What Did Jesus Say About Murder

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 5:21-22 – New International Version

The people were told many years ago, ‘You shall not murderB)”>(B)and anybody who kills will be subject to judgment,'”>(B)and you have heard this as well. 22 But I can assure you that anyone who is enraged C)”>(C)with a brother or sister will be subject to legal action and prosecution. In the same vein, anyone who uses the words ‘Raca’ to a brother or sister will be held accountable in the court of law. Moreover, anyone who says, ‘You stupid!’ will be in risk of being consumed by the fires of hell.


  1. 5:21 (Matthew 5:21) Exodus 20:13
  2. Matthew 5:22 are examples of biblical quotations. Matthew 5:22Some manuscripts refer to a fellow disciple as a brother or sister without reason
  3. Matthew 5:22An Aramaic term of scorn
  4. Matthew 5:22An Aramaic phrase of contempt
  5. Matthew 5:22An Aramaic term of contempt

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

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Matthew 5:21
“VI. Thou shalt do no murder.” A portion of the 10 Commandments in the chapel inFremantle Prison.
Book Gospel of Matthew
Christian Bible part New Testament

It is the twenty-first verse of the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, which is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:21 is a verse from the New Testament’s Gospel of Matthew. It marks the beginning of the first of what have historically been called as the Antitheses, in whichJesus contrasts the existing understanding of a portion of Mosaic Law with how it should be interpreted in reality. Murder is discussed in this poem to begin the conversation.


Those who kill will face the wrath of God, according to the King James Version of the Bible: “Ye have heard that it was declared of them of oldtime, ‘Thou shalt not kill; and anyone kills will be in danger of the judgment” It is translated as follows in the World English Bible: “You have heard that it was told to the ancient ones, ‘You shall not kill;’ and ‘Whoever murders shall be in danger of the judgment.'” The verse is taken from the Hebrew Bible.

The Greek text of the Novum Testamentum is as follows:o o o o If you want to say something nice, say something nice.

SeeBibleHub for a selection of alternative translations.


Schweizer points out that the first sentence may be interpreted as either “men of old said” or “it was told to men of old,” depending on your perspective. However, every instance of the impersonal passive in the New Testament, such as the one in this verse, refers to the word of God. They believe it was rendered aural in order to draw a direct comparison with Jesus’ statements in the following verse, which they believe is more common. Albright and Mann add that it would have been more common to have “it was written” rather than “it was heard.” The phrase “the old ones,” or “the forefathers,” was originally used in Greek to refer to Greeks of the Heroic Age, but Albright and Mann point out that it was also used often among Greek-speaking Jews to refer to people who lived prior to the Torah’s revelation.

As with the original Hebrew version of the Ten Commandments, the Greek word phoneuo, which means murder or assassinate rather than kill, is more appropriate in this translation.

It is true that the original commandment does not contain the phrase “shall be in danger of the judgment,” but the addition of this phrase was commonplace elsewhere in the Old Testament, such as in Genesis 9:6, Exodus 21:12, Leviticus 24:17, and Numbers 35:16, as well as in numerous commentaries on the Law.

  1. Scholars all agree that the term “judgment” refers to a judicial action in this context.
  2. Melvin Tinker, an Evangelical Anglican, says in his book, “The Evangelical Anglican.” “Let us consider how the religious authorities of the day, the morally upright Pharisees, would have reacted to this situation.
  3. The sixth commandment forbids anybody from committing a homicide to end another person’s life.
  4. Does this indicate that the death penalty is no longer applicable, or does it suggest that it is OK to murder people who have already killed?
  5. Is what happens there, with a soldier murdering another soldier, murder, or should we all become pacifists in our minds?
  6. Is abortion ever to be considered a kind of murder?

And say I don’t actively take efforts to murder someone, but instead just leave them there to die; is that still considered murder?’ It is possible that when we ask those kinds of questions, we are really hunting for a loophole, attempting to identify situations in which we may kill, which is the very minimum criterion, as you can see.

  • The reason why murder is forbidden is that it is wicked to harbor ill will against your brother.
  • For better or worse, Jesus goes beyond the externals to address the internal-motive, which is what drives us to perform such deeds.
  • In order to demonstrate that He is the same God who spoke of old in the Law, and who now gives commandments in grace, Christ places first among all his commandments (see Mat.
  • ), that one which was the first in the Law, or at the very least the first of all those that forbade injury to our neighbor.
  • Augustine: The only guy left who we can comprehend is, therefore, you; for he who kills himself does nothing other than murder another man, and you are not the only one who does this.
  • Also, Abraham was not accused with cruelty, but rather with piety, for his willingness to obey God in sacrificing his son, for which he was praised.

For he is not the slayer who ministers to the command, as a hilt ministers to one smiting with a sword, nor is Samson to be acquitted for destroying himself and his enemies for any other reason than that he was so instructed by the Holy Spirit, who through him performed the miracles, as the Bible states.

He says this in order to encourage His lethargic hearers to advance to more exalted commandments, just as a teacher may say to a lazy student, “Rise and shine!” Do you have any idea how much time you have already invested in simply learning to spell correctly?

They carried out the orders of their Lord in the form of servants; He carried out the will of His Father, which was also His own, in the form of a Son. They preached to their fellow-servants, and Ha, as their owner, established a set of rules for his slaves to follow.


  1. Eduard Schweizer is a German author who lives in the United States. The Good News According to Matthew. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1975
  2. s^Albright, W.F.and C.S. Mann. “Matthew.”The Anchor Bible Series.New York: DoubledayCompany, 1971
  3. s^ France, R.T., ed., The Gospel According to Matthew: an Introduction and Commentary (The Gospel According to Matthew: an Introduction and Commentary). Leicester: Inter-Varsity, 1985. pp. 119
  4. s^ Berrigan, Philip (2002)”On Lying and Killing”- Jonah House
  5. s^ Albright, W.F.and C.S. Mann. “Matthew.”The Anchor Bible Series.New York: DoubledayCompany, 1971
  6. s^ Two case studies: Love, War – Matthew 5:21-30. St John Newland. England

How does Jesus define killing and murder in the New Testament?

clarifysharereportasked on December 5, 2016 by an anonymous user The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. In the New Testament, Jesus shed further light on the subject, more clearly articulating His 6th commandment against and prohibiting murdering. Many people interpret scripture, with the Hebrew translation distinguishing between sanctioned, lawful killing and murder committed with malice aforethought.

“Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to hurl a stone at her,” Jesus instructed them.

(Matthew 14:1) “The Assassination Attempt on Jesus” Chief Priests and Scribes are once again attempting to capture and assassinate Him through the use of legal, government-sanctioned murdering (which is not deemed murder) and other means.” There is no place for the death penalty in our legal system or in any legal system.

  • (Matthew 5:21-23; Mark 10:21-23; Luke 10:21-22) In the words of Jesus, “Whoever kills will be in risk of the same punishment as whomever gets enraged with his brother.” Jesus uses the Hebrew term murder, which refers to the death of anybody, regardless of their motivation, once more.
  • Exactly as it is stated in the sixth commandment.
  • Rather than simply preaching, Jesus puts what He is preaching into practice.
  • (See also Romans 12:19.) “My vengeance will be exacted.
  • Our acts are justified by the use of the term defense, which authorizes the use of force and the taking of one or many lives (collateral damage).
  • Doss, the protagonist of “Hacksaw Ridge,” is particularly noteworthy.
  • All of this while refusing to carry a firearm in case he is attacked or injured.
  • Following in the footsteps of Jesus.
  • Vote for it, share it, and report it.
  • I am a retired Quality Assurance Specialist from the United States Army.

His purpose in saying this, in my opinion, was to emphasize how seriously God views such behavior and to convict self-satisfied people who might believe that, as long as they have not physically taken someone else’s life, they have satisfied God and done everything that He requires, regardless of how much they hate, mistreat, or excoriate other people.

It is therefore unlikely that either the Old Testament requirement or Jesus’ statements would apply to murdering in self-defense, because such an action would not be unjustified, without a justifiable reason, or carried out with malice.

1 response on December 06, 2016 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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See also:  How Did Jesus Fulfill The Old Covenant

What the Bible says about Murder Begins as a Thought

Topical StudiesWhat the Bible says about Murder Begins as a Thought (FromForerunner Commentary)Exodus 20:13The Hebrew of the sixth commandment is about as terse as it can be. It consists of two words that are the Hebrew equivalent of “No killing.” However, enough other scriptures appear in God’s Word to let us know that the commandment means thatGoddoes not permit violent and premeditated killing of one perceived as an enemy.Exodus 21:12-14clarifies this:He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death. However, if he did not lie in wait, but God delivered him into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place where he may flee. But if a man acts with premeditation against his neighbor, to kill him by treachery, you shall take him from My altar, that he may die.This clearly separates a premeditated murder from an accidental killing. One can discern from verse 14 that, under this circumstance, constituted civil authorities are permitted by God to enact the death penalty.Verses 12 and 13 imply that no amount of money or property settlement can atone for the destruction of theimage of Godin a murdered person. Even if the death was truly accidental, the killer still had to flee to a city of refuge. But for one guilty of deliberate murder, there were no sanctuaries whatsoever to flee to, not even the altar of God.Matthew 5:17-20Some Bibles title this paragraph, “ JesusFulfills the Law.”The sense in which many professing Christians use the term “fulfills” is not inspired Scripture. In this case, it does not mean “accomplishes by keeping” or “does away with,” as judged against what He taught in what immediately follows.Fulfills,in this case, means “fills to the full,” “fully exemplifies the conduct it covers,” or “expands to its fullest intent.” Consider His subsequent illustrations carefully:You have heard that it was said to those of old, “You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.” But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, “Raca!” shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, “You fool!” shall be in danger ofhellfire. Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Agree with youradversaryquickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny. (Matthew 5:21-26)His teaching shows Him raising the acceptable level of obedience far higher than what people ordinarily considered as satisfactory behavior. Jesus expands the scope ofsinin the sixth commandment from outright murder to also include a high level of anger in certain situations!Matthew 5:27-30shows the same pattern in this teaching on theseventh commandment:You have heard that it was said to those of old, “You shall not commit adultery.” But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.The same conclusion is true of this commandment and also for each of the others He expands during HisSermon on the Mount. Far from doing away with God’s commandments, He raises the standards of acceptable behavior far higher.Matthew 5:21-22Matthew 5:21-22advises each individual to make efforts to cover his responsibility to ensure that his thoughts, words, and conduct do not lead to his needing the court’s services. Indeed,Jesus ‘ approach, if done perfectly, will ensure that he does notsinin any manner!Our Savior’s remedy for combating crime shifts matters from retaliation by civil authorities to stopping it at its source. When each person is responsible for dealing with anger and hatred internally, keeping them from ever manifesting themselves as external acts, it also eliminates the fear of being caught by police and punished by the courts.The central thought Jesus expresses is that such thoughts are tantamount to murder in God’s eyes. If a person never had an evil thought, no murder would exist.I John 3:15reveals how important Christians should consider controlling our thoughts to be: “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” The hostility present in a wrongly motivated person’s mind already contains the ingredients necessary to persuade him to kill another who, he feels, stands in the way of his progress. The hostility connects directly to the act of murder because they are actually one process.At first,Matthew 5:38-39appears to say that one should simply offer himself as a sacrificial lamb: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” However, Jesus does not rule out self-defense in a life-threatening situation, as His illustrations in the wider context of Matthew 5 show.Taken together, His illustrations reveal that He is not considering anything more than rather minor, but irritating and perhaps considerably inconvenient, interruptions in our daily routines. The general thought is that we must not set ourselves up as the angry enemy of the person perpetrating evil against us. He advises us to remove the bitterness in our own hearts by doing good rather than retaliating and doing evil. It is a warning against letting our thoughts build a hatred-based case against others.This involves a great deal of humility andpatienceon our part, but it often diffuses what could build to murderous thoughts in our mind. We have all probably felt like not working at one time or another, but because we had to do it, we set our will, threw ourselves into accomplishing the work, and before we knew it, we were likely enjoying the accomplishment! This is a simple illustration, but the same general process is involved in Jesus’ counsel.Jesus followed His own teaching, asLuke 23:34illustrates: “Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.’ Then they divided His garments and cast lots.” Earlier He had said, “Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53). Yet, retaliation was not on His mind. Fulfilling His work from His Father and in behalf of mankind overrode His personal feelings, even in this severe dilemma.
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3 Ways We Murder Others in Our Heart

The line is written in the King James Bible as “Thou shall not kill,” while more modern translations of the original Hebrew read “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). This alteration gets the word closer to its original meaning while also making it appear as though the verse would be even more difficult to remember. However, Jesus makes it plain that the purpose of this mandate extends much beyond the seemingly straightforward Old Testament phrase that is being quoted. You’ve probably heard that it was told to the ancients, “You shall not kill, and anyone murders will be subject to judgment.” Anyone who is enraged with his brother will be subject to judgment; anyone who insults his brother will be subject to the council; and anyone who exclaims, “You stupid!” will be subject to the torment of the fiery inferno.

1. Anger

According to Jesus, the repercussions of harboring resentment toward others are the same as the consequences of murder. This may appear harsh, but Jesus has a far deeper understanding of our emotions than we do. It is said that “the righteousness of God is not produced by the indignation of man” (James 1:19-20). Murder begins with human fury, and in the eyes of the Holy God, taking a step toward a sin is as heinous as committing the evil in its own right. Anger is extremely hazardous and should be avoided at all costs.

2. Insults

Jesus goes on to warn out that insults are even more dangerous than murder since they are more likely to result in death. Anger that has not been contained is delivering its initial strikes by making someone feel tiny, worthless, and inconsequential through words and deeds.

3. Hatred

Everyone who harbors ill will against his brother is a murderer, and you are well aware that no murderer possesses everlasting life inside him. (15:15; 1 John 3:15) Hatred is a deep and enduring wrath and disgust; it indicates that you have not only given in to your anger, but that you are also feeding it and assisting it in its growth. According to the apostle John, hate of another person automatically makes us murderers. It is a symptom that you are unrepentant and entangled in sin, which is a violation of the 6th commandment of the Bible.

How to Deal with Anger

To avoid having your present confiscated at the altar because your brother has a grudge against you, leave your gift where it is before the altar and walk away. First and foremost, seek reconciliation with your brother before coming to provide your gift. Come to terms with your accuser as soon as possible while accompanying him to court, or else your accuser will hand you over to the judge, who will then hand you over to the guard, and you will be sent to prison. I swear to you, you will not be able to leave until you have paid every last bit of your debt.

You may expect Jesus to give us advice on how to deal with grudges we harbor against other people, but he doesn’t.

It doesn’t appear to matter whether or not we have committed a transgression against someone else; what matters is that the other person is unhappy.

It is not important who is correct or even who has sinned; rather, it is important that the connection is repaired so that the sin of wrath and bitterness does not lead anybody to fall.

Who knows what will happen after the situation is no longer in our control? If you believe that someone is upset with you or believes that you have sinned against them, it is your job to go and make things right with them.

Those with whom we are angry

If you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; however, if you do not forgive others for their transgressions, your Father will not forgive you for your transgressions. (Matthew 6:14-15; Luke 6:14-15) Jesus expects us to provide forgiveness to one another. Jesus’ death on the cross has brought us back into right relationship with God, granting us his righteousness and allowing us to be forgiven of our sins. There are no justifications for not forgiving the crimes of others; in fact, a person’s inability to forgive on a consistent basis demonstrates a lack of the Holy Spirit in that person, which is an indication that they have not fully embraced Christ as Savior.

  1. This is something more that Jesus instructs us on.
  2. If he pays attention to what you have to say, you have gained your brother.
  3. If he refuses to listen to them, inform the church of their refusal.
  4. (Matthew 18:15-17; Luke 18:15-17) The Bible instructs us to go to those we have a grudge against and tell them in a way that inspires repentance on their part and allows us to completely forgive them, thereby rebuilding the relationship.

Peace through the Sacrifice of Christ

Murder results in the dissolution of relationships. As a result, the sixth commandment is concerned with maintaining harmony in a partnership. God gave us this law in the most emphatic terms possible, “You shall not kill,” in order to demonstrate the seriousness of shattered relationships and broken peace. No matter which side of the wrong we are on in our relationships, it is our obligation to bring them back to harmony. But what if you’ve addressed a buddy who is still enraged with you and they refuse to accept your apology?

  • However, what if that individual is not a Christian brother or sister; what if that someone is, in fact, your adversary?
  • But I say to you, do not put up any sort of fight against the wicked one.
  • “Love your opponents and pray for those who persecute you,” I say to you, so that you may be adopted as sons of your heavenly Father.
  • The following passages are from Matthew 5:38-39; 44-45b.
  • Do not allow evil to dominate you; instead, use good to defeat evil.
  • We are expected to give up our perceived rights and presumed privileges, and to consider others to be more important than ourselves.
  • When we are unable to fully reconcile, we are to love that person regardless of the situation, pray and strive for their best interests, and put our confidence in God for the outcome.
  • He renounced his unassailable privileges and earned the honor of dying for sinners who despised and avoided him at all costs.
  • Keeping the sixth commandment implies that, out of love for Jesus, we should make every effort to do the same for others.
  • With permission, this image has been used.
  • In his church, The Orchard Evangelical Free Church of Barrington, he is involved in a variety of activities.

In his increasingly limited spare time, he likes spending time with friends playing board games, catching up on his reading, and jotting down his ideas before they vanish into thin air. The date of publication is August 18, 2016.

The Teaching of Jesus. Anger and Murder. — A Local Church in Katy, Texas

I believe the entire planet is suffering from a bad case of anger. There is far too much screaming and not nearly enough listening. Overwhelming feelings of road fury, along with a failure to recognize that there are actual people living inside those awful shiny metal boxes. Have you ever had someone come out of their car and pound on your window because you cut them off or took a parking place that they believed should have been theirs? It’s not uncommon. Have you ever been the person who got out of their automobile and hammered on the window of someone else’s car?

  • The majority of us consider ourselves to be decent individuals until we’re alone in a car and late for a meeting.
  • Have you ever yelled at someone during a disagreement?
  • Have you ever thrown something at someone?
  • What do you believe is the source of the rage?
  • Do you believe it will help to improve the situation?
  • What God has in mind when He gives one of His most plain commandments—you must not murder—is not immediately apparent.
  • Matthew 5:21-26 is a biblical passage.

If you commit murder, you will face the consequences of your actions.’ However, I believe that if you are even somewhat enraged with someone, you are susceptible to judgment!

You will be burned in the fires of hell if you curse someone.” “If you are offering a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly realize that someone has anything against you, leave your sacrifice where it is at the altar.” Go and make amends with the individual in question.

A failure to do so will result in your accuser handing you over to the judge, who will give you over to an officer, and you will be sentenced to imprisonment.

Show us the desires of Your heart at the same time as You reveal the darkness within ours.


Do you recall what the very first major sin was in the Bible?

The murder of Cain’s brother Abel was the result of his jealousy for Abel.

Murder committed with cold blood.

I believe we can all agree that it doesn’t get much worse than that.

The act of killing someone they care about, or even attempting to kill them, is frowned upon by even killers.

Shows on television.

We are all aware that God is dissatisfied with murder.

Jesus wasn’t attempting to persuade anyone of the evils of murder; He already had their support in place.

However, Jesus wants us to realize how close we all come to crossing that line.

You have to admit that this is somewhat surprising, don’t you?

Strangely enough, the word He uses for “Hell” is “Gehenna,” which had not only been in use for 200 years to refer to God’s final resting place for those who had done wrong, but had also been an actual location where unfaithful Jews had offered human sacrifices during a particularly dark period in Jerusalem’s history before the time of Christ.

  • So, if you’re hypocritical enough to show up at church to worship and reconcile with God while you’re furious and out of fellowship with a Christian brother or sister, you’re on the same level as the ones who slaughtered innocent people in Gehenna in order to perform human sacrifices.
  • The feeling is similar to that of walking around with murder in our hearts.
  • You are not permitted to murder.
  • When feelings of rage arise inside us, God does not want us to unleash them on others via nasty and violent words.
  • teaches that we must not kill, not with the hand, nor with the heart, nor with the word, nor with signs, gestures, help, or advice,” Luther declared in reference to the Fifth Commandment.
  • We’re supposed to be individuals who take their time to talk.
  • Slow to become enraged.

You know who said that, don’t you?

Someone who would have witnessed directly the way Jesus deals with his wrath.

A “Rage Room” has been constructed at a Canadian amusement facility, which is a new concept in the amusement industry.

You can buy things like office equipment and computers.

You are welcome to bring your own items to smash if you so like.

They give special pricing for couples that wish to go on a date night and enjoy themselves.

They’re also starting to appear in the United States of America.

We all deal with our feelings of rage in different ways.

The characters of Days of Our Lives and Judge Judy have taught an entire generation how to deal with people: elevate every minor argument, see everything as a personal attack.

Anger may be mishandled in two ways: by bursting at individuals or by refusing to face issues when they arise.

We’re not supposed to ignore it, but we’re also not supposed to allow it to govern our actions and decisions.

In order to deal with anger effectively, you must regard it as a smoke alarm, which is to say, as an alert signal.

There is something going on that we don’t believe is right, and we are feeling misunderstood, mistreated, intimidated, or challenged—something is not quite right.

So pay attention—when you see yourself becoming agitated, take a deep breath, then another, calm down, and ask yourself, “What is it about this circumstance that is upsetting me?” “What exactly is the problem?” It’s possible that you already understand—I never do, but you could be better than me—and if you already understand why you’re becoming angry, you should select your words with care.

Your mamma may have told you that “sticks and stones can break your bones, but names will never hurt you,” but she only said that in a desperate attempt to help you deal with the cruel things that those mean kids had said to you at school, and she only said it to you because she was worried about you.

  1. As a result, It’s important to talk slowly.
  2. Slow to become enraged.
  3. James 1:20-21 is a passage of scripture.
  4. Allow your anger to serve as a warning that something is wrong, and then instead of attacking and escalating the conflict, instead of going into “Hulk Smash” mode or getting in their face like a yappy chihuahua—find the source of the fire and extinguish it completely.
  5. Don’t use your words as a weapon, but also don’t just get quiet and refuse to say anything.
  6. Anger needs to point us in the direction of resolving conflict, not escalating it, not ignoring it.
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers, remember?

This is one of the primary ways it happens.

God’s Purpose Behind His Commands.

What He’s doing is showing us God’s intention, His purpose behind the command.

But giving in to our rage is where it starts.

I have a NewChurch logo sticker on the back window of my car and when people tailgate me or honk at me, I like to imagine that it’s the cross-hairs of a rear-facing bazooka—I line it up in the rear view mirror and KA-pow!

See, that’s exactly the kind of thing we’re not supposed to be doing.

Or avoiding people at church or school or work.

Reading posts that I know will make my blood boil and then typing my response in all caps.


We’re supposed to be the ones who make that difference.

So Jesus says if you come to the altar, to pray, to make a sacrifice, to worship God—and you remember that someone has something against you—someone has something against YOU, not you have something against someone else.

When this happens, stop what you’re doing and go to that person and make it right.

Make peace as far as it’s up to you.

There was a table with baskets of bread and you would go get a chunk of bread, then go to someone that you had a problem with and share the bread with them.

Every week I had people line up for me.

It was usually the same people each week.

Besides me?

We are to be people who reconcile with each other.

Because when resentment and unforgiveness are fully grown, they become murder.

You have cursed them—that’s not who you are anymore.

He’s not holding anything against you anymore, so the idea is that you’re not gonna hold anything against anyone else.

Hurt turns to anger.

Anger gives opportunity for the devil.

The Sermon on the Mount started off with this: Blessed are the poor in spirit, the ones who know they can’t save themselves.

Stop being so quick to anger and judgment.

Don’t let your anger harden your heart toward anyone.

Your resentment isn’t helping you, it’s not leading you anywhere good.

Quick to pay attention.

The righteousness of God does not come about as a result of man’s fury.

This teaching on anger and murder is the first example Jesus gives us in the Sermon on the Mount of God’s intentions behind the Commandments—the reasoning behind what He wants us to do and not do—and it is the first example of God’s intentions behind the Commandments that Jesus gives us.

He want for us to come to terms with one another.

This is where God’s heart is located.

But we’re going to be enraged.

It always comes back to the same place—because we’re going to get furious, and we’re going to be tempted to do something stupid in our wrath.

I’m serious about texting anyone who needs to be reconciled with you in the future.

Please come forward.

Because of our reconciliation with God through Holy Communion, we should strive to be reconciled with one another as much as possible. The righteousness of God is not produced by the indignation of man; rather, it is produced exclusively through the flesh and blood of Jesus. AMEN.

25 Important Bible Verses About Killing (Killing Is Condoned)

In the Bible, murder is always considered wicked, although killing is permitted. Suppose you wake up at night to discover that someone has broken into your home. You have no idea what they are packing or what they are trying to accomplish, so you shoot them in self-defense. This is a murder that can be justified. The act of shooting and killing someone who breaks into your home during the daylight while unarmed and either puts his hand up or runs away is considered murder in this country. Just because you have the ability to murder someone does not imply that you should.

  • Always keep in mind that we must use caution in all situations.
  • What does the Bible say about this?
  • 2.
  • 3.

4th, Leviticus 24:17-22, “And anyone murders another person must be put to death.” “Anyone who kills an animal that belongs to another person is required to provide another animal in its stead.” And whomever commits an injury to their neighbor must be punished with an injury of the same kind: a broken bone for a broken bone, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, for example.

Whoever kills an animal is responsible for the animal’s care.

“There will be no difference in the law between immigrants and citizens of your own nation.” This is due to the fact that I am the Lord your God.” (5) James 2:11 – As a result, the same God who declared, “You must not commit adultery,” also declared, “You must not murder.” As a result, even if you murder someone but do not commit adultery, you have violated the law anyway.

  1. The book of Romans 13:9 Each of the commandments, including “Never commit adultery,” “Never kill,” “Never steal,” and “Never have wicked desires,” as well as every other commandment, may be summarized in the phrase “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” 7th, Deuteronomy 19:11–12.
  2. Consequently, the elders of the murderer’s hometown must dispatch agents to the city of refuge in order to apprehend him and give him over for execution to the avenger of the dead person’s murder victim.
  3. The Book of Revelation 22:15 People who use magic arts, those who are sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters and anybody who believes in or does deception are all outside.
  4. Ecclesiastes 3:8-23.
  5. 11.
  6. 12.
  7. James 4:2 (KJV) You desire after something you don’t have, so you kill it.
  8. There is nothing you don’t have because you never ask.
  9. Deuteronomy 19:4 (Deuteronomy 19:4 [Deuteronomy 19:4]) In the event that someone accidentally murders another person without any prior antagonism, the slayer may run to any of thesecities in order to live in safety.
  10. As an example, imagine that one of them is swinging an ax to fell a tree, and the blade head falls off the handle, striking the other person in the head.
  11. The concept of justifiable killing appears in the Old Testament.

“Anyone who is found lying with an animal will be put to death.” Leviticus 20:27 “‘Any man or woman who practices mediumship or spiritism among you must be put to death.'” Their blood will be on their own heads, and you are to stone them to death.” Moreover, according to Leviticus 20:13, “If a man practices homosexuality, having sexual relations with another man in the same way as with a woman, both males have done a disgusting crime.

The two of them must be put to death because they have both committed a capital offense.

The Bible has a chapter on self-defense.

When a thief is found breaking in at night and is hit with a lethal blow, the defense is not guilty of bloodshed; nevertheless, when it occurs after daybreak, the defender is guilty of bloodshed.

They assassinate widows and foreigners, and they assassinate fatherless children.

Men, women, children, and newborns are all to be slaughtered along with livestock and farm animals such as camels and donkeys.'” 23, Genesis 4:8, “Let’s go out into the fields,” Cain said to his brother one day.

The Bible says in Joel 3:19 that Egypt will be barren, and Edom will be a desolate wasteland because of aggression against the people of Judah, and because they have poured innocent blood in their country.” 2 Kings 21:16 is the 25th verse.

Bonus: Cannibalism is considered a sin. It’s a heinous crime! Jeremiah 19:9 (NIV) I will force them to consume the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will consume the flesh of one another because their enemies will push the siege against them so hard that they will be destroyed.

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