How Jesus Loved Us

How Does Jesus Love Us?

Image courtesy of Michael Fenton via Unsplash. This is my commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. This is my example for you to follow. John 15:12 New Living Translation What is the nature of Jesus’ love for us? One basic explanation why this is an essential question is as follows: Jesus instructed His followers to love one another in the same way that He loved them. This little thought will only serve to get us started on the subject of Jesus’ love for us for another simple reason: our understanding of Jesus’ love, as well as our understanding of ourselves, develops over the course of a lifetime.

  • Jesus came to us in order for us to get to know Him. It is necessary to love one another by bringing ourselves to one another in order to develop true and authentic relationships based on compassion
  • Jesus spent significant time with His disciples. The ability to love one another involves a large commitment of time and shared experiences
  • Jesus chose to devote his time and energy to God the Father’s plan instead. In order to love one another as Jesus loves us, we must maintain a continual focus on God and His will for our life. We ask individuals in our immediate vicinity to join us in following God
  • Jesus, by his final sacrifice, provides a better way to be reconciled with God. People are invited to accept the enormous sacrifice of Jesus when they love one another. As an act of love, we extend His forgiveness to everyone around us. Because of God’s self-sacrificial love for us, we sacrifice in our relationships to make them better
  • Jesus demonstrated how we should spend our lives. Helping one other live well is an important part of loving one another. In every aspect of life, Jesus provides us with compelling examples of how to live, pray, think, act, and be as a result of his teachings. He teaches us how to cope with authority, religion, racism, conflict, and money in a positive and productive way (just to name a few). He teaches us a new way of thinking (bless those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you)
  • He teaches us to love our enemies.

Motivating Question: What makes it possible for us to love one another as Jesus loved us? It all starts with our humble acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior in our life. The presence of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside us, allows us to continue to love one another. It is also essential to rely on God’s word, pray, and be in community with people who are also following God on this road of loving one another as Jesus loved us. Prayer:Dear Jesus, thank You for communicating to Your followers about loving one another in these words about loving one another.

You are much appreciated for challenging us to love one another in the same manner that You love us.

Please, Holy Spirit, assist us.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

4 Ways Jesus Modeled Love

What aspects of my life (words, acts, and decisions) should represent my connection with Christ and my pursuit of Him? It should be evident on the outside that someone who is living with God on the inside lives a life that reflects a distinct character on the inside (through words, decisions, and actions done in obedience to God). “Anyone who professes to live in him must live in the same way that Jesus did.” In 1 John 2:6, the Bible says The person of Jesus is the most perfect representation of God’s love for people that has ever been.

When it comes to Jesus, there is nothing we must do that He has not already demonstrated in His own person and life.

How did Jesus model Love and Service?

The Bible provides us with the following illustrations: Compassion: Jesus was a caring person to the extreme. We witness Him responding to the needs of those who are suffering again and over again, as follows:

  • He healed the sick and restored sight to the blind (Luke 7:21)
  • He liberated those who were enslaved by social injustice and prejudice (Mark 7:24-30
  • Luke 5:12-15
  • 7:36-50
  • 8:43-48
  • 10:38-42
  • 19:1-10)
  • He set free those who were under the control of demonic powers (Luke 4:33-35)
  • He was deeply loved (Matt 9:36
  • Mark 10:21
  • Luke 7:13

Respect: Jesus had a deep regard for all forms of life, regardless of their origin.

  • He constantly expressed his admiration and appreciation for women, an attitude that was entirely unexpected and unheard of in His society and time. (Matthew 1:30-31
  • Luke 7:11-15
  • 13:10-17
  • Mark 1:30-31
  • The youngsters were respected and treasured by him (Mark 10:13-16)
  • He respected and appreciated the disadvantaged and the destitute. According to Luke 4:18-19, it was for this reason that He came to earth.

Jesus was an exceptional listener, as evidenced by his parables. Whether it was His opponents or His disciples, Jesus showed that he respected individuals by listening to them and responding carefully and patiently to their questions and concerns. Encouraged: Jesus spent a significant amount of time urging people to love one another. (See Luke 6:17-49 for more information.) Throughout Jesus’ whole life, the Beatitudes serve as a call to be receptive to God and to love others in the way that Jesus modeled.

When it comes to loving your neighbor as yourself, Jesus is the ultimate role model.

Because of Jesus, who is the perfect standard by which we should spend our lives.

The outpouring of Jesus’ love for the Father manifested itself in a life of unceasing service to others. As a consequence of our overflow and love for the Father (as well as our desire to conform to the character of Christ), we should live a life of service and love for others as well.

How can my life model Christ’s love?

According to 1 John 2:6, a life lived in Christ is a life filled with love and service to others. It is a ministry to the poor in which you listen to people in your midst, love them, support them, respect them, and assist them—especially those who are at the bottom of the social ladder. In our quest to live in relationship with Jesus, this is the heart of Jesus, and it should be our heart as well. When it comes to “living in Christ,” what does it look like in our modern world? Some examples from churches in Africa and Asia include the following: Providing access to water (3:21 video) Constructing a home (2:21 video) Construction of classrooms (2:40 video) Taking care of a widow (3:43 video) John Warden serves as the worldwide staff pastor for Reconciled World and as the facilitator for 2:10.

He and his family live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his wife and two kids.

You can also follow him on Twitter.

What It Looks Like to “Love One Another” as Jesus Loves Us

The Upper Room Discourse is a series of five chapters in the Gospel of John that are together referred to as the Upper Room Discourse. As He neared the end of his life, Jesus engaged in meaningful conversation with his disciples in order to prepare them for His death and resurrection, as well as to prepare them to proclaim the Gospel and form the church. As the thirteenth chapter opens, Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, goes on to prophesy his death and Peter’s denial, and teaches the disciples this radical commandment: “A new command I give you: Love one another.” The same way that I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34).

What Does “Love One Another as I Have Loved You” Mean?

Jesus was giving his followers a task that appeared to be insurmountable. So how could they possibly love others with the same kind of unconditional love that Jesus displayed over and over again? When Jesus spoke to a Samaritan lady, his followers were taken aback by his words (seeJohn 4:27). It’s possible that the twelve disciples were among a group of followers who attempted to keep youngsters from seeing Jesus by turning them away (seeMatthew 19:13). They had failed in their efforts to love others in the way that Jesus had loved them.

As a result of Jesus’ exhortation to love, the disciples would be empowered in a new way to demonstrate the same sort of love that Jesus had demonstrated — a love that comprised acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion – throughout the world.

Who Is Jesus Speaking to in This Verse?

In this passage, Jesus is addressing his followers directly. A little earlier in his career, Jesus had stated that the two greatest commandments were to love one another (see Matthew 26:36-40), with the second commandment being to love one’s neighbor. During another teaching session in the upper chamber with his followers, Jesus spoke on the importance of love. In fact, as Jesus continued to speak, he made it apparent that it would be their compassion for others that would distinguish them. Their compassion for others would be the very thing that distinguished them as believers and followers of his teachings and example.

When it came to welcoming guests in Jesus’ day, washing their feet was a regular habit, but it was a servant of low status who would have been assigned such a task.

Before encouraging the disciples to love others as he had loved them, Jesus performed this act of love himself.

As much as Jesus was speaking to his disciples in that room, Jesus also conveyed this order to every believer throughout history through the passage of time and through the transmission of Scripture from generation to generation.

Our absolute and unselfish love, which is still true today, will be the thing that distinguishes Christians from the rest of the world.

Do Different Translations Impact the Meaning?

The passage is regularly rendered in the many English translations of the Bible, with minimal change from one to the next. As a result of the consistency in translations, we may be confident that the passage is clear, accurate, and straightforward in its interpretation. It also challenges us to contemplate what it means for us to love as Jesus loved. A new commandment has been given to you, and it is that you love one another. “In the same way that I have loved you, you must love one another as well.” “I offer you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you: just as I have loved you, you are to love one another as I have loved you.” “I offer you a new command: Love one another,” the New International Version (NIV) says.

You should love each other in the same way that I have loved you.” Image courtesy of Unsplash/Rawpixel.

How Will Others Know That We Are Disciples by Our Love?

This new instruction came after Jesus urged his disciples to love one another in the manner in which he loved them. He added that this is how people would know they were his disciples. That implies that when we love people in the same way that Jesus loves us, they will recognize us as his disciples as a result of the extreme love we demonstrate. It is taught in Scripture that we are to be distinct from the world (see: Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 2:9, Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 4:14), and the way we love is a primary signal of our being distinguished as followers of Jesus.

These early Christians were united by a life-changing Gospel message, as well as by a life-transforming sort of love for one another.

How Does Jesus Love Us?

The admonition to love others included in this text was most certainly not a new one. The novelty of this mandate may be found in the stipulation that people not only love, but that they love others in the same way that Jesus loved them. Jesus’ love was servant-hearted and self-sacrificial, even to the point of dying for us. Jesus’ love was unselfish, counter-cultural, and all-around excellent in all aspects of life. As his disciples, Jesus encourages us to love in the same manner he loves: with an open heart, a willingness to sacrifice, and a servant’s heart.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Eat With Sinners

During his ministry, Jesus tore down walls and hostility, reached out to the disadvantaged and disenfranchised, and urged others who wished to follow him to do the same.

Due to his immense love, he was caught and brutally assaulted and murdered during his final hours on the planet. Jesus cares about each and every one of us so deeply that he went to the cross and gave his life for us.

How Can We Show That Love to Others?

In light of Jesus’ unfathomably great love, it may appear nearly impossible to display the same level of affection for others. Although Christ died and rose again, He gave His spirit to empower us to live as he lived and love as he loved. It will take a lifetime of learning to love like Jesus loves, and we have the opportunity to choose to do so each and every day we live. We may demonstrate to others the same sort of love that Jesus demonstrated by being humble, unselfish, and willing to serve others.

By bearing the fruit of the Spirit and serving and caring for others instead of indulging our flesh and prioritizing ourselves, we demonstrate Jesus’ love to those around us.

Not an Impossible Instruction

What a privilege it is that Jesus embraces us and gives us the ability to love as He loves. This passage does not have to appear as if it is an impossibly difficult instruction. It is a subtle and revolutionary prod to follow in his footsteps rather than our own. It is an appeal to love beyond ourselves and to place our attention on the interests of others rather than our own. To love as Jesus loves implies that we shall live the most complete and gratifying versions of our lives, knowing that we have contributed to the advancement of God’s kingdom rather than leaving our own legacy in this world.

  • We will not be required to die for the sins of every human being, but since Jesus did, we have the option to spend eternity with him and the ability to love others in this life with a love that is pure and unselfish.
  • Jesus, coffee, and music are the things that keep her going and thriving.
  • Pamela married the guy who was meant to be her husband, and they had two lovely children.
  • She can also be found on Twitter @upheldlife.

5 Ways Jesus Said “I Love You” with His Life

“I Love You” was expressed through Jesus’ life, as he showed up for everyone of us and provided us with hope in the midst of our chaotic existence. He ascended from His throne in order to free us from our sad selves on this planet. It is only through His life and presence in our hearts that we may come to understand and love ourselves and one another. Sadness permeates our society today, particularly among people who have never experienced true love. We learn from Jesus’ example that love is more than simply words, and that we may demonstrate this to others.

  1. “Love is patient, love is gentle,” says the poet.
  2. In addition, it does not defame others, pursue its own interests, becomes easily agitated, or keeps a record of wrongs committed.
  3. “It always defends, always believes, always hopes, and always perseveres,” says the author.
  4. It’s the type of love that motivates us to take action.
  5. Jesus was under no need to love us.
  6. Jesus is the embodiment of love.
  7. He mingled and conversed with sinners just like us.
  8. Besides being an excellent human being, He is the light of the world, and He has provided a means for all of us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
  9. Because Jesus is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, He has prepared a particular space for us.

He longs for everyone of us to come to Him in humility and commit our life to Him. There are several ways in which Jesus has expressed His love for us during His life, but the following are five of the most notable: Photograph courtesy of thinkstock-Eziutka

Jesus says “I love you” by inviting us to be with Him forever

Jesus demonstrates His love for us by inviting us to His heavenly home and welcoming us there. When we turn to Jesus in repentance, he welcomes us with open arms. He is patiently waiting for us to come to him with a surrendered heart and a determination to improve our lives. He never gives up on us, no matter how difficult the situation appears to be. Jesus taught us the narrative of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) which is a story of unconditional love. Even though we have all been prodigals who have wandered off the path, He tells us that we are unconditionally loved by Him.

He has a special space set apart for you and me.

Photograph courtesy of Pixabay/geralt

Jesus says “I love you” by caring for us

Jesus keeps a close eye on us at all times. When one of us becomes disoriented, He goes out of his way to locate us and bring us back into the fold. He defends us in the same way that a shepherd defends his flock from wolves. David’s psalm about the Good Shepherd serves as a wonderful illustration of how much Jesus cares for us. “I have everything because the Lord is my shepherd. He brings my spirit back to life by making me lie down in lush meadows and leading me to still rivers. I am guided down the correct roads by him for the sake of his name.

  1. Before me, in the midst of my adversaries, you arrange a table for me.
  2. Without a doubt, your goodness and love will accompany me for the rest of my life, and I will continue to reside in the home of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23 is a song of praise.
  3. As the good Shepherd, he makes certain that no one escapes from His protection.
  4. He removes the hook from His rod and uses it to yank his wayward sheep back into line.
  5. He is there to look after them throughout the long, dark evenings and to keep them safe from the storms.
  6. The Lord waits patiently for us to lift our eyes to Him and extend our hands to Him.
  7. Image courtesy of Pixabay/Free-Photos.

Jesus says “I love you” by spending time with people

Jesus spent time with sinners and the ill, as well as with those who were not well. Nobody else would dare to get near to the people he ate and drank with on a daily basis. In times of persecution, we may take comfort in the fact that we have a Good Shepherd who cares for us! Those who are brokenhearted and unwell will find healing through His love. Jesus demonstrated His compassion for the poor, widows, and orphans throughout His life by paying visits to them. Jesus spent His life with a specific goal in mind, and that aim was to help everyone.

In order to instruct and encourage His followers, Jesus spent a lot of time with them. They ate their meals together while they fellowshipped, and they traveled together to minister to large groups of individuals. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/Helen Lopes

Jesus says “I love you” by changing our hearts

When Jesus went, He promised His disciples that they would not be left alone in the world. He saw that they would miss Him and assured them that the comfort of the Holy Spirit would be with them. When we invite Jesus into our hearts, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one in the same! When we pray to our heavenly Father in Jesus’ name, we may be confident that we are in His immediate presence. Because of the blood of Jesus, we are allowed to enter the throne chamber of prayer.

  • As we follow Jesus’ example, He will provide us with skills, tactics, discernment, and knowledge to help us live a more fulfilling life in the world.
  • It can come in the form of music, texts, friends, lessons, visions, miracles, and a variety of other ways.
  • ” Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, on the other hand, are the fruits of the Spirit.
  • Image courtesy of Pixabay/jclk8888.

Jesus says “I love you” by dying on the cross

There is a lot of sadness in life. Jesus came to give us reason to be hopeful. His message is that this is not our home, and that we have no place in this environment. In our pain, we all want for a better place, and by growing closer to God, we may make our sorrow less acute and last longer. We have all sinned in some way. Shame and shame keep us trapped in the abyss of self-pity. We were given new life when Jesus resurrected from the dead and took our sins with Him. We have the freedom to live at peace with ourselves, to modify the way we go about our business, and to refuse to return to our former habits.

  1. The tale of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins is the greatest love story that has ever been recounted.
  2. Jesus came to demonstrate to us that He seeks a relationship with us.
  3. He bore our sin and shame on the cross, and he continues to supply us with grace, compassion, and do-overs on a daily basis!
  4. He desires for us to be able to sense and experience this type of love.
  5. Today, we have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
  6. Missionaries, evangelists, teachers, pastors, parents, friends, siblings, and intercessors are all examples of Jesus in our lives.

When we love like Jesus, we have the ability to effect change in our world. Spiritual gifts have been bestowed onto each of us. Nothing compares to the love of Jesus for his followers. Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden via Unsplash.

How much does Jesus love me? How does God see me?

Have you ever pondered the question, “How much does Jesus love me?” Have you ever considered the answer to this question? Many of us are in relationships and frequently worry how much our wives, husbands, or children love us and our children. Isn’t it true that when others adore us, we feel joyful and overjoyed? In our lives, love is the most crucial aspect of who we are. When we are in a committed relationship with someone who genuinely cares about us, we feel lucky and whole. So here’s the question: How much does Jesus care about me?

  1. The human intellect is incapable of comprehending the entire extent of God’s love.
  2. What is the extent of God’s love for me?
  3. It implies that you are willing to give up everything about yourself, even your own life, for someone else.
  4. God the Father sacrificed everything in order to save us.
  5. This is a beautiful example of love.
  6. Would you be willing to offer your life to save someone who has spent their entire life sinning against you and doing things to cause you pain and suffering?
  7. He gave up all he had, including his own Father, and came down to earth to suffer a horrendous death in order to free you and me from our sins.
  8. Has the idea of how much Jesus must have endured to redeem you from your sins ever occurred to you during the annual Good Friday observance of your church?
  9. It represents God’s complete and total declaration of love for you.

Few Bible verses on God’s love.

Love is gentle and patient, and it is patient with you. It is not envious, it is not boastful, and it is not arrogant. Nothing about it is harsh or self-seeking; it is not readily irritated; and it does not keep track of wrongs committed. Love does not take pleasure in wickedness, but rather takes pleasure in the truth. It always defends, trusts, hopes, and perseveres whatever the circumstances. Love is a force that cannot be defeated. Faith, hope, and love are the only three things that remain.

  1. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 is a passage from the Bible.
  2. Romans 5:8 is a Bible verse that explains how to be a Christian.
  3. This is love, not in the sense that we have loved God, but in the sense that he has loved us and sent his Son to be the sacrifice for our sins.
  4. 1 John 4:9-11 (KJV) He created him to be sin who had no knowledge of sin for our sake, so that in him we could become the righteousness of God.

Jesus has a special affection for you. Do you have feelings for him? Would you be willing to give up all you have in your life, die to the world, and follow him if you could? I came saw this amazing video titled “Father’s love letter.”

How does God see me?

We must keep one fundamental reality in mind throughout our discussion: God sees me as an individual, in my personal relationship with Himself, but He also sees me as a group, in our interactions with one another, and as a whole, in our relationship with Himself. In order to help us grasp His intentions, God has utilized metaphors of things we are familiar with from everyday life throughout history, things we are familiar with and understand, to help us understand His intentions. For starters, there are the numerous parables that Jesus told, in which he frequently stated: “The kingdom of heaven is like.” A prodigal son, an opportunistic farmer who sows, a shepherd caring for his sheep, wedding guests, and more such tales would be told by him after that.

See also:  The River Where Jesus Was Baptized

In a father-child connection, there is first and foremost the father: he is the one who created the kid; he is the one who has authority; he is the one who leads; he is the one who educates; he is the one who loves his child; he guides, instructs, and even disciplines his child when necessary.

  • The issue arises: do I exhibit the characteristics of a God-begotten kid in my life?
  • In the same way, those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God, according to Romans 8:14.
  • Matthew 5:9 – Blessed are those who bring about peace!
  • (Do you think I’m a peacemaker?
  • Do I exhibit the characteristics of a peacemaker?) Gal.3:26 – For you have been adopted as God’s children through your faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Gal 5:24 – But those who belong to Christ have crucified their body with all of its desires and lusts, so that they may serve the Lord.
  • 1 3:1 – John 3:1 – Behold, what a wonderful gift the Father has given us, that we should be referred to as God’s own children.

What is it that God expects from us?

(Do I obey Him in my everyday life?) Eph 5:1-2 – Therefore, be followers of God, as dear children.

(Please read also vv.2-21.).

The ring symbolizes all the promises he has made to his bride, that he will keep all those promises and that he will be loyal and will always love her.

Now every believer individually, and God’s people as a whole is His bride, to whom He has bound himself permanently.

As we have seen, through the ages God has always made the use of metaphors, to convey His intent.

Even as the bridegroom gives a ring as a sign of his promises, so God gave us the sign of baptism.

Ever wonderedwhy did Jesus get baptized by John?

Shall the thing formed say to Him who formed it, Why have you made me this way?

God sees us as His Flock John 10:11 – I am the Good Shepherd.

For they know his voice.:14 I am the Good Shepherd, and I know those that are Mine, and I am known by those who are Mine.:15 And I lay down My life for the sheep.

God sees us as His Disciples A disciple of Jesus must crucify his lusts and passions that are not according to God’s will.

God sees us as His Body Remember: God sees us not only as individuals but also as a tightly knit unit.

1Co 12:27 – And you are the body of Christ and members in part.:21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you; nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.:7 But to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit to our profit, for our common good.

The different parts of a body fit each other and make up a unit.

Let us remember the small boy’s lunch consisting of 5 little loaves and 2 fish (Joh.6:5-13) (Joh.6:5-13).

Just think of what Jesus can do with your talent(s), no matter how small or insignificant it may be, to reach His goals through you!

His body on earth through whom He wants to do His work, with whatever talents He gave us; His children for whom He would care, love and lead; His bride who must honour and be faithful to Him; His disciples to follow Him.

Or rather: How do we treat Him?

Are we faithful to Him like a bride should be? Do we demonstrate our love for Him in our practical lives as He did? Do we give ourselves to Him even as He gave His life for us? Read more on how much Jesus loves you: Does Jesus love me? God Loves You Blessings,Mind On Jesus

These Bible Verses Will Remind You That God’s Love Is Unconditional

There are several methods to show your feelings for someone else. Some people believe that demonstrating love includes taking out the garbage on a particularly chilly night so that their significant other does not have to do so themselves. In other cases, people show their affection in more straightforward ways, such as by reading romantic poems or simply expressing “I love you.” The concept of love takes on a whole new significance for people who believe in God and adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • When it comes to God’s tremendous and constant love, it is not always simple to perceive or comprehend.
  • It can manifest itself in dramatic ways as well, such as when a guardian angel arrives out of nowhere when your automobile breaks down and you require assistance in restarting it.
  • 1Lamentations 3:22-23 is a biblical passage.
  • Every morning, they are replaced with new ones.
  • 2Psalm 63:3 (NIV) “Your constant love is better than life itself!” says my mouth as I worship you.
  • The Good News: 3John 13:34-35 (KJV).
  • ” Just as I have loved you, you must love each other as much as I have.

if you accept God’s love into your heart, you will find yourself able to love in the same way that he does.

The Good News: Because of God’s unfailing love, we have been granted eternal life, so long as we remain faithful to his teachings.

And here’s the good news: no matter how the world around us changes, He will always be there, leading us through it all.

Seventh, Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is among you, as a warrior who brings triumph.” He will bring peace to you via his love, and he will delight over you through song.” The Good News is that the Lord is your most powerful ally.

He’s always encouraging you to do your best.

” He was not recognized by society, and thus, we are not recognized by society.” Fortunately, being considered one of His children, whom He loves in the same way that any parent would love their kid, is an incredible blessing.

“Recognize now that the Lord your God is the one and only true God!” The trustworthy God upholds the covenant and demonstrates his loyalty to everyone who loves him and obeys his rules – even to the thousandth generation!” The Good News is that God will safeguard His children for all of eternity, as a result of His unfailing love that endures forever.

I pray that you will come to know the love of Christ that surpasses all comprehension, and that you will be filled completely with the fullness of God.” The Good News is that, since God loves you so much, you are also capable of loving in deeper and greater ways each day because God loves you so much.

  • So that everyone who believes in your name might exult in you, protect them.
  • “Like a shield, you protect them with your favor.” Those who trust in Him and follow His teachings are assured of His protection, and they may rest certain that they will never be alone in their endeavors.
  • 1 Chronicles 16:34 (131 Chronicles) Thank the Lord because he is good, and praise him because his steadfast love endures for all time.
  • 7:8-9 (Psalm 107:8-9).
  • The Good News is that God will provide for His disciples when they are most in need, even if they are not aware of it.

“He responded to the Lord God of Israel, ‘Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on earth.'” 162 Chronicles 6:14 Maintain the bond and demonstrate commitment to your slaves who walk before you with all their hearts.” What’s more, God’s love for us never fails, just as it did for the Israelites thousands of years ago.

  • Who could possibly be against us if God is on our side?
  • Doesn’t he also intend to freely offer us everything that he has with him?” The Good News Is.
  • Psalm 36:7 (the Bible) “The value of your loyal love is immeasurable, God!
  • The Good News is that there is enough place for all of us under the protection of the Lord’s heavenly wings.
  • As for me, the life that I now live in my body, I live it on the basis of trust in God’s Son, who loved me and gave himself up for me,” the apostle Paul writes.
  • As Christians, we are a part of the crucifixion and resurrection that took place thereafter.
  • — intervene on my behalf for the sake of your name; deliver me because your loyal love is so wonderful.” The Good News is that God is always available, a reliable source of assistance in times of need.

In this, we see love: it is not so much that we loved God as it is that he loved us and gave his Son as the sacrifice to atone for our sins.” The Good News is that God loved you first, before you were ever born, and the evidence of this love is seen in the life of our savior Jesus Christ, who came to set us free from the bonds of sin that had bound us.

It is never too late to make a change.

24 According to John 3:16, “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish but would have eternal life.” The Good News is that even death has no power over people who love and are loved by the Lord, according to the Bible.

The Welfare News is that when we have God’s love in our hearts, all of our acts will be oriented for the greater good of all.

27 Romans 8:38-39 (NASB) The Bible says, “I am convinced that nothing, not death nor life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers, nor height nor depth or anything else that has been created, will be able to separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord.” “There is nothing that will be able to separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, loves us unconditionally and nothing in our future, not even our own deaths, can separate us from his love.

  1. That is the good news.
  2. “Please do not leave my affection.” The Good News is that Jesus loves us in the same way that God the Father loves him; we may rest assured and at ease knowing this reality.
  3. “However, God demonstrates his love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Christ died on the cross for our sins, despite the fact that we are sinners.
  4. 30 16:27 (John 16:27) “The Father himself loves you because you have loved me and trusted that I was sent by God,” says the Father.
  5. 31 “Who will be able to separate us from Christ’s love?” says the Bible in Romans 8:35.
  6. Will it be through adversity (or pain), harassment (or starvation), nakedness (or danger), or sword?” The Good News is that no tragedy, whether physical or mental, can ever separate us from the love of our Lord.
  7. He brought us back to life with Christ when we were still dead as a result of the wrongdoings of our own hearts and minds.
  8. You have been rescued by the grace of God!” The Good News: Our God of love is also a God of life; as a result of our faith, we come to life and live joyously in the present moment.
  9. Corinne Sullivan is a writer and editor based in New York City.

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Jesus Loved Us Before We Knew Him – Living It Out

Have you ever entertained the notion of embarking on a mission trip to Central America? If you decide to participate, one of the four training sessions you will attend in preparation for the trip will be devoted to teaching you how to share the Gospel with others. Despite the fact that it seems daunting, it is quite risk-free. First and foremost, you do not know the person with whom you are sharing it and are unlikely to see them again on this side of paradise. Second, because you are most likely not fluent in the language, you will be accompanied by an interpreter who will look out for you and, on occasion, will even advise what you should say next to the person with whom you are enjoying a meal.

  • Many individuals in Central America (as well as the United States) come from a religious background, thus they are at the very least familiar with the figure of Jesus Christ.
  • It is said in Romans 5:8 that “Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.” We must recognize, and let others understand, that no amount of good we may accomplish, no matter how significant, will ever be enough to make up for our sin.
  • 5:21).
  • Jesus taught that we should be glad not because of what we have done, but because our names are written in the book of life in heaven (Luke 10:20).
  • 5:21).
  • Our sins, which were once as red as blood, have now become as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).
  • However, while the very mention of the term judgment may cause some people to shiver, it should inspire Christians to stand with confidence; not in their own strength but in the strength of Christ.
See also:  Cast Of Jesus Of Nazareth Where Are They Now

No.while we were still sinning and rebelling against God, he gave his life for us.

Romans 5:8 is a Bible verse that explains how to be a Christian.

Describe the feelings that come to mind when you think of final judgment.

In Romans 5:8, the apostle Paul writes that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for everything.

Because you have given me such a wonderful gift, please assist me in extending that forgiveness to people in my life who may not have treated me well in the past.

In the same way that they are your children, I pray that the compassion you show them through me will bring them into a relationship with you.


CedarCreek was founded by God via the efforts of 25 people, and Lauri was a member of the CedarCreek team until 2013.

Lauri is enthusiastic about prayer, as well as in assisting women in discovering who they are as daughters of God. Although she does not tweet, you may follow her and Mike’s experiences on Facebook, which you can see here.

More Resources

“My little girl is dying,” the mother lamented. I’d want you to come over and lay your hands on her; please cure her so she may survive. Jesus accompanied him, and the entire throng followed, forming a human chain around him. — Mark 5:23-24 (New Living Translation) We have the ability to reduce Jesus to a two-dimensional caricature of himself with relative ease. He had a soft spot for the poor, the weak, the downtrodden, the forgotten, and the disenfranchised, and he was critical of those who exploited their positions of authority or were hypocritical in their religious beliefs.

Jesus came in search of individuals who were seeking God and realized their need for God’s activity in their lives when he arrived to them.

What made him leave?

Three crucial messages are left for you and me as a result of this understanding:

  1. What matters is that Jesus loves us no matter what our background or history may be. He is patiently waiting for us to acknowledge our reliance on him and seek for his assistance. As followers of Jesus, we are obligated to love everyone, including those who are different from us.

Lord God, Sovereign over all of creation and the Father of all countries, please open my heart and my eyes to love all people in the same way that your Son exhibited throughout his earthly mission and continues to demonstrate from the throne of heaven. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

7 Different Ways Jesus Showed Love

L ove is a state of being. No one, not even our Lord Jesus Christ, demonstrated the depths of pure love as he did. By His actions, He provided a model for Christians to follow in order to exhibit love to one another and to the rest of the world. Have you ever taken some time to ponder on Christ’s love? If not, you should. Think about how there is nothing in this world, or nothing that is not in this world, that can ever separate us from His love. It’s a wonderful thought.

Meditate on the 7 different ways Jesus showed love during His earthly ministry:

Because of Jesus’ one-time sacrifice, God’s love extends beyond time and into all eternity.

1)Jesus Healed The Sick in Love

There were no hospitals, clinics, or doctor’s offices in existence throughout Jesus’ earthly mission. Both the affluent and the poor were troubled by the fear of incurable diseases caused by infections, fevers, or food poisoning. In contrast to many religious leaders of the time, Jesus, the Great Physician, felt incredible compassion for people who were made useless by sickness; nonetheless, many religious leaders of the time regarded the physically incapacitated to be cursed by God. Jesus is still healing people today, except that He isn’t constrained by the fact that He is in one place at one particular moment.

This compassion extends to individuals who are sick physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

2)Jesus Raised The Dead in Love

Thousands of individuals who were considered to be dead for only a few minutes have been brought back to life because to advancements in medical technology and science. Jesus, on the other hand, resurrected Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the tomb for three days! His tears were a testament to his feelings for Lazarus and for his sisters. As He has done since the beginning of time, Jesus continues to raise the dead by providing new life to everyone who puts their confidence in Him.

His love reawakens us from our state of death, futility, and incomprehension. We are brought to life instantaneously in the sense of His love for all time and all eternity.

3)Jesus Fed The Hungry in Love

Jesus performed one of the greatest miracles in history when he fed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. These individuals weren’t even moderately hungry; they’d been fasting for three days in order to hear and absorb the wonderful teachings of Christ in their hearts. The lessons of God’s Word continue to nourish the earth, and he continues to do so in love. Many of us were spiritually malnourished and anemic in our thinking until the truth of the Bible pierced our hearts and filled our spirits with the power of God.

4)Jesus Preached The Kingdom in Love

Although the disciples wished for Jesus to establish His kingdom in order to defeat the Romans, He had a far grander plan in mind, one that included not only the Jewish people, but the entire globe. His compassion for the world forced Him to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, which was destined to spread to unthinkable heights in the future. Jesus is continually teaching the gospel of the kingdom via the church. Despite the onslaught of Satan, the world, and our own flesh, the kingdom of God continues to progress in its efforts to bring the gates of hell crashing down around it.

5)Jesus Cast Out Demons in Love

Demon-possessed persons, both in Jesus’ day and in our own day, are frequently sent out into the wilderness. The majority of people do not want the drama that comes with dealing with bad spirits. These wounded souls were welcomed into the arms of Jesus’ love, which provided them with fresh life as well as release from spiritual enslavement. As members of Christ’s body, Christians are called to go out in faith and proclaim freedom to others who have been held prisoner by Satan. Because perfect love wipes away all fear, our love for the lost must transcend our dread of losing them.

6) Jesus Interceded For His Disciples And The Church in Love

Jesus was well aware that the sheep would be scattered after His death, yet He prayed sincerely and lovingly for them, asking that they be safe, joyful, and kind toward one another. Christians are particularly vulnerable to being persecuted for their religion because they live in a sinful, fallen world while not being of it. However, many people would rather endure poverty, pain, and even physical death than renounce their Lord. Jesus is still interceding on behalf of people who are His followers out of love for them.

7)Jesus Gave His Life For The World in Love

Nothing that is revered today can compare to what Jesus accomplished by voluntarily stepping down from the throne of God to dwell among sinful men. Nothing. He sacrificed His life so that no one would be forced to spend eternity without the presence of God. Because of Jesus’ one-time sacrifice, God’s love extends beyond time and into all eternity. Who is man, that He should be concerned about him? We may never fully comprehend the extent to which God loves us through Jesus Christ, but we may be assured that we will always be in His affection.

Love in action!

Although the love of Jesus is larger and deeper than any human being can comprehend, we can recognize our own unworthiness and accept the charity that is extended to those who believe.

Every day, Jesus demonstrates His affection for you recognize it?

Check out this article:10 Interesting Bible Facts About Jesus

The Holy Bible (English Standard Version) is a useful resource. The Bible, Jesus, and Love are some of the terms used.

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