cross.
  2. He is our ascended monarch, who reigns supreme over all things.
  3. And he is the ascended man, who brings mankind to the pinnacle of achievement for which we were formed.
  4. The ascension is important for our salvation because, in order for Jesus’ sacrifice to be effective, his kingdom to be genuine, and his humanity to be exalted, he must first be raised to the right hand of God.
  5. Each of these elements of Jesus’ ascension is magnificent in its own way.

However, I’d want to concentrate mostly on the kingship part of things here.That is the central theme of Paul’s amazing description in Ephesians 1:20–23, which is a must-read.And I believe it is the most straightforward explanation for my five-year-old, who, recall, is the one who got us into this mess in the first place.According to Paul, the Father resurrected Jesus from the dead with great power and placed him at his right hand.

The rising and sitting are really the same piece of labor.We should understand that when Paul writes in Romans that the Father vindicated Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God by his resurrection (Romans 1:4), he does not mean that this vindication was achieved simply by being brought back to life.The resurrection is one part of this great vindicating act — an act that also involved being highly exalted and bestowed with a name that is above all names, which is the route Paul takes in Philippians 2:10 and mentions in Ephesians 1:21.The resurrection is one part of this great vindicating act — an act that also involved being highly exalted and bestowed with a name that is above all names.As king of everything, Jesus is seated above every rule, authority, power, and dominion because that is what it means to be the ruler of everything.In Daniel 7:13–14, Daniel describes what it takes to be the real Son of Man, and it is this that Christians believe.

The only reason someone can declare, ″All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me″ is because they have been granted this authority (Matthew 28:18).Psalm 110:1 describes the vision of the Messianic monarch in which all things are placed under his feet.Jesus is risen and enthroned in order to have all things placed under his feet.Jesus has ascended to the right hand of the Father!Ascended!

See also:  Joseph The Man Who Raised Jesus

This is the portion that is really out of this world: we have risen with him to a higher level of consciousness.A few paragraphs later, Paul writes that when God redeemed us through Christ, he truly raised us up with him and seated us alongside of him in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 2:6; 3:20; 4:6; 5:4).Right now, having been linked to Jesus by faith, we are spiritually seated with him at the right hand of the Father.We do this in order to pursue the things that are above (Colossians 3:1).It is our spiritual home, as well.Our origins are in the new creation plane of reality, which is where Jesus is currently present (Philippians 3:20).

So when my small child confesses that she has never seen Jesus and has never heard his voice, I respond by saying, ″Neither have I.″ I haven’t seen Jesus because a part of his rescuing us — a part of his coming and living and dying and being resurrected — is his being ascended and seated at the right hand of the Father, where he reigns supreme over all creation.My lack of sight is due to the fact that Jesus is our monarch from another planet, a better one.And, in fact, that is the world from which I come.All of creation yearns for the world of God’s unending, unfettered presence, which is the world of God’s unending, uninhibited presence.

  • According to Revelation 21:1–5, it is the world that Jesus himself will bring into this present one, the world that will descend from heaven and make all things new (Revelation 21:1–5).
  • We haven’t seen Jesus yet, but we shall see him when the time is right.

Scientists have found that the tomb of Jesus Christ is far older than people thought

  • Science has determined that the tomb of Christ was built around 1,700 years ago.
  • The tomb is located in Jerusalem, near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
  • It is the most frequently regarded location for Christ’s burial
  • Before, people assumed the tomb was no older than 1,000 years
  • however, this has now been proven incorrect.
  1. Scientists have discovered that the tomb in which Jesus Christ is supposed to be buried is thousands of years older than previously assumed.
  2. According to a story published on Tuesday by National Geographic, tests conducted on the ruins of a limestone cave in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem have dated the tomb to approximately AD345.
  3. As a result, the cave, which is the oldest building remains on the site, is around 1,700 years old.
  4. The scientific procedure examined the chemical composition of the remains to determine how long it had been since they had been exposed to light.
  5. Previous architectural evidence discovered in and around the site had only been dating back to the Crusader period, almost 1,000 years.
  6. The vault is popularly considered to be the location of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection, which are all referred to in the Bible as Calvary or Golgotha, respectively.

In a recent archaeological investigation of the site, it was discovered that the tomb had never been relocated.However, while the New Testament claims that Jesus died in either AD 30 or AD 33, historical reports indicate that the tomb was discovered and encased in AD 326.During the reign of Constantine I, the Roman Emperor who converted to Christianity and made it the official religion of the empire, this date was commemorated on the calendar.

  1. From this point on, it became more popular to erect enormous monuments to Christ in various locations.
  2. It was only after the tomb was completely demolished and rebuilt in the year 1009 that historians began to question whether or not the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was erected on the same burial place discovered by the Romans.
  3. However, the most recent scientific investigations, which were conducted for more than a year by the National Technical University of Athens, have indicated that this is not the case.
  4. According to National Geographic, the technology employed is known as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).
  5. Using quartz sediment samples from the tomb’s mortar, it can tell how recently the quartz sediment was exposed to light.

According to the magazine, the findings will be published in their entirety in an upcoming archaeological publication.After the mausoleum was restored in March, candles were set on top of it to commemorate the occasion.source Reuters photo by Ronen Zvulun The tomb, also known as the Edicule, was unveiled to the public for the first time in millennia last October, when experts began repairing a shrine that around the tomb, which was closed for ages.According to The Guardian, the $4 million (£3.3 million) repair effort took nine months and cost $4 million (£3.3 million).

While it is still hard to determine which tomb belonged to Jesus of Nazareth based on archaeological evidence, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the most commonly acknowledged location for Christ’s burial.″We may not be completely convinced that the HolySepulchre Church is the place of Jesus’ burial, but there is no other site that can make a claim quite as heavy as the HolySepulchre Church,″ said Dan Bahat, a former city archaeologist in Jerusalem.

How Old Was Jesus When He Died?

  1. Is it possible that the Bible does not provide any information concerning Jesus’ death date or how old he was when he died?
  2. Furthermore, neither the date of Jesus’ birth nor the date of his death is specifically mentioned in the Bible.
  3. As a result, pinpointing the precise date of Jesus’ birth or death is difficult.
  4. Taking a look at the events documented in the New Testament, notably the Gospel of Luke, and comparing it to the historical records of the Roman Empire, we may certainly infer that Jesus was born between the years 6 and 4 B.C.
  5. This is why we believe there is a potential that Jesus was crucified around the year 30 AD, while it is also plausible that Jesus was crucified around the year 33 AD.
  6. Taking a look at the dates above for Jesus’ birth and death, it appears that What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death?

It has been determined that he died sometime between the ages of 33 and 39.When it comes to age, many Biblical academics and historians tend to be among the youngest.Consequently, even if it is hard to be precise or dogmatic, the question is, ″How old was Jesus at the time of his death?″ It is ″about 34 years.″

Death Of Jesus According To The Gospel And The Bible?

Bible And Quran Facts About The Death Of Jesus

  1. What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death?
  2. First and foremost, we must understand the historical fact of Jesus’ death as recorded in the Bible.
  3. One day, several people came to Jesus and begged him to perform a miracle or sign for them, according to the Bible’s Gospel of Matthew chapter 12 verses 38, 39, and forty.
  4. In response to this request from the people, Jesus stated that a wicked and adulterous generation is looking for a sign from God.
  5. There is no significance to it unless the prophetic sign is Jonah, because Jonah was trapped in the stomach of the giant fish for three days and three nights, and there is no prophetic sign in Jonah.
  6. As a result, Son of Man will spend three weeks and three days on the planet Earth.

We can infer from these lines that Jesus made a prophecy to the people regarding the possibility of a miracle occurring.As a result of this miracle, just as prophet Jonah remained in the belly of the fish, so will Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, continue to reside in the heart of the Earth.We now have a couple of queries, which are as follows: Question 1: Was the prophet Jonah still alive or had he died?

  1. When the boat carrying him and his passengers was dumped into the water.
  2. The most obvious response to this question is that he was still alive at the time of writing.
  3. Question 2: Was the prophet Jonah still living or had he passed away?
  4. When he was devoured by the giant fish, the answer was that he was still alive.
  5. Question 3: Was the prophet Jonah alive or dead when he was trapped in the belly of the giant fish for three days and nights?

He was still alive, that is the explanation.Question 4: Was the prophet Jonah alive or dead when the fish vomited him upon the shore of the island of Crete?He was still alive, that is the explanation.As a result, this episode is considered a miracle among marvels.

Still, in order for Jesus to fulfill his prophesy, which was proclaimed in Matthew chapter 12 verse 40, and perform a miracle for the people, he must be living, just as the prophet Jonah was alive at the time.His body should have been carried down from the cross when it happened.When he is buried into the grave, he should remain alive for the duration of his time in the ground.For the sake of argument, Jesus should have been alive when he arose from the ground.A person who asserts that Jesus was not alive after being nailed to the cross means that Jesus, may his peace be upon him, was lying and that he did not carry out his prophetic mission.We are unable to agree with this because we respect and love Jesus; as a result, this conversation demonstrates that Jesus was not crucified and did not die as others claim he did.

It is possible that another question may come in our minds at this moment, namely, what happened to Jesus.In fact, if he did not die, he would be in a state of peace.The solution to this question may be found in the Holy Quran book, which was revealed by Almighty God and is considered a miracle by many people across the world.It is referenced in the Holy Quran in verses 157 and 158 of chapter 4, verse 157.Although we have slain Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, who was also known as the Messenger of Allah, others have neither killed nor crucified him.

However, a copy of him was created by a third party

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