Why Was John Called The Disciple Jesus Loved?

Why Is John the ″Disciple Whom Jesus Loved″?

There appear to be several instances of nicknames and name changes in both the Old and New Testaments.The ″Sons of Thunder″ are Simon and Peter, Esau and Edom, the two sons of Jacob.Almost everyone who follows Jesus appears to be given a loving nickname, which is occasionally given by Jesus himself.However, in the fourth Gospel, we come upon something quite different.’The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved,’ says the author of the Gospel of John, referring to himself by an unusual moniker.

  1. The ″Beloved Disciple″ is a title used by John in different translations to refer to himself.
  2. Upon hearing this name for the first time, my much younger elementary-aged self thought to myself, ″it sounds like an arrogant moniker to give yourself.″ Is it possible that Jesus just did not care as much about the other disciples as he did for himself?
  3. ″Did John actually believe that?″ In my situation, as is often the case, subsequent research later in life invalidated my primary school frame of reference.
  4. Throughout this essay, we’ll look at the nickname given to the disciple John by his father, what it means, the significance of nicknames in Scripture, and why all of this applies to us today as Christians.

What Does John’s Nickname Mean? 

With his self-given label, ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ it appears that John is attempting to boost his ego by associating himself with the Savior.As previously stated, Jesus had an inner circle of three disciples to whom he demonstrated his transfiguration (Matthew 17), with John being one of them.In fact, Jesus instructs John to look after his mother while Jesus is being crucified with him.So, did John use this name as a flex in order to get what he wanted?Scholars, on the other hand, disagree.

  1. As a result, what does it genuinely mean for John to refer to himself as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved″ imply?
  2. Instead, as William Barclay suggests in this paragraph, it was a charming term whose meaning did not cross over into our own society, which is a possibility.
  3. Perhaps, by using the term ″beloved,″ John is attempting to draw attention to God’s love and how it has impacted his life, rather than his own personality or sense of identity.
  4. More information about this will be provided in the next section.

Pastor Charles Spurgeon emphasized that Jesus plainly cherished each and every one of his apostles.After all, on the night that he was deceived, he bathed the feet of everyone in the house.Yes, even Judas Iscariot’s was among them.As indicated in the Answers in Genesis page, it’s possible that John uses this name to remind readers of the immense love that they, too, have experienced.This identity of being disciples of Jesus, whom he adored, is something we all share.

Because John does not offer an explanation for the name, we are unable to determine its true significance.However, it is possible that John chooses this moniker to serve as a reminder to himself and others of Jesus’ compassionate mission on earth and the disciples’ call to carry the message of that love to every country across the world.Credit for the image goes to Getty Images/Javier Art Photography.

Why Did John Call Himself ″The Disciple Who Jesus Loved″?

As we discussed in the preceding section, we don’t know the specific reasons for which John would choose to bequest himself such a name.After all, he isn’t referred to by this name in any other Gospel story.This suggests that John solely used this as a way to refer to himself.We can rule out egotism because John did not choose this name in order to bring attention to himself.Instead, it appears that the inverse is more likely.

  1. John wanted to remain nameless for his own reasons.
  2. Those who read the Gospel and were eyewitnesses to the events would have recognized John’s identity based on a number of crucial facts that he highlights.
  3. For example, he does not identify himself specifically but does state that he rested his head on Jesus’ bosom during the Last Supper.
  4. However, John appears to be attempting to deflect attention away from himself in the tale by eliminating his name and substituting a nickname for it, which is a characteristic: someone who is loved by Jesus.

In this passage, he emphasizes the transforming influence that Jesus had over his life.He discovers truth, his own identity, and his own purpose as a result of God’s love.He reminds both his audience and himself that all disciples of Jesus are really, completely, and unconditionally loved by the Father.There aren’t many alternative explanations for why John chose this nickname for himself, according to the academic community.John presumably doesn’t provide much of an explanation because he would prefer that the attention be focused on Jesus rather than on him.

The Importance of Nicknames in the Bible

Nowadays, we may refer to our spouse, individuals with whom we participate in sports leagues, and even coworkers by their nicknames.However, throughout the period of the Old and New Testaments, nicknames had a considerably more profound significance to them.Names and nicknames in the Bible are frequently used to convey a person’s purpose or identity, according to an essay by Vincent Ketchie.People who changed someone’s name or gave them a nickname held a certain level of power and influence over the individual who had changed his or her name.When Jesus addressed Simon as ″Peter,″ there was a certain degree of power and weight in his voice.

  1. As a result, when someone adopts a new name or nickname (such as Paul or John), they are emphasizing a crucial aspect of their mission.
  2. Similarly to John, we don’t know why Paul changed his name from Saul, but we do know that he had an encounter with Jesus’ transformative love and thought that was enough to make a significant shift…
  3. such as changing his surname to Paul.

Why Should We Care About This? 

After all, why should it matter what John refers to himself as in his Gospel account?Indeed, didn’t he come up with the moniker on purpose in order to avoid calling attention to himself?There are a variety of reasons why we should be concerned about nicknames, and this one in particular.First and foremost, John reminds us of the transformational power of God’s love in our lives.We may all identify with the disciple whom Jesus adored and refer to ourselves as such.

  1. Because he has a job.
  2. He cares for us in an extraordinary and unwavering way.
  3. John had direct knowledge of this and was compelled to testify to it, even in his own name, as a result.
  4. Second, we should be aware of the immense power that names possess.

After all, our God is known by many other names.The number of names for God is endless: Elohim, El Shaddai, Yahweh, and so on.Each of God’s names draws attention to a particular aspect of his personality.If someone is given a nickname or another name in the Bible, they typically gain a new function, a new instrumental component of their character, in the same and lesser fashion.We must also remember that even the smallest facts in the Bible should not be overlooked.

What a difference a nickname can make in our understanding of a person.Imagine how much we may learn about God and his magnificent purposes for us if we read the entire Bible.This also demonstrates how important it is to consider the context of texts.When we first see John’s moniker, we would believe he needs to take a deep breath and check his ego.

However, by putting the emphasis on Jesus rather than himself, he demonstrates remarkable humility.Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/miflippoHope.Author and alumnus of Taylor University’s professional writing program, Bolinger has had a number of novels published as well as short stories.More than 1,200 of her writings have been published in a variety of periodicals, ranging from Writer’s Digest to Keys for Kids and everything in between.

  1. As a writer and editor, she has worked for a number of different publishing firms as well as periodicals, newspapers, and literary agencies, and she has worked with writers such as Jerry B.
  2. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams.
  3. Her modern-day Daniel trilogy, published by IlluminateYA, is now available.

She is also the co-author of the Dear Hero duology, which was released by INtense Publications and has received positive reviews.Her inspirational adult novel Picture Imperfect, which will be released in November of 2021, will also be released.You may learn more about her by visiting her website.

Who was the disciple whom Jesus loved?

Answer to the question ‘The disciple whom Jesus loved,’ according to the Gospel of John, is the only one to make mention of him.One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to Him, according to the Bible’s account in John 13:23.John 19:26 states that ″When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He cherished standing close, He said to His mother, ″Dear lady, here is your son.″ ″Dear woman, here is your son,″ Jesus said to His mother.When the disciple whom Jesus loved declared to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ in John 21:7, we know that we are talking about Jesus.Although the identity of this disciple is never explicitly stated, the identification of the disciple whom Jesus loved is unmistakable.

  1. The disciple with whom Jesus self-identifies as the author of the gospel, and whom most academics believe to be the apostle John, the son of Zebedee and brother of James, is identified as the author of the gospel by Jesus himself.
  2. The ″disciple whom Jesus loved″ is only mentioned once in the Gospel of John, and that is the first time.
  3. As for who was fishing with Peter, John 21:2 tells us who was there with him: ″Simon Peter, Thomas (known as Didymus), Nathaniel from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were with him.″ Zebedee was the father of the apostle John (Matthew 4:21).
  4. Third, there were three disciples who were extremely close to Jesus: Peter, James, and John.

These three disciples were the most intimate with Jesus (Matthew 17:1; Mark 5:37; 14:33; Luke 8:51).It seems unlikely that the ″disciple whom Jesus loved″ is Peter, considering Peter asks Jesus a question about this disciple in the Gospel of John (John 21:20-21).That leaves us with the choice between James and John.In John 21:22, Jesus made a statement concerning the prospective ″longevity″ of the life of the disciple whom He loved, and the implications of this statement are significant.James was the first of the apostles to die, and he was also the youngest (Acts 12:2).

While Jesus did not promise the disciple whom He loved a long life, it would be highly unusual for Jesus to say, ″If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?″ if the disciple whom He loved was going to be the first disciple to die.Instead, Jesus simply said, ″If I want him to remain alive until I return.″ According to church history, the apostle John lived until the late 90s of the first century AD and was the last living apostle.In the early church, there was unanimity in recognizing John as the disciple whom Jesus admired and desired.There is evidence to suggest that John had a more intimate contact with Jesus than any of the other disciples.

Jesus and John were practically ″best buddies″ throughout their lives.During Jesus’ lifetime, he entrusted John with the care of His mother, gave him the vision of the transfiguration, permitted him to witness His most spectacular miracles, and subsequently gave him the Book of Revelation.Return to the page with the miscellaneous Bible questions.What was the name of the disciple whom Jesus cherished?

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What was the relationship between Jesus and John son of Zebedee?

This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi) The disciples identified John the apostle as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ according to the New Testament (John 21:20).John was Zebedee’s son and James’ brother, and he was also the son of Zebedee.He was a member of the inner circle of three people with whom Jesus formed the closest of friendships and shared His most intimate experiences (Matthew 17:1).

Son of thunder

John and his brother James were given the title ″sons of thunder″ when they first came to faith in Christ (Mark 3:17).They were arrogant, self-assured, seeking for honor, impetuous, and enraged as a result of the insult.They held a yearning for retribution and acted on it whenever the chance presented itself.Jesus, on the other hand, recognized a fervent, honest, and loving heart underneath the harsh appearance.At first, John was a sluggish learner, but he eventually came to bear the yoke of Christ.

  1. As a result, his entire life and personality were radically altered.

His relationship with Jesus

John possessed a profound loyalty and love for Jesus that seemed to burn purer and brighter than the love and loyalty that burned in the hearts of his fellow disciples.There emerged a deeper connection between him and Jesus than the others were aware of.As John witnessed Jesus’ compassion and kindness, he was moved to wish to be more like Him himself.He was younger than the other disciples, and he allowed the love of God to alter his heart as a result of the trusting confidence that comes with youth.He remained permanently by the side of his Master (John 13:23), subjecting his thoughts to the effect of that ideal life, and as a result, he learned to more thoroughly reproduce it than any of his other disciples.

  1. He was the closest disciple to his Master.
  2. His was the most open, the most teachable of all the souls I’ve met.
  3. As his flaws were exposed one by one in the clear light of the Sun, he accepted the reproof and went on with his life.
  4. As he surrendered his life to the Savior’s touch, he was transformed by the kindness and grace of God.

When a result, as He hung on the cross, Christ committed His own mother to the care of His loving disciple (John 19:25-27).Early Christian legend informs us that Mary accompanied John to Ephesus, where he was in charge of the Christian churches in the region, many years after his death.

A transformed disciple

John was the first of the disciples to arrive to the tomb on the morning of the resurrection, and he was the first to realize the magnificent reality that the Lord had risen from the dead (John 20:8).As a result of this, he committed his life to proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his ascension to the right hand of the Father, bearing witness to what he had heard, seen, and experienced ″of the Word of life″ (1 John 1:1, 2).Just as Christ alone could flawlessly reflect the Father because He was the only One who knew Him perfectly, so John was a highly qualified apostle to present, in his Gospel, the beautiful truths about Jesus the Son of God who loved mankind to the point of dying, as Christ alone could flawlessly reflect the Father because He was the only One who knew Him perfectly (John 3:16).The BibleAsk Team is dedicated to His service.This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi)

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Meet the Apostle John: Author of 5 Books of the Bible

It was the Apostle John who had the distinction of being a cherished companion of Jesus Christ, as well as a writer of five books of Scripture and as a cornerstone of the early Christian church.When Jesus summoned John and his brother James, who was also a follower of Jesus, they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee when he invited them to follow him.In time, they, along with the Apostle Peter, were accepted into Christ’s inner circle of friends.These three men (Peter, James, and John) were given the honor of accompanying Jesus during the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, the transfiguration, and Jesus’ anguish in Gethsemane, among other events.The apostles James and John once inquired about the possibility of calling down fire from heaven to burn a Samaritan hamlet that had turned their backs on Jesus.

  1. As a result, they were given the moniker ″Boanerges,″ which means ″sons of thunder.″ Because of a past friendship with Joseph Caiaphas, John was able to be present in the high priest’s house during Jesus’ trial and execution.
  2. The death of Jesus handed Mary, his mother, to an unknown disciple (most likely John), who welcomed her into his house when she was betrayed (John 19:27).
  3. Some academics believe that John may have been a cousin of Jesus, which would make sense.
  4. Over a period of several years, John worked with the church in Jerusalem before moving on to the church in Ephesus.

According to an unproven narrative, John was carried to Rome during a persecution and placed into a pot of boiling oil, from which he miraculously escaped unharmed.Afterwards, according to the Scriptures, John was banished to the island of Patmos.He is said to have outlived all of his followers, dying of old age at Ephesus, possibly in the year 98 A.D.Compared to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the three Synoptic Gospels, which are defined as ″seen with the same eye″ or ″from the same viewpoint,″ John’s Gospel represents a notable departure from the others.John emphasizes again and over again that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, who had been sent by the Father to atone for the sins of the world.

He refers to Jesus by a variety of metaphorical titles, including the Lamb of God, the resurrection, and the vine.When Jesus says ″I am,″ he is obviously connecting himself with Jehovah, the Great ″I AM,″ or everlasting God, as he does throughout the Gospel of John’s narrative.John does not identify himself by name in his own gospel, but four times in the gospel of Matthew he refers to himself as ″the disciple Jesus loved.″

Accomplishments of the Apostle John

John was one of the apostles that were selected as the first.He served as an elder in the early church and was instrumental in the dissemination of the gospel word.In addition to the Gospel of John, he is attributed with authorship of the letters 1 and 2 John, and the book of Revelation, among other works.During the time when the others were away, John remained with Jesus as a member of the inner circle of three who accompanied him..and when James and Cephas and John, who appeared to be pillars, recognized the grace that had been granted to me, they extended the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas and me, so that we would go to the Gentiles and they might go to the circumcised, as Paul had spoken about John.

  1. Only, they asked us to remember the less fortunate, which was exactly what I wanted to do.
  2. (Galatians 2:6-10, English Standard Version)

John’s Strengths

John was a very devoted follower of Jesus.He was the only apostle present at the cross, out of a total of twelve.Following Pentecost, John and Peter joined forces to boldly proclaim the gospel in Jerusalem, where they were beaten and imprisoned as a result of their efforts.As a disciple, John made a dramatic transition, going from being the quick-tempered Son of Thunder to being the compassionate apostle of love and compassion.Because John had personally experienced Jesus’ unconditional love, he was able to communicate such love in his gospel and writings.

John’s Weaknesses

At times, John could not comprehend Jesus’ message of forgiveness, like when he begged Jesus to send down a pillar of fire on the doubters in the temple. He also requested that he be given a special place in Jesus’ kingdom.

Life Lessons From the Apostle John

Christ is the Savior, and he is the one who grants everyone eternal life. If we follow Jesus, we may be confident that we will get forgiveness and redemption. We are to love one another in the same way that Christ loves us. God is love, and we, as Christians, are called to be conduits for God’s love to reach out to others around us.



References to John the Apostle in the Bible

Aside from the four Gospels and the book of Acts, John is also mentioned as the narrator of the book of Revelation.


Fisherman, disciple of Jesus, evangelist, and author of the Scriptures.

Family Tree

Zebedee is the father, Salome is the mother, and James is the brother.

Key Verses

25-26 in John 11:25-26 Jesus addressed her by saying, ″I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus.Even if a person dies because of his or her faith in me, that person will live; and whomever lives and believes in me will never die.Do you believe what I’m saying?″ (NIV) 1 John 4:16-17 (New International Version) As a result, we are aware of and rely on God’s love for us.God is love, and God is love.Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him, and vice versa.

  1. (NIV) Revelation 22:12-13 is a passage of scripture.
  2. ″Look out, I’ll be here shortly!
  3. My recompense is with me, and I will distribute it to each person in accordance with his or her deeds.
  4. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Beginning and the End of all things.″ (NIV)

Why was John the Apostle called the beloved?

When the author of the Gospel was given the name ″John,″ it was only reasonable for people to try to figure out who he or she may be. This identity was bestowed to John, the brother of James and the son of Zebedee, who was the one who had it bestowed upon him. This John, as a result, became known as ″the beloved disciple″ in the imaginations of many.

What was the apostle John’s relationship with Jesus?

It was the Apostle John who had the distinction of being a cherished companion of Jesus Christ, as well as a writer of five books of Scripture and as a cornerstone of the early Christian church. When Jesus summoned John and his brother James, who was also a follower of Jesus, they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee when he invited them to follow him.

Who was the disciple whom Jesus loved in the Bible?

Although the identity of this disciple is never explicitly stated, the identification of the disciple whom Jesus loved is unmistakable.John, the son of Zebedee and brother of James, is the disciple whom Jesus cherished the most.First and foremost, only the Gospel of John makes reference to the ″disciple whom Jesus loved.″ Second, John 21:2 informs us of the identity of the person who was fishing…

Why was John called the beloved disciple of Jesus?

The ″Beloved Disciple″ is a title used by John in different translations to refer to himself. Upon hearing this name for the first time, my much younger elementary-aged self thought to myself, ″it sounds like an arrogant moniker to give yourself.″ Is it possible that Jesus just did not care as much about the other disciples as he did for himself?

Why did Jesus love this man more than all the others?

He and Jesus had a more intimate friendship than most people realize.He seemed to have desired to spend more time with Jesus.Yes, Jesus had a deep affection for everyone of the disciples.In John 13:1, Jesus claims to have done such.However, Jesus was more intimate with this guy because this man desired to be more intimate with Jesus.

  1. According to John 21:20, Jesus had a special affection for this disciple.
  2. That is never spoken about any other disciple in the Bible.

Who are the twelve men that Jesus loved?

Among the twelve men he chose were: Peter, Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, John his brother, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.He also chose Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve men he would choose.There are twelve of them.Jesus spent the most of his time with only three of those twelve men: Peter, John, and James, who were the closest to him.

John, the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

John is likely the most well-known of Jesus’ original Twelve Apostles, second only to Peter in terms of popularity.He and his brother, James, were there with Peter at some of the most pivotal periods of the Savior’s earthly ministry, and he has been historically connected with five distinct books of the New Testament, including the Gospel of Matthew.1 The following passage from John 13:23 suggests that he was personally close to the Lord: ″Now there was resting on Jesus’ bosom one of his followers, whom Jesus loved.″ It is this picture that has persisted down the years in Christian art, which frequently depicts John as a young man, typically reclining in the arms of Christ.This is the genesis of his one-of-a-kind moniker, John the Beloved, but his witness and purpose reveal characteristics of discipleship that we can all learn from and use.

John, Son of Zebedee

  • Yohanan, John’s Hebrew given name, translates as ″God has been generous.″ The majority of the information we have about him comes from the first three Gospels, which describe the account of the Savior’s mortal ministry mainly from the same point of view as the rest of the Bible. They are all in agreement that John was the son of Zebedee, a successful Galilean fisherman who owned his own boat and was able to hire day workers to aid him and his sons in their task. John and his brother, James, were also partners with the brothers Peter and Andrew in their fishing company, and when Jesus asked them to be His full-time disciples, they all quit their businesses to follow Him. 2 The mother of James and John, Zebedee, became a follower of Jesus, interceding with Jesus on their behalf and being present at the Crucifixion. While Zebedee is not mentioned in the Gospels again, she is mentioned in the New Testament. 3 The mother of James and John, who is usually referred to by the name Salome, may also have been a sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus, making them first cousins of Jesus and relatives of John the Baptist. She is usually referred to by the name Salome. 4 Many of the Lord’s early miracles and teachings were observed by John within a short period of time following his original call. The experience of seeing these miracles and listening to talks such as the Sermon on the Mount undoubtedly prepared John for the time when Jesus chose him to be one of His Twelve Apostles. 5 The three apostles who were present at significant moments of Jesus’ earthly ministry were Peter, James, and John. They formed an inner circle of close disciples who witnessed the Lord’s power over death firsthand at the raising of Jairus’ daughter and at the raising of Lazarus, to name a few examples. 7
  • On the Mount of Transfiguration, where they saw Jesus revealed in His glory and heard the voice of the Father testify that Jesus was His Son, in whom He was delighted, they witnessed the manifestation of Jesus in His glory. 8
  • On the Mount of Olives, where He delivered His final prophesy regarding the end of the world. 9, at Gethsemane, where they were in the vicinity when the Savior began His tremendous work of atonement. 10

Similar to how Jesus Christ gave Simon the extra name Cephas or Peter, which means ″rock,″ He also gave James and John the title Boanerges, which means ″sons of thunder,″ in the same way that he gave Simon the additional name Simon.11 The fact that they inquired of Jesus as to whether they might send fire onto a hamlet of Samaritans who had rejected Him (see Luke 9:51–56) suggests that they were hot-tempered or at the very least extremely determined.As a result, it is equally plausible that the name was given in expectation of their becoming great witnesses, much as Peter’s name, although reflecting his previous committed but impetuous temperament, was more likely to indicate his firmness and strength following Jesus’ Resurrection.12 It appears that John is a strong and reliable partner to Peter throughout his appearances in the book of Acts.John was present when Peter performed the miracle of healing the lame man in the temple, and the two of them preached courageously in front of the Jewish authorities of Jerusalem.

  1. The two Apostles proceeded together to Samaria in order to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost on the Samaritans who had been instructed and baptized by Philip earlier in the year.
  2. 13 Even yet, it is in the works linked with John that he is most known as a forceful testament to the divinity of his master and companion, Jesus Christ, who he is most often identified with.
  3. These New Testament texts portray John as a teacher as well as a role model for us as we pursue our own discipleship.

Beloved Disciple

The Gospel that has usually been assigned to John does not mention him by name, which is an interesting fact to consider.The two sons of Zebedee are only mentioned once in the Gospel of John, and that is in the concluding chapter, when they are mentioned as two of the seven disciples who encountered the resurrected Lord beside the Sea of Galilee.Even in that case, though, they are not identified by their last name.But tradition has claimed that John was the unnamed ″disciple whom Jesus loved,″ who was there at the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the empty tomb as well as at Jesus’s last apparition in the Sea of Galilee, as confirmed by references in Restoration scripture14.15 His possible identity as the ″other disciple″ who, with Andrew, was a follower of John the Baptist and heard him testify that Jesus was the Lamb of God (see John 1:35–40) is also a possibility, as is the possibility that he was the disciple who accompanied Peter after Jesus’ arrest and assisted Peter in gaining access to the court of the high priest (see John 18:15–16).

  1. As revealed in John’s Gospel, the beloved disciple is shown to be a close, intimate companion of the Lord.
  2. John, along with Martha, Lazarus, and Mary, is mentioned directly in this Gospel as someone whom Jesus adored and cherished (see John 11:3, 5).
  3. His location at the table during the Last Supper demonstrated not only honor but also proximity to the other participants.
  4. His role as a powerful witness to the most crucial events of Jesus’s mission is revealed in other passages: he was at the foot of the cross to witness Jesus’s death as a sacrifice for sin, hurried to the tomb after the Resurrection to check that it was empty, and saw the resurrected Savior.

At least two times during its course, the Gospel of John mentions that it is based on the eyewitness testimony of the beloved disciple and emphasizes that his witness has been confirmed as true16, something that echoes Joseph Smith’s retitling of the gospel as ″The Testimony of John,″ which was first published in 1830.17 While historians continue to argue the identification of the beloved disciple, if he was in fact the Apostle John, he was at the very least the source of the content in the Gospel, if not the actual author of the document.18 Why, therefore, did he go unidentified, never being referred to be the Apostle John in any official capacity?It’s possible that Jesus did this in part because he intended his personal experiences to serve as models for believers and followers throughout history.Through his decision to stay anonymous, he could allow us to project ourselves into his experiences, learning how to love and be loved by the Lord, and then obtaining our own testimony, which we would then be expected to share with others as well.

The Epistles: 1, 2, and 3 John

Similarly to the Gospel of John, none of the three letters attributed to John ever directly refer to him by his given name.But even though it is written in the manner and subject matter of the Gospel, 1 John is strongly related with it in terms of its style and content, which include the significance of love and obedience, themes that the Savior emphasized in John’s narrative of the Last Supper.Written after the Gospel, 1 John begins by declaring the author’s testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, ″which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and which our hands have handled, of the Word of life″ (1 John 1:1; emphasis added).The author then goes on to describe the author’s testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, ″which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and In addition to reiterating the opening lines of the Gospel of John, the author emphasizes his profound, personal, and bodily witness of Jesus Christ, who was actually the Word of God taken into the human body.There was an apparent internal rift among the early Christians, who were the book’s intended readership, due to a segment that held false ideas about Jesus having left the Church.

  1. 19 It is not just a witness but also an authority in the book of 1 John, who is called upon to rectify incorrect doctrine and resist dangers to faith posed by anti-Christs and false spirits (see 1 John 2:18-27 and 4:1–6).
  2. Moreover, he had a goal to uplift and encourage those who stayed loyal by communicating essential facts about God and Christ, as well as the significance of continuing in faith and holiness.
  3. When he refers to himself as ″the elder″ in 2 and 3 John, he emphasizes the importance of love and obedience as well as the dangers of false teachers and those who reject proper Church authority.
  4. In 1 John, he refers to himself as ″the elder,″ and in 2 and 3 John, he refers to himself as ″the elder.″ 20 All three of these publications emphasize the need of maintaining a lifelong allegiance to the revealed Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.
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The Revelator

One of the five books credited to him, Revelation, is the only one that explicitly refers to him by his given name, identifying him by that name three times in the book’s opening lines (see Revelation 1:1, 4, 9).With the exception of identifying himself as a servant of God, the author provides no further indication of his position or calling; yet, most early Christian authorities assumed that he was John, son of Zebedee, who lived in the first century.As recorded in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, the Apostle John had been given a particular mandate to see visions and write them down.21 The book of Revelation, a complex and extensively symbolic book, was written to console and reassure Christians who were enduring persecution or hardships throughout history, while also exposing the role of Jesus Christ throughout history.Both the early AD 60s and the latter AD 90s under the reign of the emperor Domitian have been offered as the dates when John wrote Revelation, although both would have occurred after the martyrdom of Peter, making John the most senior Apostle still alive at the time of his writing.

  1. His mission, on the other hand, was not limited to just receiving and recording the visions contained in the book.
  2. One of John the Revelator’s visions revealed that an angel instructed him to take a tiny book, or scroll, and to consume it.
  3. Joseph Smith regarded this as a representation of his mission to assist gather Israel as part of the restoration of all things (see Revelation 10:9–11; Doctrine and Covenants 77:14), which he understood as reflecting his mission to help gather Israel as part of the restoration of all things.
  4. This mission was made feasible because of John’s continued ministry after he was translated into another language.

When it comes to the meaning of Jesus’s statement to Peter at the end of the Gospel (see John 21:20–23), commentators both ancient and modern have been divided.However, Joseph Smith received a revelation confirming that John’s mission will continue as a translated being until the Savior’s return (see Doctrine and Covenants 7:1–6).As a result, he has not only predicted about the end of the world, but he also has a purpose that includes assisting in the fulfillment of these predictions and being present when the things that have been revealed to him come to pass.Our own missions may be less grandiose, but John’s example shows us that our love for Jesus Christ motivates us to embrace our own calling and difficulties in life, no matter how bittersweet they may appear at times.

Becoming Beloved Disciples Ourselves

John was a prominent member of Jesus’ original Twelve Apostles, one who had a strong personal contact with the Savior and played major responsibilities as His witness, as a leader of the Church, and as a revelator.He was also known as the ″Baptizer of the New Testament.″ However, the manner in which he decided to depict himself as the beloved disciple in the Gospel that bears his name allows him to serve as a model for all of us as we pursue our own journeys of discipleship.According to him, as followers of Jesus Christ, we may all find comfort in the arms of His love, which we can experience most fully via ordinances such as those instituted by Christ at the Last Supper.We, too, might symbolically stand at the foot of the cross, proclaiming that Jesus died for our sins, and run with hope to discover for ourselves that the Lord is still alive and well.Similarly to John, as loving disciples we have a responsibility to share that witness with others, testifying to the truth and completing whatever obligations are placed upon us until the Lord returns.

Why did Jesus entrust Mary to the apostle John instead of to His brothers?

Answer When Jesus was hanging on the cross, both the apostle John and Mary, Jesus’ mother, were nearby to see.John 19:26–27 tells us that when Jesus saw his mother there, as well as his beloved disciple who was standing close, he addressed her as ″Woman, here is your son,″ and addressed the disciple as ″Here is your mother.″ It was from that point on that this disciple welcomed her into his house.″ Following a straightforward reading of the scripture, it is evident that Jesus instructed John to care for Mary after His death.Mary was unquestionably a widow at this stage in her life, as well as a middle-aged or older lady.John was chosen by Jesus to care for Mary after He died, despite the fact that she had other sons.Why?

  1. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, His brothers did not accept Him as their Savior (John 7:5).
  2. Jesus’ brothers were also not present at His crucifixion, which further proves that they were absent.
  3. In contrast to His brothers, who were not believers and were not even there at His crucifixion, Jesus was committing Mary to John, who was a believer and was present at the time of His crucifixion.
  4. In His role as the oldest son in His family, Jesus had a cultural obligation to care for His mother, and He delegated that responsibility to one of His close companions.

This was a demand that John would have unquestionably followed.Mary was most likely one of the ladies in the upper chamber, and she was present when the church was organized in Jerusalem (Acts 1:12–14), which indicates that she was a member of the group.She is most likely to have remained with John in Jerusalem until the time of her death.However, it is not until much later in John’s life that his writings and church history show that he departed Jerusalem and began ministering elsewhere.″On that day, a fierce persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and everyone but the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria,″ according to the book of Acts.

As of this period (possibly one or two years after the resurrection), John was still in town, and he remained there for another three years following Paul’s conversion to Christianity (Galatians 2:9).There is no evidence in Scripture itself that Jesus expanded Mary’s status as ″mother″ to include all Christians, and there is no indication that he did so.In reality, Catholic theology can only look to early church leaders as evidence that Jesus intended to establish Mary’s ″motherhood″ to all believers in Christ, or that Mary was a cooperative partner in redemption, rather than to Jesus himself.Mary was taken into John’s house so that he could care for her.

There is no statement in the Bible that ″from that time on, Mary was recognized as the mother of all believers.″ The tenderness with which Jesus cared for His mother, as well as the tenderness with which John cared for her, is expressed in John 19:26–27.When it comes to caring for widows and the elderly, Scripture plainly emphasizes the necessity of doing so, and Jesus Himself demonstrated this value during His final hours on earth.This type of caring for widows would subsequently be referred to as ″pure religion″ by James, Jesus’ half-brother.God our Father regards as pure and flawless religion the following: to care for orphans and widows in their misery and to refrain from being corrupted by the world″ (James 1:27).

  1. Questions regarding John can be found here.
  2. What was the reason for Jesus entrusting Mary to the apostle John rather than to His brothers?

Who was John the Apostle in the Bible?

Answer to the question In addition to the gospel of John, the Apostle John is also the author of three brief epistles that carry his name (1, 2, and 3 John), and the book of Revelation, which is the longest book in the Bible.A member of Jesus’ ″close circle,″ John had the honor of seeing Jesus’ discourse with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, along with his fellow apostles Peter and James (Matthew 17:1-9).After the crucifixion, he rose in prominence among the twelve apostles (Galatians 2:9), ministered alongside Peter (Acts 3:13, 4:13, 8:14), and was eventually exiled to the island of Patmos by the Romans, where he received from God the magnificent visions that comprise the book of Revelation (Revelation 1:1–3).The Apostle John, not to be confused with John the Baptist, is the brother of James, another of Jesus’ twelve followers, and they are both from the tribe of Benjamin.They were collectively referred to by Jesus as ″Boanerges,″ which literally translates as ″sons of thunder,″ and it is in this name that we discover a clue to John’s personality.

  1. Both brothers were driven by a strong sense of purpose, passion, and ambition.
  2. During his early days with Jesus, John exhibited impulsiveness, recklessness, impetuosity, and aggressiveness at times.
  3. In Mark 9, we find him preventing a man from casting out demons in Jesus’ name since he was not a member of the Twelve Apostles (Mark 9:38-41).
  4. After giving him a gentle admonition, Jesus explained that no one could drive out devils in Jesus’ name only to turn around and speak ill of Him afterwards.

According to Luke 9:51-54, the brothers desire to bring down fire from the sky to kill the Samaritans who have refused to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.In order to address their bigotry and lack of true compassion toward the lost, Jesus had to reprimand them once again.John’s zeal for Jesus was also influenced by his natural ambition, as evidenced by his request (through his mother) that he and his brother be seated on Jesus’ right and left hands in the kingdom, an incident that caused a rift between the brothers and the other disciples for a short time after that (Matthew 20:20-24).Despite these young outbursts of misguided emotion, John has maintained his good health.He came to recognize the importance of humility in the lives of individuals who aspired to greatness.

The gospel of John is the only one in which Jesus is recorded as washing the feet of his followers (John 13:4-16).The simple act of Jesus’ servanthood must have had a profound impression on John.By the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, Jesus had gained enough trust in the young man to entrust him with the care of His mother, a responsibility that John took very seriously indeed.As a result of that day, John began to treat her as if she were his own mother (John 19:25-27).

With the passage of time, John’s hasty appeal for particular recognition in the kingdom had given way to compassion and humility, which would come to characterize his vocation in later life.He retained his daring and boldness, but the humility he acquired at Jesus’ feet helped him keep his ambition in proportion to his abilities.Because of his willingness to serve others and suffer for the sake of the gospel, he must have been able to endure his final imprisonment on the island of Patmos, where he lived in a cave, separated from those he loved, and was treated with cruelty and reproach, according to reliable historical sources.He addressed himself as ″your brother and colleague in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus″ in the first chapter of the book of Revelation, which he received from the Holy Spirit at this period (Revelation 1:9).

  1. In the midst of his worldly trials, he had learnt to look beyond them to the celestial grandeur that awaits those who patiently persevere.
  2. John was a man who was committed to the preaching of the truth with all of his heart.
  3. Except for the Lord Jesus, no one else in the Bible had anything more to say on the concept of truth.

One of his greatest joys was preaching the truth to others and then witnessing them live it out (3 John 4).One of his greatest condemnations was reserved for individuals who twisted the truth and led others astray, particularly if they pretended to be believers themselves (1 John 2:4).Because of his zeal for truth, he was concerned about sheep who may be fooled by false teachers, and his cautions concerning them take up a significant portion of the book of 1 John.He had no qualms about labeling individuals who attempted to corrupt the truth as ″false prophets″ and ″antichrists,″ and even went so far as to declare them to be demonic in origin, according to the Bible (1 John 2:18, 26, 3:7, 4:1-7).John is also referred to as the ″apostle of love″ at various points in his life.He refers to himself as ″the one whom Jesus loved″ in his own gospel, which he wrote (John 13:23, 20:2, 21:7, 21:20).

  • When Jesus is shown leaning against his breast at the Last Supper, he is shown as the one doing so.
  • His brief second epistle is brimming with declarations of his intense affection for people who are in his custody.
  • A group of Christians ″whom I love in the truth,″ he writes in his first epistle, and he exhorts them to ″love one another″ by walking in obedience to Jesus’ instructions (1 John 1:1, 5-6).
  • John’s life offers as a reminder of various lessons that we may take away and apply to our own situations.
  • First and foremost, fervor for the truth must always be tempered by compassion for others.
  • The absence of this element might lead to harshness and judgmentalism.
  • On the other hand, overflowing love that is unable to distinguish between truth and error can devolve into gushing sentimentality.
  • Because of John’s maturation, we may learn that if we speak the truth in love, we, as well as others we touch, will ″in everything grow up into him who is the Head,″ which is Christ (Ephesians 4:15).
See also:  What Did Jesus Do The 40 Days After His Resurrection?

Second, when confidence and assertiveness are not balanced by compassion and grace, they may rapidly devolve into arrogance and conceit.The virtue of confidence is a beautiful thing, but when combined with humility, it may turn into self-assurance, which can lead to bragging and an attitude of exclusivity.When this occurs, our testimony of God’s love is tarnished, and people perceive in us exactly the sort of person they do not want to be.Our manner should be one that indicates a zeal for the truth, compassion for others, and a consistent commitment to serve and represent our Lord by reflecting His humility and grace, just as John’s was.Return to: Biblical Characters and Their Relationships with Others.The Bible describes John the Apostle as a man named John.

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Who was “the disciple Jesus loved”?

Since you have heard from the beginning, we should love one another.– 1 John 3:11 (New International Version) St.John, Apostle and Evangelist, is commemorated on December 27th as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ as the Church puts it (John 13:23).Author of a Gospel narrative, three epistles, and the book of Revelation, John was not only close to Jesus during his lifetime, but he was also a spiritual teacher for all of time.There is one topic that stands out above all others in his writings: the significance of love.

John, the Disciple

The first time John saw Jesus was while he and his brother James were fishing on the Sea of Galilee.It was after a whole night of unsuccessful attempts that they were apprehensive when Jesus instructed them to drop their nets into the sea yet again.Nonetheless, they cooperated and were amazed to see as they caught more more fish than they could possibly store in their boat (Luke 5:1-11).Following this miracle, Jesus invited them to accompany him, promising that he would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-22).They immediately laid down their nets in order to follow him, and they did not look back.

  1. What is interesting about their testimony is that they did not appear to have any reservations.
  2. It was an instantaneous, unquestioned, and total reaction on the part of James and John to the invitation to follow Jesus Christ.
  3. John was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and was present for some of the most pivotal events of Jesus’ earthly ministry, including the Transfiguration and the raising of Jairus’ daughter, as well as accompanying Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion.
  4. John was also one of Jesus’ closest disciples.

He was also the sole disciple to see Jesus’ crucifixion, while the others were absent.A pose usual of the Eastern dining practice and indicative of their personal relationship is depicted as John having his head resting on Jesus’s shoulder during The Last Supper.

Son of Thunder

However, this does not rule out the possibility that John need spiritual direction from time to time.Because of John and his brother James’ ferocious evangelistic fervor and violent reactions, Jesus dubbed them ″the Sons of Thunder,″ which was meant to be a comical reference to their fire evangelical zeal (Mark 3:17).As soon as James and John learned that a man was casting out devils in Jesus’ name, they banned him from continuing in that manner (Luke 9:49).

Several verses later in the same chapter, when Jesus started out for Jerusalem and the Samaritans declined to accompany him on his journey, James and John were furious with him.Their question to the Lord was, ″Do you want us to bring down fire from heaven to devour them?″ In both cases, Jesus scolded them for their irrational outbursts of anger and unwarranted enmity toward him.One of the most famous instances is when the two men approached Christ and requested if they may one day sit at his right and left hands — to which Jesus answered, ″You do not realize what you are asking″ (Mark 10:37-38).

John’s Focus on Love

Throughout his Gospel and epistles, John emphasizes the importance of love and the importance of relationships.As recorded in John’s account of the Last Supper, Jesus’ final instruction is centered on love: ″As the Father loves me, so do I also love you.″ Continue to be in my affection.If you follow my commandments, you will continue to be in my love, just as I have followed my Father’s commandments and continue to be in his love.

I’ve told you this so that my happiness can be shared with you and your happiness can be full.John 15:9-12 says, ″This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you.″

Why John’s Gospel is Unique

What distinguishes John’s account of the Gospel from other accounts?Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of John’s Gospel is his primary goal to account for Jesus’ divinity — the Gospel of John opens with the words, ″In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.″ In addition, John’s Gospel contains a number of small facts that are not found in any of the other Gospels.Minor individuals like as the high priest’s father-in-law and the slave whose ear was severed at Jesus’ betrayal, for example, are identified by name by the author (John 18:13; 18:10).

Finally, the Gospel of John emphasizes the function of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing, among other things, that the Holy Spirit is promised by Jesus (7:37-39; 14:16-17), that the Holy Spirit reveals truth (16:13), and that the Holy Spirit helps Christians to carry on the mission of Jesus (14:16).As far as the disciples were concerned, John was the only one who died quietly rather than via martyrdom.He continues to inspire the faithful and deepen the dedication of Christians down through the centuries because of his fervor for evangelism and his heart of love.South Entrance, E-Buttress; Mary Memorial Altar; St.

John Chapel; St.Joseph Chapel lunette window; Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel; Byzantine Ruthenian Chapel icon; Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel, West Transept mosaic ″The Second Coming,″ UC; Sanctuary dome Mosaic; The Trinity Dome SE Pendentive.Saint John is depicted in the Basilica in the following locations: South Entrance, E-Buttress; Mary Memorial Altar;


Butler’s Lives of the Saints is a collection of biographies of saints (ed. by Bernard Bangley) The Way of the Saints by Cowan

Light a Candle at the Basilica

We encourage you to light a candle at the Basilica today in honor of St. John the Evangelist. Around the Upper Church and Lower Crypt level of the National Shrine, vigil lights are lit in chapels throughout the building. In each candle, we see a symbol of the supplicants’ faith and the intensity of their prayers, which are entrusted to the loving intercession of the Blessed Mother.

Who was the disciple Jesus loved?

St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, is commemorated on December 27th as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ as the Church puts it (John 13:23). Author of a Gospel narrative, three epistles, and the book of Revelation, John was not only close to Jesus during his lifetime, but he was also a spiritual teacher for all of time.

Who was the disciple Jesus loved best?

John, the Disciple Whom Jesus Devoted His Life to. The writings linked with John the Beloved in the New Testament portray him as a teacher as well as a role model for our own pursuit of discipleship. John is likely the most well-known of Jesus’ original Twelve Apostles, second only to Peter in terms of popularity.

Why is John called the beloved disciple?

The most compelling proof that John has a particular relationship with Christ is found in the Gospel of John. In the book of John, John refers to himself as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved″ six times, the first occasion being in the prologue. As a result, John was treasured by the Lord, and others recognized the intimacy of their relationship with him.

What was Jesus’s wife’s name?

Mary Magdalene in the role of Jesus’ wife.

Did Jesus have a wife?

According to a new book, Jesus Christ and his wife Mary Magdalene had two children.

Which disciple was an eyewitness to the crucifixion?

One of the most important eyewitnesses was the Apostle John, who was also the author of the Gospel and the ″disciple whom Jesus loved.″ When Jesus was placed on trial at Caiaphas’ house, John was there as well, according to tradition. The fact that John was there at the crucifixion indicates that one of the Gospel authors was present when the event occurred. Yes, there are plenty.

Were any of the 12 apostles married?

Our knowledge of Peter’s marriage makes him the only one of the original apostles who we can be positive was married. He was also accompanied by his wife during several of his evangelizing journeys, which we know about.

What disciple did not believe Jesus rose?

A person who is skeptic ‘Thomas’ refers to the Apostle Thomas, who is depicted in the Gospel of John as refusing to believe the resurrected Jesus had appeared to the ten other apostles until he could see and feel the crucifixion wounds. This is a reference to the Apostle Thomas’ refusal to believe until he could see and feel the crucifixion wounds of Jesus.

Is John the Beloved and John the Revelator the same person?

John the Revelator, also known as John the Beloved, is one of the Apostles of the Lord who is well-known for the revelations that he recorded…. Both went on to become Apostles. As a result, John was a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was there at both the Garden of Gethsemane and the Crucifixion of the Savior.

Are John the Apostle and John the Baptist the same?

Originally Answered: Is John the Apostle, John the Evangelist, and John the Baptist all the same person, or are they all distinct individuals?The names John the Apostle and John the Evangelist refer to the same individual.John was one of Jesus’ inner three disciples, as well as the one whom Jesus loved and one of the twelve disciples.

John the Baptist, on the other hand, is an entirely different individual.

Was John the only disciple at the cross?

To put it another way, Joseph was the sole disciple behind after the rest had fled the scene. It’s possible that the presence of the beloved disciple at the foot of the cross was introduced to demonstrate that at least one disciple had stayed faithful at this point in history.

Did Mary Magdalene have a daughter?

Not only did they have (licit) sexual relations, but they also had children: when Jesus was killed, Mary escaped to France, where she gave birth to her daughter, Sarah.

Is Sarah the daughter of Jesus?

Others, drawing inspiration from the pseudohistorical novel Holy Blood, Holy Grail, have suggested that Sarah was the daughter of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Latcho Drom (Safe Journey), directed by Tony Gatlif in 1993, features the figure of Saint Sarah being transported to the sea and her landing being re-enacted on the other side of the world.

Who is the husband of Mary Magdalene?

Others, drawing inspiration from the pseudohistorical novel Holy Blood, Holy Grail, have suggested that Sarah was the daughter of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene… Latcho Drom (Safe Journey), directed by Tony Gatlif in 1993, features the figure of Saint Sarah being transported to the sea and her landing being re-enacted on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Is Mary Magdalene Jesus mom?

Mary, the mother of Jesus, her sister, Mary, the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene are all named as witnesses to the crucifixion in John 19:25. Almost all competent historians agree that Jesus was crucified by the Romans at the behest of Pontius Pilate on the cross.

What happened to Mary Magdalene after Jesus died?

Life of Mary Magdalene following the events of the Gospels. According to Eastern legend, she followed St. John the Apostle to Ephesus, where she died and was buried. St. John the Apostle is said to have accompanied her. French folklore states that she evangelized the region of Provence (southeastern France) and lived her final 30 years in an Alpine grotto, which is untrue.

How many children did Mary and Joseph have?

In his fortieth year, Joseph married a lady who was known by several names, some of which were Melcha or Escha, others which were Salome; they were married for forty-nine years and had six children, two girls and four boys, the youngest of them was James (known as ″the Lord’s brother″).

Which disciple looked after Mary after the death of Jesus?

All About Mary A: In John 19, verses 25-27, the beloved disciple is referred to as John the apostle, who has historically (Canon Muratori) been designated as the author of the fourth gospel, the letters (1-3), and the book of Revelations.

Who was the first and best disciple?

  • In addition to Mary, who was the first and best disciple, John stayed with Jesus beside the cross and was entrusted Mary to care for like a mother
  • Matthias has been chosen to take the place of Judas, and
  • Matthew, a tax collector who abandoned his money booth to follow Jesus
  • Jesus, the greatest teacher the world has ever known
  • .
  • Simon.
  • Thomas.
  • Peter.
  • Simon.
  • Thomas.

Did Mary witness the crucifixion?

It is recorded in all four Gospels of the New Testament that Jesus was crucified in the company of a number of female disciples of Jesus. However, although certain Christian traditions say that there were three Marys at the cross, only one gospel reports this, and the names of these Marys are different from those of the other gospels.

Who was Paul’s wife?

Saints Aquila and Priscilla of Rome
Patronage Love Marriage


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