How To Fast Like Jesus

How to fast like Jesus ~ The Bible Speaks to You

These days, I hear a lot of Christians preaching about how vital it is to fast according to the Bible. After that, they go on and on about how long you should go without food or drink, or what kinds of things you should avoid eating or drinking altogether. Everyone appears to have their own interpretation of what constitutes a truly spiritual fast. But what does it truly mean to fast imply in practice? Is it simply a matter of not eating or drinking? No, I don’t believe so. It is not possible to become more spiritual or closer to God just by abstaining from food and drink for a period of time.

During your fast, are you utilizing the opportunity to seek God’s will?

It’s possible to accomplish this whether or not you’re fasting from eating.

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also stressed the value of fasting in one’s personal life.

  • They wanted to demonstrate to the rest of the world how holy they were.
  • He advised that we fast in such a way that no one would be aware of our actions.
  • There are a “few” Christians who, in today’s world, should heed Jesus’ words.
  • This method has previously been criticized by Jesus.

How to fast like Jesus

Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days, although he did not get hungry throughout that time. Throughout the entire process, he was eating on the Word of God. When Satan offered him the opportunity to change stones into bread, he responded with his famous answer, “It is written, Man shall not live by food alone, but by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4 King James Version) Jesus was consuming the spiritual food that came directly from the mouth of God.

Once, his followers approached him and pleaded with him to eat.

They assumed he had been provided some food, but he clarifies his true intention by saying, “My meat is to execute the will of him who sent me, and to complete his mission.” (See also John 4:32-34) The only genuine food we should consume is the fulfillment of God’s desire.

Is it expected that we abstain from food for 40 days in order to follow Jesus’ example?

Try it for 40 days and see how it goes. In fact, completing a single day of this type of fast is a significant accomplishment. It is possible to achieve success by just going for five minutes without declaring your own will.

Prayer and fasting

Jesus was once requested to treat a little child who was suffering from epilepsy. His followers had attempted to heal him, but had been unsuccessful. Jesus reprimanded them for their lack of trust. It wasn’t that they lacked faith; rather, they lacked a stronger sense of conviction. When they confronted Jesus in private about why they hadn’t been able to treat the patient, he clarified that this type of condition could only be healed “by prayer and fasting,” (Mark 9:29), and not only via prayer alone.

  • No.
  • (See Mark 2:18–19 for further information.) Fasting was approached in a more spiritual manner by Jesus.
  • Jesus was aware with this chapter from Isaiah, Chapter 58, verses 1-8, which discusses the type of fast that is acceptable to God and what constitutes a good fast.
  • They are carrying spiritual teachings in their wombs.
  • ‘How come we have fasted and you do not notice?
  • “Behold, you fast just in order to argue and brawl and to attack with a cruel fist,” says the prophet.
  • Is it necessary for him to lower his head as if he were a reed and lay sackcloth and ashes under him?
  • Isn’t it my goal to loosen the chains of wickedness, remove the yoke’s straps, release the oppressed, and break every yoke?

“Then your light will break forth like the morning, and your healing will spring up quickly; your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will serve as your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:1-8, English Standard Version) Giving up selfish, nasty, and scared thoughts as quickly as possible is what the genuine fast entails.

How many times have we fasted and prayed for what we desire instead of humbly surrendering to God’s plan for our lives? When we do this, do we even recognize that we’re doing it?

True fasting and prayer

True fasting is not about depriving oneself of what one requires, but rather about giving up what one does not require. Jesus did not abandon God’s Word when he was in the desert. He refused to eat the bread of selfish ambition, power, and glory, and he was imprisoned as a result. God did not instruct Isaiah to urge the people to abstain from eating, but rather to share their bread with those in need. In other words, genuine fasting, as described by God Himself, consists in abstaining from the bread of selfishness, the intoxicating drink of indifference to and lack of awareness of the needs of others, and the bread of indifference to and lack of awareness of the needs of others.

  1. However, just because you are assisting a fellow human being does not imply that you are genuinely fasting.
  2. Is this the speed at which God has decided to work?
  3. Is there anything in there that reminds you of what Jesus said?
  4. (See Matthew 25:31-46 for further information.) Jesus makes the point that both the sheep and the goats regarded Jesus as their Lord and savior in this passage.
  5. Those who had fed the poor, visited the ill and inmates in jail, clothed the naked, and provided assistance to those who were homeless, in other words, those who had followed Jesus’ example, were deemed virtuous by the community.
  6. It’s basically exactly the same phrasing as before.
  7. Going without food or drink does not make Him feel good about yourself.

According to this more spiritual meaning, Jesus was truly fasting all of the time during his earthly ministry.

He didn’t have a personal agenda.

His mission is marked by the declaration: “I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who has sent me.” (John 5:30 a.m.) Furthermore, “I came down from heaven, not to fulfill my own will, but to execute the will of him who sent me,” says the angel.

It’s also included in the Lord’s Prayer.

Fasting in the genuine meaning means to submit to God’s will while also providing for those in need.

And don’t be astonished if God heals the sick and reforms the sinner as a result of your prayers and fasting.

It is now necessary to fast.

As always, I’d appreciate it if you could share your views about fasting from your own desires and praying with Jesus, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” Please leave a remark in the space below. Thanks. Blessings, James

What Is Biblical Fasting, and How Does It Work?

Brittany Yesudasan is a model and actress. Historically, abstinence from meals for spiritual reasons has been practiced for thousands of years in the Bible. If you’re accustomed to eating “three square meals a day,” the idea of going without food as a spiritual practice may seem weird at first. Fasting, on the other hand, was a highly widespread religious practice during the time the Bible was written. “Christian fasting, at its foundation, is the hunger of a yearning for God,” says author John Piper in his book “Hunger for God.” In addition to being the spontaneous result of supreme satisfaction in God, Christian fasting has been designated as a selected weapon in the fight against every power in the world that would seek to take that satisfaction away.” But how exactly does biblical fasting function – and how can someone practice it right now?

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of fasting, such as what it is and how it works, so that any Christian may understand it.

  • Fasting and prayer in the Bible
  • What Does Fasting Accomplish for Christians
  • Do Christians Need to Fast
  • How to Fast According to the Bible
  • Nutritional Fasting and Medical Safety
  • What Should You Do If You Fail at Fasting?

Some Christians use the term “fast” to refer to refraining from pleasures other than food, such as television, the internet, or, in the case of married couples, sex. People who have participated in a “social media fast” or a “screen fast” for spiritual reasons may be familiar to you. This article will be primarily concerned with traditional Christian fasting, which is defined as refraining from eating for a period of time.

Do Christians Need to Fast?

Fasting may appear to be a fantastic idea nowadays. However, in Jesus’ society, it was considered strange for a holy person to refrain from fasting. Fasting was a common practice among the disciples of John the Baptist, an important prophet who cleared the way for Jesus’ mission. A group of religious leaders who rejected Jesus’ teachings and sought to have Him killed felt the same way! It was not customary for Jesus’ disciples to fast throughout His earthly ministry. But, according to Luke 5:33–34, Jesus thought they would fast once he returned to the Father.

Despite the fact that Jesus did not compel his followers to fast, He expected them to do so.

Prayer and Fasting in the Bible

Fasting is referenced throughout the Bible, in both the Old Testament (which was written before Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection) and the New Testament (which was written after Jesus’ mission, death, and resurrection) (written after). Two major passages from the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, as well as one from the life and teachings of Jesus, are typically cited by Christians when they address fasting. We don’t have any information on how to refrain from eating in either of these verses, though.

  • In Isaiah 58, God observes the people of Israel refraining from eating for a day in order to appeal to God for assistance: justice for Israel and judgment on those who have persecuted the country of Israel.
  • With the help of the prophet Jeremiah, God turns the tables on Israel, emphasizing how the Israelites are oppressing their own people.
  • God communicates with the people through the prophet Isaiah, telling them that He does not want them to go a day without food, and that He also wants them to refrain from oppressing one another.
  • (9–10, New International Version of Isaiah 58:9–10) When it came to fasting for God, the Israelites were only putting on a show rather than actually obeying Him.
  • The hypocrites disfigure their features to demonstrate that they are fasting, therefore when you fast, don’t look melancholy as they do.” They have, I swear to you, got their full and complete recompense.
  • (Matthew 6:16–18, New International Version) Christians should refrain from fasting just for the sake of seeming devout or righteous.

Fasting is a practice that allows you to bring yourself closer to God. If you’re converting a fast into a spiritual ego boost, you’ve completely missed the goal of the exercise altogether. A number of people who have abstained from food in order to seek God are mentioned in the Bible:

  • Jesus fasted before beginning His public ministry (Luke 4:1,2)
  • Nehemiah fasted to aid him in confessing his sins to God and turning away from them, as well as to ask God for favor in the eyes of the king of Persia in order to obtain permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:4)
  • And David fasted in order to petition God to intervene because of injustice (Psalm 68:1). (Psalm 35:13). Several biblical characters fasted, including Samuel in 2 Samuel 12:17 and 23, who asked for a miraculous healing, which God did not grant
  • Mordecai and the Jews fasted when they learned of Haman’s evil plot to exterminate them (Esther 4:3)
  • And the early church fasted while worshiping and committing their ministry to the Lord. When they nominated leaders, they also sought wisdom from the Lord via fasting (Acts 13:2
  • 14:23).

Fasting is not restricted to the Christians who are mentioned in the Bible. Many of the church’s most prominent leaders during a period in history known as the Protestant Reformation — including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox – fasted. Luther, Calvin, and Knox were among the leaders who fasted. During his time in exile, Knox fasted and prayed so intensely that Queen Mary declared that she dreaded his prayers more than all of Scotland’s forces. John Wesley, the well-known English preacher, missionary, and founder of Methodism, fasted twice a week from the time of sunrise till the time of sunset, according to tradition.

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He died in 1898.

Why Do Christians Fast? What Does Biblical Fasting Accomplish?

Fasting according to biblical principles is not a hunger strike between you and God. For many people, fasting might be seen of as a method to give their prayers a little additional punch. However, biblical fasting is not so much about how God responds to your prayers as it is about how you bring your requests to Him in the first place. “God opposes the haughty, but favors the humble,” the Bible says (1 Peter 5:5, NIV; see 2 Samuel 22:28). When we fast, we are bringing ourselves closer to God in a humble manner.

Bill Bright, a co-founder of Cru, made it a point to fast and pray on a regular basis.

He enumerated various advantages he had acquired through fasting, including:

  • Fasting is a biblical practice that can help you completely humble yourself in God’s eyes. “Through fasting, I humbled myself,” King David declared (Psalm 35:13, New King James Version
  • See Ezra 8:21)
  • As a consequence of fasting, the Holy Spirit might expose your genuine spiritual state, resulting in brokenness, repentance, and a transformed life. Your confidence and faith in God will be reinforced as a result of your fasting. You will feel renewed on all levels: psychologically, spiritually, and physically.

Important to note is that fasting does not improve the answer to prayer in the way that many people believe. In contrast to this, true fasting is a means of encouraging a better (and more humble) approach to prayer.

How to Do a Biblical Fast

Christian fasting may be divided into two categories: fasting from food and fasting from prayer. 1. A speed that is only partially observed. The book of Daniel contains a description of this. The prophet Daniel refrained from all foods save for “delicacies” such as meat and wine for three weeks during the time when Israel was in exile from Babylon (Daniel 10:3). 2. A total abstinence from food. When fasting for a lengthy period of time, a full fast includes simply consuming water or, in certain cases, juice.

If you are new to fasting, begin with little increments of time. The gradual reduction in food consumption allows your body to grow acclimated to the reduced intake. Starting with one meal a day, one day a week, or one week a month, you may gradually increase your fasting time.

Preparing for the Fast

In a typical fast, one refrains from eating or drinking anything other than water for a period of 24 hours, starting at dawn and ending at sunset. If you are fasting for the first time, you may find that you skip one or two meals in the beginning. Over time, you may work your way up to a whole day or perhaps longer. Begin by abstaining from solid food and instead consuming liquids. When it comes to beverages, water is the ideal choice because soft drinks are bad for the digestive system and coffee and tea stimulate the nervous system.

It is usual to feel headaches during the first few days of a multi-day fast, as the body adjusts to the absence of caffeine in the diet.

If you are planning an extended fast (more than 14 days), you should prepare mentally and physically by cutting back on your food intake one week before the actual fast and adopting a vegetarian diet to help control your food cravings.

Make sure you drink lots of water.

During the Fast

It is customary to fast for 24 hours, from dawn to sunrise, and to refrain from eating or drinking anything other than water throughout that time period. Starting out by skipping a meal or two is common when fasting for the first time. You may work your way up to a whole day or even longer with practice. Drink plenty of fluids to begin with and avoid solid foods. Water is the ideal choice since soft drinks are bad for the digestive system, while coffee and tea stimulate the neurological system, making water the finest choice.

The withdrawal from caffeine might cause headaches during the first few days of a multi-day fast, which is normal at this period.

If you are planning an extended fast (more than 14 days), you should prepare psychologically and physically by cutting back on your food intake one week before the actual fast.

Ensure that you consume enough of fluids.

Ending the Fast

It is possible that breaking the fast will need as much discipline as starting it. During a fast, your stomach contracts, and your digestive and elimination systems take a break from their normal functions. The longer you fast, the more time your digestive organs will require to reawaken before they can work at maximum capacity. If you just want to fast for a day or two at a time, it is preferable to complete the fast with a small glass of fruit juice as your first meal after completing the fasting period.

You should continue to drink juices for a day or more if your fast is more than a few days, and only then should you begin to introduce more substantial items such as yogurt, soup, and fruit into your diet.

You should stop eating as soon as you see the first signs of fullness. If you are only fasting for a few days at a time, it should be easy to break the fast. If you have worked up to and want to fast for a longer period of time, you should talk with your doctor and read a health book on fasting.

Fasting and Medical Safety

Fasting for a short period of time does no harm to healthy persons, according to “The Foods and Nutrition Encyclopedia.” The average healthy person can go without food for anywhere between 21 and 40 days or more before the body begins to eliminate vital tissue, depending on their health (starvation). Before commencing any fast that may last more than three days, consult with your doctor beforehand. If you have underlying health concerns such as pregnancy, anemia, behavioral disorders, or other chronic health problems, you should never fast without first speaking with a doctor or other healthcare professional.

What If You Fail at Fasting?

In the words of Bill Bright, it takes time to develop your spiritual fasting muscles. Do not be disheartened if you are unable to complete your first fast successfully. It’s possible that you attempted to fast for an excessive amount of time the first time, or that you need to deepen your comprehension and commitment. Continue to attempt until you achieve success. God will reward you for your steadfastness in the end.


Fasting has been a method for God’s people to humble themselves before Him for over three thousand years! Jesus, David, and a large number of other followers of our God have sacrificed their meals for a short period of time in order to praise and pray to the one who provides for all our needs. God is praised as the one who hears and responds to our prayers!

Latest Stories inFasting

Fasting is significant in God’s eyes. His Word, on the other hand, has 92 verses that mention it. Many of our heroes of the faith, such as Moses, Elijah, Esther, Nehemiah, Daniel, and Paul, fasted at critical times in their lives, as did the Israelites.


Learn what fasting is and how it might have an influence on your religious beliefs. Find out why abstaining from food and drink for a period of time can help you enhance your connection with the Almighty.


Even though the Bible has little advice on how to fast, it does provide a large number of accounts of people who did fast. Learn about some of the most significant instances in the Bible when people and countries fasted. All Rights Reserved. 1994-2021 Cru. All Rights Reserved.

Man dies trying to fast like Jesus

A guy from Zimbabwe died while attempting to fast for 40 days in the manner of Jesus Christ. 73-year-old Khulu Reinfirst Manyuka left his house to pray by himself in the desert, in a manner similar to Jesus’ deeds recorded in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. He was alone at the time of his death, and no one knows for certain when or how it occurred, but his body was discovered by a stranger roughly a month after he began his fast. “We received the tragic news of his death after a month,” a close relative recalled.

  1. It’s a shame that he had to die in this manner.” Family members said that he had no history of sickness, was in good health, and appeared to be a youthful man for his age.
  2. There had been “a large number” of additional cases recorded.
  3. Scholars dispute on whether Jesus fasted for 40 days in the literal sense or whether 40 days is a symbolic number, and whether his fasting included complete abstinence from all food and drink.
  4. Despite the fact that this estimate is shorter in severe situations such as high temperatures.
  5. Humans are capable of surviving for around three weeks without eating.

The year was 2006, and a British lady, 34, died in her London home, while attempting to fast. She had wanted to spend the next 40 days doing nothing but drinking water and reading the Bible. Sadly, the faithful Christian passed away on her 23rd day of fasting. Wikipedia is used as the cover picture.

A Guide to Christian Fasting

You are most likely one of the vast majority of Christians who fast just sometimes or never at all. I don’t believe this is because we haven’t read our Bibles, sat under trustworthy preaching, or heard about the power of fasting; it’s more likely that we just don’t want to do it for many reasons. We just never seem to get around to putting the fork down once all is said and done. Perhaps part of the problem stems from the fact that we live in a world where food is so readily available that we eat not just when we don’t need to, but also when we don’t want to eat.

As well as these external factors, we have our own internal desires and pains for comfort that prohibit us from experiencing the discomfort of fasting.

Not So Fast

FASTING is the voluntary abstinence from food — or any other frequently appreciated, beneficial gift from God — for the sake of achieving a spiritual goal. It is strikingly counter-cultural in our consumerist world, just like refraining from sexual activity before marriage is in several cultures. To acquire the forgotten art of fasting and to reap its benefits, we must not listen with our ears to the ground of society, but rather with Bibles open on our laps and before us. The question then will not be whether we fast, but when we shall fast.

He does not say “if you fast,” but rather “when you fast” (Matthew 6:16).

Feasts are strikingly counter-cultural in our consumerist world, just like refraining from sexual activity until marriage is.

We don’t have to have everything right away since we have a guarantee that we will get everything in the next generation.

Radical, Temporary Measure

Fasting is for this world, for expanding our hearts to receive some fresh air beyond the anguish and trouble that we are surrounded by. It is not for the hereafter. And it is for the purpose of combating the sin and weakness that exists inside us. We express our dissatisfaction with our sinful selves as well as our desire to be more like Christ. When Jesus arrives, the practice of fasting will be abolished. It’s a temporary measure, for this life and age, to deepen our delight in Jesus and prepare our hearts for the next – for meeting him face to face in the presence of the Father.

When he returns, he will not call a fast, but will instead throw a feast; at that point, all holy abstinence will have served its wonderful purpose and will be recognized by all as the magnificent gift that it truly was by everyone. Until then, we’ll observe a fast.

How to Start Fasting

Fasting is difficult. It appears to be lot simpler in theory than it turns out to be in practice. The amount of anxiety we experience when we miss a meal might be startling. Many an idealistic new faster has made the decision to skip a meal, only to discover that our stomaches forced us to make up for it long before the following lunchtime arrived. However, despite the fact that fasting appears to be a straightforward process, the world, our body, and the devil combine to bring all sorts of problems that prevent it from taking place.

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These ideas may appear trite, but the goal is that such fundamental advice would be useful to individuals who are new to fasting or who have never given it significant consideration.

1. Start small.

Don’t go from not fasting to trying to fast for a week at a time. Start with one meal; you could even try fasting one meal a week for a few weeks. Then try two meals a day for a while, and eventually work your way up to a daylong fast. Perhaps you might attempt a two-day juice fast in the future. Juice fasting is defined as refraining from all foods and beverages other than juice and water for a certain period of time. When you let yourself juice, you are allowing your body to get the nutrients and sugar it needs to keep running while still feeling the affects of not eating solid meals.

2. Plan what you’ll do instead of eating.

Fasting is more than just a form of self-deprivation; it is also a spiritual discipline that helps us to seek more of God’s fullness. As a result, we should have a plan for what positive activity we will engage in during the time it takes to eat a normal meal. Our days are spent with food in front of us for a significant portion of the time. One of the most significant benefits of fasting is the time it provides for prayer and meditation on God’s word, as well as for performing some act of kindness for others.

Make a connection between it and your fasting goal.

Identify what it is and create a focus to take the place of the time you would have spent eating otherwise.

3. Consider how it will affect others.

Fasting does not give you permission to be unloving. It would be tragic if we were to lose sight of and care for others around us as a result of this manifestation of heightened devotion to God. Love for God and love for one’s neighbor are inextricably linked. A good fastening blends horizontal and vertical concerns in a seamless manner. When we fast, our loved ones should feel even more cherished and cared for, if that’s even possible. As you plan your fast, keep in mind how it may effect those around you.

Also, consider this alternative source of fasting inspiration: Think about fasting instead of dining alone if you are used to eating with a group of friends or family on a daily or weekly basis, and your plans are disrupted by someone’s travel or vacation or other unusual circumstances.

4. Try different kinds of fasting.

Personal, private, and partial fasting are the most common kinds of fasting, although the Bible has a number of forms, including personal and communal fasting, private and public fasting, congregational and national fasting, regular and infrequent fasting, absolute and partial fasting. Consider fasting with your family, a small group of friends, or your church as a special occasion. Do you and your friends have a common need for God’s wisdom and direction in a particular situation? You may be experiencing a unique challenge in the church or in society, and you may be praying for God’s intervention.

Pray for God’s assistance with a unique level of sincerity by joining your hands with fellow Christians to fast together.

5. Fast from something other than food.

Fasting from eating is not for everyone, and it is not recommended. Even the most devoted of believers are prevented from participating in the usual path due to health reasons. Fasting, on the other hand, is not restricted to refraining from meals. Following in the footsteps of Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ advice, “Fasting should truly be expanded to embrace abstention from everything that is acceptable in and of itself for the sake of some unique spiritual aim.” Instead of fasting from food, if going without food is not the best course of action for you given your current health state, try fasting from television, internet, social media, or any other regular delight that might bend your heart toward greater appreciation of Jesus.

Even married couples are encouraged to abstain from sexual relations “for a brief period, so that you may dedicate yourselves to prayer,” according to Paul (1 Corinthians 7:5).

6. Don’t think of white elephants.

“Going hungry is not Christian fasting; it is just going hungry without a goal and a strategy,” says the author. Instead of allowing your mind to dwell on the fact that you haven’t eaten when your empty stomach starts to growl and sends your brain every “feed me” signal it knows how to send, do something to satisfy your hunger. If you are able to make it through with an iron will that says no to your stomach but does not allow your mind to go elsewhere, it says more about your love for food than it does about your love for God.

Christian fasting attempts to transfer the sufferings of hunger into the key of some everlasting melody, whether it’s struggling against some sin, appealing for someone’s salvation, advocating for the plight of the unborn, or longing for a better taste of Jesus’ presence.

How to Fast and Pray In A Way that Pleases God

When you think about fasting and prayer, what images spring to mind for you? Let’s take a deep breath and assess the situation. My initial thoughts are, ‘There’s no way I’m going to go all day without food.’ Is it possible for me to be more honest? The first time I felt God nudging me to look into how to fast and pray, I panicked out a little. I assumed that fasting would be difficult and that the Bible would be full of rules and restrictions that I would be unable to adhere to.

So you can imagine my surprise when I began searching the Bible for all of the regulations about how to fast – and discovered grace. On this day, we shall learn how simple it is to begin fasting in a way that pleases God, nourishes your soul, and leads to spiritual breakthrough.

How to Fast and Pray for a Breakthrough – God’s Way

We began this series by examining five of the most compelling reasons to fast, as well as the possibility of success. In the next section, we learned that God has a lot to say on how not to fast. To be really honest, I started there because God began there. What I was expecting was a list of appropriate techniques for fasting and praying – perhaps from the book of Leviticus – that I could read and try out. In reality, the majority of the internet is fascinated with the mechanics of fasting.

  • The only hard and fast rule for fasting was established by Jesus himself.
  • But He doesn’t say to abstain from eating meat or all food, or refrain from doing certain things.
  • Fasting is about lowering our hearts in the presence of God.
  • and allowing God to bring you happiness.

What is the purpose of a fast?

Fasting is about lowering our hearts in the presence of God. Fasting and prayer are about letting go of the things that bring you pleasure in order to come closer to God. and allowing God to satisfy your desires through them. This prayer book contains a variety of scriptural prayers that may be spoken during fasting.

What does the Bible Say About Fasting?

It is “I have something to eat that you are not aware of.” (John 4:32 New American Standard Bible) The majority of Biblical fasting is related to food. Think about it: food provides us with fuel and energy to go through the day, and it may help us attain a state of contentment for the majority of us. In biblical times, people would have spent a significant amount of time preparing meals for their families. With our current way of life, we don’t have such luxury. We can prepare a dinner in 5 minutes in the microwave that would have taken them hours to prepare.

That would have taken up a significant amount of time for all of their meal preparation and consumption.

For a period of time, if you were alive at the time and were learning how to fast and pray, you would have abstained from eating.

Why Look at the Types of Fasting in the Bible

In the Bible, there are many different sorts of fasting, or different types of spiritual fasting. Where the Bible does not provide specific guidelines for fasting, it does provide examples of various sorts of fasting throughout the Bible (spiritual fasting). In addition, please keep in mind that God valued any form of fast (as long as one’s heart was in the right place), thus I see Grace in a fast that is pleasing to God.

Furthermore, when individuals were just following the “rules” they had established for a period of Fasting (and their hearts were not in the right place), God did not recognize it. Fasting and praying are a matter of the heart, not of following the laws.

How to Fast and Pray in Today’s Culture

A fast that pleases God — a fast that is God’s will – prioritizes the heart over the laws. When you are preparing a time to investigate the power of prayer and fasting, make a note of the reason for your fast.

  • Do you think you’ll need to fast and pray in order to see a breakthrough? Make a note of it. If you want assistance, please see these 5 Reasons to Fast for more information. Following that, you must evaluate which sort of spiritual fasting will be most effective for you. In the end, choose a day to begin your fast and commit to it.

How do you begin fasting?

It is possible to find dozens of fasting and prayer texts, however the following are five key examples that you may use as a fasting and prayer guide. Please be aware of the following: It is advisable to consult with your doctor about the practical aspects of your plans to fast and pray. If you have a medical issue, you should consider going on a non-food fasting diet.

  • Jesus and Moses, for example, were both known for taking things to the extreme. For 40 days, there will be no food or water. (2 Corinthians 5:21
  • Exodus 34:28)
  • A complete fast, which may last anything from a few hours to a whole day, or perhaps for several days or weeks
  • This was the most popular type of question in the Bible, so I’ll simply provide a few examples. In the following passages: (Esther 4:16, Joel 2:12, Ezra 8:21-23, Jonah 3:5-9)
  • A Partial Fast (also known as a three-day spiritual fast) is defined as follows: In one case, we can observe that they consumed fruit, vegetables, and water over a period of ten days.
  • While in captivity, Daniel and the three companions observed a fast in order to honor God. (See Daniel 1:12)
  • The Daniel Fast: (For 21 days) no meat, no delicious bread, no wine, and no oils for his skin (according to Daniel 10:3 and Daniel 9:3)
  • These would have been things that Daniel would have enjoyed, such as nice food and relief from dry skin (Daniel was older by then and lived in a hot, arid environment)
  • According to 1 Corinthians 7:5, a husband and wife might decide jointly to give up sex for a period of time and for a specific purpose.
  • The prophet Daniel serves as a model for us as well (Daniel 10:3
  • Daniel 9:3).
  • A fast from things that make you feel good or that you find entertaining
  • In modern times, this could include television, social media, spending money, and other activities.
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To begin fasting, simply pick a fast and follow the instructions provided.

What Biblical Fasting is Not

Biblical fasting is not just about abstaining from food! The subject of food is not always the focus of a Biblical fast or a spiritual fast in the Bible. After reading the past two instances, I’ve come to the conclusion that fasting and praying are essentially about replacing things that satisfy us physically with God for a specified period of time and for a specific reason. In the past, I have fasted from eating and found it to be quite effective in drawing me closer to God. The bodily reminder of hunger serves as a catalyst for prayer, worship, and a desire to get closer to God.

There have also been instances when I choose to abstain from social media — that was eye-opening!

Pray Powerful Prayers During Fasting

When we incorporate scripture into our prayer plan, we may create a strong prayer strategy for fasting. By using scripture in our prayers, we may make them more strategic and effective! If you need additional evidence, consider these 65 Bible texts concerning prayer for motivation.

Beware A Common Danger

Fasting and prayer are about maintaining a healthy heart position, not about losing weight. It is my tendency of turning a fast into a diet that has led me to choose to fast and pray instead of eating a meal during my list time. This is not the proper heart posture. If your heart is in the right place – and you are sincerely desiring to come near to God with a purpose — fasting in any form will stimulate your spirit in preparation for Him. Fasting is about giving up my own satisfaction in order to allow God to fill me.

Tiffany Montgomery’s book, A Beginners Guide to Pray and Fast: Taking Spiritual Warfare to the Next Level, is a great resource.

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Will You Learn How to Fast and Pray Today?

Do you have a profound need for breakthrough and spiritual nourishment in your life? Do you have a pressing desire for God to respond or intervene fast in your life? Join me on this quest to get more intimate with our Savior.

Fasting and praying may be learned in a much shorter period of time than most Christians understand. This spiritual practice has been lost, yet it still has power. You simply need to make the decision to begin in order to harness that power.

  • Choose what you will give up during your fasting period. Choose a day when you want to start
  • Choose a topic or a scripture to concentrate on in prayer and then pray about it. Don’t be disheartened if your first fast isn’t flawless
  • It’s only the first time. Continue to practice until you discover the appropriate beat and God responds to your prayers.

Please leave a comment below. When I say “I’m in,” I mean it, and I’ll pray for you as we respond to the call to Fast and Pray together! Tiffany of Hope Joy in Christ encourages Christian women to develop in their faith, live out Biblical Marriage Principles, and raise godly children via her ministry, In Him. Join the Wives Only Facebook Group by clicking here, or follow her on Pinterest by clicking here. If you loved this post, you might also appreciate these other posts:

  • Methods for Effectively Praying Proverbs 31 and Making a Difference in Your Life
  • 40-Days of being still and getting to know God better
  • A Christian Couple’s Intimacy: How to Make It More Intimate
  • There are several types of fasting that can be used for spiritual breakthrough.

Why Should I Fast? 7 Examples of Fasting in the Bible

Despite the fact that the Bible does not include a clear instruction on the subject, examples of fasting may be found in both the Old and New Testaments. One of the most significant chapters in which fasting is referenced is Matthew 6:16, in which Jesus is instructing His followers on the fundamental foundations of holy life. When He speaks about fasting, He begins by saying, ” When you fast,” rather than, ” If you fast.” Fasting will be a regular practice in the lives of those who follow Jesus, according to His words.

Christian living is characterized by the strict exercise of self-control as an essential characteristic.

‘You and I have no more right to omit fasting because we are not experiencing any special emotional prompting than we have a right to omit prayer, Bible reading, or gathering with other God’s children because we are not experiencing any special emotional prompting,’ wrote Wesley Duewel, a twentieth-century writer.

  • The following are seven instances in the Bible where believers sought God via the practice of fasting and prayer.
  • To prepare for a ministry assignment.
  • He need solitude in order to prepare for the task that His Father had assigned him (Matthew 4:1-17; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-14).
  • To seek God’s guidance in one’s life.
  • 3.
  • Following the discovery that Jerusalem’s walls had been breached, Nehemiah fasted and prayed, fearing that the Israelites would be exposed and shamed by their neighbors (Nehemiah 1:1-4).
  • 5.

Following Jonah’s proclamation of judgment on the city of Nineveh, the king covered himself in sackcloth and sat in the dust for many days.

“When God saw what they had done and how they had repented of their bad ways, He relented and did not bring upon them the calamity He had foretold,” reads Jonah 3:10.

In order to achieve victory.

According to Judges 20:26, the entire congregation walked up to Bethel and “sat crying before the Lord.” They also “fasted from the morning till the evening of that day.” Following that, they were victorious over the Benjamites, thanks to the intervention of the Lord.

To express gratitude to God.

“She never left the temple, but worshiped day and night, fasting and praying,” the Bible states in verse 37.

Despite numerous biblical examples seen in Scripture, many Christians are reluctant to act quickly.


Unafraid of the undiscovered.

I’m afraid of starting anything and not finishing it.

The Enemy has them persuaded that they will never be able to pull it off.


In many circumstances, churches do not advocate fasting, and in many others, they do not even bring it up in the sermon.


When it comes to the concept of fasting, their hearts have become hardened.

He was a staunch believer in the efficacy of prayer and fasting, and Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, was no exception. He outlined the following reasons for pursuing God through self-denial in his handbook, Why You Should Fast.

  • Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras
  • Fasting and prayer can help you regain your “first love” for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Him
  • Fasting and prayer can help you regain your “first love” for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ
  • Fasting is a biblical method of really humbling oneself in the eyes of the Almighty. It is through fasting that you can allow the Holy Spirit to show you your genuine spiritual state, culminating in repentance and transformation of your life. Fasting will encourage the Holy Spirit to quicken the Word of God in your heart, and His truth will become more significant to you as a result of your experience. Fasting can help you have a more intimate and meaningful experience with your prayers. In your own life, fasting can result in a powerful personal revival, and it can also transform you into an agent or conduit of revival for others.

We don’t fast because we’ve lost our spiritual appetite, which happens rather frequently. According to John Piper, “the lack of fasting is a measure of our comfort with the absence of Christ in our lives.” “If we don’t have tremendous aspirations for the display of God’s grandeur, it is not because we have sipped deeply and are pleased,” Piper continues. It’s because we’ve been nibbling away at the world’s table for far too long. “Our spirit is overflowing with insignificant things, and there is no place for the significant.” Fasting is a discipline that every believer should do on a regular basis.

  1. As you empty yourself physically and mentally, you create an opening for God to enter and do the miraculous in your life.
  2. You also become more sensitive to the activity of the Holy Spirit, which allows you to hear God’s voice more clearly as a result of this heightened sensitivity.
  3. In terms of physical side effects, you may experience unpleasant side effects such as headaches, lethargy, and intestinal pain while your body tries to adjust to the lower calorie intake.
  4. Although fasting has its difficulties, many who are honest about them also believe that the sacrifices are well worth it in terms of the rewards.
  5. Take pleasure in it!
  6. He pledges to shower benefits on those who seek Him with a sincere heart (Matthew 5:6).
  7. Written with permission from Spiritually Strong: The Ultimate 6-Week Guide To Building Your Body And Soul by Dr.
  8. by Kristen Feola, with permission from Zondervan.

Your Turn

You might want to consider include fasting in your spiritual disciplines. When Jesus commanded us to fast, he urged us to do it in secret so that it would not be evident to others that we were fasting (Matthew 6:16-18). Is that something you find difficult? Please share your opinions about fasting with other members of our Christian community! Devotionals are posted every day.

Recommended Books on Biblical Fasting

Bill Bright contributed to this article. It is my belief that the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us is the power of fasting in conjunction with prayer, and that it will be used to smash the strongholds of evil and bring in a tremendous revival and spiritual harvest over the world. A increasing feeling of urgency has grabbed me, and I’ve been compelled to call on God to bring revival to our dear country. My conviction that God wanted me to fast and pray for forty days for revival in America and the fulfillment of the Great Commission became stronger over the spring and summer of 1994.

“Does this really seem like God’s calling for me?” I wondered at first.

His call, on the other hand, got stronger and more obvious with each passing day.

God had called me to fast, and He would not have called me to fast unless He had a definite reason or purpose in mind.

That, as well as the urgent need to contribute to the acceleration of the completion of the Great Commission in this age, were impressed upon my heart by the Lord.

However, I placed my trust in the Lord to assist me.

The longer I fasted, the more I became aware of the Lord’s presence in my life.

The pages of God’s Word were alive with biblical realities that sprang out at me.

For the next forty days, I would have the most significant experience of my whole life.

The greatest spiritual harvest in the history of the Church will be sparked by this supernatural visitation from heaven on earth.

Then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and restore health to their country if my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves, pray, seek my face, repent, and turn from their wicked ways.

Over the course of fifty years, I’ve been studying God’s Word and listening for the voice of the Almighty, and His message has never been clearer.

During your fast, I strongly advise that you have this book nearby and refer to it frequently since it contains simple instructions on how and when to begin your fast, what you should do while you fast, and how and when to terminate your fast.

I strongly encourage you to pray about taking on this task. I encourage you to read my book, The Coming Revival: America’s Call to Fast, Pray, and “Seek God’s Face,” before you begin your fast. It will assist you in preparing for the upcoming spiritual awakening.

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