What Did Jesus Say About Women

How Jesus Viewed and Valued Women

It has been well-documented and brought forth in various recent publications about the status of women in the first-century Roman culture as well as in Jewish tradition. 1 The most of the time, women were seen as second-class citizens in society. When compared to his contemporaries, Jesus had a considerably more positive attitude about women. Evans describes Jesus’ approach to women as “revolutionary” for the time period in which he lived. 2However, was his treatment of women inconsistent with Old Testament revelation or with subsequent New Testament practices?

Disciples Come in Two Sexes, Male and Female

Women have intrinsic worth that is equal to that of males, according to Christ. “. in the beginning, the Creator’made them male and female,'” Jesus explained. (Matthew 19:4; see also Genesis 1:27) Women were made in the image of God in the same way that males were. They share many characteristics with males, including self-awareness, personal independence, a level of self-determination, and the ability to accept personal responsibility for their acts. Women have intrinsic worth that is equal to that of males, according to Christ.

Disciples are available in both male and female forms.

4 “The foundation-stone of Jesus’ attitude toward women, according to Hurley, was his understanding of them as individuals to whom and for whom he had come.” He does not appear to have perceived them primarily in terms of their gender, age, or marital status; rather, he appears to have viewed them in terms of their relationship (or lack thereof) with God.” 5

Three Clear Examples

These examples of Jesus’ even-handed treatment of women are seen in all four of the Gospels. First and foremost, while Jesus was in public, he frequently addressed women directly. This was out of character for a man to do (John 4:27). The disciples were taken aback when they witnessed Jesus conversing with a Samaritan woman at the spring of Sychar (John 4:7-26). He also had an open and honest conversation with the lady who had been kidnapped in adultery (John 8:10–11). 6 A woman called to Jesus from a crowd (Luke 11:27–28), according to Luke, who devotes a great deal of attention to women in his Gospel.

  1. 9:22; Mark 5:34), and the woman with the bleeding disorder (Luke 8:48).
  2. (Luke 23:27-31).
  3. He expressed himself in a thoughtful and loving manner.
  4. Bloesch deduces that “Jesus addressed the Jewish women as ‘daughters of Abraham’ (Luke 13:16), so elevating them to a spiritual position on par with males,” according to Bloesch.
  5. As seen by his interactions with the woman at the well (John 4:16–18), the woman taken in adultery (John 8:10–11), and the wicked woman who anointed his feet (Luke 7:44–50), Jesus considered women fully responsible for their own wrongdoing.

Their sin was not excused; rather, it was confronted. The concerns of sin, repentance, and forgiveness were dealt with by each person in their own way and with a measure of self-determination.

Jesus’s Valuation of Women Today

Despite the fact that Christ’s selection of the apostles and the unique sort of work they were given to undertake demonstrate a clear distinction in their roles, there are no barriers that must remain between a believer and the Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of gender. In both his life and teaching, Jesus showed nothing but the utmost esteem for female companions. He acknowledged the inherent equality of men and women, and he demonstrated the value and dignity of women as individuals on a consistent basis.

  • He treated women with respect, educated them, and ministered to them in meaningful ways.
  • Is it possible that things have changed too profoundly for us to see the same Jesus today?
  • Women today can experience the same deep satisfaction in serving Christ that the Marys and Marthas of Judea, or the Joannas and Susannas of Galilee, found in their lives centuries ago.
  • Borland’s book, edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, is available now.
  • Hurley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981), pp.

46-57, who discusses the position of women in rabbinic writings “It is safe to argue that a poor attitude of women was popular, maybe even dominating, before, during, and after Jesus’ day,” writes Ben Witherington III in Women in the Ministry of Jesus (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1984), p.

  1. Women in the Bible, p.
  2. All We’re Meant to Be: A Biblical Approach to Women’s Liberation (Waco, TX: Word Books, 1974), p.
  3. Letha Scanzoni and Nancy Hardesty, All We’re Meant to Be: A Biblical Approach to Women’s Liberation, Waco, TX: Word Books, 1974, p.
  4. Evans (1994), p.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
  7. The Bible, according to Bloesch, is anti-feminist.
  8. Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, is home to Dr.

James served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society for a number of years. His other notable accomplishments include serving as a founding member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, where he continues to serve to this day.

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What Jesus Says About Women: You Are Not “Less Than”

Jesus went to the temple to teach one morning at the crack of dawn. The crowd had gathered around, ready to be instructed — but the Pharisees came up to the front, bringing a lady with them to interrupt the lesson. “Teacher, this woman was apprehended while engaged in adultery,” they explained. —John 8:4 (New International Version) The notion of what this woman may have been going through makes my heart skip a beat. Can you image how terrified she was? And, maybe most importantly, her humiliation?

  • Was she hiding her face, sobbing, imploring, or remaining silent?
  • However, she had to be conscious that the harm to her reputation had already been done, and that she would from this day forward be the topic of murmurs and fodder for the local gossips for the rest of her life.
  • She had broken the law in some way.
  • Was she a recidivist in some sort?
  • Is it possible that she succumbed, in a moment of weakness, to something she believed would provide her with some comfort from her loveless marriage?
  • The essence of the parable is not what caused her to commit adultery, but rather Jesus’ answer to her when her horrible adultery was publicly exposed.
  • Isn’t there someone who is notably absent from this scene?

For a woman, adultery was not only a source of severe embarrassment, but it was also possibly a criminal act punishable by death.

— John 8:5 The Bible doesn’t leave any dispute about what these men were aiming to achieve.

They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing Him (John 8:6).

This woman was their bait.

Either way, they must have thought,we win.

And notice how cleverly He distracted the attention of the crowd from the humiliated woman; He knelt and wrote on the ground with His finger.

The Pharisees probably looked at each other, confused, and remained silent for a few moments to see whether He would speak.

What was it that he was writing on the ground?

The name of the missing man?

I find it a measure of Jesus’ mercy toward the woman that, once again, He draws all eyes away from her and toward Himself as He knelt.

But for a few precious moments, she senses that no one is looking at her.

He has interceded for her already—and He hasn’t said anything to her yet.

As if this weren’t relief enough, what happened next must have astonished her even more.

(John 8:9).

Then He turned to the woman and said,Woman, where are they?

— John 8:10 Don’t you imagine it was with equal parts relief and amazement that she said, “No one, sir.” Have you ever wondered how God reacts when you fall into sin?

Go now and leave your life of sin.— John 8:11 We don’t know whether any other women were present in the temple courts to witness this exchange, but even if not, surely there were women who witnessed the woman being dragged through the streets by the Pharisees.

How grateful and appreciative they must have felt toward this man who actually protected her and showed compassion, as no other men—including, apparently, the man who’d been sleeping with her — were doing.

Watch the Video forUnashamed

One may argue that the lady was brought before the court for judgment because of her transgression, but that would only be partially correct. When it came down to it, if justice had been the ultimate aim, the man would have also been prosecuted. No, this woman was found guilty of the crime of being a woman who had been discovered in adultery by her husband. If it seems like an exaggeration, it wasn’t by any means in first-century Israel, where it was true. Women were considered second-class citizens in that culture, at best, and were treated as if they were slaves.

  • The Mishnah, which is a portion of the Jewish Talmud, teaches that women are like Gentile slaves who can be purchased by sexual relations, payment, or a written contract.
  • They were not counted as members during a synagogue census, and they got little or no religious instruction, with the exception of that provided by their husband if he chose it.
  • Clearly, first-century Palestine — the environment into which Jesus was born — was a male-dominated society, but it was by no means unique in this regard throughout history.
  • I grew up believing that because I was neither the firstborn nor a boy in my Greek family, I was somehow “less than.” I was wrong.
  • Nowhere else in my life has the denigration of women been more evident than in our work with A21 to rescue sex-trafficking victims.
  • The man shrugged his shoulders.
  • “They will do what you want them to do since the penalty is not as severe, and you can kick them like animals and they will obey you.” Misogyny.
  • It comes to us through several channels, including governments, cultures, religions, and countries.

But there is no other term that characterizes the mindset of the trafficker on trial that day, or the attitude of the business he represents, quite like “bullsh*t.” As well as in many other ways, such as in jokes (have you ever heard of a blonde joke about a dumb blond man?) and pornography, as well as in the difficulties a woman has in getting paid equal wages for comparable labor, as well as in the ease with which crimes against women are disregarded or hushed up.

  1. As was the case in ancient societies, women are denigrated on a regular basis in current society.
  2. Every year, about two million youngsters are compelled to work in the international sex trade.
  3. 2 According to the United Nations, there are an estimated one hundred million missing women in the world.
  4. 4 Throughout history, women have been subjected to oppression, degradation, scorn, and antagonism.
  5. Consider the case of the Salem witch trials, for instance.
  6. Moreover, Christian ideology is utilized to justify the actions of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes.
  7. I see this exact type of wickedness play out all the time in A21 court cases, and it scares me.

Because God created both men and women in His own image — both male and female — after all.

— Genesis 1:26–27 (emphasis in original).

When we insult a woman, we are really reducing a part of God’s image in the process.

When we cast women down, we are tarnishing God’s image in the process.

He regards both men and women as equally cherished and valuable.

— Galatians 3:28 (emphasis mine).

Nothing compares to the God of the Bible when it comes to elevating, affirming, and celebrating women.

As a result, it should be the church that leads the way and serves as an example of valuing femininity. and of bringing them to Jesus, who may remove their humiliation and set them free from their chains. Sources

“Lives Together, Worlds Apart: Men and Women in a Time of Change,” in State of World Population 2000 (United Nations Population Fund, 2000). Retrieved October 9, 2015, fromdefault/files/pub-pdf/swp2000_eng.pdf.

One may argue that the lady was brought before the court for judgment because of her transgression, but that would only be partially accurate. Were it really about pursuing justice that they were after, the man would have been prosecuted as well. That is not correct; this woman was found to be in the act of adultery, which is a criminal. In first-century Israel, if it seems like an exaggeration, it wasn’t by a longshot. Women were considered second-class citizens in that society, at best, and were treated as though they were slaves in others.

  1. Female slaves, according to the Mishnah, a branch of the Jewish Talmud, might be gained by sexual relations, financial gain or a formal written agreement.
  2. The women were not included as members during a synagogue census, and they got little or no religious instruction, with the exception of what their husbands requested.
  3. It is undeniable that first-century Palestine — the environment into which Jesus was born — was a male-dominated society, but it was by no means unique.
  4. Due to my lack of being the firstborn child or a son in my Greek family, I grew up believing that I was somehow “less than.” The phrase “you’re only a woman” was used several times, and it was immediately evident that this was not a good thing.
  5. “Why do you traffic women?” the judge said of the accused in one court proceeding.
  6. According to him, “they are less difficult to sell than narcotics and firearms.” “They will do what you want them to do since the penalty is not as severe, and you may kick them like animals.” Misogyny.
  7. Politics, culture, religion, and nations are all channels via which we get information.
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The mentality of the trafficker on trial that day, as well as the attitude of the industry he represents, can be described no better with another term.

In every minute, two youngsters are trafficked into the human sex trade.

1 In addition, women and girls account for 80 percent of all trafficked victims.

Every year, between 3,000 and 5,000 girls are murdered by their parents throughout the world because they have behaved in ways that bring their family into disrepute.3 4 Throughout history, women have been subjected to oppression, degradation, scorn, and antagonism.

Consider the case of the Salem witch trials, to name a few.

Moreover, Christian ideology is utilized to justify the actions of the men who commit these atrocities.

A21 court cases frequently feature this same type of wickedness, which I find disturbing.

It is a place where they can revel in the pleasures of being regarded with respect, valued with dignity, included with pride, and celebrated.

Those who were made by him are called “creatures of God.” (Genesis 1:26–27, italics in original) God’s image is only completely mirrored in both men and women, which is a deep realization.

Men and women are both excluded from God when we do so.

You stitched me together in my mother’s womb, according to Psalm 139:13.

He loves and values both men and women in the same way, regardless of gender.

— Galatians 3:28 (emphasis mine).

Nothing compares to the way the God of the Bible honors, validates, and celebrates women. The church, as a result, ought to be the one that leads the way and sets the example of valuing women. and of bringing them to Jesus, who can remove their humiliation and set them free. Sources

Your Turn

Whether in the globe, in business, or in your family, do you ever feel that you’re “less than?” What about in church and in your faith community? What are your thoughts? It wasn’t until I was in my forties that I discovered how how influential Jesus’ treatment of women is in the world. Prior to it, I definitely felt like I was “less than.” However, Jesus remained in women’s houses (Mary and Martha), took their financial assistance (Joanna and Susanna, as well as many other women in Luke 8:3), regarded them as valued and equal, befriended them, and accepted them as His disciples, in contrast to any other known Rabbi of the time period.

What changes in you as a man as a result of Jesus’ regard for women?

We are interested in hearing from you!

What Does the Bible Say about Women?

The term “man” appears several times in the Bible’s pages. There were twelve disciples total, all of them were men. Many of the stories we read are about men, such as those of Moses, Abraham, Paul, David, and Joshua, and many of them are about women. But, what does the Bible have to say about female sexuality? A great deal, and you could be surprised. The issue of women pastors and in leadership positions has sparked a heated discussion within the Christian community in recent years. Consider the biblical roles played by women, as well as the fact that God’s calling is equally vital for both men and women.

2 Important Things the Bible Says about Women

1. Women are admired and respected. God “so loved” the world, according to John 3:16, assuring us. This exquisite affection is also extended to females. Please consider this a reality to be treasured and hold it in high esteem. Even when we feel unloved, whether as a result of internal conflict or as a result of the acts or words of a sweetheart, kid, parent, friend, or others, Jesus is nevertheless committed to our well-being. His affection is unwaveringly loyal at all times. 2. Women have been pardoned.

His forgiveness extends to the sins that society perceives to be major and serious, as well as the ones that cause us to feel ashamed, as well as the seemingly little white lies.

Our Savior has no favorites, but He gives the freedom from sin and the promise of Heavent to everybody who comes to Him in repentance and faith.

What Does Jesus Say about Women in the New Testament?

We may discover story after story of Jesus engaging with women if we study the New Testament, particularly the Gospels. It all begins at the beginning of Jesus’ existence, when Elizabeth’s baby, John, sprang within her womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, came to visit her and her husband. Following His crucifixion, a large number of women bear testimony to His death, including Mary Magdalene (John 20), who was the first to discover an empty tomb and hear Jesus’ voice following His resurrection.

Even when others did not, he considered them to be worthy of attention and healing.

But the Lord welcomed her, as such deeds were preparatory to the Lord’s death.

Nobody, not even the doctors, could provide her with relief, but Jesus was the only one who could completely cure her.

Our Savior was not willing to abandon women to fend for themselves. He came to them when they were most in need, demonstrating His lavish love and mighty might in the process.

10 Bible Promises for Women

  • You are cherished. (Gal. 2:20
  • John 3:16)
  • You are not guilty of anything. (Romans 8:1)
  • You are a part of it. You have been accepted (Eph. 2:19). You are not alone, according to Romans 15:7. (John 16:32) You were created in a magnificent way. (Psalm 139:14) You have been set free. You are God’s possession (John 8:36). You have been selected (John 1:12)
  • You are no longer a slave to sin (Eph. 1:4, Col. 3:12)
  • You have risen above it. (See Romans 6:6)

What Is a Woman’s Role in the Bible?

A short look across the world today reveals that women are fulfilling a range of responsibilities, including those of mothers, daughters, wives, judges, teachers, missionaries, attorneys, business executives, and journalists, among others. Women play a range of roles in the Bible, which is also reflected in our culture today. We hear stories about women like Deborah, who rose to the highly regarded and highly revered post of judge in the State of Israel. As a result of her actions, the Israelites were able to enjoy 40 years of relative peace.

Hannah, a mother who sacrificed her son for the sake of the Almighty, Anna, a prophetess and one of the first to see the Messiah, Mary, the young mother who carried the hope of the world in her womb, Rhoda, the servant who was the first to see Peter after his miraculous release from prison, and Phoebe, a faithful servant in the church are also included in the Bible.

More information on these women may be found in the Bible at the following link:

  • Today’s society is filled with women who fulfill a range of roles, including mothers and daughters, wives and judges
  • Missionaries and attorneys
  • Business executives and journalists
  • And a number of other positions. Women play a range of roles in the Bible, which is also reflected in the text. Women such as Deborah, who held the highly regarded and revered office of judge in Israel, have been written about. The Israelites were able to enjoy 40 years of peace as a result of her actions. People like Rahab, who managed to get into the lineage of Jesus despite the fact that she had a shady history that prompted many to write her off, are examples of courageous individuals. Hannah, a mother who sacrificed her son for the sake of the Almighty, Anna, a prophetess and one of the first to see the Messiah, Mary, the young mother who carried the hope of the world in her womb, Rhoda, the servant who was the first to see Peter after his miraculous release from prison, and Phoebe, a faithful servant in the church are also included in the Bible. The roles played by each of these ladies were distinct but equally essential. More information on these ladies may be found in the Bible, which can be found at this location:

Does the Bible Address Women’s Rights?

God builds women up in a beautiful way and provides them with a powerful set of “rights” to protect them. In Genesis 3, Eve made the decision to eat the apple. Hello, there is an option. She and Adam’s subsequent actions proved to be the breeding environment for sin, which was not a particularly pleasant ending in this case. Women’s right to choose, on the other hand, has always been a viable alternative. In accordance with Genesis 1:27, females, like males, are created in the likeness and image of God.

  1. Everyone is a part of the promise.
  2. It is they who lead in the manner of Deborah and minister in the manner of Priscilla.
  3. In the New Testament, the Lord weaves stories of women who sought and were granted an audience with Jesus into his narrative of salvation.
  4. These ladies were seen, healed, cared for, and given the opportunity to give birth.
  5. Most of the time, Jesus’ interactions with women went against the grain of social convention and understanding.

What Is the Woman’s Role in the Church?

Just as there are a variety of roles for women in the Bible, there are a variety of roles for women in the church today. We witness women prophesying throughout the New Testament, including Anna the prophetess, who was granted a chance to see the Messiah before most others, and the daughters of Philip, who predicted in the Book of Revelation.

The biblical character Priscilla stands out as a teacher in Acts 18, yet Paul praises a long number of female characters in Romans 16, many of whom are referred to as “coworkers” for the cause of Christ.

Should Women Preach?

Is it appropriate for women to preach? This is a subject that many people wonder. The response differs from person to person, as well as among different faiths and churches, rather often. There is even disagreement among academics as to the proper interpretation of many Bible scriptures referring to women and their responsibilities in the church. (See 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, as well as 1 Timothy 2:11-14.) For the greatest understanding of this subject, we’d be prudent to study the scriptures ourselves, utilizing prayer, commentaries, dictionaries, and study Bibles to aid us in our research.

At verses 1-3, Paul expresses his gratitude to Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea.

A church meeting held at her home is mentioned in Romans 16:5, and Acts 18:26 describes her engagement with and teaching in the life of Apollos.

In Romans 18:12, the Bible mentions three women named Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis, all of whom are described as “hard laborers for the Lord.” Examine the many texts to get your solution to the subject of whether or not women should preach.

Read about These 5 Women from the Bible

Is it OK for women to preach? This is a frequently questioned question. Sometimes, the response differs from one individual to another, or even across different religions or churches. In certain cases, even experts differ on how to interpret specific Bible passages that deal with women and their positions in the church. See 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-14 for further information on this topic. For the greatest understanding of this subject, we’d be prudent to study the scriptures ourselves, utilizing prayer, commentaries, dictionaries, and study Bibles to aid us in our efforts.

Throughout verses 1-3, Paul expresses his appreciation for Phoebe, a church servant in Cenchrea.

According to Romans 16:5, her home served as the location of a church meeting; similarly, Acts 18:26 describes her involvement with and guidance in the life of Apollos.

When it comes to women who are diligent laborers for the Lord, the Bible mentions three names: Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis (Romans 18:12).

  • Jael (Judges 4), Abigail (1 Samuel 25), Esther (the book of Esther), Nympha (Col. 4:15), Apphia (Philemon 1), and many more are mentioned in the Bible.

God made women in His image and likeness, and their lives serve as a testament to His majesty. Some stories are read quickly, while others remain in the mind for a longer period of time. However, we see women in a variety of crucial jobs, which allows us to have a greater understanding of what the Bible has to say about women. Kristi Woods is a writer and public speaker who, above all, is a follower of Jesus. She writes once a week and provides faith-building resources for a more in-depth walk with God at her website.

Having survived a restless, military existence, Kristi, her gorgeous, retired-from-Navy husband, and their three children have settled in Oklahoma-where she keeps a watchful eye out for tornadoes and fine chocolate.

Kristi Woods may be reached at her website, KristiWoods.net. Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages provided the photograph.

How Did Jesus Treat Women in the Bible?

For ages, academics have been captivated by the behavior and words of Jesus as recorded in the Scriptures. Books have been published, sermons have been spoken, seminars have been taught, and even leadership models have been devised, all in the name of following in Jesus’ footsteps. The way Jesus interacted with women makes it clear that His vision of femininity was diametrically opposed to that of the religious and cultural authorities of His day. This is likely to be true even in the year 2020, if not before.

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Among the many fascinating aspects of this study is a look at how Jesus handled women throughout the Bible.

The Genealogy of Jesus

To begin, let us look at the lineage of Jesus Christ himself. God might have selected any line of descent for His Son to come from. The women who were chosen to be part of Christ’s lineage were chosen for a specific cause, as was the case with the males. Women who were feisty, bold, and who challenged societal barriers are among those who share the DNA of Christ. They were the rebellious women of their day, eager to stand up for what they felt was right, no matter what it meant to them personally:

  • Rahab worked as a prostitute in Jericho, and she sacrificed her own life to help the Israelite spies
  • Tamardidisguised herself as a prostitute in order to woo the father of her deceased husband
  • And many more characters. She also played a prank on him by preserving evidence that he was the one who had slept with her. Her son was born to him
  • Ruth was a Moabitess widow who sought a connection with Boaz, a Jewish kinsman of her husband’s
  • She was the mother of his son. She took the initiative by expressing her desire to be married to him. While she was still a little girl, Mary fearlessly defied cultural and even racial norms by pursuing her dreams. She was not married at the time of her pregnancy. Excommunication and perhaps desertion are possible penalties for such behavior, which is unheard of. The Son of God was born to her as a result of her pregnancy.

The Ministry of Jesus

In Jericho, Rahab worked as a prostitute, and she sacrificed her own life to save the Israelite spies; in Tamaris’s case, she disguised herself as a prostitute in order to seduce the father of her late husband. By maintaining evidence that he was the one who slept with her, she managed to deceive him, as well. Ruth was a Moabite widow who pursued a connection with her Jewish kinsman, Boaz, after she gave birth to his son. When she decided to propose to him, she was the one who took the initiative and went first.

Yet she became pregnant despite the fact that she was not married.

God’s Son, Jesus, was born into her womb.

The Death of Jesus

Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho who risked her own life to help the Israelite spies; Tamardidisguised herself as a prostitute in order to woo the father of her departed husband. She also deceived him by concealing evidence that he was the one who had slept with her. Ruth was a Moabite widow who pursued a connection with her Jewish kinsman, Boaz, after giving birth to his son. She took the initiative and proposed to him as a bride. Mary was a little girl who fearlessly defied cultural and even racial norms.

This is unheard of and is penalized by excommunication and, in certain cases, desertion.

The Inclusive Nature of Jesus

There is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile, slave and free, nor between male and female, since you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). Throughout church history, there has also been a great deal of controversy about male domination and patriarchy. Women serving as clergy or in church leadership roles is a contentious issue across religious denominations. In addition, the roles of women in business outside the home and within marriage can be called into question. It is perplexing that the finest theologians of the past, and even those of more recent times, who have devoted their lives to studying the nature of Christ, are sometimes the ones who advocate for the subordination of women in the church.

  1. Women were awarded the right to vote in the United States for the first time on November 8, 1919.
  2. Tradition has it that women are inferior to men in value, intelligence, and competence, and that they should have limited or no rights to their own bodies, let alone hold positions in business or prominent faith dialogue.
  3. Because you are no longer under the law, but instead are under grace, sin will no longer be your master (Romans 6:14).
  4. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought the Old Testament to a close.
  5. His task has been completed.
  6. We are no longer subject to the law, but are instead subject to grace.
  7. Jesus may possibly have been seen as a progressive in His day purely on the basis of His treatment of women and His inclusion of women in His ministry.
  8. A form of Christianity that excludes the contributions and voices of women is out of step with the example given by Christ, according to feminists.
  9. Rebekah Drumsta’s work has had a global impact through her involvement with a variety of nonprofits and organizations.
  10. For the time being, Rebecca enjoys her roles as a homeschool parent and Life Coach.
  11. Her educational background includes a BA in Urban Ministry and Family Crisis with a Christian Counseling Minor, an MA in Religious Education, as well as certification as a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPLC).

She has been on and provided consultation to a range of media outlets, including the BBC, NBC, ABC, The Daily Telegraph, and a number of other publications.

20 Times Jesus Spoke Directly to a Woman … and He Never Once Said, “Go Home!”

This morning, I have a fire blazing within of me. . it all started on Saturday when I viewed the video of John MacArthur and his colleagues speaking at the Truth Matters conference for the first time. I don’t believe Beth Moore requires my assistance in defending herself. However, I believe that other women need to hear me state unequivocally that THIS IS WRONG! We do not have the right to make fun of or insult one another. It does not reflect well on Christ, and it does not advance the gospel message.

Last night, I spent a little amount of time researching what Jesus had to say specifically to women.

To be really honest, several of them are variations on the same issue that are seen in various gospels.

Also, in the interest of full transparency, I do not pretend that this is a complete list.

What did JESUS say to women?

  • Matthew 9:22—Jesus turned to look at her and recognized her. “Have courage, daughter,” he encouraged her to. “You have been rescued by your faith.” From that point on, the lady was restored to health
  • Matthew 15:28— Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, your faith is wonderful. Allow it to be done for you in the manner that you choose.” As a result, her daughter was cured from that point on
  • Mark 5:34— “Daughter,” he told her, “your faith has saved you. “Go in peace and allow yourself to be healed of your condition.” When he finished, he grabbed the child’s hand in his and told her, “Talitha koum” (which translates as “Little daughter, I say to you, get up”)
  • Mark 7:29— After that, he informed her, “Because of this reply, you may leave.” “Your daughter has been abandoned by the monster.” As soon as the Lord looked at her, he was moved with compassion for her and told her, “Don’t weep.” In response, he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
  • Luke 7:48, 50— … And Jesus told the woman, “Your faith has rescued you. Thank you.” “May you depart in peace.” The Bible says in Luke 8:48, “Daughter,” he tells her, “your faith has saved you.” “May you depart in peace.” He then grasped her by the hand and said, “Child, get up!” in Luke 8:54. In Luke 10:41-42, the Lord said to Martha, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and agitated about many things, but one thing is very vital.” There will be no taking away Mary’s decision since she has chosen the correct one.” The Bible says that when Jesus saw her, he shouted out to her, “Woman, you are no longer a slave to your infirmity.” As a result, Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not mourn for me
  • Rather, mourn for yourselves and your children.”
  • Luke 23:28-31— Look, the day is coming when people will say things like, “Blessed are the ladies who have never had children, the wombs that have never given birth, and the breasts that have never nursed!” Afterwards, they’ll start calling out to the mountains, telling them to “fall on us!” and to the hills, telling them to “cover us!” If they do these things when the wood is still young, imagine what will happen when the wood dries.” “What does that have to do with you and me, woman?” says Jesus in John 2:4. Jesus was the one who inquired. “I have not yet reached my zenith.”
  • John 8:10-11—When Jesus got to his feet, he asked her, “Woman, where are they?” “Doesn’t anyone think you’re guilty?” “There isn’t nobody, Lord,” she said. “Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus stated emphatically. “Go, and from now on do not commit any sins again.”
  • John 111:23-26—Jesus assured her that her brother would revive from the dead. His mother, Martha, told him, “I know that he will rise again at the resurrection at the end of the world.” “I am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus declared to her. The person who believes in me will live, even if he or she dies. It is impossible to die for someone who lives and believes in me. “Do you believe what I’m saying?” “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” Jesus remarked to her in John 11:40.
  • Joh n 19:26-28
  • In the crowd, when Jesus saw his mother as well as the disciple who had captured his heart, he addressed to his mother: “Woman, here is your son.”
  • John 20:15— “Woman,” Jesus asked her, “why are you crying?” she asked. “Can you tell me who it is that you are looking for?”
  • John 20:16-17—Jesus called her by her given name, Mary. When she turned around, she addressed him in Aramaic as “Rabboni!” —which is an abbreviation for “Teacher.” “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus instructed her, explaining that he had not yet risen to the Father. However, you should inform my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, as well as to my God and your God.”

a total of 20 occasions Women were addressed personally by Jesus, yet not once did He say, “Go home!” To send a tweet, simply click here. If you were keeping track, that would be nineteen. The fourth chapter of John contains the twentieth occurrence in which Jesus addressed a woman. This is a lengthier chat, and I wanted to make sure that everyone heard the entire thing. When Jesus discovered that the Pharisees had learned that he was creating and baptizing more disciples than John (despite the fact that he himself was not baptizing, but his followers were), he left Judea and returned to Galilee.

  1. Jacob’s well was nearby, and Jesus, who had been traveling for a long time, took a seat near it.
  2. A lady from Samaria came to the well to fetch water.
  3. “Give me a drink,” Jesus said.
  4. Due to the fact that Jews do not mix with Samaritans.
  5. ‘Sir, you don’t even have a bucket, and the well is a long way down,’ the woman pointed out.
  6. You don’t think you’re more important than our father Jacob, do you?
  7. “Anyone who drinks from this water will become thirsty again,” Jesus declared emphatically.
  8. In reality, the drink I will give him will turn into a well of water that will rise up inside him, providing him with eternal life.” ‘Sir, please give me this water so that I don’t become thirsty and have to come here to get more water,’ the woman begged to him.
  9. It was she who said, “I don’t have a husband.” According to Jesus, “‘You have rightly said that you do not have a spouse.'” You’ve had five spouses, and the man you’re now with isn’t your husband,” she says.
  10. Because salvation comes from the Jews, we worship what we know and believe in it.
  11. Yes, the Father desires that such individuals come to him to adore him.

“When he comes, he will go through everything with us,” says the author. “I, the one speaking to you, am he,” Jesus explained to her. John 4:1-26 CSB (Christian Standard Bible)

Scripture Gives Clear Instruction on Speaking to Others

It is clear that when we examine the words Jesus used to address women, believers and nonbelievers, He was filled with compassion and tenderness. And He made it obvious that we were to communicate in the same manner with others. Most sad about John MacArthur’s remarks on Beth Moore is the dismissive and sarcastic tone with which he delivered them. At the very least, this is not how brothers and sisters in Christ should communicate with and about one another if we desire to represent His presence in our lives.

  1. “By this, everyone will know that you are my followers,” Jesus stated emphatically.
  2. Do not be shocked if the rest of the world despises you, brothers and sisters.
  3. The one who does not love is destined to die in the hereafter.
  4. As a result, we have learned to understand love: He gave his life to save our lives.
  5. If someone possesses this world’s things and observes a fellow believer in need, but refuses to extend compassion to him, how can God’s love be found in that person?
  6. 1 CSB translation of John 3:13-18
See also:  How Old Would Jesus Be Today 2020

This is no small thing — it matters! And we need to act on that reality.

The entire world will turn against us and despise us! We cannot, however, continue to be guilty of hating one another and of destroying the testimony of Christ that exists within us! It matters how we communicate with and about one another. It is significant in our households. It has an impact on our social media posts. It is significant in our workplaces. It is significant in our pulpits. It is significant in our discussions. It is significant at our conventions. It is important in our videos.

It is important how we communicate with and about one another.

To send a tweet, simply click here.

As well as that we let the cleanliness of the Spirit to wash over us, the grace of Christ to flow through us, and the love of the Father to pour forth from our hearts.

And by everyone, I mean both men and women. Despite the fact that it wasn’t initially intended to be included in this series, I’m very confident that this article will fit right in.

Ten Biblical Teachings Women Love to Hate

Is it appropriate to take the Bible’s teachings about women literally? Should they be viewed, and maybe rejected, as remnants of an ancient patriarchal civilization, or should they be treated as such? U.S. News & World Report asked a dozen biblical academics, all of whom were female, to select the chapters in the Bible that they believed were the most troublesome for modern-day American women. The following are the ten most often mentioned.

New Testament

  • The Feminist Hit List
  • Genesis 3:16
  • And more. Eve’s punishment for eating the forbidden fruit was as follows: “You will have children in anguish, but your desire will be for your husband, and he will be your ruler.” Exodus 20:17 is a biblical passage. As outlined in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house
  • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife
  • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s manservant
  • Nor his maidservant
  • Nor his ox
  • Nor his as
  • Nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.” This includes coveting the wife of one’s neighbor. Numbers 5:12-28 are a collection of verses. A test for women who are accused of having an affair: “Whenever a man’s wife departs from him and is disloyal to him. and there is no evidence against her because she was not caught in the act of committing the crime. The man must then bring his wife to the priest, who will have her swear under penalty of death that she has not had a man lie with her and that she has not turned aside to uncleanness while under her husband’s rule, that she will be immune to this river of bitterness. Following the infliction of severe anguish upon her by drinking the water, if she has polluted herself, he will penetrate into her womb and cause her uterus to drop, and the lady will become an object of derision among her people. However, if the woman has not soiled herself and is pure, she will be immune to the effects of the disease and will be able to conceive.” Deuteronomy 22:23-24 is a passage from the Old Testament. The rights of a rape victim, in the form of the Old Testament: “You should stone them to death if there is a young lady in town who is already engaged to be married and a man who comes up to her and lays with her. The young woman will be stoned since she did not call out for aid. and the man since he had a sexual relationship with his neighbor’s wife” In exchange for the young woman’s hand in marriage, “the man who lay with her shall give 50 shekels of silver to the young woman’s father and she shall become his wife.” Paul writes in Ephesians 5:22-23, The apostle Paul had this to say about spouses and women: “Husbands must submit to their wives, just as they must submit to God. Because the husband is the head of the woman, just as Christ is the head of the church, there is no separation between the two.” 34-35 in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Paul’s thoughts on women’s behavior in the church: “Allow your female members of the congregation to remain silent in the churches, since it is not permissible for them to talk. And if women want to find out anything, they should consult with their husbands at home.” 2:13-15
  • 1 Timothy 2:13-15 Women should remain silent in church, according to Paul: “Because Adam was created first, and then Eve
  • And although Adam was not misled, the woman was tricked and became a transgressor. Nonetheless, she will be rescued through childbirth if she continues to grow in faith, love, and holiness while remaining modest.” Titus 2:3-5 (KJV) Women should be instructed in the following ways: “Likewise, tell the older women that they are not to be slanderers or slaves to drink
  • They are to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be self-controllable, chaste, good managers of the household, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited.” 1:1-7
  • 1 Peter 3:1-7
  • The apostle Peter had something to say about women’s behavior and status: “We encourage you, wives, to not beautify yourselves externally by braiding your hair and wearing gold trinkets or expensive apparel
  • Instead, let your inner self be adorned with the lasting beauty of a peaceful and tranquil spirit. As far back as history can tell, the holy women who placed their faith in God used to decorate themselves by accepting the authority of their husbands in this manner. As a result, Sarah submitted to Abraham and addressed him as master.” Revelation 14:1-4 is a chapter in the book of Revelation. The 144,000 who will be selected in the Second Coming are as follows: “It was then that I noticed the Lamb on Mount Zion, standing guard over the city! And he was accompanied by 144,000 people, all of whom had his name and the name of his Father inscribed on their foreheads. As virgins, they are the only ones who have not soiled themselves with female sexuality “in addition to this, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

5 Times Jesus Demonstrated His Care for Women

It’s quite difficult to comprehend just how liberating the gospel was for women in the first place. Because of our modern perspective, it is difficult to see the scandalous ways in which Jesus transformed the way women were treated in the first century. It was a dramatic contrast to the treatment of women by Christ in a religious society where priests would pray “Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the universe, who has not created me a woman” (Morning Blessings, Artscroll Siddur, p. 12) and where women were not given the right to vote.

1. The wedding at Cana (John 2:1–12)

A wedding was being held in Cana, and Jesus and His new followers were asked to attend. Given that the bridal party ran out of wine, it was clear that it was a low-key affair—something that would have been unthinkable for a more wealthy family. Mary, Jesus’ mother, approaches Him in an attempt to remedy the situation. In this letter, He expresses his reluctance to get engaged since He does not believe the moment is suitable to begin His public ministry at this time. She doesn’t fight since she knows her son.

At this moment, Jesus is around 30 years old.

After initially refusing to do so, Jesus goes on to execute His first miracle, allowing the newlyweds to keep their dignity.

Throughout Jesus’ mission, it would serve as a symbol of the caring respect he will have for women.

2. The female followers He amasses

A wedding was being held at Cana, and Jesus and His new followers were invited. Given that the bridal party ran out of wine, it was clear that it was a low-key affair—something that would have been unthinkable in a more affluent household. In order to fix the dilemma, Jesus’ mother, Mary, comes to Him. In this letter, He expresses his reluctance to become engaged since He does not believe the moment is suitable to begin His public ministry at this time. She does not dispute since she knows her son.

This means that Jesus is around 30 years old at this time.

After initially refusing to do so, Jesus goes on to execute His first miracle, allowing the newlyweds to maintain their dignity.

(See John 2:11 for a more in-depth explanation.) More than a son’s care for his mother, his desire to become engaged demonstrates his maturity. Throughout his mission, Jesus would treat women with compassion and respect, as seen by this act.

3. The woman subjected to bleeding (Luke 8:43–48)

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all describe the account of a lady who had been bleeding profusely for twelve years. With this condition, not only would she have suffered physiologically, but she would have also been stigmatized as dirty by the community. The first time she meets Jesus, she thinks to herself, “If I merely touch His garments, I will be healed” (Mark 5:28). And with amazing self-assurance, she abandons socially acceptable conduct and touches the edge of Jesus’ garment, at which point she is instantaneously healed.

She informs Him of what she has done.

Without a doubt, this is not the case.

“May you depart in peace.”

4. The woman caught in adultery (John 8:1–11)

Jesus is sitting down to teach in the temple courts when certain professors of the law and Pharisees drag a woman who has been caught in adultery before Him, according to the Gospel of John. They approach Him and inquire about what should be done with the lady, with the purpose of trapping Him. If He urges them to release her, he is in violation of the Law; nevertheless, if He orders her to be stoned, He is in violation of all He has spoken about mercy and compassion. However, it is crucial to observe that her male counterpart in this offense has been conspicuously absent, despite the fact that the Law would have charged them both: “If a man is discovered sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.” “You must purify Israel of the wickedness that exists.” If a man happens to come across a virgin pledged to be married while traveling through a town and sleeps with her, you must bring both of them to the town’s gate and stone them to death—the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife.

  • “You must cleanse the wicked from among you,” says Deuteronomy 22:22–24 in the New International Version.
  • Her life didn’t matter nearly as much as the potential to capture Jesus in the first place.
  • His next words are “Let any one of you who is without guilt be the first to hurl a stone at her.” He then rises to his feet and adds, They leave one by one, starting with the oldest and progressing to the youngest.
  • “Woman, where have they gone?” he inquires.

Can you fathom how that compassion must have felt? Not only had she been forgiven, but she had also been granted freedom. Jesus humanized her and treated her as if she were valuable and deserving of respect.

5. The women He appears to at the resurrection (Matthew 28)

Females were among the first persons to whom Jesus appeared following his resurrection. Consider the implications of it. This is the single most important event in the history of mankind, and God has chosen to disclose it to women in this particular instance. If there is one moment in the gospel that strikes home the significance of women in God’s economy, it is this one. In order to put an exclamation point on this reality, He directs the ladies to inform His followers that He is, in fact, still alive.

Jesus chooses these women to be witnesses to the most significant event in human history.

The tip of the iceberg

This is only a small selection of the stories that demonstrate Jesus’ concern for women and girls. When it comes to His interactions with women, the reality is that Jesus defied conventional conventions in practically every single one of them. He was a true disruptor of the existing quo. Regardless of gender, Jesus’ mission was to bring us all free. Find out more about tactics and resources for women’s ministry, and how you can assist in bringing the narrative of Jesus to women!

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