What Miracle Did Jesus Perform At The Marriage In Cana

What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana?

Peter’s mother-in-law has been healed. transformed plain water into wine I went for a walk on water. The fig tree wilted and died. What was the miracle that Jesus performed at the wedding in Cana? How did Jesus execute the miracle of the withered fig tree, the raising of Lazarus, the turning of water into wine, and the feeding of 5000 people? | What miracle did Jesus do shortly before healing Legion of his unclean spirit? 4,000 people were fed, and the storm was calmed, and Lazarus was raised, and people were walking on water.


Philip |

Paul |

  1. Philip |
  2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate number: There were stone waterpots on the table at the wedding at Cana of Galilee.
  3. A disabled man was cured by Jesus, and he also changed water into wine.
  4. Was there anything that Jesus performed with water when he went to a wedding at Cana?
  5. Gave it to his mother |
  6. Made it into wine |
  7. |

Guard |

Cupbearer |Mary, Jesus’ mother, was present at the wedding in Cana|

True |What question about marriage did the Pharisees use to tempt Jesus?

Chef |

Baker |

False |

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Turning water into wine |

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Turning water into wine

Why did Jesus choose the wedding at Cana for His first miracle?

QuestionAnswer When Jesus performed His first miracle (John 2:1–11), no one can say for certain why He selected a wedding at Cana to do so. We can speculate, on the other hand, and we have certain Old Testament predictions to guide us in putting together some possible scenarios. In Cana, it appears that Jesus’ family had a strong link to the events that took place. Mary, Jesus’ mother, is concerned about a lack of wine in the bridal feast (John 2:3), which shows that she was engaged in the planning and organizing of the wedding.

  • Is it possible that Jesus’ wedding was attended by a relative or a family friend?
  • Such a relationship would explain Jesus’ appearance at the wedding, but not His decision to perform His first miracle during the reception, which would have been more surprising.
  • It was critical to maintain family honor during those times.
  • To run out of either signaled a careless or financially disadvantaged host.
  • Mary sought assistance from her heavenly Son out of a sense of personal obligation.
  • The beginning of Jesus’ earthly mission was marked by His baptism by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:16–17; Mark 1:9–12; Luke 1:9–12).
  • Despite the fact that He had never performed a miracle in front of an audience, it was time for Him to reveal who He truly was.

The host was taken aback by the quality of the wine.

The fact that Jesus created wine might have prophetic significance.

Israel, according to Amos, “will establish vineyards and taste the wine produced by them” (Amos 9:14).

A second point to note is that the miracle occurred during a wedding reception.

It is also indicative of Christ’s mission because the love and pleasure inherent in a wedding ceremony are present.

Furthermore, it is possible that Jesus picked this particular family scenario to execute this miracle because it is something that people from all cultures can connect to.

Perhaps there is another another lesson He wishes us to take away from the experience.

He wants to accomplish something supernatural in our ordinary lives as well, and he wants to do it through us. Questions about John (return to top of page) For what reason did Jesus chose the wedding at Cana as the site of His very first miracle?

3 Important Lessons for Us from the Wedding at Cana

The account of the wedding at Cana is significant because it was the very first miraculous sign that Jesus provided to his followers. When Jesus walked on world for the first time, he exhibited his magnificence for the first time. It was also at this point that the disciples began to place their faith in him. They were aware that something was odd about him when he phoned them, but it was this first miracle that allowed them to truly see. Despite the fact that they would see considerably more later!

  1. Jesus performed miracles to assist his disciples in seeing, but they were not intended to persuade people to believe.
  2. The wedding in Cana was attended by a large number of people.
  3. Some of them were taken aback by the unexpected resurgence of the wine supply.
  4. The bride, groom, and master of ceremonies were relieved that their wedding reception had not been destroyed by the storm.
  5. Some people, it’s likely, were not paying attention.

What Happened at the Wedding at Cana?

According to John 2:1-12, the account of Jesus’ wedding at Cana is told. An early wedding party took place in the Galilean community of Cana, at the time of Jesus’ mission. Jesus and his mother were among those who were invited, as were his followers. Wine supplies were depleted during the party’s festivities. Mary must have been well acquainted with the bride and groom and did not want anything to detract from their enthusiasm. She went to Jesus to notify him that there was no more wine available for him to drink.

  1. Jesus, on the other hand, calmly responded that his time had not yet come.
  2. Six stone water jars, each holding twenty to thirty liters of water, were placed near the serving counter.
  3. That was done by the servants.
  4. After tasting it, the master of ceremonies summoned the bridegroom to the alter.
  5. Each and every other event, folks would serve the best wine first before bringing out inferior wines later on, when the guests were a little tipsy and less discriminating.

Following the wedding, Jesus traveled to Capernaum with his mother, his brothers, and his followers for a few days of rest and relaxation. This miracle incident at Cana teaches us three key things that we should carry away with us:

1. Take Your Requests to Jesus but Humbly Accept His Answer

“They don’t have any more wine,” Jesus’ mother informed him during the festivities when the wine supply was depleted. It was Jesus who said, “Dear woman, it is not our concern.” “I have not reached the end of my time.” John 2:3–4 (KJV) Despite the fact that she was precious to Jesus, Mary was powerless to compel him to do anything. No matter how close you believe you are to Jesus, you will not be able to compel Him to do anything if the moment is not appropriate. Jesus wanted to make certain that he was working on his people’s behalf according to the Father’s schedule in order to achieve the ultimate objective of salvation.

We have to put our faith in him when it comes to our plans and the timing of those plans.

Waiting patiently for the Lord is something we must constantly do.

2. Cultivate a Humble and Obedient Heart

His mother, on the other hand, instructed the servants to “do whatever he says.” 2:5 (John 2:5) Because you won’t be able to make Jesus do what you want, you’ll have to accept whatever he says. If you obey him, you’ll find yourself in considerably better spirits. All followers of Christ should strive to have the heart of Mary in their hearts. Her heart desired to exalt the Lord, to rejoice in him, and to serve him with humility. She kept his magnificent accomplishments tucked away in the recesses of her mind.

  1. He feeds the hungry while waiting for the affluent to discover their own depravity and emptiness (Luke 1:46-55).
  2. He doesn’t work on a schedule, but he does assist us when we are in need.
  3. As Jesus instructed his attendants, “Fill the jars halfway with water.” “Now take some out of the jars and take it to the master of ceremonies,” he stated after the jars were all full.
  4. 2:7-8 (John 2:7-8) Despite the fact that they had just witnessed those jars being filled with water, the servants obeyed his directions.
  5. Is it possible for them to be fired for simply drinking plain old water?
  6. We may witness a miracle if we take a step forward with trust, despite our reservations.

3. Remember that in God’s Hands, the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

When the master of ceremonies drank the water that had turned into wine and realized he didn’t know where it had come from (but the servants did), he brought the bridegroom over to the tasting table. “The greatest wine is usually served first by a kind host,” he explained. When everyone has had a good amount to drink, he puts out the less costly wine,” she continues. “However, you have managed to keep the greatest till now!” 2:9-10; 2:9-10 When things are blessed by God, they might transform from the ordinary to the remarkable.

  • Before they were called to be disciples, they were just regular individuals living their lives.
  • Before God called you, you weren’t necessarily wise in the traditional sense of the word.
  • So that they will not be able to boast about their own goodness, God chose the poor people of the earth to be his instruments.
  • We want others to recognize him in us.

Ordinary objects and people, on the other hand, become spectacular in the presence of God. God removes our voids and fills them with his presence. He meets all of our wants from his opulent resources, and we end up receiving far more than we asked for in the first instance.

Conclusion to Our Lessons from the Wedding at Cana

His mother, his brothers, and his followers accompanied him to Capernaum after the wedding for a few days after the ceremony. John 2:12 (New International Version) Jesus didn’t stay at Cana to celebrate his miracle with his disciples. He was well aware that miracles are not remembered for very long by human nature. People believe that if they pray for a miracle and God gives it, they will be able to trust God indefinitely. Miracles only briefly elicit belief in the minds of those who witness them.

  • Real faith does not grow in this manner.
  • True faith is putting your confidence in God for who He is, rather than what He can accomplish.
  • If you’re going to believe, you’ll believe even before you witness a miracle, just as Mary and the disciples did before they saw Jesus.
  • It has no effect on the fire that burns in your heart.
  • Don’t get so wrapped up in “what occurred” that you lose sight of who was responsible for it.
  • The writer, Jennifer Heeren, is passionate about her craft and strives to live in such a manner that her work and attitude serve as inspiration to others.
  • Even when things aren’t going her way, she always has at least half a cup of coffee in her hand.
  • Her debut novel is available for purchase on Amazon.
  • Visit her website and/or follow her on Facebook.
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Why Jesus’ First Miracle at the Wedding in Cana Is Relevant Today

1 John 2:11–14 During his visit to the hamlet of Cana, with his mother, Mary, and the first few followers, Jesus of Nazareth took the opportunity to attend a wedding banquet. Weddings in the Jewish faith were rich in custom and ceremony. One of the customs officers was putting on a lavish feast for the visitors. But something went wrong at this reception since they ran out of wine before the reception began. Considering the customs of the time, such a blunder would have resulted in severe humiliation for the bride and husband.

However, the most dramatic example of this custom may be seen inGenesis19:8, in which Lotoffers his two virgin daughters to a mob of assailants in Sodom, rather than turning over two male visitors in his home, as an illustration of this tradition.

The humiliation of running out of wine at their wedding would have followed this Cana couple for the rest of their lives.

Wedding at Cana – Story Summary

During the wedding ceremony in Cana, as the wine ran out, Mary turned to Jesus and said, “They don’t have any more wine.” “Dear lady, what is the point of involving me?” Jesus responded in the affirmative. “I have not reached the end of my time.” His mother instructed the servants to “do whatever he orders you to do.” (John 2:3-5, New International Version) Six stone jars filled with water, which were used for ceremonial washing, were located nearby. Before eating, Jews washed their hands, cups, and other serving items with water.

  1. The servants were instructed by Jesus to fill the jars with water.
  2. The master was completely ignorant that Jesus had transformed the water in the jars into wine.
  3. He walked over to the bride and groom and praised them on their wedding.
  4. “You have saved the finest for last,” he congratulated them (John 2:10,NIV).
  5. His astonished disciples placed their trust in him.

Points of Interest from the Story

Mary turned to Jesus and said, “They don’t have any more wine,” after the wine at the wedding at Cana ran out. “Would you mind telling me why you’ve enlisted my assistance?” This is what Jesus said. I have not reached my ripe old age yet,” says the author. “Do whatever he tells you,” his mother instructed his servants. New International Version (NIV) of John 2:3-5 Several stone jars filled with water, which were used for ceremonial washing, were located near the campfire. In preparation for meals, Jews swished water over their hands, cups, and other dishes.

  • In order to fill the jars with water, Jesus instructed the servants.
  • The master was completely ignorant of Jesus’ ability to transform the water in the jars into grape juice.
  • The best wine is usually offered first, according to him, and then a lower-quality wine is brought out after the visitors have had too much alcohol and will not notice the difference.
  • Jesus showed his divinity as the Son of God by this amazing act.

Question for Reflection

Running out of wine was by no means a life-or-death issue, and no one was in any bodily discomfort.

However, Jesus interceded and performed a miracle to resolve the situation. God is really concerned in every area of your existence. What is important to you is also important to him. Is there something that has been bothering you that you have been hesitant to bring to Jesus’ attention?

The Mighty Miracles Of Jesus: Turning Water Into Wine

Kelly Wise Valdes contributed to this article. While on earth, Jesus accomplished over 40 miracles, including healing the sick, manipulating the natural elements of nature, and even raising people from the dead, among other things. Generally speaking, a miracle is defined as an occurrence that occurs outside of the realm of normalcy. Each month, we will take a closer look at one of His miracles in order to gain a better understanding of the depth of His affection for us. Understanding Jesus’ miracles has the potential to transform your life, and it all begins with trusting in Him via confidence in Him.

  1. This miracle, which was Jesus’ first public miracle, is frequently cited as one of the most remarkable miracles in the history of Christianity.
  2. Jesus was invited to a wedding in Cana, along with His mother Mary and several of His disciples, just before He began His public ministry.
  3. Six large stone water jugs, the kind used for ceremonial washing, were spotted by Jesus, each holding between 20 and 30 gallons of water.
  4. With a drink from the jug, the host was surprised to find out that the water had been converted into wine.
  5. It was via this miracle performed at the wedding in Cana of Galilee that Jesus made His supernatural skills known to the world for the very first time.
  6. It is possible that we will not receive everything we desire, but God’s power can meet your needs and empower you to pursue a more intimate relationship with Him.
  7. In the Bible story, the wedding guests never had the opportunity to meet the ‘Winemaker’ because they were too preoccupied with the wine.
  8. Perhaps you have your sights set on a new high-end automobile or a larger home.
  9. The purpose of Jesus’ miracle of turning the water into wine was explained further in John 2:11: “This, the first of His signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee and manifested His glory.
  10. He wants us to believe in Him and use our beliefs to cause others to believe in Him.

The purpose of His plan is to show His love for us, not for us to have our fill of wine, or money, or other physical things of this earth. God wants us to hear Him and trust Him, and He responds by His blessings in our lives.

Jesus’ First Miracle

THE BOOK OF JOHN 2:1-12 Now that Nathanael has become one of Jesus’ first disciples, it has been three days since he first met him. Several of Jesus’ early disciples, including Peter and John, go north to the province of Galilee, which is where they were born and raised. Their last destination is the town of Cana, which happens to be Nathanael’s hometown. Cana is a town in the hills north of Nazareth, where Jesus grew up and where the wedding feast took place. They’ve been invited to a wedding feast in Cana, and they’re excited.

  1. The fact that Mary is a friend of the family of the couple getting married suggests that she was involved in assisting to care for the large number of guests.
  2. — The book of John 2:3.
  3. “Woman, why is that of concern to me and to you?” Jesus responds, using an expression that shows his disapproval of the situation.
  4. Mary makes the sensible decision to place the problem in the hands of her son, telling those who are ministering to her: “Do whatever he tells you.” — John 2:5 (New International Version).
  5. Instructing his servants, Jesus says, “Fill up the jars with water.” Then Jesus adds, “Now take some out of your pocket and give it to the director of the banquet.” — 2 John 7:7, 8.
  6. “Everyone else puts out the best wine first, and when people are inebriated, they put out the poorer wine,” he continues, addressing the bridegroom.
  7. This is the very first miracle that Jesus performs on the earth.
  8. At some point after that, Jesus’ family, including his mother and half-brothers, travels to the city of Capernaum, which is located on the northwest bank of the Sea of Galilee.
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3 things we can learn from Jesus’ first miracle

Whenever Jesus is there, miracles occur without fail. Pixabay During the course of His earthly mission, the Lord Jesus performed several miracles, the first of which is recorded in John 2:1-12. This historical event teaches us a great deal, and if we apply these lessons to our own lives, we will reap tremendous benefits from them. We may draw a few important lessons from Jesus’ first miracle, which occurred at a wedding in Cana of Galilee, when water was turned into wine. Let’s speak about them and see if we can put them to use in our everyday lives.

  • “Now both Jesus and His followers were invited to the wedding,” we read in John 2:2.
  • Because He had been accepted into the lives of those who would benefit from it, He was able to perform His very first miracle: the marriage of a couple who had just been engaged.
  • We will have to invite Him to our event.
  • 2)He was informed of the situation.
  • When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus told Him, “They have no wine.” This is found in the book of John, chapter 2, verse 3.
  • How many times have we as Christians felt as though God had failed to provide us with what we needed or wished for us to have?
  • Or did we simply assume that He would provide us with everything we required without even asking Him?
  • And everything you ask in My name, I will accomplish so that the Father’s glory may be revealed through the Son’s sacrifice.
  • Nearing the end of John’s tale, he informs us that what Jesus accomplished with ordinary water outperformed the wines that the bridegroom himself had prepared.
  • You’ve managed to hold on to the fine wine till now!” (See 2:10 in the New Testament.) The hostess of the banquet was delighted by the unexpected turn of events.
  • The fact is, we all know that Jesus transformed water into wine.

The Lord can and will assist us in accomplishing better than we could possible achieve on our own in a variety of endeavors, whether it is seeking to live a holy life, serving Him in ministry, providing service to others, or just caring for our own families.

Jesus’ First Miracle Timeline

Beginning at the end of October in the year 26 A.D., Jesus returns to Bethabara for a brief period of time. He has returned to the location of his baptism after surviving every difficulty and temptation that the adversary could throw at him over the course of forty days. There will be a number of events that take place before Christ performs his first documented miracle at a wedding party in Cana, though. The Baptist, while preaching at Bethabara, sees Jesus approaching and declares, “Behold the Lamb of God, Who wipes away the sin of the world!” (See also John 1:29).

  • A conversation between the two disciples and Jesus continues throughout the day while they remain with him.
  • Peter and Jesus then meet for the first time in Scripture, marking the beginning of their relationship (verse 42).
  • A wedding ceremony and reception at Cana, along with at least five of Christ’s disciples, are shortly to be attended by the Savior and his disciples (John 2:1 – 2).
  • Cana’s Feast of the Holy Family Hieronymus Bosch was a German painter who lived in the 16th century.
  • His mother, Mary, informs him about the predicament and gently encourages him to take action to rectify it.
  • Jesus, on the other hand, instructs his attendants to fill six big stone pitchers (which were traditionally used for Jewish purifying reasons) with water.
  • After then, Jesus instructs some of his slaves to pull some of the liquid from the containers and deliver it to the “master of the feast,” who is the one in charge of monitoring the celebrations (John 2:8).

The celebration master, who is unaware that Jesus has accomplished a miracle (John 2:9), cries to the bridegroom, “Jesus has done a miracle!” “Every man serves the best wine first, and only after the guests have drunk to their hearts’ content does he serve the second-best wine.

There is no difficulty in understanding the premise laid out by the feast master.

After consuming some high-quality alcoholic drinks, the visitors are then presented with wine that is inferior (but is less expensive and more numerous), at a time when they are less likely to notice (or care) about the difference!

Whatever quantity of high-quality wine was available was swiftly depleted by the large number of people who attended the party (Jesus brought at least five of his followers, and the Lord’s four half-brothers and two half-sisters were almost certainly present as well, among other things).

He was clearly sober enough to recognize the difference between high-quality and low-quality booze, and he did so swiftly!

The host not only had the financial ability to hire servants (John 2:5, 9) but he also resided in a house large enough to accommodate all of the visitors while also providing adequate storage room for six huge stone pots.

The actual amount of money used to “display His splendor” varies depending on who you ask (John 2:11).

Despite the fact that this appears to be a significant sum, it was necessary due to the high number of individuals that attended the celebrations.

Contrary to what some critics assume, the first public miracle of Jesus did not involve the provision of large amounts of wine, but rather the encouragement of intoxication.

After performing his first miracle in Cana, Jesus proceeds to Capernaum with his family and followers, where he would spend the rest of his life.

In early 27 A.D., he will travel to Jerusalem to observe the first Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread of his ministry, which will take place in the city of David (John 2:13).

The Appointed Times of Jesus the Messiah (References) Commentary on the Bible’s Knowledge Harmony of the Gospels in Modern English New Manners and Customs in the Church of England

A Summary and Analysis of Jesus Turning Water into Wine

When Jesus transforms water into wine at the wedding at Cana in the Gospel of John, it is the first of Jesus’ miracles to be recorded in the New Testament, and as such it is a watershed event in the development of Jesus’ divinity. However, there are other puzzling aspects of the account that merit more investigation, not the least of which being the question of where exactly ‘Cana’ was located. The miracle is described in detail in John 2:1-11. In the hamlet of Cana, Jesus, his mother, and his followers are invited to a wedding reception.

  1. Examining what John says about the “water into wine” miracle will allow us to have a better understanding of the phenomenon.
  2. The Gospel of John informs us that a wedding took place “in Cana of Galilee,” and that “the mother of Jesus,” i.e., the Virgin Mary, was there.
  3. During the wedding, they ran out of wine, and Jesus’ mother informed him that they had run out, with the implied suggestion that he should possibly.
  4. When asked, Jesus responded sternly: ‘Woman, what do I have to do with thee?
  5. You’re completely helpless!
  6. But it appears that Jesus has changed his mind.
  7. There were six water containers fashioned of stone throughout the entire structure.

Afterwards, he instructed them to go and get the governor or ‘ruler’ of the feast (i.e., the steward).

When the monarch of the feast took a sip of the water, he realized it was actually wine.

The steward of the feast then approached the bridegroom and commended him on his decision to keep ‘the fine wine’ hidden until this point in the celebration.

Although undertaken with much reluctance – after all, Jesus yells at his mother for convincing him to turn the water into wine!

It differs significantly from a miracle done later in Jesus’ career, namely the feeding of the five thousand (as it is widely known), which we have already discussed here.

It is there that Jesus performs his miracle, in which the loaves and fishes are multiplied to feed every man, woman, and child there, in order to remove any doubt about his divinity.

Cana’s whereabouts, on the other hand, remain a mystery.

Several plausible locations have been suggested, including Kafr Kanna, Khirbet Qana in the Lower Galilee, Reineh in the Lower Galilee, and Qana in the Upper Galilee.

In modern-day Lebanon, the location of Joshua’s Kanah is most likely near Tyre.

Aside from the narrative of John, there is no other reference of Cana in the Scriptures.

Nathanael, one of Jesus’ followers whom only John recalls, was from Cana (John 4:46).

The miracle of changing water into wine is commonly considered as Jesus’ first miracle, and the fact that it occurred at an occasion not far from Jesus’ house, when he was with his mother, seemed to be suitable.

Unlike subsequent miracles, which frequently occur with a large throng of Jesus’ followers gathered around him, at this point the congregation is there to see the marriage of two other people, and the chance for Jesus’ miracle occurs spontaneously as a result of a catering blunder.

At whose wedding did Jesus perform his first miracle of converting water into wine?

2:11 (ESV) – 1 John 2:11 (ESV) On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana, Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding, as were the other guests. ClarifyShareReport Asked The 12th of June, 2016 THOMSON, K. M. The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. In my reading of John’s Gospel (which is the only one in which this wedding is addressed), it does not appear to be specified who the bride and groom were.

  • However, as previously said, I am not aware of any direct references to the identities of either the bride or the groom in John’s Gospel, as far as I am aware.
  • Vote for it, share it, and report it.
  • MA (Mathematics) Defense Scientist from the Indian Defense Forces, since retired R D Orgn.
  • According to the information provided above by Tim Mas, there is no clear reference in the Bible to who was married in Cana.
  • Some speculate that it was John’s wedding that was taking place.
  • Some speculate that it was Nathanael’s wedding, which would make sense.
  • The events of the tale take place immediately following Nathanael’s initial encounter with Jesus in the temple.
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The reality is that no one knows who got married at this particular event.

0 answers received on June 13th, 2016.

Derrol PORTERwas emancipated by the Liberating King in the year 2000.

There has been much discussion regarding who the wedding was for and why Jesus and His mother were present, but whatever the cause, Mary saw that Jesus could do something to assist the situation, and Faith was exhibited by her belief in Jesus’ ability to help.

It is a symbol of Jesus’ connection with the church: Jesus as Christ, and Jesus as the Bridegroom to the bride, which is the congregation.

Perhaps, as Jesus informed Nicodemus, water represents natural birth and wine represents new life.

Additionally, wine reflects Christ’s blood sacrifice.

Not to add that it was the greatest wine they had ever had the pleasure of tasting.

David GreenDavid Green is a Baptist deacon and lay preacher who likes conducting worship at his church.

What’s the deal with Mary?

We may fairly conclude that Joseph had died and that Mary had become a widow because he is not mentioned in this passage. As a result (does this constitute a quantum leap? I don’t believe so), but the bride was a sister of Jesus’. 0 replies on July 27th, 2019 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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Why did Jesus choose the wedding at Cana for His first miracle?

At John 2:11ESV, we read that a wedding was taking place in Cana, Galilee, on the third day, and that the mother of Jesus was in attendance. 2 Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding, as were the other guests. clarifysharereportasked on July 01, 2013 by an anonymous user (via GotQuestions) The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. God wishes for the entire world to comprehend the reality that Jesus is the only one who can mediate between man and God via the performance of the first miracle ever recorded in the Bible.

Perhaps Jesus intended to wait until the fact that the supply had run out was so well recognized by everyone that there could be no mistake that a miracle had been accomplished before proceeding.

These are the last words spoken by Mary that are recorded in the Bible.

She desired that the servants go to Jesus and carry out whatever orders he gives them.

It is a doctrinal deception on their part.

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:5.

Even catholic Bible says Jesus is the only mediator.

Mary was a sinner, for she rejoiced in God, her Savior (Lk.


There is no hint in Scripture that she had an immaculate conception.

Back to Adam.

51:5; Rom.


5:12- 21).

Thomas K MA retired Defence Scientist from Indian Defence R D Orgn.

The transformed wine shows the joy in your life.

Be in faith that Jesus is standing next to you.

We know that many came to the wedding.

Jesus did not rebuke anybody.

We can learn 5 principles for a quality life from this miracle.

Jesus has a peculiar and special nature.

He is the owner of everything.

Jesus asked what they wanted.

Same way, involve him to do miracle in your life.

Invite Jesus and involve Jesus personally in your life, he will do miracle in your life.

He asked the servant to fill the jars with water.

The fourth quality is` Believe Him’.

Jesus said take it some to the master of the feast.

When the servant took it, it was water.

It is a miracle happened for His glory.

Jews wash their hands and feet traditionally/ habitually.

It was the tradition that they followed from the elders.

Availability of water in plenty is a sign of richness.

Jesus wanted the servants to fill the water jars and not wine jars.

These water jars may unclean and unnoticed by guests and may be kept in a secluded/isolated place.

Before filling these jars, they were empty.

Jesus came to fill in your emptiness.

Water represents Old Testament Law and Wine represents New testament Grace.

Jesus is the end of the law.

Water represents man’s work.

It is for external application.

It cannot change a man.

He gives you a wine like experience.

He totally transforms you for a new creation.

We are under the Grace Age and a change is required internally.

Jesus did not ask the servants to fill water in wine jars instead, in water jars.

Red Wine comes out of earthen jars.

If you are spiritually blind, you won’t be able to understand anything.

Wine represents the Holy Spirit.

At the wedding at Cana, the wine was served after the food.

Wine was served after the full meal.

This means that everything is full but no joy.

In Psalm 16:11 last word.

At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Godcan Chris Ogheneseruo Jesus choose to use the marriage at Cana in Galilee for his first miracle divinely.

Jesus being an express image of his father, divinely also upheld his father’s precedence by validating marriage with the first miracle of the new testament.

Like Father, Like Son!

Theodore Crittenden The location of a wedding is spiritually symbolic as the first instance of his ministry as it begins an intimate relationship with his Church (a group of individuals bound in his name) which he is about to found.

He illustrates his divinity with a miracle of generosity and multiplication, which illustrate the spiritual boundlessness he is about to bring to his followers.

it was only fitting that Christ would echo his union with mankind in that union.

June 05 20201 response Vote for it, share it, and report it.

His words “woman, what have I to do with thee?

She didn’t have the spiritual status to request or demand a miracle from her son.

Thus, Christ’s time had not yet come to be celebrating a marriage, or his marriage, either literally or symbolically.

John Matthews Retired Professional Singer, Conductor and Seeker It is clear from John 2:1-11 that Jesus did not choose for this miracle to be His first.

None of the other gospels record this event, which I find mystifying.

Still, from His answer to His mother, He wasn’t ready for this to be His first divine revelation.

Why would Mary ask Him to rectify the situation if she didn’t know He could perform such a miracle?

Her request seems to be somewhat selfish to me.

I know they are there for a reason; I just don’t know why.

She was there at His last breath.

His sacrifice on the cross far surpasses all the other things He did. His miracles mean nothing without His dying for the salvation of the world. June 02 20200 responses Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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