What Was Jesus Favorite Flower

Flowers Associated With Christ & Their Meanings

Throughout history, specific flowers have been employed in religious artwork to represent abstract concepts and feelings, and this has continued today. These flowers are frequently used to serve as a reminder of Christ’s passion and resurrection, which is why they are known as Passion flowers. Aspects of many flowers, like as color and shape, are also utilized to depict Christ’s love and purity, in addition to the flowers themselves.

1White Lily

The white flower, often known as the Easter lily, is regarded to be a symbol of Christ’s purity and divinity, and is used to decorate Easter eggs. When Christians celebrate the Easter festival, white lilies are often exhibited in churches and in the homes of believers because it is believed that white lilies appeared where drips of Christ’s blood dropped from his body after the crucifixion. The white lily also serves as a symbol of Christ’s resurrection, since it grows from a single bulb, which depicts Christ emerging from the grave, and because it blooms in the spring.

2Passion Flower

In Christianity, the passion flower is connected with Christ because different portions of this flower symbolise different aspects of Christ’s crucifixion. The spiralling tendrils at the center of the flower, for example, represent the lash scars Christ suffered while being whipped prior to his crucifixion. The center floral column is a representation of the whip that was used to lash Christ, and the 72 radial filaments depict the thorns that were placed around his head. Additionally, the top three stigmas of the flower represent the three nails that were used during the crucifixion, and the lower five anthers represent the five wounds that ensued as a result of the nails being used.


In Christianity, a daffodil blossom signifies eternal life, which is represented by the color yellow. One reason for this is because daffodils are perennial flowers, meaning that they bloom year after year, despite their short lifespan. Daffydils are also one of the first flowers to bloom in spring, which is symbolic of rebirth, which some Christians think takes place during the afterlife, according to their beliefs. There is also a belief that daffodils bloomed after Christ rose from the grave, hence this flower is used as a symbol of the rebirth of Christ.


Many religions, including Christianity and Catholicism, use the rose as a symbol of love and devotion. According to Catholic tradition, the rose represents the rosary, which Catholics use both during prayer and to remember a number of significant events in Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. When it comes to Christianity, the rose’s five petals represent each of Christ’s five crucifixion wounds. The hue of a rose has often been associated with metaphorical meaning. An ordinary white rose depicts Christ’s purity, while a crimson rose represents Christ’s blood shed at the place of the cross.

Michelle Lee has been writing on culture and society since 2010.

She has produced articles for scientific journals such as “Social Problems” and the “Journal of Sociology,” as well as writings for firms that operate on the internet. Lee graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts in ethnic, gender, and labor studies in hand.

7 Favorite Flowers from Renaissance Manuscripts and Their Christian Symbolism

Red roses in the Getty’s garden, as well as a detail in All Saintsfrom the Spinola Hours, painted around 1510–20 by James IV of Scotland’s Master of the Spinola Hours. Ms. Ludwig IX 18, fol. 257v, in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum Christianity turned to nature for spiritual enlightenment and to lead its practitioners in their contemplation of the divine throughout the Renaissance (about A.D. 1400–1600) in Europe. During this time period, finely painted landscapes or depictions of flora and animals were frequently used as prayer aids in the production of illuminated manuscripts.

  • Ms.
  • 258 (J.
  • Ludwig IX 18, fol.
  • As it turns out, many of the flowers that were cherished throughout Renaissance Europe for their religious meaning as well as their utilitarian utility are still among our favorite flowers still.
  • Keene and Alexandra Kaczenski, who were in charge of organizing the exhibition Sacred Landscapes: Nature in Renaissance Manuscripts, I exchanged ideas and observations.

1. Roses (Rosaspp.)

The Getty’s rose garden is a beautiful sight to see. The rose, which is perhaps one of the world’s most widely recognized flowers, has a variety of religious meanings, depending on the color of the bloom. Red roses were used to represent the shedding of Christ’s blood, and they were also used to represent the compassion of the Virgin Mary. White roses were traditionally associated with the Virgin Mary, who was referred to as the “rose without thorns.” In Renaissance Europe, roses were associated with a number of saints as well as the flower itself.

Elizabeth of Hungary surreptitiously carried baskets of bread to the impoverished, despite the fact that her husband did not want her to.

Roses were also used for utilitarian uses.

2. Pinks (Dianthusspp.)

Pinks are included in the Spinola Hours, about 1510–20, on the Decorated Text Page. Ms. Ludwig IX 18, fol. 154, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles Dianthus flowers, which are usually referred to as “pinks” because of their characteristic hue, are distinguished by their clovelike scent and distinctive five-petal arrangement. Pinks have a strong religious significance in Christianity. As well as being connected with the Crucifixion and coronations, the dianthus flower (which derives from the Greek word Dios for Zeus) is also portrayed in countless illuminated manuscripts.

While in the natural, pinks frequently flourish on rough and rocky soils, which might make them difficult to grow in a home garden at certain times. They are considered to be the forerunners of modern-day carnations.

3. Irises (Irisspp.)

The Getty Villa’s grounds have a variety of iris. Irises, one of the most prominent flowers at the Getty because of a renowned artwork by Vincent van Gogh, are also associated with Christian iconography. This flower is connected with the Passion of Christ as well as the Resurrection, maybe because it blooms in early spring around the time of Easter.

4. Lilies (Liliumspp.)

The Visitation, c. 1480–1515, Master of the Dresden Prayer Book or workshop, has a lily detail that may be discovered in it. Ms. 23, fol. 71v, in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum. In terms of their relationship to the Virgin Mary, these tall, white, statuesque, and scented plants were comparable to the white rose. The white lily was considered to be a sign of purity and virginity in Renaissance Europe.

5. Heartsease (Viola tricolor)

Heastsease was discovered in the gardens of the Getty Center. Because of its fragile structure and dazzling three-colored petals, the Heartsease flower is often referred to as a “pansy” or “viola tricolor” flower. Remembering, remembering, and spiritualization were all associated with the Holy Trinity (the father-son-and-holy-spirit combination) throughout the Renaissance.

6. Columbines (Aquilegiaspp.)

In the Spinola Hours, around 1510–20, a detail of a columbine may be found on a decorated text page. Ms. Ludwig IX 18, fol. 258 (J. Paul Getty Museum), Ms. Ludwig IX 18, fol. These beautiful and elaborately petaled flowers occur in a variety of hues and shapes, but they are all distinguished by their contrasting colors (typically blue or white in manuscripts) and numerous layers of petals on each stem. It was believed that this blossom represented the Holy Spirit and that it represented the Virgin Mary’s sufferings throughout the Renaissance era.

7. Strawberry (Fragariasp.)

In The Visitation, about 1480–1515, Master of the Dresden Prayer Book or workshop, a strawberry detail is shown. Ms. 23, fol. 71v, in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum. However, this plant is not present in the Getty gardens, despite the fact that it is very abundant in Renaissance manuscripts. Strawberries distinguish themselves from other “berry” kinds due to their three-leaved (trilobed) form, which was thought to be symbolic of the Holy Trinity in ancient times. The strawberry fruit itself was likely associated with either the “good acts” of the Virgin or martyrdom throughout the Renaissance, while the white blossoms were associated with purity.

Sacred Landscapes: Nature in Renaissance Manuscripts will be on display at the Getty Center until January 7, 2019.

Flowers in the margins of illuminated manuscripts from the Renaissance period.

Ms. 23, fol. 13v, in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum. The Workshop of the Master of the First Prayer Book of Maximilian, around 1510–20, depicts Saint Luke in a robe. Ms. Ludwig IX 18, fol. 85v, in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum.

What flower is associated with Jesus?

In Christianity, the passion flower is connected with Christ because different portions of this flower symbolise different aspects of Christ’s crucifixion.

What was Jesus favorite flower?

The lily, to be precise. Adding a squeeze of lemon to his tea every night before bed was also a favorite treat for him. His favorite color was lavender, and he had a weird expression on his face whenever he threw something out in the garbage.

What is the flower of Jesus?

A woody vine with unique blooms, the PASSION FLOWER is a popular ornamental plant. It was given its name by Roman Catholic priests in the late 1500s in honor of Jesus Christ’s Passion (suffering and death). According to their beliefs, numerous components of the plant, such as the petals, rays, and sepals, represented characteristics of the Passion of Christ.

Is there a flower that represents God?

Pinks have a strong religious significance in Christianity. As well as being connected with the Crucifixion and coronations, the dianthus flower (which derives from the Greek word Dios for Zeus) is also portrayed in countless illuminated manuscripts.

What plant is associated with Jesus?

The passion vine has a deep association with Jesus and his death on the cross. The dark inner flower marks are supposed to be a reminder of Christ’s passion; this single connotation, in and of itself, is indicative of the flower.

What was Jesus favorite fruit?

Fructus – Fructus trees prefer to grow near water sources since they are resilient enough to resist the scorching summer sun and freezing winter nights. The fruit can be consumed fresh or dried to prolong its shelf life. Dried figs were a common snack for travelers.

What was Jesus favorite food?

“God’s favorite meal is bread because he saved the Israelites by providing them with manna (a type of bread),” explains Emily, who is 12 years old. In addition, Jesus celebrated the Passover with his followers, who shared the bread, which served as a representation of his body. His last meal before dying on the cross in order to redeem us from our sins.”

What is Jesus favorite number?

The number seven is God’s personal favorite. What is the evidence? The Holy Bible is the most important book in the world. The number seven appears several times in the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation).

What is Jesus Favourite Colour?

Have you seen anything that is consistent? Mary is nearly always shown in blue, whilst Jesus is almost always depicted in red. Throughout history, the color blue has been revered as a holy and priceless colour.

What does the lotus flower mean in Christianity?

The Lotus flower, which is also known as the water or white lily in Christianity, is endowed with the capacity to blossom in the morning and close at night. A lot may be learned from this about regeneration and rebirth. In Christianity, this may also be interpreted as having the inner power and desire to persevere through tough circumstances.

What is God’s wife’s name?

According to an Oxford researcher, the Book of Kings reveals that God had a wife named Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to the Book of Kings. Raphael Patai was the first historian to note that the ancient Israelites worshipped both Yahweh and Asherah, when he published his work in 1967.

What is Jesus secret name?

Yehoshua is a Hebrew/Aramaic name that can be translated as “Yahweh our Savior” or “Yahweh our deliverer” in English.

While the name Christ is the Greek counterpart of the Hebrew term Mashiach (Messiah), which literally means the anointed one and his anointing, the name Christ is derived from the Greek word Christos (Christ).

What flower means evil?

Thistle. The national emblem of Scotland is a prickly shrub with a gorgeous blossom on its stem. The thorns on this plant represent both evil and protection.

What plant symbolizes faith?

a particular region or culture

Flower Meaning
Iris blue Faith, hope
purple Wisdom, compliments
yellow Passion
white Purity

What are the 7 Holy herbs?

Among the ancient Celts’ holy plants were seven that were considered to be particularly beneficial. Dandelion, comfrey, mugwort, burdock, mistletoe, nettle, and the Guelder rose were among the herbs used.

What God says about flowers?

Job 14:2 tells us that they “sprout up like flowers and wither away; like transient shadows, they are not sustained.” as well as Psalm 103:15, which says, “The life of mankind is like grass, and they grow like a flower of the field.”

What Was Jesus Favorite Flower

In Christianity, the passion flower is connected with Christ because different portions of this flower symbolise different aspects of Christ’s crucifixion.

What is God’s favorite flower?

Pinks have a strong religious significance in Christianity. As well as being connected with the Crucifixion and coronations, the dianthus flower (which derives from the Greek word Dios for Zeus) is also portrayed in countless illuminated manuscripts.

What did Jesus say about the flowers?

Luke 12:27-28 (KJV) And if God is so concerned about flowers that are here today and tossed into the fire tomorrow, you can be confident that he is also concerned about you. “Can you tell me why you have such a low level of faith?” The flowers are a representation of God’s people.

What’s Jesus’s favorite color?

God’s favorite color is the color blue. Did you know that God has a favorite color that you don’t know about? He does, in fact,!

What was Jesus favorite fruit?

Jesus ate figs, as evidenced by the fact that, on his trip to Jerusalem, he grabbed for a fig tree, despite the fact that it was not fig season at that time.

What was Jesus favorite food?

It is, according to Jesus, necessary to be clean on the inside before one may be clean on the outer. That is why it is vital to consume bread, but not just any bread you could have previously purchased from a bakery. “God’s favorite meal is bread because he saved the Israelites by providing them with manna (a type of bread),” explains Emily, who is 12 years old.

What is Jesus favorite country?

He’s originally from Mexico, and that’s where he’s staying.

What is Jesus favorite number?

The number seven is God’s personal favorite. What is the evidence? The Holy Bible is the most important book in the world. The number seven appears several times in the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation).

What is Psalm 91 in the Bible?

Bible Gateway is a website that provides access to the Bible. Psalm 91: New International Version A person who resides in the protection of the Most High will find rest in the shade of the Most High. As for the LORD, I shall extol him as “my shelter and stronghold, and my God, in whom I put my faith.” In response to his devotion for me, declares the LORD, “I will rescue him and protect him because he recognizes my name.”

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What flower is mentioned in the Bible?

Oleander is referred to as a rose in the Bible. In ancient times, the phrases for roses and lilies were used to refer to any lovely flowers of these sorts that happened to be in bloom at the time.

What does flowers symbolize in the Bible?

In the Bible, what does the flower represent and why?

However, flowers also symbolise the fall of humans, since they reflect the beauty, fragility, and love of God that they represent. After a while, the beauty of a flower begins to fade and finally dies.

What do flowers mean spiritually?

Instead of representing the physical aspects of existence, these flowers represent spirituality, profound thoughts, and religious beliefs of a spiritual character. Encourage someone’s spirit and provide them with life motivation.

What is Jesus full name?

Jesus’ given name in Hebrew was “Yeshua,” which translates to “Joshua” in the English language.

How many people can go to heaven?

In accordance with their interpretation of biblical texts such as Revelation 14:1-4, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 devoted Christians will be received into heaven to rule with Christ in the kingdom of God.

Is 888 the number of Jesus?

888 is considered to be a representation of Jesus, or more especially Christ the Redeemer, according to certain Christian numerology. This representation may be justified either through gematria, by calculating the letter values of the Greek transcription of Jesus’ name, or as a counter-value to 666, the number of the beast, depending on how you look at things.

What is God’s favorite drink?

Drinking Soma, according to legend, was the means by which the gods achieved immortality, and it was the drink of choice for the powerful deity Indra.

What was Jesus diet like?

According to Colbert, Jesus ate a diet that was mostly comprised of whole grains, fish, fruits, and vegetables, as well as small portions of olive oil, meat, and wine, among other things.

What kind of fish did Jesus Eat?

Several sources claim that tilapia was the fish that was caught by St. Peter in the Sea of Galilee and then served to the people of Tabgha, an ancient town on the sea’s north-west shore, by Jesus. The fact that the fish is also known as “St. Peter’s fish” and that it is separated from the meat in accordance with Lenten norms is one of the reasons for its popularity.

What religion did Jesus grow up?

Of course, Jesus was born into a Jewish family. He was born in Galilee, a Jewish region of the globe, to a Jewish mother and a Jewish father. All of his friends, companions, coworkers, and disciples were Jews, and he had no problem with it. He was a regular attendee of Jewish community worship services, which we refer to as synagogues.

What is Jesus country?

Even though he was born in Bethlehem, Jesus was a Galilean from Nazareth, a town near Sepphoris, one of the two major cities in Galilee, according to the gospels of Matthew and Luke (Tiberias was the other). He was born to Joseph and Mary somewhere between 6 bce and just before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4 bce, according to the earliest available evidence.

What was Jesus favorite sport?

Wrestling is God’s favorite sport, and He always comes out on top.

Why is 777 a holy number?

Christianity. According to the Orthodox Study Bible, which is published in the United States, the number 777 reflects the threefold completeness of the Trinity. The number 777, as triple 7, may be compared to the number 666, which is triple 6, which is the Number of the Beast (rather than variant 616).

Why is 7 the perfect number?

The number seven represents completion and excellence in all aspects of one’s life (both physical and spiritual).

It draws much of its significance from the fact that it is linked directly to God’s creation of everything. The term ‘created’ appears seven times in the Bible to describe God’s creative action (Genesis 1:1, 21, 27 three times; 2:3; 2:4).

What is God’s phone number?

It goes without saying that God’s phone number (776-2323, no area code) appears on the pager in the Jim Carrey comedy “Bruce Almighty,” so of course moviegoers dialed the number and demanded to talk with the Almighty himself.

What does it mean to be under his wings?

Someone is guiding or protecting you, like in When Joe started his new job, the department head asked Bill to mentor him during his first few weeks at the company. This metaphorical expression refers to a mother hen who is providing protection for her young.

What type of psalm is Psalm 91?

Psalm 91 has been classed as a wisdom psalm by many exegetes on the basis of its verses 3–4, 7–8, and 11.

What does Psalm 20 say?

Psalm 20 verse 1 Whenever you are in trouble, may the LORD come to your assistance; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you assistance from the sanctuary and provide you with assistance from Zion. May he provide you the want of your heart and ensure that all of your goals come to fruition.

What is the flower of God?

Carnations are sometimes referred to as “The Flowers of God,” and this link may be traced back to the scientific name for the flower, Dianthus, which was given to it by the Greek botanist Theophrastus. The name is made up of the Greek words dios (Zeus) and anthos (ant) and is pronounced as (flower).

What flower symbolizes faith?

Iris. These flowers, which were named after the Greek goddess Iris, represent trust, hope, and intelligence.

What tree did Adam and Eve eat from?

The forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden was the subject of God’s first recorded discussion with Adam, according to the Bible. According to the story, Adam and Eve were allowed to eat everything they wanted — except for the fruit from that particular tree. God warned them that if they did, they would perish.

What species of flower might Jesus have been referring to when he said, “Consider the lilies”?

John Chancellor said in his bookThe Flowers and Fruits of the Bible (NY: Beaufort Books, Inc., 1982) that the flower Jesus talked of in Matthew 6:28-29 was the poppy anemone, which he identified as the lily of the field (really “lilies of the field”) (Anemone coronaria). Charles Darwin, Richard Wagner, John James Audubon, and King Edward I are among the people who have benefited from Chancellor’s biographies. Chancellor is an avid gardener who has amassed an impressive collection of early botanical publications, which includes some volumes on the flora of the Holy Land and other rare books on the subject.

One of these is the white-rayed chamomile,Anthemis palaestina, which belongs to theCompositaefamily of plants.

Another is the magnificent scarlet poppy, a member of the Papaverraceaefamily that grows in abundance.

It is the most prominent of all the spring blooms because of its large size.

According to editorsLouw and Nida, as cited by the NET Noteshere, “Though traditionally regarded as a type of lily, scholars have suggested several other possible types of flowers, including an anemone, a poppy, a gladiolus, and a rather inconspicuous type of daisy” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains, n.d.).

  1. Because of the ambiguity, the more general term “flowers” has been chosen in the translation to avoid confusion.
  2. Jesus, on the other hand, most likely intended them to represent all of the wildflowers.
  3. From December through April, this flower is in bloom.
  4. The anemone normally has six petals that close in the evening and reopen with the first rays of sunlight in the morning, according to legend.
  5. According toGill’s Exposition of the Whole Bible, which is citedhere,.consider the lilies of the field, or “the blossoms of the field,” as the Arabic version translates it, with the lilies being substituted for all kinds of flowers in the English translation.

In this passage, Christ does not direct his hearers to the lilies, or flowers, which grow in the garden and benefit from the management and care of the gardener; but rather to those of the field, where the art and care of men had not been exercised; and furthermore, he was now preaching on the mount, in an open place; and as he could point to the fowls of the air, flying in their sight, so to the flowers, in the adjacent fields and valleys: which .

  1. In our minds’ eye, we see Jesus pointing to the birds flying nearby or to the flowers blossoming in fields near where he delivered his “Sermon on the Mount.” The brilliant red crown anemone would undoubtedly serve as a readily available visual aid.
  2. may contain other wild flowers than lilies: blooms like as anemones, poppies, gladioli, irises, and a variety of other wild flowers.”.
  3. As noted by McGarvey and Pendleton in their Commentary on Matthew 6:28 (published by Baker Academic), “The Fourfold Gospel, which is cited here, states that it is impossible to tell which flower is being referred to.
  4. Smith prefers the scarlet martagon, Tristam prefers the anemone coronaria, and Thomson prefers the Huleh lily, which is a kind of iris.
  5. But it is possible that scholars are attempting to identify differences where Jesus himself did not make such distinctions.
  6. ‘Take a look at the lilies,’ Jesus said.
  7. In the midst of the terrible things of time and eternity, Jesus Christ taught man the teachings of nature’s impulses in a way that no other teacher had ever done before.

He was genuinely interested in such matters; they were not, in His opinion, merely a source of fodder for rhetorical phrase construction.

Beauty was a precious thing in the mind of Jesus, and consequently in the mind of God, which He revealed to us via His teachings.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that He recognized their beauty and admonished mankind to consider it carefully.

Or to put it another way, when Jesus is speaking to an audience that is predominantly made up of common and ordinary people who belong to the working class, he uses a common, ordinary, and sometimes even taken-for-granted flower to illustrate and emphasize the message he is trying to make.


In it, he invites his readers to “consider the flowers,” just as Jesus recommended in Matthew 6:28 -Jesus said, “Consider the lilies.'” Even if Jesus were no longer alive, he would continue to be not just the greatest of religious instructors, but also the only one who taught in the manner that He did.

  • He cautioned us not to get preoccupied with our daily activities that we would miss out on seeing the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.
  • ‘Your heavenly Father is concerned about them,’ he continued.
  • In fact, it was His Father who laid a carpet across the Galilean fields that was more beautiful than the robes of Solomon.
  • He smiled as he looked at their opulent beauty, knowing that these gifts to the poorest of the poor outshone the splendor of monarchs.
  • The crown imperial lily (fritillaria imperialis, , Kaiserkrone,) which grows wild in Palestine, or the amaryllis lutea (Sir J.
  • Smith, reported by F.
  • In his book “The Land and the Book,” Dr.

Heinrich Meyer’s comments from hisCritical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, which are reproduced here, state that, “Lilies in general, of which various kinds grow wild in the East, without cultivation by human hands” (Lilies in general, which grow wild in the East, without cultivation by human hands).

  • ); the latter are known in Greek as.
  • Mem.
  • 3.
  • ii.
  • 23) characterize thelilies not as a group, but as individuals (Kühner, ad Xen.
  • iv.
  • 12, ad Anab.



1) (see the critical notes for further information Schoemann’s ad Isaeum ix.

Finally, in my list of citations, I include a passage from the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges, citedhere, which has been identified by Dr Thomson (Land and Book, p.

He describes meeting with ‘this amazing flower, in all its splendor.

Canon Tristram (Nat.

of the Bible) claims this honor for the anemone coronaria, which is a beautiful and varied flower.

Conclusion to the question at hand, as a rough estimate As a result, we have come full circle to the possibility that the “lilies” to which Jesus referred could very well have been the anemone coronaria, though there is nothing wrong with the English translation, “lilies,” because virtually any flower of the field, regardless of its taxonomy, has a unique beauty (i.e., the term for the various heuristics for plants, which includes kingdom, phylum, class, series, family, genus, and species).

  • The experts appear to agree, as well, that the exact species of flower that Jesus might or might not have been referring to in his illustration is a minor point of discussion.
  • God the Father empathizes with his children in their common concerns and anxieties, and evidence of this can be found in his provision for less important things such as birds and flowers, which are examples of God’s compassion.
  • When God lavishes so much beauty and imagination on something as small as a flower, whose beauty lasts only a few short days, how much more love and concern will he lavish onto his children who were formed in his image by giving them with clothing to wear?
  • The flowers of the field and the birds of the air are unconcerned about the future.
  • He also provides tiny morsels of food to the birds of the air, which, not coincidentally, are frequently derived from the flowers in the fields themselves.

Then why wouldn’t he do the same thing for his children, who are created in his image, if he does these things for mere flowers and birds as well? Of course, the answer is no. He wouldn’t!

What was Jesus favorite flower? – JanetPanic.com

The lily, to be precise. Adding a squeeze of lemon to his tea every night before bed was also a favorite treat for him. His favorite color was lavender, and he had a weird expression on his face whenever he threw something out in the garbage.

Is 24 God’s Favourite number?

The Biblical Meaning of Number 24 This indicates that this number has a strong connection to the heavenly realm. It is utilized as a sign of responsibility and labor of God, who is the one genuine priest. Also, number 24 signifies the balance between the earth and the sky.

Why is 24 a lucky number?

When you see the number 24, you are seeing a symbol of achievement, which implies that achievement will be present in your personal life. In addition, the number 24 inspires self-assurance and trust in others, qualities that will naturally show through and captivate others. Because your pleasant energy will be pulling people to you, you will have the reputation of being a true people magnet.

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Why is 24 a special number?

In mathematics, the number 24 is unique because it is one digit shy of being a perfect square number. So 24 times 2 equals 48, 48 plus 1 equals 49, and 72 equals 49. Find another number that is exceptional in the same manner that the number 24 is remarkable.

Why is 23 a bad number?

2 + 3 = 5 and this is why the 23 enigma is considered to be a corollary to the Law of Fives. In these works, the number 23 is referred to as lucky, unlucky, dark, unusual, sacred to the goddess Eris, or sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, depending on the context.

Does the number 23 mean death?

We know that number 23 may be viewed as a sign of death in the Bible, whereas number 46 is perceived as a symbol of resurrection, thus we know that 23 x 2 equals 46 in the Bible. Historically, the letter W has been seen as a sign of the devil, and it is well known that the letter W occupies the 23rd place in the Latin alphabet.

Why is number 23 so special?

1. Prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one. One of the most often stated prime numbers is 23. The number twenty-three is the smallest prime number that is made up of consecutive digits. Primes have been referred to as the “atoms” of mathematics – the building blocks of the realm of numbers – and have been characterized as such.

Is 23 lucky or unlucky?

In these works, the number 23 is referred to as lucky, unlucky, dark, unusual, sacred to the goddess Eris, or sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, depending on the context. The 23 enigma may be considered as an example of apophenia, selection bias, and confirmation bias, all of which are present in the human brain.

The Lily of the Valley

Can you explain me what the flower known as “the lily of the valley” symbolized when it was associated with Jesus Christ? Whether or if this is the same flower that is marketed as the “Easter lily” is something I’d want to know. After looking at some of the origins of the festival known as “Easter,” it becomes clear that the majority of this “holiday” has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Christ, as is often believed. According to what I’ve read, the “Easter Lily” fits under the category of holiday decorations that are not tied to the celebration of Christ.

Please tell me more about this flower and whether or not it is genuinely associated with the “Easter” celebration as stated in the Bible.

It was necessary for me to conduct some preliminary research.

I had never given it much thought before because of its conventional and historical significance.

Before we go any further, let us have a look at your questions. You have, in fact, posed three separate inquiries: 1) What does the Bible say about the lily of the valley? 2) What exactly is an Easter lily? 3)Do they have the same meaning? We’ll take each question one at a time and examine it.


Lilies are mentioned 15 times in the Bible, in 15 distinct passages. Eight of these 15 references are found in the Song of Solomon, making it the most common source. Some of the more notable verses include the ones that follow:

  • The rose of Sharon and the valley flower are my names, says the prophet Solomon in Song of Solomon 2:1. The lily among thorns symbolizes my love for my daughters, as recorded in Song of Solomon 2:2. 1 Kings 6:2
  • Song of Solomon 6:2
  • Song of ‘My darling has gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to graze the animals in the gardens, and to pick lilies,’ I say. Hosea 14:5I will be as dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily, and his roots shall sprout as Lebanon
  • I will be like the dew unto Israel. Matthew 6:28 (KJV) And why are you preoccupied with clothing? Consider how the lilies of the field grow
  • They do not toil nor spin, and yet they produce a harvest. 29 And yet, I assert to you that even Solomon, in all his splendor, was not clothed in the manner of one of them.

There are various things we may learn from lilies of the field in these words of the Bible. They may be seen growing in the lowlands and in open fields. They may even thrive in the presence of thorns. They are sometimes grown for the purpose of growing in planted gardens. The prophet Hosea predicts that Israel would “grow like the lily” as a result of God’s favor on the nation. This implies that the lily is a fast-growing and widely distributed species in many locations. The numerous settings in which the lily appears in the Bible (valleys, fields, gardens, among thorns) demonstrates that the lily is a common depiction of a diverse range of floral species.

According to the definition, the lily is a vast genus of perennial plants belonging to the lily family that are cultivated from bulbs and have generally trumpet-shaped blooms, some of which are white and some of which are colorful.

During various points throughout Biblical history, the biblical lily was used to refer to a wide variety of flowering plants that often grew in uncultivated fields and blanketed valleys at specific times of year.

Benjamin Keach, in his writings on types, draws five parallels between the lily of the valley and the Lord Jesus Christ, and explains why they are so similar.

  1. A lily is a fragrant flower with a strong perfume that is both sweet and noticeable. The sweetness of Jesus’ mission is evident, especially when He offered “himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour” (Ephesians 5:2)
  2. A lily is white and extremely beautiful, outshining all other flowers in terms of whiteness. There are seven grains or seeds that are the color of gold contained within it. White represents purity and innocence (Revelation 3:4). In the end, the bride of the Lamb will be dressed entirely in white (Revelation 19:8). The purity of Jesus Christ, the one “who knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21), who “did no sin” (1 Peter 2:22), who was tempted “yet without fault” (Hebrews 4:15), and in whom “there is no sin” (1 John 3:5), could there be a more exquisite symbol of purity than a lovely white lily? Because of this, we were made into a pure and blameless high priest who is distinct from sinners and exalted above the sky (Hebrews 7:26)
  3. A lily bears a lot of fruit. One root can produce as many as fifty bulbs. Many fruits are produced by Jesus Christ as a result of His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead (John 12:24). His glory came from yielding many fruit (John 15:8)
  4. A lily is the tallest of all flowers, according to the ancient writer Pliny, and yet it has its head bowed to the ground. This is a magnificent depiction of the Son of God’s magnificence, which is only surpassed by the greatness of His humble nature. In Philippians 2:6-8, we read about a man who “though he was in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” The lily offers a wide range of therapeutic properties. According to ancient teaching, it may be used to recover a lost voice, alleviate faintness, be beneficial to the liver, and be beneficial to those suffering from dropsy. All ailments and maladies of the soul are curable by the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the great physician and completely competent of doing so.

The lily of the valleys, without a doubt, is a lovely representation and symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Easter Lily as we know it now (Latin: Lilium longiforum) is indigenous to Japan’s southern islands, where it is known as the “Easter Lily.” At one point in the 1880s, it was widely farmed in Bermuda, with bulbs being sent to the United States. During World War II, the United States took over as the primary supplier of the Easter Lily, which had been supplied by Japan. Easter Lilies take three or four years of meticulous attention, as well as the perfect combination of climate and soil, in order to produce the high-quality flowers that people today anticipate.

In recent years, the Easter Lily has established itself as the traditional flower of Easter, and it is seen as a sign of the resurrection.


However, people who are searching for support from historical traditions are likely to be disappointed because we are free to draw connections between Christ as the lily of the valley and the Easter flower. Poetry and mythology from all around the globe make use of the gorgeous white blossoms of the lily to represent a variety of things. The flower is associated with motherhood in a number of ancient allegories. According to one legend, the lily came from the milk of Hera, the legendary Queen of Heaven, when she was pregnant.

In early paintings, the Angel Gabriel is seen giving the Virgin Mary a bouquet of white lilies, which she accepts.

According to another version, a visit to the grave of Mary three days after her burial revealed nothing except enormous bouquets of beautiful lilies in the tomb.

The white petals of the lily are thought to represent the pristine body of the Virgin Mary, while the golden anthers of the flower are said to represent her soul, which is considered to be bathed in a heavenly brilliance.


Clearly, the history of the Easter Lily is a tad tangled. Due to my rejection of both Mary’s sinlessness and her resurrection, I was unable to utilize the flower in the conventional meaning. It is also evident that the flower iconography has some pagan origins, as previously stated. It is for this reason that I was unable to cite scriptural support for the Easter Lily. Although this is true, it does not take away from the fact that the lily was utilized as a symbol of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

  • Consequently, even if I do not embrace the Easter Lily as a scriptural tradition, I may still utilize the flower to represent the sweetness, purity, fruitfulness, humility, and healing attributes that Jesus Christ embodies in his life.
  • On the other hand, I don’t see the point of demonizing the Easter Lily in general.
  • However, do not rely on tradition to provide support for a scriptural interpretation.
  • Sources: The factual nature of this piece necessitates the use of language that is extremely similar to that found in my sources.
  1. “Preaching from the Types and Metaphors of the Bible” by Benjamin Keach
  2. “Webster’s New World Dictionary”

What is Jesus favorite flower? – ElectroAnswers


What was Jesus favorite food?

It is, according to Jesus, necessary to be clean on the inside before one may be clean on the outer. That is why it is vital to consume bread, but not just any bread you could have previously purchased from a bakery. “God’s favorite meal is bread because he saved the Israelites by providing them with manna (a type of bread),” explains Emily, who is 12 years old.

Did Jesus have a dog?

We have no way of knowing if Jesus ever owned a pet! Even dogs were kissed by Jesus’ dogs in the same tale: “Even the dogs licked his sores,” says Jesus in the same narrative. (See also Luke 16:21) Or to put it another way, dogs were more compassionate than the wealthy guy.

What Bible says about dogs?

Revelation 22:15 says, “For withoutdogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whoever loveth and telleth a lie, shall be cast into the lake of fire.” “Beware of hounds, careful of wicked works, beware of the concision,” warns Philippians 3:2 (NASB). The Bible says in Proverbs 26:11, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his foolishness.”

Does the Bible mention dogs in heaven?

According to Kurowski’s Bible study, “Animals in Heaven, Pets in Paradise,” dogs, cats, horses, and other pets do indeed go to Heaven. While the Bible does not explicitly answer “yes,” it does indicate via its description of God’s redemption of His creation that our dogs will meet us in the new heavens and new earth when the kingdom of God is established.

Do dogs have souls?

Dogs do have souls, according to several studies in Spiritual Psychology.

Once a dog bonds with a person, its soul links to the human’s soul, and at death, the dog’s soul travels with the human soul to its final destination. In other words, they argue that animals may have “breath of life,” but that they do not have an eternal soul in the same way that humans have.

Can I bring my dog home after euthanasia?

Following the Euthanasia Procedure, Immediately After Depending on who you ask, some people do and some people do not. If you have made arrangements to bring your pet home, a container will be set aside for the purpose of receiving the animal. The veterinarian will normally place your pet inside the container and arrange for someone to assist you in transporting your pet to your car on your behalf.

What do dogs do when they are dying?

Following the Euthanasia Procedure, Immediately Individuals differ on whether they believe this or not. You will find a container waiting for you when you go home with your pet if you have made arrangements. The veterinarian will normally place your pet into the container and arrange for someone to assist you in transporting your pet to your car on the way out to your vehicle.

How do vets put dogs down?

Pentobarbital, a seizure drug, is the most commonly used euthanasia medication by veterinarians. When administered in big amounts, it swiftly knocks the pet asleep. It normally takes one or two minutes for their heart and brain processes to be completely shut down. An IV injection is normally used to administer it, which is usually delivered in one of their legs.

Do dogs know we love them?

Yes, your dog is very aware of how much you adore him! When it comes to human-canine relationships (canine-human relationships), canines have really hijacked the human oxytocin bonding pathway, which is generally designated for our newborn newborns. When you look at your dog, your oxytocin levels rise in both of you, just as they do when you pet and play with them.

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How do you say hello in dog language?

“Hello” is said by dogs using the word woof (which can be pronouced wuf, wüf, and occasionally wrüf, depending on breed and area accent). Say woof as enthusiastically and warmly as possible while facing your dog (the tone of your voice is also crucial; the similar-sounding weuf implies “Back off! This is my food!”).

Do dogs like being talked?

It’s just one of the many reasons why we adore them so very much. According to the findings of the research, speaking to dogs in dog-directed speech really encourages them to spend more time with humans, which is a positive development. When you speak to them in a pleasant, dog-directed manner, they are most likely aware that affection and incentives are on the horizon for them.

How do you say sorry in dog language?

If you wish to express your regrets to your dog, speak to them softly and soothingly in a somewhat high-pitched voice, similar to the one we use when talking to newborns or puppies, to avoid upsetting them. You are under no need to say “sorry,” but you should use the phrases that you would normally use to praise your dog when he behaves well, such as “well done” or “good boy.”

How do you say I love you to a dog?

5 Ways to Express Your Adoration for Your Dog Rubbing His Ears Make a soft rub behind his ears, rather than stroking him on the top of the head, to reward him for his good behavior. Put your trust in Him. Have you ever noticed your dog pressing up on your legs or leaning towards you when you were seated in the same chair? Soften your gaze and look into His eyes. Have a good time with your friends. Snuggle.

Do dogs feel love when you kiss them?

It is possible that when you kiss your dog, he or she will exhibit behaviors that show they understand the kiss as a display of affection.

Dogs would not know this as something you are doing when they are puppies, but they would be aware that you are doing it. As infants get older, though, they begin to correlate the kisses and cuddles with your happiness in their presence.

Of Holy Maxims, Holy Saints, and Some of Jesus’ Favorite Flowers

The roses depicted above are named “Fragrant Cloud,” and they are really fragrant – I wish I could give you a whiff of them as well as a snapshot! – and I highly recommend them! My knowledge of this is based on the fact that I have many of them blooming in my Therese garden, which consists of four rose bushes behind the house, and they never cease to delight me, Marcel, and Therese, who sends them (not to mention the many recipients of her generosity to whom I pass them along, although I confess that they’ve been congregating in our living room around our Russian icon of Mary and a statue of St.

  1. Therese that stands beside her).
  2. What does this signify for Miss Marcel’s Musings and what do we make of it?
  3. Alphonsus!
  4. Alphonsus the Great.
  5. Alphonsus, to be precise – created, and because Marcel is our brother, St.

Furthermore, in addition to being our father, he is a Doctor of the Church, the author of a gazillion wonderful books, and the merciful theologian who transformed moral theology into a thing of beauty: or, to put it another way, he is the one whose teaching has the power to knock out the bullies of Srupples throughout this fallen world.

  1. Alphonsus’ intercession and perhaps even Google “Scruples Anonymous” – you’ll find there his Redemptorist sons at your disposal.) But if we take another look at our flowers, we’ll see that they signify something else, something that is more particular to you!
  2. Alphonsus, so too are we like a small flower beneath the overarching bloom of Marcel himself.
  3. On this same day, St.
  4. Now this particular book, and by that I mean the actual volume that is in my possession, belonged to my loving cousin Charlie, who adored St.

Therefore, you can guarantee that whatever Charlie underlined in this book is HUGE – and, thankfully for us, Charlie didn’t underline everything (like I tend to do in my favorite book), so we can see that what he underlined wasn’t just HUGE, but it was also The Most Important Thing in the whole book.

  • As you might expect, I went to Charlie’s St.
  • According to St.
  • Given my proclivity for overcomplicating things, I’ve concluded that this quote is very essential for rescuing my soul, or at the very least for preserving any vestige of simplicity.
  • “One single holy maxim, deeply ruminated, is sufficient to become a saint,” says St.
  • When I think about it, it occurs to me that St.

Nevertheless, I believe that our guest today, our holy father, is smirking and shaking his head, and Marcel says in hushed tones: “No, no, select another one, foolish!” As a result, I have no choice but to share with you my personal favorite and most important maxim, while also encouraging you to choose one of your own, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, who breathes wherever He pleases, and your guardian angel, who knows exactly what you need to do in order to become a saint.

Do not be concerned if you want to borrow mine until you find your own – though I am prejudiced, I believe it is the finest ever and you may have it as long as you like, especially considering that Jesus intended it for all of us to benefit from it.

), my motto is derived from Marcel’s Conversations with Jesus, Mary, and St.

It’s also lovely to see how my maxim (you know, the one that if thoroughly considered would turn me into a saint) appears in Conversations, because it’s so timely and relevant right now: Wonderful because it comes directly from Jesus, our beloved Savior and Spouse, and suitable since Jesus reveals to Marcel (and us) that St.

  • “Do not worry any more, ever,” says Jesus in a chat with Marcel on April 13, 1946, at about (438) in Marcel’s pages.
  • That’s all there is to it!
  • Beyond the fact that it is a single holy maxim, I believe “Do not worry any longer, ever” has the benefit (and our advantage) of being relatively short, and therefore conceivably remembered even for those of us who have been endowed with Marcellian memory.
  • Alphonsus, but even better, it has the endorsement of everyone, as Jesus explains: “Besides, everyone repeats the same thing to you: your Mother Mary, your sister Therese, and, if Saint Alphonsus spoke to you, he would only tell you not to be concerned.” Oh my goodness, isn’t it wonderful?

This is what I love about this holy maxim: even though Jesus waited until relatively recently (about 3 years) to bowl me over and draw me closer to Him with this saying in Marcel’sConversations(after all, He had to give good Jack Keogan a chance to translateConvosinto English from bearded Jesus’ – Father Boucher’s – French from Marcel’s Vietnamese), our loving Savior could not restrain Himself for those long centuries from showering us with all the kisses contained in It appears more than occasions in St.

  1. John’s account of the Last Supper, which may be found in chapter 14 of his gospel.
  2. “Do not allow your hearts to be worried or terrified,” he says again a little later.
  3. God is so wonderful!
  4. This lesson has been dispersed across the New and Old Testaments, as though God is genuinely concerned that we get it.
  5. When the Vicar of Christ spoke in his charming Polish accent, he would add, “Do not be scared!” And he really meant it!
  6. The time has come for us to become saints!
  7. It occurred to me this morning that I had forgotten something significant about St.

He claims that “ONE SINGLE HOLY MAXIM, thoroughly ruminated, IS SUFFICIENT TO MAKE A SAINT,” and I quote, “ONE SINGLE HOLY MAXIM, well ruminated, IS SUFFICIENT TO MAKE A SAINT.” Did you take the time to read the fine print?

And how about “well”?

We’re doomed!

The fact that Miss Marcel occasionally muses before starting to write is evident from this.

Alphonsus made it happen today, owing to his intercession.

Alphonsus was himself a worrier, which is why he was and is so concerned that we learn from his mistakes.) Recently, I came upon a book written by Fr.

His friendship with G.K.

McNabb (which is why I refer to him as “renowned”), but I’d never read anything by him that I could recollect.

(Now, don’t go rushing off to Amazon to get the book; you can trust Jesus and me; we’re going to give you the finest part right here in this very paragraph.) What words did Fr.

So there I was, surrounded by great books, trying to gather my wits (and the book).

When God created a site just for my thoughts, why wouldn’t He have done so because, just as every word He provided to Marcel was intended for us, every word He gives me is intended for you as well?

He was well aware that it would dawn on me this morning that, while I enjoy musing, I’m a horrible ruminator, and he prepared himself accordingly.

McNabb, a Dominican priest who is also a ruminator on a near-professional level!

Dominic, a descendant of St.

What follows is a peaceful reflection prepared for us 85 years ago by Fr.

I’ll use flowers to mark the beginning and end of his ruminations, as well as the beginning and conclusion of my musings, so that you can tell where his ruminations begin and end and where my musings begin and stop.

Vincent McNabb during a retreat conference: “Do not be solicitous.” (See also Luke 12:22.) ” Do not be alarmed, tiny flock.” (See also Luke 12:32) Add any words to the magnificent discourse of Our Lord and apply them to the wretched human heart that is continuously looking forward to a tomorrow it may never see.

And Our Dear Lord states it so succinctly: “After all these things the countries seek” – those nations today appear to be out in the dark, all searching; but none seeking what is first, and understanding that all other things will follow, and will arrive in their proper sequence.

Yet, there has never been a century in which men were as concerned with what they should eat and wear as they are now.

So frequently, human existence appears to be in shambles as a result of something being denied.

” Do not be alarmed, tiny flock.

Thomas for that!

Don’t be alarmed if you see something strange.

“Don’t be alarmed, my little darling.

Do not be alarmed, my little kid.

We must be in a dreadful state of mind.

We’ll always be fascinated by animals, even if it’s just a blade of grass.

When you and I are almost laying violent hands on ourselves, let us accept Our Lord’s invitation to go out to the birds and the grass.

Our Dear Lord tells us of the sparrows, just to teach the world not to be solicitous.

We just look at something, almost unable to think – the swirl of the dry autumn leaves; or a fly crawling up the window-pane, or the sparrows.

Thou didst make the sparrows and the grass for Thyself and for the poor fear-overwhelmed heart of man.

That is a great solicitude in modern times.

” Little flock.

Little flock.” Now as the hour of separation comes and He has made these reeds almost into rocks, endearment is on His lips.

We can have a kind of spiritual solicitude; the soul is almost terrified about tomorrow.

Peter, the expert in all these sudden fears, says: “Be not afraid of their fear, and be not troubled” (1 Peter 3:14).

Even in spiritual things we must not be solicitous for the morrow.

“Your Father knoweth you have need of these things.” How often I have heard that from my Mother’s lips!

Your Father is seeing to that.” Sometimes even in spiritual things we are over-solicitous, even about our sin.

A Son of St.

He used to pray to be a stone in the mouth of hell to keep souls from falling in.

But there was no solicitude about it, only a solicitude to help others.

So, dear children in Jesus Christ, may our thoughts tonight be just the memory, I almost said the murmuring, of these words of Our Lord.

Each night, as darkness draws on, I seem to remember the awful terror the darkness was to my boyish mind.

Whatever, then, the cause of our solicitude today or tonight, we must not yield to it.

No one loves us as He does, nor so unselfishly.

We are of great value to Him even if of little value to ourselves.

To Him, even paradise seemed well lost for love of us; and with longing He longed to confirm His Love by dying.

“Your Father is well aware that you are in need of these things,” says the prophet.

But, My Brother, Thou, too, knowst the depth of my sorrow and the extent of my over-solicitude; Thou knowst the depth of my sorrow and the extent of my over-solicitude.

It seems almost sacrilegious to add any words to the great sermon that Fr.

and so I will only repeat Jesus’ more recent words – twelve years after Fr.

And He reminds us not to be solicitous in such a soft, loving, compassionate, and gently solicitous manner.

McNabb so graciously refers to our True Love!

Don’t be afraid!” Don’t be intimidated!

Do not be alarmed!

I, for one, am now beginning to be concerned about what I will have to do when I have finished writing this piece.

However, we should not be disheartened.

Alphonsus, told us that one holy maxim, well pondered, would do the trick and transform us into saints, that is, make us one with the Lord Jesus.

What do you think about marinating?

Alphonsus actually said something like that!?

In my experience, if a dish asks for marinating, you have little more than 10 minutes to spare before everyone wants dinner to be on the table at a reasonable hour.

This time, though, things are different.

– well, actually, it’s exactly the same as when we’re preparing dinner: this time our time is just however much time our Heavenly Father deems appropriate, so don’t be concerned!

Do not be alarmed, tiny flock.

Do not be alarmed.

Never again should you be concerned!



Please, Blessed Mother, intercede for us!

Therese, intercede for us!

And Marcel, please join us in our games and make us laugh, as you always have! When we’re laughing, it’s difficult to feel terrified, therefore we appreciate all of your assistance! Christ the Little One, the Loving Son of God, our loving Lord, and our True Love: Draw me, and we’ll take off!

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