What Is The Gospel Of Jesus

What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?

QuestionAnswer Considering that the term gospel literally translates as “good news,” the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to grant forgiveness of sins for those who would trust in Him (Colossians 1:14; Romans 10:9). Since the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind has been under the condemnation of the Almighty (Romans 5:12). Everyone is guilty of breaking God’s flawless law by committing sin because everyone breaches God’s perfect law (Romans 3:23). Physical death (Romans 6:23) is the punishment for the crime of sin, followed by an eternity spent in a place of punishment (Romans 6:23).

The “second death,” which is eternal separation from God, is likewise referred to as such in Revelation 20:14–15.

The way for man to be forgiven of their sins was created by God out of His great love for the entire world (John 3:16).

God insured that everybody who will trust in the name of Jesus will be forgiven by laying our guilt on him by placing our sin on him (Acts 10:43).

  • The following is the content of the gospel message, according to the Bible: “Right now, brothers and sisters, I would want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, and on which you have taken a position.
  • Otherwise, you have placed your faith in vain.
  • He then appeared to more than five hundred of his brothers and sisters at the same time, according to 1 Corinthians 15:1–6.
  • There are two historical realities contained in the gospel narrative, both of which are substantiated by Scripture: Christ’s death and His resurrection.
  • Jesus Christ’s message of his death and resurrection is the good news that God created a way for man to be liberated from the punishment of sin (John 14:6; Romans 6:23).
  • In addition to dying physically, those who reject Christ will also suffer a “second death,” which the Bible portrays as an unending lake of fire (Revelation 20:13–14), according to the Bible.
  • People will spend eternity in one place or another depending on how they respond to the good news of Jesus Christ, which is the best news anyone will ever hear.

God is pleading with you to make the right decision. Invoke the name of the Lord and you will be rescued (Romans 10:13). Questions about Salvation (return to top of page) What exactly is the message of Jesus Christ?

The gospel – Wikipedia

The message of Christianity is the subject of this essay. The recorded narratives of Jesus’ life are found in the book of Gospels. The gospel, sometimes known as “good news,” is the announcement of the near arrival of the Kingdom of God in the Christian tradition. A narrative of this message is presented in the four canonical gospels, while a theological discourse is presented in many of the New Testament epistles. When considered in terms of theology, it is tied to the death of Jesus through crucifixion.

The good news of salvation in Jesus Christ is described in Christian theology not as a new concept, but rather as one that has been foretold throughout the Old Testament and was prophetically preached even at the time of the fall of manas as contained in Genesis 3:14–15, which has been referred to as the ” Proto-Evangelion ” or “Proto-Gospel “.


The word gospel () comes from the Old English translation of the Greek word v, which means “good news.” An examination of the wordeuangélion (eû “good” + ángelos “messenger” + -iondiminutivesuffix) reveals this. The Latinizedasevangelium was used in the Vulgate to refer to the Greek phrase, which was translated into Latinasbona annuntiatio. It was known asgdspel in Old English (gd meaning “excellent” and spel meaning “news”). Since the Middle English Bible translations kept the Old English word, it has continued to be used in Modern English as well.

Biblical background

A gospel () is an Old English translation of the Greek word v, which literally translates as “good news.” This is demonstrated by the analysis ofeuangélion(eû “good” + ángelos “messenger” + -iondiminutivesuffix). Annuntiatio, which is Latinizedasevangelium in the Vulgate, is the phrase used to refer to the announcement of a new church. Gdspel was the Old English word for “glad news,” which came from the combination of the words gd and spel. Since the Middle English Bible translations kept the Old English word, it is still in use inModern English as well as Middle English.

In Jesus Words

Jesus refers to his own words as the ultimate authority on which to base his teachings on a number of occasions. Take, for example, the fact that Heaven and Earth will pass away, but that my words will endure. -Matthew 13:31 the one who rejects me and does not accept my words will be judged on the final day by the word that I have said. – John 12:48 (NIV) In light of this, as well as other comparable lessons he delivers, what he has to say about his gospel is worth listening to. The text that is most frequently cited is John 3:16.

– The Gospel of John 3:16 As a result of Jesus’ definition of “believes,” this is a difficult chapter to understand.

14:12 (John 14:12) In Mark 9:23, Mark 11:23, and Mark 16:17-18, he reinforces the description he has provided.

“But whoever loses his life for my sake will find it,” Jesus says in the gospel of John. – Matthew 16:25 (KJV). Teachings similar to these are given in Matthew 10:39, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, and Luke 17:33 as well as in an even more eloquent form in John 12:25.

In the Pauline epistles

In the First Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul summarized the good news (gospel) in the following manner (which has been translated into English): Brothers and sisters, I now declare to you the gospel that I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand, and by which you also are saved, if you hold fast to the word that I preached to you, or you were deceived and your faith was in vain.

In fact, I passed down to you as of first importance what I also received: Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, everything in accordance with the Scriptures.

In Acts

The good news may be stated in a variety of ways, depending on the emphasis placed on it. According to the Acts of the Apostles, C. H. Dodd described the good news of the Christian faith as preached by the apostle Peter.

  • The age of fulfillment has come to pass
  • Because of the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus, this has been accomplished. Ascended to the right hand of God, Jesus has been designated as the Messianic leader of the new Israel, owing to His victory over death and resurrection. When the Holy Spirit comes upon the Church, it is a visible indication of Christ’s present power and glory
  • The Messianic Age will soon come to a close with the return of Christ

In various Christian movements

“The preaching of the gospel in its purest form is the unmistakable characteristic by which a Christian society may be identified,” says Paul. – Martin Luther King, Jr. Throughout the Bible, the good news is expressed in a variety of various ways. In each, distinct emphasises are emphasized, and the biblical story is described in part or in whole. The teaching of the good news in the Christian tradition — including the preaching of the Apostles recorded in the Book of Acts — is typically centered on the resurrection of Jesus and the consequences of that resurrection.

For example, the Apostle Paul taught that the good news was given to the patriarch Abraham with the words, “All nations will be blessed through you,” which meant that all peoples would be blessed via Abraham.

Liberation theology

This theology, which has been expressed in the writings of Latin American Catholic theologians such as Leonardo Boff and Gustavo Gutiérrez, stresses that Jesus came not just to rescue mankind, but also to liberate those who are impoverished or oppressed. The integral mission movement is a comparable trend within the Latin American evangelical movement, in which the church is considered as an agent for positively influencing the wider world as a response to the good news. This may also be evident in the black theology of some African and African American Christians, to a lesser extent.

Christian mission

The Christian missions movement believes that the Christian good news is a message for all peoples, of all nations, tribes, cultures, and languages, and that it should be spread across the world. That the good news of Jesus restores humankind to a right connection with God is the teaching of this movement, and that the future of countries is tied to this process. “God has decided to set the Church with Christ at the very heart of His mission to reconcile the world to himself,” argues missiology professor Howard A.

Another perspective presented in the Pauline epistles is that evil is conquered on a cosmic scale as a consequence of the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection, as well as the ensuing worship of people from all nations.

Snyder comments on the third chapter of Ephesians 3: “God’s design for the church stretches to the utmost range of the cosmos,” in response to the passage.

The display is expected to extend beyond the grasp of humans, maybe even into the realms of angels. In other words, “the church is to be God’s demonstration of Christ’s reconciling love.”

See also

  • Messiah, Jesus’ ministry, and the Threefold Office are all terms used to describe the work of Jesus.


  1. Mark 1:14-15
  2. 3:14-15
  3. 4:14-15 The Proto-Gospel, written by R. C. Sproul and archived on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine on December 3, 2008. Dr. Raymond F. Surburg writes on page 14 of his book Luther and the Christology of the Old TestamentArchived2015-01-20 at theWayback Machine, saying: “The earliest recorded instance of Messianic prophesy is found in Genesis 3:15, which has been dubbed the “protevangelium,” or the first Gospel promise. ‘It was said by the LORD God ( ) to the Serpent, who was employed by Satan, in the presence of Adam and Eve,’ according to p20 of The Lutheran Study Bible. It is because of this that this passage is commonly referred to as the ‘protevangelium’ (the first promise of the Gospel), because it points to Christ and His victory over Satan on the cross “
  4. The author, Dr. Paul Peter, writes on page 3 of his book Worldwide Mission: The Work of the Triune God that “After the Fall of Man (Genesis 3) and its dire consequences, such as the loss of Paradise (3:23f. ), death by sin (3:3
  5. Rom. 5:12), and the cursing of the ground (3:17), which was preceded by the Protevangelium (3:15), the first revelation of themissio Dei, the Scriptures proceed As previously stated, evangelism refers to the spreading of the gospel, commonly known as Christian proselytization (see also the Great Commission). In contrast to the traditional and historical emphasis on the communal aspect of the Church’s guardianship of the authentic Gospel (see alsoHigh church), evangelicalism emphasizes the individual reception of the “good news” (see alsoLow church). Evangelicalism is regarded as essential to the salvation of the faithful (Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus). The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments
  6. Tappert, T.G., Selected Writings of Martin Luther, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007, p.325
  7. Padilla 2004, p. 20
  8. Snyder 1999, p. 139
  9. Ephesians 1:20-23
  10. Ephesians 3
  11. Tappert, T.G


  • C. H. Dodd published a paper in 1964 titled The Apostolic Preaching and Its Subsequent Evolution Harper & Row
  • General Directory for Catechesis1997, Congregation for the Clergy
  • Harper & Row
  • Harper & According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible, published by Goldsworthy in 1991. Sydney, Australia: Lancer Press
  • P. Johnstone, 2001. Paternoster Lifestyle, Carlisle, United Kingdom
  • Operation World, Carlisle, United Kingdom
  • In the year 2001, the authors Köstenberger and P. O’Brien published a paper titled Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission is a biblical theology of mission that is based on the Bible. New Studies in Biblical Theology 11, Leicester: Apollos
  • Padilla, R., 2004, New Studies in Biblical Theology 11. This article appears in The Local Church, Agent of Transformation: An Ecclesiology for Integral Mission (The Local Church, Agent of Transformation: An Ecclesiology for Integral Mission). The Origins of Good News, edited by T. Yamamori and C. R. Padilla, Buenos Aires: Kairos Ediciones
  • Snyder, H. A., 1999, ‘The Church in God’s Plan,’ in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 3rd edn, Pasadena, California:William Carey Library
  • Jepsen, Bent Kim, 2009, The Origins of Good News
  • Snyder, H. A., 1999

External links

  • Regarding the cultural implications of the Good News, the Catholic Encyclopedia has a section on Judaizers. Salvation, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Lordship Salvation, according to the Reformed Christian Gospel presentation emphasizing Lordship Salvation
See also:  Bible Verse Where Jesus Says He Is God

What Is the Gospel?

In what way do Christians refer to the “gospel of Jesus Christ” and what exactly does it mean? Considering that the word “gospel” literally translates as “good news,” when Christians speak of the gospel, they are simply sharing the good news about Jesus. It’s a communication from God, saying, “Good news, everyone! “Here’s how you may avoid being subjected to my judgment!” That’s an announcement that you can’t afford to ignore at this point in time.

Why Is the Gospel Good News?

So, what is the good news about Jesus Christ? What is the gospel? Ever since the early Christians began to spread the good news about Jesus, the message has been arranged around the following questions:

  1. Who created us, and to whom do we owe our allegiance? What exactly is our issue? What is the answer to our difficulty that God has provided
  2. What steps can I take to be included in his solution?

Christians have addressed such questions with the same truth from the Bible over the ages since Christ’s death and resurrection.

  1. We are responsible to God
  2. Our difficulty is that we have sinned against him. Faith and repentance bring us into God’s solution of redemption via Jesus Christ
  3. We become a part of that salvation through faith and repentance.

God, mankind, Jesus Christ, and Our Response are the four main issues to consider in this discussion.


For starters, it’s important to understand that “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the world” when it comes to the good news of Jesus (Gen. 1:1). As a result, if you get that point wrong, you will be wrong on everything else. Because God created everything, including us, he has the authority to dictate how we should spend our lives. It is necessary to comprehend this in order to comprehend the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. In order to appreciate exactly how magnificent and life-giving the gospel of Jesus Christ is, we must first recognize that God is also holy and just in his character.

This includes ours!


In creating the first humans, Adam and Eve, God intended for them to live under his righteous rule in perfect delight—obeying him and being in fellowship with him—and that they would do so in perfect joy. However, when Adam disobeyed God and ate the one fruit that God had specifically forbidden him from eating, that communion with God was severed. Furthermore, Adam and Eve had publicly stated their opposition to God. They were defying his power over their life in this manner. Not only Adam and Eve, but all of humanity is guilty of sin.

When we reject God and his rule over people to whom he has given life, we are said to be guilty of sin.

As soon as you grasp the meaning of sin in this context, you will begin to see why “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

Those who do not believe in the gospel are condemned to an eternity of active judgment in a location known as “hell,” according to the Bible.

Jesus Christ

The term “Christ” literally translates as “anointed one,” and it refers to the practice of anointing a monarch with oil when he is crowned. Consequently, when we say “Jesus Christ,” we’re implying that Jesus is a sovereign ruler! During the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, he said to the crowds, “The kingdom of God is near.” “Repent and put your faith in the good news!” As Jesus died on the cross, the terrible weight of all of our sins was placed on his shoulders and he died. The judgment of death that God had pronounced upon disobedient sinners was carried out by the angels.

This is for you and me!

Jesus the Crucified has risen from the grave. According to the Bible, Christ arose from the tomb after three days. God’s method of stating, “What Jesus claimed about who he is and what he came to do is true!” was Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb.

Our Response

In light of the fact that Jesus died in our place so that we may be freed from God’s righteous anger against our sins, what does God want us to do with this knowledge? He anticipates our response to be one of repentance and faith.

What Is the Gospel?

This tract, which is adapted from Greg Gilbert’s book What Is the Gospel?, uses evidence from the Bible to offer answers to the most often asked questions regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sins, we are indicating that we have turned aside from our disobedience against God. Our repentance does not imply that we will immediately cease our sinful behavior. It does, however, imply that we will never again be able to live at peace with our faults. Not only that, but we also turn to God with trust in what we are doing.

  1. It is a confidence in the risen Jesus to redeem you from your sins that is based on a promise.
  2. As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, all of our sins are attributed to Jesus, who bore the penalty for them, and the complete righteousness of Jesus is then credited to us when we put our faith in what he has done for us!
  3. What Is the Gospel?
  4. Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, is led by Greg Gilbert, a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate with a Master of Divinity degree.
  5. Greg is married to Moriah, with whom he has three children.
  6. Crossway is a non-profit Christian ministry that exists solely for the purpose of publishing gospel-centered and Bible-centered content.

What Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Perhaps you’re looking at Christianity for the first time or you’re a new believer looking for a succinct explanation of what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. You might be startled by the answer, which is in fact double in nature. True enough, there is more to the gospel than what the majority of people believe. In the next section, you will find a brief explanation and overview of the completeness of the gospel message.

The Meaning of the Gospel of Christ

God made man in His own image in order to establish a loving connection with him, according to the Bible. A lovely paradise known as Eden was created by God to house the very first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve (Genesis 2:15). Everything they needed was there at their fingertips, and they never had to deal with the limitations of the human body the way we do. They were only had to follow one commandment: they were not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:17). When a mysterious person entered the garden, it was with the intent of deceiving Adam and Eve in mind.

  1. In reality, the Hebrew term for “dazzling one” is “nachash,” which literally translates as “a shining one.” What this informs us is that the image depicted was not a snake, but rather a spiritual being of some sort.
  2. After being persuaded to do so by this nachash, she ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:2-4).
  3. The identical words that Nachash had spoken to her were repeated by her, and Adam made the conscious decision to defy God and consume the fruit of the tree.
  4. Whereas the Bible claims that Eve was tricked, we have no such proof that Adam was fooled by anybody.
  5. In the aftermath of their revolt against God, they were expelled from Eden, and sin and death spread across all of creation.
  6. Unfortunately, these were not the only outcomes of their uprising.
  7. Furthermore, Adam and Eve had created a chasm, if you will, between man and God via their actions (Romans 5:12-19).
  8. Such beings are incompatible with God’s communion.

It is fortunate, though, that this is not the conclusion of the narrative. You see, God cares so much about mankind that He devised a plan of His own to undo all of the harm that has already been done.

The Life of Jesus

The purpose of God sending His Only Begotten Son into the world was threefold: to teach man how to live a proper human life (Matthew 21:23; Luke 19:47; Luke 20:1; Luke 21:37; John 7:14; John 7:28; Matthew 4:23; Matthew 9:35) in accordance with God’s will, to live a perfect human life in our place (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5; 1 Peter 2:22), and ultimately to offer (1 John 2:2;John 3:16). It is important to understand that our misdeeds merit eternal punishment since they breach God’s sacred standards for human life.

  • Man, on the other hand, is not limitless.
  • In order to pay the punishment for those crimes and bring man back into the presence of God, only an endless sacrifice, i.e.
  • Furthermore, that Person would have to be human in order to redeem mankind, because the crimes are those of people, and humanity is the one who needs to be saved.
  • Because of God’s deep and enduring love for us, God the Father sent God the Son to be our propitiation, in order that He may bridge the gap between God and us so that we might be pronounced innocent and holy only on the basis of His merits (Romans 3:24-25).
  • The first section of the gospel is presented here.
  • Christ’s message was, at its heart, a message of the kingdom.

Spending Eternity with Christ

It is important to distinguish between the kingdom as it is shown in the lives of believers and the coming future kingdom in which Christ will reign as the Absolute Monarch of all from the city known as the New Jerusalem on a new earth in a very real monarchy (Luke 1:32;Revelation 21:1-27; 22:3). We prepare ourselves for that kingdom by following the rules of holy behavior. It means a shift in allegiance away from this current world with its corrupt, fallen values, ethics, and culture, and toward the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with its distinct values, ethics, and culture.

  • Nothing we can do on our own, or with our own strength, can help us achieve this.
  • Further reading may be found at: Is it possible that evil existed before Adam and Eve sinned?
  • Was Jesus the Second Adam, and What Does It Mean to Be Like Him?
  • What Does It Mean When Someone Says “The Wages of Sin Is Death”?
  • Is it possible that Jesus was fully God as a baby?
  • Davila-Ashcraft is an Anglican priest, theologian, and apologist who graduated from God’s Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio, with a B.A.
  • He is married with two children.

He is the host of Expedition Truth, a one-hour apologetics radio discussion show that airs on a variety of stations.

What Is the Gospel? The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

The gospel that I taught to you, which you embraced, and on which you have taken a stance is what I want to remind everyone of now, brothers and sisters. 1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to 1 Corinthians 15:1.

Why is the Gospel Important Today?

Many people have expressed their concern about the fact that the church in the western world is through a period of unprecedented disintegration. Our understanding of the gospel is also fragmented as a result of this division. The “gospel,” in the eyes of some Christians, is a limited collection of teachings about Jesus and his death and resurrection, which if correctly believed, can help people enter the kingdom. After that, actual discipleship and personal development can occur, but none of this is inextricably linked to the concept of “the gospel.” A far cry from the dominant New Testament emphasis, which understands “the gospel” to be the encompassing category that holds much of the Bible together and takes Christians from a state of lostness and alienation from God all the way through conversion and discipleship to the consummation, to resurrection bodies, and to the new heavens and new earth after the return of Christ.

  • Other voices associate the gospel with the first and second commandments—the commandments to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves—and with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • A third alternative available today is to regard the ethical teaching of Jesus included in the Gospels as gospel—even if it is the ethical teaching of Jesus abstracted from the passion and resurrection narratives found in each Gospel—instead of the gospel as such.
  • For starters, it ignores the fact that there was no “Gospel of Matthew,” “Gospel of Mark,” and so on in the first century.
  • In other words, according to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, there was only one gospel, which was the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • These aspects are not separate pearls on a string that make up the life and times of Jesus the Messiah; rather, they are intertwined pearls on a string.
  • According to biblical scholarship, accounts of Jesus’ teaching cannot be properly understood unless we recognize the way in which they lead up to and point toward his death and resurrection.
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Studying Jesus’ teachings without also meditating on his death and resurrection is considerably worse than examining George Washington’s life and times without also considering the American Revolution, or evaluating Hitler’s Mein Kampf without considering what he did and how he died, among other things.

The cost is just terrible.

What is the Gospel? A Summary and Breakdown of the Gospel Message

There are a variety of biblical passages and ideas that we may utilize to help us think more clearly about the gospel of Jesus. However, for the sake of this discussion, we will concentrate mostly on 1 Corinthians 15:1-19. By concentrating on eight summing terms (six of which were initially recommended by John Stott), five clarifying phrases, and one emotive summation, I want to bring everything into focus. “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I proclaimed to you,” Paul says in these words, referring to what he is about to discuss in these lines (v.

“If you hold fast to the message I preached to you, you were saved by the gospel I preached to you” (v.

It was indeed “of first importance” to them what Paul had handed on to them, which was a rhetorically effective way of asking his readers to pay attention, because what he was going to say about the gospel was at the very heart of it.

Finally, I’ve arrived at the first of my eight summing phrases.

1. The Gospel is Christological

The gospel is neither a bland theistic, nor is it a cold pantheism devoid of personality. The gospel is inextricably centered on Jesus Christ. Every major New Testament book and corpus makes this argument emphatically, and it is reinforced throughout the New Testament. In Matthew’s Gospel, for example, Christ himself is referred to as Emmanuel, God with us; he is the long-prophesied Davidic monarch who would usher in the kingdom of God, which has been promised for centuries. By his death and resurrection, Jesus is elevated to the position of mediatorial ruler, who asserts that he alone possesses all authority in heaven and on earth.

According to the teachings recorded in Acts, there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved but the name of Jesus.

He is also referred to as the “Son of Man.” In the great vision of Revelation 4-5, the Son alone, emerging from the very throne of God Almighty, is at the same time the lion and the lamb, and he alone is qualified to open the seals of the scroll in God’s right hand, bringing about all of God’s unfathomable purposes for judgment and blessing on the entire earth.

  • “The gospel is not proclaimed until Christ is preached,” says John Stott, and he is correct.
  • “Christ died for our sins,” Paul says, and this is the most important thing to remember (1 Cor 15:3).
  • Paul also establishes a link between Jesus’ death and his resurrection, which is reinforced throughout the rest of chapter 1.
  • This means that over-emphasizing Christmas while downplaying Good Friday and Easter is not enough to achieve success.

2. The Gospel is Theological

This is a shorthand way of affirming two things. First, as1 Corinthians 15repeatedly affirms, God raised Christ Jesus from the dead (e.g.1 Cor 5:15). (e.g.1 Cor 5:15). More broadly, New Testament documents insist that God sent the Son into the world, and the Son obediently went to the cross because this was his Father’s will. It makes no sense to pit the mission of the Son against the sovereign purpose of the Father. If the gospel is centrally Christological, it is no less centrally theological.

The cross and resurrection are not nakedly historical events; they are historical events with the deepest theological weight.

In recent years it has become popular to sketch the Bible’s story-line something like this: Ever since the fall, God has been active to reverse the effects of sin.

This is what Jesus does: he conquers death, inaugurates the kingdom of righteousness, and calls his followers to live out that righteousness now in prospect of the consummation still to come.

3. The Gospel is Biblical

Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised up on the third day according to the Scriptures, according to the apostles’ testimony (1 Cor 15:3-4). Paul does not specify which biblical passages he is thinking of. He may have possessed the type of knowledge that Jesus himself imparted after his resurrection, when “he expounded to them what was stated in all the Scriptures concerning himself,” according to Matthew 28:18-20. (Luke 24:27; cf.vv. 44-46). The passages in question, such as Psalm 16 and Isaiah 53, which were used by Peter on the day of Pentecost, or Psalm 2, which was used by Paul himself in Pisidian Antioch, whose interpretation is dependent on an emotionally charged but easily traceable typology, may have come to mind.

sacrificed for us” elsewhere in 1 Corinthians (5:5), so it’s possible that he was thinking along the lines of the author of the Letter to the Hebrews, who elegantly outlines some of the ways in which the Old Testament Scriptures, laid out in a salvation-historical grid, announce the obsolescence of the old covenant and the dawning of the new covenant, complete with a better tabernacle, a better priesthood, and What is striking, in any case, is that the apostle grounds the gospel, the matters of first importance, in the Scriptures—and, of course, he has in mind what we call the Old Testament—and then in the witness of the apostles—and thus in what we call the New Testament—and thus in the Old and New Testaments.

The gospel is based on biblical principles.

4. The Gospel is Apostolic

“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,. he was buried,. he was resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor 15:3-4). Paul does not specify which biblical passages he has in mind. When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection and “explained to them what was stated in all the Scriptures concerning himself,” he may have experienced the same type of experience (Luke 24:27; cf.vv. 44-46). The passages in question, such as Psalm 16 and Isaiah 53, which were used by Peter on the day of Pentecost, or Psalm 2, which was used by Paul himself in Pisidian Antioch, whose interpretation is dependent on an emotionally charged but easily traceable typology, could have come to mind.

sacrificed for us” elsewhere in 1 Corinthians (5:5), so it’s possible that he was trying to replicate the reasoning of the author of the Letter to the Hebrews, who elegantly traces out some of the ways in which the Old Testament Scriptures, laid out in a salvation-historical grid, announce the obsolescence of the old covenant and the dawning of the new covenant, complete with a better tabernacle, a better priesthood, However, what is most noteworthy about the apostle’s message is that he bases it in the Scriptures—and, of course, he has in mind what we call the Old Testament—and then in the evidence of the apostles—and therefore in what we call the New Testament.

This is a remarkable statement.

5. The Gospel is Historical

There are two things that need to be mentioned here. First and foremost, 1 Corinthians 15 mentions both Jesus’ burial and his resurrection as taking place. Because (usually!) we bury only individuals who have died, the burial serves as a witness to Jesus’ death; the appearances serve as a witness to Jesus’ resurrection. The events of Jesus’ death and resurrection are intertwined in history: the one who was crucified is also the one who was risen; the body that came out of the tomb, as Thomas wished to demonstrate, bore the scars of the body that had gone into the tomb.

The cross and the resurrection are inextricably intertwined in Christian thought.

While it is possible that one or the other must be stressed more than the other in order to overcome a specific denial or need, to sacrifice one on behalf of the other is to depart from the way in which both the cross and the resurrection have traditionally been linked.

Therefore, Paul enumerates the witnesses, notes that many of them are still alive at the time of writing and hence might still be checked out, and emphasizes the significance of their credibility.

In God’s kindness, this Bible is, among other things, a written record, an inscripturation, of those first witnesses, who were there at the time of the creation.

6. The Gospel is Personal

There are two things that need to be mentioned in this situation: first, As a starting point, 1 Corinthians 15 describes both Jesus’ burial and resurrection. Inasmuch as we (usually!) bury only people who have died, Jesus’ burial serves as a witness to his death, and his appearances serve as a witness to his resurrection. The events of Jesus’ death and resurrection are intertwined in history: the one who was crucified is also the one who was risen; the body that came out of the tomb, as Thomas wished to demonstrate, bore the scars of the body that had gone into the tomb prior to its resurrection.

There is an unbreakable link between the crucifixion and the resurrection.

While it is possible that one or the other must be stressed more than the other in order to confront a specific denial or need, to sacrifice one on behalf of the other is to depart from the way in which the cross and the resurrection have traditionally been linked together.

That is why Paul enumerates the witnesses, notes that many of them are still living at the time of writing and so might still be checked out, and emphasizes the importance of the witnesses’ credibility.

7. The Gospel is Universal

Continue reading 1 Corinthians 15 to see Paul demonstrate that Christ is the new Adam (1 Cor 15:22,47-50). It is in this context that Paul does not elaborate on the transition from Jew to Gentile, or from the Israelites as a national nucleus for the people of God to the church as a universal community of God’s elect. Nonetheless, Christ’s role as the new Adam refers to a more comprehensive perspective of the universe. Ethnic from every language, tribe, people group, and nation are drawn to him by the new humanity he embodies.

This transformation and salvation are not universal in the sense that they are available to everyone without exception, because in actuality, individuals whose existence is solely related to the old Adam are not included.

There isn’t a speck of prejudice in this place.

8. The Gospel is Eschatological

The implications of this might be explored in a variety of ways, since the gospel is eschatological in a variety of ways. Several gifts Christians enjoy now are fundamentally eschatological blessings, blessings that belong to the end of the world, even though they have been brought back into time and are now ours. God has already declared his blood-bought, Spirit-regenerated people to be justified: the last declarative sentence from the end of the age has already been pronounced on Christ’s people as a result of what Jesus Christ has done.

We have already been justified, and hence the gospel is eschatological in nature in this sense.

Paul focuses on the final transition in the chapter that we are about to read: “It is written in verses 15:50 and following, “I declare to you brothers,” he adds, “that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.” Now hear me out: We will not all sleep, but we will all be transformed—in a flash, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet.

We shall be transformed when the trumpet sounds, and the dead will be resurrected incorruptible.

‘When the perishable has been clothed in the imperishable and the mortal has been clothed in immortality, then the proverbial proverb will come true: ‘Death has been swallowed up in triumph,’ says the prophet.” It is not sufficient to concentrate just on the gifts Christians have received through Christ in this age; the gospel is eschatological in nature.

(“Eight Summarizing Words on the Gospel,” written by D.A. Carson, is the source of these excerpts.) (You can read the entire piece here.) It has been suggested by Trevin Wax that there are three ways to define the gospel:

The Gospel as Telling the Story for an Individual

When some people hear this question, they instantly think of ways to convey the gospel to someone who is not a believer. Their discourse organizes the biblical teaching on our sin and Christ’s atonement into a logical structure. It is customary for them to begin with God as a holy and just judge. Afterwards, we’re told of man’s perilous situation apart from God, as well as how his depravity has earned God’s wrath. But the good news is that Christ has come to live an obedient life and die in our place, so that we may be saved.

See also:  What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life

In his useful book, What Is the Gospel?, Greg Gilbert takes a similar approach to the question.

The Gospel as Telling the Story of Jesus

Others hear the question “What is the gospel?” and immediately think of how the New Testament authors would describe the term, which results in formulations that are focused on the news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. They are primarily concerned with Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. According to this second group, the gospel is a message that informs people about who Jesus is and what he has done. (Martin Luther, Graeme Goldsworthy, and John Piper are examples of those who follow this approach.)

The Gospel as Telling the Story of New Creation

When some people hear the word “gospel,” they immediately think of the entire good news of Christianity, including how God has intervened through Christ to offer salvation to a fallen world. They are concerned with the great sweep of the Bible’s plot and the way in which Jesus arrives to reverse the curse and bring about the renewal of all things. (This is the strategy taken by Tim Keller and Jim Belcher.) (This is an excerpt from Trevin Wax’s book, “3 Ways to Define the Gospel.”) Rod Long / Unsplash is the photographer that took this photograph.

What Is The Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Jesus came to earth, despite the fact that he was born as a sick and vulnerable human infant. The King of Kings takes on our humanity and frailty in order to save us. He was not born in a palace with a staff of servants to look after Him. He was most likely born in a barn, surrounded by animals, when he was born. ‘Let this attitude be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but humbled Himself by taking the form of a bondservant and appearing in the image of mankind,’ reads Philippians 2:5-7 Despite the fact that He was the creator and ruler of all things, He appeared in the shape of a servant with no reputation.

He established His divinity on several occasions by doing great and miraculous feats.

“And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself would not be able to contain the books that would be written,” John wrote at the end of the book of John, after spending 21 chapters chronicling all the amazing things Jesus did (John 21:25).

  1. Almost every religion entails participating in religious activities in order to earn one’s entrance into the presence of God.
  2. We’re not going to be able to save ourselves.
  3. As a result, God takes decisive action and enters our shattered world in order to save us.
  4. We should have been subjected to God’s wrath as a result of our sins, but Jesus paid the price for us.
  5. “I have sinned against Thee, and exclusively against Thee,” David confessed.
  6. “It’s all right—I’m all right.” Every one of us is a sinner—by birth, by nature, by decision, and through practice.
  7. He has a responsibility to punish sin, and we deserve to be punished.
  8. People of Israel would offer up lambs as sacrifices for their sins in the Old Testament, according to the Bible.
  9. It was necessary to provide a better, more perfect sacrifice, and Jesus fulfilled that need.
  10. Jesus paid the price for all of our sins when He died on the cross for us.

We are no longer under God’s anger, but are instead under his kindness and grace. When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, our sins are transferred to Him, while His perfect righteousness is transferred to us. Is there any greater news to share with you than this?

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Related Articles and Sermons on the Gospel

Anyone who has followed my blog for a time will know that I am a huge proponent of the Gospel, which is defined as God’s good news of redemption through Jesus Christ. It’s one thing to say something and assume that everyone understands what it is and what it means; it’s quite another to clarify exactly what I mean when I speak to “the Gospel.” A quick explanation is provided below. As a Christian, I pray that this will enhance your gratitude for the grace that has been shown to you, and as a non-Christian, I pray that this will lead you to come to know Christ and get the life that is only found in Him.

1. God is the Creator and Lord of everything that exists.

God created people in order for them to have a personal relationship with Him. We owe an unique obligation to Him since He is the Creator of the universe, and we are responsible to Him and should live in full obedience to His will. God created us with a specific purpose in mind: to enjoy Him and praise Him for all eternity. A holy God is one who is flawless and righteous in all of His ways, which means that He must punish evil and injustice in order to maintain His holy nature.

  • “The heavens and the earth were created by God at the beginning of time.” “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts
  • The entire world is full of his splendor!” (Genesis 1:1), says the author. Isaiah 6:3 says, “For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” This includes the creation of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and unseen. In addition, he is before all things, and it is in him that all is held together.” According to Colossians 1:16-17, “The Lord, the Lord, a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, overflowing in faithfulness and steadfast love, retaining steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty.” Exodus 34:6-7
  • Exodus 34:8-9

2. Man fell into sin, destroying our relationship with God, and earning for us His wrath and punishment.

Is it possible that you’ve questioned what’s wrong with the world? The explanation is that it is wicked on both a collective and an individual level, and Each and every one of us is a sinner. Each and every time you have deceived or cheated or stolen or been jealous or taken God’s name in vain or worshipped something other than God, you have sinned and incurred the penalty for your sin: death and eternal torment in hell. In addition to destroying our ability to have a healthy connection with God, sin subjected us to God’s judgment and punishment.

  • All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, according to Romans 3:23
  • “But your iniquities have put a barrier between you and your God, and your sins have disguised his face from you so that he cannot hear you.” “The soul who sins must die,” according to Isaiah 59:2. As stated in Ezekiel 18:4, “Now the works of the flesh are clearly visible: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality (including idolatry), idolatry (including sorcery), enmity (including strife), jealousy (including fits of anger), rivalries (including rivalries), dissensions (including divisions), envy (including drunkenness), orgies (including orgies), and other such things.” You have been told previously that people who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. I reiterate my warning.” Galatians 5:19-21
  • Galatians 5:22-23

3. God sent His son Jesus Christ to take our sin upon Himself and save us from sin and death.

God, out of His infinite love, saw humanity in its hopeless state and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save them from their plight. When Jesus died on the cross, He took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. Because only God could live the flawless life necessary to pay the payment for our sin, Jesus was entirely God in all aspects of his being. Because only man was capable of bearing the penalty for sin committed by man, Jesus was entirely human.

On the crucifixion, Jesus satisfied the debt we owed for our sins as well as appeased the wrath of God. Through His death and resurrection, we might be forgiven our sins, walk in newness of life, and look forward to the pleasures of paradise.

  • “God demonstrates his love for us by sending Jesus Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” says the apostle Paul in Romans 5:8. He created him to be sin who knew no sin for our sake, so that in him we could become the righteousness of God, according to Romans 6:23. “For what I received I passed on to you as being of first importance: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5,

What is the process through which we obtain the blessings that Christ has provided for us?

4. Believe in Jesus.

Consider your sin and how it has offended God and resulted in God’s judgment toward you. As you consider Jesus on the cross, absorbing God’s anger and paying the payment for your sin, consider the following: Put your trust in Jesus Christ and despise your sin to the point of want to be free of it. Jesus is alive and able to save those who believe in him. He saves those who come to Him with a sincere heart of repentance. Don’t let your head touch the pillow tonight without first putting your relationship with God back on track.

  • According to John 3:16, “For God so loved the world,” God sacrificed his only Son, “so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” “.if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” according to John 3:16. Because faith comes from the heart, and justification comes from the mouth, and salvation comes from the lips. In fact, the Bible states that “no one who trusts in him will be put to shame.” … According to the Bible, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,” says Romans 10:9-11 and 13. “For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith,” says Acts 2:38. And this is not your own doing
  • It is a gift from God, not a product of your efforts, so that no one may take credit for what you have accomplished. After all, we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God planned in advance so that we may walk in them.” 2:8-10
  • Ephesians 2:8-10

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would want to speak with someone. Please contact me if you would want to chat about following Jesus with me or have me pray for you.

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