Why Does Jesus Call Himself Son Of Man

Why Is Jesus Called “Son of Man”?

What is the significance of Jesus being referred to as “Son of Man”? To begin, allow me to provide a basic knowledge, followed by a more in-depth historical understanding. “Son of God” suggests his divinity, which is correct; “Son of Man” implies his humanity, which is also correct; and “Son of Man” implies his humanity and deity, respectively. He was a son of man, which means that he was a human creature. And he is the Son of God in the sense that he has always existed as the Eternally Begotten One who emanates from the Father in all time and space.

He is the Second Person of the Trinity, and he has the entire divine nature in his person.

Despite the fact that he was born to a human father, he did not have sexual relations with this virgin until after Jesus was created.

As a result, he is human—completely human.

  • In other words, it is the mainstream understanding: he is both divine and human—two natures, one person—in one.
  • It is most likely derived from Daniel 7.
  • It was Jesus’ preferred method of identifying himself.
  • He stated things like, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many,” which is found in Mark 10:45.
  • His reasoning for doing so, I believe, is that Son of Man is a common term that means “human being” on the surface of the phrase.
  • In any case, there is no insult intended: after all, who isn’t a son of man?
  • And he had every intention of carrying it through.
  • He had to take a very limited path when it came to divulging his identity, rather than just declaring, “I’m not who I claim I’m.” “I am the Messiah, and I am the ruler of the entire world.
  • He was deafeningly quiet.
  • In addition, he would make statements that were clear in certain contexts and implicit in others, depending on the situation.

So I hope this has been of use. The phrase “Son of Man” has two meanings: it refers to a human individual as well as an elevated celestial entity, according to Daniel 7. And Jesus intends to impart both of these concepts to us.

Why Did Jesus Call Himself the Son of Man?

It was “Son of Man,” when referring to himself, that was Jesus’ most popular moniker. The Gospels record a total of seventy-eight instances in which Jesus refers to Himself by this term. For example, when He was queried about His identity by His followers, He responded with the inquiry, “Who do men claim that I, the Son of Man, am?” (Matthew 16:13). Despite the fact that the Bible does not specify what the term “Son of Man” means, it is likely to relate to the fact that Jesus was the epitome of human perfection.

  1. By doing so, He fulfilled the Law of Moses and accomplished something that no other human being has been able to do.
  2. It has something to do with his earthly existence.
  3. Nevertheless, in order for you to be aware that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, he explained to the paralytic (Mark 2:10).
  4. Jesus, too, had something to say.
  5. Because the Son of Man has come to seek and to rescue that which has been lost, we should be thankful (Luke 19:10).
  6. This Speaks of His Exaltation and Authority.
  7. When the Son of Man appears in his glory, with all of the holy angels accompanying him, he will take his rightful place on the throne of his glory (Matthew 25:31).

The Son of One does indeed proceed exactly as it is written of him, but woe betide the man who betrays the Son of Man!

That It Is a Messianic Term The title “Son of Man” was given to the Messiah in order to distinguish him from other people.

And see, a figure resembling the Son of Man is approaching on the clouds of heaven!

When he received sovereignty and glory, he established a kingdom, and all peoples, countries, and languages were required to submit their lives to him.

During His Trial, Jesus made use of the designation.

However, I assure you that in the future, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the authority and appearing in the clouds of sky (Matthew 26:64).

They accused Him of blasphemy because He claimed to be on an equal footing with God.

The title emphasizes the fact that he was a human being.

SynopsisThe appellation “Son of Man” is one that was only used by Jesus; His followers never referred to Him as such.

The title is derived from the Book of Daniel, which predicts that the Son of Man would be the heir to God’s eternal dominion.

As part of His trial, Jesus admitted that He was, in fact, the Son of Man – the one who would usher in God’s everlasting rule on the earth.

When the religious leaders learned of this, they accused Him of blasphemy, which is defined as declaring Himself to be on an equal footing with God. The term appears to be intended to draw attention to Jesus’ personal emphasis on His humanity.

Why Did Jesus Call Himself the Son of Man?

Jesus frequently referred to himself as “the Son of Man” throughout his teaching sessions. His favorite method to define himself was, in reality, one of the following: “You have stated as much,” Jesus responded. “But I say to you all: From now on, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Mighty One, and he will descend from the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64). “However, I want you to understand that the Son of Man has authority to pardon crimes on this planet.” So he told the guy, “I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home,” according to Mark 2:10–11.

What was the significance of this phrase, and why was Jesus so fond of saying it?

The term “son” in Scripture

In the ancient Near East, the notion of sonship was extremely important. The legacies of their fathers were carried on by their sons. They inherited their father’s inheritance, took over their father’s business, and acted as agents for their father’s interests in the world of business. It is said to have come to signify those who have followed in the footsteps of a certain position, tradition, or individual throughout the course of time. For example, the Bible frequently refers to Israelites as “sons of Israel” when the name “Israelites” would do (Genesis 46:8, Exodus 1:1, 1 Chronicles 2:1).

  • The phrase “sons of the prophets,” which is translated as “company of the prophets” in the New International Version (NIV), is yet another good illustration.
  • And they walked up to meet him and bent their heads before him on the ground (2 Kings 2:15).
  • Psalm 107:8 says, “Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for the wonders He has done for humankind.” This phrase is used to describe people throughout the Old Testament.
  • He is not only acknowledging His humanity, but He is also informing His listeners that He is here as a representative of all of humanity.

The prophetic “Son of Man”

It was important to note that for those who were paying attention, Jesus’ title also had another important connotation. It is only by studying the prophet Daniel that we may have a better understanding of this phenomenon. The prophet Daniel was granted a prophecy-filled peek into the future in a spectacular vision: When I gazed in my vision at night, there before me was someone who appeared like a son of man, who was approaching with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was escorted into the presence of the God of the Sun.

  • Daniel 7:13–14 says that his reign will be an everlasting dominion that will never be destroyed, and that his kingdom will be one that will never be destroyed.
  • And it’s clear to see that Jesus is shown in this image.
  • ‘Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world,’ Jesus said (John 17:24).
  • As soon as he had completed his work of atonement for sin, he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1:3).
  • I was speechless.
  • And His rule shall endure for all of time: When the seventh angel blew his trumpet, there were resounding voices in heaven proclaiming: “The kingdom of the world has been transformed into the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Matthew 6:33).

Jesus’s true identity

For the majority of His ministry, Jesus remained mum regarding His true identity. Jesus acknowledged and congratulated Peter when he correctly recognized Jesus as the Messiah; yet, after that, He instructed the disciples to keep this information to themselves (Matthew 16:13–20). However, this does not rule out the possibility that the truth was obvious to those who paid close attention. According to the surface, Jesus’ constant use of the title “Son of Man” spoke toward His humanity as He associated with the people He came to redeem, but the evidence was already in place for alert Jews trying to identify Jesus as their Messiah.

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Why Is Jesus Called the “Son of Man”?

Please allow me to first provide a general knowledge, followed by a more in-depth historical understanding. “Son of God” suggests his divinity, which is correct; “Son of Man” implies his humanity, which is also correct; and “Son of Man” implies his humanity and deity, respectively. He was a son of man, which means that he was a human creature. And he is the Son of God in the sense that he has always existed as the Eternally Begotten One who emanates from the Father in all time and space. He has done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

  1. He is the child of a virgin.
  2. During the Virgin Mary’s pregnancy, Jesus was conceived via the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The Bible wishes to underline that he is a fully developed human being.
  4. The more subtle and significant historical understanding is that the phrase “Son of Man” does more than simply identify him as a representative of mankind.
  5. After reading that chapter, it will become clear that the Son of Man is a very elevated figure: not only a human figure, but an exalted one.
  6. Studying the word “Son of Man” in the Gospels will reveal that Jesus did not refer to himself as the Son of God on a regular basis, but rather as the Son of Man on a few occasions.
  7. As a result, he refers to himself as Son of Man on a regular basis.
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In any case, there is no insult intended: after all, who isn’t a son of man?

And he had every intention of carrying it through.

He had to take a very limited path when it came to divulging his identity, rather than just declaring, “I’m not who I claim I’m.” “I am the Messiah, and I am the ruler of the entire world.

He was deafeningly quiet.

In addition, he would make statements that were clear in certain contexts and implicit in others, depending on the situation.

So I hope this has been of use.

And Jesus intends to impart both of these concepts to us.

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Any deviations from the foregoing must first be approved by Desiring God. Please remember to include the following statement on all copies that are distributed: Desiring God is a book written by John Piper. Website:desiringGod.org

What Did Jesus Mean by “the Son of Man”?

The word “Son of Man” appears 32 times in Matthew, 15 times in Mark, 26 times in Luke, and 12 times in John’s gospel. In the first three Gospels, the term is always reported as having been used by Christ Himself, and never by an angel, a man, or a demon in any of the other gospels. Only twice was the statement uttered by men, and both times it was in the context of criticism or unbelief: “We have heard that the Christ lives eternally, and why do you claim that the Son of Man must be hoisted up?” “Who is this Son of Man?” you might wonder.

  1. He used it to describe himself, and it is the phrase that connects Him to humanity and demonstrates His deep and beneficial relationship with the human race.
  2. As a man, He was being tempted in the desert as a representative of the human race; and this is not just my opinion, but it was His own assertion as well.
  3. I abide by the rule of God, which governs the course of humanity’s existence.
  4. This allowed Him to announce himself as a human being who lived within the Divine limitations of all other human lives, and that He was doing so in accordance with the law that every other human must follow if he is to reach the fulfillment of his or her life’s purpose.
  5. Consequently, the phrases used to describe His relationship with mankind are those that demonstrate His entire identity with the human race and His complete identification with the experience of human life.
  6. Campbell Morgan’s The Teaching of Christ, Himself was the source for this adaptation.

What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of Man?

QuestionAnswer In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to be the “Son of Man” a total of 88 times. As a matter of fact, the primary term Jesus used to refer to Himself was “Son of Man” (e.g., Matthew 12:32; 13:37; Luke 12:8; John 1:51). One of the only instances in which the term “Son of Man” was used in a direct reference to Jesus and by someone other than Jesus occurred during his execution as a martyr (Acts 7:56). The title “Son of Man” is one of mankind. Another set of names for Christ, such as “Son of God,” is more explicit in its emphasis on His divinity.

  1. God referred to the prophet Ezekiel as “son of man” a total of 93 times.
  2. The phrase “son of man” is just a periphrastic word that means “human.” Jesus Christ was a genuine human being in every sense of the word.
  3. The title “Son of Manis” is one of humility.
  4. “There was no place for the Son of Man to rest his head” (Luke 9:58).
  5. The Son of Man was subjected to cruelty by human beings (Matthew 17:12).
  6. He did this on purpose.
  7. So Jesus is the greatest example of everything that God meant for people to be, the personification of truth and grace in the highest sense (John 1:14).

As a result, the Son of Man was able to pardon sins on the cross (Matthew 9:6).

Specifically, the Son of Man came to rescue lives (Luke 9:56; 19:10), to rise from the dead (Mark 9:9), and to administer justice (Matthew 5:17).

“I say to all of you: From now on, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Mighty One, and he will come on the clouds of sky,” Jesus stated during His trial before the high priest (Matthew 26:64).

The Son of Man is a fulfillment of prophesy, according to the Bible.

“In my vision at night, I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven,” Daniel had seen in a dream.

He was endowed with authority, grandeur, and sovereign power, and he was worshipped by all peoples, countries, and men of every language on the face of the earth.

Messiah, now referred to as the “Son of Man,” would be showered with glory, worship, and an everlasting dominion, as predicted by Daniel, and Jesus attributed this prophecy to Himself.

When the author of Hebrews used a passage from the Psalms, he was implying that Jesus, the genuine Son of Man, would be the ruler of all things (Hebrews 2:5–9; cf.

Hebrews 2:5–9).

Jesus was entirely God (according to John 1:1), yet He was also totally human (according to John 1:1).

(John 1:14). He is entitled of both names since He is both the Son of God and the Son of Man. Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) When scripture says that Jesus is the Son of Man, what exactly does it mean?

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A Question of Faith: What did Jesus mean when He called himself ‘Son of Man’?

Home»Commentary» A Question of Belief: What did Jesus mean when He referred to Himself as the “Son of Man”? 2019-02-01 The title “Son of Man” is used multiple times in the Gospels to refer to Jesus. What exactly does the phrase “Son of Man” mean? It was common for Jesus to refer to himself and His mission as “Son of Man” when he spoke of himself and His purpose. He uses the phrase more than 80 times in the Gospels, with the majority of occurrences being in the Gospel of Matthew, which has 30 occurrences.

  1. At first glance, the title “Son of Man” appears to stress Jesus’ human character, in the same way that the title “Son of God” appears to emphasize Jesus’ divine nature.
  2. The name “Son of Man” unites His identities as Messiah and as one who would suffer for the sake of others, and it is derived from the Jewish tradition’s usage of the phrase.
  3. Its use in the Bible is not always constant, but it does show that it had a role in redemption.
  4. “One like a son of man” appears to relate to a specific figure in Daniel 7, for example, who is granted eternal rule over all the nations (Daniel 7:25).
  5. It is also used in a more general sense to allude to the people of Israel’s victory over their foes in other contexts.
  6. This precise inquiry is posed to Jesus in the Gospel of John by a curious onlooker: “Who is this Son of Man?” (12:34).
  7. As opposed to this, he refers to himself in a different way: as light.

When Jesus asks His followers, “Who do people claim that the Son of Man is?” they respond affirmatively.

Surprise of surprises, the word that appears to emphasize Jesus’ humanity really underlines His status as the Son of God and the Messiah.

It permits Him to indicate, but not use, the words others have assigned to him – Messiah, the Christ, or the Son of God – which we agree are correct designations for Jesus, but it prevents Him from using those phrases.

(John 3:13).

Jesus is depicted as meek and restrained in the Gospels.

The term helps to convey Jesus’ self-understanding of His connection to humanity: as a suffering servant, as shown in the Book of Isaiah and the Gospels, for example, when Jesus predicts: “The Son of Man will suffer exceedingly.” (Matthew 10:38) (See also Mark 8:31 and Luke 9:22.) The title “Son of Man” helps to emphasize Jesus’ status as one who has come to give up His own life and, in doing so, has given life to others around Him.

“For even though the Son of Man did not come to be served, He came to serve, and He gave His life as a ransom for many,” Jesus declared in the Gospel of Mark (10:45).

The Author

The Catholic Telegraph, which was established in 1831, is the official news source for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Watch: Son of Man Biblical Theme Video

In the book of Daniel, this vision is developed much more fully. The book of Daniel is the first to use the metaphor of human kingdoms as though they were meaningless creatures. When the king of Babylon refuses to recognize God as his ruler in Daniel chapter 4, he is brought to the level of a stupid beast. Essentially, Genesis 1 is being reversed, with a human ruler being lowered down to the level of the beast. Then, in Daniel chapter 7, Daniel has a dream about wild and terrifying monsters that represent the strong empires that wreak havoc on God’s created earth.

In the presence of God, this Son of Man is exalted to magnificent dominion and is worshipped alongside God as the almighty King of creation.

However, because mankind has devolved into a beast, our only chance is in a human who will come and accomplish for us what we are unable to do for ourselves.

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He is the divine-human partner who will work with God to return mankind to the wonderful destiny that God has planned for them.

Jesus Christ, the Son of Man

The phrase “son of man” appears frequently in the Old Testament as a synonym for the word “man”; a son of man is, by nature, the same as man himself. It is a Semitic term that translates as “human being.” This is supported by virtually every one of the 107 instances of the term. “God is not a man, therefore he should lie; nor is he a son of man, thus he should alter his mind,” says Numbers 23:19, illustrating this point. The same is true for Job, who, reflecting on his comparably low standing before God and thwarted in his attempts to defend his innocence in suffering, laments that a man would not dare argue his case with God “like a son of man does with his neighbor” (Job 16:21).

A human being is referred to as a “son of man.”

Messianic Connections

It is commonly used as a synonym for “man” in the Old Testament; a son of man is, by nature, the same as he is called “son of man.” In Semitic, the term “human being” refers to a person. That statement is supported by virtually all 107 instances of the phrase. “God is not a man, therefore he should lie; nor is he a son of man, therefore he should alter his mind,” says Numbers 23:19, in a clear and concise way. The same is true for Job, who, reflecting on his comparably low standing before God and thwarted in his attempts to establish his innocence in suffering, says that a man would not dare argue his case with God “like a son of man would with his neighbor” (Job 16:21).

It is a human being who is known as a “son of man.”

“The Son of Man” as Transcendent

The prophecy of Daniel 7 takes a long view of future history, beginning with Daniel’s time and concluding with the culmination, when the enemies of God are brought to ultimate punishment and the people of God partake in the reign of the Lord of the universe. “One like a son of man” appears to be approaching the Ancient of Days with “clouds of heaven” in order to obtain global authority and eternal reign at what appears to be the conclusion of history (7:9-12). Despite the fact that he is “like a son of man,” he does not ascend from the ground to the heavens, but rather emerges from obscurity into manifestation, approaching the throne of God as one who has the authority to do so.


It is all of this that serves to demonstrate that this one who is “like a son of man” (i.e., human) is the transhuman Messiah.

It’s also worth noting that, when seen in context, this presents a startling contrast: although the many world-kingdoms, albeit governed by men, are characterized as terrible monsters, God’s kingdom will be in the hands of a man who is also God.

The Identity of the Son of Man

Any Bible reader will instantly see that all of this is part of a greater picture of Messianic expectancy that finds its fulfillment in Jesus the Messiah, the uniquely qualified divine-human king who reigns on the earth. In fact, Jesus himself confirms this for us in Matthew 26:63–64, when he directly associates himself with Daniel’s “son of man.” This is, in reality, his favorite self-designation, which appears about eighty times in the Gospels and which he uses as a Messianic title on his lips.

He is also referred to as the Son of Man.


New Testament scholars have seen three major links between Jesus’ usage of this self-designation and the events of the New Testament.

His Authority even in His Earthly Ministry

In Daniel 7:13–14, the authority of the Son of Man is obviously the focal point of emphasis—the Son of Man’s enthronement and universal, uncontested dominion are the focal points of attention. This authority is claimed by Jesus for himself as well. For example, in Matthew 12:8, Jesus declares that “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” He does not elaborate on how he intends to exercise his dominion over the Sabbath at this point, but the assertion was clear, and it must have been shocking to those who heard it.

This infuriated the scribes who heard it (9:3), and Jesus responds by explaining that this was precisely the point: “‘so you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,’ he said to the paralytic—’Rise, take up your bed and go home,'” he says.

(9:6). Matthew himself confirms that this is, in fact, the argument that Jesus was trying to make (9:8). Because he is the Son of Man, Jesus wields divine authority, including control over the Sabbath, authority to heal, and even authority to forgive sins.

His Humiliation, Rejection, Suffering, Death, and Resurrection

The irony is that Jesus used the title “Son of Man” in connection with his rejection, sufferings, death, and resurrection: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Matt. 8:20).And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again ( Allow these words to seep into your ears: “The Son of Man is going to be handed into the hands of mankind” (Luke 9:44).In context, these prophesies of Jesus’s crucifixion follow on the heels of the disciples’ declaration of Jesus’s Messiahship (see Mark 9:31).

  1. That the phrase “Son of Man” and Messiah were associated with concepts such as rejection, sorrow, and defeat comes as no surprise to anyone who have studied Scripture.
  2. Throughout the Bible, this is a well-known and essential theme: that the Lord Jesus acquired his mediatorial monarchy via his own personal suffering, death, and resurrection.
  3. 28:18), and God “proclaimed him to be Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36), as well as “bestowing on him the name that is above every name” (Phil.
  4. Isa.
  5. 1:20–21).
  6. Matt.
  7. Older theologians referred to Jesus as “reigning from the cross” since it was in his apparent weakness and defeat that he saved and brought his people into God’s kingdom (Col.
  8. This notion is in view in the great scene of Revelation 5, which depicts Jesus as “reigning from the cross.” The seven-sealed scroll, which is apparently God’s “last will and testament” for creation—his plan for judgment and salvation—is held in the hands of God on the throne.
  9. That is, he is the only one who is worthy of carrying out God’s plan for history.

According to 5:9–10, “Because you were murdered, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from all tribes, languages, peoples, and nations, and by your blood you have established them as a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall rule on the earth.” Christ’s death and resurrection were the means by which he established his mediatorial reign.

The Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of Power, and He will descend on clouds to earth” (Matt.

It is here, in his death—his apparent defeat—and his subsequent resurrection that our Lord receives his kingdom. In this place, he established his authority to reign (for more, see Jeremy Treat,The Crucified King).

A Rule Yet Realizsed?

We can’t, however, stop here. Despite the fact that he has gained his control and created his kingdom, it is clear that his monarchy has not yet been fully realized. His reign is still being challenged and fought. The world has not bowed in submission to him and has not accorded him the dominion that he has attained in the process. His reign is now, but there is little doubt that there will be more to come. As a matter of fact, the New Testament portrays Jesus’ kingdom as one that is accomplished in stages—both now and in the future.

  1. 2:2, etc.).
  2. 12:28).
  3. John 12:31–32), his kingdom was established in his saving death, which was followed by a triumphant resurrection (Matt.
  4. 1:20–21).
  5. Simply said, his kingdom, though it is existing, has just been inaugurated; the king has not yet used all of the powers that come with his authority over his foes.

His Return in Eschatological Glory

When Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man, it was with overtones of his eschatological splendor, his coming to earth to wield the full privileges of his reign and bring God’s kingdom to a close. Truly, I say to you, in the future world, when the Son of Man will sit on his magnificent throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, ruling the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28). (Matt. 19:28). The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shattered immediately following the tribulation of those days.

  1. His angels will be summoned by the sound of a trumpet call, and they will collect his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (Matt.
  2. When the Son of Man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his magnificent throne (Matt.
  3. (Matt.
  4. Daniel’s prophesy foresees the coronation of the king (7:13–14), as well as the establishment of his reign, but it also foresees the kingdom in its climax form, with the Son of Man ruling with his saints across the world and all adversaries conquered (7:9–27).
  5. We are led to expect the same thing by the apostle John, who makes a clear allusion to Daniel 7: “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him” (Rev.
  6. And this all climaxes, of course, in the return of Christ pictured in Revelation 19, as Jesus the conqueror descending on a white horse in war against all his adversaries.

The “kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for all time and in all places” has finally arrived (Rev. 11:15). It is through the redeeming work of the Son of Man that God’s kingdom will be established in its entirety.

Concluding Reflection

Man, formed in God’s image, is intended to govern over God’s creation as his vice-regent, serving as God’s second in command. Mankind’s elevated position has been forfeited as a result of sin, but through Jesus, the True Man, humanity has been redeemed and restored. He is the Son of Man, the transcendent Messiah, who, through his redeeming deed, has won the right to wield universal kingship, which he is currently exercising by rescuing his people, one by one, from the domain of darkness and bringing them securely into the kingdom of light (Matthew 25:41-46).

  • 2:9–10, emphasis added).
  • crown Him!
  • crown Him!
  • Sinners crowned Him in mockery, mocking thereby the Savior’s claim; saints and angels gathered around Him, claiming His title and praising His name: Crown Him!
  • Crown Him!
  • Take note of those thunderous applause bursts!
  • Jesus ascends to the greatest rank; what delight it brings to behold him!
  • Crown Him!
  • Crown Him!
  • Crown Him!
See also:  Where Will Jesus Return

If Jesus is God, Why Did He Call Himself the Son of Man?

I’ve come across a number of doubters and cultists who believe that Jesus never claimed to be God in the first place. It was rather his self-identification as the son of man, according to others. There are many people who are concerned about this topic, both skeptics and cults. Many Christians have asked me, “If Jesus is the Son of God, why did he refer to himself so consistently as the son of man?” I have met equally as many Christians who have asked, “If Jesus is the Son of God, why did he refer to himself so consistently as the son of man?” The most often asked follow-up question is, “How can I be confident that Jesus is truly God and that the theology of the Trinity is correct?” Answers to these questions have been the subject of whole books.

  • My objective in this section is to give three succinct but acceptable responses that you may immediately share with others who are experiencing the same sorts of difficulties, anxieties, and uncertainties.
  • It is in John 8:58 that Jesus says to the Jewish religious authorities, “Before Abraham was born, I AM!” This is the gospel text.
  • Second, the righteous Branch, the King, who will come from the lineage of David is given the name YHWH (I AM) by the Old Testament in Jeremiah 23:6, according to the Hebrew Bible.
  • Third, by referring to himself as the son of man in the gospels, Jesus is making a theological statement about his divinity that is unique to him.

It is always referred to as “the Son of God” in every New Testament verse that refers to Jesus Christ that takes place chronologically after the first day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–41), and never as “the Son of Man.” In contrast, throughout the gospels, Jesus continually refers to himself as the son of man rather than the Son of God.

Before the first day of Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples are always referred to as sons of men or children of men, and they are never referred to as sons of God.

According to theological reasoning, only after Jesus of Nazareth dies on the cross in order to atone for the sins of all humanity, is physically resurrected, and sends the Holy Spirit to indwell and spiritually baptize his followers, does he fully fulfill his role as the Son of God, the second person of God’s three-person triune Godhead.

Affirmation of this theological principle may be found in the fact that no human follower of God is ever referred to as a son of God anywhere in the Old Testament.

It was on the first day of Pentecost, as reported in Acts 2, that this prophesy was fulfilled. The solution to this question may be found in my bookNavigating Genesis, which is more in-depth and comprehensively researched. Chapter 14 and appendix c include the information.

The Meaning of “Son of Man” — Redemption Seminary

One of the goals of this little study is to understand more about Jesus’ preferred term for himself, Son of Man, and the meaning of that title. This passage in Daniel 7 is explained by Dr. Moo, as well as the relevance of Jesus’ application of that vision to Himself. You will be able to feel the impact that this knowledge can have on your perception of this phrase wherever it appears in the New Testament after seeing this presentation and working through two short supplementary readings. This brief study is an extract from a Redemption Seminary course on the topic of forgiveness.

You should begin by seeing a brief lecture from a Logos Mobile Education course (typically less than 10 minutes).

Consider making a few notes on sections in which this interpretation contributes to your grasp of the meaning of the passage.

Click on the carrot symbol in the Lemmas section to get an expanded list of the 81 references that make use of the Greek phrase meaning “Son of Man.”

The Son of Man: Why Jesus’ Favorite Name for Himself Has Deep Meaning for Us

In the Bible, we learn that Jesus was known by many other names, but Son of Man stands out for a number of reasons. The sheer frequency with which we see this name distinguishes it from some of the others. A particular meaning, like with a biblical name such as Lamb of God, is clearly defined and traced back to the Bible when given this name. When it comes to the importance and consequences of Christ becoming the Son of Man, there are many questions. This name, like the other names of God, has a deep and meaningful meaning.

  • As part of his relationships with humanity, Jesus frequently referred to himself as the Son of Mana.
  • But on the other hand, he was the Son of Man.
  • The prophet Daniel was hinting to himself as the Messiah and asserting his role in the redemption of the world in this passage.
  • However, although Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was filled with the Holy Spirit, he was birthed by Mary and was born as a man.
  • In a similar vein, his sonship might reveal a great deal about him as a person.
  • In Judaism, the firstborn son is seen as being crucial in “the redemption of the first-born son,” which is the redemption of the firstborn son.
  • In addition, the firstborn son received a share of the inheritance that was doubled.

Sons were seen as selected, groomed for a certain purpose, and entrusted with the responsibility of carrying on the father’s vision. This contributes to the understanding of the importance of Jesus being referred to be the Son of Man. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Son of Man – The identity of Jesus – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus used the moniker ‘Son of Man’ to identify himself 14 times. Due to the dual meaning of the word, he chose to do so:

  1. The prophet Ezekiel used the title to characterize himself and his ministry. He wanted to demonstrate that he was just a regular guy like everyone else. Jesus used the title Son of Man to remind his disciples that he was a human just like them, and it is also used in the prophecy of Daniel to indicate a figure who has power from God. There have been several connections made between this prophecy and the notion of the coming Messiah.

Is the title ‘Son of Man’ helpful to Christians today?

Yes No
It was the title preferred by Jesus. It is hard for all Christians to relate to – it is a Jewish title very much linked to the Old Testament.
It stresses he is human. It is difficult for people today to understand because it can have different meanings.
It stresses his power and authority as God’s representative on Earth. It’s not an obvious title Christians use when they think about Jesus.
It reminds Christians that Jesus came as a saviour to serve others and to sacrifice his life.

Jesus is the Son of God, so why does he call himself Son of Man?

Father Kenneth Doyle is a priest in the Diocese of Rochester, New York. Q. Christ is referred to by a variety of titles, including the Messiah, the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father, and so on. However, I have never understood why Jesus refers to himself as the “Son of Man” in the Scriptures. That comes out as a little less than heavenly, in my opinion. What is the significance of Christ referring to himself as such? It is located in San Francisco, California. A. Scriptural scholars have spent a great deal of time debating your question, which is well-informed.

Throughout the four Gospels, the term appears often, always in the context of Jesus’ own words, and it can allude either to Christ’s humanity or to his divinity, depending on the context.

As an illustration, in Matthew’s Gospel (8:20), Jesus declares, “Foxes have burrows, and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” The title, on the other hand, is used by Jesus in clear reference to the prophecy of Daniel (7:13-14), which was widely believed to be messianic: “I saw coming with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man.

The question, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” was posed to him during his trial before the Sanhedrin in an even more blatant manner.



We agreed without hesitation.

The parents, on the other hand, made the decision to abandon their Catholic religion two years ago.

In the town of Colfax, Indiana, Answering your question, what pleases me about it is how seriously you take your responsibility as godparents.

In Canon No.

Even given the conditions you describe, you may continue to fulfill some of your commitments, most notably, by living lives that reflect the tenor of faith and sacramental practice, as well as by praying daily for the children who have been sponsored by your organization.

For example, if you lived nearby and if your neighbors’ parents had just gone away from Catholicism due to laziness or the general craziness of family life, you may offer to take the children with you to church and religious education classes.

Consider having an honest discussion with their children’s parents if your relationship with them is still positive.

*** Please direct any questions to Father Doyle, who may be contacted at [email protected] or at 40 Hopewell St., Albany, New York 12208.

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