What Does Jesus Say About Adultery

What Does the Bible Say About Adultery?

  • As Jesus made his way from the location where Roman Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death to Calvary, where he was crucified and buried, the 14 Stations of the Cross commemorated the events that took place along the route. In Catholic churches across the globe, these stations, which are mentioned in the New Testament and legend, are denoted by markers on the walls. Consequently, for Catholics, the opportunity to pray at these real locations is an unequaled spiritual apex that cannot be matched. It has been noted by archaeologists that no one knows the exact route that Jesus travelled with the cross at this point in history. The Via Dolorosa, on the other hand, is the path that pilgrims have been traveling for at least the last 1,000 years through the Holy City. The Catholic pilgrimage groups who go to Jerusalem stop at each and every station, chanting the traditional prayers that have been written for each one. Throughout modern Jerusalem, churches indicate the locations of the stations: some huge, some little, some old, some more modern. It was a few years ago that the Jerusalem municipality installed bronze light fixtures at various locations across the city, some of which had the station number written in Roman numerals. Furthermore, the semicircular pavement, which was placed directly in front of the station, draws attention to the station. Religious groups connected to the Protestant faith do not normally visit all of the stations
  • Instead, outdoor areas that reflect the landscape of Jesus’ life tend to provide the greatest spiritual nourishment for them. As an example, the ancient Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in which the last three Stations of the Cross are located, and which is administered by six denominations, each with their own way of adorning and adoring the sacred site in their purview) may speak to them less than the Garden Tomb, with its ancient but plain tomb and garden, which they believe better fits the description in the New Testament.5 of 5 |Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Photograph courtesy of Tomer Neuberg & Associates 1 of 5 |An Easter procession through the Via Dolorosa in 2007, courtesy of the National Geographic Society. Lior Mizrahi is the photographer that captured this image. The Via Dolorosa is being traversed by pilgrims, despite the rain, who are bearing a cross. 2010 (Mid-May). Emil Salman is credited with the photograph. Pavestones from antiquity When it comes to Protestants, it is the stations of the cross that are portrayed with paving stones that are thousands of years old that are the most popular. Those stones may be discovered at the Chapel of the Flagellation as well as beneath the Sisters of Zion Convent, which is just across the street. Back when the monastery was initially constructed, the old paving stones and a portion of an arch over the road were thought to have been laid down during the time of Jesus Christ. Several accounts claim that Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death, and that Jesus then picked up his cross and hung it beneath the arch, on the pavement. With their etchings on the stones, the Roman soldiers who mocked Jesus as king are recalled from a story in the New Testament. During the course of time, more excavation beneath the paving stones unearthed a massive old water cistern
  • Visitors to the Western Wall Tunnel get a closer look at this massive cistern at the conclusion of their journey. Following extensive research, it was discovered that the paving stones and arch had been constructed by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who had rebuilt Jerusalem almost a century after Jesus’ crucifixion. Tourists may now enter the water cistern, which existed during Jesus’ time, and get a strong sensation that they are in a site that has deep historical links to Jesus’ last hours. And while not every stone along the Via Dolorosa dates back 2,000 years, the atmosphere along the street certainly does – merchants calling out their wares, the aromas of spices, exotic fruits and vegetables, people from all over the world, and even a certain amount of political and cultural tension – speaks volumes. It’s true that certain things will always remain the same.

What is Adultery?

Adultery was defined in the Old Testament as sexual contact between a married (or betrothed) woman and a man other than her husband. As a result, it was considered a sin against the spouse.

New Testament

When Jesus defined adultery, he expanded the definition to include sexual relations between an unmarried man and a woman other than his wife (Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18). Another way of looking at it is from the perspective of other New Testament teachings (1 Corinthians 6:15-16, 1 Corinthians7:2). In other words, adultery is the sin of a married man having sexual intercourse with anybody other than his wife, or the sin of a married woman having sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, according to Christians.


People occasionally question if an exception may be made in the situation of a partner who is unable or unwilling to have sex, or in the case of a couple that is separated, or for any other reason. The Bible, on the other hand, makes no mention of any such exceptions. As a result, as long as a couple is lawfully married, having sexual relations with anybody other than their spouse is deemed adultery.

Nonsexual Relationships

People frequently ask if love relationships outside of marriage are legal as long as there is no real sexual contact between the two people in the relationship. Nevertheless, according to biblical teachings, marriage is an exclusive love and sexual connection between a man and a woman. As Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery,'” he went on to say. In contrast, I believe any man or woman who has a sexual desire for another woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The husband’s sexual requirements should be met, and the wife’s sexual wants should be met by her husband’s needs as well.

Following that, you should get back together so that Satan will not be able to tempt you due of your lack of self-control in the future.

Additionally, sexual attraction impairs judgment and frequently results in real sexual interactions, even when this was not the initial purpose.

Bible Teachings

According to the Bible, adultery is one of the most often committed and most severely punished crimes. There are 52 mentions of adultery in the Bible, including the 10 Commandments, the four Gospels, and ten additional writings of the New Testament. The crimes of idolatry, self-righteousness, and murder are the only ones that are addressed more frequently. You are not permitted to commit adultery. Exodus 20:14 (New International Version) A man who commits adultery, on the other hand, lacks discernment, and whoever does so kills himself.

These are the things that pollute a person; nonetheless, eating with dirty hands does not defile.” (Matthew 15:19–20, New Revised Standard Version) Then a particular ruler came up to Him and said, “Good Teacher, what am I supposed to do in order to gain eternal life?” And Jesus responded to him by saying, “Why do you refer to me as “good”?

You’re familiar with the Ten Commandments, which include ‘Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not give false testimony, and honor your father and your mother.'” (New American Standard, Luke 18:18-20) Let marriage be respected by all, and let the marriage bed remain undisturbed; for God will condemn those who fornicate or adulterate in his presence.


When it comes to divorce, the Bible acknowledges adultery as a reason (Matthew 5:31-32; 19:9) yet it does not necessitate it. Even after infidelity, it is possible for a husband and wife to reconcile and salvage their marriage in many circumstances. When a spouse has committed adultery, it is not a sin to continue to live with and have sexual relations with that spouse. (As a matter of practicality, the hazards of sexually transmitted illnesses should be taken into consideration.)


Adultery is a sin that God will forgive if a person honestly repents and asks for forgiveness from others, just as he will forgive other sins. More information may be found in this article: What Does the Bible Say About Sin Forgiveness? What Does the Bible Say About Repentance?

Lasting Damage

Adultery frequently results in long-term consequences that no amount of atonement can cure. It has a devastating effect on the spouse’s feelings. It frequently results in divorce, leaving the marital partners disillusioned, resentful, and financially impoverished as a result of their experiences. It deprives the children of the love and stability that comes with being a part of a healthy family, as well as of a decent role model for their own future marriages. Children who grow up in homes where there is conflict and/or divorce are more likely to experience anxiety, low academic performance, drug usage, and delinquent conduct.

  1. Adult offspring of divorced parents had poorer educational attainment, lower income, more children born out of wedlock, greater rates of divorce themselves, and a worse feeling of well-being than their nondivorced parents.
  2. Articles that are related: Marriage, divorce, and remarriage: What Does the Bible Have to Say About It?
  3. Proverbs 5:18-23, 6:20-35, Jeremiah 13:27, Matthew 15:17-20, Mark 7:20-23, 10:11-12, Romans 7:2-3, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 are all passages that are related to this one.
  4. Bryner, Jr., MD, The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, May–June 2001, Vol.
  5. 3,2 (Children of Divorce).
  6. 110, No.
  7. 26-46 (American Psychological Association, 1991).

What does the Bible say about adultery?

QuestionAnswer The term “adultery” is etymologically connected to the term “adulterate,” which means “to degrade the quality of something by introducing another substance.” Adultery is defined as the adulteration of a marriage by the introduction of a third party. Adultery is sexual behavior that takes place between a married individual and someone other than his or her spouse on their own volition. Beginning with Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:7–9, the Bible teaches that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, who are joined together by God.

  • In that the restriction against adultery is simply stated without any explanation, it implies that the concept of adultery was fully known at the time Moses taught the law to the people.
  • However, despite the clarity of the original pattern of marriage and the rule against adultery, sinful mankind has devised means of attempting to obscure the lines between right and wrong morally.
  • Polygamy is not technically adultery, but it does deviate from God’s original intention for marriage in a number of ways.
  • In spite of the fact that a third person (or even a fourth, fifth, or sixth) was joined to the marriage, the extra ladies were deemed legally part of the marriage and so not considered adultery.
  • Divorce and remarriage are two more ways that the law against adultery has been bypassed in recent times, because polygamy is largely illegal in most modern countries today.
  • If, on the other hand, he divorces his wife and marries the other lady, he will retain his “legal” standing.
  • Neither of these “plans” are acceptable to Jesus, who says, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery” (Luke 16:18).
  • Furthermore, she commits adultery if she divorces her husband and marries another man,” Mark 10:11–12 explains.
  • In the case of a married guy who sees another woman and has a sexual attraction for her, divorces his wife and marries the other lady, he is still guilty of adultery.

(On a related topic, we acknowledge that Scripture permits divorce in some circumstances, and that when divorce is permitted, remarriage is permitted without being deemed adulterous.) According to Jesus, the ban against adultery went even farther than the prohibition against it in the Mosaic Law: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery,'” he says.

  • As a result, even if a man attempts to “legally” avoid adultery by filing for divorce, he is already guilty as a result of the passion in his heart that pushed him to take such drastic steps.
  • Adultery can be committed even if no adulterous physical contact occurs between a man and a woman; for example, if they only entertain lusty ideas (pornography is particularly troublesome).
  • Adultery is marked by lust rather than sexual desire.
  • “Do not lust after her beauty in your heart, nor allow her to enchant you with her eyes,” Solomon advises.
  • The wife of another guy preys on your entire existence.
  • Is it possible for a guy to walk on hot coals without getting burned?
  • Adultery is a grave sin that carries with it the wrath of the Almighty.
  • 1 Corinthians 6:18 and Hebrews 13:4).
  • Adultery, on the other hand, is not unforgivable.
  • “Commit you not realize that those who do wrong will not be allowed to inherit the kingdom of God?” Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers.
  • And that’s exactly what some of you were doing.

Note that there were past adulterers in the Corinthian church, but they had been cleansed from their sin, sanctified, and justified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Questions about Sin (return to top of page) When it comes to adultery, what does the Bible have to say?

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Bible Verses About Adultery

1Now, regarding the issues you raised in your letter: “It is beneficial for a guy not to have sexual intercourse with a woman.” 2However, given the prevalence of sexual immorality, each man should engage in sexual intercourse with his own wife, and each woman should engage in sexual relations with her own husband. 3The husband should fulfill his marriage obligation to his wife, and the wife should fulfill her marital obligation to her husband. 4The wife does not have power over her own body, but instead defers to her husband in this regard.

  1. 5Do not deprive each other, save possibly by mutual agreement and for a limited period of time, in order to dedicate yourself to prayer time.
  2. Sixth, I offer this as a concession rather than as a mandate.
  3. However, God has given everyone of you a unique gift; one of you has this gift, another has that gift.
  4. 9However, if they are unable to contain themselves, they should marry, for it is preferable to be married than to be consumed by desire.
  5. 11However, if she chooses to do so, she must either remain unmarried or reconcile with her spouse.
  6. Twelveth, I say (this is my my interpretation, not the Lord): If any one of my brothers is married to someone who is not a believer, and that woman is ready to live with him, he should not divorce her.
  7. Because of his wife’s sanctification, the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through her, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified by her believing husband, Otherwise, your children would be dirty, but as things stand, they are pure and blameless.

In such circumstances, the brother or sister is not bound; God has asked us to live in harmony with one another.

Alternatively, how can you know whether you will be able to save your wife?

This is the rule that I have established in all of the churches.

Was he a guy who had not been circumcised when he was called?

circumcision and uncircumcision are both meaningless in this context.

The situation in which each individual found themselves when God called them should be maintained.

Don’t let it bother you—although, if you can, seek your release as soon as possible.

Similarly, a person who is free at the time of calling becomes a slave of Christ.

24Brothers and sisters, each individual should remain in the circumstances in which they were when God called them to be accountable to God.

26Because of the current predicament, I believe that it is beneficial for a guy to remain in his current state.

Do not attempt to be liberated from your obligations.

Do not go on a search for a wife.

Many difficulties may befall individuals who marry in this world, and I do not wish to burden you with these difficulties.

Everyone should live as if they do not have wives from now on:30those who mourn should act as if they did not; those who are happy should act as if they were not; those who buy something should act as if it were not theirs to keep; and those who use the things of the world should act as if they are not engrossed in them.

  • An unmarried man is preoccupied with the concerns of the Lord, specifically with how he might satisfy the Lord.
  • In the Lord’s concerns, an unmarried lady or virgin is interested: Her ultimate objective is to be completely committed to the Lord in both body and soul.
  • 35I am telling this for your own good, not to limit your freedom, but so that you may live in a righteous manner, giving your full attention to the Lord.
  • He is not committing a sin.
  • 37However, the man who has made up his mind about the matter, who is not under any obligation but has complete control over his own will, and who has made up his mind not to marry the virgin, is the man who does the right thing.
  • 39A woman is legally obligated to her husband for as long as he is alive.

However, if her spouse passes away, she is free to marry whoever she likes, as long as he is a follower of Christ. 40 In my opinion, she is happy if she continues to be herself—and I believe that I, too, am filled with the Spirit of God.

Adultery: What does the Bible say? Verses about adultery.

Having an extramarital sexual connection with someone other than the person to whom you are married is considered adultery. “You shalt not commit adultery,” says the Bible, emphatically condemning this behavior. Exodus 20:14 is a biblical passage. It is a breach of the vows established in marriage, which require one to stay faithful to one’s marriage partner. According to the Bible, “Marriage is respectable among everyone, and the bed is undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers will be judged by God.” 13:4 (Hebrews 13:4) A passage from Ecclesiastes 3:11 says of God, “He has made everything lovely in its time,” and the time He has established for sexual intimacy is between a man and a woman inside the marriage partnership.

Even if your husband would agree to an adulterous meeting, this does not imply that it is acceptable in God’s estimation.

Flee sexual immorality

The sin of adultery happens when a married person has a sexual connection with someone other than the person to whom they are currently married. “You shalt not commit adultery,” says the Bible, emphatically against this behavior. Numbers 20:14, according to the Old Testament If you cheat on your spouse, you are breaking the vow you made when you were married to be true to one’s spouse. Marriage is respected by everybody, and the bed is unpolluted; but fornicators and adulterers shall face God’s wrath.

The act of having this connection before marriage (fornication) or with another partner after marriage (adultery) is an outright violation of God’s commandments.

For further information, please see this link: A union without stipulations.

Tempted as we are, yet without sin

It is helpful to remember that Jesus provided a way out of sin for all of us: “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but who was in all respects tempted as we are yet without sin.” Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may gain mercy and find grace to assist us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:15-16 is a passage of scripture.

We shall get the assistance we require at the seat of grace: “For inasmuch as He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to assist those who are suffering,” says the Bible.

Outside of God’s will, there is no genuine and enduring happiness for a Christian to be found.

Blessed are all those who, like Jesus, chose to suffer while carrying out God’s purpose and refraining from succumbing to temptation.

Then, wherever we are, we will be a benefit and an example to others, and we will experience the ever-increasing delights of living a loyal life, both on this planet and throughout eternity.

25 Bible Verses About Adultery (ESV) – RANKED

In regards to the topics on which you wrote: “It is beneficial for a guy not to have sexual interactions with a woman,” 7:1 2However, because of the temptation to engage in sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own spouse. 3The husband should transfer his wife’s conjugal rights to her, and the wife should transfer her conjugal rights to her husband. In contrast to her husband, the wife does not have power over her own body in any way. In the same way, the husband does not have power over his own body, although the woman has such authority.

  1. 5Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, in order to devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
  2. 7I wish that everyone was as positive as I am.
  3. Eighth, I advise those who are not married or widowed to maintain their single status, as I do.
  4. Because it is preferable to be married than to be consumed by desire.
  5. 12To the remainder, I say (I, not the Lord) that if a brother has a wife who is an unbeliever and she agrees to live with him, he should not divorce her since she has given her agreement.
  6. Because of their marriage, the unbelieving husband is made holy by his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy by her husband.
  7. 15However, if the unbelieving partner chooses to split, then so be it.

God has called you to be at peace with yourself.

Or, alternatively, how do you know whether you will be able to save your wife?

This is the rule I follow at all of the churches.

He should refrain from attempting to get the marks of circumcision removed.

He should refrain from requesting circumcision.

Every individual should remain in the state in which he or she was summoned.

It is nothing to be concerned about.

Likewise, he who was free at the time of his calling is a bondservant of Jesus.

24Therefore, brothers, in whatever situation each has been called, let him stay in God’s presence.

26I believe that, in light of the current situation, it is best for a person to continue in his or her current state.

Do not strive to be liberated.

Do not look for a wife.

Those who marry, on the other hand, will face worldly difficulties, which I would spare you.

From now on, those who have wives should live as if they did not have any,30 and those who mourn should act as if they were not mourning, and those who rejoice should act as if they were not rejoicing, and those who buy should act as if they did not have any goods, and those who deal with the world should act as if they did not deal with it.

  • 32I want you to be free of worries and concerns.
  • 33However, the married man is preoccupied with worldly matters, specifically how to satisfy his wife,34and his interests are split.
  • The married lady, on the other hand, is preoccupied with worldly concerns, such as how to satisfy her husband.
  • 36If anybody believes that he or she is not behaving appropriately toward his or her fiancée, if his or her desires are strong, as they must be, then let him or her do as he or she wishes: let them marry—it is not a sin to do so.
  • 38Therefore, whomever marries his or her betrothed will do well, and whoever does not marry will do much better than that.

However, if her spouse passes away, she is free to marry whoever she likes, as long as she does it in the Lord’s name. 40 Nonetheless, in my opinion, she is happy if she continues in her current state. And I believe that I, too, am filled with the Spirit of God.

Adultery & the Bible

Seventh, about the topics on which you wrote: “It is beneficial for a guy not to have sexual relations with a woman,” Because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own spouse, according to the Bible. 3The husband should transfer his or her conjugal rights to his or her wife, and the wife should transfer her or his conjugal rights to her or his wife. In contrast to her husband, the wife does not have power over her own body in this context.

  1. Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, in order to devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan will not tempt you because of your inability to control yourself.
  2. ‘Now, I’m saying this as a concession rather than as a mandate.
  3. Every individual, however, has his or her own special talent from God, which may be of one sort or another.
  4. Ninety-nine yet they should marry if they are incapable of exercising self-control.
  5. To the married, I give this command (it is not I who give this charge, but it is the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband11 (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife.
  6. 11It is not permissible for any woman to divorce her husband who is an unbeliever if he agrees to live with her and has given her permission to do so.
  7. Aside from the fact that they are holy, your children would be dirty if they weren’t.
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In such instances, the brother or sister is not subjected to slavery.

14But, how do you know whether you will be able to save your husband, Mrs.

Alternatively, how can you know whether you will be able to save your wife, as a husband?

Throughout all of the churches, this is my guideline of conduct.

He should refrain from attempting to get the circumcision markings removed.

Please do not force him to get his hair cut off.

The condition under which each person was summoned should be maintained by them.

It’s nothing to be concerned about.

22 The same is true for someone who was free at the time of his calling.

30Brothers: Let everyone remain with God in whatever condition he or she was called to.

Keeping oneself in one’s current state, I believe, is the best course of action in light of the current turmoil.

Never try to be free of your responsibilities.

If you want a wife, don’t look for one!

Marriage will bring with it a slew of difficulties, which I would spare you.

To begin with, everyone should act as if they had no wife: those who mourn should behave as if they were not mourning; those who rejoice should behave as if they were not celebrating; those who buy should behave as if they had no goods; and those who deal with the world should behave as if they had no dealings with it.

  • Having no anxieties is something I want you to have!
  • The married man, on the other hand, is preoccupied with worldly matters, such as how to please his wife, and his interests are divided as well.
  • The married woman, on the other hand, is preoccupied with worldly concerns, such as how to appease her spouse.
  • 36Anyone who feels as though he or she is not behaving properly toward his or her betrothed, if his or her passions are strong, and they must be, may do as he or she wishes: they may marry; it is not a sin.
  • 38Therefore, whoever marries his or her betrothed will do well, and whoever does not marry will do even better.

Nevertheless, if her husband passes away, she is free to marry whomever she chooses, provided that it is done only in the name of the Lord. 40 My assessment is that, for the time being, she is happier in her current state. Furthermore, I believe that I have the Holy Spirit.

What is adultery according to the Bible?

It is not limited to the physical realm; it may also occur in your imagination, through the internet, periodicals, movies, or other people. It’s in the Bible, in Matthew 5:27 and 28, New International Version. It has been stated, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ and you may have heard it spoken. Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully, on the other hand, has already committed adultery with her in his heart, according to me.” In addition, desire is prohibited by the Ten Commandments, which state that “you must not covet your neighbor’s woman” (Exodus 20:17, NKJV).

  1. It’s written in the Bible, in Matthew 15:19, New King James Version.
  2. Marriage is a holy institution.
  3. “Let marriage be maintained in high regard by everybody, and let the marriage bed be kept clean, for God will condemn those who are sexually immoral or who have committed adultery.” The road of the adulterous is marked by unsightly scars and wounds.
  4. “Is it possible to walk on hot coals without having one’s feet scorched?
  5. It’s in the Bible, at Proverbs 6:32:33 (New King James Version).
  6. He will suffer from wounds and shame, and his reputation will not be wiped clean.” What measures can we take to avoid adultery?
  7. It’s written in the Bible, in Hebrews 13:5, New King James Version.

It’s in the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 6:8-11 (New King James Version).

Do you not understand that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Do not be taken in by deception.

There will also be no homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetousness, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners.

But you have been cleansed, you have been sanctified, and you have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God,” Paul says.

Marriage and adultery

God promises that He would produce beauty out of broken marriages if we trust in Him. It’s written in the Bible, in Isaiah 61:1-3 of the New King James Version. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has dispatched Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourn In the event that my spouse has committed adultery and asks for forgiveness, should I accept their request or refuse to forgive them?

  1. It’s written in the Bible, in John 8:10-11 (New King James Version).
  2. She confessed, and Jesus responded, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'” Make every effort to adhere to your marital vows as much as you possibly can.
  3. “Now I command the married, but it is not I who command it, but it is the Lord: A wife is not to separate from her husband.
  4. In addition, a husband is not permitted to divorce his wife.
  5. “How, on the other hand, do you know, O husband, whether you will be able to save your wife?” Even though I’ve done everything I could to forgive and keep our marriage together, my husband has made the decision to divorce me.
  6. It’s in the Bible, at 1 Corinthians 7:15 in the New International Version.
  7. In such conditions, the brother or sister is not obligated; God has asked us to live in harmony with one another.” God will never give us more than we are able to handle on our own.

“With the exception of typical human temptations, you have not been tempted beyond your ability; nevertheless, God is trustworthy, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also provide a means of escape, so that you may be able to bear it.”

Spiritual adultery

What does the Bible say about spiritual adultery? It is worshipping other gods, idols, and acting in ways that God has not commanded or directed. It’s written in the Bible, in Ezekiel 23:37 (New King James Version). “Because they have committed adultery and had blood on their hands, they must be punished severely. In addition, they have committed adultery with their idols and have even sacrificed their sons, whom they have borne to Me, by putting them through the fire, where they will be devoured.”

What Is Adultery? The Biblical Definition and Consequences

“He who commits adultery is devoid of common sense; he who does so loses his own life.” Proverbs 6:32 (NIV) “Let marriage be maintained in high regard by everybody, and let the marriage bed be kept clean, for God will condemn those who are sexually immoral or who have committed adultery.” Hebrews 13:4 (Hebrews 13:4 [Hebrews 13:4])

Definition of Adultery

Generally speaking, adultery is defined as “voluntarily sexual interactions between a married individual and someone other than the person’s existing spouse.” Cheating, infidelity, and unfaithfulness are all phrases that are used to describe adultery as synonyms. Adultery and fornication are two terms that are occasionally used interchangeably. Despite the fact that they are similar themes, there are significant differences between the two.

Bible Meaning of Adultery

According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, the most basic definition of adultery is infidelity in a marriage. An adulterer was a man who had unlawful sexual relations with a married or betrothed woman, and an adulteress was a woman who had similar relations with a married or betrothed man. Fornication occurred when a married man had sexual relations with an unmarried lady. Adultery was seen as a major social evil as well as a major sin in ancient times. It was stipulated in the Mosaic law (Numbers 5:11-31) that a suspected wife be put through the experience of the “water of jealousy” before being judged.

As time went on, the Rabbis enacted different laws with the goal of apprehending the guilty party and bringing about a dissolution of marriage.

In the spiritual realm, idolatry, covetousness, and apostasy are all referred to as adultery (Jeremiah 3:6-9;Ezekiel 16:32;Hosea 1:2-3;Revelation 2:22).

Among the descriptions of sexual immorality in the Bible, which includes the sin of adultery, is found in Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, which includes the following: To demonstrate God’s commitment to his people, he provided them with certain essential rules that were inscribed in stone to signify their long-term permanency in their connection with him.

The final three sins are mostly social in nature, and they all involve the God-given community to a greater or lesser extent.

While adultery is prohibited by the Ten Commandments, it is defined as an act of a very intimate nature that takes place between ordinarily consenting adults and which undermines the “one flesh” aspect of marriage.

Consequences of Adultery

Each of God’s regulations has logical justifications as well as practical rewards to those who follow them. He established them as being the result of intelligent design. However, since humans are sinful, we sometimes believe that we will not feel the repercussions of transgressing His truth or even contemplate the ramifications of doing so. We must make the intentional decision and do the necessary effort to live not by the body, but by the Holy Spirit who dwells within each of us. “For to fix one’s gaze on the flesh is to gaze on death, but to fix one’s gaze on the Spirit is to gaze on life and peace.” (See also Romans 8:6) Jessie Warnerfurthers defines the repercussions of adultery as follows: “When you choose to lust for another person, unhealthy soul attachments may be formed, making it impossible to break away from the sin and necessitating God’s intervention to cut the bond.” The pleasure of staring in desire, contemplating the notion of someone else, or having a “crush” on someone other than your spouse might be “pleasant” for a moment, but you should be aware of the consequences of doing so.

It is possible that you will not only lose your wife/husband, your family, and be unable to see your children anymore, but that you will also be distant from your spouse and unsatisfied with them, cause strife and stress in your marriage and home, be a bad example to other believers, and send the message to others that you are not serious about following Jesus, but you will also be found guilty before God, which is a frightening prospect.

  • The one who commits adultery with a woman, on the other hand, is devoid of insight; he who does so destroys his own soul.” The hurt and dishonor that he will get will last forever, and his shame will never be erased.” (3:32-33) (Proverbs 6:32-33) So, what should you do in this situation?
  • Keep your heart safe and stay away from harm.
  • Get leave of the situation as soon as you possibly can since remaining in it is a tacit acceptance of infidelity.
  • It is up to you to determine if it is a worthwhile investment.
  • It is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 10:12: “Therefore let him who thinketh he stands take watch lest he be brought low.”

Bible Quotes about Adultery

“You are not permitted to commit adultery.” Excerpt from Exodus 20:14 “Moreover, I say to you that whomever divorces his wife, even in cases of sexual immorality, and marries another is guilty of adultery.” Matthew 19:9 is a biblical passage. It has been brought to your attention that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ Everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent, however, has already committed adultery with her in his heart, according to what I am saying.” Matthew 5:27-28 (KJV) “Or do you not understand that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God?” says the Lord.

Nor will thieves or gluttons or drunkards or revilers or swindlers either.” “Do not be deceived: neither sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who practice homosexuality will inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (New International Version) “You have not succumbed to any temptation that is not common to men.

When you are tempted beyond your capacity to bear it, God is loyal and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability to bear it, but he will also offer the means of escape so that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 is a biblical passage.

Life Through the Spirit -Romans 8:1-11

As a result, there is now no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death by Christ Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. God accomplished what the law was unable to do because it was weakened by the flesh by sending his own Son in the form of sinful flesh to be a sin sacrifice on God’s behalf. He therefore condemned sin in the flesh in order for us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit, to be able to fully satisfy the righteous requirement of the law.

  • The mind that is dominated by the body is death, but the mind that is governed by the Spirit is one of life and tranquility.
  • It is impossible to satisfy God if one is living in the world of the body.
  • Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Christ, and vice versa.
  • And if you have the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead living within you, the same God who resurrected Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies as a result of the Spirit of him who lives within you.
  • The Bible Has Something to Say About Adultery, Don’t You Think?
  • Image used in this article courtesy of Flickr This page is part of our Christian Termscatalog, which explores terms and phrases from the history and theology of the Christian faith and religion.
  • Humility Has a Christian Connotation What exactly are Gentiles?
  • Shekinah Glory has a special meaning.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Have To Die On The Cross


Sorted in alphabetical order by book title Proverbs 6:32, on the other hand, says that whomever commits adultery with a woman lacks insight, and he who does so destroys his own life. The Bible states in Matthew 5:28 that anybody who looks at a woman with the intent of lusting for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. In all cases, marriage is honorable, and the bed is undefiled; yet, God will condemn whoremongers and adulterers, according to Hebrews 13:4. Jesus says in Matthew 19:9 that anybody who divorces his wife, unless it is for fornication, and then marries another is guilty of adultery; and anyone who marries the woman who has been divorced is guilty of adultery.

1 Corinthians 6:18 warns against immorality.

Proverbs 6:24-29-To keep thee safe from the wicked woman, and from the flattery of a foreign woman’s tongue- (Continue reading.) ‘There has been no temptation brought upon you except what is common to man,’ says the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:13; but God is faithful, and will not allow you to be tested beyond what you are capable of bearing; but will with the temptation provide a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Deuteronomy 22:22-If a man is discovered sleeping with a woman who is married to another man, then they both must die, both the man who slept with the woman and the woman: in this manner, thou shalt remove wickedness out of Israel, as the Lord your God commanded.

They respond to him, “Master, this lady was taken in adultery while she was still in the act.” John 8:4-11 (Continue reading.) Matthew 5:32-But I say unto you, that whomever puts away his wife, save for the reason of fornication, causes her to commit adultery; and whosoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery with her husband.

1 Corinthians 7:1-40 (Continue reading.) Matthew 5:27-28-Ye have heard that it was stated by them of ancient time, “Thou shalt not commit adultery:” but what does this mean?

Romans 7:3-So, if a woman marries another man while her husband is still alive, she will be considered an adulteress; however, if her husband has died, she is exempt from this law, and thus is not considered an adulteress, even if she is married to another man.

If you believe a poem or issue does not belong here, please let us know.

Some scripture references and categories are courtesy of Open Bible.info, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. More information about adultery may be found by searching the King James Version (KJV).

Popular Topics for Bible Verses

Sorted in alphabetical order by title of the book Whoever commits adultery with a woman, however, possesses a lack of discernment, and he who does so destroys his own soul. Proverbs 6:32 The Bible says in Matthew 5:28 that anybody who looks at a woman and has a sexual desire for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. In all cases, marriage is honorable, and the bed is unpolluted; yet, God will condemn whoremongers and adulterers. Jesus says in Matthew 19:9 that anybody who divorces his wife, unless it is for fornication, and then marries another is guilty of adultery; and anyone who marries the woman who has been divorced is guilty of adultery as well.

  1. Flight from adultery, according to 1 Corinthians 6:18 (NASB).
  2. The purpose of Proverbs 6:24–29 is to keep you away from the bad woman and from the flattery of a foreign lady.
  3. The law of Deuteronomy 22:22 states that if a man is discovered lying with a woman who is married to another man, then they both must die, the man who lied with the woman and the woman who was lying with him.
  4. The Bible says in Luke 16:18 that anybody who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and that anyone who marries a woman who has been divorced from her husband also commits adultery.
  5. John 8:4-11-They tell him that this woman was kidnapped in the act of adultery.
  6. For the things that you wrote to me, I will say this: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
  7. Romans 7:3-So, if a woman marries another man while her husband is still alive, she will be considered an adulteress; however, if her husband has died, she is exempt from this law, and thus is not considered an adulteress, even if she is married to another man.

If you believe a passage or issue does not belong here, please let us know via email. Thanks to Open Bible.info for providing several biblical references and categories under the CC BY 3.0 license. More information about adultery may be found in the King James Version (KJV).

1. Emotional Adultery

He who is despised by the Lord will perish in the abyss of the tongue of foreign women,” the Bible says. Proverbs 22:14 explains that When a person discusses their intimate thoughts, feelings, and emotions with someone other than their spouse or partner, this is known as emotional adultery. The deception of emotional adultery is that it is not as sinful as physical adultery because it does not involve physical contact with the other person. However, emotional adultery is just as sinful as physical adultery and can cause extremely serious problems in your marriage as well as the development of physical adultery if not stopped.

  • When a professional chat devolves into a personal one with a member of the opposing sex who is not your spouse, it is called a “romantic encounter.” Discussing your marital concerns and problems with someone who is not your spouse is not recommended. Discussing your sex life or experiences with someone who is not your husband is considered adultery. When you are drawn to a person’s personality or appearance who is not your spouse and you do not keep your feelings to yourself, this is known as infatuation. Having a buddy of the other sex with whom you may converse or hang out while you are not with your spouse
  • You are in a relationship with the opposite sex who is not your spouse when you feel “chemistry” or an unspoken attraction to them and you do not strive to escape the circumstance (i.e., remove yourself from their presence). When you offer improper emotional support or consolation to a person of the opposing sex who is not your spouse, you are committing adultery (even if they claim they really need your help or that they are struggling with something). If you get improper emotional assistance and consolation from a member of the opposite sex who is not your spouse, you should report it to the authorities.

2. Visual Adultery

“Ye have heard that it was declared by them of ancient time, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ But I say unto you, that whoever looketh on a woman with desire in his heart has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” Jesus says. (Matthew 5:27-28; Luke 5:27-28) Visual adultery is exactly what it sounds like: it is the act of committing adultery via the use of one’s eyes. A person may believe that they are not being unfaithful since they are not physically touching anybody other than their spouse, which is another form of visual adultery that can be misleading.

  1. To me, lustful gazing would be defined as each time you gaze at someone or their body because you believe they are attractive or have the potential to be attractive.
  2. It is possible to observe that someone has red hair, or that they are tall, or that they have big shoulders, etc., but desiring is distinct from observing.
  3. When you look at someone with desire, you are looking at them as if they are an object rather than as a person with a personality and a soul to be possessed by.
  4. Because it is only a tiny amount of pleasure that you obtain when you look, it does not make you feel guilty and makes it simpler to do it again in the future.
  5. “For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light, and the way of life is reproofs of instruction.” It is my intention to protect you from the bad lady and from the flattery of a foreign woman’s mouth.
  6. For it is via the medium of a whorish woman that a man is brought to a bit of bread, and it is through the adultress that the valuable life is sought.

Is it possible to walk over hot coals without being burned on the feet? He who enters the house of his neighbor’s wife, and everyone who comes into contact with her, shall not be considered innocent.” (Proverbs 6:23-29; abridged version)

The Biblical Consequences of Adultery

Truth be told, God does not necessarily believe that what the world considers to be wrong or right is in reality incorrect or correct. God’s standards are far higher than ours. According to the world’s view, you can’t sin if you don’t get past “third base.” However, when my husband and I were engaged, the Lord told us that we were being too physical with each other, even in our embraces, and that we needed to back off and remain pure until the day we said “I do.” There are a significant number of individuals in the world today who would consider this to be excessively rigid or religious.

However, the plain reality is that God inscribes his rules on our hearts, and when we experience the prodding of the Holy Spirit that warns, “don’t go there, you’re crossing the line,” we must pay attention or else we may face the consequences of our actions in violation of God’s laws.

You are inviting the enemy, Satan, and his demons into your life and your marriage every time and precise occasion you commit adultery, whether it be physically, emotionally, or aesthetically.

You may find yourself in the position of creating unhealthy soul links when you choose to lust for another person.

The pleasure of staring in desire, contemplating the notion of someone else, or having a “crush” on someone other than your spouse might be “pleasant” for a moment, but you should be aware of the consequences of doing so.

The one who commits adultery with a woman, on the other hand, is devoid of insight; he who does so destroys his own soul.” The hurt and dishonor that he will get will last forever, and his shame will never be erased.” (3:32-33) (Proverbs 6:32-33) So, what should you do in this situation?

Keep your heart safe and stay away from harm.

Get leave of the situation as soon as you possibly can since staying in it indicates consent with the infidelity.

It is up to you to decide whether or not it is worthwhile.

In 1 Corinthians 10:12, the Bible makes it quite clear: “Therefore, let anyone who believes he is standing take caution that he be brought crashing down.” “Pride precedes disaster, and a haughty attitude before a fall,” the Bible says.

You have the option to seek God’s forgiveness now, ask Him to repair whatever damage that has already been done, and choose to turn away from sin.

Don’t allow the adversary in. It’s simply not worth it for the brief pleasure it provides! Jessie Warner is a wife, mother, artist, and writer who lives in New York City. Tender Mercies Studio is owned and operated by her. You may read more about her on her blog. Image courtesy of Thinkstock

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