According To The Gospel Of Mark, Who First Announced Jesus’ Resurrection

According to the Gospel of Mark, who first announced Jesus’ resurrection?

The “Gospels,” a collection of four books that describe the account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, are considered sacred writings in Christianity. As a result, while there are certain parallels throughout all four Gospels and the fundamental events are the identical, each individual book has somewhat different details or points of view since they are written for various audiences. One example of this is the tale of Jesus’ resurrection, which is told in the Bible. The Gospel of Mark, according to the majority of experts, was the first to be written, sometime between 30 and 40 C.E.

They were shocked.

(Matthew 28:1–10, NIV) A woman named Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, which was written about 60-70 C.E.

(See Luke 24:1-12 for further information.) The Gospel of John was written sometime between 85 and 120 C.E., according to various estimates.

(See John 20:1-18 for further information.) At the end of each of the four accounts, an order is given for the lady or women to inform the disciples that Jesus has risen from the grave, which they promptly do.

Who saw the risen Jesus first? Mary Magdalene? Peter? Cleopas? Who?

Who was the first person to see Jesus? (MATT28:9) The Virgin Mary is the only one to whom Jesus makes his first appearance (MARK16:9). Jesus makes his first appearance solely to Mary Magdalene (LUKE24:15-18) To Cleopas and another person, Jesus makes his first public appearance (JOHN20:14) One and only Mary Magdalene is there when Jesus makes his first appearance (1Cor15:5). Jesus makes his first appearance to Cephas (PETER). Who was the first person to see Jesus? Mary Magdalene, I believe, was the first person to view the resurrected Jesus after he rose from the dead.

  • This viewpoint is supported by the Bible’s passage John 20:14.
  • On the basis of what I perceive to be a “compressed” or “telescoped” account presented in Matthew 28:9, I also assume that the other Mary was the second person to witness the rising Jesus.
  • Mark makes no mention of the other Mary or anybody else in the story.
  • There is nothing solid about Mark 16:9, save that it claims that Mary Magdalene was the first to be crucified.
  • After learning that Jesus was not in the tomb, the disciples were surprised when Jesus appeared to “them” in Matthew 28:9, according to the Bible.
  • Consequently, it is probable that Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus, and that the other Mary saw him shortly after her encounter.
  • Alternatively, it’s possible that Mark 16:9 intentionally chose to focus primarily on Mary Magdalene, and that the other Mary was also in attendance.

According to Luke 24:15-18, the “women” went to the tomb and discovered that Jesus had not been found there.

He does, however, claim that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and a lady named Joanna went to the other disciples to inform them that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Or did Joanna come upon Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as they were making their way out from the tomb to inform the others that Jesus had risen from the dead?

Luke does not mention whether or not any of the ladies had seen Jesus on their way back to the tomb.

They were the first to view the rising Jesus, although Luke does not explicitly state that they were.

According to John 20:14, Mary Magdalene encountered the rising Jesus.

Regarding the story given in 1 Corinthians 15:4, there is no indication of who was the first person to see Jesus, as there was in the previous verse.

What it does state, though, is as follows: First, Jesus was crucified, then he was risen, then Jesus appeared to Peter, and then Jesus appeared to the other Apostles.

There is nothing more or less to say.

However, there is no demonstrable inconsistency in terms of who was the first to see the resurrected Jesus.

Next:Did Jesus give the incorrect name to the right man? Isn’t it possible that he was referring to Ahimelech when he stated Abiathar? Go to the following page:List of questions and answers

The Unique Purpose of Mark: The Gospel of the Servant-Messiah

Mark L. Strauss’s article 4 years ago today Mark’s Gospel was the one that the early church paid the least attention to out of the four gospels. Indeed, it was not until the sixth century that a commentary on it was penned! A variety of things might be at play here. It is the shortest of the four Gospels, by a long shot. Ninety-percent of its stories are contained in either Matthew or Luke, with the exception of one. Augustine, an early church father, saw the book of Mark as only an abbreviation of the books of Matthew and Luke.

  • It is not quite as graceful as, for example, the Gospel of Luke, nor is it nearly as topically ordered as the Gospel of Matthew.
  • But this historical neglect has been reversed in recent years, and Mark’s Gospel is now considered to be one of the most thoroughly researched of all the Gospels.
  • Mark writes in a dramatic, mysterious, and vibrant literary style that is full of drama, mystery, and color.
  • The format of Mark’s Gospel is the key to understanding the author’s intention.
  • The second half of the book of Mark is devoted to Jesus’ ministry (Mark 8:31–16:8).
  • Mark’s purpose in writing is to demonstrate that Jesus’ crucifixion does not invalidate his claim to be the Messiah, but rather strengthens it!
  • Following Jesus requires you to renounce yourself, take up your cross, and walk in his footsteps (Mark 8:34).

The Identity of Jesus: Mighty MessiahSon of God (Mark 1:1-8:30)

This identification is plainly established by Jesus’ first sentence in the Gospel: “the Messiah, the Son of God.” The story that follows is clearly intended to reinforce this identify. Mark, in contrast to Matthew and Luke, provides no information regarding Jesus’ birth or childhood. In contrast to John, we learn nothing about his pre-existence or “incarnation” in this story (coming to earth as a human being). Instead, Mark jumps directly into the public ministry of Jesus, which he describes in detail.

  • Just as we are beginning to recover our breath, Jesus jumps right into his ministry, declaring the coming of the kingdom of God, asking disciples to join him, and launching a campaign of preaching, healing, and casting out demons.
  • Despite the fact that the term “just then” does not necessarily indicate “at that moment,” it assists to move the story along with speed and energy.
  • The term “authority” appears often throughout the first half of Mark’s Gospel.
  • The declaration of the Kingdom of God by Jesus (Mark 1:13) is a claim to exceptional power in and of itself.
  • However, since the “fall” of Adam and Eve, creation has been in a state of rebellion, fallenness, and decay, and this state continues today.
  • Jesus makes the incredible assertion that he has come to repair the very fabric of creation!
  • He appoints four fishermen to be his followers, and they immediately abandon their livelihoods to join him (Mark 1:16–20).

When Jesus arrives at Capernaum, he immediately enters the synagogue and begins to speak.

A guy afflicted by a demon appears out of nowhere in the synagogue.

“, the demon screams in terror as he recognizes Jesus’ authority.

I am aware of your identity—you are the Holy One of God!” (See Mark 1:24 for further information.) When Jesus comes into contact with demons, they immediately know him and become afraid (Mark 1:24, 1:34, 3:11-12, 5:7).

Throughout Jesus’ work in Galilee, he continues to exercise authority in various ways.

He exercises control over the Old Testament law in his capacity as “Lord.

With the appointment of twelve apostles, each symbolizing one of the twelve restored tribes of Israel (Mark 3:13-19), Jesus acts with the authority of God himself, who was the one who originally said the word “Israel.” The divine power of Jesus is also demonstrated as he commands the elements of nature, such as when he commands a storm to “Quiet!

  • “Even the wind and the waves bow down to his will!” (See Mark 4:39 and 41.) ‘Who is this?’ is a good question to ask because it perfectly highlights the idea of this portion of the Gospel.
  • More and even larger miracles occur as a result.
  • (Mark 5:35-43).
  • He walks on water (Mark 6:45-56), which is a divine deed since “God alone.
  • The confession of Peter serves as the opening climax and focal point of Mark’s Gospel.
  • “Who do people think I am?” he inquires of them as they go.
  • “But what about you?” Jesus asks as he turns to face them.
  • After hearing Jesus’ authoritative statements and seeing his authority in action, Peter has come to the conclusion that Jesus is in fact the Messiah, the Savior of Israel.
  • Incredulous with Jesus’ defeatist demeanor, Peter confronts him with his own words.
  • “You are not thinking about God’s cares, but rather about human issues,” says the author (Mark 8:33).

The rescue of humanity, on the other hand, will not be realized without his suffering and death. Satan’s ultimate purpose is to disrupt God’s plan of salvation, and he has accomplished this.

The Mission of Jesus: The Suffering Servant of the Lord (8:31-16:8)

This is a watershed moment in Mark’s Gospel’s narrative. The cross is the focal point of the show from this point on. Three times in the following three chapters, Jesus foretells his own suffering and eventual death (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34). Jesus’ teaching in Mark 10:45 brings these prophesies to a head by stating that “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,” and by giving his life as a ransom for the sins of the world. In order to pay for sins and restore human beings to a proper relationship with God, Jesus’ death will be offered as an atoning sacrifice.

  • Known as the “triumphal entrance,” this event marks Jesus’ first public declaration of his messiahship.
  • The messianic secret is the term used to describe this uncommon characteristic of Mark’s Gospel, which scholars have coined.
  • (Mark 8:30, 9:9).
  • Jesus’ revelation in Mark 8:31 clarifies the explanation behind this phenomenon.
  • The people’s natural desire would be to crown Jesus as king on their own terms.
  • He has come to overcome far more formidable adversaries than the Roman legions.
  • Following Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as the Messiah, he engages in a series of provocative activities.
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All of these actions call into question the authority of Israel’s authorities and prompt them to take action.

In Mark’s Gospel, the arrest of Jesus, his trial, and execution are all gloomy and terrible situations.

All of his disciples turn their backs on him.

Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler, agrees to Jesus’ crucifixion, which is considered a farce of justice.

The words “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” are spoken by Jesus in response to the lines of Psalm 22:1: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34).

In accordance with what Jesus has been teaching throughout his ministry, his death is a necessary element of God’s sovereign purpose and plan to provide an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all people (Mark 10:45).

It is only through sacrifice, suffering, death, and resurrection that we achieve victory.

Mark’s Unusual Ending

Mark relates how a group of women come to the tomb on the third day following Jesus’ death and burial to anoint Jesus’ corpse. They are taken aback when they learn that the stone has been moved aside and that the tomb has been left empty. The announcement that Jesus has risen from the dead is made by an angel. The ladies, on the other hand, are perplexed and flee the tomb in terror and silence (Mark 16:1–8). Surprisingly, this is the point at which Mark’s Gospel comes to a close in our earliest copies.

  • A lengthy conclusion, which recaps a sequence of resurrection appearances, was afterwards added by later copyists who were plainly upset by the original.
  • So, what happened to Mark’s climactic scene?
  • First and first, it is not correct to say that there is no resurrection in Mark.
  • In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is always a trustworthy figure, and therefore, from Mark’s point of view, Jesus resurrected from the grave and his followers saw him alive in Galilee.
  • As a result, the resurrection and appearances of Jesus at the tomb are historical realities for Mark.
  • A number of academics believe that Mark did describe them, but that the final page of his Gospel was misplaced.
  • Much of the Gospel is a call to faith in the face of trials and suffering, which can be found throughout the book of Matthew.
  • Consequently, they are equal to women in terms of power and influence.
  • The entire Gospel of Mark, including the story of the empty tomb, is an appeal to have faith rather than fear in the face of an uncertain future.

Who Was Mark and Why Did He Write?

Even though all four Gospels are written in the first person, early church tradition attributed the author of the second Gospel as John Mark, the cousin of Barnabas (Col 4:10) and the son of Mary, who was a prominent member of the Jerusalem church (Acts 12:12). According to the evidence, this authorship attribution is correct. In Acts, Mark is only a minor role, and it seems doubtful that the church would have established a narrative in which a relative unknown was the author of a Gospel book.

  • Papias, an early church father, claims that Mark served as Peter’s interpreter and that his Gospel is a reflection of Peter’s account of the story.
  • First and foremost, 1 Peter 5:13 shows that Peter and Mark collaborated together in Rome.
  • Third, the church in Rome was suffering from terrible persecution at the time under the reign of Emperor Nero (AD 64).
  • Even in the face of pain and death, the Gospel is a call to faithfulness as a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Overall, Mark’s Gospel is a narrative statement that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God, whose death and resurrection paid the penalty for our sins and resulted in triumph over Satan and sin as well as over death and the grave.

The call to trust and cross-bearing discipleship that goes along with this joyous announcement is extended to all Christians.

The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference

James Tabor takes a fresh look at the original text of the early Gospels in his new book. James Tabor is an American author and poet. The 14th of August, 2021169 comments162997 views It was initially published on Dr. James Tabor’s widely read blog, The Tabor Report. A website dedicated to “‘all things biblical,’ from the Hebrew Bible to Early Christianity in the Roman World and Beyond,” TaborBlog is a forum for discussion and reporting on “all things biblical.” It was in April 2013 when Bible History Daily first republished the piece with the author’s permission.

  1. After then, they ran out of the tomb, shaking and speechless, for they had been overcome with fear and amazement.
  2. In the popular imagination, the chronology of the Gospels is a chronological one, but in fact it is an atheological one.
  3. The Gospel of Mark presented a significant challenge for the final editors of the New Testament since it was severely lacking in content.
  4. (21).
  5. He has no knowledge of the virgin birth of Jesus–or, for that matter, of any birth of Jesus at all, according to the Bible.
  6. However, Mark’s bizarre conclusion is arguably more crucial.
  7. The visit of Mary Magdalene and her friends to the tomb of Jesus is recounted in Mark, as it is in the other three Gospels, early on Sunday morning.

You’re on the lookout for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.

Look at the location where they buried him.

In that location, you will see him, exactly as he promised.” They ran out of the tomb, terrified and speechless, for they had been gripped with dread and astonishment (Mark 16:6-8) And with that, the Gospel is brought to a close.

In reality, according to Mark, all future epiphanies or “sightings” of Jesus will take place in the northern region of Galilee, rather than in the capital city of Israel.

What they have to say regarding the resurrection, the site of Biblical Emmaus, Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, ancient Jewish origins of physical resurrection, and various endings to the Gospel of Mark are all explored in detail.

The longest concocted ending, which became Mark 16:9-19, became so beloved that it was included in the King James Version of the Bible, which has been favored by Protestants for the past 500 years, as well as translations of the Latin Vulgate, which is used by Catholics, and other translations of the Bible.

  1. You might want to double-check your Bible to see if the following verses are included–the chances are excellent that they will be, given how the Church, on the whole, felt Mark’s original ending was inadequate.
  2. He then appeared to the other disciples.
  3. However, when they learned that he was still alive and had been seen by her, they did not accept it at first.
  4. They returned to the group and informed them what had happened, but they did not believe them.
  5. Afterwards, he instructed them, saying, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone who will listen.
  6. So, when he had spoken to them, the Lord Jesus was snatched up into heaven and seated at the right hand of God, where he continues to sit today.

Despite the fact that this conclusion is demonstrably untrue, it was popular, and conservative Christians have continued to criticize “liberal” scholars who point out this fabrication, arguing that they are attempting to undermine “God’s word” until the present.

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If you’d like to contribute to making Bible History Daily,, and our daily newsletter possible, please consider making a donation. Even a small donation of $5 is appreciated: The evidence is unambiguous. This conclusion is not present in any of our earliest and most reputable Greek manuscripts of the Gospel of Mark. As Bruce Metzger writes in A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, “Clement of Alexandria and Origen had no knowledge of the existence of these verses; furthermore, Eusebius and Jerome attest that the passage was absent from almost all Greek copies of Mark that they were aware of at the time of their writing.” 1 Markan Greek is definitely not used, and it is very obvious that what the forger did was take bits of the ends of Matthew, Luke, and John (seen in red, blue, and purple above) and just created a “correct” finish for each of the three books in question.

Despite the fact that this lengthier ending eventually became the accepted one, there are two alternate endings, one brief and the other an elaboration of the larger ending, that appear in several manuscripts: However, they just gave a brief summary of what they had been informed to Peter and others accompanying him.

  1. This era of lawlessness and unbelief is under the control of Satan, who will not allow the truth and power of God to triumph over the filthy things of the spirit world, as God has done in previous ages.
  2. And I was crucified for the sins of the world, so that those who have sinned may repent and cease from sinning, and so that they may share in the spiritual and incorruptible glory of righteousness that is found in heaven.
  3. As a matter of fact, one could think that Christians who are devoted to the “inspired Word of God” would insist on all three of these fictitious ends being identified as forgeries.
  4. Check read the post “Gospel of John Commentary: Who Wrote the Gospel of John and How Historical is It?” on Bible History Daily for more information.
  5. As it pertains to Christian roots, the implications are very stunning.

We have strong textual evidence that the first generation of Jesus followers were perfectly content with a Gospel account that did not recount any appearances by Jesus, because Mark is our earliest Gospel, written, according to most scholars, around the time of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, or perhaps a decade before.

  1. When it comes to Easter, the majority of Christians choose to neglect the book of Mark.
  2. To put it another way, no one gives Mark the opportunity to speak.
  3. 2.
  4. “But once I amraised up, I will travel before you to Galilee,” Jesus informed his intimate disciples during their dinner on the final night of his life, according to the Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:28).
  5. Mark is unaware of any reports of individuals coming face to face with the resurrected body of Jesus, wounds and all, while wandering about Jerusalem.
  6. As we can see in the Gospel of Peter, the final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread had arrived, and many people went out to return to their homes because the feast had come to its conclusion.
  7. The only ones who went to sea were me and my younger brother Andrew, who had taken our nets with us.
See also:  How Does Paul Link Jesus’ Resurrection To The Christian Hope Of An Afterlife?

More information about this remarkable “lost” Gospel of Peter may be found here, but it is the conclusion, where the text occurs to break off, that is the most telling.

In despair, the disciples returned to their homes in Galilee and resumed their jobs, and it was only after this that they began to have “sightings” of Jesus on the road to Emmaus.

According to Mark, the faith he expresses, that Jesus has been “raised up” or “lifted up to heaven,” is exactly analogous to the faith expressed by Paul, who is considered to be the first witness to this view of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

This suggests that during the time of Paul’s writing, in the 50s CE, this was the resurrection faith held by the early disciples of Jesus!

With the words “The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,” Mark starts his narrative of the life of Jesus (Mark 1:1).

The discovery of the Talpiot tomb beneath the condominium structure, which is only 200 feet away from the “Jesus family” tomb, is a striking testament to the same type of early Christian confidence in Jesus’ resurrection.

And this is just adjacent to a second ossuary that depicts the “sign of Jonah,” which is a giant fish that is expelled the head of a human stick figure, evoking the narrative of Jonah’s expulsion from Nineveh.

2 The fact that this most recent archaeological evidence corresponds so closely to Mark and Paul, our first witnesses to the earliest Christian understanding of Jesus’ resurrection, strikes me as particularly remarkable.

He earned his doctorate from Harvard University in 2001.

Tabor received his Ph.D.

Since 2000, he has collaborated with Shimon Gibson to explore the “John the Baptist” cave at Suba, the “Tomb of the Shroud” found in 2000, Mt Zion and, together with Rami Arav, he has been involved in the re-exploration of two tombs in East Talpiot, including the contentious “Jesus tomb.” Tabor is the creator of the widely readTaborBlog, and some of his recent writings have appeared in publications such as Bible History Daily and the Huffington Post, among others.

It is little surprise that his most recent book, Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity, has been an instant hit with both specialists and non-specialists alike.

At, you’ll find links to all of Dr. Tabor’s online pages, books, and initiatives, as well as information about his research.


You can assist by making a donation to ensure that Bible History Daily,, and our email newsletter are able to continue running successfully. Anything you can spare helps: even $5 is appreciated: There is no doubt about the evidence. In our earliest and most credible Greek copies of Mark, we do not have this epilogue at all. For example, Bruce Metzger says in A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament that “Clement of Alexandria and Origen had no awareness that the chapter existed, and Eusebius and Jerome testified that the section was omitted from practically all Greek copies of Mark known to them.” 1 The vocabulary and style of the Greek are clearly not Markan, and it is very obvious that what the forger did was just take portions of the ends of Matthew, Luke, and John (highlighted in red, blue, and purple above) and reassemble them into a “correct” conclusion.

Despite the fact that this lengthier ending has become the popular one, there are two additional endings, one brief and the other an elaboration of the longer ending, that appear in a variety of manuscripts.

As a result of these events, Jesus himself sent out the precious and imperishable message of everlasting salvation via them, spreading it from east to west.

In this way, they addressed Christ: ‘Therefore, display your righteousness now’ Then Christ said to them, “The period of Satan’s authority has come to an end, but more dreadful things are on the horizon.” I was crucified for the sins of the world so that those who have sinned may repent and cease from sinning, and so that they may share in the spiritual and incorruptible glory of righteousness which is found in heaven.

  1. It is my hope that even the most devout readers would recognize the self-evident sham nature of these additions.
  2. Inquiring minds want to know who wrote the Gospels.
  3. Then there’s the original conclusion to Mark, which was.
  4. My previous piece, “What Really Happened on Easter Morning,” dealt with this subject in a more general manner, and it serves as a prelude to the ramifications that follow.
  5. We have to presume that the author of Mark’s Gospel did not consider his story to be in any way inadequate, and that he was either passing on or genuinely promoting what he believed to be the real Gospel at the time of writing.

Mark is unable to “fill in” for any of the accounts of Jesus appearing in Jerusalem as a resuscitated corpse, walking around, eating, and showing his wounds that are recounted by Matthew, Luke, and John, and so those accounts are simply allowed to “fill in” for his presumed deficiency by those accounts.

  1. He is marginalized and muted by his own lack of resources, which is paradoxical!
  2. “But once I amraised up, I will travel before you to Galilee,” Jesus informed his intimate disciples after their dinner on the final night of his life, according to Mark (Mark 14:28).
  3. According to Mark, there are no tales of anyone coming upon the resurrected body of Jesus, wounds and all, while wandering through the streets of the capital.
  4. As we can see in the Gospel of Peter, the final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread had arrived, and many people went out to return to their homes because the feast had come to a conclusion.
  5. However, after gathering our nets, I, Simon Peter, and my brother Andrew set out to sea.
  6. More information about this remarkable “lost” Gospel of Peter may be found here, but it is the conclusion, where the text occurs to break off, that is the most telling.
  7. It was only then that the disciples began to have “sightings” of Jesus when they returned to their homes in Galilee in despair and resumed their normal lives.
  8. (Matthew 28:16-17).
  9. It is noteworthy that Paul draws connections between his own visionary experience and that of the apostles Peter, James, and the rest of the team.

Because Matthew, Luke, and John were written so much later and clearly reflect the period after 70 CE, when all of the first witnesses–including Peter, Paul, and James the brother of Jesus–had died, they are clearly 2nd generation traditions and should not be given precedence over the other gospel accounts.

What he eventually writes is clearly the “Gospel,” not a faulty version that has to be “fixed” with later alternate traditions of Jesus arriving in a resurrected body on Easter weekend in Jerusalem.

At the bottom of one of the ossuaries (bone boxes) in this tomb is a four-line Greek inscription, which I have translated as follows: “I Wondrous Yehovah raise up–lift up!” And this is just adjacent to a second ossuary that depicts the “symbol of Jonah,” which is a giant fish that is expelled the head of a human stick figure, evoking the narrative of Jonah, as well as the story of the prophet.

2 The fact that this most recent archaeological evidence corresponds so closely to Mark and Paul, our first witnesses to the early Christian interpretation of Jesus’ resurrection, is very astounding to me.

James Tabori is a professor of Christian origins and ancient Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Department of Religious Studies.

Tabor received his Ph.D.

During the past decade, he has collaborated with Shimon Gibson to excavate the “John the Baptist” cave at Suba, the “Tomb of the Shroud,” which was discovered in 2000, Mt Zion, and, with Rami Arav, he has been involved in the re-exploration of two tombs in East Talpiot, including the controversial “Jesus tomb.” Tabor is the creator of the widely readTaborBlog, and some of his recent writings have appeared in publications such as Bible History Daily and the Huffington Post, among other places.

It is no surprise that his most recent book, Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity, has proven to be a hit with both specialists and non-specialists. At, you’ll discover links to all of Dr. Tabor’s online pages, books, and other initiatives.

Lesson 14: Mark 11–16

Ask a student to read Mark 1:1, and then ask the class if they remember what the wordgospelmeans (which means “good news” in English). Draw attention to the fact that Mark began his Gospel by announcing the good news about Jesus Christ; now, in Mark 16, we learn about what finally distinguishes Mark’s Gospel as a proclamation of “good news.” During class, have students read Mark 16:1–7, focusing on the facts in these passages that are “good news.” Inquire with the pupils about the “wonderful news” they discovered.

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For Mark 16:1–7, ask a student to read aloud the remark from President Howard W.

  • If you were to read Mark’s Gospel and it concluded with the Savior’s death and no evidence of His resurrection, how would you feel?

Request that a student read Mark 16:9–13. Then, using the following questions, assist students through the process of examining the reactions to the news of the Savior’s resurrection:

  • What was the reaction of the disciples to Mary Magdalene’s report that she had seen the resurrected Christ, as described in Mark 16:9–11
  • What was the reaction of the disciples to the news that two additional people had seen Jesus, as described in Mark 16:12–13
  • In what ways do you feel the disciples may have had difficulty believing Mary Magdalene’s and the two disciples’ accounts of the resurrection?

Students should study the opening paragraph of President James E. Faust’s comments from the student manual commentary on Mark 16:11–14.

  • Which of the following statements made by President Faust helps us understand why the disciples could have had difficulties trusting the news that Jesus had been raised from the dead

Follow up with the entirety of President Faust’s message from the student manual, which should be read after students have reacted. Instruct students to pay attention to how the knowledge of the Resurrection might impact our daily lives by asking them to reflect on it. Please pay particular attention to President Faust’s final statement: “Like the Apostles of old, this knowledge and belief should alter all of us so that we might live our lives as disciples of the divine Christ with confidence, settledness, unafraidness, and peace.” It should assist us in bearing all of our loads, enduring all of our sorrows, and also allowing us to completely enjoy all of the pleasures and happiness that may be found in this life” (“The Supernal Gift of the Atonement,” Ensign, November 1988, p.


  • What impact does your awareness of the Savior’s Resurrection, as well as your personal resurrection, have on your daily activities?

When all of the kids have had an opportunity to react, conclude by sharing your own experience with the Resurrection and the difference it has made in your life.

The Gospel of Mark

SummaryFrom a historical standpoint, Mark, the earliest of the Gospels, is the most reliable. This is due to the fact that it is not only closer in time to the events that it records, but also that less interpretation is placed on the meaning of these events than is placed on them in the other Gospels. In Mark, a Christian called John Mark wrote the book. He was a relatively insignificant figure in the history of Christianity, according to the New Testament sources. Assumedly a relative of Barnabas, one of the church’s founders in Antioch, Mark joined Paul and Barnabas on one of their missions and was a companion of the apostle Peter at the period when that disciple spent his last years in the city of Rome.

  • A record of this nature provided proof to support the view that Jesus was the genuine Messiah, and that people may be saved simply by placing their faith in him.
  • Despite the fact that it is a very brief gospel, the majority of the information contained within it is duplicated in the Gospels that were written later.
  • Because its origin was seen as more legitimate than the others, and because it was greatly cherished by the church in Rome, which was destined to become one of the major churches in all of the Christian movement, it is likely that Mark withstood these attempts to have it replaced.
  • According to a well-documented oral tradition, one of these sources was an oral tradition.
  • Mark’s gospel is known as the “Miracle of Mark.” Most New Testament scholars consider this assertion by Papias to be trustworthy since it provides a fairly reasonable explanation for the contents of the first half of Mark.
  • The exact order in which the stories are recorded is obviously owing to Mark’s arranging of them in a certain sequence.
  • In the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark, we are given a brief description of the ministry of John the Baptist, who is often referred to as the precursor of the future Messiah.

Immediately following Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon him, and from that point on, Jesus committed his life to the task of preparing people for the advent of God’s kingdom.

Shortly after John the Baptist’s imprisonment, Jesus came in Galilee, teaching the gospel and proclaiming the kingdom of God “The coming of the kingdom of God is imminent.

In Mark’s account, he appears to have been more struck by Jesus’ tremendous acts than by the content of Jesus’ teaching.

Many of these activities were concerned with the healing of the ill.

A paralytic who had been dropped through a hole in the ceiling had been cured and was able to walk once more after the operation.

The Gerasene demoniacs were driven from their lair by unclean spirits.

Among the healings were the recovery of a lady who had had a hemorrhage, and the restoration of health of a youngster who had been possessed by an evil spirit since boyhood in the sight of his father.

For the most part, miraculous stories serve as springboards for discussions on a variety of topics.

Despite the fact that Jesus used parables extensively in his teaching, Mark did not include many of them in his account.

Jewish elders and authorities, on the other hand, were outraged by Jesus’ plainspoken statements and attempted to entangle him in a web of deception using cunning argumentation.

In the context of these conversations, Jesus shared some of his most significant teachings with the disciples.

As they made their way back to Galilee, they went through the town of Caesarea Philippi, where the disciples raised the topic of Jesus’ status as the Messiah.

His disciples were informed that he would be carrying out his mission to the Jewish headquarters in the city of Jerusalem after a brief return to his native country.

When he informed them what he expected to happen to him at the hands of the chief priests and rulers of the land, the disciples were taken aback because they did not think that such horrific damage could possible befall the Messiah at that time.

Mark records a number of Jesus’ discourses that took place in close proximity to the journey to Jerusalem, including Jesus’ interview with a wealthy young ruler, his response to James and John when they asked for a prominent position in the new kingdom, the discourse given when the money-changers were driven from the Temple, the discussion about paying taxes to the Roman government, Jesus’ foretelling of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, and his instruction to the disciples when he ate tahini.

For those who believed that Jesus was about to establish a new kingdom, Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem was a joyful occasion.

The crucifixion is described in detail by Mark.

After then, the women who went to the tomb where Jesus’ corpse had been laid and learned that he had risen from the dead round up the Gospel of Mark’s last chapter.

Jesus’ birth, childhood, and activities prior to his baptism by John are completely absent from the text.

Despite the fact that these beliefs were fairly widespread among Christians at the time of Mark’s writing, it is clear that he did not consider them to be of sufficient importance to include in his gospel.

Mark places a strong emphasis on Jesus’ humanity throughout the entire gospel of Mark.

In the midst of his early ministry in Galilee, his friends are greatly disturbed by the way he draws people’s attention to himself, and even members of his own family begin to suspect that he is suffering from a serious illness.

When an ardent admirer refers to him as a “good teacher,” Jesus immediately rebukes him, stating that no one should refer to him as such because God is the only one who possesses that quality.

The miracles that he performed were not intended to demonstrate any of his own power, but rather to demonstrate how the power of God could be used in and through human lives, which is what he did.

He even promised them that they would be able to do bigger feats than he had.

For example, a leper once approached Jesus and begged for assistance.

But go ahead and present yourself to the priest “in accordance with the Mosaic Covenant Jesus performed a miracle in the synagogue of Capernaum, healing a man who had an unclean spirit.

Until they reach Caesarea Philippi, according to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus does not disclose to his followers that he is the Messiah.

It is not entirely clear whether Jesus was aware of his Messiahship from the beginning of his ministry or whether it was revealed to him gradually in his own mind.

Jesus’ explanation for why so many people were not convinced by his message and his acts is an excellent illustration of this type of reasoning.

In the opinion of Mark, nothing less than blindness and deafness could have caused people to reject Jesus’ mission, which was so obviously in accordance with the will of the Father.

Mark provides a fairly detailed account of Jesus’ teachings and activities in the days leading up to Jesus’ trial and crucifixion in the Gospel of Mark.

He narrates their story.

The last twelve verses of the gospel as it appears in the New Testament were not included in the oldest copies of the gospel of John.

Evidently, they were inserted by an editor who realized that something was missing from the draft copy and sought to fill in the gaps by adding additional information.

This is especially true when it cuts off in the middle of a phrase. Although having the remainder of the tale would be extremely vital information since it would be the oldest gospel account of this most crucial event, we do not know what happened to the manuscript’s original finish.

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