How To Love Others Like Jesus

5 Ways To Love Like Jesus

The gospel of Jesus Christ is founded on love, and we are to love in the same way that He loves. Our loving God sent Jesus to suffer for our sins so that we would not perish but would live forever in his presence (John 3:16). No one is beyond the reach of Christ’s love in the world, and when we embrace Him as our Savior, His love becomes a permanent fixture in our lives. It is demonstrated in the Bible how to love others in the manner of Jesus. LOVE God’s love for us is completely unmerited, and we have done nothing to earn or deserve it.

It was He who demonstrated how to love others, and it is our responsibility to follow His example with five methods to love like Jesus.

1) Show Kindness

Jesus’ gospel is founded on love, and we are to love in the same way that He loves. Our loving God sent Jesus to suffer for our sins so that we would not perish but would live forever in his presence (John 3:16). No one is beyond the reach of Christ’s love in the world, and when we embrace Him as our Savior, His love becomes a permanent fixture in our minds and lives. It is demonstrated in the Bible how to love others in the manner of Christ. LOVE God’s love for us is completely unmerited, and we have done nothing to earn or deserve this love.

As He demonstrated love for others, we are to follow His example by demonstrating love in five ways that look like Christ.

2) Pray for Others

Prayer is powerful because it encourages God to act in the lives of those who pray for them. Jesus desires for us to pray for others in order for Him to intervene in their situations and provide them with a breakthrough from their difficulties. We don’t just have to pray for people when they are in danger; we have to pray for them all of the time. When you have nothing more to give someone, you may just pray for them and believe that God will hear and answer your prayers on their behalf. As well as on all occasions and with all types of petitions and requests, pray in the Spirit on all occasions.” Keep this in mind as you remain vigilant and persistent in your prayers for all of the Lord’s people.” Paul writes in Ephesians 6:18 that

3) Love Others the Way you Love Yourself

In order for us to love others as Jesus did, we must first learn to love ourselves. You can only love and do things for others in the same manner that you love and do things for yourself. If you want to love yourself completely and totally, you must first accept God’s love, which He freely provides you. It exists in our hearts when we accept Christ as our Savior and have the Holy Spirit indwelling us. Love is a fruit of the Spirit, and it resides in our hearts when we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.

It is possible to love others even when they behave in an unloving manner toward you if your heart is filled with God’s love. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ is the second commandment, which is similar. 22:29 (Matthew 22:29)

4) Show Patience

According to 1 Corinthians 13:4, love is patient, and when we demonstrate patience to others, we are demonstrating the love of Christ to them. As patient individuals, we are to bear with one another and provide others the opportunity to develop and become more like Christ. We ought to be patient with others wherever we go since everyone are different from us and we don’t know what conflicts they are fighting on a daily basis as we do. It’s difficult to be patient with people in today’s fast-paced environment when we want everything to be completed immediately.

“Exercise total humility and gentleness; be patient and forbear with one another in love.” Paul writes in Ephesians 4:2 that What is the best way to share your beliefs with others?

5) Love your Enemies

It is not always the case that everyone you meet will be your friend, and others may turn against you for reasons best known to them. The fact that people dislike us and prefer to harass us does not imply that we should treat them in the same manner. Jesus desires for us to love and pray for them because He knows they are in desperate need of His rescuing power. The fact that we can love and wish the best for our opponents demonstrates that we have Christ in our hearts and that we are capable of doing so.

Because of what they have done to us, we are more likely to let go of the ill will we harbor against them in our hearts when we pray for them.

Conclusion: How to Love Like Jesus?

God is love, and if we claim to be godly, we must demonstrate that love to everyone around us via our actions. In obedience to God, love is something we show to others regardless of whether they deserve it or not. It might be difficult to love those who are difficult to love, but the grace of God will assist us in doing so. Prayerfully consider how you might have a loving and caring heart toward others, and how you can be a reflection of Christ’s love in the world.

14 Practical Ways to Love Others Like Jesus

When it comes to ministry today, one of the most popular types is the ministry that makes a big splash, attracts a lot of attention, and may even make the news. In addition, while there is good that comes from “Go Big” forms of ministry, there are other ways to love others in the way that Jesus did. In thinking that large-scale ministry is the only way to minister, we will overlook all of the small, effective, and practical ways of loving others that could actually have a more tangible and long-lasting impact on the lives of others for the Kingdom of God if we do not consider them.

When it comes to assisting others in experiencing the love of Jesus through your life, it is often the small, simple, easy, cheap, affordable, insignificant, and simple acts of love and kindness that have the greatest impact.

The following are 14 practical methods to love people in the way that Jesus did.

They are not things that you are required to do; rather, they are provided as examples. If we wish to simply love others, we may do so in a straightforward manner. Please feel free to add some of your own ideas to the discussion in the comments section below.

14 Ways to Love Others Like Jesus

  1. Love the person who is standing in front of you right now. There is so much suffering and loneliness in the world that you can almost guarantee that the person sitting next to you on the bus or the cashier at the grocery store could use a kind word, a smile, or a helping hand at any given time. Get off your phone and engage in conversation with them. Learn more about them. Request to know how they are getting on with their day, and mean it. Keep their names in mind
  2. Provide meals to your neighbors. What do you mean? Just a dish of cookies and a loaf of freshly made bread. nothing too special. When you hand it over to them, don’t just throw it in their arms and flee. If they appear to be interested, take a moment to stand and speak with them. Don’t let yourself in, and don’t let them inside your church either. Just be pleasant
  3. Invite your neighbors over for supper or dessert to show them you care. Make it informal and unpretentious. It’s just pizza and soda. Alternatively, barbecue and beer. It is not your responsibility to make it into a Bible study. All you have to do is laugh, share tales, and listen
  4. Hand out homeless bags to folks you see on the street. We keep a few of bags in our car and pass them out to those who are begging on the street corners when we encounter them. These kits comprise a tarp, a pair of socks, some non-perishable food, a bottle of water, a scarf, and anything else we can locate
  5. We also watch the children of single moms so that they may go grocery shopping by themselves
  6. Consider offering to watch the kids so that your wife and another woman can go out for coffee and catch up
  7. Take up gardening so that you can engage in conversation with your neighbor who is alone
  8. And when you are driving your children to sports or other activities, refrain from turning on the radio or texting on your cell phone. Continue to hang around and chat with any other parents that may be there. Make a gift for a friend or neighbor during the Twelve Days of Christmas. What exactly is it? “Secret Santa” will be around for the next twelve days. Every day, you sneak over to their house, drop a gift or a present on their doorstep, ring the doorbell, and flee the scene! If you have children, they will have a blast doing this over the holidays. assemble shoe boxes utilizing Samaritan’s purse as a starting point
  9. Contribute to the fundraising effort to free girls from slavery. Make a sale of sweets or goodies, not to fund a vacation to Hawaii for the band, but to earn money for the rescue of girls from slavery or other human needs. Help a missionary family by doing things for them that they are unable to accomplish where they are currently located. Download podcasts and burn hundreds of them to a CD to give to your friends and family. Assist them in setting up and maintaining a blog. Send them clothes and crafts that they won’t be able to get elsewhere. Families in need will receive food and gifts in Christmas Eve boxes, which will be delivered to them by volunteers. It’s as simple as handing up the gifts. There will be no gospel tracts
  10. Volunteer to assist with the feeding of the impoverished and homeless in your community. If you can, bring crafts to do with the youngsters
  11. Buy food for a homeless person on the street and sit with them while they eat (if they don’t mind it). Give them a bear hug

The basic line is that small acts of kindness (as opposed to large and spectacular ones) are effective means of loving people in the manner of Jesus. None of these are really glamorous. Neither of them will allow you to be identified in church. While none of these will gain you a spot on television, they are neither expensive nor time-consuming, and they will not cause you to burn out in the process. They are merely basic methods to be nice to friends and strangers on a daily basis so that we might shine light, love, and hope into the lives of those in our immediate vicinity.

Perform not do any of these things with the idea or objective of attracting people to your church, please, please, please.

Suppose we walk over to our neighbor’s house to assist him mow his grass because he has a broken leg, and then after you’ve finished, you ask him to church, he would conclude that you don’t genuinely care about him.

As I’ve already stated, Christian love does not consist in asking someone to accompany you to church on Sunday mornings.

Is it Really Possible to Love Like Jesus?

On the day before He died, Jesus taught His followers several very significant, last-minute lessons, one of which was about love. “Anew command I give you: Love one another,” John writes in the book of 13:34. The same way that I have loved you, you must also love one another.” NIV. This is a mandate that we would all like to see carried out. As a result of the incredible love He has shown us, it is only logical that we should respond in kind. But, is it even possible to love like Jesus did in this life?

And He has provided us with the skills we need to love as He has loved.

Jesus Teaching on Love

In response to the Pharisees’ query about which commandment was the most important, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. ” This is the very first and most important commandment. Similarly, the second commandment states: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 (New International Version). To love like Jesus, we must first adore Him as our creator and personal God, who is alive and well today. What is the best way to go about it?

  1. Choosing to love Jesus with all of your heart implies that you choose to entrust your life in His hands, regardless of your sentiments.
  2. With all of your soul: not an emotional love, but your “core”—the deepest part of yourself—will be revealed.
  3. Loving God with all of your heart and soul involves connecting with and being firmly rooted in the God who created you and your world.
  4. It’s a critical component of feeling connected, rooted, and able to place entire confidence in God’s goodness and provision.

He gave Himself up for us out of His immense love for us, and He expects us to do the same for Him in return. This is the point at which I begin to squirm. This appears to be a challenging task. Continue reading, however.

Loving Others as God Loves Us

In his second commandment, he instructs us to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. What exactly does this mean? Simply put, Jesus desires that we show real concern for the wellbeing of others in the same way that we show concern for our own.

See also:  When Does Jesus Return

How to Love Others

Loving our neighbor entails demonstrating all of the characteristics that Paul outlines for us in his famous “Love Verses” in 1 Corinthians 13: patience, compassion, and love without displaying any kind of jealousy, boasting, or pride. Our love should never be disrespectful or inflexible in our demands. It is not irritating in any way. There is no way to keep track of the wrongs that have been done to us. Truth brings joy to those who love it. Whatever the situation, it always defends, believes in, hopes for, and perseveres through it.

But He’s not finished yet.

Sacrificial Love

The Greek word for “love” in this phrase is agape, which means “sacrificial love.” Agape is not merely a nice sensation or emotion, but it is also about placing the welfare of others above our own interests. Is it possible that I’m helping you feel any better about this instruction to love? I’m writing this because I’m getting the impression that it’s becoming more and more impossible as I go! If you’re thinking the same thing, you’re absolutely correct. It’s impossible for us to do so. Our human nature comes in the way of our efforts.

We might hold on to resentment after hearing or seeing something that was painful.

Jesus was well aware of this, and He kindly offers us with the solution to our difficulty as well as some words of encouragement: “With man, this is impossible, but not with God; with God, all things are possible.” 10:27 in Mark’s gospel.

Make a note of it for later!

The Power to Love like Jesus

We require God’s strength in order to love as He loves. Not only did He give us this ability, but He also implanted it deeply inside our souls. His Holy Spirit, who lives within us, provides us with the ability to employ HIS power. His power will manifest itself in our lives in a proportional manner. As we let Him to dwell in us, directing and convicting us, He offers the strength and power we need to help us fulfill His love commandments. Here’s how: Continue reading Focus on God in this post.

Philippians 2:13 is a verse from the book of Philippians.

How To Love Like Jesus

Begin with a heartfelt prayer! Jesus’ love was both lavish and self-sacrificial in nature. Pray for the capacity to love unconditionally and demand nothing in return. All people were loved, respected, and appreciated by Jesus, but the impoverished, outcasts, ill, and crippled were especially valued. Pray for the ability to see each individual you come into contact with through His eyes. Jesus was filled with compassion for the people who were suffering when He came across them. Pray for a compassionate heart that is overflowing with His love so that we might share that love with others.

Praise the Lord that the Fruits of the Spirit will express themselves as He directs your steps.

He will teach us how to perceive people through His eyes and from His point of view.

We shall be able to recognize the worth that God sets on things rather than relying on our own feelings or judgements. For us, Jesus served as a paradigm of kindness and mercy. Pray for a heart that is not quick to pass judgment on others.

Love in Action

Isn’t it true that Jesus sets a very high standard for love? It requires activity and dedication to “walk in love” with Jesus, as he did. Behind it all, we require the desire and drive to love in the same way He does. Every day, make an effort to be alert and search for opportunities to express His love. Look for opportunities to interact with others, even if it is in a little way. We will fail, it is an unavoidable fact of life. Pick yourself up and get back to work. He has the ability to make us fresh each and every day, and it is His desire to do so.

Taking action and making a commitment to loving people in the manner of Jesus goes beyond obedience, desire, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

To learn more about them, simply click on the link provided below.

Practical Ways to Demonstrate the Love of Christ

Bible Verses about Love

“Believe in yourself and all you do.” 1 Corinthians 16:14 New International Version “Dear children, let us not only say that we love one another; let us demonstrate our love for one another through our deeds.” John 3:18 (New Living Translation) “We love because God first loved us,” says the author. NIVBlessings of love, according to 1 John 4:19 AnnMarie Photograph courtesy of AnnMarie Anderson

How to Love Like Jesus in 5 Steps

Among the most practical marriage and relationship books I’ve ever read are those written by Les Parrott (sometimes in collaboration with his wife Leslie). The author of Love Like That adopts the same down-to-earth approach to teaching us how to love people like Jesus – including our friends, family, coworkers, and even complete strangers – in his new book, Love Like That. As a result of Love Like That, this high and all too often out of reach ideal becomes more realistic and doable. The fact that Les has arrived on the farm’s front doorstep today is a blessing.

  1. I don’t consider myself a sentimental poet.
  2. I am driven by a burning desire to succeed and a strong sense of self-interest.
  3. I am a competitive person who enjoys having unique rights.
  4. Oh, and I’m a bit of a scrounger when it comes to money.
  5. Why?
  6. When we love like Jesus did, we are lifted up and out of ourselves.
  7. In his love, he sees beyond the typical range of human vision – beyond walls of wrath and obstacles erected by betrayal and abandonment.

We let go of our clenched fists of concern and sink into a pool of generous plenty.

It ensures that we are living our lives in the “most excellent way,” which is the greatest way possible.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter Can anybody, however, truly love as Jesus did?

Do you have a soft spot for your adversaries?

Is it possible to turn the other cheek?

Isn’t this love that defies all logic and reason?

And that is exactly the goal.

We require both logic and passion.

We can’t bring perfect love into an imperfect world unless we do it ourselves.

Take a moment to absorb that statement.

When your intellect listens to your heart, it has the potential to be altered.

When Paul remarked, “You’ll be changed from the inside out,” he was alluding to this concept (Romans 12:1MSG).

You’ll lose out on the opportunity to discover a love you didn’t know you had until now.

I’ve always been curious in how the ideal model of love may influence my own flawed existence.

Among the many characteristics of His love revealed by His teaching and example are at least five unique and practical characteristics: If you want to love like Jesus, you have to do the following:.

Without a doubt, this is not the case.

Jesus displayed and spoke about these five characteristics again and over again, not as lofty goals that were beyond of reach.

When It Comes to Paying Off One of my greatest fears in writing this is that you could come away with the impression that loving like Jesus entails becoming a doormat.

It’s a widely held misconception.

It is also not true that when you love like Jesus, you are excluded from all of life’s pleasures.

They believe that it all boils down to self-denial.

They are completely incorrect.

When people demonstrate self-giving love by performing an unusually positive deed, they activate higher-level brain processes and trigger a cascade of neurochemical responses that flood their system with good feelings.

It’s ingrained in our psyches.

God desires for us to be joyful.

In fact, our readiness to accept for mediocre pleasures is a major impediment to actual satisfaction.

I’m enthusiastic about the future for both of us.


This isn’t some fantastical fantasy.

It’s a genuine situation.

He encourages us to embody these five characteristics.

Yes, without a doubt.

Will you and I fail in our attempts to live them out?

But don’t let that get you down.

Les Parrot, Ph.D.

Their two kids reside with them in Seattle, where he and his wife, Leslie, dwell.


In his trademark approachable style, he takes the most recent findings from psychology and sociology and blends them with biblical teaching to reveal five transformative ways of relating to people, all of which are demonstrated by Jesus himself: being mindful, approachable, grace-filled, bold, and self-giving (as well as other characteristics).

Really practical and extremely beneficial in every way. Every connection in your life—especially the ones that matter most—will be transformed by Love Like That. It is filled with thought-provoking questions, self-assessments, and thought-provoking quotes.

What does it mean to love like Jesus?

Among the most practical marriage and relationship books I’ve ever read are those written by Les Parrott (often in conjunction with his wife Leslie). The author of Love Like That takes the same down-to-earth approach to teaching us how to love others like Jesus – including our friends, family, colleagues, and even complete strangers – in his new book,Love Like That. This lofty and all-too-often out-of-reach ideal is made more attainable and doable by love like that. Greeting Les on the farm’s front porch today is a blessing.

  • The poet that I am is not a softie.
  • I am driven by unbridled ambition and have no shortage of self-interest in everything I do in life.
  • Exclusive privileges appeal to me, therefore I jockey for first place.
  • Plus I’m a cheapskate who isn’t afraid to be frugal.
  • Why?
  • The moment we love like Jesus did, we are lifted up and out of our own bodies.
  • Unlike the typical range of human vision, his type of love sees beyond the walls of wrath and the barriers of treachery.

As a result of an abundance of compassion, we may relax our tightfisted tension.

It ensures that we are living our lives in the “most wonderful way,” which is the finest way.

Acknowledging the Truth Can anybody, however, truly love as Jesus did in his lifetime?

Do you have a soft spot for your adversary?

Why don’t you just smile and say nothing?

Isn’t this love that defies all logic?

To emphasize the idea, let’s say Thinking and feeling are required to love like Jesus did.

We require the cooperation of our intellect and our emotions.

Here’s the truth: when you open your heart, love has the power to transform your perspective.

When your heart sends a heavenly impulse to your intellect, your mind has the ability to completely change its perspective on life.

The moment you allow your emotions to be a part of the discourse, you will witness a shift in your thinking.

A normal love will pass you by, and you will lose out on an incredible love.

Five Steps to Take to Be More Effective I’ve been on a lengthy journey for many years, perhaps even decades, to find the answer.

And this is what I’ve discovered: More than you would realize, loving like Jesus is a possibility for everyone.

make yourself more conscious – less disconnected; make yourself more accessible – less exclusive; make yourself more kind – less judgemental; make yourself more courageous – less scared become more self-giving and less self-centered Is this a comprehensive list of the ways in which Jesus loved people?

  • That isn’t the case.
  • This was proven and discussed repeatedly by Jesus, not as lofty goals that could never be achieved.
  • After all is said and done, the reward One of my greatest fears in writing about this is that you could come away with the impression that loving like Jesus implies becoming a doormat for everyone.
  • Moreover, it is untrue.
  • For others, following Jesus’ example entails sacrificing their own happiness.
  • According to them, it will dampen happiness.
  • The ability to exercise love in our everyday relationships, according to a slew of research, is the distinguishing characteristic among the happiest of us.
See also:  When Did Jesus Come To Earth?

A strong yearning for happiness was built into our DNA by God.

You might say it’s built into us.

What we believe would bring us happiness and long-lasting delight, however, is not always the case.

We grow accustomed to such tiny, fleeting joys that we lose out on the most profound pleasures of life entirely.

The ability to love like Jesus did is something I feel we can both improve on.

As a result of the fact that this love is not elusive.

Nobody can claim it as theirs or confine it to the realm of saints.

It is true.

He is calling on us to embody these five attributes, which are listed below.

That’s for sure.


Because it is via our unsuccessful attempts that we learn how to travel in the most best manner possible.

is a No.

Their two kids reside with them in Seattle, where he and his wife, Leslie, live with him.


In his trademark approachable style, he takes the most recent findings from psychology and sociology and blends them with biblical teaching to reveal five transformative ways of relating to people, all of which are demonstrated by Jesus himself: being mindful, approachable, grace-filled, bold, and self-giving (as well as other ways).

With thought-provoking questions, self-assessments, and thought-provoking quotations, Love Like That will transform every connection in your life—especially the ones that mean the most.

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What It Looks Like to “Love One Another” as Jesus Loves Us

Get our Question of the Week sent to your email every weekday. Get Answers Ministries has copyright protection for the years 2002-2022. All intellectual property rights are protected by law. Policy Regarding Personal Data Collection and Usage On January 4, 2022, this page was last modified.

What Does “Love One Another as I Have Loved You” Mean?

Jesus was giving his followers a task that appeared to be insurmountable. So how could they possibly love others with the same kind of unconditional love that Jesus displayed over and over again? When Jesus spoke to a Samaritan lady, his followers were taken aback by his words (seeJohn 4:27). It’s possible that the twelve disciples were among a group of followers who attempted to keep youngsters from seeing Jesus by turning them away (seeMatthew 19:13). They had failed in their efforts to love others in the way that Jesus had loved them.

As a result of Jesus’ exhortation to love, the disciples would be empowered in a new way to demonstrate the same sort of love that Jesus had demonstrated — a love that comprised acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion – throughout the world.

Who Is Jesus Speaking to in This Verse?

In this verse, Jesus is addressing his disciples directly. A little earlier in his ministry, Jesus had stated that the two greatest commandments were to love one another (see Matthew 26:36-40), with the second commandment being to love one’s neighbor. During another teaching session in the upper room with his disciples, he spoke about the importance of love. In fact, as Jesus continued to speak, he made it clear that it would be their love for others that would distinguish them. Their compassion for others would be the very thing that distinguished them as believers and followers of his teachings and example.

When it came to welcoming guests in Jesus’ day, washing their feet was a common practice, but it was a servant of low status who would have been assigned such a task.

Before instructing the disciples to love others as he had loved them, Jesus performed this act of love himself.

As much as Jesus was speaking to his disciples in that room, Jesus also spoke this command to every believer throughout history through the passage of time and through the transmission of Scripture from generation to generation.

Our unconditional and selfless love, which is still true today, will be the thing that distinguishes believers from the rest of the world.

Do Different Translations Impact the Meaning?

The passage is regularly rendered in the many English translations of the Bible, with minimal change from one to the next. As a result of the consistency in translations, we may be confident that the passage is clear, accurate, and straightforward in its interpretation. It also challenges us to contemplate what it means for us to love as Jesus loved. A new commandment has been given to you, and it is that you love one another. “In the same way that I have loved you, you must love one another as well.” “I offer you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another as I have loved you.” “I offer you a new command: Love one another,” the New International Version (NIV) says.

You should love each other in the same way that I have loved you.” Image courtesy of Unsplash/Rawpixel.

How Will Others Know That We Are Disciples by Our Love?

This new instruction came after Jesus urged his disciples to love one another in the manner in which he loved them. He added that this is how people would know they were his disciples. That implies that when we love people in the same way that Jesus loves us, they will recognize us as his disciples as a result of the extreme love we demonstrate. It is taught in Scripture that we are to be distinct from the world (see: Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9, Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 4:14), and the way we love is a primary signal of our being distinguished as followers of Jesus.

These early Christians were united by a life-changing Gospel message, as well as by a life-transforming sort of love for one another.

How Does Jesus Love Us?

This new instruction came after Jesus urged his disciples to love one another in the manner in which he loved them. He emphasized that this is how people would recognize them as his disciples. Because of the extreme generosity with which we love others in the manner in which Jesus loves us, others will come to recognize us as his followers as well. Following Jesus’ example of being distinct from the world (see: Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9, Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 4:14), and the way we love is a primary indicator of how we are distinguished as followers of Jesus.

A life-transforming Gospel message and a life-transforming sort of love were both exchanged by these early Christians with one another.

Today, as Christians, we may allow the Spirit to operate through us and display the same life-giving and unselfish love that will bring people to Jesus and serve as a compelling testimony to the power and goodness of Jesus in the world.

How Can We Show That Love to Others?

In light of Jesus’ unfathomably great love, it may appear nearly impossible to display the same level of affection for others. Although Christ died and rose again, He gave His spirit to empower us to live as he lived and love as he loved. It will take a lifetime of learning to love like Jesus loves, and we have the opportunity to choose to do so each and every day we live. We may demonstrate to others the same sort of love that Jesus demonstrated by being humble, unselfish, and willing to serve others.

By bearing the fruit of the Spirit and serving and caring for others instead of indulging our flesh and prioritizing ourselves, we demonstrate Jesus’ love to those around us.

Not an Impossible Instruction

What a privilege it is that Jesus embraces us and gives us the ability to love as He loves. This passage does not have to appear as if it is an impossibly difficult instruction. It is a subtle and revolutionary prod to follow in his footsteps rather than our own. It is an appeal to love beyond ourselves and to place our attention on the interests of others rather than our own. To love as Jesus loves implies that we shall live the most complete and gratifying versions of our lives, knowing that we have contributed to the advancement of God’s kingdom rather than leaving our own legacy in this world.

  • We will not be required to die for the sins of every human being, but since Jesus did, we have the option to spend eternity with him and the ability to love others in this life with a love that is pure and unselfish.
  • Jesus, coffee, and music are the things that keep her going and thriving.
  • Pamela married the guy who was meant to be her husband, and they had two lovely children.
  • She can also be found on Twitter @upheldlife.

Love Like Jesus: 12 Bible Verses to Take to Heart

This year’s Easter holiday is quickly approaching! During this time of year as we prepare to commemorate the ultimate act of love, here are 12 Bible scriptures on Christ’s love to meditate on in order to love like Jesus.

12 Bible verses about Jesus’ love

“I offer you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.” “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another.” The Bible instructs us to love like Jesus did. So, what is the best way to go about it? After all, Jesus was without flaws. We’re not like that. Despite the fact that we will never be able to achieve Christ’s flawless standard, we are nonetheless obligated to strive.

Fortunately, Jesus provided us with several practical examples of how to love, which we may follow in his footsteps. Following are 12 Bible scriptures on Jesus’ love and how they might assist us in loving like He did: [quote]

Bible verses about loving through kindness

“Andwas trying to figure out who Jesus was, but he couldn’t because of the multitude, and since he was of tiny height. Therefore, he continued on ahead and climbed up into a nearby sycamore tree in order to catch a glimpse of him, since he was due to pass that way. Then, when Jesus arrived at the location, he raised his eyes to him and said, ‘Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, because I must remain at your house today.'” One of the ways that Jesus showed his love was by being compassionate to others.

  • He went up a tree in order to catch a sight of Jesus as He walked by.
  • Others could have brushed off Zacchaeus, but Jesus was not one to do so!
  • As a consequence, some people who had a negative view of the small tax collector were unhappy as a result of this.
  • The way he loved through compassion would change Zacchaeus’ heart, he was certain.

Jesus and Lazarus’ family

“When Mary arrived to the location where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet, crying out to him, ‘Lord, if you had been present, my brother would not have died.'” When he observed her crying, as well as the Jews who had come with her, he was deeply stirred in his soul and terribly distressed by what he had witnessed. And he said, ‘How did you dispose of him?’ ‘Lord, please come and see,’ they said to him. Jesus broke down and sobbed. As a result, the Jews exclaimed, “Look at how much he cares about him!” In addition, compassion and empathy are two further ways to demonstrate kindness.

When Jesus’ friend Lazarus died, He grieved with the man’s sisters and friends, and He shared their sorrow.

This passage demonstrates the extent of Jesus’ love for us.

As a result, he extended the generosity of sharing his thoughts and feelings with Lazarus’ family and close friends.

Bible verses about loving through service

When he says this, the righteous will respond by asking, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?’ And when was the last time we saw you as a stranger and welcomed you, or as a naked person and clothed you? And when was the last time we saw you sick or in prison and paid you a visit?’ As a response, the King will remark: “Truly, I say to you, just as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” During the March Live It Challenge, we talked about the significance of giving back to the community.

When it came to helping others, Jesus did not hold back, and He urged His disciples to do the same.

According to this scripture, He informs us that when we serve others, we are in fact serving Him as well. As a result, we have even more incentive to love like Jesus and to assist individuals in our immediate vicinity!

Following Jesus’ example of service

In the course of his washing their feet and putting on his outer clothing and returning to his station, he addressed them with the question: “Do you realize what you’ve been subjected to?” You address me as Teacher and Lord, and you are correct in doing so, for that is exactly what I am. So, if I, your Lord and Teacher, have cleaned your feet, then you, too, should wash each other’s feet.” Jesus didn’t simply speak the talk; he also walked the walk, as the saying goes. As a servant, Jesus bathed the feet of his followers, placing himself in their position.

See also:  What Happens After The 1000 Year Reign Of Jesus

Jesus was not hesitant to display his love for people by serving them and humbling himself in the process.

Additionally, we have the chance to embrace Jesus’ loving perspective — to serve rather than be served – by embracing the gospel of love.

Bible verses about loving through forgiveness

Therefore, the kingdom of heaven may be compared to the situation of an emperor seeking to settle accounts with his subjects. When he began to settle, he was visited by a man who owed him ten thousand talents, which he promptly paid. And because he was unable to pay, his master ordered that he be sold, together with his wife and children and all else he owned, and that payment be paid. As a result, the servant went to his knees and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Please be patient with me, and I will pay you everything.’ As a result, his master felt sorry for him and forgave him his obligation.

In the tale above, Jesus provides a picture-perfect illustration of God’s forgiveness.

However, the pardoned servant does not reciprocate that kindness and is punished, but we are given the opportunity to respond in a more positive way.

As a result, we are able to extend the same kindness to those who have wronged us.

Jesus’ example of forgiveness

“And Jesus answered to the Father, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing.'” If there was anyone who had a legitimate reason to refuse to forgive, it was Jesus. He was wrongly accused, beaten, humiliated, and put to a cross, where he died an agonising death under horrific circumstances. And it wasn’t simply the troops or the Jewish leaders who were responsible for putting him in that position. It was all of us — our wicked selves – who were in need of redemption.

Bible verses about loving through the truth

“‘God is spirit, and those who adore him must worship him in spirit and in truth,’ says the prophet. ‘I am aware that the Messiah is on his way,’ the woman informed him (he who is called Christ). All of this will be revealed to us when Jesus arrives.’ “I, who speak to you, am he,” Jesus said to her. You may have heard the expression “speaking the truth in love,” which means “sharing the truth in love.” If you care about someone, you don’t keep the truth from them — you tell them the truth! The truth was not something Jesus was afraid to tell others, and He always did it in a way that demonstrated His concern for them.

As a consequence, the woman was overjoyed to the point that she began sharing the truth about Jesus with others, and as a result of her testimony, many others came to believe in Him.

Being that Jesus is the one and only path to God is an unchangeable truth that will stand the test of time.

Following His death and resurrection, Jesus gave His followers the mission to go and make disciples of all countries, sharing His loving truth with them along the way (seeMatthew 28:16-20).

Bible verses about loving through sacrifice

“‘God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth,’ says the prophet.” I believe that the Messiah is on his way,’ the woman stated (he who is called Christ). All of this will be revealed to us when Jesus arrives. “I who speak to you am he,” Jesus explained to her. You may have heard the expression “speaking the truth in love,” which means to speak the truth with love. It is not necessary to hide the truth from someone you care about; rather, it is necessary to share it with them!

A number of facts were communicated by Jesus with the woman at the well, none more essential than the revelation that He is the Messiah she had been looking forward to since her husband died.

He heard Jesus say to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ ” It is only through me that anybody may reach the Father.” Despite the fact that it was thousands of years ago, Jesus did not withhold the truth from His followers or from us today.

The fact that He preached this truth and demonstrated it during His ministry demonstrated His love for all people.

The ultimate example of love

The greatest example of love the world has ever seen is provided by Jesus Christ. Consider reading through the Gospel story of Christ’s compassionate passion and glorious resurrection as Easter approaches. By reading through only those chapters, what instances of love do you observe from Jesus? Consider the lessons learned from those instances, and consider how you may emulate Jesus’ love in your own life as you seek to be more like Him. “Always remember to love one another as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.”

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6 Ways to Love Like Jesus in a “Tolerant” Culture

I am the type of person that wants everyone to get along with one another. When it comes to religion, I have the sort of faith that doesn’t wish to exclude anyone. When someone does harm to another individual, it disturbs me. To be honest, I didn’t think much of the word tolerance until I started reading the Scriptures. Is it possible for tolerance and faith to coexist? The Bible makes it quite plain that individuals will hold different opinions than you, and that others will not take it lightly if you do not agree with them: God, according to Romans 1:18-25, provides us with enough evidence that he is who he claims to be.

  1. According to Luke 6:22, we are rewarded when people turn their backs on us.
  2. These Scriptures are unequivocal: people will not always agree with you and may even become hostile since trust in God is only available through Jesus Christ.
  3. It’s difficult to stay away from a nice individual.
  4. It’s tough to turn down someone’s request for forgiveness.
  5. Jesus was kind, and graciousness is a more powerful and preferable option than tolerating others.

Graciousness is described as having a forgiving attitude and compassionate posture while you walk in wisdom with individuals who hold opposing views to yours. The following are some practical strategies for loving like Jesus in a culturally tolerant environment.

1. Channel your passions.

In Jesus’ day, he was met with widespread hostility. A number of instances have been reported in which Jesus was supposed to have become enraged when confronted with stubborn, unredeemed, and difficult individuals. According to Mark, Jesus “turned around and stared at them fiercely, greatly pained by their harsh hearts” (Mark 3:5). It’s possible that this is the last time we’ll ever witness Jesus become angry while still performing a miracle. So, how does Jesus deal with his rage and anguish about their lack of understanding?

2. Pay it forward positively.

“Do not return someone evil for evil. do not seek vengeance. do not allow evil to dominate you, but rather conquer evil with good,” Paul emphasizes (Rom. 12:17). The mission of Jesus was to seek out and save the lost. His resolve to not allow resistance from others to divert him from his goal or derail his mission was tenacious and unwavering. And, at the end of the day, Jesus triumphed over evil by doing good to it. He did not defeat evil by raising his voice in protest. He didn’t defeat evil with a series of Twitter rants.

  • Getting attention by tossing a table and bringing out a whip was a good strategy, but shouting at people or arguing with them did not help him defeat evil.
  • Attempting to avenge an eye for an eye or an ear for an ear is not in the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • And Jesus restored hearing to the soldier’s ear (Luke 22).
  • That is also what we should do in response.

3. Genuinely love those in opposition to you.

The most important thing you can do is love those who do not agree with you: not just pray for them, but love them as your own family members (Luke 6:27). When you love your enemies, you not only pray for them, but you also bless them when they persecute and harm you. It entails being considerate of those who hold opposing views to your own. Jesus did not simply condemn the Romans for their tyranny; rather, he engaged them by going to the house of a centurion and healing his servant’s son (Luke 7:1–10, emphasis added).

4. Know who your real Enemy is.

Not against a person, but against an idea, or to put it another way, against a stronghold or pattern of thinking, is what we are up against. Because we are Christians, we must understand that our opponents are not our true adversaries. We must remind ourselves on a frequent basis of the true battle that is taking on behind the scenes, as stated in Ephesians 6:10–20. In the spiritual realm, the true battle is being waged, and it must be fought with spiritual weapons.

Our true adversaries are spiritual: “principalities. powers. the rulers of the darkness of this world,” as the Bible describes them. Our imagined “human foes” are befuddled, misunderstood, and even held hostage by the actual Enemy of our souls, who is also our greatest adversary.

5. Pursue a change of heart, not a change of opinion.

When things became difficult and some resisted, Jesus stepped in to take the lead. Grace and honesty were the weapons he used to defeat his opponents. He, on the other hand, did not fight on their terms, but on his own. . both tactically and physically. he turned the tables. Jesus was more concerned with the heart of someone than their political position. He confronted them with the controversy. He appealed to both their reasoning and their conscience in his argument. So he asked the question: “Which do you think is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell someone to “Get up and walk”?” (See Luke 5:23.) Jesus was not interested in winning debates, but in bringing about a transformation of heart and thought.

Moreover, it must be our motive when dealing with people who do not agree with us: “so they may see our good acts and worship our heavenly Father” (Matt.

6. Always let the Holy Spirit lead you.

Imagine yourself falling in love with a transgender person, an addicted adolescent, a progressive liberal, a conservative conservative, the girl who lives with her boyfriend, your gay neighbors, your porn-addicted friend, the person who believes that all roads lead to heaven and that you are narrow-minded. “Love is patient and gentle,” says the apostle Paul. Love is not jealous, arrogant, pompous, or harsh in any way. It does not insist on having its own way. It is not irritable, and it does not keep track of any wrongs that have been done to it.

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, never loses hope, and never gives up hope even in the face of adversity” (1 Corinthians 13:4–7).

Instead, it is about spiritual gifts.

If you don’t have love in your heart while you interact with people, you are nothing.

The kind of love Paul portrays is not a passive affection.

It’s called anaggressivelove because it comes from the times you’ll experience when you fall in love with individuals who are boastful and passionately disagree with you.

As you can see, this is being spoken in the context of the Holy Spirit: Only he has the ability to give you this type of love, this kind of outlook, and this kind of compassion for others.

God’s Spirit of Truth will always outweigh the tolerance of society in terms of power and influence. Always.

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