Why Was Jesus Born

Seven Reasons Why Jesus Was Born

Scholars and theologians, preachers and instructors have been debating the significance of the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth for quite some time now. Jesus Christ was born and lived on our planet for a little more than three decades before returning to heaven. But why did He show up? Few people understand that, in the end, there was no other alternative except for Jesus to be born! It was part of God’s grand design for mankind that a rescuer, or a redeemer, for mankind was required. Here are seven compelling arguments for why Jesus the Messiah, the literal Son of God, had to be born, all building up to the most compelling of them all: the need for a savior.

1. Jesus had to be born because of mankind’s sin.

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a lovely setting that provided them with everything they needed to live a happy life. In the Garden of Eden, our ancestors discovered a plethora of food, tame animals, and a loving teacher—God Himself—who accompanied them and taught them all they had to know. It is possible that Adam and Eve would have crossed the gap between mortality and immortality if they had listened to God’s instructions; they would have had access to the tree of life. What happened was that they had every advantage.

Adam and Eve committed the same sin that every other human being has committed: they sinned.

  • God endowed our ancestors with the ability to make their own decisions.
  • Satan’s attempt to overthrow God’s will for humans was permitted by God, who appeared in the guise of a snake (Genesis 3:1-4).
  • Satan convinced Eve that she didn’t have to rely on God for anything, which was a plain falsehood on Satan’s part.
  • Eve was intentionally duped by this appeal to her vanity, and as a result, she ate the forbidden fruit and then brought the same fruit to her husband as an offering.
  • What was it about Satan’s deceit of Adam and Eve that necessitated the birth of Christ?

2. Jesus had to be born because God wanted to reveal His own character to humanity.

For the purpose of enabling Adam and Eve, as well as all of mankind, to become like Him in both intellect and spirit, God desired to reveal His righteous nature to them. We were formed in the image of God by our two biological parents (Genesis 1:26-27;Genesis 2:7). As a result, God urged people to use their free will by persuading them to look to Him as the source of all good and bad revelation. God provided Adam and Eve with the chance to learn from His great wisdom in the Garden of Eden. In a tragic twist of fate, Adam and Eve chose to follow the father of lies, Satan, and consumed the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

It was God who expelled them from the Garden of Eden, cutting them off from their access to the tree of life, which was a symbol of God’s Holy Spirit (Genesis 3:22-23).

Adam and Eve failed to live up to God’s command to glorify Him in their lives, and as a result, Jesus had to come into the world.

Many thousands of years later, the Son of God was entrusted with the responsibility of eventually fulfilling the divine revelation of God’s character and purpose for mankind.

3. Jesus had to be born to remove the sins of humankind through a perfect sacrifice.

God accepted the sacrifices made by Noah and the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—and accepted them. God urged Abraham, the father of the faithful, to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith and obedience. Abraham’s willingness to give up his son foreshadowed the role of God the Father, who “so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” as a sacrifice for our sins, though God intervened to prevent Abraham from actually carrying out his plan (John 3:16). Isaac, in giving no opposition, was a precursor of Jesus, who gladly and dutifully sacrificed His life’s blood for the sins of the world.

  1. “.
  2. According to all that I show you, that is, the design of the tabernacle.
  3. (Exodus 25:8-9).
  4. God flooded the tabernacle with His splendor (Exodus 40:34-35).
  5. God’s Spirit in this earthly tent pointed ahead to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the brains and hearts of Christians.
  6. It was because the earlier, bodily sacrifices were flawed.
  7. (Hebrews 10:4).
  8. God instructed His people to participate in the physical rituals of animal sacrificesnotbecause they were sufficient to remove people’s sins, but because of the lessons they taught—that sacrifices were necessary because of mankind’s sins.
  9. All would die, with no hope beyond the grave.

4. Jesus had to be born for mankind to have a Mediator.

The New Covenant is mediated by Jesus, who is known as the Mediator. The sacrifices of the Levitical priesthood were substituted by the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which was made possible by the New Covenant. He has received a more perfect ministry, however, inasmuch as He is the Mediator of a greater covenant, which was built on better promises, than He had previously (Hebrews 8:6). But what were the parameters of the New Covenant, exactly, and how did it come to be? Following the destruction of the first temple, God stated that “this is my covenant with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord:I will set My rules in their minds, and I will write them on the hearts of those who love Me; and I will be their God, and they will be My people” (Hebrews 8:10, quotingJeremiah 31:33).

  1. “This law,” as described by the Ten Commandments, is “holy, and the commandment holy and righteous and good.
  2. (See also Romans 7:12-14.) The covenant agreement is based on the provisions of this statute.
  3. The recognition that Jesus is the intercessor between God and humans makes it simpler for us to accept that the ministry of Christ is a higher administration than that of the Levitical priesthood.
  4. When a believer accepts the provisions of the New Covenant, he or she is endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit, allowing God to write His rules on the believer’s heart and mind as a result of their acceptance (Hebrews 8:8).

It is due to the fact that the priesthood, which was staffed by the Levites, was flawed, as revealed in the Old Testament. It was merely a prelude to what was to come. It was necessary for Jesus to be born because the salvation of mankind necessitated the birth of someone greater.

5. Jesus had to be born to provide the promised Seed of Abraham.

Throughout the Bible, God promised Abraham that all nations of the world would be blessed via his (Abraham’s) “seed,” or descendants (Genesis 22:18;Galatians 3:14-16). Those who place their confidence in God and His name have access to God’s love, forgiveness, and reconciliation with the Father, regardless of their nationality. God does not show preference to any of his children (Acts 10:34). The truth is that His plan for redemption encompasses everyone regardless of race, nationality, or ethnic grouping.

  1. You are Abraham’s offspring, and thus heirs according to the promise of God if you are Christ’s ” (Galatians 3:28-29).
  2. Believers are adopted as God’s sons and daughters via Christ (Romans 8:14).
  3. (See Romans 8:17.) God chose a physical people, Israel, to serve as a model for other countries under the terms of the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).
  4. The Israelites, on the other hand, were forerunners of a transformed, spiritual Israel, which comprises believers of every ethnicity and nationality, including those who are Jewish (Galatians 3:27-29;Galatians 6:15-16;Romans 2:28-29).
  5. Jesus, as a true, bodily descendant of Abraham, was a fitting choice for the role.

6. Jesus had to be born for God to make His Spirit available to all humankind.

Furthermore, Jesus had to be born, die, and be raised from the dead in order to climb to the Father as our High Priest in order to pay the penalty for our sins and be exalted to the Father. Only in this way will the entire human race be able to accept and benefit from the wonderful gift of God’s Holy Spirit on a universal scale. “God has raised up this Jesus, and we are all witnesses to his resurrection. As a result, having been exalted to the right side of God and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He poured out everything you now see and hear ” (Acts 2:32-33).

  • Peter, who was present at the outset of the meeting, described what we must do in order to receive the Holy Spirit.
  • What was it about Jesus’ bodily birth that made it necessary for His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit?
  • Jesus’ death, His ultimate sacrifice, made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins, allowing us to look forward to sharing in Christ’s life and ruling with Him in the Kingdom of God.
  • With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has returned what was lost in the Garden of Eden: access to a proper relationship with God, as well as access to the tree of life.

“In the words of God, ‘I will dwell among them and walk among them,’ It is I who will be their God, and it is they who will be My people'” The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:16 that God has made it possible for all of humanity—each and every individual—to choose to enter into a personal relationship with Him on their own terms.

According to God’s grand design, none of this would have been possible without the birth and subsequent sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ.

7. Jesus had to be born for God to redeem mankind.

Every man and woman who has ever lived had disobeyed God’s righteous laws. The salvation of mankind was predicated on Jesus coming to earth and living a perfect life, then dying as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the entire world—for every disobedience to God’s righteous laws committed by every man and woman who has ever lived. All of this is just another way of stating that Jesus had to be born since He is our Redeemer and hence had to come to earth. God, in His great kindness, foreordained His plan of salvation for sinful people, which was carried out through the person of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:20).

  • But why does sin necessitate the need for a savior?
  • (Romans 3:23).
  • Despite the fact that people talk about “rights,” the only genuine right anybody has won is the right to perpetual death.
  • In Romans 5, Jesus is referred to as “the second Adam,” in contrast to the first Adam, who was the first man.
  • Messiah Jesus Christ brought about redemption and reconciliation, as well as the prospect of eternal life (Romans 5:6-10).

God promised a redeemer

Even before He expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, God told them that He would send a redeemer to save them. After the Creator addressed our forefathers with their misdeeds, He spoke with Satan, who came in the guise of a snake to explain his actions. Then he was warned, “. I will sow discord between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He will bruise your head, and you will bruise His heel.” He continued, “. (Genesis 3:15). The significance of this prophesy and what it has to do with the salvation of mankind are both enigmatic questions.

  1. points out in his book The Messiah in the Old Testament: A Study of the Hebrew Scriptures, “Due to the fact that it was the first announcement of God’s purpose for the entire world, Genesis 3:15 is frequently referred to as the protoevangelium (the ‘first gospel’).
  2. This, then, was the’mother prophesy,’ which gave birth to all of the other promises that followed.” (Page 38 of 1995).
  3. The term “woman” in prophecy can also refer to Israel, either as a physical nation or as a spiritual nation, represented by the Church of God (Revelation 12:1;Revelation 12:6;Revelation 12:13; compareGenesis 37:9-10).
  4. The birth of a child from the woman Israel is shown in Revelation 12.
  5. Accordingly, we have an image of Mary, Jesus’ mother: “.
  6. being with child.
  7. And the dragons waited before the lady who was ready to give birth, ready to eat her Child as soon as it was delivered.” (Revelation 12:1-4).
  8. In the end, the Seed of the woman (Christ) damages Satan’s skull by removing his ability to exert control (Romans 16:20).
  9. When Satan succeeded in persuading Herod to order the slaughter of all male infants aged 2 and younger in Bethlehem, he was able to precipitate Jesus’ crucifixion, which was ultimately carried out by the Romans.

Satan’s plan, on the other hand, backfired since the death of the Son of God gave mankind with a savior.

History of redemption

The notion of redemption is a recurring topic throughout the Bible. God, in His love and kindness, is patient and forbearing, not wanting anyone to die at the end of the road (2 Peter 3:9). He desires for all people to be rescued and to come to a knowledge of the truth of His Word (1 Timothy 2:4). The fact that sin leads in death—physical as well as everlasting death—as well as the fact that the prophesied redeemer had not yet been born, God revealed to Moses a religious system centered on animal sacrifices and offerings in ancient times.

  1. These offerings, on the other hand, could never bring atonement for sins, allowing worshipers to obtain pardon and the Holy Spirit in their lives (Hebrews 10:1-4).
  2. Israel as a whole failed to live up to its pledge to obey God and fulfill His laws because it lacked the heart and intellect necessary for real obedience.
  3. Physical sacrifice and ceremony replaced heartfelt obedience as the most significant aspects of obedience.
  4. “Why do you also breach the word of God by your tradition?” Jesus said of the Pharisees.
  5. God revealed to the ancient Israelites His unchangeable spiritual rule in its entirety.
  6. The spiritual law revealed to individuals the principles on which they should conduct their relationships with God and with one another (Matthew 22:35-40).
  7. Although this physical reality was only transitory, it served as a placeholder until the promised Redeemer arrived and paid the ultimate payment for sin (Hebrews 9:9-12).
  8. It was necessary for him to be born in order for humanity to be saved from sin.
  9. God forgives us of our sins via Christ’s blood, and through Christ we are given the promise of an eternal inheritance (Hebrews 9:12-15).
  10. Furthermore, contrite individuals have been elevated to the status of the living God’s temple.

And they shall know that I am their God, and they shall be My people ” (2 Corinthians 6:16). Yes, God has made it possible for all individuals to have a personal relationship with Him, which is why Jesus had to be born in order to accomplish this.

Why was Jesus born?

One of the most perplexing riddles of the Bible is why Jesus had to be born as a flesh and blood human being in order to save the world. So why did Yeshua, who was previously known as the God of the Old Testament, have to live a blameless life as a human being (despite being continuously tempted)? This article will quickly discuss the seven most essential aims that God desired to accomplish by the birth of Jesus from a virgin in this post. When Jesus was born as a human, the first purpose he wanted was to emphasize the uniqueness of his and God the Father’s existence, which was accomplished in part by having him become a human.

  • The moral principles that they taught to mankind are essential to their divine essence, and they are the personification of perfect love in their human form.
  • If we are to be saved, the supernatural Being known as Jesus, who is also known as God the Father in the Old Testament, must be born of a woman and become like us.
  • The sacrifice of Jesus totally and entirely atones for all sins (Hebrews 2:9, 10:10, 12, 14).
  • The Nativity in the Darkness Geertgen was born in 1484 and died in 1990.
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A merciful High Priest

We have a great High Priest who has gone into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, who serves as a mediator between God and man. As a result, He (Jesus) has the capacity to rescue individuals who come to God through Him at any moment in the future since He is always there to intercede on their behalf throughout all of time. Because it is appropriate that we should have a High Priest of this caliber. HBFV throughout (Hebrews 4:14, 7:25 – 26, and 10:11 – 12, as well as the rest of the Bible).

In addition to his usual responsibilities in the temple, he was required to enter the Holy of Holies once a year and sprinkle blood on the Ark’s mercy seat in order to atone for the sins of the people who worshipped there.

He had to go through the same temptations that we go through in order to be the perfect intermediary between man and God the Father.

His ascension to heaven took place on the Sunday following his resurrection (John 20:11 – 17), when he sacrificed his own blood as full payment for sin, allowing us to be forgiven.

Reveal and Glorify the Father

No one has ever seen God; yet, the only begotten Son, who is seated in the heart of the Father, has declared Him to be who He is (John 1:18) Everyone knows the Son except the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son; and no one knows the Son without the Father; and no one knows the Father unless the Son. (Matthew 11:27, see also John 17:1, 4). Jesus was born in order for the Father to be shown directly to him (Matthew 11:27). Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, King David, and a host of other characters engaged with him as the Being.

Jesus Christ, through his miracles and perfect obedience, brought the attention of the world to the Father, with whom he had the same sort of character.

Preach the gospel and train others

Following his incarceration, Jesus traveled to Galilee, where he preached the message of the kingdom of God to all who would listen (Mark 1:14) Following these events, the Lord appointed seventy others and dispatched them two by two before His face, into every city and area where He Himself was due to appear, as a sign of His approach. (See Luke 9:1 and 10:1) Jesus Christ had to be born and have a ministry on earth in order to be the first one to proclaim the good news of God’s Kingdom and to educate others to do the same after he died on the cross.

Destroy the works of the devil

In order to do this, the Son of God arrived in order to demolish the works of the devil (1John 3:8) Due to the fact that the children are participants in flesh and blood, He likewise participated in the same, so that via death He may annul him who has the power of death, namely, the devil (Hebrews 2:14) The deceit of Adam and Eve was considered to be one of the “great” operations of the devil. Their sin separated them from God and resulted in the extinction of the human race (Genesis 3:19, 1Corinthians 15:21 – 22).

This reconciliation with God, along with the forgiveness of sins received through repentance, renders Satan’s attempts to disrupt God’s plan of redemption ineffective.

Establish the New Covenant

Also, the Lord, whom you seek, will appear unexpectedly to His temple, together with theMESSENGER OF THE COVENANT, in whom you have put your trust (Malachi 3:1, see also Hebrews 8:6) As a result of his death, Jesus was able to bring the Old Covenant defined in the Old Testament to an end while also establishing a New Covenant with man, which was made possible by his sacrifice. On the condition of repentance and obedience, God’s new covenant with man promises an eternal existence filled with love and happiness.

Fulfill prophecy

After pulling the twelve away to Himself, He told them that they were headed up to Jerusalem and that “everything that has been prophesied about the Son of man by the prophets” would be fulfilled in His presence (Luke 18:31, see also Matthew 13:34 – 35) The day of his crucifixion, Jesus not only fulfilled at least twenty-eight Old Testament prophesies, but he also fulfilled several Old Testament prophecies concerning the place and manner in which the Savior would be born, the nature of the Messiah’s mission, and so on.

In conclusion

As part of their grand design for mankind, the Godhead hopes to eventually create creatures like themselves who have complete free will and who choose to be virtuous and obedient to their holy rule on a 100 percent of the time basis. For this to be possible, Jesus Christ was born about 2,000 years ago.

31 Reasons Why Jesus Christ Came to Earth

What exactly is the significance of Christmas? According to Christmas movies and popular culture, spending time with family and giving to others may be the most important things to you during the holiday season. A alternative response can be found in Scripture: Christmas is about commemorating the birth of Christ. And we commemorate His birth as a result of what He came to accomplish. Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation is a book written by writers Joel Beeke and William Boekestein that outlines 31 reasons why Jesus Christ came to earth.

1. To Do the Will of the Father

The reason for this is because I have come down from heaven to do the will of my creator, rather than my own. 6:38 (John 6:38) “Therefore, I said to the Lord: ‘Behold, I have come to perform your will, O God, as it is written about me in the scroll of your book.'” 10:7 (Hebrews 10:7)

2. To Save Sinners

“That Christ Jesus came into the world to redeem sinners, among whom I am foremost, is a saying that is trustworthy and deserving of complete acceptance.” 1 Timothy 1:15″because if that were the case, he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the beginning of time.” However, as things stand, he has appeared once and for all at the end of the centuries to atone for sin by offering himself as a sacrifice.” 9:26 (Hebrews 9:26)

3. To Bring Light to a Dark World

In order for those who believe in me to not be left in the dark, I have come into the world as light. 12:46 (John 12:46) “Had I not arrived and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin; yet, they now have no justification for their transgression,” says the author. 15:22 (John 15:22)

4. To Be Made Like His People

Since the children partake in flesh and blood, he himself shared in the same things in order to defeat the one who has the power of death, namely, the devil, and to free all those who were subject to lifelong servitude because of their fear of death,” the apostle Paul explains further. Because, without a doubt, it is not angels that he aids, but rather the descendants of Abraham. As a result, he needed to be treated the same as his brothers in every way, in order to serve as a compassionate and trustworthy high priest in the service of God, and to atone for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:14-17 (Hebrews 2:14-17)

5. To Bear Witness to the Truth

“Then Pilate asked him, “So you’re a king?” Pilate responded. “You say that I am a king,” Jesus said. “You are correct. This is the reason I was born, and this is the reason I have come into the world: to give testimony to the reality of the situation. “My voice is heard by everyone who believes in the truth.” ” 18:37 (John 18:37)

6. To Destroy the Devil and His Works

“Thus, inasmuch as the children participate in flesh and blood, he himself partakes of the same things, in order that, by death, he may defeat the one who has the power of death, namely is the devil.” Hebrews 2:14 (Hebrews 2:14) Anyone who commits sin regularly belongs to the devil, for Satan has been committing sin from the beginning of time.

A major motive for the Son of God’s appearance was to demolish Satan’s handiwork.” 1 John 3:8 (New International Version)

7. To Give Eternal Life

“I am the living food that has come down from heaven,” says the prophet. If somebody consumes this loaf of bread, he will live indefinitely. “And my flesh will be the bread that I will provide for the life of the world.” 6:51 (John 6:51)

8. To Receive Worship

When Jesus was born at Bethlehem in Judea during the reign of Herod the Great, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where has he been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:15). Because we saw his star as it rose in the sky and have come to pay homage to him.” In the midst of their adoration, they discovered the infant with Mary his mother, and they dropped on their knees and worshipped him. Then, when they opened their riches, they presented him with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2:1-2, Matthew 2:11

9. To Bring Great Joy

‘Fear not, for I bring you excellent news of great pleasure that will be shared by all the people,’ the angel assured them. Luke 2:10 (KJV)

10. To Demonstrate True Humility

“Inspire one another to have the same mentality that is in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but humbled himself by being obedient to the point of being born in the image of men.” Moreover, having been discovered in human form, he humbled himself by becoming submissive to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:5-8 (New International Version)

11. To Preach the Gospel

In fact, the Lord’s Spirit is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the needy. The Lord has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and sight restoration to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the coming of the year of the Lord’s favor. “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities as well, since I was sent for this purpose,” he said to them. A similar passage in Isaiah 61:1-2 may be found in Luke 4:18-19 and 42.

12. To Bring Judgment

According to Jesus, “I came into this world for judgment, so those who do not see may see, and those who do not see may become blind.” When some of the Pharisees in his immediate vicinity heard what was going on, they asked him, “Are we also blind?” “If you had been blind, you would have had no guilt; but now that you have declared, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.” Jesus explained to them. John 9:39-41 (KJV)

13. To Give His Life a Ransom for Many

In fact, even the Son of Man did not come in order to be served, but in order to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 a.m. The apostle Paul writes, “We are looking forward to the wonderful hope, the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for us to rescue us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people passionate for good deeds.” 2 Timothy 2:13-14

14. To Fulfill the Law and Prophets

In truth, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota or a dot will be removed from the Law until everything has been done. 5:17 (Matthew 5:17)

15. To Reveal God’s Love for Sinners

The Bible says, “”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”” John 3:16 is a biblical passage that teaches that God is love.

16. To Call Sinners to Repentance

After hearing this, Jesus responded to them, “Those who are healthy do not require the services of a physician, but those who are sick do.” “I come not to summon the virtuous, but sinners,” says the prophet. Mark 2:17 is a passage from the Bible that explains how to be a Christian.

17. To Die

I declare to you that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it will stay alone; but if it dies, it will produce a great deal of fruit.” Whoever loves his life in this world will lose it, and whoever despises his life in this world will keep it for the rest of eternity. If any person serves me, he or she must follow me, and wherever I go, my servant will be as well. If anybody is willing to serve me, the Father will recognize and reward him. “At this point, my spirit is tormented.

Can I pray, “Father, save me from this hour?” But it is for this reason that I have arrived at this hour.” 12:24-27 (John 12:24-27)

18. To Seek and Save the Lost

“And when Jesus arrived at the location, he raised his eyes to him and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; I must remain at your house today.” In response, Jesus responded to him, “Today salvation has arrived at your house, since you are both descendants of Abraham. “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to rescue the lost,” says the Bible. 5:9-10; Luke 19:5-10;

19. To Serve

In fact, even the Son of Man did not come in order to be served, but in order to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 a.m.

20. To Bring Peace

‘For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, in order that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, thereby making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting an end to hostility.” And he came and preached peace to you who were far away, as well as peace to you who were close by.” Because it is through him that we both have access to the Father in one Spirit.” Ephesians 2:14-18 (New International Version)

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21. To Bring a Sword

Don’t get the impression that I’ve arrived to bring peace to the world. “I have not come to bring peace, but rather a sword,” says the author. 10:34 (Matthew 10:34)

22. To Bind Up Broken Hearts

“For the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are imprisoned; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those mourning in Zion—to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, an oil of gladness instead of Isaiah 61:1-3 is a passage from the Old Testament.

23. To Give Us the Spirit of Adoption

In the meantime, I will pray to the Father, and he will grant you another Helper who will be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees nor knows him.” You are familiar with him since he lives with you and will be in you.” 14:16-17 (John 14:16-17) The Spirit of God’s Son has been sent into our hearts, calling out, “Abba!

Father!” because you are sons of God. Galatians 4:6 (Galatians 4:6 [Galatians 4:6])

24. To Make Us Partakers of the Divine Nature

For it is through these promises that God has delivered to us his valuable and extremely significant promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that exists in the world as a result of sinful desire.” 2 Peter 1:4 (New International Version)

25. To Reign as King

“For to us a child is born, and to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon him shoulder, and his name shall be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace; and the government shall be upon his shoulder.” Neither the expansion of his administration nor the peace that will come from him will come to an end while seated on the throne of David and ruling over his kingdom, to establish and maintain it with justice and righteousness from this time forward and forevermore.

This will be accomplished by the zeal of the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 9:6-7 (KJV)

26. To Restore Human Nature to Holiness

‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; as a result, the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God,’ the angel said. 1:35 (Luke 1:35)

27. To Be a Merciful and Faithful High Priest

“As a result, he needed to be treated the same as his brothers in every way, so that he might serve God as a compassionate and trustworthy high priest in the service of the people, making atonement for their sins.” Due to the fact that he himself has suffered while under temptation, he is able to assist people who are under temptation.” 2:17-18 (Hebrews 2:17-18)

28. To Be the Second and Greater Adam

“Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not as heinous as Adam’s, who was a symbol of the one who would come later. However, the free gift is not the same as the trespass. Since many people perished as a result of one man’s sin, how much more has God’s grace, as well as the free gift provided by the grace of that one man, Jesus Christ, abundant for many people?” Romans 5:14–15 (NASB)

29. To Satisfy Our Deepest Thirst

Then Jesus told her, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never become thirsty again.” It is my intention that the water I give him will become in him a spring of water that will gush up into eternal life.” ” John 4:13-14 (KJV)

30. To Be Loved by God’s Children

In response, Jesus stated, “If God were your Father, you would love me because I came from God and I am here.” “I did not come on my own initiative; rather, he dispatched me.” 8:42 (John 8:42)

31. To Reveal God’s Glory

We have seen his glory, the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth, as he came to be among us. “And the Word became flesh and lived among us.” John 1:14—This passage has been reproduced with permission from Reformation Heritage Books. If you are interested in purchasing Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation or reading a brief review, click here. This post is also available in Spanish.

The Deep Significance of the Birth of Jesus Christ

The narrative of Jesus’ birth has been told by people all throughout the world for centuries. But have you ever wondered whether there’s more to the well-known narrative than meets the eye? Are there any deeper meanings to the event of Jesus’ birth, given that the Bible describes it so extensively in detail?

In this post, we’ll look at the importance of Jesus’ birth through the lens of verses and annotations from the New Testament Recovery Version. Gaining an understanding of its true significance will deepen our love for Jesus and build up our adoration of Him in the process.

Prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament

A prophesy describing the birth of Jesus was written down in the Old Testament around seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus. A sign from the Lord, according to Isaiah 7:14, is “Behold, a virgin will conceiveand have a son, and she will name him Immanuel,” which means “God with us” in Hebrew. The tale of Jesus’ birth serves as the introduction to the New Testament. “Now the origin of Jesus Christ was as follows: His mother, Mary, after she had been engaged to Joseph, but before they joined together, was discovered to be with child of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 1:18 explains.

  • “Even though Christ was born of Mary (v.
  • The Holy Spirit played a direct role in the conception of Christ (v.
  • His source was from the Holy Spirit, and His element was heavenly in nature.
  • 8:3), and the likeness of mankind (Phil.

More information regarding Jesus’ origins may be found in Matthew 1:20: In the midst of his deliberations, an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph son of David, do not be frightened to take Mary as your wife, for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” “God was first born into Mary through His Spirit; after the conception was completed, He was born to be a God-man, possessing both divinity and humanity.” Note 1 on this verse explains: “God was first born into Mary through His Spirit; after the conception was completed, He, with the human nature, was born to be a God-man, possessing both divinity and humanity.” “This is the beginning of Christ’s story.” These two lines, Matthew 1:18 and 20, demonstrate to us that the birth of Jesus Christ was far more than the usual birth of a normal man; it was the remarkable incarnation of the divine Person of Jesus Christ.

God became man at his birth, resulting in the birth of a beautiful Person who was both divine and human in nature.

Jesus and Emmanuel

We are given two names for this lovely and unique Person in Matthew 1:21-23, namely, Jesus and Emmanuel: “And she will give birth to a son, whose name you will call Jesus, because it is He who will rescue His people from their sins.” All of this has occurred in order to bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Lord via the prophet, which stated, “Behold, the virgin shall become pregnant and have a son, and they shall name Him Emmanuel” (which is translated, “God with us”).

  • For us, Jesus and Emmanuel are two fantastic names that have a great deal of meaning.
  • “Jesusis the Greek counterpart of the Hebrew nameJoshua(Num.
  • In this way, Jesus is not just a man but also the Son of God, and not only the Son of God but also the Son of God who is becoming our redemption.
  • The One who takes us into rest (Heb.
  • It is Jesus, who is Jehovah, who is the actual God Himself, who is this Saviour.
  • The only one who can redeem us from our sins is Jesus Christ.
  • What a priceless gift the name of Jesus is!
  • He is God, and He is also God who has come to dwell among us in the form of a human being (John 1:14).
  • The Lord Jesus Christ, the real Emmanuel, was with us not only when He was on the earth, but He has also been with us after His ascension, anytime we are together in His name” (18:20).

Furthermore, He will remain with us throughout the course of time to the end of the age (28:20). Our Savior Jesus is Emmanuel, which means that He is God with us at all times. What a reassuring and inspiring message this is! He’s always there for us, in any scenario and in all locations.

Saving us and being with us forever

God performed a miraculous act in order to save us. It was the eternal God who took on the form of a relatable man and lived a flawless, sinless life on the planet amid fallen people. The fact that it is mysterious and yet wondrous is quite amazing. He came to mankind in the form of the God-man, bringing love, mercy, and kindness with Him. To pull people out of darkness and into the light, he whispered words of justice and truth into their ears. Then, in His flesh and blood body, Jesus died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin.

  • But that’s not all there is to it.
  • He comes to dwell within us and to be with us at all times as part of His plan to accomplish His ultimate goal.
  • Simply say the following prayer with a honest heart: “Lord Jesus, I know You are the only real God and a perfect man.” Thank You for giving birth to a true guy who embodies both god and humanity at the same time.
  • Lord, I accept Your presence right now.
  • Thank you, Lord, for being with me at all times and for everything.
  • Subscribe to get notifications about new posts.

Why Was Jesus Born in Bethlehem? The Town’s Rich Meaning & Significance

Why did God chose Bethlehem as the location for Christ’s birth, out of all the historic towns on the planet? For what reason wouldn’t He send His own Son, this long-awaited Savior, to the holiest of cities, Jerusalem, or the cultural center of ancient Athens? In sending the “Bread of Life” to a hungry and waiting world more than two thousand years ago, God may have been exposing some important truths. Why did God chose Bethlehem as the location for Christ’s birth, out of all the historic towns on the planet?

In sending the “Bread of Life” to a hungry and waiting world more than two thousand years ago, God may have been exposing some important truths.

Bethlehem: The Setting for the Story

It’s possible that you’re already familiar with the narrative. In the Bible, this ancient event is recorded inLuke 2:1-20, and we name it the birth of Christ. This miracle narrative begins with God sending an angel named Gabriel to a Jewish youngster living in Nazareth, who was then able to communicate with him. “Greetings, valued woman!” the angel said enthusiastically. “The Lord is with you!” says the prophet. (Luke 1:28, New Living Translation) The information he subsequently shared with her left this young virgin perplexed.

“May all of the things you’ve spoken about me come to pass” (Luke 1:38, NIV).

This obedience was likely tested a short time later, when Caesar Augustus mandated a census that required Mary to go with her husband some 80 miles, either on donkey or on foot, to Bethlehem, where Joseph’s ancestors were buried, in order to be counted.

But Mary, God’s humble servant, continued on her journey. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Where Was the Town of Bethlehem?

Historically, experts believe that Bethlehem’s size and geographic position were insignificant at the time. This little trade-way town, six miles south of Jerusalem, located between the Holy City and Egypt on the ancient commerce route. It didn’t achieve significance until Herod constructed his fortifications, which were surrounded by this old village and whose highways were shaded by it. This demonstrates “how God may use something that appears to be insignificant to have a long-lasting influence.” This significant location, albeit a blip on an old map, serves as a reminder to “never mistake size with significance,” as the authors, Neil Wislon and Ryken Taylor, put it.

Despite the fact that she was an unknown and presumably unappreciated young woman from an apparently tiny Galilean hamlet, God picked her to give birth to a child who would one day redeem the world.

Where Is Bethlehem Mentioned in Scripture?

Scripture first references Bethlehem, which was formerly known as Ephratah or Ephrath, in Genesis 35, when Jewish Patriarch Jacob returned to his country after spending more than a decade in Paddan Aram. Bethlehem is considered to be the oldest town in Palestine. In order to avoid being killed, he had deceived his brother Esau out of his birthright, which God had previously promised would be his. Because Jacob’s blessing did not arise as a result of anything he had done or had not done, his tale illustrates God’s grace, even in the face of Jacob’s terrible behavior.

  1. However, since Jacob did not put his faith in God to fulfill His promise, or possibly because he did not understand the prophecy that had been revealed to his mother, he fooled his father into giving him the blessing that had been intended for his brother.
  2. God called him home fourteen years after he left this world.
  3. However, while he and his clan were still a long distance away, his wife died while giving birth to their youngest son, Benjamin, who would go on to become the progenitor of the Jewish tribe that bears his name.
  4. This narrative of an impoverished widow and the Bethlehem man who subsequently married her, sheltered her, and supplied for her is a portrait of Jesus, our kinsman redeemer, who we can identify with.
  5. Individuals who had sold themselves into slavery may be “redeemed,” or bought back, by their family members in ancient times.

“Meeting the profound needs of others on the basis of a relationship of commitment and covenant” was proven by this act of chesed, which can be translated as loving kindness or mercy. This hamlet, which gave birth to our Redeemer, has a long and illustrious history of redemption.

Why Is it Important That Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem?

Bethlehem literally translates as “house of bread” (beth: home, lehem: of bread), and food was extremely important throughout biblical times. It was a mainstay of the ancient diet, providing not just comfort but also the nutrition required for life at the time. Bread, which was used in Temple worship, also came to signify God’s sustenance and presence, and it played a major role in Jewish Passover rituals, particularly the Seder. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/Wesuel This once again pointed to Christ as the ultimate Redeemer.

  1. During the 400-year reign of Egyptian authority, God’s people had been mistreated.
  2. God showed them how to establish an intimate connection with Him while they were traveling, and that relationship was built on complete reliance on Him.
  3. These principles were reaffirmed by Jesus in the gospel of John, when He declared Himself to be the Bread of Life.
  4. According to Scripture, He didn’t simply give them a taste or just enough to keep them going until their next meal.
  5. He followed the same procedure with the fish” (John 6:11, NIV, emphasis mine).
See also:  Why Was Jesus Nailed To The Cross

The miracle feeding was followed by Jesus’ proclamation “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” As a result, God the Father has bestowed His mark of approval on him.” Following their questioning, He responded by saying,”The actual bread that comes down from heaven is given to you by My Father.

Following this, He declared, “I am the bread of life.” It is guaranteed that everyone who comes to Me will never go hungry, and that anyone who believes in Me will never be thirsty.” His listeners would have quickly grasped the ramifications of his words.

“Thus, bread is a metaphor that reflects redemption history: God’s daily supply, sustenance during desert times, participation in Christ’s death, and participation in the coming kingdom via trust in Christ,” the writers continue.

Scripture Points toward a Promise to Come from Bethlehem

God promised Jesus, the Bread of Life, that he would return when mankind realized it needed a Savior for the first time. (See Genesis 3:15.) Through the pages of Scripture, God reaffirmed this promise as He led His people in a Passover supper and led them out of Egypt, as He gave manna in the wilderness, and as He revealed His Redeemer through the romance of a widow and a wealthy landowner. Rachel Dawson is responsible for the design. “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a little hamlet among all of the people of Judah,” God said in Micah 5:2, years after all of these vivid pictures were shown to the people.

  • Then, in the grandeur of the name of the Lord His God, He will rise to lead His sheep with the Lord’s power and in the glory of the Lord His God.
  • During this Christmas season, may we all feast on the One who longs to nourish and support us on a daily basis and to fill us to overflowing levels beyond our wildest dreams.
  • Jennifer Slattery is the author of several books, including Hometown Healing, and she also writes a devotional blog, JenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.com.
  • Check out her website to learn more about her speaking engagements or to book her for your next women’s event.
  • Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/lukbar

Why Was Christ Born into This World?

Transcript of the audio The holiday season is come. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you who takes the time to listen to the podcast. Today is the feast of Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnation of God in the flesh — Immanuel, which means “God with us” in the Hebrew language (Matthew 1:23). So, what was the reason for Christ’s entrance into our world? What really was his objective? As a response, I have encouraged Pastor John to read from his outstanding book, Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ, which is available on Amazon.

This is something you’re hearing for the first time.

Because of the great love with which he loved us, God, who is rich in kindness, raised us up with Christ, even when we were dead in our trespasses and brought us to life in Christ again.

The Bible states that (Ephesians 2:4–5) Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to assist us in our time of need. (See also Hebrews 4:16)

The Mercies of Jesus Christ

God is the richest individual on the face of the planet. But not only possesses more than everyone else, he also has more money. Besides himself, he owns everyone else as well as everything they own. When you build anything, it becomes yours to keep forever. And God is the one who created everything, including us. “It was he who created us, not we ourselves; we are his people, and we are the sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3). There is only one ultimate owner in the universe, and his name is God.

  1. Finally, neither we nor what we have is truly ours to keep.
  2. As a result, in a sense, every sin is an act of embezzlement.
  3. We hear about “the riches of his glory” or “his riches in glory” on a regular basis (for example, Ephesians 3:16; Philippians 4:19; Colossians 1:27).
  4. However, this implies that he created out of necessity and that he is therefore reliant on his creation.
  5. No, God did not create in order to acquire wealth; rather, he created in order to display wealth — specifically, the wealth of his glory for the enjoyment of his people (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14).
  6. Something like “the riches of kindness and forbearance and patience” is something that the world takes very lightly (Romans 2:4).
  7. For another way of saying it, he creates and saves his people “in order that in the ages to come, he may demonstrate the immeasurable riches of his grace toward us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).

Apex of God’s Glory

Among the perfections of God’s splendour, justice is an absolute need. Mercy, on the other hand, is important. According to the Bible, “He who excuses the evil and he who condemns the virtuous are both abominations to the Lord” (Proverbs 17:15). Yes. As a result, justice is very necessary. However, there is another truth: “It is a source of honor to overlook a transgression” (Proverbs 19:11). As a result, if justice can be maintained, it is the pinnacle of achievement to demonstrate mercy. It was for this reason that Jesus Christ entered the earth.

Although Jesus is also God’s justice shown in flesh, God’s justice was subservient to salvation: “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world could be saved through him.” (See also John 3:17).

It is because of Jesus Christ’s substitutionary death that the backdrop of justice was constructed against which justifying mercy might shine with unrivaled splendor.

According to Romans 15:8–9, this is explicitly stated: God sent Jesus Christ into the world “in order that the promises made to the patriarchs would be confirmed, and in order that the Gentiles might acclaim God for his kindness.” The purpose of the incarnation was to emphasize God’s kindness for the benefit of all peoples on the face of the earth.

Several times, including in Mary’s Magnificat and Zechariah’s prophecy at John the Baptist’s birth, the reason for Jesus’s arrival was stated as “in recollection of mercy” (Luke 1:54) and “because of the compassionate kindness of our God” (Luke 1:55).

The labor of Christ, or, to put it another way, God’s “abundant mercy” is responsible for the work of Christ (Ephesians 2:4). The whole thing is done “according to the riches of his favor” (Ephesians 1:7). He bestows “his wealth on those who come to him” according to the Bible (Romans 10:12).

Mercy Without Price

This kindness, which Jesus symbolizes and provides, is completely and completely free. It’s not that there was no cost involved. Jesus paid the payment for our sins by giving his life on the cross. According to the riches of his grace, “in him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins” (Ephesians 1:7). However, it is now completely free to those who are damaged and in need of help. The Bible states that God will show kindness to those who deserve it and compassion to those who are in need of it.

  • In such case, he shows kindness to anyone he pleases while hardening those whom he pleases.” (Romans 9:14–16, 18; 10:14–16, 18).
  • We get it as a free gift via faith, rather than by deeds.
  • Even having the faith to accept this kindness is a gift of mercy in and of itself.
  • And what about the rest of us?
  • The entire time, God saves us “not by our efforts but by his own purpose and grace, which he freely gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began” (Ephesians 2:8).
  • His triumphant kindness is completely and completely free.

Nothing Stops Grace

Since Christ is the incarnate manifestation of God’s abundance of mercies, it should come as no surprise that his life on earth was a bountiful exhibition of mercies extended to people of all backgrounds and backgrounds. During Jesus’ brief time on earth, he was able to minister to people in every state of need and distress. A large number of people were embarrassed and furious as the blind beggar shouted out, “Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!” “But Jesus responded to him, ‘Recover your sight; your faith has made you well,'” the Bible says.

  • Yet another terrified leper begged Jesus to cleanse him on his knees, and Jesus not only talked to him but actually touched him, as Mark recounts: “Moved with pity, he put out his hand and touched him and said to him, ‘I will; be clean'” (Mark 1:35).
  • Then he came back from the grave and raised her son.
  • Even before there was religion, there was a free and copious outpouring of divine kindness.
  • Mercy also drew Jesus to individuals who were being tormented by demons, and he healed them.
  • The kid was unable to communicate, and the evil spirit frequently tossed him into a fire to kill him.
  • And despite the fact that the bereaved father could muster only a mustard seed of faith — “I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) — Jesus reacted to the father’s appeal for sympathy by rebuking the demon and casting it out.
  • Keep in mind that this guy was not a Jew, but rather a foreigner, much like the “Canaanite mother” who cried out, “Have pity on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is badly tortured by a demon” (Matthew 15:22).

Neither the presence of demons nor the geographical separation of Gentiles from Israel could prevent Jesus from showing mercy.

Tender Compassion

Not only was Jesus’ kindness enflamed by suffering, but it was also enflamed by sin. While eating with “tax collectors and sinners,” Jesus’ opponents, the Pharisees and scribes, chastised him. However, in order to clarify what he was doing, Jesus used three parables. The parable of the prodigal son was one of them. God’s sympathy for his sin-soaked, homecoming son is depicted in the parable’s finale, which reads: “While was still a great distance off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and rushed to him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20).

This compassion was demonstrated by Jesus not just for individuals who sin and suffer, but also for large groups of people.

When Jesus saw a large throng following him and realized they had not prepared well for their food, he glanced at them and said, “I have compassion for the multitude, since they have been with me for three days and have nothing to eat” (Mark 8:2).

All the Father’s Mercies

Hosea 6:6 is one of the most comprehensive declarations of God’s kindness ever made by Jesus, and it is attributed to him. It was Jesus’ way of bringing the entire Old Testament ceremonial law under the banner of kindness, rather than the strict observance of rules and regulations. Upon being chastised for attending a meal at Matthew’s house with dirty tax collectors, Jesus turned the tables on the critics by saying, “Go and learn what it means to ‘want compassion more than sacrifice.'” “For I did not come to summon the righteous, but sinners,” Jesus said (Matthew 9:13).

  • And because Jesus did not come to abolish but rather to fulfill that law (Matthew 5:17), he was the personification and expression of the abundance of God’s kindness and forgiveness.
  • The same may be said about Jesus now.
  • God, who is known as “the Father of mercies” (2 Corinthians 1:3), invites us to approach his throne with confidence through Jesus Christ, who can “sympathize with our shortcomings” (Hebrews 4:15).
  • Perfect obedience and sacrifice have been demonstrated by his offering himself as our substitute.
  • “Let us approach close to the throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and find grace to assist us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
  • There is unlimited wealth, infinite power, and endless wisdom available to you here.

“The Lord is compassionate and merciful,” whether you learn it through pleasure or through misery, like Job did, whatever you do, learn it: “The Lord is compassionate and merciful” (James 5:11).

A Prayer

Oh, Father, how much we need your mercy. Every day, we commit sin. As a result, we fall short of your mandate to love you with everything we have in our hearts, minds, and strength. We have a lukewarm attitude toward each other. All of our motivations, even when they are the greatest they can be, are conflicting. We mumble to each other. We are apprehensive about what will happen tomorrow. We are often too quick to become enraged. We have a yearning for something that should not be wanted. We become offended by the identical attitudes demonstrated by others that we ourselves exhibited only five minutes earlier.

O God, open our eyes to the mercy of Christ and let us to taste it for what it truly is.

Encourage us to read and reflect on the tales of Jesus’ kindness that are recorded in the Gospels.

However, it should be much more than just exterior mimicry.

Let it come from the place in our hearts where we have been broken for our sin.

Let us look at him, and while we look at him, let us become like him.

Make us overflowing with his kindness so that we may in turn show mercy.

Let us cherish the act of mercy.

Allow us to become so united to Christ that his kindness is also our mercy, and our mercy is also an offering of Christ.

Thank you, Father, for the mercy we have received through our faith and patience.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, amen.

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