What Does Jesus Mean To You

What Does Jesus Mean to You?

Cassandra Bellamy is a writer based in the United States. We were at Bible Study class on a Tuesday night when our teacher glanced at us and said, “What is Jesus to you?” He had been pacing back and forth in his normal fashion with one finger over his lips when we arrived. As he walked along each row, he gave everyone the opportunity to relate their own personal experiences with Jesus. Some said that Jesus was their Savior because He spared them from engaging in a variety of harmful activities.

One guy told how Jesus had taken on the roles of both mother and father for him when his parents passed away.

Some of the sentences that sprang to me were “Jesus is a rock in a weary country,” “Jesus is the lily of the valley,” and “Jesus is a shelter in a storm.” I know Jesus to be all of those things and more—He is whatever we require Him to be at any given time.

When it came time for me to speak, I recognized that Jesus had been (and continues to be) a friend of mine.

  1. Why didn’t I have a particular someone in my life?
  2. Why was I born with Arthrogryposis, a congenital joint deformity?
  3. In the middle of my sobbing and wallowing in self-pity, God’s peace and love would descend upon me.
  4. I felt this way because I was certain that Jesus was aware of all of my sorrows.
  5. “Cast all your anxieties on him because he is concerned about you,” Peter tells the congregation to do.
  6. He is paying attention.
  7. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” the lyrics to which go: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!” is one of my favorite hymns.

What a price we pay for our lack of serenity.

It’s all because we don’t bring everything to God in our prayers!

Is there any difficulty in any part of the world?

Is it possible to meet a friend who is as loyal as we are and who would share all of our misfortunes with us?

Afraid that we are weak and burdened with a great load of responsibility?

Hast thou been abandoned by those whom thou despisess? Pray about it and bring it to the Lord! He will take thee into his arms and shelter thee; there will be comfort for thee there. What does Jesus mean to you? Do you require assistance in bearing your burdens? Jesus will do it!

What Does Jesus Mean to Us Today?

“What Does Jesus Mean to Us Today?” asks the author. The Ensign, September 2013, pages 72–73 Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, is the Jesus I know and believe in, and he is the one I worship. The Holy Ghost has disclosed this witness to me via the blessing and power of the Holy Spirit. “I know that He is. the Creator of the world and everything in it, that He is our Savior who loves each of us and who died on the cross for us, who teaches us compassion and forgiveness, who is the friend of all, the healer of the sick, and the giver of peace to all who will listen and believe in Him,” I say.

  • In the early apostles’ eyes, what did Jesus represent?
  • Modern man must not be led astray from ancient and latter-day truths—truths and spiritual experiences that occurred when prophets walked and talked with Jesus.
  • (Mark 16:7).
  • Peter and John raced to the sepulcher.
  • Peter was now a close witness to this tremendous occurrence.
  • People were pricked in their hearts and asked, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37).
  • (Acts 2:38).
  • They felt of the spirit and power of our Lord’s senior Apostle.
  • I am always strengthened by the fervor and magnitude of John’s conviction.
  • He testified: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  • … In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

… It may be beyond our own comprehension to realize what Jesus meant to Nephi when the resurrected Christ appeared on the western continent, saying, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” … Then Nephi writes, “The multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet” (3 Nephi 11:10, 15).

  1. (3 Nephi 11:10, 15).
  2. What did Jesus mean to the boy Joseph Smith?
  3. … When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air.
  4. Hear Him!
  5. … Spiritual knowledge and spiritual experiences must not and need not disappear from the mind of modern man, because the testimonies of ancient and modern prophets have been recorded for man’s own benefit, and today believers testify of these truths.
  6. It is our responsibility and glorious opportunity to bear constant testimony of Jesus the Christ.
  7. He was selected to perform the essential mission of the Restoration and Redemption.
  8. All can be placed on the pathway to eternal progression.
  9. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

(John 14:6). Could the mind of man possibly develop a more noble concept for the destiny of man? Jesus Christ is the central figure. To the question “What does Jesus mean to modern man?” I testify that He means everything.

What does Jesus mean to you?

TONY HOSS contributed to this article. I was recently asked the question, “What does Jesus mean to you?” I didn’t know what to say. A serious and quite essential subject, this is raised. In our personal relationship with the Saviour, our perception of Jesus is critical to our success. So, I’d want to know what Jesus means to you. It becomes more difficult to share Jesus with others when we have a misunderstanding of who He is and what He did. Give some thought to the following concepts about Jesus and how we should connect to him.

  1. Paul shared his thoughts.
  2. “Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; see, all things have become new,” he said to the Corinthians.
  3. This can only be done if we immerse ourselves in Jesus.
  4. This alone is something that any Christian would want to communicate to the rest of the world about us.
  5. Recognizing that we have sinned is the first step toward reconciliation with God.
  6. Certainly, the Apostle Paul came to the knowledge that he had sinned and, as a result, he followed God (Acts 922) and went on to become one of the most important apostles and members of the first-century Church in the world.
  7. Following that, we may and should inform others that the consequence of our obedience and subsequent forgiveness of our sins can provide us with a sense of serenity that those who are not believers in God cannot experience.

The prophet Isaiah wrote, “And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and out of Jerusalem shall go forth the word of the LORD.” Then he will judge among the nations, rebuking many people; and they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks; no more will country pick up sword against nation, nor will they learn to fight any longer” (Isaiah 2:3-4 KJV).

  1. Take a look at (Romans 5:1, 14; 14:17; John 14:27).
  2. In the 23rd Psalm, David expresses his complete trust in the Lord and his ability to deliver him.
  3. The Apostle Paul stated, “However, my God will provide all your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus” (Php 4:19 KJV).
  4. “I am able to accomplish all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Paul declared in that passage.
  5. If you believe them to be true in your life, you should spread the gospel of Christ to your fellow human beings.

Centerview Church of Christ in Elizabethton is led by Tony Hoss, who is a pastor at the church. If you need to get in touch with him, his phone number is 737-2287, and his email address is [email protected].

What Jesus Means to Me – Daniel Vestal

Years ago, I came upon a tale about E. Stanley Jones, the famous Methodist preacher, and his first speech, which I thought was fascinating. He was 17 years old at the time, and he was bringing the package to his local church in the neighborhood. Early in the lecture, he stumbled over some words, and a lady in the second pew giggled at his blunders. He realized he was “undone” and softly apologized to the assembly, saying, “I’m sorry, but there won’t be a sermon today.” However, as he started to return to his seat, a voice called out to him, saying, “Stanley, haven’t I done anything for you?” To which he answered, “Yes, Lord, you have,” as he sat down.

  1. “That was the finest sermon I’ve ever heard,” a person approached him after he finished preaching.
  2. “I’d want to have the same experience you had,” someone else replied.
  3. He only requires eyewitnesses.
  4. I purposely refer to Jesus as “Lord” because, like Thomas, who addressed the risen One who came to the disciples as “My Lord and my God,” I believe in the Godhead of the man named Jesus, who was crucified and raised from the dead.
  5. I can’t recall a single moment in my life when I didn’t adore God and believe in Jesus as my Savior.
  6. I went through a time of significant doubt and tough questioning during my high school and college years, just like many other Christians who grew up in Christian cultures.
  7. I had a strong intellectual curiosity as well as a strong drive to study new things.

The study of global religions, philosophy, and psychology was a highlight of my academic career, as was grappling with topics such as science and faith, evil and suffering, and the meaning of history.

As a result, I was introduced to some bright and insightful Christians who had lived centuries before me, who were devoted to God and committed to following Christ with their brains.

I was able to have faith while maintaining my intellectual integrity.

It was during this period that the Lord Jesus took on the character of Truth for me.

He was elevated to the status of the embodiment of truth, including truth about God, truth about humans, truth about the cosmos, truth about life, truth about death, and truth about life after death, among other things.

It is important that you do not interpret my testimony as a demonstration of fundamentalist hubris or conceited assurance, since there is more mystery in my faith now than ever before.

It’s not so much that I “have” the truth as it is that the truth “has” me in the first place.

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It is a reality of being a pastor to become personally concerned in people’s suffering.

It is difficult to walk with someone through their most difficult times.

This may be a very daunting experience.

I experienced personal and corporate sadness and pain when my denomination was forced to close its doors as a result of an aggressive hostile acquisition.

Their reputations, families, and ministries were all damaged as a result of this.

Some had their personalities and substance completely altered in a dramatic and irreversible way.

When those efforts were unsuccessful, all of the emotions associated with grieving emerged: frustration, anger, fear, and sadness.

The phrase “Jesus loves me, this I know” had always resonated with me, and I had come to embrace the love of God as shown in Jesus Christ.

In the midst of pain, I have found consolation and strength in the knowledge that Christ has endured more than anybody can conceive, and that He is still suffering alongside us.

I was pulled to the Christ who was suffering, the Christ who had been wounded, the Christ who had been broken.

The Christ of love was shown to me in a fresh and profound way as a result of my loss.

Jesus’ suffering and pain were shown to me as a revelation of divine love, and I was connected to him on a more personal level.

Suffering is something that no one loves.

However, I have come to feel that the most profound love is demonstrated through suffering.

Even though he was suffering, the Lord Jesus never ceased loving us.

He never lost his affection for his “Abba.” He never ceased caring for and loving his followers.

He never stopped feeling affection towards his executioners.

He never ceased being in love with the planet.

Prayer had always been a part of my life, but it had always been largely about asking God to do something.

It had a transforming effect.

In the midst of this experience, the Lord Jesus shown himself as a presence in my life in a way I had never experienced before.

In other words, Christ was no longer “out there” in a faraway heaven or “back there” in history.

Christ was no longer only an example or a model, but rather an actual presence that could be felt and encountered in a variety of settings.

This is a presence that is not readily apparent.

This presence is most noticeable to me during communal worship, notably during the observance of the Lord’s Supper.

Unexpected and unexplainable events lead to the discovery of Christ’s physical presence.

It is trust, not folly, that is required.

I, like everyone else, get caught up in the daily grind of tasks, difficulties that crop up from time to time, and social contacts.

It is a compelling awareness of an unseen reality that is captivating.

Last but not least, there is one word that perfectly defines what the Lord Jesus means to me: Hope.

I want to go out on top, no matter how or when my life comes to an end.

In some respects, I have the impression that the change has already started.

To be able to meet Christ “face to face,” to no longer have to “see through a glass darkly” or “know in part,” but rather to “know completely, even as I am completely known,” is my goal.

To live a long life and to be productive and prolific till the end of my days is something I aspire to.

It suffices that Jesus promised the thief on the cross before he died, “Today you will be with me,” to give me some insight into what heaven will be like (either before or after the Resurrection).

It will be far preferable to be with Christ in this life.

This essay initially published in the Baptist Deacon Network’s first newsletter, which may be seen here.

A collaborative effort between the Eula Mae and John Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia, the Baptist Development Network was established.

Daniel Vestali is a Distinguished University Professor of Baptist Leadership at Mercer University, as well as the Director of the Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership and Education.

What Does Jesus Mean to You?

In my previous church, there was a volunteer role known as “Decision Counselors.” As a Decision Counselor, one of my responsibilities was to “sign up” new persons who expressed an interest in becoming members of our church. In order to complete the “sign up” procedure, the following question was initially asked: “Describe, in your own words, the method by which a person can enter Heaven.” I had some strange responses, but the most of the time, I received the “correct” one, such as “Ask Jesus into your heart.” or “Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.” However, I didn’t always receive a straightforward response.

  1. Some of the more well-versed would even mention texts such as Ephesians 2:8-9 or Romans 10:9-10, or other passages that had nothing to do with redemption.
  2. I’m not prepared for this.
  3. First and foremost, what are “allthese questions”?
  4. And honestly, the second question is a whole lot less difficult than the first one.
  5. Nevertheless, the second question I put to them was purely personal in nature: “What does Jesus mean to you personally?” There isn’t a “wrong” response to this question.
  6. Nothing they’ve learned in church, nothing their parents taught them, and nothing someone who has graduated from Seminary would be able to tell you about.
  7. The majority of individuals are eager to share their opinions on anything and anything!
  8. Right?

While I’ve been a member of this church for four years, I’ve also asked this question of anyone on the street, friends, family, and others who appear to be very “religious” and who regularly serve at church or at local charities – and, once again, at least 95 percent of the people give me the same answers as I stated above.

“All right, let me put it this way.

What if I met you and discovered that you were on your way to Hell, and I didn’t want that to happen to you, so I approached God and asked if I could die for your sins so that you could go to Heaven, do you think God would reply, “Yes.”?” And every single person I’d pose this question to would grin and respond, “Sure, why not?” “You appear to be a genuinely kind guy!” YIKES!

It isn’t, as long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus and believe that you are truly saved.

It’s phrased this way by Todd Friel (host of Way of the Master RadioWretched, a show on FamilyNet): “I adore that!” And that’s exactly what I’m going to begin asking!

“However, do so with care and consideration.”

What Does the Name ‘Jesus’ Mean?

The name Jesus literally translates as “Savior.” It is the same name as Joshua, who appears in the Old Testament of the Bible. The crown of glory has been granted to our Lord because “He rescues His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). For sinners who are feeling the weight of the world, the name Jesus is a source of great encouragement. Considering he is already known as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, it is possible that he may have legally adopted a more prestigious title. He, on the other hand, does not do so.

In his own words, theSon of God is satisfied to refer to himself as Savior.

Where the Name Jesus Came From: Hebrew and Greek Origins

Eastern Bible Dictionary states that the name Jesus is a Greek variant of the Hebrew name Joshua, which was originally Hoshea (which means “salvation” in Hebrew) (Numbers 13:8,Numbers 13:16). This form was modified by Moses to Jehoshua (Numbers 13:16; 1 Chronicles 7:27), which is also known as Joshua. Then, following Israel’s exile in Babylon, it adopted the form Jeshua, which is derived from which we obtain the Greek name Jesus. It was given to our Lord to serve as a reminder of the purpose of his mission, which was to rescue mankind (Matthew 1:21).

The Importance of Jesus’ Title as Christ

Eastern Bible Dictionary states that the name Jesus is a Greek variant of the Hebrew name Joshua, which was originally Hoshea (Joshua’s name) (Numbers 13:8,Numbers 13:16). According to Numbers 13:16 and 1 Chronicles 7:27, Moses changed the name to Jehoshua, or Joshua, to avoid confusion. It then adopted the form Jeshua during Israel’s exile in Babylon, which is the source of the Greek form Jesus. In order to reflect the purpose of our Lord’s mission, which was to redeem mankind, he was given the name (Matthew 1:21).

The Meaning of Jesus’ Name as Savior

As previously established, the name Jesus refers to a rescuer. This is the unique role He has. He frees his people from the penalty of sin by washing them clean in His own atoning blood on the cross. He delivers people from the tyranny of sin by instilling the sanctifying Spirit in the hearts of believers. When He removes them out of this world and places them in His presence, He saves them from the presence of sin. The Lord will save people from all of the consequences of their sins when He returns to earth in a gorgeous form at the end of time.

  • It is His responsibility and pleasure to extend mercy.
  • (See also John 3:17).
  • It has frequently been beneficial to them.
  • It has relieved their burdened consciences and brought relief to their aching hearts, and they are grateful.

A common sensation for many people is described in the Song of Solomon when it says: “Your name is oil poured forth” (Song of Solomon 1:3). The individual who places his or her faith on “Jesus” rather than in nebulous notions of God’s kindness and goodness will be happy.

Why Do Christians Pray “In Jesus’ Name”?

Take a look at this video to hear Don Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality at Southern Seminary, discuss why Christians frequently finish prayers with the phrase “in Jesus’ name.” The act of praying in Jesus’ name signifies that we are come in the righteousness of Christ, rather than our own righteousness. Our prayers aren’t worthy of being heard by God, but Jesus’ prayer is, and we come in his name.” In addition, it implies that we are coming in and asking the kinds of questions that we imagine Jesus would ask if he were in our position.

“Because of Jesus, God hears our prayers.” You can listen to the remainder of the interview here.

What Does it Mean to Take the Name of Jesus in Vain?

The third commandment of the Ten Commandments states that one should not use God’s name in vain (Exodus 20:7). The phrase “in vain” refers to something that is “empty, idle, insincere, or frivolous.” As a result, to take God’s name in vain implies to speak it in a way that is empty, idle, insincere, or frivolous in its intent. And one of the most apparent methods of accomplishing this is by the use of profanity in one’s speech. We’ve all heard the name of Jesus used as a punctuation mark to emphasize a point.

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“Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 reminds us that “God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should The name of Jesus carries great weight.

God desires that His people – His followers – never use His name in jest, but rather that they reverence it instead.

Research Source:

Dr. Walter C. Kaiser Jr., of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, has written a book on Jesus in the Old Testament. Based on the book The Gospel of Matthew by J.C. Ryle (Chapter 1). Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/Eskemar

What Did Jesus Mean by ‘My Peace I Give to You’?

“I am giving you my tranquility.” We’ve all heard this statement from Jesus before, but what does Jesus’ peace look like in practice is less clear. And how does he go about delivering it to us? Peace. The term implies a sense of peace and tranquility, as well as the conviction that all will work out in the end. Even though it is only one word, it has enormous significance for both believers and nonbelievers. It is possible to argue that, despite the fact that two persons do not share the same religious beliefs, they both wish peace.

  1. Those who campaign for social change, such as the elimination of poverty, violence, or slavery, experience this on a daily basis in their communities.
  2. The greater the number of conflicts we can resolve, the more we will be able to live in harmony.
  3. This is referred to as distraction.
  4. Watching a television series, eating food, or reading a book may all provide us with peace and quiet.
  5. Advocacy for social change will always be a never-ending process for those who believe in the cause.
  6. In spite of the fact that we solve an issue, another one constantly appears (Job 5:7).
  7. The distinction between a believer and a nonbeliever in terms of peace lies in the source of that serenity for each.
  8. They are reliant on themselves or on the resources available to them.
  9. Whereas worldly peace is dependent on the circumstances and abilities of individuals, godly peace is not dependent on these factors.
  10. I do not give to you in the same way that the rest of the world does.
  11. ” (See also John 14:27.) Jesus was not unfamiliar with the concept of peace.

He foresaw that many difficulties would befall mankind, but he also provided hope for the future (John 16:33). Christians today should take comfort in the fact that, while worldly peace is fleeting, the peace God grants believers is permanent and transcends our current circumstances and situations.

What Did Jesus Mean by ‘My Peace I Give to You’?

The Book of John’s Chapter 14 is one of the places where Scripture makes a distinction between worldly peace and divine peace. In this particular chapter, we read a recollection of Jesus’ instruction presented by the disciple John, which is very interesting. Through the course of the text, Jesus provides several reassurances to his disciples. With each reassurance comes a new insight into the nature of this exquisite tranquility. The first piece of certainty is that they have a place in Heaven.

  • One of Jesus’ most often repeated phrases, which is yet another reassurance, comes after He is asked a question by the disciple Thomas (who is sometimes referred to as “doubting Thomas”).
  • Jesus then informs Philip that because they have seen Him, they have also seen God, as He explains that God is in Him and He is in God (John 14:10).
  • In addition, Jesus instructs His disciples on how to pray, which is critical to achieving peace.
  • In a later section of the chapter, Jesus speaks more directly about the need of peace.
  • “Peace be with you, I leave you.” I give you my calm in exchange for yours.
  • “Do not allow your heart to be worried or afraid.
  • There is no cause to be afraid while He is present.
  • Some scholars believe that one of the reasons Jesus built such a high level of confidence with His followers was to emphasize the love He felt for them.
  • This helps us realize that Jesus desired His disciples to be assured of their decisions.
  • The most effective method for Christians today to comprehend the peace Jesus offers is to get familiar with what the Bible says about peace.

What Kind of Peace Does Jesus Give?

Jesus provides us with serenity that transcends our circumstances. The Bible says, “Even when I am walking through the darkest valley, I am not afraid because you are with me; your rod and your staff—they are comforting to me.” Psalm 23:4 (Psalm 23:4) Everyone passes through different phases in their lives. It is exactly what is discussed inEcclesiastes 3: there will be periods of life that are blissful and other periods of life that will be dreadful. The divine peace we receive from our Lord and Savior transcends the season we are currently experiencing.

  • When Jesus left His peace with His early disciples, He did not inform them that such peace would only last for a short period of time.
  • As a result, even if we do not always feel at peace within ourselves, Jesus’ peace is always available to us through him.
  • Jesus brings peace to all who believe in him.
  • (See Isaiah 26:3 for more information.) Jesus instructed His followers on the proper way to pray.
  • We must understand how to pray to God as well as why we pray.
  • If we acknowledge that God is greater than whatever problem we are facing, we can replace any potential fear with a certain amount of certainty.
  • It is said that “those who sow in tears will reap with jubilation.” Psalm 126:5 (Psalm 126:5) The words spoken here are reminiscent of those spoken by Jesus on Mount Sinai (Matthew 5:4).

Sometimes we lose our sense of peace because we focus on the difficulties of the present moment. The truth is that if we can take Jesus’ words to heart, we can be confident that any mourning we do in this life will not be in vain. A happy ending is promised.

How Does Jesus’ Peace Help Us Not Be Afraid?

Understanding that Jesus has instructed us to be fearless is one thing, but how can we really attain this goal? The only way to replace fear with serenity is to place our faith in Jesus. We, like Jesus’ followers in John 14:27, have no legitimate cause to be fearful, at least not when we contemplate the whole extent of Jesus’ character and teachings. When we contemplate Jesus’ love for us, we have even less cause to be thankful. We, like His followers, have no way of knowing what will happen in the future, but we do know who is in charge of the future.

  1. We may put our faith in Scripture since it offers us with all of the reasons we should not be fearful.
  2. This is a difficult decision to make.
  3. When we cling to God’s peace, we may be certain that all will work out in the end for the best.
  4. So, what is there to be fearful of if God’s rescue, whether in life or death (salvation), is a given?
  5. God’s peace will last forever.
  6. Keeping all of this in mind, we may not only accept God’s peace, but we can also embrace His love even more fully.

(Psalm 8:3-4; Isaiah 59:1-2) Continuing Your Education Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled: Four Practical Approaches to Understanding the Meaning of this Bible Verse Source:OverviewBible.com Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/moisseyev Aaron Brown is a Virginia-based writer, hip-hop dance instructor, and visual artist who works as a freelancer.

  1. He is a creative thinker who enjoys challenging the current quo.
  2. Check out his short tale ” Serenity” for further information.
  3. With this website, we hope to offer you with easy-to-read articles that address your concerns regarding the meaning, origin, and history of certain passages in the context of Scripture.
  4. There is no rest for the wicked.
  5. With a broken heart and a contrite spirit Faith Has the Power to Move Mountains

60 reasons why Jesus Christ is everything to me

  1. He is the source of my tranquility. Outside of that, there can be disturbance and turmoil wherever, as far as I’m concerned
  2. He is my delight. He is my pleasure. I don’t require any other source of happiness since He is the atonement for all of my sins. He has thrown all of my sins into the sea of forgetfulness, where they will remain forever. In the event that I should offend again, He will forgive me since my sin has also been atoned for
  3. He is my justifier and reconciler. He will purify me again and over again for as long as I live. I am being transformed by the work of his death, which is creating more space for the life of Christ in me. He is my Shepherd, according to 2 Corinthians 4:12. His faithfulness day and night, even when no one else cares for me, is my song of praise
  4. He is the only one who deserves it. If there is no other subject or reason for singing praises, He is the only one I can think of
  5. He is my capital. I don’t require any further funds. If that isn’t enough, then nothing will be enough
  6. He is my source of livelihood. He is my insurance policy in the event that everything else fails. It’s reasonable to say that nothing is safe when He is your future. I fix my gaze on Him. I’m on my way to meet with Him. Then I have a promising and lengthy future ahead of me. Hallelujah
  7. He is the only Lord and ruler I have. I have declared Him to be my Lord and Savior in my heart. (15:15) (1 Peter 3:15) In complete confidence in the flawless goodness of His direction and commandments, I have surrendered myself to Him
  8. He has become my father and mother. He is my mother, sister, and brother
  9. He is the personification of my honor. I have absolutely no desire to get any other accolade or recognition. Even if others disgrace and loathe me for the rest of my life, it will make no difference to Him since He is my stronghold and shield, as well as my protector. He is my Master, and I am secure with him. I’m just starting off as an apprentice. It doesn’t matter if no one else is actively instructing me in the truth
  10. He is
  11. He is my guide. It wouldn’t matter if all the others were merely talkers who had not themselves traveled the route, so I could rely on them to guide me, He would still be well familiar with it. He is my captain, and all honor and glory be to His name. Even if no one else empowers me or instructs me on how to fight battle, He is a great warrior and the leader of God’s army, and I can rely on Him. He is no wimp
  12. He is the myrest of myrests. I could still find a wonderful place of rest in Him, despite the fact that my physical body had neither bed nor pillow. He is my storehouse, after all. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have any supplies
  13. In Him, however, resides the entire Godhead bodily, and I am a member of His body, being filled by Him
  14. He is my physician. His ability to cure my body surpasses that of any earthly physician
  15. And he does it only when it is in my best interests
  16. He is my goal – to become like Him and to share in his essence – and He is my precursor. I am not embarking on a perilous expedition in the role of explorer. It is a path that has been cleared, and it is this path that Jesus has chosen to follow. Every step has already been taken by Him in the past. He has been put through his paces in every aspect, just like I am putting myself through right now and will continue to do so. What a source of comfort it is
  17. He is my source of comfort. Because he is my Judge, this level of comfort is adequate for me. It doesn’t matter what other people think of me because he is my preferred meal. He is the source of all nourishment. In addition to being my amusement and pleasure, Hisfleshis actually nourishment for me. All other forms of enjoyment pale in contrast to him
  18. He is my good fortune and source of riches. What He brings my way is always lucky and beneficial to my financial well-being. No one has ever had a greater run of luck and riches than I have
  19. He is my knowledge and my understanding together. It is impossible to find greater insight and better understanding than obedience to Him
  20. He – the Word – is mysword. This weapon is more effective than any other
  21. He is my dependable and upright buddy. There is no need for any other friendship because he is my main focus. All other pursuits are a waste of time and energy in comparison to Him
  22. He is my rock and my basis. He is the one thing that stands when all else fails
  23. He is my life. It will stand the test of time because He is the truth. No reason to question Him
  24. He is my Bridegroom, my forever Beloved
  25. He is my defender, advocate, and lawyer
  26. He is my Blessing and my Hope. I don’t need any additional attorneys since He is the Mediator, and he acts as a go-between between the Father and me. I can communicate with God through Him
  27. He is God’s Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit
  28. He is also theSon of Man, a man who is the son of Abraham, the son of David, and the son of Mary
  29. He is my trueBrother, the most excellent and firstborn among many brethren
  30. He is my High Priest, who has compassion on my infirmities
  31. He is my vacation. He is my source of consolation, and there is no better way to spend your holiday than by staying in Him. Anyone who is in His presence will find comfort
  32. He is the source of life into which I have been grafted as a branch
  33. He is the chief architect who is edifying me with the others as a dwelling place of God in the Spirit
  34. He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, of which I have become a partaker through the cross – an offense to all those who seek to defend their own positions. I have the ability to achieve everything in Him – anything that He has appointed for me
  35. He is the source of God’s strength. It is amazing that He was able to do everything that He accomplished while still being made of flesh and blood like us
  36. He is God’s wisdom. It is a wonderful experience to get insight into what took place in Christ Jesus
  37. He is the Mysterious One of God. Does it come as a surprise that people do not grasp His person
  38. He is my time
  39. He makes it complete. It never gets old or monotonous. Time is no longer wasted since He is my Sabbath. As an alternative to going my own way and “going about my own business,” I choose to put my trust in Him, in His will and work. Due to the fact that I do this every day of the week throughout the year, I regard (as written) all days to be the same. Sabbath rest on a continuous basis! God is to be thanked since He is the Giver of all good things. His presence removes the need for me to keep an eye out for other donors
  40. He is my sanctuary. I can avoid having to rush to broken cisterns when I’m in desperate need since He is the source of my life’s water. “You are the source of all my springs.” According to Psalm 87:7, He is the perfect pattern in all things
  41. He is immutable and without a shadow of a turning. He remains the same, despite the fact that everyone else is as unpredictable as the moon
  42. He is everything to me. That is precisely why everything else is a complete waste of time. It has no significance for me and makes me feel indifferent. Amen
See also:  What Day Was Jesus Crucified Contradiction?

In November 1929, BCC’s quarterly “Skjulte Skatter” (“Hidden Treasures”) published a modified version of an essay with the title “What Jesus Christ means to me,” which was first published in Norwegian.

Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag owns the copyright to this work.

Jesus is the truth: What does this mean? John 14:6.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared. “There is no other way to the Father but through Me.” In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” Our attitude toward the truth has a significant impact on the course of our life. We will not be saved if we do not love the truth, if we do not submit to it. However, if we love the truth, we will embrace salvation, and we will be rewarded with the crown of life, which is the ultimate recompense. The question remains, however, as to what Jesus meant when He declared that He is the truth.

The truth about who we are and about who Jesus is

God’s Word is true, and the Word became flesh and lived among us in the person of Jesus Christ. (See also John 1:14) In this way, Jesus’ life – which is to be expressed in us – is the essence of truth. 2 Corinthians 4:10 (New International Version) It is only when we examine His life in comparison to our own that we realize how vastly different the two are that a light is turned on in our hearts. The truth is that ray of light that shines into our life and illuminates what we are truly like at our core, according to nature.

(See also Romans 8:29) When Jesus pours His light into our life and we admit that we are sinners in need of forgiveness, atonement, and justification, we have made the first step on the path to truth.

It is the next step in which He demonstrates to us that, even though we have been forgiven, we still have sin in our flesh, and we must acknowledge that we are powerless to resist temptation when we are confronted with temptation to give in to the sin that is so deeply ingrained in our beings as humans.

The Holy Spirit will enlighten and guide us, as well as provide the strength and power that we lack in ourselves, enabling us to keep all that God commands us – we will be able to give up our own will and do His will instead.

We know that the Son of God has come and has given us insight, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, through His Son Jesus Christ.

Read on for more information on how to fool yourself and how to prevent doing so.

Transformation – the whole point of the truth

‘For I was overjoyed when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth,’ says the Lord. “There is no greater delight for me than hearing that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 3-4; 4 John 3-4. There is no greater blessing than to live one’s life in accordance with the truth. This entails acknowledging it, judging what it reveals to us, despising what is shown to be sin, and finally putting sin to death by the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph.

  1. If this is the case, we are in a state of ongoing development, constant advancement, continuous sanctification, and continuous transformation into the image of Jesus.
  2. (See also John 8:32) God loves each and every one of us and is generous enough to provide for everyone who comes to Him in faith.
  3. The more ready, obedient, and quick to realize the truth we are, the more quickly we will make progress toward our goals.
  4. Because of this transformation, we will become different from who we are by nature, and the life of Jesus will be expressed in us.
  5. 2 Corinthians 3:18 is a biblical passage.

When we evaluate ourselves and, by faith, we put to dead whatever the truth has revealed about ourselves, we are changed into the image of His glory, according to the Word of God. Further reading:This is why God’s promise of change is the most wonderful of all of His promises to man.

The truth gives hope!

Even if we are confronted with the truth about ourselves, there is no cause to feel depressed or disappointed. As a result, we may be filled with hope, knowing that the Spirit of truth is also the Spirit of strength, and that it is through Him that we will be able to conquer anything that stands in our way of becoming more like Christ. And those aspects of ourselves that were revealed by the truth may be permanently erased from our memories! “And whoever puts his or her trust in Him cleanses themselves in the same way that He is pure.” The Bible says in 1 John 3:3.

The Lord said, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth.” Psalm 86:11 is a verse from the Bible.

Consequently, let us accept it with open hearts, even though it is painful to see and realize who we truly are in our natural state.

When the truth has emancipated and saved us, the outcome will be wonderful!

Ensure that we have the truth on our side!

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