Why Jesus Spoke In Parables

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

The use of parables was one of the strategies that Jesus used to communicate His message to the people. A parable is essentially a narrative with an earthy setting and a heavenly message. When Jesus began speaking parables to the crowds, His followers immediately inquired as to why He was doing so. “Why do You talk to them in parables?” they inquired. (See Matthew 13:10 for further information.) Jesus Responds in a Surprisingly Direct Manner The answer given by Jesus to the question was rather instructive.

Furthermore, the prophesy of Isaiah, which states that “you will hear but will not comprehend, and you will see but will not discern, since the heart of this people has become dull,” is fulfilled in them.

Unwillingness on the side of the people to hear Jesus’ message of the kingdom was the reason that He spoke through parables.

Not because God was keeping the truth from them, but rather because they were unwilling to hear it.

God has provided the people with every opportunity to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Despite the fact that Jesus presented the required qualifications as the Messiah, they did not believe Him.

It was only those who trusted in Jesus as the Messiah who would be able to comprehend the parables.

They Must Be Acknowledged on a Spiritual Level The Apostle Paul would later reaffirm this truth: “But we proclaim the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden knowledge which God designed before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” Because, apart from the spirit of the man that is within him, who knows what a man understands about himself?

  1. Even likewise, no one other than the Holy Spirit has access to the things of God.
  2. The majority of people were uninterested in the truth.
  3. The vast majority of people in Jesus’ day were uninterested in God’s truth, as was the case today.
  4. SummaryJesus spoke through parables, which were earthy stories with a divine purpose.

He did this so that his disciples would be able to comprehend his teachings and that unbelievers would be unable to understand them. Others who are interested in knowing the reality of his message will be able to comprehend it, while those who are not interested will stay in the dark about it.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 13:10-17 – New International Version

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) 10His disciples approached him and inquired, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” they questioned. 11He said, “Because the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven A)”>(A)has been given to you, B)”>(B)but not to others.” He explained why. Twelvefold, those who have will be given more, and they will have a plenty of food. Whoever does not have will have everything taken away from them, including what they have. C) a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal “It is for this reason that I speak to them in parables: “Even though they see, they do not see; they even though they hear, they do not hear or understand.” D)”>(D) 14In them, the condition E) is met “>(E)the prophesy of Isaiah: ‘You will always hear, but you will never comprehend; you will always see, but you will never perceive.’ This is because the people’s hearts have grown calloused; they can barely hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.

  1. They may instead see with their eyes, hear with their ears, comprehend with their hearts, and turn, in which case I would cure them.
  2. Because, honestly, I tell you, many prophets and good people wished to see what you see H)”>(H)but were unable to do so, and to hear what you hear but were unable to do so as well.
  3. New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission.
  4. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek.

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According to some, the narrative of aparable has an earthly setting but also has a heavenly interpretation. The Lord Jesus regularly used parables to illustrate profound, divine truths, and he did so repeatedly throughout his ministry. Storytelling like this is easy to recall, the characters are memorable, and the symbolism is replete with depth of meaning. In Judaism, parables were a frequent method of imparting knowledge. Before a certain point in His career, Jesus had used a number of vivid metaphors using everyday objects that were recognizable to everyone (salt, bread, sheep, and so on), and the meaning of these analogies was quite obvious when taken in the context of His teaching.

  • The question is why Jesus would allow the vast majority of people to be perplexed by the meaning of His parables.
  • Before He began to explain this tale, He separated His followers from the rest of the audience.
  • For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
  • From this point on in Jesus’ mission, when He talked in parables, He exclusively explained them to His disciples, and this was the case throughout His ministry.
  • He established a clear contrast between those who had been given “ears to hear” and those who persevered in disbelief, saying that they were constantly listening but never genuinely perceiving, and that they were “always learning but never able to recognize the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).
  • They received more and more truth as a result of their acceptance of Jesus’ message of truth.
  • He has opened our eyes to the light of truth and our ears to the pleasant words of eternal life, and we are grateful to him for doing so.
  • The simple truth is that there are some who have no interest or care for the incomprehensible mysteries of the divine.
  • For people who have a true desire for God, the parable is a powerful and unforgettable vehicle for conveying divine truths to others who are hungry for God.

As a result, the tale is a benefit to those who are prepared to listen. However, for people with dull hearts and poor hearing, the tale may serve as both a tool of judgment and a tool of charity. Return to: Questions about Jesus Christ Why did Jesus teach through parables?

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Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? Jesus’ Surprising Answer

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Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?

Note how, immediately following the telling of the Parable of the Soils, which is recorded in all three of the Synoptic Gospels (see Matt. 13:3–23; Mark 4:2–32; Luke 8:4–15), and before He explained its meaning, Jesus was questioned by His disciples, “Why do You speak to the crowds in parables?” (Matt. 13:3–23; Mark 4:2–32; Luke 8:4–15). (Matt. 13:10; Luke 13:10) The exact reason why the apostles asked this question is not specified; nevertheless, it is possible that the disciples were concerned that the people would not grasp Jesus’ teachings if they did not ask this question (cf.

  1. In any case, Christ’s response to the disciples’ query concerning His use of parables is both startling and enlightening, regardless of the reason for their questioning.
  2. 13:11).
  3. For the avoidance of confusion or misinterpretation, Jesus pointed out that the veiling of spiritual truths from the unbelieving people is in fact a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophesy found in Isa.
  4. 6:9 and the following statement: “And Jesus said to them, ‘To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it has been given in parables, that “Seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand”‘ (Luke 8:10; cf.
  5. However, this raises the question of why Jesus would purposely conceal truth from those who do not believe in him.
  6. 2 Thessalonians 2:11–12), which we might highlight as a response to this.

Rom. 3:20; 10:17), whereas rejection always results in misunderstanding and hardness of heart (cf. Rom. 3:20). (cf. Ps. 81:12; Rom. 1:24). This concept is conveyed throughout the whole book of Scripture.

Jesus’ Parables and Self-Evaluation

Consequently, when we read the Gospel accounts that contain Christ’s parables, let us be certain that, although certain parables can be difficult to comprehend, the Holy Spirit who indwells all of God’s people will “guide” us through the parables. God’s Word—which incorporates parables—is truth, according to John 16:13, and God’s Word is truth (cf. John 17:17). In any case, if the parables of Christ do not make sense to us, and especially if their meaning escapes the understanding of the people to whom we are ministering, we should consider Jesus’ teaching on the purpose of parables.

Besides being a Professor of Christian Ethics, Jones also serves as the Associate Dean of Theological Studies and as the Director of the Theological Studies Master’s degree program.

He is the author of several publications, including Every Good Thing, An Introduction to Biblical Ethics, and Health, Wealth, and Happiness, which he co-wrote with his wife.

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Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Jesus used parables extensively during His career, and they were an important part of His teaching approach. Jesus presented the message of the Gospel via parables, which were brief tales that were frequently difficult to understand. A representation of the tale of the sower and the story of the Good Samaritan, which are two of Jesus’ most well-known parables, may be seen in the Basilica’s art. Today, we welcome you to learn more about these parables and the significance that they have for us as followers of Christ by reading this article.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The story of the Good Samaritan, which is well-known to everyone, emphasizes the fundamental lesson of loving one’s neighbor. When Jesus was speaking one day, a scholar approached Him and inquired as to what he needed to do in order to earn eternal life. As a response, Jesus inquired as to what had been stated in the law. “You must love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your being, with all of your might, and with all of your mind, and you must love your neighbor as yourself,” the scholar responded.

Despite the fact that a priest and a Levite were in the vicinity, they did not give aid.

The paragraph finishes with the following question: “‘Which of these three, in your judgment, was a neighbor to the thieves’ victim?” His response was, ‘The one who showed him kindness.’ When Jesus told him to go and do the same, he obeyed.

– Luke 10:36-37 (NASB) It is shown in the Lower Sacristy that Jesus is preaching by the sea, as reported in Mark 4, and that it is on this occasion that he delivers the parable of sower.

Jews and Samaritans

This verse is notable since, at the time, Samaritans and Jews were sworn enemies and did not normally mix with one another in social situations. The Samaritans were looked down upon by the Jews because they considered they were inferior due of their differing religious traditions and their intermarrying with people from other nations. When the Samaritan woman at the well says to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman,'” we get an illustration of this type of action in John 4. ‘How are you going to ask me for a drink?’ For Jews do not socialize with Samaritans, and vice versa.” Nonetheless, in Jesus’ parable, it is the Samaritan, not the religious authorities, who comes to the aid of the man in need and helps him.

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Christ Enables Us to Love Our Neighbor

As the Samaritan was ready to go out of his way to aid someone who may or may not have done the same for him, so too are we expected to show Christ’s love to people in need in our immediate surroundings. In addition to serving those who are simple or convenient to serve, we are expected to love and serve those who are opposed to us as well as those who are close to us in faith. In this context, Jesus tells the parable to convey to the scholar that his notion of loving one’s neighbor was insufficient to the task at hand.

It is only by the power of Christ in us that we are able to love our adversaries in such a spectacular manner.

The Parable of the Sower

The parable of the sower, which is recorded in all of the gospels save John, was recounted by Jesus while He was preaching to large crowds from a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus recounted a sower who sowed seed in several locations: on a walkway, where it was eaten by birds; on rocks, where it was unable to grow roots; amid thorns, where it was choked and destroyed; and lastly, on fertile soil, where it was able to prosper. The Botticino pulpit of the Great Upper Church contains a representation of this narrative.

The Meaning of the Parable

This story provides a depiction of the diverse attitudes with which individuals accept the Word of God. The seed on the road depicts people who hear but do not accept what they have heard. That which is found on the rocks represents those who accept the Gospel but abandon it when faced with adversity. Three types of seeds fall amid thorns: those who accept the Gospel but are then diverted from following it by the desires of this world; and those who receive the Gospel but are distracted from pursuing it by the desires of this world.

Because the testimonies of the seeds that did not sprout are not representative of Christians who are struggling in their walk, but rather of individuals who have rejected the Lord, we should not be disheartened by them.

The verse might be seen as an exhortation to be steady in our faith so that we may develop and produce fruit.

Jesus Explains His Use of Parables

In this verse, Jesus also provides an explanation for why he chooses to communicate via parables. When the disciples questioned Jesus about why He spoke in parables, Jesus responded, “Because knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but it has not been granted to them.” He went on to say, “Because they have not been granted knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.” Anyone who has will have more given to him, and he will grow richer; anyone who does not have will have even what he currently has taken away.

As a result, I talk to them in parables, since ‘they look but do not see, they hear but do not hear, and they listen but do not listen or comprehend.’ They are the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy.

— Matthew 13:11-14, and Matthew 16:11-16 It is through Jesus’ answer that we can see how God provides insight to people who are in Christ.

Paul put it: “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God; it is not earned, so that no one may take credit for it.” The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9: Through the use of parables, Jesus provides understanding to people who are seeking Him – exposing truth to those who are ready to listen and critically evaluate what He has to say about themselves and their lives.

On the other hand, those who have hardened their hearts against Him have the truth kept concealed from them.

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables? — Ask Ligonier

NATHAN W. BINGHAM (NATHAN W. BINGHAM): Doctor Sinclair Ferguson, one of our teaching fellows, and I are here on the Ligonier campus today to discuss our work. Dr. Ferguson, what was the purpose of Jesus speaking in parables? DR. SINCLAIR FERGUSON: Thank you for your time. Nathan, you’ve posed an excellent question. Let me start with a bad thought. He didn’t utilize parables because He preferred to illustrate his points using images. You know, students frequently tell their professors, “You should use more examples, like Jesus,” which is true.

  1. And He truly mentions this in relation with parables in Matthew 13 and verse 10 of the Bible.
  2. And Jesus responds to the query by stating the following.
  3. It was he who said, “Not because people require drawings.” Illustrations are required by people, and this is a vital issue.
  4. “It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it has not been given to them,” Jesus said in response.
  5. As a result, I communicate to them in parables, because they are unable to see and hear, and consequently, they are unable to comprehend.” So, to use an analogy, consider the following: You deliver a joke to get people’s attention.
  6. They just do not get the significance of the situation.
  7. And what Jesus is doing is determining whether or not people understand what he is saying.
  8. The tale of the Pharisee and the tax collector—it should come as no surprise to us that the tax collector was found to be legitimate in his actions.
  9. Consequently, the parables genuinely reveal our true spiritual situation, perhaps much more so for us today than ever before.
  10. If I’m not astonished by how the kingdom works and how God’s grace works, that truly says something about who I am and what I believe.
  11. So I understand, but I don’t really understand.

As a result, parables are more than just examples. In a way, they are tests of where we are spiritually, and that’s why it’s so crucial that when we read them we truly need to be shocked by them and to ask the question, What is it that’s so astonishing about the kindness of God here?

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Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Jesus was a master of parables, as demonstrated by his teachings. Jesus utilized parables frequently and effectively in his teaching, and he did so to great advantage. Parables were an effective method of teaching, and Jesus was skilled at delivering them. There were, however, a number of additional reasons for Jesus’ employment of parables in addition to this.

1To Give His Enemies No Ground

The opponents of Jesus were continually on the lookout for whatever he could say that they might use against him (Luke 11:53-54). Jesus was making things extremely difficult for them by speaking in parables. He couldn’t possibly get imprisoned for narrating a collection of stale tales! The parables were meant to be evocative rather than controversial. By framing his teaching in parables, Jesus was able to communicate some concepts to true-hearted people in a way that was far more effective than just stating them in plain English.

It was a wise tactic on Jesus’ part to use parables in situations when it would have been harmful to speak simply in public.

(Matthew 25:1-13).

Nobody, however, was able to corroborate that he said it.

2To Enlighten the True Hearted

Jesus took advantage of situations when masses went to hear him speak. Those with honest and open hearts, as well as those who were hungry and thirsty for righteousness, may be enlightened via the use of parables, according to Jesus (Matthew 5:6). The word heart is derived from the word hear, which is a coincidence. Hearing God’s word, understanding it, and desiring to learn more about the kingdom of Heaven and God’s will are all characteristics of a healthy heart. People were able to find what they were seeking for in the parables.

When Jesus finished telling the tale, he added, “Let anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 13:1-9).

3To Make People Think

A number of times when large crowds gathered to hear him speak, Jesus took advantage of the situation. Those with honest and open hearts, as well as those who were hungry and thirsty for righteousness, may be enlightened via the parables (Matthew 5:6). Interestingly enough, the term heart begins with the word hear (by chance, of course). Hearing God’s word, understanding it, and desiring to learn more about the kingdom of Heaven and God’s will are all characteristics of a good character. When people searched for what they were seeking for in the parables, they found it.

Then, once he had finished telling the tale, Jesus added, “Let anyone who has ears listen” (Matthew 13:1-9). There are those people who tune their ears to the word of God and grasp what it is saying.

4To Divide Into Two

After recounting the parable of the sower (described above), Jesus was asked by his followers the question from which our present lesson receives its title. They inquired as to why you were speaking to them in parables. (See Matthew 13:10 for further information.) According to Isaiah, people who have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear are referred to as “the blind leading the blind” (Matthew 13:11-17,Isaiah 6:8-10). When Jesus spoke the parables, he was applying pressure to his listeners, urging them to either open their spiritual eyes and ears and be enlightened, or to close their spiritual eyes and ears even more tightly and face condemnation.

Those that use them go from the grey zone into the plainly black or white zone.

The story of the sheep and the goatshas this intention(Matthew 25:31-46).

Everyone who hears this narrative is compelled to choose whether they will be among the sheep or among the goats, and they must take responsibility for their decision.

5To Fulfil Prophecy

Finally, we note that Jesus’ ministry was directed by the prophetic scriptures, which provided him with insight and the authority to talk in parables. This brings us to the conclusion of this lesson. Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and he was never without a parable in his speech, so that the prophecy of the prophet, who said, ‘I will open my mouth in parables, and I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world,’ would be fulfilled: “I will open my mouth in parables, and I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.” Jesus said in Matthew 13:34-35, and in Psalms 78:1-4, According to the prophecy of old, the Christ will teach in parables, prompting him to declare, “I will open my lips in parables.” Jesus was also teaching a message that had been decided “from the creation of the world,” making public the message that had been veiled in secrecy for many centuries (Romans 16:25-27).

See also:  What Questions Did Jesus Ask?

As a result, Jesus used parables to communicate since the scriptures instructed him to do so, and “the scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35).

Short Quiz

1. Correct this misquote – He who has a nose to smell, let him sniff. 2. What effect did Jesus’ parables have on his opponents, and how? 3. How did the parables effect those who were sincere in their hearts? Fourth, what effect did the parables have on those who were not thinking deeply enough about God? 5. How did parables effect those who were caught in a spiritual limbo, unable to decide between two opposing viewpoints? Take a Look at These Interesting Lessons. Defining the Paradigm— On simplybible.com various technical or unusual terminology in the Bible are investigated and explained in our glossary.

Click on the title above, next to the arrow, to be sent to a page dedicated to the term “parable,” which includes a link back to this page.

It might be a scratchable itch that goes away with a little scratching.

However, the itch I’d want to talk about is one that is spiritual in nature.

These, on the other hand, are metaphors for the itchings of the soul. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to be sent to that lesson’s page, which will include a link back here. link to a pdf Printing without permission is prohibited.

Q. Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Greetings, Sir … When I read this passage (Matthew 13:10-15), I am perplexed as to why Jesus, at least in this particular instance, chose to speak to the people at all. What part of him doesn’t explicitly state that any faith they may have had will be snatched away from them anyway? He does not appear to be an exception. So what is the point of addressing them? … You will very certainly receive a large number of emails.each day, so please understand if I do not receive a response to my email.

I am, respectfully, yours truly, *****


Greetings, **** Thank you for submitting your inquiry. It’s a really fantastic one. Please understand that our reluctance to respond to you right away does not imply that we are uninterested in you or your inquiry, as you may have assumed. It is just a result of the large number of emails we get and the limited number of employees. In addition, I make an effort to give some consideration to the subject before responding. After we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go on to the subject of our Lord’s use of parables in Matthew 13 and Mark 4.

  1. The miracles that our Lord accomplished, many of which occurred while He was teaching, served to bolster the authority of His teaching.
  2. The initial tactic used by the religious authorities who opposed Jesus was to attempt to demonstrate that there was no miracle, as we see in the example of the man born blind in John chapter 9, which we will discuss later.
  3. Being that our Lord Jesus’ miracles were performed under the guidance of and in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21-22; 4:14, 15), claiming that Jesus’ miracles were carried out by the devil amounted to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the source of our Lord’s power.
  4. When it comes to blasphemy, all other types can be forgiven, but those directed against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.
  5. (John 3:1-10ff.).
  6. Isaiah 6:9-10 said that Jesus would speak in parables in order for His opponents to hear but not comprehend what He was saying.
  7. The objective of Jesus’ parables varied depending on who was listening to them.
  8. Aside from the opponents of Jesus and His tight circle of followers, there were others who were present.
  9. Take note of those who were covert believers, such as Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38), as well as other individuals (see John 7:13, 31; 8:31; 10:42; 12:42).
  10. Because of this, Jesus began teaching in parables very early in His ministry, in order to disguise the truth from His opponents, to arouse interest and belief in others, and to train His disciples both publicly and privately, very early in His ministry.

Rather, it was intended to send a message to His foes, who had now comprehended the significance of His later parables, while keeping His disciples in the dark about what was to come: 45 He spoke in parables, and when the top priests and Pharisees heard Him speak, they realized that He was referring about them.

  • 1 Jesus talked to them in parables once again, this time stating.
  • It was this that prompted His foes to arrange His assassination, even if it was at a moment and in a way that they did not choose.
  • 5 But they were adamant that it not be done during the festival, should a riot break out among the attendees (Matthew 26:3-5).
  • (Matthew 22:15; Mark 12:15).
  • (Have you forgotten what Peter accomplished with that sword?
  • Regarding your assertion that “whatever little faith they may have had would be taken away from them,” I would want to make one further point.
  • and 17:20, Jesus does not mention that their faith (big or small – and recall what he says about tiny faith in His parable in Matthew 13:31ff.
  • My interpretation is that what truth has been exposed to them will be taken away by the authorities.

The truth was now being kept hidden from those who refused to accept the information they had previously been given in the past. It would be as if they had never heard of it or had no knowledge of it at all. Blessings, Bob Deffinbaugh is an American politician and businessman.

Why Did Jesus Speak In Parables?

Through the use of parables, Jesus taught and revealed the secret of God’s Kingdom to his disciples. However, only those with “ears to hear” were able to distinguish between them. (12:10-13; Matthew 13:10-13; Mark 4:11) Over the course of his brief three-year career, Christ proclaimed good news to the poor, cured the ill, resurrected the dead, protected the helpless, delivered the demon-possessed, and discipled His chosen people. According to a straightforward interpretation of the four Gospel narratives, Christ’s primary teaching mission was to train His disciples in the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The following video will assist you in understanding the purpose of Christ’s use of parables in his teaching.

VIDEO: Why Did Jesus Speak In Parables?

In order to proceed with our investigation into why Jesus spoke in parables, let’s first define the word parable.The word parable comes from the Greek word parabole, which is a compound word consisting of the words “pará,” which means close beside, and “báll,” which means to cast.To put it simply, this word means to teach through the use of comparison or analogy.This definition makes sense because Christ frequently began his teaching parables with phrases such as: “The kingdom of heaven For He declares: “How does the kingdom of God look like?

And with what do I want to compare it?

And while some of Christ’s parables are accompanied with an explicit interpretation, others are not.

Given that Christ communicated these spiritual truths through the use of parables, the solutions were frequently concealed in plain sight, which served to baffle the assembled people.

Even the Apostles Asked Why Jesus Spoke in Parables

Christ’s own followers were among those who were bewildered. In one occasion, we see the disciples approaching Christ in secret to question about his use of parables in his teaching methods. This is a really illuminating answer from Christ. Take a look at the dialogue below, which is taken from the gospel of Matthew. ” As a result, the disciples approached Him and said, “Why do You talk to them in parables?” In response, Jesus said, “It has been allowed to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it has not been permitted to them.” (Matthew 13:10-11; Mark 10:10-11) Put another way, Christ says that the purpose of His mission was to clearly expose the secret of the Kingdom of God to His followers.

  1. All others, on the other hand, were meant to receive these profound spiritual truths communicated through parables.
  2. What is the purpose of this restriction?
  3. As a result, I speak to them in parables, because they do not see, nor do they hear, nor do they understand what I am saying to them.
  4. They were responsible for Christ’s decision to employ parables in the presentation of Kingdom truths since they had stony hearts of their own.
  5. Afterwards, Jesus explains that the spiritual blindness of the people, which caused Him to teach in parables, was in accordance with the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy of doom and gloom.
  6. Why?

“But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and happy are your ears, for they hear.” As a matter of fact, I assert to you that many prophets and upright individuals want to see what you see but were unable to do so, as well as to hear what you hear but were unable to hear.” (Matthew 13:16-17; Mark 1:16-17) If you want to know why Christ talked openly to His followers, the explanation is that they had “ears to hear” and “eyes to see,” as the saying goes.

In other words, God purposefully concealed the most important aspects of his teachings about the Kingdom in parables from individuals who considered themselves to be smart in their own eyes.

Because the mystery of the Kingdom of God was communicated openly to Christ’s disciples, who are also known as Apostles, we must be rooted and based in the Apostolic theology in order to completely uncover the mystery.

Learn more about this mystery of the Kingdom, which was revealed to the Apostles but kept hidden from the spiritually blind via the use of parables, in the video presentation available here.

Why did Jesus speak in parables to the crowds?

Even Christ’s own followers found themselves bewildered. When the disciples come to Christ in private to enquire about his use of parables, we see that they are astonished by his answer. Incredibly illuminating is Christ’s response. Check out the dialogue below, which is taken from Matthew’s gospel. ” “What is it about You that you talk in parables?” the disciples inquired of Him. “It has been allowed to you to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it has not been permitted to others,” Jesus said.

  • In contrast to this, everyone else was destined to receive these profound spiritual truths delivered through stories.
  • What Christ has to say in response is nothing short of amazing.
  • They were responsible for Christ’s decision to employ parables in the unveiling of Kingdom truths since they had hard hearts of stone themselves.
  • In His subsequent explanation, Jesus explains that the people’s spiritual blindness, which caused Him to teach in parables, was a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.
  • Nevertheless, Christ is able to communicate the clear truth about the secret of God’s Kingdom to His disciples, thanks to the mercy of the Father.
  • You may find out the solution for yourself by reading the following.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Descend Into Hell For Three Days?

As a matter of fact, I can assure you that many prophets and upright individuals want to see what you see but were unable to do so, and to hear what you hear but were unable to do so.” (See Matthew 13:16-17.) After everything is said and done, the reason Christ spoke clearly to His followers is that they had “ears to hear” and “eyes to see,” which enabled them to understand what Christ was saying.

As a result, God purposefully concealed the most important aspects of his Kingdom teachings from individuals who considered themselves to be knowledgeable in their own eyes by using parables to communicate with them.

Because the mystery of the Kingdom of God was revealed in plain sight to Christ’s disciples, who are also known as Apostles, we must be rooted and based in Apostolic teaching in order to completely comprehend and comprehend the mystery of the Kingdom.

The video instruction below explains more about this secret of the Kingdom, which was revealed to the Apostles but kept hidden from those who are spiritually blind via the use of parables:

Bible Answer:

You have asked the same question that Jesus’ followers asked concerning why He talked in parables, and you have received the same response. You’re in good company, I assure you. As a result, the disciples approached Him and said, “Why do You talk to them in parables?” (NASB) 13:10 (Matthew 13:10) This question arose when Jesus first gave the parable of the sower of the seed, which may be found in Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, and Luke 8:4-15, among other places in the Bible. Matthew’s narrative is the most in-depth of the three.

Speaking In Parables

According to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus first recounted the parable of the sower and seed without providing an explanation. When Jesus and His disciples were alone after He had spoken the story, the disciples inquired as to why He talked to the audience in parables in the first place. At first glance, Jesus’ response appears to be astonishing. “To you it has been permitted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but it has not been granted to them,” Jesus stated in response to their question.

  • Consequently, I utilize parables to communicate with them because they cannot see or hear while they are doing so, nor can they comprehend what they are hearing or seeing.
  • 13:11-13In this text we see that Jesus instructed the disciples that the multitude would not be allowed to know the meaning of the story.
  • As a result, Jesus taught in parables in order for the multitude to be unable to comprehend spiritual reality.
  • One would have thought that if they had been given the opportunity to comprehend the message, they would have comprehended!
  • It’s vital to note, however, Jesus’ extremely critical observation that everyone who already has will be given more, but anyone who does not have would be left with nothing.
  • Despite the fact that Jesus had been ministering for at least three years at this point, the multitude still did not believe in him.
  • However, after seeing and hearing what they had saw and heard, they rejected what they had witnessed and heard.
  • In the following few sentences, Jesus informs us that they were spiritually blind, spiritually deaf, and, as a result, spiritually ignorant of the truth.
  • That is, they were suffering from a spiritual heart ailment, which was interfering with their spiritual vision and hearing.

Then Jesus said to His followers, “But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and blessed are your ears, for they hear.” But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and blessed are your ears, because they hear. Matthew 13:16 (New American Standard Bible)

Hearing, Seeing, and Understanding

In Matthew 13:13, Jesus stated that some people hear but do not comprehend what they are hearing. The prophet Isaiah foretold that people would hear but not comprehend in the following passage, which we read next. I’m not sure what Jesus meant by “hearing” or “understanding.” The solution can be discovered by comparing the parallel verses in Matthew 13:19 and Luke 8:12. As soon as anybody hears the word of the kingdom but does not comprehend it, the wicked one appears and takes away whatever has been sown in his heart.

  • Matt.
  • Luke 8:12 (New American Standard Bible) It is the identical incident described in both texts, which occurs after the seed is placed alongside the road.
  • According to Luke 8:12, these same people did not believe and were thus not saved.
  • That is, they persisted in their efforts.
  • Luke 8:15 (New American Standard Bible)

Why Parables?

We are now able to respond to your query. We learned from Jesus’ remark in Matthew 13:14-15 that the audience did not hear and comprehend what he was saying. It is clear from Jesus’ use of the phrase “do not comprehend” to refer to a person who does not believe that the people who were listening to Him had already decided that His message was not for them. Their aggressive rejection of His teaching is shown in Matthew 13:14, and the prophesy of Isaiah is being fulfilled in their situation. (NASB) 13:14 (Matthew 13:14) According to verse 12, “Whomever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever has not, even what he has shall be taken away from him.” This reinforces the idea that they had already rejected Jesus.

Those who turn their backs on Him will receive less.

According to Luke 8:10, God the Father had finally rendered a court decision against them.

And He said, “To you it has been allowed to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the remainder it is in parables, in order that SEEING THEY MAY NOT SEE, AND HEARING THEY MAY NOT UNDERSTAND.” Luke 8:10 (KJV) (NASB)


Consider this: only one of the four soil types responded positively to the Word of God after hearing it – that is, only 25 percent. It is finally shown that a person does not believe in God because of pseudo-science, uncertainties, money, worry, persecution, and difficulties. Many will hear, but only a select few will comprehend and obtain eternal life as a result. Do you have spiritual ears and a spiritual heart that can hear and understand what is being said? The only other person who can save us is Jesus Christ, because there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we might be saved.

Suggested Links:

Predestination and free will are two different concepts. What does it mean to accept Christ as your Savior?

Why Jesus Spoke So Much in Parables (A Study in the Gospel of Matthew with Ben Witherington)

1 On the same day, Jesus left the house and went to sit by the lake. 2 He was surrounded by so numerous throng that he was forced to get into a boat and sit in it while the rest of the people stood on the shore. Three times after that, Jesus taught them various stories in parables, such as: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was dispersing the seed, some of it dropped down the walkway, where it was quickly devoured by the birds. 5Some people were injured when they fell on rocky terrain with little dirt.

  1. The plants wilted and died as a result of their lack of roots when the sun came up in the morning.
  2. 8 Still other seeds dropped on fertile soil, where they grew into a crop that was a hundred, sixty, or thirty times the amount of seed that had been sowed.
  3. Amashal (also known as parabolos in Hebrew) is a type of metaphorical speech that draws an analogy between an ordinary aspect of life and an aspect of God’s divine saving activity or dominion.
  4. A total of around forty parables are recorded in the Gospels, none of which are included in John’s Gospel, which simply does not include them.
  5. For want of a better phrase, they are concerned with God’s efforts to establish his kingdom, his salvation reign (or rule), on earth as it is in heaven, and in this case, to do so via the ministry of his Son.
  6. When Jesus speaks of the kingdom in the present tense, the term has an active, verbal sense; it refers to God’s saving activity that results in God’s reign in a human life or group of people.
  7. When you hear the terminology of “entering,” “inheriting,” or “seeing” the kingdom of God (rather than experiencing it inwardly), you are in the right place.

As a result, we may observe the beginnings of this when Christ becomes the Lord or King of someone’s life and begins to exercise authority over their daily activities.

“But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has arrived to you,” Jesus declares, as an example (Matt.

Because it addresses the link between Jesus’ ministry and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth, the parable of the sower is considered to be the most archetypal of all parables in certain respects.

The fundamental contrast in the parable of the sower is not the sower or the seeds, but the distinctions in the soils; rocky, shallow, thorny/weedy, and excellent soil.

Parables are not full-blown allegories, such as John Bunyan’sPilgrim’s Progress, which is an example of such a work.

However, not every component of the tale may be compared to the kingdom of heaven.

For example, the early church leader Augustine used the tale of the good Samaritan to illustrate his point about love.

This was clearly not the message that Jesus had in mind.

As a result, that parable is actually a social commentary on a problem that existed during Jesus’ lifetime.

In Matthew 13:18–23, Jesus expands on the parable of the sower by providing an interpretation of the story.

This is basically incorrect.

There was no way they were going to squander good seed by putting it on unprepared terrain.

In the conclusion, the parable of the sower warns us that the ministry of Jesus and his followers would be filled with disappointments, as many people would reject the good news that they had brought to them.

The author also challenges us, as readers, to consider the type of soil that exists within our own souls.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Was there anything in the parable of the sower that spoke to Jesus’ mission and approach? What kind of soil do you have? What changes would you have to make in order to continuously produce healthy soil?

— Did you find this entry to be interesting? Learn more about our OneBook: Daily-Weekly. This post is a part of a Bible study series, of which this is one. During this Bible study on the Gospel of Matthew led by Dr. Ben Witherington III, we will encounter Jesus as he is presented by Matthew—the embodied wisdom of God who brings the kingdom of heaven to the people of the world. In this lesson, God’s people learn about Jesus the Messiah’s purpose and ministry as he fulfills the Jewish Law by following the text via stories and parables, as well as noticing the specific miracles that He performs.

Finally, he fulfills the standard’s requirements through his sacrifice on the cross.

You may purchase the Bible study, as well as the DVD or streaming component, from our online store.

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