What Did Jesus Say About Unity

What did Jesus say about church unity? (And why aren’t we taking any notice?)

When Jesus prayed for unity among his disciples, he was referring to the unity that exists between him and his father. In the name of these (that is, the disciples), and in the name of those who will believe in me through their word (that is, us), I pray that they may all become one. (See also John 17:20-21.) In his subsequent remarks, Jesus asserts that our unity will persuade the world that God sent him to Earth and that God loves us, his community here on Earth. May they be in us in the same way that you, Father, are in me and I am in you, so that the world will believe that you have sent me to them.

(See John 17:21-23 for further information.) Our oneness will not be the only thing that distinguishes us from the rest of the world.

It is through our love for one another that the world will know that we are Jesus’ disciples.

You must also be in love with one another.

Today, rather of identifying oneself with Jesus, we are more likely to identify with our denomination or our religious ideas.

However, when we identify ourselves by our denomination or our religious views, we draw attention to the differences that exist between us.

This was addressed by Paul, who inquired of the crowd, “Has Christ been divided?” Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:11-13: I would suggest that if we identify ourselves first as a Baptist or a Catholic or a conservative Christian or a progressive Christian, we are no better than the Corinthians who said “I am for Paul” or “I am for Apollos,” and that we should thoughtfully and prayerfully consider Paul’s question “Has Christ been divided?” What should we do in this situation?

  • We don’t have to agree with each other in order to be in love with one other.
  • As a result, we are, of course, at odds.
  • What’s more, loving our sisters and brothers requires us to pay attention to what they have to say.
  • According to Joseph Joubert, a French philosopher, the goal of dialogue is not triumph, but rather growth in understanding.
  • I would reply that the objective of conversation is not simply advancement, it is also understanding.
  • This implies we have to listen to them.

God bless you. Jesus is Lord. Related articles What did Jesus say about loving others? What did Jesus say about being humble? What did Jesus say about the Church? How does the devil attack the Church? – Division “What did Jesus say about judging or condemning others?”

What Does the Bible Say about Unity?

As Jesus and his father are one, he asked for us, his disciples, to be one as well. “I pray not only on behalf of them (that is, the disciples), but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word (that is, the rest of us), that they may all become one.” Jesus said this in John 17:20-21. Afterwards, Jesus claims that our unity will persuade the rest of the world that God sent him to Earth and that God loves us, his people here on Earth. So that the world may believe that you sent me, Father, may they be in us as you are in me and I am in you, and may they be in us as well.

  1. It isn’t just our oneness with one another that will set us apart from everyone else in the universe.
  2. “I offer you a new commandment: that you love one another as much as I have loved you.
  3. Those who observe your affection for one another will conclude that you are my disciples.
  4. Today, rather of identifying oneself with Jesus, we are more likely to identify with our denomination or our ideas.
  5. However, when we define ourselves by our religious affiliation or our religious views, we draw attention to the differences that exist between ourselves and our fellow humans.
  6. “Has Christ been divided?” Paul inquired of them in response to this issue.
  7. We don’t have to agree on everything just because we love one another.

As a result, we are obviously at odds.

And, perhaps most importantly, we must listen to what our sisters and brothers have to say.

For Joseph Joubert, a 19th-century French philosopher, the goal of dialogue is not victory, but advancement.

I would argue that the goal of dialogue is not only to make progress, but also to increase understanding.

This means that we must pay attention to what they have to say.

God’s blessings on you.

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What Is Unity, and What Does It Look Like?

I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God that delivers salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew and later to the Gentile. (See Romans 1:16 for more information.) Regardless of our religious affiliations, we must submit to the authority of Jesus Christ. It would seem that if the cross serves as the focal point of God’s Word (which it unquestionably does), it should likewise serve as the focal point of God’s church. “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, and you are God’s building,” Paul writes.

  1. However, each individual should proceed with caution.
  2. Christ is the cornerstone of our faith, and He can never be divorced from His already completed work.
  3. The cross of Christ is a barrier-breaking instrument.
  4. In His prayer, Christ talked of this oneness: “I will no longer be in the world, but they will still be in the world, and I will come to you.
  5. Protection from the power of your name, which you gave me, Holy Father, so that they may be one with us as we are with them” (John 17:11).

What Does the Bible Say about Unity?

The Holy Spirit also talked about oneness through the apostle Paul’s pen: “God is trustworthy, who has invited you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,” the Holy Spirit said. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I plead to you, brothers and sisters, that you all agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be totally unified in mind and thought” (1 Corinthians 1:9-10). Whatever occurs, behave yourself in a manner that is worthy of the message of Christ.

David the psalmist expresses it even more succinctly: “Look, how delightful it is for brethren to dwell together in oneness!” Psalm 133:1 is an example of this.

Why Is Unity So Important among Believers?

The importance of unity within the body of Christ cannot be overstated since, coupled with love, it is the only mechanism by which we are able to maintain contact with the rest of the world. The following are Jesus’ instructions to His disciples during their time in the Upper Room with Him: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). If the world witnesses our self-centered bickering over things that don’t important, what kind of witness is that to the rest of the world?

  • Do you believe this is an appropriate witness to the rest of the world?
  • The world takes a step back and laughs heartily, knowing that what they have been believing all along has been validated by the evidence.
  • “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free,” the apostle Paul reminds the congregation of believers.
  • Because following this one commandment, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ satisfies the requirements of the entire law.
  • All of these things serve as diversionary devices from the true work at hand, which is the work of the souls of men and women.
  • It is my belief that the adversary sits back and watches with twisted delight as God’s people quarrel and debate with one another.

Ultimately, it will be the cause of a series of eruptions, including those in relationships and even whole churches, as well as the disruption and corruption of those relationships and churches.

What Can We Do to Combat Disunity?

Another factor contributing to the body of Christ’s incapacity to see past these sorts of trivial distinctions is the inability to see beyond our own prejudices. As soon as Satan realizes that God’s people are on the move, defying his every trick and plot, there is no question that he will rise up against us and attempt to disrupt God’s plan for the world. However, the only way Satan can do this is by attempting to derail God’s people’s plans. If we move our gaze away from Christ, we run the risk of just noticing the flaws in one another’s personalities.

  1. As an alternative, let us place our disputes at the foot of the cross and forget about them.
  2. “Thus, as a prisoner for the Lord, I implore you to live a life that is worthy of the calling that you have been granted.
  3. Maintain the unity of the Spirit via the bond of peace by making every effort (Ephesians 4:1-3).
  4. True Christians all throughout the globe, come together!
  5. Michael Jakes serves as an Associate Pastor, Bible teacher, and author in addition to his other responsibilities.
  6. Ministries, which is known for its emphasis on the Cross.
  7. Furthermore, Michael is the author of two books:The Lights In The Windows andChurchified Or Saintified?
  8. On Facebook and YouTube, you may follow him, and you can listen to his podcasts on Spreaker.

Unity Bible Verses

Bible Verses on the Value of Unity- God asks his people to live in oneness with one another, thus it is essential to make every effort to live in harmony with one another and with all other people in the world. Irrespective of our religious views or disagreements, God asks us to do everything with love. In order to encourage you toward a sense of optimism for the future, we’ve compiled this collection of Bible passages on togetherness. Life is messy, and relationships are messy, as is the human condition.

  1. Satan’s ultimate purpose is to bring about the disintegration of our society.
  2. God has endowed us with the ability to demonstrate patience, kindness, and love via our actions and words.
  3. A Message of Hope for Unity: God, we are in desperate need of your help.
  4. As a result of our suffering and struggles, we have become more conscious than ever of our own shortcomings, and we are also more aware than ever of the dark forces that continuously surround us, attempting to gain footing in our own lives as well as those of our families.
  5. We beg for your assistance in putting our disagreements aside and focusing on the bigger cause, which is the cause of Christ.
  6. We beg that you encircle our land with your strong hand and protect us from harm.
  7. Remind us to live in the present moment, to redeem the time, to listen to your words, and to be willing to make a difference in our country.

Please give us the confidence to speak up. Amen. You may print off this free PDF ofBible Verses on Helping Others to serve as a constant reminder of brotherly love and togetherness.

What Jesus Said About Unity in the Church — Avalon Church – McDonough, GA

Did you know that Jesus interceded on your behalf? You may learn more about it in the book of John. He prayed specifically for unity in the church, which was one of his main requests. Nothing will undermine a vision more quickly than a lack of cohesiveness within the ranks. It holds true for a business, a basketball team, a family, and a religious organization, among others. When was the last time we watched a movie in which a less skilled but dedicated squad came together and defeated a more talented, more financed, more popular, but ego-centered team?

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Why is unity important in the church?

John 17:23a (Alternate Version) It is necessary to bring them to total union that “I am in them and you are in me.” If Jesus prayed for unity in the church, it is clear that it is significant. It was his prayer that the church would be inspired by the example set by God the Father and by God the Son. Which of these factors might be the fundamental explanation for this unity? The second point provides an answer to that query.

2. Unity is necessary for the most effective presentation of the gospel.

John 17:23b (Brotherhood of Jesus Christ) “Then the world will know that you sent me and that you have loved them just as much as you have loved me,” says the author. Take note of how this type of unity is linked to the propagation of the gospel. “Then the rest of the world will know.” When a church comes together to focus on the task of evangelization, I think that it will be a model for the sort of unity that exists between the Father and the Son. As a side note, I believe that Satan understands that the most effective method to prevent a church from completing its objective is to have members bickering over non-essential issues.

3. Unity is necessary for the power of God.

2 Chronicles 30:12 is a verse from the Bible. “Likewise, in Judah, God was working among the people to bring them together in order to carry out the orders of the king and his officials, who were acting in accordance with the word of the LORD.” His authority is placed in the hands of those who are under God’s protection such as a church or group of individuals. In order to execute God’s plan, this strength is required in order to achieve the oneness of thought and purpose required. A church’s attention must not be drawn to the little details, but rather to the main event!

Don’t confuse diversity with a lack of cohesion.

If God created over 400,000 different kinds of beetles, why wouldn’t he desire churches with distinctive personalities and talents to reach out to their respective communities?

4. Unity keeps the church body growing, maturing, and working at its fullest potential.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:12 that “just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all of those parts make one body, so it is with Christ.” A body has many parts but all of those parts create one body. “.until we all come to a mature understanding of the Son of God and attain to the full measure of the stature of Christ,” says Ephesians 4:3, “.until we all come to unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the full measure of the stature of Christ.” The accumulation of information about the Bible, according to certain Christians, will result in the development of one’s spiritual maturity.

Spiritual maturity, on the other hand, is attained by following the teachings of the Bible and carrying out the goal of telling everyone everywhere about the gospel.

5. Unity flows from love and love unites the church in its mission.

Colossians 3:14 is a biblical passage that explains how to live a life of service to others. In addition to these qualities, “apply the bond of love, which links them all together in perfect oneness.” There is no such thing as togetherness if there is no love. Love must be focused on and received from Jesus Christ in order to exist. There is no other way to maintain peace and remain focused on the purpose.

6. Unity keeps Christ at the center instead of us.

“.to bring all things in heaven and on earth under the authority of Christ,” says Ephesians 1:10b. It is not about you, but about Christ! If you look at it from a biblical perspective, my goals, my objectives, my preferences, my agenda, and my feelings are all insignificant. When we come together as a community around that goal, everything changes, and our churches become more successful in accomplishing God’s plan for their members’ lives. When the Psalmist wrote, “How delightful and pleasant it is when God’s people dwell together in harmony!” he captured the essence of the sentiment.

What does John 17 say about unity?

In the unlikely event that I was given sixpence for every time I heard someone repeat John 17.21 ‘.that they might be one.’, I’d have a lot of change that I’d have no idea what to do with. Many believe that in this ‘high priestly prayer,’ we may see Jesus’ final wish voiced to his heavenly Father, and that want is for his people to be united in a visible way. However, this interpretation is not supported by the text. As a result, we must take this seriously and give it precedence over all other matters, because it was so vital to Jesus that it was included in his dying desire.

  1. The prayer serves as the culmination of John’s account of the Last Supper—although, of course, John himself makes no mention of the meal, instead focusing on Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet.
  2. So we read in John 18.1 that, following this prayer of John 17, Jesus walks forth, but we have to look to Mark 14.32 to find out where he goes and what occurs there.
  3. Considering that even the speeches in John are brief, and that all of Jesus’ teaching recorded in the synoptics would take just a few hours to repeat in its entirety, we must regard them as (perhaps credible) summaries of lengthier and more complete teaching.
  4. ‘Hour’ and “glory” are introduced for the first time; John has always had an interest in the passage of time, and in Cana Jesus tells Mary that’my hour has not yet come’ (John 2.4).
  5. (John 2.11).
  6. The intertwined conceptions of life and truth are: As we read the prologue to John 1, we are already exposed to the light who has been the source of life for the entire planet from the beginning of time.
  7. Faith in Jesus’ teachings and in his work brings us back to the concept that’my Father is constantly working,’ which we read about in John 5.17, and that the job required of us is faith—believing in what Jesus teaches and in whom Jesus teaches (John 6.29).

Although the world came into being through Jesus, it did not know him, and this contrast between the disciples and the world symbolizes Jesus’ personal connection with the world (John 17.16); though the world “came into being through him, it did not know him,” (John 1.10), as well as the fact that “his own people did not accept him” (John 1.11).

  • The kingdom does have an impact on earthly structures of power, but it is not the origin of his own ministry and kingdom.
  • (This concept of moving from the Father’s side to the incarnation and back up again to the Father is neither late nor particularly Johannine; we see the same movement in Phil 2.5–11 and in 2 Cor 8.9).
  • With this, we are getting closer to the center of the prayer, where the message about unity will be made.
  • ‘Make them holy in the truth; your word is truth,’ says the Lord Almighty.

In chapters 5 to 8, the conflict is particularly acrimonious with the ‘leaders of the Jews,’ who serve as the prosecution’s counsel; and it is for this reason that John’s account of the crucifixion naturally includes the extended dialogue with Pilate (as relayed to us by one of the servants present), which is not included in the synoptic accounts.

To be holy means to remain rooted in the person and activity of Jesus, as well as in his teaching, which exposes the truth about ourselves, God, and the rest of the universe.

Even with the benefit of hindsight, we cannot draw a perfect analogy between the oneness of Jesus and the unity of the Father, especially given the Nicene statements of our knowledge of the Trinity that preceded them.

There is no sense in which the unity of the believers in and of itself, divorced from the truth, contributes in any way to the conviction of the entire world in this passage.

Jesus concludes his prayer with an inclusive return to the theme of glory, but he does so with a unique address to God as “righteous Father”—only the third time in the New Testament that John refers to God as “righteous.” As a result, Jesus’ prayer for unity is intricately intertwined with concerns for truth, for holiness, and for the distinctive testimony of his people in opposition to a world to which they do not belong, all of which will lead to the revelation of the glory of God and, through faithful testimony, will lead many people around the world to believe that Jesus is the only true revelation of the Father who loves them and draws them to himself.

  1. As a matter of fact, we discover quite similar inter-relationships between these issues in other contexts as well.
  2. Both the agreement with Scripture and the widespread acceptance of the interpretation by the people point to the accuracy of the interpretation.
  3. (This article was first published in 2016) If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it on social media, potentially using the buttons on the left.
  4. Like my Facebook page if you like it.
  5. If you found this post to be valuable, would you consider making a monthly donation of £1.20 to help fund the creation of this blog?
  6. I’m @psephizo on Twitter, so follow me there.
  7. A large portion of my work is performed on a freelance basis.
  8. First, seek to understand, and then seek to be understood.

Make the most generous interpretation of other people’s points of view and endeavor to learn from their experiences and viewpoints. Don’t think of discussion as a battle to be won; instead, focus on the issue at hand rather than the individual involved.

What Does the Bible Say about Unity among Humanity?

The culture raises many questions in times of difficulty, but it seldom turns to the one and only genuine Source of answers. People nowadays are yearning to know their identity, to think that they are one-of-a-kind, and, most importantly, to feel that they matter. These delicate subjects are divided along dividing lines, which only serves to exacerbate the suffering of sad individuals who are seeking unification. We all know what people believe brings people together, but what does the Bible have to say about it?

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We may be easily blown around by the winds of culture if we don’t have a strong foundation in place.

It is essential for Christian living that we examine every situation through the prism of God’s Word, and this is especially true in difficult situations.

It is said that “heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

Why Do Our Lives Matter?

Recent events have forced us all, in one way or another, to evaluate our own positions on the problem of racial injustice in our society in order to determine where we stand on the matter. Finding the truth in the midst of all the mayhem that has erupted throughout the country is like searching for a needle in a haystack, only the haystack is a burning building. All parties are under continual pressure to convince the other to accept their story. It is my desire as a Christian to be compassionate toward the bereaved and to mourn alongside those who are grieving (Romans 12:15).

  1. With a simple look through the news or social media, you’ll find individuals who are passionately unified and split about whose lives matter more than the lives of others.
  2. There is a significant distinction between humans and all other animals in the events recounted in Genesis: people, both male and female, were formed in the Imago Dei, or the Image of God, according to the texts.
  3. ” (Genesis 1:27).
  4. As a result, Christians are strongly opposed to injustices against our fellow man, such as abortion, human trafficking, and racism, among other things.

“Speak up and make fair decisions; protect the rights of the poor and the needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9). Every human person, whether a man, a woman, or a kid, is valued because they were made in the image and likeness of God. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/C.Fish Images

How Are Humans United?

In my city, humanity does not appear to be united in any way. As a result, it appeared that writing a piece about humanity’s unity was a hopeless endeavor. Nevertheless, as I was gathering information for this article, Acts 17 seemed to jump off the page at me from nowhere. Consider Paul’s words as he stood in front of the brilliant philosophers of Athens and declared this truth: “The God who created the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples built by men, nor is he served by human hands, as though he required anything, because he himself provides life and breath and everything to all mankind.” Furthermore, he created from a single individual every nation of mankind to live on every continent of the globe, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, in order for them to search for the one true God and perhaps feel their way toward him in order to find him (Acts 17:24-27).

According to the Bible, there is only one race, which is the race of all human beings combined.

This banner unites every nation, ethnicity, and people group on the face of the earth.

Hating someone solely because of the amount of melanin in their skin demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of biblical truth.

What Is the Purpose of Humankind?

The Lord saved me five years ago, and at the time, my life’s mission appeared crystal plain to me. I was just concerned with my personal well-being at the time. On the exterior, I appeared to be pious and God-centered, but on the inside, I was completely consumed with one thing: myself. Having recently been divorced from my wife of seven years, the Holy Spirit began to shed light on the sin that I had committed. He put a mirror in front of my face. I desperately needed Him to save me. It was necessary for me to be reconciled and made right with Him.

  • God made us in order for us to be in connection with him and to glorify him.
  • To emphasize that we are, by nature, in the dark and have no idea where we are headed, Paul uses the phrase ” feel their way toward him “.
  • We’re all here because of something else we have in common: sin.
  • In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve are credited with bringing sin into the world.
  • Although we are intrinsically valuable beings made in the image of God, we are also fundamentally evil beings created in the image of Adam in our natural condition (cf.Genesis 5:1-3).
  • The sight of the Athenian shrines dedicated to numerous gods, as described in Acts 17aforementioned, roused Paul’s soul.
  • Paul makes the same point in Romans 1:18 and the verses that follow, namely, that all of mankind is unified in their knowledge of the one true God.
  • Consequently, we are all connected in the fact that we all feel a deep feeling of emptiness inside ourselves as a result of our shared experience.

We work hard every day to fill that vacuum with transient, idolatrous things that just do not satisfy our needs. As a result, we require the One and only One who can fulfill our souls and provide us with endless joy—Jesus Christ. Photograph courtesy of Sparrowstock

How Can Humanity Be Reunited?

In the dark, it is hard to find fulfillment in our delight. Sure, we may seem to experience temporary delights in this world independent from God. But nothing can provide us delight like knowing Jesus. Only He has the power to transform our hearts’ aspirations from worldly idolatry to connection with Him in His presence, and only He can do this. He not only has the ability to modify our wants, but He also has the ability to satisfy those wishes. Believe in the LORD and do good; live in the land and befriend those who are trustworthy.

  • (Psalms 37:3-4).
  • It is the fulfillment of what we were intended to do—worship God.
  • If we trust in Jesus’ promise to wash away our sin, which separates us from the love of the Father forever, we will be cleansed of our sin and restored to the Father’s love.
  • It is possible to accept that we are who He claims we are: a rebellious and wicked creature incapable of achieving good on our own and hence worthy of punishment on our own.
  • The Gospel of Jesus is real oneness among humanity.
  • This oneness, according to Paul in Ephesians 1, is described as “adoption” into God’s family as sons and daughters via Christ.
  • Is there a more gratifying unity than the one that we all share in Christ’s sacrifice?
  • Nothing, however, can compare to the satisfaction of being connected with the King of Kings, which is something that our civilization cannot provide.
  • He was born and raised in Louisiana, and he likes spending time with his family in the great outdoors as often as possible.

The adoration of God and the feeding of others with the Word of God are firmly engraved in his heart. His work may be found on a regular basis on Crosswalk.com. Make sure to check out his blog, which can be found at topherhaddox.wordpress.com.

What Does The Bible Say About Unity? 35 Powerful Bible Verses On Unity

I’m not sure how the majority of you feel about what’s going on in our nation right now, but I’m very depressed and my heart breaks for what our world has become as a result of it. Are we demonstrating that we can live together in harmony? I’m going to tell you about something that God has placed on my heart. What does the Bible teach about the need of unity? It is possible that this page or article contains affiliate links. It is my privilege to be an Amazon Associate and an associate of other programs, which means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I will get a commission on qualifying sales at no additional cost to you.

For more information about Bible Verse Translations, please read our Copyright FAQ page.

What Does the Bible Say About Unity? Read it here:

At this point, I’m baffled as to why there’s so much dissent, fighting, hatred, and racism in our country right now. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it has always existed, but in my 50+ years on this planet, I have never witnessed anything quite like it. In all seriousness, it is ALL ethnic groups and nationalities that are affected, whether we are prepared to recognize it or not. Every one of us has the same blood coursing through our veins! LIVE AS A COMMUNITY! To send a tweet, simply click here.

What does it mean to have unity?

Being united or at one with someone or something means being in the same place at the same time. It is the polar opposite of the state of being divided. When people work together as a team and are on the same page, they are demonstrating unity. When people are fighting and unorganized, there is no sense of belonging. In any organization or cause, it can be difficult to achieve and sustain unity.

What Does Unity in the Church Mean?

The goal of Unity is to demonstrate that the teachings of Jesus Christ may be practiced on a daily basis. Unity believes that each individual is a unique representation of God, that each individual is precious, and that each one is deserving of respect. Source:Wikipedia.com

What are the 3 qualities of Unity?

Emotional stability in the face of provocation requires patience (longsuffering). Meekness is characterized by a soft attitude and demeanor. Humility (lowliness) is the absence of arrogance.

All are People precious in the eyes of God? What Does the bible say about unity?

What is it that this sort of behavior is teaching our young people? I’m already worried about my grandchildren, but what about their children and grandchildren? When we consider what the Bible says about unity, we must consider what type of world kids will be living in if things do not change. Bullying is at an all-time high in today’s society, to the point where we are afraid to take our children to school. Come on, y’all, we have children who are ending their own lives in order to avoid the misery that has been inflicted upon them.

A lesson on SPEAKing TRUTH IN LOVE

What my patient stated to me today was really wonderful. We were talking about this same topic, and she expressed her concern about her grandson starting at a new school because of bullying. Her adorable grandchild has stated that if he is ever asked what race he belongs to, his response will be “The Human Race.” The fact that a middle school student may be more mature than actual adults is astounding.

There will be no mention of political matters or the divisions within our society on this page. That is a whole other topic, and I am not interested in getting into a dispute about it.


Even while we may not all agree on every issue, shouldn’t we continue to offer love to one another, regardless of our disagreements? There has to be a way for us to follow what the Bible says about being in unity with one another in order to be successful. Hatred is learned; one does not simply wake up one day and declare, “I despise certain sorts of people.” Keep in mind the Golden Rule. As a general rule, treat people the way you would like them to treat you. I can easily see God, gazing down from Heaven and being dissatisfied with our performance on Earth.

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I’m talking about degrading levels, and I’m not going to repeat that nonsense.


If someone claims to love God while harboring hatred for his brother, he is lying, for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20 (New International Version) It’s all I’ve been thinking about lately: Lord, please come today and put a stop to this whole thing. I use Facebook to encourage and inspire others, but I also use it to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Recently, though, I’ve come to the point where I despise even logging into the site because of all of the garbage.

I’ll admit that I’ve blocked an endless number of individuals from appearing in my News-feed.

When we go to Heaven, there won’t be any such things as a section for this group of people, another section for another group of people, and so on.


I’m afraid that on the Day of Judgment, many people who believe they will make it through the gate will not. I know it’s something I really don’t want to hear: “Depart from me,” because I’ve never met you before. What a depressing day that will turn out to be. Eternity is an unending period of time! To live in harmony is to live forever! Scriptures that are used as a guide: Read these Scriptures carefully and thoroughly to gain an understanding of their meaning. The words of God, not mine! 35 Bible Verses on the Theme of Unity

Unity in the Body of Christ

As a result, as a prisoner for the Lord, I implore you to conduct yourself in a way befitting the high vocation to which you have been called. Ephesians 4:1Bear with one another in love, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, as you have been taught in Christ. Ephesians 4:2Eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, the apostle Paul. Ephesians 4:3 (Ephesians 4:3 (Ephesians 4:3 (Ephesians 4:3) After determining their assigned seasons and the borders of their habitation, He created from a single man every nation of people that would ever exist on the face of the planet.

Paul writes in Romans 1:16 that That is in contrast to the one who despises his brother, who is suffocating in the darkness and walking in the darkness, with no idea where he is going since the darkness has blinded his sight.

1 John 2:11 is a verse from the Bible. The affluent and the poor are united by the fact that the LORD is the one who created them all. Proverbs 22:2 (NIV) These are also insightful words from the past. It is not acceptable to be partial in one’s judgment. Proverbs 24:23 (NASB)

One Body with Many Members

Since Christ is one and has many members, just as the body is one and has many members and all of the members of the body are one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 (New International Version) In response, Peter opened his mouth and declared, “Truly, I comprehend that God is a just God who displays no favoritism.” The book of Acts 10:34 However, in every country, he accepts as acceptable everyone who is afraid of him and performs what is right. 10:35 (Acts 10:35) There are no Greeks and Jews, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarians and Scythians, slaves and free people in this place; Christ is all and everywhere.

The impoverished man and the oppressor have one thing in common: both are blessed by the LORD, who illuminates their vision.

Paul writes in Ephesians 4:12 that In order for us to reach complete maturity as men, we must first achieve unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, then we must attain to the fullness of Christ’s stature in the fullness of time.

Paul writes in Ephesians 4:14 that

Divisions in the Church when we should be living in unity!

As I plead to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I implore you to come to an agreement and to avoid disputes among yourselves, so that you may be unified in the same mentality and the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10 (New International Version) Living in harmony with one another is essential. Do not be conceited, but rather associate with those who are inferior. Never consider yourself to be smart in your own eyes. Paul writes in Romans 12:16 that “You yourselves are aware of how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to pay him a visit, yet God has taught me that I should refrain from referring to any man as filthy or uncleanable.” 10:28 (Acts 10:28) Consequently, despite our numbers, we are one body in Christ, with everyone of us being a member of another.

1 Corinthians 12:14 (New International Version)

A Great Multitude from Every Nation

I plead to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all come to a consensus and that there be no differences among you, but that you be united in the same thinking and the same judgment as one. 1 Corinthians 1:10 (New International Version). Maintain a sense of community among one another. Be humble and mingle with others who are less fortunate than you. In no case should you consider yourself wise in your own eyes. Verse 16 of the book of Romans “You yourselves are aware of how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to pay him a visit; but, God has revealed to me that I should refrain from referring to any man as filthy or uncleanable.

” 10.28 in the book of Acts. And so we are all members of one body in Christ, despite the fact that we are many individuals in one body. Romans 12:5 is a Bible verse that says Because the body is made up of numerous members rather than a single one, 1 Corinthians 12:14 is a biblical passage.

In closing on what does the bible say about unity?

Friends, Please examine your heart and pray to God to reveal anything that may be concealed, and then make a change now! Make the decision to live in harmony with one another. What does the Bible say about unity, and what do you believe in? Don’t fall into Satan’s deceitful schemes. He wishes to maintain a sense of divide among us. It’s a war between love and hate. Make the decision to LET LOVE WIN! One last passage on what the Bible has to say about unity is provided. As God’s cherished offspring, therefore, imitate God’s character.

1 and 2 Thessalonians 5:1-2 Make Certain to Read:

  • What Does the Bible Say About Hope? What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? What the Bible Says About Tithing
  • What the Bible Says About Hope for the Future
  • What the Bible Says About Tithing

Hello there, lovely buddy. As the owner and writer of Resounding His Love, I currently reside in North Carolina with my husband. I’m a mother of two and the grandmother of four wonderful grandchildren. The sharing of Christ-centered tales and resources that deal with real-life challenges in Christian Living, Bible Study, Overcoming Loss, and Abuse is my passion, and I hope to inspire you to have unwavering faith even in the midst of adversity.

Jesus Prayed for the Unity of His Disciples

It is difficult to create unity inside the church. Despite this, the Christian church has been plagued by discord almost from the beginning of its existence in various ways. For too long, the Church of Jesus Christ has been divided, as seen by the conflict over Gentile inclusion in the first century, heresy in the centuries following the apostles’ days, the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, slavery and Jim Crow in the United States, and the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, this disagreement persists today in many churches about matters that are serious, frivolous, or even unbiblical in their viewpoint.

Christians must remember, however, that whenever there is unholy division in the church, it is difficult for the rest of the world to recognize how much we love Jesus and how much God loves us.

When Jesus prays in John 17, he is praying for his disciples in the first century, as well as for future disciples following his death and resurrection.

What exactly is Unity?

Unanimity is not the same as unity.

I am a huge supporter of the United Kingdom.

I do not subscribe to the dispensationalist viewpoint, yet some Christians do.

If unity is to be achieved for the welfare of the church, for God’s glory and the conversion of sinners, it must be achieved patiently as Jesus prays for it.

Jesus’ mission in the gospel of John comes to a close with John 17, which takes place before he is imprisoned, killed, and resurrected (see also John 18).

The first prayer that Jesus offers is that the Father will glorify himself by the glory of His Son, in order that those whom the Father has entrusted to Jesus may obtain eternal life (17:2-4).

In the third place, Jesus prays that the Father would protect his followers from drifting away from him, so that they may be one with him, just as he and the Father are one with him, and for the world to believe that God sent Jesus into the world to free it from its sins (17:11, 20-23).

Fourth, Jesus prays that his disciples would be filled with joy (17:13).

Jesus prays that God would protect his disciples from the devil in his fifth prayer (17:15-16).

Unity This is a really unconventional prayer.

Throughout the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the need of togetherness.

Every everyone who has heard and learned from the Father will come to him, according to Jesus, as stated in John 6:35.

This does not imply that they are the same person, because Jesus is the Son, not the Father, as the Bible states.

Between the Father and the Son, there is a sense of continuity.

Christian Unity Has an Evangelistic Atmosphere to It (17:20-23) Christians are frequently perplexed as to why certain individuals reject to place their faith in Jesus.

However, one possible explanation is that the church is divided because of this.

Disunity inside the church, on the other hand, is one of the reasons that some individuals are pushed away from the Christian religion.

Applications in the Real World What principles should Christians follow in their search of unity?

The things that we prefer are significant to us, but they should not serve as sources of division among the people of God if they are contrary to biblical teachings.

In the present time, a multitude of voices are crying out from various directions, causing disunity amongst the people of God.

Jarvis J.

Photo credit: cogitoergodoleo via VisualHunt.com / CC BYJarvis J.

A prolific author, he has authored numerous books, including a commentary on Galatians (Cascade, 2020). In addition, he serves as a teaching pastor at Sojourn Community Church Midtown, which is located in Louisville. You can keep up with him on Twitter, where he goes by the handle @drjjwilliams.

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