How To Teach Kids About Jesus?

Teaching Kids About Jesus

Teaching children about Jesus seems simple…until you really try to educate them about Jesus.God is present, but you are unable to perceive him.We pray to him, yet he rarely responds in an audible voice when we pray to him.When I first tried to explain faith to my two-year-old, it appeared to be lot simpler.

For example, one morning, our dog ate Jesus, which was a surprise to us.Toddler (while eating pancakes): Here, Jesus, here’s a stack of pancakes for you.It has been brought to my attention that he is in my heart.Here he is, right here!(Pretends to reach into her chest, then extends her hand to show me) Look, there he is!Oh, no!

  • (he exclaims dramatically) Oh, no!
  • I threw him to the ground!
  • The Lord!

(She leaps out of her chair and looks around the floor) Where have you gone?!We don’t want that!(yells at our dog) Nooooo!(Angry, he informs me) Bubba ate Jesus on the cross!

Teaching Kids About Jesus Is Totally Doable

Some of you may be thinking if it’s worth continuing to read this article. But believe me when I say that we are making steady progress. Our three-year-old is learning about Jesus via a variety of practices, some of which include:

Consider sacrificing a small amount of privacy in order to set a positive example.Writing, exercising, and reading my Bible are some of my favorite pastimes.While my kid slept, I used to accomplish any tasks that needed discipline on my end.However, this meant that my daughter was unaware of any of the activities I engaged in.

When it comes to educating children about Jesus, the most effective strategy is to lead by example.So take a seat and place your Bible in front of them.(Scrolling through Facebook on your phone appears to be the same as reading the Bible.) Allow them to hear your prayers all throughout the day.

Read the Bible together as a family.Even as an adult, when you’re knee-deep in Leviticus, it might be difficult to find a life application for what you’re reading.Yes, the camel is dirty, that’s right.″I’ll make it a point not to eat that today!″ As a result, when I read with my daughter, I make an effort to choose a tale that is both (a) engaging and (b) appropriate for her level of comprehension.

We make an effort to concentrate on a brief tale, such as Zacchaeus’ account in Luke 19:1-10.People climbing trees, Jesus visiting a buddy at his home are all scenarios she is familiar with, and the message isn’t overly esoteric.This condition is well-met by stories found in children’s Bibles, which are abundant in this genre.She has the rest of her life to catch up on Leviticus, which she will do.

We’ll be talking about the Bible together.This transforms the experience of reading the Bible from merely hearing words that may or may not take root in their hearts, to one of truly applying it to one’s own life and circumstances.″Zacchaeus didn’t have many friends,″ you may say in reference to the narrative above.What do you suppose his reaction was when Jesus announced he intended to pay him a visit?

As a result of Jesus’ kindness to Zacchaeus, how do you believe we should handle children who are socially isolated, such as Zacchaeus?It only takes a few questions to help your children better comprehend the tale and to make a link between the Bible and their own life.

Pray together on a regular basis, not just at mealtimes and before bed.Any type of family prayer is amazing!In contrast, it’s simple to thank God for our meals and pray before night, but it’s much easier to forget about him for the rest of the day.Every time anything jumps out in your day, whether it’s a pleasant or sad event, take a minute to pray about it as a family.

For example, when my daughter expresses her affection for our dog, we can say a little prayer together.″Dear Jesus, thank you very much for entrusting Petey to us.We are eternally grateful.″ He’s a wonderful dog and a wonderful buddy, and we adore him.″ Simple, to be sure, but it encourages her to learn to express gratitude to God for all of her blessings, large and little.When she gets harmed while playing outside, we tend to her wounds and then pray that Jesus would assist her in her recovery.Again, it’s straightforward, and it’s instructing her to bring her needs to God in prayer.

We’ll be worshiping together.Choose only one song to begin with, one that you are confident will be enjoyed by your children.Inquire with younger children about the songs they sing at Sunday school, or check YouTube for songs that include hand gestures to make it more entertaining.Explanation: When the time comes, explain that you will all be singing a hymn to Jesus as a group.

Ask your children why they believe we sing to Jesus for the first time (and at random later on), and then agree that we do it because we love him, we want to thank him, he is our heavenly father, our buddy, and a variety of other reasons.Sing the song and set an example for others to follow.If they appear to be enjoying their worship time, try including extra songs as needed.

Assist them in memorizing Bible Scriptures that they can refer to on a regular basis.When she was two years old, my daughter learned a condensed version of Deuteronomy 31:6 in the Bible.″Have bravery and strength of character.You needn’t be scared, since the Lord our God will be with you.″ We threw in a few extra actions to make things more interesting.

She flexed her biceps when she said ″strong,″ snarled vehemently when she said ″courageous,″ shook her finger when she said ″do not be frightened,″ and marched in place when she said ″because the Lord our God walks with you.″ It’s impossible for me to count the number of times we reminded her of that scripture (and how many times she reminded us) when she was terrified of anything.Look for brief verses like not being scared, loving others, trusting God, and so on, and create up some activities for smaller children to go along with the messages.Even at an early age, you may assist them in burying God’s truth deeply in their hearts.

Attend church on a regular basis.I understand what you’re going through.Finding your perfect church — one where your entire family is on the same page about the message, the worship, the people, and so on – may be difficult.Keep in mind that your children should receive God’s message from someone other than you on a continuous basis.

The majority of churches follow a carefully organized curriculum that is age-appropriate in order to connect your children to God on their own level of understanding.I make every effort, but I am not an expert in childhood development.Allow your children to hear from someone who is, or at the very least from someone who is following a lesson plan that was produced by someone who is, in the field.

Don’t treat faith as if it were a duty or something to cross off a list.I’m not going to force my kid to read 10 chapters of the Bible until she has an interest in doing so voluntarily.I’ll sing praise songs with her, but if she loses interest after the first song, I’ll call a halt to our plans for the day.When it comes to teaching her about Jesus, I’m attempting to do it in a way that compliments her attention span and interests while also allowing her to take the lead whenever she wants.

Her reading the Bible, praying, or participating in worship should not be considered a checkbox on her to-do list or something she does to placate her parents, in my opinion.

Wrap It Up

Instructing children about Jesus does not have to be difficult or time-consuming.It should not feel like a chore.When it comes to expressing our personal faith for children, we may be intentional about doing so, and we can lead them in reading, discussing, and memorizing the Bible, as well as praying, worshiping, and visiting church together.In Proverbs 22:6 (MSG), we are assured that ″if you point your children in the correct road, they will not get lost when they are old.″ Let’s make good on our commitment today!

If you’d like a worksheet that includes links to short Bible tales, basic memory verses, free Bible coloring pages, and other materials to help you better prepare to educate your children about Jesus, go here.Get it right now by clicking HERE!Disclosure: The Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate advertising programs have been developed to offer a mechanism for us to earn revenue by connecting to and connected sites.These programs are provided at no additional cost for you as a result of our participation.

10 Practical Ways to Introduce a Child to Jesus

Time required for reading: 6 minutes Do you want your children to grow up knowing God?Here are some practical suggestions for parents who wish to teach their children about Jesus and help them develop a strong Christian foundation from an early age.Jessica Smartt contributes a guest post.I’ll be completely upfront about this: I’m currently sitting down on my couch, exhausted after eight months of pregnancy.

It’s 7:30 p.m., the kids have gone to bed, and wow, am I exhausted.After a long day spent chasing after toddlers, I was exhausted.I’m sitting here writing this piece on how to introduce your child to Jesus…and when I think back on my day, I can’t help but feel a bit uneasy…perhaps even hypocritical.After a while, the questions start to come to mind: Have I educated my children about Jesus today?Have I told these tiny ones how much I adore them?

  • Is there anything I’ve taught them that’s worthwhile?
  • And all of a sudden, today’s prayers seem a little out of the ordinary, the embraces seem a little scant, and the entire drawn-out day seems like a collection of squandered opportunities.
  • Isn’t it difficult to demonstrate Jesus’ love to children?

I’m a huge fan of Jesus.I know in my heart of hearts that He is the one thing that really matters.For more than anything else, I yearn for my children to experience this same level of affection.Even yet, I have a hard time figuring out how to introduce a child to Jesus in a way that will last, and in a way that their young hearts will grasp.

In response to this anxiety, I wrote what has become my most popular piece, How to Introduce Your Child to Jesus.People read it, pinned it, and then went back to their tables hungry.As a result, a year later, I’ve published my first e-book, which is based on the same subject.It’s because it’s difficult.In order to avoid confusion, the solutions aren’t straightforward.Because we moms are both heavenly and human at the same time.

Although inspired, the work is not without flaws.Because, every now and again, we require a little direction.Despite the fact that I am an expert in this field, and despite the fact that it comes naturally to me, I produced this book perhaps exactly because it does not.I’ve worked hard to come up with some answers, with some practical suggestions, with some very doable things that any of us parents can do – even when we’re running on little sleep and while we’re still learning our children’s names.

Here are a few examples of these suggestions:

1. Let your kids see your Real Faith.

Real faith is a muddled mess.After losing one’s anger, one feels guilty.When children are unwell, it causes concern.It travels around during the day, sometimes forgetting to express gratitude to the Giver of all the blessings.

As a result, don’t feel under any pressure to be ″perfect.″ Instead, be authentic with God – and in front of your kids.Are you apprehensive?Inform them, and then pray for them.Are you completely exhausted?Inform them, and then pray for them.

2. Apologize often.

It’s amazing how strong this is, and how quickly we forget! My mother’s voice can still be heard in my thoughts, saying, ″Mommies make errors, too.″ Do you accept my apologies? My parents’ modest petitions for forgiveness were a significant statement to me about their character and their love for me, despite the fact that it seemed counter-intuitive at the time.

3. Find a good kids’ Bible, and read it routinely.

Today, we are really lucky to have access to a large number of great children’s Bibles. (Not all of the items on the shelf are nice, but many of them are.) In my book, I go through some of my favorites.) Above all, God’s word is the ultimate source of all truth. It instills optimism and brightness into the midst of gloom! Demonstrate His message to them.

4. Spend time playing Legos, and combing Barbie’s hair, and giving back scratches.

To put it another way, if you don’t have a positive relationship with your children, it may be more difficult for them to embrace your religious teachings.

5. Replace a some “secular” books, movies, songs, and toys with some high-quality Jesus-centered ones.

We can be sure that if our children are not hearing about Jesus, they are also not thinking about Him very often.We may direct their attention away from themselves and towards Jesus by using music, tales, and movies that are centered on Him.Of course, many of the ″Christian″ children’s books available on the market aren’t really good…but there are some that are.My e-book has a list of my top 25 favorite resources, which you can get here.

Erin also has a fantastic list of spiritual gift ideas for children, as well as Resurrection-themed Easter basket ideas, which you can see here and here.

6. Spend time on your own with the Lord.

  • Isn’t it true that it’s easier said than done? Even though we all instinctively know that we need to do this, doing so might be difficult! Here are a couple of pointers: Be kind to yourself when your quiet moments slip (which they will if you are a weary and busy mommy), and don’t allow guilt keep you from seeking Jesus, even if it has been a month since you’ve opened your Bible. Begin right now, wherever you are
  • During the day, while the children are in school, spend time with Jesus. Pray aloud for yourself and your needs. When they’re not paying attention, talk to Jesus. Read a verse aloud to yourself. You can gain knowledge while they are learning.
See also:  Why Didn'T Jesus Write The Bible?

7. Talk about Jesus often with your kids.

While brainstorming for my book, I quickly came up with more than a dozen different ways parents might talk about Jesus with our children – all in the context of normal, daily conversation. It’s simply a matter of being aware of these options and acting on them!

8. Bring them to church, and let them see a little bit of real church.

I understand that this is a deeply personal choice for many families: nursery vs ″large church.″ When you have little children in the pew with you, it’s much more difficult!In our experience, allowing our children to be squirmy close to us has brought about wonderful outcomes.No matter how tiny the percentage of the service, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.The fact that our children are watching us worship indicates to them that God is sacred and essential, as well as that our faith is vital to us.

9. Remind your children often, I love you so much, and God loves you, too.

This is something I learnt from my extremely intelligent mother, who frequently becomes upset with the convoluted Sunday school curriculum.She believes that when they are young, all they need to know is two things: that God created everything and that God loves them.What a breath of fresh air, huh?Give your children a big embrace and tell them that God adores them.

Do they realize how much God loves them?Combined with a hug, this simple phrase has tremendous power!

10. Tailor your teaching to your child’s personality.

  • In my book, I discuss the seven most frequent personalities found in children (the defiant child, the fearful child, the difficult child, and others). Everyone’s youngster has a unique need for the Gospel in different ways. Unfortunately, there are no assurances that our children will follow in the footsteps of Jesus. However, it is beneficial for me to consider their individual characteristics and explore ways in which each child requires Jesus. Are you interested in finding out more? My new e-book, How To Introduce Your Child To Jesus, contains more practical advice, such as: my church survival kit for little ones (including the specific items we bring, how we address misbehavior, and more)
  • my church survival kit for older children (including the specific items we bring, how we address misbehavior, and more)
  • and more.
  • My top 25 favorite Jesus-centered children’s books, movies, and toys include the following:
  • Situations that occur on a daily basis to discuss Jesus with your child
  • The seven most frequent personality types in children, as well as methods to educate each kind
  • I’ve compiled a list of my favorite devotionals for tired moms.
  • Questions from the audience were answered, including questions regarding educating children about God that are commonly asked.

What’s your biggest challenge in teaching little ones you love about Jesus?

Jessica Smartt is a former middle-school teacher who now resides in the lovely state of North Carolina with her family.On her blog, where she can be found making light of the everyday trials of parenthood, sharing delicious allergy-free recipes, and reveling in the fact that God still loves her despite the fear of flying she has lately developed, you can find her writing.She is blessed beyond measure with two intelligent young sons and a supportive husband who can fix everything.You may find her on social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, and her blog.

How to teach young children about Jesus

In Western society, we frequently struggle to educate and cultivate a healthy emotional lexicon in the minds and hearts of our children.This is especially true for children who are experiencing trauma.We encourage kids to ″be strong″ or ″be kind″ when they are in difficult situations, but we don’t explain what that includes or what it looks like.As parents, carers, and friends of children, it is our job to provide them with safe environments in which to learn and develop.

It’s impossible to sugarcoat every obstacle in life, no matter how much we wish to shield our children’s feelings from being harmed.Instead, we can keep their hearts safe during those terrible times by demonstrating what it is to be robust and faithful in the face of hardship.As a result, what happened?They will develop, and we will as well.It comes with the huge responsibility of showing and teaching young people about Jesus that comes with the desire to produce stable and confident children.Being a Christian parent and raising children to love the Lord are two of the most important tasks a Christian adult can undertake.

  • But how do we go about doing so?
  • Children look to us to provide an example of positive behaviors and habits that they may carry with them into adulthood, including spirituality.
  • Because if we are not willing to model Christlike behavior in front of our children, the Bible stories we teach them will stay just that: stories to be read to children.

As a result, it starts with us.For Christ’s nature to speak louder than our own imperfect humanity, we must be willing to regularly and persistently self-examine ourselves and our own Christian journey.If we want our children to grow up to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we must teach them the difference between performing religion and establishing a personal faith.Finding the most effective way to incorporate Christian beliefs and principles with children is a process of trial and error, just as with any other part of parenting.

In our areas of influence, this applies to all children, whether at home, at church, or in the community.Finding numerous chances throughout the day to teach Christian education at home is a terrific place to start for parents who are new to this.In light of the fact that I am a single parent who also works full-time, I am well aware that my everyday options for this are restricted.Due to the fact that I have discovered that my kid is an auditory learner, I make certain that we listen to God-honoring music and stories when we are traveling in the car together.It’s not uncommon to hear children’s music or an audiobook for youngsters.Other times, all I need to do is put on a praise and worship album on Spotify or listen to my favorite prayer podcast, Pray-As-You-Go, to get my mind off things.

Because my son attends a Christian preschool, we also spend time in the car practicing his memory verses.I believe these times are crucial for my kid when I hear him sing these songs and recite these lyrics out loud, even if their spiritual truths are not completely comprehended in his precious little soul at this time.He is taking in the profound words, which he will be able to relate to on a personal level in the future.Every night before bed, I make it a point to say a prayer and sing a particular song with my family.

I don’t ″push″ him to participate, but he understands and chooses to participate in the manner in which he feels most comfortable each night.Since I was pregnant with my kid, I have been singing the same hymn to him, which has the following lyrics: ″Beautiful Lord, lovely God: you are my shield and protection.″ I can relax and go off to sleep knowing that you are keeping an eye on me.Thank you for being such a lovely God.

  1. Please assist me to put my confidence in you forever.
  2. I don’t have to be afraid because You are close by: I may lie down and sleep peacefully.″ He now joins me in singing this song on a number of occasions.
  3. One important thing I’ve discovered about my son as a result of this process is that reading Bible tales to him doesn’t seem to be as effective as it should be.
  4. I’m so excited to try and teach him everything I know about the narrative, but he loses interest pretty fast.

When this happened, I used to feel dissatisfied or incompetent as a parent, until I learned that the method we receive God’s teachings is different for each individual person.As I get to know my wonderful boy more and better, I discover via trial and error how he best learns and absorbs information from his environment.Because we all learn in various ways, it is critical to understand the kid to whom we are attempting to bring Jesus.It is ideal for groups to come up with a variety of activities that appeal to each of the seven main learning styles (aural, visual, linguistic, mathematic, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal) in order to maximize participation.For example, I discovered that my son’s auditory learning style allows him to absorb information far more effectively through music.

And there are materials available to accommodate every learning style.All that is required is a disciplined and eager heart, as well as the time and effort necessary to prepare for Christian youth education.Every emotional feeling my 4-year-old kid expresses is validated by me, which is the most essential method I try to model and teach Christ-like conduct to him.That may seem obvious, but the truth is that our culture has historically been poor at encouraging one another during difficult times.My son is a little guy who is extremely sensitive and insightful.

Due to his upbringing in a single-parent family, he and I undoubtedly face some additional hurdles that we must overcome together.Over the course of the previous 18 months, I’ve had to learn how to simply be with him, no matter how he’s feeling at the time.I’ve come to know that it isn’t always my voice that he requires to hear what I’m saying.Sometimes all I need is to be alone with my thoughts.Remember that Jesus was an active listener (see John 4:4-42) and that we can see throughout the Bible that Jesus had intense emotions, and that people frequently mistook him for someone else as a result of this experience.In this busy world, when we take the time to communicate with our children about their often overwhelming feelings, we are teaching them that they have value.

That they are loved, cared for, and accepted…no matter what happens in their lives.Consequently, we demonstrate to them that our love for them is unconditional, just as God’s love is unconditional.And I can’t think of a better place to begin than with this statement.

Do Good:

  • Read the Laugh and Grow Bible for Little Ones, authored by VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer, to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to 15 Bible stories that are centered on the gospel
  • and
  • On YouTube, you may see animated stories and melodies created by The Holy Tales: Bible.
  • Find out how you can become a part of The Salvation Army’s Fight for Good right now.
  • Was it ever brought to your attention that The Salvation Army assisted more than 23 million Americans in the past year in the fight against hunger, homelessness, substance misuse, and other issues—all in the name of doing good? May you tell me where I can get help? Take our survey to identify your cause and see how you can get involved right away.

Teaching Kids about Jesus: 11 Tried and True Ways to Help Kids Learn the Gospel

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Have you ever had the feeling that you want your children to know about Jesus but aren’t sure where to begin? It is not necessary to be difficult while teaching children about Jesus. Here are some tried and tested methods for assisting children in learning the gospel.

Teaching Kids about Jesus

I knew I wanted to educate my children about Jesus even before I had any children of my own.The subject was a hot topic of conversation between my husband and myself before we were married and before we had children.In my own life, the gospel has been a significant emphasis and influence, and we wanted the same for our children.I’ve relied on Jesus in a variety of situations and for a variety of reasons over the course of my life.

So that when they are going through difficult times and the world throws everything at them, they may find peace and comfort in Christ, I want my children to have a connection with Jesus.I think that in order for your children to grow in their Faith and Testimony, you must lay a foundation of Jesus in their lives while they are young.This is something that my husband and I have established as a top priority in our household.As a result, we’ve been able to observe our children gradually grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus Christ.We are confident in the fact that the things we do are effective.The moments when my daughter tells me that we failed to pray over dinner, or when I hear my son singing a church hymn all over the house, are my favorite moments.

  • These are items that will remain consistent throughout their lives and on which they will be able to rely one day.
  • Look in my shop for some amusing Christ Activity Pages to print and color.
  • Here are several tried-and-true methods of educating children about Jesus Christ.

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11 Easy Tried and True Ways to Help Kids Learn the Gospel

Read the Scriptures

  • This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is effective. We don’t spend a day without reading something from the Bible, even if it’s only a verse or two here and there. We have it as part of our bedtime ritual so that we don’t have to think about it throughout the day. In fact, if we do, my children will remind us of our mistake. It’s straightforward, but there is great strength in studying the scriptures! And there are a plethora of other approaches to take: Choose a passage or chapter from the Bible to read from each day and commit it to memory. I believe it is beneficial to have a hardcopy so that the children may view the book.
  • Even if you do not have access to the physical book, there are several scriptural applications that you may use to supplement your studies.
  • You may purchase a scripture book for children. There are a plethora of options available. Some of our favorite quotes that we have came across over the years are as follows: Children’s Bible stories, such as the Book of Mormon for Young Readers, or other Bible stories, such as 5 minute bible stories or the Baby’s First Bible Set
  • It is possible to enable any scripture skill on an Alexa or Google device in order to have her read you a daily scripture or to choose which Scripture she should be reading. If we’ve had a late night, we’ll generally ask Alexa to give us a scripture
  • you could even sign up for an email list where they send you a brief idea and scripture every day that you can pass along to others.
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Pray together on a regular basis.And when I say frequently, I mean on a consistent basis.Pray throughout meals, first thing in the morning, before you go to bed, if you’re having a difficult time, or before any important occasion.Maintaining a continual presence of Jesus and His spirit in your life comes via persistent prayer.

Teaching children to pray and instilling the habit of doing so now will benefit them in the future.For those who aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to prayer, the following resources will provide excellent direction.However, if you are already aware of the importance of prayer, but find it difficult to pray or do not know what to pray with children, here is a 30-day prayer challenge for children.It helps you know what to pray for with children, and it helps children learn about the many different things they might pray for.As children become more accustomed to praying, they begin to think of their own tiny concerns to pray about, and it is quite rewarding to listen to their little petitions.Every night before bed, we have a rotation in our family for who has the honor of saying a prayer.


Scripture, prayer, and music, in my opinion, are the top three basic things you can start doing in your life right away to assist your children learn the most about Jesus.They are basic tasks, yet they are really effective.I believe that music has the ability to communicate to almost anybody, and children are no exception.I believe kids can sense the positive energy contained inside an uplifting song.

There are a plethora of options for distributing uplifting music:

  1. One of my favorite applications is the Sacred Music App, which is available for both iOS and Android devices. There’s music for people of all ages, and it’s all upbeat
  2. YouTube is actually a terrific source for good music. We enjoy the music channel Strive to Be, as well as Pandora or any other music app. Pandora is a favorite of ours. Our favorite stations are BYU Noteworthy, Anthem Lights, and Vocal Point, to name a few examples.

When one of my children is singing a nice song around the house, it makes me happy.


Attend a religious service.It is possible that you will not be able to attend church if you are reading this during the epidemic, but there are several virtual churches available.We all know how difficult it can be to get up early on a Sunday morning, get the whole family dressed, and prepare to sit through an hour of church where youngsters are continually interrupting the service.But, believe me when I say, the rewards are well worth it.

It will just become something that your family does as a group if you make attending to church a habit.Additionally, youngsters can be taught to sit during church services.I’m not suggesting they’ll be angels in every way, but you can set expectations for them and they’ll be able to meet them.They will have difficult days, but it will all be worth it as they learn and develop their abilities.I also recommend bringing a church bag to church with you so that your children may engage in a peaceful activity while you are listening to the sermon.An excellent resource for putting together an effective church bag is available here.

Home Sunday School

If attending church is not an option for you, you and your children can participate in an at-home Sunday school program.And it is not required to take place on a Sunday.Make a family night out of it and teach your children about Jesus.Include games, crafts, and object lessons to make learning more enjoyable for them.

I hope to incorporate more ideas for object lessons and church crafts on my blog in the future so that it can serve as a convenient resource for you.You can instruct students on a variety of topics, such as how to be Christlike, the ten commandments, or the importance of prayer.

Talk of Christ

Make Christ a part of your every day life by mentioning him in everything you do, no matter how little it seems.Make a point of noticing small things throughout your day that you believe are from God.Communicate with your children about your own encounters with Jesus.It’s difficult for your children to understand how Christ truly impacts our life unless we are forthright about it with them.


This goes hand in hand with the discussion of Jesus Christ. Set a good example for your children by becoming the person you want them to be. If you want your children to serve more, be more nice, or pray more, show them that you are doing these things yourself. When I’m praying, my children have walked right through me a couple of times. I sincerely hope that it has an impact on them!

Make it a priority

I believe that our children quickly understand what our top priorities are.They are aware of our activities and of the things that we prioritize above anything else in our lives.They are quite perceptive.Selecting to place Jesus as a top priority in your life will cause it to become a top priority for them as well.

Even if it doesn’t appear to be so at a young age, it is.It is possible that they will rely on it in the future.

Crafts and Activities to Teach Kids About Jesus

Crafts and activities, I believe, are one of the most effective ways to educate children. Kids enjoy getting their hands dirty, and it leaves a more lasting effect on their memories. Here are some suggestions for crafts and activities that can help you teach your children about Jesus:

Coloring Books

Coloring books are available in a variety of formats.Buying coloring books for different seasons and bringing them to church is something I enjoy doing.Easter, Christmas, and Bible tale coloring books are all excellent resources for teaching children about the faith.In addition, I designed an encouraging coloring book for Christ.

It all comes down to believing in and loving God, as well as recognizing who you are as a child of the Most High.If you’d like to download the Coloring Book for free, you may do so by visiting this link:


  • There are a plethora of resources available for various printables that might assist you in teaching your students about Jesus. One is the prayer challenge, but there are others that I enjoy: A fantastic resource for different printouts to learn about Christ and biblical tales, DLTK’s Growing Together is an excellent place to start.
  • Some FREE Jesus printables are available at Teaching Mama, including puzzles, nativity scenes, mazes, and matching activities.
  • Bible Story Printables is an entire website dedicated to activities and printables for children based on the story of Jesus
  • Christ and Noah are the subjects of this activity page.


  • There are a variety of activities that may be played to assist children in learning about and recognizing Christ. Here are a few illustrations: The Bible Trivia Cards, Bible Bingo, Noah’s Ark: Don’t Rock the Boat, and Bible Story Memory Games are all excellent options.

Teaching Kids About Jesus

It’s simply not that difficult to teach children about Christ.Including Christ in modest ways and making Him a priority in your life will have a positive impact on your children.Related: How to Make a Simple Home Preschool Schedule (with Pictures) Related: Activities to Make Bedtime Easier: Bedtime Routine Activities to Make Bedtime Easier Related: 10 Minute Family Time Activities That Are Quick and Easy Please follow and like us on Facebook:

How to More Intentionally Teach Your Children about Jesus

  • It might be difficult for children to understand the notion of God, His word, and His purpose in our life, especially when they are young.
  • Additionally, older children who have not constantly sought God’s counsel may find it difficult to travel the road.
  • No matter how old your child is, there are still ways that you may guide them in a way that will encourage them to walk in God’s grace and grow in their connection with their trust in Him as they go.
  • No matter how old your child is, there are still ways that you may guide them in a way that will encourage them to walk in God’s grace and grow in their connection with their trust in Him as they go.
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● Talk to God with your kids from the start.

  • It is critical to instill the habit of communicating with God in your child at a young age if you want to introduce faith into their life.
  • This can be unsettling for some people later in life, because God does not have a real, physical form with which to communicate with them in this manner.
  • The ability to trust that He is listening and directing us requires a tremendous lot of faith.
  • Introduce your youngster to the practice of conversing with God by having a dialogue with him or her.
  • Demonstrate that He is more than a deity to whom you can only pray or whom you may call upon for assistance when you are in need, but rather a friend you can rely on at all times of the day.
  1. Introduce your youngster to the practice of conversing with God by having a dialogue with him or her.
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● Find creative ways to approach Bible study.

  • Even for adults, sitting down and examining the Bible may be a daunting endeavor, let alone for a two-year-old child.
  • This does not imply, however, that you should return the Bible to its original location on your bookshelf until your kid reaches a specific age.
  • In addition to conventional Bible study, there are a variety of engaging options that will present significant tales and themes from the Holy Book in an engaging manner!
  • Using visual entertainment, such as a movie streaming service, you may engage your youngster.
  • There are a plethora of Christian films to pick from that may introduce kids to Christianity and God’s word in a pleasant and engaging manner.
  1. To keep screen time to a minimum, alternate between watching movies and reading.
  2. There are several wonderful Bible-based novels developed exclusively for newborns and toddlers that are available!

● Lead by example.

  • This is the period of your child’s life during which they will learn the majority of their skills through observation.
  • There is a significant likelihood that they are turning to you for direction since you are the most important person in their lives.
  • Engage in frequent dialogues about faith with your children, discussing your moral principles and your relationship with God with them.
  • Explain your understanding of faith and God’s message, as well as why you feel He is present in your own life.
  • This will offer your youngster with knowledge to chew about and, ultimately, serve as the foundation for their own development of religious ideas.
  1. This is the period of your child’s life during which they will learn the majority of their skills through observation.
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● Pray as a family.

  • Allow your youngster to benefit from his or her developing connection with God by making it a family affair.
  • It will act as another type of guidance for your child, motivating them to continue to walk in God’s grace since you are doing so.
  • Your relationship with God must be demonstrated physically, and this is critical.
  • It is important to be purposeful about praying in front of children, becoming engaged at church, and communicating to God in front of them.
  • If they are having problems making prayer a regular part of their routine, schedule time each day for the family to reconnect and pray together.
  1. Allow your youngster to benefit from his or her developing connection with God by making it a family affair.
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● Count their blessings.

  • Making a point of recognizing the areas in which God has made a positive difference in our lives is an excellent approach to strengthen our connection with Him.
  • For young adults, who are beginning to experience the demands of adolescence, this is especially crucial to remember.
  • By encouraging kids to seek out the good aspects of their daily lives, we may help to equip them with the resilience they need to cope with grief, anger, and peer pressure.
  • Every day, spend time with your child and assist them in identifying all of the various ways in which they are fortunate.
  • This will assist them in developing a positive outlook that they may use to their everyday activities.

● Go on mission trips.

  • For your youngster, mission trips or youth conferences are enjoyable opportunities to interact with others while growing in their religion.
  • Furthermore, individuals may learn how to put their beliefs into action in a way that is both productive and beneficial.
  • Furthermore, these spiritually demanding situations can assist your kid in better understanding their religion as they enter adulthood and in recognizing the areas in which they might improve as a follower of God.
  • These spiritually demanding situations can assist your kid in better understanding their religion as they enter adulthood, as well as in recognizing the areas in which they might improve as a follower of God.
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See also:  Where Jesus Was Crucified Place

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How to Teach about the Miracles of Jesus for Kids

  • Going on an adventure is something that all children enjoy!
  • Adventures filled with exciting activities, unique companions, and breathtaking vistas will remain in your memory forever.
  • The Bible urges us to go on the greatest adventure of all: the journey of faith to follow Jesus!
  • Jesus is a wonderful teacher, friend, and miracle worker who inspires people all across the world.
  • As children go on an adventure with Jesus, it is critical that they understand everything the Bible has to say about Jesus’ mission on earth and the incredible miracles he performed for people all over the world.
  1. Here are a few suggestions for teaching children about Jesus’ miracles: Take a look at the tale.
  2. Several studies have found that reading to children is extremely beneficial to their development in all areas.
  3. Consider devoting some time to reading about Jesus’ miracles to the children in your life.
  4. There are a plethora of amazing storybook Bibles that would make excellent tools, or even applications that you could use to engage with while reading the stories aloud.

It will provide a chance for deeper dialogue and learning with youngsters as they learn about the wonders of Jesus via his teachings.Decide on a theme.Trying to figure out where to begin when it comes to teaching about Jesus’ miracles might feel daunting at times.Do you begin with the first miracle, which is the transformation of water into wine?

  • For example, how about the thrilling resurrection of Lazarus from the dead?
  • When teaching, consider adopting a special topic to assist students distinguish between distinct miracles.
  • Jesus performed several miracles on or with water, as well as giving food and curing individuals who were afflicted with various diseases.
  • Making a topic for teaching will provide a clear, tangible way for children to explore and remember the various miracles that have occurred.
  • Furthermore, pastors, teachers, and other leaders will have an excellent starting point for developing innovative plans.

Games, Object Lessons, and Activities that Encourage Experimentation Learning by doing is one of the most effective methods of assimilating God’s message into our long-term memory.A child’s mind, heart, and imagination are all stimulated in extraordinary ways through play.Finding opportunities to provide a variety of play alternatives for children is an excellent approach to give them a front-row seat to everything that Jesus did while also fostering strong relational bonds with them.As children engage in imaginative play and construct various components of the miracle, they will recall and experience it in a completely new light.Some possibilities for play at home or at church include conducting a hands-on scientific experiment, producing an art project, narrating or acting out the narrative of the miracle, or participating in games that are relevant to the miracle.Here are some useful curricular materials to get you started with some additional ideas!

  • The Paper Boat Regatta is a fun event for the whole family (Game) Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27, in which Jesus calms a raging sea Synopsis: When Jesus calmed the storm, he demonstrated to us that he had the ability to handle any tough situation we may encounter.
  • Moreover, he has taught us that he wants us to put our faith in him and not be scared even when it appears that we are in the midst of a storm.
  • Objective: Children will select one item that can be frightening and in which they must place their confidence in God to guide them through it.
  • The following items are required: A big tub of water has been filled.

There are two paper boats (made in advance) Straws Instructions: Choose two children to participate in this game.Place the children in a sitting or kneeling position near the tub.Place one boat in front of each of them on the water and wait for them to arrive.The two will attempt to move their boats from one side of the tub to the other by blowing them through the straws they have provided.The boat that gets to the other side first wins.If either boat sinks, the loser is immediately determined to be the boat that sank first.

  • Alternative: Instead of straws, you may use personal fans, or you can have the children fold and utilize a piece of paper as a fan to provide some wind for their boat.
  • What’s the point of it all?
  • Our lives will be calmed by God, and we may put our confidence in Him.
  • If we have Jesus, we don’t have anything to be afraid of.
  • Here are some useful resources that provide step-by-step directions on how to construct a paper boat: Check out this activity and additional ideas from Children’s Ministry Deals by clicking here!
  • Lesson from the Lunchbox (Object Lesson) Scripture reference: John 6:1-15, The Feeding of the 5000.
  1. Synopsis: Jesus was teaching to a large assembly of thousands of people.
  2. When it was time to eat, they only had the lunch of a small child to choose from.
  3. It was given to Jesus by the youngster, and Jesus used it to feed the entire crowd.

The goal is for children to declare, ″Jesus can cure it, and I can assist.″ The following items are required: A lunchbox is a container that holds food.So, how many of you are fortunate enough to have a mom who prepares your lunch every day?How many of you are old enough to prepare your own lunch, or at the very least to assist your parents in doing so?Isn’t that a significant step forward for a child?

  1. I think it’s a sign of maturity that we can assist with more than simply lunch preparation; we can also help with housekeeping and yard chores.
  2. It helps us feel more powerful, and it offers us a sense of satisfaction and success.
  3. When God makes things right, He may choose to work through us to complete the task.
  4. It is possible that God may use us as part of the answer to our own difficulties, or that God will use us, like the child whose lunch fed 5000 people, to mend things for other people.
  5. All that is required is a heart that is willing and giving while also listening to God.
  6. When we are attentive and willing, we may assist God in repairing the situation.
  1. Are you prepared to lend a hand to God?
  2. Tell Him you’re ready, and prepare yourself for God to perform mighty things in your life!
  3. Check out this activity and additional ideas from Children’s Ministry Deals by clicking here!
  4. Jesus is the Healer (Science Experiment) Scripture references: Luke 5:17-26, Friendship is a four-way street.
  5. Bring a Sick Person to Jesus’ Feet Synopsis: Four young men were so desperate for their friend to be healed that they tore the roof off of a home in order to get him to Jesus’ doorstep.
  6. Jesus is the most magnificent individual who has ever lived, and he wishes for us to get to know him better than anybody else.

The goal is for children to identify who Jesus is and why he is so awesome.The following items are required: Plastic ring, hex-nut (small enough to fit inside a soda bottle), and an empty soda bottle are all you need to complete this project.Directions:

  1. Place the bottle on a nearby table. The ring should be balanced on its side against the open mouth of the bottle. The hex nut should be balanced on top of the plastic ring. To avoid spilling, make sure the nut is positioned directly over the bottle’s opening.
  2. Make it a game for the youngsters to see how far they can get the ring out from under the hex nut. What happens to the nut if you strike the ring on the exterior of the bottle to knock it off the bottle? The nut is nowhere to be seen if you strike it on the inside of the ring.
  • In the event that you strike the ring on the inside, the ring will bend downward at the top and the nut will fall straight down into the bottle.
  • It is possible to touch the exterior with your finger and have the outer ring bend upward at first, sending the nut in an upward direction before falling, and it will not drop in the Coke bottle.
  • Preparation is essential for this experiment, so start early!
  • On this page, you can view an example of this type of experiment: If you remove the ring from the top of the bottle by striking the ring on the inside, the nut will fall into the bottle as a result of the pressure.
  • As soon as you remove the item that separates the bottle from the nut, the nut falls to the bottom of the bottle and becomes trapped there.
  1. Today’s reading is about four friends who are willing to go to any length to bring their crippled comrade to Jesus.
  2. They took off the roof of someone’s house and dropped their buddy inside the house to meet with Jesus in the process.
  3. They were aware that Jesus was a man of miracles and that he had the ability to cure him.
  4. The science experiments we’ll be doing in this series will be fascinating, and we’ll see some incredible things, but the most astounding thing we want you to witness is Jesus himself.

Jesus is the son of God.Besides being a renowned teacher and a miracle worker, Jesus is also known as ″the Savior.″ I hope that you’ll come to realize exactly how great Jesus is, and that if you haven’t already, you’ll do whatever it takes to get to Jesus – just like the hex nut that fell into the bottle – to show your love for him.Check out this activity and additional ideas from Children’s Ministry Deals by clicking here!Jesus is the most powerful person on the planet.

  • For every youngster, the miracles of Jesus are exciting and thrilling genuine stories that they may learn from.
  • These miracles serve as a constant reminder to us that Jesus has authority over everything in our lives.
  • When life is difficult, children may look to God’s word and realize that, when they follow Jesus, he is all-powerful!

How to Explain Jesus to a 3-Year-Old

  • Almost all Christian families believe that explaining who Jesus is to their children from an early age – sometimes as young as three years old – is critical to their spiritual development.
  • You cannot, however, explain Jesus to a toddler in the same manner that you would explain Jesus to an adult.
  • It’s critical to discuss the big principles about Jesus with a 3-year-old, and then to teach them further as they grow and develop.

1 Explain the general idea of God

  • Explain the broad concept of God, the origins of the universe, and the distinction between good and evil in general.
  • Explain to the youngster how God created the earth and how humanity were enticed by the devil to reject God’s commandments.
  • Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the forces of good and evil have been at odds with one another.
  • Having established the context, you may present Jesus as the man God sent to earth in order to save us from our sins and bad decisions.

2 Tell the child

  • Inform the youngster that Jesus is God’s son, and that God sent him to Earth to teach everyone how to obey God’s rules and be good people in order to save the world.
  • Describe Jesus as a kind and compassionate man who came to be our savior because he loves all people, including her and that he came to save us.
  • As a result, the child’s personal relationship with Jesus will be laid out in detail here.

3 Tell your 3 year old

Tell your three-year-old some of the more simple stories about Jesus, such as how he came up with the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Essentially, this is a brief fable that can be applied to the daily life of a 3-year-old.

About the Author

Cate Girone has been a published author since 2010. She has experience in public relations and has conducted green travel research for a British travel website, among other things. Girone graduated with honors from the College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Arts in English.

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