Why Jesus Is Son Of God?

Why Was Jesus Called the Son of God?

In the Bible, Jesus Christ is referred to as ″the Son of God″ more than 40 times.In what way does the term refer to anything specific, and what relevance does it hold for individuals living today?First and foremost, the word does not imply that Jesus was God the Parent’s real son or daughter, as everyone of us is the son or daughter of our biological father.Because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equal and co-eternal, according to Christian teaching, the three Persons of the one God have always existed together and each has the same significance as the others.Second, it does not imply that God the Father had a sexual relationship with the Virgin Mary and fathered Jesus in this manner..

The Bible teaches us that Jesus was conceived via the power of the Holy Spirit, according to the text.It was a wonderful virgin birth that had place.In addition, the phrase ″Son of God″ as given to Jesus is one of a kind.It does not imply that he was a child of God, as Christians are when they are adopted into God’s family, as some people believe it does.Rather, it draws attention to his divinity, which means that he is God.

  • Others throughout the Bible, most notably Satan and the devils, referred to Jesus as the Son of God.
  • During Jesus’ temptation in the desert, Satan, a fallen angel who was aware of Jesus’ actual nature, used the word as an insult against Jesus.
  • ″You are the Son of God,″ murmured the unclean spirits, who were terrified at Jesus’ presence.
  • (Mark 3:11, New International Version)

Son of God or Son of Man?

The Son of Man was a title that Jesus used frequently to refer to himself.He was born of a human mother and was therefore a completely human man, as well as a totally divine being.His incarnation meant that he traveled to Earth and assumed the form of a human being.With the exception of sin, he was exactly like us.The meaning of the term Son of Man, on the other hand, is far more complex.

Jesus was alluding to the prophesy in Daniel 7:13-14 when he said this.That reference would have been well-known to Jews of his day, particularly religious authorities, who would have recognized it.In addition, the moniker Son of Man was used to refer to the Messiah, who was God’s anointed one who would save the Jewish people from slavery.The Messiah had been predicted for a long time, but the high priest and others refused to accept Jesus as the promised Messiah.Many people believed that the Messiah would be a military commander who would liberate them from Roman tyranny, but this was not the case.

  • They were unable to comprehend a servant Messiah who would willingly give his life on the cross in order to liberate them from the bonds of sin.
  • As Jesus traveled across Israel preaching, he was well aware that claiming to be the Son of God would have been deemed blasphemy.
  • Using such title to describe himself would have resulted in his ministry being terminated prematurely.
  • After answering their inquiry that he was the Son of God, the religious leaders were outraged and tore their own robes, accusing Jesus of blasphemy.
  • The high priest tore his own robes in fear, accusing Jesus of blasphemy.

What Son of God Means Today

Many individuals today fail to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.They do not consider him anything more than a nice man and a human teacher on the same level as previous historical religious figures.The Bible, on the other hand, is unwavering in its assertion that Jesus is God.″But they are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name,″ states the Gospel of John, for example.(John 20:31, New International Version) Millions of individuals today, living in a postmodernist environment, reject the concept of ultimate truth.

They assert that all religions are equally valid and that there are several routes to God.However, Jesus stated unequivocally, ″I am the way, the truth, and the life.″ ″There is no other way to the Father but through me.″ (John 14:6, New International Version) Christians are accused of being intolerant by postmodernists; nevertheless, the truth comes directly from the mouth of Jesus himself.The promise of eternal life in heaven made by Jesus Christ as God’s Son continues to be extended to anyone who believes in him today: ″For my Father’s desire is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him will have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.″ (John 6:40, New International Version)


  • Matt, you’re a whiz. When the Bible claims that Jesus is the Son of God, what exactly does that mean? Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, 24 May 2012
  • Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, 24 May 2012
  • When it says that Jesus is the Son of Man, what exactly does it mean?
  • GotQuestions.org, accessed January 24, 2015

What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of God?

Answer to the question As opposed to a human father and son, Jesus is not God’s Son in the traditional sense.God did not get married and have a son like the rest of us.God did not have a sexual relationship with Mary and create a son with her.Jesus is God’s Son in the sense that He is God manifested in the shape of a human being (John 1:1, 14).In the sense that He was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit, Jesus is God’s Son.

″The angel replied, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you,’″ according to Luke 1:35.As a result, the holy one who will be born will be referred to as the Son of God.″ Jesus was being tried in front of a group of Jewish authorities when the High Priest confronted him, saying, ″I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God″ (Matthew 26:63).″’Yes, it is exactly as you say,’ Jesus said.″ The Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the Mighty One, and he will descend on clouds of heaven,’ Jesus says to his followers.’″ (Matthew 26:64; Mark 12:64).When Jesus did not react, the Jewish authorities accused him of blasphemy (Matthew 26:65-66).In later proceedings before Pontius Pilate, ″[t]he Jews contended that [Jesus] must die since he claimed to be the Son of God, in accordance with the law that we have.″ (See also John 19:7).

  • For what reason would His assertion that he is the Son of God be deemed blasphemy and deserving of a death penalty?
  • The Jewish authorities were well aware of what Jesus was referring to when he used the title ″Son of God.″ Being the Son of God entails having the same nature as the Creator.
  • The Son of God is referred to as ″of God.″ Because Jesus’ claim to be of the same nature as God—indeed, to be God—was considered blasphemy by the Jewish authorities, they sought Jesus’ execution in accordance with Leviticus 24:15, the law of Moses.
  • This is expressed quite clearly in Hebrews 1:3, which states, ″The Son is the brightness of God’s glory and the precise image of His existence.″ Another example may be seen in John 17:12, where Judas is referred to as the ″son of perdition,″ which means ″son of destruction.″ We learn that Judas was the son of Simon in the book of John 6:71.
  • What does it imply when the Bible refers to Judas as the ″son of perdition″ in John 17:12?
  1. The term perdition literally translates as ″destruction, ruin, and waste.″ Despite the fact that Judas was not the actual offspring of ″ruin, devastation, and waste,″ those things were the defining characteristics of Judas’ existence.
  2. Judas was a physical incarnation of the forces of perdition.
  3. In the same manner, Jesus is considered to be the Son of God.
  • God is the Son of God, and the Son of God is God.
  • Jesus is the manifestation of God (John 1:1, 14).
  • Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ What exactly does it mean to say that Jesus is God’s Son?
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Why Is Jesus Called ‘the Son of God?’

In the Bible, there is little doubt that the most well-known scripture is John 3:16, which starts with the words ″For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.″ For Christians, the title ″Son of God″ is a well-known and revered honorific title.However, for people who are new to Christianity, the word may be a source of considerable misunderstanding.What exactly does it imply to declare that Jesus is ″the Son of God″ mean to us?The full name is: Jesus is God in the same way that the Father is.He has always been, is currently, and will continue to be.

However, unlike the Father, Jesus is also a living, breathing human person.Jesus’ resurrection, despite the fact that he was accused of blasphemy and murdered for claiming to be one with the Father, provides definitive proof of his claim to be God’s Son in an unprecedented fashion.When we profess our conviction that Jesus is the Son of God, we become a part of the Father’s love for the Son, and we are welcomed into the family of God as adopted children.Despite the fact that Jesus was the Son of God, he was also known as the Son of Man, a term that stresses both his humble beginnings and his eventual ascendancy to power.When the high priest inquired as to whether Jesus was the Son of God at the end of his life, Jesus no longer skirted the question, instead declaring that he would one day ″see the Son of Man sitting at the right side of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven″ (Matthew 26:64).

  • Whenever you pray to Jesus, both as Son of God and as Son of Man, you are praying to the One who is both your Brother and your Lord at the same time.
  • Scripture verses to remember: ″However, what about you?″ he inquired.
  • ″Can you tell me who you think I am?″ ‘You are the Messiah,’ Simon Peter said.
  • ‘You are the Son of the living God.’ When Simon son of Jonah asked Jesus, he responded, ″Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah,″ because ″this was not revealed to you by man and blood, but by my Father in heaven,″ Jesus said.
  • Matthew 16:15-17 is a biblical passage (excerpt provided by Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God)

What Does the ‘Son of God’ Mean?

Most of the time, when we hear the phrase ″son,″ we immediately think of biological kids.When applied to Jesus Christ, the term, on the other hand, takes on a multi-faceted connotation and becomes extremely significant.The concept of Jesus’ sonship is prominent in the New Testament because it emphasizes his relationship with the Father, his messianic function, and his divine essence.The perfect connection between the Father and the Son was illustrated by Jesus in his role as God’s Son.Jesus’ goal while on earth was to carry out the will of his heavenly Parent, who had given him birth to a virgin and had no earthly father (John 4:34).

His sonship was also tied to his position as the chosen Messiah, who was promised to be the one who would bring redemption to mankind.Son is a phrase that is frequently used to identify a selected vessel for a significant assignment.When King David was addressed as a ″Son″ (2 Samuel 7:14; Psalm 2:7), Walter A.Elwell and Barry J.Beitzel argue that he was functioning as a ″prophetic prototype of the ‘essential’ sonship of Jesus, David’s royal son,″ according to their entry in The Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, ″Son of God.″ The prophet Nathanael compares Jesus’ sonship to monarchy in John 1:49, saying, ″You are the Son of God!

  • You are the King of Israel!″ ″You are the King of Israel!″ they exclaim.
  • As such, as the eternal Son of God, Jesus possesses supreme power and dominion over the entire universe.
  • Lastly, and probably most importantly, the phrase ″Son of God″ refers to Jesus’ divinity.
  • Jesus stated unequivocally that he and the Father were of the same nature and essence as one another (John 10:30; John 14:11).
  • Jesus is referred to as God’s ″beloved Son″ (Colossians 1:13) and as ″the image of the unseen God″ (Colossians 1:18) in the book of Colossians (Colossians 1:15).
  1. The book of Hebrews depicts him as ″the brilliance of God’s glory and the precise imprint of his essence″ (Hebrews 1:15).
  2. (Hebrews 1:3).
  3. After witnessing Jesus calm the storm in Matthew 14, his followers praised him and referred to him as the ″Son of God,″ according to the Bible.
  • Their reverent answer suggests that they regarded Jesus as the Son of God, rather than as God himself.
  • The time of Jesus’ earthly birth did not mark the beginning of his role as the Son of God.
  • God’s preexistent Son, who was sent into the world by the Father, according to what is written in the Bible (John 3:17; John 11:27).
  • In addition, the term does not imply that God the Father created God the Son, as is taught by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, respectively.
  • Christ, according to the gospel of John, was the creator of all things, and without Him ″nothing that was created″ could have been produced.
  • Because all created entities were formed through Jesus, this expression plainly identified Jesus as an uncreated entity.

Where In the Bible Is Jesus Called the ‘Son of God?’

The term appears 47 times in the New Testament, with the majority of appearances being in the four Gospels.Jesus’ divinity and preeminence are frequently mentioned by the authors of the Epistles, who use the term to encourage us to confess him and lay our confidence in him (Romans 1:4; 2 Corinthians 1:19; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 4:13; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 6:6; Hebrews 7:3; Hebrews 10:29; Revelation 2:18) Outside of the four Gospels, the Epistle of 1 John contains the most instances of the phrase ″Son of God,″ referring to Jesus as ″Son of God″ seven different times (1 John 3:8, 1 John 4:15, 1 John 5:5, 1 John 5:10, 1 John 5:12, 1 John 5:13, 1 John 5:20), and emphasizing the importance of our belief in his person and work (see also 1 John 3:8, 1 John 4:15, 1 John 5:20).

Does Jesus Call Himself God?

Because Jesus is God’s Son, he is also God in his own right.A widespread misconception is that Jesus is ″simply a decent guy,″ rather than God himself, who requires our adoration and submission.However, when it came to his own identity, Jesus did not allow any space for interpretation.In the four Gospels, Christ gave unequivocal testimony to his own deity.During Jesus’ appearance before the council before his crucifixion, the elders confronted him with a direct question: ″Are you the Son of God, then?″ They asked him who he was.

He replied, ‘You say that I am.’ Then they asked, ″Do we require any further testimony?″ This is something we have personally heard from his own lips″ (John 22:70-71).Jesus’ claim that he was the Son of God was no different from his claim that he was God in the eyes of the chief priests and elders.Jesus made numerous direct declarations of his divinity in the Gospel of John, the most prominent of which is found here (John 8:56-58; John 10:30-33; John 12:44-46; John 14:6-9).If Jesus had been only an excellent teacher rather than the manifestation of God, he would not have made such straightforward and striking assertions.Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/Rastan

Why Christians Refer to Jesus as God’s Son

A common thread that runs through many Christian arguments today is the notion of Jesus as God’s Son and how it relates to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.God is described in the Bible as existing eternally as three different individuals who are united in one indivisible essence: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, according to the Bible (Matt.3:16-17; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2).As a result, when Christians refer to Jesus as ″the Son of God,″ they are frequently referring to him as such in order to emphasize his divinity and identity with the Trinity.

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Prayer of Gratitude to the Son of God

Father, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you have done for me.Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to free me from my sins.I am eternally grateful to you.We can see your true essence in him.We can be reconciled with you if we work through him.

Thank you for reaching near to us via Jesus Christ.We appreciate your kindness.We are grateful to you for reaching down into our world and exposing your grandeur in the form of human flesh.Please assist us in drawing closer to you via him.Amen.

  • Aaron Berry contributes to the Pursuing the Pursuer blog as a co-author.
  • You can read more articles written by Aaron and his colleagues by subscribing to their blog or following them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • His family and he presently reside in Allen Park, Michigan, where he is active in his local church and recently earned his MDiv degree at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • Aaron is married and has two children.

 Did Jesus live in heaven before he was born on earth?

  • Yes. Before he was born as a person on our planet, Jesus existed as a spirit being in heaven. ″I have descended from the heights,″ Jesus himself declared. In John 6:38 and 8:23, the Bible says God created Jesus first, before he created anything else in the universe. According to the Bible, Jesus is ″the firstborn of all creation,″ which means ″the firstborn of all things.″ —Colossians 1:15, NASB. He is referred to be ″the beginning of God’s creation.″ 14:14
  • Revelation 3:14

Jesus fulfilled the prophesy concerning the one ″whose origin is from ancient times, from far ago″ by becoming the fulfillment of the prophecy. 5:2; 2:4-6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:4-6

 What did Jesus do before he came to the earth?

He occupied a lofty position of great honor.Christ alluded to his previous status when he asked the Father to honor him: ″Father, glorify me…with the glory that I had with you before the world was.″ —John 17:5 (New International Version).He assisted his Father in the creation of everything else.″As a master craftsman,″ Jesus collaborated with God on a variety of projects.

Prophecy (Proverbs 8:3) ″All other things in the sky and on the earth were made by means of him,″ according to the Bible’s account of Jesus’ birth.—Colossians 1:16 (New International Version).Every other creature came into being as a result of God’s activity via Jesus.Besides the physical cosmos, this creation includes all other spirit creatures as well as the rest of the universe.(See Revelation 5:11 for further information.) It may be compared to the collaboration between an architect and a builder in that God and Jesus worked together in certain ways.

  • The architect conceptualizes the design; the builder is responsible for bringing the plan to fruition.
  • He performed the role of the Word.
  • When referring to Jesus’ prehuman existence, the Bible refers to him as ″the Word.″ (See 1 John 1:1) Evidently, God used his Son to communicate knowledge and commands to other spirit entities, which indicates that God is a communicator.
  • In addition, Jesus appears to have served as God’s representative to mankind on earth.
  • When God sent instructions to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, it seems possible that God used Jesus as the Word to communicate with them.
  1. (Genesis 2:16–17; 3:16) It is possible that Jesus was the angel that guided the ancient Israelites through the desert, and whose voice the Israelites were commanded to rigorously heed, during the time of Moses.
  2. —Exodus 23:20-23, emphasis added.

Is Jesus God or the Son of God

A guy who lived around 2,000 years ago is considered to be the most renowned and influential person to have ever walked the globe.He went by the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and he worked as a carpenter.But he was much more than a carpenter in his own right.He was the individual who served as the focal point of Christianity.He was the Christ, as the saying goes.

The Messiah, to be precise.God’s only begotten Son.He is the Almighty.While there are those who do not think Jesus was the son of God, there are many more who do not believe Jesus was God.This is true even among individuals who identify themselves as Christians.

  • This is the revelation of God’s truth about who Jesus is.
  • God’s Son is referred to as ″the Son of God.″ As soon as the angel revealed to Mary that she would get pregnant regardless of her status as a virgin, he made it obvious who the child would be.
  • Luke 1:34-35 (New American Standard Bible)34 ″How is this possible, considering that I am a virgin?″ Mary inquired of the angel.
  • 35 ″The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and it is for this reason that the holy Child will be named the Son of God,″ the angel spoke to her.
  • Even the fallen angels realized He was the Son of God at that point.
  1. Luke 4:41 (New American Standard Bible)41 Demons were also rushing out of the woodwork in droves, yelling, ″You are the Son of God!″ Matthew 8:28-29 (NASB)28 When He reached the other side of the Jordan, into the area of the Gadarenes, He was greeted by two men who were demon-possessed as they emerged from the graves.
  2. They were so ferociously aggressive that no one dared to cross through that area.
  3. They screamed out, ″What business do we have with one other, Son of God?″ they exclaimed.
  • What brings You here to afflict us before the appointed time?″ When Jesus turned to his followers and asked them who they thought He was, they replied, ″They claim He is.″ They responded in a variety of ways to His question.
  • ″Who do you think I am?″ He then inquired of them.
  • Matthew 16:16 (New American Standard Bible)16 Simon Peter said, ″You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,″ which means ″you are the Christ.″ Is it possible that Jesus made this assertion in his own words?
  • Luke 22:70 (New American Standard Bible)70 ″Are you the Son of God, then?″ they all said in agreement.
  • And He responded by saying, ″Yes, I am.″ Despite this, even the Father referred to Jesus as His Son.
  • It happened not once, but twice.
  • On two occasions, after his baptism and on the mountain of transfiguration, Jesus appeared to them.
  • Matthew 3:16 (New American Standard Bible)16 Immediately following his baptism, Jesus rose from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and settling on Him; and behold, a voice from the heavens said, ″This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well delighted.″ Matthew 17:5 (New American Standard Bible)5 While he was still speaking, a dazzling cloud passed over them, and out of the cloud came a voice that said, ″This is My beloved Son, with whom I am pleased; pay attention to Him!″.
  • If you accept that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, you must also believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Otherwise, you are a heretic.There can be no question in the minds of those who believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God that Jesus was the Son of God.It was claimed by angels.Demons were the ones who claimed it.It was believed by his disciples.It was asserted by him himself, and even God the Father said it twice.

Jesus is the Son of God.Thousands of years before Jesus was born, the prophets had prophesied of the Messiah who was to come.Isaiah 7:14 (New American Standard Bible)14 As a result, the Lord Himself will send you a sign: see, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, whom she will name Immanuel.

  1. The name ″Immanuel″ means ″God with us″ in the original Hebrew.
  2. Isaiah 9:6 (New American Standard Bible)6 In fact, a son will be delivered to us; and the government will be placed on His shoulders; and His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace; and the government will be placed on His shoulders.
  3. With no shadow of a doubt, the Messiah would be God manifest in the flesh, as predicted by all of God’s authentic prophets.
  4. What about those who were the closest to Jesus in terms of proximity?
  5. What about his own disciples?
  6. John 20:27-28 (New American Standard Bible)27 ″Reach here with your finger and see My hands; and reach here with your hand and put it into My side; and do not be disbelieving, but believing,″ He instructed Thomas.
  • 28 ″My Lord and my God!″ Thomas exclaimed in response to His words.
  • There was no ″My Lord the Son of God″ in Thomas’s speech.
  • ″My Lord and my God!″ he exclaimed.
  • However, it is not Thomas’ words that are important in this instance, but rather Jesus’ attitude.

29 ″Have you believed in Me because you have seen Me?″ Jesus inquired of the man.It is fortunate for those who did not see but yet believed.″ When Jesus adds, ″Because you have seen me, you believe,″ he is not correcting him, but rather expressing general agreement with him.Those who believe despite their inability to see are blessed.

There are additional texts in the Bible that say unequivocally that Jesus is God.John 1:18 (New American Standard Bible)18 No one has ever seen God; the only begotten God, who dwells in the heart of the Father, has shown Himself to us in His explanation.Paul writes in Titus 2:13 that he is looking forward to the good hope and the manifestation of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.2 1 Peter 1:3–4 (NASB) 1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, writes to those who have received a faith that is similar to ours, through the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: ″To those who have received a faith that is similar to ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: Then there’s still another example that’s crystal plain but yet still requires a little bit of interpretation.Revelation 19:13 (New American Standard Bible)13 His clothes are made of blood, and His name is The Word of God, which means ″Word of the Lord.″ There is no getting around that.

When Jesus is called ″the Word of God,″ it is a reverent title.What more does the Bible have to say about God’s Son?In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1-5 (NASB)1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 He was there with God from the beginning.

  1. 3 It was by Him that all things came into being, and it was through Him that nothing came into existence that has come into being so far.
  2. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light that shone in the darkness.
  3. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness is unable to grasp what is happening.
  • Verse 1 states that there was a beginning with the Word (with a capital ″W″), and that the Word was with God and that the Word was the Word.
  • Something is made clear in verse 2.
  • The Word is not a thing; rather, it is a person.
  • ″He was with God in the beginning.″ Then, assuming that the Word is a He and that Jesus is referred to as the Word of God, who else might this verse be referring to?
  • So let us reread these lines, but this time we will substitute Jesus for the word ″Word.″ 1 In the beginning, there was Jesus, and Jesus was in God’s presence, and Jesus was God himself.
  • 2 Jesus was there with God at the beginning of time.
  • 3 Everything that exists came into existence as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, and nothing that has been before Jesus came into being.
  • 4 There was life in Jesus, and the life was the Light of mankind.
  • 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness is unable to grasp what is happening.
  • Verse 5 makes it very clearer that this is a reference to Jesus himself.

Even if the Light shines in the darkness, the darkness is unable to see it.This is informing us that Jesus was the light that shone in the darkness of the world, and that the world was unable to grasp what he had accomplished.That is why He was slain by the rest of the world.Even with all of this evidence pointing to Jesus’ divinity, what if you still require confirmation from the lips of Christ himself?When the Jews interrogated Jesus, they asked Him the following question…

  • John 8:57-59 (New American Standard Bible)57 As a result, the Jews confronted Him, saying, ″You are not yet fifty years old, and have you met Abraham?″ 58 ″Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the one who existed before Abraham was born.″ Jesus continued to speak to them.
  • 59 In response, they gathered stones to throw at Him, but Jesus quickly disguised himself and fled from the temple grounds to the outside world.
  • Not only was Jesus claiming to have existed before Abraham’s birth, but He also used a strange term to support his claim.
  • He uses the pronoun ″I am″ when referring to Himself in the past tense.
  • In fact, it was this precise phrase that incited the Jews to seek His death since it was a clear allusion to the time when Moses saw the burning bush and was ordered to meet Pharaoh of Egypt by the hand of the Almighty.

When Moses inquired of God, ″Whom shall I inform them that I was sent?″ God’s response was, ″Tell them that I AM the one who sent you!″ When Jesus said it, He was making it apparent that He claimed to be God, and the Jews were quick to understand this.After that, there’s this.30 John 10:30 (New American Standard Bible) ‘I and the Father are one,’ I declare.″ Some people are perplexed by this, believing that Jesus is claiming to be the Father.Jesus is simply stating that both He and the Father are God.The replies of the Jews, on the other hand, are quite intriguing.31 The Jews gathered their stones once more to stone Him.

  • 32 ″I have shown you many excellent acts from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?″ Jesus responded to their question.
  • 33 ″We do not stone You for doing a good deed; rather, we stone You for blasphemy; and we stone You because You, being a man, make yourself out to be God,″ they said.
  • This is the second chapter in which the Jews understood that Jesus was not only claiming to be the Son of God, but that He was also claiming to be God.
  • How is it possible for Jesus to be both God and the Son of God?
  • Matthew 28:19 (New American Standard Bible)19 Make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to do everything I have spoken to you.
  • Part of the problem is that some people have difficulty seeing God beyond the Father as the source of all creation.
  • They believe that there is only one genuine God, and that is the Father, and that this is the case.
  • What, then, is the role of the Holy Spirit in this scenario?
  • Ananias sold his land and kept a portion of the proceeds for himself, while pretending that He was giving it all to the group.
  • Ananias was approached by Peter, who inquired as to why he was deceiving the Holy Spirit.
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Only a few paragraphs later, Peter confesses to Ananias that he had lied to the Lord.There can be no doubt that Peter was saying that the Holy Spirit was the same as God.As you can see, the truth is that there is only one God.

  1. There is only one God.
  2. God, on the other hand, is composed of three distinct individuals.
  3. There are three persons in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  4. People have a propensity to think of God as a single thing that exists in all places.

Because the football season is beginning up again as I write this, and because I am a die-hard Detroit Lions fan, I will use the team as an example.If I told you that there is only one legitimate Detroit Lions squad, and that it had 53 players, you would believe me.Matthew Stafford is a Lion, and Marvin Jones Jr.

is also a Lion in the National Football League.All 53 players on the roster are Lions, however there is only one Lions squad, as opposed to other teams.Take a look at how much flawless logical sense that makes!In that case, why can’t God be a composite of three different entities instead of just one?The Father is the Supreme Being.

  1. God is revealed in the Son.
  2. The Holy Spirit is the same as God.
  3. All three of them are gods in their own right.
  4. They are not three independent gods, but rather one genuine God who exists as a group of three!

The plain reality is that the Bible has ample evidence in support of both claims.There are several instances in the Bible where angels, devils, and disciples proclaim that Jesus is the son of the living God.All of the evidence points to Jesus being God in the same direction.In their respective claims, both Jesus and the Father assert that Jesus is the Son of God the Father.Jesus Himself asserts that He is the Son of God.Given that both Jesus and the Father are deity, why does Jesus declare, ″the Father is greater than I″?

  1. John 14:28 (New American Standard Bible)28 You must have overheard me telling you, ‘I’m going away, and I’ll come to you.’ It is only because you love Me that you would have rejoiced when I went to the Father, since the Father is greater than I am.
  2. Many people are perplexed by this verse because it implies that the Father is greater than Jesus, which implies that they are not equal components of God.
  3. As a result, many people believe that this demonstrates that God is the Father and Jesus is the Son, but that He is not God.
  4. He is merely a human being.

Both yes and no!This is how everything works.God is the triune being comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all three of whom are one.All three of them are God.Despite the fact that they are not all gods (plural), they are all God!Because every person was born into a state of sin.

We are all born into a state of slavery to sin.There was a time when God (all three of them) realized that the only way any of us would ever be rescued from our sin was if there was a genuinely pure and flawless sacrifice that would be sufficient to cover all of our sins.As a result, the Son, the Word, through whom all was made, chose to become the ideal sacrifice for us.

The Word, in order to be born as a mere human being, relinquished all of His divine abilities.Despite the fact that Jesus was still God, He was no longer God in any sense other than in name, because He had been born fully into the human race.Every feeling or sensation that every other person feels was experienced by Jesus, including pain, heartbreak, love, rage, and every other emotion or sense.

  • When Jesus walked the world, He did not possess any supernatural abilities.
  • He’d put them all in a separate area.
  • It should be noted that none of the miracles He did were of His own doing, but rather were works of the Father accomplished through Him.
  • They were all carried out on the basis of faith, just as the Apostles carried out miracles on the basis of faith after Jesus died.
  • In several instances, Jesus stated things that made it plain that He did nothing unless He first observed the Father doing it.

It was through Him that the Father’s works were completed.He is subordinate to the Father, who is greater than He.Because the Father was a spirit who possessed all of God’s powers, whereas Jesus was merely a human being who possessed none of God’s divine powers while on earth.Jesus was able to educate His followers, as well as the rest of the world, about the importance of faith in this manner.Everything that Jesus accomplished was accomplished through faith.

As a result, even though Jesus was walking the world and was completely human, with no divine abilities, the Father was unquestionably greater than He.Once Jesus died and rose from the dead, and then ascended to heaven, He was able to cast off his old flesh and put on His imperishable body, reclaiming his divine powers, and reclaiming his full divinity once more.This, in my opinion, only serves to highlight how much greater Jesus’ sacrifice was than I previously realized.It is because of this that God was willing to become fully human and suffer and die as He did in order to provide us with the perfect sacrifice.That He, being God, cared enough about us to go to such lengths!

  • Christianity is the only religion on the planet in which salvation is a gift, rather than something we have to work for.
  • In fact, it is the only religion in which God has shown so great love for us that He has been ready to take on our human form and sacrifice Himself, His Son, for us in order that we can be redeemed.
  • That is just incredible!

Jesus as the Son of God

Jesus is the Son of God.According to biblical principles, this remark is fundamental to Christian orthodoxy and should be taken as such.At the same time, it has also been one of the most misunderstood, contested, and confusing issues in the Church’s history, and it is still one of the most controversial.A number of councils, including the councils of Nicea (AD 325) and Chalcedon (AD 451), were held in response to heresies relating to what it meant to be Jesus’ son of God.Taking a more inductive approach, we can see that the phrase ″son of God″ is employed several times throughout the Bible.

How are we supposed to make sense of such a massive title?Across the remainder of this article, I will trace the theme of sonship throughout the Bible to show how it ultimately leads to Jesus Christ.We shall be better positioned to grasp how Christ is the son of God as a result of this survey.And, perhaps most significantly, we shall see how Jesus’ sonship is tied to both his dominant humanity and his everlasting Sonship.

The Son of God in Biblical Theology

Graeme Goldsworthy discovered fifteen separate usage of the word ″son of God″ in the Bible while conducting an examination of biblical material on the subject.1 D.A.Carson, in a similar vein, discusses how this ″Christological term″ has been ″sometimes missed, often misinterpreted, and now challenged″ throughout history.2 The biblical scholar demonstrates that the term ″son of X″ is not always biological, but rather professional (i.e., your father defines your profession), and that it has a broad range of meanings in different contexts.

3 Carson identifies seven potential uses for the term ″son of God,″ including the following: 4 The sons of God include Adam, Israel, David, God’s covenant people, those adopted by God (through Christ),5 imitators of God, and believers who shall inherit the kingdom of God.He also acknowledges that the phrase ″son of God″ is employed in the context of angels (e.g., Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7; compare.Gen.6:4), but he restricts his attention to human uses.6 I’m going to do the same thing.

  • More precisely, Christ himself is referred to as ″Son of God″ in at least four different times throughout the Bible.
  • 7 ″Son of God″ in the sense that he fulfills the roles of Adam, Israel, and David, all of whom were previously fulfilled by other people.
  • However, Jesus is also the (4) divine Son, in addition to being a covenant mediator who trumps all of God’s prior ″sons of God.″ We can clearly see why this title is ″occasionally misconstrued,″ as the author himself has stated.
  • All of these applications would be considered in a comprehensive study of Jesus as God’s Son.
  • I’ll go over the ways in which Jesus is a son of God, just like Adam, Israel, and David, in this section.
  1. In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss the relationship between his fulfillment of these tasks and his own divine identity as God the Son.
  2. 8

God’s Image: Adam as God’s Son and Christ as the Last Adam

Adam is unmistakably identified as the ″son of God″ in Luke 3:38.Luke’s genealogy of Jesus concludes with the identification of Jesus as Adam’s offspring via Abraham’s familial line (3:23–38), which comes at the end of the narrative.This genealogy, which appears at the beginning of Jesus’ public career, names Jesus as the ″son of Adam″ as well as the ″son of God.″ With reference to Genesis 5:1–3, Brandon Crowe says, ″Analogous to Adam’s fatherhood of Seth (and down down the line), God is Father to Adam, and hence Adam ought to be seen as God’s son.″ 9 It is elaborated in the Gospels, by Paul, and by the author of Hebrews as to the theological importance of this relationship between Jesus and Adam.10 In Romans 5:14, the apostle Paul portrays Adam as a symbol of Christ.In 1 Corinthians 15:45, he refers to Jesus as the ″last Adam,″ continuing the Adam-typology he began with.

Jesus is described as ″the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation″ in Colossians 1:15, according to the Bible.In addition, the Son is described in Hebrews 1:3 as ″the brilliance of the glory of God and the precise imprint of his being.″ It is clear from these words that there is an important relationship between sonship, image, and glory.Only, although Adam fell short of God’s glory (while still keeping the image of God), the final Adam is the real son, image, and glory of God, whereas Adam fell short of God’s glory.God’s children are being led to glory in this capacity by him (Heb.2:10).

  • To put it another way, Jesus is God’s genuine son because he is the true man.
  • In addition, being a descendant of Adam, Jesus has all of the characteristics of the first man, only in a more perfect way than Adam.

God’s Covenant People: Israel as God’s Son and Christ as True Israel

In the next verses, Israel is referred to be God’s ″firstborn Son″ (Exod.4:22–23).When Yahweh threatens to murder Pharaoh’s firstborn son, Israel is referred to as his firstborn son in the context of the story.Following that, in Exodus, there is a competition to determine who is God’s legitimate son.As far as Egyptian beliefs were concerned, the firstborn son of the pharaoh would be the next ″son of God.″ God, on the other hand, demonstrates who is the genuine Son of God by freeing the descendants of Abraham from Egypt.

Revelation from God later marks the exodus as the point at which God assumed the role of the father of Israel (Deut.32:18; Psa.80:15; Jer.31:9; Hos.11:1.) Also of significance, this corporate identity of God’s son clarifies how Israel is similar to Adam, since Israel is referred to as a ″corporate Adam.″ 11 As a result, what started with Adam is now being carried on in Israel until it reaches Christ.

  • Matthew, in his Gospel, identifies Jesus as the True Israel when he quotes Hosea 11:1 in Matthew 2:13–15—″Out of Egypt I have called my son,″ Matthew says of his son, who is called ″out of Egypt.″ He shows how Jesus is God’s Son by using Israel’s title and applying it to Jesus in the Gospels.
  • 12 A similar pattern may be found in Matthew 4:1–11, where Jesus is carried into the desert for forty days by the Spirit, symbolizing the sort of son Jesus is—a son who is like Israel—and the kind of son Israel was.
  • 13 But, unlike Israel, Jesus will not defy his Father; instead, he will demonstrate his obedience to the point of death, therefore becoming the firstborn from the dead (Col.
  • 1:18).

God’s King: David’s Son as God’s Son and Christ as the Son of David

The most crucial ″son of God″ title that Jesus obtains has something to do with the King of Israel, David.We discover the following lines in Psalm 2:7: ″You are my Son, and today I have begotten you.″ Rather than a literal declaration of Jesus’ divinity, this phrase is a lyrical elaboration of God’s covenant with David in 2 Samuel 7, as it was intended in its original context.14 In 2 Samuel 7, God told David that he would be able to establish a home (i.e., a dynasty) for him.God told David that he would have a son who would sit on an eternal throne (vv.

12–14) and would be the son of God as part of the covenant.The Lord declares of David’s son: ″I will be to him like a father, and he shall be as a son to me″ (v.14).Solomon was the one who brought this promise to fruition in Israel’s recent history.

  1. As the leader of the country from Zion, he reigned with wisdom and justice, bringing peace and blessing to the people and bringing them closer together.
  2. Unfortunately, the loyalty of David’s sons was only temporary.
  3. Solomon turned his back on God and chose to serve idols instead.
  4. As time progressed, most of David’s descendants violated their bond with God, and they lost their authority to rule over the nation of Israel.
  1. Nonetheless, the model for a Davidic king who was also a son of God had been cast, and while the Prophets bemoaned the fall of David’s family, they started to predict a son of David whose righteousness would restore the kingdom of Israel to its rightful place.
  2. Several further prophecies, including those of Isa.
  3. 42, 49, 50, and 53, and those of Jeremiah 30:21 and Zechariah 3:1–10, 6:9–15, as well as Psalms 110 and 132, raised the prospect of a new covenant with the people of God.
  4. And in each and every occasion, this optimism was expressed in terms of David’s descendants.
  5. 15 In the New Testament, Jesus is identified as the son of David, whose righteousness under the law demonstrates that he is God’s genuine son, therefore bringing all of the promises of the new covenant to fulfillment and establishing the kingdom of God on earth.
  6. Indeed, the fact that the gospel message is founded on promises made to David is instructive (Rom.
  • 1:3; 2 Tim.
  • 2:8).
  • To confine ourselves to a single text, Romans 1:2–4 shows how Jesus, as David’s son, is the Son of God and the only hope of redemption for the world.
See also:  What Jesus Says About Hell?

This section of Scripture describes Christ gaining the title ″Son of God″ during his resurrection, as described by Paul.According to verses 3–4, ″concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,″ God is speaking about his Son, who was descended from David according to flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness.In terms of interpretation, this text is best viewed in terms of Christ’s elevation as a result of his resurrection.

16 While Jesus was known during his whole human existence as God the Son, it was only after his resurrection that he was given the title ″Son of God.″ This is further supported by Acts 13:32–33 and Hebrews 5:5–6, among other passages.This prestigious title may be traced back to 2 Samuel 7:14.Only now is it being applied to Jesus, who has demonstrated that he is God’s real son and deserving of an eternal reign in heaven.Because Jesus’ humanity has been ″perfected,″ as the book of Hebrews affirms, it is only after this that he is given the title ″Son of God″ (Heb.5:5–6).This is why the author of Hebrews contends that it was essential for the Son to learn obedience by going through pain (v.

8).In other words, when Christ resurrected from the grave and ascended to the right hand of the Father (as prophesied in Psalm 110:1), he subdued all of creation and placed everything under his feet.As the son of David, who is also the son of God, Jesus gained the authority to rule over heaven and earth (Matt.

28:18) as a result of his exaltation.17 In summary, Jesus has accomplished what Adam, Israel, and David were unable to do—that is, show their sonship.In a fantastic twist of fate, his resurrection turns out to be his coronation.

This is identified by Paul at the outset of Romans, and he describes it as the central theme of the gospel message.As the eternal Son of God is acknowledged as the Son to whom redemptive history has pointed (cf.1Pet.

1:10–12), God in Christ really combines all things in heaven and on earth (Eph.1:10), as the eternal Son of God links all things in heaven and on earth (Eph.1:10).

The Divine Son: The Son of God is God the Son

In Gal.4:4–5, the Bible says that ″when the fullness of time had come,″ God sent out his Son, born of a woman and born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we may be adopted as sons.To put it another way, when the divine Son took on the form of a human being, he came to perform the function that had been predetermined for him by Adam, Israel, and David.However, it is not as if Jesus Christ was an afterthought in this story.

These ″earlier″ sons of God were types and shadows of the genuine Son, who actually arrived before them, since the Son was the eternally born God, who had come before them (John 1:18).The New Testament teaches us that Jesus is the Son of God in two ways.First, he is the Son of God in a physical sense.He is a son of God, just as Adam, Israel, and David were, and he is also God the Son, the second member of the Trinity, just as Adam, Israel, and David were.

  1. Although this fact leads us to the mystery of the incarnation, it also resolves the tension we see in the many different applications of the phrase ″son of God.″ In what follows, we will look at a few instances in Scripture where we may perceive this fact, namely, that Jesus is the divine Son.
  2. The Gospel of John is a good place to start.
  3. Beginning with his prologue (John 1:1–18), we see that John refers to Jesus as the divine Son of God.
  4. In asserting that Jesus is ″the only Son from the Father,″ John refers to Jesus as ″the eternal Word who took on flesh and lived among us″ (v.
  1. 14).
  2. Various translations of the Greek term monogenes include ″only begotten″ (KJV, NASB), ″one and only″ (NIV), and ″only″ (NIV) (ESV).
  3. It has a particular significance for John (see 1 John 1:14, 18; 3:16, 18; 1 John 4:9) and has presented several difficulties to interpreters throughout history.
  4. 18 Whether or not this term supports the concept of everlasting generation, it unambiguously identifies Jesus as God’s divine Son in the New Testament.
  5. In contrast to the other sons of God, he is a divine Son, and throughout his Gospel, John emphasizes Jesus’ divine character.
  6. 19 For example, John the Baptist defines himself as the one who prepares the path of the Lord by quoting Isaiah 40:3 as his source of inspiration (1:23).
  • Jesus is the incarnation of Yahweh, whom John claims to be greater than himself since he came before him (vv.
  • 15, 30).
  • 20 A second passage in John 5:18 refers to the Son as ″equal″ with the Father, which prompted the Jewish authorities to support Jesus’ crucifixion.

The connection between the Father and the Son is explained in verses 19–29.The fact that Jesus is a divine son is demonstrated in these passages while also emphasizing the human obedience of the Son to the Father.The Bible says in John 5:26, ″For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has permitted the Son to have life in himself.″ This claim to divine aseity must be understood in light of the Son’s everlasting ontology, rather than as a result of his incarnation, in the context of John.

21 Moreover, when Jesus declares, ″Before Abraham was, I am,″ he is identifying himself as the divine son, which lends credence to this view (v.58).A reference to God’s almighty name (″I am who I am,″ Exod.3:14) is made by the phrase ″I am who I am,″ and Jesus’s antecedent existence (″before Abraham″) unquestionably establishes Jesus as the everlasting Son.Another example is Jesus’ speech to his Father in John 17, which I will cover briefly.Jesus explains the glory he experienced with his Father before the creation of the world in his prayer that God would honor him on earth (v.


When Jesus states in verse 24 that he would share his glory with his followers, it is clear that what his disciples will see is a mirror of the splendor that he has shared with the Father from the beginning of creation.As a result, in their shared divine nature, Jesus, as God’s Son, is one with the Father, according to the Bible (10:30).22 The other Gospels likewise make reference to Jesus’ divine essence, as does the New Testament.

″Immanuel, God with us,″ says Matthew 1:23, referring to Jesus as ″God with us.″ As seen in Mark 2:12–12 and 4:35–41, Jesus is shown to be forgiving sins and calming the storm, respectively.These are two instances in which Jesus’ acts indicate how he accomplished what only God was capable of doing (cf.John 5:19, 30; 7:16; 14:31; 15:15).

Luke 1:35 makes it clear that Jesus does not have an earthly father, which adds further emphasis to the title ″Son of God.″ Instead, ″Jesus is identified as God’s Son because he was conceived by the Holy Spirit, rather than by a human father,″ according to the Christian faith.23 Finally, at the conclusion of Matthew’s Gospel, the Son is linked with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the baptismal formula of Matthew 28:19, which represents the union of the Father and the Son.Last but not least, in Matthew 26:63–64, Jesus is accused of blasphemy because he equated himself with the divine being.

  • In the same way that Jesus is accused of blasphemy in John’s Gospel, Jesus is accused of making himself one with the Father.
  • According to the Gospels, Jesus is not only the son of God in accordance with his humanity, but he is also the Son of God in accordance with his divinity.
  • And this witness is carried on throughout the rest of the New Testament (see Acts 20:28; Rom.
  • 9:5; Col.
  • 1:19; 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb.
  • 1:8; 2Pet.

1:1).Nonetheless, because of space constraints, we will not go into detail about these passages; however, suffice it to state that in the worship of Jesus Christ as God’s Son, we find clear proof that Jesus Christ as God’s Son is more than a man and greater than any other Son of God.24 As Larry Hurtado writes, ″It is clear from the entire fabric of Paul’s Christology that Paul considered Jesus as partaking in God’s characteristics and responsibilities, as sharing in God’s glory, and, most crucially, as deserving of formal reverence alongside God in Christian assemblies.

  1. 25 Truly, such reverence is only conceivable if Jesus, the Son of God, is in fact the Creator of the universe.
  2. In order to continue to acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, everyone who are adopted as children of God via faith in Christ (Gal.
  3. 3:26) must do so on a continual basis (John 20:31).
  4. As Scripture indicates, only those who have come to know the Son will enjoy the life that God promises to all who call on his name.
  1. In fact, this is precisely what the New Testament makes abundantly clear, what the Orthodox church has always recognized and defended, and what real followers continue to confess and believe: Jesus is God’s Son, the one to whom all Scripture points, the one who is both God and man.

Is Jesus God’s Son? How could Allah, being one, have a Son?

Answer Muslims ponder the question, ″How could Allah, who is one, have a Son?″ They sometimes accuse Christians of worshiping three gods because they have a misunderstanding of the Trinity.Christians, on the other hand, believe that there is only one genuine God.Jesus himself was a staunch supporter of monotheistic.When asked what the most important command was, Jesus said, ″…

The Lord our God, the Lord is one…″ ″And you must love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, and with all of your might,″ says the Bible (Mark 12:29-30).Jesus taught that God is one and that He was one with God, and he taught that he was one with God (John 10:30).As a result, the Jews gathered stones to stone Jesus because they believed He had committed blasphemy against the prophets.In a similar vein, Muslims would declare that a man who claims to be God is guilty of ″shirk.″ Jesus, on the other hand, is not just any ordinary guy who claims to be God.

  1. He is the Son of God shown in human form (John 10:36-38).
  2. The moniker ″Son of God″ does not imply that Jesus was actually born from the Creator of the universe.
  3. The Bible does not teach that God and Mary have a bodily relationship, as Muslims often claim.
  4. When Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the virgin Mary and told her: ″…
  1. ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, because you have won favor with God.’″ And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, whose name you will give to him as Jesus.
  2. ‘He will be mighty, and he will be dubbed the Son of the Most High….
  3. There will be no end to his rule,’ says the prophet.
  4. And Mary inquired of the angel, ‘How will this be possible, considering that I am a virgin?’ When she asked, the angel said, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; as a result, the child to be born will be referred to as holy—the Son of God.’ (See Luke 1:30-35.) ″Because a son inherits his father’s characteristics, referring to someone as someone else’s’son’ was a method of symbolizing equality,″ notes Pastor John MacArthur about these lines.
  5. When the angel spoke to Mary, he was stating that her Son would be equal to the Most High God″ (The MacArthur Study Bible).
  6. The witness of a man that Jesus is God’s Son When people observed Jesus’ miracles, teaching, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, many of them came to believe that he was the Son of God, according to the New Testament.
  • After Jesus calmed a storm, His followers testified, saying, ″And as soon as they got into the boat, the wind died down.″ ″And those in the boat bowed their heads in reverence, proclaiming, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’ (Matthew 14:32-33; Mark 10:32-33).
  • ″Now, when Jesus arrived in the province of Caesarea Philippi, he inquired of his followers, ‘Who do people claim that the Son of Man is?’″ Peter testified.
  • Some claimed to be John the Baptist, while others claimed to be Elijah, while others claimed to be Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ ‘But who do you claim that I am?’ he inquired of the group.

Simon Peter said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,’ and the rest is history.And Jesus responded by saying, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!’ (Matthew 5:3) For it is not my flesh and blood who has revealed everything to you, but my Father who is in heaven″ (Matthew 16:13-17).’Jesus responded to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life,’″ stated one of the witnesses, whose brother Jesus had been risen from the dead.

Anyone who believes in me will live even if he or she dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die, according to the Bible.Believe it or not,’ says the author.″Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world,″ she said to him (John 11:25-27).Even the demons are aware that Jesus is the Son of God: ″Whenever the wicked spirits saw him, they bowed down before him and cried out, ‘You are the Son of God,’″ according to the Bible.(Matthew 3:11).″When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, witnessed the earthquake and what happened, they were overwhelmed with amazement and exclaimed, ‘Truly this was the Son of God!’″ a military officer and soldiers who were guarding Jesus during His execution on the cross said.

(Matthew 27:54; Mark 10:54).The following is what Thomas said after Jesus rose from the dead: ″Now Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles, known as the Twin, was not present when Jesus appeared.As a result, the other disciples informed him that they had witnessed the Lord.

But he told them that he would never trust them unless he saw the mark of the nails on his hands and placed his finger into the mark of the nails and placed his hand into his side.Eight days later, his disciples were back in the house, and Thomas was there with them once more.Despite the fact that the doors were closed, Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, ″Peace be with you.″ ″Put your finger here and look at my hands; then put your hand out and insert it in the side of my body,″ he said to Thomas after that.


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