How To Walk With Jesus?

3 Steps to Getting Your Walk with Jesus Back on Track

  • Daniel Fusco
  • 2017 16 Oct

If life is a trip, we will all eventually lose our path at some point.Being human comes with an unavoidable set of advantages, and that is one of those advantages.Although every trip begins with a single step in the correct direction, it is all too easy to lose sight of the destination as time goes on if we do not keep our eyes set on the end goal.You’ve undoubtedly heard it said that when our concentration is shifted even by a single degree over a long period of time, we might end ourselves in areas we hadn’t intended to go.

  • And, sadly, we’ve all been there at one point or another.
  • Some of you saw the title of this article and thought to yourself, ″I want to get back into the habit of walking with Jesus.″ I’ve gotten a little off track.
  • Getting back on track with Jesus is important to me.″ I’m genuinely excited for you.
  • Do you know why?

Because Jesus desires to walk beside you as well.How do I find out?We believe him because he told us so.At times, the path back to walking with Jesus appears to be so straightforward that it appears to be complex.

My work as a pastor and author exposes me to a lot of individuals who know the ″correct″ answers but, for whatever reason, are unable to recall them (or live them) in the most critical of moments in their lives.As a disciple of Jesus, I strive to keep the most essential things in my life at the forefront of my thoughts and actions.In fact, there is no greater message of Jesus than the fulfillment of the Greatest Commandment.If Jesus, the greatest person who ever lived (not to mention our Lord and Savior), taught us what the greatest commandment (the most significant fact in life) is, we’d want to be certain we didn’t forget it.For the sake of regaining our footing in the footsteps of Jesus, I’d want to take a look at three easy steps that Jesus laid forth right there in the Greatest Commandment.

Step 1 – Begin moving upward As a preface to the Greatest Commandment, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 6:5, which states that we should ″love the Lord our God with all of our heart [heart, soul, might, and mind].″ This is what I refer to as ″living upward.″ It all comes down to living and loving higher in order to get your rhythm back.Every relationship begins with a ″yes,″ and every connection is eventually preserved with a ″yes.″ We must say yes to Jesus once more and react to Him in kind.God has always loved you and will continue to do so.Despite the fact that you may be off the rails right now, God’s love for you has not dimmed in the least.It is necessary for you to react to God’s love by reciprocating that love in order to witness transformation take place in your own life.

  1. As a result, cultivating upward living by loving God with all of who you are is the first step in regaining your relationship with Jesus.
  2. Step 2 – Turn Your Attention Inward Not only is it essential to love God, but it is also through God’s love that we learn how to properly love ourselves.
  3. You see, when we lose sight of God’s love for us, we begin to love ourselves in unhealthy ways, which leads to a downward spiral.
  4. We do things that we shouldn’t because we are redefining what it is to be in love with oneself.

Living upward by loving God, which is the vertical access, is the crucial pace-setter for living inside by loving oneself, which is the horizontal access.When you love yourself without being completely dedicated to God, things may get really nasty very quickly.You see, the only way to properly love oneself is to look at yourself through the lens of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which is the only way to truly love yourself.Those who have experienced the cross have learned that we are simultaneously more loved than we can ever fathom and also more broken than we would ever like to confess.Because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the cross demonstrates God’s tremendous love for us.However, it also demonstrates the depth of our sin, which is so severe that Jesus had to die as a result of it.

As we live upward by loving God, the Lord will reorient our self-love to the point where we become progressively emotionally healthy persons.This is excellent news for us.The final stage in getting back on track with Jesus is to live outwardly by loving those who are not as fortunate as you.As you live upward by reacting to God’s love with love for Him, and then as you learn to love yourself based on God’s love, the Spirit of God asks you to push outward and love others with this magnificent love that you have received from God.

God does not want his love to be limited to us alone.But, let’s be honest, loving people is a really difficult thing to do.Why?

Because folks are a tad sloppy.And when we lose our path, we don’t want to be among folks who are a mess.However, living upward is a constant reminder that God loves us, even while we are in the midst of our mess.And living internally teaches us to accept and love ourselves, no matter how messed up we are.Then, through living outward, we are directed to love others, even when they are difficult to love.

And just like that, in three easy steps, you find yourself hooked into the rhythm of following Jesus and walking with Him on a day-to-day basis.It’s as easy as that: Upward, inward, and forth are the directions to take.Unsplash provided the photograph.Daniel Fusco is the main pastor of Crossroads Community Church, which has campuses in Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon.He has been with the church since its founding in 1997.

As well as being a conference speaker and a jazz musician, he is also the author of the book Honestly.His family, which includes his wife, Lynn, and their three children, resides in Washington, D.C.Upward, inward, and outward are the three directions.

  • God is to be adored.
  • Self-acceptance is essential.
  • Others should be loved.

Throughout this book, the author and the reader will explore how to comprehend and live the Greatest Commandment.There is no ″skill of thinking about God a bit differently″ that we are looking for.In this study, we’ll look at the needs God established inside us—needs for purpose, closeness, honesty, humility, justice, compassion, and more—as well as how God intended us to find those needs met in him.

Using these three movements—upward, inward, and outward—we may acquire the skill of living peacefully together in a chaotic environment, which mirrors the Greatest Commandment and helps us learn how to live harmoniously together in a chaotic world.

How to Walk with God

Article to be downloaded article to be downloaded Walking with God entails going with God in unity and faith as you progress through the stages of your life’s adventure. Concentrating your attention on God and obeying His guidance will, for the most part, keep you on the correct road.

1 Consider the experience of strolling with someone in the real world.Consider what it means to actually go for a walk with a friend or family in order to have a better understanding of what it means to walk with God on a spiritual level.Take a moment to consider how you would engage with that individual.When you meet someone, what do you anticipate from them, and how do you talk and conduct in response?

  • Whenever you go on a stroll with someone, you are both moving in the same direction.
  • It is important that your steps are taken at a comparable tempo so that none of you falls behind the other.
  • You converse with one another while maintaining complete focus on one another.
  • Briefly said, there is an overall sense of harmony, togetherness, and community between the two of you when you are out on a stroll.
  • 2 Seek for significant examples of people who have walked closely with the Lord. Many various instances of men and women who followed God may be found in the Scriptures
  • but, to truly comprehend what it means to ″walk with God,″ seek particularly for examples that include the term ″walk with God.″ Due to the fact that Enoch is regarded as the first man in the Bible to be claimed to have walked with God, he is perhaps the most frequently cited example to demonstrate the notion. In accordance with the Scriptures, ″Enoch was with God for three hundred years, and he had sons and daughters throughout that time. As a result, Enoch lived for a total of three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God
  • but he was no longer with God because God took him away ″According to Genesis 5:22–24, the gist of this text is that Enoch maintained a close relationship with God throughout his life, to the point that God whisked him away to Paradise at the end of his days. While this verse does not mean that anybody who walks with God will be brought to Heaven without having to die, it does imply that walking with God opens the door to that destination.
  1. Allow yourself to be free of distractions. Before you can begin to concentrate on God, you must first let go of all of the things in this world that are interfering with your connection with God. It is possible that these diversions aren’t technically ″sins,″ but they encompass everything that you actively or unintentionally favor over God. Consider what it’s like to go for a walk with a friend once more. If your companion spends the entire walk talking on his or her mobile phone rather than communicating with you, the stroll will be less pleasurable, and you will not be walking ″together″ on a meaningful level at all. In a similar vein, the distractions you choose to focus on instead of God might prohibit you from truly walking with God.
  2. You should be aware of the distractions created by your sins, but they are not the only things to be on the lookout for. It is possible for even items that are potentially useful to become distracting hazards if you are not vigilant. Working hard and earning money to provide for your family, for example, is a positive experience. If, on the other hand, you get consumed with job and money to the point of disregarding your family and your connection with God, you have then allowed it to become a distraction.

2 Go over the Scriptures.The Bible is considered to be the inspired word of God by Christians.Despite the fact that it does not provide explicit instructions on the course your life has taken, it does provide an excellent image of what God desires for and from people.Due to the fact that God will never ask someone to do something that is contrary to Scripture, having a solid grasp of what the Bible teaches can assist you in staying away from potentially dangerous mistakes.

3 Say a prayer.Using prayer, a believer can maintain a close, intimate connection with God.Thanksgiving, praise, and supplication prayers all have their proper place in the Christian life.The most essential thing is to pray from the bottom of your heart.

  • Consider how you act when you’re out on a walk with a pal once again.
  • You may choose to stroll in quiet at times, but more often than not, the two of you will converse, laugh, and weep together.
  • Prayer is what permits the believer to communicate with God in a way that allows them to laugh and mourn together.
  • 4 Take some time to meditate. Meditation might be a difficult idea to grasp, but in its most basic form, it consists of spending time in God’s presence and reflecting on God’s deeds. Meditating in the modern day is typically comprised of deep breathing exercises, mantras, and activities designed to cleanse the mind. In spite of the fact that these techniques alone do not have the same spiritual significance as spiritual meditation, many Christians feel that they are an effective approach to free the mind of distractions and so allow one to concentrate more fully on God.
  • If typical meditation activities do not work for you, however, you should just do everything you can to get away from worldly distractions and spend some time thinking about God instead. Spend time listening to music, going on a walk in a nearby park, and so forth.

5 Pay close attention to the course of events.Despite the fact that God may appear distant or silent at times, there are also instances in which God may interrupt the normal flow of things in a substantial enough way to alter the course that a person is currently on.In some cases, these signals of providence will be subtle, and you will need to keep your eyes and heart open in order to see them.Take, for example, the narrative of Isaac and Rebekah.

  • Abraham’s servant traveled to Abraham’s native country in search of a bride among Abraham’s relatives.
  • During the time when Abraham’s servant was praying for the proper girl to appear, Rebekah walks along and offers him and his camels a drink, which is a selected sign from God.
  • The encounter was far too significant to be a coincidental occurrence.
  • Instead, providence led Rebekah to the well at just the right time and helped her through the process of performing precisely the correct activities.

(Genesis 24:15-20; abridged version)

  1. 1 Examine your procedures. Take a look at how you are now conducting your life. Inquire into which aspects of your life are in line with God’s will and which ones veer off the beaten path. During your stroll, take some time to sit down and think about your experiences thus far. Consider occasions in your life when you were ″in tune″ with God and how you felt at those times. Those were most likely days in which you were walking with God, so take comfort in that. Then recall instances in your life when you felt lost, directionless, or disconnected from God. Consider whether you were engaging in behaviors that alienated God over that time period, even if those behaviors were as simple as failing to schedule time for prayer, church, or meditation. Days when you hesitated or took a wrong turn on your walk may have been among them.
  2. Make an effort to emulate the behaviors you demonstrated throughout your earlier walks with God, and aggressively avoid the habits that previously led you wrong
  • 2 Keep God’s precepts in mind. You must keep up with God’s pace if you want to walk with Him. It is necessary to model your activities after His in order to stay on track with Him, as well as to follow the guidelines God has previously supplied to all of humanity. Following God’s laws about moral behavior is an important part of this process. However, while some may consider these commandments to be overly limiting, they are ultimately intended to keep mankind safe and spiritually linked to God.
  • In addition to obeying God’s instructions, one of the most important aspects of following God’s commands is to follow God’s order to love—to love God, to love one’s neighbors, and even to love oneself. Make your life a reflection of the love God has given and continues to show for people
  • and
  • Three: Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, although certain stages in your walk with God might be dictated by the Scriptures and church history, other steps are more personal in nature. The first step toward completing these stages is praying and pleading with God to grant you an understanding of exactly what those actions are. Children rely on their caregivers to direct them along safe and productive routes. Despite the fact that they may believe they have all of the answers, eventually the time will come when they will realize that they should have listened to the advice given to them by their parents, grandparents, and other relatives, rather than putting themselves in danger or getting themselves into trouble.
  • Christians, in a similar vein, must eventually rely on the Holy Spirit to direct them along spiritually beneficial pathways.
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4 Be patient with yourself.It is possible that the answer to a prayer or the solution to a tough situation will not arrive as quickly as you would want.When walking beside God, you must, however, learn to slow down your own pace in order to travel at God’s pace as well.In the end, God will direct you to the location where you are intended to be at the time when you are supposed to be there.

  • It’s understandable that you want to get there as soon as possible, but if you want to walk with God, you must trust that God’s chosen time of arrival is preferable to yours when the two are at odds.
  • 5 Join a group of others walking down the same road. While it is possible to have loved ones who are not religious, it is crucial to associate with individuals who are committed to God in the same way that you are. These individuals can become your supporters on this planet, and you can reciprocate by supporting them. Keep in mind that God frequently uses the people in one’s life to direct their actions
  • other Christians may also assist you hold yourself responsible to the commitment you have made to walk with God.

6Continue walking. Every time you trip or stumble, you must get back up and keep walking. Despite the fact that you may have temporarily lost sight of the route you’re supposed to be traveling on, God will not abandon you. Advertisement

  • Question Add a new question Question Although the thoughts are sound, I would like it if they were backed up with biblical references. Is there anyone who can assist me? To chose to walk with God is to decide that God will always be there to hold your hand. Even when you are in the midst of adversity, you trust that God is with you. If you suffer because you are a Christian, Peter advises us not to be embarrassed of it, but rather to express gratitude to God for the fact that you carry Christ’s name. This is taken from the book of 1 Peter 4:16. According to John 3:16, in order for Him to walk with us, we must believe that Jesus came to die for our sins, and if we believe, we will not perish but will instead receive eternal life, as John 3:16 teaches us. And in order to walk with God, you must be honest with Him and call upon Him (Acts2
  • 21), since God loves a pure and honest heart, similar to the narrative of the prodigal son in the book of Luke 15:11-3.
  • Concerning the Question What steps do I need to take to become a child of God? In Christianity, everyone is considered a child of God, but you may demonstrate your confidence in Him by reading the Bible and praying to Him. Churches are incredibly beautiful buildings, and it’s good to be able to meditate on your faith in one on your own if one is nearby. You are not required to attend a sermon if one is close, and you are not have to attend a service. While reading the Bible, attending church, and praying are all necessary, the most important thing of all is to strive to be a good person in every situation. That entails forgiving, accepting, and loving others whenever you get the opportunity.
  • Concerning the Question The question is, how can I compose a play set around walking with God that shows the difference between people who walk with Him and those who don’t? You can reference St. Augustine, who says that God has instilled a yearning and longing in our hearts for Him, which you can use to support your point. When individuals are looking for pleasure, they frequently resort to superficial, material items that do not fulfill them. This yearning for contentment can only be met by Him, and so, worldly and earthly things will not satiate our hunger for fulfillment.
  • Concerning the Question Is there any evidence for the existence of God? If this is the case, then why is he/she/they even believed to be anything that people can believe in? (There is a scratching sound on the record.) Answer from the Community Christianity, and religion in general, has historically been a field that relied on technique rather than factual proof to persuade potentially religious individuals of the veracity of its teachings and practices. Because many people were raised to believe in God as a sand grain on the beach, many people believe that God is the road to salvation. They may have been taught to believe in God as a hypothesis, or they may have been seeking for a path and this was the one that stood out to them the most.
  • Concerning the Question When I’m walking with God, how can I tell whether He’s giving me a specific direction on a certain issue? There are a plethora of options available. God can reveal it to you through a prophetic message, you can discover it in the Bible, or someone can feel it in their hearts and know it is the correct decision.
  • Concerning the Question I’m only an adolescent. I want to make positive changes in my life. In the middle of all, I’ve experienced so much heartbreak and anguish that I’ve lost confidence in God. I’m not sure how I’ll know if God has forgiven me. Sage Hallock is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom. Answer from the Community He is going to do it. And He is aware of your distress and will bring you back to wholeness. When you are too weak to walk, he always carries you.
  • Concerning the Question The difference between walking with God and walking in God is that you are walking in God. Please share an example from the Bible with us. What was Enoch’s relationship with God like? God designed us for fellowship with Him, and He intends for us to walk closely with Him as we live our lives (Micah 6:8). When Adam and Eve were first created, they would stroll and chat with God in the garden of Eden
  • but, once they sinned, they were humiliated and fled when they heard God approaching them (Genesis 3:8).
  • Concerning the Question Describe the process by which Noah gained acceptance in God’s sight. Noah was obedient to the command. People’s thoughts and feelings are known to God. God was confident in Noah’s abilities and knew how he would react. This was demonstrated when Noah was given an elaborate plan to build an ark during a period when he did not have access to paper, pencil, specialized equipment, or vehicles, and he proceeded to fulfill the work without hesitation. He is aware of the deluge, yet he continues to do what God has instructed him to do. Moreover, he possessed bravery and the ability to follow through on his beliefs. Some people could have given up or fled under these conditions.
  • Concerning the Question How can we maintain a constant relationship with God? What strategies can we use to remain solid in our decisions? You can keep going despite the fact that temptations and troubles will inevitably arise. You must make a conscious decision to walk continuously. Neither the strength nor the direction are derived from ourselves in any way. It is a gift from God. Your will is what emanates from within you. Decide to follow His way and pray for assistance in remaining steadfast, and He will provide according to His will and in His measure.
  • Question: What if I accidentally stroll into another residence? After that, come back out. God knows where you want to go and mentally cautions you before you get there. If you pay attention, you will save yourself from regret and unhappiness.

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About This Article

Summary of the ArticleX Staying in oneness with God and being devoted to him throughout your life is what it means to ″walk with God.″ Pray on a regular basis so that you can communicate with God, whether it’s to express gratitude or seek for assistance with a problem.It’s also a good idea to read the Bible on a regular basis since Christians believe it is God’s message.Follow God’s commands in how you conduct your life, such as loving your neighbor and loving God, and you will be successful.Spend time with other believers, whether at church or in a Christian group, since they may help you to become stronger in your Christian beliefs.

  • It’s important to remember to keep an eye out for indications of providence as you go through life, because they are frequently how God reveals what he wants you to accomplish.
  • When you happen to run into an old friend or someone you don’t know, a random encounter may take on a unique significance for you.
  • Continue reading for helpful hints on how to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Did you find this overview to be helpful?

The writers of this page have together authored a page that has been read 133,346 times.

What Does It Look Like to Walk with Jesus in Real Life?

Approximately how many times have you heard someone describe the Christian life as ″walking with Jesus″?Alternatively, you may have heard the term ″walk″ used to characterize life in Christ.To walk side by side with the incomprehensible God, what exactly does it imply and what does it seem like is unclear.According to the Scriptures, God walked in the Garden of Eden, many individuals were characterized as those who walked with God, and others who were in close vicinity to Jesus but did not know him were also mentioned.

  • We frequently hear the phrase ″walk with Jesus″ used in the church as a sign of strong faith, but what does it look like in practice is less clear.
  • In real life, walking with Jesus will take us up and down hills and through valleys, and we will experience times when we will feel invigorated, exhausted, challenged, and relieved.
  • While there are several ways for us to sense the presence of Jesus as we go about our daily lives, there are a few traits that are unassailably important to us.
  • Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Build a Relationship with Him

It happens from time to time in our lives that we over-spiritualize ordinary things, such as walking with Jesus.What it seems like is fairly simple: spend time with him, talk to him, and listen to him.This is the best way to find out.Consider how you develop relationships with others and how you may use those techniques to developing your connection with Jesus.

  • His Spirit is inside you and is always available to us, but we must ask ourselves if we are making ourselves open to him on a consistent basis.
  • Life becomes hectic, and a slew of activities compete for our attention.
  • If you neglect to spend time with Jesus, it is inevitable that you will not feel as close to him as you should.
  • ″Here we are now, entertain us,″ instead of ″Let everything that has breath worship the Lord,″ we witness generation after generation rising up to say, ″Here we are now, entertain us,″ and the effect of that spills into our frantic existence.

When we don’t have a connection with God, we turn to streaming services and cellphones to dull the pain.We then wonder why our society is experiencing an existential crisis.If our hearts are yearning for God, we must create time in our schedules for him to come into our lives.″We never have to call across the distances to an absent God,″ writes A.W.

Tozer in The Pursuit of God.He is closer to us than our own soul, and he is closer than our deepest secrets.″ We don’t have to work hard to obtain Jesus’ attention; instead, we should approach him with an open heart and a listening mind.Image courtesy of Getty Images

Love His People

Our religion, we are taught in the church, is primarily about our relationship with Jesus; although this is perfectly true, it is also fostered by our relationship with the rest of God’s creation.No matter how hard we try, we can’t keep ourselves apart from the church that Christ loves.Many people have been harmed by others in the church, including members, leaders, and pastors, but just because we have been hurt does not mean we should give up on the church or the people who are in it.We may change churches several times throughout our lifetimes, but we are constantly on the lookout for the best place for God to use the abilities he has given us.

  • We must struggle to ensure that our affection for God’s people remains alive and well.
  • We understand that neither they nor we will be flawless this side of paradise, so we forgive, heal, and find our position in the body of Christ.
  • If we never allow the global and local church into our hearts, we will never be able to experience the richness of Christ’s love in its entirety.
  • Not only that, but we also lose out on one of our most important occasions to show Jesus how much we care about him.

Following his resurrection, the risen Lord Jesus engages in an exchange with Peter, one of the early church’s major leaders and one of the messiest disciples, in John 21:15-17, just before his ascension back to heaven.Then, after they had done eating, Jesus turned to Simon Peter and asked, ″Simon son of John, do you love me more than these things?″ ″Yes, Lord,″ he acknowledged, ″you are aware of my affection for you.″ ″Feed my lambs,″ Jesus instructed.″Simon son of John, do you love me?″ Jesus said yet another time.″Yes, Lord, you are aware of my affection for you,″ he said.

″Take good care of my sheep,″ Jesus instructed.″Simon son of John, do you love me?″ he said of him on the third occasion.Peter was saddened when Jesus questioned him, for the third time, ″Do you love me?″ Peter didn’t know how to respond.Lord, you know everything; you are aware of my affection for you,″ he said.″Feed my sheep,″ Jesus instructed.

Holding Unpopular Opinions

One of the difficult realities of following Jesus is that it will require us to stick to a worldview that is diametrically opposed to the majority of the rest of the world.It is important for the people with whom we contact on a daily basis to hear the truth and see you living in the light of it, but they may also find it insulting to do so.When we walk with Jesus, we must accept the fact that our opinions may not always be popular with others.This was something that Jesus himself forewarned us about.

  • As Christ explains in John 15:18, ″If the world hates you, keep in mind that the world hated me first.″ It may not be comfortable, but it is well worth the effort.
  • It may not be simple, but most worthwhile endeavors are fraught with difficulties.
  • Even if overcoming that hurdle means that our emotions no longer guide our actions.

Invite Him into ALL Your Decisions

″For out of the heart flow evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander,″ Jesus stated, despite the fact that we are frequently tempted to follow our hearts into whatever they desire at the time (Matthew 15:19) We enjoy putting forward our own demands.When it comes time to make a decision, our anxieties and wants become louder.The strength to allow our body be quiet and our hearts be moulded in accordance with the will of God Almighty comes from walking beside Jesus.When we put our life into the light and ask, ″Lord, what would you have me do with this?″ we are not wasting our time making futile attempts to keep the unclean corners of our lives hidden from the eyes of Jesus.

  • We do this because, whether we like it or not, we recognize that Jesus always knows what is best.
  • The more we yield to his wisdom, the more truth we discover to be present in our own lives, for as we remain close to Jesus, our character begins to transform.
  • When we walk with someone, we learn to keep up with their pace and rhythm.
  • One or both of them walks at a slower pace than the other does.

Because he picked us, we constantly follow Jesus’ example and include him in all of our decisions when it comes to walking with him in the world.John 15:16 states that ″you did not pick me, but I chose and appointed you in order that your fruit would yield fruit, fruit that would last.″ Jesus is referring to the fruit of the Spirit.When we walk with Jesus, we not only find redemption from the debt that our sins have accrued against us, but we also discover what it is to live for the life that is yet to be lived.We make each decision with this in mind, because we have been called to bear fruit, to shine a light, and to bring glory to the God of creation and love via our actions, words, and thoughts.

We Walk by Faith and Live with Hope

It is necessary to walk with Jesus on the basis of trust, which means we can’t always see where our feet will rest.We step into the unknown with faith, and we have that trust because we know that we are loved, that we are cared for, and that we are seen by God, which gives us the confidence to do so.In the absence of a profound understanding of these truths that they are alive in every element of our being, it might seem hard to walk by faith.It is for this reason that the devil will target us in these areas.

  • The words ″Did God truly say,″ which he has been poisoning truth with since the beginning, will be hissed into our hearts by the devil.
  • Is it true that God says you are loved?
  • He did, according to 1 John 4:16.
  • Did God truly mean it when he said you are cared for?

He did, according to 1 Peter 5:7.Is it true that God has declared you to be seen?Hebrews 4:13 says that he did.Don’t let anybody or anything convince you otherwise.

If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, there is nothing that can prohibit you from receiving God’s promises.Every day of your life, you have the opportunity to walk with Jesus.He is present in the midst of the sorrow.He is present in the times of happiness.When you’re feeling lonely, he’ll be there for you.

See also:  How To Argue Like Jesus?

When uncertainty creeps in and convinces you that you are on your own, he is right there with you.Every day, he is present, and paradise is waiting for him.We believe that there will be no more loneliness, no more doubt, no more grief or anguish, and so we live by faith in the hope of fulfilled promises and a beautiful eternal life.″For we do not live by sight, but by faith.″ ″We are confident,″ I remark, adding that we would like to be gone from the physical body and at home with God.As a result, we make it our mission to satisfy him, whether we are in our physical bodies or away from them″ (2 Corinthians 5:7-9).

  1. Her most recent book, 1, 2, and 3 John: Experiencing Transformation, was co-authored with Chara Donahue, who is now working on her next book.
  2. Serving as a biblical counselor, speaking to women, and sipping coffee while her four children are out playing with their father are some of her favorite pastimes.
  3. She has an MSEd from Corban University and is enthusiastic about seeing people set free by God’s truths.
  4. She is also the creator and editor of Anchored Voices, a publication dedicated to sharing God’s truths.

She is also the host of the podcast The Bible Never Said That, which you can listen to on is also the author of the book The Bible Never Said That.Contact her using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.Her most recent book, 1, 2, and 3 John: Experiencing Transformation, was co-authored with Chara Donahue, who is now working on her next book.Serving as a biblical counselor, speaking to women, and sipping coffee while her four children are out playing with their father are some of her favorite pastimes.She has an MSEd from Corban University and is enthusiastic about seeing people set free by God’s truths.

She is also the creator and editor of Anchored Voices, a publication dedicated to sharing God’s truths.Contact her using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.Listen to Chara’s podcast, The Bible Never Said That, for more information.At, you may listen to any or all of our programs.

11 Steps to Walk With Jesus

When you say you ″walk with Jesus,″ what exactly does it mean?Even though it is a word that is bandied around in many devotionals and small groups, many of us struggle on a daily basis with how to truly line our steps with His.Here are 11 scriptures that will assist us in doing so.1 Begin with a sincere desire to succeed.

  • ″O God, You are my God; I seek You with all my heart; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as if I were in a parched and parched region where there is no water,″ reads Psalm 63:1-2.
  • As a result, I have gazed at You in the temple, awestruck by Your might and grandeur.″ It is important to begin our journey with Jesus with a strong desire.
  • Every one of us, it has been said, has a God-shaped hole in our hearts; we instinctively recognize that something is missing from our lives, and only Jesus’ love can fill that void.
  • Confront the fact that your heart is yearning for something greater than itself, and turn to Jesus for the solution.

2 Attempt to Follow in His Footsteps ″A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.″ John 13:34-35 states, ″A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another.″ It is by this that everyone will know that you are My followers, if you show compassion for one another.″ Jesus instructed His followers – and, by extension, each and every one of us – to follow in His ways.He is to serve as an example for us in terms of service, selflessness, and love demonstrated in our everyday lives.Love for people around us should be shown in the same way that He showed love for those around Him.Take time to study His Word carefully to learn how He accomplished it, and then be persistent in your prayers to discover how you may do it yourself.

3 Keep His Commandments in mind.1 ″And by this we know that we have come to know Him, because we follow His commandments,″ reads John 2:3-6.″And by this we know that we have come to know Him, because we keep His commandments.″ The reality is that whomever claims to know God but does not follow His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him; nevertheless, whoever follows God’s word has genuinely perfected God’s love in his heart.This is how we may tell whether we are in Him: ″Whoever claims to be in Him should walk in the same manner in which He walked.″ Jesus told us to love God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.This will appear different for each individual, but if we do not remain true to His love and His heart, we cannot claim to be directed by His love and His heart, as He is.

Obeying what He has instructed us to do through His clear instructions and the teachings of the Bible is the only way we can demonstrate that we are walking with Him.4 We Should Take Pleasure in His Word ″Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his pleasure is in the word of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night,″ according to Psalm 1:1-2.It is possible for us to follow His rules, but it is the attitude of our hearts that is more essential.To check things off a list is pointless if we do not sincerely feel that what we are doing is the correct thing to do; the Pharisees were legalists in both the best and worst meaning of the word.Instead, we should take genuine pleasure in His teachings and keep them front and center throughout our whole lives as guiding principles for our activities.

  1. 5 Walk in the Light1 (Walk in the Light) The Bible states in John 1:7, ″However, if we walk in the light, just as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son washes us from all sin.″ What does it mean?
  2. We may choose to go along our own roads, but doing so frequently takes us to dark and immoral destinations.
  3. Keeping our feet in His light is the only way to assure that we are not putting ourselves in danger, and that we will have the best chance of surviving temptation.
  4. 6 Recognize that God desires for us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

″For we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God planned in advance so that we would walk in them,″ says Ephesians 2:10, ″and we are to walk in them.″ Jesus is our source of life, and He is also the source of God’s purposes for our lives, which He reveals to us in the Bible.When we commit our life to Christ, we are implicitly acknowledging that God has a plan for us and that we must submit our will to that plan.We make the decision that Jesus will direct our steps, and we have faith that He will always be at our side as we go through life.7 He has been ours since the beginning.Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him according to Colossians 2:6, which says, The moment we come to believe in Jesus, He begins to accompany us on our journey of faith.This is obedience in its most basic form: just following Jesus wherever He leads you.

″Follow me,″ he said as he called out to His disciples.He’s saying the same thing to you as he is to me.8 Cultivate a deep affection for Jesus.″Turn to me, and be generous to me, as is Your way with them who adore Your Name,″ reads Psalm 119:132.

As we walk with Him, our love for Him will grow stronger and stronger.A developing affection for God is a solid indicator that you are living your life in accordance with His rules and becoming more intimately acquainted with His heart.Make a point of being intentional in your pursuit of Him — if we are loyal to pursue Him, He will always make Himself known to us.

9 Seek Him with all of your heart and have faith that you will find him.The Bible says in Deuteronomy 4:29, ″But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.″ According to Moses, the Hebrews should pursue God with every aspect of their being: with their words and actions (body or strength), with their ideas (mind), with their emotions (heart), with the deepest portions of their being (spirit) (soul).When we search for Jesus with this level of dedication, we may be confident that we will eventually come across Him and be with Him forever.10 Consider His Lead and Do the Same.1 Specifically, the Bible states in Peter 2:21, ″For to this you have been called,″ referring to Christ’s suffering on your behalf and the example he set for you, so that you can follow in His footsteps.

The entire reason why Jesus urges us to follow Him is so that we might learn from His example and become better people.His life was the only pure human life ever lived, and although we will never achieve that level of purity, we are advised to put out our best effort in this cause, giving all to God’s favor and choosing His intentions over our own.11 Recognize that walking with Jesus results in the fulfillment of our deepest desires.The Bible says in John 15:7 that if ″you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,″ you can ″ask whatever you desire,″ and it will be fulfilled.Although Jesus is not our fairy godmother, He will grant us anything we ask of Him if we follow Him with all of our hearts and do what He says.

The key to unraveling that riddle is to remember that as we get closer to Him, our goals and desires will become more aligned with His.When this occurs, we are essentially requesting what Jesus desires from us.And He will always respond to the yearnings of the heart.

  • Biography of the Author Natalie Regoli is a devout Christian, dedicated wife, and mother of two sons.
  • She is the daughter of God.
  • From The University of Texas, she earned a Master’s Degree in Law in 2007.

Natalie has been published in a number of national magazines and has been in the legal profession for over 18 years.

Welcome New Believer


You recited the prayer of repentance before God, and you confessed your sins and confessed Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord.You have now been accepted as a buddy of Jesus.The goal of my work is to assist you in developing your connection with Him so that you can love Him more and more as time goes on.In the New Testament book of Matthew chapter 13, the Bible recalls a story that Jesus gave.

  • ″A farmer went out to sow his seed in the field.
  • While he was dispersing the seed, some of it dropped down the walkway, where it was quickly devoured by the birds.
  • Some of the victims landed on rocky terrain where there was little dirt.
  • Because the soil was shallow, it grew swiftly and spread out.

However, as the sun came up, the plants were burnt, and they perished as a result of the lack of a root system.Others dropped among thorns, which developed and suffocated the plants as they sprouted.Still other seeds dropped on good soil, where they grew into a crop that was a hundred, sixty, or thirty times the amount of seed originally planted.″Let him who has ears hear what is being spoken.″ The significance of this little anecdote was subsequently revealed by Jesus.

What the parable of the sower indicates is as follows: When somebody hears the news of the kingdom but does not grasp it, the wicked one comes and steals what was sowed in his heart by the good one.This is the seed that was planted along the way.The guy who hears the message and immediately receives it with gladness is the one who received the seed that fell on rough ground in the first place.However, because he lacks a root system, he only survives for a limited period of time.In the event that problems or persecution arises as a result of the word, he swiftly withdraws.

The one who hears the word is the one who got the seed that dropped amid the thorns, but the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth suffocate it, rendering it unfruitful.The one, on the other hand, who receives the seed that falls on excellent soil is the one who hears and comprehends the message.He harvests a crop that yields a hundred, sixty, or thirty times the amount of seed that was sowed.″ As a result of receiving the seed of the Good News that Jesus loves you, my prayer for you is that you will comprehend what it means to live for Him and to be worthy of His glory.With the guidance of the following videos, you will be better equipped to identify critical areas in which you may grow in your relationship with the Lord.I am confident that Jesus will accompany you on your trip and teach you how to live in victory as you go through life.

  1. The Following Lesson
See also:  What Were Jesus' Last Words?

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Let Jesus accompany you in your sacrifices, fasting and prayer life throughout all of Lent.

At times during Lent, we may feel isolated, especially if we have chosen a sacrifice for the next 40 days that no one else has chosen as well.In fact, this sense of loneliness may frequently lead to us abandoning our Lenten commitment and returning to our previous way of life.One of the most important keys to keeping faithful throughout Lent is to allow Jesus to accompany us at every step of the road.Dom Prosper Gueranger, in his Liturgical Year, reflects on this notion, drawing on the picture of Jesus in the storm at sea, which appears in the gospels, to express himself.

  • The Church, as the ship is known, has set sail.
  • The journey is expected to take forty days.
  • The disciples have to work hard to row against the wind, and they are beginning to worry that they will not be able to reach the port in time.
  • Jesus, on the other hand, appears to them on the sea.

He approaches them in the ship, and the remainder of the expedition is quite fruitful…If we didn’t have Jesus on our side, our cowardice would crumble under the pressure of these forty days.We need not be alarmed since it is He!He prays with us, fasts with us, and participates in all of our acts of kindness with us.

Isn’t it true that He was the one who initiated these forty days of penance?Let us keep our gaze fixed on Him and our hearts full of compassion.We don’t have to go it alone on our Lenten journey this year.Jesus is waiting for us to allow him into our lives so that he may share in all of our pleasures and sorrows as we travel this path together.In his subsequent remarks, Gueranger emphasizes that if we become weary during Lent, we should turn our gaze back to Jesus, particularly in the Eucharist.

If we become weary, let us turn to Him, as did the poor ill people who were the subject of our Gospel.People who had lost their health were restored to health only by touching His clothing; let us approach Him in His beautiful Sacrament and the divine life whose seed is already inside us will develop, and the vitality which had begun to dwindle in our hearts will regain all of its power.Remember, above all, that you should not distance yourself from Jesus during Lent, but rather should remain near to him during the whole season.

4 Keys to Walking Like Jesus

Previously, I discussed the four things that Jesus accomplished on a regular basis: preaching, teaching (including parables), healing (including miracles), and deliverance (including freedom from prison).The fact that Jesus healed and set people free is one thing, but did you realize that we are also expected to do the same?In John 14:12, Jesus said, ″Most certainly, I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do; and greater works than these he will do, because I am going to My Father.″ He went on to declare, ″He who believes in Me will do the works that I do.″ ″Those who believe″ will see signs, according to Jesus, as recorded in Mark 16:17-18.Casting out demons and curing the sick are two of the signs that have been revealed.

  • How can we walk in the footsteps of Jesus?
  • What are the keys to serving in the same manner as He did?

1. Intimacy with God

Because Jesus was in a state of closeness with God, he was able to minister.Jesus himself stated, ″Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself except what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does in like manner, the Son also does in like manner″ (Luke 5:16), and the Bible indicates that He would frequently spend time alone with the Father (see Luke 15).(John 5:19).Jesus maintained a strong relationship with the Father and ministered as a result of that relationship.

  • We must also place a high value on our relationship with God above all else.
  • Intimacy should be the springboard for ministry.
  • The initial calling of the 12 apostles was to be with Jesus: ″Then He appointed twelve for the purpose of being with Him and enabling Him to send them forth to preach, and He gave them authority to cure diseases and drive out devils″ (Mark 3:14-15, emphasis added).

2. Compassion for Others

Compassion was another important aspect of Christ’s mission.The compassion that drove Him went beyond his ability to walk in strength and miracles alone.In the meantime, as Jesus stepped out into the crowd, He was moved with compassion for them, and He cured their ill (Matthew 14:14).Consider whether you can perceive a clear link between compassion and healing.

  • In the healing ministry, we have far too frequently eliminated compassion from the equation.
  • It is common for the minister to become more important than the people who are being ministered to.
  • Healing ministry, on the other hand, is not about having a platform to demonstrate how ″anointed″ you are.
  • What it is all about is God’s love and power reaching out to others and drawing them closer to Him.

To warn against the perils of acting in the spiritual gifts (power) without love, Paul wrote a whole chapter (1 Corinthians 13), and we must heed his words.

3. Authority

One of the defining characteristics of Jesus’ ministry was his authority.He spoke and taught with the authority of one who had authority.He possessed command over demons, disease, and death, and at times he even overthrew natural laws in his quest for power (like when He walked on water or calmed a storm).

The term ″authority″ refers to the legal right to do a duty.It is analogous to a police officer’s badge; he has the ability to enforce the law and is backed by the government in doing so.In the following passage, Jesus delegated authority to His disciples: ″Then He gathered His twelve disciples together and granted them power and authority over all demons, as well as the ability to cure illnesses″ (Luke 9:1).

God has entrusted us with enormous authority.Heaven has given us the authority to cure the sick and set the prisoners free, and we will do it.In other words, we have been commissioned by God to carry out these responsibilities, and we have the authority to carry them out.

We must wield our authority in the name of religion.

4. The Power of the Spirit

In contrast to being granted the authorization to carry out a duty, being granted power grants you the capacity to carry out that activity.It was the Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus’ ministry: ″God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and curing everyone who was plagued by the demon, because God was with Him″ (Acts 10:38).Power without love is a horrible thing, but love without power is also a bad thing.

We have been promised the same power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus walked in during his ministry on the earth (see Acts 1:5-8).Our ability to move in deeper dimensions of God’s power will increase as we continue to be filled with the Spirit on a regular basis.Thus, the lost will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior, the sick will be cured, and the demonic will be liberated!

How Exactly Do I Walk With God?

That you desire to walk with God is wonderful, since He also wants to walk with you!It is His desire to reassure you that He is with you at all times, and it is also His desire to converse with you—and with you with Him.Consider the following scenario: Because we have sinned and turned our backs on God, we are shut off from Him by our very nature.

However, when we come to Christ and devote our life to Him, God washes us of all of our sins and we are no longer separated from Him as we were previously.Instead, He accepts us as members of His family, and we are adopted as His children for all time.When it comes to being a child of God, the Bible declares that we are heirs—heirs of God as well as co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).

So, how can we walk with God and grow in our relationship with Him?The most essential approach is to spend time with Him, just as we do with our children.This includes listening to Him when He communicates to us via the Bible and conversing with Him in prayer, among other things.

The same way that human friendships wither and perish if we don’t spend enough time together, our connection with God will become chilly if we don’t spend enough time with Him.Allow yourself to spend time alone with God every day, even if it is only for a few minutes at beginning.Christ, on the other hand, is with you at all times of the day!Even if you’re really busy, you may still communicate with Him and obey His instructions.″I will be with you always, until the very end of the age,″ Jesus promised (Matthew 28:20).

The Secret of Walking with God

God has desired a walking companion since the beginning of time.Page 1 of 2 (of 2 total pages) God is looking for more than just a clinging bride; he is also looking for a walking partner.God’s relationship with Adam and Eve began with them ″walking in the garden in the cool of the day,″ which was the beginning of their relationship with God (Genesis 3:8).

God created man in order for him to enjoy the benefits of a walking relationship that included companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and shared dominion with the rest of the world.God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been tugging you into a closer walk with him.My wife, Marci, loves to go walking with her friend, Wendy.

They spend the entire time talking.Nonstop.The walk not only allows them to get some exercise while having fun, but it also helps to strengthen their friendship.

These are the kinds of walks that Jesus took with his disciples, and he still enjoys walking with us in this manner today.The secret spot is not the goal; it is merely the catalyst.It is God’s intention for us to be established in an intimate friendship with him, which is then lived out in the course of our daily lives.The goal we’re aiming for is a daily walk in which we are in constant communion with our Lord and friend.A man named Enoch was the first man in the Bible to walk in the presence of God.

After having Methuselah, Enoch walked with God for three hundred years, bearing sons and daughters.As a result, Enoch lived for a total of three hundred and sixty-five years.And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him (Genesis 5:22–24).Even though men began to call upon the name of the Lord in the early days (Genesis 4:26), Enoch was the first man to uncover the true delight of walking with God.He found something even Adam didn’t experience.

He pressed into God until he learned how to commune with God through every facet of life.To find that dimension of relationship certainly required an intense spiritual pursuit, and then when he found it, the Lord made a graphic statement by taking him up to heaven.By taking Enoch up to glory, God wasn’t trying to get us impressed with Enoch’s piety.Nor was God saying, ″If you get to be as spiritual as Enoch, you’ll get taken up to heaven, too.″ This was a unique experience God used to emphasize a specific point.God’s point was, ″I love to walk with man!

  • Enoch was the first man to truly walk with me, so I decided to highlight his example by doing something extraordinary with him.
  • I took him up to paradise to underscore how much I value and desire a daily walking relationship with my chosen ones.″ Enoch’s example continues to witness to all generations of the great zeal God has to walk with man.
  • When the zeal of God captures you, it will ignite you with a great passion to walk with God and to be his friend.
  • Imagine being Enoch and living 365 years—and having this growing relationship with God!
  • One can only wonder what glorious depths of intimacy Enoch uncovered.
  • Perhaps Enoch’s heart longed so deeply for more of God that God grew weary of withholding himself.

Maybe God’s heart was saying, ″Enoch, you love me with such a pure and sweet passion, I don’t want to say ‘no’ to you anymore.I’m going to answer your prayer and show you my face.Come on up!″ As you draw close to God, he will not likely take you up to heaven as he did Enoch.

However, he does desire to reveal the beauty of his face to you.As we walk with him, he will open the Scriptures to us through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and reveal to us the light of the glory of God that is to be found in him.When we walk with God, we enter the dimension where God unfolds the secrets of his kingdom.These are the paths that the ancients trod before us.

Noah knew the secret of walking with God (Genesis 6:9), as did Abraham (Genesis 24:40).(Genesis 24:40).Through Christ, you can explore the glorious riches of knowing God like they did—and to even a greater degree because of the Spirit which has been given to us!

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Intentionality In Your Walk With Jesus

There are no short cuts when it comes to your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.Similarly to how an athlete trains their body to perform at their peak while competing, we (even more so) must train our minds to be godly when we are not competing.Making a decision to engage in these deliberate behaviors can improve your intensity as you walk with Christ……

I’d like to provide you with a list of many methods for developing your own spirituality.Making a decision to engage in the following purposeful behaviors can improve your intensity as you walk with Christ personally:


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1. I will develop my spiritual life daily

Your personal life will be transformed if you make the choice in your heart and mind that you will prioritize the growth of your own spiritual life. Obtain a plan from God, learn from others, create your plan, and adhere to it on a daily basis.

2. I will release my life to God daily

When you choose to humble yourself before God on a regular basis and truly surrender yourself to God, you will experience a new level of success in your life. When you rely just on yourself, you are displaying pride; however, when you rely solely on God, you are demonstrating humility. Every day, surrender your life to God.

3. I will read the Bible daily

People who study their Bible on a regular basis are those who carry out their religion every day.If you do not read your Bible on a regular basis, it will be impossible to be everything God intends you to be.The Bible says in Psalm 119:25, ″Give me life via Your Word.″ When we read the Bible on a daily basis, we discover life.

In a few of days, I will have completed my second reading of the Bible.That implies that during the course of the previous twenty-eight years, I will have read through the Bible at least once a year on a consistent basis.Nothing has had a greater impact on my life than reading through God’s Word on a daily and annual basis.

4. I will talk to God daily

When you read the Bible on a regular basis, God communicates with you via His written Word.This will encourage you to communicate with God on a daily basis.In fact, it will not only motivate you to c

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