How To Jesus

How to Get Closer to Jesus

Documentation Download Documentation Download Documentation The deeper we grow in our relationship with Jesus, the more resilient and content we become in the face of life’s trials. Sometimes in life, you may not have that special someone to encourage and push you on, but when you have a radical closeness with Jesus, everything in your life appears to just fall into place and fit together seamlessly and effortlessly. Acquiring a closer relationship with Jesus is a continuous journey. You will come to know Jesus as you begin your quest to understand the Word of God.

  1. 1 Recognize that you have been specifically summoned. You must understand that this “hunger” is fueled by the Holy Spirit, which you must acknowledge. “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to act in order to accomplish his good purpose,” Paul writes in Philippians 2:13. The Holy Spirit is not only pulling you to God’s Word, but He will also provide you with the comprehension of that Word, as He promises in John 14:26. Rather, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct and remind you of all that I have spoken to you.
  2. s2 Make a commitment to Jesus. Serve others in order to serve God. Join a reputable Christian church and make a commitment to it. Join a group that you can contribute to and that will allow you to serve God. Listening or watching sermons and reading books are good places to start. Your pastor’s sermon, which will include references to important Bible scriptures, will help you grow in your relationship with God even more. As you listen, make relevant notes for later reference and pay close attention to the context in which the sermon is delivered. Advertisement
  3. s3 Set aside some time to go over the texts with a critical eye. Get a Bible (select a translation in a language that is simple for you to grasp) and read through the scriptures listed above. Pray that God would provide you comprehension of the scriptures and that the Holy Spirit will grant you the capacity to recall what you’ve learned from them. You are not required to read them all at once, especially if there are a large number of them. In fact, even while you study the scriptures, the Holy Spirit provides insight
  4. 4 Refer to the source material thoroughly to understand the entire context. As you read more frequently, you should devote more time to reading the entire Chapter, and occasionally even the chapter before or after it. This is due to the fact that many scriptures are stated in context and therefore reading just one verse may be insufficient. You are not required to memorize immediately
  5. Instead, focus on reading and understanding first
  6. 5 Consider the message for a while. It is critical to retain the message contained within the verse and the chapter. Take a poem and scribble it down on a sheet of paper to remember. Keep that Word in your mind until your next Bible study session. Simply said, meditating on the Word means to think about it and what it could mean or how you might use it in your life. Bible studies can take place as frequently as you choose and for as long as you are prepared to put in the time to read
  7. 6 Begin to inquire about the Word by posing questions. Inquire with your friends, the priest at your church, and during Bible studies at your church. Discuss the scriptures that you have read with your group of friends. In this manner, you will learn about other scriptures that your friends are familiar with, and you will improve your comprehension of your own scriptures
  8. 7 Don’t be concerned if you’re having difficulties. Be patient and allow God to work in your life. Christianity arose out of the need to provide solace to those who were in distress. Keep in mind that God loves you and will never leave you or forsake you. You may always turn to Jesus for assistance and advice, no matter what scenario you find yourself in. Combining your Bible reading with practical application is a good idea. Pray while you read, and once you have finished reading, apply what you have learned in your life so that God’s Word becomes alive to you as you obey His instructions. Follow the teachings of the Bible. Don’t add anything to it or take anything away from it-what is in the Bible was intended to be in the Bible. Advertisement
  1. 1Spend quality quiet time with Jesus to become closer to Him. Reading various gospel-oriented literature, listening to devotionals, or even listening to Christian music may all be part of your quiet time. Simple things like taking some time out to sit and reflect on specific verses or sections from the Bible would qualify as quiet time. It’s really simply a matter of separating yourself from the rest of the world and communicating with God that you are waiting for him. As a result, spending meaningful solitary time with Jesus will undoubtedly bring you closer to Him. 2 Attend church on a regular basis. Any church will do as long as it is Bible-based and preaches the truth as long as it is a church. Try to participate in the mass as much as possible while you are in attendance at the service. During hymns, join in with your heartfelt singing
  2. During scripture readings, pay close attention to the words and concentrate on them completely. It is possible to learn much more and feel closer to Jesus by participating in church activities
  3. 3 Take use of the sacraments. If you belong to a church that offers sacraments (such as the Roman Catholic church), speak with a priest about the possibility of obtaining the sacraments. In addition, before you begin each one, research what it means and how it will improve your relationship with Jesus. Prepare yourself for your first communion (getting Jesus’ body) or Confirmation (confirming that you will follow Jesus) by remembering and praying to him in the days leading up to the event. Ensure that you read your bible (as instructed in the preceding step)
  4. 4 Take a look at the Bible. The Bible has been given to you by the Lord for a variety of purposes, one of which is to help you learn to know Him better. So take advantage of the fact that you have this wonderful book with you by reading it and enjoying it. Make an effort to follow the directions He has provided in the Bible as well. In your analysis, try to think about how each verse or chapter might be utilized in your life.
  • For example, Psalm 46 verse 1 declares that “God is our shelter and strength, a very present help in times of distress.” So the next time you sense problems forming at your place of employment, school, or college, you may look it straight in the eyes and say this verse loudly to calm the situation. Your relationship with Jesus will undoubtedly improve as a result of this, and you will sense His presence in you.
  1. 5Pray to Jesus and communicate with him. You are a beloved child of God in the eyes of Jesus. He cares about you no matter what difficulties you are through. Tell him what you’re up to, what you’re planning, why you’re depressed, what you require, and so on and so forth. He is your biological father. He just wants what is best for you, and he wants you beyond everything else! Make him your one-stop shop for everything, and you will feel closer to him within days. He desires for you to pray in the Spirit as well as in the mind, and He desires for you to pray for other people in order for them to repent and be cured. Advertisement

Create a new question

  • Question How do I get my thoughts away from the things of this world in order to create a stronger relationship with Jesus? Continue to read the Bible in more depth, attend church services regularly, form friendships with persons who are good Christian role models, and pray without ceasing. Question Why is it that when I draw closer to God, I find myself drifting back into my old life after a period of time? You revert to your old behaviors since we are all sinners who are prone to committing sin again and again. Look for a companion who will hold you accountable to help you sustain your new behaviors. Question Is it possible for me to spend some peaceful time at the beach? Yes, without a doubt! Going outside and taking in the sights and sounds of nature is a wonderful way to grow closer to Jesus. Question What is it about praying that makes me cry? Because the Holy Spirit has made an impression on your heart. When someone thinks of their love for God or God’s love for them, it’s not uncommon for them to shed a tear or two. It indicates that your faith is strong. Question As a result of following the verse in which Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” what should I do if I feel like I’m being taken for granted? Despite the fact that it is admirable to love others as Jesus loves us, we must also remember that we were created in the image of God and that we are His beloved, and as such, we do not deserve to be taken for granted. You should love and respect yourself even if you find yourself in a position where someone is taking advantage of you on a regular basis. You should pray for that person and appreciate the person God created you to be
  • Question What should I do if it appears that getting closer to Jesus is proving difficult? Visit with a believing friend and ask for prayer on behalf of the group. Allow yourself to spend time alone with Jesus, just listening to praise music, with the purpose of not attempting to grow closer to Jesus, but believing that you are already near. Maintain your faith by reminding yourself that Jesus is ALWAYS there and always wanting to get close to you, and that this sensation of distance and difficulty is only an emotion
  • Question your beliefs. What is it about God that makes me feel like he isn’t listening to me? He does pay attention to what you have to say. God will always be there for you, no matter what. This is something I’ve considered, and God has shown to me that he is there for me. Never doubt that God isn’t listening to what you have to say. Yes, He does listen to you, He cares about you, and He has blessed the world by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, just for you. Question How can I maintain my concentration when reading the Bible and praying? While reading the Bible, try to clear your mind of all thoughts. Go to a remote location where you will have complete privacy. Just like though you were in the middle of a study session. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy to take notes. Be a student of God’s Word
  • Ask probing questions. I believe I am saved, but I continue to do all of these awful things. What is it that makes me feel this way? We are still sinners, for this reason. Yes, we have been rescued
  • Nevertheless, we are also being saved and will continue to be saved. You are feeling this way because you need to come closer to Jesus – this essay will assist you in your endeavor
  • Question What is the best way to pray? Make use of the acronym “ACTS” to your advantage. This is an acronym that stands for adoration, confession, thankfulness, and intercession. Make a public declaration of your love for God, confess your faults, express gratitude for your benefits, and ask for anything you require.

More information can be found in the following answers: Inquire about something There are 200 characters remaining. Include your email address so that you may be notified when this question has been resolved. SubmitAdvertisement

  • Because the rapture will occur when you least expect it, it is important to be genuine in your prayers and to always obey God’s word. No one knows when or how long it will take, so be prepared. Increase your exposure to Christian individuals. Instead of listening to commercial music, try listening to Christian music. Rather of being in the city, spend time in nature.

Being glued to your phone at all times. Set a time limit and pray humbly for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for submitting a suggestion for consideration! Advertisement

About This Article

This page has been seen 142,748 times thanks to all authors who worked together to create it.

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Jesus Christ is not just the Savior of the world, but He is also the Savior of your particular life. He gave his life in the name of all mankind, but He also died in the sake of you. He is the only genuine source of love, peace, and pleasure in the world. You have a right to know for yourself that Jesus Christ is alive and loves you and your family. If you want to understand more about Jesus and grow in your relationship with him, try these four simple activities. Learn everything you can about Jesus if you want to become closer to Him.

  1. It is possible that you will experience the love that Jesus has for you while you read the scriptures.
  2. Church is the ideal setting for growing in one’s relationship with Jesus Christ.
  3. Your willingness to follow Jesus is demonstrated by your worship of Him and attendance at church sessions.
  4. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ “went about doing good” all of the time (Acts 10:38).
  5. He spent a lot of time with the ill, the suffering, the sinners, and the less fortunate people in society.
  6. When we seek to serve people in the manner that Jesus did, we learn more about Him and become more like Him.
  7. Following the teachings of Jesus Christ demonstrates our affection for Him as well as our desire to be in His presence.

As long as we make an effort to live a decent life and turn to God when we fall short, we will feel closer to Him and more aware of His love for us. Get to Know Jesus Christ and His Gospel More Clearly Get to Know the Missionaries

How do I give my life to Jesus?

People, according to the Bible, are like vapors; they are only visible for a brief period of time before dissipating. Perhaps the realization that your time on this planet is limited inspires a desire in you to be certain that your life has significance. The experience of God’s presence and the desire to believe in Him are what you are looking for. Despite the difficulty of expressing one’s wish, it is possible that it is the first step on the path to conversion.

See also:  Who Is Jesus Christ And What Is His Mission To The World

A new direction

The following stage necessitates immediate action! Repentance is defined as turning away from something and toward something else. So far, you’ve only been moving in one direction. Possibly, you are aware of something that isn’t quite right in your interactions with other individuals. It’s possible that you’ve said or done anything that has undermined the confidence of others around you. Perhaps you have been unjust or dishonest in your dealings. Following conversion, you must go in the polar opposite direction of your former behavior and actions.

How tough do you think it is to have to turn around 180 degrees?

Someone is interested in assisting you!

Matthew 11:28 is a biblical passage.

God creates a longing to repent

God has given you the desire to alter the trajectory of your life, and you have this desire because God has created it. In the Bible, the question is posed: “Do you believe that the goodness of God drives you to repent?” Romans 2:4 is a verse in the Bible that says, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “I Once upon a time, the apostle Peter addressed the Jews.

  1. The fact that they had crucified Jesus was made abundantly evident to them by the apostle Paul.
  2. Acts 2:37 is an example of a parable.
  3. You feel remorse, and you may even experience sadness.
  4. When you are experiencing this sadness, you can genuinely be happy about it.

A radical decision

The yearning for a different path in your life that you have is something God has created. As stated in the Bible, “do you believe that God’s goodness will bring you to repentance?” In Romans 2:4, Paul says, “Therefore, if you want to be perfect, strive to be perfect in everything you do, and in everything you say, strive to be perfect in everything you do, and in everything you say, strive to be perfect in everything you do, and in everything you say, strive to be perfect in everything you do, and in everything you say, strive to be perfect in everything you do, and strive to be perfect in everything you do, and strive to be perfect in everything you say,” and ” Once upon a time, the apostle Peter addressed a gathering of Jewish people.

The fact that they had crucified Jesus was made crystal obvious to them by him.

Acts 2:37 is a passage from the Bible that states You might have that feeling when you’re aware that you’ve done something wrong and your conscience serves as a constant reminder.

Eventually, you experience regret and maybe sadness. That you have gotten depressed is a result of God’s mercy! When you are experiencing grief, you can truly rejoice. It increases your desire to be converted and serves as a proof that God has begun to operate in your life.

What is your goal in life?

God has given you the desire to alter the trajectory of your life, and you have no need to be afraid of it. “Do you believe that the goodness of God drives you to repentance?” the Bible asks. Romans 2:4 is a verse in the Bible that says, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is written, “It is said, “It is said, “It is written, “I The apostle Peter once addressed a group of Jews.

“They were cut to the core” when they heard this.

You feel remorse and, maybe, sadness.

When you are experiencing this sadness, you can truly rejoice.

10 Ways to Begin Bringing Others to Jesus

W. L. Graham is an American author and poet. A few random thoughts on the subject of soulwinning– 1) It is impossible to deliver the gospel to the incorrect person! 2) Anything else than an unequivocal “Yes!” is an unequivocal “No! ” 3) If you never start, you will never be a soulwinner! Never forget that your life will be guided by the things that you value the most! Reply Anita Caldwell lives in the state of Colorado. Excellent suggestions for encouraging people to consider their own salvation; I want to put them into practice; thank you very much and God bless you.

  • Reply Lou Romano is a songwriter and musician from New York City.
  • With all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, obey the greatest commandment: to love the Lord your God with all your being.
  • All of the law and prophets are hung on the shoulders of these two.
  • Go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 to see how love is patient.
  • It is not self-seeking, it is not readily enraged, and it does not maintain a record of wrongs committed.
  • Love is unbreakable.
  • All honor and glory to the father in the highest.

Reply Penny Coviello is a woman who lives in New York City.

It’s really good.

Reply Isaac May God continue to guide you in your efforts to draw men to him.

I’m praying for all of us that God would bless us.

Amen Reply David Onuoha is a musician from Nigeria.

I’m glad it was of assistance.

Reply I pray that God would use you to lead many others to Christ!

That is something I intend to do.

Replyscottpauley I pray that the Lord would use you to draw many people to Himself!

Hello, my name is Sister Diane.

I’m a Devotional Teacher on Facebook @Daily Devotional Reading and have thoroughly enjoyed reading this because I’ve been struggling with a vision that God has given me.

No longer is it a question of what my calling is, but rather where I should go to teach since I already know that my hometown would not believe me or embrace my calling, and that is something I have discovered with myself even if my family claims that I do not teach, but rather preach.

I’d appreciate it if you could assist me or point me in the correct route since it feels like my calling is aching to come out!

This does not imply that everyone will be able to talk to large groups of people or deliver sermons.

Begin by sharing the gospel in the place where you are. Give the gospel word to individuals who are in your local vicinity. As soon as we take the initial step, God will open the door to new possibilities. Reply

How To Pray According to Jesus

Session 3: From Biblical Interpretation to Biblical Application Matthew 6:5-14 (KJV) “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who enjoy praying while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that others can see them. They have, I swear to you, received their full and complete recompense. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and focus your thoughts on your heavenly Father, who is not visible. Then your Father, who sees everything that is done in secret, will reward you for your efforts.

  • 8 Do not be like them, for your Father already knows what you require before you even ask him for it.
  • 12 And please forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our debtors in return.
  • 14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you when you sin against others.
  • Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God.
  • What exactly does it say?
  • It can be divided into three sections: telling God who He is and what we believe about Him, placing our trust in Him, and asking Him to provide for our needs.
  • The most important aspect of prayer is the way you stand.

Make a mental note of how the Lord’s Prayer does not say something along the lines of “Hey dude who might be God, who might be hanging out up there in Heaven, please provide us with daily bread if you can.” This is what is said in the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father in Heaven.Give us this daily bread.” There is a trust in God’s character that allows prayer to be effective.

I don’t have to recite the Lord’s Prayer word for word every time I pray, and I prefer not to.

The Lord’s Prayer, on the other hand, is a model for the kinds of prayers I should be praying.

If I pray in the proper posture, I am given power, trust, and certainty in my understanding of God’s character.

10 Ways to Help Others Come to Jesus

We frequently hear the expression “coming to Jesus” when referring to someone who has had a spiritual awakening. They were generally presented with a harsh truth and were forced to make a decision about how they were going to conduct their lives in the face of that harsh reality.

People may use this term to refer to a variety of serious or humorous topics, but as Christians, we are really concerned about assisting people in coming to know Jesus in a meaningful and life-giving way. But how do we go about doing this?

What Does it Mean to Come to Jesus?

We frequently hear the expression “coming to Jesus” when referring to someone who has experienced a spiritual awakening or conversion experience. They were generally presented with a harsh truth and were forced to make a choice about how they were going to conduct their lives in the face of that harsh reality. People may use this term to refer to a variety of serious or frivolous topics, but as Christians, we are really concerned about assisting people in coming to know Jesus in a meaningful and life-changing manner.

10 Ways to Help Others Come to Jesus

1. Develop your own personal relationship with Jesus. The most effective method to assist people in coming to faith in Jesus is to grow in your own personal relationship with Him. As you grow in your understanding of Him, you will be transformed by Him, and His pleasure will radiate from your life. In the event that He is not only a supporting character in your life, but rather the major connection in your life, it will become normal for you to speak about Him in your daily contacts. Not only will you no longer have to push spiritual talks (which never works!

  1. 2.
  2. When you get to know other individuals, it’s natural to share your own life story with them as well.
  3. Keep Jesus at the forefront of your life story, just as you wouldn’t leave out important characters like as your parents or spouse while telling someone else about it.
  4. 3.
  5. Knowing Jesus does not imply that our life will be devoid of difficulties, but it does imply that we will never have to confront our difficulties alone.
  6. In this way, you are living out your faith in the present moment, and it is both pleasant to God and appealing to others.
  7. Commit the Word of God to memory.
See also:  What Is The Passion Of Jesus

It gets woven into the fabric of your entire being, and you are unable to separate yourself from your possession.

This integrity is something that pulls people to Jesus, yet its polar opposite-hypocrisy-drives them away from Christ.

Take into consideration your persona.

Determine whether I have any offensive tendencies and direct me in the direction of the everlasting.” Nothing matters when your actions and words are in direct opposition to one another.


As you approach closer and closer to Jesus, you will become more and more conscious of the many blessings He has bestowed upon you.

Make a name for yourself as a person who is appreciative, and demonstrate your belief in the source of all that is good: “every good and perfect gift comes from above” (James 1:17).

Show genuine concern for them.

A greater love than this exists among human beings: to give one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:12-13).

Your love can serve as a reflection of Jesus’ love, which you pray that people will come to know as a result of your actions.

Pray alongside them and for them.

Our relationship with God, the One we hope our friends may come to know, is established via prayer, in which we ask Him to present Himself to them through us or through some other method that He chooses.

We can then ask if they would like us to pray for them right then, and we can follow up with them on the issues we were praying about, asking how things are going for them.


There are a lot of individuals who have never had a clear opportunity to study the Bible with someone who has previously studied it.

Many individuals are interested in Jesus and would be willing to study the Bible in an exploratory or investigative manner if they were requested to do so.

This Bible study may be casual and simply focused on reading a chapter and discussing it, or you can utilize a prepared short investigative Bible study, such as the one available below, to get you started on your investigation.

Ask insightful questions.

We don’t have to be constantly preaching or taking the initiative in order to present Jesus.

The following are some examples of questions that could arise over the course of your conversation: “What do you believe makes a good person?” and “What do you believe makes a bad person?” “How did you come to know what you know?” “What do you believe is your purpose in being here on this planet?” The purpose of asking these questions is not to put your buddy through a test.

  • Furthermore, it provides a genuine platform for you to express how the solutions you’ve discovered have brought you peace, meaning, and joy.
  • David Cashin’s book, “The Seven Essential Questions of Life,” for further suggestions on what to ask and how to ask them.
  • Not just to be familiar with Him in the same way that we are familiar with many historical individuals, but to intimately know Him as a Savior, Healer, Friend, and King.
  • Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/ipopba Jessica Udall has a Bachelor of Science degree in Bible and a Master of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies.

She is a member of the American Bible Society. She is now pursuing a PhD in Intercultural Studies and blogs on the Christian life and intercultural communication at She is also a published author.

7 Steps to Sharing Your Faith and Leading People to Jesus — SAMUELDEUTH.COM

Many people are in dire need of Jesus – how incredible that God loved us so much that he couldn’t leave us in our sin-separated state, and so he sent Jesus to rescue and ransom us from our sin, as well as give us life! A simple prayer to commit my life to Jesus and to follow him was all it took for me to make the decision to follow Jesus more than 30 years ago, while kneeling beside my mother’s bed. Thanks to my mother, who understood just how to guide me to the moment of prayer when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, and to my father and other Church leaders who taught me how to share my faith and assist in leading others to Jesus when I was a child.

  • Getting started in this process is critical since it is not intended to be a robotic planned experience; rather, it should be calm and natural while also being passionate as you tell about God’s grace.
  • (For additional help in sharing your faith or discipling someone you have led to Christ, check out our simple and attractive book, Following Jesus.) 7 Steps to Helping Others Come to Faith in Jesus When you are guiding someone to Christ, the first thing you should do is focus on loving them.
  • So, when we are sharing our beliefs or when you are witnessing to someone, let it be done out of concern, compassion, and love for them, not as a religious rite or as a way to impress others with your spirituality or to impress others with your faith.
  • You should begin the dialogue by reminding them that they are not an accident and that God created and loves them tremendously.
  • You Are Not an Accident As part of this process, remind them of the passage John 3:16, which virtually everyone has heard at least once.
  • John 3:16 is a biblical passage that teaches that God is love.
  • 2.

We are now reminding them that sin was the cause of our separation from God.

In the simplest terms, sin is just missing the mark or defying God.

So that you can understand this verse.

Romans 3:23-24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all have been justified freely by his grace through the redemption that has come through Christ Jesus, according to the text.

We must make reparation for our sin.

In reality, the price we pay for our sin against God is so terrible that we deserve to die.

God provides us the gift of eternal life via Jesus Christ, despite the fact that we deserve death.

And not only did Jesus come and pay our debt for us, he did it in advance of our acceptance, so that we would not have to worry about it.

Romans 5:8 is a Bible verse that explains how to be a Christian.


For many, God is viewed as an angry God who doesn’t care about them or isn’t interested in them.

Many people believe that God is up in heaven, simply waiting for us to commit a mistake so that he may punish us.

God, on the other hand, demonstrates unequivocally that this is not the case when we read in John 3:16 that God sent His own son to pay our debt.

According to John 3:17, Jesus did not come to destroy us because of our sin, but rather to save us from our sin.


You remark at this point that salvation and grace are provided as a free gift via Jesus.

The next two verses in Romans explain how people accept grace and forgiveness for their sins, as well as how to reestablish a connection with God after being estranged from him.

We must proclaim that Jesus is the Lord of the universe.

We must also believe in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected to life again for our benefit.

Those who announce with their mouths, “Jesus is Lord,” and who believe in their hearts that God resurrected him from the dead will be saved are known as Christians.

Essentially, the prayer of salvation is an expanded and more formalized version of the passage from Romans that I just spoke about declaring and believing.

God, I know you love me and have a wonderful purpose for my life; yet, I also recognize that I have sinned and am pleading with you to forgive me of every sin I have committed in my life.

Today, I make the decision to follow you, Jesus, with everything I have.


What to Do After They Have Been Saved First and foremost, this is a historic occasion!

Take comfort in the knowledge that they have been completely forgiven and have everlasting life, and that God desires to walk with them in a more intimate way not only in the hereafter but also in this life.

This new season they have committed to is no small undertaking, and they will require a great deal of assistance along the way (Just like you do). As a result, here are a few important next steps to assist them with:

  • Prayer – Inform children that they may communicate with and pray to God at any moment, and that he is eager to hear from them and speak to them
  • Bible – Assist them in obtaining a Bible. Either on paper or digitally. I strongly advise you to assist them in downloading the YouVersion Bible App. Demonstrate how to begin a Bible reading plan with them. Church– We were not intended to dwell in solitary confinement. To develop and fulfill all that God has called them to accomplish, this new Christian will need to be integrated into the larger community of the local church. Make sure they are connected to you through your church or another organization. The Fundamentals — Now that you’ve introduced them to Jesus, your next step is to assist them in learning how to follow him. So take the time to share your story and how you live your life for Jesus in your everyday life with the rest of us. In addition, demonstrate to them how to obey and follow God’s word.

I realize that sounds like a lot, but this is just an overall guideline to help you feel secure when you are introducing someone to Jesus Christ. Instead of getting caught up in the pressure of having to say everything perfectly, concentrate on reconnecting them with a God who loves them unconditionally. According to the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit descends upon us and empowers us to be his witnesses. I’m hoping that everyone who reads this will be given the courage by the Holy Spirit to share their faith with individuals in their immediate surroundings!

– Check Out the Jesus Merchandise Below to Help You Represent Your Faith!

How to Bring as Many People to Jesus as Possible

Knowing that you are called to be a cheerful, missionary disciple and that Jesus has given you the great commission to “go and make disciples of all countries” has given you a strong sense of purpose. (Matthew 28:19) However, you are completing this task on behalf of the entire Church, therefore the responsibility does not lay only on your shoulders. You, on the other hand, want to do your part. When it comes to bringing as many people as possible into a relationship with Jesus and his Church, what is the most efficient and successful method available?

  • Despite the fact that Jesus spoke and performed numerous miracles, Jesus also spent a significant amount of his time and energy with a small number of people, the 12 apostles.
  • After he had finished preaching to the people and healing the sick, he would spend some time with the apostles, explaining the parables.
  • During their time together, the apostles were able to see how Jesus spoke, acted, treated others, prayed, and placed his confidence in the Lord.
  • The purpose of his preparation was to prepare them for the day when the Holy Spirit would descend upon them and they would be ready to take on the role of spiritual leaders themselves.
  • People were drawn into a deeper relationship with Jesus and his Church via the use of this strategy.
  • In the case of one person forming only two others, and those two each forming two more people, the number of persons brought into a profound connection with Jesus and his Church increases exponentially.

The pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel, provides us with the paradigm of “Encounter, Grow, Witness,” which we may use to lead us on our road to becoming happy, missionary disciples. Using this paradigm, you can replicate Jesus’ technique of spiritual multiplication in the following ways:

1. Encounter

Knowing that you are called to be a cheerful, missionary disciple and that Jesus has given you the great commission to “go and make disciples of all countries” has given you a sense of purpose. In Matthew 28:19, the Bible says, However, you are completing this task on behalf of the entire Church, therefore the responsibility does not lie only on your shoulders alone. Even so, you’d like to have a role in the process. When it comes to reaching as many people as possible with the gospel of Jesus and his Church, what would be the most efficient and successful strategy?

  1. Despite the fact that Jesus spoke and performed numerous miracles, Jesus also spent a significant amount of his time and energy with a small number of persons, the twelve apostles.
  2. The apostles would spend time with him after he finished preaching to the multitudes and healing the sick, and he would spend time with them teaching the parables.
  3. During their time together, the apostles were able to see how Jesus spoke, acted, treated others, prayed, and placed his faith in the Lord.
  4. The purpose of his preparation was to prepare them for the day when the Holy Spirit would descend upon them and they would be ready to take on the role of spiritual leader themselves.
  5. People were brought into a deeper relationship with Jesus and his Church as a result of this technique of introduction.
  6. In the case of one person forming only two others, and those two each forming two more people, the number of individuals brought into a profound connection with Jesus and his Church multiplies exponentially.
  7. How can you apply this approach to follow Jesus’ technique of spiritual multiplication?
See also:  Lithuanian Girl Who Paints Jesus

2. Grow

Individuals who have had an in-depth contact with Christ search for opportunities to further their connection with God and his Church. Inquire as to what they require in order to proceed in trust with their next actions. Respond with the resources that are most appropriate for their need. It is critical to have someone around you throughout this period.

Genuine friendship provides the opportunity to continuously communicate your feelings of love, understanding, and faith with another person. When they have questions about the teachings or how to live as a disciple, you may be there to help them find answers.

3. Witness

When they are ready, they will share their faith with others in the same way that you have showed them how to share your religion via word and example. Allowing them to share their confidence in Christ, encourage them to use the same strategy of spiritual multiplication to invite others into a life with Christ, reminding them that faith growth is founded on true relationship and being open to the Holy Spirit. Making people cheerful, missionary disciples, and becoming one yourself, isn’t something that can be done as part of a program or as a project.

Personal growth in faith is combined with the demonstration of that faith and love of God to others in a witnessing role.

* Those interested in learning more about this approach of disciple-making should read Curtis Martin’s book Making Missionary Disciples: How to Live the Method Modeled by the Master for additional details.

5 Ways to Grow Closer to Jesus

What makes it easier to get through the bad days in life when things get difficult? Do you have a friend or loved one who lives nearby? Do you want to call your mother or a close friend? In Mark 4:35-41, the disciples made an even better discovery than they had anticipated. They discovered how to get more intimate with Jesus and why this is so important in our life. One night when they were sailing across the Sea of Galilee, a violent storm swept in from the north. The boat they were on was tossing and spinning, and it seemed like it was about to capsize.

  • Even that, though, was insufficient.
  • They had the One who could genuinely save them from the storm and offer them with the ultimate consolation and serenity in the midst of their tempest: Jesus.
  • On that particular day, as the darkness arrived, Jesus told his followers, “Let us cross to the other side.” They left the mob behind and sailed away with him in the boat, exactly as he was at the time.
  • A violent squall sprang up, and the waves smashed over the boat, causing it to be almost completely submerged.
  • “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” the disciples said when they roused him from his sleep.
  • “Stay still!” After that, the wind went down and everything became perfectly peaceful.
  • Take advantage of a FREE set of printable prayer cards that outline 16 different methods to pray right now!
  • “Do you still have a lack of trust?” They were scared and exchanged questions with one another: “Who is this?
  • Do you have Jesus so near to you in your heart and mind?

Having a personal relationship with Jesus and keeping him close is critical for navigating the storms of life with calm and confidence. Always there there for you, waiting for you to open the door and let him into your life.

How to Get Closer to Jesus and Invite Him Into Your Boat

If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you must first understand his narrative. So go ahead and pick up a Bible and begin reading. Familiarize yourself with the tales and concepts found in the Bible, and make it a practice to read the Bible on a regular basis. Start reading the Gospels if you want to understand the tale of Jesus’ time on earth. Move on to the New Testament to observe how his work continued in the early church, and then back again. Don’t forget to read the Old Testament as well, for his tale begins there and is intertwined throughout the whole of the Bible.

2) Study the Bible

Join the hordes of followers and disciples who have gathered to learn at Jesus’ feet. Explore the Bible in greater depth, studying the chapters and gaining new information and insights. Participate in a Bible study group at your church or in your neighborhood. This is an excellent method to get started in your studies and to further your understanding, as well as to interact with a community of like-minded individuals. Alternatively, you can study the Bible on your own. If you’re not sure where to begin or want to learn some new methods of studying the Bible, this study on seven different ways to study the Bible is a terrific resource!

3) Pray and Spend Time in the Presence of Jesus

Prayer is extremely important, as Jesus demonstrated time and time again. He woke up early every morning, no matter how long he’d worked the day before or how weary he was. He prayed. God’s son, Jesus, needed to spend time in prayer, as did everyone else. He utilized his time in prayer to talk to his father, seeking direction, support, and guidance, as well as to keep his heart in tune with God’s will and will of others. Prayer is also quite important in our life. Identify a period in your day for prayer and make it a habit to pray on a daily basis.

4) Serve and Love Others

Jesus committed his life to helping and loving others, particularly those who were most in need – the outcasts, the unloved, the ill, the destitute, the orphaned, and the widowed – and those who were most vulnerable. When you are connected to the people Jesus loved and served, you are more likely to be near to Jesus himself. Get out into your neighborhood and provide a hand to those in need.

5) Worship and Fellowship with Other Believers

Jesus committed his life to helping and loving others, especially those who were most in need – the outcasts, the unloved, the ill, the destitute, the orphaned, and the widowed – and those who were most vulnerable. When you are connected to the people Jesus loved and served, you are more likely to be near to him. Serve others by getting out into your neighborhood.

Will You Invite Jesus Into Your Boat?

What action plan do you have for this week to become closer to Jesus? Is it going to be your intention to open your Bible and begin reading? Do you want to dive into a Bible study? Do you want to spend some quality time in prayer? Are you interested in becoming more engaged in your church?

Do you want to help others? This week, I encourage you to take one step closer to your goal. Begin with a single step, then another, and another, and so on. You will grow closer to Jesus step by step, and you will always have him by your side when life becomes difficult.

Learn to Trust God and Find His PeaceStrength in the Storm

Are you now experiencing one of those stormy seasons? Having a longing for Jesus to speak a word into your situation to quiet the storm and restore peace to your heart? When you learn to trust God, you will be able to find calm and strength even in the midst of storms. Click here to begin the 4-week Trusting God devotional, which will teach you how to Trust God During a Storm.

Knowing God Personally

Currently, do you find yourself in one of those stormy months? Having a need for Jesus to speak a word into your situation to quiet the storm and bring serenity to your heart? When you learn to trust God, you will be able to find calm and strength even in the midst of a storm. Click here to begin the 4-week Trusting God devotional, which will teach you how to trust God even when things are difficult.

Principle 1

Are you experiencing one of the stormy seasons right now? Do you long for Jesus to speak a word into your circumstance, to quiet the storm and bring peace into your heart? When you learn to trust God, you will be able to find calm and strength even in the midst of the storms. Through the Trusting God devotional, you may discover how to Trust God in the midst of a storm.

God’s Plan

When Jesus declared, “I come that they might have life, and that they could have it abundantly,” he was referring to the possibility of living a full and meaningful life.

Why is it that most people are not experiencing the abundant life? Because.

“We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Paul writes (Romans 3:23). The purpose of our creation was to enjoy fellowship with God, but because of our strong self-will, we chose to go our own way and so our relationship with God was severed. This attitude of active disobedience or passive indifference, which is marked by a strong sense of self-will, is what the Bible refers to as sin.

We Are Separated

“Death is the wages of sin,” the Bible says (Romans 6:23). Death is defined as a spiritual separation from the Creator. This artwork conveys the message that God is holy and that humanity are sinners. We are separated by a vast chasm. The pursuit of God and the abundant life via our own efforts – such as living a decent life, studying philosophy or practicing religion – is an ongoing endeavor that is doomed to failure.

The third principle explains the only way to bridge this gulf.

“God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” says the Bible (Romans 5:8).

He Rose From the Dead

“Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins. He was laid to rest. According to the Scriptures, he was resurrected from the dead on the third day. He first appeared to Peter, and then to the other eleven disciples. In the following days, He appeared to more than five hundred people.” The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 that

He Is the Only Way to God

The following is what Jesus said to him: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (See also John 14:6). Because God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place, bridging the gap that separates us from Him, we no longer have to live in fear of being separated from Him.

It is not enough just to know these three principles.

You have complete authority over your life, and Jesus has no impact over it.

People like these have never had the opportunity to receive Jesus into their hearts. They are still guilty and separated from God as a result of their sin.

Christ-directed life

In your life, you are in command, and Jesus has no impact. People like these have never had the opportunity to receive Jesus into their hearts and minds. Because of their sin, they will always be guilty and separated from God.

You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer.

Prayer is just communicating with God. God knows what is in your heart, and He is less interested with your words than He is with the attitude that is present in your heart. The following is a prayer that has been suggested. If this prayer expresses the yearning of your heart, you may recite it right now, and Christ will enter into your life, just as He promised He would. I’m in desperate need of You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for bearing my sins on the cross and dying on the cross for me. I acknowledge You as my Savior and Lord by opening the door of my life to You.

I want you to take over the reins of my life.

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